Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 17, 1880, Image 1

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JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. CLLSBY A’JONES, Peopbiktjrs. THE FAMILY JOURNAL—NEWS—POLITICS- LITERATURE—AGRICULTURE—DOMESTIC NEWS, Etc.—PRICE $2.00 PER ANNUM. GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING * ABLISIIED1826- MACON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1880 VOLUME LV-NO. 51 Ml I7PREME COURT. 1ifftmc iKcndered Hot. is, 1880. /. tfor ths Telegraph ani Me stenner by Hill Sb Uarrit, Attorney at La to Macon, Giorgio. Duckett vs. The fc'tite. Larceny, from Monroe. That a hone was stolen, and a few days thereafter the defendant sold it some miles away, and made false statements as to the ownership and possession thereof, was sufficient to support a verdict of guilty of larceny. 2. Where the important fact was brought to the attention of the solicitor* general for the lint time by tbe statement of the prisoner, there was no error in per mitting him to reopen the case to show that fact. Mitchell vs. The Western and Atlantic railroad. Certiorari, from Whitfield. In a suit against a railroad for damages to personalty, the question of negligence is one of faci; and therefore where tbe case turned on that question, on certiorari from a magistrate’s court, the judge should not render final judgment, but re mand the case for a new trial, if errors have occurred. Hamilton vs. Granaers’ Life and Health Iusursuce Company. Complaint, from Floyd. 1. Recoupment as a defense must spring out the contract upon which theplaintit ' sues, and is confined to that. A claim arising out of a distinct transaction can not be recouped against a suit on a prom issory note. 2- The plea of set-off extends to all mu tual deniauds existing between the parties at the dalqof the commencement ofthe action. Therefore money procured by tbe plaintiff from the defendant by fraud may be set-off against a suit on a note for money loaned. (a) Notes without words of negotiabili ty, although held by a bona fido purchas er, arc subject to the equities and defenses existing between tbe assignor and debtor at tbe time of the assignment. Fred Cox. vs. the Commissioners ol Whit field county. Complaint, from Whitfield 1. The act of 1872 did notconfei on the commissioners of Whitfield county judi cial powers except as to roads. (a) If they had any judicial powers as to claims against the county, a refusal to pay unaccompanied by any judgment as to correctness or incorrectness would uot be conclusive. 2. Mandamus tnay be a proper remedy to compel a board of commissioners to pay a fixed and established debt, but suit is the proper mode of determining a liability which is liquidated and denied. Western and Atlantic Railroad vs. Jones. Case, from Catoosa. Railroads are required by law to estab lish jiosts on each side of public cro sings, to blow the whistle and check tbe speed of its trains in approaching thorn, so as to be able to atop should any one be on the crossing. While these provisions are Intended to protect lile and property at such crossings, yet where an accident took place just beyond a crossing, the Tact that these requirements were disregarded, may be considered by the Jury In deter mining the question of negligence or. the part of the employes of the railroad. West vs. Black. Claim, from Whitfield. Tlie verdict In this case is contrary to evidence. One who has made a vail t conveyance of personalty caunot alter- wards avoid the transfer by bis mere ad missions that the property is his, there be ing no question of fraud, and the debt tin der which the property is sought to be subjected having been contracted after tiie transfer. 2. For a justice to admit a written con veyance of personalty in evidence before a jury remarking that “the court thought tlio deed to personalty was worth but little, but as tlie jurors were judges of tbe iaw and evidence, he would permit it to go before tlicm for tbeir consideration, if it was worth anything to them,” was error, and was a good ground for certio rari. Lanier vs. Brooks. Claim,from Whitfield. 1. Property held under bond for titles, with part of the purchase money paid was sold under an execution against the ven dor. By agreement with the holders of the bond, a third patty bought at the sheriffs sale, and gave them a bond to convey cm repayment of the purchase price; they failed to pay; but procured another to do so and take a deed from the purchaser j they gave him tlieir note for the amount so 'paid, and be agreed in parol to convey the land to them on pay ment thereof. While the title atood thus, a judgment was obtained against him. Still later there was a second substitution of another In his place, similar to the first. A fi. fa. against the original holders of the bonds for titles was levied and tbe property sold. The purchaser con tinued to pay the last holder of the title for the purpose of redeeming the lot. The holder of tbe title brought ejectment tgainst h.m; ani under an equitable plea, tbe juty found a money verdict against the defendant, with alternative of a ti. fa. against tbe land. A ti. fa. against the sec ond taker or the tities founded on tlie judgment above stated was levied on the laud, and the purchaser at the second sheriffs sale, hieing also defendant Jit ejectment, claimed: Held, That tlie agreement to convey ti tles made by (It* second holder of the title to tlie original holders of tlie bond for ti tles was without consideration, and not binding. 2. Even if binding, tbe title was never theless in liim l>y actual purchase, and the lien of a judgment against him at- tac!;ed. * U. The original holders of the bond for titles dhl not have either a fee simple or mortgageable Interest in tlie land which they could convey to tbe purchaser at the first sheriff’s sale, or those who were sub stituted (or him, and therefore were not prelected by the act of 3571-2- (Acts *71-2, p. 44). 4. On the trial ofthe claim case arising under the fl. fa. against the second holder of the titles, tlio record of the ejectmont cause between tbe third holder and the claimant was not admissible. tbeir residence, are not entitled to $2.0Q per day for such service. Such compen sation is only allowed them for attendance upon the Superior Court. Andersm vs. Anderson. Debt, from Ca toosa. Where to a suit brought in Georgia on a judgment rendered in the State of Ten nessee, Iho defendant pieade'd his dis charge in bankruptcy, and it appeared that lie was adjudged a voluntary bank rupt pending the suit in Tennes see, but la! led to plead that fact to ask _ stay of the proceedings on that account, and tbe judgment was subsequently ren dered, and he thereafter obtained his dls- ebatge; Held, That tbe plea was a valid bar to a recovery. The Tennessee judgment did not constitute a new debt, but simply a new senility for tbe old debt, and ol it self had no force or effect !n Georgia. Decisions Head e red Hot. S3,1880. Taut et al. vs. Wigfall. Complaint for land, from Richmond. x Courts of Ordinary have general juris diction of tho granting or revocation of letters of administration. Therefore the judgment granting letters as to the partic ular estate cannot be impeached collater ally on the ground that the decedent re sided in a different county. Such a judg ment must be attacked in tbe court where it was rendered. Especially so when the judgment itself recites the fact that tho deceased was late of that county. JolinstoD, county solicitor, vs. Lovett, county judge. When the act of 187C provided that the fees of the county solicitor of Bunco coun ty should be the samo as those allowed the solicitor-general in the Superior Court for like services, such fees became fixed, and a subsequent increase of the fees al lowed solicitor-generals did not also in crease the fees of the county solicitor. Riven vs. tho City Council of Augusta. Case, from Richmond. 1. A municipal corporation is uot lia ble lor damages resulting from a failure on tlie part of its council to perform,or an Improper performance ol those powers and duties «Inch are legislative or judicial in their character. For damages resulting from tlieir neglecting to peif.irm or negli gence in the performance of those duties which are purely ministerial, it would be liable. 2. There is no sound dlslinct'o t as to such liability between a failure to pass an ordinance in the first instance and its re peal or suspension after being passed. Therefore, where a city council passed an ordinance forbidding tlie running at large of cattle iu its streets, but subsequently suspends its operation indefinitely, on the ground, among.others, that the growth of weeds and grass was too luxuriant for comfort, health and good appearance, one who was gored by a cow running at large in tiie streets would not have cause ol ac tion against the city. (a) Nor would tlie principle be altered by the fact that the owner paid a muuici pal tax on the cow. Turner vs. the Grangets’ Life and Health Insurance Company. Attach raeiit, from Floyd. Though a subscription to the slock of an insurance compauy may have been in duced by fraudulent representations, yet tlie subscriber canuot recover the araouut paid, if there are creditors to an equal or larger amount on debts contracted after bis subscription. As to such debts, the funds of tbe corporation, including his subscription, are held in trust for their payment. Anderson vs. Dodd. Ejectment, from Whit field. Whatever may have been the law prior to the code, section 2(181 declares that where a person having paper title to a tract of land is in actual possession of only a part, the law construes tlie posses sion to extend to the boundary of the tract, thus rendering actual possession of part necessary to constructive possession of balance. Under the principle, tbe de fendant showed a valid prescriptive title, and the verdict iu his favor was correct. Gammaz? ct. al. vs. The Georgia South ern Railroad Company, injunction from Floyd. 1. Where a bill alleged that for tho purpose of securing the right of way through laud, a railroad corporation had the writ of ad quod damnum issued, seasment made, from which there was an appeal to the Superior Court, and filial trial had resulting in a verdict for the property owner, simply finding for him $1,l50, and directing that upon the pay ment of such sum the title to the land should vest iu the company, but establish ing no special lieu thereon, and that pend ing these proceedings tlie railroad first taking possession of the property ltccame insolvent, aud was sold under dccreo to defendant, which has since been using tbe same as part of its right of way and road-bed, praying injunction against tbe use of said land until payment of the as sessment, aud for general relief, it was error to dismiss tbe samo on demurrer. There is no common law remedy ade quate to such a case. 2. As complainants have delayed so long before making application for injunc tion, this court will uot interfere with the discretion exercised in refusing the same, but will direct that the chancellor, ou final trial, shall submit to the jury whether tho injunction shall issue, to be stayed days toenaole defendant to make payment Brown and Hill ox tub Situation. A Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune has tho following about the Georgia Senators: Senator Ilill said recently ho was glad his letter to Mr. Chittenden was pub lished, for although a few extremists ou both sides bad assailed him, he bad been brought into correspondence with a great many men anxious to know tho exact truth, and lie guided by it. “To-day things look bright in tlie South,” contin ued the Senator. “Our people are con tented, as moderately prosperous peo ple cenerally ate. We have few very rich and few vary poor people. We have less politics in tho South to-day than you have in tbe North. We ought not to be solid any longer, but much depends upon Garfield. We ongbt to divide upon new issues of public policy. As for me, I am os strongly favorable to sound money as any man In Wall street, but Smith vs. Wade et al. Certiorari, from Floyd. Wliere to a rule in justice against a con stable, lie answered that he had been notified to hold the money to pay a claim put In therefor by a contestant, it was er ror to dismiss the rule. tloM to tbeftptjpjg ^. whatever damages the Interests of the decide it in ponlu.m.ty with tlie facts. j Morth hnrta „ g JJ wc]K The undeveloped •’ , ! resources of the South need the attention Ladd vs. McDonald. Claim, from Bar- an d i ie )p 0 f Northern capitalists. How tow. . ■ • ■ i can we expect it if we put our influence 1. When adimunillon of the record Is ( a the scale against Northern industries suggested, and tlie cletk of the court be- . and Northern enterprises?” low, iu response to a rule nisi from this feenator Brown, of Georgia, says that he court, sends up the missing portion of believes the success of Governor Colquitt the record, which covers evidence not con- an d himself in their icspeclivo campaigns talned lif the brief as originally certified j 3 tho forerunner of a breakup in the solid to this court, such addition constitutes a array 0 [ t hc South. -The campaign was portion of tlie record and will be so con- t hc "most bitterly contested one of recent side ml. ,-.V > years, and resulted in the utter discom- — iituro of the Bourbons. 'The Commissioners of Floyd County vs. ~ ~ .' 0 ' , “ . Black. Certiorari, from Floyd. One pair ofboots or shoes saved every - Witnesses attending committing trials y:ur by using Lyons latent Metallic under subpoena in counties other than of tieel Stiffeners. t. [likelyyou meant to let Mr. Sherman know that you were not to remain in The Population of Georgia. We publish beljw full census r ®tun s [ Charlottesville, but were on your wayj ontninna nr r ■ - wen Din every county In tho Stale-all offi- j home, and that if ho wished to explain rsmpam from cial except that from Jackson. The pub- I himself in any way be must address' you llshed statement of the population of tha 1 at Columbia. • , . I Since my return home, however, It has county, however, is believed to be entirely | been j miniated to me that I was mistaken reliable, and will not be materially altered j (q my apprehension of your meaning, by the official returns: Liberty, Lincoln, Lowndes, Lutnpkin, McDuffie, McIntosh, Macon, Madison, Marion, Meriwether, Miiier, Milton Mitel tell, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Murray, Muscogee, Newton, • Oconee, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Pickens, Pierce, Pike, Polk, Pulaski, Putnam, Quitman, Rabun, Randolph, Richmond Rockdale, Schley, Scriven, Spalding Stewait, Sumter, Talbot, Taliaferro, Tattnall, Taylor, Teifalr, Terrell, Thomas, Towns, Troup, Twiggs, L nion, Upson, Walker, Walton, Ware, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Webster, White, Whitfield, Wilcox, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Worth. 10504 0412 uoio 0510 0440 0241 11075 7078 8508 17C01 8720 0261 0302 18805 MSI 14034 8209 19322 13010 0340 15400 10887 0700 4538 15840 11054 Counties. I860. 1870. Increase. Decrease. Appling, 5275. 50S( 180 Baker, 7:305! 064- 40. Baldwin, 121)98 100U 2381 Banks, 73371 4973 230- * Bartow, 1809, 10500 2128 Berrien, 001! 4518 2101 Bibb, 2714' 21255 5001 Brooks, 1172* 8342 3380 Bryan, 4921 5252 323 Bulloch, 8053 5GH 24-ff Burke, 2712- 17071 0448 Butts, 831 0941 1370 Calhoun 702- 5503 152! Camden, 018:. 4015 1508 Campbell, 0071 0170 803 Carroll, 1C!/Uj 11782 5121 Catoosa, 4731 4400 330 Charlton, 210; 1807 282 Chatham, 4511C 41270 3831 Chattahoochee, 5U7G 0050 3S9 Chattooga, 10501) 0002 3007 Cherokee, 14325 10300 392t Clark, I170-- 12041 1239 Clay, 0050 5403 1157 Clayton, 8028 5477 2501 Cliucb, 4138 3945 103 Cobb, 20748 13814 0034 Coffee, 507< 3102 1878 Colquitt, 2521 1054 673 Columbia, 10405 13529 3004 Coweta, 21100 15875 5234 Crawford, 8050 7557 1009 Dade, 4703 5033 330 Dawson, 5837 4309 140S Decatur, 20050 15183 4807 DeKalb, 14107 10014 44S3 Dodge, 5358 New coun ty Dooly, 12413 0790 2023 Dougherty, 12022 11517 1105 Douglass, 0934 New coun ty- Early, 7005 0993 007 Ecl-.ois, 2553 1078 575 Effingham, 5079 4214 1705 Elbert, 12957 0240 3708 Emanuel, 0750 0134 3025 Fannin, 724-1 5420 1810 Fayette, 8005 8221 384 Floyd, 24418 17230 71SS Forsyth, 10550 7083 2570 Franklin 11453 7803 3500 Fulton, 40515 33440 1C000 Gilmer, 8*380 00-14 1742 Glascock, 3577 2730 841 Giynn, 0107 5370 1121 Gordon, 11170 0208 1002 Green, 17547 12454 5003 Gwinnett, 10531 12431 7100 Habersham, 8718 0322 2300 Hall, 15290 0007 5002 Hancock, 160S9 11317 5072 Haralson, 5073 400-1 1909 Harris, 15705 13284 2480 Hart, 9094 07S3 2311 Heard, 6700 7800 003 Ilcnry, 14103 10102 4091 Houston, 22412 20103 2000 Irwin, 2090 1837 859 Jackson, 10330 11181 5149 Jasper, 11810 10430 1410 Jefferson 15000 12100 3479 Johnson, 4800 2004 1830 Jones, 11013 0430 21771 1 Laurens, 10051 7834 2217. Lee, 10577 0507 1010, 7085 5413 5321 5101 New 14401 11458 ■5227 Ibooo 13750 13001 4284 10033 17213 13580 10090 10500 10003 14015 |New 11783 17030 5317 ■277S 10005* 17823, 2877 000 2008 1358j county. 1750 217 2751 508 3805 020 1077 2750 1595 1705 3338 1700 2009 14058 11040 14539 1040i; 4302 4100 4014* 8256 13341 10501’ 34509 25724 conn 3018 3248 1473 1700 4944 4132 2118 4078 242 1378 2780 8845 990 ty. and that it was "your purpose to give Mr. Sherman if he desired it a hostile meet ing. I hope my dear sir, that you will not think me impertinent if I ask whether my construction was right or wroug, that I may know tbe opinion of one whose influence is deservedly very great in tlie country as well as State. I 1 email), my I dear sir, Most truly yours, W. B. W. Howe, | To Hod. Wade Hampton, Columbia, S. C. Duncansby, Miss.,December 5,1SS0— My Dear Sir: Your kind letter was for- | warded frem Columbia and reached me only yesterday. I am very much obliged to you for the interest you have shown iu my behalf, and you were entirely right iu the construcliou you placed on my note to Mr. Sherman. That was written as I passed through Charlottesville, and I naturally gave tny proper address. It never occurred to me for a moment that any one would construe my language as giving or inviting a challenge. Mr. Sherman forgot the propriety of his offi cial position, as well as of mine, when lio made tiie scandalous charge against me in a public speech. I called bis attention to the language I10 was reported to have used, In a courteous letter, thus giving him ac opportunity to disclaim or explain his utterance. In reply he not only reiterated his charge, but took that opportunity to vlllify uot only tho people whom I represented, but those of the whole South. I could not condescend to notice his slanderous attack upon the South, and I simply de nounced his charge connecting me with the ku.klux as fatso. I could do uo less than this, for there was never a falser charge made, nor have I ever known a grosser violation of personal courtesy prof official propriety than that of which ho was guilty. It lias been my good fortune never to have been involved in an aflair I of honor, save as a peacemaker, aud it is a source of deep gratification to me to know that I have been instrumental in settling many difficulties amacably, but I write merely to assure you that you didrne only justice in the view you took of my language and to thank you for the kindness you have shown. I hope,therefore, that you will not misconstrue my mean ing when I tell you that my address will be Washington after the 10th. With my best wishes, I am, very respectfully aud truly, yours, Wads Hampton. To Right Rev. Bishop Howe. I A NEWSY LETTER EKOrt NORWOOD. Brinkley Academy--Clotting Exercises —Address by Sir. Kb.T. Williams, ol Appling County. Norwood, Ga., December 10. Editors Telegraph and Messenger : — We have in this county—Warren'—situ ated near Norwood, on the line of the Georgia railroad, one ofthe most flourish ing academies in Middle Georgia, viz: tiie “Brinkley Academy’’—deriving its name from *t’s founder and principal, Professor Sterling G. Brinkley, whose fame at a teacher is not local, nor confined to Georgia, but is co-extensive with tbe bouuds of our whole country. He is tho enthusiastic promulgator of thc phonet ic system of spelling, which Is calling forth such a feeling oradmiration from the thinking public. The academy is located in a highly en lightened community of good society, and possessing ail those qualifications essential to making a good school. Prof. Brinkley celebrates the close of each term of his school by an examina tion-speeches by liis pupils and an ad dress by some gentleman of note from abroad. His summer term closed with an address from Dr. A. G. Haygood, and to day, after a most satisfactory examination and creditable array of forensic skill from the young disciples of Cicero, the large | audience were treated to an ambrosial feast of literature from that excellent youug tnau,Eb. T. Williams, Esq., of Ap pling, Georgia. Descending from a long line of illustrious ancestry, Mr. Williams nobly represented the little “commonwealth” ol Columbia. The young gentleman, just fresh from the halls of Emory College, with her brightest honors clustering around him, with a well trained mind, a prolific brain, acute reas oning and caustic satire, was well calcu lated to handle with subtle reasoning his THE RAILROAD COMMISSION. Cpoo tbe Seduction or Passenger Pares t> Three veals Per Kile. The circular oLthe Railroad Commis sion reducing passenger fares on all tlie leading lines in the State to three cents a mile i3 the subject of general comment. It is a mailer of such great importance to the people and the railroads that It is re garded as one of the most momeutous is sues of tne day. Yesterday a Constitution reporter call ed on Mr. John H. James,one ofthe direc tors ol the Georgia railroad, and asked his opinion of the effect of the reduction ou tlie Georgia railroad. Said he: “I don’t think tbe change will affect the bonds or the stock of the Geor gia road. Both have an upward tendency and I don’t think this will top It.” “On what do you base this opinion?” Mr. James—“Ou the fact that we have been selling 1,000 mile tickets at $25 and round trip tickets at a great deal less than three cents a mile, and have fonnd the plan to work very well.” “How do you think it will affect travel?” Mr. James—“I believe It will increase it. It set mi nature! that more people would travel at three cents a mile than at four or five centS. n HH “As a railroad man you seem to take a very cheerfttl view ofthe situation?” Mr. James—“Yes, sir. I see nothing alarming in the matter to tho Georgia rail road." “How will it nflecl the other railroads in the State ?" Mr. James—“I don’t think I can speak for any but the Georgia road, for I am better posted as to that than any oilier. A prominent director of tho Central railroad was interviewed at length. “Wliat do you ibiuk, Mr. — — -, ofthe last cireular of the Railroad Commis sion?” “Well, it means that the commission Is bound to regulate tlie roads. I do not mind tins particular action so much as I do the tendency it indicates." “Do you think the commission will go further?” “I believe it will. The next cut will bo on freights. There is no tolling where this tiling is going to stop. I suppose the commissioners have a perfect right to do this. This law gives their, almost arbi trary power, and leaves it to their discre tion, as to what rates are *Jii3t and rca- sonable.’ They seem to have adopted Judge Black’s idea that a railroad is a public highway, aud Is to be regulated without regard to its proprietors. Judge Black’s letter is quoted largely, and glo ried over much, but I think its principles out to a handsome, well-grown clever youth of twenty. He was a fine shot and fond of sport, but from tlie first refused to make a business of shooting aud hunt ing. He was passionately fond of music and of all art, but rigorously limited tbe lndulgencerof his tastes. He had a strong turn lor the study of moral aud physical science, in either of which pursuits he might probably have made a name, but he denied himself, or at any rate curtailed to very narrow limits, this noblest of in dulgences. Setting all such temptations qnletly on one side, he devoted himself from the day of bis marriage to the earnest fulfilment of tboeo public duties which his position as tho husband of a constitutional Queen, as he saw it, not only entitled him hut made It incumbent on him to share. But hero he was at ouce met by jealousy on the part of tbe leading statesmen of that day which made tbe task of duty a singularly difficult one. It was only by reticence and patience, and, above all, self-effacement, that he could hope to overcome their prejudices. PBE9IDE.VPS REPORT. Report ol tiro Conditio* of the Public Library and Historical (Society or Matos for tbe Year Kudlaff Decem ber lot, 1880. In accordance with our constitution, I have the honor to make the following re port ol tbe condition of tbe society aud oi its operations for the past year. The small debt found standing, on the accession of the present board to office, has been liquidated, and there are now no demandsagainstusthat wo are not pre pared to meet. During the year wa have added eight hundred volumes, by purchase, gift and deposit, aud have bad now shelving erect ed for six hundred. Tho library now contains seven thousand volumes, all ac cumulated iu a little over six years. Tiie membership has been fairly sustained, for which we are latgeiy Indebted to the zeal and energy of our librarian, and we now bare over four hundred members in good standing, cue hundred and tweuty-six having been elected during the year. We have also auded nineteen Tifo members, a feature which had been previously neg lected. b The treasurer reports In brief, as fol lows: Receipts from regular dues . SI,432 35 “ “ life membership . 438 05 “ “ entertainments, etc. 07 80 EXPENSES. . $1,020 85 825 00 55 25 24 40 80 18230 14115 7034 0985 8505 4828 10451 1GS60 3201 30506 8048 0481 12400 11050 15022 4150 10885 22115 5081 5237 5341 11907 3109 15065 13061 5802 Population in 1880 - - - - 0S33* New; coun ty. 5S02 — 12760 5129 0175 10205 12585 , 13998 14204 10559! 119131 4790j •ISO) 7143 3245 0003' 14523. 2780, 17032 8545 0207 9430 9925 11038 2280 10545 15842 2177 4077 4000 10117 2439 J1700 03S3 3778 1 3011 2380 1080 2208 2230 2125 1452 1583 1388 2337 181 2034 403 1104 2070 1131 4584 1873 340 0273 3804 500 735 1700 070 4189 2078 2114 1,542,CIS subject, so fit aud appropriate to tbo occa- | slon, “Modem Culture.” We would ab solutely do the young gentleman injustice to attempt even a resume of his admirable address. But we are not writing for empty praise; hut we do say that forthc good of our common country we wish that Id* address was published anil freely cir- 2og I eulated. Strong in its reasoning, it carried conviction to all to whom be appealed for a correction in our mode of cultiva ting tiie intellect. lie proved conclusive ly that the education of tho mental and moral forces are one and tho samo—ap pealed for a Southern literature, and was most striking iu his exposition of some of our modern litcrat' re. The literature of tlie trashy Saturday Eight and Police News received their share of bis scathing rebuke. Altogether it was a most won derful address, and we are proud that our section can boast of 1 such talent in conjunction with such force cf character as that possessed by Mr. Eb. Williams, and into whatever fields of literature he is led there are grand and glorious victories and achieve ments for 1dm. We notice iu attendanco many visiting young ladies, and notably Miss Laura Stillwell from tlio “Eternal City”—Rome. Rome’s loss is our eternal gain. Weather very cold after tbo long spell of rain. ^ Wakiien. Population iu 1870 1,184,109 Increase, Brewerla Lung Restorer, We are yet to hear of anyone who lias not been benefited by the use of Brewer’s Lung Restorer, but on the other hand all Salaries Rents Advertising insurance are very fallacious. It sounds like one of: Freight ou books . Bob Toombs’ railroad speeches.” tJa3 » ftt«l» periodicals, “What effect will this change have on „ ctc \ • • • 200 02 your road?” (New books . . 107 70 “1 can’t say. Tho former reductions of payable • , 100 00-$1,899 31 the commission brought its stock down j from 100 tp 85, but it has since recovered; Balanco due Dec. 1 . and is no* at 108, with such a boom that' Additional collections to date . this may not affect it at once. But it j To which we have been able to 00 49 50 00 150 00 seems to me that its ultimate effect must be depressing. The people must know that if tlieir stocks pay 110 dividends it ts net the fault of the directors, but of such repressive legislation.” «• ----- — .... “Wby*doyou suppose this last reduc- H-Blount, our library has been designs' tion was made?” 1 ted by the Interior Department as a de- “You know the commissioners must do posltory for all. publications distributed something and in the Legislature tlieie j b J *b® United States goverment, and we was much talk about tlieir being under w *v a !*° receive hereafter tho pamphlets add through a recent enter prise Total in treasury . . . S2C9 49 Through tlie influence of Hon. James the influence of the railroads. There ha3 arisen a popular prejudice against rail roads which regards them as tho op- and “Contributions to Knowledge” of the Smithsonian Institute. The only, recommendation I beg to p.essora of the people. There is a great 1 make is, that in electing officers for the clamor for their strict regulation, ! ensuing year, the members will try to and of this came the law establishing the 3 , fc ‘ e< -t those who are willing to perform commission. Tho object of the law is to the duties for which they may be chosen oppress railroads. Why they don’t think ! Tlio continued success of the library do there is a railroad man iu Georgia who is \ P el jds upon the efficiency of tho hoard, good enough to be on the commission. A j a,) “ as tiie gentlemen composing this body man can’t be there if he owns railroad ar0 entrusted with tho sol 5 direction of stocks or bonds. As it is we have a com- the affairs.of the society, they should feel mission composed of able, fair minded and honurablo men, but the law under whicli they act is directly against the railroad in every particular.” “What do you think of the Georgia system of railroad regulation?” “I see that your paper editorially In dorses it, but 1 consider it very danger ous. Wohavethreo good men as com missioners now, but who knows how long we will have such men there ? Suppose corrupt men get hold of this terrible power. They could run stocks up or down and could make millions in a day. This Is a suppositous cose, hut there is some prido in fulfilling the expectations of tiie members. It is only justice to say that the majority of the retiring directors and officers have shown great interest and zeal in promoting tlio welfare of our in stitution, and are entitled to our cordial tliauks for their efforts. Very respectfully, T. O. ClIESTNEY, President. librariap’s report. Mr. President and Gentlemen: I have the honor to report for the past year, briefly, as follows: We now have 422 members, (about the same number as last year); wo have circulated 13,400 no telling when it may come lo pass, j books during 18S0; collections from mem- This is too much power to put in the j ” ers ] dues, to date, December 13, $1,4S2.35. bauds of any three men. It is tlie power During the year four members died, to regulate railroads, and that word regu- 1 thirty-two left town aud forty-elglit re late is one of tho broadest in the language.:[ signed or were dropped for non-payment You can make it mean anything you ! dues. Books added by purchaso and want to. It gives the power to declare J donation, 800. Fof additional details, how hut a train shall go; how many pco- J, 'vould respectfully refer you to the pub- 35S,o09 j w jj 0 t r j e d ono bottle came back to get . „ from three to s<x bottles, saving they had The Hampton-Sherman Difficulty, received great benefit from its use. We Charleston, S. C., December 14.— have a letter from a gentleman in Toombs- The Eeics and Courier, having published I boro, Ga., saying: “I havo had lung dis- to-day a letter animadverting on tbe Sen- I ease four or fivo years, using during tbe ator’s correspondence with Secretary Slier- time, many different remedies, but have man, Right Rev. Dr. Howe, Episcopal derived more real benefit from this one bishop of South Carolina, sends to that I bottle of Brower’s Lung Restorer than paper tho following correspondence for from all the balance put together. I want publication to-morrow: six more bottles, which please send at Charleston, S. C., Nov. 14, I860.—My I once, as I wish to get them by the tinm Dear Got. Hampton: 1 feel assured that 1 the bottle I now have gives out.” Signed you will not misinterpret my motives, or I H. IL Watkins. think I am meddling in yoir private af- We are also in receipt cf an order from fairs, if, from my high appreciatfbn of I. F. Brown, who is president of the your character and deservedly great in- Brown Gin Company, New London, Con fluence, 1 venture to write you in refer- nedlcut, who says he has been told of ence to your late correspondence with I the cures made by Brewer’s Lung Restor- Mr. John Sherman, which 1 saw pub-1 er, and requests us to scud liim the six lished in a New York paper. I bottles. We propose to keep the fact be- Shortiy after its publication I was con- fore tbe people that Brewers Lung Re versing with a friend about political ■ af- I storer gives satisfaction in every instance, fairs, and, if you will pardon me, express- I ing much admiration lor yoursell. My ad- George Martin, a rich plauter of miration was thought to be inconsistent Greenville, S. C., undertook to ride horse- with tlie fact that, in the correspondence I back in front of a swift train, across the above referred to, you had plainly inti- track. The engine struck him, and mated your readiness to meet Mr. Sber- kiijfd tbe horse which was thrown upon 1 placed at once in thc higest position man on tlie field should he demand such the bank near by. Nothing could be at that moment Europe or the world had _ meeting. Knowing you to be a con- found of Mr. Martin, but when the train | to offer, lie became tlie sharer of the municant of our church, I ventured to pul reached Greeueville lie was found on the ' salest throne in Christendom, with practl- different construction on your words, pilot of the engine still sitting astride of > cally unlimited command of wealth and In giving your address I said that most! Lis saddle, stone dead. ' of all the enjoyments which life can hold pic you shall have 011 it. In fact, it usurps the entire control of a railroad and leaves the owners of it entirely out of the question.” “What effect will such legislation have on railroads ? ” “It will come to the pass that men will be afraid to invest tlieir money in a busi< ness which is forever Iiablo to new re strictions. What encouragement is there to build new railroads and try to develop the country when no one can tell under what restrictions they must be operated?” “Is there any chance for the railroads to appeal from the commission ?” “I see none. As I said before tlie law- gives tho commission almost absolute power, and tlieir discretion as to what i3 •just and reasonable’is tlieir only guide and tlieir only limitation. I believe that this thing will finally overwork itself. The people will see not only its Injustice, but Us folly, and then will enmo the healthy reaction which will put the mat ter just where it ought to be. As I said in the outset, I do not apprehend so much trouble from tills one movement, but it is thc tendency Indicated by it which 1 fear.” “I have Come «o Lire, Anil Ant So Thankful,” “I am very happy indeed,” writes alady, “and feel as though I lived in a .different world from what I did at the last writing r hate come to life, and am so thankful! ” She . hail used Compound Oxygen lor nearly a year. “I wa3 a terrible sufferer from nervous prostration, gastric troubles, and nervous irritation of tho stomach; life was hard to be endured. My friends wonder to see mo do so much; many never expected to sec mo alive again, and cannot sufficiently express their surprise. I hare waited to be qnite iure.” All In formation about tlie Compound Oxygon Treatment is contained in our treatise, which is sent free. Drs. Starkey & Fa- Icn, 1109 aud HU Girard street, Phila delphia, Pa. lw The Wedued Life of Prince Albert Tom Hughes has drawn this sketch of Prince Albert lu Ills honeymoon days: “Nine men out of ten, when they bad once became aware of the sort of jealousy with which the priuce was met, would have allowed their.natural sensitiveness to overcome their sense of duty and would have turned to the enjoyment of their good fortune with&ut a misgiving. And what torluue! At the age when other young men have scarcely emerged from tbe pupilage state Prince Albert was placed at ouce in the higest position which lished monthly reports of ihc’eociety. Respectfully, C. Herdst, Librarian. A11 Attempt to Axsa<u>i»n!o sir. J. p. Callaway. We learned yesterday that an attempt was made on Saturday night by a negro to assassinate Mr. John P. Callaway,who, it will be remembered by alt tho readers ofthe News and Advertiser, killed Mr. I. P. Tison, in Leesburg, some two montli3 ago. For some reason, which wo may or may not properly understand aud appre ciate, everybody frum.Lee county whom we have approached upon the subject of this unfortunate Tison-Callaway tragedy, has invariably manifested what seems to us a fear to talk abouyt; aud for this rea son we were unable yesterday to obtain anything like full or satisfactory particu lars of Saturday night’s affair. About all that we could learn was that on Saturday night a negro man, whose name our Informant could not give, en tered Mr. Callaway’s store, exchanged friendly salutations with liim, and, watcL- ing for an opportunity, drew a murderous- looking knife and attempted to plunge it into Mr. Callaway before thc latter was even aware of his danger. Another r.cgro, who happened to he standing near bv,saw the suspicious movements ofthe man with the knife in time to deal liim a blow and save Mr. Calaway. Seeing that he bail been foiled in bis fiendish purpose, the would-be murderer retreated and made good his escape. These arc the particulars' as they arc reported to us, and, for the reasons above staled, wo give them a3 low wbispeijitm, and not as facts.- Albany News and Ad vertiser. The Lucky Numbers. New Orleans, December 14 In tbe Louisiana lottery to-day, tbe principal prizes were as follows: No.57,441 drew $100,000—sold in New Yoik and Chelsea, Mass.; No. 7,170 drew $50,000—sold in New York aud in Courtland, Ala.; No. 07,912 drew $20,000—so d iu New Or leans; Xp. 701 drew $10,000—30W in Car- tersviilc, ,Ga.; No. 04,100 drew $10,009— sold iu Liuie Rock, Ark.; Nos. 71,021, 77,785, 81,909 aud 02,010 drew each $5,000. Pottery Made op Wood Large quantities of pottery are manufactured in Brazil from the hard, sllicious bark of tlie oaraipe tree. In the process, the ashes of the bark are powdered and mixed with the purest clay that can lie obtained from lire beds of the rivers—this kind being preferred, as it takes up a larger quantity of the ash, and thus produces a stronger klud of ware. Sjutn Georgia Conference - Closing Day. Hawkixsville, December 12. During the afternoon session on yeeter day the board of education made their as sessment for tlie ensuing year. The statistical secretary made his final report. After some discussion, Columbus was selected almost unanimously as the place lo hold the next annual session of the conference, which meets in December, 1881. This is iu response to a very coi- dial invitation from the churches in Co lumbus. The Bishop announced the following as the Joiut board of finance for another year: Dr. K. W. Lovett, president; Rev. G. J, Griffiths, secretary; Rev. 8. 8. Sweet, treasurer; J. M. Mauldin, B. F. Breed love, J. P. Wardlaw, N. D. Morehouse, C. A. Moore, J. M. Jones, A. M. Braoan, C. M. Speer, Samuel Hayes, T. D. Haw kins, Dr. H. Fisher. A resoiution, offered by Dr. J. S. Key, was adopted, that every preacher take up a collection for the purpose of erecting a monument to the memory of Dr. Lovick Pierce. To-day, after an able sermon by Dr. A. T. Mann, the Bishop ordained the follow ing os deacons In the church: H. A. Hodges, George W. Matthews, J. J. Ans- ley, Burrel S. Key, C. C. Wright, J. R. Carter, J. C. Pace, J. S. Evans, G. W. Williams, J. H. Frisbee, H. C. Britton, J- J. Barrett, H. H. Clarke, Henry Sessions. In tbe afternoon the Sunday-school an niversary was held, aud addresses were made by Dr. W. I. Green and Rev. George G. Smith, of the North Georgia Confer ence, and Rev. Charles Lane. The entire exercises were exceedingly interesting, while the singing was superb. NIGHT SESSION. The conference met at 7 o'clock and was opened by the Bishop. The minutes were read and approved. Tho usual resolu tion of tliauks was passed by a rising vote. The committee on memoirs, through their chairman Rev. J. B. KcGhee, made a report. The first memoir was that of Rev. Samuel Anthony, w'to died on tbe 3d of March, 1880. The second was that of Bishop David S. Doggelt, read by Rev. J. It. McCleskey. It was a most touching aud beautiful tributo to one of the foremost men of the age. Rev. Dr. Hinton delivered a eulogy upon the character of this great aud good matt. Rev. J. W. Burke, who succeeded Rev. S. Anthony on tbe Ameri- cus circuit, paid a touching tribute to the sainted dead. Bishop Pierce addressed tho conference on the death of Bishop Doggeit,and paid a must glowing tribute to hisChristiau char acter aud moral worth. Dr. \Y. I. Green spoko in reference-to the labors ol Samuel Antbouy. The report cf the committee on me moirs was adopted. The next annual session ofthe Woman’s Missionary Society will he held at Fort Valley during next summer. The following were ordained elders: W. J. Stallings, L. A. Snow, It. W. Macdonell, John R. Carter, John Wilkes, G. M. Prescott. Tlie Bishop closed tlie exercises with singing aud prayer, Dr. Key leading in the supplications. After a short address he announced tho appointments for 1SS1: SAVANNAH DISTRICT. A. M. Wynn, presldlngelder. Savannah, Trinity, J. O. Branch; Weslpy Monu mental, Savannah, G. G. N. Macdonell; New Houston Street, Savannah, G. C. Thompson; Springfield, P. H. Crumpler, one to be supplied; Sylvania, W. J. l-’Iau- ders; Scarboro, supplied by W. A. Rog ers ; Bethel, G. W. Mathews; Alexander, J. D. Mauldin; Waynesboro, F. A. Branch; Bethany, T. K. Leonard; Louis ville, J. B. K. Smith; Sandersville and Tennille, G. C. Clark; Washington, W- L. Carter; Davishoro, M. A. Clarke; Gibson, W. F. Bearden; Agent Wesley Monumental Church, J. O. A. Clark; Missionary to Mexico, Robert W. Mc- donell. * MACON DISTRICT. A. T. Maun, presiding elder. Muiberty Sheet, J. S. Key; First Street, B. F. Breed love; East Macon, J.W. Simmons; Macon circuit, J. B. Culpepper; Gordon, C. W. Smith, J. G. Harrison; Irwiuton, R. L. Iloniker; Jeffersonville, J. Carr; Twin, ville mission, supplied by G. M. Prescott; Hawkinsvillc aud Cochran, H. R. Felder, Wilcox circuit, supplied by John Skipper; Hay nuville, J. T. Ainsworth; Fort Valley, N. B. Ousley; Perry aud Sandy Bun, B. U.Sasnett; Marshall ville and Montezuma, W. M. Hayes; Knoxville, J. M. Potter; Byron, C. E. Boland. Wesleyan Female College, W. C. Bass; president; C. W. Smith, professor. Agent and superintend ent Orphans’ Home, L. B. Payne. Assist ant editor Wesleyan Christian Advocate, J. W. Burke. Missionary to China, K. H. McLain. COLCUnUS DISTRICT. J. W. llintou, presiding elder. Colum bus—St. Luke, J. O. A. Cook; St. Paul, W.C. Lovett; Broad Street Mission, J. W. Domingos; Trinity, J. E.Rorie. Gi rard, H. W. Key; Cataula, H. C.‘ Fen- lock, to be supplied by J. Purvis; Cobb- town mission, W. D. McGregor; Bryan, W. M. C. Conley. J. R. Carter, transferred to West Texas conference and stationed at El Paso; Geo. J. Griffiths, transferred to South Carolina conference. Sunday- school secretary, B. M. Lockwood. Havkuarille. As tbe session of the South Georgia Conference has ended aud we have a little breathing spell, I bsve tried to tske in some of tbe more important points about town. The new bridge across the Oc- mulgee is an eiegaut specimen of archi tecture as well as a substantial structure. The people of Hawkinsville are proud of it, ana well they may be. Tbe old meth od of crossing by lerrv, which belonged properly to past ages, had become so un certain and vexatious that people avoided the city because they could not cross the river without cursing, and it was always indispensable in returuiug to take a whiff or two of something braciug in ita charac ter. This w as damaging to the man and ruinous to the whole country. Since the bridge spans tho gulf men go home peace ably *aud sober. Besides being a great commercial blessing, it has been a won derful moral influence and reforming power. Another great inoral force and operat ing with good eliect upon the community, is tho Hawkinsville Dispatch. The citi zens arc proud of it and the Dispatch In proud ofthe city. Woods, the amiable, presides with dignity and conscious pow er. He is ever ready to defend bis peo- plo and commeud their virtues. He has done much for the entertainment ofthe Methodist conference, and is ready to ex tend the same hospitality to any ocher as sembly that may desire lo visit his city. I atn under obligations to him for courte sies. The brass hand is another institution of which any community might boast. Prof. Jacobi is one of the most efficient musicians in tbo State, and tinder his leadership the boys liave acquired a wonderful tact in handling their instru ments. The cotton warehouses arc al! of exten sive dimensions, and an immense amount of the fleecy staple finds its way within their walls. Hawkinsville is one of the best cotton markets in the interior. But with all of her facilities, there Is a block just how in the market for want ol trans portation. Another steamer arrived Sun day night, which will g» far towards lift ing tbe blockade. The railroad is doing all it can to afford facilities for tbe mov ing of the cotton, hut so large is tbe de mand for transportation at all points, that Supt. Edwards finds it impossible to meet eveiy case as promptly as be de sires. The stores are well filled, and seeming ly doing a good business, although some of them complained that‘the trade had fallen off in consequence of the inter- rnptcd transportation of cotton. Colonel John Henry is contemplating adding to his large retail trade all the features of the wholesale business, believing tbat he can compete with other points lor the traffic of tho country merchant. I havo been a week lu Hawkinsville and havo been the guest of Dr. A. R. Taylor and his excellent win.*, tt is a borne In tire fall some of the word; more would be superfluous. The hospi tality of Uawkinsville has never been more generously bestowed, and every guest carries away witli him nothing but pleasant memories of kiudnos3 and at tention shown. Whenever this city shall extend another invitation they can count ou a prompt response. The bringing of three or four hundred strangers Into a community, and having all of them leave with good impressions is no small achievement, but will greatly advantage the community. A multitude of prejudices are thus removed. Many of the visitors had uo idea Hawkinsville was or her resources. They were agreea bly disappointed both as to her size and material resources. I take my leave hurriedly and return to tbo routine work at the office desk. Jack Plane.' Evans; Butler, R. L. Wiggins; Reynolds mission, I. F. Carey; Buena Vista anil Mt. Gilead, S. D. Clements; Marion, J. W. Folsom.; Cusseta, J. R. Littlejohn. AMKBICUS DISTRICT. J. M. Austin, presiding eider. Ameri cas, W. Lewis; Randolph, J. E. Sentell; Clay, to be supplied by W. D. Stewart; Leaiy, W. W. Tidwell; Cutbbcrt ami Georgetown, P. S. Twitty; Lumpkin and Providence, E. II. Harmon; Dawson and Graves, B. W. Key; Weston, D. Blalock; Smlthviile, J. T. Lowe; Stewart, P. B. Sims; Magnolia Springs, W. Lane; Elia- ville, L. A. Darsey, ID F. Williamson, supernumarariei; Sumter, J. U. Wardlaw; Oglethorpe, Pi C. Hams; Vienna, E. J. ReuLz. THOMASYILI.E DISTRICT. T. T. Christian, presiding elder. Tiiomasville, J.B.McGehee; FortGaines, S. W. Stubbs; Blakeley, J P. Wardlaw ‘, n lue 1 , Albany,' A. M. Williams; Camilla, R. B. dnm wcrft bom Lester; Cairo, J. S. Jordan; Bainbridge, N. T. Burks; Atlapulgu?, W. A. Sim mons; Whigfaam, to be supplied by S. Devauport; Trinity, W. fl. Tigncr; Springhill, J. J. Ansley; Boston, W. K. Lloyd; Morven, R.B. Bryan;Loundes and Echols mission, S. N. Tucker; Quitman, W. W.Stewart; Vaidosta, J. B.McCiesky. WAY CROSS DISTRICT. J. M. Marsha!), presiding elder. Bruns wick, II. P. Myers; Camden mission, A. A. Ellenwood; St. Mary’s, L. A. Snow; Charlton, to be supplied by J. R. Smith; Darien, to be supplied; Jonesville, to be nippl'ed; Hinesville, T. S. Armstead, \V. T. McMichael, supernumerary; Jesup, W. C. Davis; Biackshcar ami Waycross, N. D. Morehouse; Bethel, to be supplied; . , , . . Homervilie, to be supplied; Nashville, L. t ^“ fortatlat « a,lJ . lortuuate lady off ou her H. Green: Brookfield, S. G. Childs; Moul- ‘ J our,1 . c >' 10 .V, 0 f ll,n S lost l^and. Tho trio mission, to be supplied by J. W. : 1 Iue 1 et,1, « wl! * ^ ttlnjost *» !t '>> ^<*0 »&<> Welts; South Coffee mission, to be sup-! ll ,* J ^turned from another world. The piled by D. Morrison; Worth, C. C. 1 chequered Iffe of Mrs. Prescott out-nvals Wright; Waresboro mission, W. J. Rob- j ^ r ' uever ,uarned *8^° ertaou; Satilla, C. D. Adams. Eastman district. J. D. Anthony, presiding elder. East man, E. M. Whiting; Lumber City, J. L. Williams; Jacksonville, W. j. Stallings; Octnulgee, J. Langston; Springhill, T. l. Nease; Graham,It. M. Booth; Mt. Vernon, C. Hines; ReuUville, J. J. Giles, R. S. An Enoch Arden Story in Heal Life. The history of a life through which ro mance winds with all ita mysteries, long ings and rejoicings as intense as ever thrilled thc human breast, lias just come to our knowledge. Although the culmi nation occurred iu another part of the State, we give tiie story,as it has not been made public there. * The Rev. Dr. Jones, who serves the Presbyterian church In this place and also tho one, in Roswell, North Georgia, has just given us the history of tlie iady who is the principal actor in this drama. Tbe lady, we believe, was a moinber of his church in the above named little place. During a recent visit she requested the doctor to negotiate some New York exchange (or her, as it could not be done there. Ho drew tiie money for her, and saw her on the train for Texas. She told him the money was sent to her by her long-lost husband, whom she bad believed dead for the last thirteen years. She was a New England lady, and in early lire had married a Mr. Prescott (who, by the way, is a relation of Press- colt, thc historian). They emigrated and sertled in (he far Weston the frontier. All went well with them, and Mr. Pres cott was growing in wealth. Finally de ciding to goto San Antonio, considerably farther toward tlie interior than where they first settled, lie gave her a large amount of money ami sent her by a boat down the river, while ho was to cross the country. They wore to meet in San Antonio, but have never since met. She was taken desperately Hi. Some designing parties planned to (kceive her, and made her believe her husband dead. They conveyed simi lar news to Mr. Prcscoit concerning hia wife, and were successful iu their designs to too last degree. Mrs. Prescott, feeling satisfied beyond all doubt tbat her hus band was dead,afterward* married a man whom we will call Mr. Jackson, and by some means di filed to Georgia aud settled in the little town of Roswell. Fourcbil- to them. Fortune that liad smiled so brightly on her early life was now changed, anti in casting about for resources u;x>n which she might draw, wrote to a lawyer in Texas inquiring if something could l>c had from the Pres cott estate. The astounding newt came back tbat Mr. Prescott was living. If tiie heavens ami earth had come to gether before Mrs. Jackson’s eyes her sur- prise would not have been greater. Mr. Prescott wrote aud urged her to come to him, expressing a willingness to take care of two ofthe stranger’s children, and sup posing that lie would want to keep the other two. Af r. Jackson was willing for her to return to her rightful husband, her first love. In this particular is it unlike Enoch Arden. Dr. Jones kindly saw thc H’ashtnylon Gazette. The White Vote.—T..e Cincinnati Enquirer shows that Garfield was elected by a minority vote ot tiie people of the United States of 313,675 votes, and that the majority of white votes against him was 1,513,885, there being a white vote for . him of 3,230,414, znd a white vote against Key, supernumerary; Swaineboro, W. F. ; him of 4,753,090. These figures aud ro- Roberts; Wrightsville, D. G. Pope; Oco- : suits are very suggestive of what may oc- nee, U. a. Hodges; Dublin, F. W. flan- cur in four years. Think about them and. I derr; South Bartow, C. A. Moore; Bui- Le encouraged.