The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 06, 1885, Image 1

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h * t'jgt&pb ESTABLISHED 182<>. MACON, GEORGIA,: TUESDAY. OCTOBER <>, 1885. NO. -14. THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE SBVESTIBTH DAY OF ITS SUM MER SESSION. Thl . it* 1 I’M*-* h »II1 to Change lllrn- ni»1 to Annual 8eulon«—The House v Continues to Discuss the Rail- roa«I Commission I1I11. Atlanta, October 2.—The Senate met at o'clock. The Senate receded from its amendment to the House bill to establish a city court in the county of Bartow. Mr. Jordan moved to reconsider so much of the journal of yesterday ns relates to the action of the Senate in liaising the bill of the House to incorporate -lie “North Ck—- cia Bank." Mr. Maddox to lay moved the motion to reconsider on the table, which prevailed. Mr. Kay moved a reconsideration of the action if the Si nate yesterday as to the in definite postponement of the bill to lunend the law of thu State in regard to the anal- vsis, inspection and sale of fertilizers. The motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Northen, the mlcs were suspended, and the Senate took np the bill of the Senate “To amend the constitution of the State by striking out paragraph 1, section 9 of article 3, and in serting In lieu thereof the following: ‘The salarv of the members of tho General As sembly shall be $200 per annum, and mile age not exceeding 10 cents for each mile traveled by the nearest practicable route in going to and from tho capital. The Prc-ldent of the Senate and Speaker of the -li.ill eli receive a salary of *250.”’ TO* biB to receive a constitutional majority and was lost—yeas 20, nays 7. The full of Mr. Hoyle, of the Eleventh, to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor in the State. Mi. Hoyle, in submitting the bill, made a few remarks in its support. Upon a vote the bill was lost. Yeas 11 navs 18. On motion of Mr. Northen, Senate took uphill to amend the constitution by striking ont ‘‘biennially" in the third line of para graph 3, section 4, article 3, and inserting in lien thereof “annually." The bill re ceived n constitutional majority. Yeas 30, navs it, and was passed. Mr. Thornton rose to a question of privi- ' lege, and submitted a vigorous and salty re ply to tho recent strictures made open him personally and in him official capacity os Senator by the Columbus Enquirer-Sun. On motion of Mr. Davidson, the rules were suspended, and the Semite took upthe bill of the House 'To establish a technolog ical school as a branch of tho Shite Univer- sitv." During the discussion of this bill air. Norther was called to the chair. President Cnrlton offered a substitute, which providi s that the school of technology shall be establish! d in connection with the university at Atle-ns, under the provisions ,if the l indscript fund, and that there shall be a cam mission of live tobo appointed by the Of vernor, to li known as the Commis sion on tin School of Technology, who shall -rvo without pay, ex cept act nil expenses while away from their us. That the commission shall confer with tin* board of trustees for the purpose (if making all nee. -sary arrange ments for the establishment of the techno- lngieal sell.I ||. 'I lie substitute |.l-U.b ~ I“1 the establishment of the school, the building and appliances I., li. : el! n eh at the uni versity, suitable for the school, aggregating 840.ixhi, and ati annual interest of $17,000, together with the appropriation which the Legislature shall make. Mr. Carieton made an exhaustive and able argument in support of the substitute, and commanded the profound attention of the Senate. He aruuedthe advantages over the House bill, and urged its adoption by tho Senate. Mr. Davidson opposed the gunstitutc, but made an eloquent argument in favor of the passage of the House bill. At the conclusion of in- argument the Si nut" adjourned to 3 p. m. Arranxoos session. The Senate met at 3 p. m. The special order, the pending technolo gy bill, was displaced and made the spccinl order for next Wednesday. On motion of Mr. Maddox, tho rules were suspended for the purpose of reading hills the third time. bills rassna A bill to amend the charter of Borne* To authorize tin- <*r«liD irit s of this State to appoint guardians for idiots, Inna tics and insane persons iu certain cases. To authorize the authorities of the town of .Milner to establish a system of public M To”'incorporate the Thompson and An- eutta Uailroiul Comimdy. ‘i'll inoorpoi .t< the Columbus and Florida Railroad Company. A hill h* facilitate service on railroad com- 1 ’“.v'ljl to'nmend section ll'Sof tho cotlc. \ MU to amend section 3701 of the code. To make the wrecking of tho trains, or the attempt to*wr. ek trains a felony. To regulate the sale of sulphate nr other preparations of morphia. 1 To amend an act creating a board of roads anil revenues of Mnscogee. A hill to amend the practice in equity us tn granting iiijutii tiens restiicting 11“ ting of timber or boxing for turpentine pur- 901(1 of tin n.f bill mend section Tabled. \ bill for the relief of Willin fome rly tax . ell,dor of the H< ,\ 1 bill to prohibit the nmnnfn sale of Intoxicating hitters in count A n Mr. H on lulj'" tinned h inont an ho Io\. .I the ropr«**'« , t not r< I" the |" "1 mensur. uBfcensti islature. strict c oi code. i Alnmn. ounty of you give away tho rights of the people? He was willing to risk this legislation on the plain letter of the constitution, and willing to take a vote to-day to let the people see how their rights were cared for. Mr. Hardeman, of Wilkes, followed in a brief argument in favor of the bill as amended by Mr. Jenkins. The policy of the State in its regulation of the railroads is not our fault, and we are not chargeable with it. But people forget the evils, the extraordinary rates and unjust discrimina tions on the part of the railroads prior to 1879, which the Railroad Commission was intended to correct. The question for us to decide now is what further legislation is necessary to perfect the taw. He would not vote for any bill, the effect of which would be to impair the usefulness of the commission, and he would oppose it. He believed, however, that the amendment of Mr. Jenkins removed all objections tn the bill, that it was right, and would meet with his support. He opposed the Harrell amendment because it was inconsistent and repuguant to the Jenkins amendment. If the House believes in the fairness and justness of the Jenkins amend ment, it would stultify itself to adopt both. The Jenkins amendment had been charged to be a compromise. It was no compro mise with him, ns gentlemen would bear witness. It had been from tho start, in his opinion, the only solution of the question. Air. Watkins, of Gilmer, who opposed the bill, entered into on explanation of tho na ture of the commission and its make-up, as serting that it should not be disturbed, ns it was the only proper court for the deter mination of these questions. Its powers ought not to be restricted. It is the duty of the Legislature to determine this ques tion, and under the constitution their duty is plain. The railroads have ahnost a simi tar commission—the pool—whose officers are paid by them, yet they grumble because the State "establishes a commission for the benefit of all. Suppose, for the sake of ar gument, the commission has done harm; suppose it lias discouraged foreign capital. On the other hand it has done good. It has developed home industries and interests. It has increased home pro ducts and manufactories—in consequence of cheap tariffs. It it cluimed that railroad construction has stopped. In tho five years prior to the commission, less than 100 miles of road was constructed. Since tho estab lishment of the commission over 000 miles of track has been laid. Mr. Usty, of Glascock, opposed the bill, nnd any change in the commission. He thought it looked like going backward to give back to the railroads power to make their own rates, and give an appeal to the courts. Mr. Lewis, of Green, opposed the bill and tho Jenkins amendment, but favored the Harrell amendment. He referred to the efforts that have been rnnde to pass this bill. The press has been luaking great ef forts to prejudice the minds of members in favor of the bill. Never in the history of the State hns there been such a movement on tho part of the press, nnd sncli questionable methods nsed to influence legislation. They moved heaven and earth, to any nothing of the other place, to pass the measure. He did not understand, nnd the people do not understand how the bill pawed tho other branch of the General Assembly with bare ly a constitutional majority. . " Mr. Russell, of Harris, favored the Har rell amendment, Lawyers pronounce it constitutional, nnd it is the only thing about the bill that is constitutional. The Supreme Court hns decided that the com mission is constitutional. It is proposed to take away nnd transfer from the commis sion the p.,». er to regulate rates to the rail roads, just what the people took from the railroads in 1877. He could not support tho bill because it is impolitic, does not carry ont the intention of the Legislature that created it, and la unconstitutional from first to last. Mr. Humphries, of DoKnlb, favored the bill, and the Jenkins amendment. If it is a fact that railroads are tho groat monopo lies claimed the people would nnd ought to rise up and put them down. But they art not. They are great agents in commerce and in building up our country. They have rights that ought to be respected, mid they are entitled to a fair, impartial hearing. Ho wanted the commission law so modified and amended that the commission would be ar bitrators anti not dictators. Any thing else would be an injustice to the roads. Mr. Reagan, of Henry, opposed the bill. Ho thonght its advocates made two grave mistakes: in asserting that every member Oil the floor of the House thinks there ought to be some modification in the taw, and in asserting that tho peonlo want the taw mod ified. Members on the floor have already expressed themselves as opposed to any change, and he hail heard no demand or ctatnor from the people, either in his own section or elsewhere, for a modification of the taw. It is claimed the nress is al most unanimous in favor of the bill. Only go back o few months, and it will be found that the press was almost unanimous in favor of the commission. When this bill is killed the press will find thnt the commission is all right and will come bock to its support. He said that before this bill was introduced the railroads only wanted nnd asked for thu right of appeal, and that was all the press asked for them. Now that the bill is here, the friends of the roads are willing to strike ont that very provision, the very thing they seemed to lie most nni- iotis for, and are now fighting for the power to fix their own rates. This is inconsistent, and the argument that an arbitrary commission checks rail road enterprise is equally inconsistent, be- 1 cause it is well known that the old roods of ! Georgia do not wnut to see new roads built i unless they are feeders, i Mr. Hines, of Washington, who seldom takes the floor, but is an able tmd forcible ! debator, made a fine argument in support ' ..f the bill with the Jenkins amendment. 1 He said it was one of the most important I bills before the Legislature, and should not I be approached in any partisan or preju- | diced spirit. Its importance demands the broadest statesmanship. In its considera- I tinn the Honse should not heed popular I clamor. In ita determination we should do what is right and jnst. He feared in the present temper of the House, there was so much heat and partisanship, thnt the bill will not receive that calm and wise consideration that it merits. The commission affects a great property, estimated at $72,000,000, ime-fifth of the taxable property of the State. In considering the bill, then, he ap- p, ah 1 to the good sense and cool judgment of the House to eliminate all prejudice and lsusioi!. ami look at it with s judicial tem per. The owners of this vast property e. in. to as and sak redress for their griev. nnces. Whether this grievance in tme or false he did not know, the evidence ws* not - at hand, but the charge is mode that the commission as it now stands operates inju riously against this great property. Mr. Harrell, of Webster, asked if the roads had ever made any speciflo charge. Mr. Hines replied, yes. The specific charge that rates are so low that if they con tinue the roads will be bankrupted; that the property does not pay a reasonable divi dend. They ask redress. Whnt do they ask? Is it to abolish the commission? No. While be himself, as a citizen, would he willing and ready to vote to abolish it, the railroads do not ask it. Do they ask to have tho commission emasculated? No. They do not ask to take away one jot or tit tle of the legitimate powers of the commis sion. They simply asked an appeal to the courts. Suppose the commission makes rates that are unjust and unreasonable, or the roads think so, the roads only asked that a jury selected from the body of the people pass upon it. But we were told that it was impracticable, dangerous and unconstitu tional. What then. Mr. Jenkins's amend ment asks that the roads shall fix their own rates, nnd if there is no complaint, that the rate Bhall stand. If complaint is made, then it is carried to the commission, and on a full hearing the commission passes upon it anil this decision is final. Is that bur- densonie or unconstitutional? Where is there anything extraordinary in that de mand or injustice in the request. The ‘-'id remedy and redress. What is tho objection? Mr. Harrell says it is unconstitutional, that the power to regulate rates and present discrimination is lodged in the Legislature, and that now the power is by act of the Legislature bulged in tho commission. There is nothing in the constitutional point and he did not think that Mr. Harrell b ilioved that the constitu tion is constitutional, or that anything tho Legislature has done is constitutional. Ac cording to him we will be known in history as the great unconstitutional Legislature. It lias been claimed further tvs an objec tion to the manner of proceeding pre scribed in the bill for the bearing before the commission that there is pleadings iii it But shall justice be refused because there is pleadings in tho case. We might abolish the sum mons in the justice eourt We might as well abolish nil pleadings in the Superior and Supreme Oonrts, and let us return to ehiiof! But this pleading is simple and any body can do it. All thnt is required is that the cause of complaint shall be clearly nnd distinctly set forth. He thought the pres ent commissioners honorable men; but they are human, and will stand by their opin ions. They ought not to be allowed to prejudge a case, or sit iu judgment on a enso of their own making. It is con trary to the spirit and genius of our institu tions to put arbitrary power in one hand. Tho control of our vast railroad property is in the arbitrary power of three men. He believed railroads a blessing to the State. Wherever they go, wherever you hear their whistle they are nu unmixed good. They ought not to be oppressed, bnt given equal rights and privileges guaranteed to all. Mr. Burner opposed the passage of the bill. Ho bad investigated the matter with out the shadow of prejudice. Ho regarded railroad* a* a blowing, but not an nnmixed one. They bring disturbance without evi dence. The frieuds of the bill nsk ns to emasculate the Railroad Commission. It guillotines the commission law, which has been a blessing to the State. The appeal feature of the hill is the Yrojan horse, the amendment is the Greek’s within the horse. The vesting in the railroads the rate-making power, is in the teeth of the constitution. The constitution is the conscience of the State. From this I take my text to-day. He read from the constitution the provisions on the subject of reg ulating rates. It is made the duty of the Legislature to make the rates. The people bad said to the Legislature, it is your power nnd duty to regulate rates anil declare what is jnst nnd reasonable. The constitutional ronveution found the rate- making power in the railroads. It is a mnt- ter of judicial record that the Georgia rail roads had extorted unjust nnd unreasonable rites. With teaching pathos he referred to General Toombs, now passing away, and this Legislature attempting to repeal the magna charter, of tho people embraced in this constitutional provision the result of bis wisdom atul courage. Shall we surren der the people hack to the railroads? You want to shift the responsibility upon the people when they had placed it upon yon. It is msde our solemn duty to regulate rates without petition, com plaint or appeal. The complaint made us a barrier lietween the rates and the regula tion thereof ia unconstitutional. A man may feel that he is oppressed, and yet not to be able to fix what ia a just and reason able rate. To establish a rate is to make it permanent. To. regulate is to adjust the rate to suit the fluctuation* of trade. “To regulate" covers the power to establish, to fix and to make rates. The merchant brings in the imports to Forsyth. The farmer and the mechanic bins them. If the rood raises tlic rates the consumer will have it to pay, for the merchant will not complain. The expense of complaining will be too great for the purchasing public. The people will be forced to pay this tribute into the treasury of the rail roads. Mr. Felton sent to the clerk’s desk and hail nail a petition from aixty-two mer chants of Corieraville protesting against the passage of the bill amending the commis sion law. [Mr. Fite interrupted him by asking that petitions on the other side be read.] With pleasure he supported the re- a uest of the merchant* of Cartersville, and le wishes of the business men of* Georgia. The petitions offered by Mr. Fite were got ten up like others on the floor, by railroad employes, agents and attorney* with print ed head*. Mr. Flynt excitedly rose to a question of E rivilege, and denied that a petition he held t his hand was gotten up by railroad men. [Great confusion and excitement. ] Mr. Felton resumed by saying that he was not the enemy of railroads, their stock holders or officinta, but bo desired to place them where the e.institution placed them, lie waa opposed to the bill because it prac tically, absolutely and virtually abolished the commission and placed them outside of constitutional limitations snd requirements. Mr. Felton gave way for adjournment AFTMMOK SXSS10X, . The Honse reassembled at 3 p. m. and resumed the consideration of the railroad bill, with Mr. Felton, of Bartow on the floor. Mr. Felton said he advocated the Harrell amendment becaiue it kills the hill. Any measure that will kill the bill would get hi* vote, hut be would vote against anything that seeks to improve the hill or make it more palatable. The great majority of peo ple in Geergia do not want the taw modi fied. They are satisfied with it, nnd the railroad* ought to bo satisfied. His under standing of t la' commission was tllht it. war. the work of the railroad people. Judge Reese drafted it. Gov. McDaniel introduced it in the LqA’.tature, and it was indorsed by Gov. Brown and Gen. Lawton. Mr. I’elton said gentlemen had urged that the bill had only two main ideas—fixing rates and the right of appeal to Urn courts. These, he - ild. were mere incidents to the bill. 'Hie great motive ilid not appear in the bill ana was not in it. The controlling idea is: Who shall govern Georgia? Who shall make trad administer the taws, fill the offices, reap and enjoy the products of tho labor of her people, the people or tlio rail roads? Are we going to stay the ox that tread) tli out the wheat that o few may fatten on the grains on the threshing floor. For years there has been a tendency of wealth to _ or ganize into railroad corporations. What is wealth, gold or silver? No. It is tho pro duct of labor that constitutes wealth. If there is $72,000,UOG of railroad property in Georgia why is it given in for taxes at $18,- 000,000. lie’ said the railroads of the United States paid ont $260,000;000 in dividends an nually. A few t' i als whose revenues ri valled those of the whole Federal Govern ment. Never was such a spirit of railroad building as then is now in tho country—in Georgia. Mr. Gordon said tho only thing that stands in the way is tho passage of this bill. Mr. Felton referee 1 to the railroads of the country an the modem colossus which bestrides everything, anil under which everything must pass. If things go on as they are their power will lie dangerous to liberty—* threat to constitutional govern ment. Whnt is the watch-word with theni? Consolidation! Ho had heard the enemies of the commission; the friends of the jnll, say that what they want is consolidation, not competition.' He would show Mr. Gordon, of Chatham, who represented the Central railroad syndicate, that to U the very suggestion of competition is like a red flag waved at a hull. At ita appearance, with head down, it rushes bellowing to the contest. The trunk rood* want to swallow np all the shorter lines. In answer to the ■barge that the commission prevents rail- toad building, be asserted that no force or agency had so conspired to crush out rail road enterprise ns tint Central railroad of Georgia. He referred to a circular, which he exhibited, of the National Shareholders’ Association, of New York, of which General E. P. Alexander is president, and which he imagined inclnded in its memliership the gentleman from Chatham, and of which he tad an idea the Central was a targe com ponent part. Thisttsofiction has ata tital stock of $100,000, mid members are assessed as money is needed. Tho primary object, " ’ “ tircnlar, is to prevent influence the exec- indicial del FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES. PROGRESS OF THE ENGLISH ELEC- TORAL CAMPAIGN. The Groat Questions Affected by the Newly Enfranchised Ignorant Voters—Tin* Convening of 1’arliament Post poned—General Notes. London. October 3.—The Tories are not yet reedy to begin the campaign for supremacy in tlio next Parliament. Their government have therefore de cided to jxistpone the dissolution of Parliament until the Ytb of December. The reason given to public for action dif- mid judicial clepnrt- j State*. Law* a* ftniiouoced in tin unfriendly lecinlatio ntive, legislative ment* of tli- yew are hired to do their Work for them, and the press is subsidized. May thi* not nccojQf for tho recent won derful Hop on the part of tho press of Georgia? Another object was to prevent the building of small road*, parallel road* and second-class road*. Look at the Central! I* it fond of com petition? Referred to n pamphlet by a Central attorney that competition is wrong, that the pool is right. The Central dislike* competition. It ha* fought the East Ten nessee. Virginia and Georgia from the shirt, fearing competition. He referred to tho Speaker’s city, Columbus, and the condition in which it was placed by tho Central. He likened this disposition of tho Central to gobble up and stifle new enterprises to the midwive* of Pharoah, who were sent out to strangle the male offsprings at birth. He said the only chance for Columbus was to be like some of these midwive* said of the Hebrew women, who were charged with neglecting their cruel duty. They said the Hebrew women were lively, and Columbus would have to be lively. The doctor claim ed to be a friend of the Central, and said if he saw it oppressed by unjust legislation, no member on the floor would come to ita rescue sooner than he would. But he did not think it oppressed. He changed that the Central nad ♦ absolutely stran gled railroad enterprise in Geor gia, and reviewed the recent history of the rood. He claimed that iu tho laAt ten year* it had even decreased the taxable property and business of Chatham over 96,000,000. He hoped the House would defeat this bill, and appealed to them to vote against it. Mv. Harrison, of Quitman, made a brief but warm reply to the Doctor. He said he had never in his life before heard ideas advanced which would havi> such satanic results as Mr. Felton had indulged in for an hour. Hi* only idea seemed to be to array labor and capital against each other, and stir np a struggle to which the Commune of Franco was nothing. As a minister of the gospel he ought to pour oil on the wound in- stead of viewed ilization period to the present, and attributed the vast change to the railroads. Ho thought they were entitled to justice, nnd the man agement of their own property. He did not think they ought to be turned over to the commission hand and foot. He thought the law ought to be modified, and should vote for the bill, Mr. Hawke*. of Sumter, got the floor and opened in opposition to the bill, but yielded to a motion to adjourn to !) a. tn„ which prevailed. The Honse concurred in the Senate amend ment* to the following bills: Incorporating the North Georgia Bonk, of Rome; uicoijh>- .. itittes growing out of the enormous registration under the enlargement of the franchise require an extended time for adjudication and adjustment. The rampain, when it does open, will be the fiercest and most thoroughly* contested ever fought in Great Britain. Every man in the country wlU profwbly be reached and interested. Those now possessing the franchises are badly enough muddled for Lord Churchill to t>e courting the Irish Rome Ilule vote, while the Radical* aru clamoring for the msin- taluance of the empire's Integrity. The two millions of men enfranchise, by Mr. Gladstone as a rule belong to a class much inferior in intelligence to any that have ever heretofore had a voice in British affairs. They have never, m a rule, had any interest in pub lic questions, and never had occasion to learn any thing at all about politics. When the United Staten enfranchised the black freedmen hardly 800.U00 voters were added to the list When they began to vote they were influenced by a sentiment which vraa prac tically unanimous among them, and which waa at the time, at least, intelligent, via: gratitude. But England has as suddenly added nearly three times as many voters to her suffrage list, and the addition certainly contains a larger mass of ignorance. While gratitude to the Liberal party for the franchise may sway many of these new voters, it would lie folly to calculate upon it as a feeliug which will prevail with any large portion of them. Practically the whole number have no decided polit ical leaning. They will be Liberal or Tory.according the influences brought to bear a them. The result of the coming election lie stupendous upon the destiny of England. It may decide whether the English trale policy shall be free or protective; whether church and state shall l»e divorced or remain united; whether unification or disintegration of the Empire shall ensue; whether Great Britain shall continue to interfere in foreign affairs aud remain among the first powers or hold aloof and fall back into the second rank. It may decide even whether aristocracy in England shall continue, or whether the throne shall reman. All these are now live questions, and It does appear to be an extraordinary thing that the Parliament which may be called upon to settle some if not all of these momentous issnea will take its temper from the chance way In which a majority of the 3,000,000 of new and uneducated voters may cast their first ballots, for it In fair to assume that before the close of the campaign the parties will have arrayed the old voters pretty well on the old lines, and that the inane will be decided by the new ballots. Even now, two months before disnolution, there are 1,136 candidates already in the field, contesting for the 500 seats belonging to England in the Rouse of Commons. Nearly every scat is being contested, aud there are many instances in which several candidate* are contesting the same constituency. In thla latter respect, however, the Liberals are at present worse divided than the Tories. The latter are under much better party discipline, and their party agents are bending their energies to prevent party split*. The Parnell party la united aud independent of alliances. It is admitted, however, even by Liberal newspapers, that if Parnell succeeds dn making a bargain with the Tories tn stand with them upon a common platform the Liberal majority will stand in danger of disappointment altogether. It baa become known that the Eastern policy of Premier Salisbury is conducted in reference to that of Prince Bismarck. The Servian minister to Eng land has bad an official Interview with Lord Salisbury, and received from him an assurance of the British government's sympathy with Servian aspirations. King Milan's government has been mged by England to refrain from aggressive action and rely upon the decison of the powers. The King ha* tell that he trusts in the assurances gland, and that the Servians are wi a decision of the powers, unless events precipitate the necessity for active measures. In Tlio Hungarian Diet* Pksth, October 3.—In the lower bouse of tho Hungarian Diet, Herr Tisza, president of the coun cil In answer to questions for information respect ing the Roumelian difficulty and to thu charge recently made that the Roumelian rising had been arranged at the recent meeting of the Kiuporer*. said: "The interview .of thu Em- iierur Francis Joseph and the Caar at Kremsler was in consequence of the previous meeting of their Imperial Highnesses at Skiernewic and waa only an act of courtesy for the purpose of renewing the personal friendship which has long existed between the two empemrw. There was no question question diccnssed at either of the impe rial meetings which had any bearing on the annexa tion of Bosnia or lUmmaala, or of tho uniting of Bulgaria and Bonmelia. The movement iu favor of the union of the latter States was for some time known to exist, but it waa generally thought that tho diaconsent prevailing in Ronnislia. waa not of a serious nature and consequently the outbreak of the conspiracy surprised all Euronaan cabinets I am not aware that any power intends forcibly to intervene in the RousneUan question, nor have l any information which would lead ms to believe such to bo the case, but I do know that the powers de sire to uphold the treaty of Berlin, and . Thei profess to tw uncertain about the outcome of such a war, and up to date have not been induced to consent to it Sir diaries Rilke Married. London, October 3.—Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bart president of the Local Government Board under Mr. (Had*tone's administration, wan married to-day to Mrs. Mark Pattenion, at Chelsea. Tho core mony was conducted quietly, and without the display usually attsMMl IB fM- lonable circles on such occasions. The church was crowded with the friends of the brido and groom. Many notable persons were present Mr. Joseph Chamberlain acted a* groomuman. Th»> weather was bright and the crowd cheered the happy couple as they were leaving the church. THE STATE FAIR. upon me qucimui i telegraphed in reply ices given him by Eu re willing to wait for uinrtKiixe*. The House refused to concur in an amend ment to the bill inenmomtin# the Guaran tee Banking and Safe Deposit Company. The following bills were lioaaed: To in corporate the Gainesrille and Western rail road; incorporating the Albany and Dawson railroad. Mr. Fcogan offered a resolution that when the 1 louse adjourns this morning it adjoam until Monday morning, 9 a. iu. Mr. Iliudpnrie* moved to lay the motion | on the table. ! Mr. Bntt», of Marion, called for the yeas snd nays, which call wo* sustained, and the resolution was tabled, by yea* 74, nays WI. ! Mr. Tate moved to maae the further eon- I siileration of the nnti-Bailruod Commission bill the order tor Wednesday next. 1 Mr. Harris moved as a snbstitate that it i lie made the special order for that day, bnt j afterwards withdrew it. Mr. Amheini opposed the motion on the ground that it was an unnecessary waste of | time, as the whole subject would be openfcd 1 np <fe Notvi. Mr. Clay opposed the bill but favored postponement until Wednesday. _ _ ltnnaMi No on. prevents Turkey from* wusttlDR ber rlstau In Ilnumrli*. Tb« confsmee uf tmbssssdon *t ConsUoUuople uo the IhiuineUan question, to be behl Monday, ii in cimeent with the wlebee of tbo Sultan." Referring to the report that Atutrla. In the event of hoetiUtim in Rouiuelia, would enlarge her terri tory, he *ald: "No question regarding thu annexation of Bosnia and Hetvzoovina baa been entertained by the Austrian cabinet Auatria baa at present no Intention of in- cresiling the complication* in the East by occupying Turkish territory. "But” said be, significantly, "if the effort* of the powers to effect a peaceful settlement of the Roumelian question fail and vital Interests of the monarchy are endangered. Auatria tb*"Uberty of acting on any decision ahe may aem The laat remark of the president of the council waa received with prolonged cheering. The Social Ihirltjr Uovrawnt London. October 3.—The social purity movement, founded in the revelations made by tbe Pal! Mall Faaette. la steadily gaining ntrength in England. Tbe prosecution of Ur. Htead has greatly strength ensd tbe movement, and it ia now brade<1 by the MethcdUt church sa an organization. The cause ia warmly advocated by all organa and preach era of that denomination. Meeting* are being or gauizad to make the public acquainted with new de velopment* of scandal in high place* and to Inaugu rate a general system of boycotting tradesmen and some house managed by men of reputed sexual Immorality. Hexeral Great West End shop* wherein •warms of young girls are hired at moat meagre wage* have been denounced by name in these Methodist meeting* a* place* for tbe ruin of young men and women, and ladle* have been warned to avid them. Letters have hem read accusing joiiroalixU «>f general immorality. The Mi Time* even goea fo far a* to explain the *%?on*pir- acy of silence." mentioned by a majority of the London uuwnpapere against the Pall Mall Qazette and the attack upon the Htead for making the reve lation' by alleging that the appall ing Htate of vice exposed by th< Htead exists In tbepre** circles of London. This paper prays God may raise up snme roiehtv jot nails tic herctues ti> cleansf the augean stables journalism. The Atlantic Cable*. London, October I.—The London manager! of the Atlantic Cable Company in the present *>ool will meet in this dty next week. It is positively Mated that the oHWt of the meeting is to arrange for a reduction of the present cable tariff between England and the United Htate* from *** cents to 13 cento on ordinary or commercial i sages and from 13 cento to 6 cents on press i *agr«. The directories of the different English i C inlea in the pool are said to be all in vor of making the proposed reductions. They take the ground that the opposition of the Mackay-Bennett cables must be ended by annihilation. This opinion, it to argued, has already made pool dividends so that thu hhareboldsT* will consent sacrifice of them entirely for a tinu war »f rathe* that will either break down opposition or compel it to Join the pool, tml shall eventually result in Increasing Uri ffs all around, and In an eventual increase of the pool dividends. Tbe American pool director*, on the other hand, are said to be lew willing to consent Interview With President Livingston and Secretary Grier. Tbe office of the Hecretary of the Georgia Stato Agricultural Society is iu a room over Major Gib- •on's a-arehouso on Fourth street. Yesterday morning a TtcLKomM-q reporter climbed Up tbe flight of ituim lending to . ;u office aud looked in to see whnt was going on. President Livingston aud Hecu tary Grier w-ro up to their earn in work. One ws* writing letter* to distinguished agriculturists iu all suctions of tho country luvitiug them to sttend the appruacblng Htate Fair, while the other wsa directing pscaage* of premium lists to be sent to j copie who Intend to tuske exhibitions. Tbe office wsh literally filled with gay-colored pouter* annouiu ing the attraction* of the fair, and upon the tables \%y starkn of letter* coutoiniug applications for a; ace. The reporter scrambled over the heaps of pouters aud took up bis position in the only unoccupied corner of tho office. Hu could uot wait, and so he at once began to aek questions. "What are the prospects?" Thiu question was propounded to both gentlemen. Colonel Livingston stopped writing aud looked around. "They are so good," he said, "that I believo tho fair will be an overwhelming success. 1 hsve not been into all the sections of tho Htate, but 1 have been into most of them, and have advice from agents who have visited the other*. The people were never before so thoroughly interested iu » State fair. Just look here a minute. Here are re ports from HKADS or DXPABTMKXTS. "Col. J. O. Waddell, of Cedartown, superintendent of the department of horse*, mules snd jseks,writes that a large number of the finest animal* in tho State will be exhibited. "('apt. Pearce Horne, of Dalton, superintendent of tho department of cattle sheep snd swine, write* that the exhibits in his division will be almost num berless. "Capt E. B. Plunket, of Atlanta, superintendent of the department of youltry and bees, writes en couragingly, and some interesting exhibits may bo exported. "Oolonsl J. M, Mobley, oflHamilton. superintend ent of the department of field crops, hardly known what to do with the very !•«*• number of exhibits be will have in charge. Hi* department will bo one of the most interesting ot tbo fair. Aa an evidence of this, I may tell you that Pulaaki county, which baa never bad an exhibit at any of the fairs, will send a magnificent one tills year. "Dr. W. C. Paschal, of Dawson, superintendent of the department of agriculture, orchard, etc., send* ns in formation of many beautiful .displays which he will control. "Colonel J. H. Fsnnin, of LsGrange. superintend ent of the department of home industry, report* a gratifying interest hi* division, aud he confidently expects many fine exhibits. "Dr. H. 11. Cary, of LaGrango. superintendent of the department of needle work, writes that he will fill floral hall with sn endless number of bandsomo specimens of (emlninehandlwork. "Colonel J. P. Berknmnn*. of Augusta, superin tendent of tho department of flno arts, will have y rare and oeautifnl displays, ir. W. It. HusAclLof Carrollton, superintendent of thu department of tools and implements, write* that he has had a great many applications for space. ••Col. J. H. Black, of Americu*, superintendent of manufacture*, will make one of tho beat displays of the kind ever seen at a fate in Georgia. "Col. G. H. Jones, of Norcross, superintendent of the department of machinery, write# that the man- ufacturers throughout tho country will be well rep resented at the fair, aud that many novel and Inter- ting labor saving machines will be exhibited. "Capt. J. G. McCall, of Quitwsn, superintendent of tbe department of merchants' displays, to great ly encouraged. The merchants of the State, and es pecially those of Macon, have become interested, and tbo displays will be numerous and rich. The opportunity to advertise their business is sn excep tional one, and the merchants have determined not to neglect It "Col. T. J. Lyon, of Carterevllle, superintendent of the department of races, is in s wonderfully good hnmor. Homo of the finest racers iu tho South will be at tho fair, and will context for tho pnrsos. Thoso who love to witness exciting horse races will be amply grstifled at the next State fair." The reporter glanced over the letters and re marked: "All this doee, Indeed, look encouraging.” "Yes. it doe*." President Livingston said. "I feel that 1 am justified in saying that tho next State fair will be the best the Agricultural Society has ever held." Secretary Orier finished tho address on a package of premium lists, and striking the reporter on thu knee with his band, remarked; “And as for JKBSKT CATTUt, yon would be astonished to read tlio letters which I receive daily. Why. air, the State will fairly empty sU its Jersey cattle into the fair ground*. I never beard of the equal of it. We have ordered more- stalls to be constructed on the grounds, and I would not be surprised if we do not nave to prorido a still greater number. "I am anxtoua for tbote who intend to exhibit Jerseys to rend me the names and pedigree* of their animals so that I may catalogue them. When the auction sale takes place, a catalogue will bo of great conrenieuce to both buyers and Hellers. It in probable that the Jersey Cattle Club to already tak ing steps to make a catalogue, and if this 9*. * will nnito with its members iu the work. Bat & catalogue we must have." "WU1 the number of side attractions be large ?" "Larger than at any other fair ever held in Ma con." replied Secretary Grier. "All the museum attractions In the country, it seems to me. wish to exhibit themselves at the State fair. I have been overwhelmed with letter* on this subject "Besides, the side-shows, etc., the three great game* of baseball between the Chicago* sad soma other famous dub, will afford exciting amusement to visitors. The baseball game* will certainly oc cur, and lovers of tbs sport will congregate here from all sections of the union." "Is there much Interest In the fair upon the part of the i>eopla." "Oh, yes; a great deal. Our agents havo traveled all over the State, and they all report a widespread interest. Mr. Clark Orier has written ns tL$a tho people of Southwest Georgia are enthusiastic over the fair. In North Georgia there to also a lively In terest, and even in the adjoining Slates; people are writing letters of Inquiry to us. Yes. sir; the peo ple are interested, and they wlU come to the fair In large numbers." tion. The race track will be thoroughly overhauled ami prepared for the race*. All the buildings are tn good repair. One attraction of the fair will be the fine band of music which will be engaged. It to probable that more than one bond will be present AH tbe railroads will give reduced rates. Yesterday morning. Major A. C. Knapp, agent of the Central railroad, sent out for distribution along his comnany’s line three thousand handsomely I dodgers, advertising the attractions of radioed# v All the other i • will do tho same their displays. Space will not be easily obtained later on, aud those who wish their goods to appear to tbe best eflect, should make their arrange iu>'-nto at once. The indications point to tremendous crowd* of visitors. The hotels and boarding houses are mak ing greet preparations to entertain the people, but the? will be packed to the utmost to sewimmodste them. __________________ Pt«ue Try Not be Left this Time. To keep alive the greet Industrial Exposition at New Orleans, La., the immense expenditure of brains, money and labor has been utilized by a thor ough reorganization, and many thousands of pleas ure and health Barkers will go to the Crescent City, between now aud Mardi Gras, when the gnat event of Southern life occur*. But monthly Generals G. T. Beauregard of Louisiana, and Jubal A. Early tt Virginia, supervise solely the drawings of tin Louis ions State Lottery, snd scatter some to hol ders of tickets or fifths thereof, co sting fr»m $ l to $5 each. Any Information can be ha l of M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Recollect that O. U>ber Llth next will be the lHStb recurrence of the • .. nt. and do not be left this time. Aan Care for Sorw Tjiroat and roughs. "Brown's Bronchial Trochee*" hare been thor oughly tested, and maintain their g. ...Imputation.