The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 30, 1899, Image 2
= * OUR * e Fall and Winter • • • . Announcement. \\T E know what we are talking about when we snv wo ” ” line of General Merchandise have the largest, best ev¬ er brought to Ashburn. You will find almost any grade goods you want in any line at on* - stores, and prices are in accordance with 6 cent cotton. You will be convinced of thin fact hv pricing our goods. Our Fancy Dress Goods The best that can be bought in the Northern markets, consist¬ ing of Figured Worsteds, Serges, Extra fine Henriettas, Brocades, Ooutings, etc. etc. Trimmings, at small cost. This line is com¬ plete and embraces the latest styles. We will be pleased to have the ladies call and inspect these goods. Clotiling Announcement. Wc arc in the clothing business to please our customers. We are never satisfied with your trade unless we please you with goods aud prices, We have a splended line of clothing, Shirts, Under¬ wear, Collars, Cnffs, Ties, Hose, Handkerchiefs etc., which gentlemen of this section should see. Do You Eat? If so, wo beg to call your attention to our stock of Fancy ceries, which cun be bought at the lowest market prices. goods aro all fresh. You will save money by purchasing your ceries from us. IMew Furniture. We wish to call the attention of the public to the lino of furniture we are receiving. We have oak suits at that will please you. Extentsion tables, Sideboards and China in variety. Wardrobes, Lounges, Couches and Fancy Chairs beat the band.” Stoves—all Kinds- A nice line of Stoves wo have, and intend underselling others. All of you young people who intend going to ing in the near future would do yourself an injustice not to amine our line of Stoves, Cooking utensils etc. Slioes, Shoes. Yes, we have Shoes; Good Shoes; cheap Shoes; Large Shoes; Small Shoes, and infact wo have the largest line of Shoes in burn. Our stock of fall and Winter Ladies, Misses and Button and Lace Shoes have arrived and it will be a pleasure allow them to you. Gentleman, wo have Shoes and Hats to you. The prices we make on these goods will sell them. Our Stores Crowded With good values in every department. We cant all, but visit our stores and inspect. We can not sell goods at cost but by buying in large quantities and for cash we are enabled offer many bargain*. Clotliing Made to Order. Wo are sole agents for the celebrated Born Tailoring Compa¬ ny, of Chicago, and can take your measure for a suit or pair of pants and guarantee a perfect fit, at very low prices for tailonnade garments. Ask to see samples; about 300 to select from. Yours Truiy. J. S. Betts & Co M ASHBURN, - - - - GEORGIA. —the: Ash bum Advance, J. B. HORNS, Editor and Manager. The Ocilliv Dispatch says it “cares not a haubee for unearned public favor or approval. What- ever it may have in this line it n ants to know lias been honestly earned. It recognizes and lives up to .he fact that it must follow the same lines that an individual must pursue in the county to win public approval; that if it should become a mischief-maker, a iire- btand, a stirrer-up of strife a mom* the people, an inordinately gree¬ dy, fussy, fuming, furious reaclt- er-out after spoils; a restless en¬ vious, smut scattering, demagogi¬ cal, blatant blower for county pelf; if it should apply opprobri¬ ous epithets to those who did not vote and think and act as it did, it could not hope to retain the re¬ spect and confidence and support of the people, and would not de¬ serve it. In future, as in the past, the Dispatch will strive lor unity and good will among all the peo¬ ple and for (he promotion of their best interests.” What is true of the Dispatch is also true of the Advance. It neither asks nor ex¬ pects unmerited patronage from any source. Cut in the future, as in the past, we shall earnestly en¬ deavor to render our patrons—one and all—a good and profitable service, and continue to labor for the best interests ef Ashburn and Worth county. The editor or an El Paso, Tex., paper is said to have picked up his rifle recently and started down the street to have the gunsmith repair it. The delinquent sub¬ scribers, however, got it into their heads that lie wa« on the warpath and everyone he met in¬ sisted on paying him what they owed him. One of tiiem wiped out a dept of ten years standing. On his return to the office he found a load of hay, fifteen bush¬ els of potatoes, ten bushels of earn, a bushel of Missouri grapes, a load of wood and a barrel of turnips, that had been brought in by delinquents. The Philippine question is thus poetically, as it were, explained by an exchange : “S, ain lird a little lamb, the meekest Iamb around. She sold the lamb to Fade Sam for twenty million down; then Uncle Sam took it by the tail, to lead it, home you know; the mutton rare turned out a bear, and Sam can’t let is go.” Aunt Sofrony, of the Ocilla Dispatch, is great. In regard to Mormonism she says: “There is nothing enticing in Mortnonism. No sensible man cares to possess a plurality of wives, and no fool should possess even one. That’s her argument against Mormonism and there’s no getting around or through it.” Now, hasn’tshe got sense like folks? P{Gn~|Gftg1s)er U )o O. K. Drisig SUbi'o When you want Drugs aud Drug Sundries. We also car- ry a nice line of Jewelry and Kellem & Moore’s Crystal Lenses. Come to see me and be conviucd that I carry ev- erytliing that, goes to make up a Firsv-class Drug Store. YOURS TO SERVE, Fnil O - E verett. COTTON WAREHOUSE, Aslqfcfvrtn Oe&fgiSi. D. L. RANEY, Prop’r. Thanking our patrons for past favors, I re¬ spectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Yours truly, C. J. Bellflower, Weigher. Professional Cards. J. A. COMER, Attorney at Law, ASHBVRN, OE0RC1IA. Will practice in all the Court*, State »nd FerterM. Telephone connection with Cor- dde> Vienna aIM ] intermediate point5) No< 37 . FRANK PARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Poulati, Ga. City Barber Shop, j) 11. I/. [1 hAiif ! lH i ! P;,»)r.u.jAj» ayit • For n first-class Shampoo, Shave, Hair-cut and any work in the tonsotial line, SATISFACTION - GUARANTEED. Evans Building, Ashburn, Ga. ^r. »j. i'. Gardner, fhysictan and Snrgeo«. A UUliKN, .'. UEOMGIA. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. Land and Collections. SrcAiroiiE, Gkokoia. A, J. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, AsnncRK, Gfobota. Real Estate and Collections. Prompt attention to all business placed in our hands. DR. T. H. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. General Tractive Solicited, OSict a the Christian Building. C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, Georgia. GEO. W. COOPER, DENTIST, Ashburn, Georgia. Office, Bonn No. 4, Betts Building. DR. W. J. TURNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASHBURN, - - - GEORGIA m Phone, Residence No. 4; Of- Gee No. 41. T. W. TISON, Physican and Druggist. Treats Chronic Diseases. Terms Reasonable. Patronage Solicited. Electricity brought into requisition Office in the O. K. Drug Store. B. B. WHITE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Bt-tt- Building, A-di tmi n, Ga. Mercantile and Re d E tate L tigation Bee Ive Special and Viyor n- Atti-nHon In all four's, otate and Fi-ilciai. I.1BKL FOR DIVORCE. next t« rm ot Miperlor court to lk? held in and for said county on he Tuesday ufrer fourth ondaj* in October Imo 10 answer the complaint divorce of 0. B Brady in action tor total uitooss the Hon. W. X, Spence Judgre of Mid court. This July *11 st ISju, J. V.. Warren Clerk. Lltxfo Cox ; Ubel for divorce in Wo th Su- WUUatn -vs- P rior Court. Cox : October erm, UW. To illiaui Cox: You re hereby owmanded to be and appear at the next term of worth u- perior ^abella Comt of Worth county • a . to be held uf Moa in October iVi on 18*>9 > uesday after the fourth Jay ihe conjpltiiut by l» o’clock a m. to answer of Liazfe o . in the a- bov c and foregoing petition and libel for di- voroe. witness me Hon. 'V. X. sponce.’udite of said court, till* .'.Ujfust !H-o. J. W. Wanea C. S.C. " Mrs. AWto Lamp Petition for Injunction To rs the trim, •x&r* defendant f. J. i, mp: 'louvre here- by cvnitntvn the led to be an 1 appear at the ne\t term G »rgia of be superior iuTd C rt of v. orlh county • to at .b b Uu a on musclar af-or the fourth uondav n a*to v er IS.l* by lo o’clock a m to ana* er the comp aintof rs. said county, this-YUgust Vvti. 18 *. J. W. v. ar oo. C, S. O, '^j dSjjjJ}! £ EYEYTHING IN THAT LINE CLcOKS B THE DOZE U. E'glit-day Clocks, - - - $2.00. Eigbt-day Alarm Clocks, - 3,00. Nickle Alarm Clocks, 7 From ♦ Nickle Watef]e^, Plate Solid Gold j All large Assortment of Spectacles * a to i A Rings, Cuff Buttons, Watch Can fit anybody. I also take Chains, Etc. Etc. Orders for Watches, Rings Etc., Etc When your jewelry needs repairng or cleauing up, call on me. Banjo, Guitar and Violin String. All work guaranteed. R. A. WHIDBY- (Georgia <f)0ut[]err| P'lorida f{y suaatjlitee: hiyer routs. Local Time Table,Effective Aug. 14,1899. Subject to change without notice. SHOO FLY | | FI»\ luXlE EU I QUO El*. K T10NS. QUI< K | . 1XIK I I SHOO Si ST si EP El,YE... FLY ( Tjt ! m II 50 | tu H 2 > am Lv. Macon ,Ar 15 pm am k—a H* :■ m i 12 TO 11 41 Sotkee Zi hiii m ... . .. am . am OS prn H 7 ~ am 12 49 m . , . U-i idilH . ■ pm am QD am —4 :8 pm H am 1 12 , ui ... V mini* pm am 00 a III 17 37 pm H am §1 44 |im* A'-. Cordel Lv P’.H 4111 00 m 1 55 pm rt m 1 47 cm I v Co* dele .si m 5 na t4F> CC QO Oi pra 71 *m 1 58 p a ... iVe on i . 18 m Fi m ID QD i w ^ • in 2 22 pm . . . Wot b . . . 1 'O . A At a II - m nm 2 .0 m ... Ashburn. . l ,10 ■C am —3 •it II CO *UI m 3 < 5 i m Ar. Tift, m L' - ta Til M am Oi *!Ii CD nm 310 pm L* Tifi"u Ar §i i4 3> pm 1 45 m C5 II S mu 3 4 * pm ... Sparks . . . 11 59 am 12 11 in CJt n c mil 4 4 pm ... II artpine HH 48 mi 13 01 am w» am 4 4 * * tu Ar. Void -Ma Lv 05 am 11 2!) pm am 4 55 pm Lv Vuido-ta Ar — 50 am 11 Oi pra am •> 32 |>m . . . L ke Parke r*1 13 am 10 28 pm am G 10 pin Lv, Jasper Ar 35 am 9 50 pm am 0 43 pm . . . WhneSp’g- am 9 13 pm Li am §7 05 pm ArL 'ke Cio Lv > m 8 50 pm Hin I 25 , m Lv Lake i it' Ar iZ/t loam 8 35 pm oo am 8 3t pm . Samp-on Citv D > am 7 27 pm oo am 8 47 pm . . H rupion . . . 54 am 7 15 pm ^ am 9 23 pm . . Graudin . . . 15 am 6 36 pin o am loOJpm Ar. Paiatka Lv iJ am 6 OJ pm JACKSONVILLE ILIWEL 5 GO am 4'0 pm Lv Va'd sta Ar 10 30 pm 11 05 pra 8 30 ini 8 20 pm ArJaot’v lie Lv 7 20 am 7 40pm § Meal Station. Trains Xu 3 and 4. ’he'Dixm Flyer.” have thr* null rletper between S(. Loui-. and Jacks * tvil e, vi * Cifton and through c *aeh between -Macon awl .la -ks'inville via V * d'-sla: a!s> have Parl-r Si.-eiiing Car oetw-en Mac -n »’ d Piihitka, mi-n r -r the vet-ep io>i of p is-ongers in U non D-p >t, Mac m, at 9:3 i p. m., nod remains i i Macon D*pot on retaru until 7.30 n. m,, andean be oceup ed I’nijl that time- New Parlo,” Sleeping Can on “Dixie Flyer” between Macon and Paiatka. Harry Barnes, D. G. Hall, General Agent, F. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. Wm. Cbeckley Shaw, Vice Pres,, C. B. Rhodes, Genl. Pass. Agt., Macon, Georgia, Tlfton & North Eastern R’y. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROTJTiFY* Local Time Table No. 6. H. H. TIFI', President. W.O. TIFT, Vice-President. General Office s : Tift on, Georgia. No 7. No3. Nol. Miles. EffectiveDec. 19, ’97. Miles. No2. No4. NoS M. P. M. A.M LEAVE ARRIVE P M. P M. M cc 10 CO 10 8 00 0 Tifton....... 25 12 15 6 25 3 10 22 CO 23 8 15 5 1 , Brighton . 20 12 00 6 10 5 50 CO 32 8 25 8 f. , Harding . 17 11 51 6 01 5 48 CC 52 8 45 14 f Pinetta . 11 1131 5 41 5 29 CO 58 9 01 16 . . Mystic. , 9 11 i5 5 35 5 23 TJ4 10 9 13 20 I Fletcher. 5 11 14 5 23 5 1 2 25 9 30 25 . Fitzgerald 0 1100 6 10 5 00 ARRIVE LEAVE A. M. Trails Nos 1, 2, 3 snO 4 run dinly, pieep' Shnd »y. Train* No 7 an ! 8 ran Sunday- mUy (f) Flag 8ia ion Trains >’-p only->n -i; n <i,i A I 'rVini trskp Co *n»ct : m> «j h ’h- P.a» Sys -m «i ’ • *>, nera a r ,or- i-fc at lit,* n, Afiii lit vtorgi & imbaaiH •T 1 ■ £ ?6T/t 'J, F. G. BOATRIGHT. Traffic Manner SHERIFF# SALK. P' r,y ■ One town lot In the town of . Sumner 0 « orth eount.x Georgia on the survey situated and untpoisw the l town bouth a* side Ue of particular Walnut street iot nd bounded on > us follows one ♦ .\om hy Walnut otrect on the East and »outb b lands r.f C. n. Allot u and .*n the West by the iun s of J- K. Knuht 'he same being 1 known as the h fciur place, Je* led on to ftitisfy a iroii. Mtre Ufa in favor of the Downing < o. vs a. IS. Him issued tb lb '' 9 ‘ Also at the same time , and place . Acres , m the >ortb-wesf come- of lo* or land o n« ia ho 7th ianl Idstriet of v»ortn county ua. known as the 'esse C. bass p ace levied on as the property of »esse U. bass to satisfy a lira, issued ltoui the County court of said worth county ut the July i crin law- in favor of Al¬ b»ny tttiliznr Co., vs. Jesse C. uasa maavr and Faniel Clements endorser. This Sep cm- beroih H. S. STORY. Sheriff. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. ^Jf^^fi^SSf^bart STKStfsffiSSSSSI house door In 'lay m '>etobcr, lO.the following property, tQW,t: T 'laekirare mule about l« hen<.s , . high . < •»** h n-ls nigh, on*- grn'’ mar., mule abou» 1*1 one bay horse mult about W band* high, nign Jeviedoa ana one blu*- horse mule about 18 hands Ncisou. i his Scptembcs «th 1S'9. S. R. Hancock Dept. Sheriff H. C.