Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, April 28, 1882, Image 7
aubf 3aucstal & OTIJEI.IA). O'T^elto. wuA»o]cr bould, -EJIhiJE Wnck he win be nature; To Derfemonr he wm wed. An innocent young crayturc. WW her be lived tn payee an* quiet. For aha was no vyrago, nleht he met A villain called fago. Sea he. "Ycr wife’s a perjured Jade- Och t she’s a faUUfiTCSl^h f She doesn’t care two pins for you. But she d give her two eyes out for Canhlo! “Wid him she gallivants about All in her hours of litysure: To him the gave her poeket handkerchief, All for to wipe hb razhureTV; it \VM that he fell Into a rage, An’ rt* a wondhrona riot. v An’ swore he’d murdther her that night. Wblu everything waa quiet. But not wld dagger, nor wid dirk, V For that would raise a foul athir, VBut he’d take an’ blow the lo " ,cn Southern white ■T?P^L.5¥P%.P»? v! ^om steady. M An' smother her wid the ssssr- f.OVAL, JUUWZNEH*. w *• Helmw, Dentists. No. 81 Mu berry street. Macon, Georgia. Teeth extracted without pain, beautiful ■eta of teeth insertod, nbsooBced teeth and diseased gurea cured. Dealers in all kinds of dental material and instremonta. Con- stantly on haad. n largo and full assort- ment of teeth of all kind?, amalgams of all kinds, robbers of all kinds. aplO-ffwly. Dentistry—Dr. S. B. Barfield No. 80 Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia office hours—p n. m. to fi p. m. nug2Gtf DR. D. S. WRIGHT, DENTIST. •prG-2aw?y. Office—114 Seoond st. ITNAirCIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS IN MACON. oorrxotkij djult dt T/'CKETT & BOND. BROKERS. _ . . . . MACON, April 38.1882. Georgia 6 per cent bonds, duo 1SW.1U 9112 Georgia 6 per cent bonds, (old) •• ...100 (*107 Georgia 7 ber cent bonds (mortgage ill 9112 Oeoiyia 7 per cent bonds (gold r.imrtcr coupon*! . iifil Georgia 7 per cent bonds, doe 1880.’ 121 Georgia 8 per cent bonds 110 Northeastern railroad bond* (ind'd) 118 Central R. R. Jolut mort 7per cent 114) Georgia railroad 6 per cent bonds- 107 Western It It of Ala., 1st mortgage 111 JJ«kni K. R. of Ala., 2d mortgage 11 1 Mobile end Girard railroad, (mort) 112 Montgomery and Eufanla 1st tnort- rage, ind’s’d bv C. and 3, W. B.R 10S Q107 Atlantic and Gnu railroad, consoli dated mortgage 110 0113 City of Macon bonds. ..,,... lOOVfff Qty of Savannah bo:;ds 88 City of Atlanta 6 per cent bonds 100 City of Augusta 6 per cent bonds... 105 Southwestern railroad stock 119% Central railroad stock nominal 111) Central railroad scrip... 95 Augusta and Savannah B. B. stock US Georgia railroad stock 157 Market* by Telegraph. NEW YORK. April 28.—Noon—Storks dull but generally stronger.. Money 4. Exchange, long 31.88)4 short it-Siijj. State bonds inne- tlve. riiv.-iTmaen 1 . securities unchanged. NEW \ORK—Evening—Exchange <1.86%; ESS).' The foil balance*: Coin, <86,220,000: currency following are the closing quotations - ‘ Deferred lug a Ala. State bonds; Class A, 2 to 5...... 81% Class A, small— 82 Class 11,6'a ...lot Class B. 4*» $4»z Chicago A Korth^lSnfc da pivferred—lS'.ftl Erie 86% East Tcnn R. R... 11 Georgia rallroad-lKi Illinois Central ...185% Lake Shore ....102T4 Loulsvle A Nash 71)4 Kemp’s A Char. SO Nash, and Chat 6014 New York Ceu'l-1267* Pittsburgh ....125 Rlehm'd A Alio. 21 Rich, and Dan no r ick Island.—127 C. Brown con_102% W. St L. nnd P. 28 do. preferred. 51)4 W. IT. Telegraph. 82% Georgia 6s 100 Go. mortgage 109 gold 112)4 La. vtonsol*....—.. 65 N. Carolina...—.. 28 N. Carolina, new 18 Funding. 10 Special Tax - 754 Tennessee Os—... 88 Tenn. new......™ 58 Virginia 6a 35 Consolidated 68 ! IBM. Adams Ex pros 110 American Exp—.. 98 Chcs. A Ohio. 20 Chicago A Alton...129% C.St L A N. 0 76 Conaold’d coal 20 Del. I. A W 118 Fort Wayne. 135 lien. A St Joe 90 Harlem — 105 Houston A Tcxas..jt'9 Man. Elevated •!'. Met Elevated....... 60 Mich. Central 80)4 Mobil* A Ohio 23 X. J. Central— 65% NrfkA W. prf S3 N. Y. Elevated 100 Ohio A Miss. 85% do. preferred ion Pact lie Moll 88)4 Panama l>.w Quicksilver. — 11% do preferred... .v, Reading. 57 8tUATan»..- 3S do preferr^f 50 do 1st jirefM.— 86 8t Paul .112% do T>refcrrcd...l21 Texas Pacific ...... 38% Union Parlfle. Ill 'i U. 8. Express 71 Wells A Fargo J26 •Offered. COHMZBCIAB COTTON MARKET REPORT BT and Mrrgxsara. MACON. April 26.—Evening. Cotton steady. Good middling ll%0tl%; mldV.lm- II J>: low middling 10%: good or dluary l(18f: ordinary 8%: stains, clean 10%g ]0%: red 9% red and sandy S%. Received to-day by rail- - 1 •• ” by wagon »— t» Shipped « - 99 Sold ” — • 7 STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1.1881. 1.8S7 Received to-day •• previously .... bd to-lay„.._, prevloaaly.— c on hand this evening 3.518 Poitou Market* bv Telegraph. TJVKUINlOL, April 26.—Noon—Cotton In air derpiiud and freely supplied; mUdllr.g .upland* 8 11-1*1; mhlilliiig Okan* 6)fc sales So.ono: «peenlat'.on and export 2,000; receipts 1: American 7.500. lureocMarket quiet; uplands, low middling e. April 6 41-61: May and June 6 46 64: June ‘ ’7 6 45613 ; July and August 6 49- and September 6 W-64; September '46-61. 1:00 p m — American, sales 6.- w middling clause. May and •and July 644-61: August and _ September and Octnl>er 6 IV losed dull and easier. UK. April 26.—Noon—Cotton 25; middling uplands 12%; mid- 12%. _ ady: April 12.21: May 12.20; June 12.35; July 12.49; August 12.63; Scptemticr nw NEW YORK—Evening —Net receipt* 80; gross 7232. Future* dotted fl-m; *al«* »,«», as follow*. •April. —12.25*12.261 September _12.27fil2.28 Bay 14.254112.26 October —11.66^11.67 June 12.36012.401 Sovenl!*r._11.46fiU 4, July .12.53.5-12511 December.. 1146fil}-« August 1267912681 January —0258911.59 NEW YORK, April 26.-Cotton steai' ^sa!?* 2245; middling upund* 14%: middling Orleans 12%. Consolidated net receipt* A®7; exports to Great Britain 534: to continent 2060. NEW YORK, April 46.—The fosVs cottrm re port *ays futures opened 2 WO ®1X5’JXL , 3& to 2-100, then advanced 5-100, aeKlng at the *«- ond rill, for April and^dgy at .1224, Julv 12.*_. JggJ and Ties—Fatrdcmand; stock light; rr.classcs, 47a — ,66. o-_* u ‘ i ,*’“ Jl l’ p ’ cs ' •«»»• oranges, ^rcr'^ioo ^afsdrs ^ >er ^’® x * London layer 1 hall hbls. ,t7.03: do • 75: _ advance and active. «S'”starsss3.' %aasa! SAM.-Uvwpoftl. Jl'.lO; i utre.—Apples. *s.oo. !l!i_ddes packed <262^ and ahonlden -R50; clear . MJ> Bseon— b sides >1260. Hams Freights dnlL April 26.—Flour firm and un- w nto^gi 4P^*» « good demand; Na 2 red . weaker; No. 2 *{.17 Whisky active and firm at So Kvi9°?. bl ?*^ n . o0 . e * oJL dnlsiied good*. SSSSS5- *P*v7 .ST. lAJUJS.April 20.-1 goods, r easier; , — *.ts firm packing and O 1”^* 26.—Flonrqnietend un changed. W heat opened higher but th ' llned >a- 2 .™d fall 8130 Md cash; Sl.r2% May. Coni dull and lower nt7»ia77 cash. figures; 72% lUy. Sit* lower Whisky steetiy at -L18. Pork quiet mMSAnYl' 1 °if Sh .5 nd %Jt* , 2’® Mn 7- Bulk IhrJrtVv.. ’ * h0rt ri “ 8W-20: short clear r 19.60. Lard quiet at <11.00 for small fbSJ UL »?’ Apr l! Provisions qul*t ass- ss'sf k attsss unchanged. Ghiln dull and nominal. Wheat Z^uL C- ^ w n ' er ™’- 1 “ y5,ll - :a - Corn-No. 2 white 8»; mixed 78«80 Oats—mixed 55. 9?Ji£AGO. April ’•*•—Flour qulct but firm; common to choice Western spring • 4.73a7.W 'J.MaH.oO. Wheat unsettled and lower at <lJ7%alJ8 ca*h: 1.38 April and An- fS5** and lower at 74% cosh and April, 70%a7O% May and June. Oats quiot and steady at49% cash; 49 May; 4.?%H8 ! i June. Pork active but a shade lower at - is.63 cash and April; 17.95alR.00 May; >18.11*18 32J4 June. Mrd active bnt lower at «11.00all,05 cash and April; <11.02%aI1.05 May. Bulk meate steady and unchanged. Butter dull and tending downward: lair to fancy creamery Whisky steady at $1.19. ORLEANS, April 26.—Flour quiet and 23028. NWE steady? XXX <6.12)4*6.25: high gralle* *6.50 “‘•3<J4- Corn quiet; mixed firm nt 91: white lower at 96. Oat* cosier at C9. Pork quiet and firm at *19.25. Lard steady at ll%al2 Balk meats scarce but firm; ahouhlcn, packed *7.62 v. Sugar-cured hams steady and fn good demand: cauvassed *13.GOaH.OO Whisky firm; and unchanged: Western rectified f.5.20. roffee steady Jtlop %*11. Sugar In good demand; com mon to good common 7a7%: prime to rlmlcc 5%a3%; yellow clarified 9%aR% Mnlaascs dull and unchanged. Rice steady and in good do- mahdat6i7% Bran dull and lower at -1.40. Exckange. New York tight 82 per 1,000 pre mium; bankers’sterling 4.87 t. April 3 2)4**k25: Naval Stores WILMINGTON, April 26.—spirits turpentine firm at 51. Knaln steady at I1.R5 for strained - ldfi forgood ditto. Tar firm at <200. Com unnlBnge<l. GEORGIA, BIBB OOCNTY.-To the Hon. T. J Simmons, Judge of toe Superior Court oi the Macon circuit, ( hnn'TIlor, erc_: J cUUon of Thaddcu* G. Holt, J. a Curd, R- B. Hall, J. Emmett Blnckshcar and F J. Jl. D*ly, rospectlnP.y chowcth to your Honor that they are the present Board of Trustees of the order of the Home Guardian, a benevolent In- *5J«Kton Incorporated under the laws of the butte of Georgia, to which order a charter was granted at the Octol>er Term of this honorable Court on December 31st, loSL tour petitioners would further state that In establishing the order and In conducting the business oi the some, that many unfocseen dif ficulties arose which render It impossible to carry out the object of the order under the charter as it now stands. Therefore, for the purpose of better protecting the members of the order and rendering it more stable and In creasing lu usefulness, your petitioners would respectfully beg permission of this court to amend the charter already obtained so that It may read as follow*: 5 ARTICLE I. Section 1. The name of this Order shall be the Order of the Home Guardian of Macon, Georgia. ARTICLE II. Section I. (Die same as In the original char ter.); ARTICLE III. Section 1. T*-e business of this Order shall consist In the collection from the member* of the Order of moneys by means of membership fee*, and monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual deposits, with which to form a to tal and i-ennanent disability and death fund, from which payment* are to be mode to mem bers. their families, legal representatives, or designated bcuctlciarie*. a* mentioned in each member’s certificate of membership. From which are also paid the expenses incident to such business. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. The organisation of this Older shall consist of a Board of Trustee*, which shall be composed of five members, from which ooard shall be chosen a President, a vlce-Prest- dent. a Secretary, a Treasurer, nnd a Medical Director, with power In said board to fill all va cancies. All the officers shall reside in the city of Mucon. N ARTicLE V. Section 1. (Samo as In original charter.) ARTICLE VI.—(To be struck out.) ARTICLE VIL—Sections I and 2” (to be struck out) ARTICLE VI.—(As amended, orginal article 7.) To contain the first five sections of that part of the original charter coming under Article 7th therein nnd headed ns printed, "duties of officers.” Section 6th of same heading to be erased. ARTICLE VII, as amended (original article 8.) Section 1. (To remain ns In original.) Pectlon 2. (To be that pertains to sickness and accident) The death and total The deposits shall not exceed the following amounts, which shall lie paid In monthly, quar terly. semi-annually, or annually. In advnncc. There shall bo no assessments, and no member shall ever lie called upon to pay any annual dues other than his regular deposits os contain ed In the followtug tables:” Tables to remain as In original charter. "The first of the above deposits must in all cares accompany the application, which enti tles the member to the annual password. All monthly, quarterly, or aemi-anminl deposits must lie paid when due. Invariably in advance, and no notice of liino of payment shall bo re quired. If. however, a member raya an an nual deposit In advance at one time, he shall led to.a reduction of 5 per cent from shall be Catarrh, Eczema, Old Sores, Pimples. BOI LS or any Skin Disease CURES When all Other Remedies Fail T If yon doubt, come to sea ns, and we will CURB 70U. or charge notcinT. ^(SaLVESTONI Apri^as^-CWtoB steady: mid- OJ ffTi NORFOLK, April 28.—Gotten quiet middling 11%: net receipt* 697; gross —; sties 710; SK&Mmss mamm Mock 10 7516: net receipt* Sfc gross 35; sales none, * Philadelphia, April 26-Ctotton middling 12%: low mlddUng ll% wd OTdlna- ryl°j;: net « I 1098 ' * aI “ * Itog VA n% A iow A SiddTi^n^jEjffSjjfc nary 10%: net recelptt lUM-.grom 1108; sales K»0. * t NEtV l ORLEAN8. April middling 1210W“WiRtagUM: Modortlna^ 11%: net recetpM 43i gross 4o9; aotes ,t MO!tiLE. i 'April 26.-Cotton x| 11%: low middlingU%: goodordlaao 11. net j receipts 210; grosaMQ; Miles atock 17,915. , MEMPHIS. April 26.—<v»tton quiet, mla- dllng 12 low mlddUug llj^ be ontlti the published rates, and he shall he entitled to (30) thirty days notice, within which ho must make his succeeding deposit after It Is due. It shall be held suillelent if the notice has been deposited in the post-office nt Mncuii, Ga., <11- reeted to the last known post ofilre address of ; such member. These depoMts shall not In- I ere.isi- with the members age. In case of the __ j ls»uiug of a Joint policy to a husband andlwifc, on account of the holiday. Spirits tnr(>eiitinc I upon the hr.p;«-r.liif of the death of either, the 50. Rosin—A >125, B 2 00, C -200.1) - 210. E ' amount due shall be paid to the survivor, and > 229, F >225. G. 2 30, II - 2 85, I.-2 17, K r’2 50, I tlicn the Order will ho di.-ehnrged from ail fur- M-275, N-2 00. wiudoiv gloss 337% | ther liability os to either husliaud or wife or i their heir*. Section *. (To be inserted.) Should deaths ocenronly nt long intervals atid the funds accu mulate, whenever it shall nopear prudent to the Board of Trustees, they may remit a monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual deposit to all the members iu the order, as in their Judg ment may Ejctn best. Section 4. (To remain the same as In original.) ARTICLE VIII.—(ORIGINAL ARTICLE IX.) Section 1. The exjiensc fund shnll be created by the payment of membership fees, the with drawal of 20 per cent, from the deposits, anil the money arising from lapses of policies. It shall la- used, first, to defray the expenses of managing the business. Second, in paying the employees of the order. It shall lie under the entire control of and disbursed by the Board of Trustees. Section 2. (To tie erased.) Section 2. (Old section 2) The total and permanent disability and death fund shall be created by a deposit from each member of such sums ns is shown by his or her certificate. All the surplus shall lie kept asu reserve fund, which will accumulate os security for the f iolicy-holders In case of unusual mortality rom au epidemic or other cause. ARTICLE IX.—(ORIGINAL ARTICLE X.) .“action I. (.Same ns In original.) Section 2. Any member having forfeited his membership by failing to make any deposit, may !»•» reinstated, nt the option of the Board of Trustees, by furnishing at his own expense a sat! doetory medical examination, and de positing nil amounts due up to date. •Section (.Same us in original.) ARTICLE X.—(ORIGINAL ARTICLE XI.) Section 1. V.'hen a death or total and perma nent disability is caused by yellow fever, only •19 ;»cr cent, of the indemnity shall be paid, upon proper proof being presented to the Or der. Section 2 Any member who shall be pro nounced incurably insane by the proper au thorities. or become jiermancnliy blind in both eyes, or who may lose a hand or a foot, or bo- come permanently paralyzed in at least one-half of his laxly, shall be entitled to receive one- half of the death benefit, ns shown by his cer tificate of membership, and the balance of said death benefit at bis death, provided he keep his certificate good till that time. Section 3. Upon the total and permanent dis ability or death of a member proofs shall be made upon blanks furnished by the Ordor and signed by the President and Financial Secre tary of the division to which said member be longs, Ihe same to be sworn to before a justice of the peace or notary public, or any other Eiagisierlal officer with a seal. The Order shall then *siv, within sixty days after such proofs are received, the amount of the member s cer tificate t" case of death, or half the same in case o( total ami )iermanent disability; pro vided, however, that should r. death occur when there are less than one thousand mem bers in the Order, only *300 for each one hun dred members, on n policy of fi,000, nnd pro portionately for less amounts, and the Order thereby discharged from all further liability. Tlie same proportions under the same state of facts to apply to the case of total and |K.*rnm- uent disability, namely, one-half the above proportions. Section -L The date of death shall be the time for fixing the liability of the orders under tho above condition. AHTiCLEX. Section 5. (Same as in the origiual.) ARTICLE XI. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE XII.) Same as in original chatter. ARTICLE XII. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE XII.) Section 1. The physician of Ihe division shall receive one dollar for each applicant ex amined by him, svhich shnll be paid at the time of examination from the membership fee. Should the applicant be rejected he will have to bear the loss of the above fee. ARTICLE XIII. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE XIV ) Section 1. The ooroomte seal of the order shall contain the words "Order of tici Home Guardian of Macon, Ga.,” and the tnuttn, "Serins atit citius sedern properomus a<l unaiu,” ARTICLE XIV. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE XV.) Same as lu original Your iictitinner* show that as this Institution NES (OCNYY.—TVherens'A". B. jlnlstrator on the estate of ET 5L Baker, deereaed, of.Jonc-s county, applies to mo for dismission from said estate.. These are therefore to citea nd admonish n Persons conosmed to show cause, if any they have, at this office, on or by the first Monday In August next, why tho some shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially, AjpsU 3^1W2 apifiwtd* Ordinary. GEORGIA, JONES CuOKlY.—Whereas anise IV.’Xnrk. administrator on estate of Mr*. Cordelia Turk, deceased, applies to mo for dismission: Tbesa aroto cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show os use at this of fice on or by the first Monday in May noxt, if any they have, why dismission shall not bo granted. n itness my hand officially January 17tx 18f2. R. X. ROSS, Ordinary. janl9wtd _• . Notice to Creditors of^ Jas. M. Buliington, Deceased. G eorgia, jones county.—whereas, Mrs. MarvA. Buliington. widow of saidJ.M. Bullfngton, deceased, for hereclf and minor child, applies for setting apart and valuation of homestead and exemption of pctsonalty,and does not know who or where tho creditors o said deceased are. No! ice Is hereby given thn I will pass upon her said application attht office, on Monday, the first day of May next 11 o'clock a m. Witness my hand officially, April 3.1882. R. T. ROSS, aprfiweowSt* Ordinal) •THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CAED! JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. tE?“Reference! J. F.IIANSON, Agunt Bibb Manufacturing Company, Macon^ Georgia. mar24wly ^ G eorgia, jone3 county—tvhereas Mrs Carrie C. Smith and Leonidas Smith, exec; uter and executrix of the estate of John T. Smith, decensod, have applied to mo for dis mission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause at this office, on or by the first Monday tn Angust next if cuy tiicy have, why the same shall not be g anted to them. Witness my hand officially, April—.1882 K. T. R033. aprCwtd* Ordinary, Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Whereas B. P, Gilbert as administrator of J. L. Gilbert, de ceased, has made application to me to sell tho lands of said estate for the pnrposo of paying debts and for distribution. Nov/, therefore, all persons interested art hereby notified to show cause, if any tliej have, at the court of ordinary, to bo held on the first Monday In May, 1S?2, why said leav« should not be granted. J. A. McMANUS, ap‘2-law-»w Ordinary. Notice to Bridge Builders, U NTIL Tuesday, May 23, 1882. tho County Boetd of Commissioners for Bibb county, Invite sealed proposals for building two wooden Bridges at the "Wiley turnpike,aggregating 140 feet in length. For plan.-, sped” all further information, apply to the under signed at the Court House. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. By order of Bibb ap23-w4t By order < W. G. SMITH, Clerk. Writo for pamcalara, and a oopy of little book “fifossaee to the Un fortunate Suffering." Ask any prom inent Druggist a3 to our standme. $1000 REWARD will bo paid to any Chemist who will find cn analvsis of 100 bottles of S. S- S. one particle of Mercu ry, Iodide of Potassium, or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. (PER BOTTLE.) Prise of small size, - - 81.00 DRUGGISTS. 1 '* 5 Dyspepsia Cured apkphia : T HE great scientific preparation will positive ly cure old chronic care s of Dyspepsia, Dys- ta-ptie Fits, j»pt!o Vertigo and Dysj>eptic Consumption, where every other known medi cine lias failed to even give relief. I refer to a few of the ease: pronounced incurable that have been cured with Al’Kl’sIA : Miss Katie Hoffman. 872 Randolph street. Philadelphia, was a case of Dyspeptic Consumption: had not liecn out of her house for one year, or her room for six months; a living skeleton, given up ta die by our most eminent phyticiaus. hut cured , With lour bottles of Apopsla. Matthew Robin- 1 birr, No. 303 Twenty-first street, Philadelphia.— This was a very dangerous case of Dyspeptic Vertigo of long standing, bnt cured trtth only two bottle* of Anopsia. Mr. II. A. Clark, firm Clark Bros. «lt Co., Philadelphia, was en old chronic case of twenty years standing; paid out one thousand dollars; was pronounced Incura ble; but cured With' three bottles of Apepsia; been well over one year. Thousands of similar testimonials CAh be re-cn at our office. I refer with pleasure to the following gentlemen of SftVhnnah, whose characters are lrreproacha- 1c: Dr. J. R. Haltlwnnger Clarence S. Conne- at. Capt. George M. Weymouth. Price >1 per ottle. For rale by IiAKMi, Ranzuc a Lakab, and all druggists. V. n. hTOMK, .n. V., office 219 Levant street. Philadelphia. marl8eodly For Breakfast! CH0C01AT MENIER. Sold. Sverywiiere. PARIS AND LONDON. Nsw York Depot 28 6 Greenwich St. Bibb County Sheriff's Sale. W ILL bo sold before the court house door In the elty of Macon, during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday In May next the following properiv, to wit; That tract or parcel of laud situated iu tho Sd district of Bibb coun ty, and containing 800 acres, more or less, be ginning at Johnson bridge at Tubesofkce creek and running along the Columbus rood towards Macon unlit it joins J. J. Amason’s land, thence north until it joins lot No. 36. thence west hack to the creek, thence down the creek, it being the line to the beginning point r.t Johnson bridge, tho same being the place whereon W’m. B. Heath lived at the time of his death and now occupied by his widow. Levied on os the property of W’m. B. Heath, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from County Court of Bibb county in favor of Whittle & Whittle vs. W. W. Heath as administrator, etc. Levy made find r. turned to me by W. A. Toe, bailiff Bibb county court. Also nt ths fame time and place, part of lot No. C with Improvements thereon, containing quarter of an acre, situated In too »,ne* vide district in the rear of B. D. lAnieris place, fronting on Jofibraon Street and bounded on the west by Richard l’epyer’s lot. Levied ou os the property of Jane Stafford to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from County Conrtof Bibb county ’ favor Whittle & Whittle vs. Jane Stafford. Levy made nnd returned to me by W. A. Poe, bailiff Bibb county court. Also nt the same tiuic and place, by virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued from the Superior Court of Bibb county, iu the case of Gibbous 51. Taylor vs Charles T. Ilolmcr as trustee for Sirs, K. A. Watkins, Mrs. G. A. Holmes nnd the mi nor children of the said Charles T. Holmes, I have levied upon the following property of said defendant, to-wit: That parcel of land situated in thccity of Macon, Bibb county, Ga., known in the plan of said city as the part of the two acre lot No. 12 in the western range of the two acre lots fronting on College street, which Is the residence lot of Charles T. Holmes and bis family and oi Mrs. E. A. Watkins, said parcel of land enclosed by fences on Ihe boundaries thereof and being the portion of the half acre lot after sale of a part thereof by Charles T, Holmes, trustee to C. J.Williamson, nnd v/lileh afterwards sold to Head. The above fi. fo. transferred to Richard F. Lawton and proceed ing for him, 1 w ill sell said property at public sale before the court house door at Macon, Georgia, in Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in May, 1882, between the legal hours of sale. G. S. WESTCOTT, npri tds. Sheriff. WHITE Afc MULLER, Corset Broad and'Esster Street*, Atlanta, Ge irgia. GENERAL AG ANTS FOR THE Mitcheil Wagon —IN— North and South Carolina Goorgiit, Alabama and Florida. -libs attention of dealers is called to tho fact that wo are prepared to ship et short no* tioo thoso superb wagons in small lots or by iho car load. Send for special pricelists and circulars. Also dealers in O.&G. COOPER’S PLAIN PORTABLE TRACTION AND STATIONARY ENGINES. Don’t purchase until Jjou confer with ns. Send for Djuatrajed Catalogue. mni-5eodiw3tn FOR MAY DAY! may concern: J. M. Carr nnd E. E. Evans having, in proper form, applied to me for iiorti-.uncnt letters of administration on the estate of William A. Evans, late of said county, this is to cite all nnd singular, the creditors and next of kin of William A. Evans, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, nnd show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not la granted to J. M. Carr nud £. E. Evans, on William A. Evans’ estate. Witness my hand and official signature, tb April 1st, 11.82. f. A. McMANUf api2-1aw4w ’ _ Ordinary. ‘GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY;—Whereas, Ben jamin M. Tarver has applied for exemption of realty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 19 o’clock a- m. on the 2tth day of April, 1882, at my office. J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary, mcli2Sowtd.* a EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Henry J. I-ainnr, executor of Sirs. E. 0. Bibb, rep resents to tho Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fully ad ministered Mrs. E. G. Bibbs’ estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, lega tees and creditors, to show cause. If any they can, why arid executor should not be discharg ed from his executorship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In July. 1882. Witness my hand and official signature tills, April 1,1882 J. A. McMANUS, np2* Ordinary- sour petitioner* snow tnsi as mis insiuuuoii is intended for benevolent purposes, uo cap! tnl has yet been paid in. nnd there are no slock or shareholder.:. They desire to be incorporat ed for the perli-d of twenty yenrs.witli the priv- "egc oi renewal at the end of that term. F. J. PAI*»« Petitioner’s Attorney. Bibb Soperior Court. Let the within petition be tiled and recorded, as provided by law. and published once a week for one month os providedJ>y the statm -. JT. J. SIMMONS, Judge Superior Court April 15th, 18>2 aprOIoawlw 11; net receipts 236; gross 32; shipment* AUGCOTa! April 36—Cotton market doll; middling 11%; low middling fcgood ordinary ■agwgas^grg-gSS*’.*. middling 12; low middling llj liycnet receipts 300; gross MACON MARKET Paovrsiog*.—Market finn, at^qi les, 11%. n—should'-m notations r. R. 9. Bulk Bacon—C. R. j* tierces, 12 v£li: tuis, 13)4. K Y. Befined, la ** Flock.’—Market very firm: finest patent. <9.50; fancy,38.50-. choice famllyTiS-OO; extrtiamlly, ET.T.i; family, $7.00; ImuMltti fSASL Uneat bran, per C5ft (1JSX m ^ . t Oori*EF—3(arkct quiet with demand. Choice lilo, 15; prime. U: Rood. 1:5: -air.l-; ordl- URry, 10; o. fi. Java. 30; Mocha. 80. . I Grain and Hay.—Market very f rm. White \ com. ■ 1.2‘J: nixed coni, —i:\ Ctf iMd lftN 2 to *. leas. Feed oata, 72a Rye, 1I.7i. Wtrstem timothy her, . (ieu.vU hay. fl.lO. Cora xneal, fileto $1 10;bolted. 5M5. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. See - that the corks are branded Jcles Mcmm & Co. I offer to cty eustomors, nnd the pnblio fn general, theso really superior Dry and Extra Dry Wine? nt lowest prices. These reliable cliampacnes need only a trial from connoisseurs to be appreciated. Drink tlie Win© sad not tl»« I W. R. COX, Sole Agent, For MACON, GEORGIA. mar28eod1m» ftur^.Aad Bror.rhltiri, ABtbnm an i lteainesfl mrt i a MkrkfMU. OrmtlBipwv* BHOtl made in rjut threj CATARRH PRICK xnlrd. i i *ffi. ** _ iiiiVn fr*r etm:?ar«. Adrlyc yir.I.RH. M- Arrh KL.Vj-Uit.. MOORES AlhinUj Ga. l£ tut* One uuuuy BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, rf the bed practical Cireular* maileu 1 as*- For a quarter of n century or more Uoa- tetter’e Stomach Bittsrs has been the reign ing specific for indigestion, dysnepsia. fo- ver and ague, n loss of physical stamina, liver complaint and other disorders, nnd turn .been most emphatically indorsed by medical men ns a health and strength re- a’orativo. It counteracts a tendency to premature decay, nnd sustains and com forts the agod and infirm. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally. Particular If otic o. All the Drawings will hereafior be under the exclusive supervision and con trcl of Generals G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. A 8VLKNDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FIFTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, GLASS E. AT NEW OR LEANS, TUESDAY, MAY Dm, 1882, 144th MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Conpauv. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by thf Legislatore for Educational and Oharito ble purposes—with a capital of <1,000,OOt —to which a reserve fend of over $550,000 ha* since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote it? franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adapted Docembor 2d, A. D.. 1879. TTS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Draw ings will tako place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH, HALF TICKETS, ONE DOL LAR LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prizo 10,000 1 Capital Prize 6,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5 Prizes of 1,000 20 Prizes of 600... 100 l'tizes of 100... 200 Prizes =* 50... COO Prizes of 20... 1000 Prizes of 10 of $2,500 6,000 * - — 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 lOflX 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300.. 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of $200. 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of $100. 900 1,857 Prizes, amounting to $110,4C0 Responsible correnr-cnding agents want ed at all points, to whom liberal oompen- sation will be paid* For furthor information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by ox- proas or Registered letter or Money Order by mail, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago,Ill., or M. A. DAUPHIN, * 007 Seventh St., Washington, D. 0. Tho Now York offico is romovsd to Chicago N. B.—Orders addressed^ to New Orleans will reoeivo prompt attention. 1 ho particular attention of the public called to ths fact fiat the entire nnmbo of tlie Tickets lor each Monthly Drawing is cold, and consequently all tho priz-.-s in each drawing are sold and drawn and p aid Magnificent assortment of Ribbons 3 cents up. Beautiful Embrodcries and Laces just in. While Goods and Figured Lawns; % Marked low for May day trade. More of those 10 cent Nainsooks. Hosiery in endless variety To suit the purees of all. For the best Goods for the least Money, go to ■ l W. RiCE & 0& 5 THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. Mattings ! Mattings ! Mattings ! Largest stock in PMa and Fancy Goods ever brought to Macon. They were bought low and we ere selling them low. Beautifnl Mats to match. J. W. RiOE & 00. PRYOR’S OINTMENT IS A SPEEDY AXD RCBBCt’BK FOP. Ulincl or IMeudinq riles, Hemorrhoids, Sores, Ulcers. Tumors. Ttchinr/ of the Fa,rts, Fistulas and all Kindred Dis eases; alro of Jlurns, Corns, Felons, Fever Sores, Scald llead, Teller, Sore Ntpples, etc. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 25,1877. After nn experience of twenty-five years in selling this ointment, and during that time having closely watched its efieets, and having tho tesliiqony of iny friends and neighbors to confirm ray confidence in its merits, I became fully satisfied of its value, nnd I hnvo bought the exclusive right to make and sell it, and of fer It to yon as tTie last remedy in tlie world, esixjctally fur all forms of Files. READ THU TESTIMONIALS: This is to certify that I have tried F/yor’sPllo Ointment in a case of piles, nnd state that It gave more relief than anything I have ever tried. I farther state that ns a remedy for burns it is unparalleled, I also’used U for a ease of tetter in ray feet, of twenty years’ stand ing, and say that It Is the find tiling timt I have ever tried that gave ms more than momentary relief., 1 consider now that I am entirely re lieved from that dhstrwsdng disease. JOHN D. NEWSOM. Troupe County, Go. cn years, vals, with that distressing, malady,, tho piles. dressing malady, and after many ineffectual trials jol fn common use, I commence i a SAMARITAN NEEY INE The Great Uernno Conqueror. The only known specific remedy for Epilepsy. SAMARITAN N’ EBYINE Ouros Spasms, Oonvnls'on*, St. Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Insanity, Paralysis, Nerv ous Prostration and Goueral Debility. 7 SAMARITAN NEE VINE Never known to fail. It oqnnlize* the cir culation, repairs its wasto, and gives tone and vigor to tho system. SAMARITAN NEE VINE Cores Sperm atorrhoos Seminal Weakness, T l.J. O LIU. D-. nre.1 «11 Wn. f the rem- dies In common use, I commence 1’ a short time ago to use your Idle Ointment I experienced Immediate relief. From tho relief experienced In my ease, oi well ns from ;tho reputation io rapidly acquired by your Ointment lu this vl- Jmpotoncy, Syphilis, Scrofula and all Ner- cinity, I have no hesitation In expressing tho vnn *. nn ,i iiiooci diseases opinion that it is tho most efficient remedy for 4°us ana uiooa m-easc.. dies ever invented. O A. BULL, LaGrangc, Ga. 1 bis Is to certify that I used Pryor’s Ointment In a case of severe burn, and that In a few days it was entirely relieved of all inllamniatloii.nnd healed rapidly. After the first application of the Ointment, the patient suffered no pain whatever. it. J. MORGAN, ^LaGrense, Ga. By the advice of Mr. Wynn, I used •• - r -’ who had been suf- nir File Ointment ou a servant girl who had been suf fering for eight years with a most aggravated coso of piles. She improved from the very first day’s use of your Ointment, and before using the boxisho was entirely recovered. G. W. FOSTER, Cusaeta, Ala. This h to certify that I have used Pryor's 111c Ointment, and say that it Is. in my opinion, the heat remedy for piles ever presented to the pub lic. I say tills from a positive application of the remedy on my own person. thos. b. Morgan, Troup County, Go. For sale by all dealers In medicine. Price, FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. Sent tny motion re ceipt of price. Dr. J. BRAdFI ELD, Atlanta, Ga. For sale ever,-where by Druggists and coun try merchants. mar.7fri*w SAMARITAN N E E V I N E Tho greatest tonlo known. It aids diges tion, insures good appetite, gives tone and vigor to the system, guarantees sweet nnd refreshing sleep and ibstorts enfeebled and nervous constitutions to robust health. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Dr. E. C. West’s Nerve and Brain Treat ment: n specific for Hysteria. Ditziness, Con vulsions, Nervous Headache. Slental Depress ion, Loss of Memory, Spermatorrhrea, Impo- tency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Old Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay nnd death. One box will cure recent cose*. Each box contains one month's treatment One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guar antee six boxes to enrennv case. With each order received by us forrix boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money f the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarar tecs Issued only by Lauar, Raxku & Lamai Macon and Atlanta, Ga. Orders by mall a, ‘ -11-d' regular price. aprll-dwly. =©= WILBOR’S COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. Wilhor'r Conijutinul of Pure Coil- Liver Oil and Lime. Tlie advantage of tills compound over the plain OiHs. that tho nau seating taste of the Oil is entirely removed, and tho whole rendered palatable. Tho often- , hive taste of the Oil lias long acted as a great I objection tolls use; but In this form tho BY B. M. WOOLLEY, At- trouble is obviated. A host of certificates CUKED | to cured patients and pnysi* I scribe ! by the medical facility is suincicnt- cians. Send for my book ou The Habit j f 0r *alc by A. B. Wilber, Chemist, Boston, and and its Cure. Free. doclOdaweomly j by all druggists. SAMARITAN NEE VINE Safe, Certain, Sure nml Speedy. It is in valuable to Ladies who are experiencing tho change incident to advanced years, by assisting nature nt its important period, retaining the vigor and tranquility of osrly life and carrying them with ease and safety through. SAMARITAN NEE VINE is tho only honestly guaranteed remedy placed before tho public. Wo guarantee every bottlo to g.vo satisfaction or return tho money. Leading physicians teetify to its being harmless nnu good, eminent di vines declnro it excellent and nneqnaled nnd peoplo everywhere b«ar cheertr.l and voluntary testimony to its great virtue. FOR A LIFETIME. The purchase of a Piano or an Ore an is generally for a lifetime, and the greate-t pains should be taken iu ths selection. If a good Instrument is ob tained tho purchaser in, made happy tnrouoh life, but if it be*a poor one. a lifetime of dissatisfaction results. Thousands of Instruments are now sold yearly uuder bogus macufao’urors’ names. Dealer* who never made even one Instrument, nnd who do not own even ono solitary brick of a Factory, are celling Instrsaa::’' under their names as tusker*, and tho country is fairly flooded with these bogus Inttru- pients. There is no sufe’y in bny. in it such Instrument*. Dea*ers who Bell them are generally not responsi ble, and if they iail, tjje real maker is unknown, and cannot bo forced to re place or repair. Dealers, of courso, know who are really makers nnd who nre not, but tho purchases do not know, and hence are in continual dan ger of unwittingly buying stencil In struments, which are not what they eeem to be. The ONLY SAFE WAY from UIDAD ■ A- ,o ouyi is to bny from a Houso that cells stand ard Instronutfts only, and that will not handle lu jJBii'.cnt.s under stencil, or bogus maflrs’ names. With such a Houso the buyer is safe from all impo sition, nDd will receive just what is paid for. No tiTXKCu. iHKBOatxszs Sold, is tho rule of our House. Every In strument bears its maker's name. More than this. Those makers are known the world ovor, as tho best and the most reliable. Seo wbat a glorious list: CHIt’KEHING, MATHUSUEK, KKANTOH4 BACH. HALE, MASON & HAMLIN and SHONINGER. Grand makers, all, and leaders of tho world. Over 200 different styles toeeloot from. Be-st Insirnments for least money. No competition with cheap maker*. Buy from ns, and secure a reliable Instill ment at tho lowest possible price. Wo are manufacturers’ Wholesale South ern Distributing Agents, and buying from us is precisely tho same ns buying direct from Factory. Our prioem for standard Instruments are the lowest , and onr terms the easiest. For proof of tbu. send for our latest Illustrated Catalogues nnd I’rico lasts. Ordor an Instrument on trial. Test it in yonr own home, and you will then be oon, viheed tiint every word written above is actual truth. Seed your n&ma to Ludden & Bates’ Soulbcni Music House, SA.YANNAII, GA. Wonderful Cures Effected —BT THE— ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC BATH. Dry Eeat, Medical Vapors and Eieo- tio-Magnetism, nationally Corn- bin d to Meet the Indications of Various Chronic Diseases. J. TV. MiqRATIf, Late of I’biladclpbU City, Withan experience of IC years treating chronic dlreaso by tho old system, will in troduce this new method of treating chron ic diseases by giving Trial Baths $1.00, That the afflicted may test its merits. Pa tients needing a course of treatment will require from one to tlireo weeks’ time, ao- oordins to nature of disease Dr. Migrath nscs but littie medicine with this treatmsnt The Electro-Therapeutic Bath and Electricity does what heretofore was claimed for medicine alono. A competent lady matron will attend female patients. Office houiv from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Con sultation’ free and strictly confidential. BOOM 7, convenient to parlor. Brown’s N» icr al Hotel, Kacon, Ga. THE QBE T HEALING AGENT Is cspceinlly ndarted to and is a positive cure for Btieumatium. Nenralgiv, Bsiutica, Paralysis, Incipient Consumption, and all Tho following diseases have been cured by this Bath with a few treatments—in many casesone course is all that is requir ed : Dropsy, Liver and Kiduey Ooiuplamts, Diabetes, Erj'ipelns, More Eys. Scrofu lous afflictions of every form and character, Bpnsms, Piles, Fever Koro*. Pains, Aches, Asthma, Pleurisy, Congortive ('hills/Dumb «*, Catarrh, Spinal Affections, Female it-iises, <-eminai Weakness 1 bruat, Lung and Heart Diseases, Stricture, Gravol, Gout, etc. Patients from the Hot Springs nro especially adapted to this treatment. No Shock, but a Pleasant Vitalizine Sensation Imparted to the Patient. For a weak and debilitated oenstitetiou its vitalizing nnd tonio effeot is wonderful. It improves the complexion, promotes Nu trition nnd Digestion, removes Constipa tion, nnd while removing all Oppression of tho system, o vercomes Depression and Ex haustion. It purifies the blood, removes malaria and prevents Typhoid conditions. It is a tonio sweat, cleansing the system intern atiyand exterally. tebl6w3tn OH 30 DAYS’ TRIAL 1 Wb Will Bess oa THIRTY Dxts’ Tnur. Dr. Dye’s Electro-Voltaic Belts, Suspensories, end other Elcclrio Applt ances TO MEN suffc-iing from Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, etc, speedily re storing Health and Manhood. Also for Rheumatism, Paralysis, Livtr and Kidney Troubles oca many other diseases. Illus trated pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO- Morehsll. Mich. NEW Flaw. W E have opened in Forsyth, a genera Grocery and Provision business. Our friends and tho friends of Capt. J. V. Da mns, who is with us. will find us at the old stand of Dumas & Allen, where we will be glad to seo them. man7w3m* W. T. MAYNABD St BON SAMARITAN NEK VINE is nnfailing and infallible in curing Alco holism and Opium Eating. To como be fore the public with bu nmolnto cure or a specific to remove the deisiro for alcolioiic stimulants or the habit of opium eating, seems to many, wo liavo no doubt on absur dity, snch is the ease nevertheless, and bo- fore offering ocr medicine to tho public wo thoroughly convinced ou>selvo< by actual experience that it would do nil we claim for it. FOB BALE BY ALL JIBUGGISTS A. CARD. Amcsa, fiA., Feb. 22d. 1878. Sir—My child, five years old, had’ symptoms of worms. 1 tried Calomel, and other worm medicines, but failed i to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bains’ ceriifi-j cate, I got a vial of Smith,* Worn Ou,; and the first dose brought 40 worms,! and the second doae so many werepass-' ,ed I did not count them. S. it. ADAMS. _ For mle bv all druggists. Prepared byt E.3. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. ap!5-dsun frw For Forty-six Years ■SITE have fought depletion and alarva 7 7 tion, bleeding and salivation,and r ov. in Georgia thoy nre all abandoned as rem edial agencies, and Narcotism, that crowds our asylums, takes their place, while noth ing is ruing done to removo tho septic cor ruptions that are peopling onr cemeteries nnd undermining health. To stem this tide of woes is tho spoe’alty of M. S. THOMSON, M. D.,’Macon, Ga., d,wlt Who may bowaitedonor addressed, SU i ...I, wanted for the LIVES and •".ij-llna ADYENttraxS of the outlaws [RAKK & JESSE JAMES. Complete and authentic account of these _5ld lllaliwnyinon. The latest infer- I matten about the Mwottng ot Jwe. Jim in. -: iuti-rotitii; end vxeitiiig le.-i-r written. Fnlly tllnntrnU-d. «oiu- jplcte iintfitby m»U, For y lento. Terms very Liberal. | Fomhe« A Me Inkin, Ciucfnimtl, O nprSfiwit PIUM A IxeaillniT London Phy®» icisin pntabiiilips nn Of .or lit Weir York * ibr tlie Cure EPILEPTIC FITS. from A m.J vtmcl of Mv-UcCme. I a pfMitire rrmedy i n v tho aN-v bj U usMhoiMttdff cf c tAesof the wor«tk.adant!ot!oru tUndtat; ii«Tvo lH* .n cured. Indeed, r: 'teifh i’i iUefficacy, that 1 vtH’ mi TW»> LOT. Lfc* . UKK, together with u VALUABLE TKBATLS&ot thiAtlitfst i-eto&ny «*ivh ilipreffiicc-I T.O. %4 'imaa hr A. hLOCUMe ihl Timrk W. VaF !>-. A:*. ir!t j of KpSffp«7s hua vti more ffMtMD ar.y oth .trhor U.; A . . »••.* - n*reheard of ci*ci of over‘JOjf-'arfi* aULndinjr, #ut cured by him. fl i hia pubiisiie i * w.irk on ti:;3 dif-ate, trLich b«scn ii «uhAhr»;eb’itt!u of hi* w idunul euro tna to any fudemr v -:o may send th«»r ux;>tv»sa.r.ti P.O addrva*. \Ve a;ivis«* any on^ w:sh n$r a cure to Dii. ffikii. ilL^LlioLi.', Ho. WJukmt)Lslt9*r Yeti THE DIN GEE A CONAXt7> (%g% BEAUTIFUL t\TU.Uloovck. co large hc tor ROSES alone. '•> e C« V£ A W AY.»: if rev#- urn* icia Euf?s r. nt j^OSES U*%ri mjA- dicta bioomdeiivero-1 kaMy,r>.>rv>:d.tcr.y r»*3 o6f5T 8 FTiec lid w. yo:ir choice, *01 L- % 12 for£2; j 9 forso; x 20 f •; r 94 j j? 5 ^>r S3 ; 7 -4** TrrU MO* IOO for ©13. Our HEW ^ *- -*-• lt»mAr;:...r . - ,1, ti- • r a r -- THE OSNCEE 4COHARDC3. W«:t C Bo«e Ororn, i Oram, -‘Gold, Silver and Nickel Flag ltmd^er.jri!y]f*ri.*’0< k «MU«il4UI<*tneUvt.«? Irr > lu* LisCnwj o»*..Tr f ■% »py. <m vr.» si t-.-t r. p**JJ!t %I*> SiatLr If, a M pi*.u*ck. m For 5 VetsaS . ft C«t eet»r.4 % ^ Ennr ♦opsr* ffialii’lltelnilwftUJl lo ilia I Jiit'M*. EMCELSIO s? THE EtST Ui THS ,s^ Fourteen different >fses rnt klrd*. T>a -ires with eiruaelc'. re ervf Ir*. Ad.tiMl roUfi requirements, and pilced-to suit al! pcas*. LEADING FEATURKSt Double Wood Poors, PiCtertt WidBVlrtite.M- J u table Dnrnper. fntcrvhnnreablo tstintfr shelf. Broiling Door, rwlucin-; HoiitiM swinging Fine-Step, r.evrr>lble Caisis., Lang Croa* Piece, Double Short C R!n- Coven, Illuminated Flra Know, Nickel Funds, etc. Uneoualrd in Materia], fn Flnfafc. < operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A.SHEPPARD&C0.Ba..« __ And for mle by too. 2 OBKAIt, 92 Cherry Street, y STOSS,^A- Will M RuiH r;r*l« %.} nrd ‘t n art « It. It rf't.tafis Eva « *.«* \ y'M> v asbAi •be«tK» r.ss4fu!l.’-.'r«.rtv.r^ j t.. * cl.**** 20ctlr.el&tMrk;lM'M*ai.f V»£»««''.W-ri.i 11 • • t» c4‘. ITrrf*' * r»*rt » will bt In: .. fTt-walaft bTArtlMT «!!:...»•• Vr2 mUL-Hipt.:-: ; '—IIS Kia.!rti,TW!u»w" »m* iJs^vri .A -•**- . D. M. FBItB-T t CO.. Pet,air. Ask your Jeweler for the LANCASTER WSTSfi tancistcr Wrteh Co. El Sixteen (161 Crwries. Ail Qulok-Ti-aln Seiiroad Vl-i*rtfi mm siBLEY a e& WUl mail rnnE their Cate- Iogno for 1882, containing % Cull descriptive Price- a of 1 lower, Field and Gardon SEEDS Bulba, Ornamental Orassas. and Immortelle*, Gladiolus. ROCHESTER,N.Y. * CHSCAGOJU 179-183 Eat Hiie St 100-200 fix»<k$b6l nnnu toOTTON CS T&b Broun Calton Bis G&, Hew IssM C. Uraet F. Brown, .VA Hlr. T. grom, Ttmn. These inachlrce ran light, taxi ftao naevte, smB eleantbeered prcpctly. BoatUngtl-.h certstedtaSte* uni UietectiMriU not lead, hnnk off, or bun lack, toa paltejs throvghent, brush st.'i33;,4y vrX eflk nJJn-tshle beers, raw rterl jo'inmls and ten fi — cneatcaeh ead-eascring cool beirings, fca and and stead/ motion, (ordy Gin tn market barter atf lmproremcnD Keira large shafts to as* sitlartt eylinden. Stroc/iroa fraaio —Lett matcristvanar rtor workmanship, Oao finish. Opaoro Brown Chi* bare been soM dnrta; tti gaat three mason* (hanasyoihartwoaakcscomtiaot. Sti Ieracl P. Brown (from iiU to l**c2 the Cra ct K.K. Taylor A Co. of Colamboa Ga.‘a the preeulrst aESMa company, lias had a leegsr pmetiad rnji dm 9a mating Pin than any other manuring, fn amW ties for aianuraeturtiig and shipping nneqaate* Wrm* other lwlahll.ll mrnt of the UndinUaswosid. amm oar very low prices tsr such superior machima. Price List ore 1X8. Feeders and Com’-wMM. Fcno wMh~ Gbcs. Prices of Prirewlth FVcder or OostfeaMT. - f 8 V : $noo k7 10 100 c# mm p0*> mm $100 00 moo UtM uc 00 moo sss mm .HI.V tii’J * » * — deceived or aUow /cureeif to be UOud taeu '■ a*tsi other gins. Our machine* ere folly guamm.wd '* not mtlaflcd with our euaraateo place ynor ouJar^fc any mpmuibl*merchant of /oaraesrahaum mM get him to bur for you. Time, whoa dmCndaOU* gtren to any reepci ille jwrfon. Write terCtm^0m Circolar with hundreds of teiUmoalala from catessdte- tag rdaatca. BEOWN COTTOX «3Di W. New IsriJR Oaaas. A. B. FARQCHiR & CO.,*Agents; Macoat, Gsobc^a. MILL & FACTORY SUPPUL^ CF AU- 1-lNDS. BDLTINS, HOWE nnd PACKlfvG, OILS, PUMPS JB1> KINDS, IRON PIPE, FlTTIWSfc BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUO^, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &o. GeuiUw Price-list. W. H. DILLlNGHAMA-m *421 Main Strest, LOUISVILLE,^*. Cat. Mel Ltiis Samji.c * f?ielC J.llClwZlit iviscr, Cisk-i :*.:-:i. 7c/lor St Ca* ns'