Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 22, 1882, Image 2

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d5jea«rjgi?i Ittcjchiw v£*li?r(jcnpf? artfo ^Sjoucntii^TRissasimjBJtMc. mmira * mi •■ 0*nr ts *otTT*e»4 by *om1m i e • mIMwi«(i Iiw *» Mterrik*r> m*rnttk XI* fn Ikiw Umiu «Mt -v •w twit »* m-'#4 te reHef-T* ^ ton #4 ft • »«ar ku4 91 U> r t yn vr 'S# »ii.| >.«( l«--t !> l t> it r *i.btLeft..-rt • nil. "»•*, b*-l l«li '*fcrlr r«llltr*l NatM. i bclrt runnhui wmpolgn >i* <» Col. John U. Manually look* for SlCholla haa to liCON TILKlUrB ill) ML ;: LNjQ FRIDAT, SEPTEMBER Si, I ft Oor htft • d*gr»*. We lutt nrw4 item* at nut h-ra rapartad Am wishing to be relieved will nbtlga m by notifleetfor. Ha •hall to put to wo troabla in HUteg their It to eekl that fall will certainly bring a mteUveeof tba WUteBouse. In proportion m Air. Tllden grow* *td> •r John Kelly Invariably grow* in import Wgaaylt iaatl < U. Oita n* a tact on Bpoopetulyke! you bear ? Wnar haa any Democrat to gain by balp. lag lo overthrow hia party in tba inter* t of Uaaaral Gerftrell ? H Arnntxci n may bo a good wo d. It •artataly haa tho advantago of newt 11 la (ally a* orthodox a* “gumption." Tan tow grow too hot for Arabi. andht paa»ad in hi* cheek*. tharoby leelng all claim to having bton bora in Atl-nta. b Wnw •pond from tho walk* of | rivals life. Who ••aid dll hi* place behind tho Taraaooomato bo a disposition on tbo port of tourists to regret that Sir Garnot wblppad Ambi too fart to make any ruin*. lr would ooeoi to an impartial observe; that tbo executive eosnmtttee U not in need of information ao to ila own address. Bmwor ftex haa loat one hundred pound* and our Caale Alex hno gained five. Thing* rro gradually roachlagtho golden L dead, hi* cob la f about and haring hi* pe culiar information »at down upon a* Anxm will not bo permitted to go to church UMley. The Philistine* have laid hold of him* and hi* day of promieo ha* do* Akxxica's last prop, tbo Hilled*!**, have feilod her. It took them three mouth# to gat the privilege of being enabbed and It le each incident* u the death ot y*A Voyghine in the arariaent* of the Due d* Homy, that bring* tha atag*under cju- Mn. firarwmw amt the Independent imao rquareiy hs Oetamtoe oe to did to Mneuu. lhat way of detag thing* pa's tba i on a egouro Damocretie boat*, and Taaevaaediag tight grip that Mr. Ma ltha throat W Ind.-peed eaaaol bo corraatad by dying to tha ertmaa in Republican me* bod#. Tha Ueaerat going in the wrong J traction, either to pa- rtfy tha party, of whieh be rtaimetobe meanber, or to heoeit the State. lr the * xrootiv# committee I# open to • h*d beat reealt Ha Unde Sammy Spaacer trcia southwestern (tour- gU and pul him to work somewhere rang* of thejoaraslutk Inf! i nccor Attan- la. 1 hi* region eeeaaeto to ia a «*d an J be- •tghtoi condition a* to the Democracy wblth |>ropo««e to tarklo Independent »m- fa caw of a new seer route trial. Ingt-r sell will ar>iQ i»aiot the lurid heaven*, the atari*#* mgbtcnd the IneeUegttsgtlsh The wife will warp again end t‘.e jury be moved to tear*. The #ama old claptrap will be rehashed, and wa are halfway in ciincdto think that it ie bettor to let the guilty men eecapo than to |>tu..«h the whole oonatry. Oca Albany *iccial show# that the D m ocrati: candidate for governor he# placed him#t!f aright with the voters of that *re< Moo. iede« J. the rami sign term* to liven ight.lj evrrjwher cxrept in the coun try is and . round about Atlanta. The “dree on the mountain top*" and tlie tramp of the • clan# of t.'ie valley " are not men or bea*d in ih# neighborhood of \V*#t End and l'onue dr Ix-oc. Cnumt* *.em* to le getting dcely without outride help. Cnle*s hi* supporter* in the eeventli art moeh mis- taker, ha will be elected by an iacreaaed,nia- jority. The rirongantilmdepeadent pod' tion taket. by MiJfitey.toce, in hie Macon speech. oeght to V werth several thou e*te*totbe lealerot the organirtsl Dmocrur; ;o the oU seventh. Still, will not do to take iocc«m for granted, -otl omit any effort to make it »ure. Gen. Lavrov, in ao interview with a re- wter of the Atlanta Cvtutitmtuj*. virtu* ally place* hie name at the (li#po#al of b friewd* in the Senatorial race. (}«n. Law too would make an admirable Senator. If long and consistent service in the party, high character and a strong and pr* nent in all affairs const anything in these da. *, then Gen. Lawi* u* to can pretest for him a record *o fair r* to appeal with great force to the Democrat* of the Legislator e. In every pnblic duty to wu.‘ch he has been called he has aerveu Georgi'; faithfull>. and d**irv*e well at her hand*. Warn Joe Harris'* ode to Ih* Atlanta pile-driver makes it* appearance great an- Immttos will cbaractiae poetical circles in Urn State. Tfc* Democratic campaign we* intoga rated by the * peech of Mr. Stephen* in Macon. Tha flow of grace may be dated Tua few credolou* i-eopie who cling to are ia danger of being badly deceived. Y.m-k.t.a. i* not particular about the placing of lu» verba. Tug Chronicle atyst “General ’dotoel y kept hie word." Did be. ready? If be baaqmtled in London on the 15th, the feat must have been a telegraphic affair. Stonuso is more grateful than toe day of net which, weekly, blesses laboring men and woman. Fortheraatof tha praaent and tha raat of tba fatnrv, Hauvao be prala Jon Hum, tbo praying of the diegeroos habit of allowing the ran down on too wrath. It grieves us to the heart. led with tho feet that bowse to aprobibi. Twa eiectlou U now near at hand. Geo. OartraU ean taiab hia naavam after the ra- turne begin to noma In. Be wUl not bo pro van tod by any new dutiea that the eleo* Tbsatoetlno of n pronoaaoed led- pend, cot, by Jacobin voter, to tbegubrraatoriul chair, would not bo a triumph tor Georgia. Let Democrats bear this truth in mind, and oat npon U oo eleetton day. Una* Jonxnun Min •want* to break r* If gentleman be not wary be wUltojara tho •anae of Ida friend, Uxrtrtll. UadaJoax. thftu U an exceedingly BMivwJoun Poo haa beooera nt* cecdtagly qaiet *!nm hi* ratara from Like a true man be lera- i. Bramrue has token paisa to ompha- e**e Wa imtopredmea of tha Uvc Uao daflUng the party raaardi to At lanta. True on suob in Ur 14 going to do iL rmwKO Dem> tion of Kuiury r, the latw iJtlrrM of , GotiiinilP-', ought not to indulge to tha In- I Accent effrontery of pretending to toed tha SDemonalio (Jtt'.trfil UHilrill. Iua iroishc* tlw (nl rrnl r. • f glory to justify hi* ape* tlw mkiiuoI hot ian« lot follow that the lton. r * party ought to U, Ucvir^jcl otc*u*« -.t t uerui Ga’trvll for t guherualoria! ofAce, or Jo* Ur 3 Gov, GolquMt aou*«d it* rontiduc. ^ The ovils that evi»l in the |«j I be oorrveteo wlililo the i~«rt) . Da. fm-tov Aads the Detnocr* • of the dletortoe iadUposed to cuuUoi <> that oIbom. It was u move lonhlngtotheoverthtow jf the Demo- with the mtoniHa of Arthar, TnsrotUm crop for tlie *cx*o.- ending Aogu»t 3l»t 1* l.lki.TO. 1 bale* lrs# than thtt of Uet year. In Its report, the Kscbonge oaile atteui m to th« fact that Oi/lpl bales more haw be:n at an in tbc South thi# y o»r than lust. Thi* means an incr*%#e of threo mii.ion dollars* worth cl a handled In tha South. Tex United SUtoe list more thltviog flciw than nay other government on c^rth exempt Ka - ia. Tbero will never lie n chtups for Un t«etter unt i ts« Uepiblic-i are driven from the high place., in the land, and their thieving rs.xirJ ha* bees s orJer before th# people. Tlie truth in it* fuU enormity will, perhnpr, never known. Wiimi Ur. Slept. >n«, th* leedor, march ed up on the Drinxrra’ic platform, ‘It be bane a matter of #maH importancj as tc whet lalght be the opinion of th* company cooks, th* water toicr* and the camp fob lowers generally. They ora to to made u-efol In doingsmsU chore#, and will iwrmitud to beat tin pans in th* i when off daty. Tua New Hampahlr* Democrats h nominated a candidate for Governor. 111* an old habit they have, and it is a good They never lose fa th in the future triumph of the party ; and they bear every succeeding defeat with the mq« uncon quotable dctortniaaUoa to try it again. Thera ia no discount ou tho pluck cl the New England Democrats. Tm Atlanta ring appears to leprott) *f. fcctaally s-jaelebed. and true Democrat* greatly rejoiced. There 1* no hope of its being ret on foot again daring tho firm of Mr. Stephen*. Dictation to the Demo, eratle masses, ie Georgia, Is at an etui for the present. Mr. Stephen#'* hearty appro val of tbo deliveraaaa of the Es*mtive Gommltbe on that line did the work. Onnu Gxnraau. promise* to return to th* orgaolxed fold when the “oosse* hive boro overthrown.’’ Well, w* think it is now time to redeem hi* promise. Th* Mo- con speech did tho work for that gang, nod leoeral may oootidor hi* place to th* organised proooesiou aa rwedy to be occu pied. The army will wait a moment foi him to catch op and take bis position. A Jxcooia writer wants “to know what ’ Tha foci that he surpass*! Tweed ia kaavery doesn't seem to bo anything at all objectionable ia the eyes of the Joeobin scribe. That Is perhaps •onsldsred as tho crowning glory of the New Jersey pit ate. Mere proneoM# to roguery dare not nan- stttsto th **iqnf*n card in Jacobin quar* ten. The tendency ia that direct ton must to ruin forced by ability to nuke thieving mf«L Botoson bring thus equipped, the Jaoobto writer Is at u loas to under- •toad why H ia that Radicals Tua Masco Txmasru, la “Tto elactloa cf Mr. toeftow ia not ptaca II rays: “Panseal Uertrtllla a betisr tadge af lew Ihea to Is of the vouag of Ueorgk. Its I* itaamil la hopetoa dafaot. Ui# cpriicn Is an ImpseriMIliy, and ^ ... - ,1ft M .1 athbhrarlotto asp) ttou •JGur. Colquitt, which this Jonah wm thrown overboard was only ten****! by Ibc which the Bh.pcf Mato iigh*cd berssU In a h 'svy and dangerous ko, as >ln* f. R tor- •rlf free of the burden. It wu cal aspect- od that to wouldgodowawHtontaatnag- Kfe- Tba public has not boro <!la*ppoit.t. ud, fer hut a dsjr or two since to was itoundattag and pro*ping at kto phantom of lue Mill's grout feme. The Rroatorial rumor to which we M nrrmhiu torafer uuljr a abort it*** disilh OulfuUl wx* on the point of appointing young Ben tint tout Me fell: cy. In order to Into eo«haitep,b* frU tho nacuaaltf of aupport, and a prttttoo, the naval roaourvw, was adopted. But ttopaUUou'ha* this dauew attached to it- It moat as earn aril; take Urn public Into coufldsoee. In this cam It proved Immediately fetal. A puncture from tto pro*and death was the result. It was a meal m*a>rabla and i.'Hlmely rffbtt to •are tto felling fjrtmm of Colquitt by Invoking the name aad feme of tto •toad Uro Util, by an attempt to uas his friends. Stripped down dean the movement meant tide and nothing mere. Co!q>titl ( pro|>nead to appowt ycung lieu Hill Senator. Ilia appointment was utterly worthless, for to could not have tak' u the oath or his seat, or have Un charged a tingle function of a Senator from the State of Georgia. Thera was no nrccMtty for tlie appointment, and nil reason and precedent ware against It. Uut there is a •tort uoexpired term to to tilled—a little senatorial career of ninety days. It wa* proposed to doule youug Urn Uit! with this, lu th* tope that lie and hi* father's friends would rally to tto support of Colquitt for the full term. Tto organ announce* that “U was generally understood by those who were In po,i. tion to know that Governor Colqui'i heart was rary much In the p: posed appointment, auJ that it w«>u bare been mads io all probability.** '1 to sentence !«incomplete and we will fiti!< it with these words, “but that an toniest would not brook It in silence.' all tto doing* of thi* Colquitt ring, noth ing lias been mort- selfish and shameless than this. It wa« simply an outrage to drag tto memory of a great dead m*u, upon whose grave tto grass haa not yet grown, into tto arena of political disctu- for such a purpose and at such time. Was not tto praaent political situ at ion In Georgia sufficiently troubled, all on account of boss and ring rule, that this new ard disturbing elemciit about' have been Introduced to add to the strife and bickering f Who was to he fooled by such miserable doptrap and trash as this ? I'eopln read of tto meu who b ty gold watches and walking caues to be presetted to them, aod when the presen tation cornea, are so overcome by prise and excitement that ttoy ci find words to express their gratitude, hut nobody believes it. We go to the cir» itb tto little ones and wonder at (to Ji’kfh'r'* tricks and the pad riding xttd sugh a* tto *»a!e jokes of ihe down, 1 ut do these thing* that the Innocent* tuay •till enjoy in their freeh young hears some day mint tocome a hut den to them. Tto people of Georgia are children. They eaimot to caught by transparent chaff as this. Colquitt'# heart was lu a Senatorial chair anJ he want D-n Hill, Jr., to use his friet.ds and his father* friends to get another and ton portion nf his anatomy in tL Tto ui«v went dcxvnres tto sternest reproba'.l.- and will douhtlcas receive li from all those wtM* have resolve I that tto'sl meth<-!i«>fGeorgiaJhall to purge! purified. Upon what a tJjuiiy bails thi* thing wav rested. What claims had young Hen llill to the tonatorahlp beyond any man ofhiiday and generation in Georgia? Has to developed those capacities which should elevate him over the heads of older and more rsparicnce«t men? llecansc tto great Intellectuality and |#ditical courage of hi* father made him a .Senator, all that tto word implies, must hie vacant toga fall upon tbo sbsuhlers of his son? Are we to recognise Senatorial heredity? If so, when Joe Drown gwi ready to, or ia compelled to, leave UI* seat, then perforce Julius should succeed to It. If, as it may be claimed, It tended os an honor to the Illustrious dead, why n ,t let the honor fall to Charles, the more practical and rxpcikuccd politician of tto UUI boy* ? We write In a spirit of tto profound.-»t reverence for our dead friend, and In tto kindliest feeling to I Its son who bears his name. I| Is a matter of regret lhat his ambition seems to have been caught by tbo cunuiog bait, and that to Is disposed to resent the opposition which lias prompt ly risen to rebuke a bald political trick of •hooping politician. Tto trick Itself Is wmlby nftto imal! hut resile** MephUtoptielea who baa so often whiipcred iu Colquitt's ear to tin hurt of tto public. It Is of the warp and woof of that Congressman at large business, and above all, *t Is illustrative of Atlanta. U Is In Just such things os this that tne good and conservative meu of the city may read why the rest the but** look* in that direction with diairnn r. misgiving. Nobody alud* tho loud au lusty blowing and crowing of Atlanta. People who hava been for enough away from borne to to caught by night laugh at it. Tbcra's aot a villago perhaps lu Goon gla where tto people have viiough to eat and ran sleep by night with tto windows and doors unbarred, that would tafce At lanta's money If coupled with tto condi tion that tor character was to go along with It. .. #•* j« ad, i At lanta I* not tne ata*.e of Gcotgla, and no ring that may to made up theta will to permitted io run tto Dmuocratlc patty of the State, by trades, politicians, snap Judgments and such surreptitious agen da*. Tto dead Bro Hill baa left a rep. utatlou which sans* farmr overshadow men of the calibre of Ootqnltt. The live Bra UUI kae fi future before him too fTO life! la premise to to subjected to tho blighting Influence of a political bar- gslm Tto people of Georgia propose to ' uk.- psr*. In i»h- S- t.»:- r ; ti-.n. tlfipf' ■*d .» ll A Ar. Tr.-v I >. ANN*. KM#r lint i imsgtn* the Urfrsb*ra<- ■■■ '■ I) •' raM him-If of Hm IkMuk Ul vUk wMC ih., h.J In.nUd hia. Hi ikiifti biawlf to h. . Drao. cni a Uraomu. Th, KU.r m»j h.n hukml, ha k .Mat tor flory « oaariMtha hwiw. 1U taw tha Ihw* «a Mtthw (la, m, mm, low MM wlHta 4mIIm( to uk. chup a Ih. <aon. N.J, n#r nook ou coen “»• |ubod" lh,i hb niow .hoaU haw hm iniolliai I* w, Hch ROM Ini moo, pout awn lha can la ho mwtjrr. ll Ini om, brmw an lha imo to ink a Mora hop., UmnwX'UMr im miMt boro boon ,iup<n4 a th* Kl* Ml bi . W, 4o not win lha the, would Mianll, b» aloubhada hbdo- cUoalon vftlwouJIaMT toodmd bln, ban bo rooldul Im known, u, honor thm tho, know, tho ntlor Ml, oi Matin, mjr uoninalou a >11, that connect Ion. The thing that m have perplexed them was that he was net a member of that faith; that. Indeed, he was a Democrat, ooe of the old line, at that. Bight at Uita point we, too, con fess to soma surprise. Wa hadn't thought of tto Eider lu any such connection. II had been reported to us as a Greenback- i f ftuever after tha order of Noloo Clia-e* steer*, acd we had never known him any ettor connection, unless we may U*< for true tto report that he voted for Gar field, and wu an euthnalutlc Indorser of tto coalition caucus. Independent of these two relations of tto Elder to mod ern politics, we should have expected find him Immersed to the cars io the pecu liar doctrine of Greeubacklsm, and ready lo swear by tha *i> v * mcntlooed steci a during tto balar-v »r his political pil grimage. Hut thing! are no, what ’Jiayaet When (to labor feature wu aJde-i to tto pan) . Elder J since probably concluded was totter for him to do bla hoping sod h!s resting lu tome other organisation— all uf which Indicates tto possession, hy Its Eldar, of fresh and vigorous faculties. Ucally, did not tto retired Greenback- Labor candidate attend tto coalition cau cus ? If so, we are at a loss to see on what ground to claims to be a Democrat, We are at a loss to see what business organixsd Democrat would have at a c •lltlon caucus, designed, u that coalit! caucus wu, for tto overthrow of tto pir- ty. A pious Democrat, like the Eld< mutt have I wen either “strayed or stolen to be caoqbt iu any such company. Nui !y, to did not suppose that to wu merely aiding In paving ito way for ito ‘•organ ised*’ nomination of Mr. .Stephens, lor which to appears to be so UianMiil. In tto light of tto lalo address of i executive cm clitre, and of Mr. fc phens's unqualified indorsement of striking and sharp arraignment of lode (•endintlim and CtfolitionUn* and all sha llot Urns, the gratification of the Kidt over llm atill-bort:, pointless, iinprocti.**- !>!*•, “cireumlocration •>dl« < e“ plotfoim of the late coiiventli it is peruliarly uiour.i- ful. It would he lair, under ito an stance#, to give Utottor Hook another t-p- portmiity to ali.ui himwdf. H, after read ing the supplemental platform of the jur- ty, and discovering tha*. it ha* tto atidec Ity to “make flings at opposing view#,' tto Judge should conclude that to IsnT that sett of a Democrat, and 'hat Mr. hie ptous unT the uuti to tnok him to to, why then we should have to contemplate tto fearful possibility of au explanat of the Aider's explanation. We shall ad- 'mm tlds discussion until wc learn what tr-ettto late “dings" of Mr. c:» ph«m ai.d tto executive committee lave up hi tto tq^aulraily of tto politically omniv orous Elder. It will not do to bo karty Just yet. Tbc Lealeletnrc. Th- Democrats ot tto .Mate shot;Id •pare no elf >rt to et*ct a good Legislature, home oto bu wittily, If not wisely, served that tto country is always In a crisis Just before an election. A seorcli amid tto orabirical and elocutloi.ary ruin* I ft by tto campaign orators, will c.-rrotorote this In letter If n*rt !u spirit. We do not «htnk we ore iu much of a crlsiv. Inilced, after Mr. Stephens Joined the Democratic party and etepprd upon tto platrorm, tto crisis wu safely pasKd llul tto Slate ncoda a good Legislature It Is an uncomfortable fact, that o:r fo g- Islatures have been degenerating year by year. Judged liy tho learning and Intsl- ligtnrc of our General Assembly, Ito re sults of our educational vflbni rt.» itot slow up veil. We want a I^tis'stuM <4 meu who will go to ttolr duties prepared to ex- amiev all questions of public policy care ful! and Impartially, with a desire to un derstand them tborougbly, and who will endeavor to dtouts and vote up>n all tneuarnf with a view to Ito good of tto people, and not as to their own up!- rations far Congreu and other ofilcial positions. We need hold and fcarlru men, who will not hesitate to proto the official conduct and records of tto public servants with ftee and willing hands, and who cannot to controlled by lot bits, rings mUO cliques to pervert lattice end to jtifis Inquiry. Wo want men broad enough not to attempt lo cripple and co great properties at the Instance of a popular and Irresponsible clamor. Safer at we have been able to ! overt !- gate, It would appear that the people will have an opportunity to elect a good Leg islature from the names dieted, and ttoy sliouM not neglect tto opportunity. The ting le Georgia bu been brokeu, but tba desperate rl-mcnt* J which It wu coin- will make aa effort to raorgi and to r-yaln their lost power. A good legislature can prevent this and should esteem it its highest pleasure and duty to op. Mr. fifaphras bed n fine veeeptioo in Cofombu aad hu wisely trimmed kb speech of deed mattes and male II more agfresolve la Attorney-Genual Anderson was with him. We pubtteh eoae appoint meats fur the latter, AUrr this to sill invade the aevenih ttd sintti dWrici#. U the Colquitt tie Arid, ttol.rrr**,"ueome of hi* rnthi friends incut »a Urniiug it. Tto J., 14.ruln.nlioti lli.t m.t In i n W«,1>» .■'«>, .|.lit Into two n., ftlvl. . I) f .i.mrnt M.I..1M , r*,»l>,Un (■jr Coopt**. Th, rnhojMftiU jhii forth b, tha .mu*! «i4. a. Ill" l.n J.o'Uii fMtittii. tn Juniw Alklr. tn4 J. K. Job ra. T1*J will f,w»u. tl ham. tltn Uw .tarthwi lftb>r h.T. unj. In th. Mi ni4 dWilti It ta Mriaalj •UlnlthM I her, I. oppnUbm lo oar hrfjtbt jouti, I'miihmou, II (1. Tut. Mt| iii'l thi, Wta, Umcm. w. dull not h* tony If Tom llinkmu .11 • 1C, if L* XJh lu W, tan bw WlMolow.kl 4mItm CooctMtaaul hoaon Ciom IhM 4IM1IM. WlMclowikl taaM • CoopMalMul uu. ll dr, food, Mtud .boot It—, mm pr ml 11..or to it, tbu would h*ow(a(ptam odlln, Ih* pmlaw qwMIlon, or .ny otbor .uMllon. Uomlrur nriMolowOll Itawo lit. not yet com#. IIo ibould aUrt M moaor aod work hlo w.y up. In tho I HI nl dlMrlrt, Jodfl Cri.p meeting with a supposed oppotl the part of Jndapeodent Judge Harrell If there la no mistake about thi Judge Uanell will think there wu oor, In some way connected q4b It, when tto returns are all In. If tbeftT la one more than another that the third district docent need, It la no Independent C o- Judge Joseph I*ou propoara I Judge Uuehanan In Ito fourth district, r Infwmstloo Is correct. We are strongly Inc! ned to toiler#, however, that there le :«*ma mistake abou Tto Democratic rotere In Urn fourth dis trict “know not Joseph;" and n man that ia unknowu lo them Is oot apt to drink “cold tea," u a Georgia Congressman, In the capital of the United State*. Judge Uuehanan wll! return to Congress, aod Joarph, like a good nUxcn, will quietly settle down to tto duties 6f private life. This will bo better for all put lea con- Nat Hammond will not have a “walk over" in the fifth, but he IsnT particular •bout that. He will not hare to do an; running. A alight, unembarraealog trot will enable him to keep for In the lead of A. E. Hack—an Atlanta Jacobin who, In old age, hu begun to hanker after worldly honor*. Ilucka generally are good on a rare, hut this ^particular one wdl prove an rx ~rpilot) to the rule. This Isn't tto (lurk era «»• Georgia and so G-orgia la safe ao far u this rare la cooc» rued. Mr. Uiiunt has, so far, found no pMii»i. This is to »to credit ot tba good satAi of ito opposition in tl e sixth dis trict. Mr. Huff took a square look at llm si* tier from tto pendent standpoint, .«! decided It io to a bail iurestment. He didn’t invest, and Ida exoiuple hu hern rtntaglou*. “Tba prudent is foresee th the evil and bidrih Imuscir'. In tto seventii district, lllgbtoeer Bill Is again pitted against Jud C'U n.i III to remembered tliat, two years ago, Jud Clements wu Immoiously called colt" by tto old doctor and his lively friends, ami much fun wu bad In telling tow Isis veteran opponent wu gulng lo “break Mm into harness." Jud Is not u much of “a toll" nowutowaitao yean •go. He •‘UI ito principal part of the breakiug <en, and to ought to to now still more skiilfbl at tto husltcas. High tower UUI Is running a scared race, but to blows frigh fully, and we are inclined > think his wind la almost gone. Seaborn lleeae hu been nominated tu thi eighth district, and is making a strong personal canvass. Ue will a In the elec tion In tto same way that ha won the nomination. Judge Twiggs la running iu this district u an Independent. He will find that to cannot wallow tto Democrats of tto eighth dirtrlet u easily u to did that band cf robhe.s at Toccoa. The Judge Is putting himself to a great deal of trouble and expenae to acccre a ble**it>g which to already enjoys—that of retire ment from office. Candler Is making aitroug fight against Emory Speer In tto ninth. Ue hu cboeen tho most cflbctlro wqy of muting tto selfish and vainglorious coxcomb of Clarke. Tto accounts from that district would to more encouraging than ttoy are If wo could know that Candler's friends were seconding h's own by personal efforts cf a like character on ttolr o«n account. Tto wbule Demo cratic party of Georgia feels a personal interest In defeotlug the two faced young man, who masquer*!** alternately a* a Democrat and a Republican, In the Inter est of Ms own personal advancement. Emory Spser deserves defeat at tto bauds of the ninth district Democrats. For Congressman tt-largo Col. Tliomu Hardeman hu no opposition that worthy of tha name. He will be elected by a larger majority than wu ever before given to a Georgia Congressman. Tba act I re canvass In which to Is now engaged •gainst Ibn allied armies of Independent Ism and Jacobinism wll! add to the vote which to would other wise have received, and elect Idm by such a majority u will weary Lin to at:.od up under iu Tto Main-house officers will to over whelmingly elected. They have shown themselves worthy cf tto confidence cf tha people, and tto people wlllre-commlmioti Tto gubernatorial control will to what closer. Had Mr. Htepbenfe at tto outsat of tho campaign, taken the stand that to took In lit* Macon speech, his ma jority would have been Very large. Aa ll Is, now that to hu taken tto paelUoti of unqualified opposition to IndependanUam, his major!:? will to comfortably great. Thousands of Democrats who ha-1 decided not to vote at all lor nlu him u tto standard-bearer of tto party Independently, and will glre him ttolr unqualified aoppwt. Tm outlook brightens every day. Let Demo crats to wide awoke to ttolr duly In both Uw Rule and tto Federal elect ton, that Uubtollton to not allowed to triumph over honest Democratic method* in Georgia. Then jf Um* < leiibiw k- l.lbo euc«mr.,:*J t-3 do iboir t$u*i h*m la# son# to bemoci-fctta deiuamH bow it 1*. Am tk*Mkiuii. lug of ito .Socis! .Science On- ought men? questions that ry our daily live* squarely I In-fore iho people. I he Incic*** of tto I r- tilth* \-rer tto m#le portion of our pope- ; sstfon hta glv^n rten lv» # number ofque#- ii«iiitovi.i bin,ui.m»iob-r. mi»i; lht „ M4i ; lf ,,<*^,,"51*•»«.“-i* 1 «<• *»»«*. h.N l»»n Iwclbli r.n.lnd.4 cf ! lhlt t-, A , u m ,ii.i r ,«, J " b*n»»Hr M)rolu<- I. ibfc iloiri it m '0,:-.luji bcl,!o.n .. ib. y' oo. nm.»i.k, u.inu .oooo!i«a Mm. '"#>««« uol.blnjfrn.ilM dlobb- 711., bod tokon bold oi tin. kldftr r.if u. lutatwliol »u!U.u. I wiih miy atom .o wrlta onicnola- l»ro , m* n< ini - i . k!(l! ■ so dal* -I,. oothl>. To t to holding l ti at i of I'rupMljr 'lupJ.) hi. tlir r •li- oll-ij tc It 1 nil... to i L'.t. til. mb but that I lilt IV Mil ilbMIlut, it lt tb« part uf .talon, lo pr*pap) A.r fit* lute rm.tii)(.rclM. lim.r.nt i)M.n.i bate Vrn .Ko ii«l .1 plKM. At Xr. York ...4 Sr. I.iult lVr bir. wtuu u known u tbo "jou.oi ratn." In Ito-poon, non'M-, IV i.mplM prop.!', »r- ra0(i4 0..4 Un-4, in 41'pt.f.d In on nblbkloo Inlb Tbo prta. of a "y tut M.0" varta, McorJIof to kb qiulllkf Umm. Tin pMfrtt “j-ono, tom ’ I, wu> rutad la .It tnci .od tabat, mmt to <*b, ton*- to (o ’ont to M* ■ Ih. (trb on tb. it if. or lu Ik. no- ikoeo. lit at b cintod to partb. •od 4I.uiI.m4 to Mura U no, hour. Ia abort, to b 4'fruM from kb kl(k tod oakl, Mtao to . met# urUn, o iltrc- . minion to tto fmto ut ftmlolno for rj. Itbtbw ib(n4MMW of oor ,oo..g man ttot wo .lib to prauM tplou. Tkk nooti, bu, loo, jnn .jo, wlprd tto •Utnto of il.mrjf from lu cooMttwUow. II The denial s# tn Governor HrowA unnMark/, lls Its# hot the! prescieiu-* which Is tto ke, to In* wonderful *ucce** If be could be induced lu play a point wi deed to lose as thi*. Hut thii whole ms lie ear, rrertod the p cl* nurd the at tret ton of Governor Col quitt prior lo this letter of Captain Jark- i lotto pub- W# nothing to change Ito opinion that one lu such political stress asGer < 1 >Iqulit, one wlews adralnUtrstlve ctreei ia embroidered with methods and prsc- hirli are for from admirable or commendable, would fail to catc Ito remote chxnco offered by this episode. Having and excepting tto quillficttroM herein made, our editorial as first written mutt, In tto language of tto great Dera erotic leader, “stood" la nil other re- A HisCsy Leeeeis. Tto men nod wuoMaof Ikli counlnr M» ktadM down wlikoM%Mlo«of (rub lud*. Xo|.«>plib,recvcrlbfd «bo could tnubfullj up: -Tto Hum ton Mbw onto at In plvn, nud own to. Indvd, • (oodlp terlUgr.” A (nwr- OH.MU jbtdi (rueful Muni lotto toad, of nt.ldu.ui toll. A para rad bnuiogtlr ..nrapnvb Ito lud, rad j boo,not tonllb bIto ruling Utaaoflto defined, aud oulv effaced with LIooJ. . And wa maintain that this system of pwmcwAxI babltetlqns; and tree* was made an Issue,claarly drawn, sharply j "/J? *?* *** lureeatimi. we .-at,nut ra* •* yt. W| defined, and only effaced with blood. • tell M®i» tha rawatdol hare an abiding foiih that h - “youngmen" U nothing more than a re vival of slavery, calculated to •ty rannical the does In whoa* fevor Iheaya- tem la Instil utad. Reduced by stem t*- caastty tto “young man" Is forced tu place himself for tto time upon tto mart, to to bought, sold, borrowed or loaned, and to to whipped Into submission If be shows any signs of rebellion. Is not this Identical In principle with being sold Into •felly on Id boor- rollon «-f organize- otect tbo to sense- tto boll- can fly Atom It dom feom the exactions aod tto horaaa- menu of tyranny ns present and aproo tlcal birosing, of which every one !s tto field. ndreraed awaiting a knows io blush- Ue c there ere Vitls this ill things ’orecd to ted. Aro nhscrcw rrgallva Jieae do- with tto e to cast whited irltloti uf i town? ryto le >r “wall- ij cut* ro», one pleasure r price, ought at a of tto tr a i • Brss- ia bane Henry ttoedl- wlthcut publics- all par- rtlou, oa and the tlie (J|j- lea. itonttel- don to an UUI i I ( i pretty no rca- or tli lo that p which m 11 1). ide the a to plan- Id tto suggest]one of cold Judgment. Aa grief ia t I; JWn to rowing m lire 1 a I l wrong sekaon. or hu ■ ttolr puiulial cspsclly sumctlilng more thau a msn. lls did not remembr r Ibtt he was for the time !fca tood «•! a grra*. pxrty en gaged In a totted camjaigo, in which Itorc were involved troublous ls»u*s for friend and foe, and thxl Ito Senatorial sucresrion wa* to to one of Ito great prlrro of victory. If Captain Jickwn had |realised this fully, and ito ferttorfArt * rrixtlva was an aspirant for the Scnalorshlp, we fscl assured that hu would neither have ttgnrd nr circulxted that po- Utlon. He would have atibordiuaWd tto impiilsroof a friend to tin obligation* of an officer, and would hare confided tto petition tn lha hand* of Mxhr Luckia or ether Interested party. Ha would hare avoided c:t act calculated to call forth tho criUctemwf tto Iricnd* ufaapl- ranu to tto Heotturthlp and tto atpl- raou tteOMlvca. Ha, at chairman of (to Stott Democratic Committee, would hare in hts cffica coldly Irapartlsl aa n all Democrats. It would havft been totter *.1j; •. 1’. •* ns#-i.<-*s to Mj that tto assurance of Cs; ’stn Ja«*k»on I <»i«, •;<»!. >* to Mr. HIM and hi* faull, n Jo tie I «'» «*•« iperflunu*. We con Id not b«-i;*»e (hat j h ‘ , ' ,, ’ n they would to *oon m-p out fioui ibe J ^ if WIM1 IH*u ito ar.-Ui of polilical j t» k yme»« y o strife. !duceAH#N plenty fill tto land, aod tto people come Ui and gr> out In tto pursuit of whatsoever object tret pleases them, with none to molest or to mote afraid. It would to Impoealbte to enter into all tto drlall# onto material bletsings that are la us, around us, above us, beneath us, and that enter lute tto make-up of oor tori- teg* tore. Thougfatfel men and women, on this day of net, could not do better than make a personal tort ol the utter Impoesibillty of recounting tto material blessings that are ttoln to-day—and with out the asking. Even tto chronic grumb ler, If to could rparo a few moment* from tto wretched demands of au ingrate habit, would to constrained to admit that to had bad an unacknowledged intern*. <n tto spring tlma and in tto harvest, and that tto sunshine ard the showers hate brought ttolr treaturea unbidden to his rary doors. It la not practicable to follow out that line of thought, lu this fieetlUR article. Ue who counts tto atera can reckon up a tilto of tto obligations to gratitude that rests upon him, lu view of Heaven's constant aud unceasing benedictions. There Is to greater crime thou that of Ingratitude In the creature. Thaukleae urea drotroys even tto capacity for bsppl ueee, and places a man on a lower level than that occupied by many of the brute creation. No man has a right to do him •elf tto injustice of filling the sphere an Ingrate. There i« abundant cause for pitting one who norms hlosings all tl. day long without even knowing the kind llnga of gratitude, or feeling the pure Joy of a ‘Humph over self. People should cultivate tto habit ol thankfulness. It would ha a sad thing If only had habits could grow and become part* of our nature, and, happily, such li not tto case. The foaling of gratitude la maceptihle of Improvement. Ltk* every other feeling It grow* more vigorous b> exercise. The habit of ackoowledgir* obligations and of betug grateful for fa vor* and blewlugt ’• one well worthy earnest and careful cultivation. Tin re is no other habit which to thoroughly t-qulp* a man for meeting bravely aod wvll all tto demands of life. A thankful heart is a merry heart; and such a one “gore all the day" with an elasticity peculiarly iu own. One can but think that a thank forgetfel life would to renderrl miserable by th * very burdrn of its selfish- feet Then p b and we fmwM* I r heart* m < fta |u< Wo .lull »<tdk WHk w lU mulu of tbu raur.UK. I'O'J of follknra I. .-Ill W« kno r ol noaurorruo .l ITikluuli j tor tli. moiiIiikw i ih ii MW hm at Now Knjlind rail Ta Whko out boldl; ,ud oik tar . MW b, ulMi w, IB MiMickMMta Wk, d rtM »d,w1di lu oral rad (nodjf-foodjfrw iraioUM ra ramudafrrah ikM nri To Md thi, ,n;or uulnrulljr ttofil would bo lo Md ■ UoU adataMtaa Uita IM hM M iMt cobm • Uok .In IkM l> 0 poMlUliljr ot ,um.wImio rrrjrin •"■#*!»( hMurlbw Um cukora tin luppljr. Ao Ik, iMpraraowJ will aw, Aon blflMr,uut,i, tkra Iteta Uo.MehoMU, orad oolltel com^ooiImI Furtterawra* w. tn (iraioM, |<n)r, lain, up fir ttul Mctloo im (.un-'tl prid d^n. Wo ten u lotroand idr. Uok I pnfdo wbo coll nubtell'o putt, rata” .ud “Iraptopcc" u. Ik .uk#cU t< I cpooi.l pn,.r. tetowhuolll lu votln nrpoaM M * | Drawcrai. W<drai-4,ura liui.tutwi M. olmd, Ik. ajn-ory uulildl-,. II w. uk la wboM ter. Hi- il.o i.f 114 UoiurbuKr:. (uopfr Uni lurti.d . f lu raw* pruumoHly, itera would I., bo aa - raiwer. I. o ai,u tn lUklu, daw la whoa oil bidden thlnji ora midi H.'iu 111. .J- 0 iln,b In oipoct lu oa uklo. In km un. tUni wnk unr m,y na la Ilka lh| kl»( tlw Ilium.. doilra! klu,lfrot of ,11 ite prupfr. Out te | 4#ora rounded lu knprrio. li. U IM Irom Ite trtlrri of o la,. ,tiv. nnruUf Ui. aplrlt Mnrui ourli ih..:.' 11., oyn ot III. prapl. ter, Iwn an Um. m moremcote are veiled In n* j night on toard angel appeared i tto Lord will whisper, “Atau lh a Ruth relied in rr;/ td 1, •■ ' t ax \ his rakish .•« thi to Cyrus, so tto at r • ti or.1 will whisper, “Atou Ih u B*rler| up and deliver my people." The nmmmntn The numbers of TtofoViiig .lyef rtfa weeks eadiag the Wh end HUh uf 8a; teml her eontoln orilelee on Caroline Ft x, J At fitvriirur, and Jonu Hlonrt Mill, Wni, M/asfer; Charles Darwin, aud Evolotio^ Church (Quarterly; Literature aud P- tenen by Matthew Akmolu, r. Htnyj Home impressions ot the United StAtes, bj Kuwaob A. FrutswAX. Ihr/m'uhtly; Qeafi niseence of a March, Mack mwi; The Hretdl ran of Deventer, Curuhill; Air. rimnBui elety acd Ite Critic#, HeltUhix- #, and “TM Theta could not to a totter occasion than to day for togftinlrg tto habit of which we have »»ceu apeaklt:/, and for testing tto tru!h of our observv. »•»« os lo Its value as an snMdute for rurrows su l a protection agai^vt troubles. The bleaa- mgs of tbit day <<f rest will h^ enhanced by the eontcmplailon • f the mhjerts su^- J by 'tiis bil« f article. Every honir and every hrsr will to the brighter and tto topple/ fir ill.' re; »iltfon of the claims uf UrovideuM u,-* • us for lives cf gratitude and trurtfutod-v* L*i than this canu**i bv expected *»f :to rt clplrats uf *Ucii tu mifuld blsAsiiige, slid less tboil this they efomtd he unwilling to render to lha Giver«f all good. A I‘rever for Jt«M*«ni Tito people of Massachusetts hsvo been •orvly truttblc«l pulltirally fur several mouth* post. It devolves on Ms-sscbu- sens I j dec*, both a governor an I a rieua- The river and hsrinr bill has foen a thorn lu the aides of moral ol.l New England politicians. Tto people Ime? nut token kindly lo it. One of the caouldatea for governor wu a warm supp «ter of the bill In Congress, aud the people want to defeat hint. Rut his defeat secures the election of Hoar. The election of a sup porter of tto bill to one ofilea or Ihe mb cr seems Inevitable. Good moral old Hoar has been stnk- log It wrong all aronnd. After voting for tto bill, to want home and apologised for It. Uit apology hart him worse than hli vote, aod after being hmiVt..! hack and forth between his vote aud h't apol nate has moral old Frlsbie bran on other points. After in.(mating that, on tto principle, Mr. Hulked was morally right in issuing circulars, to finis now that It “Indellette" and “unfortunate" for him to repeM 'to circular* lu coses which at first faded to draw a response. The moral ptrial hero Is one the people don't catch on to. Ttoy sroiu to tktik that If Mr. Uubbell's first Invitation was Igbt, It was perfectly legitimate to repeat tto Invitation. FiisblaV Rule point was ao transparent that, Ilka recent move ments In Georg's rlrctee, tto 8*ate and ootmlry grasped it at Moral—Friable Is demoralized. After a rareful survey of tto situation, tto Dattlmore D »y has Jtddcd Hurt noth' Ing remains for Massachusetts tot lo pray foramen. And to much In aaraaat te ito Doy, that It augfaste as a ;propar for mula, to he heartily offered by all tto people—tto following: Uomoos of tto Frophi _ rean Flhnolarj, Suture; The 1‘owc i uf Am cumotetiou in Email Hum-, smi The For. eign Trade of China, l'sj ci and Pino Apple Fibre, CLim/wt*' Journall Moontainceriiitf In tbo Alp*, fond <1*1 Water; Hindoo Marrisce Cusfe ms, /.<-. /'# Mercury; Owls, Time; lullutucc of l'on -M “PUB Ktrente#, Knfntr„,n Wutehruau; wlUi lost Ainu nl* of “N.» New Thing," and “Robin," and I'ortrjr. For fifty-tou man. tors of sixty-four lares pmres «ach,(cr more than :y*0 a jt-.-ir), tto n*b- #criptiou prlco (|A) ielowt rl ilt- for f :-)jq tlie pablikbirs offer to Mind *>y ua» of thg Amoriean lu. r.nd w<i bliee with Th* Uclmy Aye lor a year, to b ;>o*lpaid* I-ltlelt A 0 Jra Host mi, tm tho |uMidx r». llxssv Jau«, Je., hw writteu for the Century MayatilU, tu Im pnhl . Im J early in itoeuuttni; volume, n #ketch eitiml “Tho I'uint of View"—a serin i f et.-iit tetters cocesrntrg Amurlra, i s |wo. |r, -o it ty, mouners, polltir#, railsny^, o:c.,-cIihUy iu contra .1 with the »am. n«un • of Eo- life; tlie wletle llg'n t strong ou a threvdof fictitiousckartc'in ^uion. A* tho title indk* tv>, tbo letti i* are written from different jK-inte of view, the writers lu-Iud. ing American Isdlos and « nllea.tii vrto have lived in Europe, n mcmtM-r uf i'.ulie- irent, nud a trriutor of tho Frcucli Acad emy. Oeu. Frezvi* A. Walker, .uj-itin- tend' nt of the IsSt mi u, will hive n vo ter in the Ortober number on *-The Growth of tto United HUtee." —Tto organisation <>f tto Orewnti l*--lt- Irtl-Hi I* nut regarded as very kd>IU! for utvr MlUht-ll — 1 Tl*o U.4h»rliihltwwave the Hri'Uh treoM In Knyi-t twelve tun* ••( tobacco aud *vOt» p!|K-». —Swinburne rotitemplete* a wirlt tu Ameiira, He will be n rs>t lM..rovc«t< t.t >rcv 0*-#r Wilde. but irtek rcnewinghl, \.,ut» —Mr. Frank Mianfoy, 'Uhrr, <nn*lrort I the 11 ith bit r-uncr. rnij'irariM me " ‘ * •uddenly ) tMtnlsr luibr uet. —Elisha Gray, tto hm n*or of tto tele- MMie, live* st llfehlsnd lUrt near fhksfu. w-umto^reBimtoluw W •* # P*““ l * y * r —Hon. George !>. Wise wsv luuniille 1 r^TsairK^a&j'x.JtsrT xvnend row l«*lluwed. Mr. tt .*« vu u«A hurt —Hicptons, tto librettist nf “Hlllee Tkylor, arrive! In Mew Y»rt ou Tue*tar l!« I* • tell, well-bnllt man. Ite w.nre h*t brown half beng.-d, and bs« * Ur,;c Muulo •.*. taclu —SI- Garnet Wo!i ttraud CroM of the Onl< reived bis ilrowetbrn aft ■*y I* a Knight ‘ l UsiH. H- ob. lie Itsi r inn A«hi. snle-l Mot now bvt a Nothing restsln* eersge —Th. ipfrfniiw!'' will <,')!»lu n« iro.oo by the eoitftBeelten «.f «•#* t U"»***to'a imI 4* «t* In Wa#lilojr(i»ii. Win; hete Ui bid- n# !..•« in'irh M mvwi. rr a* •> r. IVrhaee k lone to flu: him. ^ — Df. heH.sii*, the French ••ferttlriaa, r. .!Vi|.^ni.| the kl«jtia*-rislue. esn-ptata waiter •il'uti itk MtiTcviu! rhsl. il-ctrleliy. All Uuitktiwm d«M.I*. Hew.-,. te ltm..«IUbe •tons better and es*ler br vlcrtrtrUjr. —Dr. Nonrln Green w»|l retire from tto 00,1m to BOB Itjlnita hall* b, .|nl^ lEgS?til (tilnf for kf, ufology. Equill, uuf.irtu- u* TbSu.T. 'tri.Vt. kw presiden! end moetwl msnaver. —MsJ-w X. A. Ihtike, H-ate treoanreref fAWhtaim. who fought« duel *.aac tires ago wtlbth# editor of the Now Or'esret Hem turn*. V In New York, fie dnein't walx v. lib • rotdtts now. end Myske fsrte •« well as ever —In traatliqt the^uld ct of Aiurnetn iricwliwre Oen. VnwU A. \v«ti#w ni'Qui * 'A »brewdt»c-f »U in- ttiwk of tb- pooc white* of Uw wth. they bate been ar- — aipptiasvd reUwvtlwn country mra UJJgy* Htotteg by the ImTOohs of Uw —Iff. R..G. Alexander, writing Ins era. my# tbs t n Heravutetor bkti*v,ton w w-