Newspaper Page Text
fj* suS* Jawcttal $s
Only a few more not?#,
Only a finer tone;
And lo! the world bows down
Before the singer’* throne.
Only the same old thoughts
Clothed with a sweeter sound;
And lo! a poet’s brow
With laurel leaves is crowned.
Only a finer ear,
Only a swifter shill;
And lo 1 the artist plays
On human hearts at will.
Only a tint or line, •
Only a subtler grace;
And lo 1 the world grows maJ
Over a woman’s face.
Yet though so slight the cau?o
For which men call us great,
This shado the moro or les3
May fix on earthly fato. ,
For few may wield tho power
Whose spells uplift or-thnll;
Tho barrier fixed, yet fine.
Wo may not pass at will.
—[Grace S. Wells.
The project of a world’s fair in Boston
has been abandoned. Talk was plenty and
money scarce.
A dispatch from Alexandria says that
the officers in tho army sent the minister of
war to Cherif Pasha to represent to him
tho bad impression produced by the Agio.
French note.
It is proposed at Chicago to bold an
anti-polygamy mass-meeting, with Judge
Drummond as chairman and Schuyler Col
fax, John Wentworth and Colonel Vilas
among the speakers.
Gcrrnic has found a rival in Yankton,
Dak., in tho person of a convicted murderer
who made a dash for tho bench to whip tho
judge, and fonzht so desperately that at
one lime he was under a heap of marshals
on tho floor.
A WasmSaios special to the Cincin
nati Enquirer says “tho announcement
comes with all the solemnity of an official
proclamation that Samuel J. Tilden will
press his claims for tho noxt Democratic
nomination for the presidency.”
Drairrnius PaI’Agiakaoos and A Amnesias
Andrichaches had a fight in Chicago the
other day, with another native of Greece,
and lie was com-idernbly overcome when
they wore done with him. All three W6re
GreekB bearing candy for sale, and busi
ness jealousy brought about their classic
An eminent English artist, fol^Mp^tho
fashion of certain owners of literal/
ing rooms, who litter them with illuminated
Chinese manuscripts, exhibited his latest
acquisition to a number of nnbobs. They
either laughed or scowled, for tho manu
script was a collection of anecdotes, which
were very highly off color.
In this country parliamentary obstruc
tionists aro known as filibusters, hot in tho
British colony of New Zealand they call
them slonowallers, because they are said to
opposo a reistonce that is equal to a stone
wall against legislative progress upon
- measures that they aro determinSd to de
The following States will eloct governors
this year: Alabama, Arkansas, California,
Colorado, Connoctient, Delaware, Georgia,
Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp
shire, New York£Pei>nsylvania, South
Caroluj^Cennesseo and Texas. Of these
Ij Republican governors and 8
pro Railway Gazette, which
ag into tho matter, discovers
otter provided with water
er section of tho coun
£iy 50 of tho Atlantic
of Virginia, North
Jba nnd Georgia hav
fUvalent to 11,COO,000
f!v times that of all tho
Ki tho world.
J. demonstration at Avondale,
[■residence in Wicklow, there
1 engaged in carting the ina-
ploaghs in operation. The
prated with green ribbons
1 greenbough3. Toward
was paraded, from
ugy of “The Last Land-
inch was driven a large
aid great enthusiasm.
\ of California, is said
1 wifo in Kentucky at
irodoup to lhs house to
on hj3 way to Tennessee
\Slie had n splendid pair
as otherwiso so attrac-
after he had ridden a
W&o way toward homo, he
u, introduced himself, and
ry her then nnd there,
French visitors to Yorktown gave
>in:on of this country before leav-
1, ns was to be expected, it was very
nblo. Ours was a great and growing
’ of inexhaustible resources. They
everything they saw they ndmired; in-
) there was only ono thing they criti-
army. Viewing it from
^standpoint, they could not under-
r he could get along with such a
, and recommended its increase,
aces Mobtos, who lias jnst
Chief Justice of tho Su-
|of Massachusetts, is ono of
1 in the State. His is a fam-
^rs, his father having had a long
■jr.Ajpa the Supreme bench. Whilo
uoldiug that office he was for twelvo years
1 in successon the Democratic candidate for
governor of Massachusetts, and wa3 elected
the thirteenth year by a majority of ono
vote in a poll of over a hundred thousand.
In Europe there is one soldier to overy
110 of population. In the United States we
have one soldier to every 2,000 people. The
area of the United States is almost donblo
that of Enrore, but wo have only 17 inhab
itants to the square mile, against 145 in'
Europe. -In such facta as these will bo
foabd the reason why 700,000 men and
women found their way across tho Atlantic
to our shores in 18S1. There is room
enough here to turn around in, and the
wages a man earns are not taken awsy
from him to support a vast military estab
lishment. *
It is estimated that tha cost of the Gui-
tenu trial will amount to $20,C6LS5v The
fees of Messrs. Porter nnd Davioge will
not, it is said, exceed $5,000 each; for the
jury, $3^213; for the witnesses, including
mileage, thero has been paid $8,078^5; of
this sum $5,189.85 was paid in behalf of the
government and $2,869 for the defendant,
and of the latter amount $369215 went to
Gniteau’s family and ocnnections; for re
porting and printing $5,000, and for the
seven deputy marshals used in the hails
and chambers, $1,302 will be necessary.
Miscellaneous expenses will foot up$l,0CO.
The medical experts simply received fees
ar.d mileage like other witnesses. It was
found that extra compensation to them
would be illegal. to the Salut Public, recent op
erations at the Bourse in Lyon? have been
of so exciting a character that many
speculators have gone mad. “Within a
few days," it savs, “so many lunatics were
brought from the Boaise to one private
mad house that the director did not know
how to dispose of them. His perplexity
was all the greeter because they fancied
that they were still at the Bourse, and in
sisted on doing business with the other
patients, and with the servants and officin'r. I
At Jpst it 000.tyred to the director to set up, I
in a remote part of his institution, a bar
like that which is placed in the Bourse for
agents. The effect on the patients was im
mediate; they rushed to the bar and began
to invito each other to buy and sell. Thus
the whole day passed; and not until even
ing, when they had exhausted themselves,
would they consent to be taken to their
rooms. Since that time the institution Las
been quieter, with the exception of the
sham bourse, where the lunatics daily win
and lose milliards.”
Onr Military Companies.
Editors Teleobafh and Messenoeb:—
A paragraph in your paper mentions that
some of the young men of tho city aro talk
ing of forming anothor military company.
To any one with a knowledge of the pres
ent status of tho military in this city this
sounds like tho worst sort of nonsense.
Some years ago Macon tried to support
five white military companies. Some of
them had their origin (as may bo the case
in the present instance), in a desire for
office on the pari of ambitious members of
companies already in existence. They
straggled on a while and finally all died ont
and disbanded, burdened with obligations
they could not mint, leaving tho two old
companies—the Volunteers nnd Rifles.
And the condition of these two old compa
nies to-day does not prosent any encour
agement for tho formation of now ones.
It would scorn by the small amount of in
terest shown by their members,as manifest-
by the very few times during the year they
show their uniforms on tho streets, that
evon.tho two old companies keep up their
organization because they are ashamed to
let them go down. Yet what encourage
ment do they get ? It would seem that
there is no sort of military spirit
among us longer, and our busi
ness men, with a few raro exceptions,
are unwilling to allow young men in their
employ to turn ont in military uniform.,
even tho very few times a year that onr
companies have public parades. The con
sequence is that a young man has to choose
between his desire to parade with the mili
tary and his desire to hold his situation,
and the necessities of bis case kill out what
military aspirations ho may have.
Wo have two old and nouored companies
of which oar citizens claim to be prond, but
they wonld die and go ont of existence in
4ix months but for Ibe earnest and persis
tent efforts of a few men in each company,
who feel that tho credit of tho oily tied the
memories connected with these old organi
zations demand their continuance.
An effort is now beiug made to reorgan
ize the old Jackson Artillery, nnd it is to be
hoped the effort will be crowned with suc
cess. Two infantry companies and one
of artillery are all that this town can
or will sustain. Experience has proved
this. Why repeat the failures of the
£ ast by trying to organize a new company?
t our young men, grown old enough to bo
soldiers, wish to join the military, they
will do far bettorto enter the ranks of end
of these three old organizations with lusto-
riesof which they may bo proud* "lliis
they can do with less expense to themselves
than is involved in the organization of
new company, end save their military ar
dor from the damping effect of a failure
in the end—which is inevitable.
No one will be likely to give more time,
labor and money than was expended span
two other military companies which died
ont here, nnd a litMo inquiry into tho histo
ry of tho Macon Guards and Cadets will
deter any reasonable man from undertak
ing the same vain work now. »
. Odd Solhikb.
Neuralgia, Sprains,
Fain in tho .Dock and Side.
There Is nothing more painful than these
diseases; but tho pain can bo removed and
the disease cured by use of Perry Davis*
Pain Killer.
Tills remedy Is not a cheap Itenzlno
or Petroleum product that must be kept
avmy from tiro or licat to avoid danger
of explosion, nor la It an untried expert,
incut that may do more harm than good.
Pain Killer has been in constant use
tor forty years, and tho universal testimony
from, all parts of tho world Is, It never
fails. It not only effects a permanent care^
but It relieves pain almost instantaneously.
Being a purely vegetable remedy, it Is safe
In tho bands of the most Inexperienced.
The record of cures 1>7 tho use of Pain
ten would fill volumes. The following
extracts from letters received show what
those who have tried It think: *
A Delightful Uutcruiiuracut.
In response to a call of a fair Adelphian,
we made ono of a select crowd to lieten to
an entertainment prepared by this literary
society of Wesleyan Female College fon
last Friday night. Notwitlistondiug the
anpropituous weather ontside, all was
bright and cheerful within. The entertain
ment cons'sted of music, compositions nnd
recitations, in all instances creditably,
and in many admirably performed. “Or
phens,” “Woolsey and Cromwell,” and
‘Uncle Horace’s Church Governmeut and
Home Discipline” found an appreciative
response on the part of tho audience, as
well as the “Christmas Eve Visitor,” and
“Alono on the Train.” Tho “Nows Letter’
was admirable, and wo raise our hat edito
rially for the compliment to the Tm-zonAi'a
and Messenoeb, and assure tho mernbei*
of tho Adelphian Society that it will be al
ways found on the right side, if not accrcd-
ted tho front seat.
Thsso “evenings” are always enjoya
ble and profitable, and should bo provided
03 3 often "as other college duties will
permit. It develops latent talent and gives
exerciso to elocutionary powers and habits
so essential to succoss in regular com
mencement occasions. It supplies the
craving of young hearts for recreation
with that which is pare, rational and ele
vating, while at the same time imparting
picasnte nnd delight to parents and patrons
of the institution.
In connection with old Wesleyan there
are two literary cosieties, each in tarn
furnishing a special entertainment at the
close ot the scholastic year in June, This
is the Adelphian year, and wo may look
for something spacing and brilliant. Tho
society has both talent qnd culture, and a
careful preparation and persistent practice
will undoubtedly bring them success, if the
exercises of Friday night were fair speci
mens of their skill.
No More HsrJ Times.
If you wiil stop spending so much on
fine clothes, rich food and style, buy good
healthy food, cheaper and bettor clothing,
get moro real and substantial things of
life every way, and especially stop the
foolish habit of employing expensive,
quack doctors or using so much of the
vile humbug medicine that docs you only
harm, and put your trust in that simple;
pure remedy, Hep Utters, that cures al
ways at a trilling cost, you will see good
times and have good health.—Chronicle.
Mistaken for Consumption.
We have known persons to doctor for
years for consumption, all to no effect.
Though they had a cough, felt pains in
the lungs, were depressed, weak, with
many other symptoms tending to that dis
ease, yet there was no structural unsound
ness of tho lungs. These symptom^ were
all the painful'offsprings ot a torpid and
diseased liver. Wo could fill a volume
with testimonials of thousands so affected,
who were permanently cured by taking
Simmons* Liver Regulator. lw
Columbus Time*; Thursday, Mollie
Summers, colored, was arrested in Girard
by ccnstableTuckeron a warrant sued out
by auotber negro named Lou Davis. Much
of the property was found, and Mollie, for
safe keeping, was guarded by a-negro
named Weems. This morning about day
she complained of being cold and asked
Weems to build up a lire, using kero
sene oil from the lamp with which to
kindle it. Mollie askeu him to give
her the lamp as she* wanted to take
dose. He handed her the lamp
and instead of taking it internally, she
applied it oxternsily, pouring it over her
dress. She then threw the baiancoof the
ol in the stove,*and standing close to it the
flames reached her dress. She was hur
ried into the street, rolled over and her
clothes tom oil her, but not before her
lower limbs and body were badly burned.
She npw suffers excruciating agony. She
.has frequently said she would kill herself
before she would go to jail, and she came
near doing it yesterday.
Bed-Boars, Roacltes.
Rats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mosqui
toes, insects, etc., cleared out by “Rough
ou Rats.” 15c boxes at druggists, dly
On. t. JP. A W. B. Holmes. Dentists,
No. 84 Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia.
Teeth extracted without pain, beautiful
sets of teeth inserted, abscessed teeth and
diseased gums cured. Dealers in all kinds
of dental material and instruments. Con
stantly on hand, a large and fall assort
ment of teeth of all kinds, amalgams of all
kinds, robbers of all kinds.
D»alistiy-Dr. N B. Harleld. *
No. 90 Mulberry street, Maoon, Georgia
itsoe boors—8 a. m. to 6 p. m. aoffdCtf
Charles Powell writes from the Sailors’
Home, London:
«t Wei-tir.trl-tcr Hospital trava upsinHW
EX) msoeaimta reiiei. I 1i.t\o mnlnra my
tbvturji. «ad am now aUo to fellow luy usual
Q.H. Walworth, Saco, Me., writes:
Ii xiH ticnrcJ Immediate relief from pain In
the fide l,y 11m um of your Pain Killeb.
E. York says:
I have u-c<l your Path KiLt.rn for rbmaatinn,
_ have received great beoeflA.
Bar ten Seaman says:
Havo umd Pain Kn.i.ra for thirty years,
and have found It a •ner/ailiag remedy for
rheumatism and laiuctiees.
Mr. Burditv writes:
111. rr.r faluto give n li< f in cares of rheumatism.
Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes:
l'rom actual ii«e, I knew your Pain Eilixb
la tho beat medicine I can get
All druggists keep Fain Kiueb. Itsrrlco
Is so low that It la within Or? reach of all,
nnd it will save many tunes Its cost in doctors’
bills. 25c., 30c. and St.oo a bottle.
PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietor?,
Providonco. R. i.
a certain core for all cUscsses
requiring tv complete tonic; espe
cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter
mittent Fevers, TUant of Appetite,
Loss or Strength, Lack of Idncrgy,
etc. Enriches tho blood, strength
ens tho muscles, and gives new
Iifo to tho nerves. Acts like a
charm on the digestive organs,
removing all dyspeptic symptoms,
such as tasting tho food. Belching,
Beat in the Stomach, Heartburn,
etc. The only Irou P.eparation
(hat v. ill not blacken tho teeth or
give headache. Sold by all Drug-
gists at $1.00 a bottle.
Baltimore, Mil.
Sw that an Trtm n*>ra art? mala by II tow* Chxxzcu.
U utlrvf cruised red Uses ui trad* nr.-* on i
ftb „ aroKucm ^
Remember that stamina, vital energy,
the life principle, or whatever you may
choose to call the resistant power which
battles against the causes ot disease and
death, is the grand safeguard of health.
It is the garrison ot the human fortress,
and when it waxes weak, the true policy
is to throw in reinforcements. In other
words, when such an emergency occurs,
commence a course of Hostetler’s Bitters.
For sale by druggists and dealers, to
whom apply forllostetter’s Almanac for
1882. lw
Crawford County Sheriff’s Sales.
1 if ILL bo sold before tha court houso
TV in the town of Knoxville, Go., within
the legal hours of 6alo, on the first
Tuesday in February, 1882, tha following
property to-wit: A portion of lot of land
No. 2, in the seventh district of originally
Houston, now Crawford county,Go. Levied
on as tho property of W.S.A. sat
isfy ono fi fa issued from tho Jnstieo Court
of tho 677id district G. M. id favor of
Juqaes <fc Johnson vs. W. S. A. Oglotreo and
B. A. Harwood.
jau6td M. P. REVIERE, Sheriff.
Ths Only Vegetable Compound
that acts directly upon the Liver,
and cures Liver Complai ats Jaun
dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos
tiveness, Headache. It assists Di*
gestion, Strengthens the System,
Regulatcstlie Boweis, Purifies the
Blood. ABookseutfree. Address
Dr. Sanford, i52 Broadway,N.Y
I hire a pOExtnw rowed/ for tbe thro dilate; by
b um t Routanda of cams of tbo vor> l kind and of long
Stand > n $ liftTo been cured, itronir is inf
/.-i.lmt. ..IflcAcr.thtt I tti’I Mil TWO BCnYLKS
tonelh.r With » VA1.UAIILB TREATISE on duuAM to an, sufferer. Give Kxprors sod P.O. aS.
drew Da. T. A. ELOCUAt. lei Tesrl )*L Hr* YoT.
($1.00). A new collection of three-part
songs for female voioes. By w. O. Fer-
kins. New and fine music; 142 octave pages.
Piano accompaniment. Valuable book for
Seminaries and Female Colleges. -Mueic
by Smart, Hatton, Chernbini, Glover and
Parker’s Church Compositions.
($2.00.) By J. O. D. Parker. Of tho best
quality. For quartet or chorus choirs.
The New Operas
mand, as they contain nearly all the popu
lar airs of the day. Send $1.00 and receive
by return mail vocal scores of “Patience,'
“Pirates,” “Sorcerer,” “Musketeers,” o
“Infanta’s Dolls.” Send 50 cents for In
strumental arrangement of “Masoott,”
“Olivette.” “BUIee Taylor,” “Patience" and
“Pirates.' 1
The Holiday Kniic Peoks
Of DITSON &. CO. are standard and valua
ble throughout the year. Every lover of
really good musio should possess a oopy of
Norwvy Musio Album ($2.50).
Send $2 and receive for a wholo year,the
weekly MusIcad Record, with 350 pages of
music' besides all the news.
OLIVER DITS0H ft C0„ Botton.
O. H DITSON * (1( »- 843 Broadway N. Y,
Popular Monthly Drawing of the
In the City of Louisville u
These drawings occur monthly (Sunday’s
excepted) under provisions of an act of the
General Assembly of Kentucky
The Uni tad's tates Circuit Court, on March
31, rendered the foltowing decisions:
1st—That the Commonwealth Distribu
tion Company is legal.
2d—Its drawings are fair. _
N. B.—The oompany has now on hand a
large reserve fund. Read carefully the list
of prizes for the
1 Prize..'. | 30,000
1 Prize.. 10,000
1 Prize. 5.00C
10 Frizes $1,000 each. 10,00(
20 Prizes 600 each. 10,OCX
100 Prizes ICO each 10,OCX
209 Prizes* 60 each 10,90(
600 Prixes 20 each 12,00(
l,000 Prizes 10 each 10,001
9 Prizes 300 each, ap’rox prizes 2,701
9 Prizes 200 each do do 1,801
9 Prizes 100 each
do do
1,900 Frizes
Whole Tickets, $2.
27 Tickets, $50.
Half Tickets, $1.
55 Tickets. $100.
Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter,
or 6end by Express. DON'T SEND F V
FIOE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward,
by Express, con be sent at our expense.
Address all orders to
309 Broadway. N. Y.
ty, Gn.. December 13,1881.—Whereas,
James Hart, guardian for Ida L. Hart, ap
plies for dismission:
These aro to oito nil persons concerned
to show cause at this office on the first
Monday in February next, if any they have,
why the same shall not be granted. Wit-
ness ipv band officially*
declCwtd* R. T. ROSS Ordinary
When Iiiy core I do not moan merely to etop them
lor > tiao end t hen Iuito them return cram, 1 mean a cure. IhiTonudotbodiseuoof ^
Pits, Epilepsy or Polling Sickness
A Tifc-lnnjf stud/. I warrant xny remedy to care th»
wont cases, l^caoaa others havo failed is norrraon
lor Dot now rocrixivu a euro. Sx’nd at ca*> for
fee and £ Fro Hot'.’3 of my Infallible remedy. Clive
Your attention is invitoil to tho
Greatest Newspaper
In the West—the rival of any in America,
In its columns, tho news of the world is
given overy day w the year. Its two thou
sand correspondents located in every sec
tion of this country and Europe, are tho
most reliable news gatherers to bo had, and
the history of each day’s events will be
faithfully recorded and presented to tho
public through the Enquirer, free from dis
tortion or prejudice.
The promce of ft newspaper is to record
facts, to separate truth from falsehood.
How well the Enquirer has succeeded in
this duty, wo feel a pardonablo pride in re
ferring to its files and past record for evi-
deceoof its ability and thoroughness in
presenting all mattors treated upon in their
tree light
The people of thl9 age require a paper
fully abreagt of tho times, co-equal in en
terprise, and material advancement in all
mercantile and political interests, each
will the Enquirer continue to be. Candor
andfairno swill be accorded to all ques
tions and parties, but tha facts shall nover
bo perverted.
The immediate future has in store mat
ters of grave interest to all, and tho general
welfare will largely depend upon the influ
ence of thoso who are folly conversant
with facts occurring or to occur. The poli
cy of th9 government but partially devel
oped by tho now administration, was fast
winning tho confidence of the peoplo,
when tho hand of tho assassin placed con
trol of affairs in charge of .a faction whoso
leaders have not at all times received favor
able criticisms for their publio acts. What
the future policy is to be, will be foreshad
owed during the first year of Frosidont Ar
thur’s administration, and presented to the
public, without fear or favor, in the col
umns of the Enquirer.
of the Enquirer ought to be in tho hands
of every farmer, every mechanic and evory
toiler in tbo land. As an agricultural pa-
jer, full of fresh, valuablo and reliable in-
ormation, it will bo without a rival. A
corps of contributors has been retained
whoso practical and theoretical knowledge
in all branches of good farming is unsur
We thank our readers for that liberal
support that has enabled us to print the
best newspaper in tho West, and ask a con
tinuance of the same and your assistance
in making known tho merits of the paper,
and increasing its field of usefulness.
One copy, one year $115
One copy, six months G5
■ 1 Mo. 3 Slot. 6 Mot. 1 Yr
Sunday nnd Daily. .$1.50 $3.76 $7.00 $14.00
Daily exept Sunday. 1.25 3.25 G.00 12.00
Any threodays C5 1.75 3.25 6.00
Any two days 45 1.25 223- 4.00
Any one day .25 .65 1.25 2.0)
Sunday issno .25 ,C5 1.25 2.00
FiBKAN & KoLEAN, Publisher*,
* Cincinnati, Ohio.
Speaimcn Copies Free.
Particular Notice.
All the Drawings will hereafter be
under the exclusive supervision and con
trol of Generals G. T. BEAUREGARD
Louisiana State Lottery. Company.
incorporated in 18C3 for 28* years by the
Legislature for Educational and Charita
ble purposes—'with a capital of $1,000,000
—to which a reserve fond of over $420,000
has since been added.
By on overwhelming popular vote its
franchise was made a part of the present
State Constitution adopted Deoember 2d,
A. D., 1879.
ings will take place monthly.
It never scales or postpones. Look at
the following Distribution:
1 CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000.
1 Capital Prize $30,000
1 Capital Prize 10,000
1 Capital Prize 5,000
2 Prizes of $2,600 6J100
5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000
600 10,000
100. TO,000
60 10,000
20 10,000
9 Approximation Prizes of $300.. 2,700
9 Approximation Prizes of $200. 1,800
9 Approximation Prizes of $100. 900
20 Prizes of
100 Prizes of
200 Prizes of
500 Prices of
1000 Prizes of
1,857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400
Responsible corresponding ngentA want
ed at all points, to whom liberal compen
sation trill be paid.
For further information, write clearly,
giving fall address. Send orders by ex
press or Registered letter or Money Order
by mail, addressed only to
New Orleans, La.
or, M. A. DAUPHIN, at
No. 212 Broadway, New York.
N. B.—Orders addressed to New Orleans
will receive prompt attention.
The particular attention of the publio is
called to the fact that the entire number
of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing
is sold, and consequently fill tho prizes in
each drawing are sold and drawn and paid.
Kerosene Oil! 1
ISO Degrees.
To meet the requirements of the new lsw,
which goes into effect January 1st.
Onion. Sets,
Brewer’s Lung Restorer,
Pure Drugs. Patent Medicines.
Lamar, Rankin £ Lamar: 1
Administrator’s Sale^J
DY virtue of an order grante40qr V. B.
AS Holton, Ordinary ot Crnw f /A county,
I will sell before the court I< door, m
Knoxville, Go., on tho Unit TVsday in Feb
ruary next, within tho legrwtaonrs of sale,
as the property of the e^Ao ot Sarah P.
Williamson dece3sed, lo' ,n land No. 58, in
tbo third district ofiw£rawford county,
known as tho WiltuCoson old place on
Sweet Water cree^in said county. Bold
for benefit of hcUwand creditors of Sarah
P. Williamson, deceased, and resold at risk
of James HcKlin, former purchaser.
Terms made *town on day of sale.
AjJt^histrator, with will annexed.
Macon Commercial College,
Mac on. Gn.
For special instruction in Bookkeeping,
Penmanship and Busines* Arithmetic, Bill-
making Correspondence nnd General Bus
iness Routine.
W, McKay, Principal.
For terms, information as to board, etc.,
apply to the prinqipal. Address P. O. box
422, Macon, Ga. janl3w4w
Thirty-six varieties of cabbage; 26 of
corn; 28 of cucumber; 41 of melon; 33 of
pens: 28 of beans: 17 of squash; 23 of beet
und *0 of tomato, with other varieties in
proportion, a largo portion of which wero
grown on my five soedfarms, will be found
in my Vegetable aki> Flower Seed Cata
logue fob 1882. Sent free to all who ap
ply. Customers of last season need not
write for it. All seed sold from my estab
lishment warranted to be both fresh and
true to name, so for, that should it prove
otherwise, 1 will re-till the order gniti <
The original introducer of Early Ohio and
Burbank Potatoes, Marblehead Early Corn,
the Hubbard Squash, Marblehead Cab
bage, Phhmoy’s Melon, and a srore of oth
er new Vegetables, I invito tho patronuge
of the publio. New vegetables a specialty.
dec22eow4t Marblehead, Mass.
.. Notice to Debtors.
r WING disposed of the stock of gro-
!*■?/ ceries ot the late J. F. Barfield, all
.•oiAutors to his estate aro hereby notified to
ill at once and settle with Mr. E. L. Bur
es, at the old stand on Poplar street.
Thoso failing to comply will in a short time
find their notes or accounts in the bonds of
an attorney for collection.
H. S. HAKFIF.liD, Ex’trix.
orMONEYREFUNDED Macon, Ga., Jan! 7, 1882.d3t '
1 -Li li X^elji-uiii-y. 1882,
Louisville, Kv., November 10,1831. ,
Besolved, That the Board of Commis
mont of the
sicners consent to a postpone:
drawing ef tho Willard Hotel L
Ulil.VUI,, VI IUU 11 tllUAU SAU .Vi U4UI1
the 14th day of February, 1882, and that’
they will not consent to any farther post
ponement of the same.
Robert Mallory, Chairman.
By tho above resolution this drawing
must nnd will be had on the day fixed, or
monoy distributed back to ticket-holders.
If enough tickets are sold before date
fixed, tho drawing will bo had, and notice
of same will bo given throngh tho papers.
Tho Willard Hotel with nil CO KA Anf)
its Fixtures and Furniture V*-dU,UUU
Ono residence on Green street $15,000
One residence on Green street 15,000
Two cash prizes, eacn $5,000 10,000
Two cash, prizes, each $2,000. 4,000
Five cosh prizes, each $1,000.. 5,000
Five cash prizes, each $500 2,600
Fifty cash prizes, each $100 6,000
Ono hundred cash prizes, each $50.. 5,000
Five hundred cash prizes, each $20. 10,000
One set of bar furniture 1,000
Onofino piano....: 500
One handsomo silver tea set 100
400 boxes Old Bourbon Whisky, $36 14,400
10 baskets champagne, $35 350
Five hundred cash prizes, each $10 5,000
400 boxes fino wines, $30 12,0C0
200 boxes Robertson County Whis
ky. $30 6,000
400 boxes Havana Cigars, $10 4,000
Five hundred cash prizes, each $10.. 5,000
Amounting to $369,850
Whole Tickets; $8; Halves, $4; Quarters, $2
Remittances may be mado by bank
check, oxpress, postal money order, or reg
istered mail.
Responsible agents wanted at all points.
For circulars, giving full information and
for tickets, address, W. C. D. WHIPS,
Willard Hotel, Louisville, Ky.
whom it may concern. Stephen L.Fad-
gett having in proper form applied to me
for permanent letteisof administration on
tho estate, of W. W. Bozeman, Jr., deceased
Into of said county, this is to cite all and
singular tho creditors and next of kin of
W. \V. Bozeman, Jr., to bo and appear at
my oflico within tho time allowed by law,
and show cause, it any they can, why per
manent administration should not bo
granted to Stephen L. Padgett on W. W.
Bozeman’s, Jr., estnto. Witness my hand
and official signature.
C. A. SOLOMAN, Ordinary.
a. B. Ross, administrator of Mary Ann
Dorton, has mado application for leave to
sell the real estate of said Mary Ann Por-
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to be and appear at
the court of ordinary of said county on the
first Monday in February next, to show
cause, if they can, why said application
should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture this, January 7th. 1882.
Iaw4w* J. A. MoMANUS, Ordinary.
an election has been ordered to be he'd at
tho several election precincts in said coun
ty on tbo 21st day of January, 1882, upon
the question of “Fence” or “No Fence,”
and os some misunderstanding might occur
ns to tho polls being ordered to be opened
in the Vinevillo or 1085tb district G. M.:
It is hereby ordered that tho poll bo
opened at tho court ground in said district,
at which place voters residing in tho dis
trict are allowed to vote.
Iaw3w J. A. McMANUS,.Ordinary.
J. A. Berbner, guardian of Willie, Maggie
and Robert Holmes minors, has made ap
plication for leave to sell one-fifth interest
m nineteen acres of land in said county
belonging to eaid minors.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to be and appear at
the conrt of ordinary of said county on
the first Monday in February next to show
cause, if any they can, why said application
should not be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature
this, January 7, 1882.
janStd* Ordinary.
Georgia Test
Chess, Carley Co.,
Wholesale Dealers,
108 SocoodStrcct.
This oil is freshly barreled in this city;
inspected and branded according to the re-
quirements of the new law. Price 17 cents
;er gallon. Buy your oil hero and avoid
eakago by long railroad transit.
B. F. Stone, Agent. doc31lf
A victim of yonlMuI imprudence ceding
Premeture Ztecsy, Herron* Debility, Lu.t Men.
hood, eta, hiving tried in nin every known
remedydi** discovered * simple *elf core,which
he will «cnd FREE to hi* fxllow-eufferen, *A>
«J.H. BEEVES. 4-1 Outturn St. H.Y. _
fcbl ijOLf Gi. - ,
m3, with raw*, bht H“4
«fkw>WEwdLb*r*»«>fk. !•' *»«
wet iwoaur r
iGold, Silver and Nickel Plating.
Jktradfc caaIIjt It trd, ro*t.«littlo to Fuirt, n nd payt well,
uho Ekvtro I'l i»* iV GuiiV, n 78 pn. b*.«»k, and Gold
M»*l bllYer.f n | lt« w to Muku it,» id «>;i. l>ock, to-iit fre#
tor6 Sctnt ».»*.<• KUnii*. Every inducement Riven
toper* .a»liodcuirr io start4a this business. Gem-
Southern office—No. 8 N. Chnrles street,□
octSOdawSm Baltimore, Md.
TV. J. Dent, administrator of Gyntjpa Hoy,
represents to the court in his petition, duly-
filed and entered on record, that ho has
fully administered Cynthia Hoy’s estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons con
cerned, heirs und creditors, to show cause,
if any tiioy can, why said administrator
should cot be discharged from his adminis
tration and receive letters of dismission on
tho first Monday in April 7,1882.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture this January, 1882.
Iaw3m* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary.
Hotice to Debtors and Creditors.
W hereby given that all persons indebted
o estate of Julias J. Glover, deceased, will
come forward and mako immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against said
deceased will present them to the under
signed in terms of the law. Dec. 12, 1881.
declG w4w* W. P. GLOVER, Adm’r.
F. M. Heath, administrator of the estate of
Lunsford Heath, late of 6nid county, de
ceased, has made application for leavo to
sell tho lands in said county belonging to
said estate.
These are therefore to cito andadrromsh
all persons concerned to bo and Rppear at
tho court of ordinary of said county on the
first Monday in February next, to show
canse, if any they can, why said application
should not be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this, January 7th, 1882.
jan8 Id* J. A.MoMANCS, Ordinary.
Brightwood House \
Cor. Out Hlb Ufreef r.nd Irving Place
Opposite Academy of Musio, New York.
A N exclusively respectable family hotel.
Moat central location in the city, near
all places of amusement—Broadway. All
large stores, (wholesale and retail.) Cars
to Coney Island, and all places of summer
resort. Just the place for parties wishing
a quiet, inexpensive home in New York.
EDWARD WOOD, Proprietor.
Refer in Mnconto Capt. 8. 8. Dunlap,
Emory Winship, Esq., W. H. Burden, Esq.,
Mr. O. B. Wnfingham. deo3M7m
ii ami r
tciaiis. Send
aod it* Core.
lanta, Ga. Reliable evi
dence given, and referenet
to cured patients and pbvs-
for my book an The HabiS
Free. daelOdawaomly
U ty, Ga., December 13,1881,—Whereas
John H. and E. F. Gresham have applied
to me for administration on estate of Har
ris Gresham, late of said county deceased:
These are therefore to cito and admon
ish ell persons concerned to show canso at
this office on the first Monday in February
next, if any shey have, why tbo same shall
pot be grouted. Witness my hand offioinl-
11 deelOwtd* R. T. ROSS, Ordinary.
Jones County Sheriff Sales.
sold before tho court house in saidcounty
on the first Tuesday in February next
during tho legal hours of sale, the follow
ing described property, to-wit:
One hundred acres of Innd in said coun
ty, joining tho lands of HugKGcrdon nnd
8. B. Glaw3on on tho eastJMands of
Morgan on the notth, lands of H. D.
Cayon ou the south, and lands r
Bird and otheis on tho —eat. Levied
ns the property of Mike Bird to satisfy
fi, fa. issned from tho county court of
county, in favorof Thomas Tippin vs.
Bird. Levy mado and returned to mo
T. J. Bazemore, constable.
Also, at tho same time and place,
acres of land in 6aid county, bounded
the west by lands of Bobert Gordon, on
A Large and fino Stock Fruit trees, Vines,
etc., for the winter and spring solos of
1882. A large stock of small one year-old
Peach Trees, early nnd late, full assort
ment—2 to three feet—at $49.00 per thous
and, packed; just the stock for planting
largo - market orchards. Send for Cata
logue. Correspondence solicited. Address
J. VAN L1NDLEY, Proprietor,
dec22w2m Greensboro. N. C.
UfL. Birdsong Administrator of tho estate
of R. A. Cain, late of said county, deeased,
has made application for letters of dismis-
sionTrom said estate.
This is therefore to cite and admonisish all
persons concerned to bo and appear nt tho
Conrt of Ordinary of said ccnnty on the
first Monday in February noxt to shew
canso, if any they have, why said appli
cation should not be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature,
November 5,188L
novGtd* * Ordinary.
Farch.wr‘. xlMtlon. Lsbtlted. 8«t«n Premium, worihf? 50
glT.ii wlm .rery orter, radu,ri i-.JUj lor puking ul
t>osta<rc. sec catalogue, pan 3.
eggna Ccmpirw mUmUm of fleer ul vet*
OBBUO. uuc Mk.lmi prim.
~ .mlogoiTltSdeKriplloD. c r 1 MO .uperb niktfn el pl»t.u
wdirels, tnc to lit 00 .pplIe.Ue*- Eitn. «UX«.er, oiler.
XiBlISS rib CO.,
- further notico tho legal advertisement^
°T Awixrtrs will t o published
m tho Telegraph r.nd Messenger, a newspa
per published at Macon, Gn.
W. H. STOKES. Sheriff.
. C. A. SOLOMON, Ordinary.
January 4,1882.—5w4w
ic.,e«ipiosalb«. ~
- u :c Co, ’-• i-ff
.Price-list W. H. DILLINGHAM & COL
421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE. KY.
-107 Third 8t, Ifacaa Ga*
!ron,teel, Cutlery, Belting/
Carriage and Wa»on Hater iai ;
Plows, Plow Stocks^
• Traces. Hames'
GUNS and H».
We are headquarters for
Ditmar and other Pine Pot. i ;r
We also keep a
Select Stock of Pishing Tar-ktf '*
Its Popularity is Unparalleled ’
130,000 SOLDIIIS^^
wanted to supply tho wonder?Jl sc-1 r*
creating demand for by far THE BEis f ,
most popular, nnd CHEAPEST
Life of GARFIELD s 2
This work in' Profusely Illustrated, tclim
the entire thrilling story of hia eventfe
life and tragic death; has beau critic: lly
revised and approved by one ol his r 1
intimate personal friends; has fa.- cnUc £
nil other editions because the host l -.ri
cheapest, and our terms to Agent are th*.
most liberal of any. tiupsrb tSU-cl Ti.-i
Portraits Freo! JJuttH£0c.
For proof of excellence, solcabitit /, sue
cos of agents nnd forms address atones
■!ec22«4t * Atlanta, G*. j
by virtue of an order of the court of ordi
nary of said ccnnty,trill be soi l before court
home door in said county on tho first Tues
day in February noxt, betwo n the legal
hours of solo, ten shares of the capital stock
of tho South Carolina R-tilroad Company,
of the State of Sontb Carolina, belonging
to Mary M. nn<^ Virginia L. Redding, mi
nors. Sold for tho purpose of reinvest
ment. t HA8. E. CAMPBELL.
Guardian of Mary M. and Virginia L. Red
ding. janlOwtw
Notice to Stockholders.
Southwestern Railboad Company, 1
Office, Macon, Ga., Jan. 9, 1882. >
The annual meeting of stockholders of
this company will bo heldnt the office of
tho Cotton Stetes LifelnsuraucoCompany,
Macon, Ga.. ox Thursday, February 9tb,
1882, at 12 o’clock m, for the election of *n
president and soven directors.
Stockholders will be pa&ssd free over the
road on presentation of tbeir certificate of
stock, to and from the meeting.
janifidlaw-iw St-o’y and Treas.
Administratrix Sale,
viitue of an order from tho conrt of Ordi
nary of Twiggs county, will bo sold, on the
first Tuesday in February, 1882, at tbo
court house door in said county, between
the logal solo hours, tho tract of land in
said oounty whereon, John F. Shine resided
at the timo of bis dentil, containing 300
acres more or les3, adjoining lands of S-
L. Richardson and G. W. Faulk, in the
twenty-fourth district of said county. Sold
for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors
of said deceased. Terms of sale cash.
Administratrix estite of J. If. Shine.
jau5 wtd. ■
T. J. Mell and A. F. Hunter, exccntors of
tho estato of EcdociaE. Hunter, represent
totheeourtin thetrpti ii-jn duly tiled,
! they have fully administered Eudocia E.
uu ™.. uu . uuu v,u ” Hunter’s estate. This is therefore to cito
tho tooth and east by lands of Hugh Ho- J? PtJ^ous Concerned, legatees and crcdi-
Cay. and on the north by lands of Miko , J . f . «nr they can, why
Bird. Levied on as the property of Miko f !Ud f^eentors should imt bo discharg' d
from their executorship nhd receive letters
of dismission on the first Monday in March.
Witness my hand and official signature.
deoltd* Ordinary.
Bird to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Jus
tice’s Court of the 5G4th district G. M. of
Bibb county, in favor of T. W. Duffy vs.
Mi^e Bird. Levy made and returned to
me by John T. Glover, constable. January
9,1882. S.J. PHILIPS, Sheriff.
<n E« IBGIA. BIBB COUNTY- V.; ...tei:
vff William Ryder, administrator-of tbfeMr-'
tate of M. A..T. Meushow, hue made A-^rC—'
' cation for letters of aiatniaaior tree,
said estate:
This is therefore to eitn and cdmuui aJe xw>;
(ifcrsons couccmod to bo and appear aBk
Court of Ordinary of said county caStaff
first Monday in February next to gfat •>
cause, if any they have, why said aj-i':*x. a
tiou should not bo granted.
Witness my hand and official signals:
this November 5,1881.
novCtd* Ordinary _
ALL parties bolding claim agnix-t the
.cL estule of A. McCallie, deceiiscd. w:l •
pleaso prosent them for pA/u*bi. r.nd
those indebtod to said citato are rs
to promptly settle the sntuo.oihervyLi .- (bs>
will be placed in the hands of an $«t>rne»r
for collection.
dec7-law4t 'Estate uf A. MoOclliar
Fourteen diu'-vout it#» siuT-
•*" - with c:u::rj-Io-. n- crwfts. A<’ji«-t.J
•vpiiroments, and pric,--: t > a;l J-ur
Itouhle Woo*! Doors, IVtent W<x*t Gatf .MQ
Itln-T Cover*, lllumlmUod Kiro D*»nr, Sa
Knows Nickel l'uuel-S etc.
Unequaled In Material. In Finish. Mt-j:
nperatfon. Manufactured cy
_ - And for sale by
•EO. 8. OEEAR, 02 Cherrr Street, JHxemt.1
guardian of W. 8. Ryals, having applied to
the conrt of ordinary of snid county for a
discharge from hia guardianship of W.L.
1 his is therefore tp cito ail persons con
cerned to show cause why tho eaid B. T.
Ray should not be dismiseod from his
guardianship of W. L. ityals and receive
the usual letters of dismission.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this January 7, 1882.
Crawford Count* Sheriff Sales
Will be sold befoio the court houso door in
tho town of Knoxville, in said county, on
the first Tuesday in February next, within
the legal hours of sale, tho following prop
erty, to-wit:
The undivided one-eighth interest of
Wm. A. Holloman,. in fractional parts of
lots of land numbers 72 and 73, in the third
district of said county of Crawford, tfce
same lying north of Sweetwater crevk, and
containing one hundred and fifteen acres,
more or less, known aa the Miriam Hollo
man place. Levied on by virtue of two
Justice court fi. fas. issued from 577th dis
trict G. M.—ono in favor of M. B. Allen,
executor, etc., and the othor in fnvor of M.
D. Stroud vs. said Wm. A. Holloman.
Levy made and returned to me by G. H.
Marshal, constable. Tenant in possession
notified. January 0,1882.
Also, at the same time nnd place, a lot of
land No. 87 in seventh district Crawford
county. Levied on as t he property of Rich
ard Abbott, to satisfy a tax- fi. fa. vs. said
Richard Abbott. Levy made by W. O.
Wilder, constable, nnd returned to me.
Also, at samo time and place, a lot of
land No. 26, in the seventh district Craw
ford county. Levied ou as the property ol
tho estate ot Nancy Busbee, to satisfy tax
fi. fa. vs. raid estate of Nancy Busbee. Levy
made by W. C. Wilder, constable, and re
turned to me.
Also, at same liiqe and place, lots of laud
Nos. 80 ana 85, in seventh district of Craw-
for 1 county. Levied on as the property of
Hattie Mern, (unimproved land 1 , to satisfy
tax fi. fa. vs. Hattie Mera. Levy made by
W. C. .Wilder and returned to me.
Also, at the same time nnd place, ten
acres cf land more or less, known as the
Hawkins old mill site, in the old agency
researe in said county, formerly kuowu as
part of the Gnrruthers place, including the
millet’s house, and water privileges, the
same being land deeded to Walker Hic«. ft
Lowe by W. A. Walker, trustee, etc. Lev
ied on as the property cf Walker Bros. &
Lowe, to satisfy fi. fa. issued from Craw
ford Superior Court in favor ot Wm. Car
ter vs. Walker Bros. Jk Lowe.
janiOwtds M. P. RIVIERE, Sheriff.
Bibb County Sheriff Sales.
WILL be sold before the court house
door in tho city of Macon, during the Iega
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Feb
ruary next, tho following property, to-wit
Part of lotNo. 3 in square fC, in the city
of Macon, in said county, bounded on the
northwest by lot of Fat Crown,on the south
east by the Ccntr tl railroad, on the south
west by Pino street, on tho northeast bv an
alley. Levied on os the property of Francis
M. Irby and Gilbert J. Irby, in the bands of
E. A. Ross, trustee, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Bibo Superior Court in favor of Ma
rion P. Smith, use el officers of court, vs.
Edgar A. Ross, trustee, etc. Property
pointed out in said fi. fa. *
Also, at the samo time and place, oco-
half acre lot in Vinoville, in 10S5tb district
G. M., in said county of Bibb, and being a
portion of the Col'ins survey of the Cor-
sey lands, bounded on the sonth by a street,
on tin; weti by lot No.jun the east by lot
No. 30. nnd ou the north by lot No. 49. Lev
ied ou as tho property of Shadrack Hudson
to satisfy & fi. fn. issued from-County
Court of Bibb county, in favor of Adaline
Carter vs. Shadrack Hudson. Levy mado
and returned to mo by Wm. A. Poe, bailiff
'Bibb County Court. *
Also, at the same time and place, that
tract of land known cs part of tha original
twenty acres lot on the map of Bibb county
as lot No. 3, in the Vinovil'e district of said
county, fronting 175 feet, more or less, on
the Forsyth road, and running back 375
feet, more or less, to the property ofj. E.
Jones, containing two and one-half acres,
more or lets, adjoining cn alley on tl»e
north of the property of Holmes and others
and known ns the residence of Mrs. Eliza
McGehce. Levied on as tho property of
Wm. McGehee, deceased, to satisfy a il. fa.
issued from Bibb Superior Court, in favor
of E. I’. Best vs. Eliza McGehce, as admin
istratrix of William McGehee, deceased.
Properly pointed out by plaintiff.
janiOwtds G. S. WESTCOIT, Sheriff.
£—- 1r
WBJ u*mM na l* nil *pr ♦. ctusosuet •. f-i* n.
• Wfist it. it contains Its wlwiil Hw, 6M «-rrs f
Ibcul tOj : a ire'. *n4 fiM rUwYtptWi*. |rji • and
lAMlnf llMrwiitlrscfY*fit»V!«Pld® 1
I lam!mi,W t> nil. rr nu ■ ■ i.
»• niUfmadBwrrlUMt»»pI«alhv: in U ■ '< ~
rrrrealnawsrmrfi«s!r V« rtmkr i
ria&Wrs, Trackman ar.rl M«iri et Ciar-I rer*. A
D. H. FSRSf A CO.. Dstrclt,—_
R. T. Avant, administrator of tho . !=. - > c
5i:»rj i> '!r ;wahn made applic : '.r, fr.
letters of dismission from said ee' ^:
Tht-.-e are therefore :<» - - n: . :
i.h nil persons concemcit t-, - t -xsi
nppe.-ir ut the Court • •. rm,..-, . t ui, |
county on fir.-t Monday :. •l.'.nuar- n ... kv
show canso If any they have. w... - vp-
plication should not bo granted. . •'.:Be»
my hand oUicin'Jy, October 5. U8K "
ootlhv.lm* J. A. W.'.MANCH. < •.-Jir.r.ry
Notice to Contractor
TTNTIL Tuesday, February 7i ., 1 : etc |
l- couulj ojmmi.v . :.;L1, Ir.-Tte
sealed proposals for building a \-<. . ua
truss bridge 09 feet long, over Sim t- on ,-t:
on tho “River road” in East Mu- :> ih»
trict. For plans and specific; i. : cs-r. r-Lo. nii
further information apply to t'.._ '-li oc-
sigued at tho court house. Th* rigiit: to re
ject any and all bids is reaev' -d.
■By order ol Bibb County Com. .. nens
janSlawiw W. G. SMI .ii, C.t-1.
Minutes of Railroad Com
Office of the Rxirboao OoandanOK.}
12)i East Alabama St (up stairs). >
Ati ANTv, Ga., January 10, 1882.)
The following extancts from the minutes
of this date are published for general in
•3 The meetings of the Commission sh;i!l
be on Tuesday after the fourth Monday in
each month, and at such other times as in»>
lx: detenniued upon by the boatd, and con
tinue ii session from day to day until tho
business is disposed uf.
4. The office shall lie opened daily Itir.n-
days mid legal holiday* exceptedl for the
purpose of answering inquiry and giving
By order of the board.
B. a. BACON. Secretary.
:. that
o£ I
S. ti. bweet, adminifltrator of T.
hTlsor, represents to the court in hr
tiou, duly tilod and entered ou ret .r t
in.* Ini’ fully ad.aiui AaeedX. J. Sh
sor’a cstato:
This is therefore to cito nil t son:
cernod, heirs and creditor 1 , to be i: i
pent nt the courtef ordinary of - r.i 1
ty on the first Monday in April “i:o
show cause if any they can vrhy a id ad-'
mimslrator should not bo .1 ischar ge-i
his administration and Deceive loti era
dismission. ,
Given nnler my hand anti oulohti tign,
ture this, January 7,1682.
junSwUin* J. A. McMANUS, (■ Ifn
4 In Sheep, Russia and Turkey 6.'
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