Newspaper Page Text
^Bargains. . ♦ ♦ ♦
Nothing at cost, but ev¬
erything so cheap you
can never Regret a Pur¬
chase with us.
We lmve been receiving and opening daily for some time, a large
and well selected stock of
recently purchased in Northern Markets.
We now claim to have the largest and best assorted stock in Ash-
burn, bought especially for the
The public generally are cordially invited to inspect our stock be¬
fore buying elsewhere. If we fail to please you, no
harm will be done and we will still appre¬
ciate your call upon us.
Just received, aiul are being sold at the lowest prices. These goods
are all fresh, and the stock is being added to daily. We
will save you money on Groceries.
Everybody Claims to sell cheap
but we Convince by actual
TO. B. dburra^, Cash Ahburn’s flECHANT.
. . .
A Lesson
in Bargains
To be taught, those who will be taught
during the next few weeks.
Our Hat stock is hard to beat—Neat, New
and Complete—and as low as low can be.
Quite a nice
Lino of Dry Goods and Notions
Are now on our shelves and we do not
expect them to reman there long if very
low prices will usher them out. Those
we have now—at your price and they are
Our Shoes are Nice and Stylish,
new and good, As we make this line a
a special specialty we defy competition.
We shall sell shoes at a price that will
cause the buyer to laugh and rejoice and
our competitors to stand and wonder.
Come in friends—price, buy and ca-iry off.
Also we have a general
Line of Groceries and Confectioneries,
which we are always glad to swap for dol¬
lars. Our fancy candies are in the lead
here—all owing to the fact that they get
fresh goods and a heap for a dime.
Highest prices given for hides, either fresh
or dried.
Mercantile Co.
Local Happenings.
Zeigler Bros. Shoes at Betts A
Silver thimbles 55 cents at
Watch for important announce
ment next week.
A circus of small calibre passed
this way yesterday.
New lot of furniture just re¬
ceived. Betts & Co.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. It. S.
Woodard, a daughter.
Gold filled watches, Waltham or
Elgin, $10.00 at Whidbys.
doe Young, of Irwin county,
was in the city this week.
Dr. J. F. Gardner is sporting a
new turnout, and it’s a beauty,
Call and examine new lot of in¬
fants wraps. Betts A Co.
Mr. C. II. Tliiot has the “boss”
young garden. It** is certainly
Mr. and Mrs. d. I., day returned
to their home in Fitzgerald yes¬
If you are in need of job print¬
ing we should like to show you
Mrs. Dasher and doel Betts are
at home again after a visit to
Prof. E. E. Gardner, of Fine-
hurst, was visiting
this week.
Another new lot, of latest style
Silk for waists—no two alike. J.
S. Betts & Co.
Miss Mark Beecher is visiting
her friends, Misses Osborne and
Domer, at Worth.
Mr. Gannon, who has not been
in Ashburu for three years, is vis¬
iting his son, W. E.
Worth county’s efficient clerk,
Mr. J. W. Warren, attended
church services here Sunday.
Ben Cantey is riding a new
wheel. Ofcourse it, is the best
“that ever come down the pike.”
Capt. B. F. Sikes, a prominent,
citizen of this county who resides
in Isabella, was in the city yes-
Ashburn welcomed quite a
number of Worth and Sycamore
citizens to her Thanksgiving ser¬
Capt. G. A. Jackson and family
were among the popular 8yca
more attendants upon the thanks¬
giving services.
The genial editor of the Sylves¬
ter Local, W. A. Allen, was here
Thursday, shaking hands with
his many friends.
Drs. Gardner and Tison can¬
tered to the wants of the ill at
the 0. K. drug store during Phil
Everett’s absence.
Marshall 0. G. Hallman contin¬
ues to improve the streets by
spreading day, building bridges
etc. lie is an efficient officer.
Pearce Bolden, now of Lake
City, Fla., after spending several
days with Ashburu relatives, re¬
turned to his home yesterday.
Little Miss I'atti Clarke re¬
turned from Macon Sunday after¬
noon. where she has been some¬
time undergoing treatment for
her eyes.
Another lot of latest style dress
goods, including Silks, Poplin
silks and wool plaids, Surges and
Novelty Suiting was recieved yes
terday. J. S. Betts & Co.
The trip on the tram-road
Thursday afternoon, under the
supervision of George Betts, was
a very pleasant affair, and was
very much enjoyed by all those
who were “on time.” The “got
lefts” arc still wearing long faces.
1 tie B. ). J'. I ., have begun
a course of Bible study that is
very interesting and highly in-
etructive. Everyone is cordially
invited to meet with them on
Tuesday nights at the Baptist
church and take part in the less-
Turkey whs tlid “piece do re-
8istani*e”on muuy tables Thursday
Traveling Auditor Baker, of
the (1. S. Jk F., was hero this
Mrs. Cawley, of Cordele, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. J.
M. Walsh, of Sparks, formerly
assistant agent here, spent Sun¬
day in the city.
Have you seen that new lino of
colored silk skirts at Betts & Co’s f
They are beauties.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hudson en¬
tertained quite a number of their
friends Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clarke re¬
turned to their home in Tilton
Thursday evening.
Mr. S. W. Lockhart, of Worth,
has a largo stock of goods and is
doing a nice business.
They say Hurschel Futcb can
fall harder to the square inch
than any other cyclist in town.
Mr. Briggs Carson, one of Til¬
ton's prominent young business
men, was here Tuesday on busi¬
Dr. T. H. Thrasher and Mr. 1*.
0. Everett, made a business trip
to Florida this week, returning
Have you seen- the Iron Beds,
Willow Rockers, Matting and
Chifoneors we recieved this week.
J. 8. Betts & Co.
Col. C. W. Fulwood, of Tifton,
was here on legal business this
week. He will likely be that
city’s next mayor.
Mr. D. H. Davis and family de¬
parted for their stock ranch n ear
Kissimmee, Fla., Sunday, where
they will spend the winter.
Mrs. George deLal’erriere and
children, of Winder, tla., are the
guests of their Ashburu relatives,
Dr. and Mrs. T. II. Thrashee.
While at the home of J. F. den-
kins one day recently we were
shown some as fine pigs and chick¬
ens as it has ever been our pleas¬
ure to see.
Notice is hereby given that an
election of Ashburn city officers—
Mayor and Councilmen—will be
held on the 2nd Monday in De¬
cember. J. 8. Betts, Mayor.
Tax Collector Houston did a
rushing business here Thursday,
lie was on his last round, and if
you have not paid your taxes, it.
would be well to send in the
amount at once.
Thousands and thousands of
birds were killed in Georgia last
Thursday. Many clerks, book¬
keepers and others who seldom
have an opportunity of hunting
took advantage of the occasion
and spent the day with dog and
gun. Several Ashhurnites tried
their luck.
We regret our inability to give
space to a very interesting coum-
munication from Col. K. B. White
relative to the Willingham pro¬
hibition hill now pending in the
Senate. Will say, however, the
Col., is heartily in favor of the
passage of said bill.
Mr. Burke and family arrived
in the city Wednesday. Mr. B.,
has leased the Pinnix house and
will endeavor to render the pa¬
trons of that house a good service
J. W. Burke, his son, will contin¬
ue to conduct a photograph gal¬
lery here and will appreciate a
continuance of patronage.
The Hotel Clyde feasted a great
number of friends 'Thursday, and
gave thanks for a flourishing bus¬
iness and an abundance of “good
things.” The most silent, yet by
far the most, conspicuous guests
were Messrs Turkey <k Sauce, the
latter of the cranberry type.
While Mr. K. A. W bid by was
engaged in doing some repairing
in the rear end ot his store Mon-
day afternoon, a negro entered
the front door and stole a guitar.
He was soon after arrested with
the instrument in his posessiou;
was tried Tuesday and bound over
to County‘Court under
space belongs to
0. K Drug Store,
Phil. C. Everett, Prop’r. —
Our Holiday Goods
Will-soon arrive. Watch for announ*
Southern Rental parlors.
aak Gold Crowns,..... . . . $4.00
Best Bridge Work, per tooth,..... . . . . 4.00
Full Set of Teeth, on Rubber, . 5*oo
Set of Teeth, on Rose Pearl, ..... . . .. N.oo
© Teeth Extracted Without Pain, . . -S«
Gold Fillings, from $i.oo up.
Wo Defy Competition! Challenge
Comparison! Invite Investigation!
We Guarantee all our Work!
JWF* Our Reference: Eleven Year’s Record in Macon.
Originators and Lenders of.Low Charges for High
Class Dentistry in Central Georgia.
THERE IS $ Southern Dental Parlors, $ (!I4 CHERRY
WM. G. LONG, D. D. N., Proprietor and Manager.
Tvlacon, Georgia.
Leal Schedule.
Trains arrive and leave here as
follows: (Day Passenger)
No. I, South 2:80 p. in.
No. 2, Noatli........ 1 :!K) p. m.
(Night Passenger.)
No. 8, South..........2:88 a. m.
No. 4, North 1:84 a. m.
No. r>, South . 8:41 ]). m.
No. 5, North . 7 :1b a. m.
A Model Welcoming Speech.
The speech of welcome to Ad¬
miral Schley at Birmingham,
Ala., is a model of its kind, and
one of the finest tributes yet paid
to the hero of Santiago. Mr.
W bite said:
“Admirad Schley : 1 am com¬
missioned by your countrymen,
the people of this entire city, to
extend to you their warmest wel¬
come and place upon your brow
all the honors a loving and patri¬
otic people can bestow.
“You have become at once the
idol of the masses. By your cour¬
age and chivalry you have en¬
throned yourself in the hearts of
the people. By your persever¬
ance and energy you located lurk¬
ing and dangerous foe. By your
skill and courage, with the aid of
our inferpid American sailors,
you beached the proud fleet of
Spain upon the shores of Santia¬
go. By this heroic ij^ed you chan¬
ged our gloom and apprehension
into peans of joy and shouts of
victory. You swept away the
of suspense that hung like
a pall in the nation’s sky. You
made for the nation’s flag a place
upon the seas. You placed San¬
tiago upon a plane with Trafal¬
You made for yourself a
place in history beside the immor¬
Nelson. You have succeeded
not only in focalizing the gaze of
nations upon tne American navy,
but by your generous and unself¬
conduct placed American char¬
on the highest plane before
the civilized and enlightened na¬
tions of t lie earth. And when all
was lost to the gallant hut unfor¬
tunate (Jervera you extended to
him a heart of sympathy and a
hand of help. By this tender
c bivaJric deed, you twined your-
self around the bleeding heart of
faraway, unhappy Spain,
“You have won honor enough
for yourself,‘glory enough for us
all,’and after you had won flu
enduring triumph you had the
and chivalry to place
-U •< *i ui\Vi h*-r’y i>n>\v ’ ’
of victory prepared for you by a
nation’s loving hand. Your place
in history will be unique.- In you
the world has found a man great
enough to win imprehensible
fame and grand enough to give it
away. Kings have been known
to cast aside their inherited
crowns, hut,you have divided with
another the immortal renown
which you yourself had'won.
“For these brave, chivalric
deeds, for this generous, gentle
conduct, we honor, we admire, wo
love you. We hid you, with your
loving, noble and devoted wife,
and her friend, thrice welcome to
our city and State. We throw open
wide to you and your party the
gates of our city, the doors of our
hearts. ”
Poulaii, Ga.
i/UiukuiiuUiii ukuiiiitU&UJLk iLU
Manuel. Manuel. WANTED—Agent* WANTED—Agent* contains for for Cotton Cotton now now Noilotyt Farmer*’ Ta¬
It It contains -» w j? ,
Ides bles that that run run from from lie Ho to to 10c. 10c. It It figures IlKuro*
the .... Mths _ i arid aria 2Qth«. 2 Also for the Bible
Looking Ole**. It teaches the Bible by >
a illiiMlratlonH. Ltlons. latest war Book*. Outfit
free. A A front* front* sell soil 7 out « (tails: utrunt
a in Walkereo. lex.,sells in fthours.
:: J, L. NICHOLS ft CO.. Atlente, Oe.
%v,'i mrrr’irmn WiWdff mrt nrrmb
Quickly • arm r«* dtti whxi? mtiit
OBTAIMID. Send modal, tkoteb M pi halo. with
description fir free report a# to patentability. 4INH
XAJVn-BOOK mn. Contains vafcraaaa* and fall
Informal! o«. WB1TI »01 OOf T Of 0X7* OFXOZAL
orrxx. ItU theuu-ft liberal proposition •▼•rmado t«OTJlJ> br
» patent attorney, and EVRX* IMVSXTOE
JLEJJ) IT before applying tut patent. Addrass:
u»r.»>u,. WASHINGTON, O. C.
A $4.00 BOOK FOR 75cti.
Tbi Furman’ Encyclopedia.
I tizsnrs: the
fair* of farm,
household aad
stock; roister. Km*
brace* article* _ on __
*L>- the hone, the colt,
home habits, ill*,
* HR. the eases farm, of the home,
fotKlOMWI % frnJt culture, frawes, dairy.
cattle, InK,cookery,health, sheep,swine,
’ 1 ^er poultry, toilet, beee, social the
* do*?,
4 .x of life, the etc., etc. One
•if most corn-
plete pedlan Kucyclo existence.
-• in
1 * A large book, 8x5*4
\S x \% Inches. fully Ulus rw
k pages,
trated, cloth bound bind¬ in
A green
ing and equal to
other books costing
81.00. Ifyon ' v islre this book send us our special
oiler price, $o.v5, and 80/20 extra for j*o*tage and
we will forward the book to you. If it Is not satis-
factory return it and we will exchange it or refund
your money. Hend for our special Illustrated cat,a.
iogue. quoting the lowest prices on books, FREE,
We can fare you money. Address all orders to
mbiishws and Kfrnnfacttrfrs* Akron, Ohio.
■vr rdit it.