Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 10, 1880, Image 1

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.JOURNAL AND MESSENGER CLISBY & JONES, Proprietors. THE FAMILY JOURNAL—NEWS—POLITICS- LITERATURE—AGRICULTURE—DOMESTIC NEWS, Etc.—PRICE $2.00 PER ANNUM. GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING ESTABLISHED 1826. MACON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER lO, 1880 VOLUME NO—LV COLQUITT—NORWOOD. SKETCH OE THE GREAT JOINT DISCUSSION. ilrrsl Excitement Araonic the Citixen* Last night, about seven o'clock, the grand event of the day began to come to focus, the moving of all political ele ments toward one point being signalled by the music of bands, tbe booming of cannon and a stray shout for one or the other of the two gubernatorial candidates now before the people. Presently a pro cession bearing transparencies and pre ceded by a band of music, approached the court bouse, and a crowd numbering probably four thousand souls gathered around. Wild cries for Norwood as cended from the masses as the opposition candidate entered upon tbe speaker’s stand and took bis seat. A few minutes later a second demon stration betrayed the approach of Gov ernor Colquitt, who also came at ouce upon the stand, where tbe prominent friends of both candidates were already assembled. Tbe crowd began cheering at this mo ment, and kept up great confusion nntil Captain A. O. Bacon advanced and stated tbe object of the meeting and the terms upon which the speakers had agreed—viz. one and a half hours for Norwood, two hours for Colquitt, and a half hour in con clusion for Norwood. He then introduced lion. T. M. Norwood. At the announcement of the name, the wildest enthusiasm seized the crowd, aud it was a loug time before the speaker could be heard. Mr. Norwood said he saw in the face3 before him, a deepseated determination to i n vestigate the office of governor of Georgia. But four years ago the Democracy of Georgia was united and harmonious, and acted with one accord. How is it now? It is divided and distracted by internal commotions. Then it was a band of brothers, with a common cause, a com mon purpose; the counties selected unani mously a subject as candidate for governor, and Democracy moved as grandly as a constellation which swept on to the horizon. What is now its condition; what is now the cause of its distraction ? It is because one man whom Democracy has honored by electing him governor of the State has come before the people demanding re- clection. [Cheers.] A man who went into the convention and stood there as the only candidate and said, “If it is not I, no other man shall he the nominee.” He only, of all good and true men of the State, whose names I need not call, was to be governor, regardless of the will of the people which had established him. And because of that ambition and person alism, and absorption of the Democratic party, wc are divided, and all of this ex citement is the evil fruit of the seed he l;as sown. [Cheers.] Without further remarks let me say,as I am a candidate for governor, that it is proper to examine my record to see whether I am fit for the position. Then I shall attack Gov. Colquitt’s record and his action before the convention. If any man present who shall, after I have tin islied, have aught to charge against me, I desire that he speak out. [Cheers.] First of all, I am charged with having voted for an increase of my salary while Sena tor from Georgia in the United States Congress. To tnis charge I plead guilty and justify. I voted for the bill because it was correct. If £ still lived iu Wash ington, and expenses were as great now as then, and the country in a nourishing and prosperous condition, I would do it again. [Cheera and cries of “You did right.”] In all my life never have I avoided any responsibility, never dodged a vote. I was out of the Senate two weeks in six years. My name is recorded among the ayes and noeson every question that came beiore the Senate daring my term, and I am williug to stand on the record. Alex Stephens, General Gordon and Bayard voted for this bill. [Cries of “They did right.”] My idea of the duties of pub lic life is, that a man should stay at his office. [Cheers.] I went there to perform my duty. I didn't carry in my pockets free tickets over tlie railroads. [Cheers.] I didn’t carry “franks” over the telegraph lines [cheers], although these things were offered to me. I could not, as a public servant, accept any such gifts, because they would impair my usefulness. I paid my way everywhere, aud I voted for the bill that I might have the means to do it. [Cheers.] It is said in the charges brought against me that in 1ST01 represented the claims of parties and sought the payment of cer tain fraudulent bonds. These were the bonds issued by the authority of the leg islature to purchase the State bonds. The amount was $250,000. Of these bonds $130,000 were paid, and $120,000 remained unpaid. I was requested by a friend who possessed a large quantity of the bond3, to advocate the passage of a bill to pay them. I did so, and that grand statesman, Charles J. Jenkins, [cheers] descended from his chair, and upon tbe floor advo cated the same bill. In tho Atlanta letter—and I don’t know who wrote it (cries of Joe Brown), but it ii'iHt have been an enemy of Colquitt; Colquitt should read his letters before lie signs them (laughter),-for it was the worst letter I eversaw—it was asked where I was from 1861 to ’65. It said if every body in the South had followed my exam ple there would have been no army. In answer to this I have to say, that in 1862 I was a member of the legislature; I was sent there—didn’t have to rnn down the office. (Cheers.) Notwithstanding this, however, being exempt from military duty, I went to Savannah and joined the Chatham Artillery as a private. (Cry— That the first one ?) Is there any other charge to be brought against me? There is not. Then I shall proceed to examine my opponent's record, and can truly saf “here’s richness.” I have these cbaiges to bring against Gov ernor Colquitt’s administration. It has not met the people’s wishes. It is marked by general incompetency and ignorance of the law, or if not ignorance, then a fail ure to perform the law. It lias been the most improvident administration the Slcte ever had, not excepting Bullock’s. Tbe Atlanta Constitution, my friends, says that Mr. Norwood delivers written speeches. This is not true, but this list of charges against Colquitt which I hold in my hand is so great that it is easily mistaken for a speech. [Great laughter.] It covers four pages of legal cap, and em braces sixteen distinct charges. (“How about the wild lands?”) Tbat’3 another. There are now seventeen. I have not been able to speak against Colquitt as I want to; it takes nearly two Lours for me to get through with the charges. [Cheers.] Mr._Norwood then took up his charges one by one, and gave tfc-. 'il-.tory of all transactions connected with the circum stances from which they arose. These charges have been before the people now ibr weeks, and all are familiar with them- We shall treat them as extendedly as our columns will permit. The first charge was that Colquitt had not com plied with the law of 1879, which requir ed that the governor should deposit the States funds in banks which should give security, and pay interest. It was told that ten months had passed and no provisions for the securement of this interest to the State had been made. That the governor had not only failed to deposit the money in interest paying banks, but had positively declined to put it in Coker’s hank under a promise of three per cent, and had deposited it in the Citizens’ bank where it drew none at all. And all this in the face of the fact that in the first named bank, Coker’s, there was a personal liability claim and none in the latter. Since Jane there has been $900,000 on deposit. Tho three per cent, upon this fund has been lost to the State. It was charged that the governor had neglected his duty in not carrying out the law so that Hoyle, tax collector of l'ulton county, could not have escaped; that he had been notified of Hoyle’s insolvency by the action of the grand jury, and under tbe law should have had his security strengthened. By this tlie State lost $25,000 and Fulton county $16,000; that owing to the delay in the extradition papers Hoyle killed himself) thus Colquitt lost $41,000 to the people. Another charge was based upon a three weeks delay iu granting a requisition of the governor of Alabama and the issuing at that time of a warrant without signature. While on this the speaker indulged in some cutting sarcasm upon the governor’s attention to duly, saying that he did not know whether Colquitt was at Cliattau- qua or Liberty county, or which one of the other three governors—‘Warren, Avery and Grady—had charge during his ab sence. It was charged also, that in 1877 when the legislature authorized the levy ing of a tax of $100,000 a year to meet .the Nutting bonds, that Coiquitt had by a miscalculation levied in one year a tax of $217,000 and in another a tax of $213,000. The fact that this money went into the treasury is no apology. The Alston case came next in order, and was elaborated and supported by let- tenf and documents. Again, it was charged that through failure to carry out the law, Colquitt became responsible for the impeachment of the comptroller gen eral, and the trial of the treasurer, and the tremendous cost of the same. Again, that Colquitt paid Toombs the debt due him by the convention witho.ut authority. Colquitt had declared himself unauthor ized to pay the convention's expenses, yet, paid the bonds of the convention before tbe legislature authorized it. i The convict lease, with all its horrors, was the next in order, and was pictured boldly and clearly. That Colquitt had been in office twenty-three months at the time the convention examined the system and reported the law not carried out; that men and women were chained to gether daily and that twenty-five illegiti mate children had been born; that Nelms had not been dismissed, etc., etc. The speaker was exceedingly severe whlie on the convict lease. The charge against Colquitt regarding Lester—tbe charge that Coiquiit sat sf lent while Gordon misrepresented Lester was renewed; that the county laboring un der a misrepresentation of Lester sent up Colquitt delegates. The appointment of Joe Brown was next in order, and was explained to its fullest extent, to place Colquitt in the at titude of having acted a part and feigned ignorance of the resignation of Gordon for days after lie knew it. ' Grady with his $20,000 share in the Constitution, and various railroad speculations comes in for a rough bundling. On the ques tion of a sale of tlie.W & A Railroad. Colquitts message of 1878, as opposed to the State owing any railroads was read aud contrasted with the recent announce- of his opposition to the sale of the said road. All of these charges were drawn up in writing. In conclusion of his first speech Mr. Norwood said: I shall now present the paper to Gov ernor Colquitt and ask him to reiute the charges. You shall be judge. He will try to decoy you away with anecdotes, emotion, and pathetic speeches, but be not led off. A wild burst of cheers, cries and shouts seemed to run all the way through the speech, and when it ended the cannon saluted, band played, fire works burned aud rockets sped into the skies. This confusion continued for several minutes, when Captain A. O. Bacon ad vanced again and introduced Governor A. H. Colquitt. Thereupon occnrrcd one of the most remarkable scenes ever witnessed, proba bly, in the State. For two hours the man stood before the people, speaking amid a storm of cheers, hisses, groans, cries, cat calls, jeers and insults. Eloquence was powerless before it, and the presence of the most substantial and dignified citizens of Macon had little effect. A dozen tiroes the speaker was forced to stop en tirely, and several times Col. Whittle, Capt. A. O. Bacon and others, sought to calm the people in vain. It was only when Colquitt’s time dwindled down to thirty minutes that he secured a compara tively quiet interval. It was the most disgraceful scene ever witnessed iu this city, bat let it be said to the credit of the greater portion of the crowd, that when called upon to endorse or condemn the confusion, there arose a shout of condemnation that for. a little while awed the remainder into silence. The speaker struggled through it all, re minding a looker-on of a strong swimmer battling with the waves. He kept his temper nearly all the way through, letting his indignation only find voice when it seemed as though human courage and pa tience could endure no longer. Whatever else his enemies may say of him, there were few who last night did not admire the unconquerable spirit that would not be overwhelmed. No intelligible report of the speech as delivered Can be given. I was broken up into snatches through which were mixed the questions of the crowd and his answers. When announced, he said: “Here me for for my cause, and be silent that you may- hear. I am not afraid to appear before the people of Georgia. I am willing to appeal to that latent justice which is t in the bosom of every man, whether or not he be controlled by prejudice and passion. All I ask of you is to be judged by such judgment as you would ask foryoureeives. [Great confusiou.] Mr. Norwood says Iain fond of run ning about. That tho people elected me and I should s.tay in my office. I feel it the duty of each and every executive to be among the people, in sympathy with tbe people, and he will know better how to attend to the wants of the people.” [Cheers.] The governor defended himself against the charge of weakness. He had pot assumed any greatness upon his elec tion, but had remained one of the people, willing and ready at all times to listen to any and all. He said the men who had libeled his manhood were the braggarts of the cross roads, the men who put chips upon their heads and dared any one to knock them off. That is what they call backbone. He said lie was willing to give them facts and figures [voices were calling for them]; that if they were afraid of bis emotional (?) speeches, he would give them the facts and figures. When he went into office there was a deficiency in the treasury of $350,000.1 There was not enough money on the first j of August to pay the judges of courts a GEORGIA REPUBLICANS. and salaried officers. Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars had been borrowed for years. He had found the State hunt ing men to lend her money. “Were you taxed more after I came iu?” “Yes,” exclaimed a voice. No, you were not. Not one cent more. One hundred thousand dollars have been paid to maimed soldiers and taxes re duced. They are less now than any time in twenty-five years. [Cheers.] You ask for facts and figures and you shall have them. Some one cried out that the legislature had done it all,to which the speaker replied: No, my friends, I did it myself. The leg islature never reduced the expenses of the lunatic asylum, deaf and dumb asylum, blind asylum, secretaries of the executive departmeut, and officers of the executi ve department. In none of these instances did the executive act. That is a fact and a figure. [Immense cheers, followed by cheers for Norwood and great confusion.] The speaker appealed to the people for a hearing. He stated that one-half million had been paid into the treasury since his administration which the legislature had not planned for or expected. This much he had done. Would not honest men say that, even admitting the errors charged, the administration, which had lost to the people only twenty or twenty-five thou sand and had gained half a million, wa3 a good one. (Great cheers and confu sion.) The over estimates in taxing, he said, had oeen made by the finance committee and ratified by the legislature, at whose head were men from Macon. [Cheers, followed by the usual confusion.] The speaker made himself heard above it all, shouting: “I did feci that, having been bom in Georgia, having suffered and bled with Georgians, having starved with Georgians and come home impoverished, as did the majority of them, my patriot ism would not be questioned.” [Cheers and confusidn.] The contract with Alston had been made by Governor Smith. It was that the lawyers should get from 12 J to 25 per cent, on collections; that the money was collected aud the fees paid. He asked then to look at the other side of the ques tion; and give him credit for having had collected S150,000, then $00,000, which went into the State’s treasury. The up starts who Stood on the comers with bear grease on their heads and the hair parted in the middle did not consider this—they simply cried out: “Oh he paid the Alston fee?” The governor produced a laugh by beg ging permission to tell one anecdote, which being granted, he related the his tory of au old dog that belonged to him when a boy, that when the hunts were all over, would go out on the cold track and yelp and bay all night long. This he ap plied to Mr. Norwood, and the reiteration of charges long since answered. [Cheers and confusion.] He refuted the charges about the State depositories by showing that no bank in tbe state, which by its returns was a se cure bank, would take the State money and pay three per cent, interest on it. The offer in Atlanta was made after-a bank had been selected. The tax col lectors bond lie said is required by law to be certified to by the ordinary, aud Alstons was so certified. This, he said, completed the charges which he had uot already answered. He therefore went into the convict system, showing that it was estabi islied before his term, and that the death rate and abuses were less since he entered the office than bafore. The - contracts were ail made by Gov. Smith, He said that the charge in the “convict catechism” that he owned an interest in the convicts a lie. [Immense cheers.] He held up the anonymous pamphlet, and bade the colored men see the produc tion; and in a few minutes had tom the author to shreds. He said there was not a man in Georgia who loved his wife and children that would not have damned that publication. [Prolonged cheering.] The Bob Redding case was next taken up. He said Redding was a bad man, but that the lessees, physicians and keepers applied for hb pardon on the ground of consumption, and he had been discharged. [Che*ers among the negroes.] He attacked Norwood’s consistency in never before having sympathized with the convicts, and bis celebrated civil rights speech, with telling effect. He referred to the charge made against him by A. R. Lawton, that he had' broken his pledged word, and denied boldly the authority of Young to have made any pledge for him, or of Walsh to express his sentiments. (Cheers.) At tliis time the crowd kept up a pretty lively fuss, but when the speaker ended Ills description of how Norwood was nom inated, the excitement and confusion be came overwhelming. Gentlemen advised the Governor to cease, but he refused. No one could be heard for a long time. Finally Captain Bacon addressed them, and in a sharp speech shamed the crowd into silence. When the speaker could ho heard he attacked Norwood’s war and Senate rec ord, but the confusion became so great that even the reporters within a few feet ofhim could not hear his words. Some one said something about Joe Brown, and the governor singled him out, and calmly said: “I will give you Joe Brown, if you wish it.” lie then gave them in clear language his reasons for the appointment. Brown was a Democrat; had voted the ticket for twelve years; had acted with the Democratic commission in Florida. He had voted for Grant; the Democrats bad voted for Greeley; he had favored the reconstruction measures; the Democrats had afterwards endorsed them; he had not always been a Democrat, but there were Whigs in the crowd around him. This latter part burst from his lips in a torrent ofv7rithing sarcasm and,wearied, the governor took his seat. The remainder of Norwood’s speech was devoted to the charges Colquitt had not noticed. The heir, 3 a. m., forbids a production of it. Probability of their Coalescing With One of the Democratic Fac tions. Special to tho New York Sua J Washington, Sept. 3.—The Georgia Republican convention meets in Atlanta next Tuesday. It will, owing to the pe culiar condition of Democratic politics in the State be much more than a mere mat ter of form. The Democrats have put np two candidates for governor—Colquitt and ex-Senator Norwood. The Republi cans are supposed to hold the balance of power, and for this reason much jreight is attached to the action of next Tuesday’s convention. There are two courses, one of which will be taken—viz: to put a candidate in the field, or throw the Republican strength for either Col quitt or Norwood in exchange for a prom ise of some hand in tbe management of State affairs and other guarantees. Witli a Republican candidate that party stands no chance of success whatever. By going for either Colquitt or Norwood it secures a promise of practical results. The lat ter course, according to Georgia Republi cans, in this city, will be adopted. Sev eral of these gentlemen will start from this city tliis evening or to-morrow morn ing to attend the.convention, and wl(l all labor to prevent a ticket from beihjg put in the field. One of these gontlnnen said to-day that the question of what his party should do in the coming election had been in consideration for some time between teading State Republicans and those prominently identified with the party nationality. Ho did not know ex actly what hod been the tone of the cor respondence, but had heard from |' authority that it wat the general opinion- that, as the party stood no chance inde pendently, action that would result iu the greatest good to its members in the State should guide the spirit of Tuesday’s con vention. Gordon in Douglasville. Douglasvtlle, September 3.—Gen eral Cordon spoke here on Monday, of this week, to an audience of about five or six hundred people. There being no ma terial here for him to convert, everybody being for Colquitt already, the meeting was, to use a hackneyed phrase, a “regu lar shout and go around.” The general’s speech was a masterly effort, and brought forth storms of applause from beginning to end. He took a vote during his speech of those who were in favor of Col quitt, and every man iu the large audi ence but two raised their hands. ODe of these two, seeing that he was in so very small a minority, and a part of said mi nority not being such as he desired to as sociate with, jumped upon a bench and raised lus hand as high as he could. He said afterwards that “seeing everybody had their hands up but me and that man, I could not stand it. I hate to acknowl edge a change but I will have to vote for Colquitt.” Gordon’s speech had a good effect, and his manly face and honest ex pression will be Jong remembered in this county. .Atlanta, Ga., September 6.—Col. Willis Hawkins was appointed Supreme Court Judge to-day. The Hurricane in Jamaica—Furih er Details. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 5.—The Brit ish steamer American arrived here yes terday from Kingston, Jamaica. She brings papers containing details of th? cy clone which swept over that island on the 15th ult. Capt. Wallace, of the American, describes the destruction as complete. He says there were 35 vessels of all kinds lying in the harbor of King ston when the storm occurred, and^bis own and a German bark wtre tbe only ones that escaped damage or destruction. The daily Steamer, of August 21st, giving details, says: “The treeless, bat tered city, shrouded in tho gloom of a murky morning, presents a truly deso late and depressing appearance. It is next to impossible to catalogue the dam age done to private houses of all classes in Kingston. As we have already staled, seaside residences are wrecked without exception. A gentleman occupying Nq. 1 East street, near the sea, states from per sonal observation that the damage at the wharves began between 11 and 12 p.m.on Wednesday, when the wind blew in one furious rush from the southwest. The sea was an awful sight, as it rose foaming in the moonlight. The ordinary higli water mark is some forty yards be low the house, above which the sea carried a small boat twenty yards aud atranded-it, The following is the entire damage fb shipping in Kingston harbor: The schooner Yere, packet, high and dry at Mitchell’s Beach, is severely dam aged. The schooner C. C. B. is a total wrec Site is consigned to J. C. Fegan <& Co. Sunbeam and Viper high and dry. No other damage. Henry Hogg’s wharf completely de stroyed. Three buildings pn the wharf premises blown down and 199 turtles escaped; estimated loss £600. A life was nearly lost but escaped by a rope attached to the wharf. The schooner Resistance is high and dry at Feurtado’s tannery beach. No other damage sustained. Soutar’s wharf was completely washed away, only pilesreraaining. The lookout part of the roof of the wharf premises is all blown away. The schooner Early Bird was blown irorn the east buoy of the R. M. Compauy and is now high aud diy at .the bottom of East street. No other damage ascertain ed as yet. Feurtado’s, C. Levy & Co.’s, Mrs. Ar- tices’, Davidson, Colthirt & Co.’s and Lyons’ wharves are totally destroyed. The brigantines Caroui, Olin and Wa- terwitch sunk alongside the Aim and Empress and are a total wreck. The Market wharf flooring is destroyed, ail the tiles being uprooted. The schooner Dauntless, loaded with salt, sank off Market wharf. McDonell & Hankey’s wharf was de stroyed. The W. I. aud P. steamer American is ashore in mud at the foot of Market wharf. The schooner Sisters, from Nassau, is damaged. She can be repaired. A. L. Malabo & Co.’s wharves are com pletely destroyed. The bark Everbard Delius, discharging lumber,is a total wreck; Adamson’s wharf is destroyed. The schooner Manuel Ta was driven in a store on the wharf premises. The schooner Wave is high and dry at Adamson’s and Central wharves,totally de stroyed.. The Trent and Tamar are high and dry. The Twilight is a total wreck at Ast- wood’s wharf. The Spray is high and dry at Princess street. The Ordnance,Desno’s, and Government wharves are totally destroyed. The Mosel is high and dry on Ordnance beach. The Victoriane and Adventure are to tal wrecks. The sloop Jane is high and dry at West street. The schooners Sisters and Goodwill are slightly damaged. The Lant aiid General Patterson are high and dry between Customs and Prin cess wharves. The. schooners Josephine, Bristol, Mer- ciliiuaand tlie sloop Quack are high and dry. The crane lately erected on Customs wharf is sunk. Verley, Robinson & Co.’s wharf and storehouses are completely destroyed, and the roof of the bakery blown off. The steam launch Thetis, with her en gine out of order, is ashore, and the sloop Emily, with her cargo, is a total wreck. The bark Akbar, lying' alongside of Princess wharf, is ashore. Schloss wharf, with an old lighter alongside, is totally destroyed. The Rio Cobre bridge is twisted sixteen inches out of place from the force of the river. The line otherwise is all right. The "body of the mate'of the sunken schooiier Dauntless was recovered this morning alongside tlie steamer American, and was taken to the mortuary. The reading of the baronieter was as follows: 8:15 p. m., 29.71; 8:27p.m., 29:60 ; 8.30 p. m., 29.53; 8:40 p.m.,29.5l; 8:42 p. m., 29:50; 9:30 m., 29.33; 11:20 p. m., 29.50. Reports from points all over tbe islands tell the same aaa story. The coffee plan tations are utterly destroyed, ana cocoanut groves, yielding thousands of nuts, fell like so many cornstalks. At Morant Bay, houses were tom from their foundations and broken like matches by the wind, while canes everywhere are flattened on the ground. Advices concerning Port Royal, which we gather from several sources, are truly distressing, and only tend to increase the sad picture of desolation. The covered ways to coal houses, as well as roofs, both wood and iron, have been blown away, leaving thousands of tons of housed coa exposed to the effects of the atmosphere. At Stann’s hay nearly every building sustained some damage. The post-office narrowly escaped falling, cocoanut trees fell, and roads are blocked up on all sides by huge trees and rubbish. It is impossible to get the mails up yet. All telegraph lines are interrupted. In six hours the barometer fell from 29.80 to 29.56. Reports from St. James are that nearly 111 the houses have been laid to the ground and covered up with trees and earth. A correspondent at Constitution Hill writes that in, his region tlie storm began about 12 at noon Wednesday and raged nntil Thursday morning. He sends a list of some fifty persons in the August Hill district whose houses are gone. Ba nana cultivation is rained, and there are no mangoes—no yams—no peats .to be seen. The cane fields and coffee plantations suf fered also, .and it is feared that the people have little or no food. Tidings from New Castle are of grave import. Out of eighty houses some twen ty were levelled to the ground, and the wreckage was swept clean from tlie moun tainside. We arc informed ‘that a sol dier was killed instantaneously, a beam falling across his hreast. A railroad bridge at Rio Cobre W9S rendered utterly Impassable being knocked clean off its supports. All along tlie coast, from Kingston to tlie Holland bay, tbe destruction was awful and loss beyond computation. The papers state that thieves are everywhere availing themselves of the defenceless state of the people and are stealing ad libi tum. It is estimated tlie island has been put back in development about two years and it is feared that tbe poorer classes have an- era of suffering before them. Planters are left with shattered and destroyed crops; and fishermen have had their houses blown away, and their smacks sunk. At the markets in the towns, persons come with empty hands, and traffic is limited to an interchanging of stories which are sobbingly told. There is lit erally no business going on anywhere, ex cept the work of restoring to some sort of shape the distorted and shattered dwel lings and wrecked edifices. In many of the - towns the government offices aud buildings suffered much and clerks are unable to transact business. Baltimore, Sept. 6.—Further parlieu- ulars of the cyclone in the island of Jamai ca are gathered from the Gall’s News Let ter of the 28th inst. It states that at Fletcher’s Land niue or ten houses were destroyed, and in Pick Lane, houses witli furniture were turned bottom up. At Up Park camp, tlie military barracks were destroyed and damaged to the extent of £10,000. The prisoners in the barracks had to be released to save their lives—threatened by falling build ings. At Port Royal all the wharves were de stroyed. At Glengoffe two women were killed by tlie falling of a house upon them. At Angustown only fivo houses .were left standing. Tbe settlements mostly destroyed are Freetown, Bardowic, New Grange, Prospect, Hemritage Spring, Southward Hill, Bowden Hiil, Marbrook, Wordford, Industry and Jack Hill. IhPadmore and Christopbus districts all fields are destroyed. At Mona all sugar works, mills and boiling houses were de stroyed. Coffee, bananas and provision fields, with quantities of fruit are gone. At Cooperhill coflee hemes were all beat off and pimento stalks leveled. Utter de struction followed the storm, and the damage cannot be estimated. All the churches and chapels are gone. Not a green leaf can be seen for miles; and it will take twenty years to restore the place to the same condition which existed be fore the storm. ^ At Laurence tavern all churches, chap els and houses were blown down. At Stony Hill both wings of the court house were blown down. All crops are destroy ed, and not a vestige of cultivation re mains standing. At Lephos the Home battery and Fort Henderson are in ruius. At New Castle 20 houses are destroyed, 1 soldier killed and 3 women reported to be killed. At St. Johns upwards of 40 set tlers lost their houses and iu St. Johns’ district there was a general devastation, and people are left without crops of any kind upon which to subsist. From every district there is the same report of general destruction, aud the people are left with out means of living. Great Fire at Mobile. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 6.—At 3 p. m. to day a fire was discovered in the whole sale dry goods store of D. R. Dunlap, No’s. 25, 27 and 20 North Water street. Tho fire extended west to the hanking house of Thomas P. Miller & Co., and tho law office of Overall & Boston, which were entirely destroyed. The wind then changed to the south west, bringing the fire northeasterly and it next took Ira W. Porter & Co’s hard ware store, No. 31. North Wafer street, next destroyed the hardware store of J. B. Hazard & Co., No. 35 Water street, then that of A. G. Moore & Co., produce merchants, comer St. Michael and Water streets. It ascended St. Michael street and next attached and destroyed the large tin ware factory of F. Yomez and next the adjoining warehouse of Ira W. Porter &' Co. All the buildings destroyed were large three-story brick buildings, and all were well filled with merchandise of va rious kinds. The stocks of T. S. Bidgood & Co., stationers, T. L. Eastborn, book- bindery, Hinrow & Co., printers, Thomp son & Powers, printers, W. S. Goodall & Co., produce merchants, who occupied the row of brick buildings ou tbe oppositeside of Water street, were considerably dam aged by water. A pretty close estimate of the I093 foots up $350,000, about two- thirds covered by insurance—great part of it in Northern and foreign companies. The work of reconstructing the build ings will be begun to-morrow, and some of the parties burnt oat are already send ing telegraphic orders for new stock. the By a strange irony of fortune, shares of the failed City of Glasgow Bank have become a valuable property. City of Glasgow Bank shares have be come scarce because very few sharehol ders have survived the blood-letting pro cess of the liquidation. Every- bolder who has been “sold up,” or has made a compromise with the officers appointed by law for the winding-up of tbe bank, loses his right as a shareholder. The remnant of solvent holders being thus enormously re duced, the value of the shares which re main to represent the claim upon the bank’s assets becomes proportionately en hanced. With what feelings must a no tification of this sort be read by the hun dreds of rained shareholders, and by the thousands of now impoverished persons dependent upon them. To think, too, that the directors of this so-called bank, just released from prison or stiU expia ting their offense there, should have the questionable satisfaction of knowing that they have actually raised the market value of each share to £3,000. Like “Shooting Dead Ducks.” Leesburg, Sept. 4,1880 In his At lanta rpeech General Norwood says: “I- have not sought the office of governor.” That’s sd, and I’m afraid ho’ll find out after a while that the office has returned the compliment—it has not sought him. If the office is seeking him it’s a long ways behind, and lie’s gaining on it. But then it’s consoling to know he “has no aim nor ambition in this candidacy;” mother words, he don’t care a dried apple who’s elected, so he gets a chance to run. That’s what he’s willing to compromise on, and that’s patriotism. But he’ll show up tbe weakness, debility and inability of tills diseased and wormy administration. He’ll saddle some charges that will rub hard and heavy on Colquitt’s sore back. He’ll give him political emetics that will make him throw up something else besides breastworks; and, lastly and greatestly, he’ll convince the astonished public that there’s as much difference in Colquitt as there is in anybody. Didn’t Gen. Norwood commit a little lapsus Haguee—a sort of typographical error—in that great Atlanta speech ? He tells his friends that he (Norwood) asks no vindication, and yet, in the course of his remarks, he twice informs them that they do—iu other words, says: “ I am be fore you to-night vindicating your cause.” Ah 1 he needed no vindication, but they— i. etheir cause—did! Well now of course he didn’t mean to say that his cause stood upon a worse footing than he did. He merely meant to say he hadn’t been Governor, hadn’t had a heap of things to do, and therefore did not need a great deal of vindication—not such a powerful sight. The fact that one-third of this speech was devoted to vindicating himself, reconciles this paradox and ac counts for the milk in the cocoanut. But that was a glorious speech. He shows that all tho charges against him are dead issues, can never ccine up again, and if he did wrong about them, lie can’t do it any more. He can’t grab another salary, aud the Bullock bonds are dead beyond the power of resurrection. It’s like “shooting dead ducks” to be fightiDg him on ques tions which can have no future vitality. That’s a powerful strong poiut. Colquitt may have the N. E. K. R. bonds brought back for his signature; he may repay Murphy the $8,000, pay Alston over again, and re-appoint Joey Brown, Esq., but the things ^General Norwood did are done, and can’t be undone. That argument alone will fetch us over 20,000 votes. But that compromise of the Grant and Nutting bonds was the biggest piece of Ju das Iscariotism yet. Suppose Toombs and Hatnmond and Hawlgus, and tlie rest of the men named, did'advise it, wasn’t Bob Ely the attorney general? And don’t Bob know it all? IfColquitt had just waited till Bob came home, and consulted him before deciding the question, and if, pending the delay, Grant had changed his mind, decided to abandon the proposition and dodge behind the homestead, aud, in that event, if Georgia had lost it all In 1 the violation of the advice of. her ablest lawyers, of course we Nonvoodites would have nominated Colquitt by acclamation. That we would. A drunken man remarked, “I’m going home, aud if Bets has fed tlie mar’I’m go ing to whip her for wasting the corn; and if she hasn’t, I’m going to whip her for McLendon’s Speech. The following is the speech delivered by Mr. McLendon, a delegate from Thomas county, in the late gubernatorial conven tion at Atlanta on Monday morning, Au gust 9, after the first baHot of that day, and is published by the request of Nor wood men. Mr.McLendon said: Mr. President and gentlemen of the Convention The result of the twenty- sixth ballot, just announced, satisfies me that this convention is in that unfortunate predicament termed in political parlance a dead-lock. I have been satisfied since last Friday morning that no one of the gentlemen whose names are now before us could be nominated by this convention. I had hoped that the passions aud bitterness engendered last week, would find their grave in the purifying and peace-promo ting influences of a Sabbath day’s rest. But the vote just announced, showing no change, extinguishes that cherished hope. Gentlemen have made urgent appeals for harmony and peace and all efforts in that direction have accomplished nothing. The harmony invoked is very like a famous definition of orthodoxy—orthodoxy is my doxy, heterodoxy Is your doxy. [Ap plause.] All the pleas for harmony have amounted to just this—Let us have har mony, but you must harmonize with me. Harmony will prevail if you will come to me, but damn the harmony if I have to go to you. [Cheers]. This is the spirit of the con vention, and such a spirit is very unfor tunate for our party. I am impelled to take the position 1 now assume, Mr. President, from the most solemn .convic tions of duty. These convictions are uot the oil-spring of any sudden inspira tion, but have been irresistibly forced upon me after the most serious, deliberate aud dispassionate thought. I have no selfish end to subserve and am actuated alone by a desire to render the best ser vice I can to that great party of which I am an humble member, that party tvhose mission is to preserve ami per petuate good government. I shall speak in no partisan spirit. My purpose is not to irritate but to heal, to kindle if possible a true patriotic spirit, by whose magnetic influence we will be drawn closer to gether, and which will enable us to in form the great work for which this con vention was called. I raise my voice for that cherished and essential virtue,Demo cratic harmony—With which we will be invincible, without which we are help less and hopeless. I do not speak Colquitt men, nor Lester men, nor Hardeman men. I speak to the friends of no man, but to the friends of the Democratic party. [Applause.] I came to this convention as the ardent friend of one of the candi dates now before us, and have anxiously looked for his nomination. I have looked for his nomination as “a consummation devoutly to be wished.” Thomas county, which I have the honor in part to repre sent, sent a Colquitt delegation to this convention. I was elected on a Colquitt ticket as opposed to an anti-Colquitt ticket, with no instructions further than were given in the manner of my election. I claim the right, here and everywhere, to place my own construction on those in- tructions, such as they were, aud I inter- submit that we will be recreant and unfaithful to the Democratic paryt and untrue to tho best interests of the State if we blindly . and persist ently refuse to make concessions, each insisting that the other should yield. This, Mr. President and gentlemen of the convention, is tbe most critical period in the history of our State since the days of reconstruction. The great Democratic party of Georgia is to-day anxiously awaiting our actum and we owe that party a duty. For lour long, weary days we have made every effort to bring about a nomination and we find ourselves uow just where we stood when we first assem bled. The signs are ominous. We stand in the presenco of danger. I beg to remind you, gentlemen of the convention, that while we are we are excited and perhaps unduly influ enced by passion, the people are calm and unmoved by the prejudice prevailing among us. With anxious solicitude they await the action of this convention. A plain and simple question presents itself to us and demands an auswer from every nn- Miio flnnp That starving the mar’.’ r We are not that sort * preL them to mean that I am to vote for of men. We might possibly do the whip- ' -Goy. Colquitt just as long as there is any ping, hut I shall certainly insist that we reasonable l^ope ofTiis nomination. As a would not get drunk. You may put down Lee county solid for Norwood, and when you get it put down so, you may rest assured you’ve got it put down wrong. As for my single self I will say, as I’ve said before, I can’t support Colquitt; the times are so hard I can scarcely support myself. The Post thinks IJorwood will carry the day, He may do that, hut I’m awful ly afraid Colquitt will carry the election. It will cause a burning blusTi upon the cheek of Georgia if he does. The “one man” power defeat the “eleven man pow er!” The bewildered people rush to the rescue of the “Kirkwood ring” and the “true Democracy!” Horrible! awful! unthiukahoutable and unputupable with monstrosity! Visions of political disrup tion and the riot and spasm and commo tion of a wrecked and stranded party creep over me like a nightmare spectre when I think of Georgia’s refusing to “fol low the feather” of that inscrutable, in calculable and incommensurable eleven. X. N. B.—Gen. Gordon, iu his Columbus speech, while commenting on Gov. Sipith’s objection to Colquitt’s endorsement of tho N. E. R. R. bonds without Ely’s advice, seems to have a vague idea that it’s im proper for persons residing in vitreous, domicils -to Ijactate lapidary missiles. That’s all he knows. X. Terrible Shooting Affray. Salt Lake City, September 8.—A fatal shooting affray occurred on the Utah Southern train this morning. . Dr. B. C. Snedeker, formerly of Lexington, Ky., and a Scotchman named R. T. Smith, en gaged chiefly in mining, had a quarrel. Dr. Snedeker had attended professionally upon a daughter of .Daniel Davidson, an other of whose daughters Smith was about to many. Davidson became suspicious of something wrong between his daughter aud Snedeker. The three gentlemen had some words about it, ending by Smith’s slapping Snedeker in the face and telling him if he did not leave the country he would kill him. Snedeker was about to leave town with his brother, to let the matter blow over, and had taken his seat iu the car, when Smith, who w as on his way to the Bingham mines, came in at the forward end of the car, and as he approached, Snedeker arose and shot him through the stomach. Smith fell In the aisle, ana the people rushed from the car. A policeman entered and disarmed Snedeker, and was leading him'out of the rear of the car under arrest, when Smith, who was supposed to be dead cr dying, rose, drew a revolver, and shot Snedeker twice in tbe back, killing him instantly. Since he was shot Smith has made a will, leaving all his property to Davidson, and is now expected to die momentarily. Davidson is the largest sheep and wool- grower in the Territory, and was present, but took no part m the affray. All these men were prominent, and stood well in tbe community. . The most comfortable boot In town is that with Lyon’s Patent Metallic Heel i Stifleners. New Orleans Grain Trade.—A conclusive proof that the grain trade of New Orleans is having a “boom” and is about to leap into considerable ‘propor tions is found in the hew current of ex changes. At this time of the year the rule has invariably been for exchanges' on New York to he against New Oilcans, and the circulation of currency limited in consequence. This season, however, the conditions have beet) reversed; money is abundant and easy, and exchange is against New York. This the New Or leans Democrat attributes to the large in crease in tbe receipts and shipments of grain, far beyond the expectations of the most sanguine. As the Democrat says: “Our commercial reports exhibit this in crease of grain receipts in figures that startle the most skeptical of the ' croak ers.” At a recent concert it was the subject of remark that in what finje “voice” the sing ers were; in commending his good judg ment, the leader will pardon us for whis pering that he always recommends Dr, Ball’s Cough Syrup for clearing and strengthening the voice. member of this coilvcntion;t»y r fir3t--duty is to the organized Democracy of the State, and that duty, is. to nominate a Democratic candidate for governor. My second duty is to nominate that candidate known to he the choice ot my constituents —if possible. I am willing to follow our gallant leader, Alfred H. Colquitt, until the last ray of hope goes down in -darkness. I am willing to follow him ■ even to the very verge of the destruction of the Democratic party—but farther than that, as a Demo crat, I cannot and will not go. When fol lowing him will imperil the life of the Democratic party, the only party that holds out any hope to this country, I shall have to step back, and it may be with sadness, bid Governor Colquitt and his rriends an affectionate adieu. [Great ap plause.] If other gentlemen choose to vote blindly for the candidate who may have been the choice of their counties and thereby contribute to tlie breaking up of the Democratic party, I shall not be found in their number. Whenever one man grows to be laiger than the Demo cratic party, I will cease to be a Demo crat. The party is above and beyond any man. I have heard the cry here that the cause of Governor Colquitt was the cause of the Democratic party. Has it come, gentlemen, to this, that the Demo cratic party is wrapped up in one man? I repudiate the thought. [Applause.] I have been taugLt to believe that the cause of the Democratiy party was the cause of constitutional liberty—that its platfonu was the constitution of the United States. I have been taught to believe that it was the divinely appoints ed guardian of those grand princi ples on which American institutions are founded. That great party will stand as long as there is in the breast of man one spark of love of human liberty. Its name and its leaders may change, hut its princi ples will live on and live forever. [Ap plause.] Fire and flood and storm cannot destroy it; its foundation is laid deep in the granite ot eternal truth, and its principles are bright with the radiance of aivine in spiration. Its cause is brighter and higher and grander than the cause of any man living or dead. [Great applause.’] There is no better friend to Gov. Colquitt on this floor than my humblo Self, but I shall always speak ray honest sentiments. Notwithstanding the bitterness and zeal of the canvass through which we have just gone, and notwithstanding the activi ty of the friends of the several candidates, not exceeding one-third of the Democratic voters of the State -could be prevailed upon to express auy preference for any and all the candidates. [A voice, “that’s so.”] In my own couhty we havernot less than 1,250 white Democratic voters. Af ter- a notice had appeared for several we^ks in three newspapers published in the county, 237 citizens turned out to tlie mass meeting, and of this number 148 voted for and 89 against- Colquitt dele gates. x There were over one thousand white Democrats in the county who were too in ti iAerent to all the candidates toeven attend this meeting, or express ii: any way any preference whatever. This meeting repre sented less than 20 per cent of the white Democratic vote of the county. From my kniwlcdgeof the vote in other counties, I am satisfied that not as much as 33 per cgnt. of the Democrats of Georgia took any part whatever in these meetings. We have the interests of those who failed to participate as much in our keeping as we have the interest of those who elected us delegates. Once elected, we are the rep resentatives not of a faction or of factions, but the representatives of ail factions — the people. Can we say that all those Democrats who took no part in those primary meetings were the friends of Governor Colquitt ? The only fair and reasonable inference to be drawn from the non-participation of so many Democrats is, that they preferred no particular man for governor, but were willing to elect any good and true Democrat whom we might here select. Their action justifies no other inference. It is due and proper, and expected, that we should make every effect to carry out the wishes of those who sent us hero; but, Mr. President, I [nomination of Gov. Colquitt, beg to as sure their fellow-citizens of Richmond county that if elected to the State conven tion to nominate a Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia, they will go there as free citizens of this great common wealth. They hold, themselves untram melled and unpledged. While favorable to the re-nomination of Governor Alfred. H. Colquitt in preference to any of tho v * candidates now named, they shall reserve to themselves tho right to exercise a sound discretion and to vote for the man who, in tlieir judgment, will best protect the honor and interests of our people aud administer the afiairs of the State with wisdom, justice and moderation. While we are favorable to Gov. Colquitt, as our delegates to the Cincinnati conven tion were known to he favorable to the nomination of Judge Field or Senator Bayard, we hold ourselves lree to vote for the candidate for governor who, in our judgment, will best conserve the honor and interests of all the people of Georgia. We are neither trammelled nor pledged to vote blindly for any man. We shall abide by the action of the convention, and exer cise our best influence to elect its nominee for governor. I am sure the delegates sent here on such an announcement will be true to ■ such assurances; and in order to establish this fact it is only necessaiy that I should read tlie names of the gentlemen who signed the card. They are: delegate on this floor. That question Is, shall we continue to ballot with no hope of a nomination and let the disruption of the Democratic party come witli the dissolution of of this convention, or shall we rise above the passions of the hour, and, laying our preferences as a rich offering on the altar of Democratic harmony, come together and place some honored name at the head of our ticket,\vhose nomination will be equivalent to an election. [Cheering; cries—“we’ll nominate.”] Patriotism suggests but one auswer. We are brought face to face with this serious question, and for one I am willing to answer it. We are on the verge of a chasm which must be closed or the Democratic party is destroyed. W6 must throw men in that yawniug chasm to save the party, or we must throw the party in to save men. If individuals are not, like the ancieht and noble Curtius, willing to leap in to close it, I know not how others may feel, but I am willing to hurl them in. [Applause.] There is a delegation on this floor from one of the largest, wealthiest and most in telligent counties in Georgia, which was sent heie in the proper spirit. Those of you who are constant readers of that sterling and influential Democratic jour nal, the Augusta Chronicle and Constitu tionalist, will doubtless remember a card which was published in that paper, previ ous to their election, defining the position of the delegation treferredto. Now, Mr. President and gentlemen of the convention, I will read that card. £ do not do so in any spirit of censure or unkind criticism, but I desire to read it because 1 think it contains a forcible and correct expression ot the feelings of three- fourths of the Colquitt men in Georgia. It is a patriotic card, and on it the Rich mond delegates were elected to this con vention by 1,100 majority. I read it be cause It shows, in my humble judgment, the true spirit in which the Colquitt dele gates and all other delegates were sent to this convention. This card, I believe, first appeared in the paper named, July 17th, 1880, and reads as follows i A false issue. To the Citizens of Richmond County: Efforts have been made to raise a false issue iu tlie primary election to take place . in Richmond county on the 24th instant. ’ The undersigned citizens, whose names appear in the ticket favorable to the re- '„n<„!nnls\f* fl/ur luuv *A ae_ H. F. Russell, John U. Meyer, Robert H. May, J. V. H. Allen, Patrick Walsh, Charles Spaeth, W. B. Young, Josiah M. Seago, P. L. Cohen, Jos. E. Burch, Wilberforce Daniel, Edward O’Donnell, J. T. Denning, A. J. Smith, Thomas Heckle, _ P Walter A. Clark, Wm. A. Bachelor. [Shouting, lond and . prolonged ap plause.] I have come here, Mr. President, on ex actly such principles as these. I came here to secure, if possible, the nomiuatioa of Gov. Colquitt. I have stood by him as long as I thought there was auy reasona ble hope of his nomination. You, gentle men of the opposition, have stood by your favorites long enough to see the same thing. I appeal to you uow, in the name of the Democratic party, to nominate some good man. I do not desire to pre sent any name at this time. I am not here to serve men, hut to give my best efforts to the organized Democracy of Georgia. I feel it due to myself and to tlie friends of Gov. Colquitt, with whom I have acted, that I should let my position be fully understood. We’ will commit an unpardonable crime against the organized Democracy if we adjourn without a nomination. Let us discharge our duties in the order of their ’report^ ance. I do not believe you will consent • to adjourn without a nomination. [Cries No! No!] I believe that below the heavy load of personalism, beneath which we are struggling, down in the hearts of these delegates, there is a true patriotic spirit which will concentrate on some good man. As matters now stand, no nomination is possible with the names before us. If this he true, it is our duty to select from the bright list of Georgia’s noble sona some one to lead iu the coming conflict. If we do this, then will the Democratic party, bound together by the cohesive in fluence of conciliated interests, march grandly forward, united and invincible. If we do otherwise, we will have divi sion and discord, and untold strife and bitterness. Mr. President and gentlemen of the convention, I must express my thanks for your patient and respectful at tention. [Mr. McLendon took his seat, followed by the greatest applause and prolonged cheering, and hand-shakings and congrat ulations from some of the anti-Colquitt men.] 'ft'• & -v It is calculated that the ten million barrels of beer reported by the Brewers* Congress as having been sold last year would have filled a canal five feet deep and twenty-one feet wide, extending from New York to Philadelphia, aud that it would take a pump throwing thirty gal lons a minute twenty-one years to pump it dry.