Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, October 12, 1880, Image 7
the supreme court. Di-oMdim Rendered October 19.1980 Abridged for ffy IliU «t Harr.*'Attorneys at Late Macon, G-orgia .lertlf mt Iverson, trustee, et al., vs. Sauisbiuy, trustee, et »1. Equity, from Bibb. 1. It is too Ifcte, at the trial term of an equity cause, to move to dismiss the bill because there is a complete common law remedy. [a] Where the beneficiary of trust prop erty illegally sold, was* minor, and after attaining majority lie repudiated the sale »nd brought ejectment for the lot, a bill to enjoin the same claiming compensa tion for valuable improvements innocent ly placed thereon by the purchasers, would not be without equity. 2. Where a bill was brought to enjoin *u action of ejectment, it was too late to move to try both cases together after the -tinu'iiy ill tlie equity cause had closed aud the argument was about to begin. 3. Where, in an equity cause, questions were drawn up by counsel for complain ants, and read in the healing of opposing counsel it was not sufficient for tue latter to state generally that he objected to questions; lie should have specified.the grounds of objection;, and where ho agreed to state them in argument, but failed to do so, theobjoction; will not be considered here. 4. The verdict is not .contrary to the evidence. .... , 0. A chancellor at chambers lias juris diction, under section 4221 of code et seq., to order a-part of a trust estate to be sold to pay 8 debt which was an en cumbrance on tlie whole "estate, the et'dul qtiC trusts assuming thereto, and all parties in interest «*><* *ndbeing properly represented. * C. Although a purchaser irotti ft trustee may have had notice of tlie trust, yet it nd also had notice that hijjKautor^held. a claim which bound the. trust, estate, and receiveJ a deed from , tiio trtlllee, turner authority of tlie chancellor, conveying-a portion of the trust estate, he would stand, in equity, upon the same footing as a pur chaser without notice. 7. Beneficiaries of trust property sold under an invalid order of the chancellor, who for years have seen the purchasers erecting valuable improvements thereon without objection, are estopped from set- ing up title thereto. (a) Would a minor old enough to un derstand his rights be estopped by similar conduct? . .'ilnuj tbe amount claimed of them they woi_ be subrogated to all the rights of co plainants to administer the assets in"' 6. The refusal, to- decree in favor of creditors of the hank not before the court was proper. It would be in the power of tbe assignee to appropriate the Assets tc their debts under the provisions of .the- deed of assignment^ without decree. 6. The receiving paymeht of ‘ "SO per" cent, of complainants’ debts, aud tbe rati fication thereby of the deed of assign ment. did not impair their rights to seek satisfaction of their claims, thus reduced, by a legal cir equitably proceeding asainst the assets of the bank, or the stock holders. .. * ■ Until ft •>,;? vdbtt Macon and Western Railroad vs. Meador Bros. Trover, from Bibb. 1. On November 12 a railroad received , :i boxes of tobacco to l>e carried !rom Atlanta to Macon; they reached the latter place November 15, and under an igreement between the consignee and tbe rarricr it was set aside by tbe latter in its iepot to be sold and the proceeds to be ised to pay past due freights, it being tgreed that the balance, if any, should go ;o tlie consignee. He did not receive the joxes aud then turn them overi nor did lie assign the bill of lading, nor was the freight paid. On December 12th tlie con signors sought to stop the boxes In tran- iiu, ami, failing to obtain them on de- nand, sought to recover against the car rier: Held, that no actual delivery had taken dace so as to prevent a stoppage In tran- itu. 2. Can a carrier purchase the title of a lendee and set it up against the vendor’s glit of stoppage in transitu? Qutcre. [fronan vs. Roberts & Co. Appeal, from Bibb. 1. The special jury provided for the rial of appeal cases from justice courts, »y the act Of 1S78, is to be taken from the *nels of traverse jurors, and not from the pand jury. 2. While generally a party cannot di- ■ectlv impeach his own witness, yet he nav ’contradict liiui by proving the facts :o lie otherwise than as the witness has itated them. Gilbert vs. The State. Burglary, etc., from Bibb. “ 1. It is a general rule that a defendant rauuot be charged with separate and dis tinct offenses in the same indictment; but 'flenses which are of tbe same nature, and lifter only in degree, inay be joined in an ndictment. Fuither, there are some of fenses, though not of the same nature, which may" be incorporated in tbe same Indictment if they constitute tut one ransaction, but not otherwise. Of tin’s lass is larceny and burglary occurring to other. But even then the allegation is nore to fix and establish the burglary ban to charge the larceny. 2. If two distiuct oflenses are charged in lie same indictment, and no exception is aken thereto by demurrer, the defendant nay, nevertheless, demand that the state barges, tbe election mjiy be made when t is read; if the difference appears from lie evidence, the election may then be ade; but it must be called for before the lefcndani opens bis case. oss, administrator, vs. Worsham. Claim, horn Bibb. When in the bankrupt court an exemp- ou is granted by the judge or register, tch exemption is no more subject to levy nd sale than if it had been set apart by le ordinary having jurisdiction thereof. berry, sherifl", vs. Planters’ Warehouse Compauy et. al. Complaint, from Bibb. A sheriff brought suit against a ware- muse company and J-, alleging that he ras proceeding to sell property of the ompany under a mortgage fi. fa.; that J. iid it off, and was actually paying over lie money, when he was served with a emporary injunction, preventing the pay- ng over of the money and tbe execution if the deed; that tbe injunction wassubse- uenily made perpetual; that the decree ras so made without any charge of de- ault on his part, but for alleged miscon- luctofsaid J. at the sale; and that he' vas thereby prevented from receiving his fommissions, for which he bi ought this suit. By amendment it was alleged that '. and others held tbe fi. fa. as assignees; tint J. was one of tbe largest stockholders a the company, and bad appeared at the ale and forbidden it, thereby causing tbe roperty to bring less than its value; that * the instance of certain interested par tes, and hv 'tie consent oF J., a decree ras rendered setting aside the sale and njoining its consummation: Held, that a demur: er to the declaration ras properly sus.ained. Welller & Ellis vs. Johnston, .Claim, .from Bibb. Where defendant in fi. fa. executed a mortgage on three billiard tables to secure a bona fide indebtedness to claim ant, and prior to the rendition of the judgment in favor of the plaintiff, sur rendered tbe property in satisfaction oi the debt, the title passed, though the possession ot the property never changed, and though there was no written convey ance until after the judgment. The question of the.good faith of the transac tion was a matter for the determination pf the jury. - Get Out Doors. The • close confinement of alt factory work gives the operatives pallid faces, poor appetite, languid, miserable feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidney and urinary troubles, and all the physicians and medicine in the world cannot help them unless they get out of doors or use Hop Bitters, the purest and best remedy, especially for such cases, having abund ance of health, sunshine and rosy cheeks in them. They cost bnt a trifle.- See Another column,—Christian Recorder. ■ oil iir The Voltaic Belt Company, Marshall, Michigan, will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Bells to the afflicted upon thirty days trial. Speedy cures guaran teed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. »pS> A handsome lady entered a dry goods house and inquired for a “bow.” The polite clerk threw himself hack and re marked that he was at her service. “Yes, but I want a buflj not a green one,” was tbe reply. The young man went on measuring goods immediately. . HCLMAN ’S PAD Cures 0 Simply By itat Atom icine. fiXil tin TRADE MARK. Tite Only True Malarial Antidote Da, Holxai’s Pas if no gnest-woik remedy- no (eeblo imitative eipe-lment— r-o purloined otter inventor’. Mew: itii y GENUINE CURATIVE remedy that has an honestly ac quired right to use the ttt(«-»ori •■PAD" in con- rant ion with * treatment for chronic diseases of the Stomach Liverand Spleen. , By a recently perfected improvement, effected by the addition ot vegetable ingredients of ne«ly discovered remedial value and abs:rptive adapt ability, Dr. Holman ba* greatly increased the scope of the Fad’s uroiulncsj, and appreciably augmented its active curative power. This creat improvement giver HOLMAN’S PAD (with its adjuvant*) complete and unfailing control over the most persistent and unyield ing forms of Chronic Disease c( the Stomach and Liver.a* veil aa Malarial Blood-poisoning. HOLMAN’S PADS have cured, and are daily curing, diseases of so maty kinds, that tbe lift i, well nlch interminable. It includes Malarial Poison of ever; type, from Aching Bones and Lota Fevers to Chills and Dumb Ague ©TOW- A’;H Did* ASHA such as Dyspepsia, Indiges tion. Sour Stomach. Chronic Diarrhoea, Flatu lency Heartburn, etc . etc : LIVER "leUtt- IJKng. lik Biliousness Bilious Colic Danger, ous Fevers Sick Headache Pains in the Side- Si ions Fevers. Torpid Liver, etc.. etc. Well doss this mighty remely justify the eminent Professor 1 oomls* huh encomium : "It is nearer Panacea than acjth’ngln Medi cine P The success of Holman’s Pads hat implred im itafors who offrr Pad, similar in Form and Odor to tha genuine Hoi nan Pad. Beware of there bogus aud imitation Pads, gotten np only to sell on tha reputation of the GENUINE Holman Fad. Bach genuine Holman Pad bears the Private Bevenue Suren ot the HOLMAN PAD COMPA NY. with the above Trade-Mark, printed in green. FOE SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS Or sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of >2,00. holmjuT pad co„ P.O.Boi lll^MfWILLIAM ST., New York. ocl2Sdftodd*w8m t-neolnxtrm FOND’S EXTRACT. lect on which it will proceed. If the !n- licttueut shows the (inference in tlie Subdues Inflammation, I Ccntrols all Ilemor- Acute and Chronic. I rhage, venous and ns- | costs. INVALUABLE FOE CATARRH. HOARSENESS. RHEUM I- TI3M, NEURALGIA. ASTHMA. HEADACHE, SORB THROAT. TOOTHACHE. SORENESS, ULCERS, OLD SORES, etc. POUD’S EXTRACT and effectually arrests CATARRH | rapidly a _________ __ the irritation and disenargw from Catarrhal At No remedy aoi fections aa POND'S EXTRACT- OOUGHd, COLDS in the BEAD. -NASAL and THUOATDISCHARGES. INFLAMMATIONS and ACCUMULATIONS in the LUNGS, BYES, BARS and THROAT. RHEUMATISM. NEU RALGIA. etc., cannot tie cured so easily by any ether medicine. For sensitive and severe cases ofCATARRH u.eourCATaRRH CURS (He). In all cases uvea our NASAL SYRINGE f2Sc). Will be sent in lota tf £2 worth, on receipt of price. Iks a Abbot*.—'“Valuable and beneficial.* Hbtwood kxiih, M. D.. M. B. C. P„ of Eng land.—"1 have used it with marked benefit.' H.G. Pbbstob. M. D., Brooklyn, N.Y.- generally Artkcb Gcitnnss. H. D,. 9. R. 0. 8- of B: lauds—”!, have prescribed Pond’s Extract great success' CAUTION.—Pood’s Extract if »oI<t only in bottle* with tbe name blown in the glass. It it nctafe to use other articles with ocr di reetsens. Lnti.t an haring Porte's Extract. Re- 6»r fuse all imitation* and tubstitutof. ■ t&Onf BA* PMpUaA with History ot our PrepefnUGCS.sent FEES on application to POND'S EXTRACT CO*, No. U W. 14th Street. Now York. Bold hr all Druggists. unetvdeodawly Equi- Uessman et. al. vt• GronAti, et ax. ty, from Bibb. There must exist some special circam- mneos to authorize equitable interfer- mce in behalf of a creditor seeking to col lect hie debt, even though it be Injudg- Tierrt. Void transfers of property, void homesteads, etc., not being in the way of i judgment at law, do not constitute such >i*cial circumstances. The City Bank of Macon vs. Crousland et ■ al. Equity, from Bibb. ■l. Depositors in a bauk that has failed may proceed at law for the recovery of their debts under section 8307 et «eg of code, and thus enforce the ultimate lia bility clause of the charter as against tbe stockholders; or they may Seek fn aa equitable proceeding satisfaction omt of the assets legal or equitable, and also a decree against the bank for the full amount of their debts, as a baste for proceeding against the stockholders. 2. The failure of the bill to accomplish all of its purposes on aSoouirt tff the in sufficiency of evidence to sustain the alle gations as for Instance to secure tbe ap pointment of a receiver, or to annul the assignment, would not’deprive a court of equity of jurisdiction to decree what was proper in the case, as the amount of com plainants’ debts against the bank. 3. It is not apparent but that complain in'.?, under the provisions of the code, »uld have proceeded by petition or bill n equity to Obtalu' tbese judgments, and ^ -II the property of the bank has beeu ransferred to an assignee, aod could not •e the subject'of levy and sale, being quitable in its uature, the creditors had learly the right to obtain tbe decree in ids case, and when they seek to enforce lie same against the property of tlie stock holders their defenses are preserved as in s of illegality; and should they pay IRON SITTERS, A G rent Tonic. IRON BITTERS, A Bare Appetiser. IRON BITTERS, A Ccjrpl«r* 9tr«Bfth«Mr. (RON BITTERS, A V&luAbla Mftdieta*. IRON BETTERS, Sot Sold re ft Birmn. IRON BITTERS, For Drlinti 7« Highly recommended to the public for All dl»* eases requiring certain and efficient T&A’ICf especially In Mf# JbifiywiffMf »- rer*. W'ftut* j»efit«, JLomm ojT fUr+mmik. j£Slt I? Hue raw, rtv. It ea- iicbcs tha blood, sircngtbraa the moa- e.ea, and gives new Ilfs to the nerve* To tbs aeed, lodira. ai d dren requiring recuper ation. this valu .bis remedy can hot bo too highly recommended. it MvtalUce a charm on the dlgesti--e organs. A teaapoontul befbre meals will remove aU dyspeptic symptoms. .TRY IT# Sold by all Dniggitts, mBBOTifflar’fiOL BALTIMORE, Me. LAMAS, RANKIN ft LAMAS, J. Or. WEISZ, M- M JJROPBSBOB d organ piano, vtelia, guitar wild iuatnRjaBEiA*r mo,: X competition and lONOBOOOLLkGS. ^l(e only improvement ever made on the common Porous Plaster. Ove* ^,000 druggists have signed a paper stating that HENSON’S CAP- oauCj PL A.STJBK’f are superior to all other plasters. WKABURT A JOHNSON. Phavreaeauttos! Oteaciida. WewTork. CURE $1.25PSBBOTTLE. ; A positive remedy for all Kid ney, Liver and 1 Urinary Tronblea of bbth READ THE {RECORD: pad IMEENT LiYeH "It taved ury lift."—E. B. Lately. Selma, Ala- "It i, tha remedy that will cure the many di»- eatea peculiar to women.*'—Mother’s Magauot. “It has poised severe testa aod wen endorse ments (tom font of t* , e highcat medical talent in the country."—Few Yora Worrd. heretofore ‘‘No Remedy heretofore diteovered hr held (er one moment in comparison with it."—C. A.. Harvey, D. D„ Washington, B. 0. This great natural remedy is for •ale by all druggists in all parts of the world;. - The Only Vegetable Compound that acts erectly upon the Liver," andcuresLiver Complaints Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists Di gestion, Strengthens the System, Regulates the Bovvcls,Purifiesthe Blood. ABookscntfree. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway ,N.Y BOB SALS EV ALL DRUGGIST? vroric to r «tore brain nerve anu watte, u&o you *ro youn^ and nifflfrinftftom aaylndlscre? IT you ftre youn^ and niff£rin|M!rom nay indiscretion or dissipation; if yon arc iedjwc<! or sickle, old or yoon^, sufforlna* from poor health or Lm&uish- ing one. bod of dclmcaf, rely on Whoevoryou are, wherever you are, whenever you that your system needs clemming toninjr or r*. stimulating, without intoxicating, ‘ ' V(QV TOTmi U • cu are elmply weak and low vptrltwl.tryit! Buy It. ' Insist upon It. Yourdruiraist koCpdlt. - It may save year life. It hos ceved hedreds. Hop Couch Corv!» tkeswtet»t,ttfaUnl loot, Aik cL-Mrcn. The I lop Bod for Siomsob, LIvw sad Hide ;i,ii .n-.rlor to *11 others. Cures by absorption. It Is perfect. Atk Urrcptsts. D.LC. I,sr.absoluteaodirrestitabl.cirtf'r<Insilinet»,o:eof eptom, tobarco or □-treotiet. Abort soli by 4n>cg!(ts.llep Bitters Mfc., Co., Rocbc t sr, ft ."V! »M/V>JPV\XV\l/tM/V» IT>* —»/▼ Is the highest achievement in cereal productions, and renowned throngliout the world as the Standard Laundry Starch. In shape it presents huge dense Crystals ot wonderful whiteness and sweetness, freo from tlio faintest odor and ot Incomparable strength. - Its su periority and economy are tho result of experiment and improvement for thir ty-five years, and its popularity tlie re ward of this effort ot n lifetime. Royal Gloss Lump Starch is packed in hand some one-pound, three-pound, anti Ex pound cartoons, and for sale by Grocers every-whsre. Manufactured by ANDREW EMEHmCHtt. Cincinnati. Ohio. « With the Anti-Malaria. Chills rind Fever, Bji VMIlfcW pepalis. Liver Com plaints, Kidney A erections. Neural Rio, Constipation. Kick Head «ehp, Feninle Gomplnlnte, Bilious ness. Palpitation, nn;* nil Malarial Diseases without medicine. No Dos- mg—no inconvenience, ami a positive cute. Price, Including Bottle Anti-Malaria, $3X0. Sent by mall to any ,addrea3 Upon receipt of price. Principal Depot, 93 German St., Hal to., M4. Sold by Druggists generally. Buy none but FlaarK’» TPatcnt Liver and Stomach Pad, others are bulky bard end trouble ometowear. John Iko alls,.druggist, Wbolecalasnd Betal! Agent, corner Fourth and - Bibb Superior £oiart nsroTicBl’ Tb.s is Ute only Lottery sver yoted o*rby tbe people of a State, and under a ciedad- •ion of the U. B. Supreme Court at Waahicg- ton, is tbe on’y Legal Lottery now in tbe United State*, all other charter* having beep repealed or having no exir(enoe. a ert,ei«iiin opportunity to W1NAF5&TDNB. kIVfiNTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, ULA88 L. AT NEW ORLEANS, TUKhday.nov. »:*, leso-isstn siwnthiy urawtnc, ■ ■ . ra , Louisiana State Lottery Oompanv. test, will appsar on Monday morning next at 9 o'clock; 1 By order oi the Court, Novetrb:r7, It80. A.B ROSS.Clark. nov7-It It SOKGIA, BIBB BOUNTY .-Whereas A. P. Vf - Banders has made mpplicat on ler letters of AdmiDMtratirn on the estate of B. t), BUrins. late of said countydeceased. . . , These are therefore to cite and admonish all Persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Oitlmary of sai l county, on the Drat Monday in November next,to abew pause if anythey have wbv s iid application should not be granted to applieift. witness my band officially, November 6,1880. nov7td J. A. McMAN Uh. Ordinary. BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas R. K. VJ Nixon, administrator of tbe estate of Daniel Nixon, lateuf said county deceased, has made application for leavo to sell tho real estate be- lonalrg to the estate of said deceased. lhe-esre therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court oi Ordinary of said county, on the Drat Monday in L’ecen.b.-r next to show cause, if anythey have, why raid application should not be grad ed. , • Wi-lness my hand and official sis r store, November 6tb, 18)4. J. A. McMANUd, nt v7td Ordioary. / ' EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Notice is bare- v 1 by iriven to all perrons concerned that J J. McGinnis. late of said county deceu-'d departed this life intestate, and no person has applied for administration on tbe eststerf said J. J. McGin nis in said Mate, that administration will be vested ;n tbe Cl rk of tbe Superior Court or some mh- r fit and proper person aa tbe first Mends’- in December next, unless valid objection is made to Hs sppeintmeut. Witness my hand officially Noveml er 8. 1880. no»7td J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. /-ajslllMIA.iSlbB t OUNiY.—Wtu-reas D. L \JT Biid-ora. administrator of th i estate of K A. Cain, late of said county deceased, has made application for leave to sell tho reel estate be lonncg to said el ale for -ho purpose of paying debts aud a division oni ngtke heirs of said es tate. These are therefore to cite aod admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the four’ ot Ordinary of said ccunty on the first Monday in Novereb r next to show causr.if anythey lave, why said application should not be granbdto applicant. Witness my hand aod official signature Oct. 1390. octS-w4w* J. A. McEANTTS, Ordteuy. Established 1849 CHINA and GLASSWARE FRENCH, GEEMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY GOODS. FOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, GERMAN PORCELAIN^ PARIAN MARBLE, MAJOLICA AND - ART pottery. T. SCHULTZ as CO , No. 72 V eat Fourth St, Ciucinnati. Ohio. scgSwed Wm FOR 8AJLE. I OFFER for isle one ot the prettiest and beat little farm* there iv in middle Georgia. It consist* of about four hundred acres—two hun dred cleared and in good state cf cultivation. Tbe place has a good cottage of six rooms, four fire places and four closets. There are also on tbe place a framed smoke house, good barn, good garden and veil of splendid water convenient to dwelling. There are eight tenement houses on tbe place, and a portion ot them occupied by good tenants who wish to remain on the place next year. There is also on the place an e ght acre o chard of the finest fruit tree* in the South, consisting of apple*, peaches and peers. This place has a good store house with ' i ba* a rood More nouse two rooms and one fire plaee. Ever* boss*, including the dwelling, la comparatively nsw, having uCtP erected within tbe last ten year*. This place lie* about four and a half mile* south ct Haddock Station, M. and A. S. R, and te nearly bisected by tbe old Garrison road from Milledgeville to Macon. It la one of the healtbieat places in Georgia, and can be bought at reasonable figure a. For farther particulars apply to R. VALENTINE. Haddoek Station, ptfdiw* M, and A- R. R-, done* Co„ G> Meets the requiiements of the rational medical philosophy which at present pre vails. It te a perfectly pure vegetable remedy, embracing the three important properties of a preventive, a tonic, and an alterative. It fortifies the body against disease, invigorates and revitalizes the torpid stomach arid liver, and effects a most salutary change In the entire system, when in a morbid condition. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally. Represented by _ F s.FBSTT, 0oj7eod7 Atlanta. Go. House and Lot ior Sale. r OFFER my house and lot cn Orange street, s opposite the residence ot General Rolf safe. It can eaeilr be divided into two lots. ROBBUT E. PARK. —AT THE— Old Wooden Drug Corner. HUNT'S Hunt's V BELLE COLOGNE AND ALL KINDS OF Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, etc. Xa. W. HUNT COR. SECOND AND CHERRY STSL, MACON. GA. '‘This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State fox Kdacatocnal and (Thantable purposes, in 1888. tor the term cl twenty-five yean, to which contract the inviola ble faith pi the State ia pledged,wt irh pledge ira been renewed by an overwneiming popular vote » securing its franchise In-the new constitution anoptea Deocmbor t, .1879, with * Capital of *1.000,90#, to which it ha* since added m reserve fund of lUOdXW. ITS GRAND SINGLE MUM- BBRDRAWjnGS will monthly,on the seeendT lesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow- ing-Dbtribattoiu CAPITAL PRISE tlihOMl 100,000 TICKET8 AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF-TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRISES. 1 Capital Prm * $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize—.« — 8,060 t Prize, of ft.500 J,coo SPritaS cf 1,000...., 5M0 20? rises of * 600....„. M _..„„.1».000 100 Prizes of 100 ....10,000 *00 Prizes oi 80—10,000 500 Prize* of 20 10,000 lOOOPmtrSof lH— ,—,..10.000 9 Approximation Prizes of *300„ *700 9 Approximation Pruts of 20#..—1,806 9 Approximation Priteo of lN Hm , M 903 L867 Prise*, amounting to...„ _.„.*lie,406 paid.' Responitble corretpor ding ge-its wonted at all points, tj whom liberal oo peawtion wilt be paid. z Par further information, write clearly, riving fulladdresi. rend orders by exprtaa er Regis tered Letter or Honey Order by mail, ad dressed only t - H. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. or same person mt Wo 519 Broadway, New York.- A Hour Grand Extraordinary Drawings axe under the supervision and'mtnagement of Gene rals G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EAR LY ■ ' ; _ New Advertisements. To Advertisers, GEO. P. ROWELL A OO'B SELECT LIST 07 LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. An advertiser who trend* upwards of $5,000 a year, aod who inverted lees than $3(0 of it in tbi* List, writes s “Your Select Local List p»ii me better UstyMr THAN ALL THE OTHER ADVERTISING I DID.” IT IS NOT A CO-OPERATIVE LIST. IT IS NOT A CHEAP LI8T. IT ISA* HONEST UtT. The catalogue state* exactly what the paper* are. When the name of a paper i* printed in FUEL PACE TYPE it is in every Instance the BEST. When printed in CAPITALS it is the ONLY piper in the plaoe. Tbe list give* tbe population ot every town and the circulation o! every paper. The rater charged for ndvtrtLicg are barely ore-fiftl 1 ie publishers’ S' hedu'e The price for single State* rang, t fr m 82 to $8*8 The price fo-1 inch one month in the entire list is 8GZS. The regular rates of the Taper* for the »sm* spvesnd time sre $2 989.14 The Ii,t in clude* 9S2 newsptr] era of which 1ST are is sued DAILY and 70S WEEKLY. They ere located in 788 different cities and towns, of which 28 are state Capitals. SOS place* of orer ff.OOD population, and 468 County Seats. For copy of List mud other informs’io t address GEO. P. ROWELL a CO., lOS.rruie St.. New York. ’SVXTBI 2TBAXT ELASTIC TRUSS Has m Pod differing from all olbott, k cup ibftp*, with Sotf-Adraatiaf Boll In CEStar.ftdRptaitMlrtoRlI politicu cf Ibt body, whilo tbs FaJIfn tb# run pr«MM back tbo IntwHft—Jmsifts ipmosMoli wlxk tkft frftctr. With light (RMort tbs H«rnU W bold Mcuralw w and ft ndlcal can ecrtsln. it Is usj, 4onbto qj ch—f. Scatbyrnsll, CbtoUn frao. t EGGLESTON TRUSS CO., Chicago, IIL IM PRESENTS, bee. Fend sddrei. for particular*. F. TR1FET, 87 School Street, Bo*ton, Massacnu- setts. <fc 7 7 *y« T e^Ou??t d I I IP.0. VICAE1 and erpengt-s to . _ _tiit Free. Atidre* VICKERY, August a. M tod trim Miiiih o i Kestored. A victim of emlj iir orudenco, causing nervous debility, premature decay, etc., having tried in vain every known remedy, ha* discovered a iim- ple.ieeantofneif-cure.wi.ichtowilltend niB fcllo«r-»t fferers. AddreiB J. O. BBBVBS. 48 Cratham New York, ocmeoda^lv New Music Books. i Will remember our new "American CHOIHS Anthem Book” (Si.IS). by Johnson. - mftau ’’-—eollee it Tenney and Abbey: in escelltnc eollee ion of easy anthems. Also one thousand or more of separate Anthems, Glees, etc., costing about * to 10 et*. each. A groat eonreni-nce lor oeeosioi nl sing- ^S'eNBW CANTATA#.—Christmas (V.LFall Of Jerutalem (<1); Jotech’B Bondare and many others for winter practice of Choirs and hosieries. Send for lists. Tbe Best Instruction Books For Piano, Organ. Reed Organ, Cornet.and all Wind, bttfug aud Rent Instru ments. Fend (or our lull. 809 such bcoku are pahlished. _ . „ , .... .. **Urgaristsneed“Hsrmonle School* lorthe Organ, (-3). by Ciarke; also’ Clarke* Short Vol untaries,” (81.80). • B.tU’e'u 50 Piece*," ($t te) or “Organist’* Riliance.” by Thsjer, to Not. each, 23; completes*. _ „ #* Johnson’* New Method for Harmony, ($1), is easiest. ** Winner’* New Schools, (each 75a.) For all instrument*. C»pital cheap instructor*. **Clarke’s Reed Organ. Melodies, (-.*), are splendid. *»Tokethe Musical Record. (-2perjear) * Welcome Ooorus for High Schools. (*’.), Fong Belli for Common Scboels. to els. Any book mailed for the retail priro mentioned above. ,Liberal reduction fo: quantities. OLIVER DITS0N&C0.8 Boston. O. H. DTTFON A OO, 841 B’dwey WVT NOTICE—LEAF TO SELL LAND. EOBGIA, Jones County.—Four weeks arter tht G date i"iriU apply to t£e Court of Ordinary cf said county, for leave to tell all the reel estate belonging to Green B. Watts, deceased. Thu October 19,1M0. „ „ , . oct24-«4w* W. P. GLOVES, Adm'r. Agent* Wanted tor a Afiasr SELLIK O BCOK OF XH* AOS, AS, foundi|lo ns of Success. BUSINESS AND SG3IAL FoRM3. The law* of trade, legal forms, bow to transact bas nets, valuable table*, *oei*l etiquette, Par liamentary u*age,how toeonduet pabUebusl- uwr. ia ftet it te a complete Guide to Sueoesa for all date**. A naoemity. Addrere, for circulars and special terms.-. . . ANCHOR PUBLISHING 00. • cttdeofawtm Atlan fa Ca e hr » jNirc o MiTTsari orNT MERCHANTS, eJto 152 Second Street. L- vg) (Opp. Wfllinghom Wgrehouje) ^FFEB for sale a froth itock of Fresh Good* ■ Kxxotxr Thyself. 7J1H8 untold miseries that eat'Bian. „ 600' ’ «M Peed Oats. . . Butter. L*rij-FL,ur.Fugar, Ctffes. qrita, Mock erel,”Starch.' 8oLp: Tinrgar, Syrup, Mcluzcs. Craeken, Cheese, Picking Sardines, -Tobacco, ,*«»ra.etc»ctc.i oct*S-dra wSu* W-wlm =r^6th~ Popular Monthly Drawing of the Commonwealth lllstribu. • < ( don Co. ' 11 AT MCCAULEY’S THEATRE, In the Oltr of Louisville, wi TUESDAY NOV. SO h 1880. lhe*ednwinfsoconv ironthly under Moaai of Ml Act of tbe Gwporal Asaembly cf K«»- tucky. ancorporfttins the Newport Printing and Newrrsnertk)..anprovrd April 9,18:8. tft-Tfeisis a special Aotj and hat nev er been repealed. The United State* Circuit Court on March 81 rendered the following decisions: 1st—That the Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. Id—Its drawing* are f sir. The oooipeny bu now pn hand a isrgr reserve fund. Bead esref Uv the list of prize* for tbe NOVEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prise********"*** *“ —* ***—■-■*-r—.80,000 iWfthSSil 10 Prises 81.000 «ach 10JK0 A00-3 10,0C0 100.0C 10 Prises 500 cash 100 Pritss lfifiaachn—10.00C 900 Prizes 89 each 10,008 •09 Prise* 5eadhi.~rm.~rnZ 12.000 m000 Prize* It each. 1M0C 9Prizes 800oath, ap’rsximafnprise* R700 9Pn*e* 100each .do ■ do>' ' 1.8M* y Prases DW yob do do 'see WWWs*6 ' ' 6111,400 ^ Whole Tickets, *A Half Tickets, <L Id early life may be allevi » ed sn t curei. Those who doubt this amertion should para-hson the new m-dical work published by the PEA- BOUT MEDICAL 1N8TI. I'D IB. Boston, entitled THK KCIaNriR OF LIFE or, HELP PREHERVaTION. Bahanated vi tality. nervous and physical c< biiity. or Tttalitv impaired by the t-rrora of yonlhor to close or too dose spplicatioo to busin< s.-, may be raster ed aud manhood reaained. Two hundredth ea>-» m. revi«d and enlarged, just published. It is a standard! work, tbe test in tbs English language, written by s pbvsieian of great experience, to whom was awarded • gold and lewrlled medal by the Na tional Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and very expensive engraving*. Three hun dred pages, more than 60 valuable prescript‘on. for all forms of prevailing cir rase, the result ot many years ef extorsive and successful practice, either uneef which n worth ten times the prior ot tbe book. Bound in French doth, price only <1, sent by mail portpsid. Tbe Loudon Lantet says: "No person should be without this valuable book. The author is a Doble benefactor.'' An illustrated sample sen, to *11 on receipt t) 8 rests for postage. The author raters by permission to Hon F. A. Blg-KLL. M V. prosident ot the National Med ical Asscci.tion. Address Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 BulflDch fit, Boston; Mas*. The au thor may beoonsaltad on all diseases requiring skill and experience. dovM wlv HEAL THYSELF Best; and Cheapest ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Special inducements to BOUTS ERN SOLDIERS. Satisfaction given in a t cues. First premium »t Atlanta and Macon Georgia Fairs, 1879. Best of refer, enceslayout mate. Apply at onet for full information, pertal terms etc. Add,:** CHARLES M. EVkNF Maunfacturer tor U.B. Oove-em’-, IS S7 Tickets, <80. S3 Tickets, glee, 1 Money or Bank Draft m Letter, or tend NOTICE. Brewer’s Lung Restorer. Remit bv Express. rON’P FEND HY REGISTERED LETTS R OR POBT-OFPICE ORDER. Orders of £5 and upward, by Expres-, can be sent at our expense. • ■ ' R* M. BOARDMAN. Courter-Jonrn*] Building. Louisville Kantuekv, or 807 and309 Broadway. N. Y. ' ^Absorption (N ' atu ' r6,|1 way A Lung Diseases, Throat Diseases, Breathing Troubles It DRIVES INTO the system curative sg-icts and healing media re*. It DRAWfi FROM the diseased parts the poi sons that cause death. Thousand. Testify to its Virtues. Yon CsiBi Relieve! aDite 1 * Don't despair until you have tried this s -.n-ib’f Easily Applied and RADICALLY EFFBOTUi Fold by Druggists, or sent by moil on receipt price, 82. by “O11I5” Ludi PdiC on rbook ‘•Three Mil- WILLIAMS BLOG’, lioms a Tear.” Sentfroo, Detroit. Mtehi oct28eodawSm But Ade Andalld’setsm of <he Kidnejs, Bladder and Vritary Organs by wearing tbe Imurcved Fxce!slor Kid»ey Pad It u a U AfiVBL of HEALING and BELIEF. Simple, Sensibld, Direct* Painless, Powerful. T* CTTRU8 where all elre fail*. A UK9JfLATlON aid REVOLUriON in Medi- cme. Abicrption cr direct anpfication, as op posed to unsstisfaetory Intatnal meditiuet. Fend tor our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Bold by drusgist-i.or sent by mail, on receipt of price, SA Address oSMTJie “Only” Lung Pai Co. Genuine Kidney Pad. ask for it and take no other. Williams Block. Detroit. Mich iy Scholl, rx-cutor of Jacob Behalf deceased, repreti n’s to tha e urtin his petition duly filed and entered ttet he has fully administered the estate cf Jacob Ncball. This i', th-ref- >re, to ci e all persons concerned, legotoea heirs and crediters, to show cause, U any they can, why sold executor should not be disci arged from his said executorship, and re ceive I-tt-ra ot dumtsaion. at thecou’t ofor- dinary to bo opened on the firat Monday in Jan uary 188’, a d to bo in aesticn on the sixth day of said month Witnese my hand end official signature. I- A. M0MANU8, Ordinary. Oct S’. 1889.8m* McIntosh House* Indian Spring, Georgia B WTL’OLI 1BR. Pnorta. ° UMBRETHS* M eu get them djt m%iL sBESTinni sslool ■ caagett — .-j vm A MfeQpHTL— . _ , Jogue and Frioro. The IMOett aud moMexUnAMOrti Ormeenin gGNStPertuhA^k. DAVID LAND! an order from tha Court of Oidteory of Jones county, will be sold before the court boa' * door in tho town ot Clinton-, said bounty, on tbe first Tuesday in Decamrer next, within th* usual hours ot tale, the late fatnas H, Finney planta tion, containing eight ~ >n, containing eight hundred (800) acres, more less, situate Ml fnilaa east ot Cunton in said net county, near railrtwd station on m. «md A. Jones county, *0* R.R. BoMmanc THE BRIQBTWOOD. Her raw ot Ea>t Fourteenth *. atl Irate* Itaem eupueite Aoademy of Mu*te, N#w_ror*. Mast central location in tha city. - ‘ ‘Uai one bodr for distribution. Good loir land in a good state of cultivation, well Im; proved with plenty of water and timber tor all nhcdssary ^urpo-es, in e good locality and eon- Vetfieut to -arkot. Term. resh. H.J. FINNEY, lt»?.-8* Executors. Gray’s Specific Medicine. RmDEiOARK. THE greatTBADE tihflK. Ergliet rem edy. An on- failing trefor F eminal eok- n bm, Spermat- orrhea, fm port t»ncy. end all diseases that _ _ _ , M -iw so- — Before. Taking ouanee of “H After Takins abaw. as a less of memory, universal tesslSuoe wain in tbe honk, dimnjri of vision, pram at ore Sdacat et dtaany oiht. t Leases that lead to in sanity and consumption and a premature grave. Fait particulars fn our pamphlet, which wede- rtre to send Ire* by mail to* vary on*. TheBpa- Eear Eroaiway, an places ot amusemaut.ifllTare* storm, (wboleeal* ■nd retail), ears to Blighten acd Manhattan Beach. and all placas of summsr resort. Terms very rod orate. An axotetiucly retpas- taUs family hotel. ,. WOODiPr -ta. Retsr in Msooo brnermiarton to Emory J7te- shp, Esq.. firm ot Wteahip * Uallewaj: B. T. Colon, Bsqma. ineltun Stock, Detroit. Mich. Bote ia Maean and every where by all droagist*. ortf l dawly. For uiwbi LAMAR, RAFIls 8 LtXAR, Wlv ’ “ MvtTaSNK us srtiMun. wsdfteie Nteih )Ab O—WI-ift-ii s&rso&iG; THIS House it now open (or the reception'*! health and pleasure set-ken. RATES OF BOARD: Per day280 Week .....i... i,w 9 oo Month 80 -00 Excursion ticket* from Hscou to Sprinf. __ clndine railroad and stage tare and one week's board. 110.60. Ticket* good till November 1st. F*irst-cl»s* String Oroheetra engaged for the nelptf Vie would recommend to all who hare dis eased Lungs end Throat, th e sterling medic ne. Numbeii of Consumptives, even In the Jett stage* of this terrible disease where there was but a small portion cf the lung left, testify that they arrested tha disease by n fng only two'or three bottle* of Brewer's Lung Restorer. Their Physician pronounced them incurable and left them to pine away and die, and death w*ul(l have soon btea the result but tor tee timely me ot this article. He are well aware that we have a goo) deal to contend with in introducing thi- reroe y, a- there h»ve been so many worthle-s no-trnms sold hereto! te but we ore to fiim'y convinced that we hav now tlie long looked for Cure, that we are ready to s»y to all who h»re thn disease, that we firmly and eojacientioutlv believe fbst no matter how far gone they *>e, if they will u-e tbe medlcinoby tbe directions they wi_l lire lot g years aft rwards, living witnAiSes of the virtues of BREWER’S LUNG RESTORER, It has no equal in Bronchitis, Fore Throat, Ho-rseness, Shortness ol Brosth. influenza. Pstn fr Side. Clt-rsyman’s Sore Ihroat, Catarrh and other diseases of the Thro t and Lungs In Asthma, it gises almu-t instantaneous relief. It gives tone to the whole system and ereiy bott'e will >dd from five to ten pounds to Niy one’s weight if taken reaulsrly. An infant c- n take it without tho -lightest ini nr- and we would urge t an-nts to sire it in cases of Whooping Crush. Bsd Colds,and other disi uses ateie tucb a med icine is need -d. Unlike the greater portion of Cough Mtdicines. tbi- has not a particle ot mor phine or other opiates in it LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR. Certificates. Messrs. Lamar Rankin A Lamar-- Dear Sirs: I had b en troubled for a long time beiore using Brewer’s Lun'e Restorer, with something like Asthma, an-i after nsiag onlv two bottles of your medicine I breathed perfectly Lee and have felt no symptom of the disease sine*. I am conUdtnt your mediri-e cured me. and I cbeer’ulfv rcccm- mtnd it to ail who are suffering wi h Atthma. Yours trn’y. JOHN D. ROS8. Macon Georgia. b S §|J's> “ISXZZ m « jSBsgnJSsyi-SSISgg* ills Hi *< SalliS if gS in S-sSiflPlS gs 8r»s* c §3Es ai if fillip 1 nfl’ 8 - P? s* teBafc?!? NO 1 ICE Off AL’fLlOATiON FOB LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Ti >UR weekeafferdate and during the regu'- Jj far Nore-nher term of the Court o! Ordinary lar November term _ ■ ft lor Bibb eonn’y, application will be made to tbe ssid Co- rt cf Ordinary for Bibb renn’y, tor leave toteilall the iard- belonging to estate of John Lama*, late nf ssid > • uty • ece-sed, for tbe pur pose of distribution auong tha heirs of said ea- Ut8 ‘ M A RY LOUISA LAMAR. Alm’x estate of John Lamar, deceased. Oct 9,1880.octt-l-wSw LUDDEN & BATES SOUTHERN Music House. fl PIUM SAB1T CUBE dAwly B/ B. M. Woolley The Music House of the^South. Removal to Our MEW DOUBLE STORE. An llmmense Music Temple. sURE F OURE Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Brou- cnitis. Asthma. Consutuotion, And all Dieeaeec of THROAT and LUNGS. Put up in Quart-Size Bo’.tios for Fsmiiy Use our most prominent chemist. Prof. G. a. Aiftri- JV* jj phiraeo. w or tta Uhel of every battle- ft Ttviril ' h » pref-vsion that ® CKand Rf E w>ll afford the greatr-t relief tor Coughs Colds. Ir.fl-icrts. Brononitis. S" 1 '. w ?k Lunas, also Consumption, in tt»^ inrfpienta d ftdv«nend fttagee Beyer**©and Appetizer,It^makoe a deiuthtful tonic for fa • f»v use. I*-Ieisart ta take; if weak or debilitated, it give* tone, activ ity snd strength to the whole human f-snw. fCImitinn PON’! BE DSCBlVFPh 1 bjr "bprinciplcd dealers J- J-JK Jto palm off upon you Hock «rd Uvc) 1T..1WWI oorTOL KOOK ANDRYf?. )- r-which fa the only m erics’ed ozticle medo tiiel a Government Stamp cn J- LIWB1HOI ft XiKTiy, PfoprletofL HI Madison 8t, Chicago. fiSte4 sk your Druggist for it. •W-Ask yoar Grocer for it. Jt#ir Wine Merchant for it. eUhCbi dren, ask jour Mamma for it. Urnswfsti, Groetraand Wine Mer. enanta everywhere. rert'-wir $5,000,000; The American Shoe Tip Co. WARRANT THKIR A.S.T.CO. LACK I IP That is now so extensively worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAK AS LONG AS THE KETAi, ■Which was introduced by them, and by whri the above amonnt has been saved to pareu ts t» nually. 'This Black Tip will suve if ■ore, u besides being worn on tbe conig grades it is worn on Mae and costly she where the Metal Tip on account of its lod would noth# used. They all have our Trade Mark A. 8. T. Cf ■tamped on front of Tip. „ ASK FOR Parents should A8K FOR SHOES ••viib tl( BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on them when pnrehtsing for their children 'DEAF HEAR I Nerve* of it earl nr, hr »K />rdf Hfti7 OoBvmatl9i( Pub-j I Norreft of Steftrtoc. by iWwIiiW SrffrliP.eS iavpatioK, the F0LDYH8 OERTAFHCNE. Tork Herald, SrpL sS, Ac. Nmali hlie-Urrictll iftibe Pocket. Over 11*000 in me. fArreIH»».| tnied Pnuphltet, with lIuMdreolft oT TettireeaUhi 8 tram th* Ow bt every {tele—wflen !« y«Kr »vn ■ lelrbborteod—Sent Fm. 1H KMH A * »K VTA.: voi— ' * — IPHONE CO, 108 W.4tk Bt» CiRcinnfetLO. I CROCKETT’S Iron Works, MAC^V. GA. e At onr woiks oan u» aeon fbe beet EN GINE MADS for GINNING AND THRESH ING. We Kn. rsntee it to do all or tr.ore than the mat u’actt reie say iz will do. Wa build STATIONARY ENGINES From 8 to 60 Horse Power, There is no Ergine made superior to it. Kg we have teetiuioniaD to prove. We mans- tsotnre Saw and Grist Mills tbaf giro entire tatisfscVon. We keep for sale WATER WHEELS. HORSE POWERS, IMPROVED <VN GEAR. SUGAR MILL PANS AND EVAPORATOR*. And the B let Horizontal Sugar Mill nude. Also, ISON BAILING for cemete ries. eto. SHIFTING PULLEYS, and GEARING fora’l all kinds of toill work- in fact, we keep everything that is used about etesm or water power or' uiantatimi work. Oar COTTON PHKS8 is second ta none, being cheap, simple and durable. s« hundreds will attest Bend for cito dars en*’ prices before buying elaewbete. Adareee, jnljSl -ly E. OBGOSE1T & BOSd- -49th YEAR OF THE- Mcdical College of fcorgiai AUGUSTA T Hl a Inttiln'ion constitutes tho Medical De partment ot the State Unirereity, the Diplo ma* are a’gned bv its Chancellor. - The .region will corn-menoe oa the firat Kon- dsr of Nti'tmbci.snd will end cn tho first ot March following- Jtpplv foroircnlsr to secl9-w8t <-KG. W. Katies. TVan. stories Mg?, fronting on thro* streets and (lied from collar to toft with musical supplies. Noth ing to romper* with it m the southern 8t*tos._r Big Store. A Big Stock. - A Big Trade. AMD MOKE TO COME. Atlanta. Oa. Belli ble evi dence riven, and rr'trrnce to lured patient* acd i bysicians. Hand for my bock on tbsf habitant! it*core. FRMM. MILL ft FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS; BELTING, HOSE and PACKING; OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price-list W. H. DILLINGHAM ft CO., 143 Mala Street. LOUISVILLE, KY. Executor’&a le. W U L b* sold before the e urt hoo»e deer, in the town of Herrv. Meuaton county. G* or- t|a, within the k-g-l huar* ot sale, cn t»Lc fitst Tuesday In Droember. 1880. tbe fo>lowi r prop srtr, to-wit-. One thou land s-rc of land, morn or less, iu th* loonr otovsnth distiictcf Hi uston county, and knoon or tha J bn ft. Wimberly place. 8tld as th- p-optwtv of Skelton baptor deceased. Terms, cue-half cash, the other half pa) able in twelve month*. Boud* for titles given until pate for. novitd* JAMB B. KAFIKR,Executrix. Durirg tbe ten years since ourt itabli-hment of our house «e haue asreioprd tbe r usic trade of the tout a t8 s wonderful degree, bt.-.*•»• t «e have only begun. We ere. not ronny years ahead, a business of a million a y ear, and to take care ot this nanceus t r-de we have provided oar prea- ent mammoth warercoms. Pall trade 188 J will be immense. We are readv for it. For mouths our senior partner ha* been \t tbe Ncrtta eon- iraeMi g with Pisco and Organ manufacturers tor instruments. Hebsa concluded moat advan tageous contract* anti the Pianos and Organ- are •’coming, coming^’ 06.000 more, by every steam er. New fit rle*. New Pri e». New Terms, New Block. New Store. Nt w Departure. Special Offer, Fall 1830; MftwC**h Priori with Three Month* C.eilt *€R During ironlbRof VuRURt* % pter brr and Oo- toHer ire will »e I haemi ard «*r«ara at Lowaat Oa»b IVicuw, pryabl« $?5 Oa*h on a Piano or $10 i'asb • n an Orann. wHh tbe balance ia three ironlha, without'out. What Do Yoi} Sav thia Offer? Price Lists for Pall 1880. and p-epstu to he tetQB" shed LUDDEN & BATES, SVVlkNiH ”f*i WMUSAtE 'IAI0 AMD OBSAX DEALERS. / FOR-. A, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas 5 * Lieura. admini-tratnx < f the eslstor Lienre late ef said county jcceascd. lias application forleav-ito-e.t the realests’eit lon-iug to said estate for th < crprse of divisu; Tbrse are therefore to rote and admoni-h.! | persona concerned to be *cd appez- at tbelli • of Ordinari of raid coon y. outlie firat Moudi in November next, to show eau-e, if any; 11_ h-ve. why ssid spnliestion should not bo grants- YTitnrssmy band and official signature, Octt her 2,1890. rrtstd* J. A. McMANriS. Ordinary. A gent h and Canvaescrs Make from 825 to $60 per week telling • " “ a Co., r aoc ___ -i New York, 8end for tbr‘~ cstalegue and terms. USlt-alr G EUKGiv. Bi*>b Ocuntv.—riy viitus of ao or der from the Court ef Ordinary cf said coon- _ ty, will ne reld cn tbe first Tuesday in Do-em ber, 18t0. at ihe court house door in tbe city ot Msoon, in ssid county, between the lecsl boon of sale Ihe root f lands in said c< uni.v wireroon R. A. Cain resided at the time oi hi- i-tsth. con tain ng two hundred and thirty acre-, more cr lea*, being p-rta of lota numbers 211 and tit. ly • irg in Butland district in bcid county. Sold c« tbe prooorey of B A. Cain, isie of said county decease!, for the purpose ct a division ancon* the heirs at,d paying tbe di bta of said estate, novstd* D L KlRD-tONG. Adm’r. /~kRDlNARY'd Office, Jones County, Georgia, vl ftm# r ~ _ Morembor I, 1880.—^ht-reas Radtoid J. Turner applies tome for administration ones* tat*rf Mrs. SfarvN. Turner.decoased. These -re to cite aud odmonieh ail pt-isn’r* concerned to show cause at this office on erby tee first Monday in Decembe-. if any (bey leave why ad minis'ration shall not be grsn'ed lo ap- pVcant. Witnrs) my haul officially J norstd* ROI.eND T: ROBd. Ordinary, O RDINARY'S Office. Jorea County. Georgia, Aorember \. 1'8'i.—Whereas Andrew J. Stewrrt. administrafor of estate Joseph O. Bar bee e eoea»td, applies to me for disuiinimi from ssid a m i.i*lratien. Throe arelocite a< d sdmenishall persons con cerned to shsw cause at this Court, on the first Mot day in February next, if any they bare, why d smist on shall not be granted to i pplicant. Witness my hand t ffl-isllv, COV4* R’tLAND T. TfiSfi. Ordhmry. G BORGIA. Bbb County.—Wher* as A. B. Best, adm nlstrator of tbe estate of D. 8. Little, ia e ef said court; decerned. baa made app iestion for lease to sell anuudivided half in terest in about tbrse hundred acres of lsndan said conr 4y jast below the city of Moron, be’oog- in* to acid esta'e. _ _ Then are, therelore. te cite and admonish aa persons cor corned, to be snd appear wv tbe Coart of Ordinary of n-d county, wvrthe first Monday i i D-cemoernext, to show cause, (tarty they have, why tail application should set tie (ranted Witness my official signature Nov. S. WSfl. J. A, McMANUS, Ordinary. no»4‘d , BORGIA. Bibb Ocunty.—By virtue of as <sr- » der from thn Court of Ordinary of saidajaun- tv. will be s- id in the first Tuesday m Dewem* tier. 18 0, at thr court bouse door in th# city of M-oo-r in said county, b-f wcett tbe legal Vrevrsuf of silo that parcel of land situa’ed on Windsor Hill.Coontvof Be b, and State-aforesaid.or; slating of the i-a f of lot sfn. I, tarwit ■ Frrnrif on *Le Hoas'nn roar 215 f-e*. and ©ft tfeeivit i right riu'ta 1S> f« t. f-ortieg snaileySiisst.a on th-south WiStfi feat, anl on the west t >5 feet, said ot cuntainisg see acre, n-ore or last Also that rr perty oa corner o' Ffrzlea 11! i beau streets in the city of Maxm. lot 8. sqa i 47, coutsinlngtbroe dwelling kd-a-ec msasui o« C-.lkoon street 2 # feet and on H-zeCr: 118 f et. Bold as th© property oi J ,ha -iea late of said ©ouuty tieecosed, lor tha a-irposor' dvrsitm among khe heirs ft said -ft*.*-. n“-4td H A lilFURB. A d wimFWtns- 135 A MONTH A-VJJ KXPENSKc to Agents. Bend stamp tow terms • d.cTi'oeiBU A Co. Cincinnati.O 1 T don 8. v betuas bas applied to raeiortii- -Btli’i; -part * Ho Mtaad ol real aid r—tonal (, ri'1-rtv and ilic valuation of the same. I vtU pi-ss nnoueaid application OB Thursday th© 4th ©sy »,/ November 1*80, at 10 o'clock a-ir- This Oetntmr >A HIM. 00448 td -J- A. McMAAUfi, Ordinary. 4,) itti 0 Jsi r -- tenen rema