Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 31, 1880, Image 1

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    CLISBT AJJONES, Furuiro^.
V‘ ( h tX Z
A Form"r Vncia Ku ftwgiwMly
Wounded without Of O.
Father By an’* Speech. I The Greet Snow Stem.
Baltimore, December 19. — Rev. I, December 29.—A tremen-
Abram J. Ryan, the'poet priest, addressed I dous snow began here last night and U
a large meeting of the Irish Land League I still raging. This is the third snow storm
. .last night. He said : “I know the priuei- | here within a week and the snow lies
The following account of the subbing | pIes involved, but lam not familiar with I upon the ground, blocking the roads to an
of Mr. John SchoBeld we clip from the tbe deuils. My father wat born In Tip-1 extent unequaled for many yean. The
Greenville (3. L.) Aeuw. I perarv. HU blood is mins and his prin-1 wind Is due north and the thermometer
Mr. John H. Schofield was ^dangerously ] c [pj Mi Every odb bates tyranny. Words I sUnds at 24 degrees above zero.
are not harsh enough to express that ha-1 Pktkbsbuuo, December 29.—A very
tred. Ireland has suffered more than any | heavy snow U prevailing here to-day with
Ration in the world, but has kept together. I no indications of clearing weather.
There arc factions there, but when you I Richmond, December 29.—The snow
touch national principles they are a unit. (storm which commenced in the northern
God made the land and I reckon it ought I part ot the State, last evsning struck thU
to be owned by those for whom it was I city between 3 and 4 o’clock this morning,
made. The Irish people first feel and then ] since which houMsnow has been falling
cut on on Saturday night by Geo. White,
and it was thought yesterday by hU at
tending physicians, Die. Wallace and
Longj that the wound.would prove faUl.
The circumstances were these: Mr. Scho
field was in the wsgon-yard behind the
drug store of Messrs. Hacot As Co., West-
End, and it was particularly remarked by
parties who were acquainted with him, I tb ink—feeling evaporates but thoughts jsteidily hem andls now (noon) six iuches
n0 r»« und wwii he if stay and phrase themselves into | deep with no indications of cessing. It is
of liquor. Geo. White, it appears, I wordj> They should think that I decidedly the heaviest storm of the winter
was intoxicated and very angry J nlk( ] e Ireland for Irelaud, and not I and extends all over the State and Into
. - , , At „ > I ° OI1e I for England; though by some unfortunate | North Carolina. All the trains are re
whisky at oue or two of the adjacent bar-1 c i rcU iMtance the English got it. The | ported delayed several hours.
w? l s^hnnflirt*wTtii Pr i.Tfir^iife a rni?ina < him I tbIn S 10 wait- The tyranny of the Irish I Is roteusely cold.
Mr. Schofield with bis kune, cutting turn land owner j ( intolerable. Who denies it I State Treasurer Vincent has forwarded
deeply iu the left side P**”®*** the i# % i| ar;<wb 0 a (firms it speaks the truth. I money to the National Park Bank of New
““h ■ At _ r" time the wound was pot p arueii Js the i ca der of an agitation, as I York to meet the interest due January I,
regarded as necessarily dangerous. After I O’Connel was;' and as O’Connel sue-1 on Alabama bonds.
wowsutod, Mfc Sclioheid approa^ed cee j ed jn the raa | n , I hope Parnell will I Nkw VoKic,December29 —At 7 o’clock
w i * IanalD 8 succeed in his efforts; He needs substan- I this morning the thermometer registered
OI i,u 1 vi St . ree j 111 l i 1C ,*, nd tial sympathy, and money used for so I *s follows: At Escanabae, Midi., 18 bo-
B°°d a purpose is consecrated. No matter I low zero; St. Paul, Mlnu., 18; Milwaukee,
what differences may exist even in the Wis., 19; LaCrosse, Wis., 15; Keokuk,
Catholic Church on this question, I think I Iowa, 10; North Platte. Nebraska, 23;
arrest \\ bite, and thought that he had I j UJt | ca i, OII t j ie ,] de D f the Irish tenants. I Leavenworth, Kansas, 13; Omaha, 13; St.
done so. but the arresjed “f” P r0 ]£ d God is on the side of justice; you are on I Louis, 13; Cheyenne, Wyoming, 13; Cbi-
be a brother of George White. George I tbe #ide of Q od and you will succeed. If I cago, 13; Alpeua, Mich., 15; Detroit, 10;
had taken the opportunity of the blunder j 8 poverty stricken and destitute ludianapolls, It Cleveland, 4; Toledo, u.
to attempt to escape, but was in a few I ^ jj because of the ltixuiy of the land-1 8: Buffalo, N. Y., 1; Cincinnati, zero;
minutes secured by the police and con- , orda . e “ J Rochester, N. Y., 3 above zero; Pitta-
veyed to the guardhouse, protesting on «y ou rot go ^ far— anything I buigh, 4; Washington, 12; Philadelphia,
£** w * y - ^ revolutionary might briug on calamities. 111; Albany 18.
the assault, before being locked.up,,how- h am a revolutionist in a measure,andun- I Greensboro, N. C., December 29.—
ever, he made a full confession. White I fggganfucUd. English landlords are to I The snow storm here U the greatest and
remained only four hours in the guard- irej,,,,) W iiat carpet-bagger* were to the I most severe in twenty years. The snow
house-haying by some means effected hfo We guflered an u were patient, j is now fifteen inches deep and still falling.
* nd now carpet-baggera are not there, j Many people sutler greatly Irom the want
police are on h.s track and expected te se- j ^ we have th e*poweFin our own hands! of wood.
So will Ireland oue day get rid of land-1 Columbus, Ga., December 29.—Four
lords—first, by calm, legitimate thought, I and a half inches of snow, the heaviest ou
and then by the grace of God, which I record in this section, fell this morning,
crowns every act ot justice with victory.” | The thermometer at4 p. m. was twenty
The reverend speaker was frequently ap-1 degrees above zero and growing colder. It
cure him last night.
After White had beqp locked up in a
cell in the guard house a man named
Newton, found drunk by the police and
lying on the snow, bad been carried to
the guard house fire to sleep off Ills intox
ication, the door opening into the street
being left unlocked to allow him to go
out when he bad slept off his intoxication.
This man, it is believed, on coming to bis
senses opened the iuner door of the room,
and finding in the passage the cell keya
Judge Ward's Record.
Editors Macon Dally Herald: I see
in this morning’s Telegraph and
Messenger, over three very dim little
is now clear.
Koundout, N. Y., December 20.—At 7
o’clock this morning the thermometer in
dicatcd ten degrees above zero. It is snow
Watertown, December 29.—Twelve
A Christmas IsditoUss.
ana nnunigintno passage ine murnmys ~ a , i * .i” to fiiteen inches of snow fell last night ami
liberated White, together with two others. s ‘ ar *» » uimiuanicauon, purporting to I. .... , n. , ra delaved
Tlie cliiefof nolice returned late last night show .some of tlio record of Judge C. | Oni.iinn flA.uml.a. *lO T 1 lui ——!.1
Tlie cliiefof police returned late last night
without having been able to trace Wh'te
to bis hiding place.
Dr. Long repo ted the condition of Mr.
Schofield last night extremely precarious.
T. Ward, evidently with a view to I Chicago, December 29.—Tho cold
damaging him in the pending county weather continues. Atdawn this morn-
election. * I ,n S tbo mercury was ID to 22 degrees in
I am glad to see that the day lias ar-1 tbe city, and al 8 o’clock it was 15. Tlie
rived when the thinking people it this I 13 c * ear and w * nd moderate. The
county-aud I may say of tlio whole prospects now arc for a gradually rising
J State-are considering the worth and temperature. Trains are impeded some-
Bcport of tlio Trewnror, X W. Burke* I qualifications of tnei)| rather tban party af-1 but there are no accidents to prop-
The following is the report made to the filiation. The people have been led about I ert ^.?F . re P° 1 r ™* £ coal famine is
mayor and city council by J. W. Burke, by the nose by sebemlug politicians as long CSSlS. 1 ri!TtehrfM«MJ lr
j as they intend to be. The parly lash lias I ra *“ oa us fail to bring coal, as they have
To the Mayor and Aldermen of the city
of Maeon—Gentlemen: My attention
brs been called to a paragraph in Mayor
Corput’s address, which calls for a report
from me as treasurer of tlie Rose Hill
heretofore done.
Fbekpobt, L. I., December 29.—Six
inches ot snow full here to-day, and it
is still snowing to-night. Passenger
trains have been running nearly
schedule timo. To-night is the coldest of
played out—except when it becomes nec
essary to keep bad men out of oliice. I
have no doubt Judge Ward can explain
his political acts to the satisfaction of
every fair nun who will trouble himself
, to investigate lL His course has not beeu . ,
committee. Abseuco from the city and an inconsistent one When there Is dancer I tbo 3f?a30n > and at 8 o clock the therinome
other causes have prevented my doing so of bad lnerl getting lllt o responsible po'si- ter stood eight degrees above zero,
at an earlier day. I most respectfully t ions, we find him ready to lock shields Fououkkepsie.N.Y. December29.—A
comply with your request, and make the with t | ie organized Democracy to prevent seve ™ alort P, >',« been , iu progress
following report. I am debtor— u. When auoiher course is deemed best near| J a11 da yt and it is snow ng to-night,
by a majority of the party, we find him I T be re fiS rts sboir Jf is , beaT ^J. 8 ° utb
accepting the situation, and in tho open ***** ^ be niercury stands 10 degrees
field on correct principles. j above zero. . „
With every requisite qualification—the j Rsdbank, a. J., December 29.—A
, , record of a true and trica oflicer—moral I *« ve re snow storm la sweeping along the
11 00 worth and Christian integrity—I feel that 9? a, J ® ,u “ d »yi]K bt - Auoiher railroad
I .Tndffft Ward will .stand th« mid f.har I blocl%ade is fCRICll. IhcrC iS ft deUS6 fo"
August 14, 1880. Amount receiv
ed of A. E. Boardman for es
tate ot J. L. Jones, balance on
hand . . . . $
August 10, 18S0. Amount from
Isaac Hardeman
October 24, I860. Amount from
S 02
Hebrew cemetery
October 25,1880. Fatd J.J. Clay
January 10,1880. “ '* “
March 0, “ “ « «
May 0, « “ “ «
June 2, •* Carhsrt & Curd
November 2, “ 1’ald Clay’s order
Balance on band
800 00 |
$ 810 02 j
200 00 |
139 50
3 85
177 35]
174 82
Judge Ward will stand the test, aud that, . _ ,, . . . -
the friends who have stood by him for so on the coast and a vessel is reported ashore
many years will be joined by enough I IlQ ff * dlIlt Fleasant.
more to place him triumphaul in the ot-1 December -9.—A special
flee of ordinary I to tlie Times-Star from Fort Wayne says
I say, the ’‘record” to judgo him by is I f. h ? thermometer indicated twenty degrees
„ , the one he made while occupying the po-1 bfi I° w at 8 o dock this morning.
25 sition to which he again aspires. I ask of Business is suspended and many horses,
48 <5 | lhe tliinking, good men of Bibb, did the cattle and other domestic animals have
county ever have a more efficient, reliable I beon fr °zcn to death,
officer? . I Freehold, N. J., December 20.—For
By common consent, our people have I twelve hours a heavy snow storm has been
agreed to leave the field for county officers sweeping through this regiou, and a cut-
open 'to a “scrub race,” ana allow every ting north wind is drifting the banks
man to stand or fall solely on his own 1 formed by the two previous storms so
merits. Heuce it is uhfair to go back and I mucli that a general railroad
take up the apparent inconsistencies of aud oilier travel is feared to-night. Last
other and different days. Let us tako the I night was the coldest of the season, tlier-
men—their standing as citizens—their I mometcr standing 7 above zero.
. records as public officers—their capabili-1 Long Branch, December 29.—At five
iL? I lies and moral worth—and after a careful, I this morning another severe storm set in
Rose Hill cemetery is, of Ell the places I nnhlud comparison, vote for tho beat I and continues unabated to-nignt. At Red-
In and around our beautiful Central I man . j bank six inches of snow have fallen,
City, the one in which our whole people j This communication is written and pub-1 which on top of tho two last great snow
are most Interested. We all want to see n s bed without Judge Ward’s knowledge falls have choked up nearly every tum-
it beautiful In every possible way. Dur- or C01lsen t. ft is prompted by a feeling of pike out of the village. lu expectation of
lag tho lives of those faithful, good men, friendship, and Un desire to seo good men I unusually severe westher Superintendent
Sirari Rose and John L. Jones, they gave [ j n office. a Life-long Democrat. I Havens lias doubled the life saving patrol
Macon, December 2D. to-night.
— * ■ ■ ■ Baltimore, Dec. 29.—The weather
The Irish Situation. here istlic coldest for years. At lOo’ciock
$ 819 02
Mr. Clay sends with this, items
of lus expenditures and receipts
from which will be seen that lie
has received from all sources 2,430 00
Amounts paid out . . 2,359 25
much time and attention to tho work.
But of late years it has been to some ex
tent neglected. During the latter years
of Mr. Jones’ life he was unable to give
the cemetery any personal attention
r ~, w in„ to-night the mercury indicated seven de-
PB B . . HBBL From the Loudon correspondence f L , reeSf and al io:20 o’clock six degrees
After his death I was appointed his sue- I the New York World, written on Christ- I ab ove zero, and growing colder, fcjuow
cestor. 1 found Mr. Clay in tho office of raM da y f wc c [|p tbe following: fell continuously for twenty-four hours,
******hind J s°andth‘a d t December 25.-The inrorma- «Pto 7 o’clock this evening, when it
placod every thing in his hands and that t j on rece i ved within the last few days by I cleared. ’
» *** b»M wPtog »°«» and using the g0Ver n mC nt has been of a character t0 I Coluiubia, S. C., December 29.-Snow
proceeds in fixing the cemetery. • ]eave uo doubt that anorgan i zodaild geil . began to fall at daybreak, and continued
I found also that Mr. Clay was deeply . ri , ir£r ire],,,,! i ud beell ar raii"ed I until 2 p. m., when it was an inch deep,
interested in the work. Not content with for tliQ 2< f ;h of , ]jis m0 nih. ThU ciroum- Soon after tlio thermometer fell rapidly,
what he could get out of the meagre JSwee mcoonnte for Un hurried dbpatch »nd at 7 o’clock it was eight degrees below
mL 01 *’ »««i *i S n,i Cr in 1 U° thut island of so many thousand picked freezing-
the amount of over $300, and In wrious , , . dI , . ' portion of the A dispatch to the Register say* the snow
ways succeeded in getting enough to put gSuSSldKdViS fivebaUerira of U»s rouWen inches dwp at Dallas and
u P ane * fence around the ent re cemetery t[ie jj oya j Artillery. There is now in Ire- Gastonia, N. C., to-day, and at korkville,
with cedar posts and surmounted with Und a » d army of J over 30;000 regu iar sol. IS. C., ten inches.
barbed wire P n>t 5f b ?J» bes ! de3 diers, the flower of the British army, so
otlierneededimprovemenu. Asm pre - t j iatasucccss | u j j DSUrrecl jon would be
ecessor had expended all the proceeds of imp01Mible . Neverthcliss, it Is still fear-
cd lb ‘ l disturbances will occur there.
In hU good work. A reverberation feared IS _ESO
He presents herewith a statement or LAND. . SIIlce laJ1 . cuuauuiiLcu m4* t aa« iu« auu
every dollar received and what has been I Simultaneous blows, according to tlie I five hours. It is very cold to-
done with It. He has accounted to me original programmes, were to be struck iti ...
for every deed I have issued, and London and tlie other great cities of Eng-1 ^
puts down as cash, in soma cases land; hence the police authorities cv-
amounts only partially collected, as he erywhere are spending an anxious Christ-
takes the risk of the receipts when he mas.
gives up the deed before the money Is | misnusN arriving from America.
paid to him. * ’ ’ *" *“
the amount
Scranton, Pa., December 29.—A
ficrco snow set in last evening.
It lias been snowing hard all day and
(rains are greatly delayed on all roads.
Augusta, Ga.. December 2D.—There
was tlie heaviest fall of snow here to-day
since 1857. It commenced at 4 a. m. aud
Upland Rice.—We occasionally see
very interesting accounts of the success-
j ful production, of rice on upland. Until
quite receutly the culture of this cereal
the best growth of trew and succeeded ln bouu J c!ng from brand , t0 branch, and
, - — . - i iiusuaui A . getting the first oranges. He is proud of finally sitting ou the ground like the ham-
. An observer who will note M a " i,4? b .Americans have arrived was a ! w ,* y * a * odated 1 wllb ldea ° f P ta * uccess » “ well, he may be, when he ^
or money Mr. Clay has used Lia^nW/wife w days^ at Queenstown, v ery rich swamp land, but it has been
in two yearn, and then will consider the I batiS^t«eS5.£ to ^1^ RTOWP b$yondyiwttoo that it can be
work he has done, will see that It most be ,“ e f r Xdffi^ P the roast is now very care- ero' vn upon ord nary upland with about
■.ii.r..i« n . to the* most captious. He has as.much certainty as corn or wheat. The
work in two yeare than has uI| y T1 “,®| 0 ,"^ e "iJ? a n I l I following extract from the Hawkinsville
least fully determined to keep Ireland I ,},ows the successortha exDerl-
satisfactory to the most captious,
done more work In two
been done for years before.
He lies not received one dollar of com
pensation outside of bis perquisites as
sexton. These he could have had with
out undertaking the other work. The
— ujly oeterruinea to Keepirejauu ^topafcA shows the success of the expert-
nominally under the rule of lbo crown, Zjtr. Henry Peterson, of Collee
although all law continues to he openly made this year200 bushels of up-
trampled under foot by tlie great mass of I |^nd rice upon six acres of very poor
—M ininpii—- ..... Us population I land. The land was so poor, in fact,
rounciThas*paU? nothing toward the im-1 radical sympathy with Ireland, tbatit would not producecoru. Mr. Peter-
provements. X have only paid Mr. Clay I The conservative papers, as might be
during the two years $844.20, leaving bal- eX p eC b ;( 5 i reproach the government bit- pounds) of Pacific fertill..r. He sold tlie
ancc in my hands of $174.90. I com- | lmt tii« ipadinc- Enmk lu the I rice in its rough state at_ bis ^barn door
menced with a very ”
the amount ltanded
redress of Irish grievances has passed by,
never to return,
late treasurer, Mr. Jones.
In conclusion, gentlemen, I have tried
tousc my office in such a way only- as to
preserve and make beautiful Rose Hill
Cemetery, which is dear to every house
hold in Macon. As I get no compensation
says be can cultivate rice with less labor
and expense than cotton, and that the
cron cau be gathered cheaper than cotton.
The rice straw, If properly handled, Is
equal to fodder, and Is preferred by mules.
Mr. James Mullin, of Cbauncey, Dodge
A gentleman woo employs a great
number of bauds In a manufactory in the |
nordesire any, for my labors, 1 trust 11 west of Scotland, In order to encourage I county, buys rice atraw aud has it shipped
may at least have the good will and ap- his work people in a due attendance at f r0 m the coast, and considers it superior
probation of those I have tried to serve. church on a fast day told them that if to fodder and hay as ‘long forage’ for his
I will say of Mr. Clay that he is faith- tiiey went to church they would receive J 0 x teams.”
ful and prompt in the discharge of the du- their wages for that day in the same man-1 _
ties of Ins office. I have ever found him ner at if they had been at work, upon FstslIMIrMS AmGwL
ready to carry out any plan suggested foi which a deputation was app< inted to sc- Special to tie TtUgrapkandMu‘t*o*r]
the improvement of Roae Hill Cemetery. I quftlut tb*lr employer that “if bo would I £uFAOLA$ A£a* 9 December 28.—Th«
I have rarely ever known ftn official pay them for over-hour* they would at- passenger tram on the Clayton branch,
more deeply interested in his office. With tend likewise at tlie Methodist chapel In Conductor Stewart, ran oyer a cow at the
sentiments of high esteem I am, gentle- the evening.” I sixteen-mile post at 6 p. m-, turning the
men, Yours truly, I * T r- j engine and tenderover and throwing three
Yours truly,
J. w. Burke,
Treasurer Rom Hill Cemetery.
December 28th, 1880.
Nothing is uglier than a crooked boot I freight cars off the track. Fireman Lots
or shoe; straighten them with Lyon’s I Watts, colored, was killed outright. No
Heel Stiffeners. dec31-w6t 1 one else was hurt. Osiris.
“Pop! pop! toot I toot!” disturbed my
slumbers about 4 o’clock thia Christmas
morning. “Ob, those miserable boys! 1
I exclaimed, turning myself upon my pil
low; “I wish they would let me sleep. 1
Just then another volley broke upon the
night air, and at slight intervals the firing
continued until daylight came to my re
lief. It was impossible to sleep, and after
long meditation, as a prudential measure,
I left the bed for the comforts around the
blazing grate. The effect of the morning
ablution and the glowing fire cast a cheer
ful radiance over everything within, in
spite of the howling storm without. The
incessant cracking of the poppers and the
hideous tones of tin horns kept me re
minded that the average boy. was still
Boys—what a strange compound they
are 1 A bundle of Incongruities, the prin
cipal ingredients being fun, frolic and
mischief, generous impulses, courage and
thoughtlessness. There is no manner of
mischief hidden from the boy, and out of
slicer fun and frolic be does not hesitate
to tie a lighted bunch of fire crackers to a
dog’s tail, if in the turor every horse on
the street runs away and demolishes every
vehicle and lamp-post along the line. He
would laugh at the greatest man In the
city,or even if it were his own falhef who
falls, being tripped by a wire stretched
across the sidewalk. They have courage
to go where brave men would not dare to
tread, and they shrink from nothing out
of which they esn extract a little fun.
The rain, the cold, the mud, and even the
howling storm caunot cheat them out of
their Christmas frolic./ Yet I like
these wild, frolicking, fun-lovini;
boys. Their genius now expended
upon methods of fun will ere long be
turned to more practical uses, and be ex-
jwnded lu building railroads, cotton
factories, and managing the thousand and
one industries that crowd and bless
our laud. God bless these boys, and let
them have a merry Christmas to-day.
Bested by the window gazing out upon
the gloom, and ever and anon catching a
glance of some boy skipping through the
rain to astonish his neighbor with a re
port of his fire popper, two older people
passed mufiled in their great coats and
rubbers, and under the sheltering fold of
an umbrella, perlectly independent of the
pitiless raiu that corno thick and fast
about them. As they passed my gate one
of them looking over into the yard and
seeing everything neat and clean, and
the front door closed, remarked, “No
boy in that yard.” On cither aide,
my neighbor’s children were toot-
iug their horns aud making the
air redolent with burnt powder, but
witiiiu our enclosure all was quiet. The
remark of the passerby startled me, and
the thought oppressed me, “No boy in our
yard.” What a priratiou! “No boy,”
and tho tears came leaping to the eyelid.
Ob, what loneliness pervades a childless
homo 1 No merry prattle to greet the ear,
no music of pattering feet upon the stairs,
no inquisitive eyes peering into ours to
Iearu4hi wealth of Santa Claus, no brok
en toys scattered upon the floor, no songs
of gladness upou tills Chris'mas mom, no
hoy in the yard. Was it ever thus ? .
I found, unconsciously, my face buried
in my hands. Approaching footsteps
roused me from my dream, aud my eyes
instinctively rested upon a portrait upou
tho wall. From tbcuco two black eyes
gazed down upou me afiec 1 innately, and
lips, so lifelike, seemed ready to speak,
“No, it has not always been so,” and then
the memories of bygono years come
crowding and rushing through
my brain until, bewildered,
I was about to reach forth 'to clasp the
mere shadow of my departed boy. But
calmly and lovingly lie still looks down
upon me from just above luy writing desk.
The madam comes and goes, busy with
her household cares, but now* aud then
lifts her eyes to the portrait above my
head, the quivering lips alone giving ev
idence of the emotion which fills the ma
ternal heart upon this festive day. Witli
eyes bedimmed I wnte, and if it were not
for this tear-st ained page tlie world would
never have known that there was a por
trait upon the wall.
Alas, there wero two who came to glad
den our domestic hearthstone, around
whom the teudrils of our hearts were
twined, and upon whom tbo wealth of
paternal affection was bestowed. A double
tombstono guards their earthly resting-
place in Rose Hill, but it is with a glori
ous hope and hcavcn-b'om faith that we
believe our two boys are to-day, in nobler
strains and sweeter anthems tban earth
ever knew, celebrating the Saviour's natal
day. ■'
Tlie law of compensation rules at last.
If there is “no hoy in the yard,” there
are two in heaven. And ere many more
Christmas anniversaries come and go, we
shall join them In those subiimer songs
upon that shining shore.
A Home fob Moteeb.—It is delightful
to turn from the too frequent_j»d example
of the dime-novel-bitten runaway boys
bringing tbemaelvek and their parent# to
grief, to a pure picture of filial love and
duty like this: Say* a letter written from
a western city:
Business called me to the United States
Land Office. While there a boy, appa
rently sixteen or seventeen years of age,
came in and presented a certificate for for
ty acres ol land.
I was struck with the countenane aud
general appearance of the boy, and in
quired of nim for whom he was purchas
ing the land,
“For myself, sir.”
I then inquired where be had got the
money. He answered, “I earned it.”
Feeling then an increased desire for
knowing something more about tlie boy, 1
asked about himself and parents. He
took a Mat and gave me the following
narrative :
“I am the oldest of five children. Fa
ther is a drinking man, and often would
return home drunk. Finding that father
would not abstain from liquor, I resolved
to make an effort in some way to help my
mother and brothers sud sisters. I got an
axe and went into a new part of the coun
try to work clearing land, and I have sav
ed enough to buy forty acres of land out
there.” .
“Well, my good boy, what are you go
ing to do with the, land ?”
“I’ll work on it, build a log house, and
when it is all ready, will bring father,
mother, brothers and sisters to Ure with
me. Tho land I want for my mother,
which will secure her from want in her old
•‘And what will you do with your
father, if he continues to drink?”
“Oh, sir, when we get hint on the farm
he will fe ;1 at home and be happy, and 1
hope become a sober man.”
“Young man, may God’s blessing at
tend you in your efloris to help aud to
honor your father ami mother.”
By tills time tbe.receiver handed himhis
receipt for his forty acres of land. As he
was leaving the office he said:
“At last I have a home for my mother T
Help for (be Great Army ot Convales
who, after an attack ot disease, get so far
back ou the returning wav to health and
no farther, line of the most serious itn-
lediments which the medical profession
las to encounter is the tendency in all
diseases, whether acute or chronic, to
wards debility aud loss of vital force. To
meet this condition of low vitality, the
Compound Oxygen, which acts directly
on the great nervous centres, rendering
them more efficient, vigorous and active,
aud capable of generating more and more
of the vital forces, which are life and
health, offers an agent of help and restora
tion. Our Treatise on Compound Oxygen,
its nature and action, is sent free. Ad
dress Drs. Starkey & I’alen, 1109 aud
1111 Girard Btreet, Philadelphia, Pa. It
. “Two Souls Witb But n Single
Hawkinbvillk, Ga., Dec. 29tli, 1880.
Editors Telegraph and Messenger:—
On December tho 26th, the marriage cer
emony of Mr. Henry Manning, of McVilie,
to Miss MoJiie Waterman, of Hawkins
ville, was performed by Rabbi Sager. Af
ter tho legal ceremonies tlio Doctor added
an appropriate address to the newly made
man and wife, advising them to blend
their lives in bappiuess aud look to God.
The guests were numerous and joyful,
among whom were Mis3jLulaSanberg,Mr.
J. Dannenberg, of Macon, Mr. Jack and
Ike Maas, of Cochran, Judge Pate aud
Col. Eason, of Hawkinsville, and others
loo numerous to mention. Virgin.
A Mr Firtt on Garfield's Hands.
It - is now generally conceded, says
Red field, that a cuhtest between Gen.
Garfield and the stalwart wing of the Re
publican party Is not entirely Improbable.
It ie averred iLat President Garfield will
meet with a much more inteuse opposition
Largest Man in America.—A dis
patch from Honeedsle, Pa., to the Phila
delphia Times, says: “Lewis Rockwell,
aged 102 years, lives In a rickety old
house In Pike county, Pa., uot far from
this place. He is the eldest of a family
remarkable for the longevity of its mem-
than Mr. Hayes ever experienced, after Ottim Rockwell family there are
the 4th of next March, unless the stalwarts I «'g b ‘ brothers and sisters yet liviog. They
are treated with that consideration which
they claim as a right. In view of a possi
ble struggle between the stalwart and
anti-stalwart wings of the Republican
party, the personal political status of each
kepub lean Senator who wilt fill a seat
are Lewis Rockwell, aged 102; Abram
Rockwell, 96; Mrs. Annie Weils, 83; Miss
Bailie Rockwell, 79; Elisa Rockwell, 77
Mrs. Sarah Gaineeford, 75; Mrs. Kather
ine Brown, 73; and Mrr. Lucinda Valen
tine, 70. The aggregate age of the family Is
after the 4th of March is a matter of inter- 843 years, or an average ol over 80 yean
eat. If there b a fight it will be carefully I eacb - In »P l *« of * b « fact be bM
many wealthy relatives, Lewis Rockwell!
has been cast upon the town and b now
nearly the only “town charge” in the
county. Lewis Cornelius, who died some
years ago, was a connection of tho Rock
well family. He was at one time the
largest man in America, being considers'
bly larger tban Daniel Lambert, Bar-
waged in the Senate over the confirma
tion of appointmsBts made by the incom
ing Pro ident.
At present the stalwarts, or anti-
Hayes Senators, are in the majority. The
new Senators to be elected this winter by
Republican Legislatures will decide
whether or not a successful fight can be, - r i —- — „■ . ■ —, —
waged against Gen. Garfield. The Demo-1 num * S iant - Mr. Cornelius’ dimensions
cratic Senators, if they fail to have a ma- I *” entered upon the record books in the
jority in the Senate, will be able to de- prothonotary’a office, at Milford, Pike
cide any question where there b a divis-1 COttnt Ji M follows: Height, 0 feet; cir-
lou between the Republicans. In the I cumfereuce be!ow waist, B feet 2 Inches;
event of a fight, the following named circumference above waist, 6 feet 2| Inch-
Seuatom, whose terms do not expire on ?* circumference of arm above eioow, 2
tho 4th of March, are estimated in sympa- I feet 2 inches; circumference.of arm below
tby with the feeling of the stalwart wing I elbow, 1 foot 9 inches; circumference of
or the party: Messrs. Teller and Hill, oflvnst, 1 foot 3 inches; dr-
Colorado; Logan o! Illinois; Aiilson, of cunrference of thigh, 4 feet
Iowa; Plumb and Ingalls, of Kansas. 2 ,, incbe *5 circumference of calf
Kellogg, of Louisians; Jones, of Nevada: of 2 fl98t 7 inches; drcumfereoce of
Rollins, of New Hampshire; Conkling, of ankle » 1 foot 7 iuches; weight, without
New York; Cameron, or Pennsylvania, an y clothing whatever,845) pounds. This
aud Carpenter, of Wisconsin. ’ U the only authentic record of Mr. Cor-
There are drcumstances which render ! n,bu »’ size extant. As he bad been sick
the action* of Messrs. Edmunds, Windom aol ? e , tinl t b ® loat over 00 pounds of his
and Blaine somewhat uncertain. The I 5. 1 8 bt ' .Me was not weighed until after
former Is naturally an ultra radical; In I when in full health would
complete accord with the stalwarts. It b ba I 8 li PP« d tbe scales at 700 pounds. His
announced,upon very high authority,how- [ WI V®, wa f * ver F slight woman, and
ever, that be will be appointed Associate I weighed just 10O pounds. They bad three
Justice or the Supreme Court, in place 0 f I MIM ' whose weight was 815 pounds, an
Mr. Justice Hunt. If he desire* this pros- » vera S« of 272 pounds each. The only
pecthre honor be would scarcely oppose I * u nrtving »on, John Cornellu*, now
the next administration. Mr. Windom I we *8 b * 880 pounds.
was warm in his fealty to Conkling last
winter, and the latter was the first to sug- J
;est that Windom would make a good
Republican President. Mr. Windom will
probably act with tbe stalwarts, but he b
If a statement telegraphed by tbe Ber
lin correspondent of the London Morning
Post b correct, tlie reportsor the Emperor
of Russia’s marriage with‘.the Princess
Dolgorouki are untrue. D b announced,
the Post’s correspondent says, that the
Czar’s marriage with the Princess Dol
gorouki has not yet been ' formally sol
cmnized, nor will it be so until after the
expiration of tlio customary period of
mourning—a full year—lor the late
Czarina. The Princess has once more
taken up her quarters in the Winter Pal
ace at St. Petersburg, but agaiu on a sepa
rata floor (the third), and maintains a
sep irate establishment!
Some of tho Profit* of Orange Cul
A correspondent in Florida, writing to
the Hartford (Conn.) Times, says in re
gard to tlio orange t’lilluru of tlie year:
“Many who were almost in despair in
the spring of 1879 are now In ccstacies of
joy over tho situation, and fully believe
that'tbe time b near at hand when they
will have a competence if not a fortune
from the income of their groves. Among
the numbei b our friend Kit Burnham,
who came here from your city four yoars
ago last spring. His means wero limited,
but he bougat some scrubby trees at a
large price and set them, and by very
careful management and the strictest
economy lio has contrived to support
his family and keep his trees gro wing,
and added a few to his grove each year.
It is a pleasure Ghougli a little humil
iating) to acknowledge that he has, under
Latest Cure for Diphtheria A
lady Id Williamsport, this State, furnbbes
tbe following on diphtheria and its cure:
She was the mother of six children, all of
whom had been afflicted with the dreaded
disease and were cured by tbe following
remedy: Take a slice of fat bacon —side
meat—the older tbe better; sew it on a
soft piece of flannel; then saturate it with
coal (petroleum) oil. Place it ou tbe
neck, having the meat to reach from ear
to car. After pounding several onions
into a poultice place enough of the same
in the patient’s stocking to cover the solo
of tbo foot, aud bavo the patient put tbe
storking on. The poultice must be warm
in older not to chili the patient. The
throat should then be gargled with some
tomato catsup, strong with red pepper;
salt and vinegar shaken well together
will do. If the palient b too
young to gargle, wet the throat with a
few drops. If vomiting occurs, lime water
purchased at a drug store with directions
should be given, lie sure to cause an ir
ritation of the neck.
A very excellent lady was desired by
another to teach her what secret she had
to preserve her husband’s favor. “It is,”
replied she, “by doing all that pleases him,
and enduring patiently all that displeases
me”—oue wornsn in teu thousand.
An attendant of the Oregon Insane
Asylum was told to climb a tree and bring
dowu a patient who had taken a position
, ■. . - . . . in its top. He haa reached- a height of
thirty feet when a limb broke,and he fell,
i . .t.n z „ ..,2 merofa pile driver. For twenty years
looks on the goIdenfruit. 5LOU would this man had been dumb, though able to
be surprised to see how tho young groves b ear. but now the spectators wero aston-
have come out since you were The isb ei by such an outbreak of fluent and
business is now looked upon as a^success sb ocking profahity as they never heard
beyond any peradventure, and a big sue- be r or o. M’he cure was permanent, too.
cess at that. There are now plenty. r 1
of groves that will yield a not „ _
profit of $1,000 per acre this seas- The Latest About the Vice Pbksi-
on, and some much more. James A. • dent Elect.—A strauger arrived at St.
Harris stands at the head of the list of Albans, Vt., a few days ago and registered
orauge-growers of tbe State. Some nine at the American House os A. F. Xlinman,
or ten years since, he bought a tract of of New York. Since then he has been
wooded land on which there were a great VC J7 busy in the adjoining town of X air-
many wild orange trees. He cut down field, ostensibly collecting material for a
tho large timber and budded the sour trees biography of Vice President-elect Arthur,
without removing them, and they were He has privately slated to leading Demo-
bearing in three years. Last year he sold cratic citizens, however, that he is em-
bis crop at $19,000, and last week he bar- ployed by the Democratic National Corn-
gained the present crop for the snug sum mittee to obtain evidence to ow that
of $40,000. A good return for an invest- General Arthur is an unnaturalized fer
ment of a few hundred dollars in ten elguer. He claims to have discovered
years. This, of course, is an exceptlona- that General Arthur was bom In Canada
ble case, but there is no doubt as to the instead of Fairfield; that his name Jj
orange culture being a profitable bust- L’hester Allen instead of Chester Abell;
£!'» that he was fifty years old In July instead
I --e,e, ” ■ ot October, at has been stated, and
“You see,” said a lively old Aberdeen generally that be is an alien and ineligible
bachelor, on being adnaed to get married, l b * office of Vice President.
“you see I can’t do it, because I could not • » ■ —
marry a woman I didn’t respect, and it
would be impossible for me to respect a
woman who would marry me.’.’
Bough Christmas Weather in Scot
land.—Says Hie World’s correspondent
of the 25th: They are experiencing very
severe westher in Scotland aud traveling
by railway has become quite difficult ana
dangerous. The trains on several Scot-
Thk Inventor or the Wheelbar
row.—It takes a great man to do a little
thing sometimes.
Who do you think Invented tbat very
hot regarded as a probably active oppo-1 simple thing called the wheelbkrrow?
uent of tbe next administration; neither I Why, no less a man than Leonardo da
is Mr. Blaine. I Vinci.
The following Senators are relied upon I A nd wbo wa * be ?
to support President Garfield: Messrs. He was * poet, painter, areh-
Platt, of Connecticut; Kirkwood, of Iowa; | itect » sculptor,physiologist, engineer, nstu-
Blaiuc, of Maine; Hoar, of Massachusetts; ral historian, botanist and inventor all in
Ferry, of Michigan; Saunders, of Nebras- one \ H « wasn’t a “Jackal all trades and
ka; Anthony and Burnside, or Rhode Is- P»dat none,” either. He was a real mas-
land, and Merrill of Vermont. Of the I J®** ® r m * u T •««> «ud a practical worker
new Senators Mr. Keman’s successor in 1 b «s ,d «*-
When did he Ure?
Somewhere about the time that Colum
bus discovered America.
Aud where was lie born ?
lu the beautiful city of Florence In Ita-
New York will be, it is calculated, be
sealwatt aud a friend of Conkliny. Eu
gene Hale, the probable successor of Sen
ator Hamlin, of Maine, will hardly join
with the factiou, but the New York Sena
tor’s friends claim him as a supporter iu '>’•
case of any dispute. I Perhaps some of you may feel » little
Congressman Hawley, of Connecticut, betl ® r acquainted with him when I tell
who is couuted upon as the successor of y° u i* w *3 Leonardo da Vinci who paiut-
Senator Eaton, will be adavoted adherent ed one ° r lbe grandest pictures of tho
of Gen. Garheld, and Hon. John Slier- world—“The Last Supper”—a picture
man, of Ohio, will support the admlnls- tbat bas h® 011 C0 P ieJ many times, aud en-
tratiou. Should Gen. Garfield be in per- graved In several alylea, so that almost
foci accord with both wings of the party, eye jy one bas au idea of the arrangement
it is calculated that there will be a lively •imposition at the table of the figures of
contest for supremacy for tlio next four | our ‘ j0rd and b ’ s disciples,
years between Messrs. Sherman ami
Blaine on the one sido 4 and Conkling aud I A Plnokr Officer.
Arthur on tho other. There is a possibil-1 1
ity of the election of a Republican Senator I Los Vegas, New Mexico, December
to succeed Mr. Bailey by the Tennessee I 2 &—A notorious gang of outlaws, com-
Legislature, aud Postmaster General May- posed of about twenty-five men, who,
nard is tlie most talked of for the Senator-1 under tho leadership of “Billy the Kid,”
ship if the Tennessee Republicans make bave f° r the past six months overrun
the combination they are seeking. eastern New Mexico, murdering and com-
Gen. Malione, of Virginia, Is relied tuittinc outrages, was broken up last
upon to stand by the stalwarts, and he I Saturday morning by .the killing of two
will play a prominent part in a scheme! and capturing of four, including tho
for the re-oigauization of the Republican leader -. Tb ® prisoners were lodged in Lot
party In the South. He does not desire I Vegas jail and calls for their lynching
to come out openly at the start and vote J wer ® «n»de, but the vigilance of the cap-
fora re-organization of tbo Senate, but I tors > Deputy Sheriff Garrett and others,
the Republicans claim tbat be will do so 1 prevented. Yesterday forenoon Garrett
if it is absolutely necessary. There are I « !,d hi* assistants boarded the train with
eight States, (be Legislatures of which I tbo prisoners for tbe purpose of taking
will elect Senators this winter, whose I tbetn 10 Santa Fe.
action in case of a rupture within tbe Sheriff Romero remonstrated against
party cannot be predicted in advance of I taking Rudsbaugh, one of the prisoners
their selection. These States are CalL wbo bad Milled a Los Vegas deputy sher-
fornla, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, lff . to Santa F-, but to no effect. He tbon
■Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and went to the depot with a posse of 300
Wisconsin. As the outlook is now, the I men i and made a formal demand for the
stalwart Senators are in a slight majority, prisoners, but was told if he wanted them
but approaching elections may transfer I to take them. The sheriff then stationed
the balance to the other side. The Demo- m ® n at the engine to cover tbe engineer,
crate are calculating Upon holding the I * nd the balance of the posse crowded
balance of power in case of any Republi* I about the train, tbe platforms of which
cau division. | were crowded with additional guards,
I pressed Into service by Garrett. Every
Lads and Ambition.—There is hard- window of the cars served as a port-hole
ly a man, however moderate liis abilities ft* rifles. Somebody suggested to lake
and energies, wbo night not look forw ard tbc prisoners uow. Stew art, one of Gar-
to a fair share of human happiness if he rctt’a party, said the instant the first shot
were early taught to conform a conception I wa * fired, he would unloose every nrlsoner
of file to his powers, and to' 'seek nothing and araa him. For a while a flget seemed
beyond what those powers entitle him to I imminent.
look for. And the same is true of women. I Chief Engineer Robinson appeared and
Weariness of life in tlie young arises, In I demanded that the train be allowed to
so far as it arises from causes that are not I proceed, and the master of transportation
purely moral, chiefly from a great dispro-1 said that if tbe train was not allowed to
poitiou between the kind ot career the I proceed ite would arm all the railroad
young have been taught to expect and the I men and run it. Detective J. F. Murley,
kind of career for winch they find them- I oftlie Post-office Department, jumped into
selves fit. There is too much of tbe idea I the cab with a pair of six-shooters, and
tbat lads ought to be spurred into a sort j told the engineer to leap out. A com pro
of ambition for which they are by no j mise was filially made by which it was
means suited. A life of carefully limited | agreed that tlie sheriff and two men should
desires—a life more or less approximate | go to Santa Fe with tbe party, and, if tbe
ing In its reticence and moderateness of 1 Governor agreed,bring Rudabaugb back to
aim to tiiat the old moat usually live, if j Los Vegas. The tram then proceeded,
they are too live happily at all—need be
by no means an unhappy life, for a very i Foa h C8 b and* Only.—A corrcspond-
U.*gnaab<Mortta^ongpwpto of our ent writi lrom California aayt \ /° cun
w we . ra I for wife-wnipping was authorized by tbe
nn U ftr« * r '^rpi^itv I la4t Legislature of Nevada. Tho author-
I itie * Austin, a mining town in that
^i.iti d I Sute « baTe ®'® cted * whipping-post to
noble life riian the life of fretful compel!-1 p un i #b tummariiy wretches wbo abuse
tiou and of unsuccessful or half-successful I lbe ; r w [ vea b y blows. We wish it were
practical to apply appropriate correction to
the no less unmanly tyranny of unfeeling,
exacting and cruel words by which too
many husbands keep their wives in never-
ending torment. If man had tbe brains
flMmuui m tiM I’m At Wwl Mtt
The Chicago Tribune, ietervtewlog
Gen- Sherman oo matters ead thiap
pertaining to the array, gets Otis
sense out of him or Wert Pete* mt,
Gen. Sherman, after payfttg a
outogium to Gen. 8eboftetd*s record aean
officer as well ee a oommaoder at West
Point, took up the negro question and ex-
prresed himself in a very derided fashion.
Wherever tbs negro appears politics mast
alwavs come into the race. Now we do
not keep up West Point to equalise the
negro with tbe white man, hot to -»*-
soldier*. The negro bse the aaae right*
ae tbe white man; he can boy and sell
and engage In any trade or —yet inn,
and enjoy himself just ae the white man.
But if you want to oompel mo or anybody
else to Invite him to tny boose to dinner
and to introduce him to my wife, sister or
daughter, there probably will bo a tow,
tbats all. Tbe negro should bars tho
same rights and privileges of study and
recreation in Wert Point ee tbe white
man, but you can’t compel the cadets to
1 mt their arm* around bhn. Wo hare our
West Point Academy for making soldiers,
and not for——
Gen Sherman stopped a moment, and
it was suggested, “Not for emancipating
the uegro, socially speaking?”
The General assented, and said I No, of
course not. It is not a political soertion;
it is a fashion. Tbe negro will not be re
ceived in society and be invited to dinner
to your house and mine until w baoamae
the fashion. You go down Broadway
with a coat of tbo revolutionary days on,
snd though It may bo a splendid oast and
Washington may hare worn one like U,
you’ll have all the boys after yon.
Home.—After all, when one comes to
tbiuk of it, thore are not many homes.
There are, of course, iunumerablo places
which go by the names of homes, called I ® n<Jln 8 torment, u man naa tne Drains
so for want ora belter designation, or be- b ® bo “^ h® would speak ever kindly to
- - - 1 the mother of his household, if it were
only for selfish motives. Make your wife
happy by tender snd affectionate treat-
cause everybody calls the place where be
eats and sleeps home; but when you come
down to tbe real sober fact, homes ate
comparatively scarce.
A home is a refuge place from the
storms, the fret and worry of life. It is a
place where the husband comes home to a
sanctuary, where smiles and loving words
answer his smiles and greeting. It is
meat, and you will make your home a
paradise more precious than gold and
costly mansions. We admire the Hindoo
parable (and believe its instruction) that
describes a woman at Uie gate of heaven
praying that her naughty husbaud may be
place where the wife reigns in her benig- admitted. “He was *ver kind and true
nity and grace; not it may be
tho grace of outward beauty or cul
tivation, but of true womanhood,
where she receives honor and love even as
she gives them both, it is a place where
children are happier than anywhere else
in the world, because there are the
choicest words, tbe brightest looks and the
kindest sets. Such are uot the majority
of homes as we find theme
to me, and it you would make me happy
1 must share with my husband.” Instant
ly tlie portals opened aud tbe angels bid
him enter: “Because of thv wife’s prayer
tby sins are forgiven. Who live in har
mony on earth in heaven are not 1 di
An Englishman, Sir Francis Lycett,
who died recently, leaving a fortune of
How does it happen tbat when you see a j over a million, was an ardent Methodist-
real home, a light, pleasant spot where During his lifetime bis gifts to Wesieyan
every ore seems to be happy; where if | Methodism were princely. Hit hobby was
husband and wife have misunderstand- j the erection of new Wesieyan chapels in
ings, no one seems to know it; where | tbe metropolis, which movement he origl-
laughear and smiles are perpetual guests, I
why does it strike one as peculiar and J
noticeable ? Simply because there are so j
few of them.
noted, ana toward which object be gave
within tbe last ten years the sum of £45,-
000. Two days before bis decease he
handed the secretary of tbat fund a check
for £7,500. He has left a legacy of £23,-
000 towaid the scheme, and at Lady Ly-
oett’s death two-thirds of his fortune, in
The New Apportionment.—We see
it stated tbat there seems to be in the
present Congress a feeling In favor of re-1 which tbe has a life interest, is to be de-
They were at a dinner party, and he by railway bas become quite difficult anJ talning the present number of represents- j voted to tbe furtherance ot tbe same
remarked tbat he supposed she was fond dangerous. Tbe trains on several Soot- tires in the House, which would make a I movement. Valuable legacies amounting
of ethnology. She said sho was, but she tish line* have been snowed up and travel ratio of about 165,000 for each repreeen j to several thousands of pounds have been
was very well, and tbe doctor had told her is seriously impeded at nearly every point tallve—an increase of over 80,000 on the | left to Wesleyan home and foreign mis-
not to eat anything tor dessert but oranges, north of tlie Grampian Hills. 1 present beats of representation. ' sioas and other connection*! objects.
Death of Dr. Chapin.
New York, December 27 —Dr. E. H.
Chapin, the well known cieicfatas, died
in this city yesterday. 'I urn etekness
which has confined him to bit home for a
considerable period terminated finally,
but not unexpectedly, for tt bad been
known for some time that there was no
hope of his recovery. Ho was born in
Union Village, Washington county, De
cember 29th, 1814. in 1887, when twen
ty-three years ot age, be was erdataad in
Cttcato tbs Unlversaliet ministry. He
Immediately began preaching, and accept
ed a call to become tbe pester ot tbelnde-
pendent Christian church ef Richmond, a
society composed of both Uolveraalfeu and
Unitarians. His pastoral work in Rich
mond was continued with rreem until
1849, when he accepted charge of a Uni-
venialist church In Charleston. In 1840
he came to this citv, in order to aacome
the pastorate of tlie Fourth UntvereaUst
Society, which he has ever since retained.
New York, December 27 Lett April
Dr. Chapin went to Kurope tor bis health
and returned in August, after which ha
gradually grew worse, until last night.
None of his physicians could tell tbs ex
act nature of his ailment, which Is Mid to
have been primarily caused by over study,
and was undoubtedly general debility.
His funeral will take plaoe Thursday.
Xwa Fearful Railroad Aooident*.
New Orleans, December 27—A col
lision occurred ou Sunday morning be
tween the south bound passenger and a
freight train at the Stele line on the Mo
bile and Ohio railroad. Tbe two engin
eers and two brakesmen were killed and
several others fatally wounded.
Chablottr, V. O, December 27.—In
telligence of another frightful reiSroad
disaster reached this cKy this morning
about 8 o'clock. It occurred on tbe Air
Line railroad, about 500 yards beyond
Paw creek trestle, nine mile* from the
city, about 7 o’clock. Two freight trains
of uuusual sizo.iitft Charlotte yesterday
morning in sections, one about fifteen
minutes behind the other. At Paw creek
trestle, fourteen cars of tbe forward train,
Engineer Anthony, broke loose and
shipped, after runnings snort distance. In
the rear car were flagman Bob Griffith, of
this city, and six passenger*, three of
whom were colored.
When the detached ears stopped, Flag
man Griffith jumped off, and having told
the train men to notify tbe passengers
that they had broken loose from tbe re
mainder of the train, immediately started
back to signal tbe second section, which
he knew must be only a few miles be
hind. He had not gone back far before he
heard the approaching train blow, and
then realized the fact that be could pro
ceed no further, because of tbe trestle,
which is 150 yards long and very high.
He waved the flag as the engine in charge
of Engineer Wisenberry came in sight,and
tbc engineer expressed his recognition of
it by immediately blowing on brakes, but
his train was heavy and be was nearing
tbe bottom of one of tbe biggest grades on
the road; hence it was impossible te step.
Ae soon as be realized tbte fact, and be
fore crossing tbe trestle, be reversed hie
engine and continued to blow on brake*.
Realizing tbe catastrophe, be left his seat
and standing in front of tbe fire box, with
hie hand on tbe lever, awaited
the shock. It came, and he was partially
knocked down by a st ick of wood from the
tender, but was otherwise unhurt, though
almost eutirely abut tn by the mass of
debris which wa* thrown against the en
gine. His life was probably saved by the
fact tbat the rear of tbe tender wa* thrown
to one side, thus diverting the foil mo
mentum of the train from the engine to
the side of the cat, against which the
shattered can were p ied up. All the
passengers in the cab of tbe forward sec
tion were either killed or seriously in
jured. Thee, A. Gaither, of tbit dty had
two or three ribc broken. Phillip 8. Wie-
nant, of this city, Charlie Sellers, of Pin-
brook, and a negro named Ned Stroud,
were instantly killed. The wreck caught
fire and burned up, and at least one man
was burned alive, a* bis ones could be
beard, but nothing could bo done for him.
Mr. Gaither was the sole survivor of tbe
passengers lu tbe cab. A large force of
men is now engaged in moving tbe wreck
aud building a track around it.
An Amebicakizkd Pabisian.— Mile.
Grevy, the daughter of tbe President, af
fects American ways altogether, and wOl
walk and ride alone, much te tbe boner
of the aristocrats, and even Republican
papers of Parte attack bar for infringing
on long established customs. They tell
some very amusing stories about tbe
joung lady, and the difficulties she en
counters in carrying out her American
isms. For instance, no respectable French
woman goes ou the street alone; either a
gentleman (relative, of course), or a ser
vant must accompany her. A foreigner
can defy this rule witb safety, and eveiy
dsy you meet English and Amencaa
S ir Is by tliemseivcs, but their nationality
i so evident that It protects them where
a native would be insulted right and left.
It seems on a number of occasions that
Mile. Grevy, when walking alone, bM
been accosted by her too gallant country
men ; but instead of Inelnc bar temper or
being frightened, tbe hands them a viaib-
tug card to enforce bar statement m te
her personality, and then begins |*
harangue them on tbe beauty and pro
priety of women walking unescorted, and
on the folly of a man presuming for (bat
reason that she is not all she should be.
Tbe novelty ot this proceeding is rendered
more striking becauM an paralleled (A ik
annals of French history,