The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, November 05, 1823, Image 1

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Voh h q he messen ger, is PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY VAOSV. WOBFiUTSON, Vt three dollars a year, in advance, or f air dollars if not paid within the ‘ Advertisements wnl be inserted at seventy-five cents per square , IV 41, e first insertion, and fifty cents for each continuance. Advertisements not limited when handed in, w ill be inserted till forbid. V Notice of sales ot land and no* roes bv Administrators, Executors, er Guardians, are required by law, to he advertised in a public Gaze ite sixty ilavs previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal pro perty must be given in like mariner forty days previous to the day ot sale. *’ Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate must be published for forty days. Notice that application w ill be made ,0 the Court of Ordinary fur leave to sell lam!, must be published for nine months. er— ■ ‘ X :.rvr ‘SMOtfJ&IG The subscribers have opened a More in Macon, Bibb county, di rect! v on the blurt’, near die ferry, in t] ie st.jrc if Dr. Ingersoll, where (l ev 0 v > low lor Cash the follow ing articles, —viz— -2UOC !bs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bacon 4G r bush. L. P. Sa!;, 10 hols 1 rime Pork tOdo Whiskey 5 do-Gi.i, 6 hogsheads Whiskey 5 hi id? N. (V ‘ti ar, 2 do Molasses 2 b!>ls Jamaica 1 do h'at do, 10 bugs Coffee 2 chests Tea, 2 kegs 1) P. Powder 20 ba. shot, C boxes Candles 4boxes Soap, 4 tobacco 2 cesks I undo; Porter 7 do Nails, . ssorted Plough Moulds Madeira, Tencrifte & Claret Wines Jamaica and N 1 hem Rum Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Pepper, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre Bar Lead, Plow Lines, Bed Cords Trace Chains, Grade's patent Hoes Pad, stock, a jd closet Locks Cotton Cards, Curry Combs Crockery Ware, assorted Horn, tortoise, bone and ivory Combs assorted, Pins and Needles do Pearl, mould and metal Buttons do Pen, pocket, and Spanish Knives and Forks, assorted Ladies morocco, leather, and prunella Shoes, do, Gent's Shoes & Bootees 2 cases gentlemen's beaver, imitation, and mwrino Hats, assorted Rose Blankets, Blue Bucking Green Baize, Cassimeres, Oznaburgs Flannels, assoited Cotton ami 1 in< n Shirting do Irish, Li ssia, and cotton Sheeting do Long Lawns, Domestic Plaids Apron ( lie ks, Bed Ticking R >sia L i k and Drill mu • cut's Hose, assorted t hihirers <lo, Ribbons, assorted Linen, colton, and Oznaurg Thread Lines, cotton Cord, Bobbin La-.lies and gent's Gloves, assorted Linen and cotton Cambric do Calicoes and and Ginghams, do Seersuckers ami printed Muslins Furniture Calicoes and Chintz Cambric Dimity Mull,book, and jackonot muslins Merino, Valencia and silk Slialls Lotion and (’nssimere assorted do ‘nlencia Scat Is, Inserting Trimmings ■>lus!in Dresses, Tanib'd Muslins ’Volin* tud imitation Plaids Lorofiazettes, Union French, Nankm, and Yellow do. assorted Black Sinchews, Bearli-t ami green Florentine Nankm ami Canton Crapes F lag and Barcelona Handk’ts Umbrellas Briganlv ami ’Turkey Red Shalls Valencia, ToiPt 6c Marseills Vestings Genii enien's Cravats 1 ogetlier with a number of other ar ticles, too numerous to mention. A. liberal price will be given lor Cow Film s, fkc. &,c. J. & A. BENNETT. —For le by the subscriber, V‘ hallowing tracts of LAND. i •‘>l. tub Dist. Houston 202$ acr. 214 5 “ Dooly 202$ 336 7 “ u 202$ 76 l “ 202$ ‘52 G “ Henry or 20 “ Early 250 L‘r.e second hand COACIIFLTL, llar s and IKfUSF, which will he sold L h for ‘.'ash, JOSEPH BENNE T T. •V irv t i, 5m20 THE MESSENGER. fOH'T VUXVKI.XS, (GEORGIA,') WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, \V£&. Notice. NINE months alter date, application will be made to the honorable court of ordinary ol Jefferson county, for leave to sell owe tract ot \avu\ containing 250 acres, being known by lot No. 163 in the 10th district of Hall county. ALSO, owe other tract containing; . 490 acres, lying in Irwin county and known by lot No. 434 in the 12tli dist. of said county—both being the real estate of James Rogers late of said county deceased. •M. Uohevtson, *At\wvv. January 24th m9m NOTICE XT INK months after date applica te tion will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Warren County, for leave to sell One tract containing *2rt) acres of land, being lot no. 166 in the sixth district of Early County— Owe other tract, containing 450 acres in Warren county, adjoin ing lands of Little Bryant and others. Owe other tract, in Warren county adjoining the beforenientioned tract. ALSO— Two Negroes, Viz. .Marga ret, a woman, and Anthony a man—all being the veal estate of Samuel \llen late of said county dec’d. and to be sold lot the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decM. S. ALLEN, and dm' 1 if. March 20th 1823. in9m Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable luferio! Court of fwiggs county when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell one tract of land con taining two hundred and eleven acres, more or less, lying in the county of Washington, near Sandersville ; being the property of Josiah Vasser, deceas ed, late of Twiggs county. WILLIAM PERRY, ddm'r de bonis non. July 7, 1823 ’ I6m9m Administrator's Sa\c. YX7ILL he sold at the house of ▼ ▼ TV in. P. Hardwick, in Jefferson county, 011 the Ist Saturday in Decem ber next, .AW the persona\ propevly belonging to the estate of George 1. •Sloan, deceased. — I erms of sale, cash. Win. P. HARDWICK Adm’r. October 15, 1823. *tds3o .auVinisivaior’s Si\\c. GREKAPLE to an order of the $ Honorable the Inferior Court of Jefierson county, w : i!l be sold, on the First Tuesday in January next, One NEGRO BOY about 17 years old, being the property ol John Pat ridge, deceased. v Terms made known on the da) ol Sale. JAMES T. HUDSON, ddm'r. Oct. 19th, 1823. t( ls29 NOTICE. N’ INK months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordiuary of Jefierson county for leave to sell . . owe tract ot \avu\ containing 202,1 acres being known by lot No. 209, in the 15tn dist. (Old) VI ilkinson county, it being the real estate of John Patriuge, late ot Jefierson county, d ° C JAMES T. HUDSON, Adm’r. Feb. 21st 1823. 1 “' >l11 ’ \AUANK Writs, Sheriffs Deeds, CC.WWWOW no. Sheriffh WiWs ot’ Sa\e, Juror’s Summons, Justice’s Wo. Wo. Executions, Snhptrnas, Gamuts, <Vc. Fur sa\e at this office. JOB VUiNTiNG Leatey executed at Tins office. StACGiT XtQVan* THE Subscribers respectfully in form their friends and the public, that the Macon Hotel is so far com pleted as to be ready for the reception of Travellers and Boarders. It is sit uate on Poplar-street, immediately on the road leading from the Ferry to wards the Agency, and to Forsyth in Monroe county, Ike. No exertions will he wanting to render the situation of boarders and travellers as comfortable as possible. BOOTH & WILSON. dfacon, Sept. Ist, 1823. * if 24 Georgia—Jefferson Covmt\. WHEREAS Wm. P. Hardwick, Esq. applies for letters of administra tion on the estate of George I. Sloan, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credit ors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescri bed by Law, to shew cause, (if any,) why said letters should not be granted. Oiven under my hand this 7th day of October, I 823. John G. Bostick, and. c. c. o. 30—Gw* .AdmnVistvatov’s Sa\e ON Monday, the 10th day of No vember next, will be sold at the late residence of George Wilson, late of Bibb county, dec’d. The \;e vsov.vff \iropcvt\ oV said deceased,consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming uten sils, one Horse, some Hogs, Cattle, Corn and Fodder, and other articles too tedious to mention. ‘Terms made known on the day of Sale. JAMES PEARSON, AdmV Sept. 26th, 1823. tds—2B Sheriff’s Sn\e. ON the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold at the house of Maj. John Keener, the appointed place of holding Court for Bibb county —between the usual hours ol sale, the following propei ty, viz. Two hundred two and a half acres of land known by Lot No. 226 in the 4th dist. formerly Houston, now Bibb countv adjoining No. 225 and 227. Levied on as the property of Charles Langford to satisfy a fi la in favor ol Henry Boling vs. said Langford. A lso —2o2s acres of Land known by No. 110 in the 4th dist. formerly Houston, but now Bibb county ad joining No. 109 and 111 Levied on as the property of Benjamin Devane to satisfy a ii fa in favor of Stephen Cork er, vs. said Devane. Also —2o2s acres of land known by No. 35 in the 4th dist. formerly Hous ton, now Bibb county, adjoining lands of Janies Fitzgerald and others, taken as the property of Joseph Junes to sat isfy a fi fa in lavor of James Cleghorn v*. said Jones.—Levied onand return ed to me by Jeremiah Baugh constable. Also— 2o2s acres of land, know n by No. 40, in the 4th dist. formerly Houston, now Bibb county —adjoining No. 39 and Daniel Hughs,—taken as the property of Reuben Hightower to satisfy sundry fi fas in lavor of W oodly & Bell and others.—Levied on and returned to me by Jeremiah Baugh constable.—2o2s acres of land, whereon W iley Dorman now lives, known by No. 271 in the 13th district, formerly Monroe, now Bibb county, adjoining lots No. 240 and 274—taken as the property of George Cavender, to satis fy sundry fi las in lavor of James H. Kirkpartrick, vs. said Cavender. —Le- vied on and returned to me by Jere miah’ Baugh, constable. Also— ’Three Negroes,viz: Harri et, a woman about 28 years old, Nelly a woman about 24 or 25 years old and Harriet her child about 2 years old, all levied on as the property of John McMurrian to satisfy two fi fas in fa vor of William C. Phillips and Angus McLeod vs.said McMurrian. Terms of Sale— Cash. EDMUND C. BEARD, Stiff. October 28tli, 1823. tils—32 <i&ST3 rnwo good 40 saw Cotton Gins .JL for sale. —For further informa tion, apply at this office. Aug. 4, 1823. John G. Bostick } rs. f Rill in Equity for Edwin Whited eadf Discovery. K Charles Watson j N this case the sheriff having re n turned that the defendants are not to be found in this county, on motion, it is ordered,that a service of the said bill be perfected upon the defendants by advertising this rule once a month in some public Gazette of this state, until the next term of this court: and it is further ordered that the said de fendants do appear and answer the said bill at the next term of this court. A true extract taken from the min utes of the Superior court of Jef ferson county and state of Geor gia, this 2tli May, 1823. 15] JOHN G. BOSTICK, Clerk'. Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell lot number one hundred and twenty-eight, in the fifth District of Mouree county, be longing to William 11. Connelly, a minor. In the mean time all persons are cautioned against trespassing on said land. Littlebeery Bostick, Guardian. May 22, 1823, m9iu. Goor£\a--3effevsou County. W7IIFLREAS Robert Fleming ap t v plies to me for letters of admin istration on the estate of Ailin Powell, late of said county deceased.—These are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any, wny said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 23d day of October 1823. It. B. SIIKLMAN, c. c. o. • *Cw—32 (i effevs on C ownYs. \\J HEIIEAS Harvey B. Pipkin V V applies to me lor letters of administration on the. estate of Daniel Landon, deceased, late of Jefferson county: ‘I liesc are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 30th day of September, 1823. John G. Bostick, n. c. c.o. Oct. 8. 4w29* NOTH'F. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable the court ol ordinary of Jefierson county for leave to sell \-2 acres of Lawff, being Lot No. 53 in the 6th (list, of Favette county, and being the real es tate of Mary Quinney, late of said county deceased. \). Hook, .AffnVr. January 24th ui9m NOT\CF. INF. months from this date, ap plication will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave to sell .AW Ike vea\ estate of John 1). Williams, deceased, late of said county. • Timothy Matthews, ddm. de bonis non. 19th May. 1823. n9mlo Notice. VmTHEREAS Anthony R. Cheat er ham, administrator, and Cath arine L. Matthews, administratrix of William Matthews, late of Jefferson county, deceased, apply to me for let ters dismissory on said estate. These are therelore to cite and ad monish all and singular, the heirs and creditors if said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, in. such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist day of July, 1823. John G. Bostick, d.c.c.o. July 1. 1116 m 19 NEW W.AIIE-\\Ol)*SE. ROBERT MALONE, AUO US I'd OK OR Gld. BEGS leave to acquaint liis friends and the public, that lie is now en gaged in building a large and conven ient WARE HOUSE, at the upper end North side Broad st'-eet, in a sit uation as secure from fire as any other establishment of the kind in this city, and in the immediate vicinity where the principal part of the Cotton gold from waggons in this place is purcha sed—lt is now in order for the recep tiou of Cotton, and will be entirely completed by the Ist of October next. A tender of his services is made to the Planters and Merchants in the up country in selling and receiving Cot ton in Store,the purchase and forward ing ol Goods—He assures those who may lavor him with any business, that a strict personal attention will be given to their interest. Augusta, Aug. *6. 25—6 t. NOTICE. If ILL be sold at the late resi ▼ ? dence of Jethro B. Sphev, de ceased, late of Jefferson County, on Thursday the 23d day of October next, •AW V\ve \u’o\k‘v\n beUmging to said estate, consisting of Negroes, one Horse, and Household and Kitchen Furniture. —Terras made known on the day of sale, by Littleton Spivey, Adm'r. Sept. Bth, 1823. 27—*tds UE.MOVM, ROBERTSON & GRANBERRY HA3 E removed their stock of Goods to the Store lately occu pied by Capt. A. Meriwether, oppo site Mr. Coleman’s tavern. Sept. 22. 27 sW are authorised to an nounce SPENCER RILEY a candi date lor the ollice of Sheriif for this county. w ’e are authorised to an nounce JONATHAN A. HUDSON a candidate fur the office of Sheriif for this county. w ’e are authorized to an nounce HERMAN. H. HOWARD a candidate for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorised to an nounce Capt. HENRY G. ROSS, a candidate for the oftice of Sheriif for this county'. We are authorised to an nounce ISAIAH CHAIN, Esq. a can didate for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorised to announce JOEL RUSIIIN, esq. a can didate for the office of Sheriff of this county. We are authorised to an noince GEORGE GRANBERRY. Esq. a candidate for the office of Tax Collector for this county'. \\ *e are authorised to an nounce Capt. CHARLES INGRAM, a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Inferior Court for this county. We are authorised to an nounce GEORGE B. WARD LAW a candidate for the office of Clerk of We are authorised to announce Col. D. S. BOOTH a candi date for the office of Clerk of the Supe rior Court of this county. We are authorised to announce MATTHEW HOPPER a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this county. We are authorised to an nounce CHARLES L. HOLMES a candidate for the office of Coroner for this county. imai OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For sate at th\s Office. No. -Vd.