Newspaper Page Text
Clyt* mxtx Smtemtl ^ J^j&sjssngK?*?,
O %'F.H THE HK.4.
cu fly.
heart listen* to thy ringing;,
s I cltuy thee once vain;
» if lmarenof winging
id I
c world torment me,
the pa«t I’ll real;
mory will content me
A cow w*» picked up recently on tbo
beach, neat st. Augustine, hearing date of
mt ||pr
Kansas .Supreme Court decides that
part • i U.c prohibitory law to be nncomthn*
ti-nud, whereby a punishment is provided for
SouTiiKwt people aro again lending
thcirpn ace to the social world at Washtng-
lon. tt-.d at a consequence society at the na
tional capital will soon begin to improve.
A.v orchestra chair young man,
Without any hair young man;
Who always will rally
To gaze on the ballet.
Or peep at the kick can-can.
'l*i ik New Orleans Times says tbo
"liar ' carnival Ju that city this year
m ill exceed !n brilliancy any previous cclctan-
tfou. litre has been a steady improvement
• cry yearIn tjio extent and magnificence o(
tl.i c p-.:. ale.
This. President has ssut a special digs*
aage to Congress urging the amendment or
mc-llfication of the posse rnmitntus act. so as to
pencil tiicnse of the military to aid the civil
author!Ilea In maintaining law ansi order in the
border States and Territories.
Tux ten plagues of newspaper offices,
/ays r.n exchange, are bores, poets, cranks, rats,
. cock-roaches, typographical errors^ -exchange
fiends, book canvassers, delinquent subscriber*,
r.nd the man who always knows Imw to run a
licSRpcjicr better than the editor himself.
Tiik catholic World for January stales
the remarkable fact that neither in the county
or city of Dublin, Ireland, has there l»eon an
oxccotton for munlcr since the year 1811. Prob
ably no other community of such magnitude
has such a record. f
Actukijing to the Figaro, beef stewed
in beer, and strongly odoriferous of the latter,
i- the Prince Imperial of Germany's favorite
food, while his mother revels in eels aud carp,
n itli beer aauee, the venerable Etnpcrur mean
while lapping np with inflnltc gusto his beer
soup. •
A certain 1 well known minister being
tiM what he iqmrgh; of Mr. Ilarrison, the
"boy preacher," said: "I went to hear him
once, and the only text of Scripture I could
Ihinlt of tlwt seemed applicable to his case was
that‘'The has chosen the foolish things of
th is world to confound the wise.”
Peppery pleasure: “Miserable!’’ said
young Bymonds. "Of course I'm miserable,
and I can't help looking so. I’m Invited, and
can't refuse to attend, a party given by thcgirls
at the boarding school. They're going to cook
tho supper themselves, and I shall have to eat
some of the bread and cake, and I shall
awful agony before morning. I know I s
--Motion Past.
Thk Pensacola Advance Gazette pro
claims the existence of a submarine sulphur
soring, n few miles out at sea from St, Augus
tine. In iaissing over it, a bucket let down Into
the deep can lie drawn up full of sulphur Wa-
• ter. Uiiitalu Coxctter discovered the spring
be (ora the war, when running o:i a line be
tween Charleston and the ancient city.
Jna Arkansas Stale Gazette makes the
gratifying announcement that the press of that
elate Is practically unanimous in favor of Sente
tor Garland's re-clcction, anil adds; "They rep-
rc-M-nt piitdic opinion on this subject, und are
aware that no event of the future Is more cer
tain tlinn llie return of Senator Garland by the
unanimous voice of tlio people to the idace he
so honorably lllis."
Washington special to the Louisville
CaurUr-Jaurnal: A young lady who was dis
charged from the census office, yesterday, un
der the wholesale reduction of its clerical foreo,
to-day made tearful application to Secretary
lodger to be appointed lo a place in tile Treas
ury Department. She said she had m helpless
rater and an old mother dependent npou lier,
and unless she got nmecmpiyineKl site would
be forced to enter upon a lire of sbsano.
The President has, in deference to the
wishes of many mcmlters of Congress, changed
a standing rule at the White House not to re-
Mire rMn« Mantay. Heretofore he has
reserved that day tor the consideration of exec
utive burthen and to give himself time to at-
1. nd to his correspondence. Monday has now
been Relucted us the day for tbqt purpose. The
change goes into effect at onoe.
A itucoKTER of the Leadviile Herald
endeavored to interview Mrs. Dunmire. the
divorced wife of Guitoau, t*-obtain her opinion
regarding the verdict, hut was unable to do so.
Her liu-lmjid, however, said that Mrs. Dunmire
was well pleased with the result, and in reply
to tlic question, "Does sbeStfldk Guiteatt should
hang, said: "Yes, shetfafnks that he should
have beall hanged Indore he assassinated the
The orthodox: regents of Nebraska
State tjilver-ify ployed at sharp game on the
heterodox repent*. ~Thej- had long wishol to
remora three free-thinking jirofessors from the
:acidly of the hnlvcrsly.sred on lastTlmrsday.
wlieu the fllaea of a mer.iberof the laiard gave
them a majority, the throe free thinkers were
immediately lmum-ed. Thevletlms may think
this Illii, -« lord luck; butahe orthodox regents
will consider it providential.
A colored messenger in the Treasury
Department has become stage-struck over Mc
Cullough. He is a tall, wdU-formed man, of
light color, and the other day. when lie had the
corridor to himself, be drapeOn towel about hIs
bead and la-gsu to stride up and down in a
dramatic style, Sonic one! -happening to see
him, asked wlirit lie was doing. ••Why." he re
sponded naively."thinUQIhelkC” Thcitniti:
non was perhaps more perfect than he luulsup-
• I, and his wake-sp was net only original,
Iho Eacsiypliis Tree.
California Paper. «
The basis of the discussion at the meeting of !
the Stale Hmticulniral Society on Friday was 1
the eucalyptus tree and Its culture. Professor ,
lillgsrd made an address upon the several va- ;
Jilupun .
rlettesof Australian gums, among thl I
box or peppermint tree of Victoria. New South
Wales; the me -mate or stringy bark gum ofl
st and -South Australia: weeping, sometimes
lied peppermint gum (falsely called redgum
California) of Southern Australia; swamp
ssmate or stringy liark gum of
East and Sooth A "
called pepper
in Caluomla) of Southern Australia; swamp
mahogany or white mahogany of New South
Wales; the yarrah or lias lard mahogany of
West Australia, and the black butt of East Aus
tralia. In corroboration of tbo opinion ex
pressed by the professor, that the cultivation
of fores Or of eucalyptus In California
would prove to be one of tho most
profitable ‘branches of arboricitl"
tore, several communications were read. Onn
from Isaac Collins, of Haywards, Alameda
connty, stated that he made a eucalyptus plan
tation in I nr., i and 1870, planting 681 trees to the-
acre and eight feet ajiart, giving them culrivn-
tiononeyear. They grew to 00 or IK) feet high,
some of them two feet in diameter. This
twenty acres of land In eleven yean yielded a
clear profit of 83,800, or about 831 per acre each
year. The same land would have yielded 85
per acre yearly rent as grain laud. A commit
tee, consisting of C. If. Dwindle. W. II. Jossop
and E. Myer. was appointed to draw up rules
for fruit display at the Mechanics' Fair, and It
was rerolved to inform its managers that at
least fc.fion should lie offered in pre-Minins,
George linssman, of Napa, and W. H. Fro-
tnau. of Sutoln, were elected members of tho
t annci.-’i C«r ewtoa.
WatUiaolon »; vial fu V. Y. Herald.
The hearing giv !>y the judiciary commit
tee of the House of 'tcpresciifollves to-day on
the Utah contested c'ection (. *c lo Mr. George
Q. Cannon, the heretofore polygcmow repre
sentative from that Territory in Cons res*, was
probably one of the most remarkable exhibi
tions ever bad before that grave tribunal.
It was not supposed Hint any members of the
press were present, uml the resultwras a fire of
questions ,i|k.i. Camion, which enabled the
committee to get at the full stopennd inde
cency of the polygamous creed of which can
non has formally proclaimed himself the advo
cate In his contest adaiust Campbell. Some of
tho replies were wholly unlit for publication,
lmt among the points elicited may l*s enum
erated Cannon’s statement that spiritual mar
riage meant tills, that no woman could secure
exaltation in heaven unless united in mar
riage lo a Latter Day Saint of tho Mot won
Church on earth.
In teply to further c nest Ions of the commit
tee as to whether the rising generation of Utah
A cold or sore .(brent n:i7 not seem to
amount to much, and if promptly attended
to can easily be cured; but neglect la often
followed by consumption or dlphtbrrta.
No medicine has ever been discovered which
acts so auii-Iilr and tartly In such cases as
prompt use of this incciual.'t remtip has
caved thousands of lives.
rent an experiment. It has been tho
public for j'orty years, and la most valued
where It 13 best known.
A few extracts from voluntary testimonials
read as follows:
Pxrrr Entuca has been my household remedy for
colffit for tho (art twenty -raven year*, sod nave
Dover known it to frit in ciPctfog a cure.—
L H. Cttncxza. WlUiur.!i|.;e. >. Y.
. For tlilrty years I havo u-,d J’snr Kir.rr.n, snd
found it a never-falling rvwcily lor colds and a
throat—D MiTox Bkauak.
Iltlt RUI
The case of Cadet Whittaker is still in
the hand* of the Secretary of W«r, where it has
been ever rtnee the Jmlge-Advocofo-Gc-jiensl, In
making lit- review of tho proceedings of the
court-martial which tried the casc.-deeMcdtlint
the court w.u illegally nsnatltut il. The m.1-
umimnir tveord of the cia« is now I'CT.L'il up in
the office of tlie Secretaryol War, wks.lias been
-o prcsiw-1 ndtli other maltera that he has not
Imd time to lay the matter before ttteHrosidonL
Tlic case will eventually la- referred tii-- At-
P.mcy-General for an opinion on the point
rail cl by the Judife-AdvooiUr-Gcuoml as do the
validity of the llitJlittpt of titenatH-rtiitflal.
The cigar manufacturers at -their re
cent meeting assigned a vlgnlfiesut reneon lor
opposing, tlic aliolition of the tax on .cigars.
While udmlttiiig that tlic uboiitb/u oi tbccntixc
system of internal revenue would Ic s betu-tU
to the public, they dccUn-0 Hint they w en w ill-
ing the tax sluaild In* retained on account of
the clause ill tile law which protected them
rum dishonest persons irho Would otherwue
rctill their emptied lioxcsasd sell them under
false jiretences. It i< surely a md state of af
fairs if so mean a dishonesty cannot l»e.pre
vented brsoroo other pns-ese limn the infliction
u|k»ii a wltoic contmtiiilty of an unju-t and op*
press! ve tax.
The national forestry convention, which
it l.< pro|K)scl to hold In flnclmiati In April, Is
• attracting tho attention of persons interested in
the sublect to which It relates. In response to
u letter asking hU views Hon. Carl So hunt ft|g-
gests that among the tonics proper to ta? dis-
cu-sed arc tlic relations between forest and cii-
mate; llie statistics of the distribution of forests
and redticUouof the forest area in the United
States; prlnclplvt of forest culture and w hat is
done in this rts-jas't in foreign (-.imitries; lt-gis-
latlnti neeesKnry So prevent the Iinll.-rriminate
and manifold dc-tutn ;Ion of fitid*croti thet.uh-
Uc lands, especially jn *!ie mountain regions;
legislation enruaragisg the planting of forests,
and the effect, whether e<«sl nr bad. of the
"limher-culnire act" she public lands.
Something About the Vatican.—
An item in the cablegram! apropos the taking
of the Itallnn eellsu* is so »<wdcst a- t<> mislead
the reader unfamiliar with ;lte papal court,
says the Philadelphia Titan. ■ i if :..i o persons
Inhabiting the Vatican," nays tlv.: item, "oite-
;fbird are women." The Voticau. H sliould la-
reutomliervd. Is not only the (sipai paiaei—it is
since the entrance of tlic Italtau top*, the i*-
jsmI city as well os the papal court. In its vnot)
.iimrimenta are lodged the lay as w.l] as the
.clerical adiiinctit of tho Pope's gmemtuimt. rill
the grottnu Is a barrack for.Tlo or more pontif
ical gvsrdn. These. In suite rases, have tin ir
wives; all the officers have their wives. The
Vatican is built for a third of n mile on the side
of the old hill of Jnniciiltim: ns a ronawtueiine
its lower, or basement portion, i- far lilaive
ground os (lie front looking toward the Tiler.
Tn the upper apartmeots. reached by at least
nflv step*, are uie vast statuary museums: ala,ve
these again the paintings. To reach the vast
stretch of apartments inhabited by the
loag flights of broad martile stairs, at least lift)
in number, must be ascended. The •■vistitio
Chapel itself, with its wondrous "Day of Judg
ment, 1 by Michael Angelo, and the frescoes of
Kaftu 1. is fully 100 foot above the street level at
the entrance of the palace. Scores of women
are kept constantly employed in the end lea*
tulles of art mlleririt, libraries, kltelict a and
wiiatnota neis^aary for the maintenance of such
an army of peopla, so that the proportion of
oiie-thfrd women to 5t*f retainers by tin means
corresponds with What the held and disingen
uous cable Item teems to Imply.—Button Her•
Of J P. * W. Ik'&almM. Bnrtlrts,
No. M Mai harry atxeet, Maiaa, OmuIi.
Teeth extreetad wMhont pain, beanti/st
ae<a of teeth iawrto^ gheeeeaid teeth Md
dleeeeedgwMeared. Deelenle aJU kinds
of deatel Bateriel ead isetraiaeata. Con-
•tanUy re hwi s jure and fell aaaort- j
nmtoftMthhlttlktedH.WMlgsiatcf all i
tiplc* were opposed
sometimes beefluso tho Hist wife objected and
sometime* because the husband did not feci
himself eqttal to the pecuniary support of two
wives. But he believed the general tendency
of the present ontcry was to solidify tho senti
ment in Utah in favor of polygamy, as it was
believed to be a revelation from God. He
frankly avowed such to be his opinion and that
eventually the principles of the Mormon
ChurcH would spread over tho whole earth, be
cause they were true.
The reference to the first wife objecting to
the husband taking plural wives called forth
further inquiries from the committee, in an
swer to which Mr. Cannon said again, with
some qualification, that the practice was for llie
first wife lo take Lie subsequent wives by the
hand In the Endowment house and formally
give them to her husband.
" Tlie Tnppnn lirotliern’ Failure
it i ii roW'v i li imi
ce in ydWCioorgia Press column
an article clipped from the Times .and
Planter in regard to the Failure of Tappin
Brothers & Oo., of \Vhito Plaice, Georgia,
in whiclt it is stated that ’’the immediate
cncso pi tho failure was the refusal of 8.
T. Coleman A Co., of Macon, Georgia, to
extend paper to tho amount of §!,CC3.’’
It seems tons, Messrs. Editors, that news
paper men, before publishing any nrtic e
bearing upon the private interest of others,
should mako soo-e effort to ascertain tho
true facts of the case. Thsro is no founda
tion for tho statement published by the
Times nnd Planter. In thu first place,
Messrs. Tappan Bros, owe us less than one-
third of tho amount stated. And in tho
second place, they have not asked cs for
any particular extension but simply wrote
ns asking indulgence,
Boa's time afterwards we sent an agent
to seo th m, who was authorized to grant
any reasonable extension, upon security,
bat he found they were already mortgaged
to others.
We do nof.know to-day th t this firm h's
assigned. If they are unable to pyy ton
cents on tlie dollar, os stated by the Times
and Planter, on extension front ■ ns could
hardly have saved them. Respectfully
yours, S. T. Coleman & Co.
Atlvnulagc or » Telephone
Hie following from the Philadelphia
Record fully illustrates some of tbo many
uses to which tbo telephono can bo put:
One of the advantages of a te'cphocohas
been signally illustrated at Ardmore, on
the Pennsylvania railroad. Tlie res: encos
of Messrs. Thaddeus and Richard Norris,
located about nmilo apart, aro connected
by wire. On Wtdnerday Ire-t, whih) .Mr.
Thaddeus Notris was away from home, a
farm hand named Bell, after having in
dulged too freely in the ardent, became so
demonstrative that the ladies were com
pelled to lock themselves in tbehocse to
escape his violence. After thus remaining
prisoners for abont two hoars, one of the
fair one3 bethought herself of the telephone,
and in a few minutes the situation was
made known at the other honse, and a
coachman named Miles, mounted on a
fl-ot-footed horse, was dying up the pike.
When Miles reached tlio scene of trouble,
Boll was endeavoring to effect an entrance
ino tbo house through n kitchen window.
Springing from his horse, Miles, who is a
powerful man, Hang himself neon Bell nnd
administered such a castigation that the
fellow has since been limping about in a
generally demoralized condition.
The Florence Siffhtlngnle of the N nr
The following is an extract from a let
ter written tn the German Ilrfonntd Mes
senger, at Cbambrrsburg, Pennsylvania:
Just open tlie door for her, aud Mrs.
Winslow will prove the American Xight-
tnrrata nf tlio Tiiimnn- (If tl.t. ..... ... '
Bara tlf«i Pais
run. and have nerarta
X buaut SSSrKis KiLum in my family twenty,
lirayearaaso and have c cd lure
gwid nou: j;rU.cAntakoiU place.—Ik W. DXiOt,
For twenty-five } raw I hrra t»ed Pah*
for coM* Kid rlidi-pt-.I lira, and consider it Ibo Urit
r.icniduo ever offered.—6aoAIoorta,W UnilitEtoa,
yeora 1
riwfiwd tq..
ever offered.-
I was saffertiur severely with bronchlt!
Ill root was so induced I coo’d scarce];
anyfood. I wcscdvi-cl to try your I’ais kii xra,
sad after taUotr a fc-w doses was coniplctdr
cured.—T. WiLkixkox.'
Dr. Waxiox wittea from Coshocton: YcarP.vIJI
K: llek (Saea dii-htherta and sure t b root so »brza-
laviy prevalent here, aud has not been kaoan to
fall in a abude btstanoe. This fact you should
make know: to O ' world.
Xlrs. Klxkk B. Mason writes: My son was taken
Violently sick wtlli diphtheria, high ferer. and cold
chill*. So many rtflldrcu havo died here. I w
xfnud to cr-'J a pfiyalclan, and tried your Pais
htaixiL He wrs taken on Hnsday, and on
poor mother* who aro losin* to many children.
For nails and Fever PAIN KILlKlt lm
no equal. It ctuns when everything else fallA
Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of
Pain Kiu.Extn the house Is a safeguard that
no family should be without.
All druy-, l iTssell It at goc., oOc., and S1.00
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Prcprfciorr,, R. C,
Dealer in Produce and Staple Groceries,
Cigars, Tobacco, etc., No. CS Poplar street.
Pr. Iron ago solicited and sati-faction guar-
nntecd. feblffdawly
1 l'h rebruary, l 8fty,
l^uibViiiAr, K" , November IP. 1S81.
Resolve 1 , Hit the Board of f!omm ; s-
Brightwood House t
Cor. Eartlltli Street nmllrvlxg Place
Opposite Academy op Mcsio, New Yosil
i N exclusively respectable family hotel,
-ft- Most central location in the city, near
ail places of amusement—Broadway. All
largo stores, (wholesale and retail.) Cars
to Coney Isinnd, and all plnoes of summer
resort. Just the placo for partios wishing
a quiet, Inexpensive home in New York,
EDWARD WOOD, Proprietor.
Refer in Maconto Capt S. S. Dunlap,
Emory Windup, Esq., W. H. Burden, Esq.,
Mr. C. B. Willingham. dec30d7
a certain cure fbr all rti3ec3Sj
voqniring a coiAplcto tonic; espe
cially Indigestion, Dyopepsia, Intcr-
jxiitteat Pcrers, RTant of Apr.stito,
licss off Htaeagtli, I—Let of Energy,
etc. Enriches tho blood, strength,
ens the mnaclee, and gives new
Ufo to tho nerves. Actg liho a
charm 'on the digestive organs,
removing all dyspeptic symptoms,
such us tasting tbo food. Belching,
Heat in tho Stomach, Heartburn,
etc. Tho only Iron. Preparation
that will not blacken tho teeth or
give headache. Sold by all Drug,
gists at $1.00 a bottle.
. Baltimore, Md.
See that til Iron ?S:jen are mads bv Baovnr Cnemcia.
C<- ACdL.^rdcroie-ifLdlius'd auvI trade xu i on wrapper.
j Manor* to a i.ost^onc-ment of the
drawing of the Willard Hotel Lottery, until
the lltti dey of February, 1882, and that
they will ::ot onsvat to any further post-
Kent ot tho same. .r-r
Rouebt Mallobv, Chairman.
Py tho above resolution this drawing
mrsl nnd will he had od «h-* day fixed, or
money distributed back to ticket-holders.
If (Hough tickets are sold before date
fixed, the dinning will be had, r.nd notice
of same will be given through the papers.
The Willard Hotel with allCOKft flfiO
its Fixtures and Furniture
One residence on Green street $[”,000
Oue residence on Green street lfi.000
Two cash prizes, oacn $5.000 10.0C0
Two cash prizes, each *2,000 4,000
Five cash prizes, each §1,000 fi.000
Five cash prizes, each U00 2,r.00
lifty cash prizes, each §1(0..-. BfiOO
Ono hundred cash prizes, eneh §50.. 5,000
Five hundred cash prizes, eaclt $20. 10,000
Ono set of bar furniture 1,000
Ono fine ' 5C0
Oaa handsome silver tea set 100
<00 boxes Old Bourbon Whisky, $3C 11,100
10 baskets champagne, $ii"i 350
Five hundred cash prizes, each $10 5,000
■100 boxes fine wines, $30 ;.... 12,0X1
200 boxes Robertson County Whis
•ICO boxes Havana Cigars, jit).. l|oOO
Five hundred cash prizes, each $10.. 6,000
Amounting to $369,850
Wholo Tickets, $8; Halves, {<; Quarters, $2
Romiltancra may be made by bank
check ex'rcjss, postal money order, or reg-
is'erod mail.
• Refjponeiblo 5gents Wahtcd at all points.
For circulars, giving full infotbififion and
fur tickets, address W, 0. D. WHIRS,
Willard Hotel, Louisville, Ky.
piHM! I By B. M.WOOLLEY, At-
I lanta, Ga. Reliable evi-
]f adit I dence given, sad rofereucs
— Cure* I to cured patient* and phys
icians, Send for my book oa The Habit
•nd it* Cure. Free. deolOdaveomlj
A Mechanical
Administratrix’s Sale."
BY virtue of an order from tho court of
ordinary of Monroe connty, will be sold on
J the first Tuesday of March, 1882, at the
ra court tense doer of said county, between
the legal hours of sale, tho following real
estate,<to-wit: Part of lot No. 8, in Equate
<2, in the plan of the city of Macon, corner
of l’oplar and Third streets in said city,
said property fronting (101) one hundred
and four feet on Third street, and (104)
ore hundred and four feet on Poplarstreet,
cou'tiimng ono-fou*th acre, more or less,
Sold as the property of the estate of Jo hn
F. Jr.ngftetter, deceased. Terms cash.
of John F. Jaugstetter, deceased,
The Only Self-Acting
Ail the Old Theorie
Exploded at Last.
A Nevr Motive Power
Discovered. Expansion
ol Ileal- Docs it All.
A cylinder made to revolve under wafer
40 to 00 revolutions per minute; a thing
never accomplished before.
Wo have constrn tied a now Wnshing Ma
chine, a practical device for washing cloth
ing, 03 follows, viz.:
We take a cylinder in which we placo the
clothing to be washed, and arranqo it in a
ingale of the nursery. Of this wo ato“ so ! common wn»h boiler. Under this cylinder
sure, that we will teach our “Susy” to * a P ste “ of . valvm which
mt- on Mrs. Win,Inc/” for control the water, when put m motion by
say, “A blessing on Mrs. Winslow,” for
helping her to survive and escape tne grip
ing, colicking and teething siege. Jlre.
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup relieves tho
child from pain and cures dysentery and
diarrhoea, it softens the gums, reduces
inflammation, cures wind colic, and car-
rips the infant through tho teething pe
riod. It performs precisely what it pro
fesses to perforin, every part of it—noth
ing less. We have never seen Mrs.'Wius-
low—know her only through the prepara
tion of her “Soothing Syrup for Children
Teething.” If we had tho power we would
make her, as she is, a physical savior to
the Infant race. Sold by all druggists,
25 cents a bottle. Feb. 3-w-2t.
Pramatart Lou or Hair
May bo' entirely prevented by the uso cf
Bujinett's Cocoaine. No other com
pound possesses the peculiar properties
which so exactly suit the various condi
tions of the human hair. It softens the
hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the
mien i-mv ju mull 1
heat or boiling, m cuch a manner a? to
mnko the cylinder revolve as rapidly an de-
Tha application of this device is peculiar
nnd truly wondetfai.
Clothing ninth' to pass rapidly through
water builing hot in this manner, is cleans
ed, most speedily and thoroughly. Thirty
minutes’time is all that is needed to wash
any clothing, howover much soiled it ma
be. No rubbing or pounding required; n
wear and tear cf material. The most won
derfnl labor-saving machine or derive ave
invented. A child can operate it, or on:
person can nee it as well oa another. No
skill is required; it cannot get oat of order
iltis invention needs only to be soen t
be appreciated. All are surprised nt it
simplicity, and wonder why it was cot dis
covered before.
it. A family i
dinary washing.before breakfast. Put you
clothes in the cylinder; then All in wate
enough to cover tlio cylinder or clothing
growth- It is not greasy and sticky. It
l>ai<* no ilisagrtiuhlr odor. U kill::
JiwmeWs Flavoring Extracts are
known as the beK, feb3-5t
Dm Wm.F. Steuaiit, marine hospital,
Fort of Baltimore—• • • “I take
pleasure in recommending Golden’s
Liebig’s Liquid Extractor Beef and Tonic
Invigorator as a moat excellent tonic and
ittvigorator of the system. I have tested
it with univer.-al success.” Ask for
(.'olden's, take ho other. Ol tlruegists geu-
eraily. fub7-lw.
In Contagion* Disease*, •
Small-pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet, Typhoid,
Yellow and Malarial Fevers, expose m
Lite su-k room Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid.
It will attack *11 impurities aud odors.
boil tho cylinder will revolve rapidlyT Con
tinue the motion eay thirty minutes; then
take out the clothing, rinse nnd wring ou *
and Ton will find them porfeotly clean
Clothing washed in (his manner will wear
a third longer than by any ether method.
This Washer is on article of true mer
and ( sight. It only requires to be
shown in oi>eration to make a sale, as it
ntiroly different from anything ever offer
ed to the public. Therefore we want none
bnt good men to introduce it for us: iosuch
men we make liberal terms. Everybody
knows that olotbin; made to pass through
water wi:l be washed. Boatmen, sailors
saldiers, aud others have often washed their
clothing perfectly dean without the aid of
soap, by securing them to a line fastened
to the Btera of the boat while in motion. It
is water (assisted by soap) passing through
the material that removes the dirt. Any
thing that will accomplish this without la-
I bor, or wearing the material, is an improve
poisons iii the atmosphere and recharge
it with ozone, the mysterious agent by
wbldi Nature vitalizes the air. lw
DraUrtry-Dr, a. & Barfield
No. SO y il berry street, Macon, Georgia
offioe I- • ir*— ■ a. m. to 6 p. in. an t?28tf
S TARTU fo C .
A xirtlxn ot jontL-ul hnpradcDCf* i’uy
jTemmturt Dec^r. Nerron* D«b4V*y, Man
hood, etc, xunring tried in vain every know*
mu*??,hi* dtaeovero ’ a simple sdi cure,widen
bo wi:l wxl FB£K l«» his f«UoiV4 “
f If ft I
V4Qiraren, sd>
itiATwi iwwinMwtmM
■ * ■
until the invention of tho SELF ACTING
WASHING MACHINE. Ail orders and
letters of inquiry attended to promptly.
We wish ts place this Self-Acting Washer
in the hands of every ramily in uie land
and offer extraiT (itnqs) inducements to
good men toengago'mThe hu-iness of sell
ing it for a limited time. We will ship one
complete in every particular, as a sample
to any person wishing to beccmo an agon
npon receipt of $6. Address,
116 Smithfield St.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
GEORGIA, Hum COUNTY.—Under and by
Virtue of an order from tho court of ordinary
ot said county will bo sold before the court
house door In tlic city of Macon, on the first
Tuesday in March next, between tlio legal
hours of sale, the following tract or parcel of
land In Bibb county, in said State, and known I
as the lauds of the egate of Lunsford Heath,
deceased, in the Warrior district, and bounded
south and east bv lands of F. M. Heath nnd Ira
Jennings; north and west by Tobcaofkee
creek, George Tidwell and F. M. Heath, con
taining three hundred nixl forty acres more or
Ic-s. Sold as Uie property of Lunsford Heath
deceased, for tlie punxiso of jiav'tie debts and!
to divide among the heirs of said Lunsford
Heath. Terras cash. F. M. HEATH, g
Administrator estate Lunsford Heath,
Aeonts Wanted. Official Life and
Send SO cents in stamps for outfit Honk now
ready. FORSIIEE.t MrMAKlX.
fc-bOivtw Cluicinunti, Ohio.
Averpgo vnluofor part aeton years high
er than any other fertilizer—embracing the
twenty-three old standard brands—as dr •
termined by the State Chemist of Georgia.
Contains a large per cent, of animal bone.
Is not lost to tlio planter when a dry year
superoen‘6. bnt will produce good results
the second.year.
Delivered ot Fort Valley, and any stntion
on Maoon and Augusta railroad at same
price as Macon.
feblwlm POPLAR ST., MACON.'GA.
White Bronze Monuments
Manufactured at
Bridgeport, Conn,
Having accented the ngency for the
above, I am now prepared to show designs
vod receite ardors. For price, beauty and
durability they surpass anything ever of-
1 fered to tho public for monumental pur
poses. Their price puts them within tho
rench of all.
For farther particulars send fifteen cents
in stamps for illustrated catalogue and
price list, or call on
O. P. HEATH, Agent, Macon, Ga.
Office wilh J, J. Clay, undertaker. 37
Mulberry street. fobfieodtraw-lt
To AH Wiom it Kav Concern.
AT Hughes having in proper form applied to
me for i« rnrancut letters of administration on
the estate of Haywood Hughes, late of said
county, this is to cite all ami singular tho cred
itors and next of kin of Haywood Hughes to be
and apiiear at my office within the time allowed
by law, and show cause, if any they eau, why
Itcrmancnt administration Humid not be grant-'
cd to Mrs. EliulnaHugheso i Haywood Hughes'
estate. ,
f*.WItness my Itand and official signature this
January 30,1882. C. A. SOLOMON,
fcb'Jta Ordinary.
.To All Whom it 3fay Concern.
Uln proper form applied to me for permanen
letter* of administratloa on tlic estate of John
T. Glover, late of said county, this Is to cite ail
nnd singular, tho creditors and next of kin of
John T. Glover to be and appear at my office
within tlic time allowed bylaw,nnd show
cause. If any they can, why permanent admin
istration should not be granted to F. W. Glover
on John T. Glover’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature this
Jnnunry 28,1882. a A. SOLOMON,
feb2tu Ordinary.
VJ er, residing in the State of Georgia, having
applied to bo appointed guardian or the person
and property oi Ada M. Glover, John T. Glov
er. Jr.. James L. Glover, Cleopatra E. Glover,
Charles L. Glover, Peter Strozcr Glover nnd
Goo. W. Glorcr, minors, residents of said coun
ty, this is lo elte all persons concerned lo bo
and appear at tlie term ot the Court of Ordina
ry, ,o he held next after the expiration of,
from the publication of this notice, nnd show
cat'-e, If they can. why R W. Glover sliould
not he entrusted with the guardianship of the
persons and property of Ada M. Glover, John
T. Glover, Jr., James L. Glover. Cleopatra E.
G'ovcr, Charles L. Glover, Peter Strozcr Glover
oiul Georgo W. Glover.
Witness my official sfgnaturc this January 30,
1882. C. A. SOLOMON.
febitd Ordinary Twiggs county.'.
Direct from tlie •Farm.
Y’nrranted fresh, pure and good, or money
refunded. Catalcgno FREE. Vienna nnd
for it. Addrtss, JOSEPH HARRIS,
jl’JwJt Mcr6tcn Farm, Rochester, N. Y.
Will mail FISKK their Cata
logue for 1SJ555, containlM a
full descriptive Price -laB of
Flower, Field and Garden
Bulbs, Ornamental Grasses,
4tnd Immortelles, Gladiolus,
Lilies, Kosch, Plants, Garden
Implements- Beantifully illus
trated* Over 100 pstgear* Addresa
179-133 East Malt) St, 200-205 Randolph St
Macon Commercial College,
Macon. Ga.
For special instruction in Bookkeeping,
Penmanship and Arithmetic. Hilt-
making Correspondence :u;J Uetierr.1
iubsa Routine.
W. McJiny, Frinoipu'.
For terms, information as to board, etc .
apply to the principal. Address I’. O- to\
■i'.‘2, Macon, lia. janl.''w4w
Price-list. W. H. DILLiNGHAM & CO-
°42l Main Street, LCUiSVILLC. KY-
C/ U •*** "* ?}
107 Tbiri li
Crawford Couatv Sheriff Sale s.
LTsold before the court house door. In the
town of Knoxville, on the firtt Tuesdav In
March next, within the legal hours of sale,"the
following described property, to-wlt: (25) twen
ty-five acres of land fn- tho ooiithciest corner of
lot No. 222, known ns the Knight place, 198
acres of lot No. 227, all In the Ttli district of said
county. Levied on as the propertv of W. 8,
Scarborough to satisfy a fl fa issued from the
County Court of said county In favor of McCra
ry & Allen vs. .the said W. S. Scarborough.
Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney.
Tenant In possession notified.
Al*o, at tlie same time and place, thirty (30)
acres of land, more or less, the same being the
south half of sixty (<») acres in the northeast
corner of lot No. fit. Levied on os the property
of the estate of Hlinon Johnson, to satisfy a fi fn.
issued front tho Justice Court of -191 district in
said county, in favor of K. D. Smi.h vs. tho
said Simon Johnson. Levy mndc by Wm.
Beeves, constable, and returned to me.
Also, nt the some time nnd place, the west
ltalf of lot of land No. r,"> in the 1st district of
Crawford county. Levied on as the property
of W. li Collier, to satisfy two cost fi fn.’s is
sued from the Superior Court of Crawford
county, one in favor of Joe Ross, for use of offi
cers of court, vs. W. B. Collier, attorney for
Patapsco Guano Company, non resident Tlie
other fn favor of E. 5l. Robinson, for use of of
ficers of cdBrt ;, vs. W. E. Collier and A. L. Mil
ler. ns attorneys for J. It Graves, non residen
Tenant in possession notified.
■Also, nt the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 10 nnd 11 In the old agency reserve in the
7th district of said county, containing229 acres,
more or less, levied on ns the property of Hattie
I.Wndo to satisfy n tax fi. fn. vs. flic said Hattie
I. Wade. Tenant in possession notified.
•Also, at the Kitne time nnd place, lot of land
No. fo_\ in the 1st district of Crawford county,
levied on os the property of F. E, Do trough, to
satisfy n tax ii. fa. vs. the said F. E. Dorrongh.
Levy mode by John W. Hammock, constable,
and returned to me.
Also, nt the same time and place, lot of land
No. 120 in the 3d district of Crawford comity,
levied on as the projierty of Thomas Dickson,
to satisfy a tl. fa. issued from tlie Superior Court
of Crawford county, in favor of Green Thur
man v*. tlie said Thomas Dickson. I’eoperlv
pointed out by plaintiff * attorney. Tenant In
poarerafon notified.
M. P. REVIERE. Sheriff.
February 1,1882. fcb7 lawftr
County Commissiocm
before the court house door of said county, on
the first Tuesday in March next, to the highest
bidder for rash, one house and lot In the vil
lage of Jeffersonville, said lot being one-hal
acre off tlic southeast corner of what is known
Id aJtltc Nathan Berry lot, being tho place
whereon Mr*. Pace now llvcs-rsafd property
sold for the purpose of tvtrtiflon between the
if an order*
hop bitters:
(A (Medicine, ret a Drink.}
hops, nuenu, mandrake,
AH Diseases of tlicSiotnsch. ivowcls, DIood,
Liver, Kidneys, and (/rlnury Organs, Kcxv
voosnra.1. SleridcMuessasU especially
, * Female compUtett.
8100O IN GOLD.
Will be paid for a case thcr will not enr- or* to- mnyililiifr lapnfe orlujurlous
found in them.
Aide /oar druralst for Hop Bitter* and try
them boloru you sleep. TuLu no iMlicr.
V I. C. Is an Ahaolntcan^Jrrcslstlhlerum for
Drunkcmieas, use of opluui, tobacco aud
S«ND roa Circrr-ATJ. flBHBaaa
■bon aold by
Hof Ritter* M%. Co., Rrtebffitrr, .V. \.,X Toronto, OnL
Administrator’s Bale,
Yt EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Under and by
VJvlrtu* of an outer from tho court of ordinn-
ry of said county will he sold before tlie court
lioqse door. In tlie city of Macon, on the first
Tuesday tn Match next, between the legal
hours of sale, nil that tract or paicel of land
known and distinguished in the plan of the
city of Macon, county and State aforesaid, ns
wharf lot No. twenty-four containing two
roods and twenly-fonr poles, more or less. Sold
as flic properly of Mary Aim Dorton, latent
said bounty, deceased, for the purpose of pav
ing debts and expellees of administration.
Tannacash a. b. boss,
foh71awttv» Administrator.
MM 1—1 -M
Wb#n I mj out* I do not rmaq merely fo stop UMm
>r h timo aod then hare them Mnm 8pm, 1 ifif*q a
radical cure. I have made the «hr^ant ol ^
Fits, Epilepsy or^Fallingr Sickness
life-tone stodj. I mrul my remedy toenretb,
jrst cue*. Beeso»o other* here fsited is noie-sos
TUitnow rnceirii). scare. Bend st cn » for* urt
, sod c Fray BotU* of my infrtUbl. remedy Ght
iptm* uid Prat Otto It oosu you cottunj tel
muACKi r.r^ *>.D«tr.s.
sos'ss— sj.
Guardian’s Sale.
GEORGIA, BiBIl COUNTY—Under and by
virtue ot an order jrom the court of ordinary of
said county, will he sold on the )>remiM > s, on
the fit>t Tuesday In March next. -beMn tlie
legal hours Of sale, one-fifth undivided interest
in nineteen ncres of land, more or less, situate
about throe and onc-luilf miles from tlic city of.
Macon, on the Forsyth 'road, in said county,
and known as i«rt of the lands formerly
owned hv John Danner, nnd known morcjiar-
ticttlur ns tlie lands lately recovered from J. E.
J. Franks by the heirs of Berkner. a plat of
said land indue in the ordinary’* office of said
county Sold as tlic property of Willie, Maggie
nnd Robert Holmes, minors. Terms cash.
l(iwlw Guardian.
Bibb Coantr Sbarifi’i Sale.
WILL be sold before tho court house door in
flic city of Macon, during the le^nl hours of
wile, on the first Tuesday in .March next, the
following property, to*v.’it: Lot No. 8, In square
No. 42, situ; t «l in the city of Mac. n on tlie
corner of Bop amnd Third* streets, fronting 1( 4
feet OH Boplar street aud 101 feet on Thint street,
couUiinitu one fourth of an acre, more or less,
levied on as ihe property of John Jaugstetter,
deceated. to satisfy a /i. fa. fwtued from Justice
Court TIGth district G. M., in favor of I^unar
Cobb vs. John Jau^tctter. I-cvy mode and
returned to me by E. i‘. Smith, constable.
G. *S. WKSTCOTT. Sheriff.
February f*. 1SS2. feb7 law'ov
W* Will Swd ox THIRTY Days’ Tbul,
Or. Dye’* Electro Voltaio Belts,
Sospansories, and other Electric Appli
ances lu MEN suffering from Nervou.
Debility, I ost Vitality, etc, speedily re
storing Health aud Mai-hoid. Also for
RhauunatisT, Paraly.i*, . Liver and K’dney
Troubles and a any other diseaM*. lRua-
trated parr pHV foe-. AddrM*
1 & Sons’
ogaries (who hag. shot
Ir 60,000 times), Milos Johnson, ant'
the dubs. Also, Colt’s and other
. Nov: on hand some damaged and
[handones, very low. Someofhigh-
ides. Scud stamp for circulars.
We have in stock ,
; or German Salts Potash,
[nriate Potash, Saltpetre,
Sulphate Ammoni
For making your own
Pepper, Spice, Ginger,?
Cloves, Hutmegs,
Piavoring Extracts,
Batches, Starch,
Seda, Potash, Snuff,
Mustard, Alum, Sulphur,
Salts, Camphor, Cologne,
Hair Oil, Tciiet Soaps,
Brushes and Combs
Garden Seeds, Etc.,
■which we offer at retail and who’e'nfo. We
cell from fi cents’ vcith up to ary quantity
yen with to bay. Give us a call.
Lamar, Rankin At Rankin.
Thirty-Six varieties of oaobngt 2l> of
com; 2i of cucumber; 41 of taidoo; K1 of
pea?: 23 of beaus; 17 of squash; 23 of beet
atd st) of tomato, with other VAriefioa in
proporticr, a largo ;oit;oa of which wero
grown or. my five »cedfarm*, wili be found
in m> Veoftaele am> funs Seed Oata-
loouk ron 1882. Sent i rek to ult who ap
ply. Customeis of last season need not
writo for it. All feed Fold from my estab
lishment warranted tc he both Mth nnd
truo to came, so far, that should it provo
otherwise, I will refill the order puitls.
’I it."I... r ..f l ■•',.> : ’
rank Potatoes, Marblehead Early Corn,
Hubbard Squash, Marblehead Cub-
mtPhfimeyfe Melon, and a ssore of oth-
new'Vegetables, I invite ibo paiionitRe
f the public. New vegetables a specialty.
dec2:-.cowtt Ma Vc' 1, Mass.
A Large and fine Stock Fruit ir ,V nes,
etc., tor the vtinter and spring ; atet of
1882. A largo stock of eif.a!l one yeur-old
Reach Trees, early and late, full assort
ment—2 io three feet—at §40.00 per thous*
nnd, packed: just the stock for planting
large market orchards. Send for Cata
logue. Correspondence solicited. Address
J. VAN LINDLT5Y. i’roprieto-,
dec23w2m G - *o, N. O.
iron,teei. Cutlery, C; ! rn g,
Carriage and W’con 3i'r>triria?-.
Plowr, Plow St-JOl.';' ;
Traces. Hame t
V.’o arc head
ir ana oilier Fn.u • •
Wo also keen a
SoUot Stock of PisuiS]
•Sold,Sins?. i:
t odio eiuilrl''TH
ftkem-i i.t*i>* t;
uu Silver. ut<
forS 3-ccnc -ATtacc *i.i
k> j»ra .$ r»Uc > fro t
. . •»
,„ 4 . CTijy
@rrge&? SS^ur-ISf
uawDS oo., I
/ 5 1S80
V'J fi ic»Uc«t rutoX t»tT, r-Vplk-xr.t', -illy ens:,vx.*r%
e tlrt’.ug it, Il ff<*t*strt frtwr c <***4 fit let, cncrunnes
fttuvt iU> 1st I 4rrrrff»f«u« > fi** n a rati f*r
: iurttAif li’Jt’ \* "f VicpL-Wj no-! i I-w .r j'LmU*
IL' K«lf r«*, .*,
L*. M. FRR&z it GO., Detroit. H'.c’o.
Joint owners By virtue of an order from Twiggs
Superior Court.
This January 30,1882.
fcb3-td - Commissionets.
“41 stzz
Popular ,'rionthly Drawing of the
In the City of iiouisvllle n .
Those drawing" occur monthly (Sunday’s
excepted) ucd«r provisions of an act of the
General Assembly of Krutuoky
The United’StatesCirouitCocTtjOn March
81, rendered the following decisions:
1st—That the Commonwealth Distribn-
tion Company is legal.
2d—Its drawings are ftir.
N, B.—Tho company has now on hand a
large reserve fundi. Read carefully the list
of prizes for the
1 Prize..! f 8O,0CO
1 Prize 10,0 0
1 Prize 5.0C0
10 Prizes $1,000 each 10,00)
20 Prizes £00 each 10,0(0
100 Prize* ICO each 10,000
200 Prizes £0 each 10,900
600 Prizes’ 20 each s.... 12,0(0
1,000 Frizes 10 each 10,000
9 Prizes 300 each, ar Vox prizes 2.7C0
9 Prizes 200 each do do lJfO
9 Prizes 100 each da— do 900
Snmnel A. Kettivs. Mary A. Reid.-.-In
•Tones Snpcrior Couri, O-toher tenr, 7881.
It appearing io tho court by return of the
sheriff that tho defcndnnt in above stated
case, Mary A. Reid, is cot lo he found in
said county of Jones; and it further ap
pearing that she dees not reside within tho
limits of this b’ate ; It i ordered tbai ser
vice be perfected on sola defendant by
publication in the Maoon Megraph and
Messenger for space of three months be
fore next term of this court. October 18th,
R. V. HARDEMAN, libelant’s Att’y.
Approved nnd »o ordered.
THOS. G. LAWSON, J. S.C. O. 0.
A true extract from minutes.
R. V. Hardeman applies to me for dismis
sion from administration, with will an
nexed, of estate William Wheatley, deo’d ;
These are to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to show cau-o a* ibis office
on or by the first Monday in May next, if
»"y they have, why the some shall not be
granted. Witness my hand officially Jan
uary 17,1882. R. T ROSS, Ordinary.
Double Wood Dots, Pvtent W<
ItrSaMo Dam]>cr, Iutcrelmufroabb--
Bhelf, Broilin'; Door, SaltMe V
Swinging Flue-Stop, r.-;;!/v G
Long Cross Plcee, Double Short Coal
itin- Covers, Illuminated Fire
Knou*, Nickel Panels, etc.
Unequaleil in Materiel. In. Finb
opcratfott. Maualaeturodny
And fiw sale by
•EC. JfCfcCAR, »2 Cherry Street,
■ •««
jot -v,
isr saa?asx4;ir 4 -
rjsr- wv, .
pilfOR 188?' .
raisSaAlUvj’.icv i«, tm4 f ><
^ icria^lt, u cottUlnt tv* relertJ rUitt. •
I n It Tnti.rlc, tvmlaxhl* to *U.
wU| be foRid tnon f*r t»It? t •- - .:.: h<* v.
rmUh»»RMreta»> \v»t*aJU'... »*]
rhuUts,Te*ckmcu <fsr* 11 C.r • >. • v: I
D. M. FEES ; 4 CO >“•.
8. S. bweet, edtniuistra'.or of .
ltolser, represents to t‘- j ccurit
(ion, duly filed and eat utd c a ,<
he baa fully ediciniitercd T. J
set’s estate:
Th;^ is therefore to cite ali ,.
cerned, heirs and cred’ Irs, ; , j
pear at tlie con-1 of ord'er . j/
ty on tho first Monday ju April
6how cause if any flicyeua why
mini.-lrntor should not he iiseha t
o. Vte t--
- A e > tur-
- J. h Liu.
■* a;.; v*Ii-
:<mi. ■ >csS
. -ShiDhas-
■ tr.i vnt
■ • n i ay
<i t etn.-
ueaJ. t!»
i at^.
sd fraca
igiatgaaBBfcagE &*****~-'**> ^
P* L Kt tj deceased, has applied to mo |
for dismission from said administration t
These are to cite and admonish all per
sona concerned to i l ow muse itl this office
on orbyihe first MoctLy in May next, if
any they have, why the serr.o shall notbs
granted. Witness mr bred officially Janu
ary 17, D82. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary
Martha L. Ejhs. of said county, widow of
said John IV. Ellis, deceased, has applied
for setting apart ard valuation of home
stead out of theYenlly helongingfo her de
ceased husband'd estate, for tho benefit of
herself and minor children, nnd I will pass
upon ihe snmo nt 10 o’clock a. m-, on tho
13th day of February, J8j2, at my office hi
Knoxville. Witness ray bend officially, this
January 17,1882.
iau’JOwlw V. S. HOLTON, Ordinary,
1,060 Prizes $112,400
Whole Tickete, $2. Half Tickets, $1.
27 Tickets, tfoO. 65 Tickets. $100.
Remit Money or Bank Draft fn Letter,
or send by Express. DON’T SEND F Y
FICE ORDER. Orders ol $5 and upward,
by Express, can be sent' at our expense.
Address all ordors to
'M.1 llromlwav. N. Y.
' XBower*, exccutur estate of David Bowcr«. de
ceased, ot said county, applies to me for letters
o; di- nt’ -ion frot.i >:tM tru-t:
Tills is therefore to cite nil persons concerned
to show cause, if any they have, within tlie
time prcscrilted by lawwV;.'. said application
hould not l»e granted »n<I letter* of ufsmisslon
■sue. WttMnmy hand offieiullv this Pebraa-
ry C. ISS2.
i.-bs-wt\e nni.Toy, Ordinary^
JT Ji-sap, adainistraiorof the estate of Will
iam F. Jessup, deceased, of said county, applies
t-i me fur letters ••( ( from ta il trust:
Tliis is to cite all penons concerned to shou
Ciiute, If any they hove, within the time pre
scribed by law why said application should hot
be granted und li tters di»mi-scry iv-ue to said
amdic.-ilit. Witm-s tnv lmnd •dUeially.
VIBGIL 8. HOLTON, ordlr.aiy.
February s, i®ck—w iw
N._8. Glover, guitrdinn for Tlioa J. Green,
minor, applies to mo for dismission;
These are to cito nnd admonish all per-
. sons coucernod to show cause nt this office
on or by tho first Monday in March next, if
any they fcnve, why dismission shall not be
granted. Witness my hand officially Janu
ary 17, 1882. It. T. ROSS, Ordinary.
stuts W.Tutk, administiator on estate of
Mrs Cordelia Turk, deceased, applies to
me for dismission:
These are to citx and admonish all per
sons concerned to show cause nt tiffs of
fice on or by (ho fi st Monday in May next,
if any they have, why dismission shall not
be granted.
Witness my hand officially January 17th,
1882, R. T< DOSS, Ordinary.
T. J. Mell nnd A. F. Hunter, executors of
The estate of Eudocia E. Hunter, represent
to the court in Iheirpctition duly filed, that
they have fully administered Kudefia E.
Hunter’s estate. This is therefore to cite
all iit rsons concerned, legatees and credi
tors, to show can e, if any they can, why
said executors should net be discharg-d
from their executorship and roceive letters
of diemission on the first Monday in March,
Witness my hand and official signature.
. , J. A. McMANUS,
d fetid*; Ordinary.
guardian of W. S. Rynla, having applied to
tho court of erdinaty of said courty for a
discharge from his goatdiansbip of W.L.
*1 his is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause why the said B. ’J’.
Ray should not be dismissed from his
guardiuuship of W. L. Kyels and receive
the usual letters of dismission.
Given under my hand aud official signa
ture, this January 7, 1882.
jnn a wtd*Ordinary.
Given under my hand rffic i d
ture this. Jrncttry 7,18H8.
jantteSm* J. A. McMANUS. OtJ-ca
whom it may concern. SfopV.n
gett having in proper form ata
for permanent to: tots of adm:*ff*tr
the estate of W. VV. Bozemtuz. -Jr.,
late of raid county, ttt.s is to
singular the creditors and n, „
ff. ff.Bauman, dr., to he -iro appi
my office within tlte time allowed by
and show cause, it any the , can, f.
macent administration sho-rid n<
granted to Stephen L. Pm:_\ r-a
BozemanV, Jr., estate.■ Wilrt s
nnd official etcnattira.
O. A. bOLOMA X, Oidxr Ary.
jnn.l wld
;. iw"
! ; •< vai:
-ws *«a
rev -j*S
iii nvei
ira r. {
t . - r as
Ui ptn -
: VT,
vT It anpearing to me that
w. .WMtington. decerned,
whereby loss Is likely to m ex
This is therefore tovfil oil ]
to show cense, if guy they lm
the first Monday in ilaren n,
adainlstnufoo stkould not ve
ClerkBcpertar Ctopri of Craw
Wltntro ray hand oSeialty,
:rs J
in hurry.
administrator at estate i
deceased, of aaM eounty. 1
i»: .1:vmi—i,from
:•• cit" .til ;■ i-1-1: - f. t:,-t i:
any they have, by the >
is--’, wliv mill iipptii-atfou
cd and ietfen- dutzaiss!
W itness my hand
■ o ttera
. tb-r.-Su
- rati**
i »*y.
• ,-Rraid-
' ls4,
rd ftiKry.
- GEORGIA, JuXES COUNT V.— Vi f e:ere
. T.Parsley,guardian for J, :ut s A. Sfcw-
■t. minor, applies to nio for disratsf tea:
These rre to ri'.e and adtoon '■••h ;.Uj>er-
sorsconcerned to show cans? nt this cfSc®
on or by the lhst Monday in March next,
if any they hare, why dismission fiittii dot
be granted. Witness my l and officially
January 17. lr>2. Ii, T. ROSS, Ordinary
GEORGIA, jlBAWI'ol.DCOUNTY.—Notice i.-
Zdminiitrator’i Sale.
BY virtue of fin order from
nary of Jasper county, will l
Tucsulay in March. 1 »»>.!, nt tin
in sai«\ county, the j«lacc of
tween the icpil sale hours, ti
snifi county uhercon Jan
ottheiimoof hi.*
hun«lrv<I and ti
adjoining l.uuls
Zarhry. <»rt*vn
others, the Mime
innl wootl**. ultor
an-1 a horn flirt
the Court of Onlf
e m>1i1 <mi the first
• eourt hou«e
SiuTilTr sales. 1 e
it- tract of lull') in
‘ 'll IT
bottom land in a high state
ail ill ^«km! repair, with n
e&tbeCOQta!niiiKti\T > nt)’*thri > o
•ntv-llv’ atTt^, linin' «»r h*N>.
i Jit in * *- I.. Maddox. Walter h.
. Mr Michael. Mr 6 . I've and
vii»ir about one*third In orit:-
tv-live acres fresh hijids,
i«i and fifty am*s of fine
f <*nltivatio!».tiiid
power jfin
Also, at same time r: id id Are. will he wdd
32 shares (•( the sUn k of the Central Railroad
ami Ranking Company, nnd one liond of Uie
Central Kaihoid and Itankiug Comdany for
twelve hundriHl dollars, pavable in iw:. Urn ring
interest »u six j»cr cent, intcre>at f lmyubic semi
at-law of said Janie* M. l>arden. * Terms eaftb.
AdmSnJatraior of James it Barden *
February i&Sz,
en. dnroanrd
fthcidU'.ttyiKurt "f Cranford rountv ivtz.,
third Monday in Fcbrunty) itobl my montiily
sevions on tlte N.-COM’. Monday in > m it moutli,
mid my iptururiy ^ewious on tilt- Mon-
(lavTit Mar, .ttigu-t, Novi-nil-cratid i-'i-t--anir\.
rlively. Thr.t the first tnonihlr -oxii-a 1, i-l
after the elmogc will i.eon tl>e veeoitil Mombn
iii Matcb. 1SS2. utul the tint wuurn riv s.----:'-:!
held will boon the >ceond M(.mlav'in M«v.
ls>2. Febrttar.-1.
feb::>\ lw Judge Crawford County t our:.
Administrator'a Sale.
WILL be «dd Met'orc tlte court ,tou>e d<Hir In
tlte town of lluwkifn,vitie. i,;a.. betwqau the ie-
gal hours of sale, on tlte rt^t Tuesday in March
next, the one-fourth undivided fnteVest in amt
to (lie North half of each of the following Jots
of land No. eighty-one si, and No, eighty-eight
IKS), total acres two hundred two mol one-lialf
acre-s, more or less, in tiu iili district of Twiggs
comity, Ga. total by order of court of ordinary
of I-nlitski (scouty for ts.-nctit of creditors and
heir* of the late Geo. T. McVe.y, of said county,
and sold a* the prop-rty of lit* estate. Term*
cash. Thi* January 80. Iks2. ]
foWwtw D. C. WALKER, Administrator.
Whereas. Amanda Clevebad h:iT;r.^ Sied
her petition for the prob ’to in sofoxxe
form, of the last wiii and $e.stnto«ci aS
Virginia Bailey, ot said county, UeiXMtL
and it appearing in sa’d petition li*ai Jiii-
iam Hatley, Charles Faii-y end T joins*
Bailey are next cf kin oi testator, tod
their residence is unknown :
This i* therefore to rife the said Wi<ffato
Bciley, Charles Beiley ac J Thomas foilqr
to be and appear nt the regu! ir March tsraa
of eocr! o* ordinary of said county its ho
Itoiden on tlie first Monday in Mareb. Xidei^
to atieuci the prebate of s*id will. Witnaaa
my h»Dd officin-iy. liiis January 2, 18Sf,
VIR'ill, K. IIOL'I'UN, UrdjnzrjL.
janlS Inwfiw'
OaptNABi’s Ot i fi r, Joni-s Co., Ga.—Jass-
uary 17th. 18h'j.—Whert a- Mrs. Mart iso 7U.
Ross applies to me for nuofittistralk'’* **»
tha estate o' B. F, Ross, late of Jo»*t tne-
tj deceased: ,
These are to cite and to r.doonfli “
persons corcortted to show cause sA
office on or by the fits* Monday ia lies**
next, if any they have, why the saace *&aS
uol l-e granted.
Witness my hand, officialise
K. T. BOSS. OwiusMjt-
W. J. Dent, administrator cf Cynthia J"
represents to the court in his petition, i
filed and entered on record, that ha :
felly adminiatered Cynthia Hoy’s wastoz
This is, therefore, to cito ali t oraeaawet-—
cerned, heirs and creditors, to show eawey,
it any t'-ay can, why said adnxicfaftiat[ r
short 1 not bo discharged from his adanaAq
tratiqn cud receive loiters of dritnjMfaatt j
tho first Monday in April 7,1802.
Giron under my hand tuid J
lure this January, 1882.
lawllm* J, A. McM ANUS, C ~