The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 06, 1899, Image 3
A CHARMING ful What old lady a pleasant grandmother! in good influence health! in the house is a delight* ^ Mrs. Mollie Barber, St. James, Mo., writes: “I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during change of critica l period safely. I suffered years with falling of the womb and female weakness. At times could hardly stand on my feet, also had leucorrhoea. I tried several good 01 s, A friend getting better, grew worse all the time advised me to try Mrs. Pinkham's Compound. I did so and after taking six bottles, was cured of both leucorrhoea and falling of womb. I am now t health and feel very grateful for the good your medicine has XL done me. Iwouldrecommend it to all women suffering a& I h was.” ii/.h A Mrs. N. E. Lacey, Pearl, La., writes: < t Ihave had leucorrhoea /. | for falling about of womb twenty by years, v I spells bfor ten years, and my y bladder was affected, had backache a great deal. *57, I tried a number of doctors. They would re- fSi L lieve me for a little Ek while, then I would be SPworse than ever. i & then thought I would n| try Lydia E. Pinkham’s \ Vegetable Compound. Eleven bottles of Com¬ pound and one box of Liver Pills cured me and I am now sound well. It helped me through the change of life period. I am fifty-five years old.” The women of advanced years who are healthy and happy are invariably those who have known how to secure help when they needed it. Mrs. Pinkham will advise any woman free of charge who writes about her health. Her address is Lynn, Mass. USE CHILL CURE, THE It Spalding OFFICIAL lit League Ball ^ life m ordered Ball, is thegenuine and bv is the officially Le&eue E National League to be us.*d iu all games. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. If a dealer does not carry Spalding’s and address athletic to goods in stock, send your name of handsomely us (and his, too) for a copy our illustrated catalogue. A. C. SPALDING A BROS., New York. Denver. Chirac*. / # *-• %r» F Bntl-Saar CHAINLESS BICYCLE Easiest running, mo3t durable, safest, cleanest. World’s rec¬ i ord of 250 consecutive daily centuries, Always ready to ride. Nothing to entangle or soil tbo clothing. Colombia Chain Motels Embody the results of 22 years’ i experience in the application cycle of the best methods of building. Hartfords anil Vedettes. The new Hartfords have radi¬ i cal improvements everywhere. Vedettes cannot be equaled for their price. PRICES: Chainless,. $7S; Co¬ lumbia Chain, $50; Hartfords, $35; Vedettes, $23 and $26. Catalogue of anv Columbia dealer, or by mail for one 2-cent .stamp. POPE MFQ. CO., Hartford, Conn. As a Refuge. “Wliat’s tlie idea in wanting to make old Bullion United States Sena- tOl’.” “Well, lie’s worked so hard for the last twenty-live years at his business that he’s all used up, and his friends say he has got to have a rest or he'll die.”—Chicago Tribune. Plantation H HH o -La-- “ T ■ To or money r your , so not try it v HEALTHFUL OLD ABE A Japanese Girls Wedding. "Marriage in Japan is only a civil contract, and not in any way a religi¬ ous one,” writes Onoto Watanna in the Toadies’ Home Journal. “It is protected by law and social obligations. The Church and State do not concern them¬ selves at all in marital affairs. The chief peculiarity about the ceremony is the exchanging of cups of sake (a liquid) nine times; three times the bride, three times the groom, three times the midwomau who works be¬ tween the pair ia making the engage¬ ment. Toward the end of the cere¬ mony a singer sings a song called ‘Takasago,’ which narrates the loving and happy life of an old couple. Thus the ceremony closes, the last notes of the singer's beautiful melody remain¬ ing in llie air, charming-all. The last stage of girl life is over.” According to the latest statistics tuberculosis kills 70,000 of the inhabi¬ tants of Italy every year, and reduces to an invalid state well-nigli a million within the same period. Dennty Ia Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar¬ tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- ourities pimples,, from the boils, body. blotches, Begin blackheads, Jo-day to banish by taking and that sickly bilious complexion All drug¬ Cascarets,—beauty satisfaction guaranteed, for ten cents. 10c, 2oc, 50c. gists, At Rockmart Ga„ an engine of the South¬ ern Railroad picked up a pig and on the then cow- de- catcher, carried it s-ix miles, posited it upon the ground without the slightest injury. To Cure a Cold in One Day. '1 uke I.fixative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH Ib npgitte refund nteney if it falls to cure. 25o. Hickory nuts are an American product k nd we export them in large numbers to Europe, where they are found good eating. Pecans belong to the hickory family. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.. Props, of Hall’s Catarrh Cure, offer $100 reward for any case of cata rrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall’s Catarrh < ur*. Send for testimonials, free. Sold by Druggists. 75c. I can recommend*Piso’s Cure for Consump¬ tion to sufferers from Asthma.—K. 1) Tow.v- SEND, Ft. Howard, Wis., May 4, lk!H. A wise man prepares for the worst while hoping for the best. Educate You* Bowels With <Ju 9 caret». Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C fail, druggists refund money At a wedding the men all pity the bride and the women all pity the groom. Our Six-lack Qua li the Beat. The new six-inch fifty calibre gun for the navy now being constructed nt the Washington Navy Yard will be the best gun of that type in the world. It will carry a one hundred pound shell and will use American smokeless powder. The present six- inch gun of the American navy, which is of forty calibre, was tested against an English fifty-calibre gun about three months ago nt the Indian Head proving grounds, and under similar conditions of charge ami projectile beat the English gun by 400 feet per second muzzle velocity. The English gun’s best initial velocity was 2.000 foot; the American gun’s was Jl.OOO feet. For the new American six-inch gun a minimum initial velocity of 8,200 feet is looked for. Ask Your Dealer For Allen’s Foot-Kase, A powder to shake into your shoes; rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all drug¬ gists and shoe stores, 25 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Adr’s Alleu S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Love in a cottage is but another name for a labor union. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Year Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag nettc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong, All druggists, 50c or »1. Cure guavaft- teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. People who live in glass houses should have them frosted. Sirs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething,softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. Fits permanently cured, No fits or nervous- neeR after frret day’s use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 92 trial bottlenndtrentisefree. Dk. li. if. Kline, Ltd., 981 Arch St., Phils., Pa. The inebriate is unable to get sixteen drams outof an ounce of whiskey. To Care Constipation Forever* Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 85c. If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. Nearly every married woman thinks » lot ot other women envy her. $3,000 7 DEPOSIT TO REDEEM OUR GUARANTEE OF POSITIONS. K. R. Fare Paid. Actual Business. Free Tuition tootie of each sex lu every county of your state. MTRITJS QUICK to CIA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, nacon.Ga. Ygu will never know what Good Ink is unless you use Carter’s. It costs no more than poor ink. Funny booklet “ How to Make Ink Pictures ” free. CARTER'S INK CO., Boston, Mass. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP. CHIMNEYS Are the best. Ask for them. Cost no more than common chimneys. All dealers. PITTSBURG GLASS CO., Allegheny, Fa. Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. ... Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States.....No cure, no pay.... Price, 50c. St. Louia, Mo., Feb, S, 1899. Pams Mediciwb Co., City. Gentlemen:—We wish to congratulate having you on the Increased sales we are on your Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. On exam¬ ining our record of inventory under date of Jan 1st. we find that we sold during the'Chill season of 1898 2860 dozen Grove's Tonic. We , Laxative also find that our Biles on your Bromo-Qolnlne Tablets have been some¬ thing enormous: having sold during tho late Cold and Grip season 4,200 dozen. Please rush down order enclosed herewith, and oblige, Yours truly, BROS. DRUG CO MEYEH Hchall. Per 1 ) I t ^ I ( r J 0, m 1 i, v» * i I • i 4 LjtM \ * _ . ai fit rJTv 1 31 73 \ 4 >■< m tt i ( % f 4 . 1 m . i; . w. HOW TO WASH FLANNELS. Dissolve fine shavings of Ivory Soap in boiling water, and when cool enough to bear your hand in it, immerse one piece of flannel. Don’t rub it with soap, but knead it with the hands. Don’t rinse in plain water or in cold water, but make a second solution, warm and well blued, for this purpose. Use a clothes-wringer; hand-wringing is insufficient. Dry quickly in a warm place. If left to stand wet, flannel shrinks. Cut out these directions and tell the laundress to follow them with Ivory Soap. It keeps the flannels very soft. Copyright 1IW), l, Th. FroaU* * Quit,!# Co , ClnriUMtl. fi7AXU)iF ^yi 11 ****-^ For INDICE8TION and DYSPEPSIA. “I have found immediate relief in every in- stBitee.”—P. li. Louden, Philadelphia. A cure for a try. 25c. a box. Ask your drug¬ gist, or write for free eumple to TT/.AKUltE CO., Tarpon Hyrtufi, Fla. ’ELF’ REFRIGERANT ICE I A over 20 degrees colder titan | \ “ used In refrigerators just like ■ a perfect substitute tor WANTED. SKND FOll CIROULAHB. AGENTS FNIVKUSAI, KEFRMJKItATING BROOKLYN, I D., Y. 21)2 FIiimIiIiik Avenue, N. cases. Book of testimonials and I O ilu treatment Free. Dr. B. R. GREEN'H BON 8 , Box I), Atlanta. Ga DU AN TED-Case of bad health that RXT-A’N (1 '• will not benefit. Send 6 cte. to lttpans Chemical Co.. NewVork. for lu samples and luuu te.tlmonial*. OPIUM Habit. New Pain lean home fine. GUARANTEED. Write to- _____day for FREE SAMPLE and book. DR. E. PURDY. Houston, Texas ~:w Sits? ML nW u p ifc a % // L -*U -X ii nj-t’lS mm ■sai % “It *><£• ** tV*° ^ecommen^ RETAILER. Kxdbox, Ills. Parts Mrdicinb Co. , Gentlemen:—X handle seven or eight differ¬ ent kinds of Chill Tonics but I sell ten bottles of Grove’s to where I aell one of the others. I Bold 88 bottle* of Grove’s Chill Tonic in one day and could have sold more if I had had it on hand. Mr. Dave Woods cured five ca*es of chills with one bottle K^flpcctfully« JOHN T. YINYAKD- Malsby & Company, 31) S. Broad St., Atlanta, Oa. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heaters. Steam Pump* and I'enlierthy Injector*. V *9 A, sc liii Manufacturers and Dealers iii saw m;lls, Corn Mill*, Feed Mill*, Cotton Gin -Matliin- cry and Grain Separator*, SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth and j ,o,-k«, Knight's Patent Dog*, Itlnls,ill Saw Mill Knirinc Renuli'* Governors fitate PrtS and quality ot goods guaranteed. Catalogue free t,y mentioning this paper. MENTION THIS PAPER tn writlngtoadver- Users. ANU 99-18 First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called “Taste¬ less” Tonics are imita¬ tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation.' Panie Mebicinb Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen:—I write you a few line* of Ulifll gr&t* ilude. I think your Grove’* Taatele** Tonic is one of the beet medicine* in the worldi for Chills Fud Fever. I have three children that h»ve been down with malarial fever for 18 mouths and have bought Chill medicines of all kind* and Doctor’* bill* coming in all the time until I sent to town and got three rr of Grove’s Tonic. My children are a a and it was your Tasteless Chill Tonic that dli it. I caaaot say too much in Its behalf. Yours truly, JAMBS D. ROBERTS. A Sfeipl M and Whiskey Habits mgl cured at home with- Bfi out tieularssent ^ala. Book FREE. of par- •SSBHaSSSi®^ _ Atlanta, Office B. M.WOOLLEY, 104.N. Pryor M.D. Ga. 3t. l t_ -— 9 ~~“K255‘CTS CONSUMER. W 19W ’ HITRSBOUO Be»t Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. ¥sz 51" sl-