Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 03, 1880, Image 3

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Sxjwemtl senator Jones, of Florida, has been Legislative and. Congressional Elec- recalled from the Indiana canvass by in-I tfbns. telligence that hi# wife is mortally jll. -| The Griffin News lias a controversy with The American ^Colony in. Paris is smaller than at any previous time in twenty years. It costs twice as much now to live in Paris as in America in the same style. Formerly it cost double Paris prices in America. There is nothing now cheaper in France except apparel, and •only parts of that. It is a good thing for Noah that he had the only ark afloat in all the universe at the time of the flood. If there had been just one more ark, there would have been a collision the third day oqt, unless those things were managed better than they are now. And probably they were not, as it seemed to be considered dangerous to send out more than one at a time. The Hancock-Shebman Cokres- dondence.—We were advised from New York that the full text of all the Hancock- Sherraan correspondence would appear in that city yesterday, In an authorized “Life of Hancock,V’ published by D. Ap pleton & Co. We are not informed how this correspondence was obtained, hut presume, of course, by the consent of both parlies to it. Private telegrams announce that Sherman's letters will probably be sent by the wires to-night (Thursday. Hancock's letter is already published. A Vegetable Curiosity.—Mrs. George Beggs .presented the writer last ■night, with three onions imported, from ■old Spain, the aggregate weight of which was 4} pounds. One specimen, however, pulled one and a half pounds on the scales. These onions were landed at New York, andcost Jlce dollars per box, They are represented to be exceptionally mild and tender, and incomparably supe. riorto every other variety. The seed ought certainly to be procured'and this no ble vegetable raised in the rich virgin soil of America, where thpy would doubtless attain to mammoth dimensions. —The Elinira,,(N. V.) Free Press says: “The Republicans of the eighth ward of Syracuse raised a Hancock and English pole on Wednesday night. Fifty-one Re publicans in the ward have signed the roll forming a Republican Hancock and Eng lish club. The Republican Hancock pole was drawn through the principal streets •of the city by four horses,, preceded by martial music. The event caused a great deal of excitement in political circles. The officers of the Republican Hancock club say that fully two hundred Republi cans in the eighth ward will joiu the club before the campaign is over.” The roost terrific charge that the Nor- woodilos have brought against Governor Colquitt and his friends}' is the following ■'•••::: the Athens Tljnner: The Colquitt men in Augusta opposed the motion to employ short hand repor-. ters to give fair and fall reports of the speech's of Norwood and Colquitt in that Are the Norwood papers so hard run— so scant of means that they want the Col quitt men to assist them in getting re ports of the speeches made oy their fa vorite? If a respectable newspaper desires a report, they will have enterprise • enough to pay for it. However, if they will acknowledge their poverty, we will pass around the hat. Railroad Ties.—The Cincinnati Commercial has an interesting statement from an observant railroad man regarding the use of timber on the American rail roads, according to which it yearly takes’ 20,000 acres of forests to'supply cross-ties for the railroads of the United States. It lakes 15,000,000 tiesdo supply the demand vii our railroads, for which on an average the contractors get 35 cents apiegej flick ing in the aggregate $5,250,000. In build ing a new road the contractors figure pa 2,700 ties to the tnile,whil^ it . tokos -J00 ties to the mile to .keep a constructed road in repair. The average of a good piece of timber land is 200-trees to the acre and 12 tiesto the tree. With such a drain on our forests, and increasing each year, it is plain to see how rapidly they must disappear. —The Boston Herald, an Independent paper with Redublican “leaning^}” de clines to give Garfield its support. It ex plains as follows: “We desire civil ser vice reform, a revision of the tarts', the adoption of a sound financial ijoltpy, ,a change in the laws regulating the count ing of the electoral vote, the greatest amount of local self government compati ble with the orderly existence of the na-i tional government. Will Republican victory bring about these desired results? Thepar^Jn jff platform ha3 distinctly, stated that tl>* tariff must not be revised}; the candidate, ig his letter of acceptance, has thrown civfll service refoipn out of all calculation,, while the party leaders are organizing a campaign on an issue which implies, if it means anything, that.the principles of home rule: accorded to- the States by the constitution is a pernicious doctrine.” ■* —Ballot Box Stuffing is Isdi- asa.—An Indiauapolis special to the Courier-Journal, says Jim Brennen, who stuffed the ballot-box in Madison, - Jefier- county, Ind., for the, Republicans at the October election. In' 1873, hjpy-foldkis ■ _ ■ ■■ maxwell as in'.votes; and an equality •story. lie confesses the villainy, stating rule should be established between near that for the promised sum of $500 he did distant counties, ‘ the dirty work. -Iuliis testimony at Mad- Y Ison, Friday, in aeuit bjougbt to recover due from tin'Bepftblicaiis for Iris cor rupt work, Brenqsn toils, how "he commit- i^Uc sa ysV ted the framLh) following language : tickets out of thitxfe, to stock ten Demo cratic tickets in 'the corner -of the box —?. When I would gj»t ten in "a ke them out and J>ut4n ten Re- ickets in their steiH. I went ^ recess, and changed the’.tick- »y my pfuiu poleket. i>t out ,116 -Dmamerai.ic tickets ) Republican tickets in the bo*.” ' Look s Jpr. MAisfe.^Aif^cea- stonal corrcspouAxt of t-F * the i»olitIcal atmosphere*! lently agitated. Greenbackcrslia out tlie State, election of Fists full Democratic upon. It i%Tea Demociatsdj&r Republican ante- The recent riot: candidate (Osgi will operate ag^pjH the Btjpubljeafll, and. Flaisted’s prospects look brighter. It is, however, unsafe to trust to this as a means correspondents upon the matter of carry ing the gubernatorial schism into tbe con gressional and legislative elections, correspondent pledges himself to vote for no man for Congress who refuses to sus tain tbe minority and Mr. Norwood. This position Is unreasonable, as well as unpa triotic. It immolates the principles and interests of tbe great Democratic party of the nation upon a mere lo'cal and personal Democratic schism, which, by its natural limitations, should be disposed of forever, in the course of a few weeks. Long be fore the member of Congress, who is ejected next November, can take his seat under that election, the entire gubernato rial controversy will, we trust, be quieted forever. As to the legislative elections, only in the event that there are three candidates and no election by the people, no-one can didate receiving a majority of alUlhe votes cast, can the legislative election have the smallest bearing on the question who will be governor. And here, if the question of Colquitt or Norwood be adopted as a con dition of support by both parties, the re sult would be double tickets, which would be an open invitation to -the so-called Re publicans to come in between and win, Far better, therefore, to "ignore that as a test In all the counties, and all agree to support the regular nominees irrespective of their gubernatorial preferences. Our State election occurs the Cth of Oc tober, ' and the presidential and congres sional elections will take place on the 3d of November following. This will leave time for the Democratic combatants in Georgia to heal their breaches and recon-- solidatc the organization. By that time everybody will be satisfied that it is bet ter for Democrats to vote the same ticket, and nothing fs to he won by division. We exhort Democrats, whether they are for Colquitt or for Norwood, to remember tbat-tbey are Democrats, and to say and do nothing which shall stand in the way of a cordial reunion wlien this unlucky controversy is decided at the ballot box. Every common interest of tbe State and people demands that the party shall re unite and move on in harmony and in a spirit of mutual concession for the com mon welfare. A Cheerful Outlook for Mercer Uni versity. During a pleasant interview with Rev. Dr. Battle yesterday, who has just re turned from an extended tour through nor.hem Georgia, we were gratified to learn tjiat the labors of the very efficient and talented agent of Mercer University, Revg.Mr. Nunnaliy, have been signally successful. It will be remembered that this geintleman was appointed by tbe trustees of Mercer to visit the various Baptist churches of Georgia and other Southern States, to solicit subscriptions to the endowment fund of the institution, onsisteacy is a Jewel. [ The Fourth District- j An Atlanta telegram says Judge Hugh The True Inwardness of tuRGuber- M. Buchanan, of Newsman, was nominated natorial Contest. j for Congress yesterday (Thursday); but a One of the principal complaints agaiust ( LaGrange telegram says the convention of Gov. Colquitt ty the minority press a the fourth district nominated Hon. Hugh short time ago, was that he too often left Richardson. na3 the fourth district been his post to attend Sunday school meetings, imitating the Atlanta State convention and the aunjversaries of benevolent societies, and other gatherings of amoral orreli; ions character. Now, however, because he refuses to have twenty-seven joint dis^ cussions with Mr. Norwood in about fire weeks, covering all parts of the State, which would consume almost every mo ment of his time, they charge him with “being afraid of Norwood,” “backin; out,” etc. This shows the candor of the fault-finders in the first instance. The governor has consented, however,’to meet his opponent in argument as many as eight times during the canvass, at the most salient points in the State. 'To anyone giving a careful perusal to the late mas terly reply of Gen. Colquitt. to Mr. 'Nor wood’s strictures in his Atlanta and Savannah speeches, it would appear that not even one of the eight proposed discus sions was in tbe least necessary. That letter effectually nails to the counter ev ery charge against-our worthy chief mag istrate. A curious feature in this contest is its eminently personal character. There are no principles involved. Even upon mat- ters-of State policy both, candidates seem to entertain similar views. Both are known to be Democrats saps peur' sans reproche. Both are ardent supporters of the national Democratic standard bearers, and both will- marshal their adherents at the sonnd of the Democratic ' bugle In November, and lead them to the polls. The matters atissue are simply of a pri vate and personal character. Gen. Colquitt is charged by his enemies •with the commission of certain improper acts during his administration of the State government, and in onr opimon trium phantly disproves every allegation. 'So Mr. Norwood’s record also is under review, and bitter things are written against.him, which many, (we do not say the editors of the Telegraph) honestly believe. He, too, therefore, is placed upon the defensive, and thus tlie.matter stands. It is'nothing more nor less than a per sonal .wrangle between the two candi dates, with this essential .difference, that Colquitt is endorsed by a large majority of the counties of tbs State and by-nearly two-thirds of tlie convention, and Nor wood was placed in tbo field as his oppo nent by a committee of eleven only, rep resenting hut a fragmentary minority of the'eonvention. Both, however, have influential friends, and he^ice like . all personal quarrels, the excitement (foolish though it be) waxes greater and greater. When the ballot box determines who shall bo the victor, then the whole affair' lapses; and there will be nothing left to dispute abojit. All .will accept that arbitrament as a finality, and we trust there will be a general hand- and an increase of patronage. , No better selection could have been shakin S between erstwhile opponents,add made, and already the fruits of his mis- | a ull ' v ® rsa I ra hy for Hancock and English. sion begin to he apparent. Mr. Nunnaliy reports a wide-spread in terest in the University, and expects large accessions of students. When the crops are harvested doubtless the contributions in money also will bo considerable. Dr. Battle himself feels much encour aged likewise, by the result of his travels in the up country. Everywhere he was kindly "received,and it is very evident that Mercer is steadily growing in public es timation. . Centrally situated, as she is, In the .heart iof a dense population, easy of ac cess the very portion of the. South, and, backed^ tooj by the most powerful of all •6nr reljgious denominations, (to say noth ing of the transcendent, intrinsic merits of tbis time-honored foundation ofleaming), we see no reason why Mercer university should'not quadruple the present number •f matriculates before the lapse of many years. The people of Macon should resolyo themselves into a committee of tlie whole to brint; about tbis desirable result. ■ ; l/'j” g p , The Two-Thirds Eule % The Democratic executive* . *• ----ting in 1 * meeting t at their race; less tlie opinio nomfnatitffi^fcyyconve ntlon, .... thirds rule should he substituted", rule of tbe majority; but |h| that tlie nexielmion'of*de, | •primary ftjalfat; • and *tlift 'SSuse Aof ‘ each voter on fjsp'question' be endorsetTo’h fils" ballot for^tiellgateg, See tlig "commit: tee's proceedings, elsewhere. Under V® ft, ■ ■ ...“An energetic farmer in this neighbor 'd,” said tlie.witags% “managed in taking hood, who runs only a one-horse farm,lias ~ ’ twenty-two acfesin.rice'whichTtiJliayer,-5 age twenty bushels to the acre. Most of this rice is on highland that was coi cred tob IxIWfcijWW’T' Y ( Sm The aboieinay seem too jvondi credence, but the writer lias liad frequent occasion too reinark that, from his own personal observation, even the highest pine lands on the sea-coast that cannot be relied on for more' than - five to eight bushels of com per acre,Vith the same cul tivation and seasons will readily produce fifteen of rice. Indeed, we regard rice as M»d fritw-m ost remunerative crop -that 'bait he lanted south of Griffin. We’ mean tlie ("white or highland variety of need. This rt’fluahle cereal has proved a bonanza to ■the poverty stricken people of the coast,- pvlig had been swept by the befspm of A Clam Bake.—The New Tbrk Sun Once more, therefore, ,we counsel modera tion and good temper in this purely family difficulty. The Democracy cannot aford to divide for good. It would ring tlip death knell to the hopes and prosperity of our own “Sunny South.” . Notes on tbe Canvass. The presidential canvass in the North, East and West is getting very warm. Strange to say one of- the most Zealous fights is in Vermont, and ills waged on both sides, not with any fear of losing the State from the so-called Republican fold, or in any hope of winning it -by the Democrats. But the Garfield men do- fear tlie moral effect on the presidential question of a falling off in the usual'grcat Republican majority, and the Democrats are stimulated by the hope of showing a heavy Democratic gain. If we may cred it reports on the Democratic side there is eyer^plrospect of important the Democratic vote. MMfdife is in the same condition, and ttie fight is'very earnest, with the same hopes and fears. -Connecticut, since the nomination of James E. English for governor, is be lieved at Democratic headquarters to be secure beyond reasonable doubt. En glish, at the time of his nomination, was in Saratoga. He returned to New Haven, lkst Tiiesday. lie was received at New -Turk by a special train of Connecticut frjpndsl and "had a wonderful ovation all along the route home. At New Haven, a"tlirong of fifteen thousand waited his arrival} artd a torch light procession of" two thousand escorted him home. New Wet agree in views with the -committee, ami that_ tli6 change, if made, should be endorsed by the people, so {hat there may Haven liad never seen such a throng and be a falr ft.idflrji^qrlfnp' andfenwrithorlta- T * I 1 J tive settlement of the question. B.iit we would have gone still further and .saiij that, in whatever way primary meetings may choose to select delegates, they should! give a cledri" exhiJJjjBBtf'&Ullieir wishes on this.point, add tljeaa should be no more delegates appointed than double tlie number of votes the-county is entitled to, for there is a moral force In numbers inventories a clain bake given at Coney- island last Tuesday"to oOO.guests,' as fot- Its component parts were 9 barrels of soft-shell clams, 1 barrel of hard-shell of accomplisWug AnwcavaMenble vevult* *MHw, 800 ears of green corn, I barrel of because the- ■Met potatoes, 1 barrel of Irish potatoes, will bo likely to rote with, his party at the last pinch of the screw. From a cur sory survey of the field pn,Uie governor question I should say that either Davis will be elected by a small majority or there will he no choice by the people. Either way will be a Republican defeat. 400 lobsters, 600 sheepshead, averaging she pounds each, 40 sea bass between two and" five pounds each, 200 chickens, 2 baskets of hard-shell crabs, and 100 pounds of trips, which appeared to have vanished with the savory vapor that as cended from the colossal pyramid of good things, as it simmered for fifty minutes under canvas and rock grass on the sand. excitement. It was pronounced “a tidal wave,”[ and nobody was afflicted with a dotjht that the State will go largely for -Hancock and the two Englishes. In both New York and Pennsylvania, constant and important gains to Hancock fr(jn the Republican ranks, arc reported. Speaker Randall expresses, great confi dence that Pennsylvania will go for Han cock, and the Sun, reviewing’the. situa tion in the Empire State, looks flora ma jority of-forty thousand. * As to Indiana, the contest in that State is fought by inches, and in the most cir- einnstantial manner. In no State is there rently'less giving or yielding. The igek are few, and every election dis trict is- thoroughly canvassed. The Re publicans .claim Indiana with some con fidence on the ground 'of the negro votes they have been importing since last win- North Carolina' and Kentucky, e Democrats insist that .these im portations will result in as much loss as gain. It may he said that both sides claim Indiana with much confidence of [tMun. . <t ,- . I< In Ohio the fight is kaor? amUhe De- romacy are thoroughly enthused with the hope df either carrying that. State or of reducing the majority in the Stateelection so much as to render the Issue between Hancock and Garfield doubtful. „«.• - The most encouraging reports come from- Illinois, and all the letters & the FlbjHnqcratic headquarters insist that Illi nois can and will be carried for Trumbull and Hancock; The gaits in Illinois are 1VSQ. Undoubtedly, the Democratic pulse in the North and West beats with lively and vigorous hope. Let every D^ipcrat in the Sbuth do his best to min imize tbe troubles which obscure tlie sky in this quarter. put two men in the field In order to make sure of electing one of them ?,Or, has there been a mistake of name in the: LaGrange telegram ? We suppose the latter, and therefore pat do'wn tlie candidate as Hon. Hugh M. Buchanan. Big Stores. Macon is going heavily into big stores and large stocks of goods. Tlie new shoe store of Singleton, Hunt & Co^‘ we do not doubt, is the largest establishment of its clasj south of Philadelphia, -crowding three floors 25x180, besides a basement. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, next to them, is a vast concern, with dnig?-fol- thpmillion. Kussbaum & Dannetdjurg have, a dry goods establishment which it will be hard to overrise anywhere, and yet two other large wholesale firms of the city are re ported to be arranging to do it, while Ju- han & Co. are annexing and incorpora ting stores into their trade, which will give a consolidated domain of half an acre. Good News from Baker County. One of the most worthy citizens of Ba ker county, who lost an arm in the Con federate service, reports Baker solid for Colquitt, black and white. He is confi dent that they will roll up a majority of 1,500 for our much slandered but excel lent governor. lyiien the solid fanners and .thinking men of Georgia come to | compare the claims of the hero of Olustee, the farmer’s friend, the Christian States man, and the choice of near two-thirds of the largest convention ever assembled in tbe commonwealth, with those of the nominee of a committee of the “fragmen tary minority,” they will not fail to be stow their support upon Governor Colquitt, who has been relentlessly persecuted aud abused without cause. A MESMERIC SEANCE. And How it AOUcted ■ ’Frisco Bar- Good Society. Many parents who have sons and daugh- . . ters growing up are anxious for them to Tbe other monmS?''‘while the swell hito good society. Tins is an honor- barkeeper at Baldwin^’ was" putting an ' anx,t;! J''. .interprets good society ThK Atlanta Post says: “Colquitt will nor carry twenty comities in Georgia.”, Our Kentucky friend,though publishing the sprightly Post, if judged by the above, is very far from being posted himself as to Georgia affairs. Let him. patiently waitVor the ides of October and the scales will fall from his eyes. Held W^onely to Account The following we clip frpm the Atlanta Post: i The Columbus Enquirer says": “The TELEGBArn and Messenger endorses the declaration of" D. H. Burts, Esq., of Columbus, that Colquitt has “given* of fense only to those who abhor Christianity and Christian conduct’ How do' the Nor wood people take this?” Wo take it as a “tale told by an idiott full of! sound and fury, signifying noth-F ing!” j 1 We do not know whether our contem'- poraryi launches the word “idiot” at Mr. Burts, or the editor who printed the above ; sentence as a part of tlie official proceedings of a Democratic meeting re cently jield in Columbus. We made no comment of any kiud upon the meci 'irig, and have-yet to-loath whethe? t newspaperman he chargeable with endors- ing. every news item that is copied into its columns. The past course of the Tele graph furnishes the best answer to tlig declaration of the Enquirer- Sun- and the rude' rejoinder of the Post. In this campaign we .have sought to . 'do justice to all, and studiously refrained from invective and abuse against brother Democrats with whom we differ in nothing save an individual preference for governor. i Governor Colquitt’s Letter. This conclusive document is winning 'golden opinions fronr the press. - We notice,j however, that the Norwood papers seldom make even tlies\ightest allusion to it, hut still continue to reiterate the charges that have’been exploded and scat tered tp the winds by the stern logic pf facts, as set forth by tlie governor. The' Columbus Times, which has not opjnly supported either'candidate, pub lishes the entire letter under the heading, “A MASTERLY LETTER TO THE PEOPLE,” and makes the following apposite com ment:! '* r We give a large portion of our space to day to a letter written by Governor Col quitt in answer to’some charges made. 1 againstj him by Mr. Norwood, iu his At lanta speech a few nights ago. We pub lish tha letter iripartjor the reason that it is, in ah Important sense, unofficial paper. Though it is written for campaign use, it is an authori tative’ans wer made up by tbe governor froin official records and figures to charges that have been made and which will be reiteratedjn the public prints, arid by public speakere perhaps to the end of the present campaign. . _ Papers which criticise ai)d speakers who animadvert upon his, administration should not do so blindly, and ibey should not-desire to misrepresent him by. either publishing or uttering what is. not true pr concealing important facts which they know to be true. This js . a contest in which no unfair advantage should be ta ken by either side, and ho falie coloring given to a truth with a view to soil tlie nainestof fellow Democrats. We know “that all things are considered fair in politics,” and* that political, abuse is thought to amount to but little; hut that does nbt make unfair things and unjust abuse right, even though inspired by po litical excitement. We’ want our readers to have correct information, and4he'near er its source is to official records the grea ter the probablity of its truth. The Savannah News, also iu an able editorial, says: ' t \ The :entire letter is unanswerable, and" will doubtless add thousands to the ma jority already assured for Gov. Colquitt in October. It should be read by every vo ter in the State, for not only is it a com plete and thorough vindication of the ad ministration from tlie irresponsible charges so freely uttered against it,->but it conveys a great dqal of information on variqus- subjfldSjWhich are of exceeding interest to the people. The documentary evi dence with which tlie governor fortifies himself in this letter, also fully sustains us in saying that Mr. Norwood’s charges against him were “ruthlessfrif'-not reck- lcss.” f *»■ • / Tlie truth is, our friend Norwood evi dently went off “half cocked” ifi his two first campaign sp&eches, and committed a grave error by reproducing and discus sing w^iat have fumed out to be the mere unsupported utterances of the ma lignant enemies of the governbr. Indeed; the cx-jSenator did not even veriture to endorse the authenticity of these cock arid bull stories which farmed the subject mat ter of his orations. Query: Will he make tlie amende honorable by-accepting the luc/d explanations of his opponent, or’ cpotinije’ ■ to’ rirtg^tlie changes upon the miserable slanders which have been trumped up against himf“’A lojig and intimate acquaintance with Mr. Norwood makes us certain that he will do no intern, tional injustice to Governor Colquitt or any other man. - - s mb extra polish on some pony glasses, a cou ple of strangers entered, and as they or dered drinks, one of them, a long-haired, cadaverous person, in a faded ulster, said: “Oh, it’s very easily done. I assure you.” “Easy!” exclaimed his companion, with much animation; “why, it’s the most remarkable—the most astonishing thing I ever saw. What did you say you called it ?” “Mesmerism,” said the long-haired man, holding his glass up to the light. “The principle was discovered by a Ger man scientist named Mesmer, although it Is, unquestionably, identical 'with the animal magnetism known to the Greeks, Tacitus says—”, “But you don’t mean to say,” interrupt ed the other, who was making a formida ble demonstratibn on the free lunch, ‘‘you don’t quean to say, professor, that the per son subjected to the influence hasn’t the faintest idea of what’s going on ?” “Exactly!” said the professor. “The person under the influence of mesmerism ias no more self-consciousness than a cane bottom chair. For illustration, do you see that man at the corner over there? He is evidently waiting for a car—big huiry to go somewhere—and yet I could bring him into this saloon u a perfectly unconscious state in less than two min utes.” “Bet you five dollars yeu can’t do it,” said the other man, producing a somewhat dubious looking Y. “Y-a-a-s,” added the barkeeper, arrang ing his diamond pin in the glass, “and 1*11 go him twenty better he can’t do it.” “Well—pr—hem—gentlemen I don’t want to rob you—and then—ahem—I’m not sure I have got that much with me,' faltered the professor. “Oh! you haven’t, eh ?” said the cock tail mixer, winking at the by-stauders, who were also fumbling out their coin. “Well, we’ll trust you. Just Are away, and if you win you can take the poL” “Well, gentlemen, I suppose I’ll have to try, anyway,” amLwnida variety of sig nificant winks from the gathering crowd of by-standers, he walked to the window and began making a serifc of mysterious passes in tlie air, with his eyes fixed on the party at the corner. “Did you ever see such a blamed idiot?” said the barkeeper. “Looks like.a Santa Clara windmill, doesn’t—hollo! by jove. the feller’s coming I”. The man on the comer liad slowly faced the window? passed his hands acrossi his eyes in a bewildering manner and then began walking in an uncertain way across the street. “It will have more fcf- fect on him when he gets closer,” said.the professor. . • The man entered the saloon and stood still, looking straight ahead with a vacant expression. ■ > “I’ll make, him ask’.you for a drink,” whispered the disciple of Mesmer. “Just stand back, gentlemen, and sure enough, the subject walked mechanically up to counter, and asked in a hollow voice for a little old rye. “Give it to him—humor him in, every thing,” whispered the professor, and the victim solemnly swallowed tlie drink and then stood motionless as before. “Now I’ll make him think he’s an afc- .tor,” said the illustrator of will-power, and immediately the other begap to strut ;«rt>Qiit aud recite Shakespeare iu a tragic voice.I . “Make him bark like a dog,” suggested the man who had bet the five dollars. Whereupon the man began to imitate a terrier and tried to bite a spectator, to the immense amusement of everybody. After that he was caused to do several things, such as crowing like a rooster, catching a fly and pocketing the “pool” money which lay on the counter. “Make him think he keeps "the' bar,” putin tue professor’s friend, and the-sub ject walked promptly around behind the counter, turned up his sleeves and com pounded a cocktail, put the money :n the drawer and counted out the change with great deliberation. , ... “Now,’’’said tbe professor, “we will make him put the contents of the' drawer into his own pocket, then restore him to consciousness and accuse Jiiih of having stolen the money.” ; . Everybody said that would be a first- rate jojee, and then the five dollar man thought it would bo better to let him out side and arrest him in the street—his as tonishment would be all- the greater,- he said. - r : . The man solemnly cleaned out the til., walked from behind tbo bar and i«ut of the door. -As soon as he struck the: pave ment, however, lie darted'down Powell street at a three minute clip. “Dear me,” shouted the professor,'“I must liave been thinking about running, somehpw. Come on* Mr. Smoothy, and help me catch him,” and the soul subdtter and his friend’dashed of in pursuit. They are still waiting at tlie Baldwin for the return of the trio, who must have divy’d about $55 a piece, ana the detec tives think they are liable to wait for a long tijno—Sah Francisco Post. after some lofty fashion. Parents, your daughter is in good so ciety when she is with girls who are sweet and pure and true-hearted; who are not The Truth Precisely. From a speech by Thomas A. Hen dricks, at Madison, Indiana: Garfield’s nominal ion means the endorsement and approval in the most positive and offen sive manner possible of the presidential fraud of 1870-7. He had more to do with it than any other man, and was the only man who occupied toward it a double re- PLEDGE&’S PLEDGE. Hon In HeM vain or frivolous, who think of something lalion. After the election Garfield went besides dress, or flirting or marriage; be- to New Orleans by request of Gen. Grant* tween whom and their parents there is I without authority of law, as a partisan. confidence; who are useful as well as or namental in tlie house; who cultivate their minds, and train their hands to skillful workmanship. If society of thi3 sort is not to he had, then none at all is preferable to a Worth- He went there to assist his party in mak ing up a case, and after his return to Washington, of all his associates, he was the only man who took his seat upon the electoral commission. By every sentiment of fair play he less article. See to it that you press this I should have been excluded from the jury- on your children, and alcove all, that you j box. By his sworn statement of what ho do not encourage them to think that good | did in New Orleans, Garfield had charge society is a matter of fine clothes, or! of the returns from West Feliciana wealth, or boasting to somebody. As you j Parish. In one of the inner rooms of value your child’s soul, guard her against I Packard’s custom house he did his work, these miserable couutorfeits; and im-1 examined the affidavits, and when they press upon her that intelligence, and I not sufficiently full, he prepared, or simplicity and modesty, and goodness, j had prepared, additional interrogatories to are the only legal coin. I bring them within the rules adopted by The same rule holds for boy?as well ais I the returning board, for girls. You would have these enter I Thb testimony, so received by Garfield, into good society. Do not imagine that I went back of tlie returning board, and the you have accomplished it when you have j result was that West Feliciana with its got them in with a set of boys wllose par- I Democratic majority was thrown out. In euts are wealthier than you,'who dress Washington, Garfield’s vote was that Con- better than your boys can afford to dress, I gress could not go behind the returns thus and who pride themselves upon their so- I made. As agent for his party he helped cial position. Good society for a boy is j to make returns by manipulating the evi- society of boys who are honest and I donee; and as juryman for the nation lie straightforward, who have no bad habits, I held such evidence as conclusive and bind- who are earnest and ambitious. They I ing. are not in a hurry to be men. They are not ambitious for the company of shallow, heartless women, old enough to be their mothers, and are not envious The Gainesville Eagle says: “Hall county will deposit two-thirds of her vote for Colquitt. 'Roil that barrel of evidence this way, young man."’ ,*r*\ WMt The Rev. B. M. Palmer, D. D., has been on a' camp-meeting tour through Texas, and has accomplished no little good by his burning zeal and the power of liis discourses. Cotton Pickers. Courier-Journal: Last week an in terview between, the correspondent of the Courier-Journal ang Df.'I^helps, a Mis; sissippi planter, was. pubusnea In these columns, detailing a plan for the emigra tion of laborers from the-ripper States to the cotton States of the South, for the pur pose of engaging in picking cotton. The plan was cheap find feasible. Since then several hundred laborers, white and black, have left'thia city and gone South, by river and by rail. Reduced rates by boat were given, and there are about one hundred more i^ow here waiting the next steamer. Good wages will be paid to hands picking cotton and thousands can find'active erii- ployment at once by going early. It will pay better than to go t6' the happy voting grounds in Ohio and Indiana. Going South is not half so risky and prolific of broken heads, while migrating, to Indiana, with intent to ea^tT fraudulent yo^es, js liable to detection arid imprison ment iii the perytentiary. White laborers are much needed in the cottbn fields, and planters much prefer them, because they are not liable to take the exodus'fever and wBI make good citizens. It will be better to follow Dr. Phelps’ plan, and go equipped with tents and camping utensils so as to be independent on plantations where tfcere' arc not suitable house, ac commodations. When one plantation lias Jjeen picked over fhe squad of workmen' can strike! their tents and move on to another open field of cotton, gather that and so on, un til the cotton on the first plantation has opened for the second "picking. * 'A squad of fifty jmen and women could thus em ploy themselves.profitably until' January and bring back ' a' pile of money. D'r. Phelps is observant and' intelligent, and* believes that there Will be no'ditliculty’Iri getting comfortable quarters in the new cottages that planters' have erected for their 'accommodation, but advises, that, When laborers go in ^ squads of twenty- five or fifty, they Sriould find it 1 very con venient to have tents that can be trans ported from one plantation’t& another, and field to field, thereby/skying time and Tn>oU4 "r Respectable white, people would be free frpm many annojances if they would go" in squalls or communities. They would receive an old-fashioned Southern wel come and be wtfll paid foT their work. lDr. Phelps feels' convinced that there never ,v as a greater fallacy and delusion than t ;e idea that white men cannot make*cb!ton. All the small white fann ers engaged in raising cotton are getting rich; a id are- really more independent than the large planters. Many of them are invest ins tlie proceeds of their labor in cotton lands and are now working on their own property and making good re liable citizens, entirely identified with the growth aud prosperity of the country. All good citizens desirous of work can find it in the cotton fields of the South, now white with the open staple and suffering for. the want of hands to gather it. A Needle Sticking in its Heart. A gamecock was kll'ed in Salt Lake last Saturday, and upon being dressed a nee dle about one and a half inches long was found protruding from the gizzard and sticking into the'heart abput half an inch. Farmers do not Head Enough. I J I During the discussion of the several of their friends who fancy there is some-1 subjeqts before tbe convention, we were thing grand in dulling the edge of their unusually impressed with the fact that heart’s hope upon such jaded favorites. I farmers—as a class—do not keep posted There is nothing sadder than to see 1 011 current agricultural topics,' as they either young men or'women priding them- I might-easily do, if they would subscribe selves upon tlie society which they enjoy, I f° r on ® or more agricultural journals, when verily it is a Dead Sea apple that I Manyiof the facts brought out, and the will choke them,in the dnSfT when they I suggestions made, were evidently new to need some generous,-juicy fruit to cool I wlai-ge number of the delegates present; their lips and stay the hunger of their I au d yet scarcely one idea was advanced, souls.—Christian Register. I or fact stated, that had not been before I promulgated by tbe speakeis, or some one Sahara. -I else,- ip the agricultural papers of the State A correspondent-of the Chicago Times, I and county, writing from the oasis-of .Tafilet, in the I Of course tlie. facts of recent personal Sahara, April 7th, says that so far from I experience farmed exceptions to the rule, being a desolate plain of moving sand, as I especially those recited by Mr. Creighton, popularly believed, the Sahara is a culti- I At the! so-called “experience” meetings of vated country, fruitful as tbe G-ardeu • of I the convention, which have, in the past, Eden. Like our “great American des-I been a most popular feature, too much eft,” i| is greatly belied. El Sahr, as I valuable time is consumed in requesting tbe Arabs pronounce it, is indeed a vast j and giving information that may be found archipelago of oasis, offering an animated J in any agricultural paper, aud ought to group taf towns and Villages. A largo belt I be known to every farmer ot ordinary in- of fruit trees snrronnds each of these villa- falligenee. These meetings, while often ges, and the palm, the fig, llie date, apri- I highly, interesting and profitable, seem cots, pofnegranites and vines abound in I at times to be converted into : utmost profusion. Ascending the Atlas j primaty school far novices in farm- mountains by a gradual slope to tlie re-1 ing, 'instead of a high school gion of high table-lands, we come to the I or normal college, from which the mem- land of the Moabites, or Ben Mozab, and | bers may go forth to teach aud to practice then comes a gradual descent for three I advanced and progressive agriculture, -hundred miles to the vast stretch of tree- I This is largely due to the presence aud -less country known as the great desert. j active participation of some few gentfa- Thejrivers have an inclination of about I men who may be said to have “zeal, not one foot in four hundred. Many of the I according to knowledge,” and who can streams are dry, except after rains, when I talk by tbe hour, but not to edification, they deluge the country. Gun shots are j A wise aud firm presiding officer is iudis- fired as soon as the torrents appear; all I pensable at such times, objects are removed, and soon, with a ter rible noise, tlie flood rolls on. The 5a- liarian. city stands, as if by magic, on tbe banks of the waters* which rise to the tufts of the palm trees. But a few days only elapse ere all disappears, leaving the district rich and fruitful. The inhabi tants are not. a migratory people, aud, unlike! the tent-dwellers of the northern slope, j live in substantial houses with : Lucky Tennessee. A Ciiicago Tribune ^New York special says Thomas nughes, author of “Tom - , _ . t . Brown s School Days,” arrived in this The^ inhabi-| city to-night on the steamship Oermanie. Among his companions are the Earl of Airiie, Lord Ogilvie and Lady Maud ... - ,. . , ., - Ogilvie. Mr. Hughes, after spending a thatched roofs and ceilings of cano laid I few days at the watering places, will pro- uponjmsts of alve-wood. I ceed to inaugurate the enterprise which These houses generally consist or but I brought him'here, a scheme of coloniza- one room, and have no furniture except j tion in Tennessee. An English compa- mats upon tlie floor and upon tlio walls I ny, which lie represents, owns some 400,- for three or four feet high. Beds are I 000 acres of land on the Cumberland pla- sometimes found, but no one thinks of I teau, a section passed through by the Cin- sleeping on them. The walls are white- I c i nna ti Southern railroad, washed and inscribed with verses from the Since March last the company, whose Koran, fhe are madeup of capital is nearly half a million, lias built genuine Arabs aud Berbers, or Kabyces, l; a hotel, laid out a town, built seven miles as the French call them. Jews are found 0 f railroad, planted a nursery and experi- ifi every oasis, and all very prosperous and I mental garden, put up a saw-mil), and influential, doing much of the trading I m a( ]e other steps for providing homes for JJ™ niakmg.up ol great caravans.—Scten- J colonist^. Mr. Hughes’ purpose is a visit He Finds Himself n York. New York, August 19 A reporter of the Evening Post met Mr. W. A. Pledger, tbo chairman of the Republican State committee of Georgia, at the rooms of the Republican national committee this morning, and asked him what the pros pects were for the suecess of the party In that State. Mr. Pledgei said: “We have speakers at work at the pres ent time in all parts ot the State, and wa are doing good work. Our people every where throughout tbe South are actively at work, and there will be a very heavy vote cast for Garfield and Arthur. In Georgia the Rvpublicaus are thoroughly united, and we have held a number of vei-y enthusiastic meetings.” 4-. “Have any of these meetings been bro ken up, or have any of the speakers or leaders of the party been assaulted or in terrupted?” . y j r-T f -l “No. tVe have beeri allowed to hold our meetings without molestation, aud they have been largely attended, aud great enthusiasm has been manifested. 8peak- ingfarmy own State, andl think tbe same thing is true throughout the South gener ally, I believe tlie Republican pvrty will cast very nearly its full vote at the next election.” “Then do you think there is any hope that the Republicans will carry any of tha Southern States?” “Oh! that is another 1 question. The Democratic leaders in the south, by the policy which they pursued in past years of intimidation aud murder, hav8 secured control of the entire political machinery, and have the matter entirely in their own hands. There will be a' full free vote cast by the Republicans, but after' the polls are closed the Deeomcratic mana gers of the election will take the ballot boxes, and will in secret pretend to count the votes, but I have not tlie least doubt that they have already ar ranged a programme of the majority far Hancock and English which is to be credited tp each Southern Slate. Our only hope is that the bitterness of feeling between the Democratic leaders in Geor gia and one or two other Southern States, may grow so strong that they will decide to canvass the returns with open doors. If this is done, you may be sure that it will pi-ove that in Georgia, at least, the Republican voters are in the majority. ” Cheap Funerals. Those who will set the fashion of aban doning costly funerals will be benefactors of tlie race. If the rich would bury their dead unostentatiously the poorer classes would do the same. Elegant trappings add noting to grief. They show no res pect for tlie departed; they do not raiso those Who have gone before in public esti mation. . The world is composed of copy ists. If those able to afford it displav pinup and ceremony, <■ those who have smaller means will imitate the example, and the poor, to keep up appearances, will deprive themselves of bread to have a re spectable funeral. Debt is piled up which requires close economy and dire want for months to settle, The privation thus cre ated may be the cause of other deaths. Foolish pride has ruined many a house hold. Our churches should inaugurate the custom of laying away loved ones as inexpensible as possible, so that others who cannot afford, but we are actuated by a desire of not being regarded as close may adopt the same plan. 'Thedead,had they a say so, would wish it thus. They would not wish their families to suffer to have a parade of*carriage3 or a polished coffin when they take their fare well of earth. The wealthy christiaDS would con fer a blessing on many if they would stop this lavish display. It relieves no aching heart, but results in suffering to others who feel that society requires them to do what those of greater means, but ill the same circle, can readily aflord. Burials are very costly, even at the best, but those who love their fellow man, should show by example that tlie splendor of the exhibition contributes not a mite to tho reputation of tho dead or respect to the living. Ufic American. 1 - A Detective’s Story. ! • .There is a story told of a lady-and ’gen tleman traveling together on an English railroad. They were strapgers to each other.! Suddenly the gentleman said: “Madame, I will 1 trouble you to look out of the window for a few minutes. I [‘equal opportunities of advancement In am going to make some changes in my I their own land. Wearing apparel.”. , , . He thought there was a flattering pros- “Certainly, sir,” she replied, with great 1 - - - - - to tho place, learn the resources of the section, and assist in the introduction of a colony to its neWhome;- He said to your conespandent that the army and learned profession^, iu England- were overcrowded, and he hoped by this plan to open a new field of enterprise to a class of young Englishmen who could 'never hope for I IMW M uauoillijj WO .. “ pect of ultimate success for the scheme, politeness, rising and turning her back I jj e i la s a son and nephew lit Texas al- In a short time he said: ready,(but considered that a bad State to Now, madam, my change is completed, j g 0 t 0j young men were likely to be led an *J T J 011 J? a ? resume your seat.” I into wild and reckless li&bits there. The When the lady turned she beheld her I pj all 0 f ph e Tennessee cornpanv, he savs, male companion transformed mto a dash- pruv0Qt3 temptations to drink and toen- inklady, with a-lieavy vert oyer herfaee. gagei i 0 ther vices prevalent in Texas. •Now, sir, or madame, whichever vm* I The effort would be . in all respects to (are, said the lady, “I must troubleyou I matntaiu a high Christian character for to look out of the window, far I also have [ tfie community and make it a fair speci- somc changes to make fn mV apparal. I men 0 f the town of tire future. He in- Certainly, madam, au d the gentle- timateil that the colony would -nid ladies’ attire immediately com-1 erne q with a p reUy tight band .“Now, sir, you may resume your sc-at. To his great surprise, on resuming his | John Simpson’s Wooing.—Near the seat, the gentleman in female attire found I town of Millville, CaL, is a cosy little liis lady companion transformed into a- cottage hidden by fragrant curtains of man. j Ho laughed andjsaid: j clematis and shaded all day fang by a dlt appears that we are bqth anxious to,! grove ,of spreading oaks. Until recently escape' recognition. What have you] tins cottage -had as its only occupant a done?) -I have robbed a bank.” - I young, widow, who, though rosy aud full “Anflil,” said the whilom lady,, as lie J of life, kept ail admiring baehelors at a dexterously fettered liis companion’s I distance. Down the road a! mile or so wrists with a pair of handcuffs, “I amde- I lived John Simpson, a wealthy and child- tective'J—, of Scotland Yard} aud in fe-1 less widow, whose life had been embit- male apparel have shadowed you fortwd I tered because of former domestic unliap- days—now,” drawing a revolver, “keepTpmess; “Old John,” as he was called, still.” rolled J in wealth and wallowed in wine, and dogs r was. long* iple said that he was going to the >y lightning express. And so he Early last June Old Joliu’s pro dissipation made him Wild, uckled on a broadsword oneway, minting liis best horse galloped across tho country, slashing at everything that feiL- under ,his eye. Reaching the and Increase of Summer Resorts. 1 Summer resorts and so-called fashiona ble watering places have greatly increased and multiplied within the last few years, and we doubt if there is in any other coun try a j greater variety to select from. Many places have sprung info existence as ■ —— —1~, ,• z r;- <? summer resorts which have not natural I w »dow^^ licmse, lie. leaped from his horse beauties, nor health-giving qualities to | an '^ chKsed'the widow round and round oiler; and the outcropping of such places | wefed pile in tlie yard. When he has been and is still an injury to tlioregu- | stopped for breath the widow snatched lar and celebrated watering places,’ for [tliesword. In another instant, she had patronage is drawn away and the business I tungleij old John s boots in the clothes- so scattered tint only those resorts of the | 'i 11 , 0 an <Lho was a prisoner. When old greatest celebrity attract anything a p. I John recovered his senses he fomm him- proaching a'crowd of visitors for any ex- Iin Ms own house, with tlie tended period. j widow!watching by liis side. The wul- In . olden times, Saratoga, Newport,! ow- told him that she meant-to master Cape May, Long Branch, Niagara, the I him for the rest of liis life. He looked at White i Mountains and Richfield consti-1 !l «’ a »P laughed. In two weeks they luted the complete list of watering I ' vere married and old John has been per- places o! the regular'killd, but now there I factly [facile, as well as dqyot^d, ever are - many dozen begging far notice and I Slllce recognition as summer resorts, to which claim less than half are justly entitled. I Likely to be a Close Election. The’ competiton created by the multipli- Newjl ork Herald (leader:) The Dem- city of i these resdrts is disastrous to one | oerats df Connecticut nominated a very And all alike, except in a few cases, and strong local ticket vesterdajr, although the result will, be ^\to overdo the business I they bap to conscript ex-Governor Eng- ahd make bankrupts of'many ambitious I fisb to stand at its head. -The Connecticut hotel proprietors. * (Republicans nominated an al most equally We believe the'preseHrtSSl^Wiirgd'far strong yid popular local ticket a week or toward establishing tbe fact that we have two since, and both parties will make a too many summer hotels, for tlie increase I strenuous canvass. Success will depend is not demanded, and the annually In- f-on the national issues, ami is very doubt ercasing exodus to Europe takes away * | tul. .Tlie New Jersey Republicans . se- numerous class of people who formerly I lected 4 fairly good local ticket yesterday, were regular-patrons of the places named ! aa H the* Democratic State nominations are above. The season now beginning prom- f yet to bp mads. In this State also the ise’ he an excellent one for the promi-1 battle will be fought on national issues, nciit’pijleading resorts,'and it is probable I with somewhat betlep chances for tbe that we'shall see many of the unworthy! Democrats than in Connecticut. Ifln- and, so to speak, illegitimate places, dis-1 diana spould go Democratic in October appear from view. .Howjhappy I was the other day, when I a. Nantucket friend had confused aud ] fhe Hancock prospect will seem very promising indeed, but if the. Republicans carry lidi&na it will be almost a miracle if Hanqock receives all the votes of the >f three contiguous States whose upport will be necessary, to his . The presidential contest is like- as CloSe as tlie memorable one of mystified me, and set down upon-"me, and held Hear over me with talk and stories of the sea,.to have him voluntarily, turn. . the conversation oa,inland,and qgncultu-T lyto ral, and far Western topics. 'He grew ei-11876. oquent on the subject offanffirfg. *Why, | look here,” ho said, proudly, waviag his J An ejpquent editor, on vacation, writes hand around over the saud bank on which I to liis paper: “We never weary of gazing he stood. “I declare, I can’t see, I can’t I out'over the vast expanse of the .sea, of understand, for the life of me, he wont. I watcliirjg the varying skies which bend on, with Increasing emphasis. “I can’t j above, ^nd the white ships gliding to and eomprepend why people should go out j fro like, noiseless spirits in the deep.” West- for farms, when you mui buy land j Shake, brother. You have won our re right on tills island for two’ dollars an I sped. Ordinary men would have been acre!” 1 told him that, I couldn’t under- j watching the new styles of bathing dres- stand it‘ myself, but probably it was be- J ses ami J.he noisy spirits that splash with cause they did not know the price of land j them in the deep. An editor, thauk in Nautucket, and I suppose that really is 1 heaven, is a moral being.—New York the reason.—Burdette. [ Graphic. Unwise Munificence. The college and cathedral which are under >vay at Long Island City, designed to be a memorial to Stewart, the New Yoik merchant, whose estate pays for them, make an -interesting addition to that list of munificent benfactions of which America has au almost exclusive monopoly. The nations of Europe are richer jhan we are, aud great individual fortunes are much more numerous over there, but the fabulous wealth oC'Eng- lisb dukes and Russian princes has never ■ led its owners to indulge in the generosi ty which perpetuates the American names of Peabody or Cornell or Johns Hopkins ' or Lenox, aud the new Stewart donation will probably take its place as the largest gift made by an individual to the cause of learning in the whole history of the world. It is a magnificent memorial to a rich merchant, but could not his memory havo been as well served, and the cause of learning better served, if the money had been placed where it would do most good? As we already have- some 200 college's in this country, there was cer tainly no need of au addition to the list. Wliat is needed is that the existing col leges sfiall be made sufficient for their purposes by the endowment they now lack. Harvard college is, we believe, the richest and best equipped college in the couutry, hut its wealth, the scope of its course and the magnificence of its endow ment are merely sufficient to call atten tion to its obvious and pressing needs. It hampered and restricted tor want of money in many of its departments, and a xourtli of tbe money which is being lav ished on the Stewart memorial would make it a complete and well equipped .uuiveriity; it would be the first universi ty in tbe world, and would gain iu ten years a position which no new college could hope to gain in a hundred years of growth. While the attempt to start a new col lege is a philanthropic mistake, it is a still more serious error to have limited aud impaired the value of the gift by es tablishing any connection between the teachings of the college and the doctrines of a religious sect. The world has learn ed that the -domains of religious belief and collegiate education are wholly Sepa rate ; there is do possibility of establish ing any connection between Episcopa- lianis'm and literature, or between Prcs- bytarlanism- and science. All human learning, classical, historical, scientific or philosophical, must stand by its own strength, and vindicate its truth .without help or liinderance from sectional belief. The attempt to establish any connection between tlie two can not be of any use to the cause of religion, and is very certain to greatly impair the value and usefulness of any institution in which the attempt is made. An Episcopalian college is a predestined failure. . We are given to understand that the plan and idea of tbe new college origina ted with Mr. Stewart himself, and that it was bis purpose to have completed the en terprise during his iife-time. If this is so, it is a curious illustration of the contrast between the success of liis business ven tures'and the failure of his philauthropic ventures. Tlie Women’s Hotel, which he planned as a'seheme of pure benevolence, and on which he spent a vast sum of mon ey, was a total and ridiculous failure—a failure which anybody else but Mr. Stew art would have foreseen; but we doubt whether the inherent impracticability of that venture in the domain of philantho- py was more conspicuous than the failure which awaifaAHi. at tempt to build up, by the mere ontlly ®f money, a new college ou a basis of sectarianism. Curiosities of Life.—Lay your finger ou your pulse and know that at ev ery stroke some immortal passes to his Maker: some iellow-Ueing crosses the riv er of death, and if we will but think of it, we may well wonder that it should be so fang before our turn comes. Half of all who live die before seven teen years. Only one person in ten thousand lives to be a hundred years old, and but one in a hundred reaches sixty years: The married live longer than the single. There is one soldier to every eight peisous, and out of every thousand born ninety-five weddings take place.