Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 03, 1880, Image 6

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©ftWKgici ^jefgggitttgrtg Jjcncwctt&l « 3ll**8*f*g*r,: ^..,: .: rco long, on spibkt of stokh. “The International Retina contains a Taper on Henry Timrod, from the hands • ef Henry Austin. The following poem, u his words, “possesses the white lire m«1 passionate subtility of Shelley:” Iteo loug, O Spirit of Storm, Tby lightning sleeps in its sheath; J am sick to the soul of yon pallid sky, And the moveless sea beneath. Cone down in thy strength on the deep, Worse dangers there are in life, When the waves are still, and the skies are fair, Than in their wildest strife. ' .A friend I knew whose days Were calm as the sky o’erhead, ©ui, one blue mom, that was fairest of all The heart in his bosom fell dead! And they thought him alive while he walked The streets that he walked in youth— Ah! little they guessed the seeming man Was a soulless corpse in sooth. Cease down in thy strength, O Storm, And lash the deep till it raves 1 1 sun sick to the soul of this quiet sea, Which hides ten thousand graves. GEORGIA PRESS. A correspondent of the Colnmbus JSnquirer: Mr. Robert G. Johnson, one jf our oldest and best citizens, died at 7 •a. m. on yesterday, the 23d inst., after a •laagering illness, His death has cast a gtoom over the whole' section, for he was widely known and highly respected by •every one who knew him. His funeral •will take place this morning at 9 a. in., at 2m* residence on the Hamilton road, nine os ties north of your city. He will be Started in the Jenkins’ cemetery. Bill Moobe, of the Augusta News,af- e»r vainly trying to “sheer” the people by at tremendous clatter about Norwood go ing to butt his brains out against a Col quitt wall, clips the following from an exchange, and lmrls it with stunning ef fect against the Colquitites: Astronomers say that sometime next atonth (.September) the earth will be in a •direct line between the sun and Jupiter, the hugest planet of the solar system, and this, too, when Jupiter is in that part •of it* orbit uearcst the sun. We are told nbst this condition of the earth will pro duce great disturbance upon it. It will he a* if it was pressed by two great orbs the smallest or which is fourteen hundred times larger than the earth. We are told .to look out for intense heat, earthquakes, ■destructive cyclones, terrific thunder •xtoims and rains. Augusta Chronicle: A telegram was yesterday received in the city announcing she death of Hon. Miles W. Lewis, which occurred at his residence, nine miles from ■Greensboro. His death was very sudden, Ills intimate friends having no intimation -of his dangerous condition—indeed on Saturday he was seen in Greensboro by Jiis associates, apparently in perfect Ssealth. He passed away yesterday morn ing at nine o’clock. The news which spread so sadly over Greene county, will Jie received with legret through the State, •where Mr. Lewis was known and uni versally liked. He was a native of Greene county—was educated at Emory college, graduating in the firat class which left the halls of tliat honored institution. He married Miss Thomas, of Newton county, after having studied law and been Admitted to the bar, when he settled in Monroe, Walton county. Back to his na tive conn y, however, full soon his foot steps turned, and Ills career of honesty and eminence was made among his own people and near his old Lome. • He was furmany years associated in law practice with the Hon. P. King, who was atone time United States minister at Bogota. Mr. Lewis represented Greene county for a number of terms in the house of representatives of the State, and had been repeatedly sent by Lis dstrict to the State senate. Indeed, he was the cbo 1 sen name to be presented to the senatorial convention of the 19th district, to meet next Tuesday in Crawfordville, and had he Tiled he would have been called to ••higher positions still in the gift of his peorfie. Hon. Miles M. Lewis was a anau of decided convictions, deep devo- tk. lit ©the principles of Jeffersonian De mocracy, unbending integrity, and pos sessed to an undivided degree the confi dence of the people. He was a member •sf the constitutional convention of 1677, -and did valuable work in framing for fu- . '-ure generations the organic law of the land. He was at the time of his death 88 years old, and leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters. Two of his sons, Henry T. Lewis and H. G. Lewis, are prominent lawyers of Greensboro. Sis place among *.Uc bar of the northern •circuit will be hard to fill. He was a Sife*!©ng friend of Mr. Stephens, who chares the sorrows of the people of this section in the loss of so distinguished an Associate. Savannair New*: The Grand Lodge -of Good Templars for the State of Georgia • will meet in this city on the 7th proximo, ■ and will be in session for three days. -Extensive arrangements have been made fcy the subordinate lodges of the city f»r the entertainment of the guests, and the Skis mess of the session will be enlivened 'by mntfh pleasure. It is stated that every dodge in the State will be represented. A circular has been issued by Jas. Q. SChrower, G. W. S., urging upon the various lodges throughout the State to send delegates, and assuring them that he has information they will be most hospit ably treated ky the S&vanimhians, the local committee having provided homes is. private families for them. Arrange ments liave been made witli tbe Central railroad for excursion tickets from At lanta to Savannah, good for ten days, for S?-50, and from Augusta for $4.30. Wakrextox Clipper; We do not thiukthat Governor Colquitt is in the least damaged by having an opponent In ■the field. If he overcomes his opponent at tbe ballot box his vindication will be of •the best character, much better than his success in the convention. His majority will not be less than 40,000. Norwood is good man and we like his .treatment of -Joe Brown in his speech at Atlanta better than most of the speakers who have cen sured Gov. Colquitt for appointing Joe. ife doesn’t censure Gov. Colquitt, for snaking the appointment, but the motive 'thatprompted it. Wo rather think the, censure in this light compliments Gov. Brown. It puts him down as so strong a aaau in the State that his influence was a necessity; and Tommie was right as to Colquitt’s motive. We suppose auy other executive would have done the samfe tAing if he expected or hoped to be re flected. Savannah Ninas; The American Sar Association held its annual meeting at Saratoga last week. Many eminent lawyers from all sections of the Union •were present, among whom were Gen. A. •X. Lawton, Capt. Gunrge A. Mercer and Son. Henry B. Tomkins, of this city. 'Tbe distinguished honor of presiding .at ihe grand banquet' of tire association was ©traterrcd upon Gen. Lawton. To be thus selected to preside at the banquet table, at which were seated many •rf the most distinguished lawyers •of the Union, including such men as Qoii. Thos. F. Bayard, ex-Secretary Bristow—who had just retired from the presidency of the association—Hon. tBdward J. Phelps, the Democratic candi date for governor of Vermont, Mr. Brod- .tcad, who, it will be remembered, Gen. •Grant had dismissed from the prosecution •Of the St. Louis whisky ring tor his zeal -and integrity, Judge Luke Poland, of Ver- -riont, Judge Iloadlcy, of Cincinnati, Gen. Preston, of Kentucky, jix-Gov. English, of "'Connecticut, aud many others of equal riTisce, was a marked compliment which titre distinguished recipient must have proudly appreciated as reflecting honor on wnaseif and the State he so worthily rep- ■ESBDlod. Atlanta Post: We learn that le- vr.utly several stores in the city have been twwken into and nibbed by thieves. Those -hat are doing-this mischief seem to be ••perts in this business, as in many cases -ie nollce have been unable to overtake -c”ens. The great trouble is that Atlanta Jits too much territory to be effectually - ...ced with so small a force. We are tttisfled- tbe police do all they possibly can under the circumstances, but when that is done no more can be. Marietta Journal: About three years ago near Big Shanty in this county, a young colored man, a witness in a bas tardy case against a negro preacher nam ed Baxter, suddenly disappeared. Re cently, a white man while hunting, came across a human body buried in a swamp. It is now snspicionedthat it is the skele ton remains of the colored witness and that he was murdered. Baxter is in jail. Butler Herald: On Wednesday eve ning last Coroner H. Peed being notified of a foul deed having been committed on Tuesday at Howard, in which a negro woman named Harriet Long, was found dead near the dwelling of her grand mother, went immediately to investigate the matter, and, on arriving at Howard, summoned a jury and an inquest was held over the body. After close exami nation it was found that her neck was broken and she was otherwise severely bruised. Every indication proved that she had been murdered. After the exam ination of a number of witnesses the jury returned a verdict of murder committed with a weapon used in tbe hands of Ma- riah Drane, a grandmother of the de ceased. A warrant was immediately is sued for her arrest, which was accom- I dished, and early next morning she was odged in jail. Columbus Enquirer: Mr. Fred Wil helm, on opening a 23-pound watermelon on Sunday last discovered within it another melon weighing, by actual weight, 7| pounds. The ri nd of the interior melon was of a brighter color, and the flesh was of a brighter red than that of the enclosing one. Any of his friends anxious to see this freak of nature can do so by calling at his room, where it will be on exhibition for a few days. Ameeicbs Republican: On Monday last, one of the colored men in the em ploy oi Mr. L. G. Hudson, in the 28th district of Sumter, and about eight miles from Americus, approached lum and asked him to “raise his wages.” After some conversation Mr. Hudson agreed to do so, and in conclusion, said, “Now, go to your work, and do it good.” The negro remarked, “Damned if I’m going to kill myself at it.” “Well, don’t stand there mouthing about it; go to your work, and go quick,” was Mr. Hudson’s reply, and he turned to leave. The negro picked up a brick, or rock, and throwing struck Hudson back-of the head, knocking him down, ne rose and dashed at the negro, who again knocked him down and started to jump on him, but Hudson tipped the man, and he fell. Hudson, jumping up, seized a large s’ick aud frailed the col ored pugulist severely; bat he got away, and has not been seen since. Hudson called on Dr. Bagiey, and had his wounds dresssd. Thomasville Post: Mrs. D. B. Ainsworth, formerly of this city, died in Camilla, Ga., on the 22d instant, aud her remains were brought here for interment, Her funeral took place at the residence of Dr. Tullis yesterday evening at four o’clock p. in., Rev. J. W. McGehee offici ating.' Mrs. Ainsworth, we beiieve, was a daughter of Rev. R. B. Lester, once pas tor of Mulberry street Methodist church in this city. Attiexs Banner; A meeting was held in Madison last Saturday by the Repub licans of Morgan county, about one hun dred and twenty being present. M. A. Woods and Harmon Martin, white, and Harrison Harris and Edmond Johnston, colored, were elected delegates to repre sent the county in the Republican district convention, to be held in Athens the 2Sth inst. They are pledged to abide by and support the action of the convention, bat resolutions favoring tbe support of Nor wood for Governor, and the independent candidate for Congress in the ninth dis trict, were unanimously adopted. The Savannah News gives an account of a recent enthusiastic meeting of the military of that city, over which Captain Robert Failigant presided, and Major J. F. Brooks acted as secretary. Captain Failigant briefly stated the ob jects of tlie convention, the promotion of the military interests, and then announced the meeting ready for business. On motion, the chair was authorized to appoint a committee of one from each or ganization present to retire and report permanent officers for the convention, and the following were announced: Lieutenant George P. Walker, Chatham Artillery; M. F. Molina, Republican Blues; F. J.Ruckert, German Volunteers; W. B. Mel I, Oglethorpe Light Infantry; Colonel John Screven, Savannah Volun teer Guards; A. B. Collins, Savannah Cadsts; Lieutenant P. Reilly, Irish Jasper Greens. The committee retired, and after a brief absence reported the names of the fol lowing gentlemen f>r permanent officers: Lt. Col. W. S. Basinger, Chairman; Capt. R. Failigant, Vice Chairman; Lieut. B. B. Richardson, Secretary and Treasurer. The report was unanimously adopted, and Capt. Failigant retired, and Col. Ba singer in assuming the chair returned his thanks for the honor conferred, and ex pressed his hearty approval of any meas ures that might be devised for advancing the military interests of Georgia. An interchange of views followed, when, on motion of Capt. Henry Blun, an executive committee was formed, con sisting oi one from each of tbe delegations present and ol their own selection, to gether with the permanent officers of the convention. The Executive Committee was annouonced as follows: Lieut. Col. W. S. Basinger, Capt. R. Failigant, Lieut. B. II. Richardson. Chatham Artillery—Corporal W. G. Charlton. Oglethorpe Light Infantry—private J. F. Brooks. Republican Blues—Lieut. W. D. Dixon. Savannah Cadets—Lieut. U. M. Branch. Jasper Greens—Capt. John Flannery. Co. A, S. V. G.—Capt. P. N.Raynal. Co. B, S. V. G.—Capt. T. F. Screven. Co. C, S. V. G.—Capt. H. C. Cunning ham. After some further discussion, on mo tion the’eonvention adjourned, subject to the calfof the chair, when the executive coinmitee will have prepared a report in accordance with the objects explained. SrAUTA IshmaelUe: Clifford Ander son was not nominated for attorney gen eral, if his vote was what the papers re port. If he received only 234 votes, he did not get two-thirds of the convention, which was composed of 332 delegates. Bro. Lewis’ eyes are so filled with Nor wood and Joe Brown that lie can’t see straight. “If’ is very judiciously thrown in. But we can V help believing that the editor knew better. If he Las read the papt rs as he ought to, lie would know better. If he has not read them, he onglit not to quote from them. Col. Anderson re ceived 234J votes, and the convention was composed of 350 delegates. The two- thirds rule was two-thirds of the votes cast. There were 350 votes cast. Bro. L. ought to go back to his blackboard. Carteusvri.i.E Express; .Work is now going actively on converting tbe Cherokee railroad from Cartersville to Taylorsville into a narrow gauge- When completed the road will be narrow gauge throughout, which will add greatly to the convenience of passengers and wilt dis pense with tire laborious task of trans ferring freights at Taylorsville. Rome Tribune: Is the funny man of the Savannah Recorder serious when he proposes Dr. Felton for United States Senator? Anytuino to Beat Colquitt.— Gainesville Eorjle: We learn that an attempt was recently made to destroy tbe records in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court, of Dawson county, wjfich was mainly successful. The clerk, J. ,\V*. Hughes, had been kept from his office fix- ten days or -two weeks by the sickness and death of his wife. On returning to his office the records were missing. After search a portion of them were lound in Mr. Houser’s mill pond a mile or two distant, but so inutulatcd as to be almost wholly illegible. No clue to the perpe trator when our informant left tliat coun’y. Perry Home Journal: Cotton in Houston county is opening rap.dly, and our fanners are striving earnestly to have it gathered quickly. Several bales are brought to town almost every day. The crop has suffered some from drouth, and then from excessive rain and rust, but the prospect is now good for an excellent yield. Tho early planting has a full crop that in its maturity is rendering the fields white. There is also some that was planted late, and this is now growing finely and taking on a heavy load of bolls. A late fall will give a good crop.” Dawson Journal: The Macon Tele graph and Messenger don’t like the idea of Norwood and Colquitt stumping the State together. Discussion is all right when Colquitt has it all to himself, but when Norwood meets him, the horse is of another color. This is not the motive that prompts the T. and M. to deprecate the discussion, There is no principle dividing these gen tlemen, aud this controversy will be of the most personal nature, and the danger is that wounds will be made that the fu ture cannot heal, and thus the Democrat- ic party be disrupted for’ all time. As to Governor Colquitt not being able to take care of bimself on tLe stump, we have no fears. Ibwixtox Appeal: On Tuesday of last week a negro woman was tried here on a writ of lunacy, and recommended by the jury as a fit subject for the asylum. She fancies herself “tricked,” to use the term employed by negroes, and in every article of food or apparel finds' traces of the poi son which her distempered fancy tells her is being administered by her enemies, ner case is an interesting one, showing a3 it does the length to which that supersti tion, which is inherent with the negro, may, upon occasion, lead them. She will be sent to the asylum where, under prop er treatment, she may recover. Brunswick Appeal: The receht high water in the Altamaba and Satilla rivers enabled the timber getters to float their rafts, and there is at this moment more range timber in boom along the coast than at any former period, and more money among tbe farmers. The following call for a State Prohibi tion convention, issued by J. O. Perkins, acting chairman, is to be found in full in the Southern Templar, published in Atlanta: By authority of the executive committee of the national reform Prohibition party, I hereby issue a call for a State Prohibi tion convention, to meet in Atlanta, Thursday, September 2nd, I860, at 10 o’clock, a. m.; in the hall of the house . of representatives, capitol building. The object of the convention will be to nomi nate Prohioition candidates for Presiden tial electors, to be supported at the elec tion in November next. Also, to select a State central committee, and transact such other business as the convention, when assembled, shall deem best. Dr. Morgan has resigned his position as mayor of Cochran. The Enterprise has this to say of him: Kind, genial and polite, he made many friends iu private life, but as stern justice these faded from his mind, and he knew no friend but Cochran. Stern alike to friend and foe, yet just to all, he was the right man in the right place. Days will pass into weeks, weeks into months, and many of them pass oven Cochran’s head, ere she will be lead and directed by another Morgan. Gainesville Eagle: If one half of the charges made against Governor Col quitt were true, Georgia’s bbnd3 would new be worth about fifty cents in the dol lar, her treasury empty, aud the people’s taxes at least one per cent. But the truth is, the State's credit has steadily advanced until it is now higher than ever before— there is, wc would say, from a hall to three-fourths of a million of dollars inher treasury ready to meet all legitimate de mands, and the people’s taxes have been reduced nearly one-third, with, as we happen to know, a good prospect or furth er reductions. These are stern facts that will not down at anybody’s bidding. The Augusta News, speaking of the White Oak camp meeting, says: There was quite an amount of sickness on tbe grounds during the progress and at the close of the meeting. Six or seven of the family of Mrs. Reese were ill at one time. Mr. George Scovall had a child so ill that it could not be moved. Mr. Royal was taken quite ill with a se vere nervous attack, and Miss Ella Wal ton was too ill to be removed home when camp-meeting closed. Perry Home Journal. Mr. D. C. Turrentinc tells us of the boss turkey hen of the county. Early in the spring she laid 13 eggs, and from them hatched 12 tu.keys. After raising these turkeys to be about half grown she commenced to lay again, and since' then 40 eggs have been taken from her nest. For four days she laid two eggs a day. There is no other turkey hen on the place, and the eggs were taken out of the nest each day. Hawkinsvili.e Dispatch: And talk about “personalism” or “one manism”— •just go over to the eighth congressional district and see how Stephens stands. Two years ago he did jiot ask the Demo cratic party to nominate him fo'r Con gress. He told the people he was going to stand for Congress, and he stood, and the majors, and the minors, and every body else got out of his way, and some of those who are now denouncing Colquitt and upbraiding his supporters as being advocates of “one manism” were then ap plauding Aleck Stephens. Consistency is not worth ten cents a car load iu a politi cal campaign. From the Savannah News: We learn tliat Capt. John Perkins, of the schooner Mary J., died at the quarantine on last Tuesday of malarial fever. The case is reported by Dr. J. T. McFarland, health officer. We append the following items from the New*: Yesterday morning, about nine o’clock, a colored woman named Aenes Fleming, living at No. 10 St. Paul street, died very suddenly while sitting on the back porch' of her house. It appears that about half- past eight o’clock she ate for her break fast a piece of bread and drank a cup of coffee, and shortly afterwards proceeded to the back porcli, where she sat down, when she was suddenly seized with a se vere fit of coughing, accompanied by he morrhage, and in five minutes was a corpse. Coroner Shcftall held an inquest, when the jury, after considering the above stated facts, rendered a verdict of death from hemorrhage. A Genuine Zulu.—On board the Portugese brig Luzia, now lying at quar antine, is a young boy, about ten years of age, who was brought from the coast of Guinea some four mouths since. The vessej is manned by Portugese seamen, who make quite a pet of tire little fellow, whose skin almost outrivals ebony in blackness, |md who is remarkably bright and intelligent. He speaks Creole Portu gese, tho language of the people of tliat country. He is pronounced a regular Zu lu, and is certainly a comical looking lit-, tjn fellow, Iiis only costume being a cotton sack, low neck, short sleeves and abbre viated skirt.", t i We learn that a difficulty occouiyed at the Central railroad depot last evening, about half-past seven o'clock, between two young men, wijich resulted in one of the parties being severely stabbed in the shoulder. Our informant states tliat a young man named Conners, whq is said to be from Augusta, was standing in the riojv.t, when lie was approached by a young man by the name of Nugent) who remarked to him t])at he could whip him in about two minutes, at the same time striking him a. severe blow across tbe face, w hereupon Conners drew hi s knife and stabbed bis assailant in tho shoulder, inflicting a very ugiy.gaslL .Lpl'liera than walked oft, Nugent continuing iiis threats and making a movement towards Jfils-hip pocket, as though about to drew a pistol, 'v.-liich action was policed by -Conners, who remarked .to him that it would be well for liiin to restrain himself, or lie would get hurt. Nugent proceeded to' liic o.iice of DA Chisholm, 1 who dressed' tjie wound, sewing up the ugly gash by; taking several stitches. Eastman Times: We believe the Tiinu office can exhibit the largest aud longest hog tusk of'any Georgia paper. The one in question is the tooth from a five or six yeais old wild harrow, and was sent to us by Mr. S. C. Nicholson, of this county, whose property the hog was. The tusk measures on the outer curve 8J inches, and on a straight line from root to point 4J i aches. The hog was killed by Mr. D. A. Burch in Gum Swamp creek. Rome Courier: Four head of cattle were killed by lightning near M. Lester’s in east Rome during the storm Monday. They were standing near a barbed wire fence. The fence was badly injured. Cochran Enterprise: Efforts are be- being made to have a mail route estab lished between this place and Jefferson ville. It will ran by Allen’s X road, and bring the two places with close connec tion. It will be quite an advantage to both. Columbus Times: .Miss Lucy Gun who was adjudged a lunatic several days since, in Chattahoochee county, and sent to the asylum by the ordinary of that county, was refused admission by Dr. Green for want of room, and she is now to be confined in the jail at Cusseta. The citizens of her neighborhood are greatly afraid of her, and will not consent for her to remain there under guard as she has made threats repeatedly to burn them out. Albany Advertiser in reply to a little squib from this paper says: He knows that neither the Advertiser or it’s editor ever supported for office an Independent or any other than the regular nominee of the Democratic party. * Hew about one T. M. Norwood, the nominee of the immortaf eleven? Sandebsville Herald: It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr. Thomas Green Duggan on the evening of the 24th inst. For years Mr. Duggan’s Health has been feeble, and being attacked with typhoid fever bis impaired constitution yielded, and the good man passed away. For years a devoted, zealous member of the Baptist church at Bethlehem, his death .will be felt as a great loss. No one could be with Mr. Duggan without feeling the impress of his meek, gentle, Christian spirit. The good and pure man beamed out in his countenance. His bereaved wife and little ones will have the prayers and sympathy of many warm friends in this heart-rending affliction. A correspondent of the Wiregrass Watchman published at Hazlehnrst says: Since the convention Gov. Colquitt has grown stronger daily. Ex-Senator Nor wood has many warm friends in our county who regret to see him occupying his present position. They admire him as a man but see in his candidacy nothing hut an opposition, to one man, who transcends his loyalty to the party that elected him to the Senate. They regard him as an advocate of minority rule. They see .him adopting as his exemplar and following in the tracks of John Kelly, of New York, who, it will bo remembered, because of his opposition to the man nominated by the majority, headed a minority ticket, and by dividing the Democratic' vote, delivered the State government into the hands of the Republicans. Besides, the ex-Senator occupies a peculiar position: He appoints a committee and the committee appoints him. A kind of “I’ll tickle you aud you tickle me” arrangement that the people don’t like. The ex-Senator will not carry this county unless the Republican con vention endorses him, which would not be at all surprising since be represents a body of men whose first choice was that arch independent Felton. Tallahassee Floridian: On Friday a party of gentlemen, under the guidance of Captain Haley Blocker, went down in Wakulla county to explore a natural cu riosity which has long been known to ex ist there, consisting of a cave situated not far from the residence of Mr. John Block er. The expedition returned in high spirits and gave a graphic account of -the newly explored wonder. It is situated in the midst of an open field, in tee centre of a natural sink covering an area of about an acre, at the bottom of which is the en trance under a natural archway of solid rock. A rough natural stairway in the rock leads from the level ground above down to the entrance, a distance of some 50 feet. Entering the . archway the vis itor stands-in a natural vestibule ex cavated out of the solid rock, with an arched roof of rock forming overhead the lowest level of the basin or sink above mentioned. The entrance to the cave is another natural archway of rock, on one side of the vestibule and opening through a wall of solid rock several teet thick. The cave itself could not be fully explored, as the bettom or floor of the same consists of a body of water, wh:cb, by soundings takemat the entrance, must be from ten to twelve feet, and perhaps much more in depth. Lights were introduced by float ing them on planks from the entrance, and the dimensions of the cave could thus l>e approximated. It seemed to be from twenty-five to thirty-five feet one way by fifty to sixty feet the other, oblong in shape and • with solid rock walls. . A more thorough exploration will be made at an early day.” Hon. W. A. McDonald, in tbe Cof fee county Gazette,makes thefoilowing an nouncement to the voters of the first congressional district: Being of lull age, and of a reasonably sound mind, having tbe fear of God be fore my eyes, the Interest of the people and the welfare of my country at’heart, I* announce niyselt an independent Demo cratic candidate for Congress at the ensu ing November election. 1 shall support Hancock and English, and 4t&nd squarely witli them on the Democratic platform and the constitution with all of its amendments, which guar antees to every man equal rights and privi leges in the government, without regard to race or color, or previous condition Cutiibkrt Appeal: The protracted drought in this section has injured cotton to a degree rarely ever experienced by our 'planters. Immediately after planting, a drought of several weeks set in, which seriously retarded the growth of cotton, when a season was had sufficient to produce a “bottom crop,” since which time not enough rain has fallen in many sections to maturo the' fruit formed, aud the plant is now reported dying. From reports the present cotton will fail short of last year’s thousands of bales. Potato: s, peas and late corn will also be short indeed. Still, the planters are hopeful, and as fast as a bale of cotton is ginned and packed it is sold, and the proceeds applied to the settlement of debts-J-wIiere auy are outstanding. Griffin News: The appointment by council of a committee from its'body and of citizens, to consider the propriety of establishing a system of public schools, is strongly endorsed by many of our leading men. It is one of Atlanta’s main features and lias attracted to it a desirable ciass of its leading population. Wc shall discuss ■the matter at various times. Americus Recorder: We are pained to learn of the death of one of our most worthy fitizens, Mr. John W. Wilson, who was stricken with paralysis on Thursday of last week, and died on Monday of the present week. He leaves a wife and.three children. Qglethorpe Echo: A visitor who lately passed through tins comity says lie found It lined wilh cotton—seeing only one c6m field in* a thirty mires’ drive. The reason pf this is, our roads run on ridges, and farmers find that uplands pay better than anything else. Let him devi ate Jo the right or left, and viewthe broad bottoms of. waving corn, and ho will con clude tliat Oglethorpe comes as near .raising her own supplies as any county in Georgia. Upland com don’t pay one year in.tlirce. It is a waste of labor to'plant it. Cotfonjpays^nuch better. CoLUMBts Enquirer: ’ At a quarter to ten o’clck last sight a meteor of extraor dinary brilliancy was seen to cross the heaven* at a very low altiftfde. Rising in Ihesoujh, it took a.northeasterly course, preserving a perfectly horizontal line in ltajohriieyr The- three parts of which it wo*, composed, were perfectly developed bails of an equal size and equidistant from each other. The first hall threw out a tuil'whicb enveloped the two following bails ai)d extended several yards behind them. This tail was exceedingly lumin ous, savp at the ■ extremity, which was i somewhat indistinct, and having a uebu- j lous appearance. Its motion was slow, and was visible to the observer for folly fifty seconds. It did not fail to the ground like other meteors, hut continued its course northeast wa:d till lost sight of. We remember seeing no record of such an extraordinary phenomenon as that of last night. Oglethorpe Echo: Com, of late years, is a sure crop if planted about bar-, vest time; but it must be on • rich land or your labor is thrown away. One acre highly manured and thoroughly cul tivated Is worth five of the average Geor gia crop. Our farmers should contract their area, if they want to make agricul ture profitable. Columbus Times: Mr. Charles E. Dozier died at his home in Talbotton at 8 o’clock yesterday evening of typhoid fever after a protracted illness. In his death Talbotton loses one of her best citizens, and the church an efficient and consistent member. Savannah News: Mr. John Brant ley, of Johnson county, who had a hear ing before United States Commissioner Beekett, on the chaise of illicit distilling, was discharged on account of a defect in the warrant issued by Commissioner Wade, the collector of internal revenue. Calvin G. Powell was brought down at the same time on a warrant issued by Commissioner Wade on the affidavit of Dr. Curry, who swore that he had no personal knowledge of the facts, but be lieved Powell was guilty. Mr. Powell had a full examination before Commis sioner Beckett, but there was not one scintilla of testimony against him, and he was honorably discharged. There was some testimony against Mr. Brantley, but it did not sustain the allegations of the original affidavit and warrant, hence his discharge. Our informant probably got the cases of Powell and Brantley con fused, hence the statement previously made. The affidavit against Brantley was made by one of Colonel Wade’s ap pointees, based upon an affidavit of Dr. -Curry—tliat against Powell by Curry himself, but he stated that it was upon in formation and belief. Americus Recorder: Mr. John Sims, three miles south-east of Americus, lias twenty-five acres in cotton, and up to the 25th' of August he had picked, ginned and marketed, six heavy bales. Would like to hear from any farmer who can beat Mr. Sims. The Colnmbus Enquirer, as a sequel to the case of infanticide in that city, gives the following from the coroners jury: The jury then returned the following verdict: “We, the jury, find the child was murdered on Friday night last, and wo further find that the mother was Mil lie williams and that Julius Boyd was the destroyer of the said infant. We find the act to have been murder,” Oglethorpe Echo: It does seem in credible, bnt Mr. Smith has not had a single case of sickness since he ha3 estab lished his camp, out of seventy odd con victs. They are fat and cheerful. He gives them a load of watermelons every day. Last week the time of several ex. pired, and ilr. Smith furnished them with new clothes and paid their fare home. He deducts thirty days from every year for good behavior. He has one man who has never been ironed. Maj. R. J. Moses—Romo Tribune: The above distinguished gentleman will not speak in Rome on Saturday, as pre viously announced, but Col. Willis Haw kins will take his place. Maj. Moses origi nally appointed Thursday, but the day was changed to Saturday without his knowledge. Maj. Moses will not make political speeches on Saturday, it being the Jewish Sabbath, which he, as an Is raelite, observes. We honor Major Moses for his religious convictions, and trust that the,people of Rome will have the pleasure of hearing him soon. It is pos sible that he may speak here Saturday night. Albany Advertiser: Our old friend R. M. -Johnson, well known to Georgia journalists, has turned up in a new place, bright and spicy as ever. Reinzi was for a number of years connected with the press of this State, aud is a boll, graceful writer. He is now editor of the Corsi- cuna, (Texas), Independent, the first number of which -comes to us teeming with new and good reading matter. Suc cess to you, Reinzi. The Darien Gazette has the following timber news: Mr. August Schmidt .cleared on Mon day the American schooner Wm. Jones, Capt. Collins, for New York, with a cargo ol 192,OCt) feet of timber, valued at S3,100; 10,500 feet of deals, valued at $250. The Hilton Timber and Lumber com pany cleared on yesterday Lite American schooner Iiockie C. Yates, Captain Hop kins, for Camden, Me., with a cargo of 134,851 feet of sawn lumber, valued at $2,150. Mr. James Hunter cleared on Saturday the Gcnnan brig Dankbarkit, CaptScliutt, for Shoreham, England, with a cargo of 108,920 feet of deals, valued at S2,904.SS, and 35,323 feet of sawn timber, valued at $355.20. Mr. D. M. Munro cleared on Fridaythe British bark Aleppo, Captain Falconer, for Greenoch, England, with a cargo of 01,000 feet of sawn timber, valued at $750; 394,000 feet of hewn timber, valued at $4,500; aud 13,000 feat of deaiS, valued at $150. There were six million (0,000,000) feet of timber down during last week, between Monday morning and Saturday night. This is an event that has not occurred be fore in many years. It is certainly a very large drift for one week iu thedull month of August. Swainsbobo Herald: James R. Smith, son Mr. White R. Smith, a lad weigh ing only 73 pounds, picked 257 pounds of cotton one day last week, and stopped two hours at noon. If there is a cotton picker in the State that can beat this we want to sec him trotted out. feThe Camilla Dispatch thus concludes an article on the situation political: “And if we cannot support Colquitt, wc desire it to he distinctly understood tliat wc will not support Norwood. In addition to tho above, considering, as we do, tliat Wm. II. Felton is the greatest political curse of the age, we could not couuten- anee-a candidate who was a second choice to him. Again, with our opinion, we could not enlist with any faction which claimed to represent the simon-pure Democratic doctrine, and which, at ’ho same time, tendered its standard to Wm. H. Felton. Henry M. Drane.—Brunswick Ad vertiser: Week before last we expressed our deep regret at the proposed resigna tion ol Col. Henry M. Drane, as general passenger agent of the Macon and Bruns wick road. Wc hoped to learn soon of his employment in some lucrative posi tion in tho line of hts profession as an ex perienced railroad man, and are glad to know that lie has found congenial em ployment in charge of the construction of the Waycross and Jacksonville railroad, and will probably take Charge of its mau- agement when completed, upon satisfac tory compensation for his services. While railroading is his profession, and while he, of course, was in duty to himself and family, bound to find- a position in that line, whether a rival to and an tagonistic to bitr interests or not, we are sorry tliat the purchasers of our road did nof see the importance of his retention. No-other act could liave done as much at this time to intensify the feeling of dis trust which, whether groundless or not, the people entertain of tire intentions of the purchasers of the Macon and Bruns wick railroad as this removal of Col. Drane from tire Macon and Brunswick railroad, for that is what it amounts to, we presume. While exceedingly sorry to part with Col. Drane, our people are glad to. know that he has at once found a good position, and wish him success in it.. We shall have an able and honorable antagonist made out of a blunder, as we conceive it iu the management of the Macon and Erunswick road. G biffin News: Voters should remem ber tliat Norwood and his committee, the “able nine” admit that they would have Supported Governor Colquitt cheerfully if lie had received the two-tliirds majority. They did not object to his administration if lie could get that vote,, and wo cannot see why they want to disrupt the party because he only lacked nine votes! Where is any principle involved? There is none whatever, and only an unholy ambition for office. The ommittee Of Eleven—The.Ad 1 fourteen for Gen. Gartrell,.or the eight dress of the Hinonty. for Judge Warner? From the Chronicle and Constitutionalist. I 0 J any^Kn'io ‘defe^Xv. Cfolquktl The Chronicle of yesterday contained the address of the minority to the people of Georgia. This is signed by Hons. Josiah L. Warren, B. F. Lyons, H. H. Carlton, P. W. Alexander and others. The cause of the minority and the pro ceedings of the convention are stated from their standpoint. The letter tender ing Hon. T. H. Norwood their nomina tion for governor and his letter of accept ance, accompany their address to the peo ple. The convention having adjourned on Wednesday of last week, the action of the gentleman named represents simply their views as private citizens. They speak not In the capacity of delegates. Their authority to do so terminated with the adjournment of the convention. Their subsequent sayiDgs and doings therefore, are entitled only to- the consideration-and weight of any other nine citizens of equal respectability. Mr. Norwood is tbe candidate of citizens who were delegates to the convention. Gov. Colquitt, on the other hand, is *recom- •mended to the people as the Democratic candidate of tbe convention. He received two hundred and twenty-four votes aud a fraction out of three hundred and fifty— the whole number in the convention— and lacked only nine votes of a nomina tion under the two-thirds rule. This is a fair presentation of the case and Governor Colquitt is entitled to all the benefits which the endorsement and recommendation of nearly two-thirds of the conventiou confer upen him. He is the standard-bearer of the Domocratic party. He i* the choice of the convention. Mr. Norwood and his friends represent the concentration of fragmentary fac tions oi the late convention. His nomi nation is contrary to the usage3 of the party. It is in violation of that principle of Democratic doctrine which proclaims that the will of the majority when-fairly expiessed shall prevail. It is violative of party unity and destructive of that har mony and integrity essential to the vitality and efficiency of Democratic organization and Democratic supremacy. The committee of eleven, in the open ing of their address, state that the true issue before the people then and How, Is “the incompetency of the executive, and the scandals which have grown out of his official acts during the administration.” They say that this issue was not discussed in the canvass preceding tbe convention. This is certainly a grave mistake on the part of the committee of eleven. Gov. Colquitt’s administration lia3 been dis cussed in every militia district in the State. He has been denounced for in competency aud venality. His private and official conduct has been thoroughly ventilated. His opponents denounced his conduct through the press, and from the stump and rostrum in every county in Georgia. Tbe hearing was not ex parte. The people., heard both sides ol the question, and they decided in their county conventions, and at their primary elections . that Governor Colquitt was neither incompetent nor corrupt. The composition and action cf the convention fairly express the will of the people. If Governor Colquitt’s - administration was so incompetent and scandalous, is it uot a little singular that no member of the mi nority so charged upon the floor of the convention? During a session of seven days the gentlemen of the minority were repeatedly asked to make specifications and charges against Governor Colquitt. The proceedings will show that no such charges were made. Now that they have been foiled in their designs to prevent his nomination by the convention, the com mittee of eleven representing the factious opposition to Governor Colquitt, ring the changes upon the stale a'ud scandalous charges that have been mouthed over the State against him for the past two years. The committee of eleven raise a hue and cry against the rules adopted by the convention in reference to the presenta tion of the names of candidates. The minority was represented on the commit tee on rules, and we have now no recol lection of an adverse report from the mi nority in opposition to the rules. In view of the fact that a thorough canvass of the State had been made before the conven tion—that the friends of Messis. Lester, Hardeman, Gartrell and Warner had crystallized in opposition to Governor Colquitt—that the issues were defined and clearly crawu—that it wa3 anybody to beat Colquitt—that the people in near ly two-thirds of the counties of the State had pronounced for Governor Colquitt— there was nothing oppressive or uulair in the adoption of the rules. Any member of the convention had the right to place a citizen in nomination previous to th« ballot, provided his con sent had been obtained. In view of the fact that two buudred and odd delegates were in favor of the re-nomination of Gov. Colquitt, the adoption of the rules was not undemocratic. It was not ty rannical as claimed by the opposition, neither did it enforce the gag-law, nor deprive the minority of haranguing the convention lor seven days, during which time they fairly exhausted themselves. They talked so much during the conven tion that some of them declined address ing the minority meeting afterwards, giv ing as an excuse that they had talked themselves hoarse during the convention. Thq committee of eleven state that Mr. Walsh, of Richmond; declared that the majority had come “to nominate Alfred H. Colquitt and nobody else.” Here is arhat was said in substance, as copied from the Atlanta Constitution: “Mr. Walsh, of Richmond—Mr. Chair man : Speaking lor the distinguished gentleman whom I have the honor to rep resent, I will say to tho convention that we have anticipated the resolntion intro duced by the gentleman from Clark, aud that we liave conferred and come to a de cision, and the decision is to carry out the voice of the people of Georgia as ex pressed in nearly two-thirds of the coun ties of this State [applause]; and tliat voice is that A. H. Colquitt shall be the next governor of the people of Georgia. [Cheers.] I say the people, in orde? to preserve the integrity of this party and to conform to il^ usages, have upon this oc- caiion—and this occasion differs from any other State convention that has been held—sent us here to perforin a formal duty. They have passed upon it themselves, and I say we will not be true to the voice of the people if tliis.conventiou does not nomi nate Alfred-Colquitt! [Continued cheerihg.] In this great State a majority (nearly two-thirds) ot the people prevail in that opinion, and the friends of Gover nor Cdlquitt, in a spirit of harmony, in a spirit of peace and with a liberality that should be admired and appreciated, have deviated from the usages and customs of our party in tho past ten years by ’adopt ing the two-thirds rule. But gentlemen say that in former State conventions there was nd reason why the two-thirds rule should have been enforced, because there was no opposition. Why, $jr. so much the mere reason foj- the rule being used at all times in the Democratic party. “If it is to be so much respected there was all the more reason why it .should liave beep adherred to in the Ibrmer S.tatfl conventions. But, sir, it was the voice of the men uf brains, progress and patriotism that the rule should be repealed and the majority rule should prevail. [Cheers.] Isay we made these concessions in a spirit of Larmony, in order to maintain the integrity of the party. But we have come to respect the will of the people, and we do not intend to depart from the city of Atlanta until we have nominated Alfred H. Colquitt! [Great applause.] We have rome here to dp that if it takes us until Christmas to do it. [Renewed cheering.]” The foregoing embraceswhat Mr. Walsh said. And he had then, and has now, tbe approval of his conscience to sustain him, aft^tlie labors and excitement of the convention, he deliberately and with a full sense of the responsibility re-affirms that Gov. Colquitt is the choice of the people aud that it was tbe duty of tbe convention to carry out their will previ ously expressed. The majority were not elected to bant “dark horses” or accept whomsoever a factious and stiff-necked opposition might suggest. Is it uot absurd to pretend that the two hundred and ten or twelve delegates for Gov. Colquitt And yet the record shows that when Judge Lawson, of Putnam, was placed in nomination by Colonel Reid, a delegate from that cquuty, he received onlv two and a half votes. The gentleman of the minority threw up their hats and shouted themselves hoarse when Judge Lawson’s name was presented. When it came to the ballot they voted for their respective candidates. The gag-law, of which they so bitterly complain as exbinding citizens otherthan those named from beingplaced in nomination, did not exclude Col. Reid from nominating Judge Lawson. Their committees of conference, as their subsequent action proves, meant in every instance, as a condition precedent to any compromise^ the exclusion of Governor Colquitt’s name from the. favorable con sideration of the convention. That was the spirit which actuated the minoritv. The many would not consent to the dic tation of the few. And the minority, fol lowing the example of the solitary juror who stood out in opposition to the’eleven, pronounced the conduct of the majority as stubborn and unreasonable. ■ Their rallying cry was anybody but Colquitt. He and he alone of all the citizens of Georgia was not eligible to the nomina tion. We of the minority demand of the' majority that Governor' Alfred H. Col quitt shall be branded as unworthy of the nomination at the hands of this Demo cratic convention—as unfcortby of the confidence and respect of his fellow-citi zens. We demand that he shall he pro scribed and branded as incompetent and guilty of the venality and. corruption— official and personal—with which he stands charged by hi3 enemies. We de mand this, too, in the face of the fact that he has been put upon trial and acquitted by his lellow-cilizens. Should the major ity submit to this dictation—to this vio lence to the voice of the people—this im putation upon the private and official character and conduct ol an upright citi zen and faithful public servant? This is what the minority exacted of the majori ty; and what the majority justly and bravely refused. Why should the majority cravenly sur render to the unjust demands of an un reasonable and bitter minority ? The people had said of Governor Colquitt: You are not guilty of the charges pre ferred against you. The delegates in the convention, voicing the sentiments of their constituents, continued to assert: Because you are innocent—because you have been abused and misrepresented— because you have done your duty to the State—because you have elevated its credit and its character abroad—because you have given tbe prestige of your high office to the advancement of the' religious, moral and educational interests of the people—because you have been foremost in the worn of peace and reconciliation— because you have been firm and just in the administration of the law—because your efforts have all been for the best in terests of our social aDd material well being—because you are one of the highest types of our civilization, and one of the purest and bravest of our citizens—be cause we respect and love you lor your demotion to tbe State in peace aud in war, and for your life-long fealty to the Democratic party—we, the people, speak ing through our representatives in con vention assembled, pronounce your vindi cation, and demand your re-nomination. Tlii3 was the voice of the people at the ballot-box before the convention'assem bled. This will be the voice of the peo ple at the election in October. We have demonstrated conclusively, we hope, that the issues involved in the canvass were thoroughly understood by the people and thoroughly discussed be fore tire assembling of the convention— that the issues were either the condemna tion or vindication of .Gov. Colquitt’s ad- ministration—that after a fair and ex haustive hearing from Gov. Colquitt and his supporters on the one side, and from the opposition on the other, embracing Messis. Lester, Hardeman, Gartrell and Warner'and their supporters, the people by an overwhelming majority sent dele gates to the convention to re-nominate Gov. Colquitt—tliat neither un-iemo- cratic nor tyrannical rules were adopted by the convention — that the mi nority had an impartial aud ample hear ing before the convention—that the mi nority were malignant and unyielding in their hostility to Gov. Colquitt—that while every other citizen in Georgia was available as a candidate fur the guberna torial chair, he alone was ineligible and unworthy of a renomination for this high and honorable office—that he was exclud ed and entirely ignored by them from every compromise proposed and from every hope of a nomination at ther hands —that the minority had determined to endanger the integrity of the party rather than renominate Gov. Colquitt. The ac tion of the minority since the adjourn ment of the convention, proves the truth of ourpositiou. The committee ol eleven place great stress upon the failure df the convention to recommend the adoption of the major ity rule for future conventions. There is really no point in this, for it is well known that the convention would have recom mended the majority rule if a reconsidera tion had been made. The matter was not thoroughly understood when the resolu tion was first moved and failed of adoption by a small vote. This is tbe reason given why the motion to reconsider was not made. . , “Mr. Walsh, of Richmond— Mr. Chair man, I desire to say, in connection with the motion made by the gentleman, that it is my purpose to give notice this morning of a motion for reconsideration of the sub stitute offered by myself yesterday after noon. I desire to do so because I am confident of the fact that there was some misapprehension on the part of the friends of my substitute, and lienee its defeat; but, whilst I am confident of the fact that this conventiou would vote for reconsider ation and adopt my substitute, I am wil ling to waive the point in order not to delay the proceedings of the convention.” The delegates in the majority will af firm that, if a motion to reconsider had been made, it would liave prevailed, and the resolution recommending the majori ty rule forfuture conventions would have been adopted. The committee of eleven have no just grounds of complaint against the majori ty whose action they denounce as tyranni- wkl. They were permitted to retire for conference forseveral hours on Tuesday— twice on the same day. The convention was not adjourned by the majority Wed nesday morning. They say: “The ma jority, instead of adjourning sine die, took a recess until 8 p. m. This object was a caucus secret, and unknown by even some of tho Colquitt delegates.” This . is. purely imaginary. It had no semblance of fact to rest upon so far as the material point involved The object of a recess was not a caucus secret. Gov. Colquitt was not consulted, aud he did not know that a recess was to take place. The motion was made in the hope that some of the uelegatcs of tire mi nority would divest themselves of preju dice and passion—that they would follow the patriotic examples of Co!. Anderson, of Bibb, Judge Willis, ot Talbot, and Mr. Dendyi of Harris—that they wonld nomi nate Gov. Colquitt under the two-thirds rule, and thus prevent the uta, option of the party, and the nomination of an Inde pendent for governor. The majority were commissioned by the people to re nominate Gov. Colquitt, and they were prepared to make any sacrifice short of principle or duty to execute their will. The majority have carried out the wishes of the people. Gov. Colquitt is to all in tents and purposes the nominee of the convention. The minority participated by their speeches and their votes in opposition to the passage of the resolution recommend ing Governor Colquitt to the people as the Democratic candidate. They pledged themselves to support the nominees. They did not withdraw. How much more patriotic it would have been for the gentlemen of the minority to have sunk their personal prejudices, after the con vention had recommended Governor Col quitt as the Democratic candidate? In place ot acquiescing in the will of the should have violated the letter and spirit majority, they have abandoned the teach- of their commission from the people and J ings of the Democratic fathers aud raised united with the sixty odd for Col. Lester, the standard of revolt. They have at- thc fifty-three for Col. Hardfman, the tempted tho disruption of tire organiza- £Srity he rcSpOMlbiUt >- nal fact which shows their great devotion tofheorganized Democracy. In casting about for a candidate, their eyes turned toward Cartersville, and their hearts turned_toward the father oflndependents, imploring him to be the Moses to lead them out of the wilderness of their politi cal troubles, and to direct their erring footsteps back mto the fold of the orean^ lzed Democracy. The committee of Elev en have made an omission from their ad dress, which we presume was entirely unintentional on their part. Here it is ; Atlanta, August 10, I860. Hon. W. H. Felton—Probable disrup tion and recommendation of Colquitt by his followers. Will you make the ‘race against him, assured of strong support? Answer. H. H. Carlton, J. L. Warren, Wm. Garrard. Cartersville, August 10,1SS0. H. H. Carlton and others—My friends want me to continue the race for Con gress. So I must decline tbe race for governor. W. H. Felton. This dispatch was sent to Dr. Felton while the convention was in session. It is unnecessary that we should point out the glaring inconsistency ol any portion of the minority—while acting in a conven tion called to preserve Democratic unity and promote Democratic organization, and called to nominate candidates in ac cordance with the usages of the party— going out of the convention and asking Dr. Felton, who glories in lii3 opposition to party conventions and party nomina tions, to become their standard-bearer for governor. This shows desperation on the part ot the minority. It proves an utter disregard forthe maintenance of the party organization, and demonstrates that our minority friends were willing to unite' upon an Independent in order to defeat Governor Colquitt, the candidate of the majority of the Democracy. With this presentation j we leave the issues involved in the convention in nom- inatjng Governor Colquitt by a majority vote of the people, who will decide be tween the claims of the endorsed candi date of a regular Democratic convention, and those ol Hon. T. M. Norwood, who i3 the candidate of 3 number of respecta ble but dissatisfied and misguided citizens who seek to defeat Governor Colquitt by schism and strife in the Democratic party. The writer has high personal regard for many of hi3 friends who are acting with the opposition, hut he does not hesitate to characterize their conduct as destructive of the best interests of the Democratic party, the supremacy, of which is abso lutely essential in this State to the relig ious, moral, educational, social and mate rial well-being of both races. . The effort to divide the party and to defeat the candidate of the convention will not succeed. The people who elect ed the delegates in favor of Gov. Colquitt will confirm their work at the ballot box. They will place the seal of condemna tion upon the acts of the gentlemen of the minority, whose mistaken zeal and per sonal dislike have warped their judgment and endangered the unity and success of that party, the supremacy of which is so absolutely essential to the conservation of our civilization and the preservation of the rights and liberties of all the people of Georgia. The sovereign people will ap prove the right and condemn the wrong oy the triumphant re-election of Governor Alfred H. Colquitt. The action of the convention will be confirmed by the bal lots of the people. Parsimony Forfeits Credit. Robin Carrick was one of the earliest bankers of Glasgow. He caine to Glas gow a poor boy, he became the chief and leading partner of the Old Ship Bank, he lived aud he died a grim, penurious old bachelor, and he left not a penny to any benevolent institution in the city in which all his wealth had been accumulated. But on one occasion, the old miser was waited on by a respectable deputation of three fellow-citizens, fora subscription, to the Royal Infirmary, then in its infancy. He was requested to head the subscription and, to their mortification and surprise, he would only put down his name for two guineas, and when they earnestly en treated him-to increase it, he talked even of taking it back. He told them he could not really afford that sum, and bowed them put of the room encased with hoards of money represented by bills and other documents. ] , The deputation then proceeded, to Mrr M’llquham, one of the great early manu facturers of- Glasgow, to ask' iiis help. He lobked down the list of subscribers, but exclaimed, “Bless me, what is this ? Banker Carrick only two guineas!” They told the manufacturer that the han ker had said he really could not afford any'more. “Wiiat is that ypu say ? Jamie—to his faithful cashier and confidant, James Davidson—Jamie, bring me tbe bank book, and a check, and the ink bottle, and a pen,” and he wrote a check on the Ship bank for i10,000. .Some reports give a much’larger sum—no matter, it was large.; Now Jamie, run as fast as your legs can carry you to the hank, and bring that money to me." •The cheque was’ presented. Old Robin stared. “Go back;” said he, “there’s some iuistakeJ’ And - presently he came runnisg into MTlquham’s counting house in a high stale of fever, “What’s wrong wi’ ye' the day ?” said the banker. “Noth ing in, the least degree wrong. I only siispeet there’s surely something very far wrong with yourself and the bank, for my friends, those gentlemen sitting over yon der, have assiyed me tliat, in your own premises and out of your own mouth, you declared you could only afford them scrippn two guineas for the purpose, and, if that is the case, I think it is high time I remewe some of my deposits out of your hands?’ With some reluctance, Robin had to put down his name for fifty guineas before Mr. llquham would cancel "his cheque for j£10,000. The deputation went away scarceness amazed than they were de lighted. A Georgia Sapphire Worth $51,200. Itinerant mineralogists and onr own citizens have been exploring and mining for rubles and sapphires in this county for tbe past four years. The “Sequah” mines, owned by W. R. McConnell, of this place, and W. Gi Strubbe, of Cincin nati, O., liave yielded many precious opaque and tiansiuceut rubies, nearly all of whith liave found tbeir way, through the late Prof. Bradley and others, into the choice mineral cabinets of the world. Only a few were found nearly transpa rent of from three to four karats, and these have been set in jewelry by the present owners. The proceeds arising from the sale of these opaque and translu cent prisms hare heretofore only paid the expenses of mining, but in a short time a new method will be employed for wash ing these precious stones out of tbe allu vial soils and gravel adjacent to Sequah Creek. A few*days ago Ulysses Graut Ledford, a boy eleven years old, found a large, deep, blue sapphire, perfectly transparent, in size nearly an inch square, but wedge- shaped, weighing thirty-seven and a half karats, the largest ever found in America. W. G. Strubbe, of Cincinnati, O., is now the owner by purchase of this precious stone, which, according to Prof. J. D. Dana’s method of determining tho value of precious stones, is worth $51,200. Boys and girls are searching for others where this was found. The sapphire is nearly equal to the diamond iu value and hard ness. The largest known sapphire is iu Mr. Hope’s English collection ol precious stones, a crystal formerly belonging to the Jardin des Plautes, of Paris, for which he gave $150,000. Sir Abram Hume also possesses a large crystal. The -composi tion of a sapphire is pure alumina. Blue is the true sapphire color. When red, it is an oriental ruby; when green, an orien tal emerald; when of other bright tints, it receives other names.—Gainesville Eagle. Metal shoe tips have been used for years, on account of their saving, even when objected to ©u account -of their looks. The A. S. T. Co.’# Black Tip will wear as long, aud at the same time adds to the beauty of the shoe. ■