Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 31, 1880, Image 7

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Qlifcatirgm UlWbln Ijpelggcapfr anfr Jattcmrl $e BEgi&sgtiggg* AS AMERICANIZED Parisian—Mile. «I*VT, the daughter of the President, af fects American ways altogether, and will walk and ride alone, much to the horror of the aristocrats, and even Republican papers of Parts attack her for infringing on long established customs. They tell some very amusing stories about the young lady, and the difficulties she en counters in carrying out her American isms. For instance, no respectable French woman goes on the street alone; either a gentleman (relative, of course), or a ser vant must accompany her. A foreigner can defy this rule with safety, and every day you meet English and American girls by themselves, but their nationality is so evident that it protects them where a native would be insulted riclit and left. It seems on a number of occas'ons that Mile. Grevy, when walking alone, has been accosted by her too gallant country men ; hut instead of losing her temper or being frightened, sl»c hands them a visit ing card to enforce her statement as to lier personality, and then begins to harangue them on the beauty and pro priety of women walking unescorted, and on the folly of a man presuming for that reason that she is not all she should be. The novelty ot this proceeding is rendered more striking because unparalleled in the annals of French history. Laws and Ambition.—There Is hard ly a man, however moderate Ills abilities and energies, who ciiglil not look forward to a fair share of human happiness if he were early taught to conform a conception of life to his powers, and to seek nothing beyond what those powers entitle him to look for. And the same is true of women. Weariness of life in the young arises, in to far a3 it arises from causes that are not purely moral, chiefly from a great dispro portion between the kind of career the voung have becu taught to expect and the kind of career for which they find them selves fit. There is too much of the idea that lads ought to be spurred tuto a sort of ambition for which the;.' are by no means suited. A life of car fully limited desires—a life more or Iw.< approximat ing in its reticence and moderateness of aim to that the old most usually live, if they are too live Iiappily at all—need be by no incaus an unhappy life, for a very large number of the young people of our generation, if only they were not taught so early to look upon such a life wlllr contempt as If it were no life. In reality It might be a much more dignified and noble lire limn the life of fretful competi tion and of unsuccessful or half-successful ambition. A Home fob Motueu.—It is delightful to turn from tho too frequent sad example of tho dinie-novel-bitten runaway boys bringing themselves and tin ir parents to grief, to a pure picture of filial love and duty like tins: Says a letter written irom a Western city: Dusiness called me to tlie United Stales Land Office. While there a boy, appa rently sixteen or seventeen years of age, came in and presented a certificate for for ty acres ot land. I was struck with the count»nane and general appearance of the boy, aud in quired of him for whom be was purchas ing the land, “For myself, sir.” 1 then inquired where he had got the money. He answered, “I earned it.” Feeling then an increased desire for knowing something more about the boy, 1 asked about himself and parents. He took a seat and gave ide the following narrative: “I am the oldest of five children. Fa ther is a drinking man, and often would return home drunk. Finding that father would not abstain from liquor, I resolved to make an effort in some way to help my mother aud brothers and sisters. I got an axe and went into a new part oftlie coun try to work clearing laud, and I have sav ed enough to buy forty acres of land out there.” “Well, my good boy, what are you go ing to do with the land ?” “I'll work on it, build a log house, and when it is all ready, will bring rather, mother, brothcis and sisters to live with me. The land I want for my mother, which will secure her from want in her old age.” “And what will you do with your father, if he continues to drink?” “Oh, sir, when we get him ou the farm he will fed at home and be happy, and 1 hope become a sober man.” “Young man, may God’s blessing at tend you iu your efforts to help and to honor your father and mother.” By this time the receiver handed liimhls receipt for his forty acres of land. As Lb was leaving the office he said: “At last 1 have a home for my mother ?’ For Husbands Only.—A correspond ent writing Irom California says: A cure for wife-whipping was authorized by the last Legislature of Nevada. The author ities of Austin, a mining town in that State, have erected a whipping-post to punish summarily wretches who abuse their wives by blows. Wo wish it were practical to apply appropriate correction to the no less unmanly tyranny of unfeeling, exacting aud cruel words by which too many husbands keep their wives in never- ending torment. If man had the brains he boasts, ho would speak ever kindly to the mother of his household, if St were only for selfish motives. Make your wife happy by tender and affectionate treat ment, and you will make your home a paradise more precious than gold and costly mansions. We admire the Hindoo parable (and believe its instruction) that describes a woman at the gate of heaven praying that her naughty husband may be admitted. “Ho was ever kind and true to me, and If you would make me happy I must share with my husband.” Instant ly the portals opened and the angels bid ldm enter: “Because of thy wife’s prayer thy sins arc forgiven. Who livo in har mony on earth in heaven are not di vided.” “HOME FERTILIZER” CHFAPEST FERTILIZE. IS USE. $15 per ton cash Vjfith. cotton option. K ETi HUM & CO. A;e. ts o • Georgia. 74 BaX SIB 1ST, SAYaKHAH. Ok; And Lout A-enfs throughout ths Bta'.J. dtcl6wtr \ StnUS CliltZ jnr *11 tlie iII-chmy fur wtik’b it Ik recommended. end al.vays perfieUt K/t iu tlie liuii-U <;' even the inert inexperienced pun-ci.g. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER oarer Liyer Witb tho Anti-Malaria. CURES Chills mul Fever, Oji nlfttntfl. Kiilnry Affections. A enrol ein. Constipation. Kick Ileml nche, Female Vomiilnlnls, unions, lies.*, Palpitation, nnu nil Mnlarlql Diseases wittaont meillcine. No Dos. Depot, wC (lernmn St., d by Druggists generally e's Pntc iy nrite. Principal D; UnltO., Sill. Sold by _ Buy none but Plain;i Patent I.lvca and Ntotnnr It PnU. others are bulky tard and troublesome to wear. John In a alls, druggist, Wholesale and Retail Agent, corns' F.urih tad Poplar slreMs. A BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY PRESENT I w"l «end ps*t ps'd forOne Dollar »hard- m -e Co-ai Pin and Drops »ud Pair of Bracele S wi'h mi- gold plated triana.rg. O-i.i.'I o • irooght rf a jure er turti.rj). Mousy re'bii Id >1 • o' •at'sNctnry. R A PALV1EK Manufacturer. 3S3 Broadwbv New York Citv. dorS io rVr.Vr. Vork-thops, anil ver riven it a trial. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS' 7SJAL. _ i».7etutcl by rh''i'in*, K'li.fer*. Warfo.mrfe*. Morrtyn of foe Hantalii.-.i*. j in fl-sspi* 1/1 —- !*■ :h*>rt hv err.-trl.-r’i/ fmprVi-r tvl:n I :i D A IrtJJ tif IQ t? fh'iulil t.nvo n place In every factory, tnachine-snoft s Irfi. 0 Liu an. “ ?ai Hat and min. on every farm and plants: -r.. in every hraiseli'iiJ, ready i-ir immediate use nos or.’y for accidents, cuts, brutes, rersz, etc., tut la cn=e of saddm rielcii-—i of #nv V'-f PAIN KILLER lutrrsoJly or rxtcnmlly •Men'*** of nnv i.« fa" tVL*!l - trfr<l nn#l ini«tM fr!rn«l of (£• who want . _ n nhvc nt:<! *af«* me*!fcitoe whlrli can 1*6 uscil iMtrrnnlljr or rxfcnmlly w'Uionf ro** « f hurm wlfh v#-rr*»lnfy of rolfrf. Its price hrhvr* It tvitiiin Hie «.* *.11: hu*1 it will unmuiTly #nve many times its cost in doctor?* bills. For sale by nl! dnitr»j1«rw rt 25«% S*?r. hji«1 £1.00 r*cr PPQUY DAVIS M RJ'N. Pro»>H ^rr.vldorco. R. Ip An Englishman, Sir Francis Lycett, who died recently, leaving a fortune of over a million, was an ardent Methodist. During his lifetimo his gifts to Wesleyan Methodism were princely. His hobby wa3 the erection of new Wesleyan chapels in the metropolis, which movement he origi nated, and toward which object he gave within the last ten years the sum of AM5,- 000. Two days before his decease lie handed the secretary of that fund a check for .£7,500. Ho lias left a legacy of £23,- 000 towaid the scheme, and at Lady Ly- oett’s death two-thirds of his fortune, in which she lias a life interest, Is to be de voted to the furtherance ot the same movement. Valuable legacies amounting to several thousands of pounds have been left to Wesleyan home and foreign mis sions and other connectional objects. Operation* In Stocks. The present activity and rise in stocks is tlie forerunner of a continued ac tive and rising market. Those who are inclined to spcculato cannot _ do better than to place their busiuess with John A. Dodgo & Co., Brokers, No. 12 Wall Street, New York. Seud for their Report cbn- aining full information, free. 1 can assure you that »» no single in stance has the Tecthlna ever proved a fail ure. We have tried tho soothing medi cines and everything known to us and “Old Women,” and Tcethina is preemi nently a success, and a blessing to moth ers and children. J. M. DkLacey, Hatcbechubbe, Ala. Alter trying Soothing Remedies with out avail, and physicians without relief, I gave your Teethina, and it acted like magic. I occasionally give a poiciler to keep mg child’s gums softened. S. R. Baldwin, Columbus, Ga. DUXTI8T3T. DR- S. B BARFIELD No.tOO MulbfiiyMt. Onto. HovM-t a m. it I s.n. tu MU A OARD. To*ll vboira ■uffenn*? Irom tb’ trrori an4 indiisretion* ol joalb, nervous weaknrar, early deov.loti ot muobond. etc.. I will M-nrt » rreiro Put wiil emv you. P&NB OP CHAUGK. Thit X eal reme !y »*. di«- overel by a million,r7 ir. Houtb Amoric*. Ben l a »«lf-*ddroiMd euveloin to tbe Her. Joeepb T. Inman. Station D, New York Ottv. aDrik-deodawIy J. F. Newcomer, of Toledo, Ohio says: I have been greatly beueGted by wearing an Excelsior Kidney Pad. aud would recommeud all persons troubled with weak kidneys to try it. lw. —About two hundred more jugs of Christmas went down the Brunswick road yesterday. Permanent relief for dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousuess, and all diseases of a disordered liver can be had by using I’ort- aline, or Tabler’s Vegetable Liver Pow der. Price 50c. White’s Cream White Vermifuge is the best worm killer. For sale by Lamar. Itaukin & Lamar. octl2t Cause anil Effect, The main cause of nervonsness is indi gestion, and that is caused by weakness of tbe stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the stomach, purify the blood, and keep the liver aud kidueys active, to carry ofl'all the poisonous and waste matter of tlie system. See other column.—Advance. dec 14 2w $ lOOO REWARD For snv «k«oof Rllnil. U'»«3lnr, Itohir^ T 'l«-. r»tM. or FILES ttimt Do Blns’s Pile Remedy fails tu tur*. r>ei>are.i i» J l*. P* Niia rnaiiin wi’hout h>a tie more, rfrclilu tb item Butsl’s and Landreth's seed fresh from tlie growers, iu fire and ten cent papers, by the ounce, quart, gallon, bushel and barrel. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar. We are now prepared to fill prescrip tions at all hours of the night. Tlie night hell will be found under the right hand window of our retail store, tf Lamar, Rankin & Lamar. The most elegant stock of holiday goods In the city is at Hall’s drug store. His liberal oiler of a silver tea service has made bis store the centteof attraction, tf The city comment on hair oil made from a Circassian receipt; Gossamer Pow ders that defy detection an<l render tlie cuticle soft as down aud smooth as satin. D'Orsay’s Cologne, ye gods! what a treat to tlie olfactories! Arabia’s sweetest floweis are culled in blending this most delicious ot perfumes. Extracts prepared from the flowers of Asia, Germany,France, England and America, embracing single, double and triple extracts of eveiy con ceivable odor. Toilet articles in endless variety, Bohemian glassware, vases, toilet sets and fancy cologne bottles, soaps of delicate and elegant odor, Russian bristle toothand hairbrushes—all at Lamaic, Rankln & Lamar’s. Wauled-Honey lloney I Wanted— Honey I We want several barrels of good strained honey. All should communicate witli us at otice who have any for sale. tf Lamar, Rankin & Lamar. A Dawa Tiwn aiicban bavieg parsed several sleepless nights, dis tal bed b» the agonies and cries of a suffering ould. an-1 becoming convinced tLat Mu Winslow’s Soothing Bjrnp w»» just tbe arti cle needeA procured s supply for ibe child On reschr g heme and acquainting his wife with what be bad done, she related to have it administered to the child, ss vhe was strongly in favor of boa ccpitby That z ight tbe obild passed i i suffering, and tbe parents without slotp. Betaming borne tbe day fol lowing, tbe fatber found the baby was Mill worse; and while contemplating snolbrr sleepless nigbt, the mother slipped trim tbs room to aiteud to some domestiii dnties and left tbe fatbsr wiih tbe tbiid. D ring her absenea be administered a portion of tbe tioothins By/up to tbe baby, and said noth ing. That nigbt all bands slept well, and the Utile feUow awoke in the morning blight and happy. Tbe mother was deligb'cd with the audCen and wonderful change, sod al» though at first offended at tbe deception practiced upon her, has continued to nae tbe •yrop. sod enffeiicg or,ing babies and rest less n’gbts have disippsaiod. A tingle trial of ibs eyrnp never yet failed to relUve tho baby and overcome tbe prtjodiooa of tbe mother. Bold by aU dmgitsia. 25o a bottle. deiSOtw HOLMAN’S PAD Cutes 0 Silly By VitM- Hedicise.. •DtADBHAXK. The Only True Malarial Antidote lrs IIolxxs'b Par is rocnrri work renw-ly— no leebla imitative eipe-Inert—ro purloined entire-podge of tome otb-r Itivenrer’* Idea*: it l« tbe Ongintl and only GENUINE CURATIVE FA If, tbe only remedy that bos an bon-stly ac quire: right to u»» thi titto-werd ''PAl*" in coa- redloo with s treatment for chronic diicaaesof the Stomach . Liver and Spleen. By a recently perfected impieressnt. effected bv tb-addition ol vegetable mgredie- taof nevly divcovertd remedial value and abac rplito adapt ability, Dr. Holman has greatly incresaed ths aoopeof the Pad'a urelulnesi. and appreciably augmented Ita active curative power. Tbl< areat improvement giroi HObWAN’i PAD (with ita adlnvanti) comp e’e and nnfailin control over the moat pemalcnt and unvield ingfor&a cf Chronic Diaeaae ol tbe stomach am arell aa , -lariat Blood-poi-oning. HOLMAN'd PAl}* have cured/ and are dall curing, disc*era of eo mary kinds, tbut tbs Halt* well nigh iLtermiuable. It include* Malarii Poaonef every type, frrm AcJtlna Bones am Low fevers to Chills and Dumb Affns; * rt) u ACM DIB-Alg.-, such as Dsspepsia. Jndigst tion. Soar Stomach. Chronic Diarrhoea. Platu leneg. Heartburn, etc . He-. LIVER “1-0*- DiiH. Ilk, Biliousness. Bilious Colia Banger, ovs Fevers Sick Headache. Faint in ths Bids- Bilious Fevers. Torpid Liver, etc., etc. Well don ihiu an,htv remoJr juttify the Prof »«cr I.qomiv' blah encomium : ‘It la nesrer a Universal Panacea than anything la Medi- The onceeaa of Holman’s Pud• baa inrpired f» itator. *hc eff-r Pad, aimilar In form and Odor totb-KinuIne Rol nan Pad. Beware ot tbeee bogus end imitation Pads, gotten up only to sell on the reputation of tho GBMUINB Holman Pad. guch genuine Holman Part hears the Private Revenue Starau of the MOLMAN PAD COMPA NY. with tho above Trad-.-Mark yrictcd in green. POE SALE »Y ALL VIE?: -CLA8 Or gent by mail. puet-j*id. on receipt el Pi.OO. SPjIo ocUSdsoddSwSm tencebutna Gifts for J_e Season. “What ahull I give at Chr'siniat cr on New Ycar'a Dv ? ’ ia the *-lf addreased Inauiry cf multiti-.dei of father*.husbands, b otters,luve s end friends. Ansor-g tbe many a-tide* of usefBlne><'n ganci Wliicn Vie to pretent a ready so’.m ion to this uuc-tiou, [err, if any. will find more -attvfai; to y accep aisre with tho Ladies then cur Holiday Box This hsndscme case contains our Ctielraieil ToiUt Articles, which, unlike msny now-ff-r&J t~ tho pubd-, dv no*, coutai-. cno particle of mineral cr di lct- rious matter. Ladies may use ibcm wi b terfe • They idorn,b;it never u {tre. and r- pre-rml ently worthy of a placs in i very lady’e boudoir. To bo obtained et all tetpectablt drug and lsncy stores—price 82.50. Will be sent, express paid, on receipt ol price, crat ret il by application to Pond's Fxtracfc Co- No. M West 14th 8t., New York |tfu? ^at’frtisemcat?. ft HOUSEHOLD REED. Send 3 cent Stamp for an 80 page Book cn “Iho Liver, its Diseatcs and tbelr Troatmoat,” INCIUDING MALARIAL TROUBLE*, Etc. Address DR SANFORD, 162 Bread way, NewYoik- A YEAR snd expenses tsents. Outfit Free. Address H O. VIOK kUT. Ananati, Me. $777 A DVBRTI'EkHI send foronr Select tistol Local Nnwspioers. G-o. P. Uuwell A Co., OSiMtc-ir ff. t. .NVIGORATOR Ths Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints,Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists Di gestion, Strengthens the System, Regulatcsthc Bowels,Purifiesthc Blood. ABooksentfree. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broad way,N.Y TOSt SALE ',7 AT L DHUGQISTE B PIUM habit CUBE dAwtr B-F. W it il« j Atlanta. Ga. Belisble evi- derce given, and reference to enred patients aud physicians rend for my txok ou the habit and its rare. FRRR Administrator’s Sale- 1TTII.L be cold before the court bouse door in YY tbetownof ti'inton. jottri county, Geor gts. on tb- Brat ToesUy in Jaauary next, within tbe legal bow* of a»:e.o- e hnnnred (ItO) acre# of land in Jcnn« county, eight mtirs west ol Clint, n. bel nging «e estate of G. B. Watts, de ems d—good Isr.d. two lo* houses, good teuamg and plenty wsterand pine timber—aujoin* Long, Glover, and other* bold to psy deb a of estate. Term* cash. This December 1JMJ. d c7tde W. P. Q1 OVER: Arfm'c. JONES COUNrr SHERIFF SALE W ILL he sold before tbe oenrt hou*e doer in tbe town cf Clinton. Joni* counly. dnriog the legal henrs of tale, ou tbe first Tuesday n January next lot No. US. contatang two hun dred acre*, more cr less, adbimng the I.nds of Jerry Lowe. Levi K'n.low. and ethers. Levied on as the property ot Bkbard T. Gib.ou to tML* issued ftom tbe Superior Court of Jones eonntv 'n favor of Thnreav Jolrwan against Bi.bard T. Gi sou. Propo^S. Vg&'i b r defendant. Lj-fHlUra. n-.vVv'u Deputy ahe iff-^ O kDlNARY’8Office. Jore* County, Georgia I. ovember L 1*M-Whereas Andrew J. Stewart, administrator of estate Joseph O. Bar bee deoea-ed. applies to me for dismission from grid a'miniilratien. Three are to cite a- d admonish all persons ran. rented to show c*u*e at thi* Court, on the first Monday in February next, if any they bare, why d emission shall not be granted to applicant. Witness ray hand nffidallv. _ - e0T 4« R- iL AN ft T. RGBS. Ordinary. VNY virtue of a decree from the Superior Court H of Snmter county. Geo-g’*, will be sold in tbe dty of Macon. Bibb county. *U- ou the first Tuesday In Jsnnsry next, between the less! hours of sale, the fol lotring property to-wit: The rest half cf .ot of l»r>d n-mher ot e hundred ana eleven eortslnii g filly acres; said l»nd M Ihi Miconrm«rre. ini mljMnlmf o( O own, Holt, at d others. Sold a* 1the 1»roperly U M-B- Byland- r. deceased, fori he benefit of heir* and credit"rt. Terms of s*la*a*Ii. . dot*0 id 8. MARKRTT-Ai|ipr. S^v? Mill fur B EI'O dr of cl-tlng cut nneofmytrw t-iils >11 .coourtol thaararciti of timber, 1 ell i'for sale the entire mill, eo isisting of c ne -r j-horsa powe- engine, boiler and flrtu-cv, -as* tvlts, carts to< Is, etc., and in (set ell 1.0 rc**i ic» for carry in* on the raw mill b sines lam sell the mill or any ot ths fixturessipa- rate, vnd will load on cars. . i. . Anyone wishing to purdiun > m il wi lrfo we.t to correspot d with n e, for I with to sell before “icember 15th, at-d will tell at a gre* sicrtfice. /dlvesi. W. W. THOMPSON. Bmitbville, Ga. oci* rflw snrf sunll -i-taA* Ierr v Clrislias. H4PPY SEW YEAB I ap "hopria iem u .™oa l u 1 f is FOR MUSICAL PEOPLE. l??n!SnSSi l f , Ra:ii, insi win give a .il.-ius of c»q iiait» plca-ur.* 'nd impruvi-mcnt. Press n-coi’y t-dn-ed tor botirtsrs. Good Rollable Piero. *159. tiOO, Puperb Pianos P450. Very Best Pia •» fS.X). >375. AU grades and prices ruia four fim-clsts makers. Sold on Fasy Terms. Parlor Organs. Next best, and many preferred, is an elegant Parlor Organ, costing from $38 lo $100 7 stop Organs, $55. 9 stop Organs, $59. 15 stop OrganB, $65. ub Bass aud Octavo Coupler. The lev RbmI foptler. XT OTICE. All c:rr;*poni nee should be with M. A. Dau phin at below. In all ca et the TICK8T4 themselves are tent, ani never circulars tCericg certificates or nything Use instead. Any one prfiioilngt-offer anything else by circu'arir otherwise on bis 0 an behalf or that of tbe Com pany, it • *s imiler. A irh’XUlD •PPORTI'NIIY TO .WIN A tUtttUNB. PiK.T GRAND DIB TK1BUTION. <;LAS- A IT N K W OALKAhS. TUESDAY. JAN. 11. 18dl-IZ8th Mnaikty Drawing. Louisiana State Lottery Oomp&nv. Thu Institution was regularly Incorporated lij the Legislature c! the State tor Educational and heritable purpose*, in IMS, tor tbe term ol tweniy-five years, to gbirh contract thi inyiola hie faith ol the State ir pledged ,wl irh {icdguht* been renewed by a.i orerwhelalng popular votes securing iu franchise In the new constitution sccpUd Decrmbor 2. 1S79, with a Capital of IIJMUMIlto which it bassinet added sreserve lur.d of 3MO.CCO. ITS GRAND8r.NGLKf.UM- BERDRAWinus will take place mwtkjjo- tie second Toe day. It never KBlct 01 postpone*, took at th follow ing Distribution! OAP1TAL PRIZE 133,000, :00.000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLI.ABf EACH Ha 1F-T1UKET8, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZEB. > 1 Cspifsl Pm* nSO 003 1 Capital Pria- 10.000 1 Capital Pme .. ... ....... S 000 SPnxeiut St,M0.. 5.000 51’rizes of .1JXJ0 — 6.000 Z0 frizes of 10000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 3.0 Prizes ot 60 10.000 »« Prizes of £0..._._ 10.000 1390 PnzcB of ll „ 10.000 9 approzitist'or Prizes ol Woo x.Tou 9 ipproiimatmc Pruv* of *00............ 1AX 9 Approximation Prizes of 10u„._„,„. 903 1.867 Prizes, amounting to... SllC'tOt p44. Kenponablect-n-spordinc aremt wanted at a I point*, tu whom liberal compensation will be paid. For furta-T luiormation. write clearly, giving full address eend orders b> express or Kcgit- tered Letter or iacey Order by ma'I, ad- dr..-ed onl* to . Write lor circulars or»- rrf nrs- n in St. A. Danpltln’ 5«s One .m. La. crM.J DAUPHIff. at No. 319 Broadway, New York. All our Ureiid Bxtra»rdiiiary Jrrawing* are under tbe supervision and management of Gen- -n.' n t. BElURKGattU snd JUBAL A. ccARLY. ilUJ THE ONLY RLLItBLB AO ENT KNOWN FOR THE Cure of Consumpticn. No more hemorrhages from (beltings after using the first bottle. We wru'd rerorrmend t» a'l who 1 are dire.** ed hung* and Tn os', ibia Stirling medieli „ riuraberr of cousumnt re* evea In the last rUv-« of this terrible disease wlere ll ere was hut a airsll portion of ttr lunar left, testify that t-ev arrested the dixt-e by using • r.Ir two orthre hollies ol Brewer’s Lung Rrslcrvr. TMrphn- iri ns prcncunced them incurable mil left Ibe n to pmeawsy si-d die. srd cesth wtri’.l hsr- ) n b-en the result hut for a'tmtly use ot this a ti de. We are well tvs re that weh*ve* good ceil to rontrnd vtltb inlttioduciug Uistem'dy. iu there bare ben lomanr worthlrtzn<strums “1 i h. rctoiore hut we are »o firm!! rorvi-i . d that we new have the long looked for Gore, that we are reedy to say to all who bare this dnea.e thst wr firmly aDd tonurier.lkuilt bellrvn that no mailer how Isr gore they are. if they wi’t t to tbe uirtlicnin liy the dinctiiuhs lnry will lira long v»an tilerwards, livu g »ilLet set ol th. vir tneol Brewer's Lung Hester < It bag rorqual in Erorchill*. Fire Throat. Heart*r.e>», fibortrfisof Breath. Ir.flucrza.PHin in Hrfr, tl rgvniti’s roroThroat. Catarrh and olbirdiicitrs ot ti e threat and Iur.s>. In Liu- givesalrrott in*la< tsr.ecu*relief. Itg'rr* tone to tho whole system, tr.d 1 trejy bottle will • dd frem five to ten pound* to any one's weigh if taken resularlv. An irftntran tvke it with out the slightest iniuri and wr would urge pa rents to give it in cure* ot W hooping Cough. Bad Coldi. ard other disease- where a rb a m-dleir.e is 1 reded. Uni ke the rre* f .* portion ufCouab Merfirinea. this tai not a par irla ol morphine or other plates in it. HUNT,RANKIN A LAM*It. Macor, Gs. =27th= Fuimi&r Monthl* Dm^rrn^ of l&e Cumgimlii CisiriMiiu Co., at MACAULBf’8 TBEATRJB, In tbeCltT ol Louisville, on . FBIDAY DEGEMBEE. Slat, Those Crewing* occur monthly (fimulavg ex cepted ) un.’er nr^vLiont of an Art of the Gei eral A-scn hly clK-ntucky incarporatiug the New port Printiig and Newspaper Co., approved April 9. 1878. •S-Tnisis a special Aot, and has nev er been reDcaled. The United elates cl'cuit Court on March 31 rendered tbe following decisions: 1st—That tho Commonwealth Distribution Company it logs). , Id—Its drawings are fair. The company has now on hand a la-gr reserve aud. Bred nsref IIv the list of prizes ior the DECEMBER DRAWING. I Pme ? to Prizes 11,060‘oach l*)ofO «) Prize* 600 e-Vjh 100, 1 ^ 190 Prizes J00 each 10.00C 130 Prize* 50 etch „..„..,^....„.„.„.^.. ;ioyw MO Prizes Ktxill-..^.^.^...^ 1SJWC »00C Prizes 13 each. -— lOJXY 9Prizes SOOevh, tp’rezltcsPnprises! I I7f* 9 Pnsea SSOeaeh do do i.Sig V Prises 100 each do do tii 1.130 Prizes 3113.400 Whole Tickets, S3 Half Tickets, »l. *7 Tickets. |50. 66 Tickets,8)W. Remit Jitney or Bank Draft in Letter, or seed bv Kxprets. BONT BKNlt RY hKGI*TFRED LETTER OR POST-OFFICE ORDER. Order* ot £5 -nd upward, by Express, can bo rent at our expense. R. M. BOAEDMAN. Oourer-Journal Building Louisville Kentuck*. r Sfi7 and 809 B-vwdway N. Y jUuaic and Musician Combined. Month y tales already amount to 3.000 Instrn- mvntv. Tbe most simple, perfect, instructive, rnjoyab’u *nd a/ou ing aulhmatlc musical in strument In the world. Noteliou.and e> pen sive Ie**ons require-t. A child ctn play at sight all styles of mutie upon an Oreuluette belter than two of tbe piano pis; erg ran p'av th* s me -, nsic after y-ars of pra jtir e A mao s»v- •ng. laburaavug. money saving in.trument. Prices $10 $11 and $15. Guitars. Violins, Aocorueons. uornete. Drome, Plate*. Hsrmonloss, /'there. Mneie B He, Hntio Folio*. Pitno Cover-, Metaho- pb. na«, Children’* Piuoa. or a year s aub- scrtptiea to the bontbera Uneiotl Journal. SEND FOR CATALOGUES LnttflenS Baie^nilisra Mosic Honse SA.VA.WNAH, GA. MUSICAL CHRISTMAS GIF1S. House and Lot for Sale. M Y boaand lot on Ormiuro opooslto ooa. Holt’s and Copt. Raoul’s, ij for Tre h»M contain! seven room*, Dpt ineludiDK two room* for wood and coal. There aratwo rervnnU*. ho »?• with tao room* each, »dafrv and meat hou«o. irood crib, stable w*th three tUU* and or h«o and baser bouse- Houses snd fsores bate been repaired, painted and pat in pert ct•rd’-r Thi* je*r. Tbe well of Is |Ubwt in M.ncon. bare rm apple, pear. ng. neratn mal wdJ kOOSA pluu tives nowins fine y ou the lot. Lot ia Urge enough to bo dintled. aru suntf ROB BET 1. PARK. Most sc-rptable gifts to players or singers will be the following elegantly oound books. IfSLAny one mailed post-free, for tbe price here mentioned. ROBERT PRANZ’d BONG ALBUM. GKH8 OF ENGLISH SONG. HOMB CIRCLE. Three volumes. WORLDOFBONG. PIANO AT HOME. 4-hand collection. SHOWER OF PXARL3, CREMBDB LAGR9KB. SVoIs OPBBATIG PEARLS. G8MBOP STRAUBS. GEMS OF TU DAN OH. CLUSTER OF GEMB. SUNSHINE OF BONG. Each ol tbe above in Cloth 82A9-, Fin* Gilt S3(0. bTUIBNT’8 LIFE IN BONO. *1.60. CURIOSITIES OP MUSIC. £1.60. BKKTHOVBN. A by Rau. |1J0. RHYMES AND TUNES. Christmas Off*. £1.80 SULLIVAN’S VOCAL ALBUM. £1.60. Fkl&Y FINGERS. ForPUno. *1.60. OLIVER DITS0N& CO*. Boston. O. II. DIT8QN k GO. « rf'dway N.Y POND’S EXTRAGT. Subdues Inflammation, I Controls atljfsmor- Jcutc and Chronic. Irhagc, venous and mu- 1 sous. 1NVALUABI.B FOR CATARRH. HOARSENESS. RHEUMA TISM. NEURALGIA, ASTHMA* HEADACHE, SOKE TQEOAT, IOOTHaCHE SORENESS, ULCERS, OLD SORES, «tc. CATARRH EXTRACT No remedy S3 rapidly and effectually arrests tbe irritation and dUcnarg‘t from CaUrrbal Af fections as; OOU^?wSfD«^i*?riT®^SS ard THROAT DISCHARGES. INFLAMMATIONS and ACCUMULATIONS In tbe LUNG8. BYES, KARS and THROAT. RH BUM ATI**, BBU- ft A LG 1 *. eto . cacuot be cured so earily by any riher medicine. For ter.ilti.e and severe caee* of G-TAKRH rneourCATARRH CURS (7te). In all case, use* our HiSaL SYRINGE tSBc). Will be tent in lot* *.tei worth, on receipt of price. ImtA Abbott.-^Valuable and fcenefietal ’ HfiTWOOD smith, M. D.. M.R.O P.of Eng land.—”1 have Died it with marked benefit.*' *H.G. PaasTOS. M. D- Brooklyn. N. Y.—“I know of no remedy so generally useful.’' Authua Guibbsss. M. D., r. 1.0.8.. ot Eng land,—"1 have prescribed Pond's BxUact with greai jnecee.." CAUTION.—Pond's Extraet ta sold ooly m bottle* with the name blown to tbe glass. It is unsafe lo use other article* with our dt rectir.ns. insist on baring Pond’s Extract. As. fuse all Imitation* and substitutes. -k4sd4 CV-Our new Pamphlet with History of our Preparatmcs. seut FRHK on spplicatloo to 00 Bold by alt DragglfiU. tsritMnly Administrator’s Sale. G eorgia, bibb county.-bj virtue • / an otd*r from tt o Court of Ord-nsrv, I will aril before t>e court hone* door In said Bibb cjunty. on tbe first Tuesdry in Jitiuarv. 1811. be-we-n tbolrgat hour* ofts'e, the following property, tu-w t: " be one h«lf undivided inter est in auoui three hundred h-c. ot Isnrf, mo-e or I-*,, -ituaied in Bibb county, iuzt below tbe city of Mann, which land wa*. to J8 3. sold by W. A. Cherry to Little A Smith, of Macup. Ga . aod afterw-rls said Smith sold bis half interest! *o Edward Wing of sai.l county—idjoin- in< t ( el.ndv ot il. J. Peter, a-d other*. 8o'anc thei-rtp-riy of David 8. Liitle, dec'd fortbopuriKisoofteitliug with hlth-l >C A. 8. R- S3. de-7»4w Adm'r of Pavd it. Little, dee’d Jones County Sheriff Sale. W ILL bn told beh ro tbe rourt bout* door fn the town of Clinton, Jonrs county. Geot- gis. witbln tbe liourtof tale, t nth* first ■ i.rsdayin February t eit. five hundred end twenty file srrts of land more ot Jp»o. tn Jones county, wi-lning lan t of D. W. LerUr. Mr* La mar. Jo eph Glawscu, Joieph Bill cgton. and others, eight miles east of Clinton Levied on as tho property of Wm. S Monghrn, bv vlrtunol and to satisfy a mortgt. o fi fa. Ir m Jones supe rior Court in favor ot K. T. Pom, a, executor James M. Gray, deceased, va Wm. K.a d Alice K. Morghon. Proper ty poirted cu*. tn said fi. fa. and bv plaiurifl'scounse.'. Dec. ZI .16S0. derZStd S. J. PHILLIPS. Deputy Sner ff. G BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Where** Wal ter 11. Holmes has marfaxpplirittioa fur let- tor* of administration on tho eatate of James T. Holmes. Into of avid a ur tv drccsted. Tbeso are there! re to ciic and udmonirti ail persons co'.rented tn be and > ppe-t t th* Cor rt nfOrdinary ot said roun-t on the first Mund y in December r ext to show cauv». If anv they have, why said application should rot be granted S-id appl.cstion will be be.rd on December 13, 1880. Witness my hand cBlri-lfy. C0Tl4 d» J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Vndtr sniby virtuo ot an order 'run tbe Court u! Oidira- ry of said rounty. wi 1 be arid be:ore the curt boose door in tb* city of Hzcon, on the first Tuesday Iu January next, bctwxn tbe legal hours of tale, tbe following properly, to wit: O e hoot* tud lot in tb* Vinerillo dieirict known in the aubdiviMon ot tbe land, known u- tbe Seven Carney* beue part of lot number • wentv-flve fromi- g on Cte.ry s rent in a*id Trorvilledi-lzlct, cont.ining one-quarter of an acre, more urie,* hold a* tho property ol Dan iel Niiou, lap-of said rounty deleaved, fo tbe pnrpo>eof ptying debts aud a civuiou amoug tto heirs. drc7td* R. K. NIXON. Adm'r. O RDINARY’S Olllce Jrnes Corn tv; Georgia. t’ererabi-! 18.1830.—Wherets R. R. Brown and H. J. Ftnmj. executor, of ettatr Juno d. Firney. deceased, apply tome fordismisiiun therefrom. 3 hew are to cite sr d admoch b all persons con cerned to show came atthlr clfleo on or by tlie first Monday in April next. If any they trove,w hy thn time shall not he ir.nUd. Witness my band ofilcinliv, derSttd* RTlAND r. BOB4.Ordinary. cnw« ^Absorption {Jr,tur8 ’ i Lung ljlspss^ ” Throat Diseases, Breathing Troubles AU It UrIvAS iNTO the system curativo agents snd hailing medic n It DRAWS FROM Iho diseased parts ths poi son. that cane death. Thousand. Teatify lo ita Virtu Toi Can Be Believeil anS Corel Don't despair until yon have tried this a*n*lb’e Easily Applied and RADICALLY .’EFFECTUAL Remedy. JoU byDrngglstS’ or tent by mail on receipt S.Mlie“0flly’ , lni!2 PaiCo our book “Three KIl- WILLIAMS BLOCK lloma a Near." Bent free. Bast icke Aud all diseases of ‘he Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad It u a MARVEL ot HEALING and RELIEF. Simple, Sensible* Direct Painless, Powerful. KOtTRZIS where all else tails. A BEVBLATIOK and REVOLUTION in Medl- cioo. Abrorotionr* direct application, aa op- powd to un»a::»lacb-T internal medhioes. Send fer our tresliae on Kldnev trouble*, sent free. Bold by uraagnt-, or root by mall, on receipt o price,si. Addresv oS^TBi “OdIj" Lnsg Pat Co Genuine Kidney Pad. ask for it and William* Block. Detroit. Mich. THE ©» ANT SAW RID!**... m Wonderful Improved SAW MACHINE t* warranted to raw a S-fowt low !■ threw mita- ■Kfs. am! mure voM wcnal ur logs of nnyslse In a day than two nr. can chop or oaw the old way. Kerry Farmer and I.ambrrmaa arrdt oae. AGENTS WANTED-tlrralar «»d term* Free, FMlirt MAE8FASTBEIEE It, 1T»I“ -—' ~ r ^ ‘ EXECUrOES’ SAJL'B. I t not sold rrivstrty. will be ,o'd ou the flret Tnerday in January rest, in Clinton. Jtne« county. on*hundred arre.ol land, mire or less, belorgu g to the estateof Wm. 8. Middle- breoks, deceareg*. whereon W H. Child, now I’vrs; bounded hv W. T. Mfedlebrookr. Mrv J- tie Holland and Wm. Childs; goed dwelling and well water on lb* pise*. Fold for the purchsae morev of .aid la d. Terms cash. This Novem ber 9,1880. A J. MIDDLE BROOKS. W T. MIDDLEBRJOK8, WM. CHILDS, rovll-w4w Eicon ter*. _ v *#if ?«§ IZ j.- a C« S • &«••* SB ami .Sb'O®® W - Off are* M » ^9 §05g-|S i-Ss’ jJJ its H a 58**KR«i5sll s = ? 3 6 o P? c. a jpp " 2 s? =m S-xzra 6 s 2,2 a 2 sm. JtXc.UU iWS SALE. B Y virtue of .nthority ron'erre4 upon ti, by tbe wilt of William P-Mathew., late of Talbot rounty,, we will tell et ibe pis** of holdii.g publi* «*>* in the rit* of Macon, biob oounty. • n tbe first Tuesday in Janu ry next: Tuir't-two ahsre* tfthe rarital stock of tbe Central Bail road and Banking Ctmpany o t tor *Vitty ihares of So thwritem Railrovd stock. Ho d fer the pu poie ef di.tnbution among tb- heirs ot said deoe*,*d; Terms cash. J'tFIttt B.PARKFR KOD&1CK LB: NAbD. Dee L 18 3 0 wtw Bx cutut* LANDRETHS* M SEEDS SSBEST1QQ1 S^SaSlOOl logue snd Prices. The Oldest anil nott extensive Ee*l Grovers fn file Vnilol States. DAVID LANDRRT/I & SON'S.PrnuriA. J>i. /"VEORGiA.CRAWFORD ■ OUNTY.-Will be VY told before the court house dcor in Knox- villo. Crawford county. Ga .outh* fir,t Tuesday in January next, the followirg proprrt.r, to wit: Tb* east half of lot one hundred a d twenty tlx, (.48) situated in tbairveuth districtof Craw ford county, originally Houston ocunty: bourded on tbe north by tbo land, of J. R luke* on the west east aud south by the lanes ct B. W. Fsndford. Said land sold as the property of th- estate of W. R. Brown, dtcrami b.v vir- tu»cf a decree madetuth* Superior laurtof Bibb rounty, In the caa* cf W. R. Brown, rtns- ntor. v«. Amanda C. Brown etal Sold tor the purpose or carrying out tbe provision-of and de cree. Terms: one third Cisb.ot e-tblrd in three uioi th* and ot:e-t ini n taclve mo tli*. with eight per cent, Purchaser receiving bond lor titles or certificate ol purchase. W. R. BROUN, Fxeeutor e-tste W. B. Brown.dec’d, and com. in equity nov3 Qwfww Eilb OountY Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before lb* Ccu't Ilcnso door in the city of, daring tbe legal bonre of sale, ou the fir.t Tncsdaj io danutzy 1881. tbe lullowii g property, to wit: Lots cf >aud Noe 114 and >41 eaoh co*> talcing 2 2*4 ao'tw, mure or Ins auuaiod in tbe thiiu uiainct of orgio-Uy if on .ton now Bibb o-uiity. Levto-i on as toe property of Pet: r Junes decosred, to tali.f a fi fa ra- ntiwl fiou. Uonroe Fnp-rior Otcrt in favor J b» U Muou-ty vs. diiaib Waiter, admini,- tr.ior it peer d-c*ae d Prop, tty p tuiod otp by pi tuiiff V attom-y. Also, at the stme time and place, .he northern bal' of bit No. 2 in bhok No 21. aocoruiugto ibe pun of tbaa ty of Maco ., in said county of Bi b. said I t No 2 con taining out-balf ef an acre, divided imn two io e, oner eh of which t‘ tr»- ui 3-room frame dwell ng bon-e. Ltv rd o~> aa tb* prop*- iy o* Ellen Cronin ta a fi fa. i,.u d f oat Bibb Snperh rCourt it f voi of ^oteroe A Go. vs ELea Cronin so. John Hul.v. aeenntv. Property out ty plaintiff'* attorney, pd Also, at tho tarn* time ».n ’ place, all thst Iraot or p»tc«‘ ol laoa tr n*twl iu tho cry of IL chi B'tb ro >nty. Ga and kno*ninthi plan of esid City »* lot No 3 in bioolc 12 c*u talning ono aero, mo e or less being the **m* purchased by W IJhn 8 .prea from John J. Grcahsm, and J-'OO for same rccord- • d i Uterk's office of nrho Mipiip.r Ot nrt— F. 1 o 272. beb nar* 23 I“72 Levied on ty vht e of o e uorgaun fi fa i.«ned f oui B bbSn-erfor Ccn-s in fivur of M Lob, for mer adminMr.frr cf M Etzuer, deoe-ssd. for the nae of Framia Kianer. tbe administrator of said «. Eisner, d-c&ueri. va. William StephoD Properly poiutid cm in a>id mcr'gtge fi fa. Abo, at the eime time ai d p’aca one black mare male. Darned Mol>i* t abonr n ven - oars old Levied on aa the prop rty of 51 u. Wadsworth to astu'y a mortg-a* fi fa. la sued from Bit b Superior court m favor of Thomas B.gby va M. C Wadtwond. Prop erty pointed out in aaid moitgsgefi ft. * pd- dee7 GEO F. OHEBBY. 8b:riff. ft ORi CURE P0R Coughs, Colds, Sore Threat, Bros* chin's. .Isthina. CoBEUtULlion, And all Diseases of THEOkT aid l.UNOBL Put up In Qesrt-Fize Bo’t’e. hr '’.wLy Us*. Fn.ntiflcsllv prepared of Ba’satv Toll*.ftjslatr ■ iArd hi--. C-n.iy, i-M nr sr.1 tcl-r ionics The'o muU i, known to our heir tkfiMM highly coirmei d d by *h-m, an* th* arialvriso r.ur uyut promincol 'eb " ist. Pror >?, e. Shut urr. in Chiearo. i.or tfi. label of every bit t trot is veil know- 1 io 'hi mol e*' pi-fe-tion th* TOLU R CEsnJ RTB w JlaffjrJ lb* groatua relief for Coughs Colds. Infi .ri ra, BroncblUl Bote Throat. Weak Lunaa. alto Co'., tb* Incipient* d adv.need star.*, U<eda*a Beverage and Appe'.uer. it mike a rieliabtfnl tonic for fa il-use. I.'ldisanttl take; if weak or dub.litited. it civi t tom. ao.iv<7 i'y and iirength totle whcl. h u-au f-sren. — (^nminn i om*t be D»«BiYWJ»k < Ct U lion, by uupriui u..rf'drslersh (.who try to pa m eff upon you Kvi mi Kray -{•» p!«re of oar IOL hCP* ANDBYE.}- (abich ts the only mro irt’cil siilrle mtirir thnS -igeruine ta*icg u G vc: un. at tump air- C-arh bottle. ) LiW KE'i'K i MILT15. PronletOtB. i 111 Haoiaon Be., Cb o’go. SW-’rk -cm D'ngyl.fforll. tniuAik your Grocrr for is. *3_A»k v<ur Win* ’M.reLsnt for-.-. . ss-Chl'drei, a>k year 2ik.nt for it. tS-Vd’y T»m—>»t«. Crecers *» d Wire Jfsr- r*> ore —arr-ti—. KM 7 ! wly • $5,000,000^ The American Shoe Tip Co. VARBAKT THKIR A.S.T.CO. LACK i IP . That le now ao extensively worn on '! CHILDREN’S SHOES TO WEAR AS LONG AS TEE IIETAL, Which waa introduced by them, and by wh!i the shove amount lias been saved lo parents » nually. This Black Tip will gave ef ( more, as besides being worn on tho corh grades it is worn on Mae and co-ily aha where iho Metal Tip on account ot ita f<aft would not be used. They all bavo our Trade Mark A. 8. T. (} stamped on front of Tip. Parents should ABE FOR SHOES with tfi BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP ontbemwhermurehMinjj^fo^lifih^riiUdre^ MILL & FACTORY SUPPlTesI)? ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE .-nd PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS Q00D3, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &o. S«nd for Price-list, W. H. DILLINGHAM &. CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. Mention iMe ]>eptr a Uachtt-rnart Famr-Ul iDCtroctlo&e tot line, trvt Midpltr,i«i C»uJoc ue of 8,000 iwiv^e. sawl price Uc4 of tUnjoe and all ot« ;r M Mind KmIhn ruwnta and TrH'’fior* for Or.o Di»0* TMtimooiAl* anti CirrctLir fr«k JUjm HmJo Vmht* C EXECtiTOK-K iSALE. I N with an o-d*r of th* Court of Ordina-y of Hihb county, will be tdd at tbe Court Bouieof said county, on tbe first Tnct- day in January Hot, b it wren the usual hours of tale, tbe undivided one half of a ra-cel of laud in tberity of Macon In said county, known in A B. Bosrdmnti’s issp ot said «ty aa part ol lot No * m .quite No. 19. and b*-ii:g that p»-t nl said lot on which tb* trick building fronting cn Hecond street stand, ecrupird at a tan printing office by Messrs. Seifert A Uo„ and the ground immediately in th* rear of said bouse. To be told a- the pro. erty of tbe eilatn ol Mr-. Sarah A. Weed, late of said county, d-oezaed, to psy the debts of d< ceased Tirm. cash. CLIFFORD ANDRRSON. Fxeeutor of will of deceased. dec7w4w Ho. 1 Lot ofLaad Iir S ale. OT virtue cf «n order from tbe Court of Ordi- 1J liar? ol Slaoon countv. will be ac d In ttu highest bidder in th* town of Clinton. Jouei county, within tne legal boars of sale, lot of land No IS. in tre U-nth disirut o' originally Bald win now Jones on 1 nty. and adjoining lands of J. P. Hunt. Mr*.;A.B.Hunt, John Btiwartetal., on tbe first Tuesday in Janutrv. 1331, said lor eootain'rg one hundrevl snd ninety viz ace*, more or leu. Th»l*rul lie- imra*<li*t*ly on the re art survey of the Maooti and Brunswick rail- ro-d -xt« n*ioa Hold for tbe purpose of reinvest ing in other lands. dectwid* W. H. BRFSB Trustee. FOR SALE. Wilkie son County Lund T>T virtue of a power of sale vested in the un - D dorsignad, H. T. Cokuun & Co., by deed un der seal, duly rxreutod and dated on tbe 6th day or May, 1883, by W. j. Brldger, wbicb deed is re corded in tbe Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of Wilkinson oounty. in Book. D, pages 686 and 667. October 37, 1839. we will expose at public rale to tb* highest bidder fer cash, cn thurad-y. January 13.1881, beffire the court bouse door iu Irwinton, Georgia, between the hours ot 10 o’ol >ck in she morning and 3 oMock in the after noon, the following property, to wit: All that tractor parrel of 'and situate. l>icg and bolpg iu tbe 37th district ot Wilatnion oounty, being the south half cf lot aumbrr 117 in said count? and district, oor.tsining one hundred avis, more or less, and adloining lands ol B. Bridger on ths south. Fitzpatrick on the wrtt, William Ed- m-'iidson cn the north, ana of Newton Banda-* on the ooti, baring thereon a dwiJlmg ana other houses, snd bring tbe same as conveyed to us in aaid need above rtferzoi to. Bald property will be told to satisfy s debt due to tbo undersigned by said W. J. Rridgnr. amounting In ibe priori- pal sum of (434 62as shown by three notrt dated way 0,1S30—or.odue October 1,1689. (ur 8197 M, with two credits amounting to $160; one due Oc tober 18.1180. for 8198.88. and one dua Novem ber 1.U80. for 919*88, t retbi-r wbhlntoreat and the ee»t and expenses ol this proreed ing, snd tosocure tbe payment of which said deed waa ex e cn ted. 8aid deed ecntsinlng the power to tell said land after ad-ertisin- tbe lime and place ot sale In the Te'egraph and M —miner or lome othu newspaper pubiithod at Macon. Ga.. to’ four weeks after the maturity ai.rf non payment of said debt, which Is due snd unpaid. Good -nd f.e siwpie tit e wul be made to the purriMseroo tbe day of sal*. detHwld fc.T COLEMAN A OO. BORGIA. BIBB Ot. UN TY.—To all shorn it ^VRDINA’lY’d OFF7CK JONF8 COUNTY. GKORGtv, December 2, I5S0 — Whrrras Willie Sober g has spp ied to me for rtismistlo n from guardianship r.f Mrs. n. O. R bert* Th- se retberefo * to cue all p r-on» emtre-n- ed t > thi* tiilee o th* fint Mon day in Janua-y lozs why t-e iamu stall Cut b gran*ot W.l- e,s my hand officially. Ida ROLAND T. H«3 .’'rflnary. G BORGIA. BfPR COUNTY.—WFttra* B,n- i-min Qrtoeba-applied to me or the ret ting ap rt a homestead of p«-aonalty and the valuationrf tbs -am-, ; wtH pros uuon said aD- p'ie-tion at my oitlcion —turday. January 8th, in o’clock a. m This l'eoemb rt7. llzu. deel8wt«l- J.V McMANUa.Orllnary. KOTIOS?. rpHIRTYrfajt after date the legal advertising L in the sber .T’a office will bo done .n tho Telegraph and Metcenger for Crawford cuuuty, Georgia. R. M. BOND, Sheriff Crawford Co. Dee. 3 *1880 -rim BK1UUE NOTICE. SNBuRGIA, JONHS COUNTY.—There will VT be let tefore the court b< use door in the town cl Clinton, during the legal hours cl til- on tbe first Tuesday in January nett, to the low est birf'tor. a»ct to l urid a bridge user Hhnal Cre. k, near H J Marthall a mil. on the p-eMini brid-e *it • in-a‘d county, according to the following *i scifinrtion*: The bridge to be one hundred feet long, with aide railing* of 4i4 scantling, three and a half lost above floor, width twtlve fer* bstweeu rail ings, sills ai.e aleepe.-s rot less than 10x12 floor- ing SzlO piank, with dirt abutman *. Th- whole structure to boot fi-st-cltss new material. Rood in doub'a the amount of ths bid w th two good ar.d -tire't securities wilt b« nqa'red lo-tbereirpleti-nof tl»comr.<t hi tho rtsbd.y of February iol'o* itur, and to keep tbe bndse in a wood aid safo cro.ginir condition lor vehicle* nl all kiucs fur seven years from the dsy the bnege it tu rued over. Th* money will be paid cash oa finishing tb* bridge. RIuHARD JOHN-ON n}'S9w8w Countv Judge Joue, County. LOST. S TRAYBDfrom the warehouse of Col* man A Newsom, on the 9tn inai., mr larg-t. black hors* mule. Any in’o-msiion rega ding hi> wbenabouit will be gladly reoel-ed bv otulF-dSt wlta OoLKMAN ANBWSOM. G 1 may > onrern: J. If. Parkrr having arp led to me for permanent 'ettors of adamlstretion on tbe i state of J. Y. Gordon, late e. said county do • ceaesd. * This It to cito all and tingulrr tn* creditors acd kin of aaid J Y. Gordon to be acd aorear at my nffie- within the time at owed by, ou tbe Aral Monday in January next to show cause, if any they can, why permanent letter, cf administration should not be granted to said I. M. Parker ca t-id J. V. Gordon'* est-to. Witness my baud ana sigratare thit Deormher A I860 decs*Mw J. A. McMASUF.Ordinary. Manhood Restored. A riotim of early imprudence, canting nervous debility, premature decay, eto.. bsvliu tried in vain every known remedy, ha* discovered a aim- e t ramn* of tail-cure, which be will send tree to a tellev-sufferer*. Address J. A. UIYH. Qhutii—isfrrat. New York, oettsradawiy G BOkGiA. BI8B COUNTY.—Whereee Gen. O. Freeman admlnirin tor ol <be eatatv * < atlerine A. Freeman, late if aaid oount* dt ceased, has mad* app'icaiioa for leave to sell ta lets in the city of Macon, with impr-veaier hereon, t Down in the plan of said city atlot number three and foar, in b'oek ninety tbrt snd a wld lo* of!-nd of forty ai—esi" umpk county. Georgia, a tf known a* lot 6 S. in itt district, fires section; also thro-sharos -tf tbecai it.I stork ot the O ntral Ratlre tf a d Bsnkii ( on pany, and flvr * of ' be. tpital stork i the atehsuse Pack vf the city of X-can. all bi len-iur toeetste These sr*. therefore, to cite snrf sdmonbb si. p.rsocs cor rented, to be snd appear st tbe Court of Ordinary o’ a*‘d eoun y, on the first Monday i i January next, to sboweaus*. if any rbev h»-c, shy suij application should cot be gran tod Witness my effi~H rlgnatare. J. A. Mo MANUi. Ordinary. decjwtd » Good Sews for Trsivelera to or from Eerepe, ALLAH LINE Royal-Mail Steamers Will perform rh* Id’o-toz terries during Win- tor season I8v0-8i i From iMLTIMUitB o Tussdt*. vemher 1*. anrf ‘VARY ALTKR- h i Ti. TU»*i0AT f"T 1-IVSRe'rf'L via Q ieen- tow. ft tr BOrTON e-rrj ThUBanAYf-r LlVBRPri'tl, via Londoner'rv. T is Line of fere suoerb C>bin accommodation, and mates* specialty -a to Sind treatment to fiteersge tro* sc tigers Rates for Steerage end Intorsaedute allow sab- any first class Line. Per Outward ar u Preport Ticket* apply to HENRY 1. ISS3, Cashier Lawton’s Bank, Agsut st Uaeen, Georgia, or to LBY a A ALDMM. dcotaMfiUssenamr As’te CROCKEIT'S Iron Woi'bSp jafACON. 04 o- : Atnnrworkii can be seen the br-st EN GINE MADE for GINNING AND rt’tiKYAH- INO. Wo i uirsnt'e it to d<>tv p •>.-» thorn the mat u’sett rtr* say it will do. Wo baiKI STATIONARY ES0ISES From 8 to 60 Borcio wor, Tb*reis no E gine made eoputre- tei>,r ure have tealin.cnia!s to rtcrrr. Wo man: factor* Saw and Griet Miils ths* Rive tnlire sa'tafsct on We keep fo taie WATER WHEELS. nOR c E POWERS IMPROVED GIN ftEAll. rU^AHMIU PANS AND EVAPORilOHft, ^ And the B-at 4 HorisW7t?l Sugar Mill ’ m*Je Aleo, ROY RklLIIG fo, rcatafl rfee. eto. SHAFTING PTLLF.YS, aa( GEARING for all all kindc of mill **crX In fact we keep everythte/p fh»t in art altont itesm or water poser or piaotatict wtik. Our COTTON MHESS it eteoad td not a being cheap, simple and unrahla, M hnndreda will atieet ben 1 for ci:co’»ra an’ nrieea before taring elsewhfre AdGrewe, jnU31 - ty E On< O-IBTTA t»038. E0MES IN TFZAS. is th* title of a new ilustrafel Pr.mi.Wett'a- s.ri.tiroof ihacouiilry alone ard '.iibclany Ia tbe line cf tho htfr;iii«iil aid Crrat J'*nlnrt bihai and nontalns a good COUNTY MAP OF THI KT3TB. italsorortsins the "arreaant addresu f Farmers and Hsutcrsiu wtu have mm FOR SUE OR REST. «rd It o*<3 w ho will TTo* »1* for sol ye«r. A eop.vot thi» book will be osailed Sreate tko«e whi< t*ire ^’ifkb’w inj< ’ma’i »;» Hbi^lTcs* os upon Appiic&tion by ]<*t W or po«uu csnl lo ALLEN KcCOY, G-nersl Freight and Pieiztr A want, "* noTtlwtm I’v’cstine. Teram* O RDINaRY’A County. Geezght Noysmherll. 18Sf.—Notire is hrureby givoa that Mrs. Naoer Chapman, wife f w, v, bt«p- man. bat appli. d to me fur vtluatiun X, 1 ex- emptio'' ol personaltv. aud I —ill r*ts ntsOa raid app'n alion at tbl-odkvt uu tie 4ih day sf DU OS’* ber next st 19.Su o’clock a. ni. Witre*smy hand offl. ii'ly. novl4w4t ROl AND T. pf’i'W Ordinary. Know Thj38lf 0 IRK ttsnold ir.itarirs that . result iri ra tuniarreSiea in earlj life 3-*.y o* •Seyisto ed snd TI.omi who douhtiWv «-». rt'o;i fchoskU til* zteo redtcul work pnbi V'*-d o: its* rSA- .ROUT KEDICaL iNriYI- SfUTB. Kr. isci. -Btitlad ' THB fiCI sNGK OF LiFJR eKLF PKbcKHV.iTION ISjt.a .ted rt- tslitT t ervous and nbysical c< hll-'y. or ertaiity impaired by tbe error* of y.eth or t-iorlcracr too cloro .ppljcat on to bunnea . may to ro stor ed a- d manhood reaained. 1 wo buntfredth ed •> m. r»v;,rd i.t:d enlarged* Itut puhlistHtd. it is aetvturd tc.dical wwrk, the b st in shs Kngfish la-isu-cr. *nura by • pb-tinisn of great eaperu to whom stun swarilcd a <oiJ and jfcUert r.-iftl byikeNas tinnal Medical 8t£<cuition. It c irt-in* b-aati- fm and y*ry eibensivc • ngrs.i-.a* .'hree haw dr*-d pages, moo in 'agH r or all forms of pierailin* circa.-, ti.* rrss'.tr£ many years of cztersiv* an > tfuecraoflri prackaess either one of whi.b is worth t *n t rr*a tbe, prisu cf tbe oook. Pound io French cloth, prise only a*nt by mail pt»tp*i ‘. The Lot don Lsiicm says: “No person sh«uM be with* ut this valuable book. Toe ita noble benofscior. ’ An iliusirstid sample sens tuaUon reroamted 6 re Is lor postage. Tbe artbor refers bypermoikfon to Hon P. A. B18 -K1L.UD pr.-tidom ol the National Haft- iral ■ aaccUliou. Address Dr W H ?il- KBR. No 4 Builtneh it. B sten. Mass. The aj- tbor ma i e consulted on all disowse* requiring skill and rxpcrience, novXO wlv HEAL THYSELF i i VUROIk. BtBtt COUK IT.— '* he*«w* !Ur- U iy KebiOl. rx*cat*ir o4 Jacob v 4.k»U &mm*** z rfpre n‘*k>tb*c urt la hitpo' iiuu chu«t fill •4 aud eoierrd th t h«» M’y adatkaUVtwA t * •d kkf'f Jdcob (iduJ). Thu th r*f re. fo H •*.!! persons contorts* bolrtand to omo. any Ibe? r*n whycaid exteutor tlioitM b«4 d»Gcl tiffed Jjooj bit »id ev'eat Oo4ro l u th ot dttaiitfion s*t Lbeoou*! of dintry to b« orerod or t be flr-r Monday Bt nary 1881, a d to be u. s tr cn or. the sixth et sa d month. Witness ay b*nd snrf official airaatra ' J A. McM AMJ-s. urdaysq Oct 8 t’fi s-o* JONEi COUNTY eaJUSFF 8AL * W ILL h» a- !.i bef re to' cuort bo- aedoacA the tows* of Olmtou. June* rowr-iv. <tlra^ th.-1 gal bo r* of tale, ou tt e fir-4 Taawdaylg J.nt are neit. seven y aeriu . laud mu'* mhm, ad) inii « iauda ot B L. Rafan-I on lbs aarfh aDd John Jarrell on tbeeastaod kbadi r sv Mddtf tri Mertbe Hoari.d,n. t e*t*d u» aa ta* toswp of Grorga VF. He,radon to estoafy a th fa. Lt fro-n Jones Superior '-'ou t in fsverof 4. J fi b'tbrookt, guardian, Maintl Georg* W. Hcaatk- dcn. Frorerly ioriitotf eat by dwfmi|>—%tak zroktowrireu to him re r