The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, November 17, 1885, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 182(5. MACAON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1885.-TWELVE PAGES. THE INSIDE OF ATLANTA. DR. ARMSTRONG AND PROHIBITION. The Wily Doctor WlihM to Ignore Certain Objection** Atlanta, November 10.—The position of Dr. J. S. Armstrong, chairman of the board of health, on tho prohibition question, leaked out to-day. His views have been re quested by n number of physicians in rela tion to the section of the general local option bill baling reference to tho prescribing of nlcohol instead of whisky in case the bill became a law in this connty. Dr. Arm strong is a strong prohibitionist. lie thinks that the aforementioned section of the bill is a bad one. But he in not in favor of making that point now for fear it will toll in favor of the anti-prohibition side. He, therefore, will not join the large number of Atlanta doctors who will shortly publish a circular advising the people not to vote for the bUl, because whisky is necessary in their prac tice and because the bill distinctly prohib its the prescribing of whisky, but confined the profession to pnre nlcohol which, every one knows wiU not do tor delicate stomachs. Dr.' Armstrong’s idea is to defer action upon this mutter until after prohibition lias been carried in this county. It will not go into effect, accord ing to his position, until the 1st of July, 1886. It will then bo only three months till the meeting of the Legis lature, when he thinks that section of the bill may bo amended without trouble. His idea is that the doctors and the people con worr%dong with diluted alcohol for throe months until tho assembled solons shall by a presto ballot transform the alcoholic fea ture of tho bill by a substitution of a whisky clause for medicinal purposes. The learned Doctor thns pnlls the wires silently and slyly for the prohibition side. But lie is altogether wrong in his reckoning. This is n county election under a State law and not n city election at all. If prohibition wins all the places whero it is sold here must be shnt up on tlio 1st of January. 1886. In the langur ofHhylock, “(hats the law,” and nccow.- ing to the loomed Doctor’s own view of this important theme, the doctors and the peo ple will have to struggle along from January till November—almost a yoar—with pnre alcohol in the prescribing and administer ing. In other words, provided prohibition wins and provided the next Legislature amends the bill, the doctors of Fnlton connty cannot legally prescribe whisky in their practice for about erne year. Doctor Armstrong being chairman of the board of health, the people have a right to hear from him on this important matter hence his views, as above presented. They are curious and entertaining in no munll degree, as showing how an accomplished public medical official may becomo en meshed when ho tackles the cobwebs of the law. A MIDNIGHT DUEL. Ofllrtr Median Exchanges Shota With a ltnrslar on a Housetop, Atlanta, November 10.—Officer Meehan, of the polico force, came near losing his life about 3 o'clock this morning. While pa trolling his licat on Marietta street at that hour he heard the cry for police from the Nationnl Hotel and rushed to the front of that building, lie was confronted by a porter who told him that a burglar was tra versing a passage way on the second floor. Up the steps ran tho porter and officer. They heard the burglar walk ing about on the root They walked ht out on the shed, and the hlbtUng, under penalty, the sale or other disposl- tlon of spirituous, vinous or malt liquor*, or intox icating beverages or bitters in Monroe and other counties (psmph. nets, 188041, p. ICO), thst nothing contained in the net “shall prevent any person from selling wine, in quantities less tbau one qusrt, made In this Stste, from grapes raised therein,” be ing s discrimination against imported wines manu factured from grapes raised in any of the other States, or foreign countries, and in favor of wines manufactured from grapes raised in this State, is violative of the constitution of the United States, and void.—Alabama Supreme Court McCreary vs. State, 73 Ala. 480. Merely an Opinion. Atlanta, November II.—'Messrs. Rich- ard I’etera and George Adair, two of the oldeat nml Bhrowdcst citizcnfl of Atlanta, were talking about the prohibition cam paign this morning. They agreed that if the dry ticket wins, the bitterness engen dered will not die out in le«B than ten years. Both consider the springing of tho temperance question upon the people here very unfortunate. THE LEADING LIBERAL CONFIDENT A Majority or Over 800 Calculated From a Close Canvass—The Dickson Will Atlanta, November 13.—I met Mr. Frank Potts this morning and asked him about the election. “You can say," said he, “that the wet ticket will win. The committee of fifteen held a meeting last night, and from the most reliable data figured up the result. We put the connty outside of Atlanta a stand off—though it will probably go wet. But there can he no doubt of the result in the city. The registration has been scrutinized by us from tho first day until now—and we have figured most carefully, allowing the dry men a big margin. Ultimate victory for the wet ticket is assured. The majority for the wet ticket in this city will not fall short of 800 votes. We are going to win, and then you may look out for a torchlight procession and tho biggest 'possum supper ever given in Atlanta. It is only neces sary to add that Mr. Potts is the general issimo of the anti-prohibition forces. He lioH been in the thickest of the fight from the firing of the first gun, and has done more good work and hard work than any ten men in town for tho best interest of Atlanta, and to crown all he bos been in a charming humor all the time, and weura to-day a smile sunny enough to chill the heart of the most devout Puritan who ever burnt a witch, or felt like murdering bis neighbor for kissing his wife on Sunday. Atlanta, November 13.—The big tent was filled to-night with men, women and children, white, black and yellow, to hear Judge Lodrpnc turn State's evidence on prohibition. Ilis ndilrexs was able as a temperance lecture, bnt he would doubtless confess himself that his special pleading on prohibition was not sufficient to convict with a fair jury. The audience was apathetic, not one generous cheer went up from the five thousand present. This seems probably biased, bnt it is absolute truth. Judge Lochrnnc said be spoke with mali e towards none and with charity for all. If prohibi tion was carried, ten thousand families would move to Atlanta to educate their children. That would be an increase of fifty thousand population. His first speech in America was a temperance speech for tho Sons of Father Mathew. Ho worked the Dr. Felton racket in describing the alleged homes of the sober and drinking men, and asked tho andience to select a choice, ATTEMPT TO RESCUE A PRISONER. Necking to be l'inn a ted. Atlanta, November 13.—In tbo clerk's office of the Superior Court this afternoon, Sallie R. Brown filed a libel for divorce against her husband G. R. Brown. The declaration affirms that the party were mar ried in Walton county in the month of May, 1882. They lived together until Oc tober of the same year. It avers that Brown deserted her without any cause whatever. He has never returned to her, never con tributed to her support in any way. It also states that while they were bring together he did not furnish her even with the neces sary means of support. She therefore asks for a total divorce. Mrs. Brown's maiden name was Sallie R. Clark. Brown is a resi dent of New York. ING INTO BULGARIA. him“ 0ni8 ^d “he ^promises* C mit 1 FRONT FOREIGN COUNTRIES. at an early day he will nay his respects to him and to others who have seen fit to THK SERVIANS RAPIDLY ADVANC- ungraciously comment on his character and insinnate insincerity of conversion. That means bad blood. DB. HAWTHORNE AND THE IRISH. Dr. Hawthomo has ccrtoialy wade ene mies who wiU not readily forgive him, and doubtless never forget him. The Irish of Atlanta—and they are numerous and influ- ;S; is I JssJsts jhsb**» ^ I ban asked Turkey for assistance. Servia | A Skirmish Results In Their Favor—Great Enthusiasm Among the Dulgurlans— The Final Dissolution of the Turkish Empire Near. shot at him five times. Meehan struck at him with his ciub, bnt failed to hit him. Meehan got the drop on him, but before he could fire, a ball struck him in the left low. At this juncture officers Martin and Mercer ran to Meehan's rescue. As the burglar passed up the railroad Mercer called to him- to atop. He rallied by shooting at Mercer and then got away. Meehan's wound was dressed by Dr. Dan Howell. It is not dangerous. Drops of blood were discovered on tho roof. The burglar was evidently wounded. Officer Meehan is resting well to-night at his boardinghouse on Mitchell street Action of the Railroad Commlulon Atlanta, November 10.— 1 The Railroad Commission has granted the petition of the Chamber of Commerce in reference to pools, and have ordered aU the railroad coni panics doing business in Georgia to fnnuah them all contracts and agreement* between sanl railroad companies as to freight and |«seen- ser tariffs; also aU contract* and sgreementa of *U kind* relating to division' of earnings between competing lines doing bnaincS* in Georgia, in onlerthat the com mission may decide whether or not these contracts, agreements and arrangements are band and plumb the rules of the cowniis- All the contracts and agreements must be furnished the commission. within twenty days days from the 6th of Novem bar. -'. Drawing Double Fay, Atlanta. November 10.-Major Tip Har- riffinn tlrawH 4 imliiy of $1,850 us warrant clerk to the Governor, and $600 per annum as clerk to the capital commissioner*. * 'rLkcd a'co'mmissioner how it come that Harrison was appointed. The tip be gave me wa* that theiom mission needed a com petent clerk. * get aneh a one would lost $1,200 to $1,400; but they could get Harrison with bia salary a* warrant clerk for $600 per year; and that aa the Governor luul most of the correspondence to attend Tit was best "> have Harrison, who was !1 hi* office, and therefore convenient. •cm; GEORGIA LAW REPORTER. - lUnrlnx I.n the l’rolil \ TI.ANTA, November 1L—Frank L. Ilar- ,,1s. n and Charles A. Loring are pubbdang HEt gami-monthly law journal here, de- ■Kd mostly to reporting decision* of the Oonrto<thlaStale. IgothoMof fKmodJ number to-day, which is a very and which contains same report* of ernee bearing oo the ^HStton question. The batch era from lil-.r Mate, Alabama: lass * SSSKraarS a ■"iSCIS'liftff, fa ^^BZbkToaviwiAillMMMlaii ta at* tf tfM u—$if ikiii Oamrt. Msj V,.Vntomrrat. un, Atlanta. November 13.—Rather a bold attempt was made huit night at l'hdnrillr, Gordon connty, to rescue H. M. Thomas, a prisoner, from Deputy United State* Mar shal Carter. At Reeves Station early yes terday the marshal was warned that ho was not wanted in that neighborhood, and that it would not be safe for him to remain. Marshal Curter is known to be one of the bravest men in the internal revenue employ. He told the person warning him that he might be sinated, bnt he wo* there on business and he would perform it in *pito of every and all threats. Later in tho day he arre*ted Thomas. As a prudent precaution he left Reeves station early and went to Flainsrille, four nnd a half miles distant, await to the train, which was due at 11 .o'clock, p. m. While at the riainrille station awsiting with the prisoner and a guard, a man en tered the room and said to Thomas: “What are you doing here?” Thomaa replied: “Well, I am here with these boys.” “Well, they have no right to have you here. Here, I wan't to see you outside the door.” The marshal addressed tho stranger and told him that he could not allow tho prisoner to go outside. The stranger re sponded: “I understand yon have arrested this man without authority, oud you can't take him.” The marshal said the prisoner was in custody, and he was going to take him l ' W \\'ith an oath, the atr-ngcr said he would «that the prisoner was not carried, if he bad to call on his crowd. Going to the door he door he threw open and said: “Here boys fire right in here. Three shots were fired by the outsiders. The marshal bad drawn his pistol as the door was thrown open, and he fired twice. Then the marshal covering the prisoner with hia weapon aaid: “Tell yoar friends that if they fire again ITl blow yonr brain* out. My safety rests now on your life,” The prisoner, who bail started to go oat, obeyed the marshal, and his pleading with his’ would-be rescuer* to save his life, caused the firing to cease. The marshal arrived to-day with hi* prisoner. The name* of several of the rescuers are known, and it is expected that they will be arrested promptly. CHARLES EGBERT CRADDOCK A Five Minutes Chat Abouta Gifted South ern Woman. Atlanta, November 14.—Mr. Joseph A. Farrell arrived in Atlanta a few days ago from Monvale Springs, Tennessee, where he has been spending several weeks. Among the guests of that charming moun tain resort was the now famous Miss Mur- free, who achieved her literary distinction under the nom tie plume of Charles Egbert Craddock. I asked Mr. Farrell, who is himself a gentleman of fine literary taste and talent, some questions about the re markable writer. “Yes,” said he, “I had tho pleasure of sojourning at Montvale for about three weeks, and saw Charles Egbert Craddock every day. She is not strictly handsome, but has fine, regular features and a most intelligent and interest ing face. Her eves are very striking. They e large, dark, dreamv and very expressive tho most beautiful I have ever seen.” “Was she engngod upon literary work while there?" ‘Yes; she is now writing for tbo Atlantic, think, a piece called ‘The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain.’ ” How about her methods of work?” •Well, while at Montvale it was her cus tom to rise at 7 o'clock. After taking break fast she would sit for half an hour on the veranda talking with friends. She wonlil then repair to her room up stairs and write until about 12:30. After taking dinner she wonld rest about half an hour again, then retire to her room and work until supper time. This completed the day's labor. Af ter supper she would giro her evenings to her friends. She is a most bril liant conversationalist and a very sociable lady. She . seemed to be light in mingling with people. Sho took ensure in cards, but did not engage in the ice." 'Is she well paid for her work?” 'I think so. While nt Montvale she wrote a short sketch for which sho received $600. She told me that if she could do all the writing for which she had orders ahe wonld in a few years be a rich woman. She is n conscientious worker. She had finish the sketch above referred in a given length of time. She got a littlo behind and sent a messen ger to Knoxville on horseback with in structions to telegraph her publisher and ask for two .or threo dayafgraee. Tho te lly was that he must have the sketch at the lime specified. She finished that sketch, and forwarded it to him on time, bnt she bad to sit up the whole of one night in order to do it.” When did she first make a hit?” 'About three years ago she wrote short story colled ‘Down tlio Ravine' and sent it to the Youth's Companion. It was published, was a suc cess, nnd ever since there has been a steady demand for her work. Of course she had scribbled a good ileal before that, but that riii care of themselves, made Sr^s^to^tSnl^Tl: I tho ' ri8hto of 1110 SaUan in appeals were being made in _ this country | k 8 lTi daBy for the poor' Irish at home, whoae I. ^“ah™. olf Servian C£hi ,0 S,,“el v'fy a ^tSS^SEwu? Zudto“ o'f tog°, tow^im^lf Tj'hU ’lw“l Pleas done Don’t Want to Lw Population. Atlanta, Not ember 13. —Mr. Slough is very active emigrant agent of the East Ten nessee railroad. Some time ago be adver tised for emigrants in Woodmff, 8. C., the Augusta and Lawrenceviile railroad, ■ go to Arkansas. The advertisement an nounced that on a certain day Mr. Slough would be in Woodmff take ail who desired to ci to Arkansas. Shortly after herecei tiee that if he came to VToodraff to take away it* peopl* that “he would bedealt with according to lynch tow and justice. i favor of a restoration was the earnest sketch which caught the public favor and marked her aa a literary genius.” 'She was raised in Tennessee.” Yea, and amid the scenes which in her stories she so well depicts. She is a great student of the country and of human na ture. While at Montvale she rode four miles to Chilhouse mountain to get a genuino country spinning-wheel. She wonted to describe one in her story. She understands tho dialect of the country folk thoroughly and reproduces it correctly to her writings. There wax an old hunter at Montvale nnmed ‘Buck Shanks'—quite a character in that part of the country. She made him a study while there; talked to him very often, and never let a chance to observe his move ments slip. You will pardon tho story, but I think she got old Back Shanks down very fine, and one of these day* we shall see him in one of her stories." “Her elder sister,” continued Mr. Farrell, ‘was her constant companion at the spring. I have rarely seen such perfect devotion in two women. Her father, Col. Murfrce/ a prominent man in Tennessee, came over to see her while at Montvale, and never seemed happier than when taking long rides with his gifted daughter.” Miss Mnrfree is about 28 yean of lives in St. Louis, to which place turned from Montvale last week. Father Ktorch on the Constitution. Atlanta, November 15.—Father Kicrch, pastor of the Immaculate Conception church, who preached a remarkable and now famous sermon several weeks ago on marriage, to-day delivered one that will also create much comment. He spoke ©Brtatolynotwon'estMm SEEK I ^ZL^and jle fortC rt mlgbt Cert vota "the 0 nSti-prohibition I Jowanoviicn is , co S' ticket as “mangy, flea-bitten creatures," ^vgnnel" ° "nmoct/*™ 8 i* and it is easily seen that the pulpit in poli- gjkpafinfc C^ 1 Be y tics ,s winning no laurels. I B&bdrik Each division %on- tbe state s evidence. Bints of 20,000 men. King Milan, be- 8am SmaU spoke one night recently in fore tho advanco commenced, observed to tho court house basement. He brought I Col. Benecky that Sofia would be captured whisky to the bar, put him on trial and con- within three days. victed him of all the crimes of tho decn- Belobade, November 15.—A decree has logue. Judge Wright commenting on it the been issued announcing that King Milan next day said: • will have full command of the Servian “Well, I see Sam Small indicted and troops, and appointing Gen. l’otrovitch tried whisky last night. In that caso he chief of staff. Gen. Jankovitcb, minister was judge, jury and prosecuting attorney; of war, has gone to l’irot. It is reported nnd then he could not convict without turn- that King Milan has telegraphed the Em- tog State's evidence himself.” peror ot Atistro-Hungary that tho advance That is one trouble in this campaign; I of the Servians on Dragoman l’oss has com- nearly all the more prominent speakera are menced. State's evidence, and very into State’s evi-1 Constantinople, November 15.—Turkish dence at that. Tho best of them are recent I officers on the Greek and Servian frontiers converts; but that don't mako them one hit havo been instructed to repel any attempt modest Bob IngcraoU has about sized up to invade Turkish territory without waitiug these zealous new converts. He says: I for orders. “Converts are like bumble bees. . They are I Constantinople, November 15.—Tho biggest when first hatched.” One is very apt I Servian minister here, in notifying the Snl- to doubt their sincerity or the depth of I tan of the outbreak of the between Ser- their grace. I recall a prominent lawyer, I via and Bulgaria, adheres to Servia's who, when the local option bill was before | former declaration in tlio Legislature, talked a longtime with Mr. Adolph Brandt, who wns opposing the hill vigorously, as to the iniquity and injustice! PniLiropoLis, November 15.—The cus- ot such a tow. He has becomo a tom honse officers at Bourgas, Eastern recent convert, and made a speech for pro- I Roumelin, have been notified that henco- hibition. Yet this samo gentleman, as a forth imports from Turkey must pay the lawyer, advised a certain bar-room keeper I same duties as imports from other foreign to keep his place open even if prohibition countries. did carry, aa the law could not hold. Constantinople, November 15.—Another wa* it a noons teleobaxi? I contract has been mode for the transporta- Yesterday appeared in the Constitution whnt purported to be a telegram from Hal-1 draggle of the ot'the'lnto jdcnsry 1 council oTCVubjS3 TMrifth fo,extotan« i. ajgro^lring, and sinew of the land. ' “l*’-£ T uIL k,m conference have l>e«n interrupted owing body i " ^ ^ to the illness of M. Nelidoff, the Busman no such buncombe talk in her official de- nmb(uultt( i or jt is understood a majority of V the Turkish troop* will be withdrawn from th<Ttonstittitton. U wo* not marked Bkmmelian frmtter mtdeonoantratodon aSSgS, , November 15.-Unllmit*d “.d tte . Q js£,ir uer - I, ’“ ino “ in take any part for prohibition. I wcaU _ Father Kerch's sincere but very funny an- _^ Z* f0r him t0 d ° SnSlf SnTtoT condemning the train Here hh W pMasrsifSi*"?:? uLr *> tato^ti^rConstitutUm.^'lt'hmfbL^'eno^h I tpdefi^ly «ttle ito p»ition » a # the ottk ^uliTJSi for t^ .nti^itoUton* of waTbetween tiervi. and Bulgaria, excellent aervioe for tho anU-probibltion- Athens, November 15.—The Greek gov- “**• ' eminent has contracted for sixty Mitrail- S . . ,1 lease and Nordenfelt guns and 140,000 Tho registration is over, and by a close round , o( amiunnition, at a cost of $160,- acrutiny, I am led to the belief that prohi- ^ The government has also contracted bition wjll be defeated. AU tho prohioi- with the >j at i oni j u»nk for a loan of $380, tioniatii are enthuniaitit, nnd they *11 go to I qq^ the meetings, and yeteven in the big tout | ItcsTcnrcK, November 16.—The Russian I havo not seen, to the best of my todg- con>tt | jinx been ordered to hold himself ini ment and beUef, over 1,000 voters. There re# jj n ess to leave, with the archives of his are many who will vote against prohibition olBce . A ,turner has arrived here with five that never go near a meeting; unless it be, mU)iou cartridges. Tbo soldiers of the na- for entertainment, they attend the big pro- tioxxial guard have been summoned to join ihibltion tent meeting. By Uie by, a news- h Richardson, of tlie “ - 1 paper man, F. II. stitutiot), is billed for Monday ni| night at ; tent. There is an amusing aide to the Co ?" Prince Alexander ha* sent a circular to port unate dime or y< well worked up (a hia denunciation of papen not fit to be promiscuously read, he created something of a sensation in the congregation by saying “No parent should allow the Constitution into the hands of his chUd without first reading it to see that there is nothing dirty or suggestive to it.” the powers in which he complain* that the .. ■ i.. j Servian agent in Bulgaria withheld for eight tight. A good many prohibitionists actually holIrM t)lu notiticatioii of Servia's declan- f.-ur to vote for tho law lest Macon get the tion of Wllr prince Alexander indignantly advantage of Atlanta by remaining wet. jenies tlmt the Bulgarian* violates! the Scr- These fears are groundless. Atlanta will viim frontier, and declares tho Servians are continue wet. solely blamalilc for recent events on the TO DEBATE THE QUESTION. ‘Tto^itcUvity prevails at PhiUpopolto Messrs. Clayton and Haydn to Meet Dr. Trains filled with soldiers singing patriotic Hawthorne and Frank Klcfcardson. songs are constantly leaving for the front. Atlanta, Novi mlsr 16.—Mr. DeLoach, I The people throughout the country mani^ of tlio committee on tent meetings, said fest great enthusiasm. The troops are there were no anti-prohibition speakers. Ho gratified at engaging in warfare for tuo first was told that there were. Then he said he time without a single foreigner in their challenged any one to meat tlu ir speakers ranks. Bulgaria has decided to remain on in joint discussion any evening this week, the defensive. She accepts war with nilni- Meosra. ltoliert Haydn and Smith Clayton mss, knowing Europe will acquit her of till occchUmI the cknllcni'c, and Mr. CUrton blame. named l>r. Hawthorne for his antagonist London, Novemlier 15.- The Standard, and Mr. Haydn named Mr. Richardson, of I commenting on tlie outbreak of hostilities the Constitution. Mr. DeLoach is secretary of I between Servia and Bulgaria, says: “War the Young Men's Club, nnd said he ofiered bus ls-en kindled in the Balkans. We see tho challenge by authority. If the two I the beginning, hut no human intelligence named prohibitionists do not back out there | can pretend to set limits to the area or in will Ihi the biggest joint discussion in At- tensity of the fire.” lanta in a few days that has ever' occurred In iln interview to-day the Servian min- here. Mr. Clayton is a well-known dc- ister said he believed if the Balkan confer- bater, whose satire and ridicule at well ns ence desired to stop the war solid logic will put Dr. Haw thorne on bis I between Servia and Bulgaria bis gov- mettle. Nothing is known of Mr. Haydn's cmnu nt would ncqniesce after tbe capture debating ability. | of Solis. Servia, he said, desired a com- . I menial treaty with Bulgaria, and facilities The rtsr in lluruiati. fo r tnu je w jth that country. She also ile- Raxooox, November 15.—Armed steam .ited to annex that part of Bulgaria which launches from the British steam, ra Hath- Servians occupied when the Berlin confor- leen ami Irrawaddy Bayc raptured King (n co met. Servia, ho continued, did not Thcbaw’s war Teasels. Tho capture wns intend the conquest of Bulgaria, and there effected under the guns of the Cbitterbarh Wtt * therefore no reason why the powers fort, after a sharp fight. One British uffl- should interfere. He dwelt upon the sn eer was wounded. periority of the rifle used by the t Rtxooox, November 15.—According to over another account,King Thebaw’s man-of-war j ans . I One would H.lnlr that it were well-nigh | we* captured opposite Fort Simbourgim h Tlie News romhlen that the Marquis of imisevdble for pers euiUtiee to L brought | after a simp encounter with that work. I Salisbury's unfortunate nttoam e* j.recipi- into a prohibition campaign; and jtt win Launches from the ateamer Vog are aaid to I tated tbe conflict between Se rvia and Bui- lh engendered personalities and have taken part in the affair. I garia. King Milan's conduct, it aaya, ia an of Miugi that wiU last as Iona I ' | evil omen for the Balkan states. If aU the SIDE ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN. Trying to Control Cnttiollc Votes by Du bious Method". Atlanta, November 16.—It’s prohibition; of course it is; what else could one write of from Atlanta on Sunday? It engrosses every one's thoughts and conversation here. I overheard seven different eooples talking as I walked a few blocks this morn ing, and each was talking about prohibi tion. The interest in this question is all- absorbing, and all retail business is at a standstill. Even the liquor men say the agitation is hotting their present re Here and there throughout the city, have been a few social gatherings, but even they have dissolved themselves into prohi bition and auti-probibitioa club* before the evening was over. periority of the rifle used by the Servian* 15.—According to over the weapon possessed by the Bulgar- ebaw’s man-of-war inns. resent oonfnshn en Turkey. v ikxna, itovemuer to.—The newspapers here express the hope that the Servo-Bnl- garinn war will bo localized, but they admit that Russian interests are to those ' Austria. Austria, they soy, is bound to support Servia, while Russia is inclined to ward Bulgarin, ns is evident from tho fact that she nos permitted the exportation of 18,000,000 cartridges to Bulgaria, having hitherto prohibited their shipment. THE SERVIANS GAIN A VICTORY. Tho Mountain Parses Turned and tlio ’Way Clear to 8ofln* London, November 10.—Tho daily news papers to their editorials on the Bulgarian and Servian war aro unanimous in con demning Servia, and express great anxiety L|. to the future of the Balkans. Belgrade, November 16.—After desper ate fighting yesterday tho Servian troops occupied positions nt ltostcha. The losses on both sides were heavy. The victory en abled them to turn tho veiy difficult nnd rocky gorge of the Dragoman Foss, and the Bulgarians, after a gallant resistance, re treated to Slwnritza, where an important ;emcnt is expected to take place to-day, i will probably decide the fate of Sofia. Tho direct road to Sofia passes through Tznribone nnd Dragomans, bnt another route runs by way of Trn and turns both the defiles of Tzoribone and Dragoman, reaching Sofia by way of Bresnik. It was irobnbly on the latter road the fight of yes- erday took place. Const ANTiNorut, November 16.—The fifth and probably tho lost sitting of tho conference on the Ronmclian question was held to-day. M. Nelidoff, the Russian am bassador, was present. The delegates agreed to tho principal points at iisuc. It is believed that owing to the efforts of Ger many in will be possible to localize the war in the Balkans. Belobade, November 16.—It is reported from tho front that the Servians, having turned the Dragoman Pass, arenow march ing on Sofia, nnd that the rood to the line of entrenchments of that city is dear. London, November 16.—The effect of tho war news to-day in the various financial centres was depressing to values. Tho bourse at Vienna was weak and prices at the close showed an important decline aa compared with the closing prices on Satur day. At Paris tho bourne was unsettled during tho greater part of tho dny, but with a better feeling. Tho Berlin boureo was Tcry weak, and the closing quo tations showed a further general decline of 1 per cent. Tlio market at the London Stock Exchnngo opened flat, but closed stronger on tho belief that the war will be localized. The Times severely censures tho conduct of Servia to declaring war against Bulgaria and says: “It is evident that Servia acted on the prompting ot Austria, and althongh it is not to our interest to prevent a conflict between Russia and Austria, we cannot help feeling that Austria's course of ertion is neither dignified or straightforward, ami that she will return to accompany Germany to the path of deference to Rn-sia. This urtends serious changes in tho syutem of luropean states. Tho fact that Russia is unprepared for war is a dominant feature of the existing situation. PiznoT, November 16.—Tho Bulgarian troops are making an obstinate resistance while retreating along the whole line. Five hundred Bulgarians nave been taken pris oners. Sons, November 16.—Prince Alexander has started for SUvnitza, to assume com mand of tho army. A force of Bulgarians from Wiildrn has crossed the Timok river and entered Servia, and ia now attacking Negotine. iXDox, November 16.—Turkey has or dered 26,000 tons of coal at Newcastle, to be delivered in six weeks, and has sent thirty thousand pounds to Hungary for tho purchase of additional artillery nonet. London, November 10.—Sir Michael Hicks-Beacb, chancellor of the exchequer, speaking at Bristol this evening, said ho hoped that the powers would endeavor to restrict tho area of the Balkan conflict, which might eventuate in one of those great conflagrations that before now have deso lated empires. England’s interest in tho Balkan dispute, he said, did not exceed that of other signer* of the Berlin treaty. It is stated this evening that at the meet ing of the conference it was decided to con tinue the conference regardless of the war between Servia and Bulgaria. The dele gates are unanimously in favor of estaklislimcnt of the ttahu quo ante. Ixixdon, November 18.—It is reported that King Milan, at tbe head ot the body of his troops, attempted to attack the Bulgarian rear, but was met and repulsed by a forco under Paiuee Alexander. Belosade, November 16.—Lieutenant- Colonel Stcksteb, of tbe Servian army, was killed in the fight at Kiel*. King Milan boa his headquarters at laaribruil. lie com mands a force of 42,000 men. London, November 17.—Tbe government of Itoumania, referring to the fact that tbe Bulgarians are fortifying Widdto, has sent a circular note to the powers, calling atten tion to the article in the Berlin treaty which decrees that fortresses on the Danube be razed, in order to secure free navigation of the river. London, Novemlier 17.—Tho Daily Tele graph says that a numerously signed peti tion has reached St. Petersburg from Sofia, praying Russia to deliver Bulgaria from tho “stranger” in their country. The “stran ger” referred to is Prince Alexander. Bzrlin, November 16.—The Post says; Only Austria was able to perform the task, unpleasant to her, of restraining Servia. The result of the present complication* will bo a Russian descent upon Bulgarin. If Turkey interferes, Gladstono trill raise the cry of Turkish atrocities and upset the Conservative government. Then the confusion of Europe will be complete. Tbe Frankfort Gazette says it trill be a miracle if Austria and Russia are not drawn into the struggle. The Cologne Gazettee say* it is convinced that the Turk wiU be driven ftmu Europe. Belosaie, November 18.—The govern ment bat called out the Second and Third corps of reserves. Hr. Pbtebsbubo, November 16.—Russian newspapers, in commenting on the Balkan qncstion, abuse Austria equally with Fug- land. London, November 17.—The Hines, m referring to Itoumania'* protest against the ...... —- ” v . . . .. |. ,y^ — life Taka, for instance, Mr. SamSmalC I Tnoitdom'; •how. a commendable, demreot ttabouth-1 -' ^ offeaM ' , t WU . era States to retain their own people at| home. I jam A. Pledger, the Lucifer of the eati-] eeaes-encc “Her Balkan itataa h .1 bailid the Bnlg .iian un- , r s M !°. n “ * •‘fP towards the expuUonof IMA- referring to Itoumania s protest against tuo fortifying of Vl’iddin, is inclined to believe that the protect will be followed by the oc cupation of Silistria, in Bulgaria Wamuxotue, November 10 -The Pn »i- dant to-day appnlnfafi WMhw W of Tallahassee, to be surveyor-general ' ish rule from Europe, tli. y would have | pforiiU, vice Jon.'.* F. M