Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, May 07, 1880, Image 7

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- •{?£ dH&nrgm ^Detiegjaiipfj stub t3nxpmui $t Washington Correspondence. Washington City, April 29tb, 18S0. AN ICICLE THAWED. It is reported this morning that John Sherman felt so happy • last night over carrying Ohio, that he offered to loan sundry impecunious parties who called to congratulate him, live dollars each. Such an occurrence is naturally understood as coining under the head of extraordinary, and as indicating eitlieMcmpovary insan ity or a condition of affairs described as above. You can, therefore, judge for yourself how thoroughly stirred up must have been Mr. Hayes’ head book-keeper. It is said he was really scared at the way Blaine’s friends were knocking things right and left in Ohio end his excessive elation over the result seems to give some color to that report. If he had been sure of Ohio he would not have been so ridiculously excited when the fact was ascertained that he had really secured it. It is a very cheerful thought, however, that he has strained the Radical machine terribly in securing this result, which fact will bear good ftuit for the Democracy hereafter. There have been good seed planted for us by this hot struggle between Sherman and Blaine. " A SPECIMEN SHERMAN DELEGATE From the South came under my per sonal observation last Week. And if all of John’s delegates are like that one, he destined to a dish of the bitterest disap pointment at' Chicago ever set before a politician. This delegate happens to be a negro office-holder in a small way un der some division of the treasury depart ment, in a State not a thousand miles from here. lie also happens to be a delegate to Chicago, having been appointed in Mars John's interest, and as a supporter of that person to the last day in the morning. But he happened to visit this city last week, and while here ran across an old acquaintance in the person of one of the strongest Grant men of whom I have any knowledge, personal or otherwise. The two very naturally ran their conversation in the direction of politics, and the Grant man soon discovered that the beef-eater had been recently elected as a delegate to Chicago, and that he thought no small beer of the high honor. Then came the question: “Who arc you for?” The negro looked hard at him. Then he got up' and walked around the room two er three times, theu stooped and looked un der the bed, then opened the door and promenaded his eyes over the outside hall, then he came close up to his Grant friend and whispered: “I’se pledged to Sherman, but when I git to de conven- shun, I’m gwine to vote for de ole man every time.” The Grant man told me he meant it, too, and that he would bet any amount he deserted Sherman the very first opportunity. And this, in my judgment, is just exactly what all the rest of the Sherman negro delegates from the South will do. They will take Sherman’s money, but vote for “de ole man” every time. MIR BLOUNT scored another victory last week in the House. By his personal efforts and energy he carried through an amendment to the District of Columbia bill, providing that “all churches and school houses, and all buildings, grounds, and property appurte nant thereto, and used in connection therewith, in the District, hell and owned by a religious society, having a regular and known place of worship, or by any incorporated institution,” shall be exempt from ail taxation. This antagonized the bill of the committee, but the latter were finally beaten, and Mr. Blount’s amend ment adopted. ANOTHER VETERAN officer-holder died in this city yesterday. It was Mr. D. W. Middleton, clerk of the United States Supreme Court since 1S63, and deputy clerk from 182S until the above date, making his term of service as deputy and clerk fifty-two years. He was born in 1805, on Capitol Hill, and died within a stone’s throw of his birthplace. Since 1832 he has been warden of Trinity Epis copal Church, of this city. The office of clerk of the Supreme Court is one of the pleasautest and most profitable under the government, and if I had my pick, is the oue which would certainly suggest itself to my modest desires. I suppose it is eas ily worth §15,000, perhaps more. There is no fixed salary, the compensation coining alone from fees. It is supposed the deputy clerk who has filled that position nearly a quarter of a century, will be the.lucky man to succeed the late incumbent. there was no error in refusing a continu ance. Judgment affirmed. T.ynch, administrator, vs. Kirby, ad ministrator. Complaint, from Coweta. ■Where a declaration, in the short form, or’anote signed individually was amended by alleging that a testator’s will provided that his estate should he kept together, and managed for the benefit of liis wife and children; that, in pursuance of such provision, the executrix obtained money from plaintiff, which she used for the ben- fit of the estate, and gave the note sued on therefor, it was demurrable. Espec ially is this the case where the cause of action stated in the amendment was barred by the statute of limitation. Judgment affirmed. Beware Fraud To^protw t the public against imitators we specially caution all purchasers of BENSON’S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER To see that the vror CAPCINE on the label is spelled correctly. Do not allow gem: other Flitter to he palmed off under a similar sounding name, with the assur ance that it is as good— tear in ami thrt |he only object such dealers can have, is the fact that thev can make a few percies extra profit by selling the spurious. EEABURY k JOHNSON. «a -daw janl-tus i hr ■ r top col n r m ANCHORED FOB LIFE. Another lucky man is erring brother Key. He will succeed Judge Trigg as district judge in Tennessee, a life office, but only $3,500 per annum salary. This sounds meagre, compared with his present salary of $S,000, hr.t $3,500 in Chattanooga is fully equal to $8,000 here, and then, too, the tenure is so comfortable. There is no trouble about going before the people for ie-election or changes of administra tion, or any other worry of that kind. It is suggested, moreover, that Judge Key can hold the P. M. G. fort until the end of his term without detriment to the busi ness of the district court, which would be a very snug thing for him—say to the ex tent of nearly $4,000. If the erring brother consults me as to what he shall do in the premises, I shall say : stick. A; to Ins successor, if Indiana were not already represented in the cabinet, Tyner’s chances would be excellent. I suppose, however, he will not fret his gizzard to any alarming extent, as he hopes to get his old portfolio back when Grant comes in again—an event he believes in almost as enthusiastically as Don Cameron or J. Logan. 1 hope brother Key has had a good time in office, for lie certainly got down flatter on his belly and ate more d'rt to pay for his appointment than any man of whom modern history makes mention. A. W. R. Decisions of Supreme Court. RENDERED APRIL 20TH, 1SS0. (Abridged for the Telegraph and Messen ger by Hill Jc Harris, Attorney sat Lain, Mtccn, Ga.) McWilliams vs. Walthall et al., execu tors. Equity, from Coweta. 1. Where a motion was made to set aside a verdict, and a bill filed by the movant which covered all the issues made by the motion and sought the same object, there was no error in refusing to separate the cases and try the motion first. When a court of equity takes possession of a case, it will retain possession for the pur pose of making a final decree upon the Is sues raised by both the bill and answer in the nature of a cross-bill. 2. A suit was brought in 1SC6 on a promissory note for the purchase money of land, to which defendant filed a plea under the relief act of 1808, and a verdict was rendered “for the plaintiff the return of the land,” but it does not appear when it was rendered. A judgment was entered on this verdict in 1070 to the effect that plaintiff recover of defendant certain de scried land, which the latter had bought from him. Held, That the verdict and judgment are not void for uncertainty. 3. Parol evidence Is admissible to show what testimony was submitted without objection to the jury on the trial of a case, the validity and propriety of the verdict in which, as applicable to the pleadings, is in issue. Judgment affirmed. neam vs. Adamson. Garnishment, from Carroll. “ It Is the duty of a garnishee in a justice’s court to answer a summons of garnish ment served upon him within ten days. This, duty is imposed upon him by law, whether the summons specifies that he shall answer within that time or not. Judgment affirmed. Rivers rs. Hood. Certiorari, from Pike. When a party In a justice court, who had exhausted his continuances, moved again to continue on account of the. sickness of a material witness, and the presiding jus tice stated that no subpuma had been asked for to bring in such witness, but that he had been at the store of the justice shortly before court, apparently Welt, Shelton vs. the State. Carrying c cealel weapons, from Paulding. Newly discovered evidence, the effect of which .is to impeach a witness for the State, is not ground for new trial. A fine of $200, with the alternative of serving twelve months in tlia chain-gang is not excessive upon a conviction for car rying concealed weapons. Judgment affirmed. Zellers vs. Beckman. Trover, from Campbell. 1. Courts of equity have exclusive ju risdiction of suits for the recovery of ex empted property which had been volunta rily sold prior to the act of 1870, or of any interest therein. 2. The husband is the head of the fam ily, and is the proper person to bring suit for such property. A suit brought by the wife for that purpose is demurrable, no good reason appearing why the husband did not sue. Judgment affirmed. Adams vs. Clark. Certiorari, from Pike. A justice of the peace, on a trial before a jury in his court, may or may not give the law in chaige to the jury, at his op tion. If he does so, and charges the law correctly, it will not be ground for a new trial. Longworthy vs. Featberston. Eject ment, from Polk. 1. An entry on a fi. fa. in these words: “I have levied this fi. fa. on the house and lot formerly owned by J. D. Wad dell, and now occupied by Henry May (and other property similarly identified), all situate in Cedartown, in Polk county, as the property r f Charles W. Longworthy, non-resident, the same having been orig inally attached,” contains a sufficient description of the property; and the fi. fa. with such an entry on it will not be re jected from evidence because of uncer tainty of description. 2. The court house of Polk county was burned; no other had been built, and no place permanently rented for court purpo ses. By special arrangement court was held twice a year in a school house, but at other times it was used for private puipo- ses. The clerk’s office was in a rented room at another place. On sale day the sheriff went to the site of the burned court house, and (the sun being hot) adjourned the sale to a grove near by and in full view. The sale was well attended, and the property brought full price : Held, that the sale was not void, and one who paid full price, and whose money was applied to the execution, against defendant in fi. fa. obtained a gooc title. Judgment affirmed. Frost vs. Render. Equity, from Troup. 1. A sheriff sells, and a purchaser at his sale buys, according to the process, and levy thereunder. A levy being on certain land as the property of defendant in fi. fa., a sale under such levy carries with it the crop growing on the land, and the sheriff cannot limit the sale by an an nouncement that the rent of the current year is reserved. * -2. Heirs at law cannot make a settle ment with one creditor of the estate so as to limit the estate of the decedent in iroperty to be conveyed by a sale under a . udgment which was rendered in his life time. NEW MUSIC BOOES. Temperance Light. A nest Temperance Song Book of low price, but tto very best quality. By Geo. O. Huzg ana M. B. Servos*, with the valuable assistance of a •cumoer of our best sock an t music writois. A well printed and beautiful little took. Send 12 cents (in stamps,) for Specimen. Costa but tea do-lars per bundled,and 12 cents tor single copy. AETHUR 8TJLLI7AN’S YOOAL AL BUM Contains twenty-four of the best songs of this famous composer, any three of which are worth the moderate price of thia fine volume, is 8LOO. All Sunday Schools that try it, take to WHITE Rohes (SO cts ) No better Sunday School Song Book ever made. Smith,governor, for use, vs. Banks et al. Debt, from Newton. Jurors cannot impeach their verdict; much less will be set aside on the affida vit of the party for whose use the case is proceeding, that some of the jurors told liin that it was caused by mistake. ' (Barnett et al- vs. the People’s bank of Newnan. Equity, from Heard. 1. A demurrer to a bill In equity, wheth er general or special, should be filed and disposed of at the first term. But when the complainant seeks by amendmeut to strengthen his cause, a demurrer to the new case as thus presented, may then be filed. Since the act of December 12tli, 1871, “to provide for sales of property in this State to secure loans and other debts,” a court of equity cannot reform an absolute deed, executed under such act into a mortgage for the purpose of protecting the wife’s homestead, upon the allegation that such instrument was intended as a mort gage, was so understood by herself and husband, and that upon this understanding she gave her consent to its execution.' Judgment affirmed. Greene vs. Oliphant & Hannah. Ille gality from Upson. 1. Where there was service, jurisdiction in the court of the amoant and person, as well as judgment against the defendant, although such judgment may not have been founded on sufficient evidence, or rendered by default, it is conclusive as against an affidavit of illegality based on causes anterior thereto. 2. The re-opening of the court by the magistrate and allowing the plaintiffs to prove the account, and thereafter enter ing a second judgment upon the papers, was without legal effect. Judgment affirmed. Wright et al. vs. James. Injunction, from Henry. 1. Where a party, in August, 1850, was arrested under a ca sa., filed his schedule of property liable to sale, and it was sold, and he discharged under the act for the relief of honest debtors, leaving him in xissession of fifty acres of land, which he veld until the death of his wife and the arrival at age of his children, it was no longer under the operation of the exemp tion law of 1822 and the amendments thereto. 2. A subsequent marriage of such a party would not re-establish the exemp tion so as to entire to the use and benefit of the second wife; to be eujoyed it must be renewed. Therefore a deed by the husband and wife of the same to secure debt contracted in 1875, was a valid agreement, and the debt therein can ac crue to the grantors, and poverty and age alone, distressing as they are, cannot cre ate an equity in such grantors sufficient to defeat their deed. Judgment affirmed. OUITUAUX. Trull has it bjen tail], “the urn ot death is abaken for all.” and sooner or later tbe fate must cox e( nth. Jlo.t keenly w«s this truth felt in its true force by the relatives ard fritnds of Mrs. Julia Finney, who died on tbe Slit of March, DSO.intbe sixty-fourth year of her age. Her death vras almost instantaneous, o.uted Lorn an attack of heart diceaee, and apparently without pain t r ever, a struggle. Eho had t ern a sufferer for several years from the dicciso tbst so sud denly rea oved her from this life, but Death with his tyrant arm. enatchrd her from family and friends at an unexpected honrtotbtm as she w as seemingly in her csutl health when shedied. Mrs. Finney was a good, christlsn woman, a tinl neighbor acd unwavering friend. She pos sessed many excellent qualities thst se ured for her the confidents and respect of all wno knew her. she haves nice children, seversi grind-chil dren and many friends who deeply feel this sad bereavement: but may the God cf all ccmfcrt* sustaiu and stiengtbeu them, and telp them to. bow with resignation to His divine will, feeling t their loss is her infinite gain and eternal icy. Thus l as passed, from our m.dst an estima ble 1 dy; after along and well spent life.sha gen- 'yssnt torest. “ill her mission here is ended. All her earthly tuns have set, But her bright exsmplelivelh. Though sa'eep, she ■ eakethjet” daftl-'-x A FRIB* D.- NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY METHOD P0B THE PIANOFORTE. (-3.25, complete. In S parts, each St 60) Has been for years a standard and favorite method, and is constantly in use by the teachers of the conservatory, and by thousands of others. Trv LAUREL WREATH, (S1.C6), High 8chool finger. Try MASON’S TECHNICAL EXERCISES. Pi ano. (-2.60). Try THE MUSICAL RECORD. Weekly. (*2,CC per ye.r.) Try GOSPEL OF JOY, (SO cents). Best “Gos pel" ennrs. Try AMERICAN ANTHEM BOOK, (?1AS). OLIVER DITS0N& CO., Boston. , O. H. DITSON A CO. 843 B’dway N.Y, i 11124 tf They slv® new lift and rigor to tbe aged and Infirm. ^°sJ!£rl? 1 S e ^ pl05meat3 cmao brccularityof ro«r twang, or symptoms arc. L wfa*tDoqMBM> or ailment k nae Bop Btai sot Get eomo this day, BBHB Hop Ccuan Cuke Is tho sweetest, safest and best. • Ask Children. IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. IRON BlTTERS, A Sure Appetizer. (RON BITTERS, ▲ Complete Strengtheoer. IRON BETTERS, A \ Alunble Medicine. RON BITTERS, Not Sold u a Bsverige. RON BHTERS, For D.Iicit. r«Bl2lo.. Highly recommended to the public for all dis eases requiring n certain and efficient TOXICl especially In IntUaea. tiox, liuapepala. Intermittent JFe- ters, llant of An. petite, Z.OSB of Strength, lack of JSnerou, etc. It en riches tbe blood, strengthens the mus cles, and gives new lire to the nerves. To the aged, ladles, and .-bll- dren requiring recuper ation, this valu..ble remedy can not be too highly recommended. Itaetallke aehnrm on the dlgcstl-o organs. A tenspoonful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRV IT. Sold by all Druggists, THE B803ICHUT* 1 C9l BALTIMORE, Mo. BONT, RANKIN & LAMAR. Wholesale Druggists. Macon. WARNER’S STATE*OF GEORGIA. COUNTY OF BIBB.— To tub Hokohablb, teb Scpxsiob Coust op Said Coustt: J. W. Cabaniss, O. B. Wilhngbam, Isaac Har deman. W.W. Collins. H. B. Davis. W.8.Paine, Hugh M. Willet. Wjuis F. trice, W. H Burden, Geo. H. Plant, H.J Lamar. Jr. All citizens of said State and county, together with others their associates, respectfully apply fora charter incorporating them snd their sue- cessor. as a body politic and corporate, under tbe name and style of "Tt e Young Mod’s 8aving and Loan Association,’’ with power by this name to sue and be sued, to have and use a common seal snd to hold such real estate or other property as may be convet ed or mortgaged or pledged to said ‘ Young Men’s Saving and Loan Association," and to adopt such a constitution and by-'aws and amendments as they may deem advisab'o and proper to carry cut the objects and inten tions of this Assccistion; the particular business they propose to carry on being as follows: ARTICLE I. The obie:t of th's A«socialion shall be theac cum elation of a fund by weekly suoscripticns tr savings of the members thereo'to aid them in their nusiness, and the loaning of m-ney up n utort-uge of real or pledto cf personal property. ARTICLE II. The number of shares in the Association shall not exceed one thousand and said shares shall constitute the capital stock of said Association. ARTICLE III. Bach stockholder shall pay into the treasury cf the Association in par funds, one dollar each week on each share he or she hold*, until lira value of such share from said payments shall be two bundred (5260) and fifty dollais. No atcck- holder shall be allosed to own less than one share nor mere than fifty sbarcs in said Associa tion. ARTICLE IV. The affairs of this Asio’iation shall be managed by a bo rd cf seven (J) directors elected by ballot from tbe stockholders, which election sh.ll take place on the 1st Tuesday in January for each ytar after the year lb80. and said directors shall con* tinue in office until their success rs are chosen and qualified. Tbe beard cf directors shall elect irotn tb- number a Pr sident snd Vice President, whose duty shall be fixed by the bylaws of this Association. A msjontycf the direotora shall have the power to act at all meetings and fill any vacancy that may occur ip the boatd. Bach stockholder shall vote in person or by proxy un der written power of attorney, acd be entitled to one vote for every share teorshemay held. No stools, however, shall be voted which may be in arrears for installments, fines or other dues. Tbe elec ion for directors for thoyiarltSO shall he teld w thin ten days alter this charter is granted, noti e of time and placo of said election having been first given in some paper published in Macon. ARTICLE V. The board cf directors shall have f til power to em loy officers and Brents thst mav be necessary to transact tbe business cf ths Atsociat on, to fix ttaeir pay, to dismiss them and to take bond from persons so anpointod for the faithful execu tion of their duties. ARTI LE VI. The obligations and evidences cf indebtedness by tbe Atsocis ionatall be in writing and must b approved by the board of directors and signed bv the President before payment is made. ARTI LB VII. Theby’awc ot this Association shall be bind'nc upon allot it - members, end t'-e Association shal, have the power to enforce the payment of all in stallments ard other dues to tbe Association from its members bvsuth fines and forfeitures as the directors m-y f cm time to time provide in tte bylaws. ARTI: LE VIII. The Association may be di solved st any timo by a two thirds voted its stock, to su render its charter after sixty davs* notice in some pa er pub* lisbedin Macon. Gecrai , of such intention to clote. Your pel iticuers state that $1,010 cf the capital to be employed in conducting the busi- n ss of‘this Association has teen actually paid in, ana said Association desires to tram act businera ard have its principal office in Macon, Bibb county, Georgia. They desire to be iucor- coratee fo ten years. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Sure- rior court. A. B. ROSS. Clerk. March 29,1880. 39-law4w :20til THE Cincinnati'Packing Packers of PORK, LARD, AND QUEEN OF THE WEST BRAND OF | Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Shoulders and Breakfast Bacon. Cincinnati, Ohio. A IPLRNmn •PrORTONITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. THIRD GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS D, AT NEW ORLEANS, I TUESDAY. MAY 11.1830-12«lh Msaibir Drawing. louisi&H* State Latter* Sempanr This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term ot twenty-five years, to which contract the inviola ble laitb ot the State is pledged ,w! it h pledge has keen renewed by aa overwhelming popular voto, securing its franchise in the new constitution adopted'Decembor 2. 1879, with a Capital ol $1,000,000. to which it baa since added a reserve fund cf $110,000. IT8 GRAND SINGLE HEM. BER OlsTRl tfUTIOFS will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. Itnev. r scale* or poit pones. Look at the follow ing Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE 259,008, 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF-TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF FRIZES, 1 Capital Friz* SStyoO 1 Capital Prise 10,000 1 Capital Pm*-... 2 Prizes of $2,600.... 5 Frizes of 1.CC0... f 20 Prizes of 609..., 100 Frizes of 100.... 200 Prizes of 60.... 6t0 Prizes of 20.... 1900 Prizes of lb„„ 6,000 ,....— j.OoO 5.0C0 ........ 10.000 , 10.000 - 10.000 10,000 -I ■ • 10.000 'APPROXIMATION PRIZES. S Approximation Prizes of 8300 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of £00...„ 1,830 8 Approximation Frizes of 130..., 903 LS57 Prises, amounting to...:.. ?110.40l , Responsible .< tsuon>ur.x ag, -ts wanted at I all points, to It tlOeral concern atioa will be paid. Write, dearly stating full address, for further information, or send orders by express or in a Registered Letter or Money Order by mail, I addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. or same person at No 319 Broaeway. New lork All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and mansreraent of Gene rali G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUEAL A. E AR- I LY N. B.—This Company has no Agents in the British Possessions, snd all persons pretendi g to bo so snd soliciting oidera by circul rs or other wise are Bwindlet*. caw-wed sat | v BORGIA. Countv—Whereas Mrs. So- Vjl phia B. Hal', administratrix of the citato of E. Bond, late of slid county deceased, repre sents to the court In her petition, duly filed and entered on record, ttat she has fully administer ed K. Bond’s estate. This is therefore to oite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not lie discharged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the Bret Monday in June, 1880. Pease and German Millet Seed, 200 Backs Tennessee Clay Pease. 25 *' German Millet Seed, instore and for sale by \ A. VcC ALLIE, apr28-8t No. 40 Cotton Avenue. HOPE Given urder my official signature. sMANUS. marfitdvi J A Mcl Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUSl 2—It is Bgrerd by and between tbe parties hereof all residents of said county rnd State, tv form a limited co partnership, under the laws of Georgia, and that said copartnership shall be oondsetod under the following provisions: 1. The firm name of said copartnership shall be W. A. DooJy,” wbi h alone shall be used in its dealings. 2. Said copartnership shall br located in the city ol Macon sari countv and FUte. and its business shaft te the dealing by retail in Gene- _^DEAF Garmore s Artificial Ear Drums PERFECTLY RESTORE THE HEARING anil perform the work of the Natural Drum. visible toothers. All beard distinctly. We ■ -iptive circular. CINNA' | Always m position, but lurlsl Conversation and even whispers refer to thou using them. Pend fordt-scri 5 EAR DRUM CO, CINlI ATL U FI EORGIA, Bibb Comity.—WhereAS F. M CT Heath hes made application for letters c administration on tbe estate of Lunsford Heath late of said c- unty deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per. sons concerned to be acd appear at the Court of Ordinary of laid county on the first Mondav cf April next, to show cause if ary they have, why letters of adminirtration should not be granted to tbe applicant. Given under my official signature. mail'd* J. A Me HANGS. Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNT!.—Whereas Bon jamin T. Ray hss made application for let ters ot dismission ag administrator from the es tate o'Valentine Nash, late of said countjlde ceased. Thc-eare therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Lourt of Ordinary ot said county on tbe first Monday in Auril next to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dhmission should not bo granted to applicant. Witness my official signature. ian4 J. A. MCMANU8. Ordinary. G eorgia, tuna county.—whereas j. a Foster, administralorof tbe estate of A. E Poster late of said couu'y deceased, lias made ap plication for leave to sell all. the wild lands be longin' to said (state at private sale. This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary Of said county on tte first Monday in April next, to show came, it any they have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my official signature. marGtd* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. In eliminating the Import ties of the blood, the natural and neeessarv result Is the euro of Sfrof- vxlousan- 1 wba'Skln Eruptions ADIsensea Including Cancer*, t’ltvn. and other sores. It Is the best niaod l*iirlfler. and stlmn- Ittes every function to more healthful. .tion, uud thus a benefit in all disease?. Dysptpsln, IVeabncssef the 81c acts. Gonaflpattou, Dizziness. Ceneral Debil ity. etc, are cured by the .Safe Bitters. It is uneqpa'ad ns an Appetizer and Regular Tonic. It is a medicine which should Lo In every fttmllp, and which, wherever used, will savo —* *-f many doctors* bills. ftwo JBSTWARNER’S Safe Remedies arc sold by Druggists & Dealers in Med icine everywhere. H. H. Warner & Cq., Proprietors, ROCHESTER, N. Y. BSTSend for Pamphlet and Taatimonlalv FEVER AND AGUE' The true antidote to the effects of miasma ft Uortetter’s Stcmach Bitten, This medicine it one of the most popular remedies of an age of •urcestful proprietary specifics, and fa inim- meme demand wbersTer on thia Continent fever ard ague exitte. A wineglassful three times a L.vy is the be at possible preparative for encoun tering a malarious atmosphere, regulating tlri liver and invigoratirg the stomach. > For sale by a:l Druggists and Dealers gene rally. aprl-lm Stem FOR (rjerARoeiiRg: DISSOLUTION. >HE firm ol Athly A Speir was this day dis- solved by mutual consent. Mr. Ashly retain ing tbe States of Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi. Louisiana and all territory in Georgia soutn of the line of rai road running from Columbus to Savannah via Macon, and Mr. Speir retaining Tennessee, Alaba a, Trias. Arkansas „nd all territory in Georgia north of said railroad line. (Signed) J. S. ASHLEY. G. W. bPEIR. March 19.1890. mat23-law4w Gray’s Specific Medicine. . THE gieatTRADE Erglish rem edy. An un failing ure for Seminal eak- neas. Spermat orrhea, Impo* uncy, and all diseases that, , fol :v ae- , Sefora Takmgquence' of »eif£fter Taking abuse; as a loss of nsenrefj, universal lassitude, pain in the back, dimn.-jt of vision, premature old age, at d many Olht s diseases that lead to in sanity and consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de sire to rend free by mail to every one. The Spe- cifio Medicine is sold by all druggists at (1 per package, or six packages for $6 will be sent Dee by mail on receipt cf the money by addressing the GRAY KBDICINK CO. No 10 Mechanics Block, Detroit, Mich. Sold in Macon and every where by all draughts. ecttldawly. For sale by HUNT, RANKIN k LAMAR, octlS-dawlv Macon. Ga - ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. G BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Under and by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May noxt, before the courthouse door in the city ot Maoon, during the legal hours of sale, thirty-five shares ef tbe capital stock of tho Southwestern railroad company belongiigto tbe estate of James D. Carbart, deceased. Sold for the part ose of distrtbut ion. Terms cash. April i, 1880. JOHN O, CURD, sptO ltawtw* Administrator. G EORGIA. Bibb County.—'Whereas A. B. Ross, administrator of the estate of DequQta' Woolfolk, late of said county deceased, haa nude application for leave to sell all the real estate be- loneing to ssid estate. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons oonoerned to be and appear at tbe Court ot Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in Aprilnext to show cause if any they hare, why said application should not he granted. Given under my.hand and official signature. mar7td» J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. guardianship, These are to notify all persons concerned to show cause at this office on or by the first Mon day in April next, if any they hare, why the same ahali not be granted. Witness my baud officially. jan£4td* ROLAND T. ROS8, Ordinary. O RDINARY’S offioe. Jonea .county, Georgia, January 20.1880.—Whereas Richard John son, administrator of estate of Toliver Hawv, de nied, applies to me for dismission. These are to cite and admonish all persons interned to show cause at this office on or by the first Monday in May next, if any they ttave, whv the same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially, ■HU TOT. ROBS. jan24-td» ROLAND 1 , Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. rt EORGIA, BIBB OOUNTY.-Under and by UT virtue of an order from the Court of ordi nary of said coantj, will be sold on tbe firat Tues day in Mar next, before ths court house door in the city ot Macon, during tbe legal hour: of sale, one house and lot la the city of Macon, known aa part of lot No. 10 in the city of Maoon, In said eonuty.bcundcd on tbe east by the residence ot T. D. Tinsley, on the west by tbe residence of Henry Davit, north by Johnson atreet and south by the lot of A. B. Rosa, said lot containing one-quarter acre more or lew. 8old aa the property of |axah G. Tinsley, late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of distribution. Terms rush. April 5,1880. T. D. TINSLEY, apr* ltawtw# Administrator, ral men hvnd’se. suth as cry roods, clctbing, boots and shoes, and other articles ol such char acter. 5. <?. A Doody shall be the general partner, and sb ilhave full direction ard management of the business. Myron Nissbaum and Joseph Danneuberg. all ol sa.d county, are special part- ners. 4. W. A. Doody has contributed four thousand dollars to said partnership and Myon Nuss- fcaum and Joseph Danntnberg have each con tributed four thousand dollars to the capital stock of tbe same. 6. Thia partnership shall begin on the 50th day of January, 1880, and shall end on the 20th day of January, 13s3, unless sooner dissolved as heie- inaiter provided, to-wit: In caseenhcr party be comes dits.ti-fied with arid partnership the same v ay be dissolved site- the first year, pro vided six months notire be given after said lime, cf such intended dissolution tr the other party or parties—said notice to be in w. iting, giving ths reasons therefor. It is further agreed that the said W. A. roody shad be paid from tbe partnership astets, the sum of fifty dollars per month, and ibis amount to be charge t to the expense account. This pay ment to continue until a dissolution, unless oth erwise agreed on. Witness our hands, this 12th day of January, 1880. W. 4.DOODY. MY BON NUsSBtUM JOSkPH DANbENbERG. Signed this 12th day of January, 1830, and ac knowledged bvlore J. T. RODGERS, N. P. Bibb Co., Ga. Macoir Ga.. January 12,1(80. I certify that the ab-ve lnsirum -nt was signed ar.d acknowledged by the parties thereto before me this day. J.T. v>ODGER8. N. P. Bibb Co, Ga. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Before me c me in person. W. A. Doody, who being duly sworn deposes at d sijs that he is the general partner lira* limited copartner,nip abont to be formed in slid county, under the name tf W. A. Doody, acd that Myron Nussbsumaud Joseph Danntnberg are the special partn'-r» therein, and that the amount agreed to bo contributed oy each of them to wit: tbo sum of four thousand dollars, to tbe capl'al stock 1 f snil firm, has been actually paid in. and in good faith contributed thereto. A. DOODY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of January, 1830. J. T. RODGERS, mart w4w Notary Bibb county, Georria. AO, TAYLOR) B 1 lot relief, etc, BibbSuae- va. > rior Court, October Term, TO. TAYLOR J 1879. ItaDpearingtotbeCourtbythe return of tbe Sheriff that tbe defendant is not to bs found in unty; and it further appearing that be it reside iu this State: Ordered, that ser vice be perfected on sr'd defendant by publica tion to be and appear at tho next term of this Court, or that coo>n>tinaut be allowed to pro ceed. Ordered further, tt tt this o-der be uuhlisbed once a month for four months in the Telegranh and Messenger, a public gazette published in the city of Macon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN. Complainant’s Solicitor. T J. SIMMONS, J.8.O.M.O. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. This 22d November, 1879. deciS-lamlm* A. B. ROSS, Cletk. MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS: BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS* PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &o. Sand for Price-list, W. H: DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main street, LOUISVILLE, KY; Popular Monthly Drawing ol the rommonweaitli Distribu tion Co. AT XAOAULEY’8 THEATRE, In the City of Louiaville, on Monday, May 31st, 1880, These drawings authorized by act of the Leg' islalure of 1869 and sustained by all tho courts of Kentucky occur regularly on the last day of every month (Sundays excepted) and are super vised by prominent citizens of the State. v The Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, for only Xt, any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. I PrtXO..,—,i,in, h, hi S8.0CC lPzHa....,— fcoco 10 Prizes $1,000 each lO.OCO 20 Prizes SOO eaoh 10,000 100 Prizes 100 each 10.00C 200 Prizes 50 each 10,000 800 Prize* 10 each 12.000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes SOO eat fa, ap’roximafn prizes XTM 9 Prizes 200 each do do L3C« ;d Prizes 100 each de do SCO 1,560 Prize* JnX490 Whole Tickets, 51. Half Tickets, $x. 27 Tickets, $50. 65 Tickete. $700 All applications for club rates should be made to the home office. Full list of drawing published in Louiaville Courier-Journal and Now York Herald, and mailed to all tickct-ho’.d-rs. ta-RBMIT MONBY BY MAILOI EXPRESS. Address R U. Bcardman Courier-Journal build; ing Louisville Kentucky, or at No. X07 and 300 Broadway, New York. augSOeodtuthusat&wly A GOOD SAWMILL FOB $200. Our No. 1 Plantation Raw Mill is designed to be run by 8,10 or 12 horse power Agricultural Engines. With this power Irom 1500 to 4,000 Feet ef lumber can be cut in a day. A product 25 to 30 per cent, greater than can ue cut with any re- ciprocating saw mi l with the same power. The .-mils areccmpleteexcept saw, and will be put on the cars iu Cincinnati for the lew price of$2C6. and warranted in every particular. Raw Mills of all tiz -s. Engines. Boilers. Sfaafticg, Gearing, etc. Illustrated circular! sent free. LANE & BOSLEY CO., John & Water Sts., Cincinnati, 0. aprl diuwSm&..eowl3t Bret and Cheapest ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Special inducements to SOUTH ERN SOLDIERS. Satisfaction given in all ca<es. First premium at Atlanta and Macon. Georgia. Fairs, 1879. Best of refer ence, in your State. Apply at once for full information, special terms, etc. Addr ss CHARLES 3i EVANS. Manufar turer tor U.8. Governm’f. X53 West Fourth Street. Cincinnati, O. Homes in Western Arkansas J Th« Littie Rock and Fort v Smith Railvftv c,fTer »or (the be«s LANI)8 in : ha Wa*fe ?or Southwest, with ) climate, fenile K>:i,a: d not (by drouth. F^sy ( terms of sale. Full icK r:aa- j ;ko. Apply to D. SLACK, Land Commissioner, _an2f wlSt Little Rc. k. Art, Administrator’s Sale; B Y authority of an order from Jem s ; jvl of Ordinary, wilt be sold at the court ho us* door in Clinton. Jones ooupty.on the iirrt Tues- Ja. la June next, within legal hours r,f .«r.) eone undivided half interest in four hunired< , _.t land, more or leas, belcn ing to estate of Ju-enh G. Barbee, decease, «ituate on water- cf Kcqr creek in said county: good land. Sold lor distribution and to pay do-1« Tc-mc cash. . A. J.STEWART, Adm’r. April 29,1880.-24taa* Know Thyself T UB unsold miseries thak result from inii'scro-rioo in early life may be ah'et i ti ed an! cured. H.oee who doubt this assertion should purchsee the new m-dicaJ work published h> the PEA BODY MEDICAL iSSTI- rUTE, Boston, -rtitlrd THE SCltNCK OF LIFE; or, SELF PRBSEKVATION. Exhausted vi tality nervous anl phytioal oohllity. or vitality impaired by the errors ol youth or too close or too close application to business, may be rtstor ed ard manhood regained. Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, ]u»tpublished. It is a standard metical wurk. tho brat in tbe English language, v ni'er. by a physioian of great experience, to whom was awarded a gold and Jewelled medal by the Na tional Medical Association, It contains be&uti* ful and vary expensive engraving-. Three hun dred pages, more thau 50 valuable prorioriprions for all forms or prevailing c it ease, tha result of many years of extensive and successful practice, either one cf which is worth ton times the price of the book. Bound iu French doth, price wily $1, sent by mail postpaid. The London Lancet says: “No person should be without this valuable book. The author is a noble benefactor.” An illustrated sample sent to all on receipt of 6 cects for postage. The author rufera by permission to JOSEPH S FISHER, president; W. I. P. INGRAHAM, vice president; WPAINB, M D, KdGAUKTT. UDtHJDOUCBT.MD.RH KhlNB.MD. J R BOI.COMH. MD.KK LYNCH. M D. and H R O’CONNELL, M D ficulty of the Bhiledel* nhia Umversitv of Medicine and Surgery, also the faculty of tho Araeriean University cf Phila delphia, also Hon P A BIA-EJ.L. lit D, president of the National Medical i tsceiation. Address Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 Bulfineh St, Boston. Msss. The au thor may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience, novSO wIt •• . HEAL 1 THYSELPi A COTTON 8IN Cleans the Seed better. Runs Lighter, Clns Paster and Costs Less Money than an# other Cln In the Marked Everymachlne . fully and fegall££iuarr&r.tdcd. 1 New Advertisements, s lato of said county defeated. These are therefore to cite person, concerned to be and i ppear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in June next, to show cause if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted. •riven under myhandaud cfficial signature, May 1,1880. inayfi-la-dw* J. A. McHANUP, Ordinary. PIUM HABIT CUBE d&wly By B. M. Woolley Atlanta. Ca. Sellable evi dence given, and reference to cured patients and physicians. Send for Try book on the habit and its cure. JONES COUNTY POSTPONED SHER IFF SALE. TYTILL be sold before the court house door in W the town of Clinton, Jonts county,Georgia, between tbe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, three hundred acres of land, or enough of said land to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by W.J. Gresham, tax collector of said rounty fer the year 1879. Said land adjoining tbelands of James B. Denton, Jackson Roberts acd others, and known aa the P. O. Sawyer place. Levied on as the property of F. C. Sawyer, trus tee for wife and children. Thia February 18th 1S30. W. J. GRESHAM, mayl -law4w Ex-oflleio Sheriff, TAKEN UP. A Dark hay mare mule, which the owner can recover by describing her and paying for Ihis notice, at T*LlOB APH ASD ME3SES6ER OlFICB. apr29-dit-wlt STRAYED- P BOM the rubscriber on the 29th of March a meu-e-colored mare mule, aged five or six years, when sba left had a shoe on the left fore foot, had a wart on Ue neck near where the col lar works A liberal rewa-d will be paid for her delivery. Any information thankfully received. Address J.T. HOLT. Macon. Caro R. F. Outlay. aprll-dawlt* NOTICE vpHIRTY days after date the undersigned JL make application to the Mayor ana Council of the city of Moconfora lease of the reserve at thee rnerol For.ythand Johnson streets,bring a part of the cut of the Macon and Western rail road, for the purpose of erecting a church there on. WM. HAZLEHURST, A. R. TINSLEY. aprldlaw4w Wardena of St. Pauls church. SALS OF LAND. B Y virtue of a power t f rale conferred upon the undersigned by mortgage dean , executed on tbe 11 tb day ol February. 1879. by Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons and Ruffin R. It. Barr, (said deed being recorded in tbe offioe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Twigas county. Book P, folio 648), we will sell before the court house door, in the townot Jefterscnville, in the county of Twiggs, at public outc y, to the highest binder, for cash, on the first Tuesday m May n-xt. between the usual hours uf rale, all that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tbe twenty- highth district of originally Wilkerson, now Twigvs county, and known and distinguished in the plan cf said district as part ot lots No. 79 and 99. containing seventy five acres, more or lest, being the premia's whereon said Elizabeth Sim mons ana said Barr resided upon (aid 11th of Feb-uary, 1870. Sold for the purpose of paying a debt created by note on February 11,1879, ae<l specif! d m said deed on which there is a bai rn. ce due of fifty do’larsand interest) and expen ses of this proceedii g. Good and fee simple tt- ties made to purchaser on day of sale. COLBMi mchlSlaw4w. iAN A NEWSOM. ADMINISTBATBIX’S SALE. BY authority of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of Chatham county, will be sold before tho court home door in Savannah,on Ihelst Tue'day $30 REWARD. "YTTILL he paid 1 W ty jail of a n bert. about twen for tbo delivery to Bibb coun- negro woman named Mar Gil- ■■ | twenty-five yean old. supposed to weigh about 140 pounds, about five fe»t six inches high. When last heard of was at Montezuma, March 4th; she was in eompsny with her mother vvuttuuiwawvvs *u tuowv x upzuaj __ ^ _ tn April next, within the leval hours o. sale, the I Dalny Johnson about fifty'fire years olcf, pox followingproperty belonging to the eststeof Ed- | marked, aad hvr lister Sarah Johnson, a tall, wardO. Anderson, deooased: All that .tract of I likely girl who has a small girl child withber— land situate in the Cjunty of Bibb. State of Geor gia, near the city of Macon, and fronting on the road leading from Macon to Forsyth » Yineville, known as tbe place nought by Geo. W. An derson from Mrs. H. B. Freeman, executrix, etc. containing S3.'-; acres, more or less. For information apply to Turpin A Ogden, agents. mart dim wtd JANE M. ANDERSON. Administratrix all ot them black. They may change their names. ALBX, MELROSE. Macon. Ga., March 81,1830. apr 1-wtf G EORGIA—BIBB CO UNTY.-Whereat, w. W Carnes, administrator of the estate of 8amuei G. Bonn, late of said counr has made application for letters from said estate. The e are therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at th i Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in July next, to ahow cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my offieial signature April 3,1880, J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. mart-law-4w* Executors’ Sale. PTNDB R and by virtue of an order granted by U the Hon. James P. Broadawsy, Ordinary in and for the county of Baker. Slate of Georgia, will bo sold beft re tee court bruse door of Baker county, town of Newton, within the legal hours it— - . of sale, in tbe first Tuesday in April next, as tho RiSSSl I ProP®’ *F ol the estate of W. D. Williams, late of ol dismission I rounty, deceased, thres hundred and «tv- enty-three and oue third 13731-3) acres cf land situated m Howard’s district Bibb county, Ga., and known as lots Nos. 284. 28 and 297, amount ing to 3731 3 acres. Fold for di virion among the heirs of said W. D. Williams, deceased. Terms cub. ■ feb21-law4t J.H.’A.W. W. WILLIAMS, Executors. Mortgage Sale of Land- lot'ioe, the legal advertise I BORUTA. CRAWFORD COUNTY.— By Tir- Baker county will be pub VT tue of the power vested in me by two mort- ews. I gages executed by Annie Marlah Harper, to-wit: SHERIFF’S NOTICE. G EORGIA, Baker County.—On and after this date until further notice, tl enta o! the Sheriff cf Uzhed in the Albany News. J.H. ROWELL, Sheriff, Newton, March 3,1880 -10* O RDINARY’S office, Jones county, Georgia, January £0,1630.—Whewee Robert H. Bar- BSSSSW* 6 ** Ssptor Gr W. 1 itfei _ One mortgage given to recure a certain prom isrory note tor twenty-five dollars due the 15th October, 18:9, bearing interest at 12 pec cent, per annum, after maturity. Said mortgage dated 13th day cf May. 1879, and recorded in the Clerk’s EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, John P. Fort, executor of the estate of George , - --- - Fort, has made application for leave to sell I office Superior Court of said county, in bock J. culm . *- These are therefore to cite acd admonish all persons concerned to he and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of said county onthe first Monday iu May next, to show cause, if any they have, why said application should not te granted. Witness my official signature, J. A. McM AN US, Ordinary. April 3,1880.apt 41taw4w* G EORGIA, Bibb County-Whereaa Mrs Ma tha L. Harris, guardian of Mattie J., Amis L.«nd Jimmie A. Harris, haa applied to the „ _ Court cf Ordinary of said county for a discharge I as authorized in said mortgages. Said from her guardi vnship ot said Mattie J.. Accij L. land will be sold to zati.fy tbe principal, 1 and Jimmie A. Harris of their person and prod- « n d sttorn-y's feet, to-wit. seventy-five dollar* erty, thi* 1* therefore to cite all peraens concern- ‘ ed to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary said county on the first Monday in. May next ahow cause, if any they have, why ths said Mar tha L‘. Harris should not be dismissed from be I uardianship of raid Mattie J., Annie L. and . itrmie A, Harris and receive the usual letters I el dismission. Given under my offieial signature. " :MANUB, febltd* J. A. MCI fUB, Ordinary. O RDINARY’S Office, Jones County, Georgia, March 8,1880. Whereas Samuel L, Chiles, administrator tate Lucinda M asen, deoeaaed applies for dis mission. These are to dte and admonish all pencoa concerned to show cause at thi* offioe.on the firat londay in Juae next, if any they have, why the tmo shall rot be granted. Witnrss my hand officially. marStd* R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. - Ana one other mortgage given toiecure a cer tain promissory note for fifty dollars, due No vember 1, 1878. bearing interest at 12 per cent, per annum after maturity. Said mortgage da tea 6th March, 1879, and recorded in Cletk’s office Buperior Court of said county, in book J. I will on the first Tuesday in Anril, 1880, before the couit-house door m Knoxville. Georgia, expose at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Oue hun dred acd sixty 1160) acres of land, core or less, beir gall of let No. 42, north of the Macon road, in the aixth district of Crmwtord county, Ga. Ti tles in lee simple will be made 'o the purchaser ~ tract of Interest, torn-y’s fees, to-wit. seventy-five dollars principal, with interest aa above dtscrited.and twenty dollars attorney’! fees, aa expressed m •aid mortgages. The said mortgages made and delivered to me, the undersigned, to secure said cotes with the power expressed therein to sell •aid property in tbe event default was nude in the payment thereof, and default having been made, on tbe day of tale I will execute titles in foe simple to the same. A. B. SMALL. February 23.1880.-td G EORGIA, Bibb County.—Whereas R. 8. Wynn has made application for the setting apart a homestead of personalty and the valua tion of the,sue. Said application will be beard on Thursday the aixth day of May. 1880, at ten o’rlock, a. us) Witness my bacd and official signature, April 14,1*80 aprlfltd » J. A. XoMANUS, Ordinary. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Engines, Cotton Presses, Kills, <&c. op a-I* KIHDI. JOSf Send for Trice List. Shoe. l*ricoof fiintt. Price with Self Feeder or Condenser. 80 saw I | ? L. go « 8900 87 M 100 00 313 60 ms 190 0) ISO 00 SfS 1SS3 a* ci £33 00 M USIC—LOOK-CISU M Absolutely Free. STODDART’S MUSICAL LIBRRAY. A truly Wonderful Publication .bringing *he hart class of vocal and instrumental music within the reach of alt. Sample copy, containing £1.60 worth ot Piano or Organ Music, mailed to any address on receipt or a 3o Stamp. J. M. STODDART k CO., Philadelphia, Pa, AYEARand expenses to aeent tp/ T f OutatFree. Address P. O. VICK ERY, August*, Maine. PAMPHLET ren^ Tcrtiser8 -- lw «fc Co., N. V. ~ is8WS apr£2-wed-sat awlm kS dCo. 30CS tteors j-fcggqkfigsastt X , ^’^X£l r 8 T«-pto“p5?. p |^ A Co. 308 GeorgeSS Cincinnati.' of ALL QUIET ON THE POTOMAC. Tie War Over. Peace Declared. Eel Sides Victorinas. Piano Blockade Raised. The long strike and lockout in New York Piano factories ended. Ail factories open. 6,000 locked out workmen again at work. A new p ano turned out every ten minutes. Workmen happy.' Purchasers who wanted Jianoa and couldn't get them alto happy. We rave bsd a eorry time for tbe pwt two months to funfair pianos to impatient pur• cha.era who wen du’t understand that pianos had to bo made belore delivered, and it haa worried us muchly, but tbe “winter of our discontent” fa now over, and we are All Right Again. B ck orders will be filled in short metre, and cew ones by lightning express Our stock sow on hand is very large, and it fa only cer tain styles that we have teen short of. These are “ooming, coming,” 300,000 mere and don’t you forget lb Beat of all, read thia: Present Prices Guaranteed. Having made new contracts with leading manufacturers, which held good until Ju'y list ntx‘, we engage to fill all orders reorived by that date at our present prices. Come what will we ahali not raise prices again until fall trade opens acd fiU prices ate estab lished. We have advanced retail price* tnt a small per cent., notwithstanding the large advance In wholesale oost, and our present prices aro still extremely low. Bovers^an^evg^u^heager Mr* log. We have special bargains to offer cash buyers. New instruments, new styles, new S ee* terms. Bend for Catalogues and tive Illustrated Price Lists, giving irmatlon. Address, LUBBEN & BATES, SA.VANNAH, dJk, W801ESALE PIAMO AND ORBAN DEALERS. dec27-dlU«iwljr O RDINARY’S Offioe. Jones County, Georgia, March 3,1830 —Whereas A. A. Barfield, ad ministrator estate John J. Barfield, deceased, applies for dismission. These are to cits and admonbh all persons con cerned to > how cause at this office, on first Mon day in June next, it ary they have, why the same •ball not be granted. Witness my band officially. marttd* R. T. R088. Ordinary. OPIUM permanent.? Theac machines are made of tho best; materials, and th* TrorkmonsUpand flniih are unexcelled. Have been awaried premiums at all tho State fairs, Georgfo Texa% eta Upwards of £000 of our Gera ore In constant usa to the southern states, over 1000 having been bold in ISTf. Price List of Cine, Feeders and Condenser t toctog| Price-with Self Feodora* Condenser* ST Terms given on Application* .iU Ttam 1843 to 1858 ire manufactured Glut at Colombo*, under tho firm name of E. T. Taxis n&Ca, afterwu Cldcoxs, Buowjc & Co., and made vliaS iros then kne aa the Taylor Gin. During tho year 18&8iro removed *o rlace, where wo have been exclusively engaged in factoring Gina erer since. With long experience, tl labor saving machinery and skilled worfaren. we advantage* not enjoyed by any other manufacturer Inc line, for producing the bbst work for the ipurr sbqhvw The demand last year waa so great that nearly SOO order# remained unrtlJed, nu t we have dout I .!. .•* . .r-. •;factoring capacity and hope to bo able to meet all demand?, still It m tho wisest plan to got your orders In early. Bond for illustratedpamphlet giving neic voluntary testimonial* *romwf*MliYe.eaterpTiidnrvliin^rj. Iic.jes.Engu* ' and Complete outfit fumiahed when desired. AldresS BROWN COTTON GIN CO„ NEW LOITDON, COXli EIGHTH §0 OXNTOIKrKr^. , 37X 1 I II : JIB WILL OPUS SEPTE3IBER 8, atld CLOSE OCTOBER 9, 1880. . IS TZIK Grand Permanent Buildings. Its REFUTATION is NATIONAL £ Last year thero were Exhibitor* from 24 States, and 422,057 Visitors. Us honorable record la worldwide, and tbe management is guaranteed by a popular public subscription, and is held under the joint nu'pico* of tho Chamber of Commerce. l»oard of Trade aud Ohio Mechanic*’ institute, who have so satisfactorily conducted thcao Ex positions since 1470. NO STOCKHOLDERS!-K0 DIVIDENDS! NO PRIVATE INTERESTS TO SUBSERVE! NO CHARGE FOR SPACE OR STEAM PCWER! Favorable arrangements have been made for the transportation cf Goods and. Visitors. These Grand Exhibitions cf Art and Industry aro always held in the Fall. REMEMBER SEPX.HtoOCT.9,1880. Send for General Circular of XnXormatioflL HUGH SrcCOLLUHi Secretary* ^s&’sasaKS TJ tS ES GEORGIA. CLARK, SOLE AGENT. Tho mCST mnd HOST T*fri‘l T..41t Sewing Thread of modern Times. ’ BEWARE OF mTATIOHSU A c omplete asurtment for c J,- by S. WAXfeiLBAUil & isRO, S.T. COLEHW £ CO. NUSSBAUU & DANNENBE WOLFF & BSO, GUSNESSBATJST. febfi-Sm THEDEAF HEAP if 1 7EE7H. PEnFEX9ra^jy Lecture**,Concerts, ete~b\* u ...-.ta-. .at Actenllfle Invention. T HE DEN TA PHC Forrcm&rkxbldpablic tu.-ts %»n t;.-.- In &C—.i. the lK‘nf uttd IRumb—*ee .V< ,o ) >rir Jle, ■MB Sept. sl*th : J\> etc. Small Slxt- should *endfor FE.EB Illnatrav. , Amerrlocn Dentaphone Co., i<3 W. 4th itildoucript et. r»e L Pamphlet GfUANO. DeLeon’s Complete Coileu PfrliHsr* I shall keep .a supply of this hran£ zanatsnitf unhand. Perry M. DeLeon* sprtl-deodlm SavianaA,