Newspaper Page Text
©ajscgra ItHceWg »ua* 3mxen$l & 3B£f£££ttg£c.
x faxct.
Tbe tide goes'cat and the tide comes in,
And guile bong whilely about tho Shore:
Oar ears grow use to the water’* din.
And wo hood the bird’e Quaint flight ne
The roses bloom and the roses lade,
The green leaves wither and brown nnd
The brook from its old time coarse has
And what does it matter alter all?
A Ye gather moss from the rolling waves,
Or plack a rose that as red and rare;
While tlioir comrades sink into nameless
YVo lay theso by with a careless care.
And so with friends that are dear and
true— . _
YVe love them, ay! wjth a ! iove like flame;
Bat when they pass from onr daily viow,
•Tisnear—ah, mo is it Quito?- the same.
We put Hie thowght of-their love away—
A picture, flower, a ring, a book;
We breathe a prayer that they tued to pray,
And shrine in onr hearts a tender look.
Bat redder rosos shall come with spring,
Sweeter and larger than theso by far;
And now, bright mosses the waves will
bring, , .
A fresh faoo shine for onr beacon etar.
i what does it’’count that the snn goes
down, 4
That waves roll out and tho roses fall,
That eyelids eloso-over smile or frown?
Ay! what does it’count ns after all?
—[James Berry Benseh
A Comparative Estimate of Receipt*
Made In X«w York.
X*m T»rk Commercial Advertiser, Wednesday
In H579 and i860, the receipts at the
ports up to* January 1 was 033-10 per
cent, of the total receipts. If we accept
the • theory that this crop
has moved in the same proportion,
allowing 7150,000 hales lor over
land and Southern consumption, it gives
ns a crop of6,650,000 bales. But as ail
the evidence tends to show this crop has
been picked and marketed earlier than
any preceding crop, we will give a table
showing results at several estimates, so
each person can adopt such estimate as
agrees with-his information on the move
ment of the crop:
If G5 per oecit. received by Jnn. 1,
makes crop 5,520,000
If GBjtf per cent, received by Jan. 1,
makes crop 5,400,000
If 70 por cent, received by Jnn. 1,
makes crop 5,178,570
If 75 per cent, received by Jnn. 1,
makes crop 4,883,333
And some contend for the largest esti
mate* From Atlanta.
Special Cor. Telegrapk and 3ltstmjer.
Atlanta, GA., January 7.—The town
has become very quiet since the close cf
the great exposition. Trade is dull, and
one sees bat few visitors on tho streets.
But for Kimball's cmal and the Felton
interview, the sudden transition from the
bustle and excitement of Che fair would
ha7e been too much lor Ihe average At-
lantian. Everybody leels relieved, how
ever, now that tbe tremendous strain im
posed by the exposition lias been relaxed,
and people are permitted to return to their
accustomed ways and occupations.
Your correspondent took a turn -about
the-city’this morning among the. lawyers,
politicians and tEe newspaper fraternity,
and picked up a few items whkfit may not
be without interest to the readers of the
Telsoraph -aja> llmnoK. By the
way, why did yon not rcoonslruct the
name of the good old paper while you
were reorganizing its ownership and man
agement? TV hy not call it the T-elc-
grar-i: or tbe Messa-voee'.' The pro
priety and fitness of the joint cognomen
at the time it was assumed cannot be
called into question, but tho nt cassity for
for it has long since passed away. Be
tbis-cs it may, everyone recoguizes the
striking improvement which has already
taken place in the cditprial conduct and
general management of the paper, and
your old friends everywhere have nothing
but good wishes for you and the Tele
graph and Messenger:.
I think from all that can be gathered
from public men liere, that it is fay no
means certaiu that Dr. Felton wiebes or
will consent to make the race this fall for
Governor. It is said by his earnest friends
that lie prefers a scat in Congress. It is
unquestionably Ids purpose to mould, if
not to lead, the independent movement in
Georgia. lie expects to control the negro
vete and draw off a considerable following
from the Democratic ranks. It isbeiicv-
ed-by him and his friends that it is not
improbable tliat Blaine will be the candi
date of the Democrats and liberal .Bepub-
lieans two years lienee, and that the lead
ers on either sifie arc already beginning
to shape their policic-e accordingly. In
tliat event, the wily doctor aud liisfriends
claim that it will be better for tbe (South to
cast her lot with President Arthur and
the dominant party at the North, than
with Blaine and his raw aud undisciplin
ed forces. It is even hinted that Mr. Til-
den is standing at Blaine’s back aud urg
ing him forward on his new line of policy,
and that Senator Brown would not be
averse to mounting up to tbe seat behind
him iu the Prcridcntial race.
mate in the above statement. . , ,,, .
Another statement which shows tbattb« er . kou need not be surprised if in a few
receipts are very unreliable in indicttin^Kn,^£iu and Mr. Blaine tbe residuary
_ - . a a _ /»_ a a. j f l>n /lapRolil Oiltninivi ml inn
the total of crops: On first day of May,
of ..11880, the receipts of the crop of 1879 and
'fain iii "SO were only 335,000 bales behind the
fumed fl) crop of 1680 and 1881. Yet It proved
But A 844,403 bales less. The shortage on
,•Became k"iayol March of that year Is about the
ft • a»’ as the shortage of this year on the
i V 1st day of January will show, and tho re-
f Li. ceipts after the fir6t of March in 1870 and
l. t. .1880 were about 630,000 bales
A apji. les,y i than tho receipts in I860
-• ‘ > . passe *nd 1681. Tliece facts are given
-ountry- "show how deceptive receipts are
] ’ -~%toWlfrfcffCE to the crop. We expect by
b*' fiUp sprang brisklfkiuary a sudden falling on in
1 V v. ^aWre iiis wayrecedentedin the history of
‘ iaaying tiio CO iu facilities fer moving the crop
V ,Vc:«b.ii her bask ,ach y ear -
s - * office
/• - {P? <ry olncc *7
AXkt. 1 .J tlS-O'
iu eStuu ol the Work of Con
TIi"- •traction.
Ut I10« Atlanta Constitution.
L came distance JvfcmAtUnta to Annis-
rirna, Boras and
0 the, takr.Ues. There has
[ jdud. kj 33 miles west
; tlst from Anniston,
‘ermcdlatc points.
iringY^O- contract,
eo his August 1st.
^andtfh.. I* 1 *!
* .strallecptlanta
; Vby thWI »«*
fd the j™.
H«jy nanvu.-iajing
any-car-close of the
iyou t>c '^ a y* D 8 will
p r pid Douglasville.
r _.jco^ Co., Lee Bros.
|ieve it* n & Uo., Perkins,
»Je stra'Y & Browning and
attirfc all at work on
1 tw yearoperatious
oring. „
low ’l to Bum
mad' Alabama
jculsville and
ijySve miles.
w ’/retofo(|i
pressed to
inf gham to Co
hort 120 miles.
f, et > -nty miles has
: he 0 steel rails.
j,J r id from Ab-
jgliam west,
My jf run. Near
t 0 f.11 force is at
id^he lw J Columbus
t].i.jt;rdeen toward
ias City, snrveys
. outstr-rfun- From Geneva
self Uie» on the Sunflower,
as rap niu. The company’s
aughlead from Greenville on
; perlM to Jolinsonville on the
l?” sslf-two miles, with a branch
s seek down Deer creek to tbe
will tine, 24 miles, (the last 12
occs'kitli iron), is being oper-
S0 f.aterprl»o.
rcred-if February Irvino’s
3ines», enco the pnblica-
irhLTi ftnd delinea-
°ho noV e2nlarIy lh915th
Ice; upr ho gotten up in
^riup tb designed to supply
fair Pery musio and art-
i fBhufi* T'XI rousic department will
fry laub'e of that thorough musioian,
lisappo. Gottenberger, which is a guar
's success, while the other depart-
i a scetj ^ i n competent hands. Four
JiJ^ln'eces of music will be issued with
’ /raises .inber, the musio type having al-
’^gly auchrrived for the work. The publish-
' /c lnasse iem j pi 8C jng the subscription price
Wrests X tbo reach ot the most impecunious,
all soeun, the price being bnt soventy-
.inng nnr cents per annum, and beeide^ach sab-
*d with her will receive a selection of music, os
legatee of tlie Garfield administration,
and President Arthur tlie official head of
the staiwarts, both exerting all their ac
knowledged powers to win the confidence
and good will ot the Southern people and
to secure their support in the next Presi
dential canvass. In that event, the ques
tion will arise, What shall we do? Shall
we make a nomination of our own, or
shall we cast our lots with one of these
great leaders, and thus once more mount
to position and power? Blaine is dariug
and brilliant, gifted, captivaiiug and mag
nanimous. Arthur has but little prestige
but is adroit an<l tho friend of a libera
policy in the development of tlie national
resources of the country, and
what to most people is far
more important, behind him stands the
rich, the powerful and tho victorious Re
publican party of the North.
Perhaps the Democrats of the South, If
not of the North also, will find it to their
interest to stand still and possess their
souls in patience, at least for a season.
Turning from political affairs to local
interests, your readers were doubtless un
prepared f»w the resignation of General
McRae, manager of the Western and At
lantic railroad. Governor Brown was the
nominal head of the lease company, but
Mcltac was tho actual manager of the
road. The cx-Governor did not relish
this,ami he and the General have not got
ten along smoothly siuce the lessees in
sisted upon makiug this arrangement.
Tho General’s resignation was
not required, and yet there
were personal reasons which mailf- it en
tirely proper, if not necessary. Now that
the cx-Govcmor is in supreme power, a
great many changes have been made
among the officers and local and traveling
agents of tbe company, aud singular to
to say it is reported tint nearly every man
who has been sent adrift was a friend of
the retiring manager. Tlie last resigna
tions reported are those of Mr, Postell,
civil engineer, and Mr. Conner, agent at
Chattanooga. The Senator loves power,
and you may be sure lie will remember
all who at any time may have sided with
his opponents. But he will have need ot
all his friends at his rifcxt election.
A Ten Kkeicta of Oscar Wilde.
A’eto Ibri Word.
Mr. Wilde is folly six feet three inohes in
bight, straight as an arrow, and with broad
stionldors and long arms, indicating con
siderable strength. His outer garment was
a long ulster (rimmed with two kinds of
for, which reacbod almost to Lis feet. He
wore patent-leather shoes, a smoking-cap
turban, and ins shirt might be termed nl-
tra-Byronic, or perhaps—decollete. A sky-
bine cravat of the sailor style hung well
down upon the chest. His hair flowed over
his shoulder in dark-brown waves, curling
slightly upwards at the ends. His eyes
were of a deep bine, bat- without that far
away expression that is popularly attribu
ted to poets. In fact they seemed rather
every-day and commonplace oyes. His
teeth} were largo and regular, disprov
ing a pleasing story which has gone
the rounds of the English press
that ho has three tusks or protuberants far
from agreeable to look at. He is beardless,
and his complexion is almost colorless. In
manner Mr. Wilde was easy and uncon-
(trained, and his attitude as ho conversed
with tho reporters and others was very
graceful. A peculiarity of Mr. Wilde’s face
>s tho exaggerated oval of the Italian face
carried into tho English type of counte-
tenance, and tipped with a lang sharp chin.
It does not, however, impress one as being
a strong face. His manner of talking
somewhat affected—judging from
American standpoint—his great peculiarity
being a rhythmic chant' in which every
fourth syllable is accented. Thu*, when
asked what was his mission, he replied in
sing-song tone{“I came from Exo-land be.
causa I Tnorotrr America was tho best
place to see.”
ium, from their stock. This is an-
•'it may bo a gt;., itrog gj ve a top in tho right dirco-
.answered he, la^j Macon 8 hould respond nobly to notified thopoheo. A man was soon found
ire that X do iv m, ■ . ,» « .
/ country like th t ~ ierpr130 ' Tbe ® ubscri P tl0n booxatra
• Qf wiluer scop ady open, so call around and give in
*. “Of courvoar name in acknowledgment of yonrap-
djod it daliprcciation of the enterprise of onr music
£- • Jeflrey. ■ ■■ ■ -
!\ti6<roft9 Ameiucah Rabbit.—A gentleman
Iper <•
/ “1?-
i answ-
to tb6
by thf.. formerly a resident of this city, and atone
— time connected with this paper, now a
stock raiser in Texas, iu recent letter to a
friend narrate# that tlie other evening his
Chinese cook came into the house ina
perturbed condition, and with an odor of
serious trouble about him.
“What in the world have you been do
ing, John T' exclaitred tut master as he
made for the door.
“Me catcliee labbilt, but mo letiee him
glo agin. Melican labbitt snyell like
hellee. Oh, my glacious.”—Strunk Cen-
• tre Tribune.
Bcfl-Hua, KoMhe*.
Rats, mice, antt, flies, vermin, mosqui
toes, insects, etc., cleared out by “Rough
on Kata.” 15c boxes at druggists, dly
0 n I. r. A W. B. Htlass. DeaUatv,
Ko. 84 Maibsrry street, Macon, Georgia.
Teeth extracted without pain, beautiful
sets of teeth inserted, abscessed teeth and
diseased gums cured. J&ealers in ail kinds
of dental material and instruments. Con
stantly on hand, a large and/nil assort
ment of teeth of all kinds, amalgams of all
kinds, rubbers of all hinds.
Pr» M. B. BosrftaM.
Mu SOJMtitny strest, Mayn, Georgia
jflfltiw if r ~~ eagMtf
Tlie Cow bteniera.
Our citizens have beon annoyed by tho
frequent loss of caws for some time, and
tho shrewd operations of the thieves have
defied even tho sharpest of our police force.
Cows havo beon inissod from yards and
pens where they wero safely quartered tho
night before. Complaints wero made to
tho police who wero active in their cflorts
to ferret out tho rogues. Finally a clue
was hit upon and closely followed op by
Lieutenant Wood, Officers Follendore,
Goodro, and Moore. Day and night they
watched and 6badowed the suspected par
ties, and their tireless efforts were
finally rewarded by gathering a
negro named Woodley William/.
This man owned np to the stealing and
“gave away” his ooparlners in crime. He
said that a butcher named Downs and his
son, conducting a slaughter pen in Sandy
Bottom, were engaged in the sebemo of ab
ducting cows. The officers went out to the
pen and found young Downs and brought
him* in to town. Downs, Sr., had heard
of the trouble and made himselt scarce.
They seamed to have depended entirely
npon stolen cattle for supplies.
The officers have worked hard and with
many difficulties to effect this cessation of
a robbery system thqt wns depriving many
of our people of their cows, and richly de
serve tho highest praiso for their efforis.
Stealing Tools.
For some time pastipany of our carpen
ters and brickmasons have been missing
their tools from the new buildings on which
they have been at /work. A few days ago
Mr. J.C. Keel missed a number of tools and
who had bought some toota from a nsgro
named Lawrence Hardin. Lawrence was
soon spotted and arrested by Officer Mar
tin, who found bis man yesterday on Mul
berry street with a bag of tools on his
ehoulder. A warrant was sworn out
before Justice Freeman and he was taken
A number of persons, some ot them cot
kuotviug how the tools were obtained, have
purchased saws, chisels, files, etc., from
Hardin, who sold them “choap because bo
was going to quit working at the trade.”
Decided steps ought to be taken to
cure a cold or cough at once. We should
reccomtnend Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup.
This valuable medicine is indorsed by the
physicians and you can rely on Us doing
the work every time.
Persons prematurely gray can havo
their hair restored to its youthful beauty,
J>y using Hsll’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair
Renewer, tbe best article in tberaarKet,
“BaaCU ou Mata.”
The thing desired found at last. Ask
druggist for Rough on Rats. It clears out
rat#, mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs. 15c
boxes, junl4dawlw
Wells’ Ilealth Renewer. Absolute cure
for nervous debility aud weakness of the
generative functions, $1 at druggists. De
pot Lamar, Rankin & Lamer, Macon,
Tlio Xortli Hncou Grammar School
It does seem that there would bo nc
trouble about getting a new building for
tbe North Macon Grammar School. Every
body admits the necessity of one, and the
chief obstacle usually to be overcome iu
such cases, namely, the securing of n suita
bio lot, is removed by tho possession of tbe
Polhill property. Here is a line, largo lot
owned by tbe city and devoted to pnblic
school purposes, and five or six thousand
dollars is all that is needed to erect the nec
essary building. Mayor Corput states in
his annual report that there is a surplus of
about $10,000 in tho city treasury aud ev
erybody knows that, by reason of valuable
improvements and the enhanced value of
property, tlie city’s income will be much
larger this year than it was last yoar. Why
not then appropriate a port of this surplus
to the erection of this much needed school-
house? We appeal to council to consider
the matter and see if something cannot be
done, Tbe expenditure would benefit di
rectly a large number of taxpayers and ad
vertise our city abroad as nothing else can.
Lot tl.e good work begin. Pathos.
Increasing tlie Pay.
The city council at an adjourned meet
ing on Friday night agreed upon the fol
lowing increase of pay of tho several city
officers: The treasurer’s .-alary was in
creased $309, clerk $300and chief of police
$200. The salary of tho lieutenants was
fixed at $9G0. The watchmen at tbe city
hail will receive $50 per month, aud; tho
police $00. The recorder’s salary .was
fixed at $500 a year.
It will be noticed that there was no in
crease of tho mayor’s salary. Mr. Cor-
pbt refused a proffered addition, saying
that since tho recorder bad taken the trying
of coses out of his bands, be was satisfied
with his salary.
The action of tbe council in this matter
certainly meets with universal approval,
especially in the matter of the police.
Theirs is a hard and dangerous duty, and
should be well paid for it The policemen
are now required to uniform themselves.
Flro Escape For Ralston Hall.
It has been suggested that a safe and
ready fire 6soape for Ralston Hall could Tie
arranged by Erecting an awning on the
Third street side. The windows On that
side form a convenient way ot egress, and
the awning would serve as a platform from
which persons could easily drop to the street
below. This would certainly bring out
tnauy of’our citizens to performances at
the ball who now keep away because of its
poor facilities for egress in case of danger
or a stampede. One firm alone will con
tribute largely to ihe erection of the awn
ing should the managers of the hall con
clude to use this means of adding a fire es
Fastmiui Items,
Eastman, January 7.—The post-office is
doing a good business. About $4,700 iu
postal orders was sent from this office for
the quarter ending December 31. Under
the management of our efficient postmas
ter, Major Armstrong, tho business has
steadily increased. Tins of itself indicates
tbe growing prosperity of Eastman.
Our landed interests receive the vigilant
attention of Messrs. McArthur &• Griffin,
who are selling ondleasiug lauds and tim
ber almost daily.
Tho county of Dodge is gradually flllin g
up with good, substantial people. The
farming interest is receiving some atten
tion, and niready tbe odor of gturno is
abroadin the land. Tho oat crop is every
where spoken of as favorable.
Tho election of municipal officers comes
off next Monday. We bear of but one
ticket in the field. It is not expected that
there will be any opposition, hence we an
ticipate a peaceful, quiet election.
The Alexander School-House.
The article that appeared a few days ago
npon the subject of locating the now build
ing for tlie Alexander school moets my ap
probation. The lower part of the city is
well provided for. Lot ns have this build
ing in tho upper portion of the city. A
suitable lot can be secured. Why cannot the
trustees erect a the building and let tho
publio school board have tho use of it ? In
this way they would nid in educating three
hundred children instead of one hundred
ns now, and besides save the income on
their fund. It is hoped the trustees will
consider the matter, and conclude at least
to change the locality of the school.
Fomrrn Waed.
A. B. Ross, administrator of Mary Ann
Dorian, has made application for leave to
sell the real estate of said Mary Ann Dor-
ton: *
This is, therefore, to cite and adnftmish
nil persons concerned to be and appear at
tho court of ordinary of said county on tbe
first Monday in February next, to show
cause, if they can, v,9y .said application
should not bo granted.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture this, January 7tb, 1882.
Iaw4w*" J. A McMANUS, Ordinary.
Dentil ot Adu* lanes Todd.
Angels whispered, >: D<trling, come,” and
as gently as the unfolding of tho floweret
the bright spirit of little Anno limes Todd
was borne on heavenly wings to the realm
of light. She was the infant daughter of
Lieut. J. H, Todd, Eighteenth Infantry,
United States army, who married Miss
Anno Boifcuillot, of this city,
and died of meningitis at tho
residence of hor grandmother, Mrs.
Jno. T. Boifeailleti in Macon,, Ga.,
January 7,1882, at 12:25 p. m., aged two
years and nine days.
Last Tuesday little Innas, as was her
wont, was ina porfect flowof gladuess and
health, bnt on Wednesday morning awak
ened feverish, though no serious sick
ness aroso until that afternoon when she
was seized with two convulsions from the
brain. The disease rapidly developed into
meningitis and gradually tbe tender pa
tient weakened and like a vapor hor young
life passed away almost ere parents and
friends realized tho extent of hor iliuess.
From Wednesday afternoon until the hour
of her death she remained nnuonssioos of
suffering or her surroundings.
lnnos,”as she was familiarly known
and called, over moved in ecstasy. She was
the sunbeam of her grandmother’s homo
and the delight of idolizing parents.
Beantifnl in face and of wonderful mind,
amiable iu disposition and of affectionate
nature, was it strange th4t she wrapt her
self about tho tendrils of all hearts and
lived deet in tho love of ovory ono? Hor
days on earth were as a dream of bright
ness and beauty.
“Sleep, baby,sleep!
The trouble and the pain,
Are over now.
Drop the soft liands, like rosebuds, on the
Shut the blue eyes in sweetest, tightest
Sleep, baby, sleep S
Sleep, baby, sleep!
No rude, disturbing sound
Shalt wake her now;
In the dear arms that are tenderer than
Under the shadow of a love D ivine
Thy baby sleeps!
lev. A W Lsnsr
Tbe South Macon Baptist chnrchof this
city, has been so fortunate as to secure this
reverend gentleman for its pastor, and he
will, during the present week, enter npon
his labors. .
Mr. Lamar, who was lately pastor of the
Baptist churoh at Gamd^n, S. C., is about
thirty-five years old, and is a man of fami
ly, his wife being a very estimable lady,
and thoroughly equal to the position of a
pastor’s wife. Mr.Lamar has won for him
self an enviable reputation in his native
State, South Carolina, by his great zeal,
ability and success in tho several positions
of pastor, general agent for State missions,
and editor of the Baptist Courier, published
«t Greenville, S. C. Ho is a man of sincere
piety, a good preacher and speaker, an ex
cellent organizer, and well adapted to the
pastoral office. In his native State
he stands among tho first ministers,
and has wielded an excellent influence in
tho denomination. Ho has always ardently
-consecrated himself to the work, and, we
feel sure, will prove a great acquisition to
the ministerial force of oar city. We shall
(heartily welcome him to our city, and be
speak for him the sympathy and good-will
■of all denominations.
**owir s
Tile Damage br tlie Fire.
The insurance agents interested in the
fire of Friday night have not as yet been
able to fix npon the exact omonnt of tho
damage done. It is estimated that between
$2,800 and $3,000 will cover the loss. The
dam3go by scorching and by water to the
.main building and its oontentswos hardly
mnch over $500.
The origin of tho fire still remains a mat
ter of m> story. That it was tho work of an
incendiary, there can be but littlo doubt.
A New Wrinkle.
Mr. W. T. Rosalias prepared a groat con
venience for housekeepers generally. He
splits up to uniform lengths and arranges
in convenient packages the fattest of light-
wood for kindling purpose*. Theso he sells
ct the low price of ten cents each, being
within tbe reach of all, and fnlly a third
more than the boyson the street. Mr. Ross
at his wood yfard, 240 Third street,will soon
havo on engine end sa\v at work to split tho
kindling and to saw wood into proper
lengths for different s izes of stoves and
fire places. This will certainly bo appre
Ayer’s Cherry Pcetoral
For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs'
6cch as Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis, Ashma,
and Consumption.
l’he few composi
tions which have
won tho coufideu-o
of mankind and be-
come household
words, among not
only ono but many
nations, must havo
extraordinary vir
tues. Perhaps no
ono ever secured so
wido a reputation.or
maintained it
long, as Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It has
been known to tho pubheabont forty years
by a long continued series of marvelous
cures, that havo won for it a confidence in
its virtues, never by any other medieine. It
still makes the most effectual cures of
Coughs, Colds, Consumption, that can be
made by medical skill. Indeed, the Cher
ry Poctcr tl has really robbed these dan
gfrons diseases of their terrors to a great
extent, and given a feeling of immunity
from their painful effects, that is well
founded, if tho remedy be taken in season.
Every family should have it in their closet
for the ready and prompt relief of its
members. Sickness, suffering, and even
life is saved by this timely protection. The
prudent should not neglect it, and the wise
will not. Keep it by you for the protection
itaffords by its early use in sadden attacks
DR. J. C. AYER & CO. Lowell, Mas*
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
Sold by all druggists and dealers in med-
an election has been ordered to be he:d at
tho several election precincts in said coun
ty on the 2lst day of Janaary, 1882, upon
the question of “Fence” or “No Fence,”
and as some misunderstanding might occur
as to the polls being ordered to be opened
iu the Vincville or 1085th district G. M.:
It is hereby ordered that the poll bo
opened at tlie court ground in said district,
at which place voters residing in the dis
trict are allowed to vote.
3aw3w J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary.
J. A. Bcrkncr, guardian of Willie, Maggie
and Robert Holmes minors, has made Un
ification fur leavo to sell one-fifth interest
n nineteen acres of land in said county
belonging to said minors.
Theso are therefuro to cite and admonish
all porsofls concerned to bo and appear at
the court of ordinary of said county on
the first Monday in February next to show
cause, if any they can. why said application
should not be granted.
Witness my hand and offioial signature
this, January 7, 1882,
jonStd* Ordinary.
guardian of W. S. Ryals, having applied to
the court of ordinary of said county for a
discharge from bis guardianship of W. L.
7 his Ls therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause why tho said B. T.
Ray should not bo dismissed from his
guardianship of W. L. Ryals and receive
tho nsoal Jotters of dismission.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this January 7, 1882.
jan8-wtd* Ordinary.
F. M. Heath, administrator of the'estaie of
Lunsford Hoath, lato of said county, de
ceased, h?s made application for leave to
sell tho lands in said county belonging to
said estate.
These are therefore to cite aud admonish
all persons concerned to bo and appear at
tho court of ordinary of said county on the
first Monday in February next, to show
cause, if any they can, why said application
should not bo granted.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this, January 7th, 1882.
janO td* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary.
W. J. Dent, administrator of Cynthia Hoy,
represents to the court in his petition, duly
filed and entered on record, that he has
fully administered Cynthia Hoy’# estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons con
cerned, heirs and creditors, to Bhow cause,
if any they can, why said administrator
should not be discharged from his adminis
tration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in April 7,1882.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture this January, 188?.
Iaw3m* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary.
S. t*. to treat, administrator of T. J. Sliin-
h riser represents to the court in his peti
tion, duly filed and entered on record, that
ho has fully administered T. J. tibinhoi-
eer’s estate:
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, heirs and creditors, to be and ap
pear at tbe court cf ordinary of said t-oun-
on tbe first Monday in April next, to
iow cause if any they can why said ad
ministrator should not be discharged from
his administration and receive letters of
Given under my hand and offioial signa
ture this, January 7,1882.
jan8w3m* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary.
a certain cars fbr all disrties
requiring a complete tonic; espe*
dally Indigestion, Dynpepeia, Inter*
xnlttcnt Fevers, Want of Appetite!
Loss of Strength. Lack of Energy,
etc. Enriches tho blood, strength
en#) the muscles, and gives new
lift* to the nerves. Acte like a
charm on the digestive organa,
removing all dyspeptic symptoms,
such as tasting tbe food. Belching,
Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn,
etc. Tho only Iron Preparation
that will not blacken the teeth or
give headache. Sold by all Drag-
gists at .$1.00 a bottle. - t
Baltimore, MiL
Pee that ill Iron are-Bind# by Bnowx CnsancAa.
0c naikrvo croucJ red llac. and trade on wripptr.
Particular Notice.
All the Drawings will hereafter be
under the exelusit o supervision and oon-
trol of Generals G. T. BEAUREGARD
• Louisiana State LotteiY Company.
Incorporated in 1808 for 25 years by the
Legislature for Educational and Charita
ble purposes—with a capital of $1,000,000
—to whioh a reserve fund of over $420,000
has since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its
franchise was made a part of the present
State Constitution adopted December 2d,
A. D., 1879.
ings will take place monthly.
It never scales or postpones. Look at
the following Distribution:
I CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. -
100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOl !X.R8
1 Capital Prize .'. $30,000
1 Capital Prize 10,000
1 Capital Prize 6,000
2 Prizes of $2,KX).v....V 5,000
6 Prizes, of 1,000 5,000
20 Prizes of COO 10,000
100 Prizes of . 100. 10,000
200 Prizes of 50 10,000
COO Prices of 20 10,000
1000 Prizes of 10 10,000
9 Approximation Prizes of $300.. 2,700
9 Approximation Prizes of $200. 1,800
9 Approximation Prizes of $100. 900
Macon Commercial College,
Macon. Ga.
For special instruction in Bookkeeping,
Penmanship and Business Arithmetic. Bill
making Correspondence and General Bus
iness Routine.
W. McKay, PrlncipaL
For terms, information as to board, etc.,
apply to the principal. Address P. (A box
422, Macon, Ga. janlhw4w
„ feohewS
I'LKMu# FAMILY-w >ii-
, 51 lb,. H\Ut - >■ .iO
Scil&Cc, Ci-
1,857 Prizes, amounting to. $110,400
Responsible corresponding agents want
ed at all points, to whom liberal compen
sation will be paid.
For further information, write clearly,
giving full address. Send orders by ex
press or Registered letter or Money Order
by mail, addressed only to
New Orisons, La.
or, M. A. DAUPHIN, at
No. 212 Broadway, New York.
N. B.—Orders addressed to New Orleans
will receive prompt attention.
The particularrTttention ol tho pnblic is
called to tlio tho entire number
of the TicketsUbr each Monthly Drawing
s sold, and, ribeequcnlly all the prizes in
each drawi Ware scld and drawn and paid,
Bkmcmbbb that stamina, vital energy,
tlw life principle, or whatever you may
choose to call the resistant power which
battles against the causes ot disoase and
dcatli, is the grand safeguard of healthy of prizes for thn
it is the garrison ot tbe human fortress, JANUARY DRAWING.
and when it waxes weak, the true policy
is to throw in reinforcements. In other
words, when such an emergency occurs,
commence a course ofHostetter’s Bitters.
For skle by druggists and dealers, to
whom apply forHostettor’s Almanac for
1882. lw
same, 11 o’clock n. m., on tho 30th dayol
January, 1882, at my office.
j,in"r,vtd O. A.SOLOMON. Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Credilers.
’ A hereby given that all persons indebted
o estate of Jnl:n3 J. Glover, deceased, will
come forward and make immediate pay-
meat, aud thoso having claims against said
deceased will present them to the under
signed in terms of the law. Dec. 12. 1881.
ecir, w4w* W. P. GLOVER. Adm’r.
Administratrix Sale.
vii tuo of an order from tho court of Ordi
nary of Twiggs county, will bo sold, on the
first Tuesday in February, 1882, at the
court house door in said county, between
tlie legal salo hours, the traot of land in
said county whereon, John F. Shine resided
at tho time of his death, containing 300
acres more or less, adjoining lands of S.
L. Richardson and G. W. Faulk, in the
twonty-fourth district of said county. Sold
for tho benofit of tho heirs and creditors
of said deceased. Terms of sole cash.
Administratrix estate of J. i’. Shine.
jan5 wid.
T. J. Moll and A. F. Hunter, executors of
tho estate of Eudocia E. Hunter, represent
to the court in their petition duly filed, that
they have fully administered Eudocia E.
Hunter’.-; estate. This is therefore to cite
all persons concerned, legatees and credi
tors, to show eau‘6, if any they can, why
said executors should not bo discharged
from their oxocutorship and receive letters
of dismission on thefirst Monday in March,
Witness my hand and official signature.
dooltd* Ordinary.
riUlil lanta, Ga. Reliable evi-
IIAUI r donee given, and reference
Cure, to cured patients and phys-
ioians. Send for my book on The Habit
and its Cure.' Free. deolOdaweomly
iniment Iodide Ammonia.
Crawford County Sheriff’s Sales.
W ILL be sold before the court house
in the town of Knoxville, Ga., within
file legal hours of sale, ou the first
Taesday in February, 1982, the following
property to-wit: A portion of lot of laud
No. 2, in the seventh ifistrict cf originally
Houston, now Crawford county,Ga. Levied
ou as the property of W.S.A. Ogletree.tosat
isfy one fi fa issued from the Justice Court
of tbe 573d district ‘G. M. iu favor of
Jaques A Johns n vs. W. S. A. Ogletres and
B. A. Harwood.
jan8td M. P. REYTERE, Sheriff.
Cures All Pain in Man and Beast.
Giles’ Liniment Iodide Ammonia cures
Neuralgia, Fncunche, Rheumatism, Gout,
Frosted Feet, Chilblain*, Sore Throat, Er
ysipelas, Bruises, and YY'ounds of every na
ture in man and animal. Tlie remarkable
cures this remedy has effected classes it ns
one of the most important and valuable
remedies ever discovered for the cure or re
lief of pain.
I had twelve strokes of paralysis. My
leg, tonguo and arm were useless: was ob
liged to use an ntheter every day. Dr.
Giles’ Liniment Iodide of Ammonia has
cured me. Will answer any inquires so that
all afflicted may kno w of it. Jonx Appklx.,
North Bradford, Conn.
A’ 7 wife suffered with prolapsus uteri,
fluor albus, complicated with other female
troubles. Her life was miserable, ltev.
Guy S. Frazcy, of the Methodist Church,
advised me to try Giles' Liniment Iodido
Ammonia and Pills, he telling me of the
wondors it had performed on his wife, who
was a martyr to such troubles, and is nwo
well. I obtained the Liniment and Pills,
and my wife Ls cured. Chjls. R. Jones. Ed
itor Observer, CliArlotte, N. C.
Read the following: Salt P.heum Cured.
I bad Salt Rheum on my hand for two
yoars; I tried every doctor I could hear of.
The salves, ’ointments and soaps without
Xur.ibor; nothing benefited mo. A 50 cents
bottle of Giles’Liniment Iodide Ammonia
uured me in lees than a week. A. Romnine,
1G2 YVeet Thirty-second street New York.
Giles' Liniment and Pills are sold by all
druggists throughout the world. Trial bot
tles, 25c., Pills, 25c.
Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, agents.
City ot Louisville n
These drawings occur monthly (Stud:
oxcoptcd) under provisions of an not of
General Assembly of Kentucky
The United’tJtates Circuit Court, on March
31, rendered tbe following decisions: r)
1st—That the Commonwealth Distribu
tion Company is legal.
2d—Its drawings are fair.
N. B.—The company has now on hand a
large rosorve fund. Read carefully the list
1 Prize
1 Prize
1 Prize.
10 Prizes $1,000 each
20 Prizes 509 each.
100 Prizes ICO each
200 Prizes GO each
GOO Prizes 20 each
1,009 Prizes 10 each
9 Prizes 860 each, ap’rox prizes
9 Frizes 200 each do do
9 Prizes 100 each do do
$ 30,000
1,960 Prizes $112,400
Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $1.
27 Tickets, $50. 65 Tickets, $100.
Remit Money or Bonk Draft m Letter,
or send by Express. DON’T SEND BY
FICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upyrard,
by Express, can bo sent at our expense.
Address all orders to
309 Broadwav. N. Y.
14th February, 188S,
Louisviixk, Ky.. Novombor 10,1881.
Resolved, That the Board of Commis
sioners consent to a postponement of tho
drawing «f tho YVillard Hotel Lottery, nntil
the 14th day of February, 1882, nod that
they will not consent to any further post
ponement of the same.
Rohekt Malloky, Chairman.
By the nbovo resolution this drawing
must and will bo had on rho day fixed, or
monoy distributed back to ticket-holdere.
If enough tickets nro sold before date
fixed, tho drawing will be had,, and notice
of same will bo given throngh the papers.
Tho YVillard Hotel with all (TORA DMA
its Fixtures and Furnitnre
One residence on Green street $15,00C
One residence on Green street 15.000
Two cash prizes, eacn $5,000 10,9-0
Two cash prizes, each $2,000 4,000
Fi-e cash prize*, each $!,000 e.iXH)
Five cash prizes, each $u00 2,500 ’j
Fifty cush prizes, each $100 5,000 <
Ono hundred cash prizee, each $50.. 5,000 i
Five hundred cash prizes, each $20. 10,000
One set ot bar furniture 1,000
One fine piano 500
One handsome silver tea set 100
400 boxes Old Bonrbon YVhisky, $38 14,400
10 baskets champagne, $35 350
Five hundred cash prizes, each $10 5,000
400 boxes line wines, $30 12,010
200 boxes Robertson County Whis
ky. $30 0,000
400 boxes Havana Cigars, $10 4,000
Five hundred cash prizes, each $10.. 5.000
Amounting to 8369,850
YVhole Tickets, $8; Halves, $4; Quarters; $2
Remittances, may be mado by bank
chock, express, postal money order, or reg
istered mail.
Responsible agents wanted at all points.
For circulars, giving full information and
for tickets, address, YV. C. D. WHIPS.
YVillard Hotel, Louisville, Ky.
Thirty-six varieties of cabbago; *2<> of
corn; 28 of cucumber; 41 of melon;:*:! of
pess: 28 of beaus: 17 of squash; 23 of boot
and 40 of tomato, with other varieties in
proportion, a large portion of which wero
grown on my fivo seed farmp, will be found
in my Veoktjluu: and Flow kh Seed Cata
logue fob 1SS2. Sent yuke to all who ap
ply. Customers of last soason need not
write for it. All seed sold from my estab
lishment warranted to be both fresh and
true to name, eo far, that should it provo
otherwise, I will refill the order gratis.
Tho original introducer of Early Ohio and
Burbank Potatoes, Marblehead Early Corn,
the Hu Ward Squash, Marblehead Cab
bage, Pbiimey’s Melon, and a score of oth
er new Vegetables, I invite the patronago
of the public. New vegetables a specialty.
dec22eowft Marblehead, Mns’s.
A Large and fine Stock Fruit trees,Vines,
etc., for the winter and spring sales of
1882. A large stock of small one year-old
Peach Trees, early and late, full as«ori-
ment—2 to three feet—at $10.00 por thous
and, packed; just the stock for planting
large market orchards. Send forCata
logoe. Correspondence solicited. Address
J. VAN LINDLEY, Proprietor,
dec23w2m -Greensboro, N. C.
WL Birdsong administrator of tuo estate
of R. A. Cain, late of said county, decayed,
bas made application for letters of dismis
sion from saids-stato. •
This is therefore to cite and admonisish all
persons concerned to be and appear at the
Ccurt of Ordinary of 6aid county ou the
first Monday in February noxt to show
cause, if any they have, why 6aid oppli-
calion should not be granted.
Witness my hand aud-official signature,
November C, I88L
J. A. McMANUS,* Ordinary.
PnrebMer'fl selection, Libelled. Soven Freedom* worth {2.50
Riven with every order, jmrehuen pajln* Ict packing and
potuurp. m* catalogue, page 3.
QBEr\O ‘-*'nipleie collection of (lover antiregt*
ft C. El LJ ^ . table ve-ltet lewnt rrices.
vau!<><u<* w i*.!i d<-vr>i>iir-> of Mtoaaparb varieties afplnla
and aecd* f free to all on applicative. Extra* with every order.
XiBSDS eft* CO.,
xJl further notice tho legal advertisement*
of tha county of Twig*, will bo published
iu tuo Telegraph and Messenger, a newspa
per published ct Macon, Ga.
YV. H. STOKES, Sheriff.
O. A. SOLOMON, Ordinary.
Jnnuary 4,1882.—5w4 w
Wh«i I any core I do not mean mortjlj* tn •
lor a time and tliea have th«*tn ret run ,
radical carp. 1 havo turtle the u*>«>&*<• ,j
Fits, Epilepsy or Vailing Sic);
ft Me lon* rtodj. I warrant my rermslyt.
ca>.-a. Bocanto rthrra hsrn f.w£ •-
lot Uot now rwcf ivio* a euro. Send at
andwFrwBctUsof my infallible rca,
Kzpreea and Poat Officv. It cort* >^u nu';.
Iriai, fiua I will cure v«.u. Addraa*
„ <• D*. SL U. KUOT. 1&3 Fear:
I havo ft pntil!?* remedy for the *V *
it« thousand* o!fc*«ctcf wprj’.i.i: .
Ibadisr havi bwn cur .J. Jr.d**ed. *a
«=j?h»«s cthcacy.that I willTWO ?
FItKK, tether a VAl Th.HLK TU;
UthdiMMatoan'wiiMir t'ms Ripr*rs ..1
dre*a J>*. T. A. SLaK :**<!. Ut ftaH:
Prioe-list. W. H. DILLINGHAM A ISA.
'*42f Main Street, LOUISVILLE. - 7.
107 Third St., M&cdu Ga.-
—Dealer# in3 # .
iron,teel7~Cut!eFy, 8e»t ing,
Carriage and Wa^on Matcrr. - ,
Flows, Plow Stocks-
Traces. Hames‘
GiS and PI*
YVe nro headquarters for •
Ditmar and other Fine Powder'
We also keep a *
Select Stock of Fishing TacKfc .'3
to mo for administration on estate of
ris Gresham, late of said county deconsed.
These are therefore to cite aiid admon
ish all persons concerned to show cause at
this office on tho first Monday in February
next,If any sliey have, why the same shall
not be granted. YVitncss my hand official-
dcclGwtd* R. T. ROSS, Ordinary.
plies for dismission
Theso are to cite all persons concerned
to show causo at this office ou the first
Monday in Februnry next, if any they have,
why the same shall not be granted. Wit
ness nty bnnd officially.
declCwtd* R.T. ROS Ordinary
Its Popularity is Unparalleled !
130,000 SOLDHISm
wanted to supply the. wonderful and in
creasing demand for bv far THE BEST,
moat popular, and CHEAPEST
Life of GARFIELD $2.
This work is Profusely Illustrated, tells
the entire thrilling story of his cvcntfal
life and tragio death: has been critically
revised and approved by one of his most
intimate personal friends; has far outsold
all other editions because tlie bestond
cheapest, and our terms to Agents are the
most liberal of any. Snptrb Steel Plate
Portraits Free! Outfit 50c.
For proof of excellence, saleability, suc
cess of agents and terms address at once.
dec22w4t Atlanta, Ga.
Victor SewiMlacIime Co.
whom it may concorn. Stephen L. Path
gett haring in proper form applied to me
for permanent Ietteisof administration or
the estate of W. YV. Bozcmau, Jr., deceased
late of raid county, this is to cite all ami
singular the creditors and next of kin of
YV.YV. Bozeman, Jr., to be'and appear at
my office within the limq, allowed by law,
and show'cause, it any they can, whyjxsr
ma-aent administration should not _ be
granted to Stephen L. Padgett on YV. YV.
Bozeman’#. Jr., estate. YY'itness my band
and official signature.
G. A. SOLOMAN, Ordinary.
janC wtd
A victim of youClol Imprudence
Prcmcturc Decay, Nervous VcbCity, Lost Man-
bood, etc., taring tri-d tn vain ererj knows
remedy jias dlscorcrca a.mpte self eure.wkick
bo will tend FI).' ", to U-.s fcllow-sftlferer*, Mb
4icm J. IL Rtxv-ui. a j Chatham tU XU J. .
Notice to Contractor*,
U NTIL Tuesday, February 7th, 1882, tha
county commissioners of Bil>b ir.vite
sealed proposals for building a wooden
trass bridge 60 feet long, o\er Stone creel-,
on the “River road” in East Mauon dis
trict. For plans aud specification# and all
farther information apply to the under
signed at the court house. The right to re
ject any and all bids is reserved.
By order of Bibb County Commissioners.
jan51aw4w W. G. SMITH, Clerk.
Kerosene Oil!
120 Degrees.
To meet the requirements of tbe new law,
which goes into effort January 1st,
Onion Sets,
tfrewer’s Lung Restorer,
Pure Drugs. Patent Medicines.
Lair, Rankin & Lamar.
($1.00). A r.ew collection of three-part
songs for female voices. By YV. O. Per
kins”. New aud fine music; 142 octave pages.
Piano accompaniment. Y'aluable bock for
Seminaries and Femnle Colleges. Marie
by Smart; Hatton, Cherubini, Glover and
Parker’s Church Compositions.
($2.00.) By J. O. D. Parker. Of tho best
quality. For quartet or chorus choirs.
The New Operas
mand, ns they contain nearly bII tfip popu
lar airs of the day. Seed $i 09and receive
by ieturn mail vocal scores of “Patience,”
“Pirntpfv’ “Sorcerer,” “Musketeers,” or
“Infante's Dotis.” Send . r 0 ^j.uta for In
strumental arrangement of “Mafcott,’
“Olivette.” “BiUee Taylor,” “Patience” aud
The Holiu.iv Musio Feoks
Of DITSOS J: CO. nre standard ucd v-tiun-
b!e throughout the jear. Every lover of
really gel'll music should possess c copy of
Norway Music Album ($2.50). .
S nd $2 and receive for « whole jear, the ’
wel!:!>’ Mi-sic»n Rrcotr, with 350 pages of.
music' besides all the news. j
OLIVER XMIBOV ft 00, Bostoa.
C, n, PlTdON A 0O„ 843 Broadwav N. T.'
$ &2S S"
Cheap Homes for Al!
50.0C0 Laborers can cot ImmgJ. -46e
Employm-mt. p.tGood WmnO
• on Farms and Railroads
in Texas alone.
The South-Western InunigrsiieB
YVil! mail on application, free of cost, post
age prepaid, books with map#, giving «c-
thentio and reliable information of Toxaa,
Arkansas, or Watntf Louisiana. Tbraa
meditating a change to n new country, ad
dress B. G. DUV AL. Eac v ;,
decWwlm Austin, Tanas.
O E< IRGTA. BI55 CO U N /’Y—\Vh*ass
William Ryder, administrator of tic ob
tnte of M. A. T. Mcnshew, has ma&vafffir
cation for letters of dismiseioa
said estate:
This is therefore to cite and ndmonini vdl
persons concerned to bo and appear dtifao
Ccurt of Ordinary of said count# caVsi
first Monday in Fobrnaiy next to rijor
cause, if any they have, why suo aftr&x-
tion should not bo granted.
Witness my hand and official sigailw'B-
this November 5,1881.
_novGld* Orfiaartf.
Administrator’s Mot eo.
ALL parties holding claim 3 against Cho
A. estate of A. McCallie, deceased, wui
plaaas present them for psyr-eat, aafl
those indebted to said estate tiro r.'qaoitoJ
to promptly settle the same, other wl>.-: ft®
will bo placed iu the hands of an atiorngy
for collection.
dec7-lnw4t Estate of A. MoG r - J**-
: gif V -’
v - r f7 ; Kzfr-
} *4lWvak'-&rw*-.'5* - •
V : t.
Fourteen c!:3ercnt rirt« - -t Vln-1# ? n
Ires wilh cnajacloa re-erv* S - A< i; s . 3
rcqultvmenU. and priced t'»i.--.U»it pr.“-
Double Wood Doori, Patcr.t Wc ri - (rs?-. A<
Jmtabtc Damper. intnckusMua JtMSomtaS
shelf. Broiling iroor, fwinyin-g K
.-ireii.idnB Flue-Stop, Kcv.-r : le G
1/ing Cma Pi on-. Double Short Ccr
(tin- Covers, IPutninatod Flos Do
Knoos, Nickel Punris, etc. .... _ .
Ufienualod in Material, !n Finbh. xsJ -»w
operation. Msr.:ifitr(urMn[
And for rale l*y
(ftO. OitKAh. -• --.n.*-
■ • -rim
——-|e| ^
vrai t« miM *«*r •« Aiis»rT*c*jt«. -> •>7
* d«TiMEiU II m *vB*** I
t Jkrtjacl^ovirtul ivsmi-F • h •**. A'.*i
«P.l U Tom.4 tbttJ rt’.LV.Ir .n tC
# 1—a in twartiftTasN rtakrAtaMd
- -: • y “m vft
iMblO.I n- wmm ••
D. M.YSIirtT j: Detroit. HiA.
B. T. Avnnt, odmiaUtaier of tli .• e^t-- »> <.
Marj It Brown has m'. - ap; ■-
letters of di-ti'.i«-ion f;<a:a c--< *.K
Theso are therefore to cite '.r .-y-vi
ish all persons concern- .1 tobsr.. ,- . - -ucil at tho Court of lirdi;.u.*y of s.-.wl
couitly on first Monday " Jan • ir. i t, to
show cause if any they- ...we, v, . . t
plication should uot be granted. ,S itc.-as
my hand officially, Oct<’.: 5,
oct9w3m* J- A V ri INI S. i ...y
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