The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 30, 1899, Image 4

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    "The Prudent Man Setteth
His House in Order.
Your human tenement should bt given
oven more cartful attention than the
haute you Uve in. Set tt in order by
thoroughly renovating your 'whale tytiem
through blood made pure by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then tvary or pan
•will ad promptly and regularly.
Diamond brills.
The carbon* used In diamond drills
nr* not real diamonds a . Jeweller* un¬
derstand the word. They come from
Bublu State, Brasil. To reach tb*
Held one goca by boat and rail to Ban-
delrn, thence on mule back into the
mountains called Sierra deg Lavras
Dlamantln/ts. The carbons are found
In river gravel and also In a clay
stratum In the mountains.
t'en’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lift Away
To quit totocco taally and foravnr, bo ra*f-
natlc, full of HI*. nervM and vigor, Utkn No-To-
Baf. Uio wondor-workor, that mako* weak mon
strong. All druggist*, 00c or 91. Cure guaran¬
tied Book lot and •ampl* fre«. Address
Htarllng Reload? Co., Chicago or Now York.
A $90,OM) t OOO Iron trunt him Juat bean
formed In Nova fidotlA.
Huprftiiif‘ Court Declelone.
( blef Jnetloe RUoklay, fteinedj. of Hli On decision . ban tried Ty
nor r*» DynptpnUi f>r. : Tyner,
“AMuuih. 0« . March U < has.O.
\tlfcnta Ua I have uead, rviid am now weltig.
I’/ner'a l) iibybl' • »;>*pal* Al elixir Roinody. With It its 1 h aid a mental anti pair an
w*ll as a a
t.f epee taolus I - an frequently «'>*> the Logan law lft
p.oHu of unHuiuible or low much diet. B. y “rt o ."lO*;. tt bottlo atttll druKKlstfl;
or »e»t Remedy for price, or pi* ess Mlbhell paid, by Tyner Ilya Ga.
fiepBltt Co., 44 bt., Atlanta,
New York's debt Is two hundred and forty
rnlllloo doBurr
Mg xji
! k)l ’I ‘
W* >
Bi* kh fell?
Nyf AV#
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
D ;?c«sS»:S .ineffectually
evy the 4tmnst-M»M'ro or
(AUfcRNIA ^xv.^ pG "i'x SyRVP(£
tOU MU BY All 0SU6MT!* PPiU &0t ftflOOftlL
BREATH linve b**i* usfair rf’A $(’A k!.T* mply *»utl u«
a aifid umt tdruotlve laxattr* tbay art* bothered bI w«m- with
tlurful My tlaiighMir auti I mere
#irik •tonikoh Aatf onr brt-nth Casearote wmb very bud. hpproved After
taking a few doyg# or wo In l.uro
wonderfuuf. They are a gi'nnt help Iho fahiliy.
Wll HiuAuhouse ft TV. SIlN A N AOgl.
118T Nt., CinClnoftU, Ohio.
/© cS-^e -
PlNNPTiub Palatable. Fount, Tauto Good. Do
Good, Novgi Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. lOo, 26c. fiOo.
■Urllct 11—17 I'klMtK K«. 31,
M-ro-Bsc iawBBiwaiW
Why take
Nauseous Medicines?
An you suffering with
Are you suffering with
Art y«u nulijrd to COl.U’. KI.ATI'I.I’NCY
or I'AINS In tbi‘ IIOWKUS <
bt yaw Miticr from hktkntion or si i»-
l>o you ft*e*l I.ANl*t'01t« ueul IIKBILITA-
TKb iu tho mornlntif
Aromatic Schiedam
Pliusunt to tike. Stimulating,
Biuratic. Stomachic, Absolutely Pun.
Far Amir by all OUtU KKM rh4
25 c7:
liUKtS WhtKt ALL tLil _ Xm
IVat CouEh ayrtip. b.r Toftum drudslruv LKxxi. f
In ttmo
OutCOKIC , tilC , COflYClltlOII - ,. Held u ..
Under Saver’s Call.
Capital _ . . Invested legitimately
Should Not lie Interfered
After two days of speech-mnking
at 8t. Louis, tho governors, attorney
generals and other state representa-
tives adopted resolutions outlining
the legislation needed to control tho
so-called trusts and combines and ad-
journed sine die Thursday night.
J he resolutions embodied were
atrreed to after ,Js:r a lontr session s° Sa“; of tho
divergent wore the views presented
for its consideration that it was after
midnight when the committee was able
to arrive at any conclusion. Tho whole
matter was then referred to a sub-com-
mittee, composed of Governor McMil-
lin, of Tennessee, and Attorneys Gen¬
eral Smith, of Texas, and Campbell,
of Colorado, to put into proper shape.
Governor McMillin, chairman of the
committee on resolutions, presented
tho report of that committee.
In presenting tho report of the com-
mittee on resolution, Govornor Me-
Millin said he was aware of the fact
that the trusts and combinations in
restraint of trade are in a de¬
gree dependable upon federal, state
and municipal governments for their
continuance. He believed it was in¬
cumbent upon the national, state and
municipal governments to restrain the
operations of these trusts and combi¬
“Tho situation and perhaps the ef¬
forts of the conference are misunder¬
stood,” tho speaker contined. “It is
not the object of this conference to
crush corporations, nor to interfere
with capital in any legitimate form.
The object of those resolutions is not
to crush either corporations or to de-
stroy capital, but to regulate them, so
as to meet tho fair demands of all the
“This is the purpose and this is the
object wo hope to accomplish. The
organization of trusts uud Combines
within the last two years is tlio occa¬
sion ami authority for onr preseuce
here. Wo are seeking to ascertain a
proper power for the curtailment of
what is apparently menacing evil, and
the accomplishment of this object can
be effected through the independent
action of the citizen. We have the
best land in the history of man.
“Wo furnish the world with tliirty-
ouo per cent of the manufactured ar-
tides of the world and thirty-two per
cent of ali the banking. In tlio mat¬
ter of agriculture, notwithstanding
Great Britain, Htissia and other coun¬
tries, we feed the world. This agri¬
cultural class is not organized and
cannot bo organized into trusts or
combines and must be protected
against other interests which can
“The industrial and other impor¬
tant interests ure combined to con¬
trol tho wealth of the country in tho
hands of a few and by those means
the sweat and (oil of tho millions is
controlled. Our object is to prevent
this. Corporations arc necessary in a
proper degree to the successful con*
duct of business, but they should not
be so managed and controlled as to
destroy business. It is not proper to
place the commerce of this great coun¬
try in the hands of throe or four peo-
jile and thereby control tlio labor and
destiny iien of the republic.
“\\ nil these industries arc
combined into one band for the man*
ulacturo of a given article, they paral¬
yze labor without extending sufficient
protection. It is one of the objects of
this conference to correct this condi¬
tion of affairs.
“Within recent years, I think less
tlinll ttt’O Vt’ai S, UOt 1(>SS tllRU 200
$ , Z$s ( g8t'% i.“SSI
drawn from tho earth could be mar-
shaled into one stun it could not pay
the ebligations of theso trusts; if ail
sliver taken from the earth was ap¬
plied it oonld not caucel tho obliga¬
tions of these combinations.
In concluding, the speaker claimed
that the interests were so vital as not
to bo of partisan character, but con¬
tended that a prohibitive tariff had
much to do with the creation of trusts,
using the sugar trust as an illustra-
Resolutions thanking Governor Say-
ers for his efforts iu behalf of the con-
fereuco wore adopted before delaring
the conference adjourned.
Miners Raitc Cain In Arkansas.
Mail advices shox that a reign of
terror exists in the coal mining dis¬
tricts of Sebastian county, Arkansas,
where strikes of the miners continue.
NonvaslAti Sailor# Who Klllatl Companion
In Mltli)<*«Nn Under Arrest.
Warrants were sworn out at Charles¬
ton, S C., Friday by ViooCousul Witte,
acting for the government of Norway,
against Andersen and Thomas, tfie
Norwegian sailors from the bark Drot,
who, according to their own stcry.
killed and ate a companion while
drifting in uiidoctmu on a rafl.
The two men will be sent to Norway
as soon as able to travel.
/MS® JtuS -—nfiSwjk * A
Pitt«§ ❖
Does yourhead ache? Pain back of
your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth?
It’s your liver 1 Ayer's constipation, Pills are
liver pills. They euro and all liver
, | headache, dyspepsia, 2Sc. All druggists.
. *Vant your moustache or beTtiT kYeautlfui
brown or rich black? Then use
to f f i P._ N ^ ,y *■ K H '_
Jewlsh Populations.
Increasing statistics showing changes
In the distribution of the Jews In the
principal countries which they Inhabit
have Just boon published In London.
Tte« are now four and a half millions
£ 7 J™ “ “ZmT 1 7, EnglanT v.nsjiana and ana
1*30,000 ,, In the Lnltcd , , States. This In-
“ Dd th * vrr.T"* Unlted ’ Sta,M tor n ln ^ the h(i -
ginning of the century there were only
14.000 Jows in England and 1,000 in
tho United States.
To His Credit.
“That young Perkins who comes to
see you owes $40 at the laundry and
$13 at the burlier shop.”
“Well, pupa, he deserves credit for
trying to loook like a gentleman.”
AkU Your Denier For Allcii’a Foot-Kago,
A powder to shako into your shoes; rests
the feat. Cures Corns, Bunions, Sweating
Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching. Feet
ami Ingrowing halls. Allen s loot-Eose
makes new or tight shoes easy. At ail drug¬
gists and shoe stores, US ets. Sample mailed
FltEE. Adr’s Allen S. Olmsted.Leltoy, N. y.
111 a cflfilsr to hold on to time by tlio lore-
locks than i t is to hold on at the heels.
FUnente lour llowels Willi Cumreli.
Fund, Cathartic, cure constipation forever,
K'v. it,', if < . ('. c. tall, druggists refund money.
'file wool *>n the bark of a sheep is the
rh e ph e ra’s btt ro m eter
• too Kewarrl. *100.
The readers of this paper will lie pleaded to
learn that thvTo is at leant ahje on« dreitcled <Us-
«*ftf.e that science has l?een to cure in all
itHstnL't’H. and that is < atarrh. Hall’s Catarrh
{ urn Is the only posftivroure ratarth now iitving known to
mediral fraternity, u con-
Ktlt utional Hall’s fiivifHst*. Hall’s Catarrh (a requires Cure u constitutionnl if- tuken Inter-
tie <iiin nt.
iittlly, ucting rlirectl nreetty the up on the thereby blood and mu-
cou# ing the surfucesi foundation of svfd > tem, destroy¬
ot the disease, and giving
the vnr patient, p»*,.n*str«naifl strength hy nymmuingup IhiildJng up the the con- con-
r-tjtntion hihI iiKfjpting nature in doing' ii*
<h’rd f.r.?;i:;rw Hollar p * : ™Mui , iis:;XroV; that fail* , nVn n
for rik case it to cure.
Send for n«t of.'TVirvsY &"'fo A ,‘Tmcd
0 , ’ o. ’
Sold hy iJniBglets. 75c
HolrsFamtlv Pilla are the best.
Mrr. Winslow', .'uothlnsr Syrup forqiiildrun
Hon.niUx teethiijir.roften*the . pain.cares jrume. wind redmseainflam colic. 2.',r. a not
and sp{dorsa?eeaten* fri0aCr0004lieS ’ toods
— .......—-— ----
Now ig t)i«i Time to Plant Strawberries
Our free publications t-11 how to make money
on them. Strawberry flpeciallets, Kltlrell, N. c.
In Naples 8il,0(in people never know tocUj
wl,ere the5, shl111 XBt thelr meai * tomorrow
To Cure < ons1l)>nti.»n Forever.
Take (' aH<*nrettt< andv Catluirtli lOt; mone^ or 25c
11 C. (’. ( fall to cure, druggists refund
The harder a woman's husband has to work
the madder she gets when she sees a lazy man.
2 . '■7 : ,'',A 7-7* wm
fflt GROVE’S >4 > T\,'*\ *T’-'C- r < -'-vlLstyy TASTELESS i m CHILL I ? ■"M* PP
7. -02T«-
Grove’s Tasteless Chili Tor
are being sold daily to the people in the malarial sections of the United States, conit
demand for GROVE’S is three times greater than all the other Chill Tonics
MEYER BROS. DRUG GO., of St. Louis, write about GROVE’S:
PARIS MEDICINE CO., St, Louis, Mo., Gentlemen:—We find we are again in need of Grove’s Tastelesi
Tonic. Please rush down 100 gross more at once. It might be pleasant for you to know that we sokl durii
chili season of 1HJ8, 2000 dozen QpqvG*S Toiftio and our sales for this season are steadily increasing. Th
record to be proud of, and we congratulate you on such a showing. Yours truly, MEYER BROS. DRUG
The formula of GROVE S is plainly printed on each boltle showing what it cc
1 he reason the imitators do not advertise their formula is because they know the
I would not buy their roaLcine if they knew its ingredients.
H\ 1 S? G rove’s is a prescription that does cure MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEV
Croquet’s New Name.
The game of croquet has just boon
the subject of legislation by experts,
and as a result the scleutiflc game—
played by men who insist upon hav¬
lag the lawn ns smooth ns a billiard
table, the balls perfectly rounded—Is
no louger croquet, but roque.
No-To-IiftC^for FJfly Cent*.
1 v.pvnpteed K'V*m , i*o litvMf wire, makes weak
n on stropp, bleed pure. LOc, $1. All dniggists.
Few men are envusrh at home and in look their own
houses to so into the pantry for pie.
Mts permanently cured. No flt« or nervous-
. n- "fo r first d.-ir - «»•> >-f I>r. Kline , lireat
rr\e'‘t-m-rer s : ul»l IS'lUsaiultrenUsefree
B. I H. KIJNF. I.111. -SI Arp:. Pt f'hllH . P»
s me- . ‘ -• • I
I SIS am
£ 0 O 63
To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c.
A Rare Old Bible for SI.
F.. A. Bloser. a Jeweler of New Kings¬
ton. l’u., has come into possession ofan
old Wide which would excite the ad¬
miration of bibliomaniacs and codec-
tors of old books. This blble was prim-
ed In Boillngberg. Germany, in 1730,
and the text is in old German black
Idler characters. The covers are of
wood, and, although In a good state of
preservation, the leaves arc faded and
stuiued with age.
Mr. Bloser bought the old book at a
“vendue,” or publh sale, in Newvllle.
Cumberland County, Penn., the other
day for $1. The country auctioneer
,vbo sold It had no idea of Its worth
as a rare volume, and when Mr. Bloser
bid a dollar for it the auctioneer knock¬
ed It down to him at once.
When Mr. Bloser examined the old
book ho found between Its pages many
clippings from newspapers of ancient
date. Some of them referred to the
elections of the early Governors of
Pennsylvania, and now they make in-
foresting rending —New York Press.
Tiie not nun win*,
Prlx* fighting may not bo a pleasant subject,
hu ’ “ a lc»».n norcrttielass-fho in
fl , ty j, oars b „ t ]n „ dyspepsia. oenquoreo Wllousnoas tho
'-uses saBsss»jwa*r- of constipation, ,,
Thera are in the United States over fifty
distinct secret orders
Beauty Is Blood Deop.
( K’l.n blood meiing a clean skin, No
beauty without It. Oascarete, Candy CatliAr-
tlc clean your blood and keep it clean, by
.Hi ring .up tho laky liver ami driving all im¬
banish purities from the body* blotches, Begin to-day
pimples, bolls, blackheads,
nml that sickly bilious complexion by taking
CnBcarete,—beauty for ton cents. All
gists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, S5o, 50c*.
•lyo In to Berlin make radishes them look are fresh dipped and into pink.
piso'g Cure for Consumption Is an A No 1
A r thman r
His.. April 11, 1801.
Eucalyptus Trees for Cuba.
The eucalyptus tree, It Is reported,
will be extensively planted ln Cuba In
the hope that it will be effectual in re¬
moving malaria. Experiments with
this tree in the Countries bordering the
Mediterranean have shown that it la
efficacious In ridding the country of
malaria. Its beneficial effect in this
regard Is supposed to be due to the
absorption by Its roots of poisonous
matter in the soil, and not to any
medicinal exhalaflon from Its leaves or
to absorption of malarious matter by
them. Medicinally tt Is useful and Its
wood is valuable. The tree has a
phenomenally rapid growth, attaining
mat size ' 11 rC( l u,res a 111£,ftn temper-
.'iture of about 60 degrees, and is not
a b ' c to » ^perature t. e iow
~~ _ degrees. In Southern California the
w,cal - T P < «* has b( ’ ( ' n extensively plant-
cd because of its supposed influence ln
Inducing rainfall.
Should the eucalyptus prove as use-
H,i i n Cuba as it has about the Medi-
torranenu It will help to transform the
low-lying portions of tile Island Into
healthful regions.—Chicago Record.
MO FETT’ A h Rev. now Bishop;Jos.S, Key,
ETHIN 1 -4.
SA«V '■& i (Teaming Panfiars.)
** ces(s 8nI ? 25 CeEts ’ if Mi foEfi.d at yctr Druggist’s, mail 25 cents to
m — J* MOFFETT, M, Dw St. Louis, Mo,
m All forms of skin disease, sncli as
Tetter. Sait Rheum. E zeinn. Ring-
worm, etc., qui. klr cured by Tetter-
rrz ine. send If your Uraggiat hasn’-t got it,
50o. in stamps r.n the manuf av¬
turcr, J. T. Shuptrine, savann ail.
oTm-ople Tertl-
1 vli I bus cured,
a ; l sent for theabkin^.
Arc tlie bfigt. A»kf*»rthei in. Cost no inor«
than roftumui chlumeys. All dealer*.
F1TTSHC1U* CO.. Allegheny* P*.
CLOUD S “KL0RD1AE »,* StnVbOrflto^taKfSr^ _
tij nisiL lid p, „ i »M. I. cUtuis I'srkrt stmwtorr.
l I.OI til 'IlgMIM.I.. InAege, fwr. I .
T HE 111* of women overshadow their whole live*.
Some are constantly getting me “ ic ' a tr ® at *
women best understands
ment and are never well. “A woman find
women’s ills,” and the women who consult Mrs. Pinkham
in her counsel practical assistance.
Mrs. Mass. Pinkham’s address is Lynn, PRACTICAL
la., Mrs. tells Ma§el how Good, Mrs. Correctionville, Pinkham saved HELP FOR
her “ life. I cannot She thank says: you enough for SUFFERING
what I can your recommend medicine it as has one done of the for best me. WOMEN
medicines on earth .’ar all women’s
ills. I suffered for two years with female weakness and at
last became bedfast. Three of our best doctors did me no
good so I concluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was
[jp T able to do all my house¬
■ -
work. I know that your
E medicine raised me frortj
p a bed of sickness and
ej < r perhaps death, and am
B ' thankful for what it
,r very
fa has done forme. I hope
u V®?®® that 8very 3uffei ' in s
woman may be per-
1 T suaded to try youT medicine."
4n Get Mrs. Pinkham’s begin advice to be
mm x: as soon as you
puzzled. The sick headaches
s and dragging sensation come
/ % from a curable cause. Write
for help as soon as they ap.
Mrs. Dole Stanley,
C a m p b e llsburg, Ind.,
>7 6^1 writes: “Dear Mrs.
t\ o Pinkham—I was troubled
with sick headache and
was so weak and nervous,
I could hardly go. A
friend called upon me one
evening and recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound, saying that she knew that it would cure me. I then
sent for your medicine and after taking five bottles of it, I v/a3
entirely cured. I cannot praise it enough.”
For or beast
Excels—is that it Penetrates
to the seat of the trouble im¬
! mediately and without irrita¬
pain. ting rubbing—and kills the
Fatmity and Stable Gleam
Sold by Dealers generally.
Or. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Rlaas.
BARTERS Take no other—it is the BNK best that
e-an he made.
If afRlctatt YTith Thompeon’s Ey e Wafer
tora tyet. us#
We apaln offer tlie cleanest Boed wheat on
the market, and from probably the iar«est
crop yield In the Statv, If not tfco United
Slates. We had 8S5acres In wheat this year,
and the crop averaged £0 bushels per acre
\\ here we-bad a good stand, not winter kil-
,ed. wo had over 40 bushels per acre. One
hundred bushels Of our wheat will contain
oookl© suea than one bushel of ordinary
eeed wheat. Price $1.15 per huehel on care
at Charlotte. Ba*, S hold two bushels and
are new-no charge for hags. Terms: Cash
wltu order.
Per Fit El) IH.IVKH, PreS't.
CHARLOT1 K. - N. r.
Antiseptic Invigoratoi
The Stomach, The Liver,
The Bowels, The Kideys,
The Blood, Tiie Nerves,
Contagious Diseases.
Antiseptic Invigovatov is a germ-killer,
diuretic, a blood purifier, a stomach a rf<
nerve tonic, a stimulant for the liver ah
bowels. Manufactured by
CD I— HB PI cJa nlDd«
And Repairs for samp. Shafting, Pullej
LOMBARD Belting, injectors, IRON IMS Pipes, ValYos SUPPLY »n*l Fjttl^
i H
Uf I nOUlTI wots
Worth V,.. $4 .. to ,, $6 r „ compared “ »
f m . l?odo,ooo’weareri,
g' ■ ^ feS
thb CHiIJI a t ».r
KroB. C iz r-.RK ».-d-T. I.U'
Take no automate fcatgeatihak elaln
A. to be^isgood, ts Rtad #lioerfo
kiad o! leuth^. slz^ iJir cap x
W. L. DOU^AS SHOE CO.. Brockton, Mass.