Newspaper Page Text
A DeaHtft Ultra me at*.
There are supposed to be nearly
60,000 dentists practicing upon peo¬
ple’s teeth In the world. A dentist’s
ease of instruments nowadays con¬
tains between 300 and 400 Instruments.
\VImt Culm'* I/<»* A1 ,'hiih lo Sjmlit.
The Ion* of CO)>» jnmin* to flj.slii thi, to** of
!h* very •Ufrionanro nt Ujo nnimti Already
)mr iax rliMi-u |>noj>l» *ro ivrytna for bread,
ill I ho HAio* vny the ton* of your on.e vlRor
on* nppoUt* nieMiiH povorty nn<1 starvation to
your 1 1 Uv If iniy i on,lor of tht*|inp*r irl»ti«*
to |io «s lilinrrry syitln no when n child, nni)
wants to fully enjoy hearty m-nls. KlUern we . an It
l eoemiiietul llontetter'n Stomach
•*uro* Indigestion, •ly*i>ep*la mid coustlintton.
Uml lump burner* oio o in *lx we-kn hi
etrona .min water nnil tiie> will burn the
bo, tie I,amp wlrkn get <11 rtv anti wtll
Ulve bettor tiittit tf o eanlonally heated to
». boil la -mla water.
I iluiete Your Bowel* With t nnwri'U.
randy Cathartic. ir« <tan<ul potion forever.
10c,-.v, Ifc.c e. fall, ilruaL’t»t» refund money.
The numWr of blind j»<srwon» in Auntrnltft
In proportion to t h«* liutnbcr of the pop'lln-
tloti t« considerably li d. than tn tno*t other
conn tries. ____
I,»i»n A ( o’* “Pick Leaf ” Hmohlng ToL.roo
stand* tint trailed for purity and flavor. Made
from the purest, ripest nrid s weetent Tobacco.
Jt will please you. Try It
Mr« Winslow'* Smithing Syrup for children
teet.hinc.soften*ttioquin-. rodtir.e*inflamma¬
tion, allays pain, on re* wind colic. a bottle.
Kits permanently oured. No fit* or nervous
nes* n/tor flrat day’s use r,f fir. Klines Grsat free.
N«r,o Ke.torer trial la,tile find treatise
J)ji. Jf. II Kijxk, l,td . Mil Arch Ht„ I'hlla., l’u
Ptso's ('tire for Cofisuinntton lias saved mi;
manv « doctor's hill. F. lUnnr, Hopkins
Place. Baltimore. .Md , Dee. 2, JHOI.
Mnttotl Is bronicht from Now Zealand to
I.ontlon at the rate of about 2 rents a pound
Catarrh Cured
Blood Purified by Hood’s Sarsapa¬
rilla and Health Is Cood.
"I was troubled for a long time with ca¬
tarrh and a bad feeling in my head. I be¬
gsn taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and It did
in«‘ ii world of good. My sufferings trorn
catarrh uro over and my health in good.*'
Mrs. A. A. Libby, Pownal, Maine.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. St; six for $5.
Hood’s Pills cure all Liver Ills. 20 cent*.
A Famous Cuban Dish.
Arroz con polio, chicken with rice,
Is n famous Cuban dish. There Is a
restiiiinml near Havana whose owner
lias made a reputntidU and a fortune
by preparing It. Here Is the recipe:
In a large snuee pan place some lard,
or, If you prefer, half a cup of good
olive oil, an onion chopped fine and
two kernels of garlic. When these
are brown, put In a fresh, tender
chicken cut Into pieces, and a quarter
of a pound .of bacon in dice. Allow
this to take a nice golden color, add
pepper and salt, six large tomatoes, or
half a can, if fresh ones are not ob¬
tainable, a pinch of Spanish saffron,
two doves, a hay leaf and a green pop¬
per cut Into strips. Cover tightly and
let the contents simmer for half an
hour. Now pour over nil a generous
pint of water and two cups of large
Carolina rice which has been thor¬
oughly washed. Cook on a modem to
lire fifteen to twenty minutes, by
wldeh time the flee will have absorb¬
ed all the liquid. The saucepan must
then Ih' placed at the back of the stove
so that the rice may steam until It Is
tender and quite dry, otherwise It will
tiunt or remain raw and wet. Pile In
xi pyramid on a platter and garnish
with French peas. This Is a delicate
And flow Mrs, Pinkham Holpa
CJveroome Thom,
Mrs. Mary Bollinger, 1101 Marianna
St., Chicago, 111., to Mrs. l’inkhnin:
“ 1 Imre, been troubled for the past
two years with fulling of the womb,
leueorrhtva, pains over my body, slek
headaches, baekaehe, nervousness and
weakness. 1 tried doctors and various
remedies without relief. After taking
two bottles of your Vegetable Com¬
pound. the relief 1 obtained was truly
wonderful. 1 Lave now taken several
more bottles of your famous medicine,
txnd can say that 1 am entirely cured.”
Mrs. 11 1 n uv Dork, No. 80(5 Findley St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. I’inkhaw:
“ For a long time I suffered with
chronic inflammation of the womb,
pain in abdomen and bearing-down
feeling. M as very nervous nt times, and
ko weak 1 was hardly able to do any¬
thing. Was subject to headaches, also
troubled with leueorvluvn. After doc¬
toring for many months with different
physicians, and gettiugnorelief, 1 had
given up all hope of being well
again when I read of Ike great good
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com¬
pound waa doing. 1 decided immedi¬
ately to give it a trial. The result was
simply past belief , After taking four
bottles of Vegetable Compound and
using three paeWages of Sanative M ush
I can say 1 feel like a new woman. 1
deem it my duty to announce the fact
to my fellow sufferers that Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable remedies have
entirely cured me of all my pains and
suffering. 1 have her alone to thank
for my recovery, for which 1 am grate¬
ful. May heaven bless her for the
good work she is doing for our sex.”
liruadwaf. >•
wriv'T .(*&#<* of Usd health ttint H I l w A N »
VV u'j ■ i not b*n**fli f> te* cl*. and tv 1 Uipan* *hj Unio CV.emt *
H*vVork. for 10 sami tea n
Jtnmct*<\ with l Thompson's Eye Wafer
sore *ye», ue* i
MENTION THIS PSPER fa writing to
liaers Anv ft*-45
PfSO’S UUHtS WHERE CUR All list § tMlb, V
Rost Cough Syrup. Tasto* Good. sc
in flttsA Solti t>v drugefsts.
M n* Hid itg Towed to Norfolk Navy Yard
From Cull*—The Crew, C<in«l*tlng
of I M, Were Saved.
The ocean tug Merritt put into
Uharleston, S. ( Saturday morning
for supplies. Mho reported the loss of
the cruiser Maria Teresa, raised by
Constructor Hobson recently off Man
Salvador, Bahamaw, November 1, in
the midst of a furious storm.
The cruiser left Caimancra, Cuba,
on the morning of October 30, in tow
for Norfolk, Mho had already passed
Cape Maysi and started northeast
around the Bahamas. A furious storm,
warning of which had already been
sent out, overtook her anil in her con¬
dition she was unable to weather the
gale. The strain opened rents in her
hull which had been patched to enable
her to make the journey and she be¬
gan to fill rapidly.
The Merritt took off Captain Harris
and tlio crow from the sinking ship
and she s non went down. No lives
were lost as far as known. There were
111 of the TerCHa’d crew, officere ami
men, landed in Charleston, and
while many of them were half-naked
they wore «h happy and jolly a party
as one cquld wish to see. There was
an enortnous crowd gathered at tho
Central wharf when they landed, and
the people of the city did shipwrecked everything
in their power for the
Commander I. E. Harris, United
States navy, at once made a full report
to the department of the disaster. The
officers and men remained in Charles-
ton throughout the day. At 5 o’clock
Saturday afternoon tho entire party
started north.
' It is said at tho navy department
that provision waa made by which the
Teresa could have weathered any or-
(Unary storm A rough wooden deck
had been nailed over her upper works.
Her hull was then sheathed,and heavy
chains wore wound around her so ns to
hold her together. Although far from
seaworthy, all that was expected was
that the cruiser might be kept afloat
until docked in this country. She had
been stripped of all guns and valuables
save tho big turret eleven-inch guns
before starting, no that it is believed
there will be no loss on that account.
It. is the opinion of the navy de¬
partment that the government has
lost, besides the value of the ship her¬
self, only the amount of the per diem
of $.800 per day through the sinking
of tho vessel, because the contract
appears to have required the delivery
by tho wrecking company of the vessel
at the navy yard at Norfolk, Yu.
The wrecking of the ship, owing to
the engineering difficulties presented,
occupied a good deal of time, so that
while the vessel was raised on Septet.i-
ber 22d, and tho work was prosecuted
with vigor,it wa« not until October 30th
that she was able to start away front
Faimanoraunder her own steam hound
for Norfolk. Mho was accompanied
on tho start by the repair ship Vulcan,
tlie collier Leonidas and the cruiser
Oinciuuati, hut the latter left the other
ships at Cape Muysi. tho
Paring the progress of raising
ship a great deal of valuable matter
was recovered by the wreckers. Just
what this amounts to is not positively
known, but. it included expensive
guns, torpedoes and much matter of
value. The opinion is expressed that
with what material \V ft 4 raised from
the Teresa and the other ships which
have been operated upon go far, the
an vy department will be able to reim¬
burse itself fully for tlje outlay of
$800 per diem to the contractors.
The loss of the ship was a bitter dis¬
appointment to the people iu Norfolk,
where extensive arrangements had
been »,«dp to bring excursions from all
points to the nay yards there to look at
the famous ship and the recon¬
struction < f the vessel w ould b4VP
forded at least a year and a half's
work to a large body of mechanic* and
ami i'v
tmtfition Wsin » Grent
A iqiei'iiil from Omaha, Nob., says:
Saturday tin* Trans Mississippi and
International Exposition Association
began paying hack 7, r > cent* on every
dollar of stock that was subscribed for
i(w construction. After this is accom¬
plished (’Bough money will remain in
the treasury vo more than pay the re¬
maining 25 per cent pud fulfill all
As there are nearly 6,000 subscrib¬
ers, the distribution will require some
time. The stockholders are jubilant,
and the exposition management is re¬
ceiving congratulations.
f<» Huvo Broil Uecontlv Formed Hj
Kjruporor uml Sultan.
The Frankfort Zietuug (Berlin) says
it learns from a well informed source
that Emperor William’s visit to
Turkey led to an agreement by which
Germany undertakes to support the
integrity of the sultan's Asiatic posses¬
sions for which Germany will receive
commercial and industrial privileges.
The paper adds that it believed this
agreement is tantamount to an armed
alliance between the two countries.
l-'tiitrcl Sujirptiiff Court Room Ilndly
A Washington special ways: An ex-
plosion and lire at 5:13 o’clock Sunday
ufternoon wrecked the supreme court
room and the rooms immediately ad¬
joining it on the main floor of the cap*
iTiTS.™ ZTJitL B r»*
! inurble pile, frpm the main floor to
I the Hiibterratiean basement, is praoti*
, cully u muss of ruins.
Tlie force of the explosion was so
i heavy that the coping stones on the
■ outer walls just east of the point
w»i«o the explosion occurred were
bu ^ ged out nearly / two inches, wm-
^ (|| ^ f t , H) , mi|(Hn{? were
| j f(,ree<l 1)low| , ()llt their , U1< ] hinges locked quite doors 150 were feet
from the scene of it.
Fire followed the explosion so
quickly ns to be practically simitltane-
ous with it,. The explosion shook the
immense structure to its foundations
anil was heard several squares from
the capitol. It occurred in u small
room tightly inclosed by heavy stone
walls in the subterranean basement
immediately below the main entrance this
to the old capitol building. In
room uus a 500-light gas meter, which
was fed by a four-inch maid. Very
little gas is used in that part of the
building, but at the time of the explo¬
sion the gas had not been turned t •
at the meter. The meter itself was
wrecked and the gas pouring from the
main caught fire.
The flames originated from the ex¬
plosion darted up the shaft of the ele-
vator, which had been completely de¬
stroyed by the force of the explosion,
and communicated with the record
room of (lie supreme court, the office
of tlie marshal of the court and the
supreme court library, Before the
flames could be subdued tlie priceless
documents in the record room had
been almost totally destroyed and se¬
rious damage lmd been done in the
marshal’s office and some minor rooms
in the immediate vicinity.
The library of the supreme court,
located immediately below the supreme
courtroom, was badly damaged by fire,
smoke and water, water practically de¬
stroying the great collection of law
reference books. The library contains
about 20,000 volumes, and was used
not only by the justices of the supreme
court, hut by members of congress
and lawyers practicing before tho su¬
premo court.
Mr. Justice Harlan said that tlie
library was very valuable. Many of
the works it contained would, he
thought, lm difficult to replace.
strom; roivr run sms.
Annivur to Jtt*curded « Fine
Lofcnl Ifooutnent.
A Washington special says: The re¬
ports the state department has re¬
ceived from the peace commissioners
in Paris indicate that that body lias
proceeded in exactly the line antici¬
pated, consequently the action of Fri¬
day was not a disappointment. It was
fully expected that the Hpanish com¬
missioners would endeavor to make
better terms than those offered by the
American commissioners.
It is freely admitted in Washington
that the presentation of the Spanish
objections to the last American propo¬
sal was admirable in many respects,
and evidenced the possession of keen
legal talent by the Spanish side. Yet
tlie objections and points made were
not new.
The strongest point made by the
Spanish side relates to tlie taking of
Manila two days after the signing of
the protocol in Washington, on which
they base their assumption that tlie
United States was not in possioti of
any part of the Philippines outside of
the insignificant station nt Cavite at
the time hostilities ceased and were
estopped legally from extending our
possession. against contention it
lint this can
he shown by the Americans that re¬
gardless of the exact date of the sur¬
render of Manila Admiral Dewey,
afloat, lay for two months before the
city, while for most of the time United
States troops were ashore near the
Spanish positions, and that the town
might have begn taken nt any moment
during that period.
The only restraining influence wuu
a desire to make sure before taking
possession that the lives and property
of the inhabitants of the city should bo
safe-guarded to the utmost, and in
reality tip} Anjericgn forces were as
itiiitiU it| possessipu gf tho place then
jL’jvmlcr SngnfttA Intimates TLat u Spanish
***,;<’ May !V Yot *unf Oat.
Advices of Mouday from Madrid
state that the premier, Senor Sagasta,
was questioned as to whether it was a
fact that the Spanish government had
addressed h note to the pogers asking
the latter if they would support Spain
in protesting against “the intentions
of tfle United States toward the Phil-
ippine islands.”
He replied that such Members a note had not
yet been dispatched. of the
cabinet assert that there will be three or
four more sittings of the peace confer¬
ence at Paris.
General I* Making i'v«-|i»»aii«i,» For Km-
bar Ration of Troops,
General Carpenter, who is to com¬
mand the first troops which will em¬
bark for Cuba, js now in Savannah,
Gn,, where is making arrangements
for the embarkation of the Third Geor¬
gia, Eighth cavalry ami Fifteenth in-
fan try. The Georgia’regiment will be
a part of the troops under General
A Fatka»>* Story.
"H. -Ml r table eu n-7ro m ii U»2w*Mrt
ha- generally wrecked th« live* of children,
and left th«m tn a condition to which .team
ItHolf would afteutiou ha.^ attracted a
great amount of among the rest-
dent.* of the west end of Appleton. Willard Creech,
The case Is that of little
son of IUnhard I). Creeoh, a well known
employe of one of the large paper mills in
the Koi Klver Valley. The lad vrusattacked
by spinal disease and his parents had given
up all hope of his over boing well again
when, ns by a miracle, be was heated and is
now In s -hool as happy as any of bis mates.
Mr. Creech, the fattier of the bov, who,
resides at 1002 Second Street, Appleton,
Wisconsin, told the following story:
““/N-vA'ttV L>- *1( 1 " " '" 1 "“ ===
*gb V + J3,+
kl^ V \
rv V
lie Goes to School.
“Our boy was absolutely helpless. Ills
lower limbs were paralyzed, and when we
used electricity he could not feel It below
his flips. Finally we let the doctor go as
he did not seem to help our son and we
nearly gave up hope. Finally my mother
who livcH iu Canada wrote advising the uso
of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for rule Peo¬
ple and I bought some. had been the
“This was when our boy and helpless on for
Stretcher for an entire year
nine months. In six weeks after taking
the pi 1 Is wo noted signs of vitality in
Ids legs, and in lour months he was able to
go to school.
“It is two years since ho took the first of
the pills and he is at school now just chil¬ as
happy and well as any of the other
dren. ft was nothing else in the world
that saved the boy than Dr. Williams’ Pink
Pills for Pale People.”
Caper Sauce Capers.
The caper, familiar in caper sauce
and used as a garnish for salads, is im¬
ported from Spain and France. Ca¬
pers are grown in Italy, but none is
imported from there into this coun¬
Capers are sorted into four sizes, of
which the smallest are known com¬
mercially us nonpareils, and the next
larger as surfines. The next
larger In French capers are ca¬
pacities, and the largest capotes, while
the next to the largest and the largest
of Spanish capers are known respect¬
ively ns capotes No. 1 and No. 2.
The smallest capers are the most de¬
sirable and bring the most money.
French capers are imported almost
wholly in bulk In kegs of fifteen or six¬
teen gnllous, and barrels of about
forty gallons in brine or vinegar. A
few capers are Imported in glass, but
they are mostly put up in this country.
Capers grow on a bush.—New York
Sun, *
Don’t ToJ>*oro Spit and Smoke Your Life Away,
To quit tobacoo easily and torever, be mag¬
netic. full of life, nerve amt vigor, take No-Tcr
Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. Ail druggist*, Moor *1. Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Kernody Ca, Chicago or New York.
The largest organ In tho world is in the
cathedral of Seville, Spain.
SlOO Reward. SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least ono dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
ages, and that Is Catarrh. Hull’s Catarrli
C ...edical ire is tho fraternity. only positive Catarrh «jro being known a constitu¬ to tho
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat¬
ment.. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal y,
acting directly on the Wood and mucous sur¬
faces of the system, the disease, thereby and destroying giving the tjje
foundation of pa¬
tient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in itscurativo
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Sendforlist
of testimonials. Address
p, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
■Gold by Druggists, 75c.
Ball’s Family Fills are tho best.
Spain has greater mineral resources than
any other country in Europe-
No-To-lSac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes Weak
wen strong, bjood purp. 50c,$1. All druggists
More than half of thp mahogany Mexieq. supply
>n tho United States comes troiu
2K > % M,
ts due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, hut also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing tlie
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co.
only, g knowledge pf that fact will
assist one iu avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par¬
ties. The high standing of the Cali¬
fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi-
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias
given to millions of families, makes
the name of tlie Company a guaranty
pf tfye excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or vveaken-
ing them, aud it does not gripe nor
nauseate. Ju order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
tlie Company —
DROPSY -£ as
irelfmeut Froe. b or a h Greek's soss* Atteat*. 'ax
Crlatobnl Col*a’» Cat.
A prisoner of war, who positively
fused to he Interviewed, was seen at
lho oflice 0 f the United States Ex-
Company recently . route
press en to
the United States Supply Station, St.
. josenh's 1 Mich., where lie will be put
in custody of Lloyd Clark, a relative
of Captain Clark, of the Oregon. The
following notice was found pasted on
the prisoner's personal effects:
‘‘To Cood Americans— Treat me kind¬
ly and give me food, for I ant a prison¬
er of war from the Cristobal Colon, be¬
ing forwarded to my captors, the
crew of the Oregon, to the gallant
commander, Capt. Clark, whose bravo
efforts forced the Colon to surrender
July 3, 1898.” The prisoner’s name
was Mr. Thomas Cat. He was a hand¬
some specimen, having a silver gray
coat, with tiger stripes, and showed no
effects of having passed through the
horrors of war, although very much
incommunicado.—New York Sun.
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blool means a clean sktn. No
beauty without It. Casrarets, Candy Cathar¬
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving ail im-
purltles from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimple*, boils, blotches, blackheads.
■■inil that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug-
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c. iJc, 50c.
Mexico has an X-ray apparatus to he used
for inspecting canned meats and fruits.
We Baw at the warerooins of Southern Car¬
riage and Wagon Co., corner Pryor and Decatur
Sts., Atlanta, Ga., a tine carriage for Gov. Can-
dlor. It Is one of the finest and best finished
carriages ever brought to the state. This firm
sells everything In the vehicle line, from *10.00
Load Cart to finest Carriage made. We advise
our friends to write them for prices before
purchasing Carriage or Buggy.
Tlie value of the diamonds, sapphire* and
rubies on Mohammed’s tomb is $12,100,000.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C. fail to euro, druggists refund money.
Coal fs dearer in South Africa than in any
other part of the world.
“Hath my wife atul myself have been
using medicine OASCARETS have ami hud in tlhey the are house. the Last best
wc ever
week toy wife was frantic with headache for
two days, she tried some of your CASCARETS,
and they relieved the pain in her head almost
immediately. We Ohas. f'Oth recommend Stedkford, Cascarets.”
Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Good, Pleasant, Never Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Do
Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c. 50e.
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New Ycrk. 817
HQ»Tom ssa
CURES Gerstle’s Female Panacea
One Bottle Cured Where Physician Failed
0,V vy* to up a youngYad?eJs'tonm'ivsdioJu^ur^p^ysicianve hopeless, and told her if it did lier good she
- us no nee
V-a, /]•»>) ■W'h-'H ft* Fee cured ll0t Ray and tor lias it. been After m good taking health one ever bottle since. she was entirel
ii I JJ Bealf /U Moore s Bridge, Ala. J. It, GILLILAND.
Health Restored.
2 !i)H JMIMP44 IT IK'iwl (Z.S health J w-as and weak unable and in to very do ba
, f work. I used one bottle i
ii Mj III!?* MTcyV-Gerstle’s S tG. F. Female P.) and Pan* it di
is me more good than anything
If there any Cos¬ ever used. I am now in goo
tiveness, use St. Jo¬ health and can do my work.
seph's Liver Regula¬ Mrs. 8. E. CHANDLER.
tor until the Bowels I m Gin, Ark.
become regular. Get ml i?7
it from youi druggist, * i Pi
or send us 25 cents J /
and a package, we will prepaid. send you ' > f I If! * ff||
My Suffered wife was sick from for Change suffering of Life. from the |j| I aV ' '
Change of Life. seven years, I 1 M
\Y e tried everything we could get from •
the doctors and paid out a considerable sum for treat- I
ment without any good result. We then began using W V
Girstle's Female Panacea (G. F. P.) and it did / N-
more good than remedy all else we bad used for six years. It is
the greatest for suffering females CoTmesneil. ever placed 1
on the market. J. D. BORDEN. Tex.
If your druggist does not keep It, send us $1.00 and will send yon
bottle, all charges paid. L. GERSTLE & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Two Grateful Women Tell of the Help They Have Received Fr
Mrs. Pinkham.
The climax of life force in woman is capable motherhood.
The first requisite for a good mother is good health.
Health of body means health of the generative organs.
Read what Mrs. G. A. Nootamab
B luffton, Ohio, says about Lydia E. pi
ham’s Vegetable Compound, and how v
!e it prepared her for maternity:
“Dear Mrs. Pinkham: —I must say aw
*< in praise of your Vegetable Compound,
i - <4 used three bottles of it when I was pr
1 nant, gnd labor was not nearly as lc
I L as it was with my other babies; c
% my baby Is so healthy to what 1
others were. I think every wore
ft should use your Compound when pr<
5^1 nant, it will save them so much suff
ing and misery. I cannot say enou
in praise of it. If ever I need medici
) again, I shall use your Compound.”
The most successful tonic known
■ j 4 medicine for women approaching it
W/ ternity is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vef
table Compound. It is a safegua
for every woman who uses it, at
the fullest benefit comes from 1
use with Mrs. Pinkham’s advi
freely offered to all woman. H
address is Lynn, Mass.
Here is a convincing statemon
bearing directly on this subjeo
from Mrs. E. Bishop, of 1846 Pact!
St, Brooklyn, N. t\:
“Deab Mbs. PixKHAi«—I am
great believer in your Compound. I was almost despairing erf evsr again bain
well, as I was a great sufferer, and had been for years. I suffered irom worn
trouble, and had terrible blind fits. After writing to you I tried y«cr Com
pound, t The result was astonishing. I have used it and advocated it rwer sinec
In childbirth it Is a perfect boon. I ha^ x if ten said that I should like to have It
merits thrown on the sky with a search-light, so that all women would read, am
beconvlnced that there Is a remedy for their sufferings. ”
A Million Wosieti havs been Bfiocfltcd by Mrs, PinktiaiTi’s Advice and Mediciot
This Coach, freight paid, $9.78
Vahur Til. »|K 1 (rorduroy. V. cone a Tli« i.cov*,*i1 eotlr* top wllh th, deeply twdjoor tutted t
irUch or tf*d. It 1.99 the flu'll .prirra opr
♦«nt i o fr. 0 fra.tfbt to .ii point. *MI of
f»4 w prapif point# Weit »h *qonl b.cis* «
MJ.ifacppt Iti'«r on (
dar*fillrtd promptly. make your . bouse
Do you want to genera] cm
home? If so, write for our bllverw*;
Sawing loxuaof Machines, Kuruituro, Clocks, Crockery, Mirror*, tla
Carriages. t,or«. Stoves, Pictures, Upholstery Bedding. Goods. Ut-frjget TinWai
Lamps, etc., and it will pave you from
to 60 i>er cent, on surprise your purchases. and not Jl
eb-gant txvok will you
i»{? will pi ease you more tuuu tne piic*
Wo publish catalogue an exquisite show- ^gmgt ajsj *
Lithograph designs of Carpets, r JN
tug exact and For-
Hugs, Isieo hand Curtains painted colors, JCX
rieros in furnish 7
We sew Carpets freo, pre-ii _ lj*3^
Carpet Lining free, and
nay freight on all Carpets, Do youwAdtPdF
Hugs ana Curtains.
ttitnk wo would spend f100,000 if
a year on our catalogues having? Carpets
they were not worth 1^5 <
when you can Address buy of the man- Per rare
ufactuver ? this way,
Dept, 30 I, BALTIMORE, Ml
You can get the best
if you keep calling for
We intend a million people in the South
stand In our Shoes.
Yes, Red Seal Shoes 0 €09
will fit and wear,
o I f you don’t bel
• •• it, try a pair.
s f DRfLtme all kinds IMCHI/1E and size
I drilling wells for h
j f farm, Water Cl ty works, and Vi F
rios, Ice Plante. I
xi eiies, Irrigation, Prospecting, Coal Oil
H Mineral
Pfpj Gas, etc. Latest and Bes
i g£| years experience. WRIT:
rn LOOMIS & NYMAN, Tiffin,
8«nd your a<i dress and we will express 50 fine,
tiller Nickel cigars. When sulci, remit us |2.i
we will m-ftil you, free, a handsome stem wirr
set watch, which retails Mai for 42.50, lVIHfi
CIO Alt CO.. No. Wj a bi, Winston,
JP gj Jp p Weg'Jve every^glrl or woman one
■ Be wb rnoad ring, eoIki-goM pattern, foi
lag 20 pnekagefl Garfield Pure Pepsin Gam a
friends at 5 cents a package. Send name; we
Klim. When s >Id send money; we will mail rln§
can tell It Irom genuine diamond. Unsold gmut
back. Write for our 64-page catalogue MeadvlU showin
premiums. Garfifxd Gum Co., Box lit,
84 honorable, PER BUY ?rS,.K
you want steady employment the year
#1 good wages, atyqurown home or to travel?
tend 4c in etamps for wholesale price-list and ]
txlars. We furnuh be«* of bank references.