Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, April 30, 1880, Image 7

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mmm m SStM -H Cfj* dbjGEgia ISfesfelgr ‘Q^Jtjegjtapfj un& 3fmx£tt«tl & 3®j?sa»«g«c< Washington Correspondence. " - Washington Cirr, . .; v April 20tb, 1680. FUN IN THE SENATE. I declare it puts me in mind of tlie good old times of 1876, when Ben Hill and Blaine measured wits in tlie House when the galleries overflowed by ten a. m. and the oxcitcment was higher than the- thcrmometer. This time the Senate is the arena, and Blaine aud Carpenter the cen tral figures. They have been at it on and on since Friday, and it beats the best play on the stage all hollow. This is my verdict irorn merely reading the Record. A very good friend of mine who doesn't happen to be wrestling just now with “intercostal neuralgia”—I think that is what the M. D. called it—awl consequently was able to attend the performance, tells me it was the best tlung of tlie season and session, and she is no mean judge, either, of such things. The telegrams, I suppose, gave you a meagre outline of the points, as To protect the public against imitators we specially caution all puichiuen ct BENSON’S GAPCIRE POROUS PLASTER To 1 ee that the wor CAPCDfB on the label is spelled correctly. *•'. * Do not allow acme other Plaster to be palmed off under a aimilar sounding name, with the aasur ance that it is ts good—bear in mind thst the only object such dealers can have, is the fact that SEABURY ft J0HN80N tliev can mate.a few peenlea extra profit by selling the spurious, janl-tus thr ia-daw top oolnr m usual—just enough to make you wish the subject had not been mentioned at all subject , . But don’t rest satisfied with that. Consult the Record and enjoy it full length. There seems some special antagonism between Blaine and Carpenter, as this and.other “spats” lias lately revealed, but I have no authentic explanation thereof. Perhaps Blaine, being a presi dential candidate against Grant, has some thing to do vrith it. Carpenter is one of the most gushing of Grantites, and doesn’i mind spoiling a strong speech by <T ging hi a lot of drivel about Grant, fact he is credited with holding Grant in almost as high affection as he does loose women and strong Havanas. His af fection must be disinterested, too, for man of his official position—Senator for six years and enormous professional in come—could hardly aflord to take any- of fice under the government. But be tiffs as it may, there is surely no love lost be tween tlie two men. They antagonise each other just as naturally as do John, Logan and the English language and grammar, and always will. This is a very cheerful reflection, too, for they are both quite fond of hearing themselves told, and the outcome is sure to be some tiling spicy. IN THE HOUSE, tlie usual dreary monotony has been somewhat broken since my last. The angelic Conger has been making an un usual display of himself by measuring swords with McMahon, of Ohio, one of the sharpest and brainiest men in Con gress. McMahon knows just exactly how to deal with tlie old brute, and can come nearer making him choke with rage than any other man in the House. Conger antagonizes everything that comes from our side, and does it in the most offensive manner possible. Why somebody has not long since given him a lesson in man ners by smashing his ugly mug is a mys tery, even in these days of constant res traint on the part of Southern men. He never opens his mouth with out insulting the South aud every person in it, and grows more insolent and unbearable every day* So far, however, nobody has kicked him, greatly, I know to his rage aud disappointment. Hewil , have very hard work to get back another term unless something of the sort hap pens. He was especially offensive yester day on the Mexican war pension bill, quite in contrast with Frye, of Maine, who paid a handsome tribute to the read iness with which Southern men vote mil lions to pension- Federal soldiers of the late civil war. But then Frye and Con ger are of very different breeds. The former is a gentleman, though a very bit ter partisan. Conger couldn’t be anything but what he is, if he broke a blood vessel trying. A constituency that sends such a creature to represent them year after year, must be phenomenally ignorant or excep tionally malicious, cruel and cowardly. A JOKE ON EDMUNDS. The last thing on earth anyone who looks at Edmunds from the goilery, and knows what manner of man to is, would suspect even the most reckless person of being guilty of, is perpetrating a joke on him. And yet it was done the other day by tlie irrepressible and universally known Judge Tom Mackey, of South Carolina. Mackey was seated in the gallery, when a sharp nosed, hatchet faced man, with ■ that sweet New England accent we all know so well, sidled up to him and requested to have pointed out, that “infernal Hamburg murderer, Butler, of South Carolina.” “Certainly,” was the polite answer. “Yon see that bald beaded, gray-bearded man?” pointing to Edmunds; “well, that is But ler.” The Yankee’s eyes blazed with ho? wrath as he gazed upon the supposed Butler, and his reply was: “Yes, I could hare picked him out of a thousand,” with a good deal not very complimentary to the supposed Butler. Governor Hampton afterwards heard and told Edmunds of the joke, which the latter laughed over heartily, remarking that it was quite a compliment to be taken for such a handsome man Butler. NEABLY A CENTURY BETWEEN THEM. Among the deaths here last week, was that of Mr. JohnT. Laub, ef Pennsylvan ia, but !br foity-tliree years a clerk in the first comptroller’s office of the treasury de partment. His father was a clerk in the same office for forty-three years, haying entered tlie government service when he was just eighteen years old. He was bom July 4tb, 1770. Six days after bis death (In 1837), the son, John, was appointed to fill the vacancy. During those forty- three years of continuous setvice, he baa only - one leave of absence, and that was for only live days when he went to Richmond. He gave the clerk, who was detailed to do his work during that time, a gold dol lar every day he was gone, so anxious was he that the work should he well done; and when he returned, declared he never intended to go away again. During his whole term of service, he never went any where except to church, to his office and home, and to these places always by the same routes. For thirty years before his death, lie had not been to the cap.tol, and , had not allowed any for twenty-six years, one but himself to touch his books. If one of them fell on the floor, it seemed to'give him physical pain. During the busy days of the war he frequently came to his office at three in the morning, and often declared he felt happier at Ills desk than anywhere else in the world. During his forty-three years of work of the same kind, lus work became so mechanical with him, that iu his last hours .he went pan- tomimically through the business—that of haudling treasury warrants—first, getting them ready, then signing them, then blot ting; and lastly laying them away in or der.- He was always at his desk an hour before anybody else and was the last to leave iu the afternoon. Last of all, he was a true, gener ous, kindly man, who had no vices and never made an enemy. This I can say of my personal knowledge, and outside of his own family,- tiiere was; I am sure, no one who learned the sad news of his death with more sincere regret than my self. A SWEEPING CHANGE. The P. O. D. is pondering a proposition to change the names of all post-offices with compound names and also those which conflict with each other in any way. All offices or the same name in States where the abbreviation of the State’s name is liable to be mistaken for another, such as Pa., Va., Ga., La. andla., Cal. and Col., Mass, and Miss., are proposed to be chang ed so that the chances of ft letter being sent to the wrong State will be almost en tirely done away with. This will neces sitate a change of between 1,500 and 2,000 names. THE NEGRO WORSHIPERS here and out of Congress are in sack cloth and ashes over Whittaker’s woes at West Point. They scarcely think or talk Of anything else, and to hear some of them one would suppose that there had been a second firing on Fort Sumter. . A white cadet might have had both bis ears cut off and these creatures woffld hardly 'have heard of it. But let it be one of the favor ed color, a lovely, sweet negro, and they are nearly ready to set up the guillotine at the South and go to work chopping off heads by way of avenging Whittaker, for of course none other than cadets ■ ttom that section would be guilty of such enor mities. Whep I hear some of these peo ple I am fully reconciled to the theory of a sure enough hell—a real brimstone lake in full blaze. *- A. W. li ft SURE CURE "or all the diseases Ibr which it is recommended, end always perfectly safe in the hands of even the mad, Inexperienced PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER R rtcommauled by Physicians, Ministers, Missionaries, Mananers of Factories, Work-Shops, and Plantations, Attract In Hospitals—In short by everybody’tere who lias ever given it a trial. _ JTit A ^.^ TOOD THE TEST OP FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. ^ D A I Ef II I E?FI should have a place in every factory, machine-shop, J? ” .iVIhslabll and mill.on every farm and plantaSon,end In every household, ready for immediate use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, sores, eta, but in case of sudden sieknes3 of any kind. D A I M If 11 | CD is the well-tried and trusted friend of ail who want W~i ML ■ il IV B mm fcw Eh fv a sure ami safe medicine which can be ft-eely used Internally or externally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief. Its price brines it within the reach of an; and it will annually save many times its cost in doctor^ bilb^TPor sale by all druggists at 85c. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. *msr1B-dwrd ssizsteewifnt-an md NEW MUSIC BOOKS. Temperance Light. Aset Temperance ?orr Book of low-price, hot t! e very best quality. By Geo. C. Hu»g toil M. £. rvosx, with the Taluable assistance of a numoerof our be«t song and music write;8. A well printed acd beautiful little book Send IS cents (in atamps.) for Specimen. Cjsti button ' • — ■ ‘ alt dollars per bandied,and 12 cents for single copy. ABTHUB8ULLIVAH'S VOOAL AL BUM Contains twenty-feur of the best songs of this famous composer, any three of which are worth the moderate price ot this fine voluuo, is SLOO. All Sunday Schools that try it. take to WHITS Robes (SO cts ) No better Sunday Schcol Song Book ever made. NEW ENGLAND 00NSEBVAT0BY METHOD POB THE PIAN0P0BTE. (^S.2f, complete. In S parts, each S150) Has been for yearaa standard and favorite method. and Is constantly in use by the teachers of the conservatory, and by thousands ot others. Bibb County Sheriff Sales W ILL be told before the court bouse door in the city of Msec n. during the legal hours of Try LAUREL WREATH, (Sl.tO), High School Sieger. Try MASON’S TECHNICALEXER.I8K8. Pi ano. (-2 50). Try THE MUSICAL RECORD. Weekly. (JS.CC per ye»r.) Try GOSPEL OF JOY, (SO cents). Best "Gos pel” songs Try AMERICAN ANTHEM BOOK, (*1.25). OLIVER DITS0N& GO., Boston. O. H. DIT30N ft CO,843 B'dwayN.Y. IsnMtf Gloss (LUMP) STARCH Is tho highest-ecliieveincut in cereal productions, nncl renowned throughout the world ng thp Standard Laundry Starch. In shape it presents huge dense crystals of wonderful whiteness and sweetness, free from tho faintest odor and of Incomparable strength. Its su periority and economy aro tlie result of experiment and Improvement for thir ty-five years, and its popularity the re ward of this effort oi a lifetime. Royal Gloss Lump Starch Is packed in hand some one-pound, tliree-pound, mid six. pound cartoons, and for sale by Grocers every-whsre. Manufactured by ANDREW EHKEN8RECHE8, Cincinnati, Ohio. # FEVER AND AGUE The t#ue antidote to the effects qf miasma is Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters. This medicine is or,e cl the most popular remedies of an ago of successful proprietary specifies, and is In im mense demand wherever on this ContlflOOtJeveC aud ague exists. A wineglassful three times a day it the be et possible p'eporative fof encoun tering a malarious atmosphere, regulating the liver and Invigorating the stomaehl a r : For sale by all Druggists and Dealsrs gene rally... , aprl-lm WARNER'S REMEDIES And ImmedlAta LssrSB Wurarr's Hmfst Tills are stimulus tor a Torpid Ursr, Asm*, and are useful at times in nearly all diseases to cause a free and regular action of the Bowels. The beat antidote for all rial Poison. Price, XS cents a Box. Wamer's Saps hit and Kleep to the suffering, cures. quicklycivei r. cures Head- p fjl l D'<C" SA" H'' Al vaTI N SA11 i It relieves We pains of . all diseases sod is nev- ' er Injurious to the sys- l test. The beat of all I Xsrvlses. i Bottles of two sizes; ' prices, M cts. and |1. erwtmM m itzslLiz •rerjwkter©. . Warner & Co. ROCHESTER, I. T. 03"S«si Sr pswsblst as( •ale on the fust Tuesday in May next, the fol lowing property, to-wit s That parcel of land situated in Bibb county,in the third district origin* ly Honsicn now Bibb scanty, being the cast half of lot No 241, and also a- part of lot No. 3 Levied on as llie properly of David Clay to satisfy a fl. fa. isvned from Bibb Superior Court in f»v r of Joshua R Schofield vs. David Clay. Froperty pointed out by p aintifTs attorney. • Also at the same time md place, lot No. Said part of lot No. 4 in block 15, situated in the city <f Macon, on Mulberry and Sixth streets, in Bibb county. Levied on as the property of the estate of • harleg A. EUs to satisfy a a. fa. issued from Bibb Suptrior Court in favor of Ordinary of Bibo county, use of the chile ren of Robest O. Usher, deceased, vs. Joseph M. Boarumanand Karan M. E ls executrix, etc. Froperty pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. * Also at the same time and place, lot No. 6. in square No. 70, in thecity of Maoon, Bibb county, with improvements thereon, also trisngnlar piece of land on Washington Avenue fronting said lot; also strip of land on during ,tr>ct. forty feet wide, enclo-ed by permission of Ci'y Coun cil of M.con Levied on as tlie property of B. V. >verson trustee, to satisfy a mortgage fl. fa. is-' sued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of James E. Grajbill vs. B. V. Iverson, trustee, for Mrs. JnlictA. Iverson and her children. Property poi-tedout in said fl. fa. * Also at the same time i>nd place, all that prop erty known as tbetanyard, property belonging to tbeestaieof Jacob Echall, let forth in Henry Scball’s cross bill, to-wit: Lotal, 7 and 8, south west commons, in block 87. snd fractional lot 6, in block 31, in the plan cf tho ci y of Maoon. Bibb county. Georgia, and also all the personal property oi kind on said lots used as material in the tannics business and all tools so used in raid tannery. Levied on as the propetty of Jacob Scholl, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Enporior i ourt, ia favor of Reuben Goise vs lienry Uchsll, administrator. Froperty pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also (at the sometime and place, the following to-wit: Fart of the two-acre lot, northwestern range, Nc. 22, in squire 84, fronting too feet, more or leaf, on Georgia Avecue, ad otnieg the property ■ of Mrs. Boy kin, and running back 300 feet, more or less to the alley, in the City of Macon. Levied on by H. J. Peter, Tax Collector and ex-olflcio sheriff, to satisfy the tares due by rames T.Nisbet, trus tee, tir the years 1818 and 1819 Also, at the same time and place, the following to-wit: Fart of the two acre lot, No. 24, north western range, in square No. 84, in Ice city ot Macon, fronting 100 feet, more or less, on Geor gia Avenue, adjoining the property of Mrs. Boykin, and running back 800 feet, moro or less, to tho alley. Levied on by H. J. Peter, Tax Collector, to satisfy a tax 11. fa., held by W. F Goodall, transferee, fer taxes due byJameaT, Nisbet, trustee, for the year 1873. Also, at tho same time and place, the 'ollowing to-wit: Fart of lot Mo, 4. in squire No 72, cor ner oi Pine and Spring street, at the intersec- ti-n of Cotton t venue, in the City of Macon, and being the store house now occupied i/L.J. gbapleigh. Levied on by H. J. Peter. Tax Col lector, to satisfy the taxes due by W. L. Ellis, t ru stoo for wife, for tho year 187». A'so, at the same time and plaoe, the following to-wit: Part of lot square No.67. fronting 50 feet on Pine street, near the corner of Fourth, rnnningbsck liO feet and adjoining tto Jnliut Fetor place, in the city of Maoon. levied on by H.J. Peter, tax collector, to satisfy the taxes due by Alexander Mathews, agent for Mrs. M. E. Mathew * 1879. Also, at tha same time and place, the following to-wit: Fart of lot Nos. 5 and 6, in square No. 78. fronting 75 feet more or less, on second street, running back 210. feet to the alley, and adjoining the property of Sobers and others, iu thecity of Macon. levied on by H. J. Peter, tax collector, to satisfy the taxes doe for the year 1879. bv Mrs. E. A. Clark, executrix of the estate of D. r. ulark. Alto at the same time and place, the fallow ing, to-wit, part of lot No. 4, in square No 71, fronting on New street in city of Macon, occu. pud by U. L. Cook and purchased by him from Mrs. T. A. Hama. Levied on aa the property ot tha Maoon Building and Loan Association to satisfy three fl. t s. lor State an I county taxes for theyeara lS7’.18iGand 1877. Property pointed out by G. W. Guerin, attorney forcoonty. Also at tt e same time and place, the following, to-wit. that part cf lot No. 202 in the fourth dis trict of ongmallv Hons ton, now Rutland district. Bibb county, lying on the eastern side of the Southwestern railroad, and bounded on the north by lands of Avant, e»st by lands ot E, O, Brown, " ief wMasU ADMINISTRATOR’^ SALE. f~i BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Under and by \JT v : rtue ot an order from the Court ot Ordi nary of said eounty, will be sold on tn* first Tnesda> in Bw next, before the court hou-e door in lhe-dty ot Macon, during the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: One undivided thud interest in thirty-one seres of land lying in Godfrey’* district, in said county, being lot No. 38, bounded north by lot No. 37, on the east by lot No 39, on the scuta by iot Silty snd on the west by the land formerly owned by the t state of Bailey Also one -hslf acre of land on the east side of the Oomulcee river and known as part of four acres of lor d No. 61 in the Maoon reserve aud deeded to Tsbetha Wright by R. F.Wooltolk, asidlot lyirgcnthe Miliedgv villa road. Bold aa the property of De- quslla Woolfolk. decea-ed, for the purpose o paying the debts oi said estate and for distribu tion. Terms cash. April 5, 1880, A. B. ROSS, aprS Itawiw Adminiairator. Know Thyself. rjVHE nntold miseries that result frtm indiscretion in early life may bo alleYivt- ed and cured. Those who doubt this assertion should purchase the new nudicsl work published by the PEA BODY MEDICAL INSTI TUTE. Boston, entitled THE BCItNCB OF LIFE. SELF PRESERVATION. Exhausted vi tality nervous and physical debility, or vitality impaired by the errors of youth or tco close or too close application to burines*, may be restor ed and manhood regained. Two-hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, Jmt published. It is a standard medical work, the beat in the English language, written by a physician oi great experience, to whom was awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Na> Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and very expensive engravings. Three hun dred pages, more than 50 valuable prescript’ons fOr all forms of prevailing dilease, the result of many years of extersive and successful practice, either one of which is worth ten times tho price of the book. Bound in French cloth, price only Jl, sent by mail po.tpaid. ■■■ The London Lancet 6sjs : “No person should perso’ be without this valuable book. The author ia a noble benefactor.” An illustrated sample sen> to all on receipt of 6 cents for postage# The author refers by permission to J08BPH S FleHER, president; W. I. P. INGBAHAM, vice president; W PAINE, MD. 0 8 GAUNTT. E D; H J DOIIOKT. M D, R H KLINE. V D. J R BOLCOMB. HD, NR LYNCH, M D, and M R O’CONNELL, M D. faculty of the Philadel phia University of Medicine and Surgery, also the faculty of the American University ot Phila delphia, also Hon PA BIS-vKLL, MD, president oi the National Medical AssocUtioru Address Dr W H PAR- KBR, No 4 Bulfinch St, Boston, Mass. The au thor may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience, povso wlv 1(100. HEAL THYSELF lEokUla—BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. L. G l A- Savage, executrix cf the estate of t’aia- donia Savage, late of raid county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from These are tberefo-e. to cite and admonish all persona concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of- said county on the first Monday in July next, to show c»use, if any tbey have why said application should cot be gra- tel Witness my official signature April 30. 1870. J. A McMANUB. Ordinary. mar-ilaw-dw* 0.EOR5IA. BIBB COUNTY.—Where aa W. Jones has made applcation for letters o guardianship of the person and property of W L. and Lula 8. Jones, minor children ef Busan Jones, deceased. . . J „ These are therefore to cite and admbuiui all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they hare, why said application should not be granted. and aouthby lands of the estate of Wm, Carlos j .containing 100 acres, more or leu, and being the 'tract trortgaged to Daniel Bullard, by 8. M. Brown. Levied on by H.J. Poter, tax collector, to satisfy the taxes due on said property for the isr 1879. Amount of tax and coi.ts, (12.65. Also at the same time and place the following to-wit: Three-fourths of an acre of land acd improvements thereon in Godfrey District, on Windsor Bill fronting 110 ftfenore or leu on a 50 fjot street.between the old a-d new Houston roads, and adjoining the land of Collins and oth ers. ant being the propertyformerly owned by James if Baxley. Levied onaa tho prorerty of the City Building and Loan At ociati n. to satisfy a tax a fa. vs. L. W. Hunt. President of said Asso- ciarion, for taxes dne on the capital stock of said Association for the year 1579. Also, at thevame time and place, the ^following to-wit; Lot No.4in east Macon,on the lice of the City limts. lying between J.A. Nelson and the Methodist,^Church, containing one-half acre more or leas, levied on by H J. Peter, T. C , to satisfy four tax fi fu. vs. Peter C.‘ 8»wjfr, Trus tee. for his children, Blanch and Irwin, for the taxes due on the above dt Seri' ed property for the jesrsl875.1877.1878, sn 11879. Also at the same time and place, the following . noperty to-wit: That part ot lot No. 3 in f quare No. 22 in the city of Macon, county and State aforesaid, adjoining lot No. 4 in said square, fronting 26 2-* feet on Cherry street, and run ning back the same widthElO feet to Wall street, eontaining l-’8 of an acre more dr lets, and bring the lot aud improvements lately owned by W.’A, or the jeers 1875.1876-2877 and 1873. Property pointed out * ' .- • by G W. Gustin, attorney for jeounL . Also at the the same time snd pl- oe the folijw- ig,to-wit: Lots i;2, S, 4acd 5n block No. 11, -tween Hawthorne and Tupelo streets in the city of Macon, contsin ng i'A acr. s. more or less. Levied on as the property of the Mechanics’ Building and Loan Association, to satisfy five fl. fas. for State snd county taxes for the years 1875.1878,1877,1873 and 187*. Property pointed out by G. W. buslin. attorney ioroounf^. . .Also, at the lame time and piece, the follow ing, to-wit: .That pared of land in tafjd eounty, near the toundsry line of the city o/ Maoon, formerly owned by M. 8. Thomson, and known in Thomson’! plan of survey as jots No. 1 to 16 inclusive in. block No. 13. hut on Boardmsn’s map cf the City of Maoon at block.No. 12,-situated oetween a continuation Of McIntosh and Elbert streets, levied on as the prorerty olOconlgee Building acd Loan Asso ciation. to sa-itfy a tax lor the year 1875' Property pointed out by G. W. Gustin, attorney lor county. GEO. F. CHERRY, •pr!6-law-4w . Bheriff. O RDIN ART’S Office. Jcnea County. Georgia March 3.1880.- Whereas John F. Childs _ March 3.1880.- Whereas John F. guardian fer Jeesee J. and Madison G. Barfield apt lies for dismiuion. These a: e to cite and admonish all persons oocoerned to show cause if any they have, at this office, on first Monday in May next why the same shall not be granted. Witness my band officially. ‘ EOLjSKd 1 marttd* )T. ROBS. Ordinary. by said application annum not i Witness my official signature. J.A. McMANUS.Ordinary. April 3,1880. apr41iaw4w* G EURG1A. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, u. A Niabet. administrator 6f the estate of Flor ence B. Nlsbet, late of said county deceased, has made apolication for leave to sell the wild lands be onging to said estate at privatesale. ’ This is therefore to cite aud admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinaty of said county, on the first Monday in May next to show cause if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand officially. April 6.1880. J. A. McMANUS, apr7td*Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Under and by virtue of an order from the Court of • >rdi- nary of said county, will be sold on the first Tues day in Mar next, before tha court house door in the city of Macon. during the legal hours of sale, one .house and lot in the city of Macon, known as port of lot No. 10 in the city of Macon, in said county .bounded on tho east by the residence of T. D. Tinsley, on the west by the res dencc of rierry Davis, north by Johnson street and tenth by the lot of A. B. Xoss, said lot containing one-quarter sere more or less. Bold as the property ot Saiab G. Tinsley, late c.f said county, deceased, for the purpose of distribution. Terms cash. April 5,18S0. T. D. TINSLE Y, aprGltawtw* Administrator. THE Cincinnati Packing . Packers of PORK, LARD, AND QUEEN OF THE WEST BRAND OF Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Breakfast Bacon. Cincinnati, Ohio. ItlPIpg fraSS-a-ag go r '28aa--«a flfJllafr ffiflfniPi 8 sis!-*? STRAYED- P BOM the subscriber on the 29th cf March a mcuoe-colored mare mule, aged five or six yean. When she left had a thoe on the left fore foot, had a wart on tt e neck near where the col lar works. A liberal rewa’d -will be paid for her dt livery. Any information thankfully received. Address i. T. HOLT, Macon. Care R. ?. Outlay.sprll-dawlt* Battle-Snake Water Melon Seed. O NE hundred pounds of genuine striped or Battle Snake Wa^r-melon seed, to be sold lor melon growers, by • J.F. GREER, marts d3t w2t 4i Foplcr St., Macon. Ga. Mortgage Sale ot Land- QKORGIA. ORAWFOBD. COUNTY,-By nr- /v BORGIA. Bibb County—Wlierers Mrs. So VJT phis B. Hall, administratrix of the estate of E. Bond, late of arid county deceased, repte- sents to the eourt in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administer ed E. Bond’s estate. Thia ia therefore to cite all persons eonoerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why -said administrator should cot be discharged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in June, 1880. Given ur.der my official signature. ' ' " MANUS, morfitd* J A Met i Ordinary. JUNES CO TY SHERIFF SALES. w ILL be sold before the court house door in . . thetownof Ulinton, Jones comity, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours ot sale, the following property, to wn: throe hunt)rod and thirty acres of land, more or lees, adjoining the lands of John 8. 8tewart,Bobt Smith and F.B. Heskel and o,hers. Levied on aa the property ot Alford Giawsou to satisfy two fi. fas. iasned from the Superior Court of aaid oounty in favor of Elisabeth Glawson at d Stodard B. Glawson, administrator! ofthees tate of Jesse Glawson. deceased, vs. Alford Glawson, principal, and Seaton Glawson and Joseph Glawson, security. The other va. Alford Glawson principal, and Beabon Glawson and James Glawson security. Froperty pointed out by one of the plaintiffs, and in possession of de fendant. This February 23. 18SO. fet)27td . GRESHAM. Sheriff. SALE OF LAND. T)Y virtue of a power of rale conferred upon the 1> t ' ' '' ‘ ’ — . - undersigned by mortgage dot a, executed on the 11th day oi February, 1879, by Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons and Baffin R. R. Barr, (said deed being recorded in the effioe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Twiggs oounty. Book P, folio £48), we will sell before the court house door, in the tovnot Jeffersonville, in the county of Twiggs, ■■glmM - — - * * ‘ bidder, for cash; at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash; oa the first Tuesday in May n-xt, between the usnal hours of sale, all that tract or parcel ot land, situate, lying and being in the twenty- eighth district of originally Wilkerson; now Twigss county, and known and distinguished in the plan of said district ag part o; lota No. 79 and 90. containing seventy-five acres, more ot less, being the premises whereon said Elizabeth Sim mons ana said Barr resided upon said 11th of February, 1879. Bold for the purpose of paying a debt created by cote on February 11,1879, »’ d specif! dm said deed on which there ia a bal- slco due of fifty dollars and interest) and expen se* of this proceeding. Good snd (ee simple ti tles made to purchaser on day of sale. nrar.RifAW ■ mchlS lawlw. f ft NEWSOM. Offlea ml tbe Kallrstfi Cssnmlailwi Atlanta, Ga., Hareh 26,1880. CIRCULAR No. 2. . . „ rpilB following changes are made in the Stand-' A ard ’’Schedule ot Maximum Rates” for Pcs- ■eogers and Freights.established by tho Commis sioners, lor each Railroad Company in this State, via: 1st. The several Passer ger Bates now in use on the Hartwell Kailroad, the Cherokee Railroad, the Some Railroad, aud the Ganderaville and Tennille Railroad, may be continued ss maxi mum rates on said roads re-peclively until chang ed hereafter by the Commissioners. 2d. The Brunswick and Albany Railroad Com- >any Is allowed to make its maximum rates for reigbts by adding SO per centum to the Mid Standard Rates established by the Commission ers. 3d. The Columbus and Borne Railroad Compa ny is allowed to make ita own maximum rates for freights by adding 26 per centum to the Mid Standard Kates ol the Commissioners. 4th. The Northeastern kailroad Company is allowed to make its magbaum rates for freights by adding 10 per orntum to. the said Standard by adding 10 per centum to. Rates of the Commissioners. ! This Circular will be published aa the law re-, quires, and a copy of the same is directed to be tent to each Railroad Company in the 8tatei JAMES M. SMITH. Chairman. 'B. i. BACON, Sec’y. marts dlaw4w $30 REWARD. ^ ^ _ oted lo weigh about!40 pounds, aSonk fire feet six inches high/ When laat heard of was at Montezuma, March 4th; she was in company with her mother Dalny Johnson, about fifty-Cto years old, pox marked, aad her stator Sarah Johnson, a tall, likely girl who has a small girl child with bef all ot them black. They u*»y change their ■P I. , ALEX. HHLR08B. Macon, Ga., March 31,1880. apr 1-wtf partnership, under tho laws of Georgia, and that said copartnership shall be conducted under the following provisions: 1. The firm name of said copartnership shall be VT. A. Doody,” wbi: h alone shall be U9ed in ita dealings. 2. Said copartnership shall be located in the cicy ol Macon, satf county and State, and its business shall be the dealing by retail in Gene ral merchandise, such as dry food a. clothing, boots and shoes, snd other articles of such char acter. 5. W. A. Doody shall be tbe general partner, and sh-11 hare full direction* snd management of the business. Myron Ncssbsum and Joseph Dannenberg, all oi said county, are special part ners. 4. W. A. Doody has contributed four thousand dollars to said partnership and Myron Nuss* baumand Joseph Dannenberg have each con tributed four thousand dollars to the capital stock ojithe same. 6. This partnership shall begin on the 10th d ay of-January, 1880, and shall end on tbe 20th day of January, 18SS, unless sooner dissolved, as here inafter provided, to-wit: In caseeither party be comes diss.ti-fied with said partnership the same tray be dissolved alter the first year, pro vided six months notieo he given after said time, cf such intended dissolution to the other party or parties—said notice to be in writing, giving the reasons therefor. It ia further agreed that the said W, A. Doody shall he paid from the partnership ascets, the sum of fifty dollars per month, and this amount to be charged to the expense account. Thia pa; ment to continue until a dissolution, unless oil .erwise agreed on. Witness our hands, this 12th day of January. 1880. ■W. A. DOODY. MYRON NUSSBVUM JOSEPH DANNENBERG. Signed this 12th d&y of January, 1880, and ac knowledged before J.T. RODGERS, N. F. Bibb Co., Ga. Micorr. Go.., Jauu.ry 12,1880. I certify that the mstrum-nt wa» signed and acknowledged by the thereto before me thia cay. J. T. RODGERS, N. P. Bibb Co, Ga. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Before me ctme in person, W. A. Docdy, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the general partner in a limited copartnership about to bo formed, in saidcounty. under the name of W. A. Doody, and that Myron Nussbsum and Joaeph Dannenberg are the special partners therein, and that tho amount agreed to be contributed by each of them to wit: the aumof four thousand dollars, to the capital stock rf said firm, has been actnally paid in. and in good faith contributed thereto. A. DOOUY. 8wom to and subscribed before me this 29th day of Janaary, 1830. J. T. RODGERS, , mart w4w Notary Bibb county, Georgia. A.G, TAILOR") B1 lor relief, etc, bibb Suoe- vg. > rior Court, October Term, WM. TAYLOR J 1879. ItacpearingtotheCourtbythe return of the Sheriff that the defendant is not to be found In this county; and it further appearing that he does cot reside in this State: Ordered, that ser- vioe be perfected on said defendant by publica tion to be and appear at the next term of this Court, or that eotrm'iinant bo allowed to pro- Otdered further, tb \t this o-der he nutlished once a month for (our mouths in the Telegraph and Messenger, a public gszette published in the cityof Macon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN. Compioinaot’8 Solicitor. T J. SIMMONS, J.S.O.M.O. . A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. This 22d November. 1879. dec23-lam4m* A. B. ROBS, Clerk. NOTICE LEAVE TOSELL LAND, /"jBOBGIA, JONES COUNTY-Four week* U after date application will be mido' ta the Court of Ordmary of Jones county, for an order to sell all the lands and undivided interest in lands belongirg to estate of Joseph C. Barbee deceased, in the county of Jones. March L 1880' marStd* A J. STEWART, Administrator, fiAORGIA, Bibb Coonty.—^Wbereoa M. JL VjT Rogers, guardian of John N. Little, having applied to tha Court of Ordinary of said county applied to the Court ot Ordinary of said county for a ditchrrge from his guardianship of John N. Lirilo’s person and property. Thia ia therefore ts cite s sons concerned WL. I I | . , .1 Mi R. Ho*rer» should not bo dismissed, from bis guardianship of John N, Little acd receive the usual letters ol'dismiaaion. Given under my official signature: .- - ■MM * J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. QEUKGlv JONES UJUNTY-Wheresa Charles L. Ridley applies for administra tion with tbe will annexed, on tho estate of Mra Susan A. Ridley, deceased ^ThMA AM tfr (*i’g mYiri These are to cileand admonish all persons jncerned to show cause if any they ha-e why the same shall not be granted at the next term of this court, on first Monday in April aext. Witness my hand officially: ROLANDT mri, ear Sift#. ! BOSS, Ordinary. G KQRGM. Bibb County.—Whereas Willism L. Abbott has made application for letter* of guardianship of the property of John Early Thrasher and Annie Lee Thrasher, resident of Florida, and minor children ot Early W. Thrash er, late of the Slate of Florida, deceased. This is therefore to cite snd admonish all per- aonsconcerned to he and appear at the Court of ordinary on the first Monday’ in' April next; to ■how cause U any they, have: why letter* of gur-> diansbip should pot le granted to the applicant. Given under my official signature- msrgid* J. A. McMsNUB, Ordinary. G BORGIA. Bibb County.—Whereas Rosa, administrator of the < [f yonareymmg and suffering from any Indiscretion or disdpatlon ;lt you are mairOB^ grBegin, o^c 0* RDINARY’S Office. Jon es County, Georgia March 3.1880.—Whereas Martha Pitts, guar dian of John A. and Martha D. Fitts, anplies to me for dismission. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned ta show cons* i> »nv they have, at this office, on first UewBaj iaXAfagsL why tbe same •ball not be gran lea. - , , """ - ~ ri* Witneto my hand officially " -* mors*.! *a. T ROM, Ordinary. G EORGIA—BIB B COUNTY.—Whereas H. BmBiB rvai made application for letters tt administraUpn on the estate of John W. ; Iryan, late of tbe State of Teenessee, deceased, and it being shown to me that said JobnjW. Bryan haa an estate in the eonhty ot Bibb, In •aid State of Georgia. These are, tin re fore, to cite and admonish all irsorj coicerped. to be and appear at the .ran: of Ordinary of su'd county, on the first Monday ie v>ay next, to shoveanse, if any they hem why letters oi administration oheuld no! ' inroted to applicant, witness my official signature AnrQ S, 1880. J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. mar4 law-4** ^iE|a£SiS2;'Ss£SS?~o iwrevmsa .fyeo^jg-j^mjyowtogWtrt tt im jmm* Ufc. It >i— XW4 ka Coach Cw*lBtWstrMtoBt,s*f««tu4>ttt. AftfccWUnB. Tbo Hop fo4 for StfiA, IH« *»4 XiimlfiBMrterloBlI oU»Ar«. CamkyilinryMwn. IlbporfML Aikdracgta*. D. L C. |»iffibookt>f4tiwiiUMi« i ffibiohite a*4iir«toffibio oatffer dra&ooM, wm •( iyi—, loUtw t parcotia. |HIK r JnvsbtaJiop titters 111*., Ok, Rwcteuter.N. Y. cured. Fftpeis and c:rcotav* •*- plaioiaf mod* of trests**ot, ssNh itettiaoBMds ol ei<r«f. Mat ftp*. _ _ J Also a trial bottle IW« la fTonr t. Prfeee redueed Wsuit ths tf»es. Mrs. J. A. Drcllnt? formerly Mrs* Dr, is WHim- 1 A*Porte, kfc'lwu _. Roes, administrator of the estate of Dequilte .Woolfolk, late of saidcounty deceased, fans made application for leave to seU all the real estate be ta said estate. L-,vrJiSrf !>-an s therefore to cite acd acmonish all per sons eonoerned to be snd appear at the Court cf Ordinary ef said eosety on the first Monday in April next to show cense it any they have, why said application tbould not be granted. - Given under my hand and official signature, marifld* J. A. McMANUB, Ordinary. RDINARY’S office,_J?nes county. Georgia, _ January 20,1830 —Whereas Robert B. Bar ron guardian for ths minor children of Samuel T. Morgan.deceased,applies to me for dlsmigslon from add guardianship. These are te notify all persona eonoerned to show cause at tkis office on er by tbe first Mon day in April next, if any they hare, why the asms shall not be granted. 4 . my hand officially. ROLAND T. ROSS. Ordinary. RDINARY’S office JOnes SS (ball not be, Witness n ja»24td* QRDlNA \J Jadaary 90.1880.—Wher, sun. administrator of estate of Toliver ceased, applies to me for distention . Three are to cite aed admonish all mournedte shew reuse at thia eflee UwftntMi m de bt first Monday iu May next* il re rbv the tame shall not be granted. witness my hand officially. -ftnSA-ta* ROLAND ADMINIHTBATOB’S 8ALE: G EOvGIA, BlFB COUNTY.—Under and by virtue-of an order from the Coert of Ordi nary of aaid raonty, wall he sold oa the first Tuesday in May neat, before the oqart house door in tbe dtv of Maoou, during the legsJ hoars ot sale, thirty-fire share* ef the capital stock of the.fiouthwectem railroad company belong the estate of James D. Gerhart, dir eased, far the purpose of distribution. Terms April4,1180. JOHN O.OU sprfi lt*w4w* Administrator ts. Tii « tue of the power vested in mr by two mort gages executed by Annie Mariuh Harper. 10-wit: One mortgage giTen to i ecu re a certain pr im- isiory note for twenty-five dollars due the 15th October, 1879. bearing interest at 12 per cent, per annum, aftor maturity. Said mortgage dated 13th dayoi May. 1879. and recorded in the Clerk’s office Superior Court o( said count}-, in hook J, And one other mortgage given to tecure a cer tain promissory note for filty dollars, due No vember 1, 1879, bearing interest .at 12 per cent, per annum after maturity, Said mortgage dated 9th March, 1879, and leoorded - in Clerk’s offlre Superior Conrt of sa.d county, in book J. I will on tbe first Tuesday in Ap-il. 1880. before tho court-house door iu Kroxville. Georgia, expose at public sale, to tbe bighe-t bidder, for cash, tbe tallowing described property, to-wit: One hun dred and sixty (160) acres of land, more or leM, bell g all o' lot No. 42. north ol the Mscon read, in the sixth district of Crawford county, Ga. Ti nts in fee simple will be made *o the purchaser as authorized in said mortgages. Said tract ot land will be sold to sati-fy the principal, interest, and attorney's fete, to-wit, seventy-five dollars pnndpal. with interest as above dtscrDed.and twenty dollars attorney’s fees, as expressed in raid mortgages, ’ih-isud mortgages mode and delivered to me. the undersigned, to secure said notes with thp power expressed therein to sell said property in the event default wasmadom the payment thereof, end default having boon made, on the day of sals I will execute titles in fee simple to tho tame. A. B. SMALL. February 26. lS80.-td ALL QUIET ON THE poTom&c. Tie War Over. Peace Declarei Boll Sifles Victorious. Executors’ Sale. U NDE R acd by virtue cf an order granted by tho Hon. James P. Broadaway, Ordinary in and for the county ot Baker. State of Georgia, will be S' 11 Lot- re tne court b-use door ot Baker eounty, town of Newton, within the legal hours of sale, iu the^lrst Tneedav in April next, as the property of the estate of W. D. Williams, late of Baker county, doceasod, threvhundred and sev enty-three and one third (8731-3) acres of land situated m Howard’s district. Bibb county, Ga., and known as lots Nos. 284, £6 and 297. amount ing to 8731 3 acres. Fold for diviiion among tho heirs oi said W. D. Williams, deceased. Terms cash. febM-lawlt J, H. ;&.W. W. WIL1 IAMB, Executors. QRDINARY’S Office. Jones County, Georgia, Maroh 3,15S0.—Whereas A. A. Barfield, ad ministrator estate John J. Barfield, deceased, applies for dismission. TLece are to cits and admonish all persons con cerned to show cause at this offiie, on first Mon day in Juno next, if ary they have, why the same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially. msrStd* . ROSS. Ordinary. O RDINARY’3 Office, Jcnea County, Georgia, March S, 1880. Whereas Samuel L. Chiles, administrator e-tate Lucinda Mason, deceased, applies for dis mission. These are to cite and rdmonish all persons concerned to show ciu-s st this office .on the fli»t Monday in June next, if any they have, why the aamo shall tot be granted. Witness my band mar51d* R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Piano Blockade Raised. Tbs long strike and lockout in New York Piano factorise ended. Ail factories open 5,000 locked out workmen again at work, new p ano turned out ever; ten minutes Workmen heppjr. Parcbaeers who wanted pianos and couldn’t get them also happy. We have hid a sorry time for the past two months <o fur-iah pianra to impatient pnr< chaeere who won dn’t understand that pianos had to be made before delivered, and it has worried ua muchly, but the “winter of oar disoontent” ia now over, and we are ,r,\,*?. lKllM,,n fiFrsnmftY ro WIN A FORTUNE THIRD GRAM, DIS7KI- BCTION, CLASS f». AT NEW '.-..LEAK'- TUBXDAY. MAY 11, 1839-lZOih v:.,»tbty urAwmi, Louisiana State Lottery 0* npanv. Thia Institution was regularly inco re v>- the Legislaxure of the State for Bdui Charitable purposea, in 186$, for •’ twenty-five yeans to whits contract hie faith of tne State is t>M*ed w> i-T ’ been renewed by an overwhelming IX',.1 securing ita iranrhise in the new . aaoptod Deocmbor 2. 1879. with * Cv Fl,(0)0,000, to which it has since a,Id,. . fund of 3S60.000. ITS GRAND BIN'.’Ll , and erm of fge h-’j -r vote, ituticn ■itsi of reserre NUMs All Right A gain: Hick ordtn will be filled in Abort metre, and new ones by lightning express Our stock now on band is very large, snd it ia only cer tain styles that we have been short of. These «re “ooming, coming, ’ 300,000 more and don’t yon forget it Beat of all, read this: Present Prices Guaranteed. Having made new contracts with leading maLutaotnrera, which bold good nntil Ju’y 1st next, we engage to fill all orders recti red by that date at oar present prises. Come what will we shall not raise prices again nn’U fall trade opens and fall prices are estab lished. We have advanced retail prices tut a small per cent., notwithstanding tha largo advanoe in wholesale cost, and our prsaent prices are still extremely low. Buyers Can Never Buy Cheaper and they will lose time and money by wait ing, We have tpecial bargains to offer cash buyers. New irstrnmenta. new styles, new prices, new terms. Bend for Catalogues and Descriptive Illustrated Fries Liets, giving full information. Address, LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH. GA, WHOLESALE PIAWO AND ORfiAN DEALERS. dcc27-dltawftwly SHERIFFS NOTICE. G EORGIA. Baker County.—On and after this dste until further notice, tbe legal adrertne m-nts ot the Bberiff < t Baker county will be pub liilicd in the Albany News. J. H. ROWELL, Sheriff. Newton, March 3,1880 -l£* G BUKGiA, BIBB COUNIY-Whereas 8i- mon Levy has applied to tne for the sett’ng Q^ORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, John ap-rtof homestead of personalty acd the valua tion of the same, and I will the same, and I will pass upon saldap- plicat’cn at my cffice on Thursday the 73th day of Aprii, 1889, at 10 o’clock a. m. I April, 1889, at 10 o clock a. m. W itness my official signature, March 28, 1880. mar27td J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. THE PUBLIC WILL TAKE NOTICE. 1st. That the Fost-Maater General has RESCINDED his order against the delivery of Mails tb thia Company. 2nd. That this ia the only Lottery Compa ny which has ever be«n declared legal by United States Coart, 3rd. That United States Ciracit Conrt Judge Brown has deolared its drawings sox fraudulent. 4,b, That Registered Letters will hence forth te delivered and Postal Orders paid as formerly. =i9tn= Popular Mont ly Drawing ot the Commonwealth Distribu tion Co. AT MACAULEY’S THEATRE, In too City oi Louisville, on Thursday, April 29,1880, Three drawings authorized by act of toe Lag- . . - • ■ ’ its islatnra oi I860 and sustained by all the cour of Kentucky occur regularly cu the last dsy of every monto (Sundays excepted) and ate super vised by prominent citizens of the'Btato. Tbe Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, for only 22, anylof • ’ THE FOLLOWING FRIZES. X Pm a...-.., 1 Prise 1 Prize 10 Priros {1,000 each 20 Prizes 500 each 100 Prizez ICO each 2oO Prizes 50 each - 600 Prises 20 each > l.000 Prize* 10 each . I 89.000 10,000 ROM 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 irooo 10,000 I Prize* 300.each, ap’razimsPn prize* 2,700 - 9 Prises 200each do do 1^09 ’> Frizes 100 each do do. 90S 3112,470 Half Tickets, $L , 55 Tickets, tlM LicaVioni for club rates should he made L960 Prises ’ ’, Whole Ticketa,|2, 17 Tickets, $50. ■ Anaspoi to toe home office. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Oourier-Joamsl and New York Herald, and mailed toall ticket-holders. RR.RBMIT MONEY BY MAIL OR KXPREdB. Address R. M. Bcsrdman Courer-JournalButldJ ag Lqulsnils Kentucky, or at No. Z07 and ‘ SB ~~ " ~ Broadd . New York. ausfioeodtuthusatftwly CURATiNE, Tot BloodDic&aao*. CURATiNE, For Liver ComplalnSo. CURATINE, For Kidney DU«ase«. CURATINE, For Hhe»jnMt! CURATINE, For Scrotal* DIm CURATINE, A - medfflmfl hmK pound of known Yftlae— combining la one prep* tiration ihe curative powers for the evile which prodace all die* eases or the JVeod, ihe JUifCdr# the JEMMcyf* Harmless In action and thorough in • its effect. It is unexcelled for the icnre of all JBVoosI MMm- ea«e« such as Aere/- la, Tumerm^MoUm, hfNwi, 3!Si, Jfsr- ourial Msstltas, also CoswMpatiom, ■ski IrtenUSH of Vrino, eta, ASK YOUR DRUfi&lST FOR IT. THSBE0VICHEHCALCO BALTIMORE. Md. HUNT* RANKIN Jk LAMAR, Wbolarata Druggists. Macon. G EORGIA. Bibb County.-Whereaa P. M Heath has made spoHcat , . too for letters o administration on tha estate ol Lunsford Heath late of said oounty deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary ef laid county oa the first Monday of April rest, to show cauae ft aay they base, why letter* of administration should sot bo granted to the applicant: Given voder my official signatnre. masfitdw . ’ : J. ft: Met AMPS; Ordinary. G 1 EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas Ben- jamfat T. Ray has made application tor let ters of dismission as administrator from the es tate Of Valentine Nash, lata ef said county |de ceased. These ara therefore to rite and admonish an persons eonoerned to bo and appear at tbo (hour* ‘ Trdinsjrv *f said county oc the first Monday ia it nets to show cause, if any they have, why dr* ’ of dismission should not bo granted to Jfloafit." . jag?*** a=y offii^B^rataiw^ 0r-illllrT BORGIA, NUfltCOUNTY.—Whenas J.A. Faster,,administrators< to* a«Utaaf A. B. 'osier late cf said cosurty deceased, has made an imation Cos bare to sell all the wiff lands b* ngtag to said«state at private sols. ThtstataeRoali persons«moorsmd tabs aad appear at tha Court of Ordlnsxy of said osauty on the tint Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they hare, why said application shotted, not be granted; Given aeder my official signature, malted* J. A. McMANUB, Oidiaary. P. Fort, executor of the estate of George W. Fort, has made application for leave to sell all tbo wild and uncultivated lands bo onging to said estate at private sale. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persona concerned to be. and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on I he first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they have, why ■aid application should not te granted. Witness my official signature. J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. April 3,1589. apt4 ltaw4w» G BORGIA, Bibb County.—Wtereas R. 8. Wynn haa made application for the setting of tbe tame. Said application will be heard on Thursday the sixth day of May. 1830, at ten o’clock, a. m! Witress'my hand and official signature, April 14,11830. aprlfitd# J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS: BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &o. Sand for Price-list, W. H; DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY; f'l EORGIA, Bibb County—Whereas Mrs Ma.e I -j- v w ■!._ -,*u..asf. T Imt'tl tha L. Barns, guardian of Mattie J., Aim e L. and Jimmie A. Harris, has applied to tbe Court ef Ordinary of saidccunly for a discharg from her guardianship of said Mattie J., Annis L. and Jimmie A. Harris of their person and prod- erty, this is therefore to cite all persons concern ed to be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary -i said county on tho first Monday in Msynoit •how reuse, tr any they hare, why the said Mar tha L. Harris should not be dismissed from he guardianship of said Mattie J., Annie L,and Jimmie A. Harris and reoeive tbe usual letters of dismission. Given under my official aignafure. febltd* J.A. McMANUS. Ordinary. } Tha Little Rock and Fort JnOnlcS in ( Smith Railway offer for sale ■ , c the beat LANDB in the West Western ^ orSouUlwc,t ' healthy Arkansas te climate, fenile soil.and not affected by drouth. Easy terms of sale. Full inferma- Applyte W n. SLACK, Land Commissioner, an2fraslSt Little Beck. Ark. LANE &liODLE7 CO. CINCINNATI. Manufacturers of Standard PLANTATION UAcaisER-r, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE Steam Engines. taw Mills, Grist Milla, Shafting Bangers, Pui- eys, eto. Our machinery is strong, simple and., well made,and is especially adapted ta tbe wants of farmers and Planters, for Ginning, Sawing. Grinding end Factory ustf. Bend for an lliua- rated Catalogue. ^ v John and Water Sts., Cincinnati, O. mBr2dltawSm-weowlStv Best and Cheapest ►ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Special hndacemenic to SOUTH ERN SOLDIERS. Satisfaction given in Ul cases. First premium at Atlanta and Melon, Georgia. Fairs, 1979. Best of refer ences in your State. Apply at once lot lull information, special terms, etc. Address CHARLES Ji EVANS. Manufacturer tor U.8. Governm’t. 152 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O, *pl7-S2tawaw!B H8RD18TR4BUTIOPS will take plir monthly, on tho sec«DdT-ehday. It noTcr scales orposlocnee. Look at the follow- IQS Distribulioii! tArtrerere ratrJ? APlTAL ^IZB S82MXX;. 100,COO TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS BACH. half-tickets, onb dollar. LIST OF FRIZES, 1 Capital Prizs... '05.1 revi 1 Capital Prize ... I'j.OOfi 1 Capital Pnzx j'.\vj 2 Prizes of S2.500 . .." leio ■ 6 Frizes of J’gS • 20 Frizes of 601 „ lO O'jrt 100 Prizes of 100..; yp'nen 200 Prize* of 50 ; lu’ofti 500 Prizes of 20 loiooo 1000 Prize* of 10„ ’ ra . APPROXIMATION PRIZES? # Approximation Prizes of JSOO vjfQ 9 Approximation Prizts of 200...1 gp) 8 Approximation Friacs of IPO. ^oj 1.837 Prize*, amounting- to f.-ur, *00 Eespousible .n,j.i,u,iii. k rt: wanted at o.I points,to be* uoersl co-cnta: ation willbi paid. . Write, clearly stating full address, for further information,^or send orders by expresa or in a Eegistered Letter or Money Order by mall addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN. . NewOrhraiv. La, or same person at No 319 Broadway. ;• -w York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and mansgen-c.. i of Gene ral* G.T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EAR- LY N. B.— 1 Thia Company has ro Ag-rais in tha British Possessions, and all per.ors p, -.e.mi y to be *0 and soliciting otders by circuit rs or other wise are 8windlers. 0aw-wed eat Cleans the Reed better, Runs Lighter, Qlne Faster and Costs Less Money than arar other Qln In the Markdfr, Every machine 1 fully and !egal(Y*vmrrar.teecl. These machines are mode ot tho best materials, acd the wcrkmimshlpandficishnrctmexceficd. Bavebecuanrard premiums at all the State fairs, Georgia ai-T-- etc. Upwards cf COCO of our Gets are in constant use la the southern stater, over !9C0 havinghcoi* aolil In 1379. ■ Price List of Cine, Feeders and Condennef Boxed ready for shipment and dellTtreJ at our fjctcq Slzest 1:5 00 no 00 ISO M ISO (O Prlco with Seif Feeder or Condenser. Trioo with Self Feeder on Condenser* -4 HBOO 17V 60 W« t£>00 wife? tiTTerme given on AppUcatlotiR^P From 1843 to 1838 WGTaannfacturcdGin^at Cotombos* tinder tlie firm name of E. T. 'Tah/iE Jr Co., ftfterrr Clmions, Baowar A Co., and made i mm the Taylor Gin. During tho year l&a xe rem ort'd to tB rlace, -wlicre vr© hare beoc. excluiriTcJy cr gaged in roma racturiugr Qins ever since. With lonfr experience, thebe labor savinsr marJitnerr and BkUhvI vrcrVaicn. ^ ^ ;* vantages not enjoyed by any other:na nu£r*4icrcr cw line, for producing tho BBGT work for: ho money. The demand lost year was so grecK; t!i-t nxxrly'.-J order* remained unfilled, but we have doul*lc; lours capacity and hop© to be able to moot oil dec the wisest plan to got your orders In earl; for illustrated pamphlet giving «i«0 voluntary test from over 600 Lre, enterprifintr planter?. lYeavaEngiael and complete outfit funiiahcdwhcndE»iz©(£ A dares j BROWS COTTON GIX CO.. NSW LOtnXJIT, CON3S* XT S GEORGE A. SOLE AGENT. Tbo BEST and •MOg.T POPWeAB Sewing Thread of SYoucrn Times. ' BEWARE OF IWTPAOTft^ A complete arsorlment for uV bv S. WaXELBAUM & BRO, S.T. colemav a-CO. NUSSBAUM & DANNENBERG. WOLPF & BBO, GU» NUSSBATJAT. febG-Sm THE DEAF ffiii :f ct -• lPEUr E W??. U a¥l^uW 9 Leeturea, Concerts, etc., bv a - IMc-fonttfl« lnventUn,THE ‘DG'.V.CP* IL- orr ni.trk.’. le public test* e.i t* : ' • - • .. —w 9 th d l>tuf unit Dumb—flea -V J' i: ■ I Sept, .wth; AiB York Chrixti-ir Ada- '*', e. Ncrr. CM . etc. Small ^Izc—can be carried it. tht pVck*‘t, Tha i)t%l shoold sendfrir S*21EE Illnstrat^d dcAcrirvtiv* Paan»hiet to American X>cntephone Oo., W. U- Administrator’s Sale. CONSUMPTION CUBED. T>Y authority of an order from Jcnea court of Is r ■’ — — Ordiaary, will bp sold at ihe court house door In Clinton. Jones eoonty, on the first Tues day in Jane next, within legal honrs of rale or.e undivided half interest in four hundred acre a of land, sore or less, belonging to estate of Joseph C. Barbee, deceased, situate on waters of Bog creek in said oounty; good land. Sold for distribution tad to pay de* ts. Terms cash. A. J. ST» WART, Adm’r. April SO, 1880.-total* HOPE D EA F G arm ore $ Artificial Ear Drums PfiBFflCTLV RESTORE THE HEARING mid perform tb# w< --PStas QEk of .tttfl Always ia position. Conrersution and even whimpers wftrtsttiis storsl Dram, to otbers. All s M distinctly. W* Bend fcr de*criptive drcular. — CDiJI. ths Nnt isiblo U «r» heard DKUH CO, CISC NATJU » Gray’s Specific Medicine. HADE MARK. THE iredtTRADE MABIC. Vrgliah rem edy. Aa un failing ure for Seminal eak- ness. Spermat orrhea, 1 ui po tency, and all disease, that, Before TakingquMioe <-f •* u After~Taking abuse; a* a tees of meitKify, nnivereal lasilSude pate in tha tack, diaoss* of virion, presoatare ’ ‘ age, ard many otha -• d(sense* that lead to lu- Ity and ooosomption and a premature grave. Foil particulars in our pamphlet* which we de- Bleek, Detroit, Mil whereby all drondsts. For sale hr HUNT, RANKIN A “ iwlv » W. IV ■W — UW Sold In Hacon and every ec419-da. An old physician, retire! from j-r-ctlco, hav- .vg had placed in hia hands by an India uissionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for'the speedy and permanent ., :p!o* Ccnmimption, Bronchita«,Cst--r':. Aslkm::, end all Throat’and Lung Affection-. > pcsitivt- anc. radical cure for Nervou* DebiI.ra- ; all Nervous Complaints, after hn : r i wonderful curative powers in ti . u i i.ii •:, has felt it his duty to make it 1- mi to nit suffering fellows. Actuated bv :L:. iar.J a desire to relieve human suff—> ( wi: - freeofcharge to *1! who desin: i:. thia r-cipe with full directions for proper.-, .j-i Gormap, French or English. nail by addretsing with stem, namiug :n :;» r ',Y. w. Bww&oa 149 Powcr.’d Block. X DKSOLm* T HE firm of Athly A Soeir vss HI m day Cis- solved by tr.utosi convex t, llr.. silly retain. ing tbe States oi Florida, Ke ,- . .v./si. Louisiana and all terrttoiy i: G . ,-gia sruta of tbe lino of lai road running i.o-o Cclcrulo to Savannah via Macon, and f.i- Spoir retaining Tennenee, Alaba a, Texas. 4ri:ateaa -uJ ail teiritorj in Georgia north cf s d r.. J lino. (Signed) J.P ASHLEY. „ G. W. fcPEl3. M^rch 19,1880. ADMINISrBATEIX’i SALK. BY authority of an order o nary of Chatkcm county, w court honte door in Savanna)- ci. t: In April next, within the )e a ,x following property belongir g K- S iOl rirdi- rcthe elit Tuesday rs c' sale, ihe «tat?of Kd- ard C. Anderson, deaeooe.t c. ib.-i :.... land situate in the county ol Fib- Stete of Geor gia, near the city cf Macon. an- fronting un the road leading from Mseen to Vi: svta ie Yipcnlle. known aa the plaoe ooupk; by Geo \V. An derson from Mrs. H. B. Freeman, executrix, etc. containing 36>, acres, more er I-»». For information apply to Turpin ft Ogden, agents, max* dim wtd ~ JANE M ANDRRSON, Administratrix. Q EORGIA—BIBB CO UN TT.- Whereas, W. _ ,W Carries, administrator c: the e»tat6 of Samuel G. Bonn.late of said couuiv. deceased, has mad* application for h.-tt rs cf durajifton from said. esta)». The e are therefore, to c tu '.::d admonish all persons eonceraed tone and t' rear at tho Court of Ortixtsry of said OMnty. oi the tint Monday in July next, to show eaucs if any they have. w hy said application should iajt he grauied. Witness xsiy official signatu-o April S, 1S80. y, u.viMr, iwSi..L mart-law-4** : MeMANUS.Ordinary. 0 PHTM|ByB. M. Woolley BABU Atkntfl, Ga. Rcli£-b?e trl* ileooe sri^on, &i*l retrace CUBRl fitswly 1