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Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Railroad and Mill Supplies
Rubber Belting and Packing,
Hardware, Cutlery, Guns. Rifles,
Ammunition, Rope, Tinware, Stoves,
Crockery, Fishing Tackle etc. etc.
Write for Prices. 9-11-13 N. Jefferson St,
Of Local Interest
Things that Happen in and About the Town.
Those who Come and Go. Per¬
sonal Mention etc. etc.
A Special offer for Thursday’s
Yard wide fine sea Island 4/.
Yard wide Bleeching
| yard wide Percale 2 / *
0/ Calicos for 5/.
5/ Calicos for 4/.
12 Balls of thread for 5/.
Mention the ad.
' Jeffrey <fc Roobin.
Mr. Collier, of Poulan, spent
Sunday in Ashburn.
Boyd Barbre threatens to be¬
come a citizen of Fitzgerald.
Mrs. G. W. Howard, of Doles,
visited relatives here Saturday.
A musical convention was held
at the Nipper school house last
1 The junior bass ball nine are
to play the juniors of Arabi in
that city this afternoon.
The spreading of clay upon
Railroad street will greatly im¬
prove that thoroughfare.
Saying nothing at the wrong
time is equally as good as saying
the right thing at the right time.
Frank ^ , Hudson TT . . le ,, .„ 01 ~ u h-
bert Monday where be will accept
a position with the Phone Ex-
change of that city.
The fact that 20 drummers spent
Wednesday at the Clyde is evi :
deuce sufficient that Ashburn ,, is
a prosperous little city.
Mr. H. Jeffrey will visit Colum-
bus the latter part of next week,
Thev say he is trying to convince
an individuai of that city that
Ashburn is a more desireable
t:> live in than Columbus.
Ga., IvTay 6; 1899-
Miss Vic. Evans is the guest of
Hawkinsville relatives.
Mr. A. C. Forester joined the
Fellows Monday evening.
A little girl has arrived at the
of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Can-
Messrs. Reaves and Mathis, with
their families, now occupy the
Hambrick cottage.
Mr. Dobson and family have
into the residence vacated
by Mr. Judge and family.
Mrs. J. S. Clark left for Macon
Monday, accompanied by little
Miss Fattie, whose eyes will be
treated by a specialist in that city.
Mr. J. W. Evans returned
Wednesday from Hawkinsville,
where lie had been in attendance
upon the Chautauqua since Satur¬
Will Hunt, one of Betts & Co’s
colored employes, died Monday.
Will had been in the service of
the Company for a number of
years, was well thought of by them
as well as the public generally.
Mr. T. A. Judge’s family left
for Cecil Tuesday afternoon where
they will make their future home.
This family were numbered among
Ashburn’s best citizens and we
note their departure with
Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Cooper went
to Quitman Wednesday in re-
nge t 0 a message announceing
^ deatfa of t]]e forme r> father,
Th haye the sympa thy of the
entire community in their be-
The Cable Piano Co., of Atlanta
fbe , al . gest concern of its kin d
the South and is do ing the most
extensive business. Those con-
templating the purchase of a Pi-
ano, Organ or any other instrn-
ment would do themselves an in-
justice to purshase without con-
suiting the prices of this concern .
Superior Court News.
Judge Spence been
the past week in the trial of
inal cases. Many cases of
tance were disposed of and
remain undisposed of.
The first case tried this week
that of the State vs. Susan Dray¬
ton, charged with murdering
step son, a negro about seven
years of age. She was ably de¬
fended by Judge Park, Hawkins
and Story. The evidence being
positive that the child’s death re¬
sulted from wounds indicted by
her the jury found her guilty with
a recommendation that she be
imprisoned for life. William
Drayton who was jointly indicted
with Susan Drayton for the mur¬
der of their son, was discharged
because of sufficient evidence to
disconnect him with the crime.
Mack Tigot was placed upon
trial for murder of Isaac Stock
and the jury found him guilty of
murder, but recommended that
he he imprisoned for life . Mack
was hopeful of an acquittal having
been tried on two previous occa¬
sions, each time the jury making
a mistrial. His attorneys, Messrs.
Perry arid Tipton will appeal for
a new trial and they will in all
probability secure same.
The case of the State vs. Dr. J.
W. Jones, charged with a crimnal
assault upon a white woman, re¬
sulted in a verdict of acquittal.
The prosecution was evidently a
malicious one, the alleged victim
fully exhonerated the Doctor
upon cross examination by Judge
Pope, defendant’s counsel. The
woman swore that it was her
brother-in-law who was prosecut¬
ing case; that no criminal assault
had been made upon her, but on
the contrary the Doctor had
treated her professionally and as
a result her health had improved.
It was also shown that the prosecu¬
tor was indebted to Dr. Jones
upon a note for services rendered
his wife. People who prefer
charges of criminal assault should
always be punished where they
fail to sustain the charge. This
is an offense easy to he charged
and hard to defend. The Advance
congratulates Dr. Jones upon his
well deserved acquittal.
John Moree, a white man, was
placed on trial for the offense of
stealing hogs from a negro, This
was the third charge of hog steal¬
ing he had been required to ans¬
wer for. Upon the first two he
was acquitted upon technical de¬
fects in indictments. Col. J. W.
Walters, his attorney, made an
able and exhaustive argument in
behalf of his client, hut the jury
found him guilty, and Judge
Spence sentenced him to serve a
term of years in the penitentiary
Col. Waters will in all probabili¬
ty, appeal for a new trial.
Lawrence Ransom was tried
and convicted for offense of aid-
ing two convicts to escape from
I *3
our ziau (LG liters
i ream fulfilled? . .
Have you purchased for her a Kings¬
bury Piano?
There are no better Pianos Mado in
the world than the celebrated
Kingsbury and COnover.
These Pianos can be bought, on easy
terms. 'We manufacture more pianos
and organs than any other concern
in the world. Instruments handled
by us come from our own factories.
Save Dealer’s Profits
By buying from Manufacturers direct, Wo
sell on easy payments. Write for our
catalogues and prices before you aro
talked into inferior instruments.
Cable Piano Co., Atlanta, aa
$2,000,000.00. 00-98 Whitehall St
penitentiary camps at Worth. It
is said that he furnished them
each a dress and bonnet, with
which they disguised themselves
and made their escape. Cols.
Bass and White, his attorneys,
will appeal for a new trial.
As w r e go to press the case of
the State vs. Leonard Sumner,
who is charged with murder,
is being tried. It will be remem¬
bered that last week while at
Cochran’s store in Isabella, and
widiin fifty yards of the Court
House, Sumner and James Pow¬
ell became involved in a war of
words and the discussion was sud¬
denly ended, it is said, by Sum*
ner shooting Powell three or four,
times, from which he died imme¬
diately. We suppose that by the
'time our readers shall have read
the foregoing the jury will have
decided whether Sumner is guilty
of murder or not. lie will lie
ably defended by Messrs. J. W.
Walters, of Albany ; Wm. Har¬
rison, of Quitman, and W. L.
Story, of Isabella. The Advance
lias “no axe to grind” and wishes
only that justice be rendered. If
Sumner is guilty let him pay the
penalty; if innocent acquit him
without delay.
All things come to him who
waits—had luck included.
The porus plaster may lie a
good thing, but it has it’s draw
When the dressmaker sews
anything up wrong, it’s enough
to make her rip and tear.
When money'talks the average
man doesn’t care whether it
knows what it is talking about or
Mr. Will Watson and Miss Bai¬
ley werequietly married last Sun¬
day evening at the home of Mr.
R. A. Luke. Mr. Watson is an
employe of Betts & Co. Miss
Bailev is a neice of Mr. Luke.
No 39
Among the Students,
High School Happenings, Writen by the 1 i Du U **
pils for the Advance. Per¬
sonal Mention'etc.
Master Tom and Henry Judge
two of our old students have quit
school and moved to Cecil.
Among those absent from school
a part of last week were: Misses
Mary Futcli Ethel Polhill Ellamay
Evans, Mattie and May Clarke,
Essie Mitchel, Mattie Bello Hug--
gins and Etna Cannon, Messr
Claud Hicks, Guy Dixoifand La¬
nier Nipper.
Misses Addie and Unie Story,
Sheriff’Story’s two daughters •>)
Isabella, visited the school la-r,
Prof. Hay has moved his hoard;
ing place to Professor Passmore's.
Miss Patty Clark is in Macon
this- week having an operation
performed on her eyes and is
therefore absent from school.
Mr. Guy Tenable will be out of
school having accepted a position
with Mr. Barbre. We always
hate to lose our scholars espec-
oialy of the sixth grade.
The latest wrinkles are rough
on any one.
Riches are the wings that some¬
times make an ;mgel out of an or¬
dinary girl.
These warm spring days might
he called “bicycle weather,” they
make us so tired.
“Andy” Forester is lamenting
the fact that Fitzgerald has been
misrepresented to him.
You have no doubt observed
that the individual who knows
how r to do everything very seldom
does anything.