Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 10, 1880, Image 2

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sillily uni* Maximal IRss^jeSgiec, —Ex-Congressman Indiana, does not admit a doubt of ^FDepi- ocratic Yictoiy in that State. - —The debtpaycrs of Davidson county, Tennessee, have determined to run Hon. Neill S. Brown for State Senate^ —General B. F. Butler bas been invited to address a Democratic mass meeting in New York next week, and will probably accept. !-*'*•" f )/ ) —Thompson and Thompson, each with a p, i« tire Democratic ticket in Massa chusetts for governor and lieutenant gov ernor. —Hon. Lyman Trumbull, Gov. John M. Palmer and Hon. James C. Robertson have entered actively into the Illinois canvass. —Senator Blaine took to Maine, it is said, the Utter part of $100,000 contribu ted by business men toward the defeat of the Fusionists. —The Montgomery Advertiser pre dicts only a third of a crop of cotton in that part of Alabama. The worms have played havoc with the bolls. —The St. Albans Messenger (Republi can,) says the Vermont campaign is pret ty warm for a “dress parade,” as it was termed by Senator Blaine. —The latest convert to the Democracy is ex-Treasurer Spinner. The Republi cans will now doubtless attempt to prove that his signature on the greenbacks was treasonable. It was certainly a remark able signature. —It is proposed to have Senator Bayard or Speaker Randall to speak in front of the custom-house or treasury building, in New York, at an early day, in reply to Secretary Sherman’s recent allegation that if General Hancock is elected the govern ment will be bankrupted within a year thereafter. —A London correspondent of the New York Bulletin, calls attention to the im portant fact that the British railways dis used during the first six months of the current year dividends $7,500,000 in ex cess of those for the corresponding period in 1S79; a striking proof, certainly, of the steady return of the country to business prosperity. —■The Montgomery (Ala.,) Adeance, published and edited by colored men. says: “Fraud is the cry of the Republi can papers of the North about the Demo Cratic party of Alabama. Go on—sing on as much and as long as you please; we colored men aided the Democracy in rolling up the large majority, and don’i yon forget it; we are satisfied,” Costly Eggs.—Win. A. "Welsh, lovo.smitten youth of Philadelphia, im agined that Miss Georgie Parker, an ac tress, “had not treated him right,” so last week, whilst the young lady was enacting her role on the stage of the WalnutStreet Theatre, young Welsh ungallantly threw a couple of spoiled eggs at her. Miss Parker had Welsh arrested, and he has just compromised the matter by paying her $500 for tbe insult. Stalwart Sentiments.—Judge Rich ardson, of the Court of Claims, a sta! wart of the stalwarts, said to a Massa chusetts friend: “It looks as though Han cock would be elected, and I hope he will be. He would make a better President than the other man.” Senator Logan said only two or three days ago to a friend Who asked him what he thought of the situation: “I am afraid they’ve got Gar field.” —Business a flairs in Louisiana are in a better condition now, it is claimed, than at tfny time since the war. Leading mer chants of New Orleans say that their sales have increased 30 to 100 per cent., and that business in July was as good as that of January, which is something unu sual in the South. Large manufactories have been started in that city and in dif ferent parts of tbe State, and people arc devoting themselves more than ever to ndustries rather than to politics. —Governor Lowe, of Maryland, in a late speech at Fredericks, expressed a be lief that General Hauoock would receive a larger majority than any President.for twenty years. The leaders of the Grant party, said be, do not desire the election of Garfield, and would therefore vote for Hancock. They will, however, he thought, make every effort to secure the next Congress, and at the end of four years, by effecting a great revolution in the public sentiment, they expect to elect Grant to a third term, and then indefinite ly. If tlio Democratic party, said he, is unsuccessful in tills contest, he saw no hope for it in the future. But he had no fears of the result. New York, he be lieved, would give Hancock from at least fifty to sixty thousand. John Sherman vs. John Sherman. , The embarrassments of the Radical statesmen this year are very great. The New York Sim presents the case of Sher man upon Sherman by putting the follow ing extracts in juxtaposition: From Sherman's speech in Cincinnati, Augus, 30,18S0. I hate never said one word impugning Gen. Arthur's honor or integrity as man and a gentleman, but he was not in harmony with the views of the adminis tration in the management of the custom house. While I would not, perhaps, have recommended his nomination, yet I would vote for him for Vice President a million times before I would vote for W. H. English, with whom I serted in Con gress. From Sherman's letter to Chester A. Arthur, Jan. 31,1S79. Qross abuses of administration have Continued and increased during your in cumbency. Persons have been regularly paid by you who have rendered^ little or no service. The expenses of yoiir office have increased, while its receipts have diminished. Bribes, or gratuities in tbe shape of bribes, have been received by your subordinates in several branches of tbe custom bouse, and you hate in no case supported the effort to correct these abuses. From Sherman's letter to the President of the United States Senate pending Merritt's confimation. It is to be held that, to procure the re moval of Mr. Arthur, it is sufficient to reasonably establish that gross abuses of administration have continued and in creased during his incumbency; that many persons have been regularly paid on liis rolls who rendered little or no ser vice; that the expense of his office have increased, while collections have been di minishing; that bribes, or gratuities In tbe nature of bribes, have beeu received by his subordinates in several brandies of tbe custom bouse; that eSorts to correct these abuses have not met his support, and that he has not given to the duties of the offloe the requisite diligent attention, then it is submitted that the case is made out. This form of proof the department is prejxtrrd to submit. Tiie Albany -Velcs says: “Aibauy is for C ilquiit by a very laree majority, and Doughgtty is more so. Who can deny this'.’'’ The executive committee primary election for Repi the first ballot W. L. Spcrlin received 7(5 votes and B. J. Russell, 49; scattering, 41. No one having obtained a majority of the votes cast, another baTIot was takerT and the names of B. J. Russel, R. C. Jackson and G. F. West weie withdrawn. Mr. J, i A. ^TcGregor was putin nomination. The resultVas W. L. Spcrlin, 75; J. A. Mc Gregor, 49; B. J. Russell, 4. Mr. Sper- Jin was declared nominated. Mr. T. W. Hammond introduced the following resolutions whidi were unani mously adopted: Besotted, J, That .we, the people of Baker countyj in mass meeting assembled, do hereby endorse the entire administra tion of Gov. Colquitt, aud do hereby prom ise to sustain him with all -our strength against his enemy. That iu the appoint ment of ex-Governor Brownto the United States Senate he acted wisely and in ac cordance with the wishes of the people. Resolved 2, TJiat the action of the majority in the late Atlanta convention is approved by us, it being tlic only action they could have taken upder the circum stances, tbe miuority having refused to accord to the will of the majority, and thereby defeating the will of the people. That the responsibility of disrupting tbe great Democratic party of-Georgia lies with the minority, for which the people will hold them to account. Resolved. 3, That in ex-Governor Joseph E. Brown we find a man fully able to represent tlje State of Georgia in the United States Senate. Therefore, we instruct our representatives in the next general assembly, and they are hereby in structed to use all fair aud honorable means in baviug him elected to fill the unexpired term of Gen. Gordon. Characteristic* The Globe-Democrat says: The Republicans of Rutland, Vermont, seem to be afflicted with supersensitive ness. A torchlight procession in that city abandoned a portion of its marching route, and a fuJl-fledged editorial orator declined to deliver a well-conned speech the other night, simply because a Demo cratic mob gathered around and hooted and yelled. If it were in the South the Republicans would be very happy to get off with being hooted and cursed. If it were in the South the Republicans would be very happy to get off with being hooted and cursed. If the Vermont Republicans had beeu fired upon by a company of ku- klux armed wirh double-barrelled shot guns, tliey would afterward be better qualified to sympathize with the brave souls who have courage to be Republi cans iu the South. The Vermont out rage was a very tame affair by compari son with every day occurrences in Mis sissippi, Louisana and South Carolina. This editor out-Herods Herod in his mendacious statements. At this very moment an active canvass is going on iu South Carolina and Georgia, and colored men hold their meetings and conventions at will and without the slightest disturb ance from any one. They also are invited to attend the meetings of the whites, and usually do so in considerable num bers. Such stuff as the above is too trans parent for belief, even in New England, Happily, the thousands of Northern visi tors who flock to the South every winter, either for pleasure or health, are able to see for themselves, and in this way tbe bloody shirt lias lost its potent effect upon tbe imaginations of the multitude. The truth has come out at last and now for the reaction at tlic polls in November. The Beat Wiaman in the World. All weakness does not belong to the feminine gender. There are periods In man’s life-time when he exhibits a greater want of moral courage aud discretion than women do. Usually, man appears weak just at the point where woman manifests the greatest strength. Hence the aphor ism, “everybody has his weak points.” Every man, in his weakness, dreams that he has secured in 'the matrimonial market “the best woman in the world.” To him, in reality, she may be, and it is a delightful delusion which his neighbors permit him to enjoy to the fullest extent, all the nhile knowing that he is mistaken Far be it from the writer to interfere with any man’s enjoyment in this matter. But when “the best woman in the world” has beguiled her lieged lord into the belief that a trip to the mountains would be so profitable to her and the baby, and places tbe reasons for her goin upon the ground that it would be so pleasant for bim to fall back into his old bachelor ways for a time, we must protest. There may have been times when would have been delightful to have re turned to the frays of bachelordotn—es pecially when the baby and little Johnnie had the measles, and some of the other children the whooping-cough—but not now. The artless manner in which “the best woman in the world” says that she “hopes he will find plenty of things to amuse him,” becomes almost heartless. For in reality nothing amuses him. He mopes about. The house is desolate, op pressed by a dense silence and enwrapped in gloom. The servants assume patroniz ing airs, andentertaintheirrelatiousto the remotest generation, at his expense. The dost accumulates, and his linen becomes demoralized and scattered, and everything goes wrong. His solitary meals lack rel ish, and arc served in a baphazzard fash ion, the reverse of appetizing, ne longs for any sort of companionship, and won ders how Alexander Selkirk ever survived: In fact, he feels about as miserable as a pelican would in a wilderness or an owl in a desert. Thus time drifts wearily on, and his pleasure is not enhanced in the least, or his loneliness rendered more bearable by tbe letters be receives from “the best wo man in the world,” who assures him what a glorious time she is having in the moun tains, and bow Mr. Grizzlebeard admires the baby, and the time is passlngso pleas antly that she don’t know when she will be at home. In fact, these letters have a tendency to make bim desperate. He would just like to get .bold of old Grizzle- beard; he would snatch him bald in less than two minutes. He is not hiving a gloriousTime; Just the reverse; and he wonders bow the baby looks, aud if “the best woman in the world” is coquetting with anybody. In fact, he is just as mis erable as It is possible for him to be: He becomes irritated, and is losing ground morally, aud unless tbe return of “ the best woman in tbe world” la early ac complished, be will become as earthly as the beast that perisbeth. “The best woman in the world” is coin ing home by tbe next train. Joy and peace will reign once more. Tbe Aibauy AdcertUer continues to be mucb distressed and without tbe powj er of making known tbe cause of its suffer ing. Can it be that our ascetic content pot ary b»s swallowed Jus cud?” avail themselves of the abimdanimeans at band to alleviate its condition. In deed, their carelessness in ajlerent^yj^g*, F> ulated community, would arnomit criminality. • J L L la “Just at the southern border of the city is a vast track of swamp, covering proba bly a dozen acres: The rank grass in it; grown to an enormous height, has begun to decay and to admit poison. The swamp is too far from flowing water for any or the rotten matter to pass off, atid so it lies festering and purifying. A con stant supply of the city drainage is al lowed to empty near the swamp. The sewer carrying off the larger part of this refuse is open at the lower end, and has beeu for weeks. Dirt is thrown up on either side of it for a ways, to make it ap pear that repairs are making. The part that is open extends across the lower part of the lot facing the President’s grounds, and runs parallel and near the road through the government park—the most popular tjrive and walk in the city— including the agricultural, Smitlisonian, engraving and printing and botanical garden grounds, and extending ftotn tbe treasury to the capitol. Just east of tbe swamp are several good-sized bays that tbe tides do not affect now. They are very shallow, and tbe stagnant water in them is covered with a. thick green scum. The employes-of tbe bureau of engraving and printing, which is the nearest of the government buildings to these bays, be gat) to sufler from their poisonous effluvia a fortnight or longer ago, and since then, without exception, they have all suffered from it. In many instances fever has re sulted, in others a very dangerous type of malaria, approaching typhoid. The clerks of the agricultural, treasury, war, navy and State departments, all within easy distance of the poisonous .locality, have also been afflicted to a greater or less ex tent. Throughout the city,, .physicians say, malaria never before made such rav ages. It has extended even to the up lands, which are usually considered safe from it, and has at this early stage as sumed the form of an epidemic. The beautiful streets are littered, every one of them, with refuse so offensive that one canhbt walk them without being nau seated. The odors of Roosevelt street are redolent in tbe choicest localities. Street sweepers which made daily rounds in cool weather are seen no longer. Water ing-carts, too, were once plentiful, and af ter them the streets were as fresh aud clean as a swept floor. The watermen seem to have been given a vacation. Tlie trouble with the sweeping was that the pious authorities sublet it to impious contractors, who quarreled over the mer its of a sweeper, and to settle the matter, so as to offend neither, the authorities thought best to stop the sweeping. Then something liappened to the garbage men, Nobody can find out what, unless they, too, wan ted to go to the mountains. At any rate, for two whole weeks there has been no garbage collected in this delectable city. Consequently every back yard bas become a breeding-place for disease. Ea ikoatfiBAteaT"^ Editors Constitution: L'noli ue of August 27th an^artiole Voice from Southwest Gey :cli I think the writer, to say._^_ t, takes an unfair view of the s the railroad freight tariffs. My i _.anding of the rates proposed b?*he tral railroad, under the St%ta comini< eris circular NoiTO, i^that' roe rates cotton would stand about. aslQlfows: ■ perJOO lbs, COLD-HAND OF MORBECK. BY B..M. RANKING. I tell this tale as nearly as possible in the wordsfof my -friend, the Rev. John Chalmers,^sometime rector of Gilthwaite^ nl ’h) thcfcounty of Durham. • * ' < * v Did I ever tell you the history of Lucy Gbdge? Ah well, it is a sad one, but interesting far alLthatrf-sn-sLir my boy—tbe nights get cojucr, I is/spring, instead!'of warmer— our pipe, andyou shall hear it. iucy! If you had seen her even saw her you would have said Barnom on the Situation. A dispatch from Philadelphia to the Boston Herald, gives tlie following as Chairman Bamum s views of the political situation: He went to Ohio and Indiana a month ago, laid grounds for the most complete organization of both States aud will open the most aggressive campaign there. The preliminary work lias been most ef fectually but quietly done, aud, instead pf concentrating on Indiana, he will compel the Republicans to make a desperate cost ly struggle to save Ohio. Baruunt is now in Ohio", and has been there for three days, although it has not beeu publicly uunounced, and he is there on business. He is fully satisfied that Ohio is a doubt ful State, and hopes to startle the Repub licans by his bold and hopeful efforts to carry it. He now feels certain of both the Cincinnati districts, and, as Cincinnati has carried the State in every close con test since 1875, he regards it as fairly de batable, aud he will throw bis best speak ers and his hitherto well-husbanded means equally into Ohio and Indiana for a 30-day fight. The loss of Ohio to Gar field in October, or a nominal Republican majority there for the State ticket, would, in his judgment, carry New York, Penn sylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, California, Ne vada and Oregon without costly cam. paigns and by large majorities. “You may rely .upon tbe statement that before tbe middle of September tlie Republican leaders will understand wliat Bamum bas been doing, and they will be more ear nest in their defensive campaign iu Ohio than in their aggressive campaign hi In diana. Bamum’s theory about Indiana is, that it is naturally a Democratic State, and that tbe Democrats need only to sura mop their own strength on the home stretch to carry it by a decided majority. He has been there, and English is in per fect accord with Barnuih’s policy to have every voter cantassed. The Republicans, he thinks, have boen running a shouting and costly campaign in Indiana for a full month, and, when Bamum and English shall be ready to advance their whole line at once, that the resources of the Repub licans will bq. largely -exhausted, .and, with-defiant assaults made simultaneous ly in Ohio and Indiana, *they will be un equal to the struggle. In commenting upon tliis dispatch, Col. McClure says editorially- “Those .who know Mr. Bar- mini will understand that he is not an idler or a dress-parade politician. Ue is of tbe TiMen school, silent, sagacious and tireless, and the first visible results of his organizing policy are given in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, while the silence of his guns in Ohio and Indiana is explained by ids desire to fight the great battle and expend his munitions of war but once to decide tbe issue.” ' ■ ■ I4li« A macing Kan Faund. John M. Benson, a dealer in hats and men’s furnishing goods, at Montgomery, Ala., left his home on August 1st, says the New York Tribune, to come to this city to buy a fall stock of goods. He ar rived here about tbe lOtb, aiul went to tbe St. Denis noteL After he had been there a few days the hotel man noticed that there was something wrong with him, and tele graphed to his friends at Montgomery that he was not well anil that they would bet ter look after him. Ou August 29th Mr. Benson went to Manhattan beach. On his way back, however, be refused to give up his ticket to the gateinan at Bay Ridge and was sent in consequonce by the boat. That was the last seen of him until last Monday. In the meantime Mrs. Paul, his sister, who was visiting'in Connecticut, and his younger brother from Montgomery, had come to this city in search of him, and finding that he had left the St. DeDis, bad applied to the police. On Monday night Dr. Peter Hull, of Jamaica, L. I., found a man silting on the curbstone in that village, who said that bis name was John Benson. Dr. Hull, who haA seen an account of his disappearance iu the New York papers, immediately telegraph ed to his friends iu this city, yesterday morning two friends of Mr. Benson. J. II. Farley, of this city, and H. C. Davidson, of Montgomery, went to Jamaica and brought bim to tbe city. He was taken to the St. Denis hotel, where he will be cared for by his brother and sister. He was better last night, although very much prostrated. Benson had very little money at the time of bis disappearance, and dur ing bis absence he bad been wandering around Long Island iu a half-starved con dition. Governor Colquitt ftiVone of the War-, ren family on his side—Lott Warren/ Esq., of Albany—young but brainy, firm and influential- Tbe question finally occurs: Was Mr. Norwood, in tbe committee of nine, nomi nated by a two-thirds rule? Read the records.* j pounds, or 25 tion aga Valley. dowtr&sTTuthbcit. __ Tliis write: - makes a comparison of tlie increase of rates from Fort Valley and Ma con 3n the experimental rule of tlie com missioners heretofore adopted,treating the Central and Southwestern railroad as one continuous road. I presume the commis sioners have wisely concluded, after thor ough investigation, that this . rule was in jurious to the Central railroad and cer tain localies, so much so, in fact, that the company could not earn a dividend under it, or the localites against which 1 it discrim inated, hold their legitimate trade. Macon merchants have had but little to sayrelative to the discriminations against them under rule No. 1 fixed by the State commission ers, and we are glad to see that from ■ sense of justice to this city, as well as to the railroads interested, they have issued circular No. 10. The city of Macon largely depends upon the business created by the termination of the railroad lines here as separate roads, just as they were found when the commissioners went iiito office and issaed the order consolidating them, and it would be an act of the gross'^ est injustice to deprive her of this •advan tage—an advantage enjoyed by every city in tlie South of like location. The existence of many of the towns of southwest Georgia doe3 not reach- back of the construction of the Southwestern railroad. Aud they, as well as those ex: is ting prior to that time, have steadily ad vanced iu prosperity under the same or similar adjustment of rates. In fact, the rates now proposed show a reduction from those in operation prior to the rates fixed by the State commissioners, and will give southwest Georgia a better system of through rates than other towns similarly situated in the Slate. It is usually the custom iu fixing rates to take the local rates from the intermediate town to the first terminal poiut, and-add it to the through rate from the latter point, to make tbe through rate from the interme diate. But in this case, on cotton for instance, as has been shown, the cities and towns of southwest Georgia will have the advan tage of twenty-five ceuts per hale <-to points beyond Macon. : « The writer of the article, “A voice from southwest Giorgia,” concedes that the roads should have rates that will produce them a fair revenue. I ask him to sug gest a plan -other than that proposed rai der circular 10, by which this revenue can be earned. ". - Macon. August 27,1880. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: The foregoing communication was sent to the Atlanta Constitution, on the 27th of August, with the request that the same be published as an act of simple justice to Macon, and the Central railroad. From some cause, best known to the “able edi tors” of that sheet, no notice was taken of the matter, nor has it been possible to get a reply to our inqu'riCs concerning tbe reasons lor Its non-appearance. You will perceive, from the communication that called out the foregoing reply (which I trust you will also publish) the writer in the Constitution does Macon a great injustice—for part of which at least that, paper's owu typo, I thiuk is responsible, for I believe there is an error in the print. I have read the Constitution for many years, and this is the first time I have known its editors refuse to correct an in justice to a large class of its readers What its motive for refusing is, I cannot say. I might add further that the writer from Southwest Georgia (if he is from tljcnce) forgets the fact that Macon is a competi tive point; that the commission has but little, it any, power to regulate freights to Charleston, aud that each road ought to have a schedule so adjusted that a divi dend can be realized from tbe freights on that road, which properly belong to it. Macon, Sept. 4, 1880. * The following is the article referred to The Railiioad Fiieigiit Tariff—A Voice fkom Southwest Georgia.—Ed itor Constitution: In your issue of the 25th inst., you state that Macon favors the changes in railroad tariff authorized by commissioners’ circular No. 10, because they are Slowed a difference of 50 cents per 100 pounds on cotton. This figure greatly underrates Macon’s advantages in this proposed change. The difference in her favor is very considerable, when we come to carefully examine tbe rates. To illustrate: present rates on cotton from Macon to Savannah is thirty-seven ceuts per 100 pounds, from Fort Valley it-is thirty-nine cents. Tlie proposed change makes Macon’s rate forty cents, an ad vance of eight per cent, while Fort Val le) ’s rate is changed to as much as fifty- two cents, an advance of thirty-three and one-third per cent., making the advance on Fort Valley’s rate twenty-five and one third per cent. greater than the advance on This discriminating rale virtually forces •eveiy bale of cotton shipped from South west Geotgia through Macon to the coast to pay a toll of at least fifty cents per bale to pass this new toll gate. Southwest Goorgia is a unit in fighting such a dis criminating procedure on the part of the commission. We readily admit that Ma con’s Ave millions of property and her citizens have rights that are entitled to consideration and protection, but we they have no rights that rise higher, or are not common with the rights of the many millions of property and the scores of thousands of citizens of Southwestern Georgia. 'IVe claim to be the supporters of the Southwestern railroad. It is from us she receives her revenue. And we arc at a loss to understand why the railroad officials should combine with a wealthy city to oppress and paralyze the commerce of her patrons. We do not antagonize the true interests of our railroad. We will cheerfully bear our proportion of any ad vance the commission sees necessary to gire the railroad a rate that will yield them ft fair revenue, but do most earnest ly protest against anything like an un equal advance, which at once in augurates tbe very discrimination that called tlie commission into existence, You state Atlanta is very wisely keeping her mouth shut in this light. I doubt the wisdom of such a coarse. If Atlanta hopes to enjoy much of the trade of south west Georgia, she must not refuse to open her mouth and purse in aiding southwest Georgia in lighting this circular No. 10, for it erects * wall between Atlanta and southwest Georgia that the capital and business energy of your live city cannot very well scale. Now is Atlanta’s oppor tunity for this trade, for Macon’s position in this fight is not such, as to foster and perpetuate her business relations will: this section of Georgia. We look upon it as au effort on her part to obtain an uudue advantage of a people who has largely contributed to lier former prosperity. Should your city, by keeping her mouth shut, let this opportunity pass unimproved, your commercial agents soliciting our business will be met with tbe question; What did Atlanta do iu tbe fight ou cir cular No. 10? Southwest Georgia. —-A New York Herald special says that (here are indications that tbo Democrats Lave praclioally abandoned tbe contest in Maine, and this state of things is attested by 1 the withdrawal of men and money from tbe canvass there for more effective use iu Indiana. Democratic speakers re turning from Maine say without qualifica tion that f>e fusion movement was a fail ure, 'and they tatve no hope of success. The contest will be continued simply by local speakers. py, and-,to- live out a placid, of wife apdjhotLdriiood whh- trouble or even excitement cent, pretty lass. It was all tbe sort of face that a man would aream’of as being connected with a tragedy, but I doubt if you ever heard of a bitterer trage dy than that I have to tell you. Do'you remember Morbeck Hall, the great house you exclaimed at when we were driving yesterday, though you could only get a glimpse of it in the distance through the trees ? That was Lucy’s home, and it has been on my mind to tell her ever since. She was my niece ou the mother’s side, for the last of the Gedges of Morbeck, as old a family as any between Tweed and Trent, married my youngest sister; it was a love- match, to be sure, for she had riot a stiver, though ’you know lad, the Chalmers are as good a line as any ill thoxountiy-side, and they were a happy couple, God rest them! But there never was but one child, my niece and goddaughter Lucy, and her dear mother was taken when she was but a little bj£ of a thing; so she grew up her father’s pet and plaything, and Iris chief companion; for he would not put auy woman ’In my dead sister Marian’s place —and the older she grew the bonnier she became, till, wliat with her beauty and what with the tales of her father’s weatlh, the heads of half the young men of the country were turned by tbo heiress of Morbeck. Weli, so it fell out tbat just before she grew to nineteen, old John Geilge died, and when liis will came to be read, it was found,tliat Lucy, as was just, would in herit everything when* she came of age, saving a tew legacies to old servants and the like; but meanwhile she was left un der the joint guardianship of myself and her father’s sister,Mrs. rostlethwaite, and could not marry without our joint con sent. Of course the poor child could uot come to the rectory here with no compan ion but an old bachelor like me; beside? it seemed wrong that the hall should be shut tip so long as there was one of tbe race to live in it, so it was arranged that this aunt of hers should come and live there with her as chaperon and what not. She made a great talk did Aunt Fostle- thwaite, about the sacrifice she was mak ing * itl burying herself in such? an out if the way corner of the world; but for any part I thought she w’as in the luck of it, to be living at and manager of Morbeck Hall, with such a companion as my dear lassie, instead of eking out her widow’s jointure amongst a lot of oldtab- bles in some stuffy London street. But to do her justice, I think the woman meant well; and she was kind to Lucy after a fashion of her own, for I do be lieve she loved the poor child as much as she could love any one but herself. Af ter all, she was a Gedge of Morbeck, and noblesse oblige you know, my boy. She was just one of those women—I daresay you have seen plenty of them in Loudon —who can’t forget at fifty that they were beauties at half tbe age, arid who have managed by hook and by crook to get their own way all their lives. I suppose her husband knocked under for peace and quietness’ sake, and site never had any children to worry, so she came to domineer over Lucy with all the de light of having found a new pastime. I remember one time when she was ill, and like the obstinate fool she was, wouldn’t obey the doctor; she said that she had had her own way all her life, and was not g< iug to be contradicted at her time of lift I thought I should have choked when that slipped out; but it was no laughing mat ter, lad, the mischief she made through tliat way of hers! Well, to make a long story short, tlie auut had firmly determined that her r.iece should marry some scapegrace of a fellow whose name I don’t remember, dou’t want to—I never saw him; his chief recommendations were, a broken consti tution, an empty purse, a distant rela tionship to tbe late Tom Postlethwalte, and an old title. So madam bad settler that bonnie Lucy Gedge should be my lady, and bolster up my lord’s falling fortunes with the broad lands and full coffers of Morbeck Hall. Unfortunately for her schemes it takes two to make a bargain, and my niece was as sensiole a girl as ever stepped iu shoe leather, so it was open war between them, or rather passive resistance on Lucy’s part, and a course of alternate nagging and wheed ling on her aunt’s, open air, and Lucy, eve^willtfl plaid thri run rriage -arms aroi seemed tp charm went id togefc , iofckii g lovelier than Van Loom, an officerinthe King’s Guards n over her go, town thtt r herself, a! d my neck,’ ay all feai aud bef< eaqj£ other i-need wis How bright and cherry she was, Her spirits were almost wild . ever hear of what our 1 being foy?—thatsud- f spirits,' from no particular cause, which they.hnld.ln he a presage-aL mish?p to the person dm whom it is seen ? I tlririk' Lucy Gedge was for that eve ning. au end at last, aud thiuk of moving; It-was-inst after that, when Mr. Ar thur came suddenly to3forbeck7justloFa visit, every one thought, and to court Mrs. . ... , Alicia, and fo: a whole week everythin" sis had.somQAYay.ta^OfcAniLthe.raadAma. -seemed. tn-gQAwimminglv between timm 3 none-of-the-bestr-after-the-weather-we bad- -But-one-evening r there-cMB*«*w*4®4lie- ll non Ravin". T.,,pv grnso t/- nntnoM 1 1, ... - The dinner cafne to it’hegaii to be time, to i knew the main reason of tlie girl’s steadfastness well enough—she would tell an\ thing to her old uncle John, bless her! There was true love aud faithful troth between her and young Hugh Nelson, of Giltbwaitc; and he was of my own blood too, though not so Uiear as Lucy; and I bad watched him grow up from a bright mischief-loving boy to the handsome, brave young squire, for whom every one bad a smile and a good word- just tlie man, I thought, to make my darling happy. But, a31 told you, they could do .nothing independent till Lucy was of age, so there was nothing for it but to wait, and they did wait patiently, whilst we three kept the secret, aud how the poor girl put up w>tU all that old woman’s vagaries all the time will always be a wonder to mol However, time slipped away, and the twenty-first birthday came, aud then, by his advice, Hugh appeared at Morbeck Hall, to greet his cousin and make a for mal offer of his liaud and heart, and I need not tell you that she took him then and there. You should have seen Aunt I’ostletliwaithe’s face! I thought she was going to have a fit, but she thought better of it, and after a torrent of abuse directed at Hugh, some flowers of speech specially devoted to me, and a general peroration relating to ingratitude, conspiracy, and the like, slie announced her intention of washing her hands of the whole affair, and going back to London as soon as her boxes were packed—and precious glad we all were, I can tell you, when they wore brought down into the great hall ready corded! I fancy she managed to feather her nest pretty well dining those two years! • - So madam, having taken herself off in dudgeon, there was nothing left to hinder, and arrangements for the wedding were at once set ou foot. It was to be a very quiet affair at my owii little - church at Gilthwaite, and of course I was to marry them. So as it would have been tod far for Lucy to drive in the morning, and be sides that she could not well be married from fier own great lonely house, we set tled tha‘, I should fetch her over on the previous evening to sleep at the rectory, and that tlie wedding should take - place from thence. And now comes tbe sad and strange part of the story. It was early In February—just a week after Candlemas, as I remember only too well—-when I arrived, late Sri. the gray afternoon, at MorbqJk, where I was to dine with my ward before we started for Gilthwaite rectory. The winter had been an uriusually severe one, even for these parts; but In the last days of Jan uary the frost bad brokeu up, aud it. seemed aa if our old north-coutnry saying as to a wet Candlemas was to be literal ly carried out, fo? ever since tlie second, when it had beeu one constant downpour, there bad been a succession of mild, muggy days, with au overcast sky and au incessaut drizzle. As tbe carriage that had been sent to fetch me drove up the avenue in the failiug light qf the after noon, there was something ju the aij that seemed to weigh oue’s heart down; a cold, dank.smell rose up from the soaked earth where last year’s leaves lay rowing under the bare branches that dripped slowly as tbe thick mist clung arid crept around them. But tbe feeling of depres sion passed away as we drew up at the open hall door, from which the ruddy ‘ glow of a great fire streamed out into the been having. Lucy arose to prepare for our journey, leaving me to finish my glass of port by the fire, when, as she readied tlie door of the room, sho turned and said— , “Oh, uncle, I forgot to toll you; it is such horrid weather, and the roads are so bad, that I am going to have the carriage •brought round to the garden door that opens off the Broad Terrace. It will save us half a mile.” Then she went to put on her hat and cloak; it was nothing to me which door we went from, and in fact I felt rather glad at the prospect of shortening our journey, even by half a mile: so in due time Lucy came back and we started oub for the carriage. I must tell you that in order to get out by way of the broad ter race we had to traverse a little-used part of the old house, and came out at last through a long passage by a small pos tern door, with a flight of several steps outside. The unused rooms and the pas sage smelt damp and fusty, and I was glad to feel even the clinging outside air. when the little door creaked open at last to let us out. AsY -went down the steps, they were so slippery with the wet mist that it was all I could do to keep on my legs, but Lucy tripped down after me like a nymph and we reached the car riage safely. We had- not gone far be fore she stretched out her hand caressing ly to me, and said, “Uncle John, are you sure you are wrapped up warmly enough? Your hand felt so cold just now as you helped me down the steps.” ' “1 help you, my dear!”"said I. “I never helped you; I had quite enough to do to keep my owu legs!” “Oh yes, uncle, dou’t you rem'ember ? As I catne through the postern, you stretched oat your hand and-led me down the steps and it made me shiver all tlirough—your hand was like ice! Are you quite sure yon are wrapped up enough ?” I would have taken my oath in any court of law that I had nothing to do with the girl’s safe exit, and she. would have sworn on the other side; so I held my tongue, and allowed her fancy." You know what old Sir- Samuel Tuke says— “If she will, she will, you may depend on’U And if she won’t, she won’t, and there’s anendon’t?” So we rolled on, chatting of this and of that until we readied what was the only really serious obstacle to our drive. There is a dip in the road, at the Bottom of which runs a brook, with broad, level meadows on the other side. In summer time, or riven in ordinary weather, it is just a bit of a beck tbat a child might jump over; but when the floods are out it will be a roaring torrent in half an hour’s time with the moss-water coming from the, moors. I felt just a little uneasy about it, but nothing to speak of; we bad to cross by a wooden bridge tbat had done duty for a good many years in storm and sunshine, only it did come into iny head what a bother it would be if the bridge should have been carried away, and we should have ’to go back to Morbeck after all. Just as we came to the beck, the horses shied and stopped, in spite of all the coachman could do to soothe or urge them. So at last says he to the lad who was beside him: “Jump down, Jem, and see if the bridge is all right.” Down got Jem, and hunted about for a while in the darkness; but all of a sud den the mist lifted ou the other side of the beck—which was roaring down in speat by them—and there was a woman all iu white beckoning under a big oak tree; so he cried out: “Isay, missus!” She made no answer, but kept on that waving of her hand, and Jem cried out again— “I say, missus, -can * we cross the bridge? ” Iu another moment he wa3 up beside the coachman, saying, “Go on, George; I can’t hear what she says, but she nods and beckous to say it’s all right,” and we drove ou. I can’t tell you how it hap pened exactly, my dear boy, but just. as we got to the middle of the bridge, there was a horrible crash aud crackle, and we were all struggling for dear life in tbat hill torrent. 1 managed to get one of the doors open, and dragged Lucy, drenched and insensible, on to tbe wreck of tbe carriage, and between us we got her to shore. Both the horses were killed, part ly by drowning in their traces, partly by k.cking each other to death iu their agony, I fancy; but George’, Jem and I managed to rig up a sort of litter, and made the best of our way back, with Lucy on it, to Morbeck Hall. We got bet in and the womenkind put her to bed and tbe doctor was brought, but it was too late. Apart from tbe shock and the cold, she had some injury to the spine, I believe, and slie died just at inidnsglit, without eveu a moment of consciousness. I leave you to imagine what I suffered that next day, which was to have been my darling’s wedding morning—and now they were streaking her for bet grave! I could do nothing but sit dazed in tbe library, tbiuking of what might have been and wliat was; but my reverie was inter rupted by old Mrs. Partridge, the house keeper, who come in for some instruc tions. After I had said all that I thought necessary, I noticed that she lingered as if loth to go; but I thought little of it, till she half muttered 4 as she reluctantly turned* the haudle of the door— ‘Ah, poor Iamb, I knew how it would be when I beard her speak of the Broad Terrace!” This roused me to curiosity. “Wliat do you mean, Mrs. Partridge?” I said. “What is there against the Broad Ter race?” She turned and looked at me with gaze halfskeptical, hall apologetic as’ she said: “Do you mean to tell me, sir—and’you half a Gedge, as a'body miy say—that you never heard of the Cold Hand of Morbeck? Did j - ou never hear of Mis tress Alicia, then, her whose portrait hangs over the mantlepiece in the oak drawing room ?” There rose.before my. mind’s eye a pio: ture at which I had often gazed with a strange undefined feeling of pleasure, pain and pity combiueiW-The face was that of a proud and lovely woman; but it bore tho expression of one whoTikd passed through some terrible agony which bad hardened instead of softening her nature. 1 answered that I knew it well, but not of any history specially connected with it. “Aud what has that to do with—wliat did you call it?—the Cold Hand of Mor beck?” said I, as there came over me, with a rush of unexplained apprehension, that strange assertion of poor Lacy’s, just after we had started ou our ill-omened drive. “Weil, sir, its • a longish story, but I’ll tell it to you as I heard it from those who had the right to know; though the family didn’t much care to have it talked about— but they are all dead aud gone now, all dead and gone! And you were nearest to my voung lady, for I don’t count that Mrs. f’ostleiiiwaite, with lier haughty, jrying ways. As if I didn’t know the louse ought to be .managed—I who bad lived here, girl and woman, for better than forty years! It was in the old troub les, sir, before the ’45, aud then, as yester day, there was naught but an heiress to Morbeck, Mistress AUcia. She was a great beauty, they tell me, aud her father’s idol, - aud ha{f tbe young gStitleiuen in tbe country werq ready to cross swords for ber smile. Auiongst ah her suitors, the only two whom she seemed to favor were her cousin, Mr. Arthur Gedge, and a Captain who -ball, ing; t: _ lows, and about her n rious had a ■*ay wh‘ the county ' the even- . ae could -disfavored,if “she. had a was thought t^.be fo? her many of the gentry hereabouts who would have liked to see the old Stuarts get their own again, but the Gedges had always kept to themselves, aud had never been iinepji/-tm' plotting,nr.Mia- iii-p know all about tbe retreat from Derbv NO GNB'HKOWS Hoff we Make our MeJieine or how- w» Prepare Nt > ONE KNOWS ’ f HE RECIPE By which we make simmoNs ball tbat there was a messenger in the Village, come down from tbe court, with a silver grey-hound on his sleeve; and then Sir. Arthur took Mrs. Alicia into a side room, and he fell on his khees before her, and prayed her, for their love’s sake, that she would help him, for lie had been mixed up, it seems, iu a plot for Prince Charles, and it was death if he were ta ken. So $Jie agreed with him that he should hide till night in a secret rodm iu the west wing—^that by the Broad Terrace, sir—and then she would come and guide him out by the postern that he might es cape. The night came, and she came too, without .a light, for she said that would be dangerous, and guided him through the passages, until she opened the little door; and as he grasped her hand and kissed it, it was cold as death. And as he stepped out on the steps, there was a gleam of steel outside, and Mr. Arthur was in the clutches of a troop of the Guard, with Captain Van Loom at their head. He was executed, sir, like many another brave lad at that time; and before a year was over, Mistress Alicia was married to Captain Van Loom, who. got his colonelcy for his services. “They say it was a wretched life they led. He turned out a drunken, gambling brute, and broke her heart; but none ever knew whether it was true what folk whispered in the country-side, that she sold her cousin to her lover. Anyway, she died a miserable, childish woman- rest her soul! But/sir, they say that ever since that day, auy Gedge who pass- 'es the postern ^y night will feel an ice- cold hand leading them down the steps as if to destruction, and tjiere is harm always comes of it. If Miss Lucy should have felt the Cold Hand of Morebeck, for so tbe country folk call it, sir, saving your presence!” What could I say? What could I think, except that “there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy?” We buried my child aud Morbeck went to a distant cousin. As for Pfugh Nelson, he went abroad for a year or two, anil then came back and married a good, hon est girl with a decent dowry, as behoved the transmitter of an old name. But though he was a good and tender hus band, ami a wise aud gentle father, 1 know full well that his young heart with all its store of love, was buried in the same grave ryith Lucy Gedge. So now, my hoy, you will laugh at me, I daresay, for you wise young fellows do laugh at all that you cgll superstition, but it gives me a shudder ,stiil when 1 think of that winter night when my child grasped the cold hand of Morbeck-—The Pen. Colquitt vs. Norwood. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: With your kind permission, a Democrat who has “no axe to grind” proposes to write a few notes on the situation, ad dressed to your readers in general and the voters of Bibb county especially.' I shall set down naught in malice; for this is truly tbe time foretold in Scripture when “a man’s foes shall be'those of his own household.” The fact that tliis di vision is not only in the same party, but that it actually extends to the relation of father and son, brother and brother, should temper the zeal of partisanship. The prophecy, referred to. goes on to state that there shall be variance between men and their motliers-in-Iaw. Even this has been realized; aud I concede that the motliers-iu-law are solid for Norwood and reform. ^ There are a great many cautious, sober thinking meu in Bibb county who, recog nizing the suddenness with which this is sue was forced upon them, the necessity of time to get .the proof of campaign charges, and especially their lack of infor mation about the record and the claims of this new Colossus tbat now bestrides the Stale, have felt it proper to defer their judgment in this matter. With due respect to all parties, Ijespect- fully submit that their course is the' wisest and fairest tbat has beeu adopted. Was it just to Colquitt, after Ills enemies had had years for the manufacture and trum peting of charges against his record, to go. over to Norwood without a moment’s in spection °f Bi 8 record? When we have beeu promised the aid .to our decisions which may come from a public joint dis cussion— is it right to look forward to tbat occasion solely as a scene when eager par tisans. will “whoop up” their respective leaders, independently of the results of tbe discussion ? Macon’s conservatism lias been used as her reproach. Let it it also be her glory, when conservatism is meritorious. But undoubtedly many havehastily de clared themselves for Norwood. The convention had no sooner adjourned than Mr. Samuel H. Jemison hurried to Ma con and opened the campaign with artil lery. Although it was damaging to the candidate of my choice, -the strategic promptness with which he organized the Norwood clubs, compels my reluctant ad miration. No oue can divide with Mr. Jemison the credit of the Norwood boom. But is the great issue of State politics to have a trial by powder, or a trial by sober public opinion? Is it to be au ar gument of noise? Can tbe people of Macon, “where confidence is a plant of slow growth,” be hurried into unwise en thusiasm by methods such as these ? No-Axe. The Pressure on Turkey. Constantinople, September 2,—Jt is asserted tbat the powers only agreed to’ the naval demonstration as a method of moral persuasion, and that they do not intend to land troops or’employ any other form of coercion. It is said that England and Russia have instructed their commauders to' endeavor to treat with the Albanian chiefs. Austria, however, objects to this course. The Porte has vainly endeavored to gain Austria's good offlres on the Greek question. What degreo of “moral suasion•’ (which is, we suppose, a diplomatic phrase for intimidation) is to be found in a dis play of naval force which is clearly un stood and agreed not to be used, tt is hard to understand. Such a movement finds its best explanation, perhaps, in the hope that in the chapter of accidents something may occur to develop a line' of policy; aud the “powers” are now wholly unable to agree upon any course of procedure. Immigrants continue to at rive at New York in large numbeis almost daily, and the increase of this kind of travel has been sucb that tbe Hamburg-Ameri- can Packet Company have put five extra steamers on their line. It is stated that most of the immigrants now arriving have friends in the West, who during the spring and summer sent them the passage tickets on which they now come. The most of them g<$ direct to Minnesota, Iowa, Ne braska, Kansas and Wisconsin to work on farms'or In shops. Thomasville Times: Let it be borne in miml by the people of Georgia tbat Mr. Norwood is careful to state, in arraigning Governor Colquitt, that he makes hi* charges upon the basis of rumor. Is Governor Colquitt to be condemned and made infamous upon minor? Mr. Nor wood ought to vouch for the charges, or cease using them. | •' . Vv. .ft i ' • — ' ’ OR r* Medicine, Tats is 1 — r- A SECRET “OF OUR OWN And i« Fro»ed by thj Efficacy of Our Medicine over all others. ” J. H. ZEILIN & CO. We call attention to the Legal Decisions sus* ttsmnr oar position as entitled to tbe iwneflt ct all reputation aeqairtd bjr Simmons Livtr Regu lator or Medicine, ami roler you to tho nostra- oentoneof June. is«0,at St. Louis, again sus taining our T. ade-marl cn ccmmon equity law. It cannot be otherwise than understood that to itsi superiority, genuineness usd onr exertion tbu iredieine has become renowned and of wide reputation: (or bad we not made it a success the prwticnl articles would nerer ta»e been heard of or born. The trade bas been built npbyourla- rstr. onr money, our capital and brains, and we make tai Pu est and Best Liver Medicine XNT3E WORLD. Trade mark sustained st8t. Ltuis. Eastern District of Mi eouri rs. Junes, 18S0. Eastern District al Tencesse*. 4th day ot De cember, 1878. Commonwealth of Kentucky, tlth day of De cember, 1875. Loui-rillo Chancery. Court. For the City and County ot Philadelphia. Sep tember Term, 1673. superior court. Chambers, Macon, Ga. July 21.1S70. The Courts - ordered, adjadgrd and decreed that the dtfendams. and eaca of them be and hereby are perpetually rest-ained and enjoined from making, vending, using o r exposing to sale either by themsetrVs. their arents. or seirants, auy article of Liver Medicine haring thereon the said labels or wrappers and from usn r ihe w-rds ’Ur. A. Q--Simmons J ir^r Me 'icine.” or ot “Dr. Simmons Lirer Regulator or Medicine,” and from Using the name or word "Simmons” asap- plied to a Lirer Med cine, and from using tbe false and counterfeit tokens, labei.r or trade* marks. u BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES, COUNTER FEITS AND FRAUDS ON Simmons Liver Regulator. A New Plascue for the; Wheat Crop. The Bulletin says Russian newspapers call attention to the ravages inflicted in the southern provinces by the beetle called by naturalists Anisoplia Austriaca, and by the rural population of Kherson, Couzka. This insect first appeared in 18C5, in the Melitopol district, but there is nothing known as to how and whence it came, as it never had been heard of in any other part of Russia, ©r bordering countries. As many as ten bushels of tbe beetles have been collected from one acre of wheat. They fly from ear to ear, and do not quit the grain until it is destroyed. They are capable of making long flights from one government to another. Last summer a mass of these beetles Was dis covered in the sea near Ocbakoff; they were so thick that it was difficult to puli a boat through them. The British vice- consul at Nicolaieff reports that ufaless efficient measures are adopted, it is prob able that all agricultural Russia will eventually become-the prey of these in sects, causing privations hitlierto little unknown in tbe country. He considers tbat the subject demands tbe serious at tention of Europe, as Russia supplies so many countries with wheat, and. her mis fortune may raise the price of American, produce. The Kansas Democrats and “Wo man’s Rights.” — The Democrats of Kansas have nominated Miss Sarah A. Brown for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This is a new departure in poli*ics,especially fortlie Democrats, who have not heretofore favored “woman’s rights.” Miss Brown is at present super intendent of schools for Douglas county, and is credited with having accomplished a great deal more in tbat position than any of her male predecessors. The Dem ocratic leaders in Kausas express the opinion that Miss Brown’s nomination will strengthen their State ticket by drawing votes from the opposition. If this prediction, shall prove correct it will have the effect of popularizing the nomi nation of women for -office by parties seeking to overcome an opposition ma jority. It would appear that the Demo crats propose to enlist the fair sex in their cause as much as possible iu this cam paign. In a recent interview with a del egation of women suffragists General Hancock assured them that if elected President he would not veto any bills of Congress looking to the enfranchisement of women. Miss Brown, the Kansas nominee, is described by a prominent Democrat as “mighty brainy,” and it is a fact tbat none will dispute tbat there is plenty of room in political parties for ad ditional brains.—Washington Star. Cadet Whitaker.—This famous col ored We3t Pointer is enjoying his indefi nite leave of absence in New York at the home of a colored friend, Moses Weston. His mother, it is said,-wants him to enter the pulpit. —Of the campaign in Connecticut General W. B. Franklin says: *“Tlie en thusiasm for Hancock in Connecticut is- greater than I have ever known it to be. A* large majority of the men who served in tbe Union army are with us, and are forming themselves into veteran organiza tions. A vote was taken a few days ago in one ot onr State militia companies that w as encamped at Niantic, and forty-nine of the sixty members declared their in tention to vote for Hancock.” TUTT’S I GYPPTCK1G OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Eowclr, ctative, Ftir. in. the Head, sR& .mi ttl.- Irt/iA part, lV.a under too 8ha_ e.?rb!:d ', i -.1- noss after eatintr, wi:n a di'inclincasi t> exertion cf Louv rr uxind. .Iri-iULaLty cT temper, •s-ttt r reeTua e : i.!Knv.le- tr^stmadertv, Ue.riL-:-, L'ir- rmets, Muttons ■» at tJettrart, Let i bo lero the ejc/i, Yedow t-iir. li ed:c_o r.cnorrl'y © J'oeCessncta with fitful dreama, hi,,hl7 Colored L' It i'l-ESS'WALNINOS ALL' NILE£5ZD, szfitous cislaccs vmll soon bs civncro. TUTT’S PILL j arc cspc.-iiiDy mlaptt d to Mi b rSM-> one dose eflc**t» surb a rhu ai'lccUm: as Iu n^toiiLh thr nuttt-rtr, COW0TIPAY3ON. Only with WirtwtTity of th« licaiih be enjoy’ l> If i-o conmir*»: on i* i»f recent a * d<v*e t»t TITX’3 FI^LS Uill saflice, bun!*?: -s bccczic babiiu*', on® pXifboukl be tal.-cn i- ’ynlshr-EraduaJiy Ir.£ lh«fivqnec r 7 ft dw»eun*:l ure^u'.trdLily movement U obta ned, which will aoou fy.low. Dr. I. Cay Lewi*. i'lUton, Ark., rant 41 After a »»racti^ of S3 years* l ptoaoaat* TUTT’S PI I beet autMalioui* ever nuidc.” " Rev. F. R. Oaryood, New Vom, t “I have had Dyspepsia, Y.Vik St •-ninth and Nervousness. I iv.-rcr ptwl medic:::*? to do me po much good aa TUTT’S PI LLS. They &re as pood *» Otnrc 35 Murray Street, Now York* TUTT’S RATE DYE. UnxY Haxro* ITaiflOEM ch*n**d to * Gloss* Black by a »mjr'ie *p&b«Atoon cf J>te ^ U rn* nuts u Nstcral Color. •*« in*! ATit«nscm»!» “f nd is* so iiiinbWOT tit feprrnc by S>ru«sisU.« fM*nt tjreipmoa r«ctt|>tof J! •#nt lyetproraoa r«c»Jj«Lor 5. . 1 Office W) Murray St., New York*