Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 18, 1880, Image 6

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GEORGIA PRESS. Atlanta Poit: At $500 per vote Georgia has been the gainer by about SI i,- 000 bv the Chicago convention. How ever, at least half of this “sugar” will be spent before the delegates return to tins State. ' * Tiie Thomasville "Enterprise says of Mr. Thomas Grace, who died at his home near Thomasville recently: Mr Grace was bom and reared in Hous ton county. When a ycung man he moved to Hawkinsville and there lived, engaged in merchandising, until ISoo, when he came to Thomasville. Since that time he has been farming and cotton bnying. By industry and frugality he amassed a comfortable competency. He leaves a wife, but no child, we believe. He was about 58 years of age. On the 23d instant the Democratic ex ecutive committee of the third congres sional district will meet in Albany to de liberate upon the condition of affairs in that section, and arrange for the coming convention, which shall say who will run for Congress. Albany Advertiser: A case came up before his honor, mayor pro tern., W. T. Jones, this morning, when a young color ed lady charged a young colored man with squeezing her hand. She did not thir.k it the right thing to do unless he (the S neezer) should pay for it. The mayor, ways a tender-hearted personage, and leaning very much to the side of the fe male sex, found the audacious fellow guilty of a grave misdemeanor, and agreed to let him off if he would pay two dollars and costs, or spend ten days in the guard house. Griffin News: Heretofore Spalding county has been allowed only one repre sentative in the legislature, though lately it has been generally thought that our population would entitle us to a better representation. In a consultation with Supervisor Johnson, who i3 in daily re ceipt of reports from his enumerators, giv ing results of each day's progress, we were informed that the increase in the popula tion of the country since the census of 1870, is much greater even than had been estimated, and that, judging from the re turns already in, the increased population will entitle the county to another repre sentative. The wealth and population of the county has for several years been en titled to this representative, and we pre sume that another year will find the coun ty in the enjoyment of that right. Sparta Ishmaelite: The river aud harbor bill embodies, yearly, a gigantic scheme for plundering the public treasury. The Democratic party lias deserted the old landmarks in this particular. It is absurd to profess to favor economy In the face of such a gigantic raid on the treatu-y. Wiregrass Watchman: The colored people of this and other towns along the line of the M. <& B. railroad will excurtto Macon on the 12th inst. Savannah News: Last night Mr. Henry Meinhard, who keeps a store on the Louisville road, discovered about eight o’clock the dead body of a man lying in the road, near Jones’ store, some six miles from the city. lie immediately came to town and notified the coroner. In conse quence of the lateness of the hour, the coroner decided to wait until this morn ing before proceeding to the place to hold an inquest. The coroner was unable to say whether the man was white or col ored, Mr. Meinhard having failed to men tion these points. Columbus Enquirer: Killed by Carelessness.—A gentleman who ar rived on the steamer Holt tells us of the sudden death of two children in the neighborhood of Haywood’s lauding, Fla. One was a small child of Mr. i’arra- more's. It was ill, and a physician being called prescribed quinine. Mr. P. had a small quantity in the house, but it being insufficient the doctor took asmall portion from a vial in his pocket. This was given to the child, and it went to sleep. Shortly afterwards it was found to be dead. In the same neighborhood a child nine years of age was given quinine from the same physician, aud died shortly af terwards. It is thought morphine instead of quinine was given the children. Butler Herald; From all reports throughout the county the present grow ing crop of corn and cotton looks better and more promising than for several years past at this season, while the wheat ‘and oat crops with but few exceptions have been an almost entire failure. Sumter Republican: On Sunday Jast, a negro man named Spencer Daniels was killed by Joseph Dorman, a white man. Mr. Dorman, it seems,' had some words with another negro when Spencer asked what was the matter, and was told it was none of his business, whereupon he made some threatening remarks and advanced npon Mr. Dorman with a large stick, in a striking attitude. Dorman fired and struck the negro, who still advanced until shot the third time, when he fell. Dr. Westbrook was called to see the unfortu nate man, and worked bard to relieve him of his pain, as he saw at a glance that it was impossible for him to recover. He died on Sunday afternoon. Dr. West brook thinks the prevalent opinion of wit- ii'':scs is that Mr. Dorman was justifiable in his proceedings, as the negro was a powerful man, and of a very desperate character. Atlanta Post: The people would like to know by what means and by what right tt Victor Newcomb was informed of Sena tor Gordon’s resignation, while it was yet in Governor Colquitt’s pocket, aud un known to the people of Georgia. Did Governor Colquitt telegraph to Newcomb * before he made the resignation public? Savannah Nemo: Fanny Patterson, the colored damsel who was arrested by Policeman Taylor on the charge of steal ing a lot of clothes from Georgia Jones, colored, in whose house she had been residing, was yesterday turned over on a warrant issued by. Magistrate Molina. After inquiring into the case the magis trate decided to commit Fanny to jail in default of bond to' answer the charge of larceny from the Inuse before the City Court. Sparta Ishmaelite: Personally, we have the very warmest feelings of friend ship for Governor Colquitt. As a man, we look upon him as a genial, kindly gentleman—a tender.fatber, an affection ate husband, a generous friend ami a worthy citizen. In these relationships the Governor is true to his highest concep tions of duty; and we put our belief of the fact on record, that our position may liot be misunderstood. Onr opposition to his renomination grow3, in part, out of the consideration that. his candidacy is an element of distraction within the party. To those who wish to see the' people of the State united • and harmo nious, this is a serious objection to the governor’s candidacy. So far as the Ish- maelitc is conpemed' this.pbjectiou is con clusive. Thera is no needjff partisan ship in a matter of this sort. 'There excuse for it.. To favor the nomination of a candidate from considerations of friend ship, without reference to the question of fitness or availability, and in defiance of tbe protests of thousands of citizens, is to subordinate judgment to feeling, in a manner that does not comport with a faithful discharge oi patriotic duty. If there is a man in the State as competent as Governor Colquitt, against whom there is no serious, much less implacable, oppo sition, it does seem that no one, who seeks solely the good of the State, can doubt tiro propriety of the nomination of that man, in preference to the governor. That Is our position on this question, and we com mend it to the consideration of our read ers. If the public interests are of prime importance, and if peace in the party is conducive to the public good, tlien it is not even a matter of doubt that the policy suggested above is demanded by tbe high est considerations of patriotism. To onr mind tho logic of this conclusion is unan swerable. If there is a weak po.nt in it, we should like to have it pointed out. A negro woman by the name of Jane Simmons, supposed to be crazy, drowned herself in the Ogecchee river eleven miles from Savannah. When I»er body was found it was discovered to be greatly mu tilated by the alligators. Savannah Eeros: The regular week ly meeting of the Temperance Hefonn Club was held at Mozart Hal! last night, and proved quite an interesting, instruct ive aud profitable meeting, and resulted in the addition of a half dozen members (all young men) to the ranks of the cold water army. _ . „. . Sparta Ishmaelite: The two-tlurds rule seems to ba violative of the principle that majorities should rule. It will not be abolished at Cincinnati. Rigid, or wrong, one good thing may he said in its favor. It promises to rid the party of the candidacy of Samuel J. Tilden. If it should accomplish that riddance, we shall look upon it with gratitude for the bal ance of our days. Irwinton Appeal: There is no use to disguise the fact, our merchants are hav ing an easy time now. One of them went to Macon Tuesday and left his store doors wide open, and nobody to look after the store, and still it was not found out before dinner time. Wiregrass Watchman: Day does the cleaning out and improving our rivers become more and more a necessity. In so far as concerns the Ocmulgee, es pecially is this remark applicable. _ The business now done along its course in the way of manufacturing naval stores and transporting thereof, the transportation of timber and lumber to market, and the consequent return transportation of ne cessary supplies of all kinds, Las grown already to immense proportions, and daily increasing. In connection with these pressing demands few appropriations for the Ocimiigee, wo note that the business men of Hawkinsville have consummated arrangements on account of the enormous and unjust freight tariff of the. railroad commissioners, to ■ transport their cotton to market by way of the Ocmulgee’s placid waters. We trust our members of Congress will exert their utmost strength to secure an appropriation that will at once put our streams in good condition. Brunswick Appeal: Cumberland Island is now one of the most popular summer resorts on the South Atlantic coast.' Mr. Bunkley has been crowded for a month past, and is still feeding aboutninety visi tors. Macon has had a large delegation down there for some weeks, among them Mr. Edwards, the brilliant young local editor of the Telegrami and Messen ger, and he attends to business as well as pleasure. His letters to his paper are ad mirable. Albany Advertiser: We regret to learn of the death, after a short illness, yesterday, of Mr. Eugene Smith, one of the firm of Finn, Smith <& Co., of Thom asville. Mr. Smith was universally es teemed, and leaves a wife and several small children to mourn his loss. Albany News: On last Sunday morn ing Nancy Warren, an old colored ped dler, was found dead in her bed. The de ceased occupied one of the out houses be longing to Judge Jackson, and was for many years well known on tlie streets as a peddler of old clothes. Upon investiga tion of the body by several friends and relatives, it was generally believed tliat the deceased came to her end by natural causes—general debility and old age. Sandrrsville Herald: Mr. William O’Connor, son of Mr. John O’Connor, of this county, was taken prisoner during the war, and after being given up for dead for many long years, returned home on Satur day, the 30th ult. He enlisted in the service of the Confederacy when about fifteen years of age, was captured near Oconee in this county, was carried North, and, after the war closed, engaged in bus iness ; and now, after seventeen, years of absence, the lad of fifteen visits . his parents, a man in middle life, 32 years of age. Jug Breaking.—Savannah News: On next Tuesday evening, June loth, at the Masonic Temple, Trinity Sunday-school will break the jugs in which they have been collecting missionary money for some time. An attractive programme has been carefully prepared., embracing music and singing, with 'scriptural and allegorical representations, at once novel, chaste and beautiful. The entertainment is distinc tively religious in its character, and its lessons will prove alike profitable to the young aud to fie old. Doors open at 7:45 p. m. Trouble begins at 9:15 p. m. Albany Nevis: The Atlanta Consti tution would do its patrons in Southwest Georgia appreciative service if it would send us down its regular morning issue, even if takes a day longer. We do not like the half-shell pre-dating arrange ment. They say Atlanta’s Daily Consti tution is far ahead of the issue sent down this way. How is that, Colonel? Perry Home Journal; Don. James n. Blount has at last agreed, after being im portuned by resolutions from nearly every county in the district, to accept the con gressional nomination of the sixth district if it should be offered him. The nomi nation will be ottered, Blount will be re elected, and the sixth district will con tinue to be as well represented in con gress as any State district in the Union. Dawson Journal: Mr. Nathan Cook, an old and highly respected citizen of this county, died at his home in the twelfth district on la3t Friday. Deceased was, we believe, about tbe oldest man in the county, being about ninety-five yeais old. Augusta Chronicle: It 13 a matter of gratification to see that our banking insti tutions and railroads continue to pay good dividends. It Is whispered that, two more factories will soon be under way on the Augusta Canal. “The more the merrier.” The Eutaw excursion to New York con tinues to be the subject of general conver sation ip Augusta. Tbe train leaves on July 1st, at G:50 a. m. • j Cartersyille Free Press: There are only six bar-rooms in town now. Once there were twelve. We could give a reason for this downfall of king aichohoi, but modesty is a coronet we expect to wear the longest day we live. Did they break by selling to editors on tick? Atlanta Post: The Georgia State Democratic convention was a model con vention. It was the most'harmonious political meeting of ' its size ever assem bled in Atlanta. Meeting a few minutes after 11 o’clock In the ’morning, it trans acted all the business before half past five in the afternoon, and had a recess of an hour and a half in the meantime. We challenge any political meeting in the United States, composed of S50 members, for a better showing than that. The late Republican pow-wow in Atlanta required four days to accomplish the same amount of work. The convention yesterday was a representative body, though many of the members did wdartbe' marks of tlie rings. The delegates did what they come to do, and no more. There was no slouch ing of the work. We hope, that the unity of this convention is an earnest of the unity of the party during the coming con test.* THE Savannah News gives a sketch of a faithless deacon, one John XL Hollins- worth, colored. Feeling kindly disposed toward the “sistem,” and learning that one Nora Rogers and her friends desired to go to New York on the steamer City of Columbus, lie - volunteered to purchase their tickets and check their baggage, pi ously believing that the Bay was not tiie proper place for innocent women. He chocked their baggage, gave them; the checks but forgot to bring their tickets to them, and tlie'steamer left without them. Nora Rogers says she gave him $15. The good deacon is now in jail awaitlnjj a:i in vestigation before the proper authorities. He claims to have had his schooling in Atlanta, but is well khowu about‘Athens, Griffin and Forsyth. ; [-<• Athens Danner: Wc arc pained to announce tbe death of this gentleman which occurred on yesterday at 7 o’clock, at tire residence of Iris brother, Mr. Jesse Allen. The deceased was a native of Au gusta, and has been a resident of Athens for the past ten montiis. His disease was consumption of tiie lungs. He was highly esteemed for his manly virtues and his warm, social temperament. His funeral will take place to-day at 4:30 o’clock at the residence of his brother, Mr. J; M. Allen. His remains \\M be interred in Oconee cemeteiy. The Augusta'News speaks thus of our female college: We have received from our friends at tire Wesleyan the annual eataloguo for ’1879-80. in addition to the valoable and splendidly arranged ■ information con tained, the catalogue is handsomely gotten up, the clecant type work being assisted by two cuts of the college building. The I Wesleyan Female college is not only tbe eldest female college in tbe world, but j one of the leading institutions of the kind, * its curriculum being well established’a::d complete, and its advantages unsurpassed. The faculty is one of the ablest in the country and is composed of such men &3 President W. C. Bass and Professor Joseph T. Derry, formerly of Augusta, Professors Cosby Smith and Harri son, and competent and talented assistants, numbering a dozen in the corps of instructors, Wesleyan is to be congratulated. Founded in 1836, through the agency of Dr. Lovick Pierce, it began work in 1830, trader its first President, the distinguished son of that great old leader in Methodism, Bishop George F. Pierce, and tbe catalogue contains a full list of graduates from 1840 to 1870 inclusive. Tbe approaching commencement for the session of 18S0 will open on Sunday, the 13tli of June. The commencement sermon will be preached by Rev. A. W. Wilson, of Baltimore, who will also deliver the annual address on the 15th instant. This address was delivered at the last com mencement by our distinguished and elo quent townsman, Judge James S. Hook. DaltoN . Citizeh: ‘ We Jeam that oh Sunday last, at Captain A. K. Ramsey’s, a difficulty occurred between Frank Bow man and a man named Randolph, in which the former was fatally stabbed by the latter. The difficulty started from some remark being made about Bow man’s wife, from Whom he had been.sepr arated. for some time. , . ., The Savannah News: The announce ment of the death of Mr. Wm. Edward White, son of 1 James W. White, Esq., which occurred at tiie residence of his father, on Tatnall street, shortly before 2 o’clock a. m., Thursday, from congestion of the brain, occasioned sincere regret to a large circle of friends who knew him in timately and esteemed him well. Prior to the late war the deceased was a clerk in the Central railroad, and was an effi cient and trustworthy employe. Afterthe first battle of Manassas he left the Re publican Blues (of which he was a mem ber,) then stationed around Savannah, and proceeded to Virginia, where he joined the Oglethorpe Light Infantry (Eighth Georgia regiment,) remaining with tiie company throughout the entire struggle except for a brief period, when he was a prisoner of war, having been captured at Gettysburg. He was a faithful and gal lant soldier and stood high in tho estima tion of his comrades. He was at several different periods marine reporter on the Homing Netcs, and occupied that position during the epidemic of 1876, standing manfully at his post during those trou blous times aud until stricken by the fe ver. After his recovery he sought.otber employment, and at the time of his last sickness was in the employ of Mr. George W. Parish as bookkeeper. He wa3 aged thirty-seven years and nine months, and leaves a wife and several children, be sides other relatives and friends, to mourn his demise. : ” Mr. White had many friends in Macon who will he saddened by this announce ment. Ills wife is a daughter of Mr. J. O. Davis, of East Macon, He leaves only two children. We sympathize deeply with the bereaved family. : A uorrespondevt in the Gainesville Eagle gives the following history of the Lumsden gold mine in White county: ’ One evening last winter, sitting around tiie fire at the old homestead, the Lums den boys and their old grandfather, Cap tain John L. Richardson, an old miner, and one of White’s best citizens, were engaged in conversation, and the topic was gold and mining, when the old miner remarked that all the work that had been done in digging gold on the place, had been done away from the residence and that no test had been made for gold near tbe house, and that there might be gold above a place where work had been done years ago, mentioning a little valley or (train west of the dwelling house and near bv. A short time after this, and on the 2Siii of February, John Lumsden dug a test pit in this drain and got as the re ward of a day’s labor one pennyweight and twenty-two grains of gold. On Monday, 1st day of Mafcli,operations were resumed, and continued with some success until the 22d of March, when the operators found on that day 135 pennyweights and 12 grains, one piece weighing 50 penny weights. On March 26th, 163 penny weights were picked up; on April 9th, 108 pennyweights; on the 10th, 089; on the 12tbi 948; on the 13th, 225; on the 14tli, 100; on May 26th, 115; on May 31st, 40 pennyweights. The above only shows the days of large success in finding gold. Up to this date, aud since February 28th, Mr. J. R. Lumsden informs me that they hare taken out about 3,700 pennyweights of gold, with the aid of only three hands, and at very little expense. , - , ui - Waynesboro Expositor: Oar young townsman, Julien S. Rodgers, lias been elected by the faculty as one of the" junior orators at tho approaching commence ment ot Mercer University. This dis tinction is awarded for excellence in com position and declamation’. We foam that the class is remarkable for its general pro ficiency, and tho appointment on that ac count is an additional honor. .!■’-« The Fort Valley brass band, in order to keep from blowing themselves away, have chosen the following gentlemen as guardians: Mcssis. S. B: Burr, A. W. Murray and W. E. Brown. Columbus Enquirer: The appropria tion of $20,000 for the Improvement of the Chattahoochee river is secured. This amount is not large, but much good can be done with it. There remains $10,000 of an unexpended balance, giving an available sum ot $30,000. The Flint riv er gets $20,000 and Apalachicola bay $10,. 000. The river and harbor hill has been passed by both houses. . Mr. Akciiey McMillan,; of Telfair comity, is reported dead. He' wa3 one of the oldest and best citizens of that county. McVille South Georgian: Last'Mon day was a good day for the purchase of wool, if we may judge from the amount brought in. Mr. Gay and Judge McRae bought the bulk of it, near two thousand pounds,-paying 84 to 35 cents per pound. We consider the merchants are paying the full market price for all they buy. From tho Constitution wo' learn that Messrs. F. M. Richardson, E. B. Thomas and J. H. Jones think that the population of Atlanta will foot up 45,000, while Mr. J. O, Harris and Judge.Newsom, giv ing wider range to their imagination, put the number of population down at 50,000. The Smith Vise department of the Americus Bcborder puts the name - of Tom Hardeman at the head of its column; then it has this to say : Hardeman is popular in our district, but Colquitt lias a cosiderable following, and his recent appointment of Joe Brown lias increased his popularity very much in this county. We all can see no objection, to Brown. We are satisfied that Georgia is now better represented in the United States Senate than any State in tbe union. Joe Brown heat anybody being judge when he was judge, and beat all the gov ernors before and'since him, and as a rail road man ho has no equal; so we are sat isfied that lie will make as good success at being a Senator. t jq, Our Americus brethren, over, the head ing of “Rearing Fruit,” are getting rather personal. It is bearing the wroug-kind of fruit, brethren. Amujucus Hectrder: Some days ago a colored man at Hay’s mill, near Lees burg, while removing the saw dnst placed ids arm against the running saw, and in a mqmont it was .put off. Drs. -Love and Coleman amputated it above tiie elbow, and at last accounts the unfortunate man was doing well. A few days since Master Charley Chap man, son.ofour townsman, J. P. Chap man, wa3 but hunting, when some grace less chap, a colored boy, fired at him, the ball hitting a tree against which Charley was standing. • The boy, whose name is unknown, then ran off. The Columbus papers are filled with accounts of tiie closing exercises of the ptiblic schools. Meriwether Vindicator: Mon. A. O. Bapon, so often Speaker of tbe House in the Georgia Legislature, will bo supported by his friends as a candidate "for United States Senator before the next- legislature. Major Bacon’s acquaintance with leading men throughout the State, andhis tgletit* and excellent character, will render, him a strong candidate. But few have served with Speaker Bacon In the legislature without forming a strong attachment for iiim. llis great familiarity with parlia mentary law and his experience in pub lic life have fitted hitn for filling with honor and distinction any position to which he may be called by the people of his State. Louisville News and Planter: We regret to learn of "the serious illness of Mrs. H. Y. Johnson, of this county. She is certainly one of the most cultivated and and best informed ladies in the State. Added to an unusually brilliant mind, she possesses rare gift of language, which makes her conversational powers wonder fully effective and charming.: She is a la dy also of a deep sense of piety. We trust she will he ‘spared to her husband, to whose life—^whether in its glory or great ness—reverses or disappointments, she has been a bright and guiding star. Savannah News: Yesterday morning, while a number of workmen were’engaged in digging on'Broughton street, between Bull and Drayton streets, for the purpose of making connection from one of the houses with the sewer, the embankment caved in and one of the workmen, a dar key, named Robert. Reid, was almost buried beneath the dirt. He was covered up to his thighs, and, being greatly debili tated by the extreme heat, was utterly unable to move. He wm taken out by some of the men and laid npon the pave ment, where, after a little care and atten tion, he revived. ! Oglethorpe Echo: When you see persons talking in church during preach ing, don’t think hard of them. They haven’t any better sense. * Augusta Chronicle: Yesterday after noon a small box was seen floating in tho river,, opposite Wilde street. It was picked up by a fisherman, and when opened was found to contain the body of a White fe male infant. As Coroner Jones was sick, Justice Leon summoned a jury and Jield an inquest. The jury found that the de ceased came to its death from being thrown into the river, and that they be lieve it to be infanticide. Atlanta Post: Died yesterday after noon, Mrs. Powell, wife of Dr. T. S. Pow-. ell, at liis residence on Pryor street. Her remains left; last night for Sparta, her bid home. She died of heart disease. Albany Advertiser: Ever since the new management took charge, the busi ness on the Macon and Brunswick rail road has been steadily on the increase. Between $12,000 and $15,000 have .been collected at this end of the road during the month of May. The last three montiis foot up five per cent, more than the eight montiis previous. This has been mostly lumber and merchandise. Just here we would like to stick a peg. The piiblished statement of receipts of naval stores lor the month of May is .5,000 barrels or thereabouts. , Of this only about 430 came by tbe Macon and Brunswick rail road, and we learn that there are more stills on this road than the Brunswick and Albany. , Queries—Where has tiie rest gone to? Is it held for higher figures, or has it been switched oil at Jesup for Savannalf? If so, how is it? It is sixty miles to Sa vannah and forty to Brunswick. How can the Gulf road carry it a greater distance for less money ? Are there any rebates ? This seems to smack of discrimination. Let the railroad, commission hurry up and put a stop to it, or else let the Macon and Brunswick authorities allow no transfer of care at Jesup, and thus bring to Bruns wick what is legitimately hers. The Gulf road is a Savannah institution and she is entitled to the freights. The Macon and Brunswick is.a Brunswick road aud we ought to have the benefits therefrom. LaGrange Beporter: The people throughout the country seem to be pros pering. They are taking more pride in their homes, and are liaving their houses painted and otherwise adorned. It is really a treat to go through the country and see everything looking so fresh and nice. The narrow gauge railroad is completed eight miles this side of Hamilton, and tiie track seems to he in splendid condition. It is now within eighteen miles of La- Grange, hut work on it has been sus pended for the present. Sudden Death.—Oglethorpe Echo: Dr. D. Y. Aderhold, while sitting at his breakfast table Monday morning, got a piece of beefsteak down bis throat, and before relief could be given expired. Tiie doctor had been for some time partially prostrated with a paralytic stroke, and so was in very feeble health at the time of his death.. He was an honorable, reliable citizen, respected by every one. We ten der our sympathy to liis bereaved family. Atlanta Post: “Our Georgia Moun taineers,” says one who knows them well, “are the most independent, self-reliant, impudent individuality people on earth. And, while they may be willing to vote for Senator Brown, they caunotbc made to vote for Brown’s next friend.” Brunswick Advertiser: Mr. Hardy Pitts, of Dooly county, was in Albany tbo past week with his wool crop, 8,000 pounds. It only brought him in .$2,500, all made while he was asleep or at other employment. Sheep raising does pay, and there is no better place for it than Glynn county, either. ' Some of the Georgia pross are temper ing their “blows” “to a shorn Lamb” who is wandering over tho State. The death of Mrs. A. A. Gamble is' announced by the Cuthbcrt Appeal. She was about seventy years of age. Quitman Beporter: We are much pleased to learn from our much esteemed friend, Judge Isaac Johnson, that most ot his neighbore have planted this year froin THE FIRST GUN FROM GEORGIA. ! republic. To prepare for a mighty contest : 0 : . ■ . I in its defense we have met here to-day. Proceedings of the State Consent!*. I Nor " U1 we Stand alone. The American for tbe Appointment of Delegates to ' are awaking to the necessity Cincinnati —— Perfect Hannon? in ' tb V r A tion. Wo have had, but yesterday,, an Council—Oar Representatives ITn instructed. Tiie convention which met in Atlanta for the purpose of appointing delegates to to represent'the Democracy of Georgia at the national convention which assembles on the 22d inst. in Cincinnati, was one oT the largest gatherings of the kind ever known in the State. The entire proceed ings were also characterized by the utmost harmony and good feeling, the delegates wisely abstaining from the adoption of any platform of principles 'in advance of the action of the national convention. This following is a.'resume of the proceedings: The convention was called to order at 11:30 a. m. by the chairman of the execu tive committee, Judge Lester, who said: Gentlemen of the Convention: Accord ing to usage, it becomes my duty as chair man of your executive committee to call this body to order. In doing so I shall not inflict upon you a speech, but, as a life-long Democrat, devoted to tiie princi ples arid to the success of the candidates of the party, 1 ask permission to make one' or two suggestions. The government of these United States, under the lead of the Republican party, has assumed and exercised powers not delegated to it by the constitution of our ; fathers, arid even now the government, under the adminis tration of that party, is moving toward centralization with a step as steady | as time and an appetite keener than ‘death. The hope of this country is in the sucoess of the Democratic party, whose represent atives you are to-day. [Applause.] Let ;is have unity, let us have oneness of pur. pose, let us look alone to the success of the great party which we represent in this hall. i The State of Georgia has not indicated its wishes or preferences as to. who shall be tiie standard-bearer of the party in the coming contest, and therefore the- delega tion we select here will go to the conven tion uninstrueled. They, will go relying on their pwn judgment and discretion, and hence’ you will see tile 'importance of selecting the best men Georgia has to represent her in the convention at; Cincin nati., .We ought not to.send men to Cin cinnati to go simply on a frolic, or, an ex cursion; not to compliment their friends, nor to gather local importance ’ about them. Wc ought to have twenty-two of Georgia’s best citizens there, who. will go, •and survey the field, consult with their Democratic brethren from all parts of tiie country, and then make a wise selec tion of two candidates—one. for president and one for vice-president— worthy to lead this great people' and to carry their banner to victory rind success; men under whose leadership the Demo cratic hosts can move forward and dis place tho Republican party and its admin istration; men under whose captaincy; we can cross the Red sea dry-shod, and from the further bank look back and see the Republican party, with all its sin and corruptions, its centralism and crimes, its Garfield and its Arthur, overwhelmed in defeat aud min. [Cheers.] Animated by this spirit, we should select twenty-two of our best men to. represent us, and when this is done and tiie convention has taken steps to organize the party, as sug gested by the national committee, we shall have done our appointed work. I now declare the convention in order and ready for business. On motion of Mr. Walsh, of Richmond, Hon. L. N. Trammell, of the county of Whitfield, was elected temporary chair man by acclamation. The colonel then addressedjbe convention as follows: Gentlemen of the Convention: Permit me to extend to you my thanks for this unexpepted and unsolicited honor in call ing me to preside over the deliberations of your honorable body until the perma nent organization shall have been reached, and to congratulate you, gentlemen, upon your large and full representation of th6 Democracy of our grand old common wealth. But, gentlemen, your kindness admonishes me of the fact that I should not he unmindful of your time or your comfort by imposing upon you what is customary on occasions like this, but what I deem unnecessary, on this occasion, a speech. Again thanking you for the honor you have done me, I declare that the 7 -'chair fa now ready to proceed with business. • On motion, Hon. Mark A. Harden, of Bartow, was chosen secretary. A resolution offered by Mr. C. D. Phil lips, 6f Cobb, suggesting the appointment of a committee of two from each con gressional district for tho nominatipn of permanent officers was temporarily with drawn, pending a call of tho roll of the connties, which Judge D. B. Howell suggested. The following gentlemen, on motion of Ho::. G. N. -Lester, were named assistant secretaries; Henry H. Cabauiis, of Mon toe, Sam W. Small; of Fulton, and JI. R. Goetchius, of Fulton, who also acted in a permanent capacity. The roll of counties was then called, aitfcr which several resolutions and sub stitutes looking to tiie appointment ;6f a committee .on permanent organization fell through, when Gen. P. M. B. Young rose to a point of order and contended that the convention had much to db arid little time evidence of the fact that the k>ve for the traditions and principles of the republic have not altogether died out in the American heart, and-even the dream- era and plotters for empire have cried “halt” before , an indignant public; and from the clouds which lowered over our future there has suddenly vanished the dread apparition of “the man on horse back.” [Applause.] Reason is beginning to dominate passion, and we will not des pair of the future. We speak in no uncertain sound. We send greeting to sister States to-day. The t promise which we here make we will per form, and that promise is: When the great battle shall be joined in November, from every hill-top in Georgia the stand ards of our party shall float in undisputed victory. [Cheers.] I again thank you, gentlemen, for the distinguished honor yon have done me, and declare that the business next in or der is the selection of a permanent secre tary for this convention. [Applause.] On motion of Gen. DuBose, of Wilkes, the rules of the .last house of representa tives of Georgia were adopted for the gov ernment of the convention. By Mr. Simmons, of Gwinnett, Besotted, That this.convention do now proceed by ballot to select four delegates and four alternates from the State at large, to represent the> Democracy of Georgia in the national Democratic con vention at Cincinnati. , Judge Harrell, of Webster, moved to amend by adding: The four receiving tiie highest vote- provided that the same is a majority of tiie convention—being declared elected. The ballot fo proceed immediately after'; the simple announcement of names of candi dates without debate. J.. ' ! Vi. Mr. Simmons accepted the amendment. Gen. Young thought a, plurality should elect. ‘ Mr. Jemison, of Bibb, favored a ma jority vote to determine the action of the convention. A motion to lav the substitute on the table was voted down. Mr. Davis, of Houston, moved to strike out all of the; resolution referring to alter nates, and that the convention, after the election of the delegates at large, proceed to the election of their alternates. The motion was agreed to. The original resolution as amended was then agreed to as the order of the con vention; the word “convention” ' being stricken in favor of the words “of the vote cast,” so that a majority oi the votes cast would elect. Nominations were next in order for delegates at iprge. Hon. H. H. Charlton, of Clark, presented the name of Hon, George T; Barnes, of Houston county. Mr. Smith, of Fulton, nominated Capt, Evan P. Howell. Mr. Trammell, of Whitfield, tne gallant Gen. P. M. B. Young, of Bartow. Mr. Jemison, of Bibb, placed the name of Gen. A. B. Lawton before the conven tion. . .*. Mr. Clay, of Cobb, nominated Hon. James R. Brown, of Canton. That gen tleman lose and withdrew his name, say ing, “we have dissentions enough in the seventh district now, and cannot afford any more; so I withdraw iny name.” A delegate from • Hancock nominated Hon. Miles W.’Lewis, of Greene. Judge YasoD, of the second district, nominated Hon. A. T. McIntyre, of the county of Thomas. Mr. Jordan, of Pulaski, Hon. Charles C. Kibbee. Mr. Clay, of Cobb, Hon. George N. Lester, of Cobb. The name ofB. H. Hill was withdrawn by a delegate from Troup. Mr. Womack, of Newton, nominated Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton. Mr. Livingston declined the nomination, with thanks to the mover. Col. Herbert Fielder, of Randolph, was nominated by a delegate from Lee county. A motion to adjourn having been lost, Mr. Chandler, of Elbert, moved that a committee to consist of two delegates from each .con gressional district be appointed to . draft resolution^, expressive of the sentiments of the Georgia Democracy, ' Ex-Governor Smith objected, and the resolution could not. he considered. • The name of Mr. C. C. Kibbee was withdrawn from the list of candidates for delegates at large. A vote by counties was then taken vfith the following result: ' Gen, A. R. Lawton, 271; Hon. George T. Barnes, 2562-3; Hon.' E. P. Howell, 2141^3;'Gen. P. M. B. Young; 189; Hon. George N.! ’Lester, .135; Hon. M. W. Lewis, 57; Hoy. A.T. McIntyre, 55; Hon. Herbert Fielder, 21; Hon. H. G. Turner, 2; Hon. B. B- Hill, 1; Hon. J. E. Brbwn, The vote for Senator Brown was given by the delegation from Campbell county,, and was greeted with hisses from a part of the delegates!' '’’.V ( ' The president announced that the whole number of votes cast was 350, re quiring 176 to elect. In consequence he announced that Messrs. Lawton, Barnes', Howell arid Young were the duly selected delegates from the State at large to’the Cincinnati convention. [Applause.] THE ALTERNATES CHOSEN. one to ten acres, to the farm, in upland to do it in. This convention,'he said, can rice,-and that their prospects are very organize itself into .a committee of the flattering for a large and satisfactory whole and choose its own officers. [Apt yield. The judge will, in due time, have platise.] In afewbricfandeloquenteu- in operation a rice mill for tbe benefit of logistic remarks he placed in nomination the public, which-will clean all the rice 5 for permanent president of the conven- jhey.wiji make. Rice is as saleable, either cleaned or in the rough, as cotton, and certainly pays much better; then why not go more extensively into the cultivation of it. Tra Griffin Netcs announces the death of Mrs. Mary Bellamy, of that city, at the advanced age of 85 years. A Lump op Gold.—Oglethorpe Echo: Dr. R. J. Willingham, who lives at the Sims lot, last week einploycd a negro to hoe in his garden. Tho darkey uug up some heavy substance, which he split open with an axe, and carried tiie pieces to Mr. Clem Boggs, who recognized it to be pure gold, and paid the boy one dollar for both pieces. Mr. Boggs then carried them to Athens and sold them to a jewel er tor $22. Tins is thought to be the fa mous Sims nugget, found oh tiie Cox pjace, that Caused Such a big lawsuit and was supposed to have been lost by. agangof counterfeiter who once flourished in our county. If this be true, the nugget was worth$86. . i. . -H : ' ;, Albany Advertiser:. Dining a rain and thunder storm in tbe western portion of this county yesterday afternoon, Emily Rawls, a colored woman employed on the Dick Walker place, near Walker’s Sta tion, jvbs struck by lightning and instant ly killed.- She was standing under a tree at the time the fatal bolt came, and it se«ri3 that it first struck tho tree arid then passed to her. j it > . < I ...J —Louise, Princess of England anj Marchioness of Lo(ne, is quotedassaying to a reporter of the Milwaukee Sentinel that she and her brother were very much entertained and delighted by the Chicago convention. “We were glad ol an oppor tunity,”'she. said, “to see the primary gathering of gentlemen who select jovtr ruler.; L can hardly describe ih a few words the feelings I experienced.! To think that right there in Chicago business was going on as usual, no undue excite ment, ana that in the large building a few men (for they are but a few of your vast population) were having a debating so ciety that was making your ruler. You know it* Is so different from what we have been accustomed to,” exclaimed the lady, speaking In an interested and vivacious in aimer. “My QenMtions,” g j lc added, “were conflicting, arid I have thought much and will think long upon what I saw. This republic is certainly a remark able institution. No man has any right to the throne or the chair. It is open to everybody. And yet I am told that all the feeling subsides and every member of tbe party' works to elect the nominee.” Garfield and Arthur.—Tho ticket, like some other tilings, was spoiled in the finishing.. It is like a kite that has not tail enough to fly it'.—Philadelphia Times. tion" “a roan whose name will bring to any position nothing but honor to the Dcmocra'icparty and .to the State -of Georgia—Hon. A. 0; Bacoh, of the comi ty of Bibb.” [Great applatrseiji; , i General Ypupg mov;ed Iris election by acclamation, which.motjon was ratified. General Youligj'SamUel H. Jemison, of Bibb,’and Josephus Camp were appoint ed to conduct the president-elect to the chair, w ,,| ».. <, it i Upon taking the chair Mr. Bacon deliv ered the following heat addrfcss i j' Gentlemen of the Convention: I am sure you will credit me when' I say that it is without affectation that I thank you for the distinguished honor which you have conferred upon me. I shall certainly en deavor to manifest my appreciation by discharging to the best of my abilities the duties of the positiou to which you have assigned me—with impartial ity, Without fear, faror or affection. Four years have passed since tho Dem ocratic party of.the State of Georgia last assembled in general convention. Since that date there have occurred startling po litical events.' Since that time the two great parties of this country have met in a fierce conflict for political supremacy. As the indisputable result of that conflict, the Democratic party was tbe legitimate victor, buf, by undisguiaable. frauds; by violations of law, by menaces of violence, the vanquished party retained possession of the government. [Applause.] ' Tiie time for the periodic contest has comb again. ’ITie 1 essential principle of republican government, the right of the majority to rule,uiust,-in the contest upon w.hich we are about to. cuter, be vindica ted. It is a great cause—one riot to be dwarfed into the dimensions of a contest over the vindication of the personal right or the redress of the personal grievance of any one inan. [Applause.] It is, not only the right ana the grievance of one but more than threo millions Of Democratic voters, and whoever may be selected to bear our banner in this con test, from him, not for himself, but as the representative of this great Democratic host, we will demand the vindication of this right and the redress of this griev ance! [Cheers.] But the scope of our purpose is yet broader. It : iS to relieve the people of the innumerable and unnecessary burdens which oppress them; to administer the government for the good of the people, and not for the good of official^; *nd ; aboVe all,' it is to~ maintain and preserve those great principles to secure and perpet uate which this’government was founded. Step by step the party to which we are opposed is marching to the overthrow of these principles, and, unless ’they can be arrested in their fatal progress, the time is , not far distant which will witness the de- The above were announced as the duly ehasea delegates and alternates from, their respective districts. The convention then adopted the two- thirds rale by a vote almost unanimous. Resolutions of thanks were proposed to the Atlanta Constitution for printing, free of charge, certificates for return of dele gates to their homes, on the railroads; and to the several railroad companies who had extended courtesies to the numbers of the convention. Mr. Beauchamp, of Pike, offered tbe following, which was unanimously agreed to: . i Resolved: That the thanks of the con vention are due, aud hereby tendered to the Hon. A. O. Bacon, for the able • and im partial manner in which he lias presided over the deliberations of the body; also, to the secretaries for the efficient service which they bare rendered on this oc casion. Hon. George T. Barnes, a member of the national executive committee, with a view to proper organization, introduced the following: Besolved, In accordance with the re commendation of tbe national executive committee, that the congressional, dis trict and county conventions be requested to organize tne executive committees of tiie congressional districts and counties, so that tbe member ■ pf. the congressional' district com mittee shall be ex officio a mem ber of the executive committee of the county which he represents, on the district committee. ' . . . , .The resolution was adopted unanimous^ ly,' The convention then adjourned sine die. ft- ■■ »* \&m Mr, Redding, of Pike, moved that Hons. George N. Lester, Mr. W. Lewis,. A. T. McIntyre aud Herbert Fielder, haviiig re ceived the next highest votes, be declared by acclamation the' alternate delegated from the State at large. ; - i The motion was adopted without dis sent. ‘ ‘•'On motion of Mr: Reese, of Carroll, the selection of tiie delegates at large was made unanimous. On motion the convention then ad journed until 4:30 p. m. afternoon session. The president-called the convention to order at 4:40 p. m. , a r» , i ■ Mr. Sandwich, of Upson, offered the fol lowing: r Resolved, That the delegates of the sev eral congressional districts, beginning with the first, proceed to nominate two persons for delegates and. two for alter nates to. the Cincinnati convention, and that on presentation of the names of such persons that this convention shall confirm the same by acclamation, and they be de clared elected delegates and alternates to the Cincinnati convention. Mi 1 .' Smith,- of Crawford, moved that the delegates he chosen by acclamation. Adopted. The following are the names of the dis trict delegates as presented: -Col. W. T. Thompson, of Chatham, pro sentedfor the first district: Delegates— W. A. Wilkins, of Burke, J. M. C’otiper, of Glynn. Alternates—J. C. Dell, of Screven, Josephus Camp, of Emanuel. Judge Vason, of Dougherty, presented for the second district: Delegates— J. R. Alexander, of Thomas, B. E. Russell, of Decatur. Alternates—J. P. Sawtell, of Randolph, B. P* 'Jones, of Lowndes. Mr. Jordan, , rf Pulaski, presented for the Giird district: Delegates—L. M. Fel- tor., of Macon, D. M. Roberts, of Dodge. Alternates—F. H. West, of Lee, D. B. Harrell, of Webster. > it. ' Mr. Peavey, of Meriwether, presented for tiie fourth district: Delegates—T.W- Grimes, of Muscogee; P. H;- Brewster, of Coweta. Alternates—F. H. Longly, of Trodp; R. A. Massey, of Douglass. Col. W. M. Lowry, of Fulton, pre sented for the fifth district: Delegates—J. D. Stewart, of Spalding; C; C. Duncan, of Houston. Alternates—R. D. Smith, of G-'awford; 2. D. Harrison, ol DeKalb. Col. L- F» Livingston, of Newton, pre sented for the! sixth district: Delegates— James G. Ockington, of Wilkinson; A. C. McCalla, Of Rockdale. Alternates—J. P. Reeae, of Putnam; Emmett Womack, of Newton. Judge Underwood, of Floyd, presented, for the seventh district: Delegates—Joel C. Fain, of Gordon; Arthur H. Gray, of Catoosa. Alternates—M. Dwinnell, of Fioyd; Thomas J. Lyon, of Bartow. Hoh. M. W. Lewis, of Greene, present ed for the eighth district: Delegates—D. M. Dubose, of Wilkes; Patrick Walsh, of Richmond. Alternates—T. O. Wicker, of Washington; W. H. Maddox, of Elbert. Colonel J. A. Billups, of Morgan, pre sented for the ninth district: Delegates— 1 W. P. Price, of Lumpkin; T. M. Peeples, of Gwinnett. Alternates—A. L. Mitchell, struction of this fair structure of a federal. of Claike; D. E. Banks, of Hall. The Bepublican Nominee. From the Nashville American: Gen. Garfield’s biographer, not aware that he was in danger of being struck by lightning, bas negfectid to prepare a life of tbe distinguished nominee with those beautiful traits of character portrayed which are always found in nominees, or at least in their biographies. The omis sion will soon be supplied, as there were fiye hundred persons engaged yesterday evening in looking up .facts and making them, and in writing to Gen. Garfield for such early evidences of genius and Suc cess as would prove gratifying to the Re publican tO;find his party leader possessed of. In so far as we know the history of Gen. Garfield back of 1S60, lie was a school teacher, a lawyer and preacher. He was born in Cuyahoga county, Oliio, in 1831, and graduated rt Williams Col lege, Massachusetts, , in 1857- He was president of a literary institution for sev eral years,'studied and practiced law, and was a member of the Ohio State senate in 1859-60. :.T-'; lie entered the army in 1861 as! colpnel of the Forty-second Ohio, was promoted to brigadier January 10,1862, made chief of staff of.the Army of the Cumberland in September, 1863. He has served in the House from the Thirty-eighth to the Forty- fifth ' Congress, inclusive,' and' was re elected to the Forty-sixth Congress, and -chosen Senator by the last Legislature in the place of Allen G: Thurman. General Garfield is a man of great ability and clear perception of subjects in the abstract, and has a very clear and striking way of pre senting them; but of poor management of men and in party leadership. By a lack of moral courage he falls just short of the statesman, and by a percep tion of the broader view, he is unfitted for complete success as a politician. Ho niara his party leadership by being liberal oc casionally, and mends it by being narrow in tho wrong place; blunders into breadth of view and then shrinks back under the lash. He can see a good ways down the path of statesmanship, hut lacks moral courage to cany him any distance bn the way. As President he would put some excellent sentiments into his messages and tarn out more thoroughly under tbe domination of his party than ever Hayes has been—continually seeing the right way and going the other way. From the Chattanooga Times: General James A. Garfield is of western ized Now- England stock. He is;, de scended from the famous Ballou family, Bdston, on the. mother’s side. His pa rents were poor. He was bom on a farm and toiled as a farmer’s lad in the town of Orange,-Cuyahoga county, Ohio, going to the . district school' in! winter. Tins employment he varied, when a well grown lad, t>y driving'canal teams on the Ohio and Erie canal. -His conversion ■ to the Disciples faith under, the preaching of Elder Isaac Errett, now editor of the Chfislivh' Standard, Cincinnat*, led to his securing a term-Or two at ah academy at Chester, Portage • county. Then he taught school,rfind studied alternately at Hiram,' in the same county, until 1854, when he entered the junior class in Williams college, and graduated in 1856 with high honors; He read law and be gau practice; but between his literary work as president of Hiram, which was chartered as a college meantime, and his natural bent for politics, lie probably never got mueb beyond a firm grasp of the text-books. He was elected to the-Ohio Senate of 1859-60, and at once took high rank as a debater and general legislator. His interest was mostly centered upon ed ucational and scientific matters that come up in legislative bodies. He labored for the improvement of the public school ad ministration and did ; much to promote a thorough geological survey of his State. In 1861 he raised.the forty-second Ohio infantry* and went to the field with it late in the fall of that year.^ General Buell gave him a brigade at Louisville, and’sent him into eastern Kentucky to figlit the ir regulars, which fairly swarmed over that part of the State. He made a success, arid was promoted to brigadier. He did staff and various duties from the- spring of 1802 till March 1863,When he was made chief of staff to General Iiose- crans and promoted to majcr-general, af ter the death of General Garesche in the battle of Murfreesboro. He served with his chief through the campaign from Mur freesboro to Chattanooga, and during the siege of this city was on Thomas’staff. Jn 1864 lie was Elected' to Congress from the old-Giddings district, and through all vicissitudes lias represented that Republi can stronghold ever since. Last winter he was chosen to the United States Senate to succeed Allen G. Tlmrman. General Garfield will be forty-nine years old the 19th of next November. He is a self-made man, entirely so, and is too genial, too human to exactly “worship his maker.” His frame, as well as his brain, Is gigantic. He stands six feet two inches in his hoots, weighs .about two hundred and forty with no surplus flesh, and .is a blue-eyed blonde, liis hair, when he was twenty years old, being decidedly of the Greeley shade. possessed of what William Wirt called the “genius of labor.” There are few men living, or who ever lived, that can or could endure more mental work than he and do good work. As s collegian, twenty boors with out sleep was common with liim, and not one of tbe twenty hut had i<« stated task of work or recreation. On the whole the nomination is one of the strongest tiie Republican party could have made. Some pretty hard things can * be said of the nominee, hut not worse than can be said with truth of every man in politics, except perhaps a number that can be counted on tbe fingers of a single hand. He has been consistent on the fiuaucial questions and Is sound on nearly all the issues touching the genius of American political economy. He is strong with the soldier element. He will hold his party organization in solid line, and with all the tide that can be made against him be will carry the Northwest, and make Indiana debatable ground. In short it is a nomination not to be whistled down tbe wind. Let Cincinnati give us Jewett or Bayard and we can enter tbe canvass with the hope and belief that our labor will not be wasted. A noted divine says: “J have been using Dr. Tutt’s pills the past tljree months, for dyspepsia, weak stomach and, nervousness. : I never had anything to do me so mhch good in tiie way of medi cine. They are as good as you represent them. I recommend them as the best pill in existence, aud do all I can to ac quaint others with their greet merits. They are. a special blessing.” Ret. F. R. Osgood, New York. STBASBOUsatdoes OUTDONE. The naee at Meehan!lean Which K* <tnired a jUfetiuiete Perfect A wonderful clock, said to be superior in mechanism and the variety of itsr» * fomianees to the famed Strasbourg Jtm* mimical and apostolical clock, has' beon placed on exhibition in Tammany Hall and for a considerable time will remaS there for the inspection of the pnbiu This Clock was constructed at Detroit w Prof. Felix Meiera, a ^ntlemau whi?/, devoted his entire life to the study of.** tronomy and mechanics. It is called ttm American national astronomical cWv and it is probably tho most complex arnt ingenious borological work that the liaml of man has ever, produced. The clock h « igh £!L n Mg J*’ fe et wide and five feet deep, and weighs 4,000 pouiX It is wound once in twelve days ami i.' mn by weights of 700 pounds. Tt shows the local tune is hours, minutes, and sec! onds, and the time of thirteen other cit les of the world, among which are Wash mgton, San Francisco, Melbourne Pe* kin, CamvConstantinople, St. PetereW* London, Berta, Pans. It also denote tbe movements of the planets, and meas- ures their movements by seasons, years and cycles for 200 years, including lean years. Concealed in its interior is amu-;e box, which plays when Death strikes each hour. At the same moment the figure of Washington, seated in a chair beneath a canopy,'rises to his feet, holding the dec laration of independence in his right hand. A liveried servant sitting at the right hand also rises and opens a door, through which come all the Presidents of the United States, who march in review before the effigy of Washington, saluting him as they pass. The procession disap pears through a door on the opposite side oif; tbe platform, which is opened and closed by a servant in gorgeous livery. The likenesses of these figures, includin'’ President Hayes, who is in th& rear, are said to be excellent. As soon as the door is closed, the figure of Washington re sumes its chair, of state when all is quiet until the hammer of Death again sounds the hour on the gong, when the extraor dinary scene is repeated. The quarter- hours are strdek by an infant, tbe half- hours by a youth, and the three-quarters by a man. The South church, Boston, has offered $45,000 for the clock, the price of which is $50,000/ Truthful Word* from a Colored Pas tor. We trust our friends of African descent will give heed to . the following excellent advice from one of their race, which we clip from the Americus Recorder: Rev. W- Gaines, the pastor of the A M. E. Church, in this city, who has re cently returned from St. Louis, Mo., where he has been in attendance upon the general conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church, requests us to say to the colored people of the South to stay at home. That the homes and big pay held out to allure them West are a snare and a delusion. He saw numbers of those colored peo ple who went to Kansas, and they are in a most deplorable and wretched condition, naked and half-starved, without work, money or friends, and in a land where they can get no assistance from those around them. He says thatmany appealed to him. for assistance to return South where they knew that they-would find friends in the white people who would give them, employment, and there by save -them from starvation, or worse from being forced to thieve and murder. He assisted in the burial of several while iu St. Louis. He says the poor dupes, after being enticed from their homes in the South are thrust out on the wharf at St. Louis and left to shift for themselves. Those having a little money feed themselves until it is exhausted, then they go the had fast, as there is no work for them to do. Mr. Gaines says that. the agents are preparing to come South on another crusade next fall to entice the colored people away, and he wants the as sistance of the press and the good people, to warn them against the folly of leaving the South, for he says it is sure suffering and death to most who go. He will preach from liis pulpit and warn his race to the best of his ability, against those who are coining to lead them to destruction. The Florida Volcano. The Tallahassee Floridian of the Sth says: Mr. John McDougail, who was one of a party that’ recently went marooning down the gulf coast to Cedar Key, gave us a brief account of the trip the other day. Among other things he mentioned having distinctly seen the smoke which for years has been visible just inland from the mouth of the- Pinhook river, and is generally supposed to be a volcano. It seems strange that for so long a time this mysterious column of smoke or vapor should have attracted the attention of ail who have been within sight of it, and that notwithstanding many attempts no exploring party has yet been able to reach it., j ,V\' ,* Judge P. W: White is reported to have penetrated the swamp on ode occasion, and within an estimated fire miles of the place, but no one has ever actually accom plished the feat of reaching it aud finding out what it is. There are those who ■ say that they have seen a; strong light in the direction of the smoke-column, by. night, from points eighteen or twenty miles dis tant, in the interior of Jefferson county. The column is reported as being of a density and color too deep for vapor, and every account indicates that it is smoke and not the heated vapor or steam from, hot springs. Several gentlemen of tins place have expressed their willingness to aid in person, and in bearing tbe expense of an expedition to penetrate the swamp, and reach the mysterious spot. It is to he hoped that the matter may not be allowed to die out, but that some steps may be taken at an early day to or ganize a thorough aud effective explora tion of the locality, and discover the cause of the smoke. » ■— '» ,r Carious Human Belies. Not very long ago a portion of hard dry skin was found underneath the bossed head of a huge iron nail that was fixed mto tbe door of the Chapter House, at Westminster. Upon this skin were found several hairs. Mr. Quekett, curator of the museum of the college of surgeons, recognized the hair to be human, and as serted that it belonged to a lair-haired person. In former times the Dane3 used th come up the ntoutlts of the English riv ers to pillage the churches. When they were caught they were skinned, and their skins nailed to the door of the church they attacked. In the course ot time all the exposed portion would peel off, and that covered by the nail would remain protected and thus bear testimony to tbe cruelty -of our ancestors. In the College of Surgeons may be seen three specimens of human skin presented to Mr. Albert Way, viz: a “portion of hu man skin, said'to be that of a Dane, from the door of a church at HadstovK, m Essex;” a second specimen is from top- ford, in Essex, and a third from the nerta door of Worcester Cathedral. Just Give Him a Match Out of Mr Box.—A day or two ago as a coiore bootblack was passing a down town Da- room and fruit store he picked up i stump of a cigar from the gutter and we into the store' and asked for a match-, d was met with the reply, “We don t s J matches to give away.” The boy out but stopped at the door, tamed and asked the proprietor, “Doyen 3 * ’em ?” He purchased a box, paid his two cents, and lit his stump, after which closed the box and asked the prtq>rieto pot It on the shelf and “next time a gem’an asks you for a match just give one out’a my box.” There were se '® , merchants in the store at the time » have sinee given the proprietor little res. —The Charleston News mentions the diath lately Of William Jones, who is Be lieved to bsve been the original * nveI . of lucifers (so called after tiie morn-ng star, not the prince of darkness), pasted a composition ef chlorate of i ash and sulphate of antimony on the e _ of split blocks by means of starch, r phorus was added a few years later. ** Ingenuity brought him in a small W^P:' twee, on which be retired to Chdicothe, Ohio, where be died at the age of w>- if