Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 31, 1880, Image 5

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HP** Qlssitgm HUftklg Cskegcapt* attj£r Jaturnsrl & JUpsauengjMc. THE GREAT APPETIZER ■HIHPB and -SURE CURE- for loughs, (olds, Sore Throat Bronchitis. Asthma! CONSUMPTION. . . ' . t AND ALL DISEASES OF THR1K1Ti CHEST a/MJYM L< PJV€IS. Put up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. Over One Million Bet. ties Consumed annually. Price— OJVJE M Per Mottle• CATJTIO 3ST_ D n’t Deceived by unprincipled D^aJers, who ?ry to palm off upon you common Rock and Rye* In place of our TOLU RO -K and R¥R ai yard Is tbe on‘y Medicated preparation. The Genuine has the name of lA WHENCE ft MARTIN on the Government Revenue Stamp ou each Bottle. een composed largely of this great remedy of nature, on account of its loosening, toothing and effective properties. It baa been found to bring almost inslant relief to ord,” co-extenslve with civilization. A Balsam properly, according to the F/euch acceptation, la a resinous vegetable juice, containing Benzoic Acid. But the English — -■■■ ---u. m. u.ii u vutamed in New Grenada, South America, In tho region of Tuht and Turbaco. It has an agreeable odor, like Benlzon, and a aweetish taste. .... ,, „ .. addedother Ingredients, thus forming a compound that in itself is possessed or the most efficacious properties for the relief of COLDS, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, etc. To this they have given aTonic principle, not possessed by any other kuown remedy. It is at once agreeable to the Bye acts as aelimulant and appetizer, while the Balsam and the Rock Candy play their very important functions iu tho healing Bronchial Tubes, and arresting the fast progressing Pulmonaiy disease. -- For many years physicians have recommended Balsam of Tolu, in conjunction suffering mankind, and to act as a veritable balm, if.not "in Gilead," at least in tbe and German scientists apply it to all resins obtained from trees and shrubs. Balsam of Toln Is To tbe Balsam of Tulu they have taste and beneficial to the system. Tbe with other remedies, for Palmonary complaints. The best Cough Medicines have world at large, wherever it has been introduced, and ao it has become "a household sobtai Bronchitis. Sweeps thousands every year to premature graves. Its Symptoms are Coughing, Soreness of the Lungs and Throat, Hoarseness, Difficulty in Breathing, Asthma, Hectic Fever, Spitting'or Phlegm or Matter, or sometimes Blood, inflamed. These symptoms should admonish tbe sufferer that the Bronchial Tubes are affected, and that be is standing upon the threshold of Consumption. What then should be done? duces tbe Inflammation, Removes tbe Difficulty in Breathing by Producing free end easy Expectoration, ao that a sure cure speedily follows. r Phlegm or Matter, or sometimes mood. The fine skin that lines the inside of the wiudlubes or air vessels, which reach to evejy paiy of the Lungs, - Tho Great Remedy should be sougbt at once. Tolu, Bock and Rye possesses tbe qualities requisite for the Suppression of the Cough and Pain, Re This Is a serious affection, on account of the the suflering It occasions. It is a nervous affection of the Overcomes the Contraction of the Bronchial Tubes, Loosens the Mucus and Produces free and easy Expectoi respiratory passages, and situated in the medulla oblongata, which spasmodically contract and render respiration difficult. The remedies are many, but those which reach the seat of tbe disease are few. _ ?o!aj_ Bock and Ry ration. If Asthma is aggravated by Diseases of the Stomach, such as Dyspepsia, etc., or a Deposit of Tubercles In the the Luugs our remedy at once reaches the seat of tbe attending causes, and dissipates them all in conjunct lor. Consumption. but consider for a moment the terrible^ consequences that result from this primary insignificant affection. Coughs lead to Consumption. The general prevalence, the insidious attack, and the distressing 3JLZ fataiity-of the disease, demand the special attention of every thinking person. All classes ol sociel: ersou into a lortbepoor escape. Just contemplate for a moment that out of the entire population ol the globe, one in every three hundred and twenty-three persons annually dies of Consumption! Is not this an appalling assertion! and one well calculated to set a serious person Into a train of reflection, oapeciat- s day hacking and expectorating, without a satisfactory rea son in his mind as to why he is thus afflicted ? in America, some statisticians aver that one-sixth of the deaths result from Consumption. Contemplate tho fact that, in Hew England alone, i>0,000 people annually succumb to tbe destroyer; mXew York i many more, and that in the great West, in the Sontb, and elsewhere, the fatal seeds of the disease are sown, and bear yearly harvests to a terrible extent. * It marches on steadily and stealthily. It does not come like the sweeping epidemic, that carries dread to the heart and blanche* the face, but it works just as effectively. The victims of Consumption are vastly more numerous than those of Yellow Fever, Small Pox or other epidemics. The victim disregards the early symptoms; suspicions are allayed; measures for his welfare discontinued, until at last the disease is established, and the malady rushes him unto certain death. Then try Toln, Rock and Rock, and you will find yonrself rejuvenated, so to speak. Mixed with a few drops of lemon juice, it braces up the system, giving strength, tone and vigor to the patient. Its taste is pleasant, honeyed and balsamic, which makea It one of the most agreeable preparations of tbe day. There are scores of articles flooding the country which are cheap and ineffective. But they possess no medicinal power whatever, and are fraught only with disappointment and danger to those who use them. Do not be led to Invest In these when you cau, at any druggist’s or dealer’s, purchase a bottle of Tolu, Rock and Rye, and secure relief ftom any Throat or Lung complaint which may have fastened Itself upon you. m m OyPUT UP IN QUART SIZE BOTTLES, GIVING MORE FOR THE MONEY THAN ANY ARTICLE IN THE MARKET._£n The formula is known to our best physicians, is highly commended by them, and the analysis of our most prominent chemist, l'rof. G. Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, in tbe incipient ana advanced stages. . I Used as a Beverage and Appetizer, it makes a delightful Tonic for family use. It is pleasant to take. If weak or debilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frame. , Mariner, in Chicago, is on the label of every bottle. It is well known to the medical profession that Tolu, Rock and Rye will afford the greatest relief for Cotigla, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Sor* REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OP INTERNAL REVENUE. . WASHINGTON, D. C., May 5,1680. f Treasury Department. Office of Interna! Revenue. >' Msmrs. LAWRENCE St MARTIN, Chicago, Ills—Gaxra: I am in receipt of your letter of the 3d instant, of its enclosnre of a certified Formula used by you fn making your KIDNEGEN, and of sample bottles of the preparation. I decide that articles like the sample, made in exact conformity with tbe Formula submitted, may ertbe Internal Revenue laws, as a PROPRIETARY MEDICINAL ARTICLE, which, when properly stamped as such, may be sold without rendering the vendors liable to pay special tax as liquor dealers. Yours respectfully, GKE be classed for tbe purpose of taxation, under the , rendering the vendors liable to pay special tax as liquor dealers. Yours respectfully, EN B. BAUM, Commissioner. LAWRENCE St, MARTIN, Proprietors, Chicago and New York- fcold by Druggists, Grocars and Dealers Everywhere- LAMAR, H ANION & LAMAR, Sole Agents in Jflacon, Georgia, for Georgia," Alabama, &outh Carolina and Florida. KI v D ffers from gen. Hydrogen, or Nitrogen, in being a "New Principle,’' having positive DIURETIC properties, which act directly on the Kidney a, re ieving and rinjr all diseases of those organa. It is the only Uedicine for the Kidneys that WILL NOT NAUSEATE, is p’easant, palatable and agreeable to all, showing, its effect to the patient at once. FOR BRIGHT'S DISEASE, DROPSY, FOUL KIDNEYS. INI I, AMM ATXONOF THE BLADDER. URINARY DIFFI CULTIES. WANT OF ENERGY, PAIN IN THE BACK, EXHAUSTION. ETC- BOTTLE. the bladder, and pre-J ken at ail times, iu all stomach. Before taklnj The Kidneys play one of tbe most Important part* In the bodily functions, with the Liver keeping the system free from poisenous accumulations, and sweeping out, so to speak, day by day, the effete matter or residuum. In proportion to the vital importance of the organs in their liability to derangement, and when oaoe their ffca - ti ens have been disrupted, and their work disorganized, the sufferer bows under tbe weight of disease and drops Into, an early grave. The evidences of Kidney complaint* are so many, and the effects ao terrible, that we have turned onr attention to this important matter, and have succeeded In producing an article that will bring relief to the suffering thousands. Females who are troubled with Weakness of the Back and Loins reoelve groat relief in taking KIDNEGEN. Uterine Weaknetses—diseases which hare become alarmingly prevalent because or tbe carelessness of the sufferers, or because they do. not fully comprehend the ever growing magnitude of the danger—are checked complaints growing out of disorganized Uterine and Digestive Apparatus, which have direct sympathy with each other, are permanently cured. Medical men testify io the purity of oar preparation, and give unqualified indorsement to its medicinal properties, and <*_i ’onic toddinretlc qualities. tiT-JTOTJCR—Each bottle beers tbe signa ure of LAWRENCE A MARTIN, also a Proprietary Government btamp, which permits KIDNEGEN to be sold (without license) by druggists, grocers and other persons every while. l*ut up in Qnart Site Bottles for gouei.. family use. t ... - . . r Vher LAWRENCE Sd MARTIN, Proprietors Chicago and New York. Sold by Druggists, G-iocers and Dealers Everywhere* LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR, Sole Agents in Macon for Georgia, Florida, Alabama and South Carolina 'Who Will Supply the Trade at Namiftotnvam* Prloas.