Newspaper Page Text
In the Georgia Mouse of Representatives By
a Vote of Ninety-three to Sixty-five.
Should the Mill Become a l^w the
Whisky Traffic Will Me Driven
Totally From the State.
The Willingham prohibition bill was
pan < d by the Georgia honse of repre¬
sentatives Tuesday afternoon by a vote
of 98 to 65.
It wan with only a margin of five
voles that tic hill'passed, hut it had
been e .pected that the contest would
l.e a close one, and tbo friends of the
measure were rejoiced at its success,
i.iphty 1 itfht vot.«*H were required for
Hi. constitutional majority.
Wlieu the result was announced by
Speaker Little, the galleries went
wild, women clapped their hands in
approval, while the men threw aloft
their lmts and shouted for joy.
On the floor of the house the advo-
ciit. M of the mcasnro were hardly more
restrained than their visiting friends
in the galleries. They gave their
desk tops such a rattle as hud not
Ih-oii beard for years, aud then in
large numbers gathered around Mr.
Willingham, who had led the success-
to! fight for his bill, io congratulate
liirfj at the outcome.
Ami in the midst of thin rejoicing
tlic opponciitK of the measure wero at-
ti uipting to derive a grain of comfort
from the fact that the hill had yet to
g<> t<» the senate, whero they hoped
and believed it would meet its death.
The bill us it passed wan exactly
ns Mr Willingham and his friends
wiuifod it, Every amendment that
was offered from other sourcei was d«
Section 1. Ii« it enacted by tbe gan
(trill itnKeiiilily of the state of Georgia,
ami it is hereby enacted by authority
of the eaiuo. That the manufacture,
the Hale, the keeping for salo, the giv
ing away to induce trade, or for any
\ a I it a i>l u consideration, or the furnish¬
ing nt any public place, of intoxicat¬
ing liquors, fermented or distilled, are
hereby prohibited or declared unlaw¬
ful, except as hereinafter provided.
See, 2. Be it further unacted by the
authority aforesaid, That any person
convicted of violating any of the pro-
Visions of this aet shall he guilty of a
misdemeanor and ho punished as pre-
acrihed in section 10.19 of the code.
Sec. 9. He it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, Thnt this act
shitil apply both to individual* aud cor-
plications and to all clubs or organi¬
zation* in which intoxicating liquor*
arc furnished, at any place by such
dub or organization or any commit-
b e or agents there,if in consideration
Of membership, initiation standing
fee in Hiieh organization.
See. 4. Be ,t further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, That any place
ut which liquors are kept for sale,
givi’u away, furnisbeil or sob] iu viola
Lun a\( tb\i )vvov\s\v>\iH of Ibis act i»
bon by <U‘c!um<l ft. uni’ uikt; anil auy
eilizcii may apply to the judgo of the
superior court for an injunction to re¬
strain tbo same.
Sec. 5. Ho it further enacted, That
in any proceeding* under this net,
whether prosecutions or for injunction,
I lie payment by the defendant of the
Fuited State* revenue tax as a dealer
in intoxicating liquors, whether fer-
mentod ur distilled, or the holding of
a receipt for such tax, shall he prims
facie evidence that such person is
guilty of violation of the provisions of
this act; and the original hooks or a
certified copy from the eutry in
books of the United Htntrs rrTwnur
collector showing the psymsnk or pa
vol evidence as to the contents of said
hook* or the evidence as to the eon-
«-nts of any receipt given therefor
shall he prima facie av.denc# iu any
prosecution or proceeding.
Section 0. Be ,t further enacted by
the authority aforesaid. That all mm
nicipal corporations in this state are
hereby vested with jurisdiction and
authovity to arrest and proseeute aud
punish all persons violating the pro-
SUKNf t R M 4K KS Df.MiL.
Sit)* N,< u I It hi ii Kai I we, IJu .1 Nat l)«u
CvntraU* Sturk.
resident Samuel , Spencer, of tli*
Scuthern railroad was the star witness
Wednesday in the hearing of the in-
junction suit of certain Macon mer-
chants against the Southern at Macon,
The most important and surprising
statement made by Mr. Hpeucer was
that hi* road did not own a dollar’s
worth of stock iu the Central Railway
of Georgia, and never had; that his
holding consisted of one share of stock,
which was necessary to qualify him as
» director.
An t ht* Nfit Mcotliig Fine* of 111* Brother-
hood *»f St. Andrew.
At the recent convention of the
Brotherhood of Ht. Andrew, held in
Columbus, O , the time aud place of
the next meeting was referred to the
executive committee, and that body
lias just decided on Richmond, Va.,
October 10th to 14th, 1900. General
Secretary John W. Wood presented
his resignation at the same meeting of
the committee.
visions of this ac* as to keeping liquor
for sale. This starote being in tbeex-
ercise of the polices power of this state
add intended to secure public order,
it is hereby declared that the keeping
of liquor for sale within the limits of
any municipal corporation shell bo a
municipal offense; and any prosecution
of conviction under a-v city ordinance
passaad for tbo purpose of puniahing
violations of this act, shall not consti¬
tute a bar to the prosecution iu the
courts ui record of thia state for the
same offense.
•Section 7. Be it fnrtber enacted by
the authority aforesaid, That the pro-
visions of this act shall not apply to
repeal nor affect existing lawa regu-
•'»*>»« ,llfl manufacture and sale of do
mofttic wines in the wtate.
Heo. H. lie it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, That the provis-
R'lis of thia act, as to prohibiting the
manufacture of intoxicating liquors,
hall not apply to those counties whero
HUch manufacture is now prohibited
'O' 1,w > 8,111 t 1 ”’ provisions of this act
“ K to prohibiting the sale of mtoxicat- those
in 8 liquors shall not apply to
counties where such sale is now pro¬
hihited by law, but if for any reason
l h« Taw now controlling the manufac-
ture or sale should be repealed or be-
come inoperative in any county, then
"><* provisions of this act as to the pro¬
hibition of such manufacture or sale
Khali immediately become operative in
Provided, I hat nothing herein con-
^ fl n ,( ‘d shall prevent licensed druggists
from selling or furnishing pure alco-
^ (,r medicinal, art, scientific aud
mechanical purposes.
Proridod, further, That the provis-
<>* this act Khali not become oper-
until June 1, 1900.
Hue. 9 . He it further cnaoted by the
authority aforesaid, That all laws and
parts of laws in confliot with this act
are hereby repealed.
Tli* XVlieslsr.l..s Miivein*nt I* CIItkii a
llreat lin|,
A meeting of the women who wish
to honor Major General Joseph
Wheeler end Major General Fitzhugb
Lee was hold in Chicago Tuesday.
Those interested in the project have
organized themselves into an associa¬
tion called the Lee aud Wheeler move¬
ment and have elected officer* a* fol¬
President—Miss Anna Maria de
Secretary—Mi** lionise Abbot.
At this meeting the “Wheeler aud
Lee Movement” gained a great impo-
tu*. Letters were sent out during the
day to the members of congress asking
them to use their influence in gutting
aW>0,ntm< . , '‘ rt8 ,wr ^ ho<,,, ' r 81,(1 . *'«« — «®
kenor*!* <>f . the regular army,
1 ‘uring the aeMion alao there were
« of letter* from women
n *' 1 ,,10n 1,1 “ther."tales 8 »> 1 rttics and
ue<1 >.>">*««” ,llh cm,lnhuU *«• invariably ot accompa-
' ' o"*
8,uoout -
P»r»ly#4» Is KitsndlnK nsil HU Conti i-
(lltlon More Alarming;.
A special from Nebraska City, Nob.,
says: Senator Hayward gradually
grow* wor*e. Ha had a bad night last
night and hi* condition during the
day has shown no improvement.
The paralysis is again extending
and there are avidenoes that it has
affected the bladder. What is still
mor* discouraging, the brain lesion is
becoming more pronounced,
The pntient’s mind i* cloudy and
the attending physician is vary rnuoh
Kngin«*r’s Iltarl Blown From ttodjr—Oth«>
l’»r«on« IuJur««I.
« ^ , , ‘ . .. "n” . .*
dl,tlller y at m r r, ' e ‘ ,r 8
S. one man wea k, t led, another
, * VOr ® ,y Ivor ° b « lldlu «
' Tre ^* ( ’’. . N'^’k \\.lham* Iu he d wa. thocol- bIow
* w “* ."
off ^'d hi* ■ body . otherwise mnti-
If* 1 * wlu .‘* M * ,l,,,r Ke f ler ’ ,( >f
P' opr,at0M * WM ^“‘>7
Want Connection With fitilf.
Thn finance committee of the Illi-
noi* ltiver Valiev Association met in
Chicago Wednesday to discuss plan*
f (ir ra i*i n g 310,000 for use in advauc-
ing the project of a deep waterway
connection between Lake Michigan
*nd the gulf of Mexico before congress
thia winter.
Schooner Was wrecked.
A letter from l'orto Kico gives till-
ings of the missing Nova Scotia
schooner Grace Rice, which sailed
from Halifax for Porto Kioo U*t .Inly
and was never heard from. The ves-
scl was wrecked and drifted ashore
bottom up.
<;onor»l Write* An<»tb«r Int«r«ttiiiK L«t-
t«r to Rti AUbuiuk Frimd.
A special front Hnutsvilie, Ala.,
"In a tetter from Santa Rita, Union,
Philippine Islands, to an admirer in
thi* city. Genera! Joseph
discusses at length the couditious as
they exist at present in the islands and
advocates their annexation by this gov-
44C Do It and
Stick to It”
If you are sick and discouraged 'With im¬
pure blood, catarrh or rheumatism, take
Hood's Sarsaparilla faithfully and persis-
Unity, and you ■will soon have a cure.
Thu med.dne has cured thousands of
others , f and . it .. *will „ do . the Jf same for you.
Faithfully taken,
Only Three Caofdlcn Peerajjeg,
There are now three Canadian peer¬
ages those of Lord Mount-Stephen.
Lord Strutbcona, and Huroneaa Lurna-
cllffe, the widow of the lute Sir John
Macdonald. The two peers are both
Scotsmen, who worked their way up
from the lowest rungs of the ladder.
Lord Mount-Stephen had only a par¬
ish school education, and was in his
youth a lierdboy. He passed from a
drapery shop in Aberdeen to a similar
establisiinicnt in St. Paul s church
yard, London. In bis 2!st year be
transferred himself to Canada, where
be made n fortune In the woolen trade.
Lord Strnlhcona. In his 18th year, en¬
tered the service of the Hudson’s Bay-
Company in a very humble capacity,
and worked his way up to the Gov¬
ernorship and the chief control of that
historical organization. In his beau¬
tiful Montreal mansion there is what
Is perhaps the finest and most valuable
private picture gallery on the Amcri-
can continent. Lord Strnthcona Is 80
and Lord Mount Stephen a decade
K.Rrb either f.ockRgn nf loiNiM Fademss Dm
eolors Hilt. W,n 8 or Cotton perleclly
at one boiling. Held by all druggists.
A Business Arrangement.
d«nfi»tt"‘ .iiiUe. °«i?* 1 r ’" ]oasnnb asa “ r 1 * » n i "*Sohmerzfr '' im r/ ' r --7 the ir
“Oh. Unit's lien A n 8 * -be lias got a n - »et
"f tee h on credit, on condition tn she
pnsHus hi* office every dftf and shows that
r*he hasn’t paw nefi them.”
fly writing at once ' $40
for tho remarkable offer of tb»t South's great¬
est Institution of Practical Business Training,
The Ga.-Ala. Business College,
Don’t Delay I MACON, GA
Why take
Nauseous Medicines?
Ire you suffering with
Are you suffaring with
Arm you subject tu COLIC* FLATULENCY
or I'AINH In tbe BOWKLH*
!)• y«u «uff er from RETENTION or SI P-
d. »»u foci LAxni'Oit, »iiii ukbjlita-
TBO in the morulas <
Aromatic Schiedam
Pleasant to taka. Stimulating,
Diuretic, Stomachic, Absolutely Pure.
For Nolr br all HHOCKKS III
OS All hand-painted. lai "No
hRiulsonior rip
Sold at im Mil facturer’s
prices. W E PAY THE ht.
Makes a most accepta¬
ble present.
I'cantiful colored cat-
alocue of hand-pnintet!
LAMPS, free.
Every teed Lamp Guaran-
Money hack if
you want it.
Manufactured by
WC MARK THE t.AMP«, Pittsburg Glass Co.,
TOO BUY DIRECT. Pittsburg, Pa.
DROPSY outaUand ijuick new r«iiof mscoviRY;,!,.. lOtlitva *ud onr«« wornt
««« Book »->t t«nmu i* Vtejktmei t
Krrr. Dr H H. ORE EN'8 SOWS, Bo* B. i Atlanta Ok
25 cr’sr:
Those Awfully Long Words.
At 1 o’clock A. M. the night editor
shouted through the speaking tube to
the man in the telegraph room whose
business it was to supervise the dis¬
patches rrom the scat of war In the
Transvaal and ta act as custodian of
the Dutch dictionary:
“Ay, av.”
“That last dispatch from Pretoria
wilt have to he cut. It’s half a column
too long. Como up here and take out a
couple of words!”—Chicago Tribune.
A Foolish Fad
The fashion of men wearing brace-
lets is 011 tbe increase. TlU* Prince of
\V .... ales is said , to * wear „ a bangle i .. j which , . ,
once belonged to Maxmilian, Emperor
of Mexico. The Duke of Saxe-Colmrg
is also Mooretaited with wearing a gold
bracelet, while the late Duke of Al¬
bany is said to have worn oue for luck,
"La-GreolB Will Restore Itioss Gray Hairs
“La Creole” Hair Restorer is a Perfect Dressing- aud Restorer. Price $1.00.
tiot 1 HU Lb. Use
OSUfB l_ i.
In tluic. Sold hr drn 2 irt.*vs.
To Breathe Systematically
Tbo supplying of oxygon Is not the
only function, although it is the most
direct and vital one, of proper breath-
ing. A very thorough expansion
of the chest Insures the proper Ailing
u1 tlle >unK» with air, dilates all the
ullBu,e alr cplls - e»I>c< hiUy those at
of tlu ' >““«* wber * mo
tioii in least and , where the goods of ,
consumption aro-usually first planted,
ami increases the circulation of the
blood throughout all parts of these or-
gn us.
Still .mother effect of proper breath-
graceful!^ ’ e, " a aD ' tLe car '
Perfect breathing is not natural to
most men and women of sedentary oc-
cupation and Indoor life. I.Ik< e all good
things, It must be worked ror ; and tbe
work must be persevered In until full
and deep respiration has become a
The means of attaining this object
are various and cannot be recounted
hore . but they are all oased upon the
principle of removing permanently
eV ery obstacle to the free entrance of
nlr )nto tbe lun(fS ._Youtb's Com¬
pan I on.
From Across the Continent.
“I received the Tetterine couple of
days ago. The few applications I’ve
made couvince me that I have at last
found in this fine remedy a oure for
Eczema. I can sell iTfew boxes to my
f r i en d». What discount on one dozen ?
IM mo know at onco . R. c. Bingley,
707 Market street. Ban Francisco,
Cal.” At druggists or by mail for 50
cents by J. T. Shnptrine.
The Boer and His Rifle.
In the war of 1879-80 tbe Boers dis¬
played deadly accuracy with tbe rifle,
''"i their weapon then was very dlf-
ferent from the arm used at Dundee.
T[ie rifle of twenty years ago was
built tllG llllCS Of the BlltlSh . ... Mfll'tl- ,,
nl. It was a hammerless arm of about
nine pounds weight, with a 30-inch
half-octagon barrel and a shotgun butt
stock. The calibre was .45, with a
bullet weighing from 405 to 450 grains.
The powder charge was 90 grains in
a brass drawn cartridge case. Tne
rifle was sighted up to 2,000 yards. Be¬
sides the usual stationary sight it had a
reversible front—that is, a sight capa¬
ble of being used as an ordinary front
sight, and by a single motion It was
changed Into a line pinhead sight cov¬
ered with a ring to keep It from being
knocked off. On an occasion where
particularly line shooting was demand¬
ed this front globe was further cover-
ed with a thimble-shaped hood, shad-
ing it perfectly. The usual standing
roar or fixed sights were on the bar-
rel, while on tbe gun’s grip was a
turndown peep that was regulated by
a side screw to an elevation of 2,090
yards. The peep and globe were
never used under 700 or 800 yards.
A Weed Careen,
It Is remarkable how ninny really
beautiful flowers are discarded be¬
cause ordinarily they are classed as
weeds. A woman who had plenty of
land and a taste for experimenting
made a “weed garden" this year which
is a great success. She doesn’t know
the names of all the outcasts she has
gathered In, but she noticed last year
ntl the wild things that grew and flow¬
ered neglected by the wayside, aud
transplanted those that appealed to
her most strongly.
"Tbe main reason,” she urges, “that
they attract so little notice when grow¬
ing wild Is that they are not massed
and arranged as we place cultivated
flowers to get tbo best effect. Now,
that Is what I have done. A wild
flower, or a weed, as it is scornfully
termed, fhat is too fragile to be
thought much of will make a delicate,
feathery mass which will be vastly
admired when planted together by the
score or more.”
Even such a despised thing ns the
common ragweed is worthy of admira-
tion if you happen to look at it arighf,
and it is finely effective as foliage for
cut flowers.
This weed gardener has provided for
a succession of blossoms from violets
and dandelions to golden rod and late
fall grasses, and nothing has repaid
the gardener’s efforts with better re-
suits than these absolutely free flow-
ers.—Boston Herald.
He Was His Own Dentist.
A Foxcraft man who was suffering
from a toothache while “seven miles
from a dentist,” attended to the aching
molar himself by tying a fish line
around it, fastening the ether end of
tlle * ino *° a in P ost
piazza and sitting down quickly. This
reminds a Itath man of a neighbor
of hl » w,1 ° ,,I,ra, ' ,rd hl * ovra
Ip * , h. If an upper one he tied a string
around It. with a heavy weigh! at tho
other end of the line, mounted to the
haymow and dropped the stone. If a
lower tooth was the oue aching, he
stood on the floor and threw the
weight up over a door.—Lewiston (Me.)
neceMary. tor particulars address
Tobacco \\ orks (t). Bedford < ity, Va.
He Was Slightly Elevated.
“I’m going to keep this op all day,”
said the persevering aeronaut, as he
threw put another isaudhag.—New
York Press.
Extraordinrry Flights of Birds.
n i s said thnt the bobolinks which
rear their young on the shores of Lake
Winnipeg, Canada, and go to Cuba
and I’orto Kfco to spend the winter,
twice traverse a distance exceeding
2.800 miles, or more than a fifth of
lie circumference of our earth each
>'«"• kingbird lays Its eggs as
tar north as the 5«th decree of latl-
tude, and is found iti the winter in
South America. The biennial pilgrim-
wages of the little rertstnr exceed 8,000
miles and the tiny hummingbird 2 , 0 no.
T ^
la( j y w m make herself agreeable by
rubbing a piece of fiesld}-eut onion on
her hands and over her countenance.
Electricity for Drain.
A. European scientist claims to hive discov¬
ered an apparatus which will stimulate the
brain Jt has been tried on school bo •ys. and
consists of an electric band. While SOI ten 1 Usta
have been busy inventing unnatural ways
of making the brain work, Ilcstetter’s Stom-
ach Ritters has for fifty years been doing it
naturally, It cures dyspepsia and all stoin
ach troubles ami DuiMs up and invigorates
Urs enure system. There Is nothing "lust as
Nearly a« Good.
the “My frond woman,” said the clergyman try to
sorely tried matron,‘Mid >uu husband’s ever
heaping coals of fire on your
"So, your riverence. Oi’ve thrown a
lighted lam > at him once or twice.”
How’s This?
We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward for
ftny case of Catarrh that caunot be cured by
Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
P J. Cheney & < 0 , Props,, Toledo, O.
Wo, the undersigned, have known F, J. Che-
ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to cany out any obllga-
lion made byUrir firm.
West & I ruax, Wholesale Druggists,
Walding, Kinnas & Marvin, Wholesale
Dnurc resists, Toledo. Ohio,
nan's c atarrh Cure is taken internally, act-
Ing directly upon the Mood and mucous sur¬
faces of the system, I’rice, 75c. per bottle. Sold
by nil Druggists. Testimonials tree.
Hull’s Family Fills are the best.
Plso’s Cure cured me n r a Throat ,/ind Tmng
trouble Huntington, of three years’ Ngv.IS, standing. 1894- —K- Cady,
‘ When Greek joins Greek, then is the tnr
of war,*’ was written by Nathaniel Lee in lf‘02
m ©
Sick headache. Food doesn’t di¬
gest stipated, well, appetite poor, bowels con¬
tongue coated. It’s your
liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills,
easy and safe. They cure dyspep¬
sia, biliousness. 25c. All Druggists.
brotvii Want your rich mouitacho^qr black toard a iTeau'tifui
or ? Tbon use
BUCKINGHAM’S DYE (ft iskor-s the
so CT«. Or ORUQ«M3T8i Ofl. W. 9- H»A.V S Co, Lh N- H t
Bring your children up on it.
Our riutuai Friend,
Ked real Cartons.
Hen’s Sizes $1.50.
Boys’ and Youths $1.25.
Will be on sale by oue of the best
merchants in this town—ask for
them. Made only by
J. K. 0"RH SHOE 0O.
ITALITY low, de-
or exh%tis i-
od 1 r o m,
any cause <
c U i RED hr PR. KM.VK ’8 ISV; V’VJflOl nivisii
TO \u. tlsedsucco ssfully sine o1871.
r. ssstss FR {Street) l’hll phis, Fa.
IXSLiTlTL, uai a rel.
MENTION THIS PAPER tlfters. In writing A HU to 99-4S ailver-
11 i liiiiTi "l i l ill iii'UrtB i f l lliiiilll n p' HfrMfhi o a *
S ■y
“OOCK HILL” BUGGIES are “A Little Higher
^ - J> W in Price, But—” they stand look well, and
' up,
■ above all, fcoop sviay from the shop Only
a dollar or so higher than cheap work. Why not use
them when this is the case ?
1 ~ “ * AJtsn LL ■ mirrv rn
WMffrsa Ss « our Ag^nt cr write dtraol 9 TOOIhiiaSC j
s atSisSwt «• e o
i i
V m
\ Rifles, Repeating- Shotguns, Ammunition and
V Loaded Shotgun Shells. Winchester guns and
ammunition are the standard of the world, but
m they do not cost any more than poorer makes.
All reliable dealers sell Winchester goods.
FREE Illustrated : Send name and address on a postal tor 155
V page Catalogue describing all the guns and
ammunition made by the
Sick Women Advise d to Seek
Advice of Mrs. Pinkham.
“X had inflammation and falling
of the womb, and inflammation of
ovaries, and was iu great pain. I took
medicine prescribed by a physician,
but it did me no good. At laet I heard
of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬
pound, and after using it fuithfully I
am thankful to say ] am a well women.
1 would advise all suffering women to
seek advice of Mrs. Pinkham.''— Mbs.
U. H. t'ii aitell, Grant Pams, III.
iM^u^rconiX^onJorthe and ho
p },y g j c j ans j n New York,
my di.aaao a fibroid tumor,
advising an operation without delay,
saying that it was my only chance for
life. Other doctors prescribed strong
and violent medicine, and one said I
was incurable, another told me my
only salvation was galvanic batteries,
which I tried, but nothing relieved me.
One day a friend called and begged me
tQ tfy Lydia jj p ink ham's Vegetable
Compound. I began its use and took
several bottlcB. From the very first
bottle there was a wonderful change
for the bettor. The tumor has disap¬
peared entirely and my old spirits have
returned. I heartily recommend your
medicine to all suffering women.”—
Jilts. Van CLEFT, 410 SaUXDEKS AVE.,
Jersey w City Heights, N. J.
A New Way.
ffgar (to gentleman)— 1 “Do you happen,
si r, to have, lust your purse?” pockets)—“No!”
Gent (feelinsr iu his let have alittte
BfisrK.-ir—“Then can you me
' ; 12 tit Iiaili remedy for
Consumption. Cures
§ 0 % V r II — D Coughs, Colds, Grippe,
J Bronchitis, Hoarse-
■ ness. Asthma, Whooping- results.
cough. Croup. Small Constipation, doses ; quick, Trial, sure for
£)r. Lull'spills cure 20
Malsby & Company,
39 S. It inn i! St., Atlanta, Oil.
Engines and Boilers
Steam Water Heaters, Steam Pumps and
Penbertliy Injectors.
S3 §3
^Manufacturers aud Dealers in
JVSL' I Xa x. s.
Corn mills, Feed Mills, Cotton (Oil Machin¬
ery ami Grain SepuratorB.
SOUP aud INSERTED Suws. Saw Teeth an4
I.ocks, Knliflil’t Tnleiit Dop, Birdsall Saw
Mill and lbiijjina Repairs, fiovernorg, Grate
Bars aud a full lino of Mill S 'implies, ed. Price
and quality of goods gURiante Or talogue
free by meoitioning this paper.
S3 §t 3.50 SHOES UNION
MAD 2 .
m ftf\ Worth $4 to $6 compared o
with other makes, f
! jrx \ ! ('M'il liy over Jg £
S 1 , 000,000 wearers.
I*** Douglas' The oci mine name have and W. I, 8
\ (VZAstaiuped on bol lake
vJSJS'U suijsiiiu te c
good. Your ■
£»|>houi<l keep will send them a — T t
nut, we
m M ut receipt of price late —
kind o 1 eather, size, * and width, plain or
:a*i Lue . Catalogue C free.
W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton, Mas*.
— FOR —
i m
It’s no Joke,
The Best Chew on (he Market