Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 24, 1880, Image 6
Iftwtngtx FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2-1,1880. Tnse will of James E. Brown ofKlttan who died on Dec. 5, bequeaths *»i to ewry widow in tlie town, and $25 to every wife who shall become a widow, fail Qae seme amount to all the glris now tiring wbo shall become wives. Largo sums are given to charitable institutions 3«t of the $2,500,000 of the estate. Xuk rich and respected president of a jjoston gas company lives luxuriously ' wrtkoce wife in tlie neighborhood of that Ay. Another wife called on him the • otlxff day, and he could not deny tbo re- iriieasiiip, for she had a marriage cer tificate in her pocket. She had no desire, towever, to take him away from his second but simply demanded a rcslora- tfmof the property which she had given Vm. years before. He promised to do it. TGKE.ltev. T. Selby and George Morris of tl*e Wesleyan Mission have met with severe treatment at the hands of tlie Chl- aeo-atSbek-kok, & town on tbo North Sheer, about sixty miles from Canton, ^bsy were assailed first with sand and Seseths of being drowned, and then with jtwfibatfl. Mr. Selby received an ugly ■gads on the wrist. To save their lives . jumped into the river, and were fgadted up by some fishermen. I’UOVISIOK FOR GEN. GRANT.—A COl- laasd correspondent of the Sun, and liim- seff*. depositor, proposes to turn over the Fkwodman's Bank to the General as re- , with instructions to appropriate proceeds. He says, as the thing limits rtow, the receipts are eaten up by Str expenses, but Grant could save ier^jgh out of them, if lie pushed collee- iVm, to provide for himself and lose notli- oEgla the depositors that they would o’.her- wrtMgat. A au» occurrence is reported from fans. Two young ladles— Tbann- daughter of the Comptc de Thann- i'xcs, and Mlie. de la Clievardiere -on Ttusfay, November 23, went with friends 4a tbs theatre, and it was arranged that SHe. de Thannbcrg should sleep at the Swcseof Mmc. de la Clievardiere,instead of jai(to iter own home. A stove had i lighted In the room of one of the ladles, which opened into that • her friend was to occupy.' They entiied in good health and spirits, but m-rt morning when the maid entered 4tseir rooms they were found in their beds djaA. They bad been suffocated by the -.carbonic add gas from the stove. True Irish troubles, says the Bulletin, > at last touched tlie British pockct- ce, the cable reporting consols § lower yesterday, in consequence of the dlsturb- >ed condition of the sister island. Under tfceae circumstances, it is morally certain <3mt public opinion will demand a more teekivc course on the part of tlie Govern- wt. Mr. Gladstone and bis supporters writ! find, when anarchy in Ireland means .trouble in Lombard street, sentimental pafilics will grow rapidly in disfavor, and They will have either to do something for £be restoration oi law and order,. or to attke room for a different class of states jtfa, who know net only what to do, but am wot afraid to goand do it. Destitution Among the Labrador 7ns mermen.—A Newfoundland dispatch ways "The bad weather In Labrador lues resulted in tlie bad cure of large •^MawtiUcs of codfish, which, in conse- - jaence, will not bring much over haif gcice. Much has been brought home in a green state, and there is now no weath er *o dry it, so that it will remain in fidihs during the winter. The local pa- yea anticipate much severe destitution among the fisliiDg population during the winter. Already, from some of the more destitute districts, families are coming to -St. Johns in hope of obtaining relief. ZUore and more It becomes evident that She fisheries are utterly Inadequate - to sostaiu the increasing population, and eiut either agriculture and other industries tstusl he promoted, or the people will imxt to be assisted to emigrate.” > Prosperity of Southern Mills.— 'IV: Vicksburg (Miss.) Herald has the iSsZbswing: "We have pleasure in inform- 3ag oar readers that not many more months will glass before our city will hare cotton unite m operation. We have not heard vjfjt single factory in the South failing. Here are many In Georgia and the Caro- ■hi and some in Tennessee and Mississip pi. Tlie Georgia mills pay large dividends, i* addition to adding to their works an- r mr.Tiy. Last year some of the Georgia •drills declared dividends as high as 30 per r*wrt.,a*d none of them were below 12. OsL.IUcbardson, who owns tlie stock of siSoe. Western Mills, in this State, declares Chat it is the best property he owns, and aeweef It Isfor sale at any price. The . -aaltoa mills at Natchez, though yonng, -Srtwedoubled their capital, and none of the Is lor sale. Accusations of dishonesty are now «wade by some of tbe Mormons against Chrzr bisbqps In connection with the ti- Thivg system. Every Mormon is required •to pve to the church one-tenth of all ■bis products if he is a farmer, the same proportion ofhis profits If lie is in mercan tile or professional business,and ofhis wa- ■gwiflKS isan employee. Special officers are appelated to collect these tithes, and they -are exacted with the utmost rigor. -Five iVaadred Mormons lately went into Colo- caio to work on a railroad, and supposed <fo*3T were for tbe time safe from the cus tomary exaction, but iirigliam Young, Jr^ followed them, and demanded a tort.ii of their pay. Tbe tithes yield not .teas than a million dollars a year to the <fcur0b, aud oi this large revenue the head main makes no account to tlie people. It It cliarged that a more corrupt and suc- oessful ring Ilian Tweed’s exists at Salt Cake City, and its early downfall Is pre dicted. Tub Great Eastern steamship has been •definitely chartered for ten years to car- xydead meat to tbe United Kingdom from Use American seaboard or the River o'Late. It is calculated that from Texas mrtbe Argentine Provinces beef of prime sfulity carl be laid down in Eugland at •3 pence pei pound. The promoters of this ...dd scheme Intend to slaugliter the cat tle on board tlie great ahip as received ... day to day, aud for thispurpoae they ,• secured the services of trained •rteberefrom the slaughter bousea oI '• The dressed meat will be ator- -.2 .i. refrigerators, and It is estimated ..iii iG.OOO to 15,000 carcasses of beef, i ii ung—equal to 3,000 or 4,000 tons of xr. —will be shipped each voyage, The r-s>i dt of this enterprise, If success ftlkwili -- t — a far wider bearirsg : t1**n appears at Cast sight. The Irish Situation. Tub British Cabinet Meeting. A British cabinet council on Irish af fairs was held in London last Monday af- temoon, all the members being - present. The London Times ot last Tuesday morn ing gives the following report of what was done: Tbe issue of tlie meeting of tbe cabinet Is to Introduco a bill immediately on the opening of tbe session to'give tbe govern ment extraordinary powers for tbe main tenance of law and order in Ireland. The suspension of tbe habeas corpus act will necessarily form part of such measure. A message from the throne will call atten tion to the terrible condition of Ireland, and will recommend extraordinary pow ers for the repression of disorders. A declaration of the remedial policy of the government will be made simultaneously with the proposal for coercion. The land bill cannot be ready by- tlie opening of Parliament, but a declaration of its lead ing principles will then bo made. We believe fixity of tenure will be one of tlie chief proposals of tlie government. The resolution to introduce a coercion bill as soon as Parliament meets does not ex clude recourse to extraordinary powers before then if necessary. A , .* * j The Hem, in its leading article, denies that tbe cabinet was summoned hastily, aadssys: : h , •" j j Notices for the council oi Monday were issued on Friday. There was no new state of facta to present to the ministers. Alter a minute study of the situation tiie ministers' concluded that ns Immediate need existed for authorizing the Irish executive to go beyond the existing law, or for suramouing Parliament to sanction new repressive laws; but it was clearly agreed, that unless tbe state ot Ireland materially improved by the Cth of January coercive measures, including the suspen sion of tlie habeas- corpus act, should be introduced. They will be introduced, however, in conjunction with remedial proposals, which will, if possible, take the shape of a bill, but may take that cf reso lutions affirming the principles of the scheme. These conclusions were the unanimous expression of the opinion of the cabinet. ■ .' Tlie Standard, an anti-mlnistorial or gan, pronounces this result a defeat of Mr. Forster’s coercive policy and anotlier month of grace to the Irish criminals to complete their work of ruin. The Times editorially declares: It seems too plain that the Irish govern ment lias already allowed tlie reign of lawlessness to assume dimensions it should never have reached. Remedial legisla tion, which might be proposed and carried nnder better circumstances, cannot be pre sented as a bribe to purchase peace from highwaymeu. To check lawlessness trow Is difficult, but what is this to tbe difficul ty that must be experienced in checking it hereafter if. its development is not now stopped? When Mr. Forster comes before lib colleagues tbe most determined of them wlio have hitlx'i to opposed him must bo newly impressed with the responsibility of the situation. The futility of |.lio policy so far pursued has been demonstrated by bitter experience, and a new departure may well be recognized as inevitable. It would be necessary to pass an act to dis arm tbe population, and tire • time that would be consumed in passing the act would probably be fatal to tbe efficiency of the measure.” . . On the other band, the Pall Mall Gazelle, prophesied a victory of the coercives and the succesr of au arbi trary policy, which would put tbo whole matter into the hands of tlje Home Rulers and make the Irish troubles a great deal worse. Thus, while Forster deems coer cion tbe only Lope, the Gazeffepronounces it ruinoup. And.this, we suppose, presents a not unfair picture of the division of British opinion upon the subject. It is a situationto puzzle the. Wisest, either in conceiving or applying a remedy, and the poWer of the-Land League government becomes more absolute with every day. Tbe administration of law is checked arid subverted at everyturn, Tire government is powerless to protect its own agents and representatives. He .is a hero who dare oppose tiro dicta of the' bucket letters or remain in Ireland when warned to quit. No process of law can be administered but at aj^sk, expense and trouble far transcending its importance; and proving, as Parnell bouts, that tbe government of Ireland against a popular will so thorough ly organized in opposition will be too costly to be practicable. Tbe situation is one of untver#ail revolt and terrorism; but as it is plainly incom patible with self-sustaining industry, it will inevitably, In time, breed a famine so soon as the lut year’s crops are ex hausted. This, we take to be the weak point f in the Parnell programme for breaking down tbe government. With tbe loss of peace and security no provision for future crops can be made. The British government can, If it chooses, hold to its present policy of temporizing and vacilla tion and leave famine and exhaustion to fight for them. They are stronger than the league aud will break down all oppo sition, boweverlnsidious and artful. Tlie bread question will prove the most fatal enemy to this attempt at Irish indcpori dence. ' ' Death of Toor First Born. Reader, has it ever been your lot, (we will. Dot call it misfortune, for nothing happens by chance in thl3 life), to lose a darling child, tbe first fruits of the mar riage to the dear object of your affections? Then can be known and realized the full extent and bitterness of a calamity which can never again be equaled on earth, save by the decease of the wifo of your youth. Perhaps the child had sur vived . fbr "j^rs, and tiy Ids gentleness, yearning affection and winning ways, had entwined himself about your heart strings as firmly as the ivj clings to tlie oak; perhaps, owing to some infirmity, he Iiad been an object of peculiar^soilcitude and cam from earliest infancy. Or, Ittnay have been that be had already attained to manhood, add bis sturdy arm encircling tlio forms of his bdioved parents was to them a tower ot strength and secure refuge from all of earth’s trials and dis asters. In each case, however, tlio blow falls''with overpowering force, and for days, months, and even long years, the stricken father and mother cannot be comforted. We wot of one instance which well-nigh broke tlie heart of tire sorrowing father. Exhausted by long illness, lie bad been forced to visit Saratoga to drink Its world- renowned waters, leaving bis wife aud a promising boy of six years, who was at ouce their hope and pride, at the home of relalivo in the distant South. Tho months passed drearily away during that painful separation, until /it length, greatly recuperated in health,nur friend with joy ful heart turned his face homeward once more. Arriving at Now York, lie forth with proceeded to the post-office in quest of tbe latest news from his loved ones, and quickly tearing open the letter which awaited him, sat down on the stone steps of the quaint old building, perfectly obliv ions to the surging crowd around him, to peruse its contents. The missive told of the perfee .. a 1th of hie darliug boy and firnd wife, and was brimful of luring messages from the child and commissions to "Papa.” How that parent's heart swelled with joy and exul tation at Uie prospect of being again speed ily re-united to bis dear boy and tlie part ner of bis bosom. Provided with Indian bow and arrows and numerous other re membrances for tbe child, and borne by a swill steamer, he was soon landed in a Southern port, which was in near prox imity to bis destination. Again were advices received and eager ly devoured, to tbe effect that wife and child were well and impatiently awaiting bis arrival. As might be expected, tbe father lost no time in pursuing his journey by rail to the abodo of. bis precious little family. Arriving towards evening at the nearest slation, he found a carriage In waiting to take him to them. The driver was an old Virginia negro, the perfect type of the pompous, affable coachman in the time of tho slavery regime. - Hailing him among tbe crowd, tbe joy ous a vcler exclaimed “Howd’ye, Mingo, bitch up quick; bow ale all at home ?” Tho countenance of tbe poor fellow seemed greatly troubled as be faintly ejac ulated, “Lord ’a’ massy, marster; hain't you beam it? Why I hope bury your little son yesterday.” Here, we let tbo curtain fall;for who could even essay to depict the supreme agony and mute despair ot that fond parent as sadly ho pursued his way homeward to meet his almost heart broken wile, and view the new-made grave of that precious child—his firstborn. | N A blessed Providence, however, has wisely ordained that tho annealing hand of time may assuago sorrows which at first appeared overwhelming and incurable. OlUimes His benignant goodness, too, re pairs the waste places of tbe affiicted, and other children and crowning mercies are vouclisafed to tbe bereaved sufferer. It was so in tbe case of tbe individual above mentioned, and so wo trust it will prove to tbe friend aDd business associate,whose firstborn, a bright and.beai.tiful I son, has just been translated from earth to Heaven. Memphis and Her Bondholders. An Important decision was rendered in tbe Supremo Court at Washington last Monday, in tbe case of Minor Merriwetlr- er, receiver, o'xl, of tbe city of Memphis et al., appellants, vs. Robert Garrett & Sons ct al., appeal from tlie Circuit Court of tbe United States for tbe western dis trict of Tennessee. This was a suit brought by Garrett & Sons and ollrercrcd- itors of the city of Memphis against Mor- riwether, who had been appointed by tlie Governor of Tennessee to collect unpaid taxes duo the city after the abrogation of the municipal charter, to collect tho amounts severally duo them from the ex tinct municipality. '■ ’■ : i Tho Circuit Court had appointed an other receiver, under instructions that all tiro assets of the city, including unpaid taxes and city property, should he made liable to the claims of these bondholders, aud that all the private property within the limits of the territory of the city of Memphis is liable, and may be subjected to tlrepayment of all tbe debts the city ot Memphis owes the creditors siieing and that such liability shall bo enforced from time to time in such manner as tire court may order. From this decree Merriwether ct al. appealed. vi The Supreme Court decides that tlie public property of the city must beheld subject to its public uses, and private property cannot bo held subject to tbeso debts except in tbe way of lawful taxa tion, levied by competent authority. An Enelisn Colony in Iowa. A correspondent oi tbe New York Bul letin furnishes tbatpaper'wrth a review of a paurpbiet entitled “Fanning in North western Iowa,” which details the history of an English colonial movement in Plymouth, Woodbury and Sioux counties, embracing in Its scope an extraordinary class of emigrants—sons of noblemen and officers high In tbe English Church and State, wbo havo taken to wheat growing arid stock raising in Iowa with extraordi nary success. No black sheep or doubt ful characters are admitted to the fiock, and it includes men of Use most sterling character. Young men are introduced from the English universities by a system of pupilage by which at the cost of JClOtf they are initiated into the mysteries of Iowa farming, and pitch Into the business with a will. The transactions are all cash, but there Is no communism in tlio colony. Tho society is as good as the world can produce, and this fall many of the youngsters have gone home after wives. True and to the Point. The Columbus Enquirer appositely re marks if Georgia is getting poor annually, as some assert, she is certainly not able to build a new capitol: “The rule of common sense suggests where a State baa not ample means to erect a costly structure is to wait until she is anil do the best she can under tho circumstances. The people are unwilling to be taxed for keeping up appearances. The present building can be made com fortable by the expenditure of a few thou sand dollars. Tbe voters are willing to stand this, but they will not if tlio ex penditure oi several hundred thousand i3 attempted for a new Slate House. It is very certain that none of tbe present mem bers who favor it will ever take a seat- in it. Improve the present house; that can be done; we can wait until wo are able for a splendid capitol. Wait until we have ascended the hill before crowding on more taxes. Atlanta need not be afraid. She will ever-be tbe capital. No appre hension need be entertained regarding a removal.” • Our contemporary has hit -the nail squarely .on . tlie head this time. Tho opera huuse,” - since it has been over- hauled-and repaired,is pronounced by me chanical experts to be fierfectly safe,- and w ith a little.looking after can be kept so until tbe State gets out of debt aud Is iu a condition to erect such a statehousc as befits the dignity and grandeur of tlio commonwealth. Until 1 then, let us be patient. ’I lie first duty of our legislators isto reduce tire burden? of tlie people by every legitimate method, aud by all means, at least, refrain from adding to them. It will be no light undertaking to construct a new capitol. Annual appro priations ot hundreds of thousands of dol lars will be required to carry on tbe work for a term of years, and tbe decks should be cleared for action by getting rid of old obligations before tackling such a finan cial elephant as lire erection of tho pro posed edifice. ti M-/ j -ii h -{luvii Po*r faUnr! j :•>'S-aouV. lie has water-brash, cramp, nausea, pain iu tlie back arid limbs, sour stomach, foul breatir, heartburn, lieadadre and gen eral torture. Tide is from indigestion, caused by a disordered liver. Regulate Liiat organ, not by taking doses, but by using Dr. Flagg’s Improved Liver and Stomach Fad, aud at once be restored to health. lw Bail way and Other Monster*. Judge Black, whoso statement of a case is a strong argument, to bis opinion print ed some days ago that tbe railroads don’t belong to themselves by any manner of means, appends a long disquisition on tbeir abuses, crimes and dangers, which is well calculated to make the hair of a bald man stand on his head. These enor mous combinations of capital, which every month are growing with the rapidity of Jack's bean vih% hold .a taxing power over tbe peopiejn tiie Judge’s opinion,far transcending that at the government it self, which all admit is not small or cha rily exercised. Most people agree that tbe three hundred and fifty millions wrest ed from tbe people annually iu the form of taxation really represents from three to five times that amount In tbe form of bounties and profits on bounties to pro tected classes, so that tbe weight of taxa tion on the happy and prosperous Ameri can people who don’t own United States bonds, Is literally incomputable. But, big as it may be, the Judge says that a Baltimore railroad, in threo min utes’ talk of half a dozen directors across a little centre table and raising grain rates hve cents a hundredweight, taxed pro ducers seventy-five millions of dollars; while another railway, by arranging with a certain oil company for rebates, broke seventy-nine competing firms in eighteen months, and put ten million dollars in the pockets of their principals. Tlie Judge thinks that nothing but the stern interposition of the Federal govern ment, enforcing equity and uniformity in rates, can save interstate trade jfroms a crushing tyranny which will grind all se curity and safety out of it, and reduce it to the point of hanging by the eyelids on the lavor and caprice of the great railway combinations, which can exact what they choose and make aud unmake trade as they please. » These are now the monster boo boos in the great sea of internal commerce, who hare but to gape and swallow everybody they want to. To kill them now greater booboos must be created by Con gress, with power to gape and swallow the smaller railway booboos—in other word*, to establish rates arbitrarily aud independently of the railways—a great national commission which can tako the railway kings in all their grandeur by the scaiplocks and knock their heads together. But who is to protect the people again3tthe government booboos. Wbo is to intervene and secure them against corruptibility in matters where a slip of tho pen in a little fraction may make the dificrencc of millions in their private for tunes. We suppose that no one will in sist, iu the light of universal experience, that government control of any miterial Interest, even strictly its own, lias proved successful. It is universally wasteful and ill-judged, though iu its nature a perma nent aud proper control. Many things government must control; but in all makes a bungle of them. For illustration: We have a navy which everybody is ashamed cf—which floats hardly one really efficient ship, and yet lias cost the country within tho past twenty years more than two thousand millions of dollars, and ought to be one of the finest in tlie worlds but Is the poorest apology for a naval marine on tbe face of civilization. What will gov ernment: do as master of transportation for tlie.American continent? And again, the Postmaster General in sists that the whole business of the elec tric telegraph shall bo turned over to the United States government and run in connection with the mails. We believe that both these ideas are not unlikely to be embodied in tho form of law by the next Congress. Wc judge so, because they will add unnumbered millions to tbe patronage of the government, and many thousands to tbe number of its great army of partisan employes. The govern ment is already able to perpetuate Its own power in defiance of Uie popular will Add these two measures, and tbe Radicals M ould sit on tho popular neck as firmly as the old man of tbe aoa. They would not only employ and pay an army of 200,000 electioneering partisans, all solid for tbe so-called Republican party, bat they would control all communication between tho people—so that cveiy Demo crat in the land would he compelled to communicate the plans of bis party through Radical ears. No wonder such a partisan as Horace Maynard Is iu fa vor of a monopoly by government of all telegraphic communication. Judge Black should consider that al though railway monsters may be danger ous to trade, we have in government au overshadowing monster already stronger than the people, and growing in mastery with every moon. Jealousy of executive power used to be a strongpoiut with every patriotic freeman, and the fact that It has ceased to exist is only a startling evidence of the danger and the necessity. When it comes to be felt and seen by tlie people that the administration is impervious to the popular baliot—what then?. What will be the remedy? Who will describe the disadvantages between such a govern ment. and an honest legitimacy ? We are sorry to see a Democrat like Judge Black propos'Dg to add a aingle power to the great overgrown mass of corruption and roguery already at tlie head of tlie Repub lic in the so-called Republican party. The Statns of the Indian. Wise Counsels and a Hopeful View • . - of ms Future. The report or .Mr. .Scliurz, tlie Secretary of tho Interior, embraces a largo variety of subjects and is replete with interest. From time to time wc propose to touch upon some of tlie more salient topics treated of liy the Secretary, bqt at present will confine onr remarks to the considera tion of what he has to say concerning the condition of the Indians who still remain within tho territorial limits of tlie United States, t>-i > The estimated population qf the sav ages is placed at 250,000 only, a most de plorable showing for (lie aborigines who, when tbe white man first set foot on American soil, were thickly settled over tlie whole continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. ■ ‘ Then they could be counted by millions, aud were fine types of nature’s manhood hi their physical development and untu tored simplicity. Alas, uow but a ‘stricken few remain,” wlio are a con stant prey to tbe rapacity aqd cruelty of the usurpers of tbeir rights and territory. It Is but recently that the discovery has been made that the red men are not es sentially wild denizens of the forest, but are capable of being civilized, educated and Christianized. The' Secretary of tbe Interior demon strates this fact by the most lrrefragablo testimony. During tbe past yoar, what are known as the uncivilised savages have redeemed from tbe wilderness $7,105 acres of land, and cultivated 108,340 acres. They occupied 12,507 houses and owned 78^80 bead of cattle, 40,381 swine and 864,210 sheep. Tbe civilized and uncivil- ed Indians together, cultivated 482,738 acres aud raised 745,236 bushels of wheat, 2,050,145 bushels ot com, 349,467 bushels ot oats and barley, 670,843 bushels of veg etables, 201,245 tons of hay aud 16,800 bales of cotton. This is an increase of or.e hundred per cent, on tbe return of 1876. The Secretary believes that the above figures would be greatly augmented if the Indians could be assured of a proper and legal title to tbeir individual lands and possessions. As the matter stands, they are in constant apprehension that they may be stripped of their property and im provements by being forcibly removed elsewhere. Hr. Schurz, therefore, urgent ly recommends the allotting of agricultn- ral lands to tbe Indians in aecerally, and tbe giving to them individual titles inal ienable at least for a certain period. He says the number oi those who still adhere to their homadic form of life, seek! ng their sustenance by the chase or depend ing entirely upon supplies furnished by the government, is rapidly decreasing. They arc beginning to learn and realize that the disappearance of game, and the en croachments ot the whites, will ere long necessitate a change in their occupations and mode of living. Again, the Indians are turning tbeir at tention to industrial pursuits, such as the transportation of freight for hire with their own ponies, and 358 of their youths are learning trades at the various work shops of the agencies. They are also en gaged in brick-making, aud build tbeir own hoiucs almost exclusively. It is re marked that the. aptitude shown by the Indians for mechanical work is most sur prising. They are now employed by the government in the transportion of freights and. supplies, and during the past year de livered not less than eight million pounds of annuity goods over distances of 165,160 and 200 miles respectively, at a compen sation of $115,900. This was a consider able saving over the amounts paid form erly to white contractors for the same ser vice. It is emphatically stated, in the report, that in the transportation of all these sup plies, “not a package has been lost, not a case or bale broken open or tampered with. 7 he number of Indian wagons tbe present year employed in this freight business amounts to the large total ot 2,- 000. In the matter of education, too, there is the most encouraging progress among the Indians. Under tho appropriations of Congress, thirteen boarding schools have been established, and arrangements have been completed for the erection of eleven school buildings tho coming season. These, however, we are assured, will sat isfy the demands of only a limited number of Indians wbo are destitute of sucli facil ities. Tho commissioner of Iudian affairs affirms, that so far ho has been unable to afford school privileges to one-lialf of the Indian children on tbe different reserva tions who desire Instruction. The secretary, alluding to tho Indiau schools at Hampton and Carlisle, says: “Tho pupils are instructed not only in tlie English language, in reading, writing, lower mathematics, geography, etc., but tlio girls are educated in household work, and a considerable number of tbo boys are employed as apprentices in blacksmlthing, carpentering, shoemaking, harnessmak- ing, wagon building, tlnsruitiilng, tailor ing, iu a printing office, and in farm work. The progress made by some of them has been remarkably rapid aud, in almost all cases, satisfactory.” In the normal schools above mentioned there aro pupils belong ing to sixteen distinct tribes of Indians, and about two-th.rds of them are the children of chiefs and prominent men. An Indian police, also, ha3 been put In opeiation at forty agencies, and consists of 162 officers and 653 privates. They act as guards at annuity payments, protect the buildings and property of tho agencies, search for and return stolen articles to their own people or the whites, prevent depredations on timber and the introduc tion of whisky on tho reservations, arrest cattle and horse thieves, and perform di vers oilier functions lor the good of the community. The testimony of the com missioner of Indian Affairs as to the value and efficacy of this police force is very positive, and ho regards lt3 continuance a public necessity. Tho pay per month for privates Is $5, and that of officers $8. Several railroads pierce the Indian reservations', aud have done much to civilize the savages. Secretary Schurz says in conclusion that “the Indian situa tion is now more hopeful than ever before.” But he does not favor at present the ex tension to them of the elective franchise. They must be first educated arid Christian ized. He is also opposed to tiie transfer of tbe management of the Indians from the civil to the military branch of the public service.’ On the whole, the report is quite fa vorable and encouraging, and if whisky and fire aims could be withheld from the poor Indians, and in lieu thereof seeds, agricultural implements and teachers and missionaries were sent to them, ere many years have elapsed, we are con strained to believe from the testimony ad duced, that the aboriginal Inhabitants of tlie soil niay be reclaimed from barbarism arid tranforiued Into peacCftxl, law-abiding members of tbe community. ’ The Philadelphia American and the South. •tills new candidate for public patron age, which began its existence iu Fbiia- delpiiia about tbe middle of October, in a refccnt article upon tbe election of General Garfield,. somewhat modifies its tone against tiie South and makes tlio follow ing admissions “Tlio people of the Southern States have taken their defeat. with a great deal of good humor..,j They behave far better tiuder their disappointment than (lid their Northern allies. There aro many reasons for this. Tbe fiist is their larger experi ence in such matters. They know an Ap pomattox when thoy sec one.” Commenting upon the above tbe Talla hassee Floridian justly says: “This taunt, reminding a bravo people of a defeat in arms which happened six teen years ago, never came from the pen of any soldier who contributed In the field to that defeat. It is even unworthy of an occupant of one of tlie runny bombproof positions enjoyed by people who have since displayed their patriotism in words ; but It exemplifies tbe littleness of a class in the North who set up as mentors and public oracles towards a jieople they Lave never met either on or off ibe battlefield.’ Van Stone A Crosby, wholesale and re tail druggists, Toledo, Ohio, says: We have sold large quantities oi tbe Excelsior Kidney Pad, and have been surprised at the unvarying satisfaction given by them. kayos coiptrrs xecokmehda- visn Bm4 Meiers Art Ordered Published By Tbe Hew Cornell, December 18th, ISM. Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen of the Retir ing Board'. Before assuming the new du ties to which through the kinduess of the people of Macon I bate been elected, i de sire to return you my thanks for the hon ors conferred upon me by you in tbe past, and tbe ready support extended iu the discharge of my duties as mayor pro tern. If during the two years I have held the office I have by word or deed offended, I beg that, doing unto others as you would have others do unto you, you will overlook the fault, and that the recollection of whatever little family quarrels we may have had will not in the least diminish tho friendships formed, but, to tbe con trary, will so cement them as- to make them life-long. Let ns only remember that in all instances we have been actua ted by a desire to do our whole duty fairly and squarely, without fear or favor. And now, gentlemen of tbe retiring board, I bid you good bye, and turn to welcome tbe newly elected board, which is to assume the re sponsibilities you have just surrendered, and bid them profit by your experience, adopting so much of your policy as in tbeir judgment will bat promote tbe in tercuts of our city. You have been selected, as is proper, by the popular vote of the city, without re gard to clique combinations or faction; hence you should remember that you rep resent the whole people, and, officially ad mitting no distinction incaste,condition or race, you should legislate to tbe equal in terest of all,whether rich or poor, white or black. With a view to aiding in the laborious work yon are about to assume, I deem it proper to make tiie following suggestions, to which I respectfully ask your early at tention, giving them such consideration as in your judgment you may think best: FINANCES. We arc io be congratulated upon tbe financial outlook of our city, which is brighter tofiay than at any time since tbe war. Your bonds are at par, the current expenses of tlie city lor the past two years are all paid up, and were it hot for a cer tain amount of floating debt carried over by former councils, you would be perfect ly easy; but this rant debt is due, and siiould be provided for at as early a day as possible. Willi a view to this end, and in order to relieve the past administra tion of any responsibility in the premises, I would suggest that you call upon Mr. Huff, the retiring mayor, fora statement of tlie amount or Ross bonds sold under resolution of ccnncii; also, for amount due liim, and collaterals held by him as secur ity, that, this being ascertained, you take immediate fcteps to carry into effect tlie agreement entered into by resolution of council with the bond commissioners, have a mandamus served upon tbem, and ascertain just what is and what is not fundable under tbe law, and when thus informed proceed at once to settle with Mr. Huff. He has carried this debt for a long time, and no doubt would be glad to have this matter adjusted. Besides tKljfc you liuve several thousand dollars in coq'. pons hold in various amounts by different parlies, both in and out of tlie city. You are powerless just now to do - anything with these, bat the retiring board of alder men have a bill before the Legislature which, if passed, will entirely relieve tlie city. The bill is for tlie purpose of fund ing these coupons, aud I understand is agreed to by tbo bond commissioners This bill siiould be urged before tbe Leg islature with all possible vim and energy. SALARIES. A majority of tbe salaries paid by the re tiring board were uot sufficient compensa tion to tbe officers and men for. labors re quired of and faithfully performed by them. Tlie excuse which was then offered (the crippled condition of our city linauces) lias ceased to exist, and I trust this board will be willing to adopt a more generous policy. In order to retain go«d aud efficient of ficers and men in office, liberal salaries should bo paid. This has always been, and will be found true economy in tbo management of cither public or private business affairs. ‘ ■ license. . Your first work will be tlio assessment of the busiucss and license tax. Thc.sya- tern as inaugurated last year is good, and, with few exceptions, corrections and reductions, can be adopted for the year 1881. I would recommend that the prac tice of taxing shows so ranch money and sc many deadhead or complimentary tick ets be discontinued, and in lieu- thereof that the proprietor i of a theatre or bail kept for public amusements be. charged a yearly specific license or tax. This will m a great measure do away with tbe con tinual complaints of both proprietors of theatres and managers of troupes. PUBLIC PROPERTY- I would call your attention to tbe bad condition of much of yourptiblicproperty. The City Hall, especially, needs immedi ate attention. The cornice and roof arc in bad condition, and, if allowed to go un repaired for another two years, will ne cessitate a much larger expenditure than if taken In time. Tbe plastering also should bave attention, and I would ad vise either a coat of paint or whitewash to tbe outside. This building is valuable and can be made attractive at a very small cost. Tbe different engine bouses are in a leaky condition, and tlie bell towers of some of them are -rapidly de caying; they should either be repaired or taken down. Some attention should also be paid to tbe main entrance at the park ana to other park buildings. A few sills bave rotted and should be replaced. This much abused park is the most at tractive place in Georgia, and it should be tbe pride of every progressive Macon man. It lias been beautified at considerable cost to tlie city, and I trust you will not allow this investment to depreciate on your bands for the sake of the saving of a few hundred dollars. Tho bridge at tbe foot of Fifth street needs some repairs, espe cially that portion or it reserved for pe destrians. I would call your attention to a small house owned by the city near the Macon and Brunswick railroad depot; it is payiug tbe city no income, is occupied by parties taking no care of it, aud m a few years will become utterly worthless. I would also call your attention to tlie interest the city owns In the Medical College on Mul berry street, and recommend that that matter bo looked into and closed up at oucei This matter, however, upon inves tigation may bave to bo referred to your committee on finance. Another piece of public property which I cannot pass witbout comment is tlie magazine. Macon, I believe, is tiie'only city I ever beard of whero tlie powder magazine was allowed in the very heart of the city; it endangers hundreds of lives and thousands of dollars’ worth of proper ly. I would, therefore, recommend its immediate removal to some other poiut, where tho danger to life and property wIl)L be lessened. • , ‘ STREETS AND ALLEYS. It is a source of pleasure to notice tlie great improvement in tlie condition of some of our principal streets. Never be fore bave they been so thoroughly worked or better cared for, and al sucli small cost to till! city. Yet will-11 wc noti.-o the con dition of our alleys and less frequented streets, we are compelled to acknowledge that thoy have been totally’ abandoned In order that those most generally traveled and noticed should be made attractive. Tills done, I would now recommend a thorough working of tlie alleys in tlie bus iness portion of the city. Their bad con dition lias been a great source of annoy ance to onr merchants. Then let our street force and county chain-gang be util ized, for some time at least, iu working the streets removed from the business por tion of the city. Most of the peor^e living on them are taxpayers, humble it is true, but nevertheless should enjftf some of the benefits of our street ari’roprteUons. I would also urge th»f more attention be paid •» the wood-n bridges on the main »norouzhfares. -Some of them are in an exceedingly bad condition, and might be the means of entaugliag the city in law suits. amlzing. The necessity for this has been 1 Domoses. ikn ««« most vitally felt this winter, and the an- 1 obSted’totrustees i -•■-j ’ oujocwia u> cne proposed investment and disagreeing as to what, In their judgment, was Dltmer. tlie mi n noyance should be remedied. PUMPS. Much complaint has been made as to the condition of the city pumps. Either tbe contract was taken too cheap and the work slighted, or c|ge the stocks in the pumps are in bad condition, and siiould be replaced by new oues. Tiie many complaints made, and tbe varied character of the complaints have disgusted me with the contract system, aud I would recommend that tlie same be abolished, and that the care of the pumps be placed in the bauds of your street overseer, with power to em ploy competent men to have such repairs made as are needed. This might be tried for one year, and if found impracticable, tbe coutract system might be resumed. CITY BARRACKS AND QUARTERS FOB TBE FORCE. I would call your attention to tbe mis erable condition of the cells now used as a police jail or lock up. I doubt very much if any civilized city in our country, with a population equal to ours, is so deficient in tills respect. Decent and secure quar ters, if not comfortable ones, should be provided. Many of the offenders who are arrested by tbe police force are intoxicat- was proper, the entire matter, apparently by genera) consent, was Indefinitely post poned. Phis matter will probably b» again presented to this board at an eariv date, in which event the matter will stand as when originally presented. kw* »bie to pay $8,000 or 10 , bu J a house; tbe Board or Education above referred to are not in a condition to appropriate money for the erection of school buildings; but the trustees of the Macon free school might, if they would, appropriate the required amount. It is In their power to relieve the city of Macon and give good, healthy rooms to a number of children who now dally run the risk of contracting disease !iL. re i“ on of bad, y ventilated and SSn**!* Will they do it? Or will they prefer to keep money, accumulated for educational purposes, locked up in interest bearing bonds. This matter should have immedi ate attention, and to that end I recommend that a committee be appointed to wait upon these geulleracn and ascertain their intentions in the premises. The second request made by tbe cora- » > * i , , .-— mittee from tbe Board of Education ed, and be lug placed in these damp, was relative to a suitable house for cold dungeons tbeir health is hazarded, ■*— - ■ - ... °*“ e Ior STREET CBOSS1NU8. Early action should be taken towards Improving the street crossings in the busi ness portion of tho city, either by paving them at intervals with stone, or macad- which might involve the city in litigation and cause much trouble. Besides this, common humanity demands that this evil be remedied. I would therefore recommend that a city jai! or lock up be built in the lot in the rear of the city hall. This can be done at a small cost and siiould be at tended to as early as practicable. I would also suggest Mint tiie police quarters be moved from the floor above the council chamber to that below it. This room is much more available fur tlie pur pose, and can be made mere comfortable for the men in both summer and winter. POLICE DEPARTMENT. I would suggest that you authorize the appointment of a special committee on re vision of rules and regulations governing the police force of the city: Many com plaints have been roado by both citizens and officers in the last two year?—one of Inefficiency and tbe oilier of non-protec tion. With yonr assistance I propose to have both efficiency in and protection to the force; bat In order to do this your rules must be such that they can be read ily understood by tlio' men, aud stringent enough to enforce tho strictest discipline. Tlie force, in order to be efficient, siiould lie made to respect themselves so that oth ers will be compelled do likewise, and no man on tlie force wlio will slop to take a drink and pass a Jest with all who may chance to propose the same can make au efficient officer. I would advise for them an increase of salary witli stringent rules as regards the loss of time, drunkenness and slovenly habits. V v . , SEXTON AND CEMETERY. You arc now called upon to elect a city sexton for the next two years. Tbo office is one of more importance than seems to be usually attached to it. I shall insist u[sjii tiie incumbent, whoever he may be, keeping a minute record of all deaths and interments. This book should be kept at the city lia.ll, aud open at all times to the inspection of tlie public. The law reqtdr- ing monthly reports' from tie sexton should bo enforced, and his duties defined and salary fixed before tbo election of that officer. All paupers siiould be promptly buried when ordered by the mayor, or mayor pro tern when acting. If the salary allowed that officer, with the perquisites of the office, could be made sufficiently large to support him, I should like to see ittaJaxton have an office at the cemetery, where he could be fouud at all times of tho day, and might promptly exe cute ail orders. Tlie objection is made that the office of sexton and the business of undertaker should not be held and car ried on l.v Uie same person, as it tends to create jealousies, ami in u measure im pairs the usefulness of that officer. But the salary Is so limited that it would be unreasonable to expect a competent and responsible man to give it his entire time. The .cemeteries aro reported by . the committee In good condition, and well kept. Through the energy and zeal o‘ our present sexton, a fence has been built around them. This reflects credit upon that < llicer. As required by law, the yearly report of the treasurer of Die committee on tlie cemetery.should be insisted upon. None has yet been received for 18S0. . , CHARITIES. Owing to the mildness of last winter and the cramped condition of our city finances, ' tbe retiring board purchased no wood for the poor last season, and up to now no arrangement has been made for a supply for tliis winter. We bave a great many indigent persons, both white and colored, among us who are dependent upon the cily tor a supply of wood during the .bitter cold weather, and I think some provisions siiould be made to relieve tbeir distress. i ' ' •WATER WORKS. You will, no doubt, be called upon to make some kind of a contract with the Macon Gas and Water Company Tor a supply of water for fire purposes. This much needed supply of water should cer tainly be had, and a contract entered into with some company. Great care, how ever, siiould be exercised in tbe drafting and framing of such a contract, so that tbe city’s ir terest will be scrupulously guarded. FIREARMS AND FIREWORKS. The holidays will soon be upon us. Tbe firing off of guus, pistols and fireworks in the business portion of^ tbe city is a practice which not only endangers life, put thousands of dollars’ worth of proper ty. A stringent ordinance should be passed at once prohibiting tbe same with in tbe fiie limits. SIDEWALKS. Many complaints have been made oi tbe total disregard of grade in and irregularity of tlie sidewalks on some of your principal streets. . Many complaints have also been made against parties who have failed or refused to pare their sidewalks. I would therefore recommend that more attention be paid to grades, and tbat in future none be established except by tbe city surreyor; also that all parties be made to keep the sidewalks around their bualnc&i property well paved. CLERK AND TREASURER. These offices, in my judgment, should b« consolidated, and instead of being elected by the people should be either ap pointed by the mayor and ratified by council or elected by tbe board as iu tbe case of tlio chief of police. You will then bring this office immediately under the control of the mayor and council and directly amenable to tbem for any mis-< demeanors in office, witbout having to employ the courts in order to imis-ach or eject. The offices once consolidated, a salary" sufficient siiould be fixed to secure the services of a good and competent man. I would recommend that, if possible, a bill be introduced at tlie adjourned session of tlie Legislature with a view to the»e changes in your charter. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL HOl'SES. This is a s.ubject of viul interest to our people. Fubli’c sentiment lias endorsed the r7stem,and it is now the duty of every public officer to assist iu carryiug out the popular will. This matter, therefore, will demand perhaps more of your time and attention than any other that will be brought before you. borne months ago a petition was brought before the retiring board of aldermen by tlie Board of Public Education aud Or phanage for Bibb County asking that certain repairs be at the North Macon Grammar School; also asking the board to provide some suitable building for a»cboolliouse for the education of col ored children. Tlie first request was referred to a special committee of council, wbo was to meet a similar committee from tbe aforesaid Board of Education to devise ways and means by which a new school building might be erected on tlie Polhlil lot* After a thorough canvas* ot tbe matter, it was decided by this joint committee to apply tc the trustees of the Ms con free School, who were believed to bave In baud some $22,000 in bonds besides other property, and ascertain if an arrangement could not be made by which these trustees would erect suitable bntld- igga for the children wbo attend the North i ; |Grammar School. At one Upe (be t seemed to be likely to soooeed, a portion of that dormant $2SJ)00 was about to be appropriated for educational the edueslion of colored children. I Another special committee from coun- cil was appointed to find a proper lo cality, aud, if possible, effect the purchase of same, and report progress to council. The terms were agreed upon and the pur chase ordered made, and only one diffi culty was then in the way—the property selected was outside of the corporate lim its, and the consummation of the trade had to be deferred un til an act was passed by tbo legislature amending tho charter of the city and Incorporating this property. Everything is now in good shape. The Board of EJucaliou are desirous of at once occupying the property. I would therefore urge that the proper steps be taken to carry out tho intention of your predecessors. APPROPRIATIONS. For reasons already given your appro priations for the coming year will neces sarily have to be larger than for tbe past two, but when once made I would recom mend tbat tbe same be dosed and strictly adhered to. Tlie circumstances under which I was elected are so peculiar that, iu assuming the position, I do so witbout political bias or combination; unpledged to any man, having no pet Ideas nor unredeemed prom ises. I therefore want it clearly under stood that, whilst I recognize all obliga tions legitimately imposed, yet I cannot be made to subserve tlie purpose of any par ty or clique. My aim shall be to promote the good and weiiare ot your city to the best of roy ability. 1 am un der peculiar obligations to the whole peo ple of Macon, and under the rating of an All-wise Providence and guidance ot your councils, 1 shall endeavor to render my administration both popular aud bene- dal. ... And now, gentlemen, trusting you will pardon the length of this document, and that my suggestions may be ot some ser vice to you, I pronounce this council or ganized and ready for business. ■■ ■ ■ m ^ m •■■■' "i The Bed action in P&uensrer Pares. What President Wadlet Thinks of It. The last circular of the Railroad Com mission Is eliciting' much comment, ad verse and otherwise. In view tf the va rious opinions as to the constitutionality ot seine oi the acts of the commission and their legality, which many call in question, while others sanction and en dorse them all, it is well that the whole question is soon to be subjected to the ar bitrament of tho courts, and arlll bo au thoritatively passed upon. Tbe Savannah Morning Neioi publishes the following interview with Colonel Wadley aud several other railroad officials and merchants: Colonel Wadley, president of the Cen tral, said lie had first learned of the ac tion of the commission through one of the directors of tlie company, wlio had seen tiie account iu tlie New York Herald pre vious to its appearance in the Georgia press, which was rather singular and al most unaccountable. When asked if tbe reduction of the passenger rates would have a beneficial or contrary effect upon the business of the company, Colonel W. replied that such result did not enter into tlie question. Tlie principle involved, which was most pernicious m its tenden cies, was alone to be considered, and if it were conceded tbat the commissioners could pursue sucli a course the natural inquiry would be “What next?” “Where will this interfernce stop?” He had not considered what effect this action would have upon tlie stock of the company, but lie deemed the policy extremely injurious. If the State of Georgia desired to kill or cripple all railroad enterprises in the State, sucli result could not be better accom plished than by tbe course that is marked out by tho Railroad Commission. Tbe companies were utterly powerless, the control of their own property was virtu ally taken from tlie stockholders, and if tills were to be tlio case, thqre would be no further necessity of having a meeting of the stockholders. They would have nothing to do, and any action they might adopt would be rendered futile by tbe in terference of the Railroad Commission. People would not feci like investing money in any enterprise, the management of which could be taken from them. In ansvier to the question if the Central railroad proposed to protest against this late action, Colonel W. replied that he bad uot fully made up his mind on that subject.: Judge Jolm D. Cunningham, of Atlanta, whom we hail the pleasure of meeting at tiie stockholder.’ gatin’ring, stated tbat he Dad not been able to give tiie subject such attention as would justify an expression oi opinion as to tlie legality of tlie action of tho commission. The'constitutionality of the act would be tested In the courts shortly, and in the’ineantiuie tiie restric tions placed by the commission would stand. Several of our merchants gave ex parte opinions that the low fares would take with tlie public, might not in the end in juriously affect tbo profits of tbe noads,but they were strougly opposed to the princi ple which permitted such interference. Tlie companies have' shown a disposition to accommodate the public, aud havo for same years past issued one thousand mile tickets at tlie rate of 2} cents per mile, round trip tickets and excursion tickets, and there has been no general complaint of the regular fares. Our Bavannah contemporary takes strong ground ndilorially against the com mission and Judge Black’s late opinion tbat tlie State, under iter prerogative of eminent, domain,pas?eases tbe right to reg ulate and control all tbe railroads within its limits. Wo extract a specimen para graph, Says the Abies: Judge Black’s nitre position on tbis subject is equally as manifestly unwise as it is unjust. Mon do not, as a rule, give to Stales, or to individuals, actual or arti ficial, millions of dollars for the mere honor or pleasure of so doiiv*. Every in vestment main by the capitalist is usually made with the hope and expectation of at least a lair return. What, then, will be tlie ultimate effect of the adoption of Judtre Black’s views? XolUing more nor less than a complete killaigout of all rail way construction uuiess by the States themselres, and in Georgit that is impos sible, for it is prohibited by the State con stitution. Individuals will no longer take heir money aud place it Iu railways when, they know that tlio moment they do so and the roads are computed, the State will step in and, telling them to step out, place tbe control and management or tbeir property in tbe bauds, of three outside in dividuals, who personally have uot a dol lar of their own at Stake, aud wbo may uot care a straw Whether those wbo have receive, a cent of remuneration for the use of their noney, or are even thrown into b*ni „,cy. . . Tas finest green and black tea la tbe cire la at Lamar, Rankin 4k Lamar’s.