The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 13, 1885, Image 1

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NO. 45. ESTABLISHED 1*2(5. MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13,1885. THE AFTERMATH OF GOSSIP CONCERNING THE DEFEAT OF THE RAILROAD BILL. An Intimation that Ill-Feeling Produced In tlio Struggle Over that Measure May Defeat the Technological Hill—General Toombs. BLOWN UP BY GAS. A Novel Suit for Damages Being Tried In the City Court. Atlanta, October 9.—The City Conrt is trying au interesting case to-day. Steuben McCrary, negTO, is suing the Gate City Gas Light Company for $10,000. He sues as next frienu for Maggie and Thomas Gates, minor children of Annie j Gates, colored, who on the 22d of July, ‘ 1881, went into the store of C. M. Barry, at 172 Decatur street, and never came out. UM1 , She was standing near the count every Vlde’many j ttag for some eggs when a great ; and there are a ! heard, and in about two minutes -- , . frt-nd.n# i!?* I col ‘P ie * At that time the Gate City Gas LigntCompany were layingpipe, and put, most part, are pemona wboae hiudaight is always i ting fixtures in the store. In some way a better than Uieir foresight. < That there was a time large nuantity of gas escaped into the cel- “ ‘But.’ Mid I, 'would not you have returned it to the exprera company had he done no?’ “ *The express company?* a he replied, 'why how would they have known where I got the money from?’ “I heard her nay afterwarda with much feeling- after she had held a meeting with her huabaud In prison. ‘I will Ntick to him to the last and when Le geta through thin buaineaa we will go to Mexico and live together again.’ “Roade asked the sheriff pertuianion to sleep in bin room, when tliat official replied: ‘No. air; 1 intend to treat you Just like I treat all other thieve*.’ This aeemud to crush Itea»le.” ■lie will be convicted of conrae ?” 'Oh, yen, but he rlaimn to have apent all the . October 11.—Now th.t tb* »llro«l bill I f.' ie *“» landing “mr the counter Iiegotia- which be artaalad.” Atlanta, ban been defeated, one heara on reanonn for tho action of the Houae; dozen or more who know exactly where there wan when the bill could have been passed, however, I think cannot be gninaaid, and that was when the Jenkins amendment was Amt broached. The morning after the pmvisionn of tbnt proposed amendment bad been whispered around, tho bill could have got 125 votes. That day there weru not more than aix or seven prominent men who were not “favorably impressed” by the amendment. The fact is that for awhile it deci mated the ranks of the opposition,and had the issue been marie there and then, there would have been a stampede in favor of tho bill. The amendment however, was not really all it was “cracl'ed up” to be, and when its full meaning came to lx; better understood by the opponents, it was lost forever. Gradually the demoralized tally sheets kept by Messrs. Terrell and Eason began to Improve a* the amendment becamo better under stood. Before three days the opposition had solidi fied and the bill was doomed. At one time there wan a rumor that the floor manager had conceded that the bill as proposed to be amended ought to pans. Whether there was ground for this nunor I do know, but the gentleman told me it never had any troth for its foundation. Dr. Felton is receiving a great deal more credit for the defeat of the bill than he deserves. He bad no part in the organization of the opponents, and I am sure his advice was never sought at any time. , Indeed, I heard one of the most active My that Dr. Felton was a weight. Had lib speech boen submitted to the leaders of the op position for revision it would have beeu changed considerably. Mr. McGants, who In a member of the railroad committee, voted for a favorable report of the bill. Up to tho last day or two he was re garded as a certain vote for it. Mr. Ferry, it is said, even attended the caucus of the friends of the measure, aud his vote against it was in the nature of a surprise. Almost up to the last day Mr. Com was counted as being for the bill and he voted against it. Whilst Mr. Tate, chairman of the railroad committee, was known to be opposed to the bill, he took such a conservative position that it vu thought he wonld not vote at all, as, indeed, he did not; but the fact that he is recorded on the House lonrnal as haring voted "no” shows that be flopped off the fence when the result was known. A gentleman tells mo that he was talking to Mr„Tate when his name was called, and that as he did not reply, he asked him if he was not going to vote. Mr. Tate did not reply and his name ws« passed. When the vote was announced and the names corded without con*.eutof the House, and no con sent was asked or given. The two speeches made in behalf of the bill were made by Mr. liiucs. of Washington, and your own able and true Nat Harris. Hr. Gordon’s ten min utes closing remarks were terse, succinct, ana to the point. The management of the matter waa conceded by tho friends of the bill to Mr. Gordon. He was Indefatigable, and it is Just praise to earnest lalwr to say that he displayed considerable skill. One of the advisory board of friends was Mr. Gustin aud he was field marshal on the floor, with Mr. Bartlett, restless, keen and untiring, as a most useful aide-de-camp. There are three negroes in the House. Two of them are brothers, Wilson of Cam den, and Wilson of McIntosh. These voted for the bill. Wilton, of Camden, w as from the first a friend of the bill. HU brother came into camp only on the last day. For two weeks before the vote was taken, there was the .hardest kind of electioneering work done. Many a night the leaden were up till 1 and 2 o’clock—both aides were vigilant Thu tension on all was so great that since Friday morn ing the House has been demoralized. Friday after noon very little was done. Yesterday morning waa ala * *“ ““ “** “ ““ 4ted and in the afternoon there waa no quorum. no quorum question suggests a needed change in the law as to paying Legislators. Under the present law a member goes to the treasury and draws his per dim fit will up to the day he applies for money. Although he way have been absent one or two or three days without “leave," the Treasurer pays the full amount. Unless the member makes the deduction, the Treasurer has no way of knowing whether the treasury is mulcted or not. Of course, no one for a moment imagines that any legislator would do such a thing; but laws are not made on the presumption of honesty; they are mads to defeat dUhouesty. There la no warrant on tho Treasury for members’ ptr diem; and for a treasurer to pay ont many thousand without a warrant is not the most durable way to conduct public money affairs. There were proba bly forty to fifty members away from the llousa yesterday nfternoon without leave. At four dollars a day, they are only entitled to two dollars each for Saturday. Who will guard the treasury from pay ing four dollars to each? This matter is not as far as 1 know under control of the treasurer, aud ho is in no way to blame for it. It U possible that no money is ever lost this way; but the way ie bad. It is true that at the end of the seraion there is a voucher made ont; but then, in nearly every the money has been paid to date. There is an amusing by-play going on in tho II,,The bill to autnorize a settlement between tli. state and the Marietta and North Georgia Kail- road Company, which will incur an expenditure of 000 to the State, was passed in the House, It is alleged, as a personal favor to Mr. Tate. Friends of the railroad bill hoped to obtain his •MbBcmuM- eration of their support of his Marietta bill. The same motive ac tuated the opponenta lg.fy rsiln*U bill. Mr. Tate seemingly flirted with both, SA he did not vote at all on the railroad MIL not withstanding the false entry™ fig Xfcua JcureaL Now both sides are displeased with Mr. Tate. \m> terday Mr. Harrell, of Webster, introduced tion to repeal the action of tho Ho bill, whereby In* save he can sai State. It Uses a two-thirds yob rules. aa Mr. Harrell to introduce hi* resolution, the drain >1 two-thirds vote, in a»» of a contemplated red nge on M That railroad bill l tho bilL the Ho passing the ,uuu to the to suspend the ha.l to do. That ho got nma facie evidence Lit. . orking in many of •. Mr. Gordon, of in his w.„ 89 - ipnl prohibit! L-. He used to attend the caucus of the oppo- to the railroad bUL He doubtless saw there minority there. At any rate, he swapped off rday I heard several mi-lup* alread; ed t.> make mends. N aevting him. it look m his vote forth l l voted for the bill. Ye several who have given itb his Pike county bill « to kill it Ho bos met with w ith the bill, and he need- jw that his old ry like the rail i defeat his measure, ghost railroad bill will rise irchnology bilL remains to id bill, c Ugh ed " i strongly • rday that he" 444 % **n"t give a Jlm * the bill passed or not. However, it Is also true tut Mr.&rrt*... ?»atrl^.((«—— ■dv in bis speeches ■ Mil, that he made no «** Beling against the bill p*r and labors for t i tuc ______ il in the iioureb^toreiir! Harris’s able arguments in behalf of the MU. coupled With hi. great personal popular tv. has won fri*nds for the Pleasure. Am. mb i it ha* bet n in the beuate. It has a bare chance to g through the Hotwe. I ha>e reason to bsllOTe U m*do to the technological Mil .Litton will 1 . t spite growing |of the fight over the railroad bid. ai^^otnpari-j to of the coming vtfte| i dm iili the former yet-wil ,*gicai hill , unless this exposure igilantes.” thi arced From a Bright but Erring La ti.vnta, October 9. Mr*. Bailie Barton lived her final decree of divorce m the lerior Court thi wife of C afternoon. She .). barton, nil Atlanta la fotii 11 -'' after tmat and |i,. lined mom ent to till which h of Ur t. ntinry. He « roUecUd for a client IU b»* * * i n . hi, term ont in J°* Iirpwn . caiup, > . r, He will be a free man in al twomonlka, at which time hia term ■icteil ,Tii work- KI, u ". Aftftin.I Bft.rl.all T.H. Dill Erring a Ui of W on ««ry o tiaaeliall i» sincerely tbe apoit here. rated by pi Jar ana a terrific explosion took place, tear ing up the floor of the building and killing Annie Gates on the spot. Tile declaration says that all the trouble was tho result of negligence on the part of the gas company who, knowing thnt their gas was of n highly explosive nature, gave no notice to the customers of Mr. Barry of the hazardous work in which the company was engaged. Annie Gates was a stout, healthy woman of forty-five at the time of her terrible death, and was earning $30 a month, which she de voted to the support of her children, Maggie and Thomas. Maggie is a likely yellow girl of nineteen. Tom her brother has been absent from the city for several seasons, on account of a warrant charging him with assault with in tent to murder a colored brother with whom he had a fight over a year ago. Horry Jackson and his brother-in-law are on opposite sides of the case aud are making tilings quite lively for each other in a legal way. The case will probably take up two days. In the tlourunl a Atlanta, October 10.—The Evening Jour nal says to-day that Mr. Tate, chairman of the committee on railroads, is recorded as voted nay on the passage of tho bill. Now, the Constitution, the Augusta Chronicle, and tbe Tkleorafb report him as “not voting.” Inquiry develops the fact that Mr. Tate did not vote. After the call of tho vote, he got the clerk to record him os vot ing “nay.” That vote is illegal, but it is nevertheless recorded in the journal of tbe House, as I found upon examination to day in the secretary of state’s offico, where the journal is kept. The fact is, that a’l along Mr. Tate was opposed to the bill, bit he at no time had courage to take a docmeJ stand, and the record of the journal show ing him to have voted “no,” is not legal. That it is a fraud, I do not say, but that ltis irregular is absolutely certain. When tho House discovered this state of offrim to-day, much indignation was expressed. Tiis is the fact. Mr. Tate did not vote, and the journal record is false. Jmlge Krwin Confirmed, Atlanta, Ga., October 10.—-The Senate unanimously confirmed this afternoon the nomination of Alexander S. Erwin as rail road commissioner, to succeed ex-Govemor Smith, whose term expires this month. Judge Erwin was a brave Confederate sol dier of the army of Virginia, and a wonnd still disables his left arm. After the war he moved from his native county, Haber sham, to Athens, and there suc cessfully practiced law.- He was appointed to be judge of the Snperior Court of the Western circuit, but after six S irs on the bench refused a re-election. s practice the last few years has been very lucrative. He is a Colquitt man, but bas been identified ns anti-Joe Brown. Ho is a Presbyterian in religion. He married a daughter of Howell Cobh and has seven children. He is regarded os very conserva tive. Mnnager Watkins Assaulted, Atlanta, October !).—Manager Watkins, of tho Ada Gray tronpe, thehusl andof Miss Ada, was badly beaten up by the sheriff at Griffin last night. During the performance in that town too sheriff went to the door and demuuded admission for himself and friends, Mr. Watkins refused it, when he was knocked in the forehead with the bull of a pistol and had two front teeth split by another blow. HU assailants will be tried in Griffin for assault to-morrow. Watkins will go down to the trial. Tho Ada Gray troupe played “East Lynne” to-night to a six uuudrdd dollar house. Death or Sirs. Warm. Atlanta, October 10.—Mrs. Charley Wurm died this morning, of typhoid fever, at the home of her father, Mr. W. G. Rich- nrds, on Capital avenue. She was formerly Miss Reddy Richards, one of tbe brightest and most popular young ladies in Atlanta. A few months ago she became the bride of Mr. Charles Wurm, a most worthy young umn of this city. It is a very sad case. Ere the orange wreath had withered the cypress crowned her brow. Col. Baum's Wore. Atlanta, October 0.—Tbe artesian well is now 2,300 feet deep, and the Ux-payera are $20,000 ont of pocket. Tbe lone Chinaman still bolds bis midnight vigil, feeling that the chances for ten increase as they dimin ish for water. Defaulter Kendo Iteturns to Tennessee. Atlanta, October 13 -Detccttva Eppleheimer, of Farrell's Coaaen-Ul Detectlie Agency st New Or leans who escorted CbarleA Beade. the Moms town express robber, through this city the other dxy to his horn* st Morristown, returned to Atlanta this morning, lie was attacked at the Kimball Bouse. “Ves. he Is safe at home, now." said the detective. "Beade la now in toil at hia old home. Ula apartment la a big room about MiTO foot Thera am two larga iron cagw In the room, and Reade la securely loraei In one of them. Tho other bolds another culprit. On tht wny np Bcodo knew nearly everybody who got on the train, and ha nevar failed to recognise and apeak to tba' people. In savaml Inatoi greeting them familiarly by their given names, wu somewhat embarrassing to him, you know. I allowed him. at hia request, to present his pees to tho eonducter, who otherwise might bare thought that ha waa under guard, you see. At Knoxville we wore met by Beads a wife, quite a young end handsome lady, by the way. » hen sba 1*.ended on tbs car I retired to the rear, expecting of coarse that a passionate If not etartllng scene wonld be enacted at tho mooting of the husbund and wife after so long a separation under distressing etr- cumstsno s. But there was nothing of the sort It wr- a most u.alter of fact and philosophic oBolr both sides." •■When will the trial her •■Some lima In December. I think. Reoda'a folks S, em to have gone squarely back oe him. lie baa a very rich uncu np tn ere vbobM refuMd to con tribute a cent to tho defense. HU wife, too, bee a wealthy relative who lakes the same view of things, lira. K***le stated sometime e«o that she intended to engage the beet legal talent m Tennessee to de- d her hunhand, and If convicted, expressed a do mination to live with hint tn the penitentiary. I a talk with her tn which she told me st she wan engaged to Beade only ten weeks before arrylng him. related several incidents of the otiruhip in the freest wq imaginable and wonnd up by saying Uut she did not and could not lore •• *To think,' aha exclaimed, ’that be took $2.Mu and abandoned hie wife and two children without so much ae giving them a cent of the money. He should certainly have left ns at least half. Mr. Kpplesheimer left to-day for New Orleans. A Cliat With Governor Smith. An*ANTA, October 12.—Your correspond*ut had a little talk with ex-Governor James M. Smith to-day. “You can say,” said lie, “lhat I ara not diuaif pointed at not being reappointed. I was satisfied all along that I would not be reappointed. I did not send anybody to Governor McDaniel to ask for the place again; but 1 was gratified to know that al>out 127 members of the Legislature indorsed me to tho Governor. I was an applicant for re appointment simply because I desired to stand by the commission. I care very little else about it” How do you and Governor McDaniel stand?” Ah far as I know there are no personally disa greeable relations between us. I haven’t anything to say against Mr. Erwin, my successor. He is a good man and I think will make an acceptable officer. Dut I have not much to say just now. "Well, I don't want to say anything about State politics at this time. As yet I have determined upon no definite line of action.” “You will lie heard from, though?” “Possibly, in the future. FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES. THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN GREAT BRITAIN. Speeches by .John Bright, Churchill, Par nell uml Others—Gladstone on Bul garian I'nfiin—Tlie Powers to Uphold Berlin Treaty. VOTING IN OHIO TO-DAV.J WIRBORASS RAMBLES Both Parties Confident of Buccesq The Bare Gllmps, Attempt to Assassinate a Negro. Atlanta, October 13.—To-night about 8 o’clock, while Tom Brow-n, a young negro nun. was passing the corner of Uunter street and Capital avenue, be was oct upon by a negro named Heury Harris anil an old woman, bis mother, nail two other negro men, who tried to assassinate him. Henry Harris said: "You insulted my mother,” and with that dealt him a terrible blow over the right eye with loaded end of a boggy wbip. Tbe woman then atruck him over tho left eye with some hard substance, supposed to have boon a rock, cutting a fearful gash. He waa then set upon by the iinartette aud stamped and kicked until helpless, when they ran off and left him. Brown managed to get to the sta tion and walked In covered with blood. The trouble grew ont of a visit Brown paid to-day to a girl living with the Harris woman. She forbade him her house, and when be refused to leave struck him several times with a stick. Brown then slapped her. She told her son Heury, and to-night they determined to kill Brown, for while they were beating bim tbe old woman yelled. "Kill him! kill him!" At 11:30 Henry Harris was caught by Capt Crini and of- deer Norman, who found bim secreted in the loft of Jones’s stable, covered with a blanket Tbe other assaselns have not yet been apprehended, but diligent search is being mode for utcni. Brown Is in n critical conditlom The Gas Light Case. Atlanta. October 13 The City Conrt this morn ing la listening to argument In the case of McCray rs. the Gate City Gee Light Company. Mr. Hoke Smith spoke for the plainUff. Captain Jackson ana speaking for tbe defense when your correspondent retired. Uls point woe to show that while the plain tiffs were undoubtedly entitled to damages for tbe killing of their mother, the Oate City Oas Light Company were not liable, bntthat Hunnicut A Bel- Ungrate, the gas Utters and plumbers, who were re sponsible for tbe condition of the stop-cock. were. Several lawyers who are Interested Ul other cases against tbe Oate City Company were watching the case very closely. Tbe caee will probably be given to the jury this afternoon. At S o’clock this afternoon tbe Jury In tbe cote of McCreary versus tbe Oate City Goa Light Compeny brought in a verdict for *1.300. They were out about au hour. This money goes to Maggie ami Tom Votes, the minor children of Annie katoe. who was killed in tbe exploelcn. A motion for a new trial will probably be made to-morrow. PROHIBITION IN ATLANTA. A Mileou Man Begs Leave to Differ as to the Figures, In your issued thelltli inst., your Atlanta correspondent draws a frightful picture of tho effect of prohibition in thnt city. I sup pose the cause of temperance in Atlanta is not wanting in champions who are abund antly able to take care of their side of the question—at least so far as Atlnnta is con cerned. But the discussion of this subject is not local in its application—it is nationnl. In its solution Macon is ns much interested in proportion to her wealth and population us Atlanta. There arc a good many of your correspon dent's statements, therefore, which I wonld like to see taken tip in in detail and answer ed by gome one more familiar with the facts- -one or two of them I think specially worthy of notice. For instance*. “There is in this city upwards of one million dollars invested in liquor. * * • If prohibition BhaU prevail S.s0,000of the city's revenue will at one blow be swept away. More than one thousand men will at one blow be thrown ont of employment, their families Vie deprived of their source of support. Up wards of two thonsaud store-houses will he thrown vacant upon the town, and all the money which the liquor dealers make and stwnil right here fbr rents, for groceries, for clothing, for pleasnre, for everything in the form of necessaries and luxuries—on enor mous aum—will be a dead loss.” Now, it a question if upwards of a million ilol- rs is invested in the liquor business in Atlanta, and admitting that there is, would he have us believe —does he suppose any sensible man will believe, that if prohibition prevails this vast capital will remain idle and seek no other investment? Would he have ns believe that the one thousand men who, “by one blow would be thrown out of employment" are wholly unfitted for any other occupation? And that the earnings from their well directed effort in anv other line of business wonld not be sufficient to “feed tho five thousand months and clothe and house the five thousand forma," that are fed and are clothed and housed from the sale of liquor in Atlanta? And does he not know that the 180,000 of tho city'a revenue, together with "the enor mous sum” which represents the liqnor dealers' profit, is tbe amount wasted—liter ally thrown away, by the consumers who are largely from the poorer dosses? And that tins [mimin’ raved by them and prop erly Invested, together with the result of the efforts of the “one thousand men” in the de velopment of the city's resources, does he not know that it would yield the city a larger revenue, and that there would be more money to spend for the necessaries and luxuries of life? Again he states that "the man who votes for prohibition in Atlanta casts his ballot for higher taxes on every specie* of prop erty—pah* a premium on commercial ruin, aims a deadly blow at manufacturing, crashes out every form of material pros perity, fastens a clog to the wheels of prog ress, and more than all, turns tbe dagger into his own heart.” Well now, Messrs. Editors, if this is true, don't yon think that a man who would do auch a thing ought to l>e pot in the peniten tiary? I think so. But it is not true. The facta will not sustain such an assertion. On the contrary, in the ranks of those who favor prohibition in Atlanta are to be found those who are aa wealthy, as wise, ss patriotic, as deeply and directly interested in the future welfare and prosperity of At lanta as those on the other side, who, f- the cake of reepectabitity are styling tin i-i- sclves “Liberals.” But I leave the further London, October 12.—Lord Randolph Churchill has issued an address to his con stituents. It is in the same impulsive style that characterizes his speeches. He says the Liberals are unable to justify their claims upon electors by any record of for eign and home achievement, and content themselves with incomplete and misleading extenuation, and acknowledge their failure. They seek to attract votes liy promises and bribes which bitter experience has shown they lmvo neither the capacity nor strength to fulfill. Ho refers to the adverse vote against Mr. Gladstone's government, wrung from the Commons on the budget. He con tinues: Mr. Bright will direct his unrivaled oratory, his simple, forcible iuvictive, his persona’ position and experience, to induce you to reinstate the Liberals. The old dis sension among the Liberals, which caused the ; failures of the past five years, is now blazing fiercely. Mr. Gladstone, in all honesty, warns yon that bis controlling hand will be stretched forth only a little while. Von will be asked to support a party which even hatred of the Tories cannot unite. You cannot yield to this appeal. The policy of tho Tones is to regain tho friendship of the powers, which prejudice, presumption and poltroos“ry Lave almost forfeited, and to use that friend ship to secure European peace; the imperial Feuernlution for defensive and commercial prosperity of England and her colonies; to conciliate bv equal laws and just and firm administration the Irish brethren now ins tated and estranged, bo that the union which nature as well ns policy effected may eternally endure; to place the security of India beyond the influence of panic or anx iety; to give the rural farming population the self-government which has already benefited tbe great towns. The Tories will opposo the dismemberment of the empire under the guise of national councils; the abolition of tho Honse of Lords; the disestablishment of the church and the use of its endowments for purposes of secular education; the wholesale plunder of all who have acquired property by inher itance or thrift under the guise of graduated taxation. All these mean social ruin and must be confided to Mr. Chamberlain. If the people restore the Liberals to power, the Tories will patiently accept the judg ment of the people, hut history will mourn and wonder at the blindness and insanity of n pt-oplejwho deliberately flung away a. pricele-s heritage, thereby consigning to the grave a great and glorious empire. L, ml Randolph ClmreliiU, in his address to the electors of Birmingham, said that the Torus would strive, os far as political economy wonld admit, to multiply the number freeholders and occupiers of limil througnout the United Kingdom; to utilize the powers of Parliament in the direction of a thrifty spending of the people’s money, and to reform parliamentary procedure and regulate tho hours of meeting of Parliament, so as to remedy night sittings. In a word, the Tories would govern the empire in tho light of common sense. London, October' 12.—The Times says Lord Banilolph Churchill's address is an ingenious appeal, and strikes with nnerrim instinct at the weak, points of the Liberal cause, namely, past failures and the dissen sions in the party. London, October 12.—Herbert Gladstone, speaking at Leeds, said that all Liberals were agreed that the office of Lonl Lieuten ant of Ireland should be abolished. He thought in time England would voluntarily vield home rale to Ireland, maintaining, however, the righta of the crown. John Bright declined to pass an opinion on the subject of free education. Regal din j the land question, he said he only wantet the transfer of land made easy, and did not approvo certain new fangled proposals on the subject. He deprecated t the fact that certain politicians were teaching the masses that they were slaves. The statements mude by these men were absurd in the face of the recent reform. Mr. Bright concluded with a violent diatribe against the resort to arms ss a means of settling international disputes, lie attributed the prevailing war feeling to jingoism In the newspapers. National Convention at Cork. Cork, October 12.—The national conven tion for the nomination of candidates for Parliament- for County Cork, assembled here to-day. Messrs. Parnell, Dillon and John O'Connor snd C00 delegates were pres ent. • An enthusiastic reception wns given the party leaders. Owing to strong differ ences of opinion prevailing among the dele gates respecting the claims of various gen tlemen mentioned for honors, Parnell select ed the candidates for six of the divisions, leaving the convention to select tbe seventh. London, October 12.—Mr. Parnell, pre vious to his departure from Cork, addressed a large crowd of citizens assembled at the railroad depot It has been decided that Parnell and John Deasy will offer them selves for redaction to Parliament tor the city of Cork. Committees’ Katlmntc. Cincinnati, October 12.—'The election in Ohio to-morrow is for Governor and other State officers and for members of the Leg islature. The Legislature to be chosen to morrow will elect a successor to States Senator Sherman. The estimates, that purport to be linsetl upon a polling of the State by the Democratic and Republican committees, give wide ly different resulto. The Democratic estimate elects Governor Hoadly by from 10,000 to 25,000 plurality, while the Repub lican elects Judge Foraker Governor by from 12,000 to 15,000 plurality. The estimates on the Legislature by both parties make the result close. Each claims a majority. The element of uncertainty in the election of Governor is tho prohibition vote. It is generally conceded that its increase will lie mainly from tho Republicans. . The prohi bition vote two years ago was 8,’JC2. The Democratic poll this year estimates it at 30,000. The prohibitionists themselves claim a vote much larger. It is possible that many who vote for Dr. Lconnrd on the prohibition ticket will vote with their for mer party on thelegialntive, bo that tho vote for Governor will not indicate exactly the complexion of the Legislature. In Cincin nati vigorous efforts have been made by a non-partisan committee to direct and pun ish frauds in registration. Their efforts reveal startling crime in this direction. They have prepared and printed to-day list of 1,400 fraudulently registered names, and they say they have no doubt there are 3,000 names that should have appeared on this fraudulent list, if closer scrutiny conld have been given. No arrests have yet been made. There is no anticipation of disorder at tbe polls. The voting places -have been greatly increased and the crowds abont them will lie accordingly smaller; besides, the new lnw prohibits persons from con gregating within 100 feet of a polling place. French Bepulillcans Confident. Pabis, October 12.—Mr. Bresson, the premier, in answering a congratulatory ad dress cn his re-election to a scut in the Chamber of Deputies, says that the Con servative gains cannot shake the confidence of the Republicans, who will have 150 ma jority in the new chamber. He declared the monarchists desired the overthrow of the republic and wonld cause a revolution in an attempt to that secure that end Neither Republicans nor Monarchists desire was abroad, but the republic alone can as sure peace at home. The suutll-iiux. Montbeal, October 12.—The official re turns at tbe health office show to-dav show there were 47 deaths in this city from smaU-pox on Saturday, 5 in St. Cnnegonde, X in St. Henri, 4 in Cote SL Louis, 2 in St. Jean Baptiste village and 2 in St. Gabriel. Yesterday -there were 47 deaths in this city, 7 in St. ‘Cnnegonde, 5 in 8L Henri, 7 in Cote Bt. Louis and 10 in SL Jean Baptiste village. Torum, October 12.—Thirty canea of cholera and seven deaths from the disease have occurred aboard the Couronne, a gun nery training vessel lying off this port. Every precaution is being taken to prevent tabiiity are styling them*! the spreading of tho disease to the town. ■ m u f— 1 Madeid, October 12.—The newspapers A TERRIBLE TRIPLE TRAGEDY. Details of n Bloody Fight In a Secluded Pennsylvania Neighborhood. Pittsbubo, October 12.—News hns just reached here of a terrible triple tragedy in lonely and unfreqncnted portion of Frank lin township. Saturday night Valentine Pfeiffer, n young German farmer, and a man named McDonald went to the cabin of Zacharies Wright, occupied by Wright and his wife, daughter and two sons. The visitors began beating on tho door and calling Mrs. Wright and her daughter vile names. Foiling to break down the door, McDonald went to the rear of the house and attempted to cuter through a window. When half way he was caught and stabbed in the neck by one of the Wright brothers, the cut reaching from tho right ear to the jugular vein. This was fol lowed bv a second stabbed in the breast. McDonald fell back lifeless. Pfeiffer then drew his revolver and began firing into the house. The second shot struck Adnra Wright in the breast and the third in the face. The fourth shot struck his brother Solomon, who hod sprung to catch Adam, in the left side. Pfeiffer then disappeared and has not been seen since. The remainder of the Wright family quick ly summoned a doctor, who pronounced both the brothers injured fatally. Tbe tragedy grew ont of n quarrel at a former meeting, when Pfeiffer hail boen roughly handled by the Wright boys, after insulting their sister. NEW YORK CITY POLITICS. The County Democracy Befnw tn Mnlto nil Alliance With Tammany. New York, October 12.—The county con vention of the County Democracy wns held this nfternoon in '.'flickering HolL When the convention's bussiness hod been attend ed to, committees of conference from Tammany and Irving halls entered the con vention, and General Spinola. for Tom- many, and Timothy J. Campbell, of Irving Hall, stated their errands and retired. The resolutions of their respective organizations, as presented, were referred to the conven tion's committee on reeolutions, which soon reported back, declining any interest with the Irving Hall or Tammany com mittees. The report affirmed the conviction that the differences existing between Tammany and the County Democracy should be settled and adjusted by the Democratic voters of the city of New Y'ork; that it is for the interest of the party in the city and State that constant deals and disgraceful trades between the rival county conven tions aud their favored candidates should cense; that in Tammany bosses rule, while in tho county orgnnizas tions every Democrat could speak; that with Tammany the interest- of the organization take precedence of tho interests of the party; that the issue with Tammany mast yet be decided, and there fore, 'Resolved, That we deem it improper and inexpedient to have any conference with any convention whatever.” The report and resolution were adopted, Irving Hull haring been ignored with re spect to any mention. The convention then nominated a full UckcL STORMS IN FLORIDA. Considerable Damage done to Ballroail* and Travel Interrupted. Jacksonville, October 12.— During the last two days and nights a storm of consid erable energy has raged over Florida. On Saturday night a heavy rainfall occurred here again, and a washout on ths Savannah, Florida anil Western road between Jackson ville and Waycross lias interrapted travel. Between Waycross snd Savannah the track is wonn than on this end. The wind blew forty-eight miles an hour at Cellar Keys on the Gulf coast at3p. m. yesterday, blowing from the south. The water covered nearly tin- whole island, doing considerable damage to roads and lumber yards. The steamer Amite, from New Orleans, due at Cedar Keys on Sunday, had not arrived this morning. The tides are venr high on the Atlantic coast also and a stiff gale hr.a been blowing for the last twenty-four hoars. Nothing can be heard from Key West about the reported hurricane there. No loss of vessels or life has been reported yet from anywhere. American* Thanked. Londox, 0< t >-her 12.—The family of the late Earle of Shaft- -burg thank the Ameri can people fur expressions of sympathy and letters <»f ci-mloh-ncc which are too num ons to answer in detail. in tlie Old Plantation Time. M. M. Folsom in Americus Recorder. "When I waa in de flel’ a hoeln', Ni-sii set ob mx, No glad ter liesk do bo'n a blowln’. Tell dat do wo'k was done. O! den do duties frolicked •weetly, Banjo in chime, Dinah an’ PhlUl*. dress so neatly, Danced by the big rulin' moon. ‘Come, go long wid ine, boss. De nig- galis gwine ter hub er big time to-night" This wns Ike, the fiddler. The dusky light of the October evening had settled into o perfect ni^ht. A night in autumn with never a fleck of cloud on the sky to hide tho light of the faintest star, anil no co luettish moon to dim the luster of the glowing planets, and the shining path of the milky way stretched athwart the vault of heaven like a band of purest silver bestuddeil with brighter jewels than the depth of the earth or the durk caverns of the ocean over concealed. Not a sound to disturb the sacred stillness of the air. A strange and unearthly realization of perfect rest. “Yes, we will go," said tho master, and we were soon tramping nlong the broad, sandy road, on onr way to the fes tivities. So perfectly were onr feeling in harmony with the time and the surround ings, that our voices naturally sank into tones thnt, in day time, would not have been audible. The sweet scents that hung upon the quiet air; musky scents from tho bottoms mingled with resinous odors from tho adjacent pine forest and an occasional sniff from a clump of late blooming wild flowers. • a "Jay bird died wid de whoopin' conrtb, • Hparrer died wid de colic; Long coine er frog wid er fiddle ou ’la back, 'Qulrln' de way to de frolic,’’ hummed Ike, as he tuned his fiddle with a “twung-ting-tink-tnm-tum.” Then again, “Cs'led Mias Hue to de ball las' night. Not 'er down to rapper. She fainted au* ober de table fell, Htack her none In de buttahi" (Twank-Ung-tlng-tuu.) "Sen* far de doc tab to fotch 'er to Aa’ 'e was raralla latab. She stuck er tu'key booe 'n 'er eye, Ami choke to def on de tat&hl Just thou n turn in the road revealed tho light of tho cabin where the ball wns to take place. In a few moments we were there, and Iko was seated in the comer tweaking his old fiddle, rubbing rosin on the bow, and going through a good many other premoni tory evolutions that made up a prelude to the music. At last he struck nn attitude, drew tbe bow ncross the vibrating ntrings, anil accompanied by a rigorous stamping of tho right foot he began to reel off the music of "Green Persimmons" with a hearty good wilL Jake, the plantation dandy, was the most prominent figure in the room. Rigged out in his best clothes, liis coot, a Prince Albert, that hiul seen service before, when tho boss whisked its generous sweep of skirts in the crowded ballrooms of tlie city, anil his hat n tall beaver that had served its apprenticeship in the same select company. And it wns Jake who ent a pigeon-wing on the floor, anil called onb “pa duo’s to yo’ el to the places,” as he led a dusky dam place at the head of the line. Big broi Hold 'e cat'er I sang Ike. “Git to yo’wo'k now; comedown to it," and they enrne. Jake “called de flg- gera.'' “S'lnte yo’ pa'dne's—lady on do lef —fas' oouple promenade down de centah— half way hock—gent to de lef and lady to de right, an' swing roan’—Oh, swing er- roun'!" "Ole mtsKA gimme hum meat, Ola tuUtia gimme eome bread. Dut Sally gib me one sweet klse, Wat ahaoflt kill me dead U Ob. I’m Kittin’ tn er weaving way, 1 apen’ my money free. Oh. yer'e good lichab. come an’ drink. Fur Bally U de gal fur me.” sang tho fiddler, ns he threw his bond back and rolled bis eyes in an ecstacy of enjoy ment. “Hnns all ’roun’ de room -right an’ lef frough—fall into lines, an’ dance to yo’ pa’dne's—den swing roun'—oh swing erroun!” My brain swam with giddiness as I watched the rapid motion of the dance™, and when the tune suddenly changed to “Ole Bill," I caught myself shuttling my feet, and, glancing nronnd to see if tho young master hud observed me, I was tickled to death to see him vigorously pat ting with his hands and feet, totally uncon scious of his ludicrous behavior, so entirely absorbed was he in watching the wild fan dango. --Ex I walkcl rrloag by da light o’ de moon. No merriy .login’ dia ulo chime, I corned ercroee a big raccoon Beltin' on er rail. Raccoon on cr nil—raccoon on c Raccoon on cr big oak roil. — j- 1 a mil. Bleepin' berry eonn’. discussion of the points made in this letter ' here consider the tix weeks’ negotiations bo-1 O! Bum l- toothers, and hope to ie* them thoroughly , tween Spain andGarmonr regarding tb | ventilated. H. F. B. I Carolines question 6 comj>luU> failtxre. | a ilir Oldham Strike. LrrKiu ol, October 12.—The strike I Mfly to dU coon did creep, An’ I fin’ dl» nuron fa*’ eralcep* An’ I cotch dl* raccoon by de feet. An’ tore ’im to de groun’. Tore 'im to de groan’—tore 'tin to de groan, I cotch die raccoon by de feet An’ 1 tore ’mi to de groan’. De ole coon 'gnn ter scratch an* bite. An’ 1 lammed t nray wtd all my might An’ I bunged ’to eye an’ I ap’tlt ’a eight. An’ I pick 'im on er banjo too! “Git ’lonf?, (lere.vo’not dancin',** cried tho merry fiddler, and they redoubled their ex ertions. The fire wah burning low, aml a querulous rooete, perched in the big mul berry tree, crowed long and loudly. “Let’s go,” Baid my friend, und stepped out into the night, And we made our way down the big road toward the big house. We had nearly reached the gate before either of us broke the silence. “Listen,” said my friend, “it’s a mile to the quarter, and I can hear old Ike’s foot as plainly.” And then we stopped and listened. Wo conld hear the faint tinkle of the fiddle, and r and anon the tones of tho tician oh he tuned his instru ment to the words of some wild plantation song. Far out across the level cotton fields the dark wall of the river swamp rose grand and gloomy against the western skv. Toward the south a stretch of white mist outlined the course of a nar row strip of lowland that cut through tho u t,l.- ft. 1.1 of lii’li m corn. “S'lch h *ppi- nesa as they enjoy is not dr. amed of by anv oflu r p*-oj i«- on « ..rtli. '-in* 1 m> fn* mi. “They exist like the mote in the sunbeam, simply for the please cf existing. >.o.l I, and then we turned toward the hi'ii.v an*l were soon abed. I don’t know how my friend fared, but I am . ■ rtairi I mast h ive, in my drt-auis that night, danced at leas! a quarter of a million jigv, while a vision of Ho-irkling eves and dusky fac,”. whirl' d in a b. w lid.Ting maze brfore my unsteady till unsettled. The man have ting and refused to accept the terms.