Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 10, 1880, Image 2

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iu fpTQ C! .^Li>girap4 anhr jinmrttsd .&. GEORGIA PRESS. « ■ two small colored boys, pupils of the pub- .1 f-r „ iti n . lie school, got into a controversy about IIiNEivii.* Gazelle. While our l<vs- tlielr studies, as to who bad made the best lators »ud„cajjtali$tss<£ui tobave imbibed rogr( * l in*h eh - bo*s. Bob TMfcier be- are jpfe ‘Ueafe^le- iftliiajival, Jmn Fletcb- "SfWJ Vr, iwmefto flee into Me^fc Joiner & . I ',V!_' XicholsoVs store lie commenced, ph.yn.4 . gfs ~ mumble-peg on lib back. The ktuu was Sumter Republican: On Saturday last of which were given at the time in the I above slated facts. Tie boy was brought j CuIUmk an<si»oo(ia*r in the Warrior. amt the Idea ill at ftdlroai velopeyof the coun#y,t of the ftet tli*t our com; factoria. Just now them is a gl opening for capital and enterprise m this dUtt§ A.a.j.vM.iV’s*!! IV b* nDn dies? SPxm.KrlifhijiaelUe: Georgia lias moun tains for the Swiss, sunny plains for the Italians and French, untold water-power for the English and Scotch, fertile valleys for the Irish, and mineral wealth to occtt- _ py all the miners ia the world. Now let the columns begin move. • • There is no reason why Georgia should riot have a” lf Castlo Garden” of its own, down in Savannah. What does thr Leg- Ljlature think abeul it? . 1 l*. .1 «-l™9 Tuk . Whitcavilie correspondent of tire Oglethorpe-Echo tells this cuffous~§£ory about two families in Banks county: “There lives in Banks county two fami lies, Mr. T. B. Bruce, with Jive children, and his brother-in-law, Mr. Jas. Wright, Vfitb six children, who, for the past nine years, have abstained exclusively from the use of pork or bacon and very nearly so frqgj all animal food. Ocea- sionaily they eat some beef or chicken, but tbeir principal diet is and Las been vegetables and bread. A few green apples, bread and water coustitute tbeir breakfast, and they often have only two of this per day. Tliey claim that they can do more manual labor than any one on three meals of bacon. They use no coffee, tobacco or at coholic drink, and tbeir clear, rosy com plexicus attest the fact of thelrgood health. No physician has been called in except at accoucher, nor has a dose of medicine been given iu five years. They also claim that this vegetable diet ic more than one- third cheaper tlian that previously observ ed by them—that they commence! this system for hygienic^purposcs and would under,uqdraimstauccs, change.” Marietta Journal: A .Mr. McGregor, of Paulding, for the last two yearn made two hundred dollars each year off of one and a half acres of land cultivating cot ton. , This year, on, nineteen acres, he made niueteen bales. Good farming. Savannah Nicies: We understand that Father Cafferty, chancellor of the Catho lic diocese of Georgia, now stationed in Savanuah, lias been recommended for the position of vicarale apostolic of the see of North Carolina. Ann akt Nevis and Advertiser: Messre. Green Ford andS.-G. Locg, neighboring farmers of Worth county, measured off na acre of ground each and planted it in cut- ton to see which could produce the best yield this year. Mr. Long was in our office last night, and gave us the following repbrt Of the yield or his patch; He lias gathered 1,400 pounds of seed cotton, which turned him out a bale of lint weighing 601 pouuds. He has still in the patch, be thinks, about 100 pounds more rathe seed.. He planted his cotton on the IJth day of May, used one sack of guano, a bushel aud a half of salt, ten bushels of cotton seed, and six cart loads of stable manure. iThe Marietta Journal says a Cedar Town lawyer relates the following, a fun ny Incident of actual recent occurrence: . A gentleman had a horse stolen and a couple of days after he met a well-known citizen tiding along the public road to Summerville, iu Chattooga county, aud told him that the was riding was his. The gentleman doubted it. He then replied, that be bad bought the animal the day before, but if be would make an affi davit that (be horse was his property he would give him up, as be knew from whom he had bought. The gentleman out and up to the-latest advices has not been found. The North Georgia Conference of the M. E. Church South is now In session in Rome, Bishop McTycire presiding. There is'a verfTuIl attendance, and the reports from the various districts were satisfactory aud encouraging. The session will con tinue until, next Tuesday or Wednes day. I JamesM. JoLLAvfor tlw murder of a Jorning Hews, dial last night at seven to this place Tuesday and lodged lu Jail. Ife>ck at the SavarWli IfrppITal Lock-1 He is smart of ststdr»-and seems 4© be aw set in yesterday tad resulted in her I a mere child.-, JIc list the reputation, A OALIXV OF STARS. ,-n.i.E Dispute1 _ - . however, of being a bad-and v 1 clous boy. : M*. James We don’t think he’sapienable to the law, “'"sn - .JCfiZC -, informs us I hut should be delivered to some of his who was seriously wounded. It deems j ■ a , n 8 ^ ’ , witness the i^fst repre- Last Saturday night a serious affray oc cur re d^jn th* Warrior district, theparlieu-1 The Javfaft|»T»kf Ponsmton ol Hal lars of which wV learn from Mr. Ira Jes> j J** 0 ® cd Hood, nings. the tather of Mr. B. F. Jci^fogs IJ*" 1 aud*ucf%™b!ed r ear, with sik relatives who are able'to reform him. ' * We understand W -*W OV/JIWIWIJ I1UUUUI.UI aw Sl-viuj i ^ F * [ pUJ|lCaU iric that there had-been a feud between S'! “Little Bed llidit^| Hood” i p r ^ r j| )e f or A Spool men of I be Teaching- Instilled t»T the South's Moral Guide*. We have upon several occasions re- rkgsi with some .(degree of amusetpant, pious dfl^etM wtsice wbicftotir Be- pul|Ucau friendly f theSNortb cowumclo ready been brouclit to market. Mr. mother, airs. Eiizaueui iwraer, sustained gotten the worst or It. On the even- above the! Kincben says be' can substantiate bis a very serious loss last Sunday, the 2Stb , mentioned, Jennings, who was P re83 nolices of tlie da >’> hat tbe f camG in cof r M „ ct . statement by the testimony of reliable nit. J>< ? mG '!.‘!! GaK T t k Iefe “ ter ? d l 11 vi trun . k intoxicated so as ' to be hardlv a drama that never grows .old, and knew , r witnesses, and that be Las no desire to and stole $ 50.. It is a .terrible blow to 80 _ " to U “H that their aide™. JZL ,„nf . mU ls safest w f . went before a justice of tlie peace and t , swore to tlm horse's age, color and tliat he was the rightful owner. The well-known v citizen gave upthestolen animal and star- . ted off to see his neighbor from whom lie . t had purcliased him tlie day before, while the other citizen carried his horse home and put him up io the stable. <IIe went to his house all smiling and gratiUed, and . said to his bcttcc-balk - “Well, . ,wifa, . .1 . hay* - gat 1 .Selim: . “You have ? ” she eagerly questioned. ‘‘Yes,” said the delighted husband, “I met Mr. Blank in the road and-I told him he had my horse, and he gave him up, only requiring me to swear to his identity tvliich 1 cheerfully did.” The wife said: “Well, I am truly glad; let - me. go down and take a look at poor oelim.” Off they went, and, on arriving at tlie stable, the keenreyed, observant wife took in tlio animal from head to lieeis. Suddenly, with a surprised expression of face, she said: “Why, it’s a marol/' And sure it »a-, tlie very opposite in sex to the animal stolen. Tbs/ crestfallen hus band carried the animal to his neighbor’s house several miles away, and turned tlie -- mare into tlie lot without ever stopping to see the owner to explain matters. If, in the first instaiioe,<lie hid been ar rested before he got home, bo one could have saved him from being/ convicted of perjury. As it was, hoiwas honestly mis- - taken, and immediately rectified his mis take. . ». —i- C-. Athens Banner: There lias beenH change in lbe‘sttfu4‘ of the Southern Watchman. The property, which belongs to the estate of the late Colonel J. II. Christy, lias been- leased by Messre. E. J. • Christy and Walter’E Stevens. The form er has bad cdutrofof the- business mon- agement of the Watchman since the death -of bis father; and Mr. Stevens Las been its editor for some time past. The old Watchman will Mart out with the vigor of renewed youth, under the new manage ment, and w<T doubt not will increase in'prosperity and usefulness. We wish all parties interested the largest success • under the new regime. ' Hinksville Gazette: We arc 'uformed that tne timber cutters in Tatnall arc pressed for habds, and they are offering better wages than ever before known. Those who know bow to sling the axe cau find employment by going up the Altamaba. Spaiita. Ishmaelite: We should be glad if some .company, with the means to make Uie movement a success, would buy the Sparta factory, fit it up with new and improved machinery, ami set the engines . to work.. There is no good reason why it ' should not prove a paying investment. * FgjCtory stock in tlie South now pays better divide mis than it does in the North. j There is a general movement in this line . all through the South. The manufactur ing tide Is at Its flood, and it leads surely to fortune. . Sumter Republican: Mr. J. H. Cheek, of Sumter coupty, brought us in two sugar canes last Saturday that measured seven feet long each. He says bis patch was one-eighth of an acre, from which he has ; made fifty-five gallons of good syrup, twenty gallons of sugar, saved five hun dred'stalks for seed, and five hundred stalks for either chewing or srlliug. Judg ing from, the present price of syrup, sugar aud cane in this city, tlie yield from this one-eighth of an acre Is somewhere in the neighborhood of $75. Irwixtox Appeal: Friday night last there, were eetcral flat or open cars loaded with cotton attached to the freight train, acd when the train readied this place on its way to Savannah tbe conductor missed a bale or two of tbe cotton, and went back to find it. One bale was found in the woods about one hundred yards from tlie railroad. A sharp trick, that of tlie thieves; to Lave tome one tumble off the cotton and others to carry it into the woods. Bomb Tribune: The recent cutting through of the river near Dablonega, and tlie turning of another stream into tbe Ooatanaula, by whieb the latter river was caused to rise several feet in about an hour, may have something to do with tlie present rise. If, at any time, an overflow should occur, this occurrence may cause the overflow to rise somewhat higher than last year. Those whose premises are lia ble to overflow, would do well to consider this matter. Tauiottox will go back to tbe old ways and establish separate schools for the girls and boys. The male institute will be at Collinsworth and the female at LeVert. Frof. McLaughlin will have charge of Collins worth, but no teacher lias yet cu engaged for LeVert. ; defenseless girl in DeKslb county, was found guilty, but recommended to mercy, and will go to the penitentiary for life. The citizens of Decatur wore so outraged at tlie result, that they talked of lynching tlie prisoner. The excitement has aba ted. The editor of the Sandereville Herald is to be congratulated. Ho lias been four years in tbe editorial chair, and lias tbe pleasure of realizing that Ills efforts to please and profit bis readers have not been iu vain. Success to tbe Herald and its editor, and may the next four yeare be more prosperous. Me. Cooper 'JJraxER, of Box Spring, is dead. He was 37 years of age and a most excellent gentleman, and highly es teemed in the community in which he lived. The Columbus chalu-gangis now com posed of three convicts—two men and one woman, and Uie woman unable to work. In view of the bad condi Jon of the roads, tbe Columbus Enquirer calls for recruits. Won’t somebody steal something just to get tp work on tbe roads ? The grading is finished on the Talbot- ton railroad for a narrow gange. The stockholders are now considering whether It would not be belter to make a broad gauge of IU If so decided, tho. bed wilt have to bo widened, aud this will cause another delay. Jonesboro had quite a fire last week, in which three storehouses and a great many of the goods were destroyed. Two hotels were badly scorclied, and tbe occu pants badly seared. Tho -loss was pretty heavy for a small place, and there was not a dollar’s worth of Insurance ou either tlie houses or goods. Ton Nokfi.eet, a negro, was badly cut by Bryant Whitehead, another negro,near Eastman last Saturday. The Eastman Times says tliat a jury cmpanneled to investigate the mental con dition of Charles Fowell, 1 who is ender sentence of death in Dodge county jail, returned a verdict that he is of unsound mind. i r . t • HaWkinsyjiae is going Into the sau sage business largely. One firm adver tises for fifty cats. And Woods swears there is no joke abcut it. They offer 25 cents per head. : Mb. Gabbier W. Stubbs, one of the oldest citizens Of Washington county, ilicd on tbe 2oth ulU, aged 74 years. A Washington telegram states that tbe President,. Ins recognized Mr. Robert B. Leppard as Consul -of Chili at Savan nali. ... - i Tim mail route from Cochran to Dub lin; Which was discontinued recently, is to b£ established at an early day. Mn. N. M. Beverly, and Mr. John McGuire, two of the prominent citizens and farmers of Terrell county, died last week. , - .... i- - Athens Banner: The Columbus Times calculates tnat the net profit on every bale of cotton manufactured in tbe South is Seven dollars per bale. When four mil lion bales of cotton are manufactured in tbe Southern States they wilt contain a population of forty million people, wield ing a power through their wealth second to no country on the globe.. Cochran Enterprise: We learn from Dr. T. F. Walker, who attends profession ally to the State convicts employed by the Macon and Brunswick railroad, and engaged at work on tlie road at No. 12}, that on Monday morning last, a hoy was brought to tbe camp, a convict from Lowndes county, only eleven years old and very small tor his age. He is in ap pearance a mere child, btrf hardened in crime, it seems, from the nature of his offense against lire law, he having stolen as many as three horses in the short space of ten days’ time. He is a mulatto, with bright eyes, and seems to care but little for ids incarceration, but rather takes it as a frolic. He is unsentence for four years. He said he was In jail four months and his parents, who lived near by, did not go to see him during tbe time, which clearly shows that they were unnatural and inhuman or had thoroughly dtspair ed of any hopes of his reformation at tbeir bauds, and concluded to cut tbe parental band aud let tbe criminal waif drift, unob structed, down tbe boiling, tumultuous current of deep, dark, sinful crime, flood ing on down to tliat yawning hell, gaping, ready to receive him and them. The law is wise, and it may ail be best, yet the picture is a sad one and scarcely admits ol comment. Columbus Enquirer: There has been a negro on our cliain-gang for tbo past few mouths who, from bis actions and conversation, the guards thought was guilty of something more than larceny, for which he was serving a term. A few days since it was found that Mans. Bo land, for such is his name, was charged with arson, and wanted at Fort Valley, Ga. Bailiff McMichael will leave with him to-day. Dispatch: Down at Darien tbe hens are on a strike for forty cents a dozen for eggs. The liens around Hawkinsville are doing tbeir best for twenty-five cents a dozen, aud one ot them tlie oilier day laid an egg weighing four ounces. This, however, was on account of the South Georgia conference, which will meet iu this place next Wednesday. Rev. Dr. K., of Macon, has spoken for the egg. Barxesvillk Gazette: Mr. H. C. Hanson had bis arm badly Wrenched and three fingers on one hand badly scarred by tbe band wheel at the variety works yesterday. Last Saturday a very heartrending oc currence took place in one of the colored families of Bainesville. While EllenDu- mas was at Mr. J. T. Hunt’s cooking, she left her child, a little boy about fire years old, back at her house. The child had beeu unwell and laid down before :be fire. Hit clothes caught fire and be ran out of tbe bouse and was badly burned. At this writing Dr. Perdue, his physician, has hopes of his recovery. The south Georgia annual conference of tho coforcd M. E. Church in Amer-- lea will convene in Fort Valley, Decem ber 8th. Bishop Isaac Lane will preside. Rev. G. W. Usher writes tliat the new church will be completed by conference, and ample preparation has been made for tbe body. Savannah Jfctcs: A telegram from Wadley, received by us last night, informs us that tlie giii-liouse of Captain James at Old Town was destroyed by fire last night. About ten bales of cotton were burned up. The loss is four thousand dollars. The house was supposed to Lave 1/een fired by two couvicts, who escaped iast Satur day. Mrs. Carelif, who was so terribly burn, ed about ten days ago at her residence on Whitaker street, near York; by the explo sion of « kerosene lamp,the full particulars alh. Jha’ P. Kitclieii, of this v. Jules/on? 3 iZdtd’^d"Riven "baies'of I Amerhtos Recorder: We understand I th'a Jennines**andHoBy fahfiijT I fr- -f °re % ^iocou aodiefe. Tl£ troupe j and hLv hurtdred bushels of corn, tliat Mr. John Twker, who lives four I or . ddPnmgs «M no»JT *pP»y» .T.. &T - .. I tie#e 60 espiatfl to flttch Southerners Over niuetT batas of the cojiohliave al- miles north of Ainericus with his widowed and in a former difficulty the c affi^rcdcame w ^014 the flourish j ^ TELZftait p n a*j> Mks5*nceu ready been brought io market. Mr. | ““thisr, Hre. ElizabetU^rlwr, sustained J gotten UieV worst of it. On the even-j I »l»ove their breakfost' plates and let tbeir cool, that the homeopathic plan ., . . outsiders The boast of bis suecess, kok merely ante* bis I Joliu, who is a hard-working, soberyouug Ublc to -^fand, was assaulted;! , 5~f cous,nsana aunts would ^ soen specime , w of tIie adTke claims. We feej tbat'thd Fort yilley, pian. and we trust he wjll be aWe to ap^.fby Mr. “Pig” ioll/jmd Bam frothy.! consequently thcprcscnce men Uoned in nearly all the Northern pa- Mirror state ? Uiat Mr. 4?bii WShinj,-] fcfe'id the thief and vbringhlit to juf . T1 * lattcr j{i ra .f a lbrt £ plaWabout 1 auiience assured. that have come to them but it is four miles from Irort Valley, made lifts I ttce, and reco\ erTns lost money. tbe head and tbeTormershot Elfirwilh a We have never-seen auefa talent'andr t~ . ~~ n -r;~ j rr year wTCh six mules, seventy bales of cot- f Henry County Weekly: A man in a * ,~T W ^ self-Dosse^sion exhibited bv children P lGa8il, S to note, that amid all the journal- ton and nine bundled bushels of corn, I prayer-meeting at Great Springs, Georgia, { Smith <w Wesson 3--cahbre phlol. The I _ ^ ; "i istic epicac, liver pills, rhubarb aud blue besides potatoes, cane, etc., in proportion. I declared that'he was ready to die, aud t balTentereilJust above the heart ana was | 1710 £Inlesl DJltes advanced upon tiie J with which poor Southern democratic This was good cropping, but Mr. Bushing awaited the summons with fwpatieuce. J extracted, from^inder fb* left shoulder sta Se, sang and acted like professionals, min ds have been bombarded,there 1 syetto must give up the belt. Mr. 6. M. I He .had bsrely uttered the. sentimeqt |,. a ri {•>tm n nv<ihio v ilk^tnii Tc>ictL/<r I and we only regret that want of space !, , , Blouut, of this county, made one hundred when a bullet crashed through tlie win- . 3 ll °P 0ba ” ) ‘ 8 ^*b tell whkthgr I H . . tQ be found a nauseated or salivated political bushels of sweet potatoes on aquarter of I Oow aud grazed-his ear. A ne.ghbor, -the buUet.weal^hiougIi.-or around tlieJ ITOS^.» separate ngtic^p/cac^wlth a! f)pMm , T}wj . ? ., se ^ the |sfuU au acre of land. When it is recollected I whom he had sued for debt, had taken body. The wounded man lies in a critical lithographic likeness attached. The tab* an< j na ^ ura ] > this aud nothing more that * mufo ean cnlUvate forty acres ot him at his word. He hastjly Lid himself condition. E olIy aud Dorothy have dis- were exquisitely arranged and r „ teidayi in the of his wander . i niht to claim thir’we hive the best nu^sBORO Herald: Itstrikes usthat #ppeared - We kn0W notll!n S of tke facts ’ n iu -’ a Telegbaph reporter came across couutry under the sun. some So \ alieru i>0 liucians arc guilty or but 8 !ve tbo acG °unt as given us by Mr. b G f^ces and forms shining out through on(J Qf Maoou * a representative men, Major to very indecent haste iu announcing before- Jennings. I tli tinted lights, were, in truth, euongbto I ^ ^ Rogers, who held in his hand a The following compliment is paid to very l Atlanta institutions by tbe Fost-Appial; liaud that they will support the idmluls-. Democratic Nomination SfSSite^S .. “will t.«m b, IU. resolution pub- make one imagine that the curtain had j^g,. j. rom a Northern capitaiist—ah an- been rolled away from iu front of fajiy swcr t0 a lctter wr itteu by the Major for a Ja ° a * . 1 inend who 1-ad seen an advertisement of Tnere were some little performers g^ate money for loan on good security. aixmuolie. l ^be D 1ifuui t clpat 1 eleefiun is {8«t^> men may bo inclined to foster any-1 Jished below, there will be no primary over aud the Le-islatuie is soon to ad-1 tbtn 8 (however rotten it may be), provid- election for county offices this year. Tbe . ,— „ journ. Tbeu the boarding-house rnarm I Si) ,* s . clothed with the garb of ^iirer. Democratic Executive Committee met I ^ bo . m He sba * 1 | abe tbe liberty of men~ I Ee waJ 3m ji[ ng over tbo affair, and upon will not quietly suggest that you ebauge to°“erook the C rire"!iAiif liinses of yesterday morning aud passed the follow- t |Cnin 3 separately, aud run the risk of of- tbo reporter’s approach handed it over. handed us b y fendngothere The centthl figure ofthe Tll e le tt er began by refusing the applica- Mr .s. V.llogo: V£*J“““i” “““ “ W U»“ *» d «» w •“ !te pered to her that three grains of parched]. Bainrhid or Democrat, A man m tlie • SLacfoN, Ga., December 2, 1880. 1 1113 Hood. Easy, graceful, and £l -lf‘ I lowing lecture: coffee thrown into the Alabama river will ‘ b ® At a called meeting of the Democratic possessed, the dimiuuitlve little lady went a-p] 10 •Western sectionliave no difficulty enable oue to dip coffee by tbe bucketful I ^“ImitioiTinega? advertising, I Executive Commlttce held this da* the through her part and sang her songs la a inobtaining all tlie money here or eisc- a mile up the stream. _ don^ico introduce a bill regulating tlie c Gmmittce recoos^their actioin or- style inimitable. Her song, “Once I j where in tlie East, for which they Lave Buena Vista Arsrua: Mr.Jos. Hand, j f ; ? '£ii er0 i 3 j ilt | a» much ] d !^ ,ps be , be |? waa a baby,” brought down showers 0 f secunt y t0 give, and at reasonable near Thorntonville, has sent us a curiosity. P 0 ,“ loa ^ ini. May betho ricecrop £ r „ da ££ c 2 imbci ; ! 4 , tb > far f the pe'octlon of UrOU ° UC 00 Wu * h0WJ!I * interest; aid if capital did r It is a hog's ieg which has tbe usual cloven 3 I Democrath: candidates for the various | applause. .u. boors, aud tbe two smaller hoofs above. a . 1 . , county offices, and the order was revoked. In addition to that a second leg, just below | Cutitdekt Appeal. \Ve a j S. C. HOue, Secretary, tlie knce joint, Iias Brown outTna tennil' ^riom, difficulty occurred on Wednesday nates in a mule hoof. The second leg is J 1 * last bat ^ een ft about the size of a man’s thumb, and bore °‘ Ca * M f ,n C xvJ,’ "***'■*&+***' a part of tbe animal’s welghtat every step. | antoj kuowj^Uingof thecau* Savannah Xeics funned that some -A Woman la Kari Macon SI10L Last night a difficulty occurred in East j rates of PilPPI fear .the good intentions of tlie South, 3Iiss Florence Roberts as “Mother" spo- you would have all the money daily distinguished herself, her songs in | that tho legitimate wants of your particular being exquisitely rendered. s ? e , t ' or } rc< l uirei l» and there are two espe- uLii.vnZil. r ^ clal causcs ainong others whidi will have Miss llali Dunlap, also, as Graudmotliei I to be removed before the South will cn- was an entire success. If she liad gone joy the prosperity which' her position and Fariss^aji Ojiia Wo qfinnot »ffjrd »o Riva you anything b„t iparaindgood laodiom^ tbirtfore we ij‘ W4ye keep ^ f ^ Simmons Liver Regulator up to iff highest standaid. We kcOT.hen psc pie u« eirk or /eel out 0/ torts they something to msks them well, not to txnert. meat with, and the BE3CJLATOR is jejutm tbiug to mtke jou well »nj keep you to If it were not true why would eo maoy peon'e who he-11 ufferwi with Uyepepiie *nd !,■?» Xhcesne is it* various foruM uil us Uut thk BKGDLATOK wie tho only remedy thit ourei them, after o hor «o-c» led remediA. had failed. It ie tins, and we have thflr xm- aihtite’letters to provs it. We arenetco- ing to tell you how you feel wken youaro sick you know it quick enough vjcroelf Bat wv dosay, if you are anffeneg in any wav and cannot get relit f, you ceod only uke'a fewdoeeear Simmons Liv^r Regulator andltagecd tffeot will be felt immediately. Thoee who are euiTeiing after the irregoJari- tiee of the heated term, or with Malaria in any form, will Bid la Simcaora Liver Bsgn- lator a valuanie lon'o anl appetizer to build up and me tore the wasted tytiesi. . The Episcopal Methodist say*: “Thsa med* iclne is acknowledged to hsva no equal as a liver medicine, nedit glvos us great aatiafas- ttaB and nprtnn .pleasure to Indorse what ekH ha deretoped la eeoaring eo rains bis a remedy ae dieacioaa Liver Begulator.” Toeu idireigusi hte no hsattation in as* renin* that tbej idicoua oaa or hin>m;na L v*r Begclator ai a preventive and tonic to the system, wilt scours immunity from tho weekend g and JsoferoiM iafleoooes 0/ Ma laria, and will effuct a ours ot chills and fever and all malarial dubrdor*. H. H. JONES, Editor Maaoa (Ga.) Telegraph. CAUIION. A« there are a number of ialtafictoe offer* Wewrolfobly In- ^^0^2 Coffiat Bucher^ Tmolfcrtt t ^ 0Ush ”*”** yCara of cs l«riencc, she ■ ii s 1 iot™n tiw^fa cc° and Mot U n the side.^Ku- mablc IaJ ^ wl.oscLusbaud keeps a -store 2 wl.i^rblwk hefin b^ e^ualSre Si * W “ T oalJ c * r ' i3 ° lhB pabUauo-.VoVL'ow , . ... »0 wntns or DiacB, ne must oeequai ueiore 1 some other comp -Rad to be palmed eff under dants would have the law, and lira free will and opinion re- I a similar aims, with tho assurance M ' 1 secla- I spec-toil and held sacred. And eecondly, that it U as good. Bear in mind that iha ■ vn„. I potion, I may sqy, lakeu by almost I oaly object each dealers can have, ie the faci .... ■ . ••^ c I the whole South as regards the credit of I 'haubeyoiamaleafei torv in East Macon entered Rnclier’s I 8l ° U ° f * MorCer So P bomorc » wcle the several States is very damaging in a “ , J . uc .‘° r ning” in their gaudy costumes and gipsy financial point, for who arc the States but A Hawkinsville correspondeut of the J store after dark, and asked for .whisky. son „ s> the people? a«»t jf solemn obligations Uad0 ““ k,# Bucher refused it, whereupon words on- are repudiated by a Sute there must eer- ' LiUle Ruby Jones shone resplenuent ta iuly be wanting that high sense of honor | rear panniea extra prof- l i t quculiy they cannot nor will they be able to 8taud in the commercial world as they wish and tliould do. t . “Very truly yours, “H. W.SnirsiAN.” We are very much afraid^ Mr. Shipman ] H by atliieg iheapuiiuua. None gennioecn uogcaved wrarpir, with t'Ba*Z” amp aud tlrnatare uabroken. . J. H. ZBIUx A 00., PoMbv,„n^ tt , , . , “estrousoi I th'ecounty and we hope tlicsc reports are relieving the wants of the distressed For tI es J a3St)raU!d . the sum of twenty-five cents be furnishes a 1 b certificate entitling tbe liolder to one cord of wood, which is to be furnished “iu a LaGrange Reporter says: few days,” the eertificato to be surrender- We have in this portion of tho county sued and Jones drew a pistol. Bucher r ed whoa the wood is delivered. It is joine most excellent farmers, and braopg and Jim Burns attempted io put him oat, , l l ' , ‘ 1 d , d ht! U it C , d ^ UM anjong the governing classes, and couse stated tliat quite a number of colored and j theziumber Is Mr. John H. Oliver, who'is j , vIien i lC fircd ,i, e bill strikL i^ R, W ‘ th her< l tlaint 1,ttle 6on ?> and ber 3 0m ' ‘ ‘ several while womeu have been duped. * nian ot untiring energy and not afraid , . ‘ t5U » lue oa 1 sir King airs, uu I pauions. the bluebells, Ida MarieLam, T1]C lellow is A »»1 e*Li 1 .. ^ _ L «» • ° .v *-.»• - I fmpf in (lift hwMf. fltin fflflnrtn® iiitni (It* J _ ' ° 1 be well dressed. some of our sharp ueiecuves couiu gamer | nimseir, who is fifty-three years old, and I * > . -— —" J w,1 “ ■•n. n mnn-ais.--, I Let ibv c0 Id be casein the furnace him. Another fraud of tlie'same character hits little son Johnnie, who Is twelve years ( policy. ' dance. The choruses, too, were very Hue, We are very much afraid Mr. Slupmati j Thy red cold precious aud bright, rinaiwln^V e tohhderi *n »W Five weeks of rain have demonstrated aDd Master Jo,!nsou Oitolj, as the Upst hflvc gptten himself tangled up in Da not fear the’huugry fire, ' * sfrter,^ud tecnacres7f.andl^ Sls°of S ^ ».c f chants one or two thlngs.worth “Wolf,” tickled the boys almost into fits, some ofthe bonds the Republican admin- Wlthiu caverns oTliving ft*. . which he ls compelled to sell_ oil_ account | and 1,000 bundles of fodder on nlno I considering. The first is, that the lmpas- I Unfortunately the reporter did not get istration charged up*to Georgia’s accouht fmn e\ely s^tnndsladii^ rtiCia ' 1S> acres; 225 bushels potatoes on two-thirds sable street Crossings hive 'paralyzed the in timc t0 hear the conversation between I and asked her to pay. If so, a little up- For cold must be tried hr tint ' (XEkSiUO 11RCS. ADELAIDE PROCTOR. of serious fiuaticial stress. Nothing but I acres;: b hogs orr the remain- might as well be contracted for now. |* ^ bo duet > “Hope beyond,” was very ] speech off at an inoffensive citizen, wlmie j Lfet thy hand he firm and steady, 3XJSSS2SK& ?** camo'to,Uio resqu? a | svreetly sung by Messrs. D iffus Glaucy only offense was auswering. the advertisb- Ho not let thy spirit quail; Mr. Julian Price appeared, for the first I consideration under the sdu. ment of sisters, ail bearing the same pastured thirty-nine name and whose rings bear tlie same imJ dcr. IIo used one ■rijklon. . j with 2S0 bushels eav U «uu. . . ... Cutiiukut Appeal: Cliarlcs Brook-1 stable manure. He picked fifty bolls 0 f I * ew ” a i’ 3 smee with some ing, colored, has been committed as ac- I cotton during the fourth picking, which I and sand, and demonstrated the one by | cessory to the murder of Benj. ” ^ ' '* ‘ ’ .. . .. - - - notice of which was j' sue. George Jones, did the shooting, is st Beaver Trapping—MeWiref/iwriii-1 “>?««“ V a3 rai3, ;d was measured by Mr. | nmd, Uicator:. We learn that “Fox Uuntina” I J - “• Loviti, county surveyor, and the cot- [ forebodin'; Henry R. Harris has just returned from a ton, corn, potatoes, etc., were all accurate- TljcV beaver trapping expedition in the counties | y ueigiied ami counted, and n no guess | oriii]/ of Talbot aud'ilariou. nights, catch i tig eigbteau * 1 *t ,3, um -ul-i ■ — — c— — —a—, ■ - - - — — — —-— —■ — , — ■ ... ter.and oue. muskrat. The furs of these | ? tmtter, besides famishing the I mau fissure, then into the slush he would | articulation, and au apparent confidence j aud her railroad securities iu the same animals are worth fifty dollars, in .New ^ly, seven iu number, witbbutter cv- flop Uuthe cannot do this; aiideveri if j in kis power to control tlie voice. Added 1 neighborhood. It is useless to argue with j lork. Any oue troubled with beavers y luea _l j he could, it would not he policy to let j to this is a softness in., tho lower notes j such people. To our mind we see in Mr. Whose reputation as a trap^r U equa^fti | XnturaUzea. one alderman save eleven, wlieu tlie which lie never before possessed. Shipman a repetition Of the famous Bible 1 tliat of Gie renowned xVbner Durham, in On Wednesday last, Dr. E. G.Fergu-1 streets would hobetter offsiiould theetev- I The orchestra from tbe Academy ofthe scene in which Balaam tries, io uige Ids , the early settlement of Mils county.. While ] son, Mftcon* well known and popular en be allowed In like manner to save, tlie' Blind favored tho : audience with some j stubborn anlnjai forward iu ,vainonly, in And take thy heart again, For as gold is tried by fir&’ * 1 So a,heart must be tried liy pain. shall know by tbe gleam and tbe glitter, Of the golden chain you wear, Lrsonnd idx I work- ° Mrs. Oliver lias sold from 0 two | con'd he save tlm city by flopping over I wetness hi tbe changes, purity of tone, out to him that her 4-per ceht. bonds I and.bless tiie cleansing fire, » 1 beavenJone ot- C0H S tn’onty^lghtdollareand eighty cents’ I into tbo slush, 03 Curtius did In the-R-j-1 strength in tlio high notes, clearness of stand at 102 ,* her Cs at 110; her 7s at 113; And the furnace of living pain; n< — .. I irnrtli /if Vxfit fut* Vt/katiloa . f*i ran inlilim Min I .... n . 1 _ . ■ , « • « • 1 a 1* lotilal Ian nn/1 nnnn»..Vni aatv/l.lAKan I —.. .1 ~... It t I . * I - ■ ■■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■!■■■■ Bainduidge Democrat: Bob ingersoll thinks infidelity is_ growing in tho God, Hide iomres. A girl In Augusta named Hannah, Slipped upon a piece ol banana, When she struck on her head, Bill Moore quildsly flqd,. , , And blushed iu a sensitive manner. The waste basket is mightier than the poem. - -1* t* Some of our hackmcn are' thinking ^ I ^kpUtaeBIng theirvehiclesau'd purchasing gersoll I United States. Dr. Ferguson is a native I icy. 'wiqMRUUMha^aRrctotTidfr’nritpj offended Ly thus: being compared to | gondolas. ^"Ah-.lof Canada and has lliorouehlv established I ti,u manor «r »r«to nn Ano y ’ Balaam. Ulls n,alter ofc T in8? ^ nd I, andiooks to Him as the only means I tn mse *f ,n (*eoigia as a skillful praclitloner, has a right to compel them io do so, hull Vocal duet, *f a m . . 1. .1 « 1 . .. *. 1 * _ . ' ! I T 1 <1 I Awm. nn/1 fBTope Beyond”—Messre. ‘M A large reward awaits the man whocan Invent a way to prevent pedestrians from getting muddy. Submit your plans. Santa Claus does more for tbe juveniles wa “teSe inoEhJ oppK^ev- 3 P° nded bercal1 for assistance aud spent f or instance, Triangular block could liavt ertsT ‘^Gretffimoffier,”^ Ifoh^D^nUp; | tations. “The patem Linoleum flwr cloth I in a one night session than the entire Leg- erdo;hciice the rapid l ™owthof Uie fun-1 fodnths at a post from wliidi the been reach*' ' ‘ : *' ~ 1 *' Y *“ gu^infidelity in-tlie Nortb-sinco tbdlate] boldestsbldiermigbtbaveskruukwithout h ad i c *knew, Ml BJ ... B B .B ^Ujdbiymor. During tbe last epidemic he of $2.50, necessary frcm eaeh to put step- &^ 0 ber^ Louise rS^S &| you took''^n . _ , . _ . _ „ _ T vrnlxrv Honn ir Tt fs Gtt thoro **“ f *“ d lLc scour 8® ftl Mississippi. We ping-stones across tlio strebt, have been ri- tiii, Mary Cobb; “Gipsies/’ hisses Lillie “Liuoieutn”; none other is genuine. AU oa „ tke '‘Dying I ear, “Tlie «, ^nnrfin Tr^ir f -VTirf r 'vh“ congratulate him upon Ills newly acquired alized twenty times over? It most assuredlv Dunlap, Clata Dunlap, Julio Rogers, Jim- carpet dealers keep it. , Birth of the New > ear, etc., etc., are now ilo rmis^osJ^Sancha^ then Jm I andtrust that In the laud of Jus Lould. Thereis clearly only one «ay I' u ' e n Siting, Mary Talton, I l pouring iu To the poet, there U no such bale of cotton on them,‘which he allows adoption he may find a proper recogni- 0 ut of tho difficulty, and tliat ire have Flowers '' “Ihi’t/ercun” Rub » -LI T 1 **?^** 1 ^ ^ *^ av “ I tbin S “ a ,e 2 al bollda i'> but 10 lbe oditor I suggested. “ . ■. , I-fSS&FjSlu!&SSk& I ?iaX*Tt«rtgS{ 1 lte " “ a ^ town for sale. In this way a good dbal of moisture is consumed by tbe cotton, and imob uoy Robbed, l thr weight of Uie. b*fo to materially in-1. Our young frieud Tommie Thompson, j . ! I Lightfoot, Hattie : Rogcre,^'Elia'* itcAii-1 {^'in&Lamaris'dxii'store andgaka'b'y'Ife ‘ ‘ " 1 now a resident of Savannah, had hardly j Pump, Engine and pipes Pure-based, drews, Deanlo McAtidrews, Mary Laney, of Coussen’s Honey of Tar. Frier 70c. OCR WATERWORKS. madb of wfipker work. society Elections. The annual elections for orators and White Vermifuge a the j debaters In the Ciceronian aud Fhi Delta octl2tf I locieties occurred yesterday, resulting as follows: > • * Ciceronian Sdclety—Annivcrsarian ora- ■ y. A Pastor Xrnle Happy. .j—-— rri-".- -r —; ■/ ■ — — —— — 1—o— —j --- Sidney Wiley. man, who.was lull of it, said, “111 K iv e j called upon to appear before the public I contracted fob an engine that has theca- Vocal solo, “Cleausiog Fires”—Mr. I I have been greatly troubled with my yaaanMie. WeU. what namedo you Xillt , Mt he rel , Kd his pacily lo - p ump i n g 1,000,000 gallon* of Ju . , , ian ^ ric0 ' . kld J n 5 ys t and , ,iver f or ® TCr l T weQly years > j lor ’ F * a Greaves > cllnton * Ga ' •^flyGrav“ thaFsihe name.”^Early I «om and sank into that profound slumber I water per day; also form, and the llggiy^i P^tere-Juli.uS.Kodgere, Waynesboro, Grave” will suit for almost any of It. I whlcli only those possessed of clear con- j necessary piping for distributing the water j 8 —“3 a cmoon a -o c. • I enormous, aiid I visited both J t ' a ’ James O. Hamilton, HawkinsviHo, Columbus Times: Yesterday we learn- j sciences can indulge in. During the night j throughout tlie city. All will bo delivered For the Holidays— licnuty lu Xlnla-1 the Hot and White Springs, I Ga -> an( I Robert B. Barron, Clinton, Ga, ed that Mr. Matlww Parker, who lives a thief entered bis apartments and carried in Macon by January 1st next.. . “ire. noted, for the - curative qualiUes of Mr. John F. Eden, or Sumter county, was 2SSS3SS’^i^Me^by Uwaythesuitofclothingofwhichhebad During Mr. Boardman’s absence, Mr, FMtomiiMcwe.atogauce.wnd pereonaj [ mrlt ^ shooting himself with a pistol. He was (liut recently divested himself, together | W. T. Johnston has had a force employed adornment Is tlie first duly of civilization, sultof Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver j cue < - ,ceron:an amurersaiy. ith’s salary, I aigeiug tho colicctiug well at the springs: I The refined man or woman rejoices in the I Cure. Not only this, but my little daugb-1 Bid Delta Society Annivi .. . mt « . « I 1.. .i* 1. * .. 1. . I tap Viaq Kann rotKiil nf St Vitiu’ DfltiFA hv I tnr .Tnlin T Wnct Fan Tin found in his bed yesterday morning with j with a gold watch and a mouth’s salary, I nigging tho colicctiug well at the springs. J The refined man or woman rejoices in the I Cure. Not only this, but my little daugb-1 Fhi Delta Society Anuiversarian ora- " P “l°iT°r d °?.,^ f0r it e 1 dl ‘V d J“ ‘ I which were in bis pockets. Tho thief | The well is, or is to bo, fifteen feet deep I beautiful; art, music, flowers, all charm K?r r . b *f I tor ’ Jolm T * Es ‘ 1 ” Thompson, Ga* cd to live. We did not learn the cause^if j gathered up and earned away pretty and thirty feet in diameter. the polished mind, while the taste for J2™Ia my family!^ With suc^gforioL | ^ ^Ga^Haeh therasbact. fmuch eveiything elscof value within | After the! many yeais of delay which perfumes, odorous applications for pro-1 results, lam only too glad to testify re- "' a ' uo ” ell » A la .’ a-1 have intervened since it was first decided I serving tlio beauty of tlio hair, skin and I garding the remedies which have made j H. .Kilpatrick, It hue Plains, Ga. Mr. H. Macou should have waterworks, it is cer- ] teeth, and all those artistic appliances of j 80 happy. Hev. P. F. Maukler. j W. Hill was chosen to preside as president talnly pleasant to note the business move-j tlm toilette which science has produced | nov30-2 w rosSin °’* a meats which prophesy a speedy fblfill-1 are dear to the cultivated taste. The body I ment of our dqsires. .... | is^od’s^temple, and a perfect care'of Itin L Augusta Hews: A governmnnt agent | reach. Tom has ouf sympathies. arrived in Atlanta yesterday to Invest!-1 gate tho charge* against Marshal Fitz-j Escape or two Convict*, simmons. Commissioner Itaum asks for I Ou Saturday last a gang of convicts, in his discharee upon tho grounds:* I. For charge of one guard, were sent from Old frauds in the Marshal’s office. 2. Because | TowaovcrtoNo> , 0Jf on tbQ Centnil for the above society on tbe evening of the anniversary. there Is no co-operation between tho P. ., Marshall’s office and the Collector of In- I railroad, to do some work for Mr. Wad- ternal Revenue iu Georgia. 3. Because I ley. Tnrq of them managed to make the Marelial has withheld large sums of their escape, and returned to the vicinity money due his deputies without author!-1 .. , . . ty. This is all the work of Andrew of lbe ^P' whero tbey sct flre to tb « Clark, revenue collector, who has been I Sin bouse, and during tbe confusion, sc- pursuing Fitzsimmons for a long time, I cured clothing from the quarters, together with charges which he has signally failed wWl a <*,<! chijel . Thelr thackks tosuDStaiitiatc. I. Rome Tribune: Tho clerk of council In-1 ff und by , “°™ ln S' °“ <* forms tts that there Is now $10,500 cash on I t l ° conv| cts, a short mulatto, wearing a hand in the city treasury to meet all lia- J cap and jacket, is supposed to be in Mo bilities and tbe January interest on the j con. One hundred dollars reward Is of- Tbo January interest is, about | fcred for Wnli $O)u00t - The Albany Hews and Advertiser is rather bard on our law-makers. It says, Jkcw Factory. We bear it Tuinored tliat Mr. Hanson Tbe purups designed for tills enterprise 4 cleanliness and adornment Is tbe tbe pa- of trade, who pick up a living by depi eila- eame from tbe hydraulic works of H. R. j rent of pare thoughts and happy ideas: | ting upon the rights of others, are con-. Worthington, in Brooklyn. When we see any one neglectful of per- stantly trying to cheat the public by sub- »n early dale, begin the erection of -a ;«s- b ’ Mr ; fr r.„r.. 1 i r ., r r ^ that tbo factory has an invention by ideas, no marks of cultivated mind. How none except under our copyrighted, eu‘ I ... . . nhntu '. I which the water may be applied to tlie much does a traveler, accustomed to a | graved label, with seal, signature, aud I w,u 0051 w.tXH, auu tne mo. . D running of elevators in the Various stores | bountifullyJtirnlsbed toiletto table, mbs | , - am P of H. Zellin & Co. of tbe city. The machinery, of this new [ these adjuugte to a stylish appearance] Fond’s Extract invention lift* a weight of 1,000 pounds when on a journey. To obviate this Je-1 Ought to be in every family ready for with 80 gallons of water. Doubtless Mar seph Burnett & Co., Boston, have invent- | use. Nature and science are combined in con will receive tho benefit of It when the | ed a beautiful‘little article known as | the manufacture. Disease originates pipes are laid. - ^ ; • - '. . | “Burnett’* Miniature Toilet,” aud by its ^on the aid travelers of either sex can indulge in heralded tlie virtue of Pond's Extract lw j has been supplied. dw WbooUn* ... T, . _ Taking pills and potioi.s_Js like shoot- | luxurious adornments wherever jhey may | External application or inwardly taken “** ! '“ * * ** ‘ “ ”’ond’s Extract! TUTTS • IHHBr rt°S&* AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, Ooaai(*e clan. ■■ Tlie regular monthly meeting of tlie 1 ing with the eyes shut. When you are I be. Prettily made and delicately' fitte'a | with safety.' Tbe cures of Po in reference to the electoral vote : We do | Ocmulgee Fanners* Club will be held on | iTi^yeHow”^ wil!l U,u !eadin S articles of Joseph Bur- ^ by are ^Pond’s Ex^ , ‘ ‘ ‘ nett’s unequalled preparations iumlnia-lfor 50 cents, $1.00 aud $1.75—largest I tro focompai^ile. They atfanulate the turoslze, It occupies uo more room than a cheapest. Can beobuined from drug- Captain H. J. Peter)-use Dr. Flags’s Improved Liver aud [ smail de8pati:b case , aud yet ; 3 furnished every £ ber ?' T ff. Ik once, aud you OU3SYSTEM the kh ’Stomach Pad and be cured. lw ,, , ■£, . , . I will never be without it. lw ! 1 lvja QgQAJJS, create perfect digeation with Burnett’s Cologne 1 lorimal ior the | | and regular movement^f the bowels. a glance that he is not. to blame for the l result. But, was ever such fool-hardy | Will read au essay before tbo association, iegialatiou imposed upon tbe voters of a I and other interesting exercises will take lw „ . ■ ... „ , We are now prepared to fl!l prescrip-1 handkerchief, Cocoaiue for the hair, Kil- State before ! Let us go bade, search the p]aRe> Mr. King, with bis improved cot-I Gone at all hours of the nr{fot. The afy/if u ston - for th6 gk|n and oriental Tooth records and hang tlio fool who introduced f -* La will be found under the right hand ° it tbe peculiar law to tlie nearest stake. 1011 P ,allLer win be presenti and exhibit wjndow of our relan 8tore . 6 Wash, and a beautiful brochure of advice Columbus Enquirer: Several extra | 018 attractive points in this admirable in-1 k Lamah, Rankin A Lamar. | for the toilette, and oilier matter which trains arrive and depart ou tho South-1 vention. Tbe public are invited to at- • * * I has already become very popular, and is western railroad daily. Notwithstanding | tend. I PERMANENT relief for dyspepsia, sour I luc( f by the nrincinal artists of the tlie extra trains, tlie yard is still blocked I ^ - stomach, biliousness, and all diseases of ^ ^ , JJ , with cotton. Last night there were re- j * A«Je« 9* Facto Bat Hat Da Jare. disordered liver can be liad by using Port- j drama and 0 P er *' W« will ouly add that raalnlng, after tbe departure of tbe legu-1 Col. Carey W. Styles was appointed aline, or Tabler’s Vegetable Liver Pow-1 this petite and recherche Toilet Cotnpan- When lips receive a rosy flush, n And teeth become a dazzling white Beneath the efforts ofthe brush, When SOZODONT is used aright; The mouth becomes sweet, pure and \Y Al'Ul) And tbe fresh breath ap odorous charm, lw lar freight and two extras, 1,800 hales, j judge of the court of tlie county of Glynn I £!?, ^9 C- ^ hite’i The road Is endeavoring to get more cars, I. „ ... .,, .» Vermifuge is the best wt »nd probably in the course ofa week or I by ^ov* Golquitt end lnsBppomtment was ga i e by Lamar. Rankin &j *nd probably . two they will be able to forward tbe coiiou | ratified by tbe Senate. Tbe appointee bas as fast as tiie shippers wish it. | not been a resident of Glynn for a period Re Wide Awoke to Year latoreac. I have just returned from tbe best shoe days. Examine it at any fashionable market, where I have purchased a full drug store, aud it wilt be‘found as neat I line of boots aud shoes of ss good grade and as suitable a present both for home I “ 8ver w .a* brought to tbe city of Macon. White’s Cream White I ion is admirably adapted for tbe Holl- worm killer. For & Lamar. octl2tx 1 . PffP . W«merRrintoa,ML ©, f—- "JT ~~~ 11 make it to the interest of all to ex- Ft. Gaines Tribune: Last Monday, lu I two years prior to his appointment, as j Baltimore, writes: “I have used Colden b J ° r traveling use as anything t.iat can be I muine these goods before buying elso- the upper edge of tbe county, Alice Will-1 the Jaw requires. Hence, a new appoint- I k* e Ws* s Liquid Extract of Beef in uiy I purchased at such a small cost. Drug- I where. I have also doubled my force in lams, a little five-year-old daughter of I men . u t a order practice. InconsumpUou^deb.llty, weak- gj 3 ts should order it early. I Hie manufacturing department, and am George Williams, colored, a tenant on the I - r - ness, anemia, chlorosis, etc.,It cannot be I now competent to fill all orders that may place of Mr. Jos. Catching*, was pushed) Raeoa osm! Brunswick Extension. surpassed, bold by all druggists and 1 To tlie Counmptlva | come in, at tbe shortest notice. I shall off the Patanla bridge by Willie Reese, a J Tbe 3f*con aud Brunswick exten,iou I E r0CCf8 ' , Wilbor’s Conniound of Cod Liver Oil | make a line cf pegged work as well as tbe colored boy of thirteen or fourteen years 8urvev i^ s w., conroleted as far aa t’ov aud 1<,n . 10 ’ jWU> ut „ possess'*** very very best hand-stitched boots and shoes, j Blrad, of age. Slid instantly killed. We are in-1 * u y P e a ** ar ^ l° v - j ^ siasi* nut j nauseating flavor of tlit>. article as hereto-) Come and have your measure taken. Bo-1 e ^„- AS AN ANTHHALAMAL Ttioy have no equal 1 xctmjr a* n prevent ive and cure for Bilious, Remit tent. Inter mittent. Typhoid l’«svera, and Fever nn 1 Aeue. Upon the hisdthy action ot the ! toniach and_Ltver depends, %hno«t whclly, the health of the liumau mco. DYSPEPSIA* Itia for the cureof thudisease and tts st~ t-eadanta, HICK-HEADAGaE, N KltV- OU8NE3S. DE8PbMpENCY,_CON- bTXPATlOH. FILES. Ac., that thco Pill, hav*friiscd such * wid/- reputation. Ko remedy was ever df»cov«rod tliat acts ao speedily and gently on the digeativo or- rans. glvimr them tone and vigor to aa- ■imilato food. 'Thia^ aoooniplished, thv NEBV'Kfl ei-e BBAOED, the BRAIN nGURISSED, and the BODY KO- BUSpr - Try this Bemedy fairly and you Strong Nerves, and a Choerfui mind. Price Me. 35 Mnrray 8*., N. Y. formed that Alice was crossing over the | ington. The surveying party will now I j n atojk speculation often leads to large before us- !, is endowed by the phosphate [ pairing done in the very best style. I am bridge on her way to her grandmother’s, j proceed to -Atlanta and survey a route gains. Tlie Weekly Financial Report, j of lime with a liealing property whieb J now also prepared to put new elastic when she was overtaken and pushed off | frouj that dtv direct to this. Mr Fletcli- I published by the reliable firm of John A. [ renderstiieoil doubly efficacious. Remark- | in old shoes, something that has been) TTTTT’fl W A TT? TlVR by tbe boy, Willie, without provocation. „ . . . w .T^ndir,™ . r,.o. i Hodge & Co., bankers aud brokers. 12 able testimonials of iu efficacy cau be needgd very much In this market. Gomel * « The coroner ofthe county was notified I 8r 11 .* wuo ’ spenuing a tew Wall strec t, New' York, bristles with shown to those who desire to see them. 1 and see me. 112 Cherry street, under the and summoned a jury of Inquest, who re-j days in this city, returned to Covington its” valuable to tliose who wish to | Sold by A. B. Wilbor, chemist, Boston, J TKLKGHArH And Msskknokk icfioe. turned a v.rdict in accordance with tbe i last evening to Join his party. {speculate, it iseeut free, aud all druggists. lw j J. Valentino. Gray H.un os Wsskebi eb»n*ed to % GisO**? Ulacs by a aiiurtt aop4k«tkm of Uj» Dn. It i»- !’*rU fc N«tor4lColnr. mm I o*t4nU»«oo**y- t oi l I>7 DrunruuorMotbyuproMoarflotiiytoflL Si (he 9,35 Murray St.. New Yortu