Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 03, 1880, Image 7

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smfct YANKEE OOIKTIS’. BY JAMES RUSSELL LOTTELL. Zekle crep’ up, quite unbeknown, An’ peeped in thru the winder, An’ there sot Iluldy all alone, 11th no one nigh to hinder. Agin’ the chimbly crboknecks hung, An’ in among ’em rusted The old queen’s arm that grandfather Young 1 Fetched Dack from Concord busted. The walnut logs shot sparkles oat Towards the pootiest, bless her’ An’ Ieetle fires danced all about The chiny on the dresser. The very room, coj she was in, Looked warm from floor to oeiln’, An’ she looked full ez rosy agiu Ez the apples she wuz peelin’. He heerd a foot, an’ knowed Sit, tu, A raspin’ on.the scraper— All ways to once her feelin’s flew, Like sparks in burnt up paper, He kin* o’ l’itered on the mat, Some donbtfle o’ the seekle; His heart kep’ goin’ pity pat, But hem went pity Zekle. * j Au’ yet she gin her cheer a jerk Ez though she wished him fudder, An’ en her apples kep’ to work Ez ef a wager spurred her. “You want to see my pa, I ’spose?” “Wal, no, I come designin’—” “To see my ma? She’s sprinklin’ cl’es Agin to-morrow’s i’rnn’.” He stood a spell on one foot fust, Then stood a spell on t’other, An’ on which one he felt the wust He couldn’t ha’ tolq ye nuther. ♦ Sez he. “I’d better call agin;” Sez she, “Think likely mister:” Tite last words pricked him like a pin, An’—wal, he up and kist her. When ma bimeby upon ’em slips, Huldy sot. pale ez ashes, All kind o’ smily round the lips An’ teary round the lashes. Her blood riz quick, though like the tide Down to the Bay of Fundy, An’ all I know is they wuz tied When meetin’ come ties’ Sunday. Eeeral Amusements.. A friend ol mine, Madame de S— dame d’honneur to Marie Amelia, the queen of Louis Fliillippc, called one morning with a message from her majes ty, requesting that I would accompany madame informally to the palace the next day. The queen occasionally received a few of her lady friends in private, and, as Madame dc S- was an especial favor ite of her highness, she doubtless sent the invitation partly at least for the grati fication of that lady to whom she was so much attached. I had attended several of the regular levees, but had never probably spokeu more than five minutes at a time to the queen, as she sometimes paused long enough, en passant, for the inter change of a few pleasant words. Of course I had no claims for such an honor, as an invitation of that kind was consid ered. I, however, accepted readily the flattering proposal. The lady called for me the next after noon, and on reaching the palace wc were immediately ushered into the royal pre: ence. We found the king’s sister, Mad ame Adeliade, also one of the young princesses, aud a small circle of ladies around a table, chatting very freely, en. gaged in different kinds of work—knitting, embroidery, etc. Tiie queen was ew- K iu making a pretty little pink mus- ss for a doll, she herself being at tired in a plain silk wrapper, no trimming on it, except a narrow black ribbon, and buttons of the same sombre hue down the front. What think you of that toilet for a queen, my fair friends? I thought it charming—so simple, so home-like. We made our devoirs, aud werequiekly seated. Her highness very soon engaged in a laughing conversation about the doll dress she was making, holding it up for our inspection, and asking us if we did not tluuk she was well occupied, and de claring it to be quite a relief from the usual important formalities of her life. She then took the doll itself from a basket, showing it as her owu handiwork, made, as she told us, of the sleeve portion of kid gloves when no longer wearable! The little grandaughter, for whom it Was con trived, stood hv with sparkling eyes and joyous smiles. The whole exhibition Was a pleasing scene of domestic affection, in a palace. The dress and doll were soon replaced in the basket, and our amiable hostess changed the subject to a recent publica tion of Victor Hugo, as it was makiDg some stir in the literary world. . » Letter From General Gordon. Atlanta, August 23,1S80. Editor Motning News, Savannah, Ga. i Dear Sir—Mr.' Norwood’s assertf that Gov. Colquitt acquiesced in thest; ment made by me at Sandtrsville in ference to Col. Lester, does Gov. Colqiiitt great injustice. The governor said to me, after I sat down, that he thought I was mistaken as to Col, Lester’s action in te- fereuce to the Northeastern railroad bonds, and he would have had my mis take corrected at the time, but for my as surance that I could not be mistaken. - I relied upon the list Col. Avery had fur nished me, and the governor was not cer tain whether he or I was correct. The doubt upon his mind, as he told me, was caused by his want of a distinct recollection as to what Dr. Carlton had said to him about the letter from Col. Lester. Col. Avery, in justification of Jiis misapprehension, calls my attention to to the testimony or Dr. Carlton, on page 58 of the published evidence taken by the committee. Dr. Carlton, after describing the nature of the paper signed by Major A. O. Bacon, Judge Simmons and others, says: “We saw Col. Lester and Mr. Mer cer, two gentlemen we were in search of, etc. * • We got their signatures to this instrument.” Meaning the paper which the other gentlemen had signed. This statement of Dr. Carlton and Col. Lester’s speech in the Senate, misled Col. Avery. Dr. Carlton states in the same testimo ny that he had & letter from Colonel Les ter, In which he expressed whether, un der the new constitution, the bonds could be signed; and Dr. Carlton further says that as Col. Lester’s letter was not strong it was not used. He further says, “I be lieve I have got that letter.” As soon as Governor Colquitt ascer tained that Col. Avery had been mistaken as to Col. Lester's action, he was as anx ious as I was that the correction and amende hy me should be prompt and full. In justice to Governor Colquitt I must beg yon to make this note public. Respectfully yours, J. B. Gordon. Cured *T Drimltlmff. “A young friend of mine was cured of an insatiable thirst for liquor, which had so prostrated him that he was unable to do any business. He was entirely cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It al layed all that burning thirst; took away the appetite for liquor; made hi* notes steady, ami lie lias remained a sober **A steady man for more than two years, and has no desire to return to his cups. I know of a number of others that have been cured of drinking by it.”—From a leading railroad official, Chicago, III.— Times. aii e l! ^' 2w - New York, August 28.;—The- local steamboat inspectors, who made an in vestigation of the causes which led. to the burning of steamer Seawanahaka made public their report yesterday. They say testimony goes to show that there was abuudance of life preservers on board, and In every respect conformable to re quirements of law. Upon examination of the boiler after the accident two of the top row of flues in the starboard boiler were found to be ruptured close to the back flue sheet. This they believe oc curved after the vessel was beached. The lire was caused by the draft forcing gases aud flames out from the grate aud fur nace doors igniting the woodworks. The inspectors believe also that had the pas sengers taken advice of the officers ana re mained on board until the vessel was grounded, nearly all would have been saved. The Guileless Witness. “Do you- know . the prisoner well?” asked the attorney. ‘fNeverknew him sick,” replied the witness. “No levity,” said the lawyer sternly. “Now, sir, did you ever see the prisoner at the bar?” ■' | “Took many a drink with lum at the bar.” ., “Answer my question, sirl” yelled the lawyer, “flow long have you known thq prisoner?” . ' . t; . “From two feet up to five feet ten inch es.’! “Will the court ” “I have judge,” said the witness, antici pating the lawyer. “I lijtve answered the question. I knew ‘theprisoner when he was a boy two feet long, and a man flvi' "" “Your honor- a uui uvuy*' t “It’s a fae’, judge; I’m uadgf j oath,” persisted the witness. * The lawyer arose, placed bath hands on the table in front of, him, spread his legs apart, leaned his body over’ the table and “Will you tell the court what you know about this case ?” “That ain’t his name,” replied the wit ness. “What ain’t his n^me?” * “Case.” “Whosaid it was?” “You did.” “Explain.” • “Why, you'^wanted to know what I knowed about this case—his name is Smith.” “Your honor ” “I’m on o “Tour honor,” bawled the attorney, plucking his beard out by the roots, “wfll you make this man answer?” “Witness," said the judge, you mustan- swer the questions put to you.” “Land o’ Goshen, judge, hain’t bin doin’ it? Let him fire away, I’m ready.” “Then,” said the 'lawyer, “don’t heat about the bush any more. You and this prisoner have been irieuds ?” “Never!” “What, never?” “Well, hardly ever!” quoted the wit ness, while the court groaned audibly. “Wasn’t you - summoned here as friend?” “No, siree. I was summoned here as a Presbyterian. Nary one of us was ever Friends—he’s an old line Baptist, without a drop of Quaker in him.” “Stand down,” yelled the lawyer in disgust. “Hey?” “Stand down.” “Can’t do it; I’ll sit down or stand iup, hut—” “Sheriff, remove that man from the box.” Witness retires, muttering: “Well, if he ain’t the thick headedest cuss I ever laid my eyes on.” Exetsslve Beat and improper food at this season of the year may speedily carry you to the grave. Parker’s Ginger Tonic should always be kept in the house, as it is unequalled for nursing mothers with teething children, and not only cures diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, cholera infantum, colic, cramps, etc., but prevents these dangerous at tacks. By its corrective action on the di gestive apparatus it cures headache, indi- ;estion, nervousness, paipitatim of the iea.t, wakefulness, neuralgic pains, lifer disorders, low spirits, sour stomach and all other symptoms and forms of dyspep sia, regulates the bowels, aud enables you to enjoy the fruits and vegetables of the season. Buy a oO ct or SI bottle and try it. For sale by Roland B. Hall, druggist. apr20 3m. I As the character of a thief is written' in his countenance, so likewise do worms portray their presence in the child’s fea tures. Hasten to give Shriner’s Indian Vermifuge to destroy and expel the pests. Pond’s Extract. It a fact, that once introduced into the house, it holds an undivided place. It is an unfailing remedy in ail cases where a lotion or a liniment is needed ; and as a pain destroyer, it is without a riva!. All cuts, bums, braises, wounds, etc., are healed almost instantaneously. Ask for Pond’s Extraptr Take qo other. That Felton Bid.—Hon. J. L. War- jen, of Savannah, writes a card to the Morning Neies, in which be assumes for himself, and for his co-signers, n. H. Carlton, and Wm. Garrard, the entire re- jorisibility of the telegram sent to Dr. 'elton, and reqiiestmg bun to become the minority’s candidate for governor. While the confession may do credit to the ingen uousness of the honorable gentleman', it certainly is no compliment to the inteali- gence nor to the manliness of the Conven tion. Is a coihmittee of thrqe ! enough ing to the to be a ring or faction—Herald and Geor gia*’ . , A Temperate Departure. The following Communication explains itself: Alexandria Bay, N. Y., 1SSQ. Messrs. Jl. B. Warner A Co'.:—Gen tlemen: I have been doctoring the last four years for rheumatism Fn the back, sciatica and kidney difficulties, aud have been at no time free from pain until I commenced taking Warner’s Safe Kid- ney'and Liver Cure, which has entirely cured uc. I want to keep it iu the house to treat my friends with, instead of wines and liquors, as it. will cure the diseases that they will produce. Very truly yours, Charles Walton. . OR, Medicine^ THIS IS a se:eet qf oto own " And is Frored by ths ^Efficacy of Our Sfedicine over all others^ lw Protect Your JUttle Owes from Cholera Infantum, and yourself and family from sudden attacks of Colic, Dys- sentary, Cramps, Diarrhea and Cholera bus by keeping Parker’s- Ginger Tohic ays on hand. This superb bowel cor- speedily cures all disorders of the stomach, and thousands who have for years sought relief in vain from Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervousness, Low Spirits, Sleeplessness, Liver Disorders, Costive ness, Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart, Distress in the Stomach, Coated Tongue, etc., have fouqd a most complete cure in this-comforting invkorant. Buy a fifty cents or $1 hot le aud try it. Sold by all first-class druggists. For sale by Roland B. Hall. augl-Cm. ■ - YNe.».. ■ Hub the •urns Well with Sozodunt when they become spongy or detached from the necks of the teeth. Let them bleed freely and so recover their tone and health. The Sozodoiit is the best remedial agent for diseased gums and teeth. Try and learn. “I have used several bottles of Sim mons’ Liver Regulator, and you may Re cord the fact that my feelings are ,so. far changed that T can eat" hearty, and am more like a well man than I have been for'years past. I have suffered four years and am grateful for relief.” , ... I J« Kaffebit* Periodical store, 1806 Market st., Phils, lw m58C up- ■ When the Ijver is diseased, then fever and ague step in to “shake ’em up.” To avoid tills malady, when you find your tongue coated, your body and limbs pain ing, appetite gone, eyes yellow, bad breath, feet cold and that you archil coughing, miserable aud generally si take no medicines; use Dr. Flagg’s im proved liver aiuPSttmiach pad aud shake the shakes. lw In composition, meht, and popularity, u-r-rr- - r Jle ~ Pow- stock Foutz’s Celebrated Horse and Call ders stand tp-day as the leadin' powder of the'United States. Sallee Sprig gins, one . of our rural sistepsphad her >picture taken the other day, and the likeness was wonderful to behold, but no remedy like Portaline, or Tabler’s Vegetable Liver Powder has ever been prepared. It will cure you. Price 50c. For sale hy Lamar, Rankin ft Lunar. juyl0 Oft in the stilly night the sufferer witn piles wondered where he could obtain re lief until besought and found it in Tab ler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment, certainly the best remedy for piles.' Price 50 cents. • For sale by Lamar, Rankin A Lamar. juy21-tf FernandiNa, Nastua Co., Fla.. March 29th, 1SS0. J. I£. Zeilin . A Co., Philadelphia— Gentlemen:’I have been using Dr. Simmon's Liver Regulator for ten years, and always found it to do the work'it claimed'. The last bottle of medicine I bought did me no good.' I also tried two packages, and foujid them .worse than, nothing. I enclose a sample and wrapper which is not put up by you, aud must be a fraud, any one throws away money to buy it. I want- the genuine Simmons Liver Regulator. I suffer for the want of ju.-tsuch a medicine, is made pure and by you. Send me a bottle and package from honest hands, with your red Z and signature oja the wrapper. , The fic titious stuff sold will injure some one yet, badly. But you must keep up your med icine' in defiance of all counterfeiters and pirates, tor to allow the medicine fo go down would bfe a great loss and the pub lic would be ruined, I, myself, especially. Your obedient servant, aug2S - Bexj. T. Rich. As the cliaracter’ofa thief is written in fuge to destroy and expel the pests. If Sidney Smith, whose genial nature was a well spring of pie; mti to his friend’s, had stiffened with an inactive liver he would have used Portaline, or Tabler’ Vegetable Liver Powder. Price 50 cent For sale by Lamar, Rankin & Lamar. juy20-tf *1 A Good Hotel to Stop at. Hotel accommodations for travelers are of the greatest importance to persons who have to move about the country on busi ness or pleasure. Just where to go is what every man wants to l*ow when ho leaves heme. The Grand Union Hote}, opposite the Grand Central' depot, New York city, is a very popular resort, be cause the attendance there is prpmpt and •satisfactory," the charges are reasonable and the menage complete. ’ Persons arriv ing a or leaving New York city by Lite Grand Central depot will fipd the Grand Union Hotel very convenient.—.Y.' Y. Telegram. ‘ juncS-Sm. =z22dc=i Fop alar Monthly Drawing o! the commonwealth Bistrifoo- • tton Co. AT MAC ALLEY'S THEATRE. In the City of Louisville. on Tuesday, August 31, 1830, Theie drawmir* authorised by act of the Leg iilatare of 1849 and sustained by all the courts ot Kentucky, according to a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the last day ct every month. Sou- day. and Fridays excented, for the t years, .terminating oa June S3.1455. The 'United States Circuit- Court on March SI rendered the following decisions; j 1st—That the Commonwealth Distribution Company i* leva). id-lva crawingrare fair. The management call attention to the liberal adh me which ha* met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented lor AUGUST DRAWING. l hue — 8 W.0CC 1 Pnxe_„... 1 Priae...—^ to Fnaea tLuuO each , 40 Prices 500 each .. 100 Price* lOOeach.. 10O Frizea 50 each ■ 809 Pntea 10each - - --- T - — , i| Mr - r .,',03 Prizes 13 each. 9 Prizes SGOeutb. ap’roiimat'a prix 8 Pnses ioo each do do B Prizes 100 each do do 1.383 Prise. 1111,400 Whole Tickets, 93. 37 Tickess. $50. 55 Tickets, 1M0C. Remit by Po t OtS-e Mo- ay Order. Regut-red Letter, .oank Drait or Expre-J. To insure aaaiust mistakes and delays, rorre- snonaenta will pieaso write- thoir names and piaert nt re-idenre plainly, giving number oi “ost-Office box cr Street, aud Toa n, County and State. all comraunieatl .ns eenneeted with the Di Distribution aud Orders f ir Tickets should Of addressed to R if. BOARDHiN, Ccuner-Jcair ns! Bnitcinv Louisville Kentucky or at No, S07 and iu« Broadway. N. Y. aug-uioodtuthusa 10.0W 5,000 19.09C 10,001 ID.OBt 10.000 13.000 10.00C 3,70; U» «0r JttO GjN.& KiiiOWS How we Make our Medicine or how' we Prepare It. AND NO ONF< KNOWS THE RECIPE i By which-we make simoKs r J. H. ZEILIN & CO. We rail attention to the Legs! Decisions sas- taini-r our p-i.Uion as entitled to the benefit <J all reputation acquired by Simmons Liver Regu lator or Meeir ine, and reder you to the most re cent one of June. 18‘0, at at. Louis, agaiu Sus taining our Trade-mark <n common equity law. It cannot be otherwise than understood tfiat to its superiority, genuineness and our exertion this n-rdicin* has t-ecom- renawned and ot wido reputation: for had we cot made it a .access the pi-atiralarticles would never have keen heard ot orkora. The trade bas been bnilt upby our la- bur. our mousy, our cat ital and brains, and 4 we make the f J Purest and Best' Liver Hoike IN THE WORLD. Eastern Trade msrk sustaiued at St. Louis. District ot Mi touri. es. Junes, 18-sO. I Kastera District of Tennessee. 4th day ot De cember, 1878. I Commonwealth ot K-nlncky. Iltb day of De cember. 1875. Louisville Chancery Court. For the City and County of Fhiiadotphik. Sep tember Term, 1873. J , . , euperior Court. Clumbers, Macon, Ga. July 31,1870. ' , The Courts ordered, adjudged and decreed that tbe defendant*, and eacn of them he and "hereby are perpjtujljy rest-ain-d and enjoined from making, vending, using NOTICE. This is tbe only Lottery eTer voted on by ho p epple or a blate, and under a late.dtC * eion or the United States Supreme Court at Washington, is the only Legal Lottery now in the United States, all other charters bar ing been repealed o: having no existeo*'s. a spLKi«nin oppiiMTUNirY to WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS I AT NBW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. SETT. 14. i840—ISdtll Hun.Illy Oramng. L JulsSana State Lottery Oomp&nv. Ibis Institution wus regularly incorporated try Sue Legislature of tho Stute for Educations! and Isaritablo purposes, in 1888, tor the term ol s*t-uty.hve years, to wbicb contract the inyiola- -*ia faith ot the State is oledged ,w! irh pledge has iwen renewed by a,i overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise in the new constitution a opted Dec-mbor 2, 1879, with a Capital ot rl.uoodlCO. to which it has since added a reserve toad oiitW.OjS. ITS GRAND SINGLENESS* -vdRDEAWiNGB will take place monthly on the socaudT-ezduy. it never scales orpoatpones: Look st the folio*, lug Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $S3J»C. 130,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. half-tickets, one dollar. LIBk OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prizs j sS0,rt» 1 Capital Pri*-.„ j... 10,000 1 Capital Prize . 5,000 3 Prizes ut S3,510 a.000 . 5 Prizes t.f 1,000.. 5,000 20 frizes of 500 10003 180 Prizes of l ri 0 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 M.fliiO 5UI Prizes cf 29 10.000 1003 Pnz-S uf It lq.000 8 Approximation Prizes ol *300 ... j.700 9 kppruiliuati iU T’nz. 8 of SCO l.Sct 9 Approximation Prizes of 100...,-, 903 1.857 Prises, amounting 11( ,404 paid. Write, detrly stating full fcddress, for further imormntion, or send orders by express or in a Legist*red Letter or Money Order by mat!, addressed only to . M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. or same person at No SIS Broadway. Now lark, all our 'Grand. Extraordinary Drawings .are nder the supervisiunaud management of Gene rals G.T. BEAUREGARD and JUUAL A. EAR LY • * Faipier feaile Mute uWarrenton, Va. 8csMon>»**ein» 8«*pt lal. Hen* f«r Catalogue. fw>16-wtdr RO-KRT FR«Zgft Prl«»c»pal mmm of v kqihia July 12. isso. Session be gins rn the first ol October and con tinue' nine muutbs. Applv for Cataiuuges to the eecietary i f the Faculty. Post-r-ttt-e University of V.riinis. Albemar’e t:n_ Ya. JaMKS F. HARSl-ON, M. O., Chairman ol ihe Faeu ty. l-iyl7de»f»w2m-* P. H. HELL, B. D..LL D.,Clm Caller, Atcens, Ga. T UB Eightieth Version of the Departments at Athens. v:z. Franklin College; Mate C-jlhg- cf Asrio'titure nud Mechanic Ar’s; Lsw School— willopenon Wolnes i.y. CthOctober next rull courier ot ivstruction in Literature, S-ience, Agrlc-Hare, Enginreiii g atul Law. For t'ata- logues and intormstiou apply to tbe Chancellor or to 1..H. CHARBONNISY. xu<S deodanfiw Sre’y Fa ulty, Athens. Ga. Tie Soiiteii Fti.-le Cellep, £>A GRANGE. GA- With a faculty of twelve thorough teachers, fine bmh'ingt and a c-mi lete outfit fur all de partments. Lite-a-y. Music aud Art. c-ff-rs the highest acv«nt*g--s for tbe smallest charges. Nearly doub'r the mual tune devoted to Music ano'Art. Last cataluxue numbers 143 pupils— 107 in music. Board, literary tuition aim draw- i -g per annum.-207, with made and u-e piano, 8»87. C rrcspnndtrce invi-ed. Write for cata- i-. gue for luU particulars. Ji mya eo- »w2m* I F COX fre.. Sonttero Home School for Giris. 197 & !99 N. Char'csst-v Eaitimcre.Md Mas W. 51. Cast, Miss Cast. Rrtabliabed 1843. pion-htl e ta>.g-a«» of the school. J- nl-2aw and ro au< n-pt ' Cnsil-v Mo-de ta applie to me for ihesel- tu g -pert a hoiLi-st. <nl of real on,i ptrsona! property and tbe vat-stum o, the ra >.e I saitt pass mat said al p ua'i-n on d nil a., th, 6 b day of September. 188 >. rt 13 o'cl.-ck a. m. W.tnes* my r and ofliiiaily August IS. 1880. au«l7td J. A. McMANUa. O-dinarv. G t KoRGIA. n hB COUNT 1.-Warren K »«- T t hoti Collins, execut- r of the estate if ik* drew Pye. la'e of sa-.d lour ty deo*ased. has tu»ee. application lor letters of dismlssi u from said estate. These aro therefore to cite aud ad moni-h all persw-.s comerr.ed to be and ap- aputar at the Com t of Ordinary of said county on the fbM Mondav in O -teber next, to sho* cause, if any they have, wby Irtteva ol di-mis sion should not ns granted to applicant. Witnoss my official signature J. A. MoMANUd, Ordinary. Juiy 2 1'8l-td-e O BD!NAKY’-*Ofii e Jones County, Georgia June >6, IkSO.— - hires* John A- Jotiosun elector estate I Martha 33. Seabruoz. deceased applies for dtsmi»«ion. These -re to cite and admonish all persons concerned toshuw caus- at ibis ofii -e o.i 'erby the first Monday m Lc'.obo*. if any they have to the contr-rv. Witness my han-t offi.ia : Ir. JneS -td* ROLAN DT. ROSA Ordinary Gray’s (Specific Medicine. Simmon**’Liver a^guUtor or Medicine. ’• and I rum tbe name or word •.bimiaoqs" asap- ■ to a Liver Med cine, and from, using the mum also and counterfeit luxens, marks. labels' or trade- BEWARE CF sUB<TITUTRd, COUS3 FKIT8 AND FRaCDK ON Simmons Lifer Hegulatolr* h nn I ' Eellevue High School, BEDFORD COUNTY, YA. 1 ■. i On Ya. and Tonn. R. R., fifteen miles west of ynchourg. loungmt-n and beys prepared‘for university or lor busim-st, Beautiful ai.d h- al .hy locatl n. Able corps if teachevs; thor ough instruct.on. Liberal provision fur lie ac commodation and comfort of students. For.Cat alogues containing information address • W. R. ABB-jIT. Principal. juylBeodawtm Kelhvue P. O , Yi 1 HEALTH^-'STRENGTH.i 7 * HAPPINESS * IBITTERSi Li a._:J RON BITTERS, AGrcatTonia RON BITTERS, A Sure Appetiser. RON BITTERS, X CoEjIcte 3tttcgth«a*r. ROH BITTERS, A Vaicabls Usdiela*. IRON BiTTERS. Kct Sold u a Bifrri{». IRON BITTERS, Hfgbty recommended <0 the public lor aU dis eases requiring a certain and efficient tOMMCf especially in Indiges tion, Fvspejiildi Ittwi wif/ewr . lhv ten, trant s/ip- iss & XueVgg, *te. It en riches tbe blood, srtengthen* the nihs- C.C8, and gives new life to the nerves. To iba aged, ladles, and --fill- rtren requiring recuper ation, this vatu hie remedy can not be too highly recommended. It artmUke a ehurm on the dlg«st!-e organs. A teaspbonful before meals will remove -all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY. IT. | Sold by all Draggitit. THEB8KWGHECT‘ I fa DALTIMCR1, Mo LAMAR, RANKIN ft LAMAR, Wholesale Diuggista. Macon.’ .* HOP BITTERS. } (A Medicine, not a Drinlt,) CONTAINS HOP!*, BIJCIIU, MANDRAKE, ‘ DANDELION, i , J Ltd thzFusxstaxd Bar Medical QuALmas or All* OTHHi EnTJIU. THEY CTJXttl All lMjcases of tho Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, LAfittja, *ntl Urinary GXcrvcmsncm, Sloe> l«CMncss and ecpcclnBy Female Complaints. SIOOO IX COED. be raid for ft ease they will not cure cr help, or tor anything impure or Injurious found in tbem. Ask ycur dr.iggl<t for Hop Bitters and try tlierc J before you fcloep. Tu'.c no other. |Hcf Cough CuiusU ths sweetest, r&feet and beet.) Ask Children. • E [Tho HorPlDfor Stouirxh, rcr and Kidney Is »npc-l | rlor to ell ethers. Ceres by absorption. Ask druggLhS jD.LC Is an absolute azd Irresistible cere for dreuk-f tnr«e,uso of opium, tobacco «d narcotics: Send for circular. | AboTCftoidby dicggbU. BitUrc Mfg.Co. Rochester, N.Y.fl RADE MARK. TBE ^efttTRADE MARK. Ei Rlmb rom edy. An un* faiUng irefoi Seminal eak« nea», Sperm at- orrhea. lmpo- t« uc.r, and all diseases lh«it ( r m w . Tol 86- . _ Tahngqamice of seller Taking abuse; tsa Iota of mtm.rj, universal lassitude pain in the back. dimDjjs of vision, prenslaro old age, a- d many Oth« .-diseases that lead Vo in sanity and consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in cur pamphlet, which wede- sire to send Ire. by mail tor very one. TheSpe- cifio Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per or six paesages for 35 WU1 be seat free by mail on receipt cf the money by addressing the GRaY MEDICINE CO, No 10 Mechanics B’ock, Detroit, Mich, Fold in Macon and every whereby all drnggivts. oct24dawly. For sale by HUNT RANKIN A LAMAR.' octjU-d-wlv. ktiuyin Q. ffarnor’s Safe, CURE $1.25 PER BO.TTLE * -r ’ ’ * . If I A positive' remedy for all Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubjea of both male and female. REAS TBE RECORD: “It saved ury life/’—B. B. Lakely, Selma, Ala “It is tbe remedy that will cure the many dis- eases.peculiarto women,’*—Mstbor’s Htgszbit. “It hat pais* J serene test* and win endorse ments from some ot the highest medical talent in the country.”—Few Y«ra Wdrld. “No Remedy heretofore di-covered can b- held for one moment in comparison with it.”—C. A.. Harvey, D> D., Washington, B. Oi This great natural remedy is for sale by all druggists in ail parts of the world. —TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER!— H- H. WARNED Sc CO ROCHBcTKB, N. Y. lefcuslvo Medication Is a precaution which should never be neglected when danger is present, aiul therefore a course of the Bitters at this season is particularly desirable, especially for the feeble.and sickly. As a remedy for biliousness, dyspepsia,' nenrousnep, and'bowel complaints there is nothing comparable to tliis wholesome restorative. For sale by all druggists and dealers gen erally. lm{ . dli FEMALE MADI80.9. GA. lOLLEOE, fTTHIS reurg.nizod, roaew* tbe ton- A drr cl its service* tv th- public. The social and moral suiroundings, the literary adv.u- tag-s, facilities for attainment in the fiouarti. all commend its favorable consideration. Toe nextlseasion wi.l open September 6tb, 1*8-. For circ ilar containing ,'urther it formation aptily to R T.ASaUET. Pro ident. arg2C-d2w w2t Aeonts and ConYO»8''rs Make from $35 to $50 per week ceiling goods for B. G. Rideout A Do.. 10 harclay street. New York. Send for their cataloguo and terms. *agl7-wly Know Th^sslf. T il E ur.told miseries that result frein indiscretion in early life may bo sllevi-t- ed end cure-1. Tkose who doubt fins assertion should purchase the new m-dicvl work published by the PEA KOUT MEDICAL iN’STI i nn Z. Boston, <-ntitied THBbCIisNCB OF LIFE or, eELF-PRbbEPvAUON. Fxbausted vi tslitr nervous ini physical c*hility, cr vitality impaired by the errors of youth or V-o rioso or too close application to business, may he raster od and manhood regained. Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, jU’tpublisned. It is a standard medical work, the b-st in tha Engli-h iznsusge, vntlen by a physician of great ex-erience, to whom was awarded a gold and jew-liel medal by the Na tional Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and T'-ry expensive engravings. Tbieo hun dred pages, more than 53 valuable prrscr pt’ons for all forms of prevailing anea>e. tbe result ol mauy years of niter live «nd successful practice, eitli-r.ui-ol wbi-bis worth ten limes the price of tbe bock. Bound in French cloth, prior only SI, sent by mail jxxtpaic. Tho LoDdon Lancet says: “Vo person should be without this valuable book. The author is s noble benefactor.” Au illustrated sample sens to all on receipt of 6 certs tor postage. The settlor r«iera by permission to Hon P. A. BI8-ELL.U D. prssiucni ot the National Med ical s sscciation. Address Dr W H PAR- KKR. No* Bulfinch Ft, Biston. Mass, lhe au thor ass be consulted on all disease, requiring skill and experience, novjn wlr HEAL THYSELF 0 PIUM HABIT CUKE dAwlr By B. M. Woolley Atlanta, Ga. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to cured patients aud physicians. rend torn-y book on Abe habit and its cure. FREY. A TAG01 GiyiH • AWAY. TO THE LUCKY TiCKBT HOLDER. A LL CITIZBN8 GSOSG1A. Farmers, Merchants. Prole-gtcnsl Men. tr, are re quested to call at onr c llice stid Rerit’er tbeir nam< s at d Post Office address, and set a ticket whiih entitles them to one chance in the Finest & Wagon its* kxnuiTrD tar Georgia. Tt»ii W»icor tc to di«i>Qtod of by Lottery in ,JaniiaxY> I88I3 .aid tbe Ban- that h -Id* the lurky Number, gets iht WAGON, free ol • any Charge. NO CHARGE FORTICKFT3! COttK;AaD REGISTER And also see lhe F-’iest Stock nf OARblAGBS. BUGGIES. SP81NG ml farm wagons ei« , **Xh|hlT«'1 fn Hporirfft - COLLINS & WINN, , ang I7-2taw-4<s net skacun. Ucuigia. Bibb County Sheriff Sale's W ILL be s -Id before tbe court house door in, the city of Macon during the leg 1 hours cfsaie unite first Tuesday in Kept mb-r next, tbe following prt-perty to-wit: Lot No fc. in block Sr, and all the tppur<e- n-ncea thereon. Sai-< preperty situated on the corner oi Flf: h and Ch n- stre-t, in the city of Mac hi. Bicb county. G*. Lev.ed on as the prop it of oeuhm.n F. Sawyer to saiitfya fi. ia. 1-u.e-i from hibti Superior Court n fav^rol S s-. Duulap vs. B ni-miu F-Sawycr. Prole ty pointed out by piamtilTa attor rj. A aa, at the -ame rime aud place, that tiact or j-arcet uf land situated on Basoctt Hiil. no r the city o’ Macon, to said county of Bibb- o.i wh ch there is a two rtory w.-oden bui’, said tru -t of laun being a half acio more or,u-s 1 ing iu the God rey district oppv-it-. the anew, as the J. r. »linns oi r>» deuce, Iroi.ticg on lha old “ouaten road Levied on ast.e proje-ty of Th iitst T. Windsor to satisfy a 0. fa. issued 'rom iisldwiu buperior Court in tavor of Henry C. Owens vs. Tnomaa T. Windsor. Froyc-tj p mted out bt'nlaiiitiiFs attorney. * Also, at the same time and plant', 131 acres ol land situated iu the Rutland dutrict. Bibb County. kkowu as part of lut.2'2, in said district, lying on ea.tern sido cf S uthweate n rail'oad. bounded ou the z.ortb bf lands of A on the east by land ot a. C. Brown atd south uy iauus of tho estaie Of Will wn Carlos. Levied on aa the prope ry ■ 1 8. M. Brown to satisfy a i-sued tromitonnty Court otBiOb coa-.ty in fa v- r ot Dsulsb ,rv. Respess fi Oo. vs. S. SI Brown. Broperty poiutot out oy's attorney. A so. at tbe >.ne time and p acc, lots 10 and J9 m the city of kiac-n., Bibb county, according to th - map ot the Bonu estate on record in the clera’s oth e, Biob Superior Court, Levied on as tbe property of James T. Nisbes to satisfy it fi fa issu-d fa m llibb superi.r Court in favor of Jo- se:-h Bond, bearer v-. Jsm-s T. Nls- et. P.op- erty pomt* d out by plaint ff's attorney. # A l-o, at tho ssmo time and place, lot No. 9, in theVinerii.e eistricl. Bilb co.mtv, twuacits m .re orle-s. and haying upon it a three room house and a kitchen, said lot hi. j ,in- i g lhe land i f Nancy WB-cn. Lf v ed 6u a» tbe property of Charley Moore to saii-fy two II. fas. uBued from C,nnty Court ol Bibb com rv m la yer of C U. smith vs. Char es Moore. Fr.pertv pointed out by plaintifi a »tton er. lew mode ami retuin -d 10 me by baiiitf of the Count. court of Bibb county. Also, at the same time and place, fh-t tract or Ea-rel f ,and aitoated mthoeerenth district, Orix unity Baldwin now Bibt county containing ISO acres more or ieas, uoun-Iw ou the northeast “y 8. one croek Oo the sou li»e. t 'by Hail’s biai ch, on the Lurth by IF. M. Davis’ pl»o--. and being p-rt of lot No. *2. Ler.ed on as the prop erty of John N D-vis to satisfy a fi. fa lou d from C uiuiy Cjurt of Bibb ccuLty in favor of aaiil-bury, Kespex. fi Co'., vs. John N. Dovu. Kalil nd was r conveyed-by S-ulsbury. Res pes* & Co-to John N, Duvis, said aned of re onvet- once being nowon file in clera’s otfi.-euf Bibb guperi r Uouit. t ropertv Pointed but by piain- tifl’satt,rne.. * GEj. F. CHENEY,sheriff Aiuuat 9,188). Mvs-jgi GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Whe less A H iio?8, Oieik of iho Supeiijr Court of sxid oonn-y, has made application for le’ters of admiustraiion on the estate ot Ich-Lod 21, Cox, fate of said county deceased. These are tit-reforo io cite and almonLb all persons concerned to be and appear at iho conn of ordinary of a aid county, on the first Monday in September n< xt, to al ow cause if any they h*Ys, mty said letters of adminis tration sbonid nor be granted to applicant. Witness my hand .ml ofiici.l slgriaturo J A. MCMANUS, Ordinary 10-pd. W. A. CHERRY vs THF LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA,et a],—In Equity in Bibb Su ltrier Court. It app aring to the Court that hy the retur t of tbe sheriff, thit tbe i ife As-ociation of America cannot be round, ami is iurtber appearing thht •aii defend,i:ls arur.on-re-ildaiits oi IheStateof Georgia: Ordere-l. ili-t --id defendatits be appear »t tha n-xt terns of 1 his Court, to be h« Id on Ih- fouith Mummy in October next, to p!ead. snswerne dcni>.rtoBi.d -hill nied in the above case, ortha same will lie taken pro conieaso ss t< them.aud caeo will procot ex parte. Or dered further, that s- id oofeu-iaut be serv,d b’ put licaticn o ,c-b month nr four months, iu tbe Ma-on tilstrass and Messenger se'ere the xe term of this court. Ti ie June 21,1883. T. J. mmRii, Judge 8. C. M.C. A P o-zdfit, solicitor for rum, laiuant. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Supe rior Court June 22, 1880. Ine2s-Iatr4m» A. B. FOS8. Clerk. G BORGIA, BIBB OfiU VTY.—Whsires Ben Jae-in C. Smith, executor of th, ertute of Mrs. K iav Smith, into of S3id coui ty deceaHed. has made application for letters of di,m:ssimi Irom said eslate. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persona ezneirned to bo and appear at ifce C iurt oi Ordinary of sai l county, on tho fl-at Monday in Cctobor near, to show cause if any they bat e »b> s-id application should not be granted te applic-rt. Wirncri my hand oificiallv, Julv 6.1881). MM* J. A. McMANlift. Ordinary. Jones County Sheriff Sales W ILL he so’d before tboron’t house door in thn to* n of ftiinton, J mes co -nty, G, orcla, on the ft et Tuesday in Septumb-rr-ext. between tbe legal hoars of s le. tha fo lo- ing property to- w t: Fifteen har.dted acres of land more or ie«». adj fining the land* ct lovhua Harris. A. H, Brc-a- hand John Roberts aud <-tber-,and known as the Buck J-lnson pace. Levied on as the property of Johnson, deceased, to satis fy two fi fas. issued from the honorable Superior Court cf raid aunty, one in favor tf Han’eman & Spark* (late partnor* in t ade) vs. William G. Kilpatrick, a* administrator of the e-tate of Wil- l:aai J. UnsOD. deceased: the ether in favor of D, Flanders fi Foil, (late partners iri trade) vs. Wi:- liam G. Kilpa'rick. as admifliatrat r ol the es tateof William Johnson, deceased. .Property pointed out t y plaintiffs' atlcrnejs and in MB- aeasion of WiLiana Fktrlvr, agent. 3 his July S', 1880. augltd W. J. GRFSHAM. hberiff Jones Courty, GB-iRGIA BIBB COUN'J Y — Wh ret a Har riot A Leiare has made application fori tteia: of adminiatra ion ou tbe cetsto of John Leiare, Is'a of said county deceased, tinder eectione 2193 and 219J of the rtviaed code of Georgia. Tfce80»ru there fore to cite and sfimouieh all persons concerned to La and appear at ibe court of ordiaary of said county, on the first Monday in September next, to shuw cause if any they have why said latter* of administration should not be granted to ap plicant. Wituees my hand and rffi-ia! signature. J A MCMANUS. Ordinary. ang 10-p-l. Mrs. COX, 33 Fifth Areuuo, TENTHZtTRKKT, NEW YORK. SUPERIOR BOARD, ELEGANT BOOMS. Wfxxlt: <1 Daily. ” July*-ta*84r I’Xi-A-ca-a-’s IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PA^l Nxvsk Gets Hard. Cxs as Mads axy Stkexgtu Dksikzd. Lxst Twice as Lono. t liiuti Csrtl riliiat Iru alsg tie Syitea. COBB* thills and Fever, Liter Complaint, ilia* learalfft, Xmosneu, Rhenme&a, CostiTened, Fenuij Wetlum, Skk t Smoni EtiJack of the Btomach. coTerinjf the Gre»t Nenre dentrr*. ftl»o the Liver ana Stomach. A Ren tie Vetfet;»tJe Tonic it absorbed intotheci reflation ol the Blood and Btomach to digest food. Price or Pad* SI axd St each. Sold »y all DBvoonrrt t t>r sent by M«* or Express. • Manufactured at » k ** Noeth Lisbett 8t % liALTXXORB. Ma» j John Inpalls, druggist, Wholesale and Retail Ajcnt,.lcorner Fawthand Kogil&r itMptB ^ r «o*‘n *WB.wn ifovt ttHUiUoupei AETIFIOIAL LIBIBS Special indacemenii to SOUTH BRN SOLDIERS. KaiirficlioD given lr a 1 ea-e*. First prevluai at Atlanta and Macon Grorsia -Fsira. 1879. Baal Of rel*n encos in your State, Apply at oa& lor full infomiation. rerWl ten#a etc. adde-M CHARLES k KVAB8. Hanufacturwr tor U.8. Governst. Ill AticAU w amed run THE FASTEST HI/LING BOOK ol tksAGR Fuundailons of Sncceta . PU*lNK-8 AVD SOCIAL FORMS. The 1a»a ol tr»de. legal forme* how to trantact bueinea*. valutole t»blr. social etiquette, peril** nunUry ui«<e. how to ronducf public bs»ino*j iu fact it *• a complete Guide to Suo> eee for *11 olaeee*. A Uauiv peeetaify. AddiMt, for cir- cul*r» sod »p©ci-l tenns. ANCHOR lVBUiBl>GCO^ Jalj25*d»w*m A'w"' A.ilftnta, Go. BARD ZV8T&TTXSKT CATALOGtHR OurMMfalafafMofBMd - lBstraaeotivliula, Suits, Cepe, Belts, Poaches, root- poos, Dram Ifajen* St*ft ■od Bftts. Ipsakti, Cep-' Lamps, Stea ls, end Out fits eonteins 86 per - - * nfta-maKo* tcxmmhc UUed fro** Addres LTOaeSaxhT. m K*M sw Ckisaph «■ CROCKETT’S Iron Works, MACON, GA. At onr woiks can be seen the best EN GINE MADE for GINNING AND !TdBE3H- ING. We guarantee it to do all or more than tha mai-nfacturerB eay it will do. We build STATIONARY ENGINES From 8 to 00 Horse Power, There ia no Engine made superior to it, aa we have testimonial* to prove. Wo mann- fantore Saw and Grist Mills that give entire satisfaction. We keep -for WAT ER WBEELS. HORSE POWERS. IMPROVED GIN GEAR. SUGARHILL PANS AND EVAPORATORS, And the Best Horizontal Sugar Mill made. Also, IdON RAILING for cemete ries, eto. BhaFTING PULLEYS, tnd GEABING for ail all kind* of mill work. In fact, we keep everything that ia used about (team or water power or plantation work. Onr COTTON PREbB is second to noi e. being che.p. simple and datable, am hundreds will attest tuind for circulars and prioqs before trying e'stwhere. Address, E. 0300KETT4 80N3. LZBJEX FOR DIVORCE. Bibb Superior Court, April Term, 1880. MR8. G. F. riNCK 1J.1J Vs, J. J. FINUKARD. IT appearing to the court by the return of the i abe-iff ihat tbe't i-not to belonr.a in this county: and it further apnearing that be doe- not -es'oe mthei-taleof beorgia: Ordered, that he appe.r at tbe next term of tbis coun, or that *ai- cau>e b-olloced topro- raed.and that servioe te perlacied on said J. J. Finckard hy public- tioi- hereof, once a month fur fnurjnoatb-. in the TKOBOssra a>D MBsssrr- ess, > puoitc sab lie published-in thucityof Mseon. - By the Court: JOHN L.HARDEMAN, Lib,-l'ant’k attorney. Be it so. T. J. SIMKOcF, J. 8. C H. C. April 23 1880. A true extr .es from Abe in’nutea of Bib Su perior Court. This May 8,1880. was* !an>4in A. rt. RG8S. Clerk. IN EQU( I V—BILL h’OR RELIEF, Eto IN BIBB SUPERIOR COUKi’. Daniel D. Tracy vs. A. B. Srst. administrator de Ponis nun ol the estate At 1. r*. Lamur, M. K J tmtr et *1., heirs of J. P Lamar. It appi aring from the reto rr.s of tfce Sheriff in this oi>« that t wo of aspl defendaete. to-wit., *lra. Carrie H. Motley aud Mr*, am T. ten en, formerly Ann T. Lamar, are not to tie fcund in thoci nuty of Bibb; and it furtner appeanng that they do not reside in tb. 8r»*e of f-eoreia, hu. in the state o* Alabama: It is thereto™ cr- d-red l-y the curt ihat service of .aid biT be perferted > pin them Uy rubllsath n of this cr- iJ u -«i:rr s m-mth f»r four m-»-ta. b-frre ibe next term ot ;h-s Court. >u the !!-•<-. n Te egra.uli -mi We>«e"g«r. a new.pauer published in the city of Jla -n:i. Ga. Lurtin * Hart et . Painiiff’s attorney. tu>2-lam<m T. J. SIWMON8 J a. it. M. n . ( V Z"hG : A B-liO Cuunt.T-W ha'eaa \lra. Mar JT tha K. Sum D. au-rdian of her mmur dieu. has m ^ie -pp oail iu !< r 1- ava to>el: ei ht rb«r--o*thacarital stock of th- C* iitral rail- naui a d Ksuking Company of Georgia bt loos ing tes M lainors o- tfcei' mainuinai ce a- d ed- uca'tun. These are th'-r-tore t > ri'e and xtmon ah al! P- r-mna roiirern-o to b - and »p: e:r al t' e' curt of <> dinary < f .all county en iho t-rat Monday in Julv n-*i. tosbo-. rau* if any tboyhavewliT <aht a- piica!i n sbocht At bo granted. Witi e-smy baud oflie'«ily. June 5'h, 1880. i efitd* J. A. McUANUu. Ordiuarv. aORGIA, mail COUNTY.—Whereas W.8 OT Holt and J. K. Jones, admit htraior*on-the estate of James l’aan. late of said county dccene ed.iiave made application for letters of d,smision from .aid estate: Those are therefore to cite and admonirhall porsens concetnod to be ar.d ap;v»r at tho Court cl Urdlnaiy of said emnty on the fir1 MoedaA in Auguvi next, to show .cau-e. L< any they bave. whrteUoiaof dlsmis-inn suou’d not bo granted to applicants. Witn-st my official signature. Alsy 8, -SS0. tuayytd* J.A. McilANUS, Urdinarv. /^VRDINARY'S Office Junes County. Georgia, V/ JnnBSS'h. S3.'.—\vhcreasS-mtu 1 Harion adminiatratur with the will annexed, on estate c! Fei.j train Matron,debased, applies tor dismis sion from same. The e are to cite and admonish all p-rsoti. cocrernao and the l,gstee9 o! said .state to - e »nd appear at the OctoDer term next ol'hi. court, and wi nos» a se.c.ement of lit* adminis tration, recti e their disiributire shares, and ►how came if a- y they have why h- ihall net be di.ebargeu from sa:d, Wiinesimy hand • filcialiy. iiitSJ'.d- ROLAND T. R08S, Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Uncer and by virtue of atiordvrfr m tha Court oil) di nary of sain county. -i 1 be -ol. on the fir.t Tuesday in t-epte-mber rut. before the court hoiiso door in tne city of Maeon. between the le gal bjurs of .al-, au vn'l'v-deJ bail i tere-c in pa*ta of lutv of lend. Nos. 1 a- d A in block num- sixtr-one, in the southwest common oftheritv of Macon, conteiningone-quarterol auacic more or less. So'd »s the property ot Jank A. Malone; late of said county deoca.ed, fo u division among the heir* of said eitate. -‘CSANM. PERSONS. Aurovt 7.1*P0- 8td Administratrix. G eorgia, bikb county.—tos i whom it may concern: Loi i-e W. Kennedy having filed her peti ion in proper form to me. praying fur letters of admini.tra ioii with the will annex ed,on the estate ci >-'r»nns M.. hrnnedv. this is tu cite all legally interested in the execution ol this eppli, crodi-or*. legate-., next o. kin. and any other., inter .ted, to be and a- ue rat the n- xt -ei tern'-cr term of tbe Couit if Ordina ry of s.M OL-unty.anl .how c-u.t- i; any i| ey cw * hy letier, of id-muistration with-will annexed, aliuu d uut beg-snted t-> said La ho \Y. K -nne dy. Witness my herd and official signature August S, isso. aog5 o4w J. A. MCMANU8, Ordinary. mis COTTON CM Cleans th* Seed better, Runs Ctns Faster and Costs Less Money other Oln In the MarV«^ Every macVww tUtly and legaUr ^uarranteecU ^ - s These nachlne3 aro rcado of the bort materials; awl vorknumsUp and Crid; arc unexcelled. Have been s.'sa.s&ffe preruiums at all tha State fairs, Georgia etc. Uznrards of COO0 of our Gets aro la constant me5?^ Iho southern states, ever 1000 having been sold&tZunp Price List of CIns 9 Feeders and Condcn^aSf Hexed ready for shipment and delivered r.t cue frictay.- Elaeau so *38 T O 00 313 iO Trice with S’.lf I'cedar or Condenser. 1:6 li? fO .146 00 rrftwTpffli. Self MUR U1S> J65 «& JSS JEW" « 8* 8 tirTerms given on AppIIcatIOKifi«£« TromlSlSto lSSSwemamifftcturccl G ins n t Go2amJ*3^S nte the firm a&me of E. T. Ti-YivOa <£ Co., ftftersa Cltjconk, Baowx & Co.,and made what traathen ic *s the Taylor Gin. Dariru? the year 155S werentfcved t advantage* not enjoyed by any lir.e, for producing the 32KST work for the ZJUSTxxtestyv The demand last year was so ^roa* thot coarlr zr&r- reir.uined unfilled, but we have doubled oin* nsmcfartxriT capacity and hope to be able to meet allcV thewisew plan to get your order* tn ^ariy, ‘>t for illustrated pamphlet giving wrur voluntary tz*l.aAh4c, from over COOLve, enterprising planters. hvMaJBBfrb aa*i coaunlc to outfit furnished when desired. Xdimam BROWN COTTON GIN CO., HEW EOEECM - . COST A. B. Farquhara AGENT AT. - THE LUMMUS„ -OK— BWPROVED TAYLOR This Is the seventh season of this popular obc which combines the meritsofspeed,light infit, good sample, and cleaning the seed issgyvEfe er degree than any other, and Is offered with.i&x most perfect Self-Feeder and Condenser madoj. at tho following very low prices. Sizes. Price of Gins Price with Seif Feeder orCondcnscr 4] saw 45 “ $100.00 112.50 nas 50 “ 125.00 160 00 60 “ 140.00 180.00 70 “ 160.00 ' 200.00 80 “ 130.00 232.00 Price with: $165J» 173.6> 185JB- 23J.0J 252.03 284.0V l These Gins arc made with Iron Frames- knit cf ;. the best materials and aro unsurpassed ia ttnAa&-t and workmanship. Wc also zmumfsctmk Gut } lett's celebrated “Patent Steel Brash Gettoa- j Gin," together with tho Favorite Light DtaJ! a “Cotton Bloom" Cotton Gin, with Feeders, and? Condensers lor each Terms given on application. THE STANDARD MACHINERY-SC., MYSTIC RIVE?? COM4 FRANKLIN H. LUMMUS, Gaa. £& COLUMBUS* GA. BIWilliWilMi'iMil! G E >FGJA. BIB8CUUMI—^ishcrva* luu- isef W. Kenn-dj ha* mud application for let- t-rs'-f *dm nistratioo on the es ale uf Itary D. Ke nedy, late -f said county decease-i. This 1* to cite all the ere liters and next ot kin of Uary L. Hennery to bo and an- pear at the Court of ordinary o> mid < ou.- ty. on ths first Monday in Septeim er text, ai.d thow epus-1'any they can. »by permznent a'm t- iv- trator should not be granted to Louise W. Ken nedv on Mary L. Kenne. y .state. Witness my h«na and offi.iaisigaature August 8.1880. aug’.wAw J. A. Hc-iAVUt. Ordinarv. ClkCUliftk AU ID OFFICE CF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION A1UNTA. Ga., August 13th, 188 I. U PON a lull and earclul conodcra'.ion ol tho •Iaour-te roiorts of the C.mral railroad aud Hankins iomp-ny,the Atlama alii Char lotte Air Line hallway Comp* y and the Mac >n aud Brunswick Railroad i.'omponv. showing the .llect* ut tber.tes authorized by lhe comminiou on tfatir business for M*v ai.d Jane. 1*79 and 1880, th* following ehang- a are made in the rela tions of these oomonMe. to th • standard tariff. 1HE CENTRAL RAILROAD AND BaNKlnG COMP .NY. lat. The Cenlral Ra.lroad and Banking Com pany is author.aed to opera e tbeir railroads in ti-e fullowlng diviaons: Tbe Savannah, tbe bou*bws.tern Railroad, the Atlanta, tbs Savan nah. Griffin aud North Alabama Kaiho-d 2 i. On th* bavannsh » d So. th area ern Rsil- .rood division and the Savannah, c-r.ffiu and N'-rth Alabama Railroad, upon all rlatrei other than ’ tspecials” the maximum lr. iglit rate* be- twien 111 ao4J miles to be 5 percent, ou stan dard rates: betwe- n ,0 an t 73 miles, 4' per cent, between 70and 1(4) miks.So percent, and 100 mile* and over *0 per cent, a* heretofore filed. «d. Uptu the Atlanta division on sll classes, oth- r man “Special*,’’ the max-mom rates to b. it ie> n-nt. over •-'Standard.’’ ath. Uponcotton (Class J ) the naximum'u either divi'ion or on Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama kailrcsdfurall dhtai-oea shall be J5 p-r rent, a ore “St Uiiard.” Ail o'ht-r ''Special*'’ (K L MN Oand P) remain at ''btan- dsru". 5th. A tariff of ] iot rate* on all the roada ope rated by tneCenusl iiailioao and FaikiugCt-m. Inn>.prepared wiihthe spprob-tiuno! th ,oui- rm.sion, will be iurniah.d by thecompan, on ap- plicatioa. THE JtAOOX AND BRUNSWICK RAIL ROAD COMPANY. 4th. The rate* applied to tbe Savannah dit L ion of the C- ntrml Railrt ad applv kjs, to the tea- con end Brunswick R-uir'.a- 1 ui lieu o’ rale* here iofumin fores. . TUB ATLANTA AND CHARLOTlE AIR LINE. 7th. The maximum rate* - n this road oa ftri- s-i*.*ra bird as 15 per out a. don ail cthtr classes at It per teu>, ad-anoe ou “ct-noaid iuTte, RITAS AND CL1SS FIXATIONS. bth In rar toads I he maxi main , so s onrmin andtrude tu-Pei l.n# shall not tzcvd class K ol • S-anaoru.*' aud »n sp.nt* uf tur. e-.tine shall mass class D ol "Standard,'’ a-.d reduced rat a mmy be Baa* under Note I. Vtb Shins lea, laths and ituVcs ere hereafter included in rlass U. 19th. Ik rule 1 prefix the words "Uniest other wise speciue - Utb Note l having barn sometimes mloo>u sttuec >a a tered seas to read as lollcws: NOTE 1.—Tbe rater »pe Piei fur ores. send, c.oy. tough ,t a e.o.una>.u t-iick bun- s. lumbo-, thlT’gl- s lalba, rUrra. e-npiy b-rirls. wood, airaw,ahuckr,bey. fodder,ecru meet wu-baik. Turpentine, urui, tar houtrh-id goods, and tur article* inB ulaetured cn or near the i.m oi roo>i. end lor material iu each taandUc-ure are m*-i mam rates, bat tbe reals are left fr e to redn- e th-nsat discetiom ai d olUaeb rates are eirrept ed (rout the om ration of rule 6. Aa\ coin plaint a, to such rat-awi’i, on presentation, be duly coDtidsred. bhipper* of rar ioeda in deasea L M. >. O. end P. may be required to pay the out. of leading and unloading. JAMES M. SMITH, Chairman. R, A. Bacon, Secretary. aagU-law4tr Tax Collec;or ? s Sale. S TkTE O" GEORGIA, B'.BB COUNTY-O Tn-o-tay, the am nth day • / Sepicmhe t rat will he sold at t'-e court house door iu Ma con, in a d county between tbe l*w:ul boura of »nle. t-ie luiiowur p-te n-.ul property, which, be ing m-ct tilery. ai d too expen,:vn to transport, will not t-e expo-cd at tb» court hou-e door, but can be HiHioi- el at ary lure from date until a ter ,alr day on the p-»iviwv known aa tawyer’a Gl «'orkr. m equare No. 87. com-r of Cheiry an Fifth streets, m c ty uf vtap n. to wit: 125 f-et sbiftirg aud 15 pulleys. J >ur!acepla er. 1 DmH s p'&uer, 7 circular .aw, pulley and saws. 1 rra-rt sh'O . 1 aawfi er. 1 saw punch. 1 punen for »«* teeth. » 1 gin saw inamer. 1 tenon msrh-ce. 1 boring mactut e. 1 twnve-horse power ststionvy engine. Ivin rib borer. ] drill press. - * 1 groover tor gin brushes. 1 wood lathe. Ur so much < ( «aid mvl iuery will be sold u will bo sutfiriei 11 • satisfy toe 8 ate axd county taxe* due by Peter C. Sawyer on said mail inery tor the year. 1875,1877. 1578 and 1879. Amiunt due to sattsfv four fi. fas .8=518 ana costs. Thit August 9 h, 1883. H J. P8TBR, T C.. auglO-td andcx-OSciobhprff. City Mardial’s Sale- G eorgia, bibb * ou-hy.-wiH fee sold beiore the courthouse door in the city ol Muc 'p, during tbe 1> gal hour* ol tale, rathe first Tuesday in September, 188 >. theiollowing as shown on tbe map ot tbe city of Macon. Ga r by A. E. Beard man. city engireer, 187X to wit: Tberouthwest quarter of lot 14 cf the north west range, fronting about 140 fret on Uo'lece street and running bark about 101 feet in tbe city of Macon. Leved in a* the lraperty o! Mr*.Mary H. Riplevsnd her children, L Ripley bvitig sger t. to sst : sfy a tax A fa. in favor of said citv vs L- Riplev, agent for his wife. Mary 8„ atd bi r children tor tax for tbe year 1883, Also, one soda fountain in store of Rv kin. Vssvenburg A Co , corner ot Mulberry a»d Taird street, city of Macon. Raidsoda fountain levied on a* the property of Rankin, Mu-eaburg A Co., to satisfy atax fi. fa. in favor of said city vs. Ran kin, Masoenbarg A Oo.. fur tax for tbe year 188J. Al-o, at tbe same rime and place, one showcase in store of Rank-.n. Hoasenburg 4 Co., come of Mnlb rry ai d Third sireats, nly of M con. Said showcase b vied on as the props-1> of Rankm, A a-senburg A Ce. to satisfy a tax a. fa. in lavor of sa : d city vg. h snkin, Massecburg A Co , for tax for i b-year 1883 sis .at he same time and place, tbe following personal property, which, being too eipensi-ete transport, wi'i uot be expo* 1 d at the c.urt hou e door, bat ear. be examined at any time Irom - ate until alter »ale davaulh-- pitm.-ea tnown as Sawyer’s Gin Shops, eornor Ch-rry auk Filth stree's, ’o-wii: 125 let t th-f :nx and 15 pulleys. 1 tur’ac. planer. lD.uiclspl- ner. 1 ci calsr saw. pulley and saws. 1 emery vritrtl. 1 saw filer. . 1stw punch. 1 saw tooth j u- ch. 1 gin saw trunmez. . 1 tenon m chi' e. 1 boring machine. 1 g n rib borer. 1 iwtlve-borM power ititio: a-y etgute and dome boiler and amohe-st-ck. 1 drill press. 1 gruov rior gin brutb#». 1 forre pa- pad piping. Ip tbe ci\v ot Maeo-l. Levied on aa the property of Peter C. Sawyer to satisl' a s A fae. rn laser of sail city va. said Pe er f t. 8**wcr f >r laic* due oy h m or s- e tan 18 7. 878 1»?9 and 1-87, a d for balauos el ho-n-e due tor 187* e->d costa a.ig 0 td JOHN HUitLRY, Mershsl ONO-IGIA, BIBS COU TY — tYheieae Ware Ana Weeh’ngtoa, guar-i^n i f James P Wa-htcg'oa xn nor. bsg made ipp.-cation for 1-av Ins U aeven aberos of tbe capita’ crock ' f the t* umweateru Kaiiroad Cooipv ny • f iteorgie b-1 giug to ee d m-tor TUeee ere lb-re'or* to ct e Bud odnoui-h all persons cone -rued Iu be aa-i appear at tho c art of oitUne- j of raid eua -ty o the first Monday in September nrxt to ehow asa-o if any tb v bare wby said app'i.-etion should j uot be granted Witntee my hood and c IB :ial signstare. 1. A. MOMiNUJ, Ordinary. ang-10 zVERTICAL CANE MILES. S HORIZONTAL CANE MILLS, SUGAR EVAPORATORS, STEAM SUGAR MA CHINES’? and all apparatus for Symp orSuear raii-ing. ClrCtts- lars, with prices, Ac., rent cn application. BLYMYER MANUFACTURING 5% _ . CINCINNATI, O. Memntf&tvrrr* Of Suoar Cone J/, f , ~r*r w Co* Sugar Kcot'*r9ier.Si«unXaai***>H* .« ‘ofS CH 0 0 LROOM^ 1 L a Spccialt>;^ taTlwiifc .Warn Air F-amiti. Clcss Storo. OPEf^ FIRE*, uni for toetic froiaaUcrcr they 7 8 Beokinan St.ftuY: ^5,000,OOu. The American Shoe Tip; Osw WARRAKT THEiU A* S. T. Ce, That Is now so extensively wcm. on * : CHILDREN'S SHOES TO "WEAR AS LONO A3 THE KETAL, . - Which was introduced by them, and by wh"^ the above amount has been saved to parealsa- nually. This Black Tiji vvili • t , more, as besides being went on the cc*R3- grades it is worn on due-and co-i: where tbe Metal Tip on account of its. loir would not be used. They all have our Trade Mark A. $. T. Q, •tamped on front of Tip. Parents should ASK FOR SHOES with a BEAUTIFUL BLACK TLP on them •when purchasing for their . aud ehemitfltll L* absolutely odories Pure, It is snowflake white. It is susceptible of the an 1 , lasting i'ajlish. It pcva.HOftseib greater nirfnjtkot hotfj than other trade bramls. It i.-w piickeil in Pouml Farvrli, TVelijbf j;’u?iranfce«1. It costs ies* money than any Starcls iafe the Vt'oilil. £f in hold uuivcTsnlly la Ai»cHlxxr42re' Grocer* ami Dealer*. * Its »'inu!tl (’onNumptioa rea*^c».T7ceirt3r MiLtois ]*onnds. *a tt is maitufaciifred by A.Tcfrow at Cincit:nati* Ohio, in tho hsnrl " the creates* cereal region at Xhtk