The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, October 27, 1832, Image 1

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I • prTutfd and Fa: Wished, on Tneoday evefliun, during: the uimmp , 4 „ : ... , , . . -~~- ii ------—-7' - - - ~ —— r . .. .... __ = =r~ 4 V,dm ‘* l,stho ‘ :3ilas,a wij,J{,%bv Wi,SM at live dollars ptraauuni/pavableinHir nscrted . he usual rates. those sent without a specified number of insertion* iill Ka nukii j i • > <■--- _ L_ _ . i, o urs often in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the conurt-house in the" n,\tv in ,„i • } V,' shcd u . ordered lut and charged accordingly. Sales of Land, bv Administrator. ~ ' ... * —--■■ . t ns en the usual hours of sale, *1 the piace of public sales m the county where the letters Testim ntare w ’ t 0 bp held on ‘ he < Tuesday in the month, ** be i.eld. Notice for the sale of Pers. na, Property must be given i„ J like manner Guardianship, may have been granted, first ? ÜBt ** a ‘ P“ bli ? auction ’ ® Tuesday SK* sl X, • must be publisa.oi lour months. Notice fur leave to seli iSV ro es, must h. nbhe I* tor l .? P revi . 8 1° ! . np ,ia y 01 sV* Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be mihlisheH tv . ,'.'T . t,M lP ub,,c ff a " lu ' B “! th ‘ B Stat G and at the door of the court-house, where tre lc 5 '__ !l ' P_ c or toi-r months, oeiore any orJtr absolute shall be made thereon by the Court. ** state “ IUBt be pabnshed for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for %wl i ; nnity Grocery Sim ■ linves ßaisins —If* Barrels Almons, 7j ,o bids. Filberts, Brazil and Madeira Nl,tS - , e> G hoses pine apple be£Se ; in b ixes Enphsh tad b rench Pickle.-., ’ Seidiitz and Soda Powders, Congas Water-direct from the Spring, 50 Barrels Sweet and Butter ( raekers, Cordials assorted -al kmds Champagne and Must atel VVines, V L < iaretand Lupec Wines, Hothm. Bitters —20 Casks Porter, ° pints and quarts. Catsu’' Pepper Sauce—prime table Salt, Preserved Ginger —Jellies, &c. Tamarinds— Chocalate. g iSt chewing Tobacco and Spanish Cigars, received and for sale by Just recta v LEVi ECKLEY. Macon, May 16,1831. 5 ~ Loir for cash* nilE subscribers intend closing their present business as soon as praaticable, and will sell Hf their stock of jjlD WARE, C UTLERT, CASTINGS, MECHANIC’S TOOLS, &C. books, stationary, •v' M'SICAL INSTRUMENTS, fiber with a great variety of Miscellaneous ties at very low prices, for cash only—many b es will be deposed of at less than cost.— iir stock i Books is large and more complete ui any other in the embraces a large lortnientof Latv Books, Medical do. and Latin Hi do. C-eckand French do. Religious do. jstorieal, Literary, Scientific, and a great vari tof Miscellaneous W orks. ELLIS, SHOTWELL A Cos. Sept. 19, 1830. 26 p‘s Uruvo and 'Medicines will he sold as! . ' ° e. s. if Cos. Groceries' LAYTON k SMITH offer for sale, 30 hhd s t s £ pn( j -yj. ()_ Sugar GObbls. 5 30 do Loaf and Lump do 50 do Rye Whiskey, 2000 bushels Salt. And a variety of other Goods. iiroccrus- H. R. YONUE & SON S, offer for sale on icc mmcdating ;erms. Whiskey in hhds and IN. E. til) hi bbls. Apple Brandy in do. e-England i’urn >n do. St. Croix and N. Oi uSugar, Molasst in hhds—very superior, lie of excellent quality, Iron, assorted, Mack- JNo. 1. N ). -i. N j. 3. Lot of Casting. assor- IRioe in Tierces—fresh, A few demijohns I superior old Brandy, Grindstones —Pork, i casks Tb.'iimston Lime, Nails—assorted, it.c. July 25, 183*2. IC-3w faey also offer for sale a Matc h of Well broke r*9,of creara eolour —will be sold cheap. f. rocerits- OLASSES, HDM, GIN, V- ‘.SKEY, Cc. ■ lOhhds. N. Orleans Molasses, 20 bbls. Rum, 20 do Gin, (best brand and Rood proof) 20 do Whiskey (N. O. high proof.) IN STORE. 10 Bbls. Mackcral, No. 1. SO do Whiskey. 50 do Gin. 10 hhds. St. Croix Sugar, 10 do N. O. dS S5 bbls. Manheaden Fish, 5 Tierces superior Rice. For sale by C. A. HIGGINS. 01IESTIC LIQUORS, &c.—Received and for sale, >bls Gin, 20 Crate i Cookery, bo Rum, assorted, bo Whiskey 20 Bags prime green MfeN. O. Sugar Coffee, Ms Fish, . Salt 20 Bids Mehaden water Trout) l Fish, orsaie, in luis to suit purchasers, by C. A. HIGGINS. ipril 2 go. I? duet ion Store . U'' TiON.-r. .f. //, AV , 1 isconsi i’ly supplied with Dry Hoods, *. Hats, times, jewelry, f; nrv nrtielt.s. B ' ’ v liidi -will lie offered at liia night sales. ' s wishing to gt greut will do call in. 4 '°l'l a lt!ni estai' 1 !. liinen’ are fresh and \ Bagging. ■)0 HK( H-S COT'n V HAGGISH m More, sale by C. A. HIGGINS. Arrangements are ,-o ni alt with fie manufacturers, that the phut* r mil ■{ **>• constantly supplied with :h. ar at its lowest prices and . n i:bt-* B ttriek- WKIHK, deliverable in a few ■ ? f days notice, f.*i stile hy ■[ B C. A. HIGGINS. f " . above article end bn had in qu in -10 purchasers on contract. hv giving C ' ,!left !* : the subscriber who acts as agent ■^ e * ,eiiiv t kiln in theeie-nliborln >d. "• ji - U ■ ’* ff.l—ly (lie tnoiilli- HJ (I V M I‘ r S ard well room, -t --w : ■!) i■ *\ first r.itf* :lin and Table. Btct' ! 1 a, ‘ s ''' a t I*', 1 *' ,p * They will both be lun- 1 'tvsoiiable terms. Apply to M JOHN SMITH, V* !>. IS3O A *"' "J lhc li,lr P |h: *, MWICE. * ••• tiwr vvilii he absent from Macon f>r H ' : ”"ig m\ weeks. During bis absence , 7 d'acil Ki*| will repri sent him in hi '■ i*m business. ■ f JOHN RUTHERFORD. ■ ' l o<>. It AS-• -1 sLytT-ff' p. f_j i,. YOUNG & CO. .rtf.irm their friends * • and the public in genera! that they have re ceived their Fall and Winter Stock, consisting of u general assortment of Pry Goods, Hard ware. Cutiery, Crockery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Blankets, Bagging. &c. They have also received dull bags COFFEE, 3 teirces do CO coils Bale Rope 15 lilids. St. CROIX SUGAR, 10 tierces Loaf do 1 pipe MADEIRA WINE, 10 hbh. Malaga do 100 hb!s. GIN, RUM, and WHISKEY, 10 “ Rectified Whiskey, Jamaica Ruin, Holland Gin, Cog. Brandy Together with an assortmentof Ironmongery, &c. consisting of ,BS. of flat and square liar Iron German. Cast and Blistered Steel, Nails, Nail Rods, Sheet Iron, Blacksmith’s Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Hammers, Powder, Shot, Lead, &c. dj* The above articles w ere selected in parti cular reference tp the up-country and will he sold as cheap as they can he had in this market. IJjL ASTER OF PARIS.'. .IO barrels ofPlas - ter of Paris for hard walls, or stucco work, just received and for sale by C. A. IIIGGINS. COOKE k SPEAR, \*r 3 GO, Broad- Way, New- York. 21 W E constantly on hand, and are mnnufac -■ luring a large assortment of Cabinet Furni ture of every description, consisting of double and single ser, U Sofas, spring and hair Seats, Wardrobes, Sideb nrds. Sec > tary, Book Cases, dressing and plain Bureaus, Pembroke Case, dining and toilet> marble top Centre and Pier 'Tables, Mahogany, curled Maple and fancy Chairs, &c. &c A ! s , pure curled hair Mattras ses, feather Beds, Cushions, &e. They are constantly manufacturing the Patent Windlass Bedsteads, with which they have furnished most of the Hotels and Public Houses in the Union. Tuey are n* w preparco to fill all orders cither for cash or on time. They refer to Messrs. Cooke & Cowles, Macon. September 11, ! 22—Cm Houm for amir- SALE, the Housi and Lot occupied by Judge Strong on the hill. Als'>, a likely young Negro woman, a good house servant, Enquire at thus Office. July 11 — JtfitMSt- ft:>r hutc- OOR .SALK. A we : finished two story house Ji ir: ,i destrc.bU; pait of the Town. Enquire of the Editor. July 24, 1 Mouse tor sttir. liVf)}’ SALE ... .The House and Lot, v, hereon Mr. Hiivviiston now lives.... For terms, apply to M. E. KA LANDER, i August 7, ,1832. 17— I iTcjffr,." for stile. I sale, the House and lot < the corner of t Mulberry and Third Street, formerly owned byK. Birdsong, Esq. This property is eligibly situated for a family residence, having two good storerooms below, tied rooms above, sufficient, to accommodate a large family—or would answer fora Private Boarding House, attached to the premises is a good kitchen, smokehouse and sta ble, also a small garden. Terms made accom modating. Apply to SPENCER RILEY. Macon, April 9, 1832, 101— BAiml for sale | AND FOR SALE....The subscribers offer * i for sale the following lots of land. Lot No. 35, 1\ tk District Lee. 34, 32c/ do. do. 254, 2,0/ft do. do. 220, 10/.-i da. do. DAY & PUTTS, Agents. Macon, July 25,‘183*2. 10- TBlar stilt*. —Two lots oil; ud lying in iff’ Sy sth ilistri -t Houston. For terms, tip ply it the Cornptiiig-houseof DAY & BUTTS. July 8 13 .4j■ nT>:. *fcto Ri m.— TL*- Stores in the fin fjh Mtoof butlilirg erecting ci the corner of Mulberry and Third Streets —Possession given on the Ist of October. For terms apply to EI.LIS, SHOT WELL & Cos. Macon, July 2 13 Loud for sole. following* tracts of land are offered for JH sale on accommodating terms. Lot No. 208 in 16th Dis. Dooly Connty, “ “ 57 in 19th Dis. Lee, now Stewart “ *• 88 in 14th Dis. Early County, “ “ 111 in Bth Dis. Lee County, •• “ 75 in 11th Dis. Lee, now Stem art “ “ 33 in 27th Dis. Lee, County, “ “ 102 in 4th Dis. Houston now Bibb Apply to R. BIRDSONG. April 7, 1832. 100—tf . tSatlrasses. SH OLDEUSHAM has on hand, a fine • assortment of curled rmntrassps, both double and single, which he w ill sell on fair terms. Aug. 19. 19-tf B'ence to truUit -1 PROPOSALS will bo received by me, until I st October next, to fence 175 acres of Laud on the border of Jones and Bibb counties, known as MeDnugalds fraction, about six miles from Macon. Fence to be ten mils high. THOS. LOW, Aum’r of Estate of Thus. Lundy, deceased. August 18, 1832. 19*1 in iPs-i si tiii **.;•. rjVlfi McroriAdverti/c Office is fitted up with i entire new Type, and every material which enables Printing to be executed with neatnesi. ■The assortment of Job and Fancy Types are of the latest and most approved manufacture. Pains will be taken to have Printing executed in the best manner. The subscribe solicits the patron age of Ills friends and the public. VI. I>. J. SLADE: : •’ sR.tUR. —Just received, Two Hundred bar* i -cts good Flour. ELLIS, SHUT WELL & Cos. ' I ® T er cent cheaper than ever . •'OB MAGIE is just opening a very exten sive and splendid assortment of Goods, which has been selected in the New York market by himself, from the latest importations, which are particularly calculated tor this market, and which will be disposed of fully twenty five per cent, cheaper than ever. These goods qre of the la test style and most fashionable patterns, and are offered to his friends and the public with confi dence fully assured, that not only the style but prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention is requested to the same—a tew of the articles are mentioned, viz : 200 pieces calicoes and prints, some very rich, j Extra fine furniture callicoes and common. 50 pieces fine parish muslins and ginghams, plain and striped, figured and striped mandarines, saragoses black and purple Grodeswiss and Ital lian silks watered grodenap, black and brown colored do. hernani gauzes, Orleans robes, paint ed palmarines and crape deleon, black and color ed silk, camblets and princettas, fine french bom bazines, blond gauze veils (some extra sizes.) •Satin straws, scarfs, fancy handkerchiefs and shawls, very rich, sett cap ar,d belt ribbons new patterns, thread laces and inserting?, also edg ings and footings, checked and striped muslins, jackonet, swiss and Cambric do. one case grass bleached irish linens assorted, long lawns, linen cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, saper, vest ■f 1 ®' 3 , plaid ami plain drillings and fine french linens,pongees and ponge handkerchiefs, bandan na and flags, gloves and milts assorted. 50 dozen silk, cotton, randon hose and half hose assorted. 100 parasols and umbrellas, very neaiand rich. lot) pieces mosquito netting. Bead bags •md purses, shell tuck and side combs, cambric and furniture dimities aud cotton fringes, C, 7,8, 9, !0, 11 and 12 by 4 damask ta ble cloths, table covers, dunstable and straw bon bets, palm leaf hats, black and drab beaver hats latest fashions, travelling caps and trunks. 10 bales sheetings and shirtings and plaids. 500 lbs spun cotton, tickings, osnaburgs, cot ton cards Ac. Also, an extensive assortment of perfumery, soaps, oils, powder, powder boxes and puffs, erasive balls, cologne, honey and rose Waters, otto of roses, Ac. &c. Also, 3000 pair shoes and pumps assorted, and 100 pair morocco and calf ekin boots, same very neat and fine. And a very large supply of saddles, bridles, martingale, saddle and tiavel liug bags, Ac. Ac. Ac. Together with a general assortment of hard ware and cutlery of nil kinds that is wanted in this market; also carpenter’s tools of all kinds. Blacksmith’s tools, cross-cut and mill saws, guns, rifles, Ac. Also a supply of crockery .china and glass ware, Also 10 duz. superior clf skin, fining and binding skins, soie lasther, grin band leather, Ac. and a supply of grocerie s, family medicines, Ac. Macon, April 27, 1832. I— tf *-'A SPRING GOODS. — l ewis Fitch, Lx /Infer and T-tilor, is now opening, at the Macon ( k.lhing Store, anew and splendid assort ; mi r.t of-STRING AND SUX-tfEK GOODS, c.insisting of superfine Sombaxi >es- broweyelate ffdaek, mixt, white and butt"merino ,<rassiteres— pldid do. (a ru/v article for Pantaloons,) whiti j and brow n drilling, brown grass linen, Princes cord, Nankius, buff and white Valencia vostin"-, 1 spotted and white marsailes do. Satin and 7lomi ! tine do black nd iig’d Velvet do. trith a good as } soriment ol cloth, velvet and bombazine stocks, j fancy do. Spitaliield hdkt’s. silk net and cotton double end suspenders, English silk half hose, j Random do white and brown linen, figured cra vats, Italian do. Bosoms, collars, stifihers, buckskin glove.. black do. silk and brown linen do. Epauletts, lb.ll &c. A . B. L. Fitch will receive in a few days a handsome assortment of summer clothing. Tailobino carried on in all its branche, as a hove—having the latest New York anil Loudon fashions,liis work shall act he inferior to any. :Hi rett.nis his incere the • ' jit favors, and | solicits a cofttinuance of p ma o'. March 2, 183 L ° Pit nsro 'UL'jh . isiir&ii I,LIS, StIOTVyELL & GO. are novy re- A ceiviog by several boats, and opening, a large supply of Goods, which with their former stock, renders their assortment very ex tensive. A pn.rt of which are given below: rJli a kegs white lead, io oil •I V* vF 800 gallons linseed oil 000 gallons sperm or lamp oil 200 gallons spirits turpentine 500 gallons train oil 500 hexes window glass, assorted sizes 21 boxes soap 20 coils grass rope 500 barrels northern lime 150 packages drugs and medicines 150 kegs nail3 and brads assorted Spanish brown, white lead, Venetian red, chrome yellow, do. green, verdigris, lamp black, yellow and stove ochre, timber,terra de scienua, Prussian blue, whiting, putty, dutch and rose pink, paint brushes asserted, slabs and mullers, dye stuffs, drugs, medicines, shop furniture, surgical instru ments, patent medicines, perfumery, preserves, chocolate, tea, honey, vinegar, plaister paris, ro man cement, hydraulic cement, nails, brads, cas tings, locks,hinges and butts, sheet copper, brass, iron and lead, planes, saws, fan-mill irons, furni ture mounting assorted,mechanics tools assorted, together with a general assortment of HARD WAR 12 and GIiTI.KHY a very large collection of BOOKS and STATION ARY, consisting of family billies,english, latin A greek school hooks, medical, law and miscellaneous hooks, compris ing more than 5000 volumes, portable desks, quills, blank books, printing paper, post ■ (flee pa per, foolscap and letter paper, fancy and gilt 1 •' ter paper, blank and visiting cards, water colors, albums, piano fortes, llutes, clarionets, flag eolets, guitars, bugles, drums, fifes, harps, vio lins, paper bangings, (lower pots, music, cloth brushes, hair tirushes, sweeping brushes, Ac. Many articles are much reduced in price, and will be sold accordingly ELLIN, SHOT WELL & CO. IMaisk 4 hecks. (1 hecks on the Commercial, Darien, Insurance J and State Banks —Patent Bills of Exchange, C.,shter’s Checks; Gotten Receipts; Bills of Lading; all kinds of Blanks, and every descrip n< i ol Printing neatly executed bv M. D. ,l. SLADE, at tlio Advertise: Office, Macon, Geo. Jl V410.\ ; ftfitiiiMlay, October i&7, IT are-llrusc and Commission Merchants , MACON, GEORGIA- Tf LAXTON f: SMITH, It are-llouse and Coni -1 v mission Merchants, Macon, make liberal ad vances onCitton in store,and on shipments; al so on NOTES and other property deposited in their hands. I heir W are-Flojises are more convenient to the business part of town than any other, possessing i advantages of a W harf, and are more exempt Rom danger by fire than any other in Macon.. 5 1 9 tire- House AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. IS ami 8 tou A Mayes, INTENDING to permanently locate them- S selves in Macon, on or before the first of Octo : her next, lor the purpose of transacting the above business ; and having taken the new and conve nient WARE-HOUSE, recently occupied by Isaac B. Rowland, on the corner of Mulberry and Second Streets, and in the immediate vicinity of most of the Cotton transactions, respectfully soli cit a part ot public favor, promising iu return un remitting attention to the interest of all who may favor them with their business and confidence.— Liberal advances will be: made en Produce, Mer chandize, or other property'. EVERARD HAMILTON, •ames r. iiayes. Macon, Aug. 1!>. 19-fit hy are you loud of toil and care, W hy choose the rankling thorn to wear, And by the lilly stray, V\ Rich Blossoms in your way i fIMIH subscriber offers for sale a valuable tract ■*- of Land, containing 506 acres more or less, lying' in the fork ot big and little Itehaeonna crocks, Urawford county', where the subscriber now lives. There is 140 acres of excellent bot toms, the upland lies well, has fine water and is quite healthy ; there is 200 acres cleared and now in cultivation, <t g *od gin-house, gin-running gear, thrash-ian, aud a large distillery, now in operation, with other improvements thereon, the cattle and stock, hogs, plantation tools, household luruiture, corn ladder Ac. also, 2 or 300 gallons whistexy. The above will be sold to the highest bidder on the 15th of November next. Per ons wishing to purciiase would do well to cail and ex amine tor themselves. Terms made known on the day of sale. S. R.. VICKERS. P. ,s. i iie I ami will be offered private’v at any time before that day. S. ft. V AND Com urnsion llusiness. FjpHE subscriber continues the above business A at his old-stand, (head of Cherry street, and Cotton Avenue,) where he offers all the usual facilities in business. His xfc trie-Houses and close storages are in prime order, and as much exempted from th* dan ger oi lire as any in the place. Cotton stored with him, will be delivered in any pary ol the town, khsce of any charge, except tin customary storage. JAMES C. MORGAN. Mucin. Sapt. C, 1832. 23 BAGGING. (Oft Consignment.) JUST received, 250 pieces (rest Hemp Bagging which will be sold on reasonable terms.’ ' E. L. YOUNG & CO. August-28 20 MACON, GEO. The subscriber would inform the citizens of Macon, and those whose business brings them hither, that he has now completed his !Sta hie on .Second street, in a style inferior to but few in the Southern country. He has also been dai ij add.Mg, and will continue to do so, all that is necessary to the comfort of the man of plea sure, and for depatch to the traveller. He has now on hand --.ed in the Livery, some forty head ot 1 . , a iiuml-er of Barouches, Gigs, iich arq, mostly new, and other" mi . (repairs uec ssory for the season; beside. in a few d-vys, will u-eeive an ad ditional f/ ol Gigs oyd Sulkies, well suited to tin taste and wants of the placet, Attached ‘ i the I.ivery Staoie, is a coach-ma ; ker’s, painters, trimmers, and harness inanu j factory, as well as a Blacksmith shop ; and hav ' ing been at much trouble and expense in procu ring good w orkmen, for all these different branch es, will enable the subscriber at all times to keep his vehicles and harness in perfect repair. E very cure and pains w ill be taken to promote the interest, comfort and convenience of the Pat rons of the Establishment; but the subscriber has been taught by experience, that persons hiring must make good ail these delays, and injuries, which may happen. It is proper here to remark, that all carriages, gigs, or other vehicles, or horse, being injured by accident, ill-usage, or other cause, the person having hired the same, will be held liable therefore, for jach day, the article.or horse is withheld as unlit for service ; and also" for repairing and feeding, during such delin quency. The heretofore established Prices will conti nue to govern, anti may be seen at the Livery Stable; they are as moderate as the times wiil admit. STAGE TO MONTPELIER SPRINGS. During theensuing summer and fall, the sub scriber w ill run a daily Tack between this place and the Montpelier Springs; commencing on the first day of June—leaving Washington Hall, in Macon, at 3 o’clock, P. M. where seats can he procured, at the usual stage rates, to-say, $1 ,75 per seat, payable ia advance. THE INDIAN SPRINGS, Will also be visited tw ice a week, by hacks running from ray stable—leaving Erwin’s Hotel, in Alacon, every Tuesday and Saturday, at 8 o’- clock, A. M. and leave the Springs at 8 o’clock, on Thursdays and Monday’s ; price of a seat, s>s in advance. IIORSES, V\ ill be kept by the day, week, month or year. JOSEPH BENNETT. April 17, 1832. 101—tf N4| APS uf Macon, accompanied with some sta "* ■ tistic remniks, price 50 cents, for sale a*. 1 the Advertiser Office, [ ClHdiitib Ktorc -lE\\ IS FITCH, Merchant Tailor, is now o pemng, at the Macon Clothing Store, anew and splendid assortment of Goods and Clothing, in Lis line, consisting of super, blue, black, brown, green, olive, claret, mullterry, invis. green, and uiixt. l*ndon Cloths; stiped cassimere, anew ar uriicb , Petersham’s Oxford mixt atinei, first rate; fashionable figured and plain Velvet, Satin. Flo rentine, Marseille* and Valencia vestings; blue, black, orange, drab, buff, white, and steel nnxt t ussimeees; edk Italian, and fig. fancy & white crevats ; English and India handkerchiefs; duck, horse aud lined gloves ; lack and white silk stock ings; silk, cotton and worsted random half hose; French fancy velvet suspenders; silk, webbing and cotton suspenders; shirt bosoms and shirt collars; velvet and bombazine stocks, and s;iff ners ; linen cambric handkerchiefs; silk umbreß las; cloth caps, children’s fancy and hair sea! flannel, brown shirting A sheeting ; gold and sil ver epaulets, stars; assels, lace, buttons, &c. READY-MADE CLOTHING.—Fine blue, browm, green olive frock and dress poats, and coatees ! mixed over-coats and pea coat*; fine blue, black, brow’n, diab, orrnge and mixed pan taloons; blue end mixed sattinet pantaloons; cord and berentine pantaloons ; fine figured, plain, velvet, Florentine, Marseilles, bombazine aud cloth vests; drawers, shirts, monkey and short jackets; trowsers; fustian pantaloons; goat’s hair Uantoons, indigo blue and Camblet cloaks ; ladies goats hair, camblet, silk and plaid cleaks; all of which are made up in the best manner, and will be sold cheap for CJSH. TAILORING, in all its branches, carried on as usual. Having the latest fashions and good workmen, my work shall not be inferior to any. I solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. All orders thankfully rereived and promptly attended to. 05W Tailoring. VJEW and FASHIONABLE CLOTHING 1 , STORE and TAILORING.—THOMAS J. BEARD respectfully acquaints his friends and the public,that ie has taken the Store second door to the corner,on Muloerry street,recently occupied by Mr. Isaac B. Rowland, and designs carrying on the I ailoring Business ir its various hranches, and also keeping cloths, cassimeres, &c„ of the best quality which he will make up, in the best and most fashionable style; and hopes to re ceive a portion of patronage. 81-tf NOTICE. HORSES in future will be boarded at Ten Dol lars per month in advance, or Twelve Dol lars payable at the end of each month. J. BENNETT. August 28 20 CLERKS SITUATION. A GENTLEMAN who has been for a long - time inactive business, and whose experi ence causes him to believe that he is well acquain ted wih the Southern trade, (having lived in Au- ! gusta and in the interior of the State for more than j 20 years) desires a situation in some respectable ' mercantile house in Macon, either as a salesman or Book-keeper. Proper and satisfactory testi monials of good character aud qualifications can be produced. For further information, enquire at THE ADVERTISER OFFICE. Sept* 4 - 21-3 t ipABINE’i' \VARE-HOUSE.-V. //. Older. A 1 xhaw. Cabinet Maker , Macon, Georgia— respectfully informs Rie public, that he conti nues business, notwithstanding, his being “burnt out’' at the late fire, and ha., removed to the huild iag three doors shove Wiley, Baxter & Fort, where he bason hand and wi.i keep, a handsome assortment of all Kinds of Furniture, such as Side 800n I*, 1 *, Bureaus, Book Cases, Dining, Tea, Card and Centre 'Tables, Work Stands, Safas, C/utirs, Bed Steads, Writing Desks, Looking Glas ses, Secretarys, &<:. He will warrant his work to be of the best ma terials and manufacture, and will be thankful for orders, which will have his prompt attention. He hopes to receive, and will endeavor to merit a share ef public patronage. January 4, 1832. 7f.V FT*IN WARE MANUFACTORY, on Muller - J. ry, near 'Third Street.— The subscriber ma nufactures and keeps constantly on hand a gene ral assortment of which he will sell Wholesale and Retail, at Savannah or Augusta prices. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice at the shop on 'Third street, next door to Ellis, Shotwell 6/ Cos. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwell & Cos. will re ceive prompt attention. Nov. 18, 1831. 50—tf. Mi, MTS. HAT STORE.—The subscriber has taken the stand next door below the Post Office, in McDonald’s building, where he has on hand a large assortment of BEAVER HATS, cf.the latest New-Xork fashions, which he .warrants, if not superior, at least notstirpassod by any in the place—he has also, alarge assortment of HATS of all kinds, suitable for town ami coun try dealers, which he offers at wholesale or retail. t CT He will furnish the citizens ef the place with Hats by the year or quarter, at reasonable rates ; old hats received in exchange for new, Cash paid lor Furs of all kinds. 11. WORTHINGTON. Jan- 375 y boosts. IAW BOOKS—Just received in addition to 4 th* ir former supply: Alabama Reports, Equity Font Blanque, English Corn Law Re ports, English Ecclesiastical Reports, Holt on Libels, Hovendon on Frauds, Koscoe on Evi dence, Story on Bailment, Todd’s Johnson. Wentworth on Executors, Vesey’s Chancery Reports, Yelverton’s Report, Yelverton’s Re ports, Bayley on Bills, Story’s Commentaries, Condensed English Chancery Reports, Starkie on Evidence, Massachusi Ms Reports, Butler’s Nisi Prius, Jiutlierforth’s institutes, Irigersoll’s \bridgment, Russell on Crimes, Foster’s Digest Constitutional Reports of Smith Carolina, ELLIS, SHOT WELL fc .CO. Al.ttt —Docket a,:J other Blank Books, suitable £orQpur!. July 3. IIITO'S lE®2?l£ e Macon, Georgia. The Proprietor having made large additions to his house in Macon, is now prepared to enter tain Boarders and Travellers, a l , al Himes. During the summer he will be generally at the Indian Springs, whore his establishment will be kept up as heretofore. In his absence it will be under the direction of a young man of good character. m L. JI. ERWIN. N. B. The Stage Offs*, is kept at his house in this place. Macon, June? 18S2. ptf FOR BALE, r|IWO Pole Boats. . .Redßover and Jtricl. The * Rover is as good as new, as it has been but a few months since site underwent an entire and good repair. I have had the Ariel examined by a gentleman who is well acquainted with boat building, and he informs me that one hundred dollars will put hei in good order for freighting, as her timbers are all good. The two are sard to be very low at eight hundred dollars. 1 will sel l them on time, and if a sale can be effected with any of Col. B. N. Griffin’s confidential credi tors, 1 will discount four hundred dollars on his paper. Also, a Horse and Sulkey and a Ped lar’s Waggon for sale. Also, Two young likely Negro Women. Sept. 11. VV. B. CONE. jk AND LOI 1 ERlt.— Upon enquiry ivr> ® utulerstmul the returns of the Surveyors will be completed in about two weeks, and as the Commissioners are now convened at this placed making arrangements lor tbe drawing, we haio determined to print a list of the fortunate drawer* as heretofore, which will he sent hi sheets week ly by mail or in any other way directed to such as may become subscribers. As the drawing will occupy double the space which it has done hither to, tiie least price to subscribers will be five dol lars in advance. All lett. rs addressed to the Re corder Office, will be promptly attended to. GRIEVE k ORME. Milledgcville, July 2fi, IH3 17.. F*MIE thing is out, 'ti* true I su-ear it.—' That ■ from am] after the 10th day of September next, all those unsettled accounts and demands that have been called fi r from ten to a hundred times, and some too of 14 months standing w ith out reserve will be putin the hands of Officers for collection ; also, many small demands of short standing—those 1 mean who feel indignant at a dun, thinking if it is done in an officer-like mari ner it will be more satisfactory to them, and Jess trouble to me; and notwithstanding, many of those long-winded gentry threaten me with the loss of their patronage, I will only remark that nothing could he more congenial to my feelings than the loss of that patronage which day bv dav and step by step would drag me to the red-hoult under the fill! In fact it has become almost tho order ol the -lay, that when you ask for your mo ney, you receive naught but insult, and it is not unfrequent that you are laughed at, because your hill is so small, some will very candidly tell von that you are too poor to keep a stable, when at tho same time it is such men keeping you out of your money, that makes you poor. If any business requires cash i t is mine, and I have never known a place, hut this, that a credit was expected for one hour, much less six months. The evil n.ust he remedied, or 1 sink, and sink I never will as long as I have any thing to hold to. and 1 am tired if asking for it: So have it 1 may, but have it I must, And if the law will give it me, doubtless its just. So now I take my leave of the above-named and return my sincere thanks to the good citizens ot .Macon lor their liberal patronage and prompt, pay, without which my horses must’ve perished and while I solicit a continuance oft heir oatron age, I will add, I sbaf! he ever happy to serve them in the capacity I represent, and every can. shall he taken to promote their interest and com | * urt ant * to render general satisfai'tico. J. BENNETT. N. B. I am now making preparations to ran a daily Hack to and from Milledgev.i.'e commen cing from the Ist to the 15th Ociober nexV t„ run iluririg the session. J. BENNETT. ! | IME.—Tlie subscriber still continues manu m Jlacturuip Lime at his plantation in Crawford I county, where itcan be had a' all times in quan- | ,llleß t 0 SU R purchasers and upon accommodating terms —to wit: • By the barrel in the rock at $2 50 “ “ “ slacked -'' i so By the bushel in the rock 50 1 “ “ “ slacked 25 It may also be had at the following places at tho undermentioned prices—to wit: At Esq. Bell’s in Talbottoo in the rock per barrel $4 50 slacked $3 50 At C. M Norwood, Talbot county in the rock per barrel $4 50 slacked $3 50 1 At , T ;®2“!\ M , c P onou h in the rock, per barrel $0 00 slacked $4 00 1 . At . J ' Wick’s, Thomaston in the rock per barrel $4 00 slacked $3 00 At Cullodensville in rock per barret !?3 00 slacked $2 00 i A i., U 'i P . ye ’ B’Forsyth 8 ’ Fors y th in the rock per bar rel $4 slacked $3 00 * Ami in Macon at Messrs. Ellis, Shotwell & co per barrel in the rock !ji3 75 slacked $2 50 Also, at the subscribers in Macon per barrefin the rock S3 75 slacked S2 50. The increased demand ha&eimbled me to put the prices at a reduced rate, and 1 think I may ven ture to assert that from the improvements 1 have been muly making in the burning, together with my selection ot roek, that I now have Lime equal to any Ihomaston Lime, except its whiteness and this I hope to improve. 1 believe for brick work and cement, no lime on earth is superior but that part I am disposed to leave with the pui.l iic, and it it does not sustain itself, 1 want noth mg font. 1 1 deem it unnecessary to trouble the communi ty with a long list ol certificates vouchiuo* f or tho virtues ot the lime, when 1 propose a tri£ and if not flood—HO /Joy—in ore is unnecessary All orders from the country thankfully received ami promptly attended to. J. BEN N KTT Macon Aug. 27, 1832. 2*Af iaasrai^ i JWkEGG'f E* AT THUS i I^FWOTj-,