Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 01, 1882, Image 5
Si ll LUNA. F*ii Moon, whoso orb of mellow light Illumine* all the land below As Inca's eyes make dark m s* bright When they, two mooii*. do soft;y glow. What doc* my love to-night 1 To golden l>eam* that fondly play .Her raven lock* soft *puu among. That faint would steal her smile away To rival Sol in mld-fky hung, llow seem* vgg love to night? 'Twlxt her and me, thyself the key. Thy iM'ura* an arching brhlge shall form, Naught but dear love shall pass from mo. Fray naught but this from her Ih> borne. What thinks my love to-night 1 done shed din’ all hit goal in feathers— I you’re miuhty right ho won’t.” Hero 1 decided to make a slight change in th ’ programme; so my next question Was: "Who discovered Christopher Co lumbus ?’* ‘•Ob, bell, that’s away over in the back S art of the constitution. I never read narry uruod yrord of hit.” [ On tho t^orning of tho examination (VI. H. took his seat between the other two can didates, and was afflicted by such a painful cold ho could neither speak above a whisper, nor even whisper intelligibly. I regret to aay I didn't understand nu answer ho made. Cols. West and riootton, both honorable men, claim that they and they alone hoard one of his answer*. When esked by the Blackstoue examiner “what is a fee?” ho replied: “It’a owin' pretty much to the size of tbo case.” Well authenticated as [ this statement comes, I am too careful cf | the integrity of this veracious biography to give it any other than a back seat. I was in the other end of tho room when tao ex- I animation oloseJ, but I road on the sheen of his unooverui teeth the proolamstton that Gassy was now a lawyer. Time I passed on. i .1—-«.* »•- -• T_ ne j |pont a niaht Outhbert. After W. A. JUHAN. Grand OjM*i»intr find U< Prorlahm Markets by Telegraph. NKW YORK. August 30.—Coffee dull and inchauged in price. Hugar firmer and in good ictnatuf; fair to good refining 7%a7 MO; re ined firmer and in better inquiry; ataudard i 8%a». Molniwe* unchanged and quiet, lice Heady and nulct. l*ork held very To Buy Summer Oooiiw jit Your Own Prices! weak; cotton per steam %a%d; wheat per steam 5%d. LOUISVILLE. August 90—Flour quiet and unchanged. Grain dull. Wheat, No. 2 95. r-orn, No. 2 white wi: No. 3 mixed 78. Oat*. No. 2 mixed 40*4:1. Provision* firm and un changed and In good demand. CHICAGO, August 80.—Flour quiet and un« changed. Wheat easier, regular 91.01% An* gust: September. Oats In active demand and liUrher at 40% cash and August; 36%a:»0*i September. Pork active but lower at *21.85 •21.90 cash and August: »21.87&21.90 Sep tember. Lard actlre but lower at 91*32% cash and August: 9l2.32%al2..l5 September^ Hulk moats dull; shoulders 910.25: riba *13.75; clear 114 50. Whisky steady at *1.19. ST. U)UI8. August 30.—Flour steady and in rood demand for upper grades; family : d 45*7.60; choioo *4.85a4.fc; fane*. t4.9fe5.l0. Wheat dull and a shade lower ifo. 2 red fall »«Xe9?% cash; 98%Augu*t: 97% September. Cora lower and dull at 71%a72% caah; 72% August; 7554 September. Oat* quiet at 33%a cash; sf August; 34% September. Whi*ky ^steady at 91.18. Pork firm out slow “♦ —‘•15 bid cash; <2X00 bid September lob- t *22.40. Bulk meats firm: shoulnera .short rib *13.90; abort clear 914.40. firm: shoulder* all.00; short rib *14..l7s abort clear *15.40. Lard quiet at »1180 3INNATI. August 30.—Flour dull and aged. Wheat heavy; No. 2 red winter .00% ipot: «1.00%al.0l% August: *1.01 iber: »1.02%al.03 October Corn dull, md lower. No. 2 mixed 7«%e7*% fc pot: August Oats In fair demand and mar- Si No. 2 mixed 40 spot; 40% bid An- 17%*38 September. Pork firm at *2:1.00 Lard firm at 12.30. Bulk meats scarce rm: shoulders *10.00; rib *14.00. ltacon d demand: shoulders *10.75; rib 915 00; *15.80. Whisky firm at 91.17. Combi* .—wu sales of finished good*,V37G barrels on basis of i*L17. Sugar steady and unchanged, logs firm; common and lightt0.50a8.50; pack- Summer stock of DRESS GOODS to make room for tho magnificent line that our buyeta are now pur* chasing In the Kaateru markets we will for the next few days The Best Prints 5 oeuts pei* Yard, And other (ood. In proportion. Tho good, must bo (old »t lomo price. Coll owl, and secure tho chotocet .election. KoatUrlsl Convention. Gobcon, Ga., August 29.—Tho Conven tion of tho 2lst Senator I»i uistriot as* sembled in the Methodist church, and waa called to order by Colonel A. S. Hamilton, I ‘ tboutThe middle of Jone I spent anight chairman of the execctivo oommltteo of I ln Dawson on my wny to CotbbsrL After thodUtrio*. W. B. Bolter, ot Wi!kin.on SSE oonotr, ora. doly elected president, and E. I i„ .hi??!. C. Grier, of Jone., secretory. 11 “ * m ln th ” *""" ° ( Tho lollowlng detegatre were Pieeent. I -i-SV^StUa* on like heU-be.y from James U. VnnBoren, WlUiam Robert., 1 ul “ ht - lnv » Umt w blow E.O.Gri.rofJoneacoanty -Yw, bat I'll bo domed it I ain’t! all the Shannon,wkZSTl, A BwolaV, B. §! “J Griffin. Unton Hatcher. M. E. Solomon. I S Wl oh on your man Crop here yistidtlav?’ 4 Bat you have to serve him in his own oonnty.” “Don’t keor ef I do; I jest pat it to him to hold him till ho giu over thnr—-then 111 stick him ns hell.” “Did yon sne out tho garnishment pen- ! dente lile or nnder attachment ?” I “An ?” The same question was ropeated and the Colonel, dodging the sharp point thereof, responded: “Somatimsa one way and Miinotiinee tother, by G-eorge. I jest tako ’em gwine and 1 — ” I S fM&m y * J is fl IS l 4 U ■ Wo aiiff^Kranr-ntly ; v : . the Urge stores formerly occupied by 8, Waxelbaum A C^Btnd Singleton, Co., giving us over an *(*:•• < 1 li x-;;n xui! by far tbo LARGBKT RE • All, S" *UK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE. We will as lieremforo lead in low prices ami first c\; i {* !•-. <>». ■« *!.t largely, boforo tlin a&auee, of Domestics, Bootsand Shoes, Cloth- Hats, Caps and everytbing kt * - roputation for cA aur^vrlm^fl unchar county. W. 8. Baker. Andrew Chambers, J. K. I Arriugtori’and N. W.Haghte, of Wilkinson I couuty. It was moved and carried that each coca-1 ty bo entitled to oaat ten votes. Mr. Barclay, of Twigg*, mured that tho j two ; thirds rule bo adopted in the noinina-1 lion. Lost by a vote of 12 yeas and 18 nays. | Mr. Chambers moved that the majority I rule bo adopted in all questions before the I convention, including the nomination of a I candidate for Senator. Carried by 18 yeas I and 12 nays. i Mr. Barclay moved that tbe convention proceed to nominate a candidate for Sen ator. Carried. Nominations being in order Mr. Barclay,' in a neat and appropriate speech, nomi nated Uev. P. W. Edge, of the county of Twiggs. Mr. Hunter moved that Mr. Edge bo nominated by acclamation. Mr. Morton nominated J, F. Balkoom, | of Twiggs, whereupon Mr. Barclay an il ouncod that tho delegation from Twiggs would withdraw from the convention, und they did retire. Mr. Chambers then put in nomination the name of Dudley M. Hughe*, of Twiggs oonnty. The nomination of Mr. Balkoom waa withdrawn. A vote wra» then taken and resulted in 18 for Mr. Hughes and 2 tee Mr. Edge. Mr. Morton moved that a committee of three be appointed to notify .Mr. Hughes of his nomination and ask his acceptanot^ Messrs. VanBnren, Chambers and Grier wete appointed as Mid committe. r < imp i-u ' 107 Thud St, Macon, Ga. Hardware. CARRIAGE and WAGON MATERIAL, GRAIN CHADLEB, ’^k CUTLERY, BELTING, TINWARE, IUON,STl^B firm at 40. Ko^ .firm at 91.40 lor •trained: *1.45 for good. rned. Tar steady at I 1n5. Crude turpcntluc vteady tl.25 for hard; 2.50 for yellow olp and virgin. SAVANNAH, August 30 —Rosin steady And unchanged; sales 576 barrels. Spirits tur pentine quiet at 41 for regular, 40 for oils and whiskies; sales 180 cases. CHARIJEUTON. August 30.—Spirits turpentine steady at 89%. Rosin quiet; strained and good “Do you charge five dollars for every document yon write ?” “Never scratch paper for a oent less.” “Yon moat be getting in the way of Wootton rxtd Harper?” “Ef I ain’t I’ll be darned.” My next nppearanoe at Dawson was da ring a busy day at fall court. The dooket wos being rapidly oalled and all Interested barristers on the qui vice. 1 looked anx iously, bat in vain, for the familiar faoe of my hero. CoL Wootten discovered my p unful suspense, and asking from his honor a moment’s leave of absence, took I me to tbe window. “Bee that house away yonder that seems to be growing whiter ?” “Yea.” .“See something that moves like a mole along the horizontal scaffold ?’’ “Yes.” “That mole's yonr Brother Hay- dsn.” X. y.ilOiCJLKE VO.. 2 3 It, 51-1 DALLAS WHEAT, Sporting Good, and Fishing Tukle. Parker Breech-Loading Cuds, Lifter (old) action In .took—top imp lut o( Auguit. Twtffijsar ■ After tlioroughly testing this variety, usually ■known as the •♦Bill Dallas Rust Drool Wheat,” ■ unhesitatingly pronounce It tbo surest cropper ■yet originated, having lost only one crop in ten ■‘years, and that from tbe fly or some Insect, not rust. It appears to be a hybrid—a smooth-headed almnat Invarlahlv inmn I.fturi1ru1 lin*<l* WooL NEW YORK. August 10.—Wool unct angS 1 In Til'* AT)it Anil. P. O. SAWYER’S . ©DTOCDXS; • QVJ&.'S. WITH OR WITHOUT CONDENSERS. PatMtad iMtiOfts 1173, IdnHd 0«t». ttk, 1874. * with a'juost lnTariably »ino Lcunlod head, cropping out aninngit it. Th. crop just bam.ted .ho*, the yield of any va riety in thi. Mellon, th. yields so fsr reported twin* front 211 to ilO huduM pw aero. BRICKS, DELIVERED IN DEPOTS OR BY EXPRESS. 2 Bosbela i.rkctl, $5.00. 20 BusbeU .acked $50.00. Itcfarenccs—Col. Peter., planter and live itock raiwr, Atlanta, Oa; Hon. J. T. Ilendenon, State Commissioner of Agriculture, Atlanta, Ga; General R. Toombe, Washington, Ga Address all order. U) Agent, for Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales. msySwly DENTISTRY-DR. a B. BARFIELD. Me. 90 Mulberry street, M*oon. Oe*»*ta — a. _ a.«l _ . . .rv n Popular Monthly Drawing of the •rifice boars—9 a. m. to fi p. m. ojg26tf* DR. D. a WRIGHT, DENTIST. spz6*2awly. Offlos—ill Bsoond st. /.P. AW.R. HOLMES, DENTISTS. Offioe—Opposite Inmier House. 102 Mulberry street, Maoon, Oa. maylSdawly Jun23wly THE FOSS & FEVEY COTTON CARD ! augg7dUw4tAw4t Inthsiltvof \j niavillo* on SATURDAY, 8EPTEMBER SOtb, lkc*. ! These drawings occur n» ur>sir'i excepted) nndev ptovis’.ou* . - rfths I General Aesembiy of Kso-»i . FINANCIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS IN MAOON. mmm sjct'otn* aosutuui; nvu -• Wis United mnt*eClrtiaitOrv-Tt f <mMa»h 8], rendered tbe following tle-Wcu* i _ 1st— the Commonwealth Ihetribo- tioxi Company I* legal. ■ 2d—/u drawflvn f*b. N. B.—'Tho osmpan / h«n iigw on hand e Urge reserve fund. Wood care felly tho Uat Of v'rir^ for the LOCKETT A BOND. BI10KER8. 1AMJIUU1A a nUf(I7, lillUnl liy. MAOON, August .10,1192. Ueorgla 6 per cent, bonds, due liwtuoo •106 ttaorgl* 6 par oaat. bonds, (old) “ ...100 tgUft (icorxla 7 per cent, bonds (mortgage 106 #107 Seorgta 7 per cent bonds (gold quarterooupons).^. 118 #119> GcorgU 7 par cent, bonds, Uue UN. 124 Sl28 (pe<,rirl* 8 par cent bonds no Sill NorUieasWru railroad boods(md*d) 114 ttllS CautraML O. jotut mort. 7por cent lio «all2 I Oaorgta railroad 4 ear cent, bonds. 107 •109 t>.-su rji K. R. of Ala., 1st mortgage 112 Ml 18 Wc.itera K. R. of Ala., ad uortaura 112 yl!4 Mobile and tilrard railroad, (mort.) 1U #114 Montgomery and Kuiaula 1st mort* saga, Ind Vd by C. and 8. W. R.R109 M107 AUauiH -and (ittU railroad, consoU* ^gtATTaortgaga...^....^ 110 Mils Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrtce. A marvel of parity, strength tr.d wholoaomenae-i. More economical ter u tho ovdivaf^i kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with tbe —•***-*- -• pjw te?t, short weight, alntn powdor*. Sold only in eaas. . u. ..... .no u7.ii -■ * SO Frits* 1(00 each.. 100 Prixen ICO eooh. .tOOl’rigui 50 «icl., t6U0 Wm W each. ; V - KIT WAnilJKN • . # Ailils a Ihaplrr (a ••Brneti and Harof Georgia.” A grave, imperious duty again o.dU jsvdTo the front Jadge Clarke o^HkvblMvie, ra attempting to snpphtatfnf Mvjor Miller’s I boathwnstemTallnioi atock^* Bench and Bar ot Georgia, Mvo been gollty I Centrall railroad Mock, of an unfortansfco and painful omission. I August* L»m1 uavanna^'lC’RrM Fsrhaps they ware deterred by a conscious-1 Georgia railroad stock ntM of their inability to do jnstioe to tbe I • subje:t, or perhaps by a disposition to I C0MKEB0IA leave so Important a biography lo the im-1 b - partial arbUramsat of history. Whatever uVlRPOOL.Augu.CW-t* «c*r» their motives, the life, character and I fair demand and freely met at \ achievements of CoL Gas lUydtn, some-I J2j? l J5JJ!* 1 JS?uuton 1 and “ time member of the Dawson bar, shall re* I taints moo; American 3400. mvin no longer pretermitted. To the en* I gust duty of presenting it propsrly to the I ■-<-»; Hmtambar and October « poblio, I tremblingly advance. CoL Hay I SiSr •■JSSSl; ^braiy Uovsi Bill Sew York. JOHN IV). PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass, BTTIeferente I J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb Minafecturlng Compeny, Hi 27 Tiokatv, 4A3. ft5TIokotaL$m 1 Remit Money or Bonk Drofitn Iwttjsr. or sand by Kxprcwu DON'T BEND V j RUDIHTERKD LETTER (»R FOBT-O^* FICE ORDER. Orders of <5 and upward by Express, oan bo eonft at oar rtpsoM Addreaa all ordera to Re M. BOARDMAN, Couriar-Joumal, Loalaville, hy, or name person 1C '• Brv»adwav.H ». .TOIIN HLAOKMAli, COLUJIBIH, a A., SCHOFIELD’S SROU WORKS, The Brown GOTTON GIU GO, aug24«llawAwlanily < 11. 1 V. r„„tr>, ... SI A VOX, SMKUI.I. Crocorlos, Plaiitntfon &'ipj;!lca, C iK^,in«. Tier, n: -..m I enmow m.kintf . ,i Luir-nuHor ImprovN TAYLOR Cir’ 1 elelm th.1 U U lb. ■ •■> - -lUy i.,e.tru.:.U s ■ "'» '*•, it i. n„,re GIN HOUSEJNSURANCE, Ool»l» Ac Co, puuuo, a irriuunugiy auvauco. uoi. nay 1 ri ; in( ^. | den’s (parj^n the anachronism) early ad-1 id: Jun vantagea were quite limited; in foot he I J never went to sa^sool bat one week in hie | Orlcaa life, dnnng which time be oould certainly I o^»bS not have mode moeh progress, as be hod I Ocu>b« no .book and hie * (cachet waa drank [ the whole week. I met him first daring I foUowi the fall of ’W, in Dawson. He was the u I about twenty-two years old, a fraction be-1 ix^obc low medium size, auu favored hie great I grandfather—according to the genealogy I UAL adopted by Darwin. He spoke briskly, I ^'i" c D and gesticulated so freely with hie heed I ail that the osaual observer would have I thought it was the light*.-*t pari about him. I The truth D, bis bead and hands and arms I h.u and hia whole frame seemed to be hrcech- I filing loading, hair-triggered gsatioolators, for I nary 1 he cjuldn’t relate the reeent hagtra of n I ‘ U ?T I F J ret without bringing into active operation I every aalicnt point of hie corporeal make-1 y. "*, it op. Tbe Oolonel wee not a gentleman of I siv>. the most earnest and sensitive piety, as is I N IL JNarsv l^omlon. Conn, V Splrthfll*t Imported French Oil Cbromoe. Enclose green sump h r MBtace. A(l. Jean Pe Lamer, P.O. bozri, 141tic Rock. Ark. A GOOD INVESTMENT. L Productive farm of 6S0 acres in Mon roe oonnty, 12 miloe above Maoon, ly- COTTOK GINS, FEEDER3 AND CONDENSERS, mede *hle Mwaa, with t** brueh belt*' •nil ell the Uleit luipronmeo^, boxed, nUy for Immedlele elilpinetik Any «• tbe lepilu lien .hipped tbe deytbeof | der le • leceteed. So deley. lYoee u 1 htntcfore publUbed. Send far dreulor Geatrftl railroad and Brans- ion, one and a half milae from land two from Holton, s'x- dwelling, eoet $-’,000, beanti* rhaKFU -.a greatr: .fr gin. II will pi ceiiani new uwmung. coat f2,uuu, tseantt* fully located, with a view extending into three eoontiee; a well of pnre water and four fine springs; epleudid orchards of finest quality and variety of fraits. It is in a good neighborhood, convenient to e bn rebec, schools, irill and poet-offioe, and as healthy aa any part of the world. Will •ell ell or ports, aa desired, and at a bar gain. Mom J. H. U. WASHINGTON. aogSlwlm Maoon, Oa. hnvitu- icpt. I. or Catalogv. . J. ALLltW. Hnpt« PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, Steam Boilers. Grist Mills, Saw Mills, HANCOCK IHSPIBATORS. RUBBER BELTING. HOSE. PIPE AND ENGINE FITTINGS Notice Leave tc Sell Land. riEOROlA, JOXE8 COUXTY.-Four U afterdate I will apply to the ordln Jones county tor an order to sell all th estate belonging to the lata B. P. Horn, dec tot purpose oi distribution among bet creditors. M. A. ROtfii, A.1 AogTQ 70,1882. angVMa* New Edition. 118.000 Word., (3000 move than any other L * i*h blrtJOMjvJ Four Fngee Colored Plates, 3000 Cagra vings. (imriy tkemtlnemjbe oemher IsanV other DteTyJ alsu reWw»Blog«WJi" leal Dictionary Kiting brief trapamni IsiU concern lag over 8100 noted persons. Recommend*-1 by Ptato Hopt'i. el Ll'irati* :i In 36 States, end ty 50 Allege PraaidraU. 0. A C. MEHRIAH A CO., Pttb’rs, Bprtagfiel J, Maae. ’ We g^eo mowd/acture 'Gwathir'ey’s Improved Eclipse Qin ’* VtuctHMTl ■Mi Dinbl. Keller HulUug . .11 of the *,ry l«,« ImproTU. '"***'. e®U4 12 leeb MW,, p* ea t bnah. Mm, Inofrxme, neje uncUr the lamed etc raperrleloo of Bicherd It. AGENTS Waniei! Rooks4* Bibl MOHtl.K. Ampul low mldJLUK UH: i ; li't* 2 <r JM —: saies MIOtraFn. August 8) ling 12. low middllni ir».Tsvr •- t Public Im requested carefully to no th* new and enlarged tkherhe to be m Monthly. •CAPITAL PRIZE $ leuoaly 83. ■ Imres in propertien ^Practical Uf moat of our great men, th* Oolonel waa a I poor financier. What with patronizing himaelf too fraety and other untoward ral»- chsuee*, the etcrctiacj o' the busincee be. put to oatgraritate tbe ineretious, and at length, to eap the climax of hia calamities, he one day awoke from a deep sleep, caused br a too bountiful imbibition of hia mixed potatSoaet he woke to find some nneerapulou* wretch had gone off with every veetige of hie Mock -jug, bottles and " - 1 *bo»t leaving word In thiaemcigeacy, HIRAM SiBlEY & CO. Cheapes* BIBLES, rm m.U l$U C-t— -a. br Hurt., • ddatsUre Price-fXsi ef -r, field and Garden Louisiana, State Lottery Comnanv. Incorporated in 1898 tor 25 years by the Leg Mature for Cducatiooal and Charitable pur pose*—with a capital of fi I «w,ouo-tn whkh i reecnra fond of-U),uu) has slave been adde) By an overwhelming popular vote lU frsnrhU was made a part ot i>^ prereuttuta ConaUtu lion adapted December 2d, A. D.. l«7». The sdt LotUrg seer nM on end redeem tftt*»Wfb«f<s| >UU. It moot $eeU» or eoripeate. its Grand single Suiubrr Orate fnes take place MaathlM. a Hvt.Kstnt* opremruNiTZ to WIN a i-onruxi:—mnti GRAND DRAWING, CLAM* #, AT NEW OR Gwtthmty, tbe peteatee. Tb. K.llpee Gin u dr.lgi.rd for hnlUnf treH,y cotton, but with tbe Im- proremente we here recently aided It cue be und to gnu edrnnUf. In .11 public Clnneriee a*d I.r*,'. plnntetlone. •end for tlrcnlw tod price tin. The Brcwn Cotton Gin Co-, FL - !*• LOMOVS, VHM ». CoL Hayd«t Bel be, «)rnan>mt«t C and Immortelles, Ginds. UUis, Row*, Plants, OsrO. ROCHESTER,H.Y. * CHICIBO.IU -l*-t$3 Eat Ha. $b 29C 2'J0«Mc,4lk the bar, nu i the writer hereof wm ap pointed t» eoodoct the private examine- tloa of Ide preeent herop on ”the eowetitn I tioiMof the Uoited Btateeand Georgia.” My brief external from the dialogue wnleh r u- kd will be but tamely presented, ee 1 1 cannot give languages to Col. Haydeui ^-'*i.rcs or auj port:- u of his faeondepa - Ur, and a praoeber at ray elbow requires m.j to dt.i* profanity Itefore pouring Hum. With thtedaelaraikmoa my part (dear reader) ore yooetill willing to pro- dec thaaxclustvs mtpenrlsion and management ef t.rn. ee. r . llettureaarA. of Im., and dot, Jukal A. Karla, of > h r/lnla, who manage all the drawings ot this Company, both ordinary and oemt~a*nmmr, and ■tu»tthecorvcummef the published Officia Capital Prizo, 870,000. IOT.OOO rickets nt riva Itellern Kuril »metlene. In rifttie In |«rei>orll<.ii. UsTorrntus. 1 CAPITAL PJUZ1 GARFIELD bdlriiy"u m Ai tnR. Morr.n, tin. By Hand, Horns, Water or Strom l’.»wvr. PrcHiium^orgltc Mills und Kcttlus, For drenian aul prices addreee or call on •T. Th. HCIIOl*IKLD & HO.NH, Macon, <Jn. departm.-at.r I don’t know, ha think there woe a damn sight of 1 “it ia divided into three dept "iF miAUDiilA^.^LxLt-. Oa I Parisian Garrouseiis U Flpsg lloru llactir.*!,! Southern Female College Ur.IUJiGB, O BORO Id, Chattanooga Saw Kno$s^; Warranted Unsurpassed I HatlMfacrtloii (iimrantciqL Tax ALLrwa.v a Tai M<te<V’In«,JVreHm »mehoadTh apkomoom a fatmaU* form. AB* tw<8^< oArsrnrtwtete w ^mw.teen|ir*wwre6niB4