The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 05, 1886, Image 2

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, JANUARY 5,188C.-TWELVE PAGES. Upon the Threshold. Chambers' Journal. Once r»' re we stand with half-reluctant feet I/po*. uju threshold of another year; Tb»t line where putt and present seeui t> meet In stronger contrast than they do ehewhere. Look hark a moment—docs the project please, Or does the weary heart bvt sigh regret? Oar recollection a,, die, or, ill at en*o With ’That Is paat, wish only to forget? Kay—canst thou smile when memory’s lingering g»«e Once more recalls the dying year to sight? Wnutd’at thou Hire o'er again those changing days. r bid them fade forever tutu night? Here memory sees golden sunlight gleam Across the path of life aud shine awhile: And now the picture changes like a dream, And sorrow dims the eye and kills the smile. 8o«~H is gone—where all baa gone !>efore; The {moaning wind has sung the dead year's dirge; Time's waves roll on against the crumbling shore. And sinks the worn-out bark beueath the surge. Jlcre ends the checkered i age oi prurt* aud ► Of sbarpely words and lines writ all awry. There they must stand for better or for worse; Mo sbut the book, and bid the year good-by! DEATH OK THE OLD YEAH. The Scenes Around Ills IkrathlHMl—The Coin ing of the Near Yenr. T1ih following i« the closing portion of a sermon pres.-bed by Rev. Chus. Lane to J*c Baptist congre gation, Sunday, Decern tier 27tb. 4 see the oM *ear. He is lying on a bed of with ered leaves. The grass around is brown and dead. .ftho dying y> spread their lifeless brandies, as though they would giadly shelter him If tney could; and the breeze nioaus by his side, as tenderly as though a*womau’« sympathy bad touched It into piteous sweetness. Hr i* surrounded by au almost innumerable splr- itui 1 multitude. The four seasons are there. The twelve mouths are there. 'ihnfltty- days 9 nights a there. Nearly nine thousand hours are there. Utan one-half million of uiiumes are there. And more thirty million second* are there. The seaso of their n>l*c* The mouths have a fillet of silver net work on every forehead, ad>>nied with a crescent of shining )*earl. The weeks wear a seven-huH girJlo with a brilLant clasp, ado;.. « riG„i altar, an olive branch and trumpet. T*vc days .ar m image of the sun on every brow t . 'Le Lours, minutes and sec onds carry each a *j chronometer, those of with with a minote-tii a ae mud baud. Tho pule isitri. rr h. thus surrounded by bis Lm DirUM uuit u{ iIowsuiIsmU, iUIuSISSS fil" info hU Imme. ate preseuce. i pas* through the parted line* i.-.d kneel l»v hia liunble pallet. cal lot. JJy wbat name shall I learn to greet her? I know nut now; It will come some dny. With this self-same sunlight shining upon her, Bbining down ui her bright hair* aheen, Hhc is st .Tiding somewhere: she I will honor— Hhe that 1 wait for—my queen! my qncenl 1 will not droam of her tall and stately, Him that I love may be airy and light; I will not say that she must speak sedately. Whatever she dooe will, it will sure bo right: Him in ay l>e bumble or proud, my lady. Or that sweet calm which b* Just between— Hut. when.iv. r nho comes, she will And me ready To do brv rootage—my queen! my queeu! Lot she mutt lm courteous, she must lm holy 1'jn. sweet and tender, the girl 1 love: Whether her birth lie humble or lowly than tho angels above. And »il give my heart to my lady’s keepiug, Vid ever her strength on tuy own shall lean. And Hie starapball fall and the saints be wv>, it Ere l cease to love her—my que^n! tny nv «n STORIES OP PIO HONO Abbe Told by Ilia Friend, the 1*1.' Itumell. Edward King's Letter in the Boatc- 1 : l aimal. Among the bright books published a few yejtmago wan oue containing ritereMiug reminiHconceH of tho Into Pius IX. by a cer tain Abbe Enmeli, who wah a kind of a confidential clerk and companion of the great Pope. Tbia Abbe Rumeli died re cently, and both tho Italian und the Aus trian papers, for ho was well known in Route aud in Vienna, are filled with anec dotes of kiH comma career. He waa edu- cated at the (3.dlegn of Volterra with Count Moatal Ferretti, the gay and gonial soldier student, who afterward became Pius IX. When thc-so youths had iluished their gtudies they vowed themselves to a mili tary caraor, and that they would begin in the Papal navy, which at that time had two war-shili*, the Holy Trinity and Saints Peter and Paul. Dut being ho diminutive the navy ncarccly gave Hoope to tho abili ties of two men whose tAleuts were of tint order; and so Moatal Ferrutti pursuod his epdosiastical cart er, and became succes sively bishop of Spoleto, archbishop of Imola and then Cardinal. Abbo Ilumeli £ ave up all hope of attaining distinguished onors, and went to live near Imola, in auch a profound seclusion that ho soon was called the hermit; but he reniaiaed an intimate friend of hia old college compan ion and was made familiar with all his projeoU. (lifted with a veritable second sighL ho one day predicted M. Forretti's election to the Papal dignity. One of tho stones which tho Abbo Ru- meli was meat fond of relating concerning the Pope, rotated to tho time when Pius IX. was still Archbishop of Imola, nnd had re ceived from Pope Orogory XVI. an order to who examine into tho case of a young girl, wh said that she had the gift of miracles und divine mission. This girl hud Installed herself in a little wood near Imola, wiut •aid to live without food, and claimed to receive visits from the Virgin, and claimed to Ii'*al all maladies by tho laying ou of hands. Tho pilgrims caruo by thousands from the neighboring provinces to see this grent wonder, aud for a time the girl was at the summit of glory. But one day tho futuro Pope, accompanied by his faithful hermit, both dressoil in shabby cloaks and dusty shoes, dropped in upon the mystical young lady and began to question her. Sho was meek enough until the Archbishop of Imola ordered her to take oil hia shoes and thoso of hia companion, and to prepare water to wash their feet. Tho young mystic rose up full . f anger, and answered very tartly: “I am the servant of God, and not of uinn." "Then,” said tho Archbishop, “Get out of this country ut once. You are only an imposter. The first of Christian virtues, that of humility, is en tirely lacking in your composition?" He had the girl iiuprisonod, ami then expelled from the province. Another bright story which the Abbe told of Piua IX. was of the time when the Pope was a simple priest. . He told this tale very often to visitors at tho Vatican, and always told it with lunch simple eloquence and pathos. One morning when ho was in the confoasional, a feminine figure, veiled from head to foot, kneeled against the grating and sAid* “Father, I have oorue, not to corneas a past sin. but to dernuud absolution for n great crime that I am about to commit." “What is it?" said tho future Pope. “I »n about to become a mother. I cannot survive this shame. I have resol veil to kill my child and to kill myself afterward; but I must have your absolution, for at the terrible moment I should have no confessor near iue." The young priest wrh greatly fright ened, because the woman talked with the courage of despair, and* he scarcely knew what to say. For soiuo moments he sat thinking, suddenly there flashed through hia brain something that a famous physi cian Uau once said to him about iufauticido. “I cannot absolve you in Advance," be au- awered, “but swear to mo in this holy place thav you will not kill your child until after you have nursed it for a few hours. Then couio back, and perhaps God will help you." Sho made this proiuiio and departed. It seems the physician had told tho priest that there was not a case known in tho annals of crime in which a woman had put to death a child after she had begun to nurse it; and, slid tho Pope, when he told tho story, sometimes with the tears running dow n his face, the poor wo man came back to tho confessional a few weeks aft* rw ark and told him that she had not dared to kill her child, because it was so beautif ul and ahe loved it so much, but her own life, she said, was in danger, be cause her parents would kill her if they knew of her fault. Wheroupon*the young priest buckled up his robe and went and arranged the affair with the parents. I have hither,’’ salt! tie, "not for your own sake . hilt for iho saku of the church aud oongn gallon to which you arc reaching, have called you to commit to yoi my ln*t aud most solemn message. of the *5.00) Princes of Time. Time is the too of eternity. Eternity Is the son of tiod. Next io his Leins the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the most i b -lmi* title the Almighty Lears is that of the Fattier oi Eternity. From eternity down to the youngest s« cond, all ages, aud years, aud seasons, aud mouths, aud weeks, and days, aud nights, aud hours, aud minute* aro his me*, seiuvr*: entrusted with richest be"."fits, and com missioned to l*ear them to man. My mission like that of my predecessors i* nearly ended. Before tliolr departure they reminded you Of God's Rood ness. Before my departure 1 remind you of the same. My oRire has been oue of ceaseless love. If j ou wonder that 1 am surrounded by auch a host, I have only tf» liufonn you. that they have Lee n my faithful assistant*. as well as my affectionate children; and that the rea- •f their multitude is the multitude of God'i Item lit* toman. A smaller number would tail to distribute his abounding mercies. There is not one, in all this array. wh>> Las not Ix-en thus em ployed. I will question them in your presence. Seasons! What Lave you Riven to man? TUe four seasons answer: God's heueilts. Months—The twelve answer: Ood'a benefit*. Weeks—The fifty-two answer: God's benefits. Days—The 3(15 answer: Go l,a benefits. Nigh hi-The 305 answe : God's houeflts. ** -The nearly tf.ODO (newer: God’s benefits Minutes—The half million answer: God’s bene- Koconds—The 90,000.<in "You hr w their uni.*.u fast fitllii g bn- ith I confirm their truth. i hav superiutc idei. their toll. I know that our 'fholo mission das been occupied in the distribution of them that they themselves must die. Tell them that when their own death time f-ball come, the world will be withered around them as it is wither ed around mo. Tell them tlist they too must lie u ou the dead leaves of their st.turner pros** Tell them that every garden of pleasure will as devolate to them as are now the*© fields of to me—the verdure all wash*!, the trees all stripped and *.be air ail crisp, ami cold and still. Tell thei ” ‘ “ ’* * * Tell them that they will theu hav I ha hojwj as uy labor on earth is all bligbtid and drear—i chaitRe is there! Or, If in that high place of re ward, there be any change it is ouly for the better, llehold! the blue skies are bluer now than they wero In tho midsummer. Noth ing withers or die cllnes there. There is the inhontauce which is in E tiklo, undefiled. aud that fadeth not away, luy hojie. that Is their hone, that Is our only hope. But thank God it la a sufficient aud glorious hope. r presence! God's benefit* to those who shall honor his cause. here to say to the peopln; If, during all my term, they would havn every month, and week, and ilsy, and hour, minute and every second, bless them—attend to the Imoreite of t^rsonal and cial salvation: cherish the church which Christ hath purchased with his own blood. I cannot," Indeed, he proceeds, "make special promises. It la not mine to say whether the bo**' main united or be separated: whether business shall flourish or decline: whether civil or ecclssl astlcal relations shall be strengthened, or Impair- whether chastening* shall lm many or few, ■light or sevore. But this 1 must and do afllrm, that be, wlio remembers God’s LoueQta toward him during the term of uiv predecessor, with the moat greatest devotion, has tho greatest reason to kopo for their renewal and lucrou.vo throughout my own. At auy rate, whatever the guise In which they come, "all work together for good to them that love God.’’ But why does tha New Year 1*ow and kneel? And hts train—why kneel they all? Behold a still diviner their tnldst, aud said: "Peace be unto you,” and showed them hia wounds, and accepted their hom age, and confirmed their faith, eveu he ha* entered here. Behold him I Hear him! "Ye are my wit nesses. Take the enp of salvation and call upon the name of the I«ord. Pay your vows unto your now in the presence of all my people," I* it PREPARING TO CHANGE. Remember that Allcock’e are the only genuine Porous Plasters, They act qukkly aud with cer tainty. and can be worn for weeks without causing pain or inconvenience They are invaluable m oaeae of spinal weakness, kidney and pulmonary •iiAculUc*. malaria, ague cake, liver complaint. fheuraetistii.selalica and nervous debility. Other piasters blister and inflame the skin eo that the noise are closed and often cause ssrtona tfcjnry. Bo not risk health and waste time and money by buying Inferior articles made to s«!I. ..... m.. ;: on the reputation of the gen nine. When pnreba* reputable dealer will show yon these ;ng plasters ask for and see that you get Allcock’s without hesitation. If you cannot remember the I’orou* Plasters. Each genuine plaster I tear* the I asms—Benson's Caprine Piaster—cut this para- •gl*Wed trademark stamp. j **»l b the paper. How the Change Will He Mnde In the Gunge of the Central Katlroail. The authorities of the (Vntral railroad continue to make preparations for the change of gauge which tikee place in July next. The present width of track on the majority of Southern railroads ta five fret. This Isles* than the width tn use on English railroads, but more than that in use on railroad* in the North and West iu tho United Htatcs. Tho standard gauge in the North and West is four feet eight and a half iui-hrs. The Central will adopt a gauge of four fret uinr inches. While this la half an inch wider than the standard gauge in the North and Weak it will not interfere with the running of cars from Norihnru and Western roads. Thus tt will be seen that tho gauge adopted by the Central will be sub- sUntlaliy the staudard. The obstacles to be met in preparing for a change of guage from five fee. to four foot nine laches are numerous, but they are not as serious as st first glance they would seem to be. The change in the track will be made by a force of men scattered from one end of a given line to the other. For instance, when the change is tua le between Macon and Ha van- nab, a snfllclent force will be engaged to cover every fi»ot of the apace between the two cities, and uot more than a single day will be required to tske up the railr. and relay them three Inches nearer to gether. No change of (mportauce will be necessary In trestles and bridges. To change the cars, a simple alteration of the range of the tracks is all that will be necessary. T.its will l»e accomplished by moving the wheels Uin e Inches nearer each other. Perhaps the most difficult change to make will be in the Io* omotive*. Even this, however, will not emuke half the trouble and expense that might l*e supposed. The f r nt wheels will be changed tn the same way that U.oie of the cars will be. To change the gauge ot the driving wheels, the following de vice will In' resorted to: The stee'. tiros will be moved back an Inch and a half each, thus making a contraction of three Inches in the gauge. Formerly, It was the plan of manu facturers of locomotive* to make driving wheel* without a movable tire. Now. however, it is very rare that they are made tn that way. It is proliable that all the engiues owned by the Central have the movable tire, fend with a few exceptions, they can caaily be changed to the new gange. A BROKEN SKYLIGHT. How a Spark Foil Through it, and Start* a 950.000 Fire. Macon suffered another larpe fire yesterday morn ing. When the smoke of it has cleared entirely away, it will be found to have been rather a disas trous one. costing somewhere in the neighborhood of #50.000. The scene of the Are was tho cotton warehouse of J. H. Htewart A Hon, on lower Mulberry street. Tho alarm was sounded shortly after 8 o’clock. he reached the house tho white man shot at him. filling bis body w ith shot. Ib id fell to the ground i *--«! -•-* "•*-—*-*» id • •Charlie" dis- 1 badly wounded. The white » d work, succeeded ‘n confining, and at length subduing the flames. They were not extinguished however, before they had wreaked considerable damage. It is not positively known how the fire originated. It U believed that it caught from a spark from tbe ve, which, after parsing through the chimney Hearing the noise of the jn;n. the negroes In the bouae ran out and found Reid lying ©n the ground. They took him into the house, and. as well as they Tiitig a negro from Reid's home line to Macon in search of ••Charlie.’’ Ho reported M caso to the police. They think that they know Charlie,” and aro also of the oj^nion that they ■ n 'Thav MV Ihlt "Cll&rlit'" Itcid. About a year ago the lath and a reward of |Juo was oflVrrd for his arrest. The police think tnat "Chortle ’ and the white iloavoring to obtain the reward. Lertlay afternoon that Nelaon j 1st in it critical condition open skylight in the roof, imtnr- fell through , . dlately *lx>vc the "scrap” the office, and tha ••scrap”HHHIHHH office, but between the two rooms thorn is no door or communication of any kind. The "scrap" is reached by a door which opens into the ware house proper. Above this room, is a large skylight eight or Urn fret square, the gltss of which h: been broken for somehme. This skylight la one i number in the Mr. J. H. Stewart came to the house earlier than usual yesterday morning, in order to nrepara for a trip to the Washington, who was employed by him. Jim Harmon, another negro in his employ, can shortly afterward*. Mr. Htcwart, after looking around, saw that everything was all right, and pi pared to quit the office logo to breakfast. Bnfr going he sent Washington to the stable to feed his stock, and instructed Harmon to kindle a fire in the stove. 11c then bit for breakfast. Mr. Htewart returned to the warehouse just befoi 8 o’clock, having been gnno alsmt one hour. The fire In tho stove was burning nicely, and after dust ing off Ills desk, he rested himself aud began to read the TeleobaI'R, Ho bad risen shortly After wards and gone to tha door opening on tho side walk. when Henry Pearson, a colored man from Mr. Stewart ran quickly Into the warehouse and to the door of the * ‘scrap” room. Tho loose cotton the floor was In a light blazo. It could havn been extinguished with a few bucketsful of water, but unfortunately the w ater waa not at hand. A general alarm was then sounded from No. .Ti engine house. In a short time all tha companies band, and struggling to save the building and Its contents. Nos. :i and 1 were stationed in in front of the warehouse and played two atcaly ' .reams through the door; *1,4 a Dill engineer* say that moving tho tires bsck an inch and a half will not injure cither the speed or the safety of the engine. They think that the con traction in the gange may cause the engine to rock more than formerly, but to that the engineers will soon become used. The same authorities aay that the new gauge will cause greater safety tn rounding curves, and will decrease the swaying motion of the Tha Same Human Nature. This splendid remedy la known, sold and used I everywhere, and Its prompt action and unrivalled curative powers have wou for it hosts of friends. Imitations have sprang up under similar sound ing names, such as "Capstrio," "Capsicum," etc., intended to deceive the careless and unwary. These lartiele* none of the virtues of the geuulne. Therefore we hope the {ample will assist ns to pro tect what are at once their interest* and our*. Ask Ifor Benson’s Plaster, and examine what U given you. and make sure that the word ••Capclne" U cut in the the middle of the plaster itself, and the IfThree Beals ’ trademark U on tV- face cloth. Any ^MMmhgaaiw played id C played through the side door on the alley, and No. 5 playcd a stream front the side adjoining 'Hnkler’s confec tionery. By the time the companies reached tho scene tho interior of tho warehouse waa enveloped in flames. In a short time it waa literally flooded with water. While the Are was In progress, negroes were busy hauling the burnt cottou from the warehouse Into tho street. This continued until the Are waa aub- dtted. It Is estimated that of the entire amount of cotton in the warehouse, about 300 bales wore saved iu a very badly damaged condition. By 11 o'clock the Are had been extinguished, am) tho comptnlea had left the scene. THE LOSSES. Owing to the excitement that prevailed, it was difll. ult to accurately estimate the losses. It was impossible to find out exactly how much cotton was stored iu the warehouse, or how much of it was saved. A* intimated above, the amount saved will probably make JR) bales, or about one-fourth of the entire amount in the war •house. This Is the opin ion of manytwho visited the scene, including sev eral of the insurance men, who estimate the salvage at alxmt ‘J5 per cent. With regard to the amount of cotton in tho ware- * “ act number of bales can only be de- there were between l.Sou and 2,000 bales; Mr. Fratk Htewart of the firm th ught there wero be tween 1,000 sin! 2.000. auil Mr. J. H. Stewart thought there were between l.fioo and 2,000 bales. The crowd estimated the number of bales i Homo thought there were n< t more than 1, lu the warehouse, while others ran the fli as high as 2.000 bales. A hurried examini the cotton ledger Uuriug the progress of the figures will be reduced to #40,500. Adding to this #4.000 damage to building, the total loss will aggregate iu round numbers #45,000. THE IMBinUKCE. The warehouse and cottou wax entirely covered by insurance. Tho total amount, including an in surance of #4,000 on the building, is #40,400, die- Rochester, New York, #2,500, American Fire,of Phil adelphia #Soo, Mechanics, of Brooklyn #5,400, Fac tors and Trader*, of New Orleans #3,000, Kentish Union,ofEdlnbnwfl.soo Insurance Company of North America, of 1'hlla lolphia, $5,000, London and Lancashire, of London #5.450, Fire Association, of Philadelphia #450. Southern Mutual, of Athena $7, 700. The {xdtey of #4,000 ou the building waa car ried by the Southern Mutual of Atheus, and l* In cluded Iu tho amount .. Jited to that company. Tho fire companio namud first are represented by Mr. George B. Jewett The three following are repTescul.-a by Cobb, Wilson k CabanUs. The Insurance Com pany of North America is repnaented by Captain Carnes. Sherrill Ar Hodges represent the London and Lancashire uml Fire Association of Philadelphia, and Mr. J. 51. Boarumau the Suithvrn Mutual of Athens.Wednesday a policy of $4,000 carried by Cobb Wilson k Cabattiss was canceled, and the 3rd and 15th two pollcica of $l,5ou each r.lvUM by Sherrill k Hodges. A' will lio aeen, this insurance carries freely and losses. The policies representing it, or a number of them, are held by the various banks in tno city, as collateral security for advancements on cotton. The cotton stored in the warehouse was ownod principally by planters throughout this aud adja cent counties. The amount of individual Insunmco carried by each la not known, and what their losses will be can uot be determined until they are bean! from. Amoc£ these who had large amounts iu the wan-house, may be mentioned: Anchors U Middle- brooks, 188 bales; B. F. Tl.arpe, 34 bsles, Ift-rbert k Reynolds. 06 bales; John Bradley, 28 bales; A. P. Tenter, 5o bales; F. U. Wimberly, 72 bales: Kara Barron. 58 bales; J, K. Htewart. «'*< bales, aud H. It. Hlanpey. 4» ’tales. The insurance adjusters wjll be in the city In a few days, when the debris will be cleared away and the exact losses determined. Until then, the figures given above areas near accurate as can be obtained. •FARES. J. 8. Htewart k Hon will be Inconvenienced for • nend day* iu their buslues*. They have made temporary arrangements to carry it on by sorurtug an office on the corner of Mulberry and Third streets. In the stable of Mr. G M. Davis. They will make arrangements for storage to-day, when every thing will move along as smoothly a* possible until better accommodation can be secured. The warehouse building was the property of Mr. G. M. Davis, who recently purchased it from 51 r. H. R. Jonues. Mr. Dari* saya that $4.uuo, the amount or the insurance, will restore It. The roof- tng, office, flooring and rear wall were destroyed ntirely, otherwise the damago was of no serious WHERE 18 BLACKWELL An Orphan Hoy Wanted by Relatives Who Have a Fortune for linn. By the 3:20 train from Savannah, yesterday fine looking young man arrived in the city and bs>k a room at Brown’s Hotel. The young man would have arrived at 4:20 previous afternoon had it not been that he spent uch time over his dinnerat Milieu. Tbn young man was Mr. George Northrop, of 11*3 North Calvert street, Baltimore. He came to Ma con in aearch of an orphan boy named Daniel Joseph Blackwell. Tho boy'a names—that Is, the first two—suggest a couple of Biblical character* who wore subjected to several veiy unpleasant ex periences, but it <s not recorded that either, at the tender ago of ten years, was left without father or mother# Blackwell’s parents lived In Havannah. His mother, twice married, died in 1875. and left him and a young sister to be cared for by a con sumptive father. In 18*1, believing himself to bo near bis end, tho father brought Black* e'l con and placed him under the kind • “ of the Rev. _ _ . at the kletliodUt Orphan Home, few months after the father die!. After Blackwell had lx*en an inmate of the Home a few months, he gained favor in the eye* of Mr. J. J. Atueraon, who adopted him. Blackwell's life with Mr. Amerson was pleasant, aud be remained contentedly with that gentleman until eighteen mouths ago. About that time, seized with a boy’i restless desire to see the world, and f«*e!lng himself responsible to nobody but himself, Blackwell aud denly disappeared. Kearching investigations, while they established that he bad run away, failed to dis cover hia whereabouts. Part of the facts mentioned 51 r. Northrop knew when he started to Macou, and others ho learned after arriving here and consulting Mr. Emory Win- ship. Itev. J. W. Burke, Ordinary McManus aud the authorities of tho Home. Interview with a Teleobahi reporter last night, Mr. Northrop said that he was related to Blackwell's mother A short time ago, it^waa dis covered that quite a large sum of money would be long to Blackwell and his sister when they became of age. it having been willed to them by their moth er. The will appointed Mr. Northrop the children's guardian. He round the sister iu Havannah, and will take her to Baltimore where he will have her educated. Had he found tho boy, he would have made a like disposition of him. Mr. Northrop returned to Havannah last night. From that city he * ill proceed to Charleston, and thence to ltaitlmoro. Where Is Blackwell? He that answers this qneetlon and communteatrs with Mr. Northrop will ao both him and the orphan hoy a favor. llcitutirul Women Are made pallid and unattractive by functional Ir regularities which Dr. Pierce’s "Favorite Prescrip tion” will infallibly cure. Thousauds of testimo nials. By druggists. A Thief Caught# Yesterday morning the chief of police received a telegram from It. J. Brown, Marshal of Toomaboro, to arrest a negro named Preston Culllns. A search was at once In-gun and late in the afternoon he was caught by Officer Drew near McKenna's garden in the lower part of the city tftcr a hot chase. Hoon after he was placed In the dungeon at the city prison, 5Ir. Brown entered the office, he having coiuo up on the evening train. He made all ar rangements to tako the negro back to Tootn*1>oro, and they left on the 10:40 train last night. From 51r. Brown wero learned the particular* leading to the negro’s arrest. Last August he en tered the grocery house of 5Ir. W. F. Ucltou and stole a watch and chain from tho showcase. He waa caught and jailed, but released on bond for hi* appearance at the last October term of the Superior . „ colored man named Ben Holder going his bond. Soon after, Culllns left Tootusboro, and the authorities have been on the lookout for him. Learning that he waa In 5!acon working for Uaya k The Tamer A DeUney Engine Company. Elsewhere this morning the Tanner k DeLaney Engine Company, of Richmond, Vk, make uounconieni to which special attention is directed. By reference to it it will be seen that they have opened a branch house here for the sale of uiachin- havo the largest and most complete works In the South, fully supplied with the latest Improved tool* and appliance* tor tho manufacture of all kinds of machinery, and are prepared to offer the trade a line of goods equal to any in the United States, and at prices to meet all legitimate competition. Mr. Pegrara, tho manager, 1* well-known a* an en ergetic, progressive hu«iuess mau, and one of the best posted on mschlt.arv In this section. He repre sents ago-d firm'and will doubtless make matter* iu the machinery business lively. Exclusive of the fire department, which did splendid service, there were several individual*. ' He *ud colored, who rendered valuable a**i*t co during the fire. To the department, and to citizens, each and every one of them. * “ .-'towart k Hon beg the Trleuraph U> tender for A BLOODY MYSTERY. An Unsuspecting Negro Decoyed from HU Home und Hhot. At Retd’s Station, ou the lost Tennessee, Virginia aud Georgia railroad. Thursday night, a n.*gro ties. Reid’s HUtion U not far from Macon. Thursday afternoon, a negro who said that hi* name was "Charlie," appeared among the negroes of the place, and Inquired for Nelson Held. Ho ..___ told that Reid waa away, but that be would return at nightfall. ••Charlie” announced that he would remain until Reid returned. He made himself very agreeable to the negroes, treating them to va rious small article’s bought at a store tn the neigh borhood. He seemed to have plenty of rnouey. Upon two or threeocca»iou« he exhibited silver dol lars, and told the negroes that he could easily ob tain as many more as he wanted. Toward night, "Charley • discovered that Behl lived with a negro named Gna Bell. "Charlie” t to Bell’s house, and told the latter's wife that ras expecting three white men on tho night pas ter train for whom Le wanted her to prepare supper. He Inquired wiut she would charge. Hhe agreed to prepare the supper for seventy-five rente. While the wo• nan was preparing the sapper Reid came in. "Charlie” at once began to make himself agreeable to Reid, and In a short while the two were like twin brothers. "Charlie” told Reid that he had a plan by which both could make fortune* and invited Reid to go outside and discuss the matter. Reid accepted the invitation. When the two men were at a short distance from the bouse, a white man. armed with a shot-gun. stepped from behind a tree and told Reid to consider himself cnd*r ar- .test. Reid protested that he had done nothing to merit arrest, aud started to run serty. Wedding Fitsli’ona# The wedding veil is four yards long, and U of tullo. It in fu*t( nod on tho top of the hcAd, nnd open nt the left aide, where it ia caught by n Rinall half coronet of orange blonaoniM and roHebndH. The .conwge bnnch \h «nmll nnd conipoHed of tho name flowerx. The Inoo lining inutile the train does not show ot all. The tea gown, or robe for morning wear that belong* to tho bridal outfit, 1m an ele gant wrapper It 1h made of a combination of palo blue surah silk and bronze plush. The gown in cut princess shape, e.n train, with tho plush running straight np the hack and continuing up the waist The front of tho skirt is of surah in graceful drapery, ovor a plain plush underskirt. The material for the wedding gown is of white Hdtln, or Ottoman silk, the average quality of the former costing from $5 to $0 n yard, and of the latter from $3.&0 to $i it yard. The Matin is modo perfectly plain, and eighty inches long. It ix caught to tho hack of the waist in tour large toopn, which are extremely graceful, and cause the train to hang “to a chut iu." The front of the skirt is finished at tho bottom with three rows of knife pleating*. It U trimmed with a drapery of lace, which is caught up on the left side, where a panel of lace ex tends to the edge of the dress. Tho cor- sago is poiuted, lacing in front. It is V- shaped in the neck, both back aud front, the Hleovo is formed by a fall of rich lace. The Feet of Chicago Uirla. Chicago Herald. “I see a great many funny paragraphs in the newspapers about Chicago and SL Louis girln* feet and the shot s they wear," said a Boston denier, wlw trades with those towns. “No far ah Lout 1 ! girls are concerned, tho>o paragraphs Are wide of the mark, for both men and women in that section of the country have remarkably small feet. But it is unquestionably true that th.i Chicago foot is unusually large, though I will not pretend to give a reason for it. You may form Home notion of the difference in size which exists between the Boston and Chica go foot from the fact that in the latter city men's bizus average nearly 11, while here the average is about7}. There is about the same difference in women'H shoes. So the joke about Chicago girls' feet may be said to be founded on fAct." Let every sound be dead! •ha Had Him There. Amoricus -Repqblican. One of our county officials was being teased by his children, and he pettishly said: “Yes, you are all going to hell oa VxA as you can, for di*oi>edience to your pa rents." A beautiful daughter, looking archly into his face, meekly replied: “Well, paj», if we go anywhere else, we’U be orphans. The old gent tried hard to swallow some thing that would neither down nor out He has been reading his bible more of late. ** Drown’* Bronchial Troches " Are excellent for tbs relief of Iloersenose or Horn _ _ H nil , Jir _ tT w-vn Throat They arts exceedingly effective.—Christian lered to etoi*. but outjr ran th-* L.*trr, Joel before i World, London. Eng. ery so' Baby steeps. The Emperor softly treads! Ilsby sleep*. Let Mozart’* music stop! Let Phidias’ chisel drop! Baby sleeps. Demosthenes be dumb! Our tyrant’s Lour bin* come. Baby sleeps. In Honduras they raise three crops of corn yearly on the aame ground. Tn* Chicago Board of trade built a build ing costing about $*2,000,000, nnd have found that the revenue will hardly equul the annual expenses. Thk colored people of Charleston, S. C., have formed a mutual protective union to assist them in securing justice in the courts of that State, which they say is sometimes denied them. If you have sworn off drinking and are tempted every time you puss a saloon, shut your eyes and imagine that you aee the bar keeper mixing up one gallon ot sulphuric ucid with nine gallons of water and trying to piiHR it off as 20-year-old whisky. •St. Louih boasts that it is soon to have the tallest commercial building in the world. An insurance company is to noon add four stories to its eight story structure in that city in order to provide offices for tho Gould South western railway system. Tn* people of Izural, Yucatan, became tired of waiting for their council to repair the streets ot the city, so a number of tho citizens, arming themselves with stonen and sheetH of tin, went to the houses of the aldermen and gave If. 3 delinquent officials a horrible serenade. The next day the work of repairing wits begun. A Chinese lady, now living in San Fran cisco, Miss Ah by name, claims that her ar rest on a charge of attempting to defraud her creditors, and the publication of - that fact in the newspapers, d.imuged her repu tation for truth nnd honesty, and injured her feelings to the extent of $209, which she seeks to recover from the newspapers. Tho bride’s traveling gown is a tailor- made cloth one. Thero are three pieces, skirt, waist nnd outside jacket. The mate rial is French ladies’ cloth, the most stylish colors being brown and olive, and costs about $3.50 a yard. The edgings nnd bind ings are of tine silk braid, and the only trimming is of large buttons. A woman whose husband left her and procured n divorce in tho West, died early last month,and letters of administration on her estate, worth $2,000, were applied for by her daughter, but now the husband ap pears, saying that the divorco obtained in the West is not valid in New York, and he will administer on the estate. “What is my wife’s is mine, and what is mine is my own.” A colored crunk nnmetl Sylvester Berry was arrested in Washington on Thursday. He had walked to that city from Fau quier county. He imagined that ho was a father of, and lmd crowned, n queen, whom he had named Samilda Margaret Estello Berry. He called at the White House and wanted the law rend to him, when ho was taken in charge and escorted to police headquarters. Du. Haackkr, of Leipsio, has investiga ted tho sensation known as tickling:, which he styles a variable, intermittent excitement of tho nerves of the skin. He saya it pro duces a contraction of the blood vessels and that the subsequent diminution of pressuro ou tne brain, permeated with blood vessels, is ao considerable as not to be without dan ger; that powerful expiration operates ugalnst such a diminution of presanro, and, therefore, laughter, which is simply inter mittent forced movements of expiration, is a decided remedy for tho effects of tick ling. It is some time r.ince a good dog story has been the rounds, but Washington Tcrritoi tarnishes a readable article in this line. A farmer on Snake river loaned hia dog to a man to whom he had sold a flock of sheep to drive ihem home, a distance of thirty miles. The drover fonud tho dog so useful that, instead of sending him home, ho locket! him up. The dog escaped, and, concluding that the drover hnd no more right to keep tho sheep than ho had to lock him up, he collected all that had belonged to his master and drove thero home again. IIartfoul* Times: “Thero has been a grent cry lately against silk crazy qnilts. It is a good way to ntilizo old scraps of silk, and it is only tho abuse of tho crazy quilt that causes dislike. A crazy quilt is pret tier without ail tbe cross stitchiug, em broidered blocks, pieces of looking glass sec in, or any superfluous decoration. The blocks of silk simply patched together with colors blending lmniionioindy aro enough to produce a pleasing effect It is the same with the crazy quilt as h is with everything el«o in America. As soon as u pretty fashion arrives it becomes abased at onco by overdecoratiou. ” Bin Gkorok Ribdwood'h obsecrations on the use of opium and alcohol in Chiun lead him to concludo that opinm smoking is .u itself absolutely harmless, wherevre the practice has prevailed it has served to com pletely entice them away from the n .u of alcoholic drinks: that though opium t >keu internally is a powerful and dnnueioas narcotic stimulant, it is no worse in tbs of- fee to produced by excessive use than Alcohol; that a prohibition of opium would probably lead the Chinese to n resumption of intoxicant liquids; that, alcohol acts with doubly destructive foreiT in tropical cli mates and if ith terrible rapidity, its victims being also L constant source of dangers to others, which latter is rarely the cose with opinm ehewers; nnd that tbe really direful effects of using opium in excess are devel oped almost exclusively among those who by some weakness or injury of brain, or by chronic disease or unfavorable circum stances, aro predisposed to excess. Do Not be Deceived. HypocrUy 1* the compliment vice pays to rlrtw. Imitation is the compliment failure pays to suert*. plasters, with the manifest Intention to doeei cimnintily ami boldly is this done that rarelesa ^ I le are doubtless sometimes beguiled Into bnjlt, _.h articles In place of the genuine. Happily th« number who follow this vocation dwre*M * t-ien year through the refusal of reputable dealer* t hafullo the linitAtlou aoods, meanwhile be cxq. lions. In the middle cf the genuine 1* cut or p* oused tbe word H.'apclno” and on the face clou fa the "Three Heals" trademark. Ask for Beucou'.- then examine. One Benson 1* worth a dozen of mi other kind. Medical Men Christmas at Wludsor Caatle. London Triub. Do yon see that the Queen has a royal ‘baron" of beef, weigning 300 pqnnds, on Chriidmas day? This hnge joint is roosted in the great kitchen at Windsor Castle, which is a vast and lofty apartment, well fitted to prepare for baronial fersto. The baron is to be sent on Christman Eve to Osborne, and on Friday it will appear cold on the sideboard at her Majesty’s luncheon, flanked on one aide by a woodcock pie and on the other by a boar’s head. I do not mean the sort of head which one sees at a ball Hupi>er. This ia a genuine hurt tit mtojlitr sent over from Germany. Several heads ars usually Kent to the Queen from Germany every Chrsitmaa, and large sup plies of confectionery and alao some West phalian hams, from swine which have been specially fed on beech toast Sometimes a smoked benr’a ham ia sent os a present from Boaaia. George IV was particularly fond of the paws of a be*r smoked anti pickled, and Mme. Lieven always got a large supply from 8t Petersburg every winter. Increased Opportunities to I tetter Orb’s Lot What a constant .Ware to ©Litre It# numerous patrons everywhere, the renowned Louisiana State Littery Co., has increased its opportunities to acquire ><reat wealth at little cost l>c having The Ex traordinary Grand Drawings of #522 50m take place * * ail-annnally, as hitherto— Quarterly tn place of aeml-annually, as hitherto— to be in March. June, ttepteralwr. and December. The Graud Cat i»*l is tickets #1‘». or tenths #1 each. All Infonuarlon will b* given on appli cation to M. A. Dauphin, New Orteana. La Let •very man thus seek easily to better bis condition. u * Wliat Two Prominent Phygfcian Say or tt Noted Remedy. Cmwfordville, Ga., Democrat. B. B. B. is withou t doubt one of the moj valuable and popular medicines known i the medical science, and has relieved nor suffering humanity than any other medicia since it came into uko. It has never fail* in a single instance to nroduco the nm* favorable results where it has been projxrlt used. Physicians everywhere recoinmcm it ns doing nil it is claimed to do. The fol lowing certificates are from two promineL physicians, who have done a largo and sac cessfal practice for many years, nnd apoi whoso judgment tho public can safe! rely: CiuwroBDViLLS, Ga., July 15, 18S5. Editor Democrat: For the nast ten year I have been suffering wiih rheumatism i the muscles of my right shoulder nnd neci During this timo I have tried various rc-mi dies, both patent medicines and those pn scribed by physicians. Last summer I c inenced using* II. B. B., and could see an provement by the'time I hnd taken one bo tic. I have been taking it nt intervals sini last summer, nnd can say it is the best i cine for rheumatism I hnve ever tried. Ital pleasure in recommending it to tho public J. W. Rhodes, A. M., M. D. CuAwronnviLLE, Ga., July 15, 1885. Editor Democrat: About November, last year I had what I supposed to le cauliflower excrescence on right side < neck. I used local applications, which i footed no perceptible good. I commence tho use of II. B. B. and took it regular! twelve bottles, aud in duo time the so healed over, anl I now consider it well cheerfully recommend it us a fine tonic a alterative medicine. 8. J. Farmer, M. D. “Meal Hug:! on a Bean Pole." Eldebton, Ga., June 1, 1KS5. My brother has a son tbrt was afflict with rheumatism in one of his legs un the knee was so badly contracted that 1 conhl not touch the ground with his b* And hnd scrofula. He took only two bottl of B. B. B., and scrofula and rheatnatii are both gone. Mrs. M. A. Elrod came to my honse t past summer almost covered with ct Duncles and boils. I got two bottles of B. B., and before she had got through the second bottle she wah entirely we. * j t. Sho wan iil.o troubled with gwollou feet a " nnkles, nnd hnd boon tor twenty yenrn. gono—no trouble with nwollen teet now. I wnn troubled with bleeding pile, tin 1858. I uted oue bottle nnd hnTe felt not la ' ing of mo kind aince taking the medicii >1 Tho clothing that I wnn wearing when 11 a Atlanta fitted me abont tho game no a m “ aack would a been pole. I hare on I ^ name clothing now, and they are a til r. fit. V Yon can do on yon like with thia; ■ me and my household, we think three £ is fully orthodox, and will do to awear 1 Itenpectfnlly yonra, J. M. Baansu) declfifridaunlm JoncH County Sherift Sal GEORGIA. Jure* Courtt.—Wtll ba acid btf tlio court--Iioiisu door ia Mid county, during tbe gal hours of sale, ou tho first Tuesday In uext. ono acre of land, with tho storehouse there ,i to , situated at Hugar Hill, in Mid county, and beln* j„ the north shle of the public road leading fr Hillsboro to Cornucopia, and bounded by land. m John Gordon, John Garland and said public r. ,j j u Levied ou as the property of It. A. Gordon to sat) ni j a a tax fl. fa. against tbe aatil it. A. Gordon for state and county taxes for the year 1H85. Amo of tax fl. fa. $47.38. with advertising fee* and co January «, law. H. 3. I'H1LU>. Sheriff and Tax Collector Jonas count; jnn#w4t* Jones County Sheriff Su GEORGIA, Jokes CofETT.—Will be Bold first TummUt in February next, before the house door iu said county during the legal hou sale, for t a-h, the following property, to-wtt: patent Herring’s iron safe, oue grist mill and twenty hone-power Nagle engine | one two-horse wsgou. Said property being Unrdonville, near tbe residence of Zacbariabt | rn don. in said county. Al-o, one four-horse wa. one ox wagou, one Farquhar Separator No. 4. forty saw i‘ratt cotton gin with condenser and f> er. all ot widen l%»t mentioned property l* at 81 , u t t Hill, in aald county, and being difficult and ex] Pn sive to tran<q>ort. Also, at aaiue timo and ph k < o four-horse Farquhar engine now in front < art-house. H-itd above described property aa the property of R. A. Gordon to sat the i 'led id; Ujl thre mortgage fl. fa. issued from the Hupertor C tiff Jones county in favor of Robert Gordon vs. KI Gordou. Said property poiuted out 1 "I.U7 a. 180. B. J. jad5wit*Bhenff Jo i Mid i Jones County Sheriff J GEORGIA, Jo«a Cocstt.—Will bo*»dd ouj find Tuesday in February next, before the corf house door In said county, between the legal b J of sale, for cash, the following property, t<H one gnat mill near Gordonville, In Mid said property being difficult and expensive^ transport, will be sold where it i* at present Iff I ted. without reinovri to the court-house. dH grist mill levied on as the property of R. A.« i0 _ aud Zachariah Gordon to satisfy a mortgage# issued from the Hupertor Court of said count Jones in favor of M. J. llatcher k Co. vs. B _ Gordon and Zachariah Gordon. .Said property •*“! scribed and pointed out in uaid mortgage fl. fa. *°v H January 3, lssfi. H. 4. PHILIP* Jan5w4t Hheriff Jones Co., t Lfe 1 Crawford County Sheriff Hal - •>- GE BillA, Ctewroxn Cucxn.—Will be sol* fore the court-house door In tbe town of Knoir Ga., within the legal hours of mIo, on tbe Tuesday tn February next, the following descr property, to-wit:f| Oue lot of land No. 52, In Crawford bounded on the north by lands of J. K. Asker. hyHtephen Myrick,onaouth by W, It. Davis.' . Asken. Maynard, against tbe said J, p«)inted out in aald fl. fa. Also, at tbe Mme time and place, the eonth quarter of lot of land No. OT. in the first distn said county, known as the Beasly place. boun-H the north i>y lands of Bet Hancock estate, on by lands ot M. F. Jordan. Levied on as the erty of Mrs. M. D. Htrend to 5 **» fl. B my or airs. aa. u. nmma ro mm .in, « v-» u. — Mr*. M. D. Ktroud. Lsry mads by 8. Bon>- olltftor, and banded to me. lood; Also, at the same time and place, lot of lw l mat ia, in the seventh district of Mid county. u« m the nnusTty of Edward Andrew* ic satlsff fa. tesrcil from the County Court of said cou» favor of H. D. Hrnlfh vs. Edward Andrew*, erty pointed cut by pWntiJJannwjr L Ifjj^ jan5w4w 8 * ,er