Newspaper Page Text
Disease Genito Urinary Organs
and Gynaecology a
Dr. J. F. Gardner,
Physician and Surgeon.
ASIfliCUS, .’. UttOWUA.
Attorn., »t L«w.
L«n<l anil OoHocMonN.
Btoamokk, Gkoboia.
A. i. DAVIS,
Attorney »t Law,
Aarmirn, -:- Gkoimha.
Real Estate and Collection*.
Prompt attention to all bnxiueas plaewd
in onr hand*.
J. A. COM F/li ,
Attorney at Law,
Asnnonu, Okoroia.
Will practice in all the Courts, State
and Federal.
Telephone connection witli Cor
dele, Vienna and intermediate
points, No. 37.
Physician and Surgeon,
Asaucus, Gkohuia.
Oeneral Practice Solicited. Offios
in the Christian Building.
Physician and Surgeon,
BrOAMOHK, Gkoboja.
OEO. W. coorKR,
Asmiujiin, Georgia.
Office, Room No. 4, Betts Building.
l)lt. W. J.TURNER,
lap-Phone, Residence No. 4; Of¬
fice No. 41.
Physican and Druggist.
Treats Chronic Diseases. Terms
Reasonable. Patronage Solicited.
Klootrictty brought Into requisition .
Office in the O. K.
Drug Store.
Attorney and Counsellor al Law,
Betts Building, Ashburn, Ga.
Nex-anlilo and Real E-tuto Litigation
Reci tve Special
ami Vigorous Attention
4n all Courts, Stale aud Federal.
City Barber Shop,
K. I). LAW, Proprietor.
For a lirst-class Shampoo, Shave,
Hair-cut and nnv work in
the tonsorial line,
cull nn me.
Evans Building, Ashburn, Ua.
New Barber 5hop.
I have opened a new shop
in the Christian Building
where 1 can he found rea¬
dy to serve my customers.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Inder And liy virtue of an elocution issued
Iroin the superior Court of Worth county,
woortfi*. Iw favor of curium! M, Uyals iivaliiM
(hv lliv Kysls Orvhiuxl Company,soorponuum I haw toviod 1111 (lie
dvr law* of Ovoiym. on
following dcAci-ibod tnu t of land as the prop-
.Tty of said I'll.. Kyals ovohard Company, to
wit: vll that certain lot, tract or parcel ItJWh. or
land stlnato . Iyit»tr and ot'tnK In the <■.
M. I Mat riot of t ho county of Worth |orl*!nally
sixth Cist riot of Irwin county !, and State of
iioonrta, containing four hundred and ninety
| too) a res more or loss, known as lot number
two hundred and ninety-seven Ford, (SWl, bounded thooasi
on tlio north hv lands or 1. U. on
by Ian,Is of |i. II. fope. on the south by lands
of William W anvil and on the west Coleman by lands of
James i.Udis. lewis Todd, l.vj. and
w 1*. barks, helny the same tract of land con¬
. Josiah Sibley to the
veyed by the sxvectors or
said The Uyals orchard Company the by deed otRvo da
list Vpril la, IW,"., and recorded in of
the v fork of the Superior ii" Court of W orth ooun
ty i.corxla, book • folios IM-iV. and being
subject to a mortgage oieouted by the said the
RyalsOrchard Company totheilertnania bank
Trustee. November »4. 1 **T and recorded in the
othoeof the Clerk of the supvrtor Court of
W or h county Ueonrla. book "O'' (mg. Ndgand
J will sell the said fc^wre^Ihe property at public outcry
ooumi-'oLnrta at
wSTdwTlkwt ^FnL^ir^oi.r^u.^X ?’Ss. lU re&
This S day of hovvg^j; u , ,,
Ashburn Advance,
J. B. KORNK, Editor and Manager.
"A Victory In Iiv#rjr County.”
The Augusta Chronicle endors¬
es Commissioner Stevens’ sugges¬
tion that the farmers build, or
help build, a cotton mill in every
in the State, In an edi¬
torial upon this important subject
it says in part:
“A factory in every county’ is a
for enterprise and devel¬
I lie f armers of Georgia
might use effectively in carrying
out this suggestion. The people
the Soul li are getting beyond
the fear of having too many cot¬
ton mills.
“Only one-sixth of the cotton
raised in the United States is
manufactured in the South, and
there is no reason why this great
money crop of the South should
not he manufactured here. There
is plenty cf room for develop¬
ment in the cotton manufactur¬
ing business and the South can
stand the test when it comes to
the survival of the fittest.
“Mills in the cotton belt, that
escape the necessity of paying ex¬
pensive freight charges for haul¬
ing the raw material can certain¬
ly spin the cotton more cheaply
than (he mills in the east. Let
the people of the South look to
the development of this section
and the betterment of themselves
and let the mills of the East take
care of themselves when it comes
to the question of over produc¬
Not only Macon, but the entire
State lament t lie death of Mayor
Price, of that city.
To a man up a tree it looks like
a string might have been attached
to most of the Dowev home con¬
“Ladysmith is holding her own”
says a dispatch. But worse still,
says an exchange, Gen. White is
holding Ladysmith—and by force
of arms, too.
The latest dispatches state that
Aguinaldo was recently seen,
bare-headed and ragged, chasing
himsolf through the wilderness.
Interesting news this.
The House killed the Hardwick
hill Tuesday evening hv a vote of
187 to 3. It will doubtless he
many a day before a like measure
is again introdu red.
Mark Twain showed an appre¬
ciation of the Boers' feelings to¬
ward Cecil Rhodes when he said:
“He is a great man. When he
dies 1 want a piece of the rope.”
In an account of a local wed¬
ding a Georgia editor says: 'They
were married at the residence of
the bride’s parents, where they
will remain till the groom gets a
The Gainesville Eegle, publish¬
ed at the home of Governor Gau¬
dier, thinks the Governor would
veto the prohibition I till in case
it passes the Senate. If he does,
his name is mud.
Sir Thomas Lipton, owner of
the yacht Shamrock and who
made so many friends during his
recent stay in the States, lias giv¬
en to the British Soldiers
and Suitors relief fund.
There is but one minister in the
Senate—a Primitive Baptist—and
lie is working against the passage
of the Willingham prohibition
measure. He is about 79 years of
age; plenty old enough to have
observed the damning influence
of whiskey.
The Chicago Chronicle says:
We fancy we see our noble exec¬
utive “firing” Brother Hanna
from hie poet of Lord High Every¬
thing to the administration, as
predicted by Washington corres¬
pondents. When that interest¬
ing event happens, hrakemen w ill
>>cgiii discharging railroad presi-
dents and der kiser von das veter-
laml will he deposed hv Private
Sell mid t.
Are You
To your interests?
If so, we invite you to visit cur
stores and see our immense ar¬
ray of new and Stylish Dry
Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries, and full line of
Plantation Supplies.
Fancy Dross Goods
The best that can he bought in the Northern markets, consist¬
ing of Figured Worsteds, Serges, Extra line Henriettas, Brocades,
Oontings, etc. etc. Trimmings, at small cost. This line is com¬
plete and embraces the latest styles. We will he pleased to have
the ladies call and inspect these goods.
ClotTiing Announcement.
We are in the clothing business to please our customers.
are never satisfied witli your trade unless we please you with goods
and prices. We have a splended line of clothing, Shirts,
wear, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hose, Handkerchiefs etc., which the
gentlemen of this section should see.
Do You Eat?
If so, we beg to call your attention to our stock of Fancy Gro¬
ceries, which can he bought at the lowest market prices. These
goods are all fresh. We also supply our customers with everything
in fresh meats, such as Beef and Pork Steak, Sausage etc, Phone
us/or edibles ofall kinds; your order will he appreciated, and
en prompt|attention.
New Furniture.
We wish to call the attention of the public to the beautiful
line of furniture we are receiving. We have oak suits at
that will please you. Extentsion tables, Sideboards and China
in variety. Wardrobes, Lounges, Couches and Fancy Chairs “to
heat the hand.”
Stoves-all Kinds-
A nice line of Stoves we have, and intend .selling them
right. All of you young people who intend going to
ing in the near future would do yourself an injustice not to
amine our line of Stoves, Cooking utensils etc.
Siloes, Siloes.
Yes, we have Shoes; Good Shoes; cheap Shoes; Large Shoes;
Small Shoes, and infact wo have the largest line of Shoes in Asli-
burn. Our stock of fall and Winter Ladies, Misses and ChilIren’s
Button and Lace Shoes have arrived and it will be a pleasure to
show them to you. Gentleman, we have Shoes and Hats to suit
you. The prices we make on these goods will sell them.
Our Stores are Crowded
With good values in every department. We cant mention
all, hut visit our stores and inspect. We can not sell goods at cost
but by buying in large quantities and for cash we are enabled
offer many bargains.
Yours Truly.
J. S. Betts & Co
If that’s what is wanted, you’l find
it at Whidby’s Jewelry Store, for
lie has a beautiful lot of Watches,
Kings, Chains, Cuff-buttons, Fobs,
Clocks, Musical Instruments etc.
A Present?
If that’s what you want, just look
af my -
Holiday Goods.
ir. m. timbtob?.
HcDonald & West,
Brokers, Jobbers and Commission Merchants,
Flour, Grain, Hay, Produce. We pay highest
w Gash prices for Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Peas,
Beans, Potatoes and Georgia Syrup; Hides,
Beeswax and Tallow.
Investment Columbus, : : Georgia.
(^eorejia <f)outF(err| fed Florida Ry
Local Time Table, Effective Aug. 14,1899.
Subject to change without notice.
Islioo "quick ~'
81 FLY
f> 00 pm 11 50 pm 11 20 am Lv. Macon ,Ar 4 15 pm 4 15 am 11 20 am
5 30 pm 12 13 am 1141 sm . . . Solkee . . . 353 pm 353 am 1050 am
0 52 pm 1 13 am 12 4!) pm . . . Unndill'i.. 2 48 i>m 2 53 am 9 19 am
7 18 pm 131am 1 12 pm ... Vienna ... 2 25 pm 2 3L am 8 48 am
7 37 pm 150 am §130 pm Ar. Cordele Lv 2 08 pm 2 15 am 8 25am
7,55 pm 150 am 147 pm Lv. Coidelc A 2 08 pm 215 am §805 am
8 05 pm 2 02 am 158 pm ... Wenona . . 158 pm 2 02 am 7 54 am
8 35 pm 2 27 am 2 22 pm ... Worib ... 1 36 pm . . . 7 22 am
8 41 pm 2 33 am 2 30 pm ... Ashburn.. 130 pm 1 34 am 715 am
9 30 pm 3 10 am 3 05 pm Ar. TiTton Lv. 12 55 pm 100 am 025 am
9 30 pm 3 25 am 310 pm Lv Tifton Ar. §12 35 pm 12 45 am 625 in
10 12 pm 3 50 am 3 43 pm ... Sparks ... 11 59 am 12 11 am 5 45 m
10 25 pm 4 06 am 4 04 pm ... Ileartpine. 11 4S am 12 OL am 5 34 am
1120 pm 4 45 am 4 4o pm Ar. Valdosta Lv 1105 am 1120 pm 4 45 am
5 00 am 4 55 pm Lv Valdo-ta Ar 10 50 am 11 05 pm
5 32 am 5 32 pm ... Lake Park 10 13 am 10 28 pm
0 10 am 0 10 pm Lv, Jasper Ar 9 35 am 9 50 pm
G 44 am 0 42 pm ... While Sp’gs 8 58 am 9 13 pm
§7 05 am §7 05 pm Ar Lake City Lv 8 35 am 8 50 pm
7 25 am 1 25 pm Lv Lake Citv Ar §8 15 am 8 35 pm
8 37 am 8 31 pm . Sampson Citv 7 00 am 7 27 pm
8 50 am 8 47 pm .. Hampton ... 6 54 am 7 15 pm
9 27 am 9 23 pm ...Grandin. .. 615am 6 36pm
10 05 am 10 00pm Ar. Palatka Lv 5 40 am 6 03 pm
5 00 am 4 50 pm Lv Valdosta Ar 10 30 pm 11 05 pm
8 30 am 8 20 pin Ar Jack’yille Lv 7 20 am 7 40 pm
§ Meal Station.
Trains No. 3 and 4, the ‘ Dixie Flyer,” bare thri'neli sleeper between
SI. Louis and Jacksonville, yia Tifton and through Coach and Sleeper
between Macon and Jacksonville via Valdosta, open for the reception of pas¬
in Union 7.30 Depot, Macon, and al 9:30 p. m., and until remains that in Macon Depot
on return until a m„ can be occupied tune-
Harry Burns, D. G. Hall, General Agent,
F. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlauta, Ga.
Wm. Checkley. Shaw, Vice Pres., C. B. Rhodes, Genl. Pass. Agt..,
Macon, Georgia.
Tifton & North Eastern R’y.
Local Time Table Jfo. 6.
H. H. TIFT, President. W. O. TIFT, Vice-President.
General Offices : Tifton, Georgia.
No 7. No 3. Nol. Miles. Effective Dec. 19, ’97. Miles. No 2. No 4. No 8
30 SSSgKS CC 10 8 00 0 . Tifton . . . 25 1215 6 25 6 10
TO CC 23 8 15 5 t , . Brighton . 20 12 00 6 10 5 56
CO CC 32 8 25 8 f. , Harding . 17 11 51 6 01 5 48
GO Z Z 52 8 45 14 f . Pinetta . 11 11 31 5 41 5 29
CO w 58 9 01 16 . . Mystic. . 9 11L5 5 35 5 23
** 10 9 13 20 f , Fletcher . 5 11 14 5 23 5 12
20 4- 25 9 30 25 . Fitzgerald 0 1100 5 10 5 00
Traios Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 run daily, except Sunday. Train* No 7 and 8 run
on make Sundays only (0 Flag Plant Siaiion Trains and stop only on signal All train*
connection with the System the Georgia Southern and Flor¬
ida at Tifton, aud tlie'Jeorgia& Alabama at Kitzgera'd,
F. G. BOATRIGHT, Traffic
Th!- pnper and the Atlanta
Twice-n-Week Jour-
nal for
Here you got ihe nmva of [be
world and all ynur inoai twws while
It is fresh, pnyinx vary little. more
than one paper f‘USIS. Either paper
is well worth $1.00. but by special
arrangement wrl :u‘o mmbied to put
in both of them, giving ihree pawns
a weok for min iuw prim: You can»
not equal this anywhere eiso, and
this vumhllmthm is the best pre-
mium fur those who want a state
paper and a imme paper. Take
these and you will keep up with ihe
times. .
Bonides general news. the Twice-
a-Week Journal has much agricul-
tural matter and other articles of
special interest to farmers. It has
muiar comrihmicms by Sam Jones.
Mn. W. H. Feiton, John Temple
Gavan. Hon. C. H. Jordan and
other distinguished writers.
Call at this omce and leave your
subscriptions for both papers. You
can get a 33mph: copy of ekher pa-
per h(‘re on uppiicttion.