Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 03, 1880, Image 4

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©jejjKQra Q^e-legtSEpli Saurtral ^ MfcJss^gieiC Terms or the Telegraph and Messen S« r. Postage free to all Editions. Satin Telegraph and Messenger $10.00 per yr •- «• <• 3.00 6mos *• . •• •• •• 2.50 3 mos. Satin Telegraph and Messenger and Southern Farmer’* Monthly 11.5 Opcryr. Weekly Telegraph and Messenger 2.00 " .. .. .. •• * *• 1.00 Onto*. Week'y Telegraph ana Messenger end Southern Farmer’s Monthly 3.50 per yr Emit hg P. o. Order or Registered Letter, to H. B. BATTS, Manager. Critgrapli anil fttoitgtr FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1880. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT, WINFIELDS. HANCOCK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, WILLIAM H. ENGLISH. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. State At Iaigc. Hon. James C. C. Black, of Richmond. Hon. Richard E. Kenxon, of Randolph. ALTERNATES. Hon. Luther J. Glenn, of Fulton. Hon. A. Pratt Adams, of Chatham. . District Electors. First—Samuel D. Bradwell, of Lib erty. Second—Wm. M. Hammond, of Thomas. Third—Christopher C. Smith, of Tel fair. Fourth—Leander R. Rav, of Coweta. Fifth—John I. Halt., of Spaulding. Sixth—Reuben B. Nisbet, of Putnam. Seventh—Thomas W. Akin,of Bartow. Eighth—Seaborn Reese, of Hancock. Ninth—Wm. E. Simmons, of Gwinnett. alternates. First—Josephus Camp, of Emanuel. Second—Wm. Harrison, of Quitman. Third—James Bishop, Jr., of Dodge. Fourth—Henry C. Cameron, of Harris. Fifth—Daniel P. Hill, of Fulton. Sixth—Fleming G. DuBignon, of Bald win. Seventh—Peter W. Alexander, of Cobh. Eighth—James K. Hines, of Washing ton. Ninth—MABiON C. Boyd, of White. STATE HOUSE OFFICERS. For Attorney General—Clifford An derson, of Bibb. For Secretary of Slate—N. C. Barnett, of Fulton. For Comptroller—Wsi. A. Weight, of Richmond. For Treasurer—D. N. Speer, of Troup. Congreaslonal Nomination* to Date. Hon. H. G. Turner, Second District. Hon. Hugh hi. Buchanan, Fourth District. Hon. N. J. Hammond, Fifth District. Hon. J. H. Blount, Sixth District. Hon. J. C. Clements, Seventh District. Hon. H. P. Bell, Ninth District. Recommended to the support of the De mocracy of Georgia, by 220 out of 350 delegates to the State convention for re-election as Govemoi— Gen. ALFRED H. COLQUITT. Joint Discussions. BETWEEN GOVERNOR a. H. COLQUITT AND HON. T. M. NORWOOD. Colonel W. A. Hawkins and Colonel F. H. West, Hon. M. A. Candler and Col. G. W. Adair have arranged dates, places and terms of discussion and division of time between Hon. T. M. Norwood and Gov. A. H. Colquitt, the candidates lor govern or, as follows: Griffin, Saturday, September 4. Macon, Monday, September 6. Butler, Tuesday, September 7. Talbotton, Wednesday, September 8. . Columbus, Thursday, September 9. The mode of discussion and division agreed upon by the representatives. Appointments. Macon, Ga., August 21,1SS0. I will address the people of the sixth congressional district as follows: Jeffersonville, Tuesday, September 7th. Jackson, Monday, September 14th. Conyers, Saturday, September 18th. Covington, Tuesday, September 21st. Monroe, Saturday Sept. 25th. Macon, Friday evening, October 1st. Irwinton, Tuesday, October 5th. Dublin, Tuesday, October 12th. Clinton, Monday, October 18th. Milledgeville, Saturday, October 23rd. Mnnticello, Tuesday, October 26th. Eatonton, Saturday, October 30th. Hou. R. B. Nesbit, Presidential elector, is expected to speak at the same times and places. J. H. Blount. District papers will please copy until the day of the election. —The Queen of Italy has made a gift to a Catholic church in Boston of a bronze statue of Augustus Crcsar, an antique of exquisite workmanship. —The English insist upon honest ju dicial administration in Cyprus. The Cadi of Papho has just-been condemned to five years imprisonment for bribery. —“Come, bub, tune up yonr fiddle and give us ‘God save your grandma,’’’says an Irreverent youngster of the Prince. of Wales’ family to his brother. —The present House of Commons con tains 241 men who bad no seat in the last. The merchants and manufacturers . have increased from 91 to 199, and the conntry gentlemen and aristocrats have diminish ed from 200 to 126. —Senator Hill, of Georgia, is said to be suffering from a cancerous tumor on his tongue that threatens to terminate his ca reer as a publie speaker, if not to end his life, there being doubts as to the perma nent removal of the tumor. —Two men rode up on harnessed horses to a circus ticket wagon in Leadville, hitched the beasts to it and dashed off with the vehicle in which were the treas urer and $1,500. The showmen gave quick chase and regained their treasure, but the robbers escaped. —A Kansas City reporter records the fact that the defeated candidate “took his way to the train wiapped in gloom and new store clothes. The gloom was an elegant fit but the store clothes were too short in the legs and very baggy about the shoulders.’’ —The project of erecting an Episcopal cathedral in New York that will rival In magnificence that of the Catholics on Fifth Avenue, is making good progress. The question of a sight is causing trouble, but the chances are in favor of thfJBghth Avenue boulevard or the Fifth Avenue not far from the Lenox Library. —News comes from 'India that the fa mous car of Juggernaut was not as usual dragged through the streets of Puri on the 9th of July, and it seems that by religious custom or law, if it not be drawn on the ninth day of the car festival twelve years must elapse before it is again used. Tho fact of the eu. not being brought out this time is attributed by a correspondent to what be calls •■unpardonable negligence on the part of meddling government officials,’’ and that is all be bas to say about it. The Cotton Year 1879-80 Closes to-day, and all will be curious to ascertain the footing up. If the New York Chronicle was printed as usual on Saturday, it did not come to hand yester day, and possibly the issue may have been delayed so as to embrace the three days concluding tho cotton year. The Cotton Exchange statement for Friday night gave the total receipts as 4,942,614, against 4,430,194 bales up to the corres ponding date of last year, showing an in crease ef 512,420 bales. But the Cotton Exchange makes it a point to he from twenty to forty thousand hales ahead of the music. Adding this increase on to the crop of the previous year, to-wit: 5,- 073,531 balc3 and we should have a crop for 1879-80 of 5,585,951 bales. But to these figures must be added, no doubt, a very considerable increase in the overland re ceipts and Southern consumption, so that we shall not be at all surprised to see the crop of the cotton year closing to-day re corded at some figure over five million six hundred and fifty thousand bales. Now, as td the crop now whiteniug the Southern fields, there is great talk whetli er it can rise to six million bales, for the reason that there is not the force to gather such a crop. If we hate the time it may be gathered, but that, of course, is ex tremely doubtful. The last season was extraordinarily mild and protracted, and picking was continued till the last lock was gathered. It would be unreasonable to hope for another such season; and on the other hand, with an early frost and stormy and cold weather* progress in picking would he seriously interrupted. All experience teaches the South that on a cold, finger-benumbing day picking goes on slowly, and it is hard to keep hands at work. So in wet weather they cannot and should not be kept at work. Hence the actual out-turn of the crop of 1880-81 must be considered an event iu the womb of the future. It may prove to he even less than that of the crop of 1879-80. Last Week’s Cotton Figures. The Growing Crop. Since writing the little article else where on the cotton crop of 1S79-1SS0, we have found our copy of the New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle of last Saturday, according to which the cot ton receipts of the seven days ending last Friday night, were 21,123 bales against 4,875 the corresponjjlug week of last year. The Chronicle omits the totals lor the year, which we add as follows: 4,937,- 294 against 4,C53,2S1—showing an in crease over last year of 484,813 bales. The Chronicle's interior port table shows receipts 6,021 against 1,547 last year. Shipments, 8,123 against 1,991. Stocks, 27,762 against 7,001 at same date last year. The Chronicle's visible supply table showed on Friday last 1,307,123 bales of cotton in sight, against 1,02S,501 at the same date last year, 1,139,215 the year before, and 1,716,800 in 1877 at same date. These figures show an increase on the visible supply of last year of 278,622 bales, an increase on the supply of 1878 of 167,908 bales, and a decrease on the supply of 1877 of 409,577 bales. Cotton in Liverpool last Friday was worth 7 3-16 for middling upland. Last year at same 0 3-16, in 1S7R, 6 11-10,;and in*1677 six pence. The Chronicle's weather telegrams of last Friday from the opening crop, speak of caterpillars, rest and shedding with lo cal injury. To begin with Texas, Galves ton had thus far received 6,125 bales of new cotton. She had light showers—an average temperature of 84, and worms in spots. The State would make as much cotton as could be picked. Indianola heard a great deal of caterpillar talk, but the crop would he good. Corsicana was warm and dry but would make as much cotton as could be picked. Dallas com plained of worms but hai} the same idea of the crop. So of Brenham, where the crop was likewise promising. Louisiana was dry and complained of bollworms and caterpillars. Colnmbus, in Mississip pi, was warm and wet. 1.28 of rain. Mer cury 83 to 98. Average 88. Cotton was shedding. There was nothing notable in Arkansas. In Tennessee crop reports were less favorable on account of exces sive drouth and shedding. In Alabama, Mobile thought the cater pillars were doing good by stripping off the heavy foliage and letting in the sun. Montgomery was suffering from worms and rust. In Selma they were doing great damage. Madison, Florida, reports the crop not near as good as was antici pated. In Georgia there are no points. Crops promising and new cotton coming in freely. The difference in the reported increase In the crop by the Chronicle and the New York exchange is 27,607 hales. State of Europe. - It looks very much as though southern Europe was on the eve of another out burst on the Eastern question. The Porte still holds its attitude of non-sub mission to the dictation of the allied pow ers, and the latter are marshalling-.their fleet of war ships for a naval demonstra tion intended for moral effect; tbit is to say, to frighten Turkey into ccmpliance. There Is something ludicrous in the fact that this demonstration is not and will not be warlike, bat there may be state craft in the Turkish idea that it cannot be hostile, because the first broadside at Turkey remits the allies themselves to break-up and scramble for the spoils of conquest. It is clear to be seen that a naval demonstration so hampered would be but an idle show. It could have no moral effect, no matter bowpowerful. But there Is always danger in threatening an enemy with loaded weapons, and it Is doubtful whether that allied fleet will get oat of Turkish waters without some act of war. Meanwhile, Greece is panting for the signal of war to extend her boundaries, and the Albanians are eager for war with the Montenegrins. A spark will light a general explosion. Tne reports from northern India to day speak lightly of the trouble with Ayoob Kahn, and thinks the revolt will soon be quelled. Now AND Then.—The legislative ex penses under Republican role iu South. Carolina were as follows: For 1870-71 . . . .$ 822,608 88 For 1871-72 . ... 1,533,574 78 For 1872-73 . . . 908,855 00 For 1873-74 . . . - 022^33 00 Under Democratic rule the legislative expenses of 1876-77 were $84,096. - > What better argument can be famished for the preservation of Democratic har mony and union in this and every other Southern State? Surely there never was a better time than the present to point the moral. Legislative Candidates. We beg leave to repeat our suggestion that in the selection of candidates for the general assembly, Democrats do tot raise the question whether they are for Colquitt or Norwood, or for neither. Take generally acceptable men—men of intelligence and moral woith, and let all the partisans vote for them. This will give us a good legislature, and should a gubernational election devolve upon it, (of which we have not the smallest expectation) we be lieve they would be likely to settle it more satisfactorily to the people than auy legislature stocked for the purpose. Cheering News From Indiana. Washington, August 27.—Gen. Wal ker, secretary of the congressional com mittee, arrived here to-day, and found awaiting him from the morning’s mail nearly one hundred letters, a majority of which were fromiludiaua. All of them expressed the confidence of their writers that the Hoosicr State would go Demo cratic by an increased majority over 3876. A gentleman in this city has received a private letter from Gov. Hendricks, in which he says that Indiana will undoubt edly elect the Democratic ticket in Octo ber, and this despite the fact that Gov. Hendricks says that the Republican managers have succeeded in colonizing at least three thousand-colored voters in the State. Represenative Morrison, of Illi nois, writes here that never before in the history of politics in that State have the. Republican managers put forth such ef forts as in the present canvass. The Democrats have never before had such a strong State ticket in the field, which ac counts for Republican activity. Mr. Mor rison says unusual pains is being taken to defeat him for re-election, but he has no fear of the result. Abraham Lincoln’s Opinion of Han- Wade Hampton >- cock. At the Democratic mass meeting in It is a mistake to suppose that the South Washington, Thursday night, the follow- cherislics any animosity against the mgm- ; n g was rea <i : The Cotton Estimate Too Large. The Aberdeen (Miss.) Examiner says Eastern and foreign cotton statisticians are figuring on a cotton crop for the season of 1SS0-S1 in excess of 6,000,000 bales. Did it ever stride these gentle men that there is not field force enough in the crop region to pick such a crop? Six millions of bales would exceed 3,- 000,000,000 pounds of lint, or 9,000,000,- 000 pounds of seed cotton, and when it is remembered that an exceptionally good crop finds every tanner slioit of hands at “cotton picking time,” and that it takes a much larger force to pick a good cotton crop than to make it, and that it is not once In twenty years that .we are blessed with such a season for saving cotton as we had last year, the absurbity of this es timate is apparent. In the season of 1S79-S0 we had favo rable weather for picking from September 1 to Christmas iu a large portion of the cotton area, in addition to the stimulus of a good price, well sustained until the last “lock” had passed through the gin. To these circumstances the world owes at least halfamillion of bales of gleanings that would, under ordinary circumstances, have rotted in the field, and not to the unusual acreage of yield. Iu 16S0-S1 we can hardly hope for as favorable conditions as blessed the last harvest, and though the promise of the fields is much more satisfactory now than then, we have no reason to hope or be lieve that as many bales will be picked out for market. A Few. The Atlanta Phonograph, in reply to our suggestion to furnish a few facts in connection with the gubernatorial contest, takes one of Mr. Norwood’s speeches aud copies “the oft told tale,” and as often re futed, about Governor Colquitt's adminis tration. 1. Licompetency. Just in what that incompetency consists the Phonograph, like others who make the charge, has not deigned to tell us. It is inferred from “the general character.” Well, the gen eral character among the majority of Georgians is, that Colquitt’s administra tion has been a good and successful one. See late convention, 2241 out of 350. Among the outside world it is the most satisfactory administration that Georgia has ever been blessed with. Her bonds above par, in every commercial centre, and her reputatiou as a great and growing State, second to none In the Union. This is the general character of his administration at home and abroad. His incompetency as held by the Phonograph and others, when re duced to ite last analysis, means that Governor Colquitt did not appoint certain men and their friends to office. Just this and nothing more. That Gov. Colquitt has made mis'akes no one doubts. He does not claim to be infallible. 2. Lawlessness. In what this lawless ness consists the editor does not conde scend to tell us. But we suppose it has reference to the Jackson and Lawton fee, which never went into the treasury and never ought to, for it didn’t belong there. See Gov. Colquitt’s speech at Augusa and his letter in the Constitulion. 3. Usurpation, in compromising with Col. Grant- Please see letters of the great Bob Toombs, N. J. Hammond, aud others. 4. Malfeasance. This refers to the collection of penalties for escaped con victs. There are but nineteen such cases subject to penalties, and they are in course of litigation. 6. Cruelty. .In reference to suffer ings among convicts. See the satistics on file in the State department, showing that ever since Gov. Colquitt came Into office, the death rate, and consequently suffering, had decreased. G. Falsehood, about what Gen. Gordon said in a Washington county meeting. See Gen. Gordon’s late letter. As to his hypocrisy and intrigue, they are so shallow that the mere statement of them is an answer that carries with it its own condemnation. The appointment of Gov Smith for his own personal interest is a tremendous joke. These, all of these, have been presented, time and again, and they have been answered, and the people* have passed judgment upon that answer, and they will put them beyond all controversy on the 6th of October next The Atlanta correspondent of tlie Co lumbus Enquirer says: “Ben Hill will not take any hand in the convass. He says the race is one in which the people will choose between the two men ac cording to the popularity of each candi date.” And yet the Norwood papers, and the Enquirer among them, was posting Ben’s name as one of the Norwood speakers, all over the country—that he bad come out on the Norwood side. All this was gam mon, we knew, but It was in keeping with the “facts” with which they propose to conduct the eanvaas. They went so fitr as to delude poor Norwood with the idea that Ben Hill had relented end was ready to assist him, end the afsreasid Thomas Minority mads n pilgrimage ell the way to Atlanta to implore Ben, If his tongue was sore, just to write a letter endorsing him. Ben says, “Nary time, I don’t take any stock in this canvass.”' ory of President Lincoln. On the con trary, the generally received opinion is that we lost our best friend among the Northern hostilcs when “honest Abe” was ruthlessly assassinated. Had he survived, the terms of reconstruction would have been infinitely easier than under the Johnson regime. The shocking taking off of the President exasperated to the last degree the Northern mind, and fanaticism and a blind crusade against the rebels, even after they had laid down their arms, was the immediate outcome, and, alas! was maintained at the point of tho bayo net through many long and dreary years. Even at the present epoch, the “bloody shirt” floats over a thousand Radical hust ings at the North and West, ,and it seems next to impossible to lay the gory ghost evoked by four years of ensanguined strife. But we believe a kind Providence has raised up General Hancock for that blessed mission, and he that dared con front Sherman, the general of the army, and Grant, the President of the United States, and join issue with them upon the propriety and justice of seating Hayes in lieu of the rightfully elected Tilden, will be the savior of liis country for the next four years, when the people speak at the ballot box-in November. The following opinion of President Lin coln, as to the worth and reliability of the nominee of the Democracy, will be read with interest: « Bedford, Springs, August 5.—-I met Mr. James McDougal, a lumber merchant of Baltimore, of high respectability, and one of the genial class of Springs’ visitors, who become generally known and popu lar. Mr. McDougal has been an ardent Republican, a demoniac condition he reached after starling in life as an Old Line Whig and passing thence through the purgatory of Douglas*Democracy. Mr. McDougal lost forty thousand and some odd dollars by tlie rebellions circum stance which may account for some of his bitterness against the rebels. They say he was in danger of being lynched in the unpatriotic atmosphere of Baltimore in the earlier days of the rebellion, a fact which I can readily believe, for lie is evi dently brim full of stroug opinions aud plain language, and lias no .disposition to check their overflow. He told me some thing that you will be glad to hear and which I am surprised that we never read before. When Mr. Lincoln issued his emanci pation proclamation—I believe that was the occasion—a deputation of citizens from Baltimore went on to Washington to congratulate him. Mr. McDougal was one of tlie number. They speedily got through with their address at the White House, and were about to leave, with the declaration that they would not further trespass upon the President’s valuable time. “Take scats, hoys, take seats!” ex claimed Mr.Liucoln, as he rang for chairs to be brought in. “It would be strange if I could not spare a half hour or au hour for conversation with friends who have come from Baltimore to see me.” Tlie visitors sat down and spent nearly an hour in conversation. Presently the subject of generals came up, and various opinions were expressed as to who was the ablest officer on onr side. When a great many opinions had been given, Mr. Lincoln said: “Gentlemen, in my judgment you have not struck the right man yet.” And of course all were anxious to hear him name the man, and asked him to do so. He said: “It is Gen. Hancock.” The countenances of their visitors ex pressed their surprise, and one of them ventured to say that he feared Hancock was toe rash. “Yes,” said Mr. Lincoln, “so soinn of the older generals have said to me, and I have said to them, that I have watched Gen. Hancock’s conduct very carefully, and I have found that when he goes into action he achieves liis purpose, and comes out with a smaller list of casualties than any of them. Bold he is, but not rash. Why, gentlemen, do you know what his record was at West Point?” And Mr. Lincoln went to his book shelf, and taking down an army register showed the position in which Hancock had graduated, and that, furthermore, iu a class that was one of the most distin guished that had ever graduated at the Military academy. Continuing to sppak of ^jiiin iu the highest tetjns, he further “I tell you, gentlemen, that if his life and strength are spared, I believe tliat Gen. Hancok is destined to be one of the mo3t distinguished men of the age. Why, when I go down in the morning to oiien my mail—and I rise at 4 o'clock—I de clare that I do it in fear and trembling lest I may hear that Hancock has been killed or wounded.”—Lancaster Intelli gencer. Reduction of the Public Debt.— The treasury statement to-day shows a re duction of the public debt of $12,027,1672*9 for the month of August. The election la au admirable spur. Southern Cotton Kills. The Manufacturer and Industrial Ga zette, of Springfield, Mass., gives some substantial reasons why the Southern cotton factories, though small and rather poorly equipped, are able to earn a larger percentage of profits than tho immense mills of the North. . They have the advantage of better lo cation, and when they have secured new and improved machinery will do an un rivalled business. They can save freights, buy cheaper end hire cheaper labor. They rave “the buyer’s commission, warehouse delivery, and cartage, sampling, clrssmg, pressing, shipping, discount on bills, lossof weight in sampling for mixed packages, fire-insurance before shipping, marine risks, and freight and cartage to interior towns, which amounts in au to some $7 per bale. The Northern mills also lose from receiving cotton poorly ginnhd, con talning a good deal of leaf and sand, which is computed at 6 per cent, of the entire cotton crop. The difference be tween the cost of a bale sent to Fall Riv er, Mass., and a bale sent to .Columbus, Ga., is $8.00, tlie former costing $51.71 and the latter $43.05.” This makes a tax qjr 18 per cent, which Fall River pays in competing with Columbus. It is esti mated that if the planters could manu facture their cotton near home they would save $50,000,000 in transportation. A prominent manufacturer in Missis sippi says that that State -can manufac ture cotton at a cost of from m fifteen to twenty percent, cheaper than'it can be made in New Englaifd. In South Caro lina and Georgia new mills are exempt for ten years, and this exemption is ex tending into other States. The water power of the manufacturing sections of the Sooth is very fine, and the hours of labor are longer in the course of a year, while the saving of heat and* light is con siderable. As yet the South manufactures princi pally coarser goods, yarns, ducks, un bleached muslins, sheetings, shirtings, osnaburgs, jeans, etc., hat the time is not distant when it will dome to make prints, cambrics, laces, and all the finer quali ties of staple goods. A Certainty.—It has grown to a cer tainty, says the Nashville American, that the people of the United States are going to elect a President who will return to the methods of the fathers of the republic. We do not expect General Hancock to ape anybody, to recall the past in form and uot in fact. He related himself bow Jefferson rode fils flea-bitten gray to the capitol, got down and hitched and went in to be sworn in; but be will not regard a horse or a rail fence to hitch to, as es sential features, nor pose, nor Imitate an ancient simplicity. He may take a street car, or ride in a carriage, or get in as-suits his own taste. The important point is that in fact he will restore the ancient simplicity of the repnblic, putting away all military show and trappings. White Sulphur Springs, August 20. My Pear Sir: If I thought that I could do any good for the Democracy by at tending your meeting in Washington I should most cheerfully do so. But ev erything I sqy is so misrepresented, that I really think it best for our party that I should remain silent. The views which I am charged with expressing at Staunton are utterly at variance with all that I have entertained and expressed since the war. The only authorized report of my remarks was given in ‘’the Baltimore Gazette, and published in the New York Herald of the 16th. Of course the Re publican papers will not do me the jus tice to correct the mistakes, but I hope that our friends will. ' Wishing you full success at our meet ing, I am, very truly yours, Wade Hampton, To Wm. Dickson, chairman, etc. . The Joint Discussions of the Outer- Darkened Sitting Rooms. natorial Candidates, 'The Boston Herald prints a long inter view with au eminent specialist of that COLQUITT TOO MUCH FOR NORWOOD. city on the 8ubject of plenary COC- The contestants for the executive chair sumption, which it is , ; ell kn J n is a of State have met each other in debate aneQt Labitat ofthe New EDgland three times on the hustings to-wit, at coast towns. Thcfollowin Augusta, Madison and Covington, and from the published accounts of each foren sic joust, Governor Colquitt has gained decided advantages over his opponent. Of Mr. Norwood’s effort at Augusta the Chronicle and Constitutionalist has this to say: - - • As an orator Mr. Norwood is hot a sue- passage cop ied from that interview upon the too com mon habit of shutting out light and air from our sitting rooms has value and force in Georgia: “What are the conditions favorable to the development of consumption ?” “There are many. Among the most iu au uiaww. uuiwiwii u uui, a sue- , ,— cess. His personal appearance is not of a i’ r P da^kened room^nn are such a character as to impress a multitude, ’ su ?l‘Sht, ex- and he has not one spark oi that mens dicinior which often makes more than amends for ungainly physical belongings. Edmund Kean had many bodily iin- perfeptlous, bnt they were forgotten when he incarnated the heroic speech of - Sliakspeare. The same was true of Macready, and is tho case with Henry Irving. Miraheau described himself as a “tiger with the small-pox,” hut the genius on the rostrum made him look im perially handsome, and as glowingly ma jestic as a Greek demi-god. We all re member Curran’s tribute to the judge, up to whom the bar lotiked as the South Sea Islander gazed upon his divinity—“he knew that he was ugly, but believed that he was great.” Mr. Norwood has none ofthe magnetism that 'Mirabeau, or the Irish judge had,- and none ofthe “fire and dew” that shone in the luminous eyes of Edmund Kean, redeeming the negligence of nature. His style is cold, clammy, unimpassioned, dry and dull. The habits oi the special pleader cling to him, and he treats a political theme much as he would a case in chancery. - To some minds -very likely, this level mode of reasoning lias charms. Mr. Norwood is not singular in this respect; but, as he. represents a type, so men of his type probably admire him and his method. But no man of this class sways what Mr. Stephens calls “the masses,” and, to this extent, he fails in becoming a genuine leader of men. His whole argument against Governor Col quitt was made up of a dismal rehash of what some ofthe newspapers have been re tailing for past years. There was nothing original aud the “burning question” of the day with Colquitt’s enemies—the- ap pointment of ex-Governor Brown to the Scuate—he did not, in Augusta, so much as refer to, although his partisans in the crowd reminded him of the gross omis- -sion. j He was very careful, too, to make no distinct charge against Governor Col quitt, involving him in conuntion of any kind, -individually or officially. There was a multiplicity of cunning statements, liberally guarded by the subjunctive mood, but not one single ghost of a charge that the governor did uot meet and put at rest most effectually. The same paper thus speaks of the per sonal bearing aud appearance of Mr. Nor wood’s antagonist: Governor Colquitt 13 not a finished ora tor, but he has some gifts of person and mind that redeem any technical deficien cy. It may he said of him, as Senator Vance said of the late Judge SpofTord, that “the man who could look into his face and not believe him honest, would cast odium upon the Ten Command ments.” The Atm'g’iity has stamped Southern Immigration. From an article on Southern Immigra tion in the Baltimore Sun, we copy the following, having special reference to Georgia: In Georgia, where there is a State com missioner of immigration, who is lull ot zeal, but very inadequately supplied with funds, a very promising influx of labori ous Germans has begun. The commis sioner recently took a colony of one hun dred of these to Polk county to work in iron works there, and he has enlisted the sympathy and co-operation of some lead ing Germans in his objects. He has print ed and sent to Scotland and England some thousands of copies of a hook and circulars on the capabilities of Georgia to support and encourage immigration, and this book is to be largely distributed throughout Germany as soon as it can be translated. As soon as 500 German families will contract to come iu a body the commissioner will send an agent to Germany and bring them in direct by way of Savannah or Charleston, the cheapest route, and one where they will not be interferred with by immi grant agents and turned to oth er directions. Everything tends to en courage the belief that these small but significant openings are the beginning of a peat and permanent movement wliicb will continually grow as the advantages which the South oilers to a new and en terprising population are widely enough known. The South has free labor, with all the range of industrial potentialties which the word calls up. It has very great resources for manufactu ring, mining and forestry, and the fact that these are “undeveloped” means that they aie fresh aud not half worked out like the same resources in the North. The soil is rich and capable of the most widely diversified scale oi products. These are the possessions which the South must bring the old world to a knowledge of in order to encourage immigration. But as a contemporary very truly says: “A demonstration is needed not only of the material resources of the land, hut of the spirit and integrity of the people. Let them put tlieir shoulders to ail the wheels of industry, frown into silence ev ery whisper of repudiation, and - show an example of self-reliance aud self-help.” General Gordon’s Columbus Speech. I u P° n tbe noble lineaments of Alfred H. | Colquitta soul of truth and lofty aspira- Shameful Conduct of Some of the “ Audience. A special from Columbus, dated August 27, says: General Gordon arrived here at 8:30 p. m., and was escorted to the Central ho tel, where he met the executive commit tee of the-Colquitt club. At S:30 the ope ra house was crowded. There were*at least two thousand persons present, among whom were several ladies. General Gordon was introduced by Grigsby E. Thomas, Jr. When the gen eral arose and began his spe.ccli the audi ence applauded him loudly. Among the new features‘of tlie campaign, he began by attacking the administration of Gov. Smith, clearly demonstrating that Gov. Smith had signed about half a million of bonds of the North and South narrow guage railroad at $12,000 per mile, while Governor Colquitt had only signed the bouds for $U,000 per mile on the North eastern railroad. The road that Govenor Colquitt indorsed was paying interest, and the road that Governor Smith in dorsed was purchased by Governor Smith for $40,000. Of the narrow guage road indorsed by Governor Smith there was nothing left hut the washed out road bed. lie also replied to Governor Smith in re gard to the convict lease system, showing by the laws of Georgia that the act was approved by Governor Smith, aud the leases made for twenty years. At the first part of his speech there was some hissing. He calmly said that hiss ing would uot scare him; that he had heard tlie hissing oi the mlnnie halls too often to he run off now, and he would stay there all night or deliver his speech. lie then reviewed Governor Colquitt’s assailants and the motives which instigat ed them. At the close he 'exhorted the citizens to vote for Govornor Colquitt, not because he was Co.quitt, but to put a stop to those slanderous attacks od the character of our public men. Towards the close of his speech there was no dis turbance, hut calm, patient listening, and the shots of his eloquence went home to the hearts of the audience. There was round after round of applause. At the close of his speech many of his old comrades crowded around him to shake Ids hand and tho ladies also re mained after tlie speech to give him wel come. At half past ten lie closed his speech amid deafening applause. Many doubt ful persons were won over to the support of Governor Colquitt and tho true princi ples of justice which he represents. ' Those who hissed the gallant and glori ous Gordon, should hang their heads with shame. Has it come to such a pass that any Georgian could be so blinded by per sonal prejudice and partisan fury as to in sult a noble and battle-scarred soldier for standing up in defense of his slandered friend? We canuot believe tliat Mr. Norwood, or the hulk of his followers, would justify such conduct. It would raise such a storm of indignation among the patriotic masses, and the noble ex- Confederates who marched under Gor don’s banner, that the offenders would be forced to cry aloud for the “rocks and mountains to fall upon them” that they might be concealed from the wrath of an outraged people. ' Misrepresented.—In his reference td> Lee and Jackson, whilst addressing the people of Virginia, Gen. Hampton uttered no disloyal sentiment. He simply said that those deceased worthies, if alive, would never counsel the repudiation of a just debt, or intestine divisions which, if persisted in, must prove fatal to the peace aud prosperity of the “Old Dominion.” The Northern press have garbled and given an entirely false coloring to Gen. Hampton’s remarks,and despite his denial of what they impute to him, continue to ring the changes upon their own version of his speech. This is characteristic at least. An Independent has his Reward— A telegram from Athens of recent date says: The Republican district conven tion met here to-day. They decided not to nominate a Republican candidate for Congress, and by a resolution agreed to support Hon. Emory Spoor. They elected nine delegates to the Republican conven tion, which assembles in Atlanta Septem ber 7l h. Pledger presided as chairman of the convention. This is the fruit of indepeudeutism and tions. There is nothing mean or conspir ing or crafty there. He does not prevari cate. His voice has the ring of genuine sentiment, and the cause of truth gives him an eloquence that no special plead ing can exactly reach. Bitter indeed must be the prejudice, hardened the heart and blind the reason of him who can hear this honest, valiant, God-fearing governor utter the thought that is in him, vindicating his honor and fair fame, with out respect and without becoming con vinced of his innocence and sincerity. At Covington, a very large assemblage greeted the speakers, and there was con siderable enthusiasm ou both sides. The Constitution says, however, there were four Colquitt men to one for Norwoed. We append a brief extract from tlie report of the governor’s speech: Governor Colqnitt continued and said —I shall refer to Mr. Norwood’s record with great respect. There was a time when families were separated, and moth- era had to give up their sous. From Newton county, and from every other county, there weut out bravo men to do their duty. Suppose every young man in Georgia had followed Mr. Norwood’s example, how mauy regimeuts would we have had in the* field? [Cheers and laughter.] After the war, when many of our men were disfranchised, he went to the Sen ate. I have Ii<?ard of several things he did there. -You have heard ofthe salary grab. [Great cheers.] Mr. Norwood there arbitrarily took $5,000 ofthe peo ple’s money for services he had never ren dered. He said in Atlanta he did do it, and he’d do it again. I hope you will put him where he can get it out of Uncle Sam, and won’t have to take it out of the people of Georgia. [Great cheers.] Mr. Norwood says when you vote you vote to sustain his record. [Cheers and laugh ter.] Vote It if you waut to. Mr. Norwood speaks of the convention. There was never a time when the prima ries were so well attended. My slander ers said I wouldn’t get twenty counties, I had fifty counties, aud as the number in creased they said “they have got the con trol ofthe convention and if they don’t adopt the two-thirds rule we will secede and break tip the convention.” I know this from conversations which were had with their leaders. He says that I held that convention as iu a vise. I didn’t hold it, the people of Georgia held it. [Cheers, and cries of “that’s so!”] He says that I pledged myself not to he a can didate if I didn’t get two-thirds. I never did it. Judge Vason knows that I said in the caucus that I would yield the cry “personal preferences,” aud not ask the adoption of the majority. We made ev ery concession to this petulant minori ty, which was growliug all tlie while like a spoiled child. [Cheers.] Do you kuow what au old time mother would do with such a spoiled child? She would turn it up on her knee aud spank it. [Cheers.] And this is what the Democracy will do with this spoiled minority. [Great cheer* mg.] They had a citizens’ meeting, aud. Mr. Norwood was in the chair. He appointed a committee of nine and they went into a bed-room and he went with them as chairman, and there they nominated him. [Great cheers.] This is what he calls vindicating the people. [Cheers.] Any man in Newton county can he nominated if he appoints a committee and goes along with them. [Clteers and laughter.] These nine men in that bed room could have made a nomination m the conven tion if they had wanted to. [Cries of “give us some more of it.”] A OrreeII—. Macon, August SO. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Iu publishing my letter of the 23d inst., in your issue of yesterday, you make me say I was pained tliat the minority did not plant themselves on tlieir record and await the judgment of the people rather than follow tue action of the majority, to wit: “A recommendation of one of their ring; to the people as a candidate tor governor.” It should read “one of their wing.” I hope you will allow me to make this correction, for I cannot consent that it shall go to the public as printed; for though my judgment did not coincide with theirs in their final action, I am far from classifying men as a ring for whom I entertain only feelings of profound gratitude, for their generous support aud respect for pursuing—despite of promises or threats—a course their judgment dic tated as right. Respectfully, Thos. Hardeman. P. S.—Should any paper publish my letter, I hope they will, also, this cor rection. the most effectual way to break up and demoralize the Democratic party. Be- Toucan get now, at L. W. Hunt’s, all „ ,i,* kinds of toilet soaps, English, French and lore theDemooracy proper of the ninth dis- American makej t £ e best that can be ob- trlct Mr. Speer would stand uo chance tained, at the old wooden drug store, cor- for re-election. ner Second and Cherrv streets. posure, dampness, etc. To raise - * mush rooms for eating, you select a damp, dark place. That 3s, these conditions are fa vorable to the development of fungi. Now- yeast is fungus. All housekeepers are fa miliar with the best modes of its cultiva tion in the raising of bread. Those who would agree with the Salisbury plans are prepared to see that, if people keep them selves continuously shut up in dark rooms, to keep out flies and save the car pets, breathe the bad air, etc., they are putting themselves into a condition fa vorable to the development of fungoid growths on aud in their systems. Moreover, why the Bowditch dogma of dampness in localities is favorable to consumption is because this is one ofthe conditions of cryptogamicgrowth.' It is a fact long noticed that New England peo ple, to go no further, keep their houses shut as if air aud sunlight were the natu ral enemies of mankind. Ride five miles in a carriage on a common highway, any where in this State, and 1 venture to say that nine-tenths of the houses will he seen to have their blinds closed and windows shut. I think such proceedings are often invitations to consumption. I suppose the reason is, not that people do not love their health, but that they love their car pets and hate flies more. The ut terances of the Herald lately on the subject of bad air are very timely and valuable. I would to God that poor, helpless innocents, growing up in dark and noisome localities in cities, could he transported to the eastern shores of Buzzard’s bay, for example, where they could inhale the influences of the finest climate of this State. There Is plenty of room, aud land is cheap. 1 have known oi the sale oi land for seven ty-five cents per acre, in the vicinity of Warehain. I hopo for the time when these causes of lung troubles, had air and food, shall be remedied. For one I look hopefully, on these grounds to the speedy establishment of elevated roads, with cheap fares, so that our populations shall be scattered, and not so crowded that the poor children cannot get plenty of pure air. On this humanitarian view-, I wish success to all enterprises that will spread out populations.” Must Aristides be Banished from Athens, Because he is Called the Just? Editors Telegraph and Messenger: My heart bleeds, aud my soul feels hu miliated, whenever my mind dwells for a moment upon the condition of my na tive Southland, and especially upon the sad spectacle now presented in my noble State. Can it be that Southern chivalry is a thing of the past ? Have the sons of those noble and he roic men who illustrated the Sonth upon the battle fields of Manassas, Fredericks burg, Cold Harbor, Chickamauga,' Frank lin and Petersburg, forgotten tlie deeds of valor, aud devotion of their fathers ? Are tlie men who sacrificed everything but principle and a good name, in war, to to b>: assaulted and have their character assailed in peace, by those for whom they fought? Truly this is the basest ingrati tude ! Who ever supposed that such men as Colquitt aud Gordon, true exponents of Southern manhood, would be accused of corruption, and hissed at public meetings where they were incited to speak? Had enemies done this, we would have regretted it, but when friends act thus, we are forced to hide our head in shame. History but repeats itself. When the great and' good Aristides of ancient Ath ens was about to be banished, a man ap proached him, and without knowing whom lie addressed, asked this illustrious ’man to write upon his ticket his expul sion. When requested why he thus voted his reply was, “Because I am tired of hearing him called ‘thejust.’ ” Certain men in Georgia would thus banish and defame Colquitt and Gordon because they are tired of hearing them called Christian soldiers and statesmen. Oli, my country, what is to be thy fate when virtue is lost in passion, and merit absoibed in hate. Would that mercy could veil thy face, that the world might not see the expression of- tby ingratitude, Jonathan. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. TKjMOfABBetiteJSjjnag^jowglgojgtijgi Faininffi^SSEirjmnaauLiaeiMatioi^g IF THESE WAE5IH0S ARX UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED* TO ITS RBI an especially adapted to ■■ek cases, one dose efleetssach *chance •ffceUea ajWMUjjjlubjniikm. A Noted Divine says: Dr.TUTT;—Door Sir: For tan year* I have boon I am now a wel I man, taw food appat it*. digaation . R. I- . . They Increase iVc ArSetTTc^nd cause the body to Take an Fk«i then the system A ntarlabed, and by their Tenio Action on tha Digestive Organs, Senlr Stools arepro- dncfd. Frica»5eCTjg 1 _Ra_MWTTajrHr^rt-Y; TUTT’SHAURYE, Grat Hoib ob Vsanil changedto a Gnoaax Bxacx by a shmleiapplication efthi* Drz., Jtta. parts a NataraTColor, act* InaUnUMondf. SoA f»DraeaWs.erasat byaKWeoaonrocaijaot*L Ofllo*, 35 Murray St., New York. POND’S EXTRACT. Subdues Inflammation, f’sntrola >1' Ho. rhage*, Xcutc aud Chronic. Venoaa and Mu rod.. INVALUABLE FOB SPRAINS. ItURNM, 80aLDS,BRUISES, . 80BSNES8, RHEUM *T(8M, BOiLS, ' ULCERS. OLD SORES, lOOl'H- AOHE, HEADACHE. ASTHMA, SORB THROAT, HOARSE NESS, NEURALGIA, CA TARRH, Ere., src. Imka Abbott.—*'V»laa' lc and teneflefoi ” Hmnrooo uni, Dt. M B. O. P.. of Bus load.—“I have tad it with marked bei oBt.” H. 8. PakSTOI, M> l) , Brooklyn, W. T.—“1 know tl no remedy so sooemllj useful." earncs GuiBBBaa, M. 1>, t. R. U. d„ of Knr land.—"i have pemrribtd Pood's Bxtnct with area* notfa." _ UkUTItrN.—Pond's Exlroet w sold only tn bottles with the aams blown in the gloss. Ii it ansafs to a*e other articles with oerdi rectK ns. inti.t em having Hood's Ixtract. He lass all imitation* sad substituted. ■PBOl«L PBBPANATIONS OP POND'S IX- TBAOT (JOB BINhD WITH T3B HUH ST AND MOST DBbtCAlB PxBPUMBS TUBIiADIBS* BOUDOIR. Pond's Xxtrset... sfle. c l.oo odd 91.75 TtiltiCream...._&1.ox Catarrh Cure 71 DauiUriea to Paster t Lip Solve if Inhalar (61o.« 80c)1.00 Toilet floop (I • site.) SO K 3j i in« tS Ointment— M Medicated Paper... M Orders smonnting to fS worth tent express tne on receipt of money on P. Q. order. Our tew Pamphlet with hi.tory ot onr Prop orations sont free on application to POND’S EXTRA C3T CO. No. 14 W. lttb Street, New York, old by all Druggists, nueltdeodswly VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigoiates the Whole System. All Writers, and Their Karnes **• Legion, Say that to Have Good Health Ton lust Hm Pure Blort. .Reader, Have You Got Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Cancerous Humor, Cfcncer, cr any Disease of the Blood ? You Can Positively be Cured. Thou sands of Testimonials Prove It. Vegrtine ii trade exclusively from the juices ot csrelully seleotod b»rks, roots and herb*, and ao- atrongly concentrated that it will effectunlly eradicate from the syrtem every taint or Scrofu la- ccro.ulous Humor, Tumors, Cancer, Cancer- S»>* Bheum. Syphilitic lhaeatea, Canker, Pointneta st the btomacn, and all diseases that arise Irom impure blood. Bcfat* m*' ‘bfUmmatory and Cbrouic Rheumatism, NtOMlgia, Gout and Spina' Oomplaiutg, c*n only beyffectuvly cured through the blood. . , or Sf ce, I ““d Eruptive Dioeasesof 81,n. Pua- tulea. Pun plea, Blotches Roils, Teiter, Scald- head and Ringworm, Yegetine h&a never failed to eaeot a permanent cure. For Paint in the Back, Kidney Complaints, Dropsy, Female Wcak"esi, Leuoorrhooa, arising ■r 0 ® internal ulceration, and ntSrine dietasea and General Debility, Vo cotine acta direct r upon the raussa of these complaints, it inv .orate* and s lengthens l”s whole »y stem, acts upon the secretive or »n«, al'aya iua.mmatiou, cures ul ceration and rexula'ei the bowels. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Habitual PostivoncBS, Palpitation of the Heart, Heidacbe, Piles, Ner vousness and General Prostration ofthe Nervous System, no medicine haaevergirsn such perfect satisfaction as the Vegttine. It piriSesrhe blood, cleanses all ot the organs, and possesses a con trolling power orv the nerro-. s system. The remarkable cares effected by Vegetino l ave induced many physicians and apethecariss whom we know t. prescribe and use it in their own families. In feet. Yegetine : s iho best remedy jet discov ered for the above diseases, and is the <nly reli able Blood Purifier yet placed before the public. VEGETINE. IS THE BEST Spring & Summer Medicine Yegetine is sold bv all Druggists. udpXV lua the sat-daw ° New York Sun FOR THE CAMPAIGNS The Wbeixt Sex will be found a useful aux iliary by all who are earnestly work-'ng for the ro.orm cf the National Government. Relieving hat the evils which have so long beset the coun try esu be cured only by a change of the party iu power. The Sex earnestly siiDports the Presi dent and Yioe-Pr.aident. Haxccce and £so- T.TSff, In order that all those who tyropet* izx with oar purp-ee may moat efficiently co-opente with ua. we will send The St;a »o clubs, or singlesubsenoers. post-paid. In, ,IVrn11 -fire cent* for the next three months. Address THE SUN, New York city. L AB1KS ANO krOIE-KEEPKBS- You ran get i:hoic« Cu»«a chcao by writing on a postal for our pri-'e lis', w bioh en ables you to order by mail toe be-t way, and see the many kinds of mer, handi-e we k ep for tale at enrpnaingly low prices. IVen-n.l samples of Uamburga. Laces. Ribbon-, Frinrea, etc., if re quest#!. We sell wholesale ar.d .retail for cash down. Anew combination system enables us to quote very closaprces. Wo hvve >1. S2 and packages of notions which cannot be benzht lor twice the money elsewhere, all watted in •terj family. Money returned if not satisfac tory- Hau»hton it Dutton. SSTrem-ut etreot. Boston. Mass. THE BONANZA FOR BOOK AQENTS la tailing car r|> .siAlau Ulkasyfcd boos "GENERAL HANCOCK. writ'rn by hit life-long friend IIin. J. W. FOfltNET . auaulhtr of national 'voe. and an. ardent admirer of the “superb ooldi.-T;" trclud- instbsLfe-f H.fMiLIIH This aerk is s-fflcistila rsiilnrasd. :ow priced, immensely popular and s<-llifig bound pre ceded'. Outfit Mr. Act qu>ck and eollt ntwHvy. Fo tkeb-«( b—K, licpt terms and full rarttculors. address HUBS ,BD Rtt'Jfl..At lanta, Go. $77 7sa YEAR, and ripe nee* to- ■rent,. Outfit Frte. Address YIOehKY. Vugusis.U* stduf made Fntrgr.tic Peal agents wantei in e-arr city and town. Keys reed rot applv. Aadr-ss Yivitn H. Marshall New Orleans, l a. fftO A IS V K sill KB ».—rend 10 conis for B- our Kb paste pa-rphlet, all about rewspsper advertising. Addr«<a G BO. P. ROWELL A CO, U Spruce street, M, T, w ill 1 AkTEO-tlhESIKJf TO TAKE GENERAL SlATK AGBXUlB-t. Sal- and ex pee sea paid. References required. UMPH M’F G CO.. 114 Monrce street, Chi. NsW.pspCH Mmils'hK Hureau, Ipr.M •«.. N. Y. auesi cod dawl C 1LAT8BACK COLl.tGB AND HUDSON J BITE a INSTITUTE, at CJaversek,«. Y. One Of the moat (ucee-sful and Urcest boarding schools in the country. FiUbnys thororghlyfor college. Full toilege couis-e for women. Art language* and m sic specialties. 14 instruc tors; 10 departments. Utd year opens Sept- mber 4th. A wealthy friend of the Sou'-h and of this school, in New York city. (.fTrrt tc pay all the expanses except fttos year fifty ladies from the South, ? hit SIM will include board and tuition in academia aud c 1-ce ccursea. French, G rma-i natiu und Gr.-ok and piano music; alia catrloguea far tlMt year- Fo* catalogues and fnll particular* rd.l—sa REV.ALOABDFLAtK. I'h. D, uuaM-dswIt President; Estey Organ Oo, Conor Brand ssd Alabama Sts.. Atlanta. Ga. THE BRIGHTWOOD, Corner of Ba-t Fourteenth St. and Irving Pit apposite A sodomy el Haste, Hew fork. M centra! location in the city. Near Broadway, and Irviag Piece, Matt ie city. Near Broadway, all plates el ematvment. all lame stores, (wholesale sad retail), care to Brighton and Bechet ten. Sasoh, and all phi set el nsmasor resort. Terms T.ry modasste. An exclusively ratpee- Termt vary mod, tebl* familyhotel. Bcfer tti Macon bvjgarmlettan to amoiy Win- ■Mp. Ft* , firm of Kinship A UaUaw: •- * Gutman. Jtq. jaeStunli