Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 11, 1880, Image 7

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A Visit Beturned. New York, June 5.—Tlie Seventh New York regiment contemplate a visit to Atlanta, G a., next December, to at tend tlie ceremonies of laying the coraer stone of a memorial armory, to be built by the Gate City Guards of that State, in commemorat ion of the relumof peace and national sentiment between the North and Sonth, as manifested by the reception given to that organization on their Northern tour last October. Capt. J. If. Burke, of the Gate City Guards, is here counseling with officers of the Seventh in regard to the matter. The Presidency.—It is reported in New York that cx-Govemor Seymour will shortly come out in a letter declar ing in favor of Mr. Bayard as the strong est Democratic candidate for his locality. Mississippi, South Carolina arid North Carolina are said to be solid for the Delaware Senator, who will secure the active co-operation of the delegates from his own State, and it is believed from Maryland and New Jersey, as well as Massachusetts, and a part at least of the delegates from Con necticut. Emigrants fob Liberia.—The bark Monrovia sailed from New York on Sat urday for Monrovia, Liberia, with seventy- six colored emigrants. They are sent out by the American Colonization Society, which will take care of them for six months after their arrival. Forty-four are over twelve years of age, and most of the men are farmers. Miss Scott, a mis- sionary, who came to New York to raise money to build a girl’s school-liouse, is a passenger. A party of emigrants sailed last week in the bark Liberia, and eleven remain in New York awaiting an oppor tunity to go. Ex-Governor Sprague Again.— According to the New York Express Ex- Governor Win. Sprague went down to Baltic, Connecticut, where one of tlie Sprague mills is s.tuatcd, and deposed the superintendent appointed by Assignee Chaffee. In doing so, tlie story runs, he was knocked down by the superintendent, and the state of affairs is decidedly squal ly. The truth of the matter appears to be that ex-Goveruor Sprague wishes to regain control of the property that wa3 his be fore the failure, seven years ago, and is opposed by tlie assignee. At last accounts Sprague was master of the situation. Excursion to Niagara.—The Knox ville Tribunesays that a grand railway excursion from Chattanooga to Niagara Falls has been arranged for an early clay. The excursion train will probably leave Chattanooga on the 12tli inst., giving the excursionists ample time for sight-seeing along the route and at the great falls. The remarkably low rates and tlie pleas ant time anticipated during the trip will doubtless attract a large number of excur sionists from Knoxville as well as Other Southern cities. —The Empress Elizabeth of Austria, aiul .Queen of Hungary, made a public speech in 1’csth, the other day, in aid of the lied Cross Society, for the support of soldiers’ widows, orphans and mothers. She is mentioned as looking superb—“the queenliost of queens”—in a long, tight- iuting black robe, trimmed with Bordeaux velvet, an-1 a “Gainsborough” hat crowned with heavy feathers. The little speech, which was admirably delivered with regal haughtiness, tempered with womanly sympathy for the cause it treated of, con cluded with the words, “Forget for an in stant that I am your Queen, and consider me merely as a woman pleading to wo men in the cause of women.” It was greeted by her audience with deafening cries of “Kljen! Kijeiij” Foreign. London, June 5.—Tiie representatives of llanlau and Trickett yesterday signed articles for a match to be rowed on the I5th of November. A Berlin dispatch to the Standard says the committee of Prussian Diet, to which was referred the church bill, has decided in favor of three important clauses. The government owes this success to a coali tion of tlie Ditramontanes and Poles who make up eleven votes. St. Petersburg, June 5.—The funeral of the late Empress of Russia will be sol emnized at retro Pauloski fortress Wed nesday next. T.he remains will be re moved to day to tlie large chapel in Win ter Palace, and the funeral services will he held there, at which all persons at tached to the court have been directed to attend. The remains will be taken to the fortress on Monday to lie in state. All high officials of the government now on furlough, will return to St. Petersburg to he present at the obsequies. Notice. Congress Water. None genuine sold on draught. Its superiority as a cathar tic and alterative consists in its entire freedom from everything bitter, acid or crude that produces headache, internal soreness and tends to destroy the mucous membrane. All mineral waters that are dangerous irritants may be known by an acid after-taste. apr 1 2m pd Kanrokuro Nakayoma, a Japanese was airioi.g the candidates at a late Bos ton examination for admittance to the bar, and passed a very satisfactory trial. Gen. A. B. Lawton.—We would be glad to see Gen. A. E. Lawton, of Savan nah, one of the delegates at large to the Cincinnati convention. He is a man of brains, position and influence, and would bean honor to the State in the national convention.—Griffin Netcs. Benson s Capcine Porous The only improvement ever made oa the common Porous Plaster. Over 2,000 druggists have signed a papsr stating that Benson’s Capcine Porous Plasters are superior to all other plasters. PRICK 25 C* NTS. 8BABORY * JOHNSON, Pfcarmaceut: al Chemists, New xorx. A SURE CURE 'or all the disease? for which it is recommended, end always pafedlj safe In tlie hands or even the most inexperienced persons. __ PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER It Tccommendal in riuticlm*, JWnidert, XZoUmnriet, Manager* of Factories, Plantations, Marses u> Ilorpilih—in abort by ar&yhady crcryvhere who lias ever given it & trial. CT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’TRIAL. • Q Akj SX I? I PD GinoM kive 11 P lnce in every factore, jiiachtae-zhop, KPK. a BtS |Y I lLa L> t lx and mill, on every farm and plantation, and in every household, ready for immediate use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, ceres, etc., nut la case of sudden sickness of anv kind. ...... nAIll l/IE a e>n is the well-tried and trotted friend ot a., who ward I* AI N t\ E !■ In Em Px a sure and safe medicine which can be freely used internally or externally v.i.bont fearnf barm and with certainty of relief. Its price brines it within the reach of all; and it will annually rave many times its C06t in doctors’ bills. For sale by ail druggists at 25c. ~>Oc. and Sl.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVES' & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. in*rl5-dw*d tt*t2Ueowlhtt-^n r tn IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. IRON BRIERS, A Sure Appetizer. IRON BITTERS, A Complete Strengthened IRON BETTERS, A Valuable Medicine. IRON BETTERS, Net Soli u a Beverage. { IRON BITTERS, For Delicti. Femxlel. j Highly recommended to the public for all dis eases requirlngu certain and efficient TOXICS especially In Indiges tion, Itvspepsia, Intermittent Fe vers, Want of Ap petite , foam of Strength, facie of fnergu, etc. It en riches the blood, strengthens the mus cles. and gives new life to the nerves. To the aged, ladles, and uhll- dren requiring recuper ation.' this valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. It acts Uhe a charm on the digesti'-e organs. A teaspoon ful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT. Sold by all Druggists, THEBR07ICHE*jr* T m. BALTIMORE, Mo. HINT, BAFFIN &LAMAK, Wholesale llrrureiata. Wmin> Lii ARNER'S Twinkle, twinkle, little star, and light the way of yonder pedestrian to Hunt, Rankin & Lamar’s to buy a bottle of Cous- sens’ Lightning Liniment to cure his rheumatism, lame back, etc. Price 50 cts For sale by Hunt, Rankin & Lamar. may!5-3m2 Tlie lonely vigils of the night are terri ble, especially by tlie bedside of the sick, and it is just the tiling to have a bottle of Coussens’ Honey of Tar to cure their coughs, colds, croup, etc. Price 50 cents. For sale by Hunt, Rankin & Lamar. myl4-3inl Woman's Wisdom. “She insists that it is more important that her family shall he kept in good health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She - therefore sees that each member cf her family is supplied with Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms o ill health, to prerent a fit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should exercise their wisdom m this way.”—New Haven Palladium. jl-2w The Best. Tlie News, Danbury, Conn., says “Warner’s Safe Nervine is the best rem-1 cdy for nervous afflictions the world ever saw.” , jl-2w Better Bate Than Never. “Don’t put oil until to-morrow what can and should he done to-day,” is wise. If you have never used Sozodont for your teeth, make a bee-line to the druggist and get a bottle, and begin to use it at once. “Verb sap.” DBS. J. P. & W. R. HOLMES, DEMTI8TS, No U Mulberry Street, Kaeon, G». Teeth extrseud without ptin.beautiful sets of Teeth inserted. Abscessed Teeth and Diseased Bunn cured. . .. , , Dealer* in all kind* ef rental Material, and Icttrumenu. Comtantly on hand » large aod full asscrlmen of Teeth of all kind*. Gold of alt kind*. Amalgam* of all kinds, Eabbers of all kinus. martdaw A CARD. To *11 whosre loffanng from the error* and indUemoi sot joau, nervoni week new, early decay.'osaof n-.nbood, etc . 1 will tend a recite that will cure you, PEEK OF CHARGE. Tbi* great remedy wa* dta rover el by a ml**ionary io tsojtn America. Send a *elf-addrowed envelope to thi K«v. Joseph T. Inman. Hut-on D, New Yl-< city. »Drl4 deodawly DENTISTRY. h. it. uakfield. r». D.S, NO. »2 MUi.HERAT STREET. *3_'ifflc« hear*, b *. m. to « p. m. iebtld.v REMEDIES Werner's Safe Pills are an immediate stimulus for a Torpid hirer, and curcHIoa- tirencaa. Biliousness. Bil ious Diarrhoea. Malaria. Fever and Ague, and are useful at times In nearly all diseases to cause a free and regular action of the Ilowels. The best antidote for all Mala rial Poison. Price, 23 rents a Box. Warner’s Safe Xeretna quickly gives Beat and Sleep to the suffering, cures Head ache and Nntralgis, Prevents Epileptic Ft (a, and is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought on by excessive drinking, over-work, mental shocks, and other causes. It relieves the pains of all diseases and Is nev er Injurious to the sys tem. The best of all Nervines. Bottles of two sizes; prices,30 eta. and »l. (E/'WAKNER’S Safe Ibencdto are old by Pnasct-U A Dealer* In Medicine everywhere. H^H. Warner & Co. Proprietor*, ROCHESTER, N.T. Cyseod for jampblet **d tefitunwpialfi. SAr** Liver DlAfF'ffS ' C.UIF SAFE BtUFfiS sAft SAIT F’lUS TRUTHS. IfrouareratTerincfrom poor health, or huigahfc- Irif im. Led of sickness, take cheer. f<m VALUABLE Hop Bitters It you are a minuter, tclf with your pastoral du* out with rare and work, or it you feel weal; and dis knowing why. Hop Bitters will If yon are a man ofbns- strafn of your everyday tors, toiling over your Hop Bitters will If you are young, and eretion.orare growing too Hop Billers will If you are In thework- de»k, anywhere, andfeel clcaniHug, toning or stun- IIop Bitters fs rryon are oId,an-IyourBpnke is feebly yonr nerves unsteady, and jour® faculties waning, Hoy Clitcrs will give you Xcw Life mad TIgor. Hor Cough Cues in the sweetest, safest and best. ■ Ask Children. £ Ono Hop Pad for Stomach, Liver and Sidneys fa «p*- I rior to oil others. Corea by atworidloo. It fa perfect. ■ IX Z. C. fa nn rbFolntc and Irresistible cure for drunk- ■ ezmcsF, u*e of opium, tobacco and narcotics. E Abort »o!J by drergUto. lIupDUtmMfc-Co.Rofb«ter,y. Y. g will Care Yon. and have overtaxed your- ties; or m mother, wont if you are simply aillxun pin ted,. without clearly Restore Yon Insss, weakened by Sho duties; or a man of let- midnight work, Strengthen You. suffering from say indls- fa*t, as is often the case, Relieve You. shop, on the farm, at tho that your system needs Placing without lntoxl* Wlmt You Need. QLosS • (LUMP) STARCH Is the highest achievement in cereal productions, and renowned throughout the world as the Standard laundry Starch. In shape it presents huge dense crystals of wonderful whiteness and sweetness, free from the faintest odor and ot incomparable strength. Its su periority and economy are the result of experiment and improvement for thir ty-five years, and its popularity the re ward of this effort ot a lifetime. Royal Gloss Lump Starch J* {tacked In hand some one-poiind, three-pound, and six- pound cartoons, and for sale by Grocers •very-where. Manufactured by ANDREW EMENBRECMER. Cincinnati, Ohio. FOB SALE, CHEAP FOB CASH A B«ff aio bv be hid by ihe.purcha*er cf the iot numbered 1M on Fifth ►treet, near the Brunswick depot, adjoinir* Mr. Hardy * lot. aad opposite Mr. Brown's. The jp soo nas a frame dwelling with four rooms, s fine well t-f water, i B d eon tains half an acre, more or leu. The cash will oOtsin s fine benroin. Apply to jnefi-Xt J. W.BUBK.K® CO. COOK WASTED W HI'E or ooloi^. Apply at Appet to* refreshing sleep, the arqnisition o flesh acd color, ore biasings att-ndant upon the reparative procerse* which this priceless invigo- -lant speedily initiates and carries to a success ful conclusion. Di,est‘on ii restored and sus tenance afforded to each life-austcfmng organ by the Bitiers, which is if offensive even to the feminine palate, vegetable in composition, and ’horcngli'y. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally, lunl-lm White Sulphur Springs. HALL COUNTY. GoOTglR. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON A CO., Managers Open from 1st June to 1st October, 1880. TEIIMH t Per day > S.r 0 Her week 12.00 Per mouth SC.CO Special rates to families, mysn-dlawtw* Carriages it White Sul phur Sprints depot, dis tant two miles to meet all trains. Double daily mails, tel egraphic communication Conside ab’e improre- nents since last Tear. G EORGIA. Bibb County.—Whcress W. G. Harris h«s made applicaMon for letters of admlniatrsticn of the estate of James B. Bailey, lata of said county deceased. These are therefore to rite and admonish all Pyraon. cotKwrned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in July nsxt, to show cause if any they hare why said application should not be granted to anpbeart. ■Witness my hand officially. June 5.1830. JmGtd* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. 0 piim HABIT CUBK dAwly By B. M. Woolley Atlanta. Ga. Reliable eyi- dence given, and reference to cured patients and physicians. fend for my book on the habit and ita cure. ' O RDINARY'S Office, Jones Countv, Georgia, March -S, 1880. Whereas Samuel L. Chiles, administrator e.Ute Lucinda Mason, deceased, applies for dis mission. These are to cite and admonish ail persons concerned to show causa at' this offioe.en the first Monday in June next, if any the} haves why the same shall rot he granted. Witness my hand offitralbr. marStd* K. f. RCRS. Ordinary. Porter Springs, OPEN from June 1st tfil October 15th Board S»0 tier month; children aid-servants half price. Special rates for the season. Railrosd.fare from Atlanta to Ua'nesvtUe and return. £3.20: h>ck fare, rrund trip, {3.00. Erast Band and Orches tra during the season. Dr. C. A. Simpson, of Atlanta, resident physician. Daily mail. JFor particulars address • J, S. 1EXKOLD81 CO., Proprietors, jut2-lm Porter Springs, Ga. EASLEY’S, 8. O., May 1,11880. I cured a had can of Booondtry Pyphilis with Swift's 8. Specific more than a year ago, acd be baa had no return of it to date. X have need it on several other eatea with uni form suecees, one who was given up to die has so much improved that X think one more bottle will cure him, I used it also on a cue of medulary canoer of the wemb and it la curing the patient after all other remedies had failed. J. WILFY QUILUAN, Mi D. Fine Apple and Cider Pure—-just what you want. Ir W- HURT. Old Wooden Drug Store on earner. The best Soda, Starch, Soaps, Pep per, Spices, Flavoring Ex tracts, Colognes, Hand kerchief Extracts, Combs, Brushes Toilet Powders, etc., etc. . at the old wooden' drag store on the corner. L. W. HUNT. HOHMaN V. BHUNNJfitt, (Gradual* »ud Licentiate in Pharmacy,) APOTHECARY. Fouxtei ini Aica firs., Macaw,MnoaaiA. Crockett's New Brick Building. Special and perioral it*action givmtothe dispenting of pre-enplions. Night calls prompt ly answered from resMteaee, opposite store, jnefi-suntt THIS OFFICE. SIBDOi This is the only tottery of any State that ever voted on and endorsed by tts people. Unprecedented outractlon. Over Half a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Oompanv. This Instituticc was regularly incorporated bj the Legislature of the State for Educational ana Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term of twenty-five years, to which contract the inyiola- ble' iaith oi the Stale is pledged ,wl ich pled ge hsa teen renewed by n,\ overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise In the new constitution aooptoi Deoembor 2, 1879, with a Capita] of SI.o00,D0C. to which it has sinoe added a reserve fu-id of $350,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUN. UF.RDRAWINGS will take place monthly. It never scales or pojt pones. Look at the follow ing Distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place tho -121st Grand Monthly —and the— Extraordinary Semi-Ainnal Drawing At New Orleans, Tuesdty, June 15th. 1889, Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gsw. G. T. BEAUREGARD, ot Louisiana, and Quit- JUBALA. BAK.LY, of Virginia. Capital Prize, $100,000. ♦^.Notice.— Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, (5. i'lltin. {2. Tenths, $1. LIST OF FRIZES. AGAIN THE SCENE CHANGES. We Cannot Sing tlie Old Songs In <he old place any lorger. Its too small. Not half la'xecpouxh for our family .household goods aad trade, therefore we shall break ramp Julj 1st, next, and e tabUsh aew musical h.adqaar- tirs in the handsome rt-MMMMWB—awna—waask-a— New Double store* Cor* CBisrsi and flutter Streets M«*a< XoMCdOaf. El* AUtus. . osa.M a co, s, MOM. - - - 1 Capital Prize of $100000.... $100,COO 1 Grand Prize of Ill,C0O...... 50,000 1 Grand Pnze cf »1,(0J jo.coo 2 Large Prize* of 1U.0M 20,(100 « Large Prizes ot 5,000...... 20.100 20 Prizes of 1.00*.... 20,000 £0 ” 509.... 25.010 100 ’* son...... SO.OCO 200 “ 200...... 40 0(0 600 ” 100.... 60,000 10000 “ * 10.... 1FJ.040 APPROXIMATION PRIZ»h. 100 Approxin-ation Prizeiof {200 $20,000 10(1 " '• 100....' 10X00 300 “ f “ 75 7,t00 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 Gen. G. T. BHAUKE’f AND, of La. 7 Commis- Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Va. J sioLi Application for rates to clubs should cnlj be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. or same person st KoS19 Broadway, New lark. N. B.—’This Company has no Agents in the British Possessions, and all persons pretendi- g to be Co and soliciting ozdera by or other wise are Swindlers. eaw-wed sat Southern Home School for Girls. 197 8; 199 N< Charlesst.. Baltimore. Md Mia W. M. Cary, Miss Cssy. Eitabliahed 1842. French the language of the school. junl-Sawand eoetug sept For Sunday bcbools. For Temperance. THE BESu NEW BOOKS. TEMPERANCE JEWElS, b ^ E ^ E. a.HOFFMAN, hai every qqal ficaticn fobs * standard Temperanoe Hong Rook, Choice hymn* an-l toi-sa and music in excellent t-ste, are found throughout. There are nearly a hun dred songs: Specimen copies mailed for 35 cts. S3 80per dozen. (The older and larger book, HULL’S TEM PERANCE GLBB BOOK; A0 cl*., reUins its great popularity.) White Robes I White Hobes! PON& y BUCK*. White Bobcs! TEM PERAK GE UGHT.^Vb. 11 ^ toss, is a cerfect "electric’ light lor radiance and beauty. Has 32 of the very best songs bj 27 of the very best authors, and sells for SID per hundred. Mailed lor ltots. (Ne* High School Song Book, THE WEL COME CHOkUb. is nearly through the press.) OLIVER DiTSON &C0,, Boston. O. H. DITSON A CO, 84$ B’dway N.Y. ian24:f Gray’s Specific Medicine. RADE MARK. TUB greasTAADE Ri-glish rem. . vdy. An un, (failing ire for Seminal eak. ness. Spermat orrhea, frupo. tency, and all diseases -that-, v» * fol -J« 86- before Tahmgquenee: Of seif^ftej Taijjjg abuse; as a -less of memory, universal lassitude, pain in the back, dimn-is of vision, prematare old age, at d many Olht -• diseases that lead to in sanity and eontumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de sire to sendlree by mail to every one. The Spe cific Medicine i. sold by all druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5 will be sent free by mail on receipt cf tho money by addressing the GRAY MEDICINE CO, No 10 Mechanics Block, Detroit. Mich. Sold in Macon and'every whereby all druggists. octZAdawly. For sale by HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR. octl9-d«wly Macon. G* New Advertisements- AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Engines, Cotton Preuiit, Mill*,doc. PLANTATION MACHINERY OP At.1. KIXDS. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, 49- Send for Trice List. MACON, «A AGENTS WANTED TO solicit orders for Photographs, eto.. for en largement A paying buslne>s. For particulars and terms address J. D. LBMBB, Box 16 7. Bar- risburg. Pa. ITTTsI A YEAR and expenses to agents. Outfit Free. Address VICKERY, Augusta, Me tdvertlMrs by addressing ueo, P A Rowell tt Co. 10 Spruce St., New York can leara the exact cost of any! proposed line o’ ADVERTISING in AmericanNewspapere.|00- Pa 6 Pamolet, 10c. maylSwed aatim G EORGIA. Bibb County—^Whereas Mrs. Mar tha B. Sorrell, guardian of her minor chil dren. has made application for leave to sell eight shares of the capital stock of the Central rail road mud Banking Company of Georgia belong ing ta said minors for their maintainance and ed ucation. These are therefore to cite and admonish ill persons concerned to be and appear at tbo Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in July next, to show cause if any they hare why said application should i ot be granted. Witness my hand tffiesady. June B-.h, 1880. ’ loi6td* J. A. MoMaNUs, Ordinary. TO ALL WHOM IT HAY CONCERN. f^t BORGIA, Bibb County—George 0. Brown U haring applied to me lor permanent letters ofadm nistration on the estate of Daniel B. Edee. late of said county deceased. - This is to cite all and singular the creditors mud kin of said Daniel B. Edes to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, to- wit, on tbo first Monday in July next to show cause if any they have, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to said Geir-eC. Brown on said Daniel B.Bdea’estate. Witness my band and official signature this May 24.188C. jnefitd* J. A McMANUS, Ordinary. iPEH f V yor * bB Pictorial Bible Com- HUtn I u mentator. 1018 Pages, 475 “• UUlMTXn lu.tret od* and Maps. The moat II All I £11 complete and or-mprehenaiye Com mentary on the entire Hnripturee (in ore voL) verpnblishea. Price. $3.75. BliSUT.Ou- BTfioK A Co.. M N. tth «... rhits.. Pa. tnl9 4t Froposals to llo the Fub lie Printing. rTNDBR tbe authority of an act ot the General U Assembly in complianrewith article 7, aec- Hon 17, paragraph 1st of the Constitution, ap proved 25 J of August, 1878, proposals will be re ceived to do tbe Public Prin ing for two year* from the expiration of the terra of office of the present Incumbent. Sealed Proposal, will be rereived lor thirty days from the first ot Jure, 1880, at the office ot tne Secretary of State in At lanta. On the first Tuesday in angnst next the Public Printing will be Married to tbe lowest bidder wboae bid is filed in compliance with taw. Stipulations, epecificasiou and require ments can be procured on application, at the of fice oi Secretary of State in Atlanta. ■ M. 0. BARNETT, Sec'ty of State. W. A. WRIG “T, Comptroller Gen’L J. W. RSNFROB, Trea-urer. lne-3 lewdw Oommiaaionera of Public Printing. Where we shall have the largest and finert Mu sical Wareroems in the entire So tth. Before we go. we must, to save heavy expense and labor of removal, close rut our entire stock of Pianos a->d Orgar* now on hapd and In arrive prior toJ->ly lft. To du this we sh-,11 inauirure.t-j torthwith a Grand Clearing Out Sale Commei cing May I5th and ending July 1st. dur ing which time we snallssll at Manufsctarer’s Wholera'e Rates. 10 FAVORITE PIANOS. 27 CHICKER1NG PIANO 5 ?. 21 LIGNE) &CO PIANO?. 60 MA1HUSEK PIANOS. 5 HALLET & DAVIS PUNO«\ 62 SOUTHERN GEtl PIANO-*. 28 GUILD, CHURCH & CO. PIANOS. 44 STERLING CO. ORGANS. 100 PELOUBET & CO. ORGANS. 110 MASON & HAMLIN OEGANS. All new and Just from Factory. A bo ICO Fee- ood Hand Piano* and Organs Most all of them used orly from one to six months and precisely as good ss new. l\/piy lu.® _ Prescription - , %'*rnin.Tl Weaknea A2«JX002» HSfOllD US S' Weaknes*. Low f rderp brouaTfitc *) by indiscretion Fpiffltt Hrr tn*. inerredfent*. Andrew*. .- - MaVIMSUK ACCv 71 Hn«aa«t..3.$ Don’t Miss This Chance. a———mam—Hwriiiiwwin-i To secure a fine instrument “awful” cheap. Write for Clearing Out Sale Circulais aud Price Lists ana be quick about it. The sale ends July 1st, positively. Ad: ress HIDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH. GA, WBOUSJUE FIAHO AND QRSAN DEALERS. dec27-dltawawlr JOSHUA BUBTZ General FnMisMcg ipey, EUFAUiiA, ALA. Adveitisiig, Fubsetijilioa aid Jcb Frnttng Effected with the bed houses m Alabama, Georgia and throughout theoountry, — at a discount on table rates. **S *35 ♦ Jr° ^2.o’? Mflsi flWll hiZcs-M flFSI ililfss-- b? ii /"T hOhGIA, BIBB COUNTX—It is agreed liy U and beta een tbe parties hereof, all residents cf said county and State, to form a limited co partnership, under the laws cf Georgia, and that said copartnership shall be conducted under the following piovi-ions : 1, The firm name ot said copartnership shall he • W. A. Doody,” which alone shall be used in its dealings. 2. Said copartnership shall bo located in the city ot Macon, sai-* countv and State, and its business shall be the dealing by retail in Gene* ralmerchandise, rush as ory roods, clothing, boots and shoes, and other articles oi such char* acter. S. W. A. Doody shall be the general partner, andsh 11 have full direction and management of the bu«mes». Mvron Nossbaum and Joseph Dannenberg. all ot said county, are special part ner*. 4. W. A. Doody has contributed four thousand debars ta said partnership and Myron Kuss- baum and Joseph Danmnbvrg have each con tributed four thousand dollars to the capital stock of the s*m». t. This partnership shall begin on the »0th day of January. 1880, and shall end on t v e 20th d-iy of January, 18s3,t-nles» sooner dls-olved, as hei6- inalter provided, to-wit: In raseeuher party be comes diss-ti tied with s*id parmerebip the same v ay l-e dissolved after the first year, pro vided six months nctire be given alter said lime, of such intended dissolution to the other party or parties—said notice to be m writing, giving tin reasons therefor. It is further agreed that the said W, A. Doody sha’lbepaid from the partnership a»ets, the sum ot filty dollars per mouth, acd ihia amount to be charged to tl.e expense account. This pay ment to xnti: ue until a dissolution, unless oth erwise agreed on. Witness our hand*, this 12th day of January, 1880. W. 4. DOODY. MVRON NUS8BAUM . JOgIsPHDANNENuERG. Signed this 12th day of January, 1830, and ac knowledged b.tore J.T. RODGER?. N. P. Bibb Co., Ga. llACOir. Ga., January 12,1830. I rer’ify that the » instrum -nt was signed a< d acknr wledged by the parties thereto before me this cay. J.T. RODGERS, N.P. B.bbCo.Ga. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Before mecstne in p,rson, W. A. Doody, who being duly swern deposes ard ssjs that be is the general partner in a limited copartnership abontro be formed in said county, under the name ot W. A. Doody, and that Myron Kussbaum and Joseph Danr< nbvrg are the tpeci»l partner* therein, and that the amount agreed to be contributed by eachofthrm to wit: the sum of four thousand tbecapi’al steck if s id firm, ba* been sctua’ly paid in.-and in good faith conutbuied thereto. __ A. DOODY. 8worn to and subscribed before me tlii- 20th day of January, 1830. J. T. RODGKR8, mart w 4w Notar? Bibb county, Georgia. MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price-list, W. H; DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. Bibb Countv Sheriff Sales W ILL be sold before the court house door in the city of Macon, e uring the legal hours of sale, on the first Tue*day in July next, the fol lowing property, to-wit: alt that parrel of land situated on the south* west common of tho said city of Maeon, known as the t orluwest half of Jot N’o. 8. iu block No. hi. acroidiu* to tfce m*D of A. A. Ki-<vman ot June 9 1863. bounded as fci'ow*. on the west by 1 amar street.nortb by Hizel street, east by had of lot No. S. nu'h by lot 7, iu said block, contain, iug cue fourth of an acre mire or lest; alsorne Urge ei.sine boiler, one 1-rge soap boiler, one part of trailer and about ten thonta- d brick to be *o!d as they now are on sa : d lot their rem oral to the court bouse being too en enu* e; also a lot t f pipes and other material used iu the so- p factory lately run on said lot. to all which p) aintiJ, iu fi ta. bu-ow stated, has title by deed to se ure a debt now in judgment cn which said fi. fa. issued; aho that parcel of land in said city, known in its plan a* lot No. 3. m block No. 69,fronting on Tatnal squaie. All levied on > s the property oi Jam** B. Biaainmune to satisfy a II fa. issued irom Crawfcrd Superior Court in favor of I. U. Plant vs. exid Blajingame. Property tointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. jne2-law4w* GKO. F. CHKRRT Sheriff. G EORGIA, -IBB COUSTT.—Whereas, a. b Uo-s. guardian of Mrs. M. 1,. Butts and her minor cbildreu, Jesse u. Butts, James A. Butts and J atm P. Bulls, has made application for leave to sell all the wild lands belonging to his said wards at private isle. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be end appear at Ue Court ofOrdinaiyot said county, on the first Monday in June next to show caused any they have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand officially. May 8,1880. J. A. MCMANUS. may9-td* Ordinary. OlaaOLUTlON. T HE firm of Redding A Turk is this day dis solved by mutual consent, C. U. Redding re tiring. The basin*** will be cor ducted in future by J W, Turk, who is alone authorized to cotle. t all outstanding claim* and pay the debts cl the firm. C. H. REDDING, J. W. TURK. Clinton. Ga.. May 12.1880. 18-dlt-wlm* Crab Orchard Springs, KENTUCKY. •ts. For pamphlets containing analysis ot ters. low rate of board, etc. Ado ress. J 8, FURf.M-nager, may8-wlra* Crab Orchard. Ky. TTamarsw ) The Litti* Rock and Fort iXOIUcS IU (Smith Kail*ay offer for sale I thebest LANDS in the West TTTnr,{•«*»** J or Southwest, with healthy W wSIcIE ) climate, ferile soil, and not , (affected by drouth. Easy Arkansas ti™ olu>e - ruUinteraa - iyto W. I). SLACK, Land Commissioner, anEf-wlSt Little Rock, Ark. TO RENT. T HE store now orenpied by Hunt, Baskin A Lamar, wholesale druggists; has a deep, dry cellar and two floors above. Was specially ar ranged and used as a carriage repository for years, but a good alandtor any kind of business. Apply to W. G. SOLOMON. ■ at Bxchanpe Bank. ma]2-2taw3w or G.B. ROBERTS. G EORGIA. Bibb County—Whereas George R Barker his made application for letters of admiristration on the estate of JrneA. Malone, late of «aid county dec eased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all person* concerned to be and tppearat the Court of Ordinary of said cornty on the first Monday in June next, to show cause if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted. <*iven under my hand aud official signature, May 1,1850. iaaj2-ln\.4wtf J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. STOCK SPECULATION, J OHN A. DODGE A CO., Bankers and Brok ers, 12 Wall Street, New York, buy stocks oo reasonabla margin, and, when aesb ed. will advise when snd what to buy. Also 8toek Priv ileges in whieh i25 to 8100 can be profitably in- Tested. Opportunities for good profits are con stantly occurring. Full information on applica tion, and Weekly Report sent tree. JanlQ-tus-sat-ly;' Know Thyself, T HE untold miseries that result firm indiscretion in early life taay be alleviat ed and cured. Those who doubt this assertion should purchase the new mrdical work published by the PEA- BODY MEDICAL 1NSTI- IFUTS. Boston, entitled THE BOUNCE OF LIFE. ur, SELF PR88ERVAT10N. ' Exhausted vi tality Ferrous and pbysioal debility, or vitality impaired by the errors of youth or too dost or too dote application to business, may b« restor ed aud manhood regained. .... Two hundredth edition, rovisfdsmd enlarged. Just published. It it a standard medical work, tho brat in the English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom was awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Na tional Medical Association, it contains beauti ful and vsry expensive engravings Three hun dred pages, more than 50 valuable proveript'ons for all forms ot prevailing dilease, the result *1 many years cf extersive and successful practice, either cne ot which is worth ten times the price o’ the book. Bound in French cloth, pnos only $!, sent by mail po.tpaid. The London Lancet ssya: “No person should be without this valuable book. The author it a noble benefactor.” An illustrated sample sen* to all on receipt oi 6 cents for postage. , . . The author refers by permission to JOSEPH SFIpHBR. president; W. L P,INGRAHAM, vice president; W PAINE, M D, n 8 GAUNIT. HD;HJ POUCKT.H D. EH KLINE. M D, J RBOLCOMB. MD.N K. LYNCH. MD, and M R O’CONN 8LL, M D. faculty of the Philadel phia University of Medicine and Surgery, -alaa the faculty of the American University of Phila delphia, also Bon P A BIB-ELL, MD,president of [he National Medical Association. Address Dr W H PAR* KBit, No 4 Balfineh 8t, Boston, Mats. The au thor may be consulted on all 1 diseases requiring skill and experience,, novso wIt PEAT, THYSELF GOOD SAW MILL FOR 2200. Our No. 1 Plantation Saw MM i* designed to be run by 8,10 or 12 hone power Agricultural Engine*. With this power Irom 1-500 to 4,000 e of lumber can be cut in a day. A product S5 to 50 per cent, greater than can be cut with an> re* oi procat ing taw mill with the tame power. The mills are oomplete except saw, and will bo put on tbe ear* in Cincinnati for the low prk LANE & B0DLEY GO., John & Water Sts., Cincinnati* 0. aprl-dlawSm&weowlSt G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Whereas Ben jamin C. Smith administrator o! the estate o! James Smith.d-cease-l. has male ipDhc-tion for leave to sell fifteen share* of the capital stock of the Southwestern railro*d ccmpmy. one house and lot m tho city of Macon in said county, and twenty-seven hundred acres ol land in Houston county in said State, belonging to said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all person* concerned to be and appear at the Couit oi Ordinary of said county on 1 he first Monday in June next, to show came, if any they have. Why aaid application -hould not le grarted. Witness my official signature, J. A. MCMANUS,Ordinary. mays ltawAw* Buies of £ibb. Superior Court, Adopted May 29, 1880. AT the session of Bibb Superior Court on Sat urday morning, the following rules of practioe were adopted by the court and bar, in order to expedite the business of the Court and tuiess-n the cipente and inx.nvctiienoe ot the parties lit! sant. On motion of Col. L. N. Whittle, Judge T. J. Simmons aa chairman, and Meeere. I-aacHa>de- man, G. W. Gustin, N. K. Harris and W. B. Hill were appointed a committee to put the rules in form for publication. Role First. TheJudtew'U announce at the benincing oi each term the order in which the dockets wi I bo called. They will be called In the following order; Common Law, Equity, Ap peal, Claim and Illegality. The Criminal Dock et will be assigned lor special weeks, of which notice will be given to the Bar and tbe public. Rule Second. Cases will be set down for trial on a day to be designated by the Judge or agieed upon by counsel, and no case shall be in ord- r to be called for trial peremptorily, except it is set down. Rule Third. Cases ch*U be set down ’or trial three days in advance of the day for trial, except that in special rase* for sufficient cause shown the Judee may in his discretion set a case fora more distant d*y; and for making public the cases that are *et down, and the d»y that each is to re tried tlie Cicrk shall have prepared snd placed in the couit room in a conspicuous place, three blackboards whl- hare to be used us.daily calendars, and <n eathto be entered a day acd date and the cases tet down lor trial on such day and date. Rule touith. One of these calendar* shall on each day, except it shall, iu the opinion of the Juoge. beuniecesiary, be supplier with cases to be tried three da-s tberealter, which are to be set down lor such day by order oi the Judge, on a call oi the rocket lor that purpo-e or by agreement of rouniil announced each morning, immediately after tho minutes of the court are read. RuleFiitb. All motions Which do not goto the merits oia case and all exceptions to inter rogatories which go to the execution and return thereof; must be made when a case it called on the docket and before it is set down for trial, or all such motions or objections wilt be considered as waive* and after a care is set down for Vial, tbe same will not be eon inued. except for prov idential came, r r for a cause which ante* tubes- quent to the day the case is set aown or fer a cause eiiitug at the time the cate is set down but whi- h could net be discovered by the exer cise oi duo diligence os the part of tbe attorney or party. Rule Sixth. The Certiorari and Motion Duck ets are in order e*ch Saturday, and where cases thereon require a jury they will be set for trial, under the foregoing rules. Rule Seventh, if there are cases on the calen dar of any day that are not reached, they will be first called-lor assignment, on tbe following morning, when the Judge makes up the next dally c-lendar. /”iBORGIA—BIBS COUNTY.—'Whereas Ja UT oob Dinkier.- guardian of Edward Berend, Aa* made application for letters of dinms-ion: - These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons coicerned. to bo and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in Augustnext,lo show cause .it any they have, why letters o! dismission should not be granted to applicant. Witness my official signature May 8, 1880. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. so*9 law w4* O RDINARY’S Office. Jones County, Georgia, MarehS, 1880.—Whereas A. A. » arfield, ad ministrator estate John J. Barfield, deceased, spplfe* for dismission. The* e tre to cite and admonish all persons con cerned ta sbow cause at this office, on first Mon day in June next, If ary they have, why the same •hall not be slanted. Witness my baud officially. marSt-l* R.T. ROBS. Ordinary. Notice to Debtois and Creditors. A LL persona indebted to the estate of H. B. Troutman are hereby notified to makein.- media to pajmett of the same to tbe undersign ed;and ail pci sous having claims a* ainst laid estate se* hereby notified ta present tbe same duly authenticated in terms ortbe law. M.L. EDUTMAN,Executor, y 18; 1880.—1#-' W4w KORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas W.B. yJT Bolt and J. K. Jones, administrator* on the estate of James Doan, late of said county deceta- ed.have made application for letters of dismission irom said estate: ' These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be acd appear at the Court of Oidlnaiy of said county on the first Monday in August next, to thow cause, if any they have, why lctteis cf dismission should not be granted to snplicants. Witness my official signature. May 8, 388-1. njar‘M->" J. A. McMAN 1/8. Ordinary. THE EXODUS Deranges labor, making necessary every facility for handling Cotton at the Gin. SAV8 LABOR by using* JONES KlVK-TON WAGON SCALE ftrioo SCO. all Iron and Steel, Brass Beam. 1’RslGHT PAID BY 118. If ordered now car. payatUitning. Everybody send for free bock. Addieis _ Jones < f Bisgbaniton, Binghamton, N. Y. SllSti Fopnlar Monthly Drawing of the iommomealib Distribu tion Co. AT MACaULBT’8 THEATRE. In tbe City of Louisville, on Wednesday, June 30,1630, These drawings authoris<-d by act of the Leg islature id 1889 and sustained oy all tbe courts oi Kentucky, according to a contract made with the owLets of the Frankfort grant, wi,l occur regularly on the Uetdsyof every mouth. Sun days and Frida;s excepted, for the period o! five years, terminating on June SO, 1W>6. The United States Circuit Couit on March 81 rendered the following decis ons : lst-That the Commonwealth Distribution Compary ialexal. 2d—Its ora wings are net fradulent. The management call altenticn ta ti e liberal sdhrme which ka* met with such popular f>; or heretofore, and which will again be presented fcr. the JUNE DRAWING.- l Erne e Sf.coo 1 Prize 10,000 10 Prizes Eiliififi ^h*"****""” ' , V. * io!cci *0 Frizes 500 each lOJOCO 100 Frizes 100 each 10,000 200 Prises 50 each - y ' 10,010 COO Prizes 20 each ... 12.000 -.000 Prise* 13 each . lC.CKO 9 Prize* 300 ea* b, ap’raximst'n prizes 2.7CO 9 Pnica SCO each do do 1,806 V Prize* 100 each do do Vvt WC0 Prise* *112.400 Whole Tiokets, *2. Half Tickets, $1. 27 Tickets, $50. 55 Ticket*, sits. Remit by Poat-Oilice Moi ty Order. ^Registered Letter, Bank Dralt or Express. To insure against mistakes and celays, corre spondent* will p'.esse write their names and pises of residence plainly, giving number of • Foat-Offlce box or Street, aud Toa n, County and State. All communications connected with Hie Dis- Distribution and Orders for Tickets should be addrestel to R. M. BOAHDMAN, Oourier-Jonr- nal Building LouisvnJ* Kentuckv. or at No. 307 and 3C9 B oadway, N. Y. augSOeodtuthusat Administrator’s Sale, B Y authority of an order from Jones court cf Ordinary, will be sold at the court bouse door in Clinton. Jones county,on the first Tues- da, in June next, withiu legal hours of rale one undividea half interest in four hundred acres ol laud, more or less, belonging to estate ot Joseph C. Barbee, deceased, situate on waters of Hog creek in said county; good land. Sold for distribution acd to pay d« ts. Te ms cash. A. J.STEWART, Adm’r. April 20,1880.-24tas* A. U, TaiuoRb Bit'lor rel.ef. etc. Bibb Sure- v*. J- rior Court, Ortob.r Term, WM. TAYLOR.) 1879. It appearing to the Court by tho return of tin Sheriff that the defendant is not to be found in tbia county; and it further appearing that he does cot reside in this Stat-i: Ordered, that ser vice be jerlected on said defendant by publica tion to bcand appear nt tbo next term cf this Court, or that couimsmant te allowed to pro ceed. Ordered further, tre xt this o der be ruMithed once a n onih for four months iu the Telegraph and Mest-ctivcr, a public gazette published m the dtyof Macon. By tho Court: JOHNL. HARDEMAN. Complainant’s Solicitor. T J. SIMMON! - , J. 8. C. M. C. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. This 22d November, 1879. dccJS-lamtm» A. B. ROSS, Clerk. Bent p*id tw o and-a quar ter years buys one. Best Cabi net cr Parlor Cream in the World; winner* of highest dis tinct inn at every wcrlo’s Pair for 13 years. Prices {51. $57, gee. 284.6-103 to $500 and up ward. Also for easy payments, S5 a month or $6.53 a quarter and npward. Catalogues free. MA fc ON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 15* Tre- e.ont street, Boston; 48 Past 14th street (Unhn Square) New York; 250 Waba-h Avenue, Chica go mavl»-w4t um AND IIAMLiN ORGINS Commissioners’ Sale. G EOBgIA. B1BB CODNTY.—By virtue of an order from the Superior Court of raian.untv of Bibb, granted at the April term '£Su, to us di rect ed. will be sold at the court house (’.cor in sa<d county, on tbe lint Tuesday in Ju ue next, between the legal hours of sale ths following property, to wit: Tho two bri-.-k stores and tne lot upon whieh they are bull', situate on Cottrn Avenue, in square t-enty-oce, iurhe city of Ma con, county ard Stale aforesaid, now occupied by Mrs. A. Binawangcr and F. Eisner, and be ing the property bequeathed by Thomaa A. Brewer by will to Mr*. MaryL. King;berry, Mrs Matilda G, Sherwood and Mrs, . Cath-riue E. Henry, said property sold aa tbe property of laid Mary L. Kingsberry, Matilda G. Sherwood and Catherine E. Henry, tenant* in common, for tbe purpose cf distribution among said tenants m common. Terms of side—one-third cash, one-tmrd at four month* aud one-ihird at s x month:-, with interest from date of sale at the rale of c gbt per cent, per annum; referred payment* to b secur ed by mortgage on the praiises. Purchaser has option of pa; ing all cash. ISAAC HARLEM N. AnoBRT F.SHKRWOOD JAMBS h. IIhNhY, Mar 1, ISSS-lawiw Com m i - sinners. * iBUKGlA, BiOb Countv—Whereas Mr*, bo or phia B. Hall, administratrix of the estate of. E. Bond, late of arid county deceased, rep-e- sents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully aamiuister- «d R. Bond’s'estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said admiuiat-atorshould not be discharged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on tho first Monday in J une, 188*. Given under my official signature. mkrfld* ■J A McMANUfi. Ordinary. C VAORG1A, Bibb County.—Whereas si. R. T Rogers, guardian of John N. Little, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of sa d county for a dtschrrge from his guardianship of John >'. ‘ ittie’s pereon and property. This is therefore to ci te all perrons - enneernr d to show cause by filing their objections in m v of fice by the first Monday in June next, why tbe said M. R. Rower* should not ta: dismissed from his guardianship of John N, Little and receive the usual letters ol diaraiasion. Given vnder my official signature. tuarOui* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. DIS SOLUTION. T HE firm of Athly k Speir was this day dis solved by n-utzal consent. Mr.Aably retain ing the States of klories, Kentucky, Mississippi. Louisiana and all territoiy iu Georgia scuta cf the line of rdi road running from Columbus to bavsnnah via Maoon, and Mr. 8petr retaining Tennessee, Alaba -a, Texas. Arkst saa -nd all territory in Georgia north of said railroad line. (Signed) J.S.ASHLBT, G. W. cPElk. ’ MsTCh 19.1880. mar281aw4v Warm Springs. Western North Carolina* Is open fer aleasaro seekers snd invalids. Mag nificent bathing, hot and cold sal; bur water, fine chalybeate water. P0 rooms added *inoe last sea to*, and newly furnished. Fine band of music. All amusements to L« bad here that are usually found at firat-cias* Watering places. For iufokastion send for descriptive circular. LXB£L FORiUVORGE. Bibb Superior Court, April Term, 1380. MRS. G. P.riNCKARD VS, J. J. PIN UK ARD. T appearing to the ccurt by the return of the sheriff that the defendant is not to be found in this county: and it further appearing that he doe* not reside in the State of Georgia: Ordered, that lie appear at the next term of ii* court, or that tart came be allowed to pro ceed, and that service be perfected on said J. J. Pinckard by publication hereof, once a month for four month*, in the TKLBas,ru up Musli ms. K public tiazeUe published in th: city of Miecn. By tbe Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN, Libellant’s attorney. Be it bo. T. J. SIMMONS, J. S. C. M. C. April 29.1880. a true extract from the minutes of Bib Su perior Court. Tbia May 3,1880, m*y4-laro4m A. b ROSS. Clerk. O RDINARY'SOrFiUE. JONES COUNTY. Georgia, May 1, 1880. Whereas Jack ton hoierts applies to me fcr tea guardianship of Ola, Andrew and Thomas Robert*, minor chil dren of Scloinen Roberts, deceased. Tbes < are to cito nil persons to show reuse,*lt *n.> they b-»ve. why letter* of guardianship snail not be granted him on fi'st Monday in June next. Witness my hand cfficially. maj4-wlm* ROLANDT. ROSS. Ordinary. STOCK FOOD. 1 carload RICE FLOUR. carload HU IN and SHORTS. 1 car load PEAS. In store and for sale by JONES A COOK. . rB’Xi-A-G-G-’S IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD1 Nrvu Gets Hard. Cak sr Mad* art Strength Dksised. Last Twice as Lono. : ;:«jei Sued Tiilcut Iiqjjiic the CysUs. CERES Ciills and Fever. (Cgthc^.j limCoaplaiat, Dyspepsia, WBlIpK IfflTOHSItSS, IknaGo, Costivesus, Femb Wtihtis, Sick £ Xenon Iwhtk These Pads Cure all Diseases by Absorption. No r* oxious Fills* Oils, nr Poisonoiw M r . J ici res are tan into the Stomach* The Pads are worn over the Pit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, also, the Liver and Stomach. A jrentle Vegetable Tonicls absorbedintnthecirculation o 1 the Blood Liver, purify in-theBloed, stimulating the Liv v rand Kidneys to healthy action, and «tren^th**nuiy: the Stomach to difrest food. Price op Pads tl asd S3 each. Sold by all Druggists, or sect by Mail or Express. Manufactured at S3 & i* North Liberty Sr* Baltimore. Md. John Ingalls, druggist, j Wholesale and Petail Arent, comer F»nrtfcand] Poplar itreets* Moe »n. Gr, aprfi ri6tn | am COTTON GIN Cleans the-Seed better, Runs Lighter, Ctns Faster and Costs Less Money than ang other CIn In the Market? Every machine Yuliy and legal it sy-mrrantead* s Three mac I line a arc- xnodo of tho best zu&tcrfafa, ond tht ■te-rt-VTvmn«th!p and Tnlsh ore nnercelled. Unve been awarded premiums at all tho State fair*, Gt or^Ja Alabama, 7cxat, etc. Upwards of tOCO of our Gets orb In constant uaeSa the southern states, over 1000 having been sold la 1C73. Price Lletof CInSt Feeders Condenser Boxed ready for shipment and delivered at our factor; Sizes. 87 J>0 100 00 112 80 126 00 Price with Price with Self Feeder Self Feeder ait or Condenser. Condenser* MS CO 122 50 3*A CO 00 1*4 50 1 Co GO J79 50 375 00 r-'o 00 va 00 2S4C0 C5rTerms given on Application. _ _om 1843 to 1K>S wo manufactured GlnsetCoIcrrDus, Ga under th© firm name of E. T. ?AXl/>2 & Co., afterward Clexoxs, Baowjr & CO.,and made what was then lmow; as the Taylor Gin. During the year 1858 vre removed to tU place, where we have been, exclusively engaged in man* factoring Gins ever since. 'With Ion;: experience, the ic* labor saving xnochinexy and skilled rVmen. wc posse si Advantages not enjoyed by any other manufacturer in otsf line, for producing the best work for the xxast money. The demand last year was so great that nearly 300 order* remained unfilled, but wo have doubled our manufacturing capacity And hope to be able to meet all demands, still it fi tile wises* plan to «©t your orders In early. Sand for illustrated pamphlet giving new voluntary testimonials from over 500live, enterprising planters. Presses, Engiiv •nd coaiplete outfit furnished when desired. Address BROWN COTTON GIN CO., NEW Z.GNDON. OOH? A. B. Farquhar, AGENT AT MACON GA. THEDEAF HEAP bEMTAPHOriEJ For if markable public teats on s! lYuiiP-Mse oa the »nil XlMSttb—ate .V« it J - .1’ Jlgralu. Srpt. ’.C'th: Hew TorhCi>ristum A<lo*iC&e. i!0.. <Jc. FmsllSIse—ftsn be carried in the pocket; Ti.e B PhouTd tteml far TTIJS& Ulostru’e 1 descriptive.Parophl -t Axnerioun Donraphone Co., 163 Vf.IthbL, CiaciuaatA C >*ORGlA-JSlBB COUNTY.—Wherct». W. 7 W Carnes, administrator cf the estate of Samuel G. Bonn,late cfamid county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission front aaid estate The e are therefore, to cite and admcnisbaU persona concerned to be and appear at ths Court of Ordinary of said county, on the ft st Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they fc&Te, why said application shon d not be g'&nted. Witness soy ot&cial siguatu e April 3.1885. J* ▲. h»cilANU>. Oidinary. mari-law*4w* For Beit at a Barpia. mjtl dim vara 8sruq(s, N. C. Most and Cbeapast AET1FI0UL IIMBS. Hpecial mdzcemen'i to 80UTH- BRn SOLDIERS. SalitfaeUan givse ta a 1 easaa. First prow iam M Atlanta aad Maoon. Georgia- Fairs, 1879. Boat ot relor-! your State. Apply at onee lev fall information, special term*, eta. AtfaktiaL’HARLlH Is BYaRB. Manoitaturor tor UAL Govcrua’t. IU West Fourth HtreeL CiudnnaiL O. FOR SAXU- 4E Hpinnlne Frames, 138 eaeb. made fcv Sa» Water Power Mo- Main.; t» B pod mg nl two 16-yard warp in good condition, and now tunntng, - James g. khaw, 36 3. Front fit., Philadelphia, Pa. Ablest!- mil In ~' J — * a.? A Very dtairable dwelling in Yinoii le, with one-hall the product of an excellent ve? la bio ga’den. Th* premists inria ie all tbe n.-cea- sary out-building*, and a well of t-nre. cold wa ter. ■ 7 he houaela roomr. and the neighborhood one hi tbe best in tbe Stale. Any Uariiy writ ing to .niov the salubrioea atamsphero o'Yin- villa and U* freedom fromuorie- dust amlmoa- quitp-a durizg the approaching auninter, can be admirably avutad. laqulreat thia ofiire. : «nr*o tf Tax Eeceivei’s NouceT M X bo< kt are now open for /eoriving le urna oi taxable properly lor Stare and czunty purposes l would be pleased to have tax-r ajer, call *nd make tcair returns promptly, as the time is abort. R. J. ANDERRON. Tax Receiver kibt county, Ge rgia Office: No, 120 Mulberry street, Macon, Ge. eprOdtf mm a hOeGlA, B1BU whereas, John P. Lee has applied to be appointed guardian ot the perron and property ot Minnie. Albert, Kosa. Julia and Duie Whitney minora, under fourt teajears ot age. »e»identa oi couoty: This is to cite all perrons concerned to be and appear at tha Ccutt or Ord-nary cl said conr.ty on tbe fiiit Mondav in June t ext, and .how Cause, if any they have, why trid John ?. Lee , hoc id rot be entrusted with the guardianship of tbe persona and properly of saiu miser*. Wit ness my official signature J. A. McSiANU#, mayll-td* Urdinary. G t BORGIA, Bibb Oounty.—Wfce-eaa C. T T Ward. txroutor if the estate ot C. Virtcti* Winter deceased, late ct arid county, has m»de appl.cation ft r leave to sell all tbe lerl and per sonal property belonging to said catato. ’ihe.-e are therefore to rite and remonish all icrsOLs ot nerrrod to be *nd apnrri the Court of Oidinary if raid county on the first Monday in June next to »how cause if any they hate, why ,a d auplication thculd not be graute>l. Witness my official . io-^tu e V. ay 7,1880. mayStd. J. «. YelllM’>. f'rdinsry. G KuLGIs—B’BB CullNIY.—Whereas, L, A executrix oi the cs ate cf « a'.a- dcniaBavagr, late of laid county, deceased, has made applLalien hr letters of dismission from said estate. _ There ares tbcro’o e, to c.te and aumonirh all persons concerned, to be and appear at tha Court cf Uroniary of said c-usiy on the first Monday io July next, to thow cause, if any they have why said application should not bs grar to 1. . . Witness my official signature Asnl 30. IS 10. J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. IT* r 4 tn*r-4w* El>KQi.A. blfcSB CO UN 1Y - \i Le.*e*s Si- Ur mon Levy bat applied to me for the sett n$ apart ct homestead cf perronsity aidtbe valua tion ot the same, and 1 will p.ssuron aaid ap- wicat on a! my cilice oo Thursday the 15th day cl Sprit, IU o’clock a. m riiti-eaa my oiflrtal signature. March 26, 1890. BMgl* . J A. McM tNUa. Ordinary JONES cOUNI’Y lOoiiONED SHEE IFF SALE XXTVLL ' e sold te’ore th* court bouse door i , Y the town of Clinton, Jon a count j, Georgia j between tbe legal hour* of sa'o, cn th© first' Tuesday in June next, tbr.o hnedred acres ofj land, or eiKOgh of said land to asltify a tax A. ta.* usued by W. J. Gresham, tux ocllrctor ot mid! counts I r tie year I*7». avid feed adjafefog’ the lands of J-.ti.cs B. Deiriou. Jackson ksSsiltl and othe- a, and iim u the i - . u. Sswjgr psae*. Levied on si tha ppoBerty ot P. 0 Bawjta.tns*^ tee lor wife .nd-efaldren. Thta Febreatv H ISO. W. J GaReUAM^ nuyl-lawisr r.<s vvasaas, Bx-officio nbosrtS.