The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, October 22, 1823, Image 1

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Vo\. 1’ XIIE M ESSEN GE R, IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ?iOSt4 &i ROmAtTSOK, *. three dollars a your, in advance, or four dolfars if not paid within the will be inserted at sfvfnty-eive cents per square, for I'n first insertion, and fifty cents or each continuance. Advertisements ~o t limited when handed in, will be inserted till forbid. V. II- Notice of sales of land and negroes by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law, to te advertised in a public Gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal pro perty must be given in like manner L(i Javs previous to the dvofttle. 1 Nolit'e to tl.e debtors and creditors nf'an estate must be published for Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to ,e!l land, must be published fur nine ■months. STITf TIIK subscribers have opened a Store in Macon, Bibb county, di rectly on the blutV, near the ferry, in the store of Dr. Ingersoll, where they otter for sale, low for Cash the follow ing articles, —viz — 2000 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bacon 400 bush. 1.. I’. Salt, 10bins prime Pork, 10 do Whiskey 3do (lin, 6 hogsheads Whiskey 5 hhds N. O. Sugar, 2 do Molasses 2 bbls Jamaica Sugar 1 do loaf do, 10 bags Coffee 2 chests Tea, 2 kegs D. P. Powder 20 bags shot, 6 boxes Candies 4 boxes Soap, 4 kegs Tobacco 2 casks London Porter 7 do Nails, assorted Plough Moulds Madeira, Teneriffe & Claret Wines Jamaica and Northern Bum Cognac Brandy, Holland din Pepper, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre Bar Lead, Plow Lines, Bed Cords Trace Chains, Brade’s patent Hoes Pad, stock, and closet Locks Cotton Cards, Curry Combs Crockerv Ware, assorted Horn, tortoise, bone and ivory Combs assorted, Pins and Needles do Pearl, mould and metal Buttons do Pen, pocket, and Spanish Knives and Forks, assorted Ladies murocco, leather, and prunella Shoes, do, dent's Shoes &. Bootees 2 cases gentlemen's beaver, imitation, and marine Hats, assorted Rose Blankets, Blue Booking Green Baize, Cassimeres, Oznaburgs Flannels, assoited Cotton and linen Shirting do Ir ish, ilussia, and cotton Sheeting do Long Lawns, Domestic Plaids •A pron Checks, Bed Ticking Russia Duck and Drill Ladies and gent’s Hose, assorted Child rens do, Ribbons, assorted Linen, cotton, and Oztiaurg Thread J apes, cotton Cord, Bobbin Ladies and gent’s Cloves, assorted Linen and cotton Cambric do f alicoes and and Ginghams, do Seersuckers and printed Muslins Furniture Calicoes and Chintz Cambric Dimity Mull, book, and jackonet muslins Merino, Valencia and silk Sliails Cotton and Cassimere assorted do Valencia Scarfs, Inserting Trimmings Muslin Dresses, Tatnb’d Muslins Caroline and imitation Plaids Bomba/ettes, Ciuon Stripes, French, Nankin, and Yellow do. assorted Black Sinchews, Scarlet and green Florentine Rankin and Canton Crapes anti Barcelona Ilandk’fs s,| k Umbrellas Hriganlyand ’Purkev Red Shulls Valencia, Toil’t & Marseille Vestings Geuilenien’s Cravats . lugelher with a number of other ar- Lclcs, too numerous to mention. A liberal price will be given lor Cow JJIUES, &C. &c. J. & A. BENNETT. , *'L. vo—For sale by the Lc billowing tracts of LAND. JNo *h')l, mb Dist. Houston 302 J acr. 2 14 5 “ Dooly 202 j IS6 7 * 20° * Ts) 1 23 2 0 Henry *O2 j hr 20 “ Daily 250 One secondhand COACH PE, Hur- J* sMnd 5 Mnd HORSE, which will be sold lowbu Cash. JOSEPH BENNETT. August 4. stn2o THE MESSENGER. VOIVV VWWKWS, fGEORGIA,') WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ‘2:l, V 823. •Voticc. NINE months alter date, application will be made to the honorable court of ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell omi tract oV \awd containing: 250 acres, being known by lot No. 163 in the 10th district of Hall county. ALSO, oho ot\\ev tract emit annuo • • • C* 490 acres, lying in Irwin county and known by lot No. 434 in the 12tK (list, of said county —both being the real estate of James Rogers late of said county deceased. •M. Robertson, Adm’r. January 24th m9m NOTICE. months after date applica- J. n tion will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Warren County, for leave to sell One tract containin'*; ‘250 acres of land, being lot no. ItiG in the sixth district of Early County— One ot\ier tract, containing 450 acres in Warren county, adjoin ing lands of Little Bryant and others. One other tract, in Warren county adjoining the beforementioned tract. ALSO— Two JVegVOes, N\'/.. Marga ret, a woman, and Anthony a man—a!l being the real estate of Samuel Alien late of said county dec’d. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. 8. ALLEJV, Ants'*r. March 20th 1823. m9tn List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-office at Fort Hawkins, on the Ist October, 1823. All Letters not called for within three months will be sent to the General Post-Office. James Alston Maj.MartinHardiri John Atkins Elijah Horn Mrs. F.liz'h AtkinsJolm Jonse Amos Brown James Jessop Edmund C. Beard Absalom Jackson Mack Berryman James King Lyddal Bacon Alex’r Kennedy James R. Bennett Anson Kimberly Mathias 11. Beard Isaac Ledbetter Eli Bennett John Lambeth Thomas Bates James Lipsey Capt. S. M . Butler William Moore Drury Bass Mathew R Moore Thomas Basetts W illiam Marsh VVm. R. Bagbao John Meat* dill Laymon Coursey, Captain Ncadham Esq. 2 Massey Mrs. Nancy Corley Charles Magnan or John Corley Absolam Me Don- Rob’t L. Church 2 aid M unlock CbisholmJohn Potter Mrs TablthuCurl Elizabeth Parks Cullin Cox Dreadzill Pace Nathan Carter Joel Rushin Howell Cherry Benj. Russel Philip Crask Henry Rogers Coi. Fauelie Cleve-Josbuway Ro and land Daniel Ro Alex'r Doling Icbabod Raiborn F.B. Dickinson,esq.Luke Sawyer Charles Day Howell Short John Davis Benj. Smith John Dame Desiar Stuard Thomas Durham James Simpson Sheroard Fid w ardsMoses Simmons Miss Kliz. Kanes Benj. Sanders Dr. Joseph Evans Anson Smith John Folsom James Stilman Elisha Folsom Harrison K. Smith J. F'aucett W illiamson Smith Evan Floyd Elijah Tedder Benj. Grubbbs Jeffrey E. Thomp- Jessie Gray son Win. Gridin Thomas Tatom 2 Sheriff of Houston Capt. Ilcartwell II county Tarver RiihM. A. Hall 2 James Visage fho’s Hatcher Henry Mailer Henry Hatcher Win. Wellberu Wm.'Huscm A. Woodley Ti.u ma s House Seth G. Matson Jac„b Hovartar Willis M ilder. CII VRI.ES BULLOCK, P. m. . Q 29 October 8. Administrator s Sa\e. A GREK ABLE to an order of \ Honorable the Inferior Court of Jefferson countv, will be sold, on the ‘First Tnesttnifin January next, One NEGRO BOY about 17 years old, being the property oi John at i iilge, deceased. Terms made known on the day of Sa,C JAMES T. HUDSON, Mm'r. Oct. 19 th, 1823. SLiVti&lT fl ■ • •jj® [j pi!sts THE Subscribers respect full v in form their friends and the public, that the Macon Hotel is so far com pleted as to be ready for the rrceptiou ol Travellers and Boarders. It is sit uate on Poplar-street, immediately on the road leading from the Kerry to wards the Agency, and to Forsyth in Monroe county, ike. No exertions will be wanting to render the situation of hoarders and travellers as comfortable as possible. BOOTH & WILSON. Macon, Sept. Ist, 1823. //24 D. C. MC’PVUNL, HA T MANUFACTURER , HAS commenced business in Fort Hawkins where he manufactures Hats of every quality and description. He assures all that may employ him, that his work will be done in the best manner, and at prices that cannot fail to suit them. Hats of any kind will be made to order. Fort-Hawkins, Sept. 22. 4w27 Geovgia-- Jefferson County. WHEREAS Win. P. Hardwick, Esq. applies for letters of administra tion on the estate of George I. Sloan, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credit ors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescri bed by Law, to shew cause, (if any,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of October, 1823. John G. Bostick, />. c. c. o. 30—Gw* Administrator s Sale. ON Monday, tlie 10th day of No vember next, will be sold at the late residence of George Wilson, late of Bibb county, dee’d. The personal property of said deceased,consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming uten sils, one Horse, some llogs, Cattle, Corn and Fodder, and other articles too tedious to mention. ‘I ertns made known on the day of Sale. JAMES PEARSON, Adm’r* Sept. 26th, 1823. tds—2B Fostponed Safe. he sold at the court-house T T in Bibb county on the first Tuesday in November next, between the usual hours, One Road W aggon, Team and har ness— Levied on as the property of Jo el Rushin to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Wm. IL Oakeman. Property pointed out by defendant. * EDMUND C. BEARD, Shff. Sheri It’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold at the bouse of Maj. John Keener, tbe appointed place of holding Court for Bibb county —between the usual hours ol sale— the following property, viz. 330 acres of land more or less, it being tbe plantation on which Leonard Sims now lives, well improved—to gether with one Saw anti Grist Mill, lying on Swift Creek, and in formerly Twiggs, now Hibb county, the Nos. not known —all levied on as the pro perty of said Leonard Sims, to satisfy two li fas in favor of Charles Bullock, administrator on the estate of VVm. W. Dawson, deceased. Terms cash. EDMUND C.BEARD,Sh’fV. Sept. 29, 1823. tds2B XOTICVb. N r INK months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordiuary of Jefferson county for leave to sell” one trac t ol” land containing 2024 acres being known by lot No. 209,” in the lot.i dist. (Old) Wilkinson county, it being the real estate of John Patriibe, late of Jefferson county, i f J J AMES T. HUDSON, Adm’r. Feb. 21st 1823. m9m. John G. Bostick Y VS. (llill in Equity for Edwin Wliitedeadf JJiscovery. & Charles Watson) If N this case the sheriff having re -11 turned that the defendants are not to be found in this county, on motion, it is ordered, that a service of the said hill be perfected upon the defendant by advertising ibis rule once a monte in some public Gazette of this state, until the next term of this court: aim it is further ordered that the said de fendants do appear and answer the said bill at the next term of thitf court. A true extract taken from the min utes of the Superior court of Jef ferson county and state of Geor gia, this 2ylh May, 1823. 15] JOHN G. BOSTICK, Clerk. Notice. NINE mouths after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell lot number one hundred twenty-eight, in the fifth District of Monree county, be longing to William H. Connelly, a minor. In the mean time all persons are cautioned against ttespassing on said land. Littleberry Bostick, Guardian. May 22, 1823. m9m. Cieov^ia—Jefferson County. WHEREAS Caleb Cooksey applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Hall, deceased. — These are therefore, to cite and admo nish all,and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 17th day of September, 1823. J. G. BOSTICK, and. c. c. o. *3od—27 Georpa—•)effevson Founts'. VfImiERKAS Harvey B. Pipkin T ▼ applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Daniel Landon, deceased, late ol Jefferson county: ‘i hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, ihe heirs and creditors of said deceased, to ts i** their objections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, il any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 30th day of (September, 1823. John C. liosticlc, and. c. c. o. Oct. 8. 4w29* NOTICE. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable the court of ordinary of Jefferson county for leave to sell 2021-2 acres of Laud, being Lot No. 53 in the 6th dist. of Fayette county, and being the real es tate of Mary Quinney, late of said county deceased. \). Week, Aduvi\ January 24th ui9m .WWCVk N’ INE months from this date, ap plication will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave to sell .Ml tho veal eslate of John 1). Williams, deceased, late of said county. Timotuy Matthews, Jidm. da bonis non. 19th May, 1823. w9mlo •Notice. Wf HERE AS Anthony R. Cheat- T y ham, administrator, and Cath arine L. Matthews, administratrix of William Matthews, late of Jefferson county, deceased, apply tome for let ters dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite anil ad monish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of tbe law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist day of July, 1823. John G. Bostick, and, c.c. o. July 1. m6ml9 ,1011 VULXTUYG NEATLY LXrCUTLL) AT THIS OF F ICF- NEW WAV. V -EOV?* A. ROBERT MALONE, AUGUS 1J GhGit GI A. EGS leave toucquaint Ids !V • ‘.(is % b and the public, that he is now eti gnged in building a large and louvcri ient IFAIt E-HC'I ~SE, at the upper end North side Broad street, m a sit uation as secure fjom fire as anv other establishment of the kind in t*is < ity, and in the immediate vicinity where the principal part of the Cotton sold from waggons in this place is pun ba sed—lt is now in order for the recep tion of Cotto'i, and will be entirely completed by the Ist of October next. A tender of his services is made L o the Planters and Merchants in the up country in selling and receiving Cut ton in Store,the purchase and fm w -,rd ing of Goods—He assures those who may favor him w ith ruiy business, that a strict personal attention will be given to their interest. Augusta, Aug. 26. 25—ft. NOTICE. be sold at tlie late rosi- V i (fence of Jethro B. Spivev, de ceased, late of Jefferson County, on Thursday the 23d day of October next, AW lUe \no\K‘vVs W\one > in to said estate, consisting of Negroes, one Horse, and Household and Kitchen Furniture.— Terms muue known on the day of sale, by Littleton Spivey, Adm'r. Sept. Bth, 18i.3. 27 —*tds e wjsfsT fl’tVNO good 40 saw Cotton tiins _R. for sale.—For further informa tion, apply at Ibis office. Aug. 4, 1823. tf2o UE.HOVAC. ROBERTSON & CRANBERRY || AVK removed their stock of E n Goods to the Store lately occu pied by Capt. A. Meriwether, oppo site Mr. Coleman’s tavern. Sept. 22. 27 We ave VW\V\un \ 4 - , 'W Vo An nounce SPENCER Rif EY a candi date tor tiie office of Sherifl for tliis couiity. We n\’C avt AlOvVit'O. to An nounce JONATH AN A. HUDSOS a candidate for the office of Sheriii for this county. We are author to o nounce HERMAN. 11. HO.’ APD a candidate for the office of Sheriff fur this county. We are authorised lo an nounce Capt. HENRY G. ROSS, a candidate for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorised to an nounce ISAIAH CHAIN, Esq. a can didate for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorised to announce JOEL RUSHIN, esq. a can didate for the office of Sheriff of this county. We are authorised to an nounce GEORGE CRANBERRY, Esq. a candidate for the office of Tax Collector for this county. We are authorised to an nounce Capt. CHARLES INGRAM, a candidate for tlie office of Clerk of the Inferior Court for this county. We are authorised to an nounce GEORGE B. WARDLAW a candidate fur the office of Clerk of the Inferior Court for this county. w e arc authorised to announce Col. 1). S. BOOTH a candi date for the office of Clerk of the Supe rior Court of this county. We are authorised to announce MATTHEW HOPPER a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this county. We are authorised to an nounce CHARLES L. HOLMES a candidate for tbe office of Coroner for this county. mi OK EVgRY DESCRIPTION, Fov sale at this Office. JS'o. 31.