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ffiewa in Owtriw B«c<»fc«r fc
Fellow-Citizen* of the Senate and House
X>f Representatives: I congratulate you on
the continued and increasing prosperity of
our ccuntrv. By the favor of Divine
Providence we bare been blessed, during
tbe past year, with health, with abundant
harvests, with profitable employment for
all our people, and with contentment at
at home, and with peace and friendship
with other nations.
The occurrence of tbe twenty-fourth
election of chief magistrate has afforded
another opportunity to tbe people of the
United States to exhibit to the world a
significant example of the peaceful and
safe transmission of the power and au
thority of government from the public ser
vants wheae terms of office are about to
expire, to their newly-chosen successors.
This example cannot fail to impress, pro
foundly thoughtful people of other coun
tries witli the advantages which republi
can institutions afford. The Immediate,
general, and cheerful acquiescence of all
good citizens, in the result of the election,
gives gratifying assurance to our country,
and to its friends throughout tho world,
that a government based on the free con
sent of an intelligent and patriotic people
possesses elements of strength, stability
and permanency not found m any other
form of government.
Continued opposition to the fall and
(toe enjoyment of t^e rights of citizenship,
conferred upon the colored people by the
recent amendments to the constitution,
still prevails in several of the late slave-
holding States. It has, perliaps, not been
manifested in the recent election to an;
latge extent in acts of violence or iutimi
dation. It lias, however, trt- fraudulent
practices in connection with tbe ballots,
with tbe regulations as to the places and
manuer of voting, and with counting, re
turning, and canvassing the voles cast,
been successial in defeating the exercise
of tbe right preservative of all rights, the
right] of suffrage, which the constitu
tion expressly confers upon oureafnn
cliiscd citizens.
It Is the desire of the good people of the
whole country that sectionalism as a fac
tor in our politics should disappear. They
prefer that no section of the country
should be united in solid opposition to any
other section. The disposition to re
fuse a prompt and hearty obedience to
the equal-rights amendments to the con
stitution, is all that now stands in the way
of a complete obliteration of sectional
lines in our political contests. As long as
either of these amendments is flagrautlv
violated or disregarded, it is safe to as
sume that tbe people who placed them to
tbe constitution, as embodying tbe legiti
mate results of tbe war for tbe Union, and
who believe them to be wise and neces-
ment of the right, by every American citi
zen who has the requisite qualifications,
to freely cast Ids vote and to have it hon
estly counted. With this question rightly
settled, tho country will be relieved of tbe
contentions of the past; bygones will in
deed be bygones; and political and part y
issues with respect to economy and effi
ciency of administration, internal im
provements, tbe tariff, domestic taxation,
education, finance, and other important
subjects, will then receive their full share
of attention; bu'. resistance to and nullifi
cation of the results of tbe war will unite
together in resolute purpose for their sup
port all who maintain the authority of tlie
government and the perpetuity of the
Union, and who adequately appreciate the
value of the victoiy achieved. This de
termination proceeds from no hostile sen
timent or feeling to any part of the people
•of our country, or to any of their inter
ests. The inviolability of the amendments
rests upon the fundamental principle of
onr government. They are the solemn
expression of tho will of tbe people ol the
United Slates.
The sentiment that the constitutional
rights of all our citizens must be main
tained, docs not grow weaker. It will
continue to control the government of the
couutry. Happily, the history of tlie late
election shows that in many parts of tlie
country where opposition to the fitteenth
amendment has heretofore prevailed, it is
diminishing, and is likely to cease alto
gether, if firm and well-considered action
is taken by Congress. I trust the Uouse
of Representatives and the Senate, which
have the right to judge of the elections, re
turns, ana qualifications of their own
members, will see to it that every case ot
violation of the letter or spirit of the fif
teenth amendment is thoroughly investi-
K teJ, and that no benefit from sucb vio-
ion shall accrue to any person or party.
It will be the duty of the executive, with
sufficient appropriations for the purpose,
to prosecute unsparingly ail who nave
been engaged in depriving citizens of
the rights guaranteed to them by the con
It is not, however, to be forgotten that
the best and surest guarantee of the pri-
snaiy rights of citizenship is to be found
in that capacity for self-protection which
can only belong to a people whose right to
universal suffrage is supported by univer
sal education. The means at tbe com
mand of the local and State authorities
are, in many cases, wholly inadequate to
furnish free instruction to all who need it.
This is especially true where, before
emancipation, the education ot the people
was neglected or prevented In the Interest
of slavery. Firmly convinced that the
subject of popular education deserves the
earnest attention of tho people of tlie
whole country, with a view to wise and
comprehensive action by the govemmeut
or the United States, I respectfully recom
mend that Congress, by soluble legisla
tion aud with proper safeguards, supple
ment the local educational funds In the
several States where tlie grave duties and
responsibilities of citizenship have been
devolved on uneducated people, by devoting
to tlie purpose grants of the public lauds,
and, if necessary, by appropriations from
tlie treasury of the United States. \\ bat-
ever government can fairly do to promote
free popular education ought to be done.
Wherever general educa ion is found,
peace, virtue and social order prevail, and
civil and religious liberty are secure.
Id my former annual messages, I nave
asked the attention of Congress to the
urgent necessity of a reformation of the
civil-service system of the govern menu My
views concerning tho dangers of patron-
age. or appointments for personal or parti-
sau considerations, have been strength
ened by my observation «nd oxperionoc
In the executive office, and
I believe these dangers threaten
the stability of the government. Abuses
so serions In their nature cannot be per-
manenlly toferated. They tend to be
come more alarming with the enlarge
ment of administrative service, as the
growth of the country In population In
creases the number of officers and place
men employed.
The reasons are Imperative for the
adoption of fixed rules lor the regulation
of appointments, promotions, and re
movals, establishing a uniform method,
having exclusively in view, in every in
stance, UieJaUaiument of the best qualifi
cations for the position in question. Such
a method alone is consistent with the
equal rights of all citizens, and the most
economical and efficient administration of
'the public business.
Competitive examination, In aid of im-
' partial appointments and promotions,
nave been conducted for some years past
and by my direction this system lias beenl
adopted in the custom houses and post-
offices of the larger cities of the country.
In the city ot New York over two
thousand positions in the civil service
have been subject, in their appointments
and tenure of place,to tlie operation ofpub-
lished rules for this purpose, daring tlie
past two years. The results of these prac
tical trials have been very satisfactory,
and have confirmed ray opinion in favor
of this system of selection. All are sub
jected to the same tests, and the result is
free from prejudice by personal favor or
partisan influence. It secures for tbe posi
tion applied lor the best qualifications at
tainable among the competing applicants.
It is an effectual protection from the
pressure of importunity which, under any
other course pursued, largely exacts the
time and alteutionof appointing officers to
their great detriment in the discharge of
other official duties, preventing the abuse
of the service for the mere furtherance of
private or party purposes, and leaving the
employe of the government, freed from tlie
obligations imposed by patronage, to de
pend solely npon merit for retention and
advancement, and with this constant in
centive to exertion and improvement.
These invaluable results have been
attained in a high degree in the offices
where the rules for appointment by com
petitive examination have been applied.
A method which has so approved itself
by experimental tests at points where such
tests map ue fairly considered conclusive,
should be extended to all subordinate
positions under tbe government. I believe
that astrongand growing publicsentimeut
demands immediate measures for securing
and enforcing the highest possible efficacy
in tlie civil service, and its protection from
recognized abuses, and that the experience
referred to has demonstrated the feasibility
of such measures.
Tbe examinations in the custom-houses
and post-offices have been held under
many embarrassments and without pro
visions for compensation for tbe extra la
bor performed by tbe Officers who have
conducted them, and whose commenda
ble interest in the improvement of public
service has induced thif devotion of time
and labor without pecuniary reward. A
continuance of these labors gratuitously
ought not to be expected, ana without aa
appropriation by Congress for compensa
tion, it is not practicable to extend the
system of examinations generally through
out the civil service. It is also highly im
portant that all such examinations should
be conducted upon a uniform system and
under general supervision. Section 1753
of tlie revised statutes authorizes the Pres
ident to prescribe tbe regulations for ad
mission to the civil service of the United
Stales, and for this purpose employ sala
ble persons to conduct the requisite in
quiries with reference to “the fitness of
eacli candidate, in respect to age, health,
character, knowledge and ability, for the
branch of service into which he seeks to
enter;” but tbe law is practically inopera
tive for want of tbe requisite appro
1 therefore recommend an appropria
tion of $25,000 per annum to meet tlie
expenses of a commission, to be appoint
ed by tho President In accordance with
tbe terms of tills -section, whose duty it
shall be to devise a just, uniform, and ef
ficient system of competitive examina
tions, and to supervise the application of
the same throughout the entire civil ser
vice of tlie government. I am persuaded
that the facilities which sucii a commis
sion will afford for testing the fitness of
those who apply for offlea will not only be
as welcome a relief to members of Con-
ress as it will be to the President and
leads of departments, but that it will also
greatly tend to remove the causes of em
barrassment which now inev.tably and
constantly attend the conflicting claims of
patronage between tbe legislative and ex
ecutive departments. The most effectual
check upon tlie pernicious competition of
influence and official favoritism, in the
bestowal of office, will be tbe substitution
of an open competition of merit between
the applicants, in which every one can
make his own record with the assurance
that his success will depend upon this
I also recommend such legislation as,
while leaving every officer as free as any
other citizen to express his political opin
ions, and to use bis means for their ad
vancement, shall also enable him to feel
as safe as any private citizen in refusing
ail demands upon bis salary for political
purposes. A law which should thus guar
antee true liberty and justice to all who
are engaged in the public service, and
likewise contain stringent provisions
against the use of official authority to
coerce the political action of private citi
zens or of official subordinates, is greatly
to be desired.
Tlie most serious obstacle, however, to
an improvement of tbe ciyil service, and
especially to a reform In tbe method of
appointment and removal, has been
found to be the practice, under wliat is
known as the spoils system, by which the
appointing power has been so largely en
croached upon by members of Congress.
Tlie first step in the reform of tbe civil
service must be a complete divorce be
tween Congress and the executive in the
matter of appointments. The corrupting
doctrine that “to the victors belong the
spoils,” i> inseparable from Congressional
patronage as the established rule and
tives and Senators are entitled to disburse
the patronage of their respective districts
and States. It is not necessary to recite
at length tho evils resulting from this in
vasion of the executive functions. The
true principles of government on tbe
subject of appointments to office, as
stated m tlie national conventions
of the leading parties of 'tlio coun
try, have again and again been ap
proved by tho American people, and have
not been called in question in any quar
ter. These authentic expressions of pub
lic opinion, upon this all-important sub
ject, are the statement of principles that
belong to the constitutional structure of
the government.
“Under the constitution, tlie President
ami heads of departments are to make
nominations for office. Tho Senate is to
advise and c >nsent to appointments, and
tlie Uouse of Representatives is to accuse
and prosecHte faithless officers. The best
interest of the public service demands that
these distinctions be respected; that Sena
tors and Representatives, who may be
judges and accusers, should not dictate
appointments to office.” To this end the
co-operation of the legislative department
of tbo government is required, alike by
tlie necessities of tbe case and by public
opinion. Members of Congress will not
be relieved from the demands made upon
them with reference to appointments to
office until, by legislative enactment, the
pernicious practice is condemned and for
bidden. .
It is therefore recommended that an act
be passed defining the relations of mem
bers of Congress with respect to appoint
ment to office bythe President,and I also
recommend that tlie provisions of section
1767, and of the sections following, of the
revised statutes, comprising tlie tenuro-
of-office act, oi March 2, 1867, be re-
lie vine that to reform the system and
methods or the civil service in our country
is one of tbe highest and most imperative
duties of statesmanship, aud that It can
be permanently done only by the co
commend the whole subject to your con
siderate attention.
It is tbe recognized doty and purpose of
tbe people of the United States to sup-
presi polygamy where it now exists in
our Territories, and to prevent its exten
sion. Faithful and zealous efforts have
been made by the United .Slates authori
ties in Utah to enforce the laws against
it. Experience has shown that the legis
lation upon tills subject, to be effective,
requires extensive modification and
amendment. The longer action is de
layed, the more difficult it will be to ac
complish what is desired. Frompt and
decided measures are necessary. The
Mormon sectarian organization which up
holds polygamy has the whole power of
making and executing the local legisla
tion of the Territory. By its control of
the grand and petit juries, it possesses
large influence over tho administration of
justice. Exercising, as tlie heads of this
sect do, the local political power of the
Territory, they are able to make ef
fective their hostility to tho law of Con
gress on the subject of polygamy, and,
In fact do prevent its enforcement. Poly
gamy will not be abolished if the enforce
ment of the law depends on those who
practice and uphold the crime. It can
only he supptessed by takingaway tho po
litical power of the sect which encourages
and sustains it. The power of Confess
to enact suitable laws to protect the Ter
ritories is ample. It is not a care for half
way measures. The political power of the
Mormon sect is increasing; it controls now
one of our wealthiest aud most populous
Territories. It is extending steadily into
other Territories. Wherever it goes it es
tablishes polygamy and sectarian political
power. Tlie sanctity of marriage and the
family relation are the corner-stone of our
American society and civilization. Re
ligious liberty aud the separation of
Church and state are among the elemen
tal* ideasof free institutions. To re-es
tablish the interests and principles which
polygamy and Mormonism have imper-
illed, and to' fully rcopeu to intelligent
aud virtuous immigrants of all creeds that
part of our domain which has been, in a
great degree, closed to general immigra
tion by intolerant and immoral institu
tions, it is recommended that tlie govern
ment of the Territory of Utah be reorgan
I recommend that Congress provide for
the government of Utah by a governor
aud judges, or commissioners, appointed
by tbe President and confirmed by the
Senate, a government analogous to the
provisional government established for
tlie Territory northwest of the .Ohio, by
the ordinance of 1787. If, however, it is
deemed best to continue the existing form
of local government, I recommend that
tlie right to vote, hold office, and alt on
juries in the Territory of Utah be confined
to those who neither practice nor uphold
polygamy. If thorough measures are
adopted, it is believed that within a few
years tbe evils which now afflict Utah
will be eradicated, and that this Territory
will in good time become one of the most
prosperous and attractive of the new
States of the Union
Our relations with all foreign countries
have been those of undisturbed peace, and
have presented no occasion tor concern as
to tbelr continued maintenance.
My anticipation ot an early reply from
the British government to the demand of
indemnity to our fishermen for the inju
ries suffered by that industry at Fortune
Bay in January, 1878, which I expressed
in ray last annual message, was disap
pointed. This answer was received only
in tbe latter part of April in tbe present
year, and, when received, exhibited a fail
ure of accord between the two govern
ments »3 to the measure of tbe inshore-
of this great success cannot bet b6 advan
tageous to this important and growing in
dustry., There have been some questions
led bef
fishing privilege secured to our fishermen
by the Treaty of Washington, of so seri
ous a character that I made it the
subject of a communication to Congress,
in which I recommended the adoption of
tbe measures which seemed to be proper
to be taken by this government in main
tenance of the rights accorded to our fish
ermen under tbe treaty, aud toward se
curing an indemnity for the injury these
interests had suffered. A bill to carry
out these recommendations was under
consideration by the House of Represen
tatives at the time of the adjournment of
Congress in June last.
Within a few weeks I received a com-
raunication from her Majesty’s govern-
men, renewing tho consideration of the
subject,both of the indemnity for injuries at
FortuneBay.a&d oftbe interpretation of the
treatyin which tlie previous correspondence
had shown the two governments to be at
variance. Upon both these topics the dis
position towards a friendly agreement is
manifested by a recognition of our right
to an indemnity for tbe transaction at
Fortune Bay, leaving the measure of auch
indemnity to further conference, and by
an assent to the view of this government,
presented in the previous correspondence,
that the regulation of conflicting interests
of tho shore fishery of the provincial sea-
coasts, aud tbe vessel fishery of our fisher
men, should be made the subject of con
ference and concurrent- arrangement be
tween the two governments.
A sincerely hope that the basis may be
found for a speedy adjustment of tbe very
serious divergence of views in the inter
pretation of the fisheiy clauses of tbe
treaty of Washington, which, as the cor
respondence between tbe two govern
ments stood at tbe close of tbe last ses
sion of Congress, seemed to be irreconcil
In the important exhibition of arts and
industries, which was held last year at
Sydney, New South Wales, as well as
in that now in progress at Melbourne, tbe
United States have been efficiently and
honorably represented. The exhibitors
from this conntry at the former place re
ceived a large uumberof awards in some
of tbe most considerable departments, and
the participation of the United States was
recognized by a special mark of distinc
tion. In tlie exhibition at Melbourne the
share taken by our country is no less no
table, and an equal degree of success is
confidently expected.
Tbe state of peace and tranquillity now
enjoyed by all the nations of the continent
of Europe lias its favorable influence upon
our diplomatic aud commercial
relations with them. We have
concluded and ratified a convention
with the French Republic for
tlie settlement ot claims of the citizens of
either country against "the other. Under
this convention a commission, presided
over by a distinguished publicist, appoint
ed, in pursuance of tlie request of both na
tion?, by bis Majesty the Emperor of Bra
zil, has been organized and has begun its
sessions in this city. A congress to con
sider means for the protection of industrial
roperty lias recently been in session in
’arts, to which I have appointed the min
isters of the United States in France and
in Belgium as delegates. The interna
tional commission upon weights and
measures also contiuues its work in Paris.
I invite yonr attention to the necessity of
an appropriation to be made in time to
enable this government to comply with
its obligations under the Metrical Conven
Our friendly relations with the German
Empire continue without interruption. At
the recent international exhibition of fisb
and fisheries at Berlin, the participation of
the United Elates, notwithstanding tlie
haste with which the commission was
forced to make its preparations, was ex
tremely successful and meritorious, win
ning for private exhibitors numerous
awards ofa high class, and for tbe country
rincipalpi ■ “ ‘
raised between the two governments as to
tlie proper effect and inte.-pretation of our
treaties of naturalization, but recent dis
patches from our. minister at Berlin show
that favorablo progress is making toward
an understanding, in accordance with tlie
views of this government, which makes and
admits no distinction whatever between
the rights of a native and a naturalized
citizen of the United States. In practice,
tbe complaints of molestation suffered by
naturalized citizens abroad have never
been fewer than at present.
There is nothing of importance to note
in our unbroken friendly relations with
the governments of Austria-Hungary, Rus
sia, Portugal, Sweden and Norway, Switz-
land, Turkey and Greece.
During the last summer several vessels
belonging to the merchant marine of this
country, sailing in neutral waters of the
West Indies, were fired at, boadred, and
searched by'an armed cruiser of tlie
Spanish government. Tbe circumstances,
as reported, involve not only a private in
jury to the persons concerned, but also
seemed too little observant of the friendly
relations vxlitlng for a century between
this couutry and Spain. The wrong was
brought to the attention of the Spanish
government fq a WriptlS protest and re
monstrance, and tbe matter is undergoing
investigation by the royal authorities,
with a view to such explanation or
reparation as may be called for by tho
The commission sitting In this city for
tbe adjudication of claims of our citizens
agaiust tbe government of Spain, is, I
hope, approaching tho termination of its
The claims against the United State!
under the Florida treaty with Spain were
submitted to Congress for its action at the
late session, and I again invite your at
tention to this long-standing question,
with a view to the final disposition of the
At tlie invitation of the Spanish govern
ment, a conference lias recently been held
at the city of Madrid to consider tlie sub
ject of protection by foreign powers of na
tive Moors in tbe Empire of Morocco.
The minister or the United States, In
Spain, was directed to take parLinthe de
liberations of this conference, tbe result
of which is a convention signed
on befaalt of all tlie pow
ers represented. Tbe instrument will
be laid before tbe Senate for its considera
tion. Tbe government of the United
States has also iott no opportunity to urge
upon that of the Emperor of Morocco the
necessity, in accordance with the humane
and enlightened spirit of tbe age, of put
ting and end to tbe persecutions, which
have been so prevalent in that country, ot
persons of a faith other than tlie Moslem,
and especially of the Hebrew residents of
The consular treaty concluded with
Belgium has not yet been officially pro
mulgated, owing to the alteration of a
word in the text by tbe Senate of the
United States, which occasioned a delay,
daring which tbe time allowed for ratifica
tion expired. Tlie Senate will be asked
to extend the period for ratification.
The attempt to negotiate a treaty of ex
tradition with Denmark failed on ac
count of the objection of tbe Danish
government to the usual clause providing
tbat each nation should pay the expense
of tbe arrest of tho persons whose extra
dition it asks.
The provision made by Congress, at its
last session, for the expense of the com
mission which had been appointed to
enter upon negotiations with the Imperial
Government of China, on subjects of
grest interest to tbe relations of the two
countries, enabled the commissioners to
proceed at once upon their mission. Tho
Imperial Government was prepared to
give prompt and respectful attention to
the matters brought under negotiation,
and the conferences proceeded with such
rapidity and success that, on the 17th of
November last, two treaties were signed
at Pekin, one relating to tbe introduction
of Chinese into this country and one ra
iding to commerce. Mr. Trescot, one of
the commissioners, is now on his way
home bringing the treaties, anil it is ex
pected that they will be received in season
to bet id before tbe Senate early in Jan
Our minister at Japan lias negotiated a
convention for tbe reciprocal relief of ship
wrecked seamen. I take occasion to urge
once nore upon Congress tbe propriety of
making provision for tbe erection of suita
ble fire-proof buildings at tho Japanese
capital for tbe use of tbe American lega
tion, and tbs court house and jail con
nected with it. The Japanese govern
ment, with great generosity and courtesy,
has offered for this purpose aa eligible
piece of land.
In my last annual message I invited tbe
attention of Congress to the subject of the
indemnity funds received some years ago
from China and Japan. I renew the
recommendation then made, that what
ever portions of these funds are due to
American citizens should be promptly
paid, and tbe residue returned to the na
tions, respectively, to which they justly
and equitably belong.
Tbs extradition treaty with the kingdom
of tlie Netherlands, wiiich lias been lor
some time in course of negotiation, has,
during the past year, been concluded ana
duly ratified.
Relations of friendship and amity have
been established between the government
of the United States and that of Rouma-
nla. We have sent a diplomatic repre
sentative to Bucharest, and have received
at this capital the special envoy, who has
been charged by nis Royal Highness,
Prince Charles, to announce tbe indepen
dent sovereignty of Roumania. We hope
for a speedy development of commercial
relations between tlie two countries.
In my last annual message I expressed
tbe hope that tbe prevalence of quiet on
the border between this country and Mex
ico would soon become so assured as to
justify tbe modification of the orders, then
in force, to our military commanders, in
regard to crossing the frontier, without
encouraging such disturbances as would
endanger tbe peace of the two countries.
Events moved in accordance with these
expectations, and the orders were accord
ingly withdrawn, to the entire satisfaction
of our own citizens and the Mexican gov
ernment. Subsequently tbe peace of the
border waa again disturbed by a savage
foray, under command of the chief Victo-
rio, but, by tbe combined and harmonious
action of the military forces of both coun
tries, bis band lias been broken up and
substantially destroyed.
There is reason to believe tbat tlie ob
stacles which havesolongprevented rapid
and- convenient communication between
tbe Uuitea States uid Mexico by railways,
are on tlie point of disappearing, aud tbat
several important enterprises or this char
acter will aoon be aet on foot which cannot
fail to contribute largely to tbo prosperity
of both countries.
New envoys from Guatemala, Colum
bia, Bolivia, Venezuela aud Nicaragua
have recently arrived at this capital, whose
distinction and enlightenment afford tlie
best guarantee of tbe continuance of
friendly relations between ourselves and
these sister republics.
The relstlons between this government
and that of tbe United Slates of Colombia
have engaged public attention during the
past year, mainly by reason of tlie project
of an interoceanie canal across tbe isth
mus of Panama, to be built by private
Tbe treaty obligations subsisting between
the United States and Colombia, by which
we guarantee tbe neutrality of tbe transit
and tbe sovereignty and property of Co
lombia in the isthmus, make it necessary
that tbe conditions under which so stupen
dous a change in the region embraced in
this guarantee should be effected—trans
forming, as it would, this lath-
from s barrier between the Atlantic
Pacific oceans, into a gateway and
ougLfare between them, lor the navies
the merchant-ships of tbe world—
should receive tbe approval of this govern
ment, as being compatible with the die
charge of these obligations on our part,
aid consistent with our interests as the
principal commercial power of the western
hemisphere. Tbe views which I express
ed in a special message to Congress in
March last, in relation to this project, I
deem it my duly again to press upon your
attention. Subsequent consideration has
bat confirmed tlie opinion “that It is tbo
right and duty of lbe United States to as
sert and maintain such supervision and
authority over any interoceanie canal
across tbe isthmus tbat connects North
and South America as will protect our
national interest.”
Tbe war between tbe re public of Chili
on the one hand, and tbe allied republics
of Peru and Bolivia on tbe other, still con
tinues. This government has not felt
called upon to interfere in a contest that
is 1 within the belligerent rightsorthe par
ties at independent States. We have,
however, always held ourselves in readi
ness to aid in accommodating their differ
ence, and hare at different times remind
ed both belligerents of our willingness tq
render sucS eervlce.
■Our good offices, in. this direction, werC
recently accepted by all the belligerents,
and it was hoped they would prove effica
cious; but I regret to announce tbat the
measures, which the ministers of the Unit
ed States at Santiago ami Lima were au
thorized Jo take, with the view to bring
about peace, were not successful. In the
course of the war some questions have
arisen affecting neutral rights; in all of
these tbe ministers of the United States
have, under their instructions, acted with
promptness and energy in protection of
American interests.
The relations of the United States with
tbe Empire of Brazil. continue to be
inpst cordial, and their commeriiaHnter-
course steadily increases, to their mutual
Tho internal disorders with which the
Argentine Republic has for sometime
pqpt been sffiicted, and which hare more
or less influenced its external trade, are
understood to have been brought to a
•lose. This hsppy result may be expected
to redound to tlie benefit of the foreign
merco of that republic as well as to
development of its vast interior re-
u Samoa, tbe government of King
Malietoa, under tbe support and recogni
tion of tbe consular representatives of the
Ueited States, Great Britain and Ger
many, seems to have given peace and
trranauillity to the Islands. While it does
not "appear desirable to adopt as a whole
the scheme of tripartite local govent-
.ment, whifh has been proposed, the com
mon interests of the three great treaty
powers require harmony in tlieir relations
to the native frame of government, and
this may be best secured by a simple di
plomatic agreement between them. It
would be well if the consular jurisdiction
of our representative at Apia were in
creased in extent and importance so as to
guard American interests in the surrouud-
nave oeen conuuciea .or some inn F „. operation of the legislative and executive at laneAbe prTndpal prize of honor offered capital under a concession from the Co
in V »«veral of the'^executive departments, departments of the government, I again | by His Majesty the Emperor. The results lombian government for that purpose
ng and outlying Islands of Oceanica-
Tho obelisk, generously presented by
the Khedive of Egypt to the city of New
York, lias safely arrived in this country,
aud will soon be erected in tbat metropo
lis. A commission for tlie liquidation of
the Egypt! in debt lias lately concluded its
work, and this government, at the earnest
solicitation of tbe Khedive, has seceded to
tho provisions adopted by it, which will be
laid before Congress for its information.
A commission for the revision of the judi
cial code oftbe Reform Tribunal of Egypt
i.« now in session in Cairo. Mr. Farman,
consul-general, aud J. M. Batchehler,
Esq., have been appointed as commission
ers to participate In this work. Tbe or
ganization oftbe reform tribunals will
probably be continued for another period
of five years.
In pursuance of tbe act passed at the
last session of Congress, invitations have
been extended to foreign maritime States
to join in a sanitary conference in Wash
ington, beginning tlie first of January. The
accejitance of this invitation by many
prominent poweis gives promise ot success
in this important measure, designed to es
tablish a system of international notifica
tion by which the spread of infectious or
epidemic diseases may be more effectively
checked or prevented. The attention of
Congress is invited to the necessary appro
priations for carrying into effect tbe pro
visions of the act referred to.
The efforts of the Department of State
to enlarge tbe trade and commerce of the
United Suites, through the active agency
of consular officers and through the dis
semination of Information obtained from
them, have been unrelaxed. The interest
in these efforts, as developed in our com
mercial communities, and tbe value oftbe
information secured by this means, to the
trade and manufactures of the country,
were recognized by Congress at its last
session, and provision was made for the
more frequent publication of consular and
other reports by the Department of State.
The first issue of this publication has now
been prepared, and subsequent issues may
regularly be expected. The importance
and interest attached to tbe reports of
consular officers, aro witnessed by the
general demand.for them by all classes of
merchants and manufacturers engaged in
our foreign trade. It is believed that the
system of such publications is deserving of
the approval of Congress, and tbat the
necessary appropriations for its continu
ance and enlargement will commend itself
to your consideration.
Tho prosperous energies of our domestic
industries, aud their immense production
of the subjects of foreign commerce, Invite,
and even require, an active development
of tlie wishes and interests of our people
in that direction. Especially important Is
it that our commercial relations with the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South Amer
ica, With tho West Indies and the Gulf
of Mexico should be direct, and not
through the circuit of European systems,
and should oc carried on In our own bot
toms. Tho full appreciation of the oppor
tunities which our front on the Pacific
ocean gives to commerce with Japan, Chi
na ana’ the East Indies, with Australia
and tlie island groups which lie along these
routes of navigation, should inspire equal
efforts to appropriate to our own shipping,
and to administer by our own capital, a
due proportion of this trade. Whatever
modifications of our regulations of trade
and navigation may be necessary or use
ful to meet and direct these impulses u>
the enlargement of our exchanges and of
our carrying trade, I am sure the wisdom of
Congress will he ready to supply, jOne
initial measure, however, seems to me so
clearly useful and efficient that I
venture to press it upon your earnest at
tention. It seems to be very evident that
the provision of regular steam-postal com
munication, by aid from government, has
been the forerunner of tlie commercial pre
dominance of Great Britain ou all these
coasts aud seas, a greater share in whose
trade is now the desire and intent of our
people. It is also manifest that the ef
forts of other Euroi
proportion with their adoption of regular
steam-postal communication with the
markets whose trade they sought. Mexi
co and the States of South America are
anxious to receive such postal communl-
cations with this country, and to aid in
their development. Similar co-operation
may be looked for, in due time, from the
Eastern nations and from Australia- It is
difficult to see how the lead iu this move
ment can be expected from private inter
ests. In respect ol foreign commerce,
quite as much as iu internal trade, postal
communication seems necessarily a mat
ter of common and public administration,
and’thus pel taining to government. I re
spectfully recommend to your prompt at-
tentiou sucii just and efficient measures
as may conduce to the development of
our foreign commercial exchanges, and
tlie building up of our carrying trade.
In this connection I desire also to sug
gest the very great service which might
Be expected In enlarging and facilitating
our commerce on the Pacific oceau, were
a transmarine cable laid from San Fran
cisco to tbe Sandwich Islands, and thence
to Japan at tlie north aud Australia at the
south. Tbe great influence of such
means of communication on these routes
of navigation, in developing and secur
ing tbe due share of our Pacific coast in
tbe commerce of the world, needs no il
lustration or enforcement. It may be that
such an enterprise, useful and iu tlie end
profitable as it would prove to private in
vestment, may need to be accelerated by
prudent legislation by Congress in its aid,
and 1 submit the matter to your careful
An additional, and not unimportant, al
though secondary, reason for fostering aud
enlarging tbe navy may be found iu the
unquest^‘ u »Ble service to tlie expansion of
our commerce, be rendered
by frequent circulation of ns!* 1 #
the seas and ports of all quarters of the
globe. Ships of the proper construction
and equipment, to be of the greatest effi
ciency in case of maritime war, might be
made constant and active agents in time
of peace in the advancement and protec
tion of our foreign trade, aud in the nur
ture aud discipline of young seamen, who
would, naturally, in some numbers, mix
with and improve the crews of our .mer
chant-ships. Our merchants at home and
abroad recognize the Talue to foreign
commerce of an active movement of our
naval vessels, and tho intelligence and pa
triotic zeal of our naval officers in pro
moting every interest of their country
men, is a just subject of national pride.
The condition of the financial affairs of
the government, as shown by the report of
the Secretary of the Treasury, is very
satisfactory. It is believed tbat the
present financial situation of tbe
United, States. whether consid
ered with respect to trade, currency,
credit, growing wealth, or the extent aud
variety of our resources, is more favora
ble than that of any other country of our
time, and has never been surpassed by
that of any couutry at any period of
its history. All our Industries are thriv
ing; the rate of interest is low; new rail
roads are being constructed; a vast immi
gration hlnereasluK our population capi
tal and labor; new enterprises in great
number 'are in progress; and our com
mercial relations with other countries are
The ordinary revenues, from all sources,
for the fiscal year ended Jar e 30,1880,
From customs ------ $130,522,004 00
From internal revenue - - 124,000,27:5 1)2
$6,107,583. The burden of intereat baa ciency ol the army wouid be larirelv In
also been diminished by tbe sale of bonds creased. y
bearing a low rate of interest, and the ap- The rapid extension of tbe railroad sts-
plication oftbe proceeds to tbe rederap- tern west of the Mississippi rfrer, and the
tion of bouda bearing a higher rate. The great tide of settlers which has flowed in
stnce March "P° c new territory, impose ou tbe inill-
. Ur 7 an entire change of policy. The
Within a short period over six hundred maintenance of small poets along wagon
millions of five and six per rent, bonds and stage rentes of Level u no lodier
will become redeemable. This presents necessary. Permanent quarters at noiuta
averyfavoreble opimrttmltT notoniy to selected, ofa more substantial character
further reduce the principal of tbe public than those heretofore constructed, will he
debt, but also to reduce the rate of inter- required. Under existing laws, oermauent
estonthat wh ch will remain unpaid. I buildings cannot be enacted without tbe
call the attention of Congress to the views sanction of Congress, and when sales of
expressed on this subject by the military sites and buildings have been
Secretary of the treasury in authorised, the moneys received have re-
his annual report, and reremmend verted to the treasury, and could only be-
prompt legislation, to enable the Treasury come available through a new appropria-
bepartmentto complete the refunding of tion. It is recommended that provision
the debt which is about to mature. be made by a general statute for the sale
Tbe continuance of specie paymenU ha* of such abandoned military paste and
not been interrupted or endangered since buildings as are found to be unnecessary,
the date of resumption. It has contnbu- and for tbe application of the proceeds ti
ted greatly to tbe revival of business and the construetkmeof ether poets. While
to our remarkable prosperity. The fears many of tbe present poatTare of but
that preceded and accompanied resump- «iight value for military*
o* to the
tion have proved groundless. Noconsid- J mthe changed S STSTmaSS
gtabttymtmut totTtoitbd States notes have tbetr occupation la continued at great ex
From sales public lands - - 1,016,506 00
From tax on circulation
aud deposits of national
banks 7,014,971 44
From repayment of inter
est by Pacific Railway
Companies ------- 1,707,367 18
From sinking fund for Pa
cific R’l’wy Companies - 780,021 22
From customs fees, fines,
penalties, etc. ------ 1,148,800 16
From fees—consular, let-
te re-pa tent, and lands - 2,337,020 00
From proceeds of sales of
Government property - 282,010 50
From profits on coinage,
etc. 2,702,186 78
From revenues of the Dis
trict of Columbia - - - 1,800,400 70
From miscellaneous
mrces - -- -- -- -- 4,000,003 88
Total ordinary receipts- $333,526,010 08
Tbe ordinary expenditures for the same
period were—
For civil expenses, - - $15,693,063 55
For foreign intercourse, - 1,211,400 58
For Indians, - - - -
For pensions, indndl
$19,341,025.29 arrears ol
pensions, - -
For tbe miliUiy establish
ment, ineluding river and
harbor improvements and
arsenal, - - - - -
For the naval establishment,
including vessels, ma
chinery, and improve
ments at navy-yards, v
For miscellaneous expendi
tures, including public
buildings,. light -houses,
and collecting tbe reve
nue, 34,535,601 00
For expenditures on ac
count of the District of
Columbia, - - - - -
Fur interest on the public
debt, - - 05,707,575 11
For premium on bonds pur
chased, ------ 2,795,320 42
- 5,045,457 00
- 56,777,174 44
38,116,916 22
13,530^984 74
Total ordinary expend
itures 260,642,057 78
Leaving a surplus revenue $05,883,053 20
Which, with an amount
drawn from tbe cash bal
ance In treasury,of - - - - 8,084,434 21
Making - 73,908,087 41
Was applied to redempttion:
Of bonds for tbe sinking
fund $78,652,000 00
Offractlonal cnrrcucy - - 251,717 41
Of the loan of 1858 - ttMtata
Of temporary loan
Of bounty and scrip
Of compound int’est notes
Of 7.30 notes of 1804-5 - -
OC one and two-year notes
Of old demand notes - - -
40,000 00
100 00
25 00
10,500 00
2,050 00
3,700 00
495 00
ipeau nations to eon- _ _
tend with Great Britain for a share of 1758,100 has been paii since March 1,7877,
73,008,087 41
Titer amount due tho sinking fund for
this year was $37,931,043.55. There was
applied thereto the sum of $73,004,617.41,
being $35,972,073.S0 in excess of the
actual requirements for tlie year.
The aggregate oftlie revenues from ail
sources during the fiscal year ended June
30,1889, was $333,020,610.98, an increase
over the preceding year of $50,60s),432.52.
The receipts thus far, of tlie current year,
together with the estimated receipts for
the remainder of the year, amount to
$150,000,000, which will be sufficient to
meet tbe estimated expenditures of the
year, and leave a surplus of $90,000,000.
It is 'utucate that this large surplus
revenue occurs at a period when it may
be directly applied to tbe payment of tlie
public debt soon to be redeemable. No
public duty has been more constantly
cherished in tbe United States than tbe
»licy of paying the nation’s debt at rapid-
y as possible.
The debt of the United States, less cash
iu the Treasury and exclusive of accruing
Interest, attsinod iu maximum of $2,750,-
431,671.43 in August, 1805, and lias since
that time been reduced to $1,880,019,-
504.05. Oftbe principal of the debt, $108,-
an paid si
exchanged for coiu or notes. The increase
of coin and bullion in the United States
since January 1, 1879. is estimated at
There are still in existence, uncan
celled, $346,OS1,016 of United States legal-
tender notes. These notes were author
ized as a w»r measure, made necessary
by the exigencies of tbe coufiiot in whion
the United States was then engaged. The
preservation of tbe nation’s existence re
quired, iu the judgment of Congress, an
issue of legtl-tender paper money. That
it served well the purpose for which it
was created is not questioned, but the em-
ployni?nt of tbe notes as paper money in
definitely, after t 1 * accomplishment of
cere of the line, in active duty, from their
regiments, is a serious detriment to tbe
maintenance of tbe service. Tho constant
demand for small detachments, each of
which shonid be commanded by a com
missioned officer, and the various details
of officers for necessary service away from
their commands, occasions a scarcity in
the number required for company duties.
With a view to lessening this drain to
some extent, it is recommended tbat tbs'
law authorizing the detail of officers from
the active list as professors of tactics and
military science at certain colleges and
universities, be so amended as to provide
tbat all such details be made from the
retired list oftbe army.
the object for which they were^ pFSYlded. | Attention i? asked WttW aeOOssUy of
* i nrovialilff by lealslAtlda fc
was not’contemplated by the framers of j providing by legislation for organising
the ■ law under which they were issued, arming, and disciplining Ibfl attlte militK
Those notes long since became like any - —
other pecuniary obligation of the govern
ment—a debt to be paid, aud, when paid,
to be cancelled as mere evidence of an in
debtedness no longer existing. I there
fore repeat what was said in the annual
message of last year, that the retirement
from circulation ofUuited States notes,
with the capacity of legal tender in pri
vate contracts, is a step to be taken in our
progress towards a safe and stable curren
cy, which should be accepted as the policy
and duty of the government and tbe in
terest aud security oftbe people.
At the time of the passsge of the act
now in force requiring the coinage of sil
ver dollars, fixing their value and giving
them legal-tender character, it was be
lieved by mauy of the supporters of tbe
measure that the silver dollar, which it
authorized, wouid speedily become, under
tho operations of the law, of equivalent
value to tbe gold dollar. There were
other supporters of tbe bill who, while
they doubted as to the probability of this
result, nevertheless were willing to give
tbe propoeed experiment a fair trial, with
a view to stop the coinage, if experience
should prove that the silver dollar author
ized by tbe bill continued to be of less
commercial value tbau the standard gold
The coinage of silver dollars, under the
act referred to, began in March, 1878, aud
has been continued as required by tbe
act. Tne average rate’per month to tbe
present time has been $2,270,492. The
total amount coined prior to tbe 1st. of No
vember last waa $72,847,750. Of this
amount $47,084,450 remain in the treasu
ry, and only $25,763,201 are in tbo hands
of tbe people. A constant effort has been
made to keep this curreucy in circulation,
and considerable expense has been neces
sarily incurred for this purpose, but its re
turn to the treasury is prompt and sure.
of the country, and liberal appropriations
aro recommended in this behalf. Tbe
reports of.the Affiutant-General of the
Army and the Ciiief oi Ordiuaucc touch
ing this subject fully set forth its impor
The report of the officer In charge of ed
ucation in the army shows tbat there are
seventy-sight schools now in operation in
the army, with an aggregate attendance of
of2,305 enlisted men and children. Thn
Secretary recommends the enlistment of
one hundred and fifty schoolmasters, with
tbe rank and pey^of commissary-serge ants.
An appropriation Is needed to supply the
judge advocates of the army with suitable
libraries, and tbe secretary recomuenda
that the corps of judge advocates be placed
upon tbe same tooting, as to promotion,
with the other staff corps of the array. Un
der existing laws, the bureau of military
justice consists of ooe office, tho judge-ad
vocate general, and the corps of judge ad
vocates, of e ! ght officers of equal rank,
(majors,) with the provision that the lim
it of the corps shall remain at four, when
reduced by casualty or resignation to that
number. The consolidation of the bureau
of military justice, and the corps of judge
advocates, upon the same basis with the
other staff corps of the array, wouid re
move an unjust discrimination against de
serving officers, and subserve tbe best in
terests of tbs service.
Especial attention is asked to the report
oftlie chief of engineers upon the condi
tion of our nations] defenses. From a
personal inspection of many of the fortifi
cations referred to, the Seeretsry is able to
emphasize foe recommendations made,
and to state that their incomplete and
defenseless condition is discreditable to
the country. While other nations have
been increasing tbelr means for carrying
on oflfensive warfare and attacking mari
time cities, we have been dormant in
Contrary to the confident anticipation of preparation for defense; nothing of iin-
the friends oftbe measure at the time of portance has bean done towards strength-
its adoption, tbe value of the Silver dol- j cuing and finishing our casemated works
lar, containing 412} grains of silver, has ! since our late civil i
not increased. During the year prior to
the passage f the bill authorizing its coin
age, tlie market value of the silver which
it contained was from ninety to ninety-
two cents, as compared with the standard
gold dollar. During the last year the av
erage market value oftbe silver dollar has
beea eighty-eight and a halt cents.
It is obvious that the legislation of the
last Congress in regard to silver, so far as
it was based on an anticipated rise in tbe
war, during which the
great guns of modem warfare and the
heavy armor of modern fortifications and
ship) came into use among tlie nations,
aud our earthworks left, by a sudden fail
ure of appropriations some years since,
in all stages of incompletion, aro bow be
ing rapidly destroyed by tbe eleiueats.
The two great rivers of tbe North
American continent, tbe Mississippi and
the Columbia, hare tbelr navigable waters
wholly within tbe limita of the United
value of sliver as a result of tbat leglsla- , btatea, and are of vast Importance k>oar
tion, has failed to produce the effect then j internal and foreign commerce. Theper-
'icted. The longer tbe law remains in • manency of the important w_ork on the
, requiring as It does the coinage of a South Pass of the MUeiseippl river aeewis
_—inal dollar, which, in reality, is not a 40 be assured. There has been no
dollar, the greater becomes tbe danger ; fsilur® whatever in the maintenance of
that this country will be forced to accept ; maximum channel diuzng the six
a single metal as the sole legal standard I months ended August 9, last, fnis exper-
of va.ue in circulation, and this a standard , ment has opeued a broad, deep highway
of less value than it purports to be worth 1 10 the ocean, and is an improvement up-
in the recognized money oftbe world. , ‘Be permanent succeee ot which con-
The constitution of the United Slates,' gratulations may be exchanged among
sound fiuancial principles end our best in- people abroad and at home, and especially
terests all require that the country should , among the communities of tho Mississippi
have as its legal tender money both gold I valley, whose commercial exchanges float
andbiiver coin, oflntrinsic value, as bull- ; an unobstructed channel safely to and
Ion equivalent to tbat which, upon its ! ,r0 ] n tbo ***;
face, ft purports to possess. The coustitu*; " cotnprehensiTe improvement of tlie
tion in express terms recognizes both gold Mississippi and its tributaries Is a matter
and silver as the only true legal tender or transcendent importance. Three meat
„ money. To banish either of these metals water-ways comprise-a system of inland
3,272,384 63 from our currency is to narrow and transportation spread like net-work over a
limit the circulating medium of l* 1 ^ 6 portion or tbe United States, and
exchange to the disparagement navigable to the extent of many thousands
or important interests. The United ! of miles. Producers snd consumers alike
States produce more silver than any other have a common interest in such nneqnaled
country, and is directly interested in facilities for cheap transportation. Geo-
maintaining it as one of the two precious graphically, commercially and politically
metals which iurulsh the coinage of the j they are the strongest tie between the re
world. It wiii, in my judgment, coutrib- fious sections of the country. Three eban-
ute to this result if Congress will repeal! n el» of communication and interchange
so much of existiug legislation as requires arc the property of the nation. Its juns-
the coinage of silver dollars containing diction is paramount over their waters,
only 4124 grains of silver, and in its stead an ^ plainest principles of public inter
will authorize the Secretary of the Treas- require their intelligent and carefol
ury to coin silver dollars of equivalent supervision, with a view to tbelr protec-
value as bullion, with gold dollars. This I tion, improvement and the enhancement
will defraud no man, and will be in ac- ! Jtacfolueai.
cordauce with familiar precedents. Con- ! channel of the Colombia river, for
gross, ou several occasions, has altered * distance of about one hundred miles,
tlie ratio of value between gold andsll- fr°m its mouth, is obstructed by a siic-
ver in order to establish it more nearly in cession of bars, which occasion serious de-
accordauce with the actual ratio of-valuer * u navigation, and brevy expense for.'
between the two metals. 1 lighterage and towage. A depth of at teast
. -■****•.'-Srrys zssi
beeu found by experience to dimmish the H
rates of interest which debtors arc requir-
.jaw, h^a.MiigVth s£ 1 *jssss > SK’sr rt ‘ , “
S&rSSf «?5S 'ISSY *1- *«f ««*!-.
nancial history shows how surely money
becomes abundant whenever confidence in
distance of over six hundred miles,
there is no harbor on our Pacific
coast which can be approached during
stormy weather. An appropriation of $150,-
000 was made by the Forty-liftk Congress
tor the commencement of a break-water
and harbor of refuge, to be located at
some point between the Straits of Fuca
aud San Francisco, at which the nocessl-
the exact performance of moneyed obliga
tions is established.
Tbe Secretary of War reports tbat tlie
expenditures of tlie war department lor
tlie fiscal year ended June 30, 1880, were
$10,924,773.03. The appropriations for ?
this department for the current fiscal year ties 0 f commerce, jocafaaid general, will
amount to $41,093,630.40. | be best accommodated The —,p_
With respect to tlie army, the Secretary propriated is thought to be quite made-
invites attention to the fact tbat its strength quate for the purpose intended, The cost
Is limited by statute (section 1115, revised of tbe work, when finished, will be very
statutes) to not more than 30,000 enlisted great, owing to the want of na^urM advan-
men, but that provisos contained In appro- tages for a site at any point on the coast
priatiou bills have limited expenditures to between the designated limits, and it haa
this commerce have been successful In effecting an annual saving of interest of for this additional outlay, an<
the enlistment of but 25,000. It is be
lieved the full iegal strength is the least
possible force at which the present organi
zation can be maintained, having in view
efficiency, discipline and economy. While
the enlistment of this foroe would add
somewhat to tbe appropriation for pay of and the estimates for oootTnuihf Us coo-
the army, tbe saving made In other re- struct ion are especially recommended,
specie would be more than an equivalent Tbe collections of books,
id Itw effi-
not been tbeugbt to bo advisable to wn-
dertake the work without a larges appro
priation. IJ commend Jtbo matter to
tbo attention of Congress.
The completion of the new budding for
the War Department is urgently needed.
[Continued pit eighth page ]