Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, February 24, 1882, Image 6
Ctj£ KUl-Ww smSt iSawmal & «ifcr * drgraph and $tosM(}fr : F53DAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1882. Cma» most ba overloading his oranges, f&ctar lost his way in Washington a few k*«Wrg8oteIdo declared that Barton tfcsm, and there is not wanting proof to faai the statement. “lkwpatriotie militia of Ohio marched to Ma flaiWeld funeral to thetnneoftwodol- lam H* day. The Ohio idea is thrifty. Sam man Conger was ao much afraid af#» dead Soteldo that old man Conger Sftto accompany him to the coroner's in- Tamport that Chadbind Lapham and felfawy Walker hang their pantaloons on h* sea* peg, tarns oat to be the wicked ■snticiQ of a Washington correspondent. In Stalwarts are practically charging t Boise is a gcano merchant. Itispre- 1 that this will array against him the Hassip-lamdsd men of the soil. tar os make a suggestion to Albany, dbgpoeethe artesian well be contracted for a » job, ratlifer than by the day. It may tamubte that there will be fewer reamers • Foxs, of Maine, has snatched np the rof the bloody shirt and is waving it Jtanootlj orer what he calls the “tayriff,” QU which Judge Kelley says is the “tar- Bunusm OmniL Howe has issued tagFneral order requiring the postmasters -^ta country to contribute to the Garfield mrwnrasnt fond. Pay np or step down and • wiss cotton futures young man, AMI in the market young men; A marginal creature— A asw short-crop feature; X nape-on-the-hat young man. 7aBer. Tobin R. Brooks, editor of the ■ of Holiness,” in Bloomington, Il ia in trouble. He has trailed the r of bojiness” in the dirt, and has Mckgmrded the Illinois Methodist oon- Tbe Onello and tbe Ylrglnla Courts Sines the assembling of the present Legislature, which is composed of a ma jority of those who adhere to the political fortunes of Senator Malione, it has been given out that an amnesty bill, for the benefit of gentlemen who engaged in pop gun duels during the campaign, would be passed. Prominent among those who in dulged in this harmless pastime was Sen ator-elect Blddleberger, who also eDjoys and occupies a seat In the Slate Senate of Virginia. When a proposition was made in the Senate to pass an amnesty bill con taining Ills name with those of others, be objected to It and baa bis name stricken from the list, declaring at the same time that be did not desire to shirk any respon sibility'that might attach to bis acts. Onr telegraphic dispatches indicate that a Virginia grand jury has addressed itself to an investigation of the Riddleberger- Wise and other duels, and presently, per haps, we shall have some proceedings in open court. It it a matter of little or no trouble for a grand jury to obtain testi mony sufficient to frame indictments against the principals, seconds and sur geons connected with an hostile meeting. Tho difficulty comes when evidence is sought upon which to obtain a conviction, and without a conviction, the stringent constitutional provisions in the fundamen tal charters of the Southern States amount only to a “brutum fulmen.” A man cannot be disfranchised until he has been proven gnilty of a violation of law by competent testimony. By the rules under which gentlemen meet to fight due’s, this testimony rests in most cases in the bands oi tbc seconds and sur geons, whom the law holds equally guilty wjth the principals. When the prosecu tion proposes to put a second on the stand to testify he immediately invokes the pro tection of the law, which says in terms that no witness can be compelled to crim inate himself, and the courts have held that the protection must be accorded him who asks it. Tne question was raised and fully discussed in the case of the sur vivor of the McCarty-Mordecai duel, which occurred near Richmond, Virgtnis, some years since, and the courts followed and North Carolina’* prize-fight the precedents and opinions ot English s yesterday. The Sullivans and Paddy and American tribunals in similar cases, Btrai* however, are game cocks, and there and the prosecution was ended at once, wffl he no sponges thrdwn np. When a 'There is no power to break down this »«eck quits fighting be has not strength barrier^ erected by the bill of rights to ~> left to tip thei»imnge. ^^^hlide'rrte araiiw * a*n<ife. and lbe P° wer t insane and enthosihabits -nniWbf f*nri«* ument * the Washington journalist, has II baa1)6611 suggested that this barrier 1 him with a new and dangerous ma J be flanked as follows, viz.: to put , and the Republican is trying to pro- I *b® surgeons on trial, and upon fail- ’tt** Harris, of the Star, to get in range of I arc of evidence, to grant them a ver- iX. The tigers hqve lapped blood and want I diet of.acqulttal. Being thus purged of ‘■* c **^*^ any offense they would be competent A eaawvTmrtdwpateh from Columbus in- WltnCSSeS,andC0U,dn0tinV0k ° lh ° pr0 " taw ns that ex-Gov. Smith has thrust a tcctl0n of 3 constitutional provision, ■ta of waffle irons into the coals, and Tbe P Iau Iooka plausible enough, but just ta» a kettle of water singing a lullaby in I here the ethics of the medical protesslon Itafer corner of the fireplace, while he is steps in on the side of the defendant. ^ eeasnlting Mrs. Hill s cook book. It Surgeons claim that under the responsl- m evdeot to a man at the shatters, that bilities of their calling, they are bound, iu a^k has culinary intentions. the interest of human life and lru- taftbe notout of‘orderder wo will re- man ta * ai0 * 10 an8wer aU 63,13 n that people who buy more than they ° r relief and mercy, and A Trace. The running up of* a white flag by the Augusta Chronicle and Constitutionalist on Wednesday morning last gave evidence that General Alexander and his friends had no further stomach for a fight with the Central railroad, and as the Nortiinff News of Friday followed with a bugle call for a parley, it may be considered that active hostilities have ceased, for the pres ent, at least, and nnder the provisions and protection of an offered and accepted truce, negotiations will be entered into for a satisfactory compromise. Considering the boldness and confidence exhibited by General Alexander and it lends In their fierce and partially suc cessful assault, it is no less surprising than gratifying to witness the suddenness with which they were baited by the mandate of the law. A stoppage of a charge is always fatal, the elan of the troops is destroyed and the line Is euro to be broken and confused. The delay gives time to count the cost, to examine danger^ and difficulties, and sober reason has opportunity to step in and usurp the place of passion. In this Instance the terms of negotiations are proffered almost as soon as the fo’ds of the while flag could be discovered float ing :n the breeze. They are embodied in the following paragraph from the editorial columns of the News: Under these circumstances It would seem to be clearly the part of wisdom for each party to yield somewhat of its position and meet upon a middle ground, and the suggestion of our Augusta contemporary, that in place of the proposed interest bearing certificates, it be de termined to declare a larger cash dividend—to be paid, say quarterly, instead of semi-annually —proportionate to the earnings of the Ocean Steamship Company after deducting all that may be regarded necessary for betterments, running expenses, insurance, etc., seems to people of Georgia in our journalistic char ter we feel bound to say for them that the Central management can make no compromise that will respect their rights, which involves the scheme of di viding, either In interest certificates or quarterly cash dividends, money that should he saved and used for far more important purposes. now songht to be avoided. There is a chance, too, that the present surplus would soon be at a premium, and far beyond tho reach of a poor man. The other plan necessitates the shipping to other lands of those who, by taking pas sage, tacitly acknowledge the necessity of their emigration. How difficult It is to I find that I have written you a letter -The ! when my design was to write you a line, Tba TariirqaeiUaa Daiilon’kga, Ga,, Feb. 13,1882, people of the South—certainly Georgia—owe a lasting debt to graph and Messenger for having j pjness. Your obedient servant, brought about a free and open discussion w ** T> of the tariff*. Onr people have been blind ly led by their politicians, for upwards of NEWS ITEMS. It is reported from Jerussler the r« >i>1» of i tbauking you for opening and keeping , , , on3 J , eru ** le m thu » . « * open a question, which of all others just VL n .1 U : 11 i'' 1 - - “ * ,o the Tele- D0W( jg OTOSt vitai to our success and hap- i t | lt B ‘ * 1 ” l!i, r *n-j for having! niness. Your obedient servant, i „ , ..... W. P. Pbick. bring about this confession may he gath- half a century, upon this very question of ered from the fact that the bachelors of ‘ a tariff. When some one would be bold Queensland bavo offered for several years I enough to donht the saving efficacy of the to pay the expenses outward of two hnn-1 doctrine of free trade, he was immediately from 811.41 a ton to 833.60 a ton. Now as to the effect of the duty on steel blooms we care very little about It appears to result tu a desire on I the part of one monopoly interest to v bleed an other monopoly Interest But the proposition j to increase the duty on Iron cotton Ties is | quite a different matter. “Protection that la Bobbery” Tbc first move of the ultra-protectionists in the present Congnss Is embodied in what is. . .... . . . . . , . „ known as the McKinley bill recently framed in dred “comely women under thirty” per set upon or laughed into silence. The the committee of ways and means. If wc arc month, and yet last year only flfty-niro 1 c*? °* monopoly I monopoly 1 has at last not mistaken, McKinley is the man who an-1 responded. This may practically be said j failed to satisfy the loneing desires of our ££££?&&l^*™*"^** of tha cmi 8 riUon Pe i pl b, f0 - dental revenue/- McKifficy’s motto is a fitting achemG - Yet what is to be done, shall valuable journal, to cause them to think tribute to his bill, which is intended to raise the world stand Idly by and see this host and investigate this Important subject, the duty on steel blooms from *12.63 a ton to I of ladies pass away, when there are hnn- are ,n the right direction, and must inure 850.40 a ton, and the duty on Iron cotton ties | dredsand thousands of,cabins and cots in I ,n much substantial good. - the States, in Canada, in Australia and in Th86e are iome facta wh,cbtbo P ub,,c * •.triii-oA .... a “ Yell as courts, are compelled to take civil zed Africa, In which buttonlcss gar- cognizance of, without being Tor ments and undarned socks hang in for- mally proven. Every one admits lorn despair for tho want of deft I tbat the war occurred, and that , figures to cares3 them? • Shall wo see *l near,y cvery P rin6, P ,a of business-not to Itea different matter. From our position co .. seeal say olJr habits—have been changed there- the fence, where tho'ClIWiuM Telegraph I tb 8,0VG,ln6SS which now blossoms as the I by. Farmiug itself has greatly changed has kindly placed us. we are disposed to regard rose shed its beauty and fall withered I credit has changed; especially has onr Itas an infamous attempt on the part of a few to the earth while a great army of tach- labor system changed. Young men who rich Pennsylvania manufacturers to rob the e lors is wandering about arm-in-arm with ha . ve no tast0 , <or farmin f? would like to cotton planters of the South . I innoiin 0t = , , . . M . mw . enter upon and pursue the industrial Arts— There was a time when the cotton planting I eline ss, vainly trying to build up the I erigage in manufacturing, become miners interests of the South could very well afford to eeuutfy on their own responsibility? l)o- ** well as follow other lines of bush ess. Ignore tho results of such a raid as this. Men I ddedly not. It is tho doty of political Yhese pursuits may bo more precarious, who owned the plantations were capitalists; economists to bring together these two P erha I»> but, nt lie «ud promise a greater they numbered their acres by the hundred, and wandering atamnUW^ fewarufer skill and industry than farm- such a fleecing as tho so-called protcctlonlsJ elements and demonstrate the ng. Before the war it was not exactly now propose would not i*ve affected their H* 1 “ a " m ' that ln UD,on lhere is 3tre ngtb “tfo toto* ’ few eduiated young men to go pockets. But that time b past The princely aa d progress. But how? Well, listeD. "."“SEEL,,* 0 ,8am . trades . for possessions disappeared In the tumult of war. Thst great and good journal, the Tele- inDrentlMs'wfmtter The planutlons-each covering miles of terri- obapd, published simultaneously in M»- effiue s hop,’ «SScr’s ^oS?or^nX‘ 52SSaSfSL«r , 1 -2?* has bit IponiTpIi tMlor’s^^Cwrit' are colored men who have been enabled by j ami very properly. It is a crown of glory wo had to look to the North for nearly rigid economy to buy their own und and work to the nineteenth century that ouly half all our beat engineers, blacksmiths and L 0, ? nCCeM ' a hundred, out of a million, reversed ? ther «rt iz »tis. in a few more years—if — ^ter whether the cotton planters of tlie South tL natural orde f , b ’ n “ it is not so at present—’he South will be afford a fair and satisfactory solution of tho fVw £° r £ j, 5 “* poor - An<1 ,n thelr »? Ut aWa to furnish all tho skilled labor sbe difficulty, if the proposed certificates would , b i h *J f Ul ? OmsMntum protests against this ‘“ ere 13 no roAson, the mountain refus- needs, provided, always, that tho South effort on the part of a Republican majority on a ing to move, why Mahomet should I will favor such laws as will protect home committee packed in the interest of monopo- not climb the mountain. Let the govern- ,abor aC(I home industries, lists to compel them to pity a double taxon men ts of America Australia r\»na,i. „«ri For fifteen years past this subject has cotton tics. “ f f mCriCa) Au3 tralia, Canada and attracted the writer’s earnest thoughL The total consumption of Iron cotton ties ta n ,. “ d Af6lca “U 660 to P a y tLe expenses Having In an humble way. since the war, the South is estimated at 30,000 tons a year, and Bnta, uward of every man who goes for . epresented the people of Georgia both in tho proposed increase in the tax amounts to a wife > and let England contract to send J 16r ..?®“ e . ral assembly and the national 819.19 a ton. The extra price the Southern cot- them back free of cost. Place on exblbi- to’voto'for those'meaTurea *Sh?eh W wi™ 8575 wTj^ta^nTcaVto ‘“" ^““This U ° n at Londoa tho P 1,oto Sraphs of these calculated to protect, foster and build up Z!t‘i ta uS to Ar^ 1*00,000 females with a descriptive caU- ^ = ria, inmresu of the wholes^ accrue under the McKinley bill to a few Penn- lo SUe showing their weight, height, age, Q^ttenstO invMtors h of^inita f Mnmann-* sylvan la manufacturers. But suppose we admit color, and previous condition, and keep I factorin'* enterprises in this S'ate. for a * mount wUI 80 Into tlie United them there, tho arrangement in the mean- limited °number of years. In August, * — bGi,) S thoroughly advertised for six this idea was adopted by the legis- is it necessary to grind the Imjiovcrlshcd cot-I _ n ,, *, . • , I lature, and under its provisions nearlv ton-planters of the South, white and colored, “ ontl18 ' At tb ® enJ of thB exhibition Ug oOO.OOO were invested, which in a ..—1.— » 1 . olnsf. Ilm M-n.-vln n,.f n , .1. . I . . > ... . J *** * be exempt from the obligation of the Central to the Southwestern, which wc greatly doubt, this cash dividend from the earnings, of the Steamship Company should, it seems, be like wise. In any event, wo believe such a course would tend to harmonize all differences, satisfy all parties in Interest, and restore the fullest confidence In the future prosperity and man agement of Georgia's -great and imixyrtant highway. Divested of all of the tricks of ver biage and reduced down to a satisfactory understanding, this means that Gen. Alex ander and friends, not being able to handle interest certificates predicated upon the Ocean Steamship Company, generously propose to take the amount In hard cash, payable quarterly, in dividends. They do not even propose a discount for cash or a rebate, in consideration of the fact that the money will come before they are hauled through the corridors of the various courts of the State. With no intended disrespect for any one, it appears to us, a bystander, that this may be likened unto the proposition of a burglar, who when foiled by a double-barrel gun in the bands of the pro prietor of the house at the front door, coolly proposes to climb the back fence and to remove the silver plate and jewelry without unnecessary noise or delay. We cannot see how the Central road ^period o*f linmusuafiy Slotted^ 9urgeon r ® fu3,D 8 to testify, under . management can accept these terms with — life.—Sparta I-hmaelite. 8116,1 circumstances, though he might be any degree of satisfaction to themselves or yl. under the revenue tariff this I Pushed by a judge with fine and imprls-1 justice to the interests of the Stockholm bought daring the last year that I cument, would have rallied to his sup- J ers whom they represent, as tried $20,040,062 more than it I port all the energies and the moral and I If cash quarterly dividends are declared •wl Uie Ishmaelite contends for a re- monitary force of tho medical fraternity and paid, the stockholders of the South- 0 t system. I throughout tho country. The lawyers I western road will have to be paid their YtacAtianta press lays considerable stress wouId .scarcely like to make martyrs or proportionate share. It Is so nominated fact that Macon, Angosta and t,l<J doctor9 » knowing that a time most in tho bond. But admitting, for the sake editors drop into that city on Sun- J a;>nle 10 eac!l wb6u the doctors might re-1 of argument, that the stock hoid- Av* M it were not that the press referred to I taliate with terrific force. Environed with I ers could by any process be hugger- mjo choked np by vanity as to be almost | technical and legal difficulties as this I muggered out of their their share, Bfadt it wonld be evident that the editors I question is, it Is not easy to see any good I wha would be the gain to the . .. meroly rejard Atlanta as the polit- that is likely to follow tha Investigation of I the Central road and its stockholders ? ® 8 k 6 ’ , n ®v® r droD in the grand jury of Virginia, though the law We have heretofore shown that the Ocean taM Mast lava 'LmethafTlet^ih!! “ iraperative u P on **• « raBd j'«y Steamship Company, after carrying S100,- atrel atmosphere. A Macon Aniroita or *? Invcstigate ' lf tbere •“ay bo any par- 000 to the sinking fund and paying mter- ■kame editor con Id no more live in tiie Gnte I tl f au ammu3 lurking behind this partic- est and Insurance, would have but little Oj cn week days than a fish could exist U ar casc ’ then 11 is likc,y 11)31 barm m£ y OTCr one hundred thousand dollars upon xfmoUna. | come of it. I which to pay cash quarterly dividends on Even with a fall array of competent I $7,500,000 worth of stock. A"d this PERSONAL.. —“Mrs. Devil” is the name of a new opera bouffe in Baris. —Daniel Slate, the “Dan” of Mark Twain’s Innocents Abroad, Is dead. —Mr. Andrew Young, author of “'there Is a Happy I-aml,” and other popular livmns mid poems, resides in his native city of K-.lIn- buryh. —In an affray at Matamoras, Tex., be tween Colonel Hemandcz and Domingo Aliana, artilleryman, the former shot and killed the latter.’ —In order to extend her profitable con cert tour. Miss Clara Louise Kellogc has post poned for some weeks her marriage to a Phila delphia broker. —It is now reported that Ellis, the con fessed Ashland murderer, is a crank and his confession false, and a detective furnishes a startling theory which will be worked up. —President Angell, of the University of Michigan, arrived by steamer Sunday at Halifax, whence he went to Washington to re port in person touching his mission to China. —Sebastian—Merworth, wlro; as a sol dier, accompanied Napoleon in his famous march to Moscow, died near Easton yericnlay in the ninetieth year of his age. Ho was wounded in the battle of Lcipeic. —Charles Wright, the hero of tho Pot ter lire in New York, has been rewarded by a medal from the Humana Society, and It ia be lieved that ho will be given a place in the fire department service. —The President has disapproved the findings of the courts-martial in the eases of Captain William II. I’cnrecc, third Infantry, and Captain Frederick Mean, ninth infantry, and ordered their restoration to duty. —Senator Sherman issues a card to state that the testimony reflecting upon himself and his wife, which was alleged to have been given by Custodian Pitney, Is a pure concoc tion, as will soon be shown by the printed evi dence. —Mr. Trescott, sent out from the United States, was received formally by the Chilian government on the 14th ultima The report of a treaty of peace between Bolivia and Peru Is confirmed. Bollvie a seaboard. Tuk Natural Bridge property j n Vlr ginla, consisting of L300 acres, has > the Alleghany Coal und Iron Company m 1/ ,7 l*nrsoits tor Joa.UOO. **• <* The London Times announces on good authority that the government has derided, buy up the telephone companies in rSLI? Britain. *** About 80,000 acres of land between Jaffa and Jerusalem has been secured on which to form a colony lor thcpersccntcd "jew. of Europe. There arc 10,COO more men than wo men In Utah. Thfs condition of affairs should develop polyandry rather than polygamy if figures and tog>0 ran parallel; but they doh'L The National Board of Health has re ceived the following small-pox statistics for the week ended February llth: Boston, 1 death- New Ydrk city, 21 deaths; Titusville, Penn., i Dr Chicago small-pox seems to be on the decrease, the report for one •lay last week shows six new eases and one death. t week - at Richmond, Virginia, there were twelve cases and eighteen deaths. “Ha, old follow, do yon know that some of your enemies at the club are circulat ing ugly stories about you-reying that so-and- since; what more do they wantr’ A business man meets on the boule- walka vard the named X., well known in the of journalism and beer. “I have been given a note to collect," he says, “it Is for 250 franca and bears your name." “Has It been protestedr* “No/’ “Then it is not mine!" Repudiation seems to bo a contagions ailment. The people of the Territory of Da kota, In emulation ot the snccessfnl Mlnncso- tas^have reaolvgi to repudiate *200, 000 of t Is thus left without touvBadi-al Northern namm. 1“‘-J «* wiupeieui -pi.-jw.uw worm 01 SIOCK. anu this tMlmchto say, because Ryan of New I te3timony > 11 13 more lban doubtful if I amount is the earnings of an exceptionally ta*,and Sullivan, of Boston, were per Soulbern J arie3 w,tl convict participants good year. Twist it and turn it as you catted to fight in Mississippi.’The South inad “ el whlchha3 been ““ducted ac- may, the design of Gen. Alexander and bar sad experienco has seen many worse cording 10 lho rule3 and regulations of friends to get money out of the Central aa»1fcanByan and Sullivan. They did I lbe code ' Public sentiment upon the road as tho result of their speculations ia •tasteal anything while they were down *ubject has undergone a great and health- its stock, sticks out like the leg of a pot. nor have they s’nndered and black- j *ul change within the last few years. I Individually we’have no Interest in tho 2 Southern people since thoir return I Under different conditions of society, I conflict. As a representative to some ex- They were Admirable Crichtons and the gradual establishment of a civl-1 tent of the people of Gcorcia we hare. l^"*y* rt T * ** carpet-baggers who I lization which is subordinating sentiment I Neither the Central road or the Ocean edtheSonthornStatesf° neto reCon ‘ 10 material lDtere3t s, the change will Steamship Company are in any condition * j Srow, and resorts to the duel will be I to be squeezed for the benefit ofspecula- i New York Sun says: There seems fewer and farther between, until this tors and brokers. If they have assets in * rivalry among ex-Confederetes in tha ®ode for tho settlement of personal quar I the shape oi property, these assets are _ * 81 wb ® sba ll go to greatest I re 1 * will become the exception rather I offset by ouUtanding indebtedness. All 2^* vo “ff ®* Panaion arrears than the rale. At present the memories indications of business and trade point to Senator Garland yesterday urged and traditions of tbe duel are too fresh the fact that this fiscal year will not equal war ah . 0nId a,,d alroDg for J^ies reared and edu- the last in results. * ttalaw. Scnator^CMi thonghS'tao ^f‘ ed “f 6 " th ? ir lnflacnce • tbe time tb6 “e*t crop is ready for of tbe Black Hawk, Creek nnd r gent,,, “* n who ma y resort to It market, the Central will have a formida- wars ought to como in too. a I * saUement of disputes, whether real ble rival for business on its mam line in . of liberal expenditures D in favor. °. r fancIed ‘ Yhe recent trial of Cash in I Georgia territory. So formidable indeed are all now for the old flag and ari I Carolina, for the killing or Shan- as not to be overshadowed by any fancied ojriation. I nun, to proof in point. I advantages It may have or may still JftwnareoE Star: The proposition of »*«"» ^written ft curbs’'tad regu- fom ^somrtimes^tochfevou^^froad hatoof ffl j^eS , G. n rfirtd 6 for'Sfi y< h 8®«S«ni ^iiTtake !* y ^ ®° nnec;,on in order to raise this extra revenue for the gov-1 6,030 lbo whole lot out at auction to the I short time will increase the taxable prop- •qi U * c ’ ernmentr Every cent of It comes out the pock-1 highest bidders, the amount paid to go as I fifty at tbe State to that extent, an ‘ ' — Cts of the Southern farmer*. dowers, and end the whole affair with one enterprises be able to stand alorST The Constitution, in an editorial from gigantic marriage ceremony that should have °received 8 Drotmfon at the hifllu which the above extract i, taken, has at unite for life 1,800,000 hearts and souls. I of the rmo lejtofature, whi^ lJ?s in last left tbe fence on the tariff question. The fleets of England and her neighbors duced many hundreds of thousands ofdol- In doing so, however, it has managed with could convey tho bndal parties to their ,ars °? forc, S D capital to be invested in a great deal of care to alight on tbe wrong new homes, and a honeymoon as big as wouW Dot^Mwtoa^i^i side. It manifests a disposition still to Jupiter a mile off, would shed its mellow State. It to true that the protection to sectionalize this question. It is evident beams upon a happy world. this industry was more under tha guise of that a great deal of care has been be- The governments owe the peoDle this of “eminent domain” than exernp- stowed upon this editorial. Its chief much, but aside from that, it^ould be a feb p£te“on°«^ concern appears to have been to strike I stroke of political economy that has never j and required, before it could be properly popular prejudice in the cotton States, been excelled since Eve was invented for ] deV6,0 P ed \ 1 allude to those sections of The Constitution does not conGne itself Adam’s welfare. to^^taver^iXany^ThiSISSfSS tawthSL‘ta? introduced by Mr. McKinley, to increase nel is not the close read™ of tibe Eagle vro tbey wou, d give advantage to monopolists the duties on cotton ties—according to bad hoped, or fco would bare seen that wo and . m,n0 owners, and besides were sub- the Constitution—810.19 Der ton Th« are 52? ioatnow'engaged in war-iufact wf tbe right* of tbe people, and * rj? , , Th# °S L 01C ? 30(1 vote ore for peace.-Gains- therefore unoonstttutionaL These prlvi- Constitulion to very unfortunate in itsse-1 villaEa^e. leges to miners and mining companies lection of an article to demonstrate a The young man Saul who held tho coats have been passed upon by tbe highest species of pro ection as “robbery pure I ot those who stoned Stephen,was accounted I ‘ lib,iu al of the State-the Supreme and simple.” fcoilty. And surely the “Eagle” that flop- Gtmrt—*nd declared constitutional. So It is a fact well-known to every negro 1>ed h)a ****** *° d screamed lay it on while U p under these laws, bat insteaifef ati°the who raises one bale of cotton that the ***** was po,tln S Bete » i 8 equally crimi-1 evils prophesied, thousands of miners are most profitable feature connected with na1, I to-day employed, and their families well the whole tran««<fin„ 1. hio- , I T ~ tfed and well clad, who might, were it • . transaction is the difference In I Judge Gibson, of tho Augusta News, is otherwise, be without employment 1 price that he buys at and the price at J measuring his own corn in others’ half-1 allude to this protection to miners and which he sells his cotton ties. bushels. He says: “We don’t believe that mini “S interests in our own State, as well Tho price of the latter the past season on « haH of the editors who ore discussing «ected S und£r theexeSSfSon*!^ 1 ??' averaged about §1.75 per bundle. There tb ? tariff question so vigorously know any- to show tbattho protection afforded them van had hit mo in th «« . ir are forty bundles to the ton, and hence J Jhreg worth mentioning about the snbjecL” | has not worked the evil result* that were ond round, Si th^UoriSSTn th^worid roffid of r f gsnwsscr.ffbss ^ ^ 1^.; * D d zzxzzz fiktsi ssnst sss zssssn may say The exoeptiona are well taken. tidp»ted in by those who, at tho capital of dC * * 10 (,eorgia ’ and 18 ,n no > can, of course, bs no objection to I l ^ e nation, sat themselves up as censors I dltl0n 10 meet ,ts obligations. It has poor dbg the memory of Garfield in all | 01 P ub,,c nien and public morals. J oars and equipments, light engines and a p^per ways, bat there to no noed of doing xtauMiJ^T road-bed insufficient to do a quick and - --i ayparently disparaging that of one The Supremo Court or Teune^seo has Safe bu3iness crowded into the space of ■tasowell earacdand possess the af- decided. tK tta fouror fivo mouth3 ' The conservative and gratitude of bis c run try- Lhltora with which it has been managed n the past, if co ntinued, may enable it to hold it* own in a hard fight for business in It* own territory. A new, radical and expensive change may cripple and em barrass it—nay, may ruin it. And for these reasons we regard a com ma* old General Taylor. It to well to !! U £! k f n ,eg J s,ature for meeting the In- Mmember sometimes that there ware he- d * bt# * n f* of tb0 State la uncoustituticn- r before Agamemnon.” j 3j aild tbe matter to relegated to tha pco- | pie of the State. The only right and I not he foo hard on England and honorable coarse left to them is to rtaeanrilde. We remember gratefnlly pay the debt dollar for dollar, or upon Lack like ths memory of an im-[such terms as tbe creditors mav acrep I m - »dream—the brief, halcyon days of j The issue has unhappily been mlxptl nn promise » wh,ch Proposes to unset Us which shed their benediction over wllb State politics aJd the investigation * 8CattCr tLo aie» after her great mother-slomach | nto ,i. e n ?? ... v stigation j up fo r a rainy day, unwise and Imno- tadhaaved r.nd cart np Woekin Miller on P 333 Iitic ** ta aan-gtrt tola. Woekin, be it re- tbe bIU wbl6b b »» just been declared un-l n _, <Baaabcred, promenaded Piccadilly con3t,lulion *li has developed the practices I v.,.. , n i „ , con emporary, the tm doeskin moccasins, legrinS \ ot 9 BepuUIom congresTand its cr-T- f ‘ ind , , WC leaTe tbe rob J ect ' Tbat and yellow beads, with lures » tbe St a ta legislatures which rccon- j?®™* ’ W , ll * pardoDabl ° pr,d0 and e,a * aoi, bowie skewed across the I atrarted the South. What Influence this Thewas the flm paper in the state to v ahoy of fas back. The young I matter may exert on the coming campaign I °PPo«e the proposed issue of bonds or any tnaawhoA England ha3 vomited, oomes I ia yet to be seen and felt. I other form of scrip dividend, which would wtaao leggings, and but little legs; with General Dibrell, a Tennessean of sound I ,ook Uko wat6r, n« the stock of tho Central, or »-rage, no bowie, no beads. He bears practical sense and cool Ind-mont. m ! gbt *“ tcn n P°“ tho r°*d a burden which hand only a sunflower, America’s » * gment, sa^s. I ialght provo fatally hcavv in tho future. >nme chill-destroyer, and bis lips mur- vo«Wero^ e ^f™Ji he<, !l“ 0,, WUI be£a ‘l *** th ° NcX0S mlgbt truthfully have » oaly of tb0 W* 7his is rattle, me tet taat'ft^StoSLeMn^m addcd . Oat while It was first in the fight, *;■? WA bftve “°t joined in tho ahnse J to make coupons receivable lor taxes. Conse-1 1 Wa * 0Ut bad,y battered and *' vb i,a “ be2U heaped upon the boy. We I quenUy tho people are now at liberty to settle demoralized by Gen. Alexander and hto gratefuL If car words can ease one I State debt on some hosts that would be fair s-rxiAie in his ho.**, if thedewsofour sym sit-j can wash the dust, from one of his tt ;» ii oar unchecked sobs can make hto c _/iower easier to boar, wj shall fesl we ~ v < not labored aitogethir in vain. j vt in New Orleans they are having a big ■-U^- over the question, “who owns a. lake bottoms i" Itia difficult to under- tsr.d L«.w Jake bottoms can be of sufficient fo go to law about. They are gener- “ • theiow;-*. lends ia the market. [N. B. — * Paragraph has Lfen ;tainted on a ^ a ; L: rt"’i.icti'v l! ba carried by cur yMjr in tho V.arfi ur, a procissioc. I \ and equitable. I belU re the leralen of the Democratic party have sense enough to secure an amicable adjustment of all differences be tween tho State credit and low tax dements. As the Republican party passed thelOBactand to responsible for It, tbe Democrats can now 2Sr^2!T T. ng ‘ b P m * CI "* “pen What | aoundly lectured for our youthful rash- snail be done to de feat their nolitical onno-1 - . — —^ -t. , .. . . jwmwwi oppo | nc-ss and indiscretion. friends. When we saw it with hands down, gasping for it* second wind, and generously rushed to Us assistance, we were met with a sneer for our intrepidity, and alter .being told that the horse was already stolen from the stable, were nenti. Had tho court sustained tho funding act many State credit men would have voted with tho Republicans. Now we can nominato sjme good man, who lias not been mixed up too much in the matter, and elect him govern or. The Democracy ol Tennessee wUI be able tu hnrmunlze and organize on a satisfactory t/.u..'i. Tiic Republicans will not cuttv the the price per ton of ties to the cotton I To wblob ba,f does he refer, Commodore predicted. -,-40 pounds. These ties are sold at the Some of the new car couplers now at- ® d , it has been the fan.t of their chosen price or cotton,and at ten cents perpound, trading so much attention might be uted P olitl6 »l leaders. I rememoer during tho they being $224 per ton. As they cost with great effect in linking together the &tlm only $70 per ton the net profiton every ton 86 attored factions of the Georgia Hid*. Sn&m5«menL a demand fo? P tte of ties sold by tbe planters of the South P e “dents. The fact that the couplers are repeal ol the duty of two cento per pound was $154. This, according to the Consti- se,J noUll g would obviate the awkwardness on rice. “Cheap rice” was demanded by tution's figures of tbe quantity consumed. I o/ Martham Ho “ f 0 conventions. the Northern people. shows they make a clear profit of $4,020,- Most ridiculous are tho exertions of the peal oPthe duty for”the reason—among 000 on their annual consumption of cot- Hanover county grand jury in trying to in- many other reasons—that our rice fields ton ties. diet Geo. W. Wise and Biddleberger.of Vir- had toT . years h 00 ? °J t joint.” In in If the‘ S ^ t ? 6 ’ “T ‘ 3 n °^! 8SS ° f Pe ° p, ° 1 h^ 1 1** 6 i° V w turned tKptonfatiSS ov«*to t‘ho fo^ in the country who can better afford to M 08 *- 1,10 Lagislature has already extended mer slaves, giving deeds to them, and that see such a rate of duty levied upon cotton P ardo n. and if this would not suffice, Gov these deeds had been approved by Con- ties as will enable our manufacturers to er “ or Oameron would restore them to citi- 8« 6 s*» aud to continue as the property of tr.,u-p. .. - i&srsscs'ffijrygs " 0 are irank to say that we do not I Hamilton Dission, of Jacksonville, Fla., and that the whole ned planting system favor protection from any sectional stand- telegraphed to Major King, of Philadel- P^ 93 badly demoralized, and that the rice point. The policy is national, and pro- phia, to offer the fifty Jewish families from fiK^TdltijSr JE^ain rao^ned ceeds upon the idea that the interests cf Russia, lately arrived in that city, forty aQ( ] t j, 0 labor system oMowerGeorgia the country are a unit. If it requires acres of land for each family free of cost, reorgamz id. I appealed to the member $10.10 additional duty upon foreign made 1 1,10 ■‘mdm question to part of the Disston I who then represented the first district- cotton tits to enable our manufacturers to purchase recently made. ou , r principal rice section—to resist , *. rr , 310 ..... . I this measure. The only reply received produce thern profitably, we say that duty I The ordinarj of Sumter county wheels ,rom those to whom I made this should be placed upon them. The present I into lino on too temperance question and I appe*! was that IT they voted tariff, it will be remembered, to what the declares no more license shall be issued for Constitution wants revised. It will be the sale of whisky wherever heholdsjarto- PenrSylranta“ron l I^M^toVlS- timo enough to revise Mr. McKinley’s bill diction. He has the lato decisions of the stotent, if such it could be called, and when it becomes a law. We are against j Supremo Court to baok him. voted to protect the Southern rice planter, monopolies, and have promised the Con-1 *m , * * ■ ... .— , , and left myself free to vote as I.thought stitutinn tn ... The rumor that Oscarwildo is going to best as to other things, and did vote to to , ln de3t ^ ying b em travel South as a guano agent, is, we trust, reduce the duty on iron aud steel. HI when It points them out. We sball not a canard. It may bo true that misfortunes remember correctly, I was tbe only mem- attempt, however, to secure the benefits of nevor come singly, but it’s mighty •aeon- berfr01 “ Georgia who did vote to protect . Wfa, qmn U lie MM to 1» .ln> ? , b, Mbribtom tol fed” S, and atthe same time appeal to the preju- guano at tho same time. . means of the most corrupt treaty ever dices cf Southern planters and farmers be-1 „ "V - : T***”— „ , sanctioned by tho American Congress. I The general conference of the Methodist J allude to what to known as the KA'a' a ta Episcopal church, South, meets in Nash-1 or Sandwich Islands treaty, ot a few years ville in May next. It is thought four and I ago. When a few Southern Senators— possibly six bishopo will bd elected. Every Norwood among the number—waked State seems to be naming its man. riMeYds lan^toE°whHe our Northera tbo minds of tho people of that country" I th at DnFoUon^ mad oveY^ory toter! Souttwnric^ ptonter%h P ! wheretohe?” and thinking men are willing to lose mo- view tnat toneb^ the l££& cl ments from tho consideration of trade lition would demonstrate clearly that he conclusion that our people would never theories to adjust the new social question, I alone constitutes the Independent party, j make up their minds to investigate and “What shall we do with ourextra ladies?” —.■«.»■. ■ consider tho tariffin all its relations and The census of England has develoned thJ A bu “-committxe of the House oommit- bearings upon their Interests. 1 had lone startlim- n>/>rn ar p o/virwi 6 t**of ways and means report to fix the j made up my mind that the tariff would 1 UD * | term of internal revonne officers at four \tonUmu-to be itho’policy of this country, courted and unwed ladiMof the land, L onra . i tis too good a piece of PoHUmll* ^ BouU. d«mandyi an apettlcoitgovernment .nd*belllgewat [ “ a * T “” U P a** 11 ". 1 °8li- pwiy^ewed to P Oira“Vw.?wiong’to thorpe m the Gmcmnati Enquirer. Vie vote them away to railroads and other hasten to remark, however, that it was as I corporations until the South began to entirely gratuitous piece of courtesy, the I demand hershare of tho proceeds. Then General having been dead for many years. ^ b e S ra nts stopped all of a sudden. It I may be thus wrtb the tariff. A countbt must be protty well-to-do that j But, candidly, I feared that the Demo- cause they are called upon to contribute j their share to its support. Wanted, 900.000 Husbands. From the tone of English journals it is evident that a great problem to perplexing and superior woman’s rights system of elections begin to stare the startled Brit ons in Jtho face, and set their wits to working out a remedy Considered from an economical point, this excess of females to disastrous. It ean buy between eight and nine millions of 6 f at,cpa 1 rty was E oin S *® t^oir her represents hot only an unproductive but ^amonds a year, yet the extravagance of Son by"ruling to Knotherplank to expensive element. The feeding, dress- the United States has reached that figure, her platform, or rather, put hack the Ing and amusing'of this host, nearly | That was tho amount of importations last J pl&nk 1 ^ at J . was on ^ 6 uaUed on by Jeffer- to ( | pledging reasonable protection to the ln- —The man who expects to adjust tho rope around Gulteau'a neck to named Robert Stron.!,'. He has had enough practice to make him proflctenL He says that although Ouitcau seems brave now, he expects to see him die like a cur. —A California lady, Mrs. J. B. Glas- 9* k > nd t U “ ld 10 writing a novel, ss« b .*srjasr , j!rs.°3.?sasi —Sullivan was refused admission to the wake held over the body of hto friend McCarty, in Boston, and he thurathU arm through the window, seized the lamented McCartyby the foot, and bad pulled him half way out before the amazed company could stop him. —Victor Hueo has contributed to the fund for the relief of the sufferers by the Vienna fire an autograph In hto .usual style, declaring the calamity “a catastrope without human r«i>- " and expressing a fervent hope that Ightful mystery may proceed the — Confraternity," tatn tii<r'ftHn§Sf i, f>n;ie?Su^^75rrf - Wllcox against Off. urr, who has accordingly been released from arrcsL While the President de- order a court-martlsl. It Is understood that he nevertheless disapproved of certain ut- tmancra of Gen- tSrr: So further acUonwffi be taken in the case. • —Mr. J. B. McCulloch, of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, .has been Interviewed by a 6 u n ' a, P9“de“t at the /inquirer, who credits him with stating that “Garfield was what the world calls a groat man, intellectually, but an insincere man/* and that "Maine never formed a disinterested friendship In his life. As a| lL c JS! n 'w ■Sf* h®?! 1 * on »hc make' in hto wL^ career. He has advaured from a poor house to f the “ Yin8 ? of a “ Ur >- which never paid his expenses.' —A special irom Troy, N. Y., says Another match. In which Sullivan will be one °ftfr« principals, to underway.. His opponent will be cither Richard toss, a resident of the eighth ward of this city, who to a su at the new capital, or John Ebx, a blai helper, residing iu West Troy, Egan and Fox are to meet and the better man Is to challenge 8u]llvau. Egan to 29 years old and weighs £» K’uud*’ while Fox to 25 years old and weighs Mo pounds. Both are temperate. The Troy delegation that attended the Ryan-Suliivan fight arrived home today. They denounce Ryan and make grave charges agalust either the ox-champion or his trainer, Roche. —Pl l * ’ - arrived was no i only a knot of curious spectators gathered at the station to ortch a glimpse of bitnT In reply to an inanity. Ryan said: “It is true I am now out of the ring. There couldn't be any like- n» ln this fight with the one I had with Goss, ‘■•“•■w 11 was all up with me after the second round. I was no more than a child, owing to my truss coming down. It seemed just like as one had caught you by the throat and choked you. —*— — — had hit n not have saved me.” Law Hsklng ln Virginia. Virginia Letter. Somebody will get hurt before this Legisla ture adjourns. It has just leaked out that Mr. Owens, tho canitol clerk, discharged some weeks since antfa negro substitute In the audi tor’s office put to hto place, has found out that a certain member of the House eras lnstrui tal in hating him (Owens) discharged. Tuesday night, or rather early Wedna morning, Owens went to the member's r •nd told him to get up onddrera himself, as he was going to thrash him. The member dressed himself and they went into a rough-and-tum ble fight, keeping it up until both got out of wind, when a member coming to the rescue they declared a truce. The most ludicrous part of tbe fisticuff was the crying out of the at- taking party in the midst of the melee not to strike his vaccinated arm, and hto opponent was so considerate as to respect the nnuestof the man who was thrashing him. After pom meling tho delegate, Owens added Insult to ln- fci. ry « W k A?* d 10 delegate drink with him. The fight to the subject of much amusement among the Legislators. Sell-AattorUou ot tbe Divine Right. Philadelphia Times. It to wonderful how women appreciate in men the sturdy self-assertion or the ditine right of tyranny. Fred Mull,thedtotrict school teacher out at Hammond's Corners In the West ern Reserve, took the effective, old-fashioned method ot subduing the defiant spirit of one of hto big girls, and punished her so severely that her father had him arrested for assault, and the teacher was held to bail. The cross-roads so- ciety was agitated tolls foundation, but pend- lng tbe Interval before tbe sitting of the court the teacher convinced his pupil that the dis cipline had been Inflicted for tier own eternal welfare, and their good understanding tnd mm strong an appreciation ol each other's Me qualities that the girl ludueed her father to withdraw hto salt and p«* the costa, and now the formerly intractable big girl Sball be, when spring, Hto flowers shall bring Ye pedagogue hto wife. Cov. Smith's War Decorations. Jlenrg Countg Weekly. We dare say Governor Smith has donned hto war paint by this time, and if he doesn’t make Rome howl wnen nc gets down to hto work, we sasteMKSiiSMiFSis of decency a service by completely ignoring the blatant demagogue. Bat the Governor i-quick we have suggested. When he does . . the reverend Felton will tear hto fore lock and beat upon hto emotional breast fur some cause. Meanwhile, we shall bide the coming of the conflict, for it U Inevitable and there can be,but one result ssw.asss.nsr-’ ,,u ““ A special settee occupies a prominent position in the school at Rah ways, N. Y„ and ' is occupied by three colored specimens ot hu manity, who arc thus allowed heosnse of their own school closing and their father threatening to bring suit unless they were admitted The ship E. B. Carver, after a voyage of ninety days from Java, arrived In New York * tynho-malarial fever contracted while the ves sel was anchored near a swamp In Java. Other members of the crow ntifisedr from the fever but recovered. The Henderson (Toxas) News advises farmers, since this is election year, to plant very Hght crops, as they, will find it almost im- SfewStAS* SMS it to himself. At the mass in the Pantheon of Rome, in suffrage ot the soul of Victor Emanuel, last month, tho music consisted of • new piece com- B3t KSSbSL^SSJSSSSSi swsssszsfiBffMissa !LS!SiKSUSSSA““ A CALL for a meeting of the New York Greenback State committee has been irsued by its chairman, Mr. Geoigo O. Jones, to take into consideration the call for a national convention hy qqi Jeme Harper, cha committee. The purpose _ _£SyrtS?SMS' and the rechartcring of the nationnf 2? c _ * New . X ork committee wIU meet at Sturtcvant House, Now York city, February. 22. The stock jobbers of New York wero well-posted In their information that tho-Su premo Court of Tcnnesseo would give the decto- Bary Insurance has taken tbe place of graveyard insurance in Pennsylvania. Tho hcs^>f a family at Pot toville recently Insured twcwhto children, the eldest* years and tho ^thcr received 88, tho agreement being that r“« *7“ ?iP' , J. flT T, 1 <*nto a week on thechild, aud U it diallnsidoof six montiw he was to re ceive tt, and If it did not die until tbe expira tion of a yew he was to set C*. Itls soi lW^ to "way cases large fandliaa of Chicago Times: Tho patriotic dlcry of Ohio who attended the Garfield 1 ml at Cleveland did so upon the promise of tho Adjutant General of the State that tlu yrtiould/ be paid 12 a day each. The tier diem, i t tlu-1 appropriatlooolttMW? , . . for the transportation. It tho Lord Folkestone, M. P., garnished a recently delivered to hto constituents by the following doggerel on a reported- saying of Mm. Gladstoneshatshe“heard Mr.Glaitotouc singing in his bath:” While William Mats®?- ; The Green may coatmnaclous grow* .rStSSlSgiSl&SfSA For W lUiam warbles while he The immense tract of landi the State of Texas to pay tor the State house has been transferred during tho past two days to Abner C. B. Farwell and John V. Farwdl, «E£&. < k Babcock , 01 <> nton ; II fumtoh the necessary fnnds ior bnilding. This domain is lamer than u “ d the survey extends south a distance “rites with an average width of tt miles. . 1 H 7 . ! areeat sale ever made to ndl vlduato, ana the purchasers ore the " in tho world. Dlfficaltiea nabomefa Attending 1 Prophecy. Boston Berald From present appearances, there to some reason for believing that tho Mohammedans are to have their ancient prophecy set at naught by the multiplicity of those who pretend to he divinely appointed to fulfill ft. The present year Was. centuries ago. designated the pe riod at which a great reformer was to aitoe.who should be almost, if not quite, tlie equal i.f Ma homet. Hto mission was to be to purifv the re ligion from its comij itfi ns: to overthrow those who had usurped it» control, nud to rule, as a great spiritual caliph, over the faithful Ac cording to accepted tradition, the prophet msclf designated the lino of dess-cut In which hto most Important successor would l>c found, und even indicated hto personal appear ance. Tlie time having arrived, itto not strange that the man to forthcoming, only In tht, instance there to more than one Claimant. Thereto a "holy man" in Morocco who lias After a good deal of deliberation law Inflicting capital punishment was re; in Wisconsin. After a great deal more eration, following several years’ experie bill to restore the death penalty was Since then a good many atrocious crimes* been committed, and in one case two men l a^Jaass&qsgateft torat^nd^a il^rl'tll'pcnaltjrtrsrt'i'l’toT introduction of a measure to restore the 1 ' rovl , <le f 01 * death penait; when a Jury f hall decide as u application. I )5ir George Birdwood’s leiler to the Times ought to go !ar to silencing tlie i iaraon of tlie anti-opium agitator*. He ascribes the origin of tills ugRation to the commt n-i»l jcaJL °°ej ol the Dutch in the last century. To •!:&. prove the pernicious effect* of opium-eating, he adduces the Instance of the Rajpoot., who, though‘'literally saturated with opium” from their youth upward, are “one of tho finest,nm-t truthful and bra\ i*t people in tlie world.” Ho further point- put that opium in the East to a valuable febrifuge; that it probably av-ists to counteract the evileonseuuenct tof t'i„. peculiar diet of the Orientlai', and tliat u cheeks all crating e>r alcoholic stimulant,. Moreover ‘.tie opium of India contains infimtelv b-ss morphia than the Turkish opium known to us i in Kngland l and, finally, lie shows Hint when smoked as i liandoo"—which is tin: Chineso form for using the drug—none of the active i» the smoke, wmen, so far as it haaaayspecttleetfeet hi all appears to be a valuabls rennsls and prevea- I.' o in c&ses of brunch r 1 . aad th'iracic dLy^r- equal to tbe population 6f Georgia ten y#ar ' years since, is a terrible drain upon tbe j A ugh man and a poor man had & litiga-1 duslries’and working men of America, country’s finances. Unly two remedial tion over a cow ia Alabama some time I With this in our platform tbere is no need ] caUphwhhi.Mha 1 ’ courses are open to John Bull. One of &«». In the end the costs amounted to $4,-1 for another party In Georgia, unlees it be settion the sultan these is to offer a premium for male 000, the poor man being utterly Imporar- *** S?SS&fiS&eXS&o children during the next generation, and i3h °d.. a “ d tho rich cue moving away to TUe Democratic party'of Georgia, if ^“defend “ofX that a rival proteink*r hiLs appeared In Ycnit in southern Ar.tbia, And hlx sapponu.*^ Ktvoni in hand, are now advancing uinm Mecca, for the purpose of proclaiming their leader as . .... c j t y To this oj4- of Turkey. Abd el Hamed. authorize'the urow'nlng of those of the I 8 01 rid of tho affair, opposite sex. Tho other is to cast the wrong in any particular, can and ought to right itself. Let the next State conveu- Laboe shipments of Boston beans are ti ou take this question of a tariff under When after a round or two General Alexander was showering down his un mitigated contempt on our inartistic style of combat, the Nines had no words of cheer or comfort for us, no balm for our VtiIjps Now that the white flag flies j arms are silent, UUl representing tLe briDg about the very pet!icoatgovernment elty, would leave the maturing boys no chance to wed other than middle-aged females, and thus even if they consented Ip our fanners would spend the time they devote to grumbling and half the money they speed for provisions iu raising home supplies there would be fewer of them in debt and nil would bare plenty. in u en or excess upon some country being received in Georgia. To our Massa- | discussion, where tbe scales are weighted upon the op- j ohusetis friends we say, “thanks, and cease poslte side. Both courses are attended with not.” Anything that can swell our popula- difficulties. The first, besides being some- | tion is oonapiouonsly welcome what objectionable on the ground oferu- roly places, the Turkish Sultan noulil lie shorn of a large part et hto prestige, and the spiritual supremacy he has becu for several , „ ^ _ .yeanoODtnding ior would vanish ut once, and dispose of it ? Arabia promises to be. In the next few months, manly, 'sensible way. Let I the *eene of .-ime desperate fighting, In which inscribe tho principle Of wir'VT,-anil fanaUi-al Arabs “protection — reasonable and equitable iliere,^.n§^?ho 1 wfirh 1 a\re^the J ”l»*anta^t'"vhtoh protection—to ail classes and all Indus- ! comes from superior arm- ami diacipiihe. tries,” upon our banner, and there will be I »-•— no reduction in the usual Democratic nit- j The tflaeriea of Coalition. • jority in this State. Another fight for Philadelphia Tinut. men, without regard to proper parly prin- Mahone's trouble* are multiplying Even the ciples, will, and ought to result "iu de- 6 j’!‘ r fcv.. law trouble* are multiplying lfluence ot public plumier is lnsuffi- .‘iut-nt the broken fragmetits of hto .... A Croat Sin by Notuiug is so conducive to a tnau’s re maining a bachelor as stopping for one night at the bouse of a married friend and ' l r 5r!l K awake for five or six hours by the crylngof a cross baby. All cross and crying babies need only Hup Bitters to make them well and smiting. Young man, remember this.—T. livelier. Tlie Meanest Man In A merle* Laklond Times. -um. rh l T<- t ™ m,m ir - fallfornta re- ^ In .‘-an J«m<|uin county. lie wr-rtw *W0.«W- Recently he went down to MonS 1-inimy to attend the funeral of hi- am cythn. which was ornameutoi with hIIvb^m 9 dies, was being lovrereil into the ia.t 1 .taco, the mtoerty father nulled .1 W dri ver from his pocket ami veiled -‘rL.ia IS’T. The a-tonished grave-l.gger- hKi’Voit fur an explanation, S tbe shouted: ilold on, there's no tu-.a wattino*D diat money and burying the handles ground. ’ He actually thereupon „ , Jr? the handles and took them into town them to an undertaker fora dulUr xii hTbUkm! £r '' c ' ;l!u ' sn uh ' wld ^ Placed on c*.