Newspaper Page Text
The Ashbnrn Advance.
J. Benson Horne
ftilltor linn M»ime«r.
OTucial Organ of Worth County
(Invariably iu Ailvanco.)
One your » y J SI. 00
Six months....... .5(
Three months. ... • • • . .25
Euler oil atthe postofllce at Ashburn,
Georgia, ns mail matter of the second
Am wants to play ouils.
Atlanta friends ol'T. M. Brum
by, Admiral Dewey’s Flag Liou-
t *muit, will present that gallant
< I (licer with a magnilicent sword.
4 4 Georgia is invincible when it
comes to originality. In what
other State did railroad compa¬
nies ever run special trains to a
lynching ?”
About the first, thing ex-editor
Hugh 0. Williams did when lie
arrived in Havana was to bring
his pop gun into play, using Editor
Blanton of the Pelham Home, as
a target.
Mu. < ’. B. Rhodes, formerly
Florida Passenger Agent of
d. S. A F., is now General
senger Agent - of this road. Mr.
Rhodes is a young man well and
favorably known in railroad
England lms been killing a few
Chinamen in its newly acquired
Chinese territory to show the na¬
tives the advantages of being un¬
der a Christian government.—
Dawson News. Uncle Sam like
\n ise in the Philippines.
Tiik Dawson Nows thinks the
girls at TTpseott, Arizona, have
been taught a lesson in the civil¬
ities of life that they will remem¬
ber. An old bachelor who has
just died bequeathed to Maggie
A 1111 Montgomery $50,(Hit) because
Maggie always hail a smile and
pleasant word for him and the
other girls frowned at him.
The Savannah News thinks our
heroes are unfortunate, and notes
1 lie cases of Schley and Shatter
and Miles and Hobson and Cogh-
As soon ns the heroes get !
home from doing great deeds they
got into trouble—a controversy,
an inquiry, a kissing beeorsome-
thingelse, but trouble at any rate.
If this sort of thing keeps up what
will happen to Dewey when lie
comes home? Will he get into
jail {
The per capita money in circu¬
lation in the United States on the
first of April win 25.45, the
highest, point ever reached. Even
in 1805, after the inflation of
greenbacks, the per capita circu¬
lation was only $20.57. In 1879,
immediately after Hie resumption
of specie payment, it was only
-''10.75. On April l, 189S, the to¬
tal money iu circulation in
country was $1,700,058,645; on
the fir A of April, 1899, it was
if 1,927,910,91*2.
Small Industries.
A Bibb county citizen has de¬
monstrated that one of the be. t
paying ventures for a Georgia
farmer is a small canning plant.
Mr. N. S. Outier, of the Rut¬
land district, invested in a plant
last year, the cost of which, all
told, perhaps did not exceed $150,
and during the season he canned
several thousand crates of peach¬
es. This year he will have no
peaches, but he is planting a large
Held of tomatoes, which he will
can for the markets.
In speaking of his venture, Mr.
Out lev said to a Telegraph report]
er a few days ago: “My neigh¬
bors laughed at me when they
saw Ihe large stacks of fruit cans,
and declared that 1 would never
be able to sell one-tenth of what
I had canned. I replied that it
made little difference, as the cost
of canning was very small, and I
was willing to take the risk. If
I couldn’t sell them I would have
amighty good time eating them.
4 4 But gracious! I didn’t have
to stir out of my tracks to sell all
1 had. The merchants swooped
down on me from all directions
anxious to buy, and I am just
tickled to death with my
“My neighbors have changed
their opinion about the wisdom of
my venture, and if is likely that
canning plants oil farms will in
time be found in many parts of
Georgia. I will plant garden
truck, and that which I don’t
market I will can and sell as I
find the opportunity.”'—Macon
This man has solved the prob¬
lem of small industries. What he
has done can be accomplished by
many of our truck farmers every
*1 he Advance is the official organ. A year $1,00
O. K. DruO SftbPe
When you want Drugs ami Drug Sundries. We also car-
Try a nice line of Jewelry and Kellem & Moore’s Crystal
Lenses. Come to see me and be convincd that.I carry ev-
erytlfing that goes to make up a First-class Drug Store.
Hnil O. Kverctt.
c looks .by -the: doze isr.
E'ght-day Clocks, - $ 2 . 00 .
Eight-day Alarm Clocks, - 8 . 00 .
Niekle Alarm Clocks,
A ■t* Wi
From a Niekle Plate to Solid Gold
Rings, Cuff Buttons, Watch
Chains, Etc. Etc.
When your jewelry needs repairng or cleaning up, call on me.
Banjo, Guitar and Violin String. work guaranteed.
<31 T.
% 7/1
Look in Your Mirror
Do you see sparkling eyes, a healthy,
tinted sk in, a sweet expression und a grace¬
ful form ? These attractions arc the result
of good health. If they are absent, there
is nearly always some disorder of the dis¬
tinctly feminine organs present. Healthy
menstrual organs mean heaith and beauty
everywhere. Mcfiuasrs
Wimo of Gssrthsi
makes women beautiful and healthy. their
It strikes at the root of all
trouble. There is no menstrual dis¬
order, ache or pain which it will not
cure. It is for the budding approaching girl, the
busy wife and the matron trying
the change of life. At every
crisis in a woman’s life it brings
health, strength and happiness. It
costs $i.oo of medicine dealers.
For advice in cases requiring special
directions, address, AdvisoiyDepartment,’’ giving symptoms,
“The Ladies’ Medicine Co., Cha
The Chattanooga
tanooga, Tenn.
MRS. ROZENA LEWIS, of Oenavllle,
Texan, says:—“I was troubled at monthly
intervals with terrible pains in my head and
back, but have been entirely relieved by Wine
of C’ardui."
thing to patent ? Prot ect your ideas; they DDE may It*
bripp you wealth. Write JOHN WE
HuilN <& OO., Patent Attorneys Washington,
£>; Oi, for their $!/• • cfi-A
POSITIONS SECURED. May deposit money
tor tuition In bank till position is
secured, or paid. will accept No notes. vacation.
Cheap board. Car fare
Enter any time. Open fox' both sexos.
Nashville, Tenn. Savannah, Ga.
Galveston, Tex. Texarkana, Tex.
Indorsed by merchants and bankers. Three
months’bookkeeping with us equals six. elsewhere.
All commercial branches taiurht. For circulars explain*
ing •• Home Study Course.” address “ Depsutment A,”
For colletto catalogue, address “ Department A 4”
All Ki Fieri A r*
A, large Assortment of Spectacles
Can tit. anybody. I also take
Orders for Watches,
Rings Etc., Etc
J. s. BETTS & CO.
(general ^Merchandise )
Ashburn, Georgia.
Up stairs a full line of Furniture. Oak Suits from
we carry
$10 Widow Rockers, Dining Chairs, Baby Rockers and
High Chairs, Cradles, Children’s Beds, Carpets and Rugs.
We will take pleasure in showing you through whether you
buy or not. Family groceries of all kinds, fresh and good.
Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, lig stock to select from, Farm-
ing and Gardening Implemonts. In fact, we have a large
and varied stock of goods suited to the wants of the people
of this section. Bring us your country produce and get the
highest market prices for it.
J. S. Betts & CO.
Genlle Spring is here Again
AndsO' am I, witli a nice lot of
Ladies Misses’ and Children s Headwears,
MRS. J- A■ :
Celebrated Solimer & Co. V, Estey
Matchless Iver & Pond i r:
i r Burdell
Reliable Bush & Gerts
Standard ,E. G. Herrington & Co, Waterloo.
Successors to J. W. BURKE & CO.’S MUSIC HOUSE.
. . . DEALERS IN . . .
Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise,
452 Second Street, MACON, GEORGIA
for Sale
From prize winners. $1.30
per setting of 15, from
tlie following strains
Langshans. Light Brahmas. Black
Barred Plymouth Buff Cochins,
and Silver Lace Wyan¬
dotte. Awarded four pri¬
zes Poultry at show Missippi Valley
.Ian. ’!>», at Memph¬
is, ii to 8, B. p. R.
cock tieb 'for first priz.
Buff Ooehin cockrel took
first prize at Louisville,
Ky., First prize at New
Albany.Ind..and first pri¬
ze at 'lhorntown, Ind., in
1899. Address,
T\ D. Newbern,
Yards, Poultry
“Prince ROyal”
Is a beauty, direct from Haw¬
kins, and is now “cock of the
walk” in my pen of line
B&l'feet Plyiyq. RocUkri.
Hawkin’s Royal Blue” strain
is world famous and those desir¬
ing eggs cannot do better than
order from
Mrs. L. E. Thompson
*1.25 per 16. Brinkley, T CD nn.