Newspaper Page Text
file h&auiiiil Alivaiice V i
nuem c.,
Uilltair uni il»u»e*r.
"^Official Organ of Wjrth County.
(TnvwmKjr in A tv fta<* )
Ono J-.ssr........
feii »onth*. ...
T»v«« TUOUtb*. . .
Fr.tered <•> ih*. puatoffice at Aebburn,
Oeorjia, r» mail metier el tte a#rtn<t
Sam. Jones and Sam. Small are
lh Macon fighting for prohibition.
Those two Sams together make a
pretty strong force and if you
don't watch out they are going to
run liquor out of tho city.
.1 have received a letter wilten
hy Mr. J. M. Raney on Hie Supe¬
rior court of this county which
will he published next week. It
was impotable to get it in this
week on account of lack of space.
A Mississippi editor who is do¬
ing garrison duty at (Santiago,
writes to his paper thus • “The
Almighty when ho made Cuba
did a pretty good job, but be
turned it over to a class of people
Jluyf would cause hell itself to de¬
According (<• figures furnished
by the treasury bureau ol statis¬
tics an increase of $100,000,009 in
exports and a decrease of over
$100,000,000 in inportfl is tho re-
‘cord of our foreign coiniuerce for
the nine mouths ending Septem¬
ber 80, 1898, compared with the |
corresponding nine months of the
proceeding year.
We tho Grand Jury chosen and
sworn Oct. term, 1898, of Worth
Superior court, beg leave to sub-
fifftf the following as our geimral
Wo recommend that the follow¬
ing men be appointed on board of
education: J. E. Dean in place
of J. J. Hull, W. L. H. A lford in
place of C. A. Alford, and J.
Kinard in place of J. F.Kiuurd. '
Wo recommend that W. H.Uur-
•lev and J. R. Land drawn ponsion
from the State.
Weweeoinmeinl that the county
line between Colquit county and
Worth county bo changed so as to
put lot of land No. seven (7) in
Colquit county.
We recommend that. W. S. Horn
-be paid $10.00 for holding inquest
over body of Isam Cook, also rec¬
ommend that Dr. F. 15. Pickett
be paid $20.00 for holding*post
mortem examination on body of
Isam Cook.
We recommend thaf N. McAr¬
thur he paid $10.00 for holding
inquest over body of Jorimiah
Drayten, also recommend that l)r.
T. il. Thrasher bo paid $20.00
for'holding post mortem exauii-
nationuli body of Jorimiah Dray¬
We recommend t’ at Superior
court of ^ orth county commence
.on Tuesday after the tth. Monday
in April ami October instead of OJl
the 4th. Monday in April and Oc¬
We- recommend that W. C. Wil¬
liams be appointed X. P. and ox-
oflieg) J. 1*. of the 512th. (■’. M.
We recommend that E. B. Han¬
non be appointed N. P. and ex-
officio J. P. of the 1125th. G. M.
district. Also M. Tucker, Jr., be
appointed N. P. and ex-ollieio J.
P. of tin 1 1418th. G. M. district.
We recommoml that li. G. Ford
be paid $1.00 for service guarding
Mack Tygart.
We find report of Ordinary,
Clerk and Sheriff' correctly kept.
Wc also recomend flic account
of T. F. Dees $24.00, be paid.
We, th ’ committee appointed
to examine the various N. P. and
ex-officio J. P. books, find them
M. Tucker, Jr., )
T. J. Edwards, / Committee
We, the committee t.o examine
the convict, camps of both state
and county, find out of the num¬
ber of 214 convicts in all that
there ure less than one dozen on
the sick list. Also, wo find that,
tho convicts are amply supplied
with bedding and wearing ap¬
pend, and well fed with various
rations as directed by law.
Wo also find that the camps are
neatly kept and (ho hgildiugs are
well supplied with heaters arid
every-thing liecesary for the com¬
fort. of inmates while in camp,ex¬
cept, state camp at Worth, which
htiR not yet put, up heaters on ac-
couut of being biirnod out and
having to rebuild.
W .B. Parks, / j Grand
D. 11. Hkrrinhton,
James Uollknswortii, \ J urors.
W. L. 11. Ai, FORD, ^ )
W. < J, Thompson, Citizens.
O. G. Dull,
Ah >vo report adopted by body.
We recomend that the bailiff's
and jurors be paid $2.00 per day
for their service in 1899.
, Vo find the books of the vari¬
ous county officers neatly and cor
r$etly kept and find in the Treas¬
urer $92.93.
We appoint Rev. J. H. Taylor
to preach at tho different convict
We also recommend that T. F.
Dc«.*s be paid $5.00 for home made
fertilizers used on pour farm.
We recommend that the Ordi¬
nary take legal steps to repair
the Overstreet bridge across Little
Wfe also recommend that the
Ordinary take legal steps to have
the wood work of the Turnpike
bridge across l,ittle river vepaird.
Also recommend that the Or-
dinary have dirt work repaired on
ridge .moss TT ly ly creek . at ,
Salem church.
Wo recommend abolishment of
tlw county court. We the manor-
itv portion of the grand jury at
the Oct. term of the Superior .
court ISOS, bog leave to submit
our protest against abolishment
of the county court. A. A. Col¬
lier. W. B. Barks, J-.m. Hollens-
worth. G. \V. Dixon, D. 11. Her¬
rington, G. S. Sumner, J. A. Sum¬
ner, J. K. Dean and B. Belham,
We recommend that these pre¬
sentments be published in the
Worth County Local and the Ash
correctly kept. iLisp't. submitted.
A. A. Oollirr, I
W. II. Partridge. $ Committee.
We recommend 'hat n bridge
be built across I,title Abram creek
on the Isabella and Warwick road
also one across Daniels creek at
(Mo-inents’ < Ihapol.
We rtf'ornmend that a two weeks
court bo hold in t! ,. ‘
Wo appoint W. L. II. Alford
and J. F. Kinard to examino the
Kegistrars books and the wild land
tax report, and also, the County
court docket and report to the
next, grand jury.
We t he commit tee of public
buildings, have made an exami¬
nation and find the public build¬
ings in the following condition :
We find the jail in good sani¬
tary condition. We find jail locks
in good order, and find that priso¬
ners have been building fires on
floor up stairs to keep warm.
We find Sheriffs house in good
condition, except back porch; the
pillars need lowering.Also find sev¬
eral lights out of the windows. We
find tho well needs curbing. We
find court house in very good shape
We find poor farm in following
condition: 50 bushels corn, 2<K)
lbs. hay, 1 sack guano, 550 bun¬
dles fodder, $ acre cane, 1 aero in
potatoes, 21 acres in cotton, 150
lbs. seed cotton, l bale, 500 lha.,
sold; 30 bushels cotton seed, 1 bu¬
shel seed poas, 2 acres in ground
peas. We find fencing needing re¬
pair. Find 1 mule in good order,
1 wagon, farming tools and six
head of hogs.
We find three invalids properly
cared for. Wo recommend that the
Ordinary furnish poor farm with
ouo bedstead, and lepair build¬
ings, if necessary. Itesp't. sub-
turn Ad vane an ' both paper-re
ceivo one fee for publishing the
Wc her by t mkr our Ihnrh
t-» the lion. C. <’. Smith and. W.
K. Woo'e i tor the courtesies
shown us.
I 1 . Pnlhar:i foreman, i». r. Ucrrinirton,
J. K. Doan, IhOH. wiiiih, i. • L.rttii,
M, Tucker, Jr., i. i'. Porter, Walter Frnnr.n,
v'. a 'srM v. i. cwmi#-m, v. ;r. ■
J. A. " hali-y, .1. I*. Land. T. .1. eiwarflf
T L. Ttaon, <.. R. Houston. I. A. Sumn r,
O. H. Sumn r, <i. W. Howard. A. A. Col Dr r.
G. W. P.lpper. G. W. Dixon, J, H, Hoi lot swnith.
Worth Superior Court,
October Adjourn. Term 1 80S.
Tho foregoing General Present¬
ments received, read in open couit
Ordered that same be filed and
spread on All the minutes of this and
court. reemmendafions
nominations therein contained
are lierebe ratified and confirmed.
.1, S. 0. O. < 1'residing.
GKOR< il A,—Worth ( 'ounty :
This is to certify that the above
and foregoing Pa true and correct
extract from the minutes of Worth
Superior court.
This Nov. 4th. 1898.
J. W. Warren', Clerk.
SLeriff Sale.
GEORGIA, Worth county.
Will bo sold before the court
house door in the town of Isabella,
Ga., on tho first Tuesday in Da¬
ce nber 1898 within tho legal
l.o irs of sale to the the highest
bidder for cash, the following
property, to wit, One bay horse 6
y a s oI !, name Dexter; 9 head of
rt ick cattle, mark under slopo
split in one ear, under slope split,
and over bit in other oar, brand
1). C; one-horse Ono buggy ami harness and
one waggon, levied on
as the property of 1). A. Willis to
satisfy one Ufa issued from the
county court, of said county, in
favor of W. li. McPhaul vs. i). A.
Willis, levy made by S. R. llan-
c ick, i)ep,ty. Shari If.
Also at. the same time and place
will bo sold ouo mouse colored
mare mule, 8 ye us old, name
Queen and ono mouse colored
horse mule, 8 years old, name
Peeta, levied on as the property
of J. T. Perry to satisfy one tifa
issued from the county court of
said county in favor of the Albany
Fertilizer Co., vs. J. T. Perry, as
principal, and Ihiniel Clements
cock. Deputy Sheriff. ■
Also at the same time and place,
One black mare mule, 5 years old,
name mule, Maud; One mouse ^colored
in.ire 5 years old,, iianie
K ite, and one mouse colored horse
mule, 9 years old, name Sam, lev¬
ied on as the property of J. 11.
Mauldin to satisfy one tifa issued
in the county court, of said county
in favor of-Albany Fertilizer Co.,
vs. J. 11. Mauldin, principal, and
Daniel Clements, security, levy
made bv 8. 11. Hancock, Deputy
Also at the same time and place
will bo sold, Fifty acres of land of
lot No. 528 in the 7th district of
Worth county, Ga., levied on as
the property of E. J. Brooks, to
satisfy one tifa issued from the
county court in favor of C. W
Hi 11 house vs. E. J. Brooks, levy
made by 11. S. Story, Sheriff.
Also at the same time and place
will be sold, One second baud Hoe
Washington hand press; 1 King,
Se. La. galley; 2 wood galleys,,
5x15; 5 Pr. newscasos; 2 job cases;
I triple case; l med. mallet.; 1 lve
brush; 1 largo planer; 200 lbs. 10
pt. O. K., 8 a, 50 .} lbs. O. S- 26; 1
Pr. 7 col. folio chases; 1 fount
each 24, 48, 8 and 12 pt. spaces
ami quads; 2 founts 36 pt. spaces |
and quads; 2 sing, stands, 2b inch
screw sticks; 15 B. tweezers; 1 Hj
inch gisvor sticks; 1 heading; 1
cut, a. 297; 12 nonpl. coi. rules,
21J; 3 head rules, 29.), HQ in; 25
Ado. rules, 215, 18 lens. 10 dash¬
ers, 215 ems, 10 dashers, 257, 13
lens, 5 rules. 254, 13 Ions; 5 rules,
257, 13 lens; 1 fount each 24 and
43 pt. cond. O. 8; 1 fount. 36 pt.
west 0. K; 1 fount 8 pt. bold face;
1 fount 12 pt. Latin ; os ter; 1
fount 12 pi.*Clai. extra cond; 1
fount 36, 24 Deviune; 1 fount 86
pt. Acme open; 1 fount cut strokes;
250 lbs cut leads and slugs. Lev-
ied on as the property of E. A.
Nesbit to satisfy one Ufa issued in
Kup. court ot said comity in iavor
of Barnhart Bro. & Kpimller vs.
K. A. Nesbit, levy made by H. K.
Story, Kheritf.
Also at ♦ he same time and place,
51 feet 12 inch 4 ply Giant Belt,
54 feet 8 inch 4 ply Diamond Belt,
48 feet 6 inch 4 ply Diamond Belt,
10. Peuberthy injector, 2$ inch
couplings, levied on as the
:V yorJ ', ( V 5 *" sft ! I
hfa issued from the county
of said county m favor of J. 8.
K fiotield’s Sons & Co. against
This Nov. 9, 1898.
ll. S. Story.
Th G b: i. i a Son?'ir.r.v a Flor
Railway Coau’any beli< ving
that in the cultivation of a diver¬
of products for the market
lies the prosperity of the section
t rr rrTr0f j by j(g line and wishing
f ; oneoiKsu:'.? such (li versification,
the following premiums to
producers along its line:
For Best Acre of Corn $25,00*
For Best Acre of Wheat $25.00.
For Best Acre of Oats $25.00.
For Best Aero of Cigar
For Best Acre of
For best Five Acres of Garden
Truck $50.00.
upon tho following conditions:
All products to bo grown with-
in five miles of the line of
OfefutOrA Southern a Florida
For Corn, Wheat and Oats, tho
ground must he measured and the
crop harvested in tho preasance
of two witnesses, who shall
tify under oath before a
officer as to correctness of
urem :nt of ground and
of product harvested. The
! or must file with the nearest
of the (i. 8. & F. Railway, on
I before October 1st., 1893* a
, , ent gotting forth (be varie ty
Corn, Wheat or Oats; when
planted; how cultivated; kind,
amount and cost of fertilzers used;
when harvested; and total cost, of
production of crop. This
ment to lie accompanied by
certificates of the two witnesses
and ono bushel of the crop of the
acre entered for competition.
For Tobacco, the ground must
he measured, harvested, and after
being pole cured, weighed in the
presence of two witnesses, who
shall certify under oath before a
proper officer as to correctness of
measurement and weight. I lie
grower must file with the nearest
agent of the G. S. <fc F. Railway,
()n or l )e f ore October 1st., 1899 a
statement setting forth the van-
Hy of tobacco; when planted;
how cultivated; kind, amount
and cost of fertilizer used; when
ijarvesfed; and total cost of pro¬
duction of crop. This statement
to bo accompanied with the certi¬
ficates of tho two witnesses and
live pounds each of wrapper and
filler selected from the crop of the
acre entered for competition.
For strawberries, the ground
must be measured and the crop
harvested in the presence of two
witnesses, who shall certify under
oath before a proper officer as to
the correctness of measurement
and amount of product harvested,
The grower must file with the
nearest agent -of the G. S. »fe F
Railway, on or before August 1st.
1899, a statement, setting forth
tho variety of strawberry; when
planted; how cultivated; kind,
amount and cost of fertilizer used;
when harvested; aiul total cost, < f
production of crop, including
picking, packing and crates,
This statement to be accompanied
b . rhe certificates of the two wit-
nesses and statement of receipts
from the crop,
For Garden Truck, tho ground
must, be measured and the crop
harvested in tlic presence of two
witnesses, whoshall certify under
oath beforo a proper officer as to
correctness of meaurement and
amount of product harvested. The
grower muff, file vith the nearest
agent of the G. S. <k F. Railway,
oil or before October 1st, 1899, a
statement setting forth tho vari-
eties of of vegetables grown and
sllip(?d . time 0 f planting ° and har-
.. ' u ^’ iuot ,, bods , cn , cultivation; .
! <iml, amount and cost, of fertil-
izer used; cost of cultivation, har-
vesting, nacldug and packages;
. nuount of each variety of V e- Q e t ' 1
,, ,’ le s ... , aiU , . amount received
for samo.
Competent and disinterested
P-rsous will be selected to act as
jud *' \ aud their awardth
, • offered «. , will
uin0lla ot ptemium
Vice-President. ^
"W . L. ( iLESSNKR,
But we are winning the battle against
Co*© »nd see our nice line of
Dress Goods and Gen's Furnishing Goods
Also tho most, complete line of
In this section. Just come and get
J. S. I5ETTS & CO.,
Ashburn, Ga.
is mm sah by
hsussoi 'm
Recently there was a fire in the rear end of the Roches¬
ter Shoe Co.’s Store, which caused a great deal of smoke andf
some water was thrown on the goods. The own or- and In-,
eurance companies could nol agree, so we bought the stock:
of $21,500 for $8,500, or about 40 cents on the dollar. Weave
closing them out at 50 cents on the dollar. So come and got
the greatest bargains in footwear that yon ever saw. This
stock consisted entirely of finest makes of shoes.
1 9 ® tjAaas© -V- 1 ar re vf, 1 \--S « i'.U-J 9
Corner Cherry and 3rd. Streets, Macon ^ Ga
When you want DRUGK and DRUG SUNDRIES. Also a nice lino w£
Kcllam & Moore’s Crystal Lenses.
Come to seo me and be convinced that I carry everything that goes
to make up a
YqvaTS to serve,
rniL. a ev-erett.
Eight-day Clocks, - - - $2.00.
Eight-day Alarm Clocks, - 3,.00.
Nickle Alarm Clocks, 7
* WatciReg, All KifuG ★
From a Nickie Plate to Solid Gosl A large Assortment of Spectacles..
Rings, Cuff Buttons, Watch Can tit anybody. I d.Iso take
Chains, Etc. Etc. Orders for Watches,
. - Rings Etc., Etc. - -
When your jewelry needs repax ing or cleaning up, call on me
Banjo, Guitar and Violin String.
All work guaranteed.
day trains.
No. 2, North, 139, p. m.
No. 1, South, 230, p. m.
Xo. No 3, £ Nmth,^. South 1i 1-, fm'
No. 6, North, 27, *
i a. m.
N ). 5, South, 811, p. m.
* pRiCAMA will cur*, BcaMaa tad Ct-
Urrb •• »Uy Corod.
‘•>’oi<nirats’ Colony Routk.”
u - H - tipt, i oener .,1 office. ■ w. e. tiet,
r-osidont. I tihon, Ga, , vice Presid’t.
- ^SSs
SiwSSi ssmus! j*vLi fLLu«?»
n c uUaatli
f ^ leu ' 1;t ‘ r ......
(ft an™ “eor^'si,u' t> th P 8
‘‘■'in l: ’ t ''' " n -" ‘ ‘*®-
a^ui guotkiiia Atahai