Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 04, 1882, Image 8

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    ©s&fcQra Xll^kln sroft Sauctml & 3R?#&&ng**<
olet eye*, intent and wise.
id Ticw vrith a grave surprise;
young men and Valdo«taglrU within (boot I Mr*. A. N. Johnson U -teiting friend*
■ rear, and the boyi here want it stopped. | and r.lnti-u. in MmrahsUrillo. H
Inraii ' "" “ “
master It, rule, U you can l
■ublcm-mother’s wee man.
Tt.reU now, I nm told, a young lawyer
of Quitman who, it is said, delight* to
“converse” With a Valdoatu belle con
trary to the wishes of the boys. V.
Two ». nstuvo ears, with unknown (ears,
i uni at t ,i. h sound the Gaiilnf hears:.
Tt« u itniugo, great world, hut love its plan:
Ifcttv Is uodanger—mother's wee man.
r*ch tiny pink fist fit but to be ktaed,
hither am* “
r and thither, wherever they list;
The right 'gainst the wrong, strikes blow when
That & the battle—mother’* wee man.
Tet treadue path boldly. It is but a span,
Idle’s little crossing—mother's wee man.
—,Dora Mr Mi GovdaU.
Ronad Osk, Jones County.
Jult 26.—On Friday last, the 21st, a pio-
aio was given at the charming residence of
Mr*. Irene Barfield. Not a few of the “fair
maidens and bravo men” of the good old
counties of Jones and Jasper assembled
the lovely grounds and held “sweet con
verse” under the shadow of the tall old
•aka. We do not know, but we etrongly
acepect the “old dear ctory” was told with
a new and sweeter emphasis, while “eyes
looked lore to eyee that epoke again, and
all went merry ae a marriago bell.”
platform had been ereoted (thanks to the
kind efforts of Messrs. Alonzo Barfield and
J. T. Hunt,) at one end of the wide
for the benefit of those who love
the light fantastic toe.” Mist. .
Broach, Bowers land HumphtC; ,
to tbe the most popular yoff*“ l * OI ine
present, as they were constant
mand. Just before the “magio
was at once conveyed to Drevry’s drag
■lore, where every thing possible was done
for him by Drs. Moore and Warren. A*
•ooo as possible he was removed to his
home, where ha now lies in a very critical
condition. LyUlewas captured at about
ten o’clock last night and ia now confined
Jew 2H.—Well, the great political con
vention it over and we are all glad, though
everybody is not altogether pleased with . — --- ■- - , - . .
the result. Bat we will try to .nbmit to in Jai to await the result of th# injuries
the “powers that be,” for the take of her-1 inflicted.
viotedevery man andwoman arraigned be-1 mony, and acquiesce in what the “borne*” A primary election it being held to-day
fore it for trial this week. One man (white) [ have seen fit to dictate. There la, bow- for delegatee to the contention to nomi-
and one woman, stained ae to complexion as | ever, general rejoicing over the nomina- nate a candidate for the legislature. Dr.
well ae character, were convicted of adul-1 tion of Mr. Hardeman ae Congressman at prowry has withdrawn from tbe race and
tery. The penalty was fifiO and costs, or large. IxjcjlI politics is lively. More can- It ®fi?H fl * ht
nine months on the oounty chain gang. I didates are coming to the surface, and they l Kry ticket. It Is impossible at the present
Charles L. Whaley has five acre# in “eor-1 nre bogiuning to stir generally among the writing to foreshadow the result,
ghnm” cane, which wi 1, as estimated by 1 dear people. Col. B. L. Wolf le the latest A lame number of our business men are
competent judge*, produos one thousand I addition to the list for tbe Legislature, absent from the city to-day, attending a
gallons of syrpp. He h** been offered and I Thla make* three in the field up to date for I railroad meeting at Indian Spring. Js*»
refuted forty cent# per gallon for it; Four I that office, and they will doubtless vitalize l P«r “»d Butts meet there to-day to oonsid-
bundred dollars from fire acres iirsorghom I the canvass before it Is over. It ie difficult 1 «*}|® by , t ^ i Q *°I* i *
beaU raising cotton—or Chan Jones’s oats, at present to prognosticate which wiU bear Midland lUilroad Company in regard to
as to that matter. I off the palm. I the building ox the road.
The Atlanta bosses have decided to name I There will bo a picnic and barbecna at Mies Fannie Maugham, of your city, ar-
a Fulton oounty man for Senator from the l “Bedoak Level," in this oounty, next Sat-1 «»ed here yesterday on a vUit to Mies
thirty-fifth district, no matter what I urday, when the candidates are expected Anna Ball Moss.
Oobb county msy say, or how I to congregate, and agricultural and politi-1 Mr. *• ■P« D< Bng a few days
justly the nomination belongs to Clayton. I cal six&cbcs may be anticipated. I w*j*| hie brothers here.
Well, a nomination does not mean an elec* I Our corn crop is made, and Is thp finest I Messrs. Kdsms 8*
tion in this district by u long If ilk. I ever grown in the ooontr. Tbe potato and I T. Coleman A Co. s olever representatives
Borne of tu, eUonch friends of N. J. lie*,-1 ground-pea crops are also unprecedented. I on the road, emiled upon tbsir Griffin
mond, begin to believe that Henry oorjoty Sngar cane and peas are fine. Cotton ia friends this week. J. L. M.
did right to instruct her delegates anti- good, but backward oompared with last
Hammond—which really means anti-At- yoar, and there is some complaint of rust; I * ro,n '*
nta bosses sod ring I besides, the reosot heavy rains are thought I Jult 23.—Lately we have experienced the
There U au interest.*# 6 ® mating In prog- I to have injured it some. 1 meaning of the adage, "It never rains but
•* ... - v. * ■ * '***- - —-—i-t «-* *—• * — > I* nonrsT" Csrlsinlv wa hnvn lu«n mrfsitiwl
AMUTI ba*hMm
oipal of t h
teacher of Sparta academy n. j, _
MW:uor 01 considerable n 0 U. y w ■
The Ishmaelitehnt this to aay of tbe
crops of Hancock: “A fine small grain
erop has been harvested in Hanoock this
year, an unusuAii* fine corn crop is ren
dered certain by the recent raine, and tbe
ectton prospect is good. Here U prosper
ity nsanrsA **
ity assured.’
Tna Republicans of Hancock county are
•t work. The fact Is, they are organizing
all over the State. Democrats must get
ready to contest with them all the offioU.
A desperate effort will be made by them to
®°®f*®l the Legislature, m conjunction
Tax Ithmaelite U enthusiastic in 1U In
dorsement of Coi. Hardeman. Hera Uoaa
of its outgivings: “Tim nomination of Mr.
Hardeman for Congressman at large was a
well deserved compliment. He U the
ablest man on the State ticket, and lias
done morO'for his party than any other
rees at the Presbytc,
ducted by Bev. Dr/j
ii.. u L'.n
woieh the most timid beoome
ugly little cloud arose and hid
shine and down came the rain, so
the farmer’s heart, but so aggravating to our
(dotty little muslins and our dear big hats.
I don’t know of but one thing just now
more “aggravating" thin the above,
and that is (but of eourse you
can not guess. Mr. Editor) a
min in the pouts! There now] but editors
r „ church hero j con-1 Tbe oommeroial interests of our town are I it pours?* Certainly we have been surfeited
u Leroy, pastor, and I looking up, and building seems to be on the with the “teraperanoe boon." It ia begin-
Rev. N. Koff BmittP$f Atlanta. I increase. Xu almost every direction there ning to dampen the spirits of our farmers.
Bherod U. Gay, due oldest Democrat and I is a store house or dwelling being erected. Corn ie beooming sappy and cotton grow
largest land-owner in the county, was in I Our merchants look for a large trade | Ing contrary wise.
town yesterday. Uncle' Hherod owns a I this fall and winter. I Yesterday our old “01.loon’s Bend" held
jennet that be rode in a Democratic pro-1 Blakely being a competitive point for I their annua! re-union, in the shape of a
cession in the l*olk and Dallas campaign, I freights, the rates here are cheaper than regular Georgia barbecue. When your
and whieh he has ridden every time a pub- I any other town in this section, except Fort I correspondent arrived at ihe rendezvous
lie demonstration boa been made by the 1 Gaines, and there is a prospect of hiving | his eyee were greeted by a spectacle at
Democracy. Ho says that she would not I them still reduced. I oace pleasant and unique. The plaee se-
be ridden, by him even, in a procession of I We look for heavy reoeipta of eotton this I lected was a beautiful grove of pine and
l^tpphens men. HjI says Gartrell is the I season compared with last rear. Frizes I poplar, _ above Bookhardt’e magnificent
luly Democrat rnul.»og for governor, and I have been offered by our merchants for the
*• will supytfjut tt*' > B. Y. J first bile of ooiton from Early and but
p vntlment I.
whir.«erccomes. Abrt. nrtsa I Jonesboro. .. .
tin♦ lifvlp n-r>*I Jmf 28.—Yesterday Mr. J. D. Porter, joyed by aU present. It was truly an oc-
n.T,wi^ontmo»r ‘* >owtore»!d« Kmr SllL trim«W',aattoagbt. of
the hashing of LUUmalP^"o w * and hi ought into town a hsge rattlesnake, hueinewi vsxattone. The most popu-
, ^rant took him up ^wVwofUisiroS-1 more than six feet and having | lw attraction,, judging from the frequent
_ Ji pond, near by the crystal Jack Harris
I spring. Table* were erected to aoeommo-
I date all the guests, benches were impro-
I vised aooording to ordsr. ’Enchre, whisky
I poker, seven up, eta, were seemingly en
&%nS.7VY8SS . Kn u 0 u»n J... troo. C-.U ^
, wt
don’t oome under this bond, for I'm sure
ii take* something more then mortal to be
an editor. Dot top baggie# and Mrs. Bar
field's nice big house were very close by,
and it was only a shower after all which
we ran from—*s a "heap” of times in life
we look for a storm and it turns out to be
"only a shower.** Directly tbe sun shone
fair and bright again, and as I looked at
the glittering drops on trees and shrubs
it made roe think of tears on a pretty girl's
faec. with p-sting red lips and dewy,
sui iud uuiu«r! (Ah, Mr. Editor, If you
want eoxne of he good things of life come
eat to old Jones.) The rarest and the beet
of the loaded tables was ours, thanks to
the charming courtesy ol Mr. J. A. 8., one
of Jones's most popn nr and gallant young
men. We had only one objection to said
dinner—the “Turk”(ey) was absent on a
Jaunt we believe.
Among other welcome visitors we noticed
Miss Bowers, a lovrly young lady from
Columbn*. a gue«t of Miis Annie Ward;
Miss Atkinson, from Madison; Misses
Reese, of Marehallville, nieces of our boe-
«nd stioceMfol farmers, J. P. and
r . M. Hunt; Miss Ids Calhoun, a charming
and vivadous young lady from Columbus;
Miasm Hntchina, from your own beautiful
city. Misses Humphries and ilroaoh also
graced tbe grounds with their gvntle pres-
•noe. Mine Adams, one of Eatoutoa*e
charming belles, was the guest cf Miss
Jost aa tbe sun grew tired and lay down
to rest on his broidered couch ovsr the tops
of tits rices ws bade our friends adieu,
and with icgretful eyes looked our
last on the gay asd brilliant scene;
and as the day died away so the bright
throng and happy face* faded from our
eight Altogether, it was a day long to be
remembered by your whilom correspond
ent who will soon bid “goodby” to dear
old Jouee and the “red old hillsof Geor-
gta,” and in a.distant, unknown dime, far
away to the “land of the setting sun,"
and family
“(e with Capt. J. A. Stafford, but will go
wltomata b* I ooontraa team SiTth*"wotm’'hM! on tLa lonciahtaa." Wjwn tbs cUatg* waa
jne iCLBuaaru _a*u MnszvozB » m* | .,,..1^ aB ^ 4. ».«.«! imnndi A aver* man of na came off with
Lo^f poi ittc 1 r
tS »nnt, 'two' C^TutfeTJ 1I Tb. con'.nUon fornomlnaUnB. Con-
an!r^. !>n«a!^7n a’tfmi nntX I CimHHg. I will meat with heartie.t aupport. Ui»
— I this county, in one of the moct unique, sou- [ ’’frrv'jV* » . . . . .
KcDonongt*. I sible and fitting speeches the other day i I Our ladiee and gentlemen take borsebaA
I ever heard I>nriDiTlds remarks ho allnd. I bxerelee nearly every morning at 6 o’clock.
Jult The rains have been general in t .j to the brilliant editor of the Tznzoomi w * , lulT0 a fair-haired, blue-ejed little
nr during the last Jonr or five days, JJ[|}||M«oaz» | n themwt elonnenttermi who Is fast eclipsing th
1 Upland coru I nm j uommended that ezoelleut journal to 1 1 * , ,
is tho best it has been since tbe war, and 1 t j. y ., eoD i e (,«.„« u being roliable. able I Wr * and Mrs. J. T. Zschry have returned
bottom land is equally as goed. Mr. Will-1 K nd interesting * I from their bridal trip. Mrs. Dr. Pearson
1, of this * * ..... ~
lam Norman, <
. - , nuu interesting. I »*v*“ «*»** hit. ur. *n»nwu
. , . . - connty, haa on. aor. I Good rain* throoghonttho oounty. Nnb- “ d “*« Qoniai Farrell, ol Montaomary,
of upland 00m th*toomp« jadgM aay Wn , tl [ roio^i; puj n a to make nood com. I Br ‘ 'ri.lttna our town,
will maka otet aoTenty Sre btuheU. The I Abdbdanoe of fruit end watermelon.. ! Smith Clayton write, me he will oomo
cotton crop is good enough to satisfy any-1 E M B 1 down and deliver his laughable lecture,
body, and of coarse the farmer ia happy. I I “Wild Oscar," for ns next month.
The building boom has takeo possession I cocnrwa, l «._
of McDonough, and the Bhaefer ware-1 Jolt, 18.—We havs just had a fire, Dur-1 Forajlti.
teKnS intf a UfM tHia " t0rm Wr * A * J ‘ Tbom£>fOD * Jclt 23.—This morning Misses Rafis
buildings are Uktng ftbape under the ex-1 one G f onr moc t substantial merchants I Bneed, Ucttie Clarke, Augusta Greer and
P o8lGm$S* WialfStaspSSS^of as tho I bero - hRj Lifl " ubl ®» barn * ^Moo and I
oomlng Representative in tho Legislature. I boggy house burned. Three bundled dol-1 S
vote for him in any event.
there to find a new home and new friend*
amoag n new and strange people. But
like a piece of sweet, blue sky on a dark
and gloomy day the year spent In old Jones
It ycaTii to toe U»i ihe windows of Hea
ven have been opened about aa wide as in
the days of old. It ht* ralted and rained
and rained! They say our pioaie started
tt. Well, the farmer* needed it surely,
hut I think they could say now in truth,
*«» tr* mntant " rii. a*. litnWlwi..
time our becuc,
this one I At on election held yesterday, William
iSne M. Hitt, 8. D. Moblev and John T. Me-
era elected lieuteuants, and J. M.
fersnee lenow in session here. Quits'# I ^Jtorilo'usTt^fl nT Foro mux weTat ‘fire I Guarded With such offioere tbiSjuSd?
Urge number of delegates are in attend-1 promptly, and when engine arrived re-1 crMk oontpany o!
{•rompuy. nnu wnen engine nrrivi u re- I , TjjT' ~7~
Mesara. Trapp A Smith, of our county, I to"be broughtouL* 1 Steam ^*iu not* raised I In Monroe county Jail lies Incarcerated a
are shipping watermelons to Chicago by 0 n it. I'll* iiuo*tion now with the tax Day. I bright mulatto man who answers to the
tho oar load; at *33.00 per hoodred. U. what isSbeMtone for ? W name of Parry Cooley, and who ie qoite
Mr. i. II. Boardman, of Macon, la on a | Weareglad to say Sin Fortin and his son I Guested. Petty tt in j*U u;njn a
hobav“b^rartS^LifiliSfdSiiSSS ofB w.. foor ® r#w !
visit to our eity. He 1* the guest of Mrs. I w h t >
**We ate eoutent." The erop* are looking
ine and the farmers are hopeful.
FanUmm* mol. Monsieur; 1 know I have
trespassed, but anyhow, please wish n
“tow voyage.” Li Pztitb.
fled with tbe work of tho late gubernatorial
Juit 28.—Frequent rains interrupt fod-
_ „ estebltthment (Ve don? kn5w whethS I on ice cream, wine. etc. Borne
bai «,h„, tUf, wub m. | feWJQ»A l lL8 t f 3lJ;g*T2 fegg dhjh gf^aS^rttai^
I'BlOB I'OlBt.
Joti 77,—Two napoaa «a» Into a dim
aollf bar. ,..Urday and on* iwatTadn
aatr aannont In Km head, Kr.ring n
amalltrtarj,both, got to th. doctor tn
tia. to atop the biaaoing, thoogh be faint-
ad from th* loaa of blood. Tna trouble
mar onto! a gamaot einla.
Th* Georgia railroad bar. tom down
ibottlUMi '
and rebuilt th* platform at thi* atattoo thla
Candidate* f
for eonnt, ofBraa nra dorel-
Urnlx In Graono eoontjr. Bran man
to nm for Mm* offloa—It maker n
*0 polite and kind to hia neighbor, 'll
— the good atraaka In him.
Jtn,r 57,—Oor commnnltj la atilt thrir-
hg. »«tn.ra at. In good .plitta, nod, an
lhara art thre# dlitillorir* running near
»*. I •« In fear that tha, wlU gat loo much
J. K ' '
K. Andrew* haa mad. tb* tint
ahlymant o^awe.: potato** from onr plaoa
good print for tham. Cab.
bagaa are being ahlpped. Caooni
dear ac.-Th* mat of 1m. T. Whll*
foe tna mnrd.r of Jaa. T. Kom, of which I
atada mention in m, la.t, 1, progreatng
awp rapliilg, and now promiao. noe to b*
taoc and todloneaawaa at fitat aapeetod.
Th* bar bMB olotad, asd it la
thonght that th. argomnt will b. gottui
Ktroigh with and th* c*a* gtraa to th.
WI tv to-morrow r Ten Ing,
Harri. coontp. whieh U ntIUod to tho
tandidat. for Henator from thi. ttooatorial
dtrtriottn turrit Legltlalan, bar rrnnMU
ad Talbot aid L'p.on to participate in Ur.
BOBlinatlon of nch .-anilUte (which will
• trim Neal and Btroford. two prominent
mt—» of that coontf, whoara eaudidattr.
bar* apart aarand dan her* oaoruang,
11MT add re*—1 onr eltiaena at th* noon
hoawpt.urdAj tho noon net*, oil
bight before l.rt, l'rof. KerchUT nod Utr
Vorter gau n mo. leal antarutnment Ural
J entertainment Hmt
would ban baen an honor to any cite in
Gaorgia. Th* rntuic waa of th, rery high,
tat order and redact* ranch credit cinp th.
mmt of tt. tt. La, tuU.
which Brof. B. and Mr. P. hare
to predde. A. J. K.
Jolt XT.—A aerionr neetd-.nt oecnrrad
r to an on tho VVaatern and Atlantic
1 tbia morning. A. the north
I aray freight waa approaching th*
°tf M Glow . groe# tbe eogmaar
a negro woman walking on th. track
e did not heed it, so... m
• and before he could stop thilraiu
ran over her. Tbe body waa carried
e diet an ce by tbe]train before tbe en-
r could atop. Tbe woman waa Ur-
ltd and died instantly. Upon
ae found ibat she wee a crazy
xn by the name of Lacy Dur.
i fine and cro;w were never
* F.A.I.
—Valdosta tt on a boom and
-W4-K—^ than ever before.
I Ter<y,
with tbe Indepemleuts.
Tuz Ithmaelite Is
rho summoned a posse and left Thomson' Colquitt to the United States Senate. 'Hie
yesterday afternoon for the purpose of ar- uoods will all b#Te been delivered, andAl-
- • 'Fred and Joseph will have equared accounts
purpose oL
re tins tbe Martins. It tt said that the
trouble grew out of charges made by Miss
Georgia Martin agal&at Boyd. Boyd, it tt
also said, promised to marry Miss Martin
when confronted with the accusation made
by her, but foiled to do so. Proceedings
were instituted against him, and tbe case
U set down for trial at the September term
of McDuffie t nperior Court. It is stated
that thnatt against Boyd have several
time# been made by tbe Mar'.ins. There
tt mnch excitement in McDuffie over tbe
piau*iDie nnaio siory, a* ioiiows : -a wane
since a negro man below Athens was play
ing with a little green grate snake, when
the reptile bit him on the breast, from the
effects of which be died in a few mo
man on it.'
Mas. Lvcizda LouonBiinoz, an old and
esteemed lady, died near Spring Plaee, on
friends of General Cook and thoeeof Judge
Crien deepens.
“Th* fyimh
Tim Dalton A rgue ha* announced itself
favorable to tbe election of Felton and
•The oombat depons-on ye brave,
“Who rush to glory or tbe grave,
“Wave Munich—all thy banners w _
“And charge with all tby chivalry"—or
words to that effect.
Mazietta Journal.
We ere gratified to
Marion oonnty. who has reachsd the age of
. „ «ol support Dr. Felton
again. They lay that he showed his hand
wb ®. n b ® ^h® Markham hoots co
alition of IUdioals, such aa Longstreet,
Farrow A Co., who are known enemiee to
the Democratic party. ’I hey do not pro-
5°*® fo, tr0 * t fh® doctor any further, as they
don t like tbe oompany he keep#.
Prhnitlve Baptiit church."
The Marietta Journal reports great back
wardness on the pert of candidates in Cobt
. . . in the porch of the Barlow House, in
this city, on last Monday, between Mr. G.
“ Clay and Mr. Willis A. Uawkius, jr., re
tting in *wo pistol shots being fired by
Mr. Hawkins at Mr. Clay, bnt without
in Cobb
oonnty. This tt right. It tt high time t'.era
woe a change all over the State. Men have
been running down office* too longs?rseriy.
Now, the people ought to have an opportu
nity to make selections, with a view to the
good of the pert/ and the State. It tt time
to call a halt in the matter of dragooning
fre* men into the supgpit ot incompetent
demagogues. Lot tbe people tnaVe (heir
own refections without the dictation of
office-seekers and their unreasonable
Tine following from the Ithmaelite will
moet the approval ot a great many Demo
crat*: “Hon. A. O. Bacon made an oaer
manly race for the gubernatorial notniru.
tion, and when defeated submitted like a
man. Georgia has no honor too great for
him, and no office he tt incapacitated to
fill. If ho should beat Colquitt for the
Henatorship t'i«re would be retribution in
pointca the fulminating
the following “wSet
“Whereas, said proceedings were boister
ous, illegal and undemocratic, so much so
that many good citizens left in disgust
without voting at all, and many persons
not qualified to vote under the laws of Geor
gia, and Republicans voted.” Ie it to be
wondered that the Icdopendente triumph
* t Bartow county ? •
Toe brick work will coon begin on the
new Swift cotton factory in Colombo*.
A neoeo named Riohtrd Williams was
run over and killed by a train on tbe Sa
vannah, Florida and Western railroi '
Tuesday morning.
Ms. Bek*asd Smith died at bis residence
in Savannah on Tuesday night.
Satameaii has a sort of Tug Wilson and
some of the natives are proud.
The North Georgia Times represen
revival at ElKjnh as being “almost with
out a parallel in point or religious lute-
Enquirer-Sun: We learn that Mr. Zach
Hoilts. son of Mr. M. T. Hollis, Sr., of
Knllii' Mlllt. rh*(t«K(W'Kiv« (vinnlv. *11
Sracio Place, like hundreds of other
places in Georgia, is afflicted with hordes
of tuangy, howling dogs. The dog-curse
in Georgia tt simply frightful, and there
seem* to be no remedy that tt within
It is rumored that twenty-fivo marriages
•e to come off this fall.—Marietta Jour
nal. This tt a good showing it the rumors
solid ones, built up on substantial
«**u puuu uuw, uuiii up ua lausiaouni
foundations. Taken in connection with
tbe fact, that office-seeker* are scarce in
Cobb, it gives that oounty and city an
lars will probably oover all loss. The ori
gin of tho fire tt supposed to be from
of the land at the teachers* institutes.
I* I All tha Forsyth people
a I of the opinion that the i
are naanimooriy
Macon merebaute
_ _ „ I gin of tho fire tt supposed to be from a of the opinion that the Macon mercbai.
Jvt.r 26.—Stephens's nomination has I neffro *- r,ii. 0 OP treadinn on a match I diJ Ihe handsome thing by contributing
rested no enthoriasm in these parts. “®ff ro ® P ,|, ° op jroadfng on a match UvUhJ y ^ tho 3 p pr oeohing fair for t
boald there be no opposition,there will I droppod in tho building, as b® had been in I Q f Mooroe Female College, l
e the lightest vote from this pert of tbe I it a few minutes before il caught. As
* T 4*#K^rsimilar occasion, j thero wero eomo counter ststoniente sp
ot so with lom Hardeman, who will get I
rousing eupport. Should Stephen* have P®« rln B !a *<>« P»P« r •*» f“J
ppoeition, some will support him ae the I report of » previous fire here, 1
nominee, but others will uot I made
CongreestBen Hardeman and Hammond
and Governor Stephens are expected to
speak In Forsyth on the day ot the bar-
Alarm given at 6 o'clock aharp; engine I 2?;Ji 1
arrived at firs at fi a'otoek and eighteen I Sli'/.*! 1 ?, j
uaUiuUm: dietetic# U00 or a 1,000 feel from I
sevetal devs. are irnDroviag and Imwgm ere I ®*®®® he refused, and still refuses, to sat,
that Is necet^Vor running sprinting ESjJj™ 1
eating now sweet potetoea. Already the | «mtttade of the pile he roust be left be-1 oar Superior Court
work for fall crops, turnips,cabbages,etc., I hied. We shall keep an eye on every train A ,^ 5tta5 i 1 , trm . T ® 1,n B fork eerteln
tt began. I watch tor him to oommenoo shuffling ® W l °
.. . . . , I hi* tray*. We would never do for a printer I uomeilroee makes headquarters la Mooroe
Uow men differ! Have just Interviewed I with h f m boetlng the to” Woaroaf rafd f ®®®» u J concluded that now wse
gentleman from Eutaula, Abu, retora* I of him. No news of interest. D. | b {* R»® to make htt fortune secure and
tu* trom a rUtt to t.Utlvea in South flor- „ — ... I naanpUtre.
U*. Ua ooold not l» lndocad to rettl* woobI «“ ^
lli.r., u b. waa by bo (laired with .ft™ ^““^’•.-•-day . inaaUag of th. Ownta for the mrrriay* ware completed,
tho ooonUy. Ftom Ocala, aooth ter a eit(x«. 0 f l’nlarklwri bald and action The wadding day bronglit lathe homo of
in. conuwj. fa.orebl* to the Haeannah and V*cltto tha brld* Ui* In.itad trienda. tba miniater
diatanca of on* hundred mile along the Hhort Una railroad waa ta.u, cominlltca i D d tho groonn Th* gnret* wore aaram’
railroad., lira oountry la on a boom, and I apvolnUd and tboolBoUla tnaitod toalait 1 blad in th* parlora, th. blUrfol hour
land, are bald at cnormonr rain... Pao-1 “gatnartUa. . _ ww faal approaching, wlmr to! nproaath.
VU ahoar, doing; «ll Lad bate, remain gf^SlCTSSi.’tSSh' g^.°ia» KS, SfiJ StEattRSfi
where they ars. Georgia tt the best State I Thursday at Hayueville. inv«*tigati(m he
in tbe Union. The writer was reared ia I 1 ®^7 day. would be beet for
another BlaU. jSSWO* I ^ ■««.
It la mnored hare that that* la a onaa ot I Matbodiat choich at thU place. Surci. 1 ™ W th bri
amall-pox in one of our sister town*.
Delegates from 8uniiay-schools, embrau-
lieemMr tc
investigation he had ooneloded that U
hi* daughter and Um
far apart as possible,
ipon the bride toee up and said that
after mature deliberation she fully and
freely ooneorred in the conclusion of her
father, and that there wxuld be no fixer-
Jult »-Our young people enjoyed a nage. But that young man, oh! where
» on the anhani I ^ uxo ® * l (b ® Thornton ll’aw test night.' I wan to? Itepraentsaiii not,' but rumor
lay, to organize I Meeter’e band, from your city, furnished 1 says he tt etui engag^I in the matrimonial
Julx 28.- One by one the militery hove
n J i&trict D cane«t(niifColanill*ud I From Mawn wa'uoUMdUMera*-
Mr. It. B. Bappant, of bATcnnnh *111 b. I *“» of Mlu Uollla Goodall; from Colcm-
rlreob nae-nnnn, ntu oa Mlaaca Bird and MoUi* Gardnar; from
Our paopt. greatly admire yoor Col. I Mire OoUyi from Entire, Mtu
Tom Hardeman. lUMuuwn. . rvi „ ^ . IIT . OJ unc , n _ milll -
W. bM> th.t U—re. Wight and PowaP. Bobio * and t‘ye coma etmggllng home. A law nr* atill ab.
of Cairo, Tbonru county, Georgia, con-1 >or the hcgUlaturc. 1 rent wilboct Inn. AM who ban returned
trenplat. bojing oo. ot thore famou. Sol- - are anthnaiaatic orar tUir.recaption in
phnr Hpringa In Uamilton oonnty, Florida, I . _ nnnnainnn.. I Macon aud the good lima Ihcry bad at tb*
and building on and beautifying tbe | Anna ID.—In pnrananca to n call mud. by! aprlng.
ground, for the euU.rUlnm.ut of Lrelth tho .awntia. eoramiltre, a mare moating W, aro haring rain aeary day, which la
—kata. Ttrey are MtUrptUiug nun with ?*,•*• ®f u >a.“*»jl! *«• "ff touch retarding th. gTihaiing of
amnio mrent, and they will ancoMd If th-y I h«ld at the aoert bona, to-day at 12 o'alock. foddtr. Tuninrr. I Hon. P. It. Taliaferro^ chairman of th* aa Nan Tucaday it Uia day to alaot rUlantre
— I oeattaocomnutteacaUadth* maattaa to or-1 in thi* county to tb. CongreMionnl con-
Lrlirmr I d.r, and eUUd th. objwt to U. th. up- eantion. Tb. frUnd. of both Cook mod
doll •>.—There U no enthtuium lure I d f'^aU. to attend tha Brnto- Criap are hard at work, aad Urn result ia In
otar the nomination of Mr. Hl.phrna, ti-1 atorUl nominating oonrantion. whlrii poo- donhb l would maka aoru pradiotlooa rut
capt with roatmiatan. IndspwdMiU and I “ pwalmo. to tha reanlt, th./(ep*WK-a» would
campfoUowers. Our pcopUariU aoufnclMou-8.0-dotdin wua mnda parmaumttIagaiareaktoatonem* aa a lalreproobet.
mi, loUoaera. Our PMula will act. for I “““• u - Jotdan area mad. „
tinbacuDMhaU th.ttomiu.of ,, a ,, ®* B ;- 1 BaUtajUaaoro- fTCriap win.,triumph waa rreear gaiuad
lority ot tha ooaeaaiion and iMenare they I Jjj! “"“a . •*— OTm »truer friend or hrarer torn
regard him na an hoaret and patriotic old 1 •*“*' w * , ,‘" UK i r \ I * d *° appahtt th*
gentleman. It areata th* Iniirmtu*. of old I «««««• *, od . tb ! 4,U «^}? “ »PI«*nUd, am- LeaiagiM.
age Late mad. an aacwtlun labia Utoc, l L. ,b J i w 0 JS a|U«ri—I dot.* 2» -Thla 4ret dog day break worm,
for we are told that be tt in better health I g 00 * *• *v uTuSiuJli Giimore. C O. I with many indications ot rain. Tbe cum
than ,inc« IKM. Wlm can Ull bat that tha I S3 **• B-.lfolUHaM ware appointed ctop ^ yja county U generally rery Una.
reboot boya of to-day, who now dream of I Sjjagja*; *'*» Baldwin* lb# eotton crop la .potUd/ Onsoma
poUtical preferment, may yet ptu* lb. I Baontocln Bocordauc. faym*UmcottoBl*ycrylll>a,oBoth*reUU
meridian of tit* and find between them I **“? I ««J UUtior. Kaina baa* baaa abundant
and tbrir Undablearplralloetr tide remu old I ^ *“* ho* 10 *" | •* n general ml.
ity. Dow
Common., with bUduilo .kiUat,
I war dUpatcbad with alacrity.
poanty. Now that tb* crop* at* about
troop connty U jurt now on a boom. | At on# o'clock, dad long, of Maeon, In "laid by,” th. prepu”ar* agiu-
;• oat crop was larger than er.r known, I r **P°”**°aB InriUtlon of lh* Bopwli-1 ling politic*. Much InUrest U manife-ud
and tha core crop u" tha moat ptt^riog IW. a«pptlT. commlttre of thU county, I In'SifnL^forG^grer!!”!#’ uu’emnly
— >— ^ SB «--eS - -
‘ ‘affTrtZitlEgUL'*£ M 1 w
Huctb will b. free and independent of
| Yankee corn, meat, oale, wheat and every!
county will
Stephens had been I this
Bepnhdcan party, and I or R ese.
Kiat baflmng) badndrif^ tha oaUmg of I men are wat—.
.alrrady ba
Hollis' Miltt, Chattahoochee county, wse
seriously cut a day or two ago by a young
roan named Frank Sims, Suns was a ten
ant on the plsco of Mr. Hollis, and the
young men quarreled about a business
matter. Hollis is thought to be danger
ously wounded.
OABrKKTES* and brioklsvers are ssid to
i in demand in Columbus, owing to
the large amount of building going
that city.
enviable fame.
Ir the local of the 8avannah lleeorder
doesn t mind the Regulators will take hold
ot him. A great deal of license tt allowed
in Sbvannah, but we should think that, not
even thore, would the people long tolerate
such as tho fo'lowing: “It is staled that
tn a que-tion of eyes the potatoes will have
it, bu' on a question of onion crop the nose
will have it.”-—“a doctor is the pillar of
society, but his enemies say that be esn
kill with powder without »Uot, and that his
droits are almost as fatal as tho hang
man’s.'' When we read the like, we fancy
can almost smell the shed blood cf the
Saulissuet Bashasd, colored, was found
guilty in the Superior Court yesterday af
ternoon of shooting end kilung a heifer,
which he aftewsrd* sold, disposing of Us
hide In thi* •{*/. U* «m (mUhamI hy
Judge Tompkins to pay a fine of fifty dol
lars, or eerve sis months on the chain gang.
The jury reoommended him to the mercy
of the court.—Savannah Recorder, Good,
amiable, loving jure! Good Samaritans,
one and all t They oonldn't have been ten
derer if each one of them bad gotten# part
of the beef. We commend society to the
mercy of junee. It tt a vast mistake for
them to think their only mission tt to stsnd
between the guilty and
The Montezuma Weekly says: “The late
tes returns tor tbie cornty »how an io
crease over last year, tbe neat sum ol
ei ghty -five thousand one hundred and nine
teen dollars. This is enoouragiug.
Tee Tbomaaville Enterprise report# the
death of Mr. U. F. Fudge, an old citizen of
Thomas oounty.
Baubecum are again coming in fashion
throughout the State. In th'e way alone
can the lost art of ststtaroaOship be re
Gsawt every man the privilege of an
honeet opinion both in religion and poli
tics.— Sufaineboro Herald. That tt good,
broad doctrine. It U broad sooagh to
cover even Democratic Inability to swallow
a distasteful oiudidato.
SwAixanoso Herald: Ws learn that there
was a sertoot cutting scrape in the upper
portion ot the county one day la**t week, in
whieh Mr. Jooeph Swain wae dangerously
cut with a knife in the hands of Mr. John
Wheeler. We have since beard that the
wounded man tt dead and that Mr. Wtte-
ter bai fled, but cannot vouch for the truth
ot tbe report.
TnaSwaiueboro Herald contains a nnm
her of very contemptible flings at the
editor-in-chief ot thla paper. It te not a
hopeful beginning for tbe new man on
Romb Bulletin: Major Sam Morgan
out yesterday tor n carriage drive. This
the first time he has been out of the house
since the unfortunate hour in whieh *
wae stricken down. Itie said be will
aeut to the asylum soon, where it tt hoped
be may soon recover tbe faculties of hie
mind. Hte physical condition continues
good. •
Thu Griffin Newt makes the following
confidential about thing*
political In Spalding: “Tbe prohibitionKe
aro confident of sue com and say they will
carry every district but two; but “o!d
Dizzy" te deviLttb sly, and Is getting in hie
■nr'. thA ■uim’’
Eatoxton Chronicle: Hon. Thomas Har
deman tt one who tt we’l qualified for the
high position of Congressman at Urge He
well deserved tbe compliment, and we shall
do what we can to elect him. Ho is a noble
old Roman, who has done much for his
party and more for his oountry. The State
house officers we are satisfied with, and
shall give them our hearty support.
Tub following will be of value and inter
est to many of or.r readers. It tt from the
Savannah Recorder: "Mr. W. W. Starr,
master of train service of the Centra) rail
road, yesterday examined the conductors
and engineers of that corporation with a
view to ascertain their proficiency for the
discharge of their duties, as well as the
knowledge of the new rules by which they
will be governed on and after the 1st. prox.
work jest tho
Augusta Chronicle: It wae extensively
rumored on tho streets yesterday that a
duel between twe Auguste gentlemen was
on tbe tapis, and that considerable cor
respondence had
The promise that the code of Georgia
to Mr. zeal Acro.'Xfe oi
__ busier « men who alu_ # .
ly. He fcz.i four hundred thro-
s hte farm and ruu* two still*,
rer here ttthe Ua- tlfol
f JaJgeJ. C. Wi«tn V ker.
“r and t lu.!i every.
> a Georgia '
clear money <
r mm
* Show I Smith, John W. Ua; good.
Delegate* to the 8 oato
2?&!MSMKA&SiaSSfc S* 35B.K & £ ?
maul tot all. I charge*bargain nnrl eat* ia tba convention I erertaUrera Mr. Aitbnr Hair* UrearaJre
Con^re-local con.reUoB .UI aJ"'“» ^ »T ■ririnyQjffgT* MaSlrort.,. B. B-Mllh^Tkl. iTSfi
att?^Foiotootb.24of Aum»b| c »i^^a , «!* u »»g*a»^t»‘af'»«>aJ»i*i»« & U. Hitohac are tAa oandidaka
Tb. candbiatre grret n* rerty and Uw. but whoara conUritoir for tba LtniaUture.
Tbty ua numetour. No Ugbiaioii roJ* I *•!•>.bad uaforturaWy «ot In bod rear. 1 bay ore all bopafub bat only Iworearoe-
bar* u yrt barer put up. Ou. will b. I ba»y- Tb* eoareatiaai oo tb* M prealmo I ored. It U gwareUy britirrd Uwt Ur.
choaan and many left, andof th. iMfaqtod I y^jaajamaylndotre Gartrell, reatnfnto I Mnlre wUI b* imailnatcd. batitla doubtful
Sss Mr^ruSSatL”— 44 ’*
re£r Bff JTSSTKi lofAnD-.reUdreid.rt. ^rahre
rt.aroptnxreattrere. ^
Oglethorpe. I the “gone aad Daughters of Jacob,” at
6 Iult 2<h—Delegate* from Macon county I throughout was a
voring Judge Charies F. Crisp’s nomini I &®®® ^ hitter *aro#em upon the omnixa]
tion for Coagrese for the third district, I f* 1 * 1
Delegatee favoring General Phil. Cook:
Cd^STW. aVnUtt, ij. NVtlUam*, M. A.. 1 - M tti.
jgood. j Jclt 29.-A* telegraphed tou last nfghe, gjLtgL
N ftAtorial convent I ou | thepeece of ear little city wee disturbed I R is
Friday nltbt bynrery!-rire.OifBoahy "g*” j?.. . ..
Wlwrt ih. rf.ruThink Bire ire.
Jeer listen how the edHor of tbe Me
Duffle Journal talks: “Toe diegwUng
tenacity with which Colquitt holds hi* grip
on the throat of the Georgia Democracy u
rometaiog wonderful. He rttnlad* os of
Mosley's old spotted sow. They bad to
pull her aura etf to get her up ‘
will be out in about six weeks tt again
heard in tee land. It will be distributed
almost as soon as wo k begins on a new
one. Builiing codes for Georgia furnuhe*
the only genuine idea ot perpetual motion.
Thu following report of an attempted
assassination near Thomson tt taken ftom
the Auguste Chronicle: “On Sunday even
ing last, just after sniuet, Mr. Julian Boyd
waa going from hia fatbat’a (evidence to
Cobbham, about eight mites from Thom
eon, when he was fired on twice by aomi
parties who were In ambush. The weapon
used wae a double-barrel shot gnu loaded
with bark-hot. The first shot took effect
in hia left aide and breast, but the second
misted him. He wae on horseback and
the boras beoame frightened and ran off
with him. Jut before be reached Cobb
ham he fell from hie horse unconscious
from the tod of blood. The animal went
on home and a negro man seeing turn
derlese immedtetely started in • torch ..
Mr. Boyd and found him Ising insensible
on the aide of the road. He!p wee sum
moned aad the wounded man aurtedb&ck
to hi* father’s house aid roc ltoal aid pro-
cured. The physicians found that be had
noticed wounds in the left arm, left sido
ana two in tha breast. The moet serioua
one U in the left brsart, ju*t below the nip
ple. Tbe probe failed to find the ball in
the wound, and tt te feared that it te fatal.
A second attempt was made os Monday
light to Mil tha rang man bx shooting
Mu, ua ha lay in bed, through the window.
This intention waa discovered, and tea
would-be arjwaeiea were driven of. Bo*f.i
cion was directed to thre* brother*, nan *
Martin, ae tha perpetrator* of tbe deed,
party of men werefofganizyd aud went..
thr iJace where the shouting wae done, and
there they found the track* of three per
•tou. TUee tracks were followed to a house
favorite Major J. D. Frederick for thi* dis-1 ou Friday night by u tsij aarton/djjfflonuT I ^ dropped
Murray, J. C. b*oe*oMmS!Ham^LsaudLytrU^wJ | TweDaXalbrVcweaaye: ■"Than iiguttu j wSofStowed to th« hoJeSf^ Mr.*£bMt
Lddngtoa,Cbaa. H-keeu. | roeag wt uu; town. From all 1 sun i» Miff tudapmdunt xolu tn Dtftfb^uoam- * jl Martin, the father
Mun Mary Jones, of Maeoo, leave* this j wara there bed teen some mteoaderatanu-1 •/» whirh General Gartrell w
' g, la coapasy with Mia* Mutroe j lug between U.-ra a few daya ngo which “
aud Miss Kaat Fish, to attend dis- j wa* renewed tort ‘ ' -
rthigfct, rsmitog lathe Tn rotation system to i
1 f'tei *koot:ag o* Hum I the ttete Repute be* cause
•^•uvosied ypitgiaem. uraal umooat of dieratiafi
1 to correspond in size »o the Martiaa.
I thte and other evidences warrant*
and taka receipts for payment in fulL’
It is proper to say that the Barnesville
Gazette doe* not favor the election of Gov.
Colquitt as United States Senator. A great
majority of the free white* of Georgia arc
on the same side of the question; but where
is tbe publio man in the State who lias the
courage to oppose Colquitt, backed by Jo I jgnation of I
Brown? Our judgment la, there tent one. that motion.
Leading Democrats in Georgia are afraid We Judge from the following that Larry
to give any indications of opposition to Gantt doesn’t like tho mariinoniaUndow-
those two men; and ao tliay ask only the 1 m ent associations: “The country is flood-
crombs that fall from the Uble* of the t d with these ruindlers, and circular* are
bosses. Present Democratic leaders, ao- guttered right and left. Our advice to tho
called, will never throw off the Brown-Col- bo ft u (o let them severely alone, and if
quiti yoke. I you want an endowment take off jour coat
The following somewhat mysterious par-
__ and po to woTk. This tt a ft’.ow but sure
agraphis tiken from our excellent anti-1 W ®J*
boss neighbor, tbe Barnesville Gazette: Thii Macon Telmbaph aed Mea.
Mr. A. J. Phinizee, ot Monroe connty, says that “a Georgia weekly stole
tackled a United States Senator in Atlanta I than three editorial paragraphs from ua
land poured tha rhot into his methods in a | last week. Comment Is nnneoeaaary."
manner that made Boss Joseph mark the Yes it U neoeoeary. In the fir?t place,
Hon. A. J. btt victim If the opportunity j didn’t do the stealing. In the second place,
ever preaentt. Alec Stephens may for
little man who get in hit way, br*t
ib E. Brown would stop to put btt I
a worm that offertd/resistanoe to him.
1 # ®* Db ® r °f Independent 112 years, will*io baptized on next Sunday
uemocrkte will not support Dr. Felton on a profession of fMth as a member of the
” and “resolutions.” In speak-
Capt James
knowlt dge, on (heir harmonious and united
action and on ihtlr abilities. Hereafter
•ix fl?g\ two white, two b’.ne and red, and
a comsnonding kind of lights, will
used on the roau. Ail the stetions will
rovided with these lights and flags to as
have them ready for oao by the tet of
lx Augusta, on Thursday, a negro got
for'y days on the street* for kicking a
policeman in the face.
The Banner■ Watchman says a great deal
of money is spent by Athens people for
lottery tickets.
Raxaer-ira/chman: The Macon Telz-
obaph proposes the name of James R. Ran
dall for the chair of belles-lettres in the
State University, made vacant by the rea-
ition of Dr. Speer. We heartily second
unity iiuin t ao roe Bteaung. in me st-cuuu piace,
orget | the rogue should be commended for Ids
;t Jo-1 good taste and judgment.— Washington
s foot I Gazette. No, it wasirl Brother Chapman;
Two Terrell county negroes, Bill Din-
nard and Dock Bridges, got into a row
over a game of marbles, on Sunday morn
ing. The former was killed. Marble
playing ia a fearfully demoralizing game,
at all times, but especially on Sondap
uu*cur. iiv, il . » .
ha writes hia own editorials, and writes
them welt Friend Chapman pays ns a
compliment in hit concluding sentence,
tt highly appreciated.
Washixotox Gazette: Elbert county
»,» b !i. , BSSflS.^ffSS3S; I SSasrawararB. f.
lice for Congrewman. We
; “*! d do ,w£ I sf* Mftfiaffrasflr.
ba>ioeu,«.aiippoM. Thla ij altogalher I No other . er0 Yottl i f or .
Tbe Baraeaallle Gaulle the d °«Vw^hiLrt^m Wlkre«™ll“‘oLL.‘
foUowin, tattr..tin, ilam. It Irertjto "aSk ”2
mil: -Mr. A. J. Phiuazee, ot Monroe coon-1 „ nt
ty, attended the gobcroatcrial conrention ““I***"",; . .. , h „
in Atlanta laat waek. Wbil# talkinz with I LkLL! I-
n knot of gentleman In front of tha Kim-1 Inhered creation generally, but tbero la
ball boa##, t!enetor Joreph E. Brown bird ** b * n e « n °?* ““fg* »? dth ‘ t
poaited blmrelf o'om by. If r. Phinuee I Jf the martin. There la mnr-
Hked Mr. Goa Oabania*. of Forsyth, to In- Ua* the Noble block, ud BnglWr.par-
trodne. him to Senator Brown. Mr. Cab*, row. don't promenade to that neighbor-
nira rery readily did ao, and Senator #J»p‘with one .ye peeled fur their
Brown was at ono. addrereadby Mr. Phln- d.rk-ooetrd o.lgbbur.."-/tom« l ullel.n.
uee aa follow.: 'Senator Brown, what do food tot that JPaaia end to know
yon propore to do with Mr. Btephen.?' J«t Uiere ia one kind of bird that there
Senator Browm somewhat at a tore to BritUher. cannot drire out of their own
know what reply should be mode, said: I homes.
Well, I do not know.' Says Mr.Phmazec: ( Henry County Weekly: Tba Atlanta
'You nominated him and tamed him over I Conatitution spell* Democracy with a small
to the coalitionists and the Democrats took I'd.' It might go farther and spell Stephen*
him from the half breeds, and now they I with an attenuated ‘a’ without giving of-
aay you, with your barrel, are going to elect I fense. Henry oouuty will be coiupicu-
aay yon, with your barrel, aro going to elect I fense. Henry oouuty will be con*picu-
hun.' Senator Browu indignantly replied: I ou* for her independence in tho coming
♦It’* not so, it'e not so, and you know it.' 1 Congressional convention, whether she
He then began to beat a retreat, but the I gets on tbe aide of the majority or tho mi«
crowd had ao gathered around that he waa I nority.
a *„«»- Coxtebs Weekly: An Atlanta man bas
forbid to escape, and had to receive Mr. I „„
I f ? r .trlklns hia mothi r-lu-l i
vfnnroM SmSin h!m f I 0Ter lb ® %ilb umbrella. Strange
I Monroe politidan took him off the man | proceeding*. I mr mayor wives such men
Aionroe politician (oos nun on roe nun rrofP ,j in „, Gnrmavor vivcsnui
pocke?bTOk.” GCOr|^l * , politioall,r ’ in | sold mcdiS*a» a reward for their bravery.
The protracted meeting in Dawson I
Auourta has a Polo Club end Bill Moot#
is oomparatlvaly happy.
Tna following items are from tho Con-
K ra Weekly: Grape collars is getting to
an important industry m Rockdale.
Many of tho truest and best Democrats in
Rockdalo will not support Mr. Stephens
, . . _ _ | for governor. Mr. Sim Bonks, of New-
Ix Augusts, oa Tuesday evening laat, I ton, wall rnd favorably known in thla
‘ —am — » —— i- a- *- * pj tc6( died on Monday last of cousnmp-
tion.—Every portion of our oonnty lias
The Toombsboro arteeian well la nearly |*d fine raine, and everything to booming.
eompleted. —* Surely oor pcoploare blessed thla year.
The Evening Sews remarks vrith mich j Two of out citizens engaged in a very anl*
truth and solemnity: “It was aa danger-1 mated dir-cussion of the political outlook,
ous to be in Egypt lost week as it generally one evening this week. A broken no*o,
te to be in Atlanta." I two black eve* and ten dollars waa the to-
Mb. Miles Reece, of Rome, died in that I >Q R of the discussion,
city on Wednesday ni*ht. | Tee Gwinnett farmers are greatly
Majob Moeoax, of Rome, is gradually I troubled to keep their stock out of the
growing weaker, and his death te uot nn-1 field* of tho Rockdale farmers, who were
expected. I wise enough to adopt th# “no fence" law.
U.foon-dthmnMlromp.tanuSd.ari.ol, WjgaaSrS^ffiSS.fififc
ud oompllmantad Uwm hl*hly on thair o,rtrell fo” iwroraoT—A^nllam.nM I« nf
sent nv word the other day to atop oor I Jau,
payer. We will consider the matter; hat 5f
hardly think wa shall swpend yet awhile. I
Fortunately, our views are advene to I ?»« t-TS f t' -
tho*e of Brother Gleesner on the liquor I ^2221*8 oi iSffi at
unrellon. Tb. reKto. rt. «W« n ’SSI I ~«« h £a-jAgSl}
pocket ku4l« . Fortunately the wound
The Dalton Citizen denies being a gar-
trsll paper, and we make the correction.
Is speaking of the publication of the
"great Commoner's” letter, the Savannah
iJraraaMrelrata ■«}'*: “WO tried U» uUMtU 111#
letter for publication, but tbe great Com
moner bed made • request that hi* letter
should be published on Friday in the
Morning Newt, as on that day It would ap
pear simultaneously in Atlanta, Columbus,
Augusta and Msoob.” No oopy of the tet
ter was received at this office, ar.d so it
didn't appear in the Telkouach asp Me*,
iexosb. Tbe Recorder might have known
it would not be allowed to eat at tho first
table with the “elect" paper*.
form in his tetter of acceptance, tho uwt-
gla Democracy will be practically without
one in the coming campaign.—Guinetctlle
Eagle. Tho letter of tho “great com
moner" te out. Did he "formulate?”
The Democratic party ot Georgia can't
light Indepeotttm this year.
question. Tbe editor of tho Griffin aY.
Heads n “dry doth,” ^
ballot Kao Uabdwku, of Barennah, I mada ««"Wuht oiia'iod ’with n littlV n<-
J short -tuple scion of * probably aitinot alliance from Ur. Mitchell, ho ia all risht
royal African line, waa rent op to th* pan- again.'’
«?n U dHL ,0, A\re I ?a'!’ *. n . d iarntaoB ItemU: W. want lo not tho
uui*uii ff * A a *’ i0t lh# Afr * otn #x * I world, and especially the Demccratio party
way robber- In Bn-annah. If tba ”.alre-. I dafeatrd for Congrtas In this di-'.rict this
Uoo army,” or some other reformatory fall, it will not ba on amount of Alack Sic.
army.doMn't aooo put In an appreraao* I pheus'a nomination, or on acconnt of the
in that ataxia of high-band*] arick^ln-aa, I bosses itfloenc* or mooay, but from hia
editora and othir moneyed man will ba I own acta. Mr. Stephana's nomination haa
Afraid to -bit it. And It will naceaiarily I dnragthdied lh* Independent TotnlnreiU
retrognda In n buelnre* point of riew. I district, for Spare baa hia (ndorremeut.
The Atlanta dog continue* to put his I
teeth into tbe wrong person. Wo should " l j ^
have no complaint against biting dogs If 1 cu “ ion 01 *® n0 ® auestion.
they would Uroerate only their ownera. I.. ®* CA F , *.tt»o 8tate convention adopted
The owners of dog* ought to be held to a I the majority rule Is no reason why it should
•trict accountability for all of tho savage-1 “• odouted l y the CongreMional conven-
ries of their pet bea ts. I tto«. Gen. loombe te strongly fw favor of
It te said that Tray, a post-office in Ha-1 S ■ JI,inS* bt *}
bereham county, has Lean abolished. jiSTSSSSiL
Onto 1s going to bo Invadod by tho Ful* I Jo*t th/nk of eueh n sentiment In \ Rich'
ton county darky militery companies. It I moo a county paper! Richmond was en.
The Hawklneville IHtpatch te able to iunMUa^ridSt^^inhiy in
have opinion, of ite own. Here te an es- 553 retiatop*rmaS?tjS xnb1 J®J
ibta to I «“ r ;n, U '^“d. r . h ji'l' , ^“."S .“BoorawrinUrer^ayMKre renawn.|^rtreJ,1.^.rert. oo. .ire! Wall,
* * * *' ?,® , 1 W* 1 tn tho coming eontoat. I gU conference,and Mias Mattie Oalpepper
ltold, determined men oan accotindtth for I were marri d recently.
Georgia what tt surely promised in Penn- w “ '/. ih* v
sj lruni*.—Atlanta Herald, We hope so. 1 Kara
bat th. xUoot la not now «WMmSa»
Th* man who doe. n't fall into line, re uia 1. r » '‘“•'olamnian "bloated bond-
borereSmand. uioonac^r $>* peoS* holJ " *” d •■- k -
do not stem to be much tro * * * ‘
Co!quitt will be permitted
haa polled lier but eighty thousand Demo
cratic majority in a gubernatorial cam
paign. Thousands of good Democrat* will
hereafter 'tote their own *kllteta'outside or
iniide of tho organization, ae they choose."
Uaweixsvillk lHepatek: We don't know
much about pugilisUo warfare, but, in our
opinion, tha orga&lssd Democracy got a
.Aleck did U with
tion but week,
hi* skillet.
Ithmaelite: What docs Augusta care for
a Congressman? She has got a Chronicle,
and owns the canal.
Daltox Citizen: Mr. James Lawrence
wae struck and instmtly killed by light*
ning near YilUnow, in Walker oounty, one
daylast week. He wa* working with a
man named James Tate, in # field, when a
thunder >how»r eeane up, and they sought
•traitor in an old hoo e near by. White
there lightning struck the buildiog.- killing
Lawrence and nudering Tate unconscious
for a brief period. A horse belonging to
* r.vrteuce wae also killed.
“So far as this section of Houston oounty
to concerned, the people kre not In favor of
making the liquor and fence questions is
sues in the legislative campaign."—Hoes-
ton Home Journal, Well, we should eey
so. We cannot conceive of anything more
abenrd than that of making a man's quail-
ficatione as # legislator dependent on Ms
being for or against fence* and liquor.
~*iere is no need for the poople of Houston
any other county to trouble tbe whole
State, in the Legislature, Mith questions of
mere local concern when the law ha* pro
vided methods by which those questions
can ba settled by each county foe itself aa
a mere county matter. These questions
are sod si and economic, not political, and
it is unreasonable to make political factors
out of them.
Tna crop project* of Houston are said
to be better than for twenty years past.
We are glad to know that there tt a prom-
toe of relief for oor friends in tint quarter.
There are to cleverer or more deserving
people on earth.
Mb. Julius Gush, a worthy, industrious
young man of Houston county, died on
Tuesday of this week.
The good people of Perry have wisely
concluded to re-establish sustain a
mate and female eebooh
A Lett as ia tbe Houston Home Journal
cUmc# with the following stinging and yet
truthful paragraph: “ this seems to be the
age of renegades, half breeds, trimmer*,
tricksters, traders, ringstcra and whttpei
ars. Honest mm seem transfixed wiih_
□trntlee* fear, ae when a rattlesnake fills
the air with threats. Oh, For a Man. r
Cum debt Enterprise: The cases of Wash
Harris and Dave tUsaghtsr, .two colored
indi vidua!*, were tried before Justices B.
VL Bridgman and D. L Furgu*oo, oe
Thursday last, one charged with furnish
ing and the other with using poison in-the
ease of Dr. Land’s family, and
milted to jail to await their trial at the
regular term of Randolph bnperior Court.
Distbsot meetiags are aT the go now, all
over tbe State.
Mzxsuso and giving In marriage Is not
one of the lost arte op In Rome. This te
one of the surest indication#
and enterprise.
These prisoners eseeped from the Cedar
ot hta nun, stn. of
rniretn. in tost litre-, tu Metered
CUi«tan4, TrenL, on TawUy .izht.
Wn.Uptb.fuUowtanbred. Utjoatnr-
anre#A froca th. Bre.—-ill. G—utu; "Ik-
UrraliudHto Bred, tno
.ill b. cccapiM* *hwrt«uztLMtaim«m’
at Jwu l roarm'a WJ stacta jQfrnl 11
maeh troobleuTboot^iL I «.«»'oo“' 1 .&‘ n ^m. M ^krel ‘tlJ
Ud to ratal-, £
meek and obedient hand* of the Leg«*la-1
Inr*. Iiui ba if it liralnnniMt Ia him (nun (tin I Leilufr.
ture, jost as if it belonged to Mm from tbe I __ ... nt _
foundations of the world. Aud the sojte I Wbo will Richmond county send to the
ooe of whom wald JjfWstsrs ?-Js«iii/a Evening Newt.
^HBfoa ‘ ‘JOlquitt for .
t something
'.m'ij th. point of rtrentnrenL I [U'd, \ViUtam. Don't ho a-kiux "
Ton Atlanta //sniM makes th* areioni I ll ^* Priinre -taaatlona.
and noreaaoubl, utnotMnianti "Oo». I. Alaal aiaal «hydaa-jttUJia.raotian-
Colqsni ia in tha oil-." A paratitaoo* in htrntonla. 1 Harmony ta tba iroroi pi - it
each attack* on th. Uo-ernor will iMwi-1 down tholinaa.
tat. Aoothu "-indication.” Th* tares are I
train, notion ready for it
Th. Unking Powder War.
17*“: I Th.Itoyal Brtlng l'owder Company ta
>. 7(L 7^** I aUll making tnomlre among thore who ren
I»wataaoMomro. I numfactnring and stUmg Impure artieU-
k teVlira nntrerittadUawk. | 2?^
taa-tu. WajxKek, know, last what waa th. I lima ago to—pore th* charaelir, andao
matter with tho Kehola ooontr deligate^ far re pureitl. to bra-k np tha —Ii, of
Here ta wbat ho anya: “Tha Atlanta Cm- \ adoltreatad baking i-iu-n. iiaring
.lituttom. it will b. aren, ia kreping up with I found from u axamlnukra of a nnmlier of
tba roll eall of cowtUo in tha nomination | j ccim. na^ procured from grooarn
oi BUphaea, says tliat whan Bohota connt]
afire a drink. That waa a mUtaka. Thai of all lat-aning propartita aid maoy
dolegatat want oat to pokt at lira eight of I of them actually pobotxxu, it broo £ l,t tho
matter Ufcrath* poblle, danoaaaad Ihe
Bbotuee McIxtosh waatt to have the bo- ] P^ T ® b ?a“®® in 2* P™ * Dli to the
ato at tbe foot of the Albany artesttB f oi
tain “stocked wi'h golden fishes."
_____ . health aatboritieo. Tbe affair was __
afraid our old frteod is growing prood. J Ij:.*.* ' F," u
Coosidsring the banlcr*• of Uw times, he I SttutSc teaS . f the to *
ought to be sutttfied with silver once. the SlaSef am t - hJJSSSmSi
TJib Middle Georgia Argus oalte for th# rectedan*l;Ma to bo mad?£foro
.ment lt«-!t dl-
boilding of anoihw and n larger hotel at | porefaaan the aopol e.
tb* Indhui Spring. Boionrne.-i there will I umy, r ary nn.t V
•adoraa tho nail. jTk. raaalt more
- n than gare.--
Coxtebs Weekly: The newspaper men j Qed tho charges so boldly mid* by the
e enjoy lag a reason of rest I Koval company. Not only were the i
of Atlanta aro enjoyicg a reason of rest. I HoiaJ company. I _ _ _ ___
Their eroditors are afraid to dun them. No I J »‘ty of baking powders in the marko
man who ha# not made up hie mind to die j found to be largely adulterated, but many
oo the field of honor wild dara to dan an I of Umus wuif ueoeriained to oontEla ahm
I Atlanta editor. [ and other poisonous iiigredients to such an
hw. Irem from th..r°apre ffStSSSS
.... .1 Ar.wraw-I HlfffWI.llwint Mua ./in.
breSroo.Tn'Unroiatoti oa"!b!'id day of I aaaaley aod reaalyl
tem of barbecues can revive the !*»••««« ■ . iK _ * _ . , " -
alateimanahip of onr laotioa. aLSlS&fi:‘V S ®‘
Tn McDuffie Journal reports the corn | of resent d’.te has bet a so far-
eccp of that county Uuwer and better than I reaching os this in its beneficial Influence
‘‘ h ** ***“ , ®rL*Smii?^?!£td I "* hin “* I "'on to*, public health, and th* bold-
pig, th. oottoa ia -Util* bat oald nare of th. Bnjal Baking Fawdor Com
foot dlatriata ia Nawlon county adopted I pan, ia th. taa i.-nraix-a of m h a » ,r
lira stock Uw on taalBatarday. I fare, and thair energy in earning it foe.
It is baUatad by aota* that lhare are t »*fd wtlh aoeh impurUnt reanlu, were
utaca of phoaphau rock ia Ckartatn aai-areally ooramru d upon anl eipreci-
mnty. I •*•“- la. making the chtagt, they did not
ti—r. ... rn Dew feat. I hreitat. to enter into comi*tituo with
widened some, there bring 1 \? u "- Itorni Dak-
fuftora froStUNoS??;
* in-eatment. Ceotral_0taa. d '',
kal, and declined n point.
i closed at 111 bid, masked
by the gov.
I»ve, U* be the superior <
strength, and absolau!
from all inferior substam
Inoontfnuing this war
| adulterated food, more
; alum and othereise lxap<
I baking powders which u
Central railroad six per cent, certificates 1
of tndsbledueaaopened at '*%% bid, US \ r :
••*.*&!* rtrew-taret.ra of a 11^1“?.'’.V'" :
ar. 1 ahu«^.
r .«.t tho ; ublic •* ill
Tna Btata llrSlteaifcdl^rin^IirTSiPSj't'rV^SJij
ta Martrata oath, tab day of Aogoat. Sd atulfSfisSre^totu
^^wtn aooo tragla oc aaottoo aaad | kreao fe\rlr.. T y •: i L;
_ health sad
Is, Drs. Mott and
‘ dm tn
ted l tee
oil am In
of u