Newspaper Page Text
Ore IUccIvIit Cclcgcnplit ;in^ Journal 3llc*r«r‘ri\grr t
Dally nnd WMMIf.
day. except Monday, ant
■» Dailt la dsllvsrad by carrier* In ths city
trrs tn subscriber* ‘-
bi^lfsftSr Vhrta naenlba. I* 1st aU
Qaai U-t. »r $1G a y**r.
ru Wmu la mallet to cabicrlbera, paatagi
<m. at S3 a jtar and tl for alz months.
mt advertisements wlU t» taken *ton<
y par square ot tan Unta or less for tht
fcrr. Inaertlon. and ttty aenta tor each tnbaa
• cant tsiartlon. Liberal ratea to contractor*
Only alczle column adraruaamentj wauieC
ter tLaWaekly.
nanlcatlona. Intended for publication
most ba accompanied by lha writer's n*iw
ioi for pabliaatlon, but aa *r
and addraaa, not (
ut ba brlaf andfba written .upon bu
ba brlaf and
ana olds of tba papar, to have attention,
trances abonld ba tnsds by Epreu. Monsj
Order, or Bagtaterad Utter.
nnnicattone ahould ba sfldrfMscd to
1. ar. Hiiaoil, Mavacar.
Macon, ttaorfin.
Wl ar, not gottg to Hkv. a thort-»U[il«
hero for treasurer ol Georgia iaat jet. Oh!
no; not jut yet.
OoLOxn. Jack Bbowx brig. that he epllt
the Republican conv.ntlon under orders
from Y.V.uington.
A praatttnted l’rm
Aa in all the Wj steals which hare
scandalized our govermental ayatem, eo
In tbli ttar route builneea, a proetltuted
press seems to have been an Important
It wu at llrit worked to drive timid
and Irresolute Congressmen up to the
voting point, and when the plot was dis
covered the thieves havo attempted to
use It u a shield of defense.
Ilow many journals or newspsper cor
respondents got soms of this pie will
probably never be known, but the divis
ion must have been general If cot liberal,
for all or the broken down plmpe and
hacks about Washington who had not en
joyed the luznry of clean linen and a
may detract somewhat Irom our laiue cfl Wlllaome of Mr. Stephens’i organ.
Saturday. In anticipation of tbia, we please explain ? And while they are <11-.
heepeak the patience and Indulgence of reeled to the aubject, a great roan, Dam-
our frlenda with the assurance that the ocrata would be pleued to know when
Inconvenience to them will be more than Mr. Stephen, will open bla campaign
made up by promptness and better aer- against the Independents? It waaclaimed
vice in tba future. W» nomination alone could save the
— *■•••' I seventh and ninth Congiesslonal districts.
When bn™”^ a lot of »^_w«.i«t_hU *» -
there was nothing to interrupt the ship's public. Mr. Oust.'n is an estimable gen-
courso or to make her crew or command* I tleman, and we do not oppote him on
cr afraid. We will permit an eye-witness personal grounds. He has been unfortU'
to tell tlie reat of the tale: I nate lu his habits, and In less time than
Presently the Dale tacked and ran directly I two years was an inmate of the asy-
SSHsTSSSSfi ,T. h £\H U ’ '? Wb ‘I 0 lum for ll ‘« '»•»“« “ M.liedgevllle. The
drifted a little way with the tide and came to . ^ ... „
an anchor, while the apecutora on the Batte.y lmm< ‘ ,l,t6CAlu ® of hU confinement In
suddenly reversed their opinion as to the Iinstitution was drunkenueas. We
smartness with which our Xieu-of-war are are not inciiuea to risk the interests of
mucaUn^women^f tweeruin agee werel irreparable blunder, .11 not something bandied. | thl. district In the next LigUlMure, nor
act with that discretion which is the better
part of T&lor. But until there is devised a
system of mirrors by which the women
may eeem to retire and yet see each others
face ; till there is invented a tobo by which
men may mingle in one pool the ambe/
wont to assemble together from time to 1 woro '
time and abuse men and weep and pray I Aievioanry ippe ni
and gabble over their real or faucied I ^y 0 hftTe oflener than once called at-
* Asa.xi can now end his ws (
lie haa seoured a place In
sand’a wax-works.
Tme Portsmouth, New 11am]
oersts have led off by electing
by a majority of 112.
Ora old friend, Pete Smith,
go West and grow up with a
al district, as Olin Wellborn did.
Gobdom Pasha's presence in Parte had
no immediate connection with the down
fall of the Do f reydnet cabinet.
Moot Southerners will regret to learn of
the death of Major George 8. Leland, of
the Sturtevant House, New York.
Mant of the Jefiursonian papers seotn to
TL,» t tE&£ttV'.” tirK i ,ro “
office. * ,ro “ lhU
Sr Am is really going to send a man-of-
war ovepto Egypt We have not beard of
her doing anything eo rash smoo the littlo
Armada affair.
Tbzbk can be no doubt of the fact that
tho ballot can stand the woman, but
whether the woman can stand the ballot,
Is quite another thing.
We do not mind saying that our Uncle
Tom Hardeman would not be alarmed
oven if there were a half dozen candidates
for Oongrc-s man-at-large.
Was Joey II. the Senator that wrote the
affectionate letter to Jeffersonian Long,
making mention of filthy lucre, in connec
tion with Georgia polities ?
wrongs, the world at Urgj vras disposed 1 tonllon ^ the fact that people are not
to laugh. Impolite as It might have been | neceMar u y M | D ta because they are known
the world did laugh. It did more—it I M people that God made.” This
sneered and it jeered. All the powers of I pbrt8e j 8 0 j Northern origin, and is in-
0 . ridicule capable of being wielded by I tended to ba Pharisaically descriptive of the
square meal for years, bloomed out In new speeches, pen or pencil were brought 10 1 Xorthern people, as distinguished from
hats and slop shop clothes so soon a^^u bear upon what was considered a foolish | and 8U p er j or to, the Southern people, in
steal was consummated. Enough has been I Innovation, if not a dangerous oue. Hut 1 ^ that constitutes exalted manhood. As
gathered to establish the fact, 1 the strong-minded of the weaker eex have j m 9 \fa u times a fellow was none the
that two journals Jj^tbe city of I stood tho fire ‘gallantly. Year after year | better for getting on a housetop, or stand
Washington were by Brady, I they have continued to meet, to sififc, to 1 | ng at tho street corners, and telling lies
and, under the mannent of a Bohe-1 pray, to argue and to petition. And year I concerning his dignity, piety, rcspecta-
mlan yy the name^pBuell, were used to I by year they havo grown stronger in I biilty, and tho like, Just so, in tbe3e latter
mislead the ptiblig to abuse the prosecu* I numbers and in speech. At their more I j 8y9i the self-laudation of the people of
tion and to attempt the formation of a I recent meetings at various points in the I the North In comparing themselves with
public opinion favorable to the accused. I North a few long-haired aud cranky men I the people of the South, establishes noth
In evidence, it is known I have appeared upon the rostrum and have I | ng but their own Pharisaism.
interest In the | unrolled themselves as the advocates of | 'f he people of the South lack a great
jhe court Journal, I the rights of women. I deal of beiug perfect. They have many
ipccial organ of I It haa about settled down to this, that I f 4U its. Some of them are often’violent
the chief right woman complains of being | an d unreasonable. There are* time#
loyment of Mr. I deprived of is the right of suffrage, tins I wiion. Under proroc*iion, they act
hington bar, I right to vole. This being admitted, the I w Udiy and lawlessly; but they are better
lafged expe-1 right to bold office and to participate in I than the people of the North. They are
ich Demo-1 all governmental affairs follows as a I not so selfish. They are not so bypocritl-
iven to the I matter of course. In some of the West-1 fcsil. They arts not so coolly, deliberately
a character I era States women have been given the I systematically violent. Northern people
has been of-1 right of suffrage In all matters affecting I do In cold blood, and of set purpose, what
follow, If the I public schools, and in some Instances I Southern men would do only wheu their
ipered with the jury. I women have been elected school trusteer, I reason was lemporari’y dethroned by u
the defense, so far I commissioners, etc. I tempest of passion. Read tho followlii!-'
a* has beefT isveloped, that Bob Ingcr-1 Jt will be readily admitted that the cs-1 statement from the New York Bun:
soil's bravado and bad mant.ert and tho I tablishment of negro suffrage has been I .. Tho rt ,idcnu of Dobb’a Kerry thirst for
idea of the accused were Tested on the I the most powerful lever lu behalf of wo-1 goto. This quiet village on the Hudson ha*
liope that a conspiracy could not be estab-1 man suffrage. Put it to any man of or-1 recently beon more or \tm invaded by excur-
IU1..U, and till'- tho court would cower dlnxr, Intelligence, t!>xt » SSffulTrTUlSS JdZ
under the assault* of a Qgostituted press. I no more intelligence or respouilbllllty I ceive lhelu wIth art uiery. it appears that a
Both ot these props have' failed, and uc j than s ?u«»bi ora hog|bolds and enjoys the I , m aii cannon wm actually placed on tpc wharf
matter what a Jury may make up as a I power to cast a ballot which may turn I m»i 5u».d-, u. U H tc prevent
rcrdlct, tbo .tar roiito tlilere. are convict-1 tho deatinlea of lliia country, and that a ciiur.l o tipArUM(romlai,Jin*. andlone of the
ed lnpubUcopInlon- It it a pity that this I refined, Intelligent and educated wom » n I ^!T^iLuou.M^«»!de cannot bo kept
of the nunl.hme!,t. l “ ,e th “ *PP° rtlo " l!1 511* denied the same right, and for tho I ,„, y by methods, btoodAhcd will
Tn.V,,,i,n.-in I reason that she Is a woman, and ho will | .urcly follow.
■. ?? f n !*. Uc , _ 11 . 1 I n hard ln»A«l» ——.- - Vortlirrn society,
terast further proceedings. Brady, Dor- At the South, where woman has neon ,| revD by the pen of a Northern -witter.
and others are of tho highest aud beat I the queen of tho household, and whero I it | t not reasonable to believe that
of the stalwart faction of the Republican I she haa been hnt llul. ....ol«i^l with I ^ haa been overdrawn. Cancatorlng the
party. They did mote In the way nr the I affairs ontalde of the domestic circle, I fullica and tbo weaknesses of people has
rascally expedients ol apolitical campaign I woman suffrage baa scarcely beon I characlerlzid Northern writers only In
than all the rut of tho gang to secure vie-1 thought of, much Ins discussed. dealing with "'.he Southern barbarians.”
tory in the presidential campaign. | But at tba North, whero woman has on I There isn’t anywhere lu tho South a cora-
It remains yot to bo aeon if a jury will I tered the pulpit and tbo other learnod I munity ao foolish and abandoned in Its
convict upon tbo plainest and moat damn-1 profusions, and where she la dally push- wickcdneas as that of Dobb’a Ferry, in
in, record, in the sbapo of testimony, and I >ng bcraclf Into all thb aveunos of com-1 the i‘God and morality State of New
In that oveut If Arthur will permit his I mercial and manufacturing life, tho qnea-1 York.
chums and political partners to go to the | tion of woman auffrage Is a live and actlvo | icxcunlonlata are nuisances, beyond all
The coliuion wu wholly tho fault of tho the Internals ortho State, upon any contln-
^ C .';Iw»o ,b0 •'gency that might arise from any
<,( a not have iw*u au a It Ich to tack, or wlietli-1 , ,, ,, J
the tlie swept her against the anchored vea- Wlure u P° n Li » P fcrt lo continue
ael, the ofllcer who was In charge of the deck I present sober bsblti. He means
responsible for the collision, it is difflcult | to do this. lie has said, ao we are in
to imagine an excuse for him. It was his but- fanned, that, In case of bis election, if he
Inera to know whether or not the Dale would t«,nnt..t ««•!..»« win
miss stays, to make allowance for the strength • tempted again to drink he will lmme-
of the tide or the fore-reaching of the ship, and I resign.
to be sure that he had room enough In which I This would be well enough, so far as
to tack her. HU conduct was simply what Is his duty In the premises Is concerned, but
called among ullora “lubberly." It might, | t would not supply thl. district or
perhaps, have been expected from a Spanish ] u .. ... u
Egyptian naval officer, hot it was In tho 1 w * n Senator
highest degree discreditable to an officor of the I during the time It would require to fill
American navy. I the vacancy. We aee no good reason
After this performance It will strike the why he should be sent to the Senate, un-
average citizen that the stampeding of a I der the circumstances. Bibb county has
British picket guard, while funny In It-1 quite a number of citizens whose habits
self, is not perhaps the most laughable are steady, and who would not subject
performance that may be gotten up for tho district to the risk it would incur in tho
the amusement of the'publlc at large. I election of Mr. Gatlin. If he has any
nhadowiag aptitude for the duties of
the position, we are not aware ot the fact.
jaice ; and above all, till there is discover
ed some plan by which a man U assured
ho will not be overheard by his wife—till
then tho fence telephone, os a social ele
ment, will not be a success.
It is apparent now even to the most
credalous that England did not wont Tur
key, even at the outset, to intervene in the
Egyptian trouble. Her insistence on
Turkey’s taking that oourse was merely
for the sake of keeping up the appearance
of sinoertty la her claim not to have any
ulterior designs upon Egypt, and was based
npon the expectation of Turkey's refusal.
Now that Turkey has consented, tho Eng
lish openly speak of resisting her interfer
ence. John Bull is a great rascal.
llcrore Ixonsr.
Though for a week past comparative I lie has a few active partisans, and is
quiet has reigned in Egypt, it would be backed by a special intereat In this coun-
utterly unreasonable to suppose that the I ty, but there Is no demand from the peo-
questlons growing out of England's vio-1 pie for Mr. Gustln to represent them lu the
lence at Alexandria and the consequent I Senate.
hostile attitude of tho Egyptian masses Wa think lho aelegwtlon from this
towards that country have beon aettled, or county, as well as those from Pike and
that they have yet assumed their most I Monroo , , UouW cjr.fullj consider this
threatening phase. Contemptible as were m , Uer . Ir , Dy mUuke m , de tbey wUl
Egypt’s resource, and appointments for bo h*ld accountable for It hereafter,
resisting the assault of Admiral Seymour's 1 Wo this much Inobedlence
heavy guns, subsequent event, havo t0 wl) , t w0 comWer * plain duty, and
shown that the English war offleo entered a(ler „ paatcQ | y soured some of
upon tho work of teaching the Arabs a Mr . oustln'e friends that wo would be
ness to make that lesson effective than | tIia reM0M abova at „ cd
the Arabs tor resisting its conclU'
—George Francis Train write* that he
hasn't spoken a word for two years.
—Robert Crockett, a grandson of Davy
Crockett, Is publishing a literary paper In
DeWitt, Arkansas.
—Miss Anna Parnell, who
^••i r m •!uoe tne deaut of her sister Fanny,
now much better.
—Catrce’-wy-o is the pronunciation of
ie famous Zulu chiefs name, according to the
Duku of Somerset.
—The Misses Lltteli, who carry on the
living Age left them by tbolr father, ar* high
ly Intellectual women.
—The must beautiful and the most
elegantly dressed lady at Saratoga, Is sold, to be
Mrs. John Farley, of tit Louis.
—In' December Mr. Gladstone will
finish up fifty consecutive years of service as a
member of the House of Commons.
—Senator Kellogg, of Louisiana, whose
term expires next March, expects to com* back
to the lower House from tho third district of
that State.
—William Nesbitt,a well-known color
ed man of Altoona, l'a.. Is a candidate for leg*
Ulstlve honors at Hepublican hands. He will
get left, of course.
—The Isle of Wight News says Vic.
BLUR isIt.tss.
• From Our I'nrls Correspondent.
“Como oat to Paris, nnd see mo this
summer ?" This was tho prominent con
tents of a letter to the writer, in early
July, from an old and ardent friend in
Paris, K>\, and the idea that a trip of this
kind, and to this part of God's country—in
lien of my usual summer vacation to
points in Georgia—struck me with r effi
cient force to warrant the andertnkirg.
So, pulling oat from Atlanta last Sunday
evoniugin company the gonial, jolly
tieket agent of tho state road, and
two other friends from New York,
the State road in ea*e
and jomfort in the bosom of n Pullman.
_ til Dalton is reached, where, thanks to
j-ine host, Will Lewis, vre enjoy a hearty
a .ppor and a few moments chat with oer-
t* a of our friends, whom it has been our
,'-:fortane to miss for a few years.
Reboarding the oars, we journey on to
Boyce, through the rich, green, country
anti fertile fields, until vro are caught up
with by a gentle shower, and when tho rays
.*f tbs setting sin fell on lho green
riod hills. it rendered the
oene beautiful to the vision. Arriving nt
Boyce our car is attached to tho Cincinnati
Southern. We are drawn by a ponderous
.Mogul on a loug, weary ride to Lexington
tall night trip, two hundred and sev-
r-flve miles of a steady roll and racket
- apanion in tho way of a dashing
lUtls widow, the writer would havo surely
soooumbed to the welgH of a heavr sleep
which was fast comm-r o'at h*ai. Ua* »o
much for this petite creature. What i* a
trip anywhere without a widow? Oj
you will, at the springs, in railroad i
, m . . . . There Is not a man In this community
sions, The events of the put two weeks I . . . . ... n *
h.v* a miti Vu. ... who do« w* sympathize with Mr. Gus-
havo shown that Arabl Bey was better " , ^ 9
. .. . , .. „ tiu, and who is not ready to streusthen
nrnpared, a* the outset, for reaista’M*, than I ... ..«... , __j. .. ,
Osobob Fsamou Tbaui hu not spoken a
word for two years. If George will stick
to the silent school for twenty years, he
Mill then not be behind on talk.
It will no doubt be a source of greet
gratification to Mr. Persons to know that
he got the majority rule, even If Judge
Buchanan did get the nomination.
In the meantlmo tho reputation of the I And It Is growing Just ss I baso ballisU, book agents and campaign
Washington prea*, which for years hu I *git»tlon grew Into a great and destruct- poct#> A , a rulo> CXCUM j on8 are mai j e
been not of the cleanest or best, will fall »vo tornado from a little cloud not bigger up of male and |cmtle (UngnationlsU in a
•till lower In the scale of corruption and than a man’s hand. stale of frenzied convivial wretchedness.
(IcbaucbiTj. Tbo women cannot toUtighei! or xuecr-| jj oiou | xrx. ever laved 0 n »n axcnralon.
— ad or Jeered down. Tbey already have Tho fact , tlia on | y wty kacp from
Tba Dautocrntla Cnvoutfoo of Houtb | vantage ground from which to light. ona on , uch u
They made a strong Impression "Ottae I wrap , t np i„ « c Ie*& rag and leave It at
Taa IkMton Amid son t "Blaine al ways
was unfortunate in making hlmseir be-
lieved.” J’bat la tbo politest wsysof pro
nouncing s man slier that we have soon.
Melon Tueidey la,t and, after a brief Senate of tba United State, during tlx, ’‘"‘l r*’” ‘
Mulon, charaetarizad by great b.ruony, l preMul W .„ 0I , TUo bill granting 11,am J^elev^u«. to Tfa^
nominated a full and meat oxcallant Slate I iu ff rW waa loti by a.llm vote In the Leg-1 ,,.,,^..1 and Killed might afford
sau lajsjBs -
Tbs eolored brother, of Newport, Rhode
Island, is unhappy. Ho has resolved him
self out of the Republican party beooase
the oOoee are monopolized by the white
ney.general ■ jnan n€Ver
platform covaringavery issue ofState and I >ay , tbat lie I, reaily to vote to accord lo | ... „ .. , ..
national politic. Xon the right to exoreU. the I 1 h * P~Pl« of IR>bb’a Ferey had. r gh
The memory of alleu aud nogro doml-1 elective franchise and to hold ofllce tbat I 1 mt * ,fy f * *** „ r ®
... .als-cui. ■s.c.aih. is ..imm IT— .. to angry and sin not.” We
never Indulge ourself, but
Pstu Lawsdb threatens to beeome en
tirely too excited and unanimous In rap
port of Larry Gantt's Unele Aleck. Larry
la not going to kill a fatted oalf, in honor
of the erect.
“A Miasocai girl of eleven year* boa be
come a mother, and the Missouri modi
ooseos marvel.” Nothing marvelous here.
We have seen a Georgia girl of seven be
come a mother and the mediel exhibited
no surprise either. But then U took her
eleven years to do it.
“Amoui Amocaa, an Egyptian, wrote
snake stories one thousand years before
Abraham arrivsd in Egypt” We would
liko to know it Amoui U any relative of
Col. Woods. Ik la raid that striking char
acteriatios are often transmitted from gen
eration to generation.
nation was too fresh In the minds ofour I he himself enjoys. Uoro Is a powerful
Carolina brethren to permit them to (n-1 ally for the next fight. , ... . , ... „ ... _.
dulge In any sentimental nonsense, or to I And the Supreme Court of tho United I . en ^ . ou . . Te . cn
allow a mlaerable ring to auume control I State, hold* out encouragement ‘o tll< ’ th. h/adi'ofthoir tormente're"
of Mate affaire. atrong minded. Jtutlce ll.rl.n, in bl, I ?'*“”* " ^ to ^, 0, ‘ ta ' r l °™
Notwlthatanding the fact that the Dam-1 ™” nt <l«clalon In the Kellar cue in Illl- har| jjJ^and^dam—age Into* tlio 'ranto
oersts of South Carolina are confronted I nol *» 8* Te com ^ 0,t l0 ^ »fivocatss of I . wore ^ i..,j 0 rr -j T t0 jj
by . negro m.jotlty, tbe, neither dedgKl .nbOance It wu do- “j ^'V^ngT k *°„
Uaue. nor diplomatized with men, but | ddtxl that a minor, bora ln | Ma|>d . y , t , hat< | lldlcata , . da of
with prompt courage placod their Hand- f“ UD ‘ r Jr. become, an American citizen If I w | ckadnMa on lh „ .,„ t of llia DobW
ut). lu tbo hand, of young.nd vlgoron. Feny native., literally appalling. We
men to beu lo vlelory. Tbe candidal. “ * ,l ‘" are not running th. htt.lben bualnem at
for governor, tbs Hou* Hugh S. Thump-1 American citizen by marriago with a uot* I .. h , lr (J n 0 iunltt or Jadim
•on, b a native of Ureenvilla county, aiad I urallzed citizen. Kallar’a mother U * I ^^k. d ..,re ,o ,o on « ..«dlrio^
la Myaareof age. Ua ua grandaon of lelUzenef'lha United Mate.,^and thelogl. I f (hu cblr , clar J Dobb , a F ” wa
Chancellor Waddy Tltotnpaoa, xbo, for Cl1 Inforance front thb la tbat »h« can chanrfallv meet our tart of the out
about twenty* flva y.arz, wu one of lb. ««> '• <»'»««» l» ,h. con-1 'hacrfalty mc« our part of lb. out.
judge, of tbe Court of Equity of bomb ‘hat all women born In tbl.
Tbs lion. Henry Persons, having fixed
up the majority vote for tbs Hon. Hugh
Buchanan, retired with winning resigna
tion still deeper into the shades of private
life. Tbs ssre end yellow leaves of bad
lack fall thick and fast along tbs track of
tbs politically hopefuL
Vicron Hcao says t “To reform a roan
you must begin with his grandmother.
This virtually renders reform on impossi
bility ; for storting with your grandmother
you either must or must not take in your
mothsr-In-law. In either ease the
would be alike diaeatieaa.
Tan friend, of Rapraaantativa Doproa,
of Macon county, are maotioalng him la
ooeaactlou with tbe Bpeakenhip of tbe
Houae. Speaker Baeon, during the laat
•action, oftvn availed himaetf of tba ear-
vicca of Mr. Dupree, who ptaaidad with
gnat dignity and naaapUbtUty. <
It la officially etated that (XK.UO ware
expanded In the highly moral work of buy.
lag temperance voice lu tba Iowa
liqnov campaign. We do not know exactly
how much won. It la, aa a moral qnaatloo,
to Mil liquor than to buy votaa. Tbareara
people, parhapa, who can figure It out. and
wa turn the matter over to them.
“Taxi tall aa an cvhla&ca ot Wilhelm j'*
lndnatrj tbat be haa not Ttalted Ua familj
for four yaara. Farbnpa WilhalmJ likaa
coma other man', familj batter." Now,
thta country haa got Jay Hubball and Jay
Gould, and It U our private opinion that
aha baa got all tba J'a aha want, juatoow.
“Batter ba dead and forgotten than live
In iliama and dtafvooQT." lha weakly thnt
tfttn og thta akamalaw reallmint ml have
imintad nfaranoa to Uw praaaot Honaa of
BaprcMoUUvaa. Wa know of nothing
■■■tie the nnaaaling of the elected member,
in tba Hook, that could eauae lha weakly
Ax exchange hearing thnt Mr. Htepheoe
would eanmaa the Mata in Wa roUUg.
chair, aaka why ha does not try a Ueycta.
The qnaatioa la parttaaot, far ba haa zollad
china conaiating ot oaa gnat big wheal
fo loxid by a littla tiny oaa. Your CncU
•than lha
I question. Tbey rank next in order to
., . , , * . . - . and uphold his bands in a struggle with
Ineffectual. III. vary likelythat th. Keg- hl , r ^ adI wll0 would , aunt:b
,1.1. wk office.utterly faffed to ““I’ 1 ®' him, unde, the clrcumttance,. Into tin.
bend the character of the atrttggle which lrMcbatont K> of , poiuic con te«.
waa invited by the lieedlcre aud un. | u UM ^ ,_
j„.,ia«aiu ..umuon Alexandria. « «<f wrila „ d pu blUh thla, but it would be
W0ul , d h b0 , “V'*"- Loro painful Mill war. we torem.ln.l-
t«d effort ‘o krep up lha^.tmg^a af^r , ‘, nd , lokmn duly uadli .
the forts bad been tumbled about tli* I . .
ears of their defenders. It mistook tbo I c tr * C * it .
spirit of tbe Egy ptian war party, and was I j.^u cook.
In Ignorance of lho probable backing tbat | Tba of lba tecanl ptlm „ lea , B
position In the best of Eoflish society.
—It is intimated tbat Ben Butler, if he
K U through with his yachting excursion In
ne. will bob upas a candidate for Congress
In one of the Massachusetts districts. Just to
give “form" to the contest.
- Frank Cusbitur ssys tbs Zunl Indl-
na» »»*w1 vux n m sooii tiino with the nos ton
yoeug Isdles that they are wild to get bark
Karf and see tho dear girls down at Nantasket
Beach Their dispositions are so much alike.
—Midshipman De Chair, who was cap
tured bjr the enemy while conveying
encourage. Arabl Ucy. i lbe lb | rd OongreMlonal district clearly ln-
But there la .till anolber rewon why dlcata tha dcfa , t of 0cn . m Cook .
Englandil.u.hewn a Kerning reluctance TbU result will carry profound regret
to push her apparent *g.ln.‘ to every portion ot tba Stale, for General
tbo Arab chief. She bu become con Book all j oyt ln a de g raa .urp»sjcil by no going to extreme., *he (lforBlln the love, admiration, report
hu placed her.eirout.ldo of the Europe- L„ d couBdanca ot lbe pe op i a 0 f Georgia,
an erncett, and hu taken upon hcrwlf, Tho 8uta wltbln bcr |„, tory | IU not
alone, ruponalbllitia. which aha might b „, , b[ , vor and ^^r representative of
( seventeen years of ue. andtsa nephew
of Lieutenant lAwson, of tho royal yacht Vic
toria end Albert.
—Sidney M. Robinson, of New Yorl£
has Itccn appointed superintendent of tho
House foliliiiK-room, made vacant by the reals
nation of (Lionel I’opham. Mr. ItoblnMn wm
formerly chief clerk, which position haa been
filled bv tbs promotion of Mr. Charlea W. Tab*
ler, of Maryland.
—Mrs. Margaret Sanderson, who made
tho flog which floated over Fort McHenry on
the night of lta bombardment in 1*13, and In
spired Francla llarton Key to write “TheHtar
Hpanglsd banner," os he anxiously watched
the conflict, a prisoner on tho Urltlsh ileet,
died at .Now York Saturday last, agud eighty-
flvo yearj. *
—Gen. Skobeleff died possessed of a
large fortuno. His annusl Income from It Is
reckoned to havo been about 100,000 rubles, liy
his will ho gave bnt a small sum to his divorced
wife; the remainder he divided lu equal shares
well tremble t° bcu, cyan wheu backed bar lutera , tli , lld bll | mmedUta constit-
all tho great power.. i ueocy w)| , p, „ ret w ,„ t a
But ibis Is not all. England would | wrong thsy have done to themselves aud
not besitato to take into her own hands | to him.
the settlement of tho Eastern question, it
the could know that she would meet with I Social relcnlioniei*.
insistence beyond that which could be I Tbat this is an age of grand enterprises
Carolina, and a mdImw of General Wa<l-1 country are also entitled to vote. If I Tho hunt iirlious aud the hiow
dy Thompson, who was for a long timo I Kellst's mother becomes a citizen merely I AsMriWM.
member of Congress from South Carolina I »»rfjing a naturalized citizen, native Just now British soldier* are indera
and afUrwarde minister to Mexico dur-1 American women must certainly have I galling fire of laughter, If not so dangerous,
log tbe administration of President llarri-1 privilege*. I jet harder to bear than the vollejs from
son. He has been the State superintend-1 But tbe strongest card tbe women have I hostile guns. A company of tbe sixtieth
ent of education for a number of years, I they bare not played—we mean the sup-1 regiment, tho “King's Royal Rifles,” a
and Is a gentleman of great popularity I port of tbe Republican party. This party I. corps whose motto Is “C't/er e( Judas,
and liberal attainments. The rest of the l boasts that it is progressive. Any one I was stampeded in the night by a squad
ticket la made up of good stuff. There I who will and can look far enough back I of Arabl Bey's Bedouins and lied in
was no allusion made to Jefferson or I to see the old landmarks in tbe dissolving I panic, abandoning guns, accoutrements
Madison, and still tbe Carolina Democracy I distance, will not dsmand farther proof I and sir munition,
are harmonized and united. | of tbo correctness of tbe boast. Tbls party I, TLe sixtieth regiment Is considered
kas begun to appreciate the fact that tbe I one of tbe best in the British service. Its
The Mulatto Convent| vote of tbe colored brother Is likely to I batmen are Inscribed with tbe names of
mustered by the Arabs and the Turks. | !• a statement ns tree ns It is trite. Dias-
Indeed, it Is very apparent that nothing *« to-day cutting Florida in half. De
—'•*« rearewre .«*t.r.rt n rv jp t | l0 ro bber I ^ addition to running tbe Eng-
qneeu of the soaa than f.o do permuuiu, | i<«k fmm th« Rnitx.esixaL propose todi-
without reiitUnce from other European *“*
„ divorce North and Booth Am.rioa. John
p0W ' r ’’ t “* 1 ! UP lb ? " f k “ lh T. Rnjrmoml haa propored to annlhilnta
. gypt and Turkey, and ret them to going ^ dutanaa and koat by pompfeg , ra
according to method, and for bt «zre Into Inl^d to TO . Edlren brefor
accomplUbment of English I >aan , vitb „mm, bren reeking
But tbe very Impor- I to m&ko electricity servo man. Fnblie
tant consideration of European wil-1 faith in Edinoa boa of late years been
llngncse Is wauling. More than this, tbo I somewhat shaken. Always on tbs v«rge of
present attitude of Turkey, Italy* Austria, soooere, be cannot rail the prioe hi* own.
Germany and Russia is one of threatened 001 ^e believe la Edison and believe that
estrargement, If not of outngbt bostilily. jbbwill yet live long in the hearts of his
Turkey ahould rend an army to Egypt | c ?°° t, >' mc °. ,or Edl,im to ™‘* d ‘ ll * w '-
tbe probability la the Turks and the Arabs
would fraternize, luatcrel of lighting each |. uereto.or. urn nanant o. n» mvsni
other, and the lut autteof tha quaallon k“ b~n ~nll«d to th. !nhal
a, M a i, a a I cities nnd larger towns. It has been left to
would he wore, than tba first. Philadelphia to wrangle over tho qocation
Yatlhlalajual what the great powen lu to whether Use Ulcohoaa anbaoribaror
mentioned are willltvg and an. loua to rlak. | tha telephone manipulator 1. tlia greater
Their Intereat In tha Buez canal la uot at I nnisanca. Hut now soma philanthropist
great aa la their Interest In keeplog Eng. I oome. to the front and piopoeer to unlto
land front fatting a permanent and con- I . hom« of tba iparwly Mttkd country
trolling foothold In Egypt. lu this baling dl.trlrt. Into ona community. Ha pro.
there Kama to be not ona dlaaentlng voice I J®"** to ®f U ’* " lte
amongst .11 th.continental nation.. Thl. f * noln “’"^“
feeling could but b. lntcn,ttUil by «ha 'p'^ld. » draC ££«
landing of an Engllah army lu Egypt. I .Uractiv. little domett, picture. Th.
Under there circumstances, It la not I wife, weary with lha labor, of tha day, in-
aurprialng that the Britlah war office luu stead of slapping and spanking tha ehitd-
bcau alow to follow up tha apparent ad-1 ran. fretting ard tormsnting.tha busbru.l.
vantage, gained by the destruction of lha ] »“-> alandaring the xalgbbore, just puts on
forte of Aleaaudrla. If lha overthrow walk, up to th.
the Egyptian power In tbat city should Vbone. Bo f« th. plrtore U an atlrK hr.
OJ * * I xanaa lire* sret-rs that haa aware aaan tarn
eventuate In a general European war, or
Our reporter end special telegram, give I urn out a snare aud a delusion. Iu tha r Vaults fought and victoria, won bom
full account, of tha convention, which I two last Presidential conteau tbls party I thodaya of Wel'lngton down to the pea
hen bean making Allan, bowl lor tlia I was In a minority upon tha popular vote, I - nt. It. camp service la extensive and
past two days. Wa call them mulatto I and only succeeded lo power hy fraud. I rich, and the esprit ofUaolllcere Is of the
conventions for the reason that both are I It will favor woman suffrage lu the I highest. It Is simply sulirring one of the
as much mlxsd lu color as Ln conclusions. I hope ol staying lta dacaylog fortunes by l^n.ltlca of yreatnaaa. But for Ua great
Wa aea nothing In either that amount-1 the infusion of tbia new power. Already -leatlnctlon, tha firing back of a company
to much. Tba struggle wu to stand in I the woman who are voters are casting I picket, from lta rank., would bare
with Arthur for tba present sod to keep I thslr votaa in a political direction. Tha I *lzred up no inch commotion,
things open for the Presidential year. I |ajy laacbaraof llllnolaare coming lo tha I It Is by no means ah unuanil thing for
Bryant, who bu more hus than all of I aurfaca In politics. The Republicans of | * portion of a picket Una lo ba suddenly
tba Loogslreets, Jack Browne and Far-1 Bureau county bare nominated Mis. I disturbed. If tha troop, are raw, and the
rows that might ba packed In lba custom I Emma V. White, of Princeton, for school r,n k* of tba sixtieth hare perhaps just
had tlia bast of It. Ua I superintendent. Miss Ells Parker Is the I btcn out with young men, they are
henchman of Plaiue. | Ucpabllcannominee for superintendent of I Musost sure to ba a little shaky al dm.
Every fallow who had an office I schools lo Richland county, and Visa llu ‘ "« veteran, are sometimes struck
aa Based determined to keep it, and the I Sarah J. Gray In Coles county. Mias I with a panic, and Marshal Saxe la au
nsgrocs gave unmistakable avldanee tbit I Ell. Sherman la a candidate on tbo I ‘Hority for tbe atatcmeia that when this
they had. tired of tha r«o of a-few I Greenback ticket for tba same office In I happens, they exhibit more terror and
white men and Intended for tba future to I Marion county. leu Klf-control than raw Icvlea. A panic
act up lor thenuelves. I Wa hare given but ona aample of many 11, always Inexplicable, uve upon tbe con-
Tliey patched np a sort of the to, ‘ r '°« ,L ' n “ d IHlousuu. of phreiml uni meoul „-
clcctlou of Buck ood Pledger to ImDorioot I U I* bnt a question of time when D| c ‘ umel11, Arafii lley anjojs tlie honor
commluaeplaces u,d lodoreed GernGu- ‘K'.“nd,Tu^a &£$Sm5Sl 'Z'Z
traU for governor. Thl. wu a triumph ^
for tha reM Republicins over tba olaomar-1 who fail, to sea It. the and of diplomacy la not yet. But to-
garlna statesmen who detlred to Irnloru I — ’‘‘I’ Wolulay, a ve.y dlttln-
Mr. Stapbeu and who will vota for him D * , ~ t “** «■<•»*»••'■»•» | gulahed and Inttepld soldier, wu to bare
Tbsonly respecubla thing dona wul Demoarua were unwillingly
of naolotiona of — anpport of Mr. Stephen, by
with - — Hill. “•* "»“*«* »F» lba partof
—- Ytff I bis partisans tbat be would be placed
Mew quarters. I upon a platform that would be death and
Tbe tucresalng demands of tbe business | destruction to Indspsndeutiim. Yet the
of the axd Mxsskxokr I Imfependetfls ball bis nomination as tbcfr
compels os to seek new and enlarged [ nollticol sslvAtioo. In tbe course of tbe
quarters. Bo to-day. we vacate tbo build-1 jj r . Stephens wm compelled to
Idgwbleb bu for ao many years bun! d «i„ tbal »,|| wrong.should b. rema-
knowo to tho public, and taka up In the I d | ad tnjlda tba pgmyUpon tbia usu-
building on tba cornu of Mulberry and I rK e|nd a aoppoct that other-
Baeondatrula,oppoalu tba court bonul s t, a would not bare altarbad lo blat.
and poat-offieo. Thera wa hare llmd up I fp, .xprauloo, ot something equivalent,
quarter, which will be at onw the loose- I W u embodied. It ja uUl, in what tha
leal, moat comalent and handamneat ] boildere of It ware pleased to call a plat,
oecapmd by any newspaper la tho Btate. lo,.. In lba hut luae of tba Uarttn-
WHbln a brief period w» wlU bare a villa Frtt Preu, Willingham u;
mw preat Of Increased capacity and] Jtr.atepbenauwa aadsnuad,
•peed in working order, and our columns | oot wUX kfc procil certain earns Moo* la (1m
will be eolargsd to wmet tbe demand* of
ti«n,wfcen submitted * Usi Ulomlteadep-
arrijed lu Egypt. Under tbe sumulus
bis command and example, tbo DrttUb
troops will be inspired, and at Urn first
opportunity tbs BixUetb regiment will to
furnished an opportunity to regain
lost laurels. Among those who have
been foremost In poking fun at the Brit
ish soldiers for tbe liUle con'-rctempe
which we have alluded, have been the
conductors of tbe Northers press.
In tbe midst of their jubilation England
is sibfded an opportunity to pay beck
tbe same coin. But a few days sine* tbe
man-of-war Dele, now n practice ship for
the midshipmen of tbe United States
navy, sailed down New York bay, wl
nil Mils set, nod In tbe presence of ad
miring crowds who lined tbe shores.
Tbe day was bright, the breeze was fair,
and tbe ship waa manned from stem
ed to tench middles under bis charge bow
to handle a ship.
Tbe harbor was vide and roomy, and
momt-ut. throa*jli the kindness of tt frit-ta
under whose charge she was. The tuu •
dilation and ceremonies of tho mooting nil
oooarrod just as we entered tne of the tun
nels. Think of it, p. o. b ’s, through a tuu-
nel—a long tnnnel, with n pretty widow. I
wm embarrassed. I was afraid wo would
never get through that tunnel. The ti.un-
tion wtts an alarming one to me. 1 a al
most tempted, in my demented fix, to L r ni*-i>
the “belle" line and stop the train aud find
out why this darkness. I was stone
b ind, snd it appeared to u e tho
vory walls of tbe oavo would
fail and crash me, when- suddenly,
whether to my satisfaction or displeasure,
* cannot say which such was my Odi mma,
i were adhered oat from tho UiIn4u« -h
tbe big tunnel and lightlem car inufTHHi
bright moonlight. A* tho train emerged
and tbe pale moon threw its rays on her
pretty face, her eyes fairly nglow with her
youthful brightness, I could scarcely kenp
from exclaiming in tbe language ot Mark
Twain, “What Madonna-like bseuty f
She was both young and pretty. jn*t sto
enough to be modeat, just forward enough
be sensible. As she was to gtt off
D.inville, an hundred miles ahead- van*
i u -yon.u nt neid tent, under tr.ccircnm-
•tancofl, sleep was not the thing nccdod to
refrtwh a wrary trawler. The journtj- wi-.a
r.n agreeable one—her very prertnro throw
off dull care and made the occasion one of
unbounded pleasure.
At last her destination waa readied, an 1
io idoa of each aa ordeal through which I
wa* compelled to go as that of saying
“good-bye” was really heart-rending, a.
smile glistened in the moonlight from her
ro'elmd month, os she stepped into hor
carriage at 11 a.m., ard onr train wundud
to Lexington and I wa*alone.
"■*"**' A * gtou,
At five, daylight, we
bcnatiful Lexington, in
bine grass region. Roll:
heavy pavrd streets we n
Nmonz hit three atatcra, the Duchcas of l«uch
ton berg. Itinces* BeloralUkl snd 1’rlnccu
IkMuhsrnsU. It wm through ho I'rinccas
IkMUlurusla thst Skobeleff wns related to the
nix" far breakfast, an
waa fit for" he gods—oni
hiukl think. Maybe I'
1* possible 1 was not; be
tacky beef sod hot rolls
* any man’s appetite.
Imports! family of ttuasla.
—William H. Armstrong, the new
Dulled Htate* 'rallrosd Inapct-inr. hefsn h* 1
duties a few daya ago by a trip over th* Unlot.
1’«tr 1 tic and lu branches. The South I’srk riMut
In Colorado, hna s very ateep grade. Tbo It
though entirely inland,
favorably with tho rapl
comparing the sizee of'
At 7 we start for l'ai
milrs froi^Lexington, i
iiavs 1 liMfln Georgia
check ihe trlihtiui anC lncrciulnx' spceif
The Inapcrtor did not sUy sltoord to tanks
otflcUl obaurvstions, but drupiwd from the
rear platform snd bruks a leg.
Ice-cream o
lemonade V'
Acmm lho maiden'* ro*y cheek
Faisl IliU a winning amile:
"I'll ordar aomu of both," aho aald.
Heaven help the young man's pile.
Tiir.iuc Is only one Waterloo mm now
among the lnn penalonmat<'hcl*m Hospital.
lie la V7. Tho Prlnu —* ' M
lately vlaltcd him.
Ybe watermelon, stys the New Or*w«n*
PieagHH*. la a much abuaod article< t tool.
When rtj»e, it Is healihy enough for taoae '
IT eating U while
one. Bat who that haa ever seen two
, . , . , _ . women enjoying a nioe quiet ehat oan ever
necessitate the wash* of an I sappou forantestant that tha, would b.
zgzlnot tbe Arabs and Ledoulu, it I gg()gfied to stand up and talk to the side
will bo apparent »o all that the victor/ of lb# wgU# Th# thing to bo done U
over tbe forts will prove to bavo been of I to get hold of some mysterious piece of
tbat variety which Hannibal won to bis I work, then lo devise some way of making
undoing. In the very nature of tlie case, I it which no other woman in the county
tbe pursuit of Arabl Bey Into tbe desert bos thought of. Then the next thing, if
would to absurd and bootless. I there happens to be no one around tbe
... . ^ I house, U to go upstairs snd lock them-
The Eogliali people are prepared to l®l la j TaaI1 p t what happen, there of conn,
loan,extrema which ths, .xlganelu «f MBiaBwm „„ k now,bntl»hulre« B e a .
ma, demand. The, would not crall , ajraad (hat thay fcmonrttat. to
hesitate to go to war with all Enrope, If mhat that the, are both m»rt,rs,
tha, thought the uMj of their Eutero | an d neither la quite understood b, hvr
inlareata demanded It. But tha govern-1 hwband.
mant koowa tha neceully of raorlng with U|, farther mgsyted that tha good
great caution In tha present delicate peel- farmers after a smottu could pranea np
tion of affaire. Tha crista la u hand, and a *ap crop Ila and trade horses. Tha
Turkish troops are under arms for Egypt. I good philanthropist hu no aeqiutotuea
Franca la lukewarm toward, bar old all,. *ith tha average lumar. No two farmer.
Italj is openl, dbcoutanlad. flcrmsn, I *ver ,al trudul without dm silUog for
can tod reuona enough to Justify har lit h ?" U T'" °* * T? 1
plsving tha pari of Rane, Snldla. Ana- " •“> * kangwoo position.
" k X7 r , d F!~%-T Hot lho tolsphon. will not b. f ol.y ap-
iris is, os of old, grtedy and trwacberoos. I til . lh - w ;r A Q # ha&Mt fur.
n . „ ....... . ,u, ml praeialsd till lbe wife of some honest far-
Russia finds in lba dissatisfied condition oM pMB<< 0 g j or her neighbor's handmaid;
people abundant reasons for | or ^ \, n m***A hU wife'
seeking to give them employ- ^uuded in nutic pbraMology by
menl on foreign fields of battle. On the I his handsome tenant. About tbia time
whole, tbs outlook seems favorable for w* will expect to see aboct forty acres of
trouble. England boa gone too far to I good fencing pmeutiog the appearance
retrace bet steps. To stand still of a eydons distrirt. Bat ir tne farm
would Involve tbe losaof what ndvaotage I« r *• *« have ths telephone, why
tbe may have already gained—and that la [ ^ ^
not to be expected. An advanoe may * " ' *
It was a youth of raoTell purse
8*M *oft unto a msld:
Which would you ratbor tackle ncxL
Tiik following is from nn«* of Even
iclLt Uarnw's *cnn«»n* si Day too. Ohio: "Rltltl
•traighi from the awius'* irough to ths Umi
roU tatts th* Lord hot. tics* end all, attuch
snd sll, rsss snd *11. poverty aud *11, sn.t
withal, ignorance to esp tbe climax."
Exouao aristocracy a.nines itself with
concern st which th« performers sro noble
lordssnd UdhMofhlgli thtcrus. At a r.Tent
tthcrtn* of thl* kind l.ord Uorapton vxccutcd
, violin solo wltl<h evoked ‘thunder* of ep
plsuse." Time* have chanced sinew Lord thm
icrflvld wrote to bis *>u: "if you went to hrar
mu*lc hire fiddler* to plsy for tuu. but do
plsy yourself. 1 ■ to the St. L-utii llepubV
«ws tbs intrinsic value of th.< hrnn/c
bestowed upou ths old < iu*rd of M
a splece. They are madaof *>
ctosp «ompo*ltion and *nelu»i.i lu a thin r
erlng of broute, oo which ih«
Grant and the other device* *r«* »uuip«l. i
Tox Central and Bourn Amwrlraa Csliiw
Company, with wires touching st point*
Mexican *ad Central Amur lean eooMt*. a
the iHhmns of Panama and exteuding *lona
the wcitcru coast of South America to Callao,
announce that their line* will be thrown op«u
to public use by tho cio»e ol the prceeut
Tiik “Nilomct*r,”or Instrument used
[to Kite. Is sU-
rile Old Cairo,
mber, In tha
[vfilar divided
atiyued. The
ir tlie correct
tt border and
rer. Certainly
frost Brown*-
[*»th of these
•oft ImpescV
ing snnoanees
tt Laredo and
in Ilia Creek
i the mutt
jointed to that
luring tbe
}ct outfit
isel plant
oleu cloth
ed by the lit
ions enough,
curious Uule
Ilea luanufac-
a pfentWMit
the rebellion
st the bom
ich growth
I nect oar fences wi h the Western Union
. K#t , Telegraph. Ia thU way the sparsely eet-
^ ^ ntm0n ^ M cow< l otOCT * • "J* 1 1 ti*d dutricts could gst the benefit of tbe
England cares not for consequences, when • . .. . » - -
tor sword bu been oocs drawn. Sir
Garnet WoUelsy wu to bars reached
Egypt yesterday, and wa may now ex
pect, without l:mg wailing, to Lear some
thing startling from tbe front.
The Dtetrl.t SsMlsrsblp
Tbe deUfatina from tbia count, «o lbe
Sacatorial coavntkm bare decided to
preKnt lho name ol Gcorsa W. Goatlo,
Esq , for tbo Banalonbip from lha t»an-
t, mennd district.
Wado Dotuooktlhaaalboritjofthat del-
afatkm lo do u tha, plaau m lba prem-
haa, m the, ware ajqolntcj without it.
■tnioltMa. Wa do ntA, tonr.tcr, approve
tbairaalacUua of a candidate for tbia im
portant poattloo. Wa cannot rdauia at
test and dlscbzrpa a dot, wa eve tba
ixamdiapatcbaa. ItmUht b, well too to
cosine ct sri th tba Atlantic cable, for b, this
to cars the farcer would ba abla lo apeak
with Um royalty and BobUity. and
with Victors or tha Cur tba -sedition of
tba roada, and tba affect of recant rainaoa
Oroa tba farm, it tnldd ba wall to da-
via. com. sytUm of ctvar^ey
that la atiempUac to m andar tbo Imam
they wool! ring lba ball and gtre tbstr
tmmbm. OoutdatabU aaaotanoa minis
ba preveated is tbia way. A bell attach
ment lo tbe laying bar. weald alaobaad-
riraUe asttwy cuo d easily ba trained Its
•omunniaata with lba borne office. ■
Every man .boald saarebbisaalf before
laaviag boau ts aop tUl ba wu not wired,
or afoaba might mwftslagl, Jit. Mmaalf
•way. Or, fadbtg tbU tba man ing
la laying a gin and a sntre lot him, ba can
■ and
I. U
■ vory
h -coins hanl.nad enoOf
is natisa that bt« Btate
tnlnaf Joat pletura a la'
l, c
r gr.iiu
ne*», broken juritenong
rolling MclIicionJy tt
soupo of onspoaka!
far as tbe ayo i
t’ o enrih clothed in a
boon Loused, though •
•t-inilinji in tho field*. 1
t-i'i'i one tr im a view
iuat»y prairio-dog hum
Tho crop* of grain i
the rya of straogaif an
cr.* here. Tho country
but cotton. Yoo sea
clover enough to fattaa ail tha old la-k
in Macon.
Of eoarjMi this b raying a great <l<vil for
the crop of oforsr, and putting tt, I
L'tiiian l.nt lhntit.1,1 la anlrtnii'ff'
) fta.«fc
took a ride over the ci.y to-d.»> behind a
uotod hoifu. All Paris sounded with onr
com ng. All I can »ay about tint > ids it
iy lu n j swim*.
kins sheep and # oows nljoaud in
endltM variety and qaanti'.i . Droves
of tba flesoy quxdnii*ed* aptwar
through the struts to tha stock
jarJr, and handrad* ol tl.tiru
breed* of oattti aeamper over (Im hil - an l
valleys. Ilmvo»esnsinc«yMti!Nl a »lr
of fina eattla that tnnde my mouth w.a<-r to
think of our tough beef iu Mrxon, and ro
tuurh hero for a song- Such r.cb-oolored
mahogany bay*, calico oolorod ard errant
colored, fat and sleek, tho very flrah shak
ing with every motion. Ifslt"cou l ’
to think why we could not gtt jv. *io to
**aoon for a big barbecue.
I saw tiii* morning tha finest mdo cow
iu all Kentucky, ilo wu* cs lug n-
l»oo*e, a hag* heavy mna« .»t tu <h, a '*
eolts of seeming sulfieient •trruuil
pull a railroad train. I call* d him “Duke
of Corpo,” beoonsa bo bl .wd so. Tom-
ing his magniheeut head in tba air, and
wiihnljokaf sktUfaetion i.« to biasle.
gant prorortion*. ha gavo ma a look whi*h
seemed to soy, "You never raw ab-.lIU-
‘ »re, did you?” And l answered "No."
1 will teka in the stock tuna* to-mor*
row, anil only regret I ca:i'tr;.> n-iavthing
of tliem In tbia tetter. Nor can I u a l ths
point* ot interest in and ... !' .r;<. U 1
■P — would tax my mind and taka > too much
ut tasaty-tour space in io-ir pap- r.
Paris um a population of AjOOOand thin
bur-rooms, besides the cobti”: fitt'u
court housa In tba State. The ktieera am
wall paved—a Ir rsa’s hoof -aill *oui.J for a
mile. Being built up entirely of brick, it
urv^nteanappearancu Uka unto a city.
It i* tl.o county saai of Bourbon, tba
mtthy county of tho Statre, ’ll., fine
•d*, or rikfu, as th**> ur* r i 1 ■ .1, .'is» un
aUmtiv:• feature, liood to:. :. *• r
nod good farming shoold alw?ss go hand
is hand, if the pbtnUm in Gear ala of
any rcpQtr.ti'yii atoll would c i Ken-
tacky and it •• the wadi f *ri..;..g. tu-y
would return home wi-t-r nu n ..:••! better
far Oar litth- rtd !■ • t>o
i .i’< :. «l up ;tii.l u-fl fi»r f ii. ' ■ '» i.”
time will eomo wiien Uuy w.'.l tfin./gold
in value—work will Uj it—ha* doc »
here. If tho lull* in (i.o'.,i\
bring cotton, try corn, li-t yr ;•* ’* tho
thing now. Try grass, raise hey, andc im
pute with Kentucky and Tennessee ratting
grain.* and grasses—tho fine stock will nse-
eesartly follow, i’eoplo uork Ler-*, cu-,
u.tddrinkwh:-ky—yet th.-> ►li ■■ ii •
ulu’: ‘ niHc,"‘u-
: r: i t • > (» . - f
th’t n Funuxer vi^ation t«.. tuo t!..ig for
lOth and nth
■sy be looked
rough the do
of the system
me. Tbls zone
som perthelloo
■■■ wsL there la a
error lleg , r8rfis, o i.'x^aa
oavmcR so mnra coajcciare neslaiety
expende d rolled thSMigb spec* from Egypt la
England on July l*ih, ou me cvcntrg ot that
day a roans sum living nt Uevmuert railed
day a roaag man living at Deemisert ealted
upon (he edltar ef to wmte a JAsJy Jtenry,
•i r.>>l sskesl U any MWcfMMhsS
J rvrelrrd Hiring tbe a stars r.f kngtishj
killed that day In Alexandria. Ue said M
during the afttnwvrfi the ssothee and wile a> \
Al Ku!
UkxF'TKA. made bj tbe ordinary boil-
mgof meat Is more iy a sUil: laut. The
subesance Is nco^jary f >r i. iTrisbmenL
hood &. Bowue's Soluble lWf contains tba
dissolved state aud is tba
* noariahmen* For ial
tua of English F>>^ile 11 Ut*
ta Ab
- -v haJ a hat they regamed seaHsken
of hie death." They wet* sitting together fit
their he use talking and wort ing. *>1m« they
braid the vetee ni the absent sen nnd husband
wte. lire along the Ma»i|-
irmum imni idH«|ist of the hnn
M**:i<tt'-.ri:.' .A!*'*'* i-hfiy t,» ‘.t.SurncB
petntio.thefrnwn rrpertencf dnm the nmnt
ua-'.cruklng wm completed. Xut a angle
^^d^rtwfirtyde the nm sapyj/^f
Thai ms fnethelthte-bat sharks nwe ml-
«ao» tnle it treaty from th* Bad httsl !n-
: . ..... ... ... .. 4t