Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 08, 1882, Image 1

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JOURNAL AND MESSENGER THE FAMILY JOURNAL—NEWS—POUTiOa- LITERATURE—AURICUL^/HE—DOMESTIC NEW s, Etc.—PRICE $100 PER ANNUM. MACON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1882 ^VOLUME LVI- NO 84 DOMESTIC NEWS. the WOBLD's COTTON RUITLT. Nnw Yobk. September 2.—Tho total risi ble supply of cotton for tho world is 1,843,- 624, of which 616,221 is American} against 1,686,8?.) and 1.188,879, respectively, last year. The racoipts of ootton at all interior ♦ f r0 m plantation op in sight was not reported FROM ATLANTA. aT7\ T 0- A l^Tl?T?T,Ti I dreaded almost ns tho grave itself. Thank- VXJJli, UALt Lillj lJJJj 1 fal to a kied Providence, wo have good I eropa in Georgia the present year, but yon ... need good government that your happiness /A AX IIOUll /1AX> .1 HALV I may be complete." 8PEE€B, The State road leaee was then taken np _______________ I and ventilated. He predicted that without proper vigilance that piece of the people’s l iitcrtnlim n Crowd of Xonrly Two property would go iuto the hands of the *1 iiouHand on Sulborry Btrcot Lnvt I bo**a*. Going over several issoes, and Sight. ventilating thoso bearing on the contest, Nearly two thoua.nd people, gathered I of 1,10 around the band stand in front of the La- ITiie election will occur on the first nicr House on Mulberry street, last night, I Wednesday in October, and you will then FOREIGN NEWS. at* was hamh d ii!.. k■*. w,.ul.l not 1... i ut PF-n* : t '.f ■ 1 ;: i 1 >i. ■i *,1 t'\ ! • I .1 11 .1. g Arabi Pa*hn'n movo- lactcd auder u -isiyio iot’s house, where he ' V. -■ , " 1 \ - , ■ . minister* cotjc.^ m> nt . lu w i M gimn! > !j • JB was itnpriftq M TToaum' WisntMOToa, August 81.—In the Crimi nal Court this morning, Mr. Henklo, of | counsel for the dofense, began his argu-1 meat. Beforo addressing the jary, he oalled tho attention of the court to the . scheme of tho indictment. The govern* Fro. I ment had oonoeded that the branch of the I conspiracy which in the indictment had „ . _ I been attributed to Turner was not suatain- Atlanta, August 81.—The oommittoo de- I od by proof, and he argued that Turner oided to day that Mr. Stephens should not I and Turner’s performance were a necessa- go to help Turner, but should stake all on I ry part of theleheme of tho indictment, one speech at this point. If he recovers I and that if the case hud failed aa to him it from that be is to speak in the soTenth and I had failed as to all. This view of the otro, ninth dlstriots. The first part of the agree-1 Mr. Henklo preseated at great length and moot was carried out to-night—ilia doubt- j with numerous citation* of authorities, fnl if the other ever follows. Mr. Ste-1 Mr. Henklo then proceeded to criticise phans spoke with great deliberation, in a I the practice of the proeeeutlon in vilify* conversational tone, with an occasional I ing the defendants, insisting that brave whoop for his hearers. It fell fiat. He I men ought never to pursue snob a oourse. gave a history of the government The only solution for this method of pro- ... . tXxIin I coeding on tho part of tho prosecution waa nod its subdivisions, and then I they bad not made out their case, tlio history of this govern-1 They displayed their anger bocause they ment from ita birth to tho present I saw that their victims were escaping them. *S“ * •tuts? assays as th. two-third, role, and followed with n I tM u m o nr which in « criminal caw can long autobiography of himself. He I justify a vordict of guilty. The presump- touched gingerly on his own revolt in the I tio “ °* Innocence was a strong ono, and Jill. HTEVJIEXH'N SPEECH LAST XIGUT. towns M 24,231. 'J to-day. assessment or oTTicxxtA. only run about 200 yards, be] “a u d ing from tho Republican campaign com- £ ud that limit aro returning into mittee of the third Gougressional distriut The enemy have retired a thonsa I g* ****•*•»•( calling fora exmbibution of further from Mallahn janetion, nj —77.**^* ■—*•—— ••• .uv v..- - in the direction of Daman hour, ployea of the Departments in Washlcgtcn oontinue intrenchinr **- **- who are credited to Louisiana. The cir- 1 * * * J cular is signed “Tbco. Fontlleu, chairman An lIlBiorfcnl Lecture, with l'salns Allnslons to Current l'olltlcnl tpics- Clone—The huso with Nuccrnuil Fel ton itorisei! -Tli® CommUtoo'i grstnmo. [Special Telegram.J xaa diiticultt. Septombir 1.—The ; that the Greek govern- ontral *i» e around the —....— on the frontier nmii tlio question of owner-li\iH settlnl. Ti n pro- A !•••«■ M r, lia - i\ 1 . , •, I ■ ! according to tho i, .m, ie* from tho cm- Democratic candidate for governor. I wound his feelings, I pray him and*bis The v oluntcera’ band rendored some I friends to forgive me, for I would not do choice selections before tho appearanoe of i* willingly for the office. I have endeav- the General, who waa introduced by Prof. oretl to nlludo to his poiitioai rocord, and P. J. M. Daly in a neat little speech. havo alluded in the language of his friends After a few preliminary remarks in to the modes aud methods of his nomina- which a glowing compliment was paid to tloo. He has decided to “totojiis own Mncon, the speaker went right to work: skillet,” and it is a silver skillet. Iam Two years ago a convention was held, a afraid it is too small to fry the people’s Democratic convention, a convention of I in! [Laughter.] It may be large •my party, because I am the oldest Demo- enough to fry a fins quality of fish In for crat aad nave been longer connected with I eotna of these nice gentlemen whom my the Democratic party of Georgia, and hate organised friends call “the bosses I” f Ap- doue as mnch for its interests, its harmony, Plauaa ] lint “we, tho people,” are not its organization and snoceos, and spent as I called to that repast. If you and I had to much time in its oauso—yea, more—than I wait for fish until we got it out of Little any gentleman whoao name is presented to Aleck’s .skillet, we wonld starve to death 1 the people of Georgia for their suffragee 11 [Applause.] [Applause.] I remember yoars ago meet- , } tote no skillet, but want to so admin- mg my distingnishod friend, whoso name I trier the laws of the State that your skil- I shall hotcaftor call, upon the hustings lets, and tbo hods undor your wives and when I, in my humble capacity, had tho children, will not bo taken from your honor to maintain Democratic men and houses to nay taxes. I would rather have measures against his torrifio assaults. [Ap-|°ne of those old-fashionod skillets at plaueo.J I am ready to do it again, but I k°me—a “spider,” if you please—than all do it as an independent Democrat, aa a I Ihe silver skillets of tho boesew 1 [Cheors.l Democrat of tho people 1 After thanking his audience, which had He explained how the convention was I been attentive throughout, the general conducted and then naked wbat was the I coneluded his remarks amidst great ap- result of that convention ? My friends plan®?. After the speaking, a large num- weut there and adopted the old time-hon- I bor of citizen* went on the stand and shook orod two-thirds rulo—that rule which has I hands with him. Among those who did ao been in force sinee you andl have belong- I orers some who had nerved under him in e J to the Democratic party—and stayed I the army. . t there five or six days after adopting it, and I General Gartrell will speak in Sylvania trying to make a nomination and I to-day. „“. d J. FA U3tKil i.KOlHI.XTOB. •MMVHWUIHBUFJ>Wlite Moks. I Lo.dok, Anu-u-t :U.—A diapsteh lo tho | (InuiM eommUjM." iuid th^ m.Ula?nT>° 1 *th^l^porud'Slnal^ood amoont of contribution .iiooud from tho I .nthoritx th.t Tnfad.r, tho oomnoroT porson addressed. I zagn/ig asked permission to cross tho i ak UXOHICWB sbxtkncto. J Oiitifh line*, and was taken under guard Ltschhubo, September ?.-Adam» Wil- f° h *f.u S 01 ! re J kinson, the negro who cut his wife’s throat J, 1 ?.??5 , ?K U ? n ou ith Bnllan 1 ^ ha * frommttour In A"«*>• V 1 * t S«nnot to on- weeks sinoe, waa tried in the County Court I SSff-SLfifitSft *° tn * for . 110 on Tnaadny and Mntenced t.. . I orlrtlo. m pr.hmln.rir to n-nin " Irr. -jg yoara’imDiipuumeot in the State i>ri-ou. 1 * fiM ****J®» August 81.—Tliere are i w unprisonmemuimo o i risou. ftbout ^ iick ^ wonnded BritUh t mraniaaia. ln the hospital here. PaiaasmTao, Va., September 2.—Intelli-1 Londom, August 81.—A dispatch t genoe has been received hero to the effect Dmnilla in the eeoond edition of Uio that diphtheria prevails to a r-msidernblo Aeua oonnecU the arrival of Sultan 1*“^B extent in Lunenburg county. In some in-1 and the late governor of Zagazig, wUKL 0 fjl stances two or three doathe have ocouricd I mors that the rebels are desirous tOM\£o? in a aiuglc family. 1 tiate. It says great importance is attachcnin A bewabd. 1 Ismailia to the viait of the two. Itur t.,, ibnn . I should l»c remarked that as they are sent na?ch UuS5tSSl*f!om I ^ KhcHllvo ' ik ®«® IQ » impossible that A commui L*ga!«-H to Ti • • »: 11 .j I ••••'•(• j *fd 'l constables, but of oourse in tliuir * aseitUans, not I • iv.. i. „ ;• [ I -'; af< Dublin to the Pres? Association • stated that in the event of term* u made with the anthoritics, four or l dred policemen have arranged to special ateamar to (jm • ii-! » *n. 1 say live hundred men of tht* Ko ; coastablea have refused to do dnty lin and that they have received n t on the part of the entire lM„ly of i alary statini* that they will net dt Dublin while the difflcultie» of tli politan force rein am un-athd. Duaux, September -.—A met potioemeu, at which all dismiss and those who n -.gued, were pri- held this eveuing at \»lnch C’niinr spoks. Ho argued that the poll a - ibmit to the authorities, mi those who had resigned to return duty and petition Jos »«Mi»inie all dismissed m—. They unamni Intel advice. 1 hey aaiophey \ rmg to return ti Ju j at m.y t, The dismissed men were roin.sti a*surances giren them thatthelr gr would be considered, and it a* y oucm occurred the respcrusibilit be with the police ooumiteiaM Duaux, September 1.—Over iliroe hun dred membors of the Metropolitan police foioe havo fleen dismiesed, and It is < x peeled that hundreds of members will re sign. Great excitement prevails in tho city. All the police stations are occupied by strong guards of military. BIOT AT DUBUW. . Dublin, September 1.—Four hundred men have been sworn in here as sneciid I.Ia. 1, . . wrang ed, ondplottcd and planned, A UnEli caucuses were held and committors were ... ~ appointed; the big men wers there-t%9 JJr men who were said to have barrels if in on-1 tomos/, ey I [laughterj—and after six days labor, Editors Telr-jri and not be'ng able to nominate under it, I The decided inter SHSB&ETiUft'BUE •- without a nomination, our distiuguished I in ® k position for t and greatly respected executive, Governor I of this departmec ssas&r risi ^ • with jut a nomination! The other I m ®Wng material i sido of the convention preeented ex* I that pertains to tl Sonator Notwood, and j°u know the remit jofeiMt. Thl. .it of the contest. In that contest, as is well _ known to both my white and colored ’, fanners,who f riende here, a large majority of the llepub-1 of one people, shot lican party of Georgia supported Governor I interest in politics Colquitt’s election. And I am only than k I >Q office holding, fal now to my Republican friends, as 11 paper of tho day, have already said in tho public prints, that I United Bute* Kean thoy are disposed to extend to me the same I yew and one Is confidence they then extended to Governor hundred and nine Colquitt l [Applan»e.l By so doing, they I delegates in did not “Africanize Georgia” nor “Kepob-1 •n^to#ty- i ®j®pj Democrats ait my Republican frionds, •«* I sixtw.ntna Conwra Republicans of ay Denopratio frienu*. i - [Laughter and cheers. 1 jrju only stand- I profession of law, and only a ing as dti Governor CoKJItt-I am fob to the profession of agrfouli lowing In hie footsteps 1 [Applsase-J 1J znrlz the Impcrtanec o! : take him a* my example. Ic he oould run | tbo general welfare, or the nun withoot n nomlaat'on I tcu»t I will i*A b« • -- «• — —-- --- *— executed—behesded politically—for doing I leeentation? tho same thing. Lipplause ] 1 *“* * tmtr — “ Ho ridiculed the platform ' sonisns,and said'* platitudes, f*- by young n constables. At a hostlly summoned meet ing this afternoon, at whtch}*troug anti- government speeches w ro delivered, the Lord Mnyor declared his intention to issue the following proclamation: “Fellow-Citizens: A mis understanding between the Metropolitan police aad the cover c ment authorities haa led to the with drawal of a large number of the police gen whistled. Tho Jeffersonians looked as i station at Mempr though they were at a funeral, and the ap-1 ’ A ~”' < plauso from tho stage wan not seconded J The speech will bo carefully pruned to-1 morrow and revised. It was very deliber* I ate and adroit, evaded tho raoe issns and I dodged Felton and Kpeer. It was not what his frisnds promised and does not dear the situation. Reports from the seventh and ninth are bad, in the latter especially so, and Mr. Ktcphens said nothing to-night calculated to help the Democrats of that section. The developments here settle the fact that Col quitt cannot succeed Sen Hill. L. Atlanta, August :>l.—The Hon. A. H. I Htepbena, tho so-called organized Dsmo-1 oratio candidate for governor of Goorgia, made a speeob to a large audience here to-! night. His speech fell still born. IteUoU-l ed no applause. Threo-fonrths of his ao-1 ■lienee wero for Gartrell and a pure, un- 'rammeUcd Democracy as against ring i rule. Bet Fulton down three thousand majority for Gartrell and against monopo lies. The Btate will go in proportion. It announces a great victor/ won by Arabi am oonflJest voa will join with me in Pasha, lbs Djerids states that the British ronintsluiuc order and tranquillity.” have loci I .Out) men lo a fight at lUmleh. I Dublin, September 1.—On hearlag of Other lying reports are industriously eir-1 the dismissals from the polioe force, some culeted. I of the men on daty tore off their badges In London, August 81.—A dispatch to Rea-1 the streets and swore they would not do ter’s Telegram Company from Canstau-1 doty until their oomradee were reinstated, tinople says tho military advisers of tho The police who were dismissed are all Porta continue to urge that tho right to | those who attended a meeting of the police land Turkish trootw at Alexandria is indis-1 here last night at whioh the conduct of ggAMjdf the British am- I Gapt. Ta'bot, chief superintendent, wa* rufascs to insert such n clanso in I strongly dunonneod. ’I ho dismissals in all — * -* ‘ to number 281. It is said there will bo a gen- - Mffitsh I f ral strike of the force to-night. Detnch- I may subsequently have 1 ment* of tho Sixtieth Rifles, each accom- tho military programme I panted by a military magistrate, occupy ty. Tho Porte is opposed I e very jKjlico station. A proclamation has iis and to consenting to I been widely spread declaring that the sor- I -•••—■-■ i yieee of special constsbtes are neces sary and calling upon all loyal subject* to come forward and undertake daty. Dublin, September 1.—Hinting broke out on College street at 1E« o’clock this evening. The mob wa* very violent. Borne Of tho I Olirvim n wh • ri maim 1 on duty on tho College atation were brought out in a lK>Jy, but wire oblige ! to retire before w the mob. Addition 1 troojs have been del neof tho riot, a* there nru *- [ii'Cial c.»nsln!»h** in Dublin, Lave c uni h to po.*v«Mon ‘ .L;..L;r 1.—Immense crowd* in the sir.-. I*, i-vrtird.irli n 1 DuMir. J ho «*t**itc. -ing r..; :i!>. Karl Spencer, on leaving the vice-vcgal lodge under nn jngrc.vs, ono hundred umuui n irn nim-T - -i jn UU[ uriniu- I — — M.M—lawyora, and cloven licanizo Colquitt”—noitfier did it make I are farmers. Thai cut of three handrod and « *- -• — n —n friends, aor I sixty-nioe Congressmen, two hundred and sratio friends. I fifty-four, or over two-thirds belong to the t . - *-- ■ 1 —*—« * ’— —* ““ly a paltry dozen . Wl ., — r’~j — -••'icultoro. As re- J 11 sards the lmportanee of the vocations to •. i.« ouuiu run I th® general welfare, or the numbers engag- trust l will not be | than, which dewrve# the larger rep- " I Inour State Legislature It would be well M KN .Jorm of tho Jeffor-1 to elect a majority of aneoesstal agricut- 1 tt was a mere bundle of I turbta. Bach pereons will naturally me that have been spoken | legislate r *“ —* . 4th of July oeeasiooft for | p«**d to the past eighty years. Here he took oeea- sion to pay a tribute to Mr. Stephens’s personal worth and said: ”1 am dealing ■ -• — r-r- now with bis political rtoord. Personally I Good common sense (usually so wantUg I hoaor Mm as much at any man in the in legislators) and a real desire to promote ***— n *• *— 1 -* “—their neighbors overn them ln Btate# Benator pie, his I to succeed cur lamented Benator Hill, and 2 shall | they would select a secoa—or of great force work on the river, the rectification of the Red and Atohafolaja rivers at tho month 1 of Red river. Capt. Miller will transfer I to Major Stickney charge of the improve ment of the harbor at Natchez, nod to Capt Marshall ohnrge cf tin Improvement; of tho hitbor at Vicksburg, Mississippi. | pen.table. Lord bassador, tmmm m » ■ , ... — tho military convention, bat consents to I number XU. ploo* on record a proviso that the Kcgh L 1 —' - and Turkish nti^ panted by every polls iKiwcr to modif la ca*oof nrcc** to agreeing l » land tho Tarkirl to an ultimnto r spective A dispatch from Ismailia in the eeoood 1 edition of the Times says the railway as far I I aa Kosiuuein will bo open to-morrow. The I mutdatkm by the Egyptian* of the British who fell into their nands at the battle cf Kossassin has caueod great indignation in th? army. Madbid, August 31.—All the powers, lo- eluding Koglaad, have roplied favorably to I the propoeition of Italy that Holland and 1 Spain be admitted to tact part io the col-1 I leetiva protection of the Baez canal. It is ! believed, however, that in oooseqoenoaof 1 I the recent turn of affairs tbo proposal for a evening expressing deep n action, and respectfully askl Washington, September 2—The chief signal officer of the army f».i« issued tho [ following important notice: “With n visw I to aiding planter* engsgedin tobacco grow ing tho chief signal office < t the army has decided to send to those section* of the country vrhero thl* InJaitry i* carried on, I important warning* cf uLticlpatM fruit* I which may threaten injury to tho ripening KSz5*3:1 cr °p* Theso waminifs will bo telegraphed ko and oil. M ®afly a* poMiblo boforo tho occurrence | icts, $3.427,-1 Irost. ®nd sent to nil telegraph station* JTM.lotuI I h> tbs districts threatened. Iv is suggested year there I that tho pnrties intercsUnl arrange among lev of rail- themselves for a prompt diffusion of these •omtrurtion warning* after tliey are received at thesta- WWSv Tt»8ut« Thi.cMilb.don. by eoariw at. mile of oomtiteMd railroad^ 'IlKhtOTpcnM,, Thawaralnf willMTor a oi.niMit and bnildinc boina I»n«> 8»Pia®li« IrttoHOT.iaUr .1, IsMOOO. Tha amoont paid I ;■ nntll Wldna adi dorinK tha l.r (or ra. I ■'"»* •halt hate wcumd aad load, (nr- ..4 — ... i I thnr nntlM nnniriif rr ” evening Iheir case would re condderation. A nnmbei turnod to their posts aad a Ii of the night relief* are now result hae ungoestiueahly from scents ot rioting, a* ■pedal constables who ram 1 utterly unable to cojhi - Early thi* evening the Lor 1 a eeoood proclamation, ...» vitizens for their peaceful un conduct, and stating that he had ] «■ )tiUdo: • *'ln thair patriotism ant 1 • pect. AltOfth|r 7tt) special c promptly, and not U> dl*- i loaf at tho capita! any . i* necessary to make law, u..-.-— trnn«.act ruch basinets at i« rsally Bing I mKWMsry for the bensflt of tho people. iu’the I in legislators) and a real desiw to promote ... C . D , .iuv-h'Ii* are th i welfs.-o of themselre* * w -’— ui character should and tho xoavnc would Itn n man prr«euts I electing a suitable l nit. ■^•s ot Ibe people,^Ms I to^snooecd dealwUh 1 tho i« ditiavl iwodor my dfs- I ^characterjof \bility Tlionor and" pro” NEADOItX HE BSE Xoxalivnted In tlio EHrMfe UlstHet on , the Thlrtr*ntli llnllnt. I Special Telegram. 1 Wasouioton, August 81.—Bcaborn Reese wm Dominated for Oongrese on the thirteenth ballot to-night The vote wae as follows: Reese, twenty-alx; Black, ten;| Pottle, two. To strengthen and build up the system utrlsl will convince yon that Brown’s i»: nt to the *<*< no police or r >.:i 1 ll-e mob the city. Dublin, September 1. :.m .th- r,:j ; in l‘ ' ' .. t :• • • f l- ’ • ■ -tl • mi nt i* increasing rapidly. ’ on leaving the vice-vcgal .Jfll - W eaeort* waa loudly ohecred. A numtor of dismissed constables, who left the castle yard shortly afterwards, also received an ovation. Ail the pollco have now struck I except the officers and members of the Uo- Unguished friend on thla occasion, mainly I irressiva ideas, ln selecting members of a **■ ta " I fivnesjuisi't. of (be ballot I They shoold possess such totem ot > & wb*n not l | ®s basins** men and Interested, te or bloek, I holders, that their Uemand**Sul di«missed constables, who ( left tbs castle ovuTion. XIl the polios’ have now struck fyoiu a terrible femaUeotnplalu lied the skill cf all physlcmn a She used Dr. Drouuroolu’s /. male lllUtrs; they cured her well, and I do not hesitate U saved her life.” man in the land shall raise himself above I GeuUemeo shore reproach alioald be elect- such consideration* and scorn whoever led to fill and adorn tbsw# plaete. Such would offer him raooey, or other things, | will command respeot of right from aii for hi* vote! [ipplaaae.1 I shall bsUle parties. In Bibb eoonty wa have perhaps against it in this too test wherever I meet I forty lawyers, and four of these aro camli- the peopie. I am not only for a free bal-1 dates, and perhaps IJU) farmers, and not lot and a fair count and foil returns, but. s representative man among them is a 1 r.iu everlastingly sgainst this oorrapting candidate. Why thla push on the part of influence to change men in the excrete# ef I the lawyers and modeety on tbo part of the the greatest right belong ng to a freoman. | farmers ? [Api4ass«.J | Sorely our farmers can get excellent rep- It is a crime against tho laws of Gaor- | resentaiive men to serve the county ln the gin. Do yon reflect, my friend, when you | Legislature. Either Colonel U. J. Lamar, go out on election day and offer ns, or I Judgo James Holme*, Mr. John Tinlsy, huothsr, money for a vote, that you are | Captain R. F. Woolfolk, Captain A. M. . violating ths U w of the State and subject-1 loickett. Judge W. H. Cason, Mr. John Y. ing yourself to fine and imprisonment? I Uiws, Dr. Lee llolt, Hon. R. A. Ni*bet, lie thought the country had been ruled I Mr. R. B. Bowmao, Coloael 0. U. Wiley, DsmiHivstle (State : xrrnm a C'oralnll* tee. Constitution. At a meeting ot the Democratic btate! executive committee, held in the Benatel chamber on Wednesday, August 80th, the following members were present: Henry Jackson, of Folton. Henry I!. Carlton, ot Clark. U. W. Hopkins, of Thomas, by W. D. Fills. F. M. D. Young, of Bartow. U • T ll n .k. I I if .. if there were ao courts, A quint family at breakfa .» Dam. CaL, the other morn. ,• *• • ».t by thr *t*rtlln**atraar.*..r*C*i.' .» n.ui through the wtaoewlato the bmsaMMBfi Theuoawaewpsu br.l by ibe a- m-n ••( the tamlty by a uUUfal pee ot k i (ainlly Uicn Bul»hc4 their morultig i;». iti. Titnr.r. and a half per ivni. bf.uls t** the aaMuat ot Ift.l0l^aa wees thetrassury today lor eoavenloo into 3 per ecaC boii-ta Thcflntofthe n. * * - ill tic losuod la ths early port of bck t *«» itm srurk of tran»(urrtnz the la t- i .- pr«j**;- cuUr<t aa rapidly aa posaible Dumxo a military para: a N- • York town tael week, a you- ir > .u in tim raaks tvtod lo how lo three gins at once ana broke hto neek. a soldier nwij .hCWMIf _ . . . . I ^•.un.ri. o. eanevYuas swunguw to Uop. •»» urn. n.Uon rrcclTrfhw, II mm to b.nn- I A<U<|wtch to lb. Tim*t IniWi .lotihUd HM to. Omlu w*r* tb. wtm.- | U j. . wowutod Ar«b offlMt .UtM Hut dtauUch to lb. h,rJI » «“ BrW,h RhIh 'i.tfit.Vm Compur, a«Ud Atb-1 lb. Arab rank, to th. flabt hM. I an*, Thursday, 730 p. m., iqs an official I lrtely wh*n a horde of Bedouin# poured in dispatch from thefroottei- announaes that I an j begsa to strip and rob the dead and in that oily, with anti al government to sa zo and deprive him o J said that 000 soldier voys. To meet the drafting troops in all directions, and 1 threatens reaiatanoo to the lest extremity. I I It is believed that this will precipitate n couflict which will lead to a revolution. I A special dispatch to the Star from Gal-1 nlabasas * tales that the people who are I comiug in Urge numbers from the sor-1 runndiflg country confirm the report# of ( Indian depredations. A fight is said to I havo occomd in the sooth end of the Pat ago ilia mountains, in which the Indian* I defeated the miners and ranchmen. , "lUsoic 'rtL, That this committee at one# I snoaniAND wanna, inaugurate rr eaew;. to begin an active I Cincinnati, August 3L—The first Intsr-1 and vigorova campairu.” Much roaoiation I national Congress of shorthand writers as- vrss uoAultaoeely adopted. I a cm bled here to-day. There was a fair at- U wae then re drived that tha committee I tendanee. Nearly all the Btate* and some immediately upon adjournment call in a I of the territories, as well ae the British body upon too ilon. Alexander IL Stephen*, I province* era represented, ths Bominee of the Democatic ptrty for I A rxiLcaa. N«WYon. 3t_R.II. Mam.* aoiook m. m., That.-1 c £S, 0 J»5 0 „„ o( u, to ^ *' ^ irn.T Jicno». Ch’m’n. N.f. Jara nwto n R. A. Bacon. Sec”. I ment. Tljvir liabil itise amount to $700,010. homes of the jock mappers sa' adds dosa see why she didn't cootrim see way foe s chile lo col leetb. It te announced that the 1'emu Railroad Cntnpaar has tamed order forty-one members as to their views. Each member gave his opinion, and all advised an active ! tha country to one mem'sr of the tore, and if the farmers will meek ly Tuesday, they can ehaoae a oan- who wil) be supported by the city, do not the county of Bibb, with ber led interests and profesabms, will lawyer as Senator and three lawyers esentativee. Messrs. Editors, please vntioa to this meeting In tbe local e of your dally nnlil Tuesday, an«l cm ot drink. nst $1.—It Ie estimated tbe pubUe debt for the WAannoioN, Ai that the decrease < month of Aagn«i $16,000,000. coxrat Richmond, Va., which, with 3J0 tons of copper, sank in a storm nearly fifty years ago. Thursday 1 morning the magnetic indicator wae vio- lently disturbed and gave evideoce of toe near presence of metal. Boondiag* made and the TCoek discovered in fifty fwt of water. An ingot weighing fifty pounde l.rit. diving of (txtimoad u. baying Contntorato I bHhliigiiD to-d>r. A. math ft. t 1 -') p« IhonoMd vu pmid for IhMn. It to rHdMt-1 1 ly n tij.seal.tif. Kbwn., nad it U ttpwtod I tunwatitlod. (uiiamiTun. Cnnnm Angoat 31.—Th. until ra-1 Tivv n( th. trad. o( Chutorton, to b. giran in til. Non and Courier ot to-nantnr, .bawl. m*r!ud impforemcnt. Th. orap I rataru u* u tororabt. u to non ttan I rampmuto far th. dtoutor of but yur I | Tbo jUld of vbrat, com ud O.U far rar. K BB« that of gayomton mm to I tb Caroltito. lb. butora. of tk. I I city for the wut ywtr foot, op ,75,OA , A)on, I | mtot ,71,'IP.roiJ loM ynr, nol.ith.Und- I tog tko falliug ot to rmmipt. of cotton, | | owing to too dimtotobed yield of too UU I crap. Too trad, to n...l rnorm, lumber I muf phorahalo rock nUbito o very hoory I incue. Tho tootoctoo of tho oily now I number IS*, employing 4,«« ptnano, and I o hw cotton factory, with SOglOO .btodtov, 11. neatly tmdy to nut. Tha condition of | truck fanning. Jobbing, ml railroad to- I Umu to man proonoroo. than for many I ywu. pant. Tho oily debt km but ra- Swto lnut my7li“.«d ItoSSulio|tramora.whichCworthoreralaugga t'rJiu.:,;!-;:;sit%n „ , want my Iaioepeodent frisode to give me I Would you trust o.te dishomet enough tMr support. 1 want my Repeblictn 1 to steal tbe itputnUou of another, to make fiisnir. white sal ealeted, to vote for me. I for you anything,—especially your pbye- tkmcaase 1 promise then* to turn ap, not I lc^—Dot knowing of wbat It may be com* ♦Africaaiztog Georgia.* nor ’Radicalising* I pounded f How to toll tbo genuine Sim* ‘T, * t.iwhm mmm. I LlT ® r R®«wlttor’.—Look for the toboe.T^ r l«ui White Wrapjwr haring a larra red }*“■ Zlnlb * Mdth. .Ign.lure of J. H. tak toTobSX H .T-VL riUoTSS * Co. oo tha .Ida. All otben an «• no a.J: vJ: .iu3,.“nt.Vi.- worthing aad iqjanotu Imlutton.. Don't (ailing bet body bound tween two puilkl wr BMNaeatma of her dsaH iter dimtnUhetl by ati wire. Mm the* es«| (oil. bat tbs bhyMctau wssdMjslatedesHwes ing. They ehlnrutocwM flavor, and to tbo moat noorUbll InnlliU and eptendld rtock oundeda e troops farther winch Jbe -run* drug, lie * tfrat l tollhUtS 4nu i WttfJUO dmring the test twUve man the. Prevtakm hae already been made for the payment of iBstaUaenas of tha dm, to and 1-Jt, whito aay to- mamaof thattoblfbcuy porpow to pra- hibilod bylaw.