The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 09, 1899, Image 2
Prc fessio'n a i.\ C. W. JOHNSTON, M. 1)., WORTH, OA. |>jyp;i .• Ocnito ! rjimry Organa ;md Gynaecology a Specialty. Dr. J. F. Gardner, Physician and SurgCOV A*iitddh.v ( .■. Ukoikiu. -- W T wTTTnwK Attorney at I.ttw.'t , and ,, CollecMorm. ,, . HY’ ..mow, Grown a. A. J. DAVIS, Attorney at T.aiv, A.-’1bvi:n, <'< oshta. Ileal 1’,state »:nl I'olLution*. Prompt attention to nit bicitirns jilace-t in our httnds. J. A. COM IIP , Attorney sit, AsniUTN’, ( rr.OK'VlA. Will practice in all the Courts, State and Fodoral. Telephone connection with Cor dele, Vicuna and intermediate point , No. 1(7. DR. T. If. THRASHER, Pliysician and Surgeon, Afiiiucnx, OnonoiA. Optimal Practice Solicited. Oflic* fa (be Christian R ii'din,;. C. E. WALKER, I’liynician and Surgeon, BVCAUOII!!, Okorcia. GEO. W. < 'OOl'KIt, DENTIST, Asitr.rax, OroBoiA. Ofliep, Huem No. •(, Tlotts Building. a r>. white, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Brils lliiiiding, Aslibim'.Ga. Mercantile and Real E-tnto Litigation Itec 1 vo Special and Vigorous Attention In all Courts, citato and Federal. City Barber Shop, B. 1). LAW, Proprietor. For a first-class Shampoo, Shave, Hair-cut and any work in the tonsorial line, call on me. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Evans Building, A.shlnirn, (ia. New Barber Shop. 1 have opor.ed a new shop in tho Christian Building where 1 can be found rea¬ dy to serve my customers. HENRY GRIFFIN, Barber. Sheriff’s Sales. i ndor tin J by virtue of an execution issued from On- Superior Court of Worth county, Leonfia in luvor of uarland M, Kyals against tbo Hytiis Orchard rompany.a corporation mi- t)io ticr the Utws of Ouorgiti, l havo It vunl on foilowmjr deHorilHd proporiy of miid the Kyats orchard i omimny, lo wit: One rod mule naim* Hiolpti. one iron gra\ mule uamo T’oul one blacK mule name jerry, one black ho thc name Dan. one rotl a n.l white cow and calf, one brown cow ami calf, one rod un i white ht'lfer, eighteen brad of s onc-horso e< p t lino hund of hogs 'J two-horse wngcous j wagon. M wo horse buggy. 1 mowing mac tine, 1 hoi>erf\ke, \ eulaway Imrrow.'7. spiked tooth harrows, ji wo-horse plows.dono-horso I mUJ plows, l ft iron foot or tiainon SU' hs. euue pan hum and one grind stone; 1 shotgun, 1 cross ail .ittw." weeding hoes ft grubbing hoes. 1 sets of gear, l ox curt; sn bushels corn, ft tuns of hay, pound* foddt *r. tVJ gallons syrup, y.O'Xi pounds cuw peas, fto or • bo bushels -sweet potatoes. 1 will sell the said of p tho operly at house pub- lie outcry before the door court of \N orth county Georgia at isabedn between the legal hours of sale on the! first Tuesday in .tanuary VJu». Terms cash. W ritten notice detendent in jHissession as re.julrod by law. ThN a day of Nov,.u»b. ; r i w ( . t ( GEORGIA Worth County housMloor in sai l I will soil before the court county on the first Tuomlay in January following next between the legal hours of sto tho lamU towit: \ll that tract of land formerly known a# \atvia the John S .Linton by property \. Kouse ami ehcritV ing the v^vivovcft u. t number* tui, w>, vi, io, .i containing' c»ch .H*. \ acres making a total of l-b» a ores. Iso the north half of lot No, ve An l lft acres off the north-o*<t eorncroflot No amt the w« stern poriloa of lot«;dl anti ami eontainmg *orw. ati'l fraetbnal lots 9£.m nn-1 •». 8 nM ^ parts of lpt« mnl fractional h>t» cvnlninilt* aeres, a till the whoU' of sakl tenets of hvm! forming a body regaling satisfy IttlS acres fifa more ts>\u*l or leas, levUali'n mi.l ?ohl to a In fa- from the tiie Suixa i r court of said r'anuuty vorof bnitish an ! American Mett.age <. o. rensietit*. ILt l f vs Charles b an ! names M. Kouae tie l’t\'perty pun'etl <‘ut in the saiu ftfa. fonauts m noaeifaion notifie \ I'his tth ufiv of December isit.h It. S. STORY. Sheriff W C. \lf n J FIRST CLASS W v vIU . JOB PRINl iNd . . ? THE- Ash burn Advance, J. B. HORKZ, LdHop and Manager. “lES'iivMi Si!*." Distinctively American. An exchange says ten stand agluid at American d;l «h and (luring—“daredevil reck lessncss, t)ie, o.ui it, J hey can under: bind why, when tlierc’s a chance lor victory, men will light as long as a drop of hlood is left in their heartHaud will cheerfully their .. lives when , duty , , to give up country (alls, but they m-ycr cease to marvel at the readiness of Americans to do deeds of dar ing that, would never occur to the practical European. A a Englishman once remarked, “We would regard the Yankees as a nation ol fools were it not for t lie fact that even their craziest schemes in peace and war usually end in triumph. >> Among Saturday's press dis¬ patches from Manila was the fol¬ lowing : “The capture by Lieut. Monroe and fifty men of the Fourth Cav- alry of the Filipino (leu. Conon, with 800 officers and men, with rifles, several Americrns and sev¬ enty .Spanish prisioners, at Bay- oinbong, province of Nueva Vis- caya, was a successful hlulf. Leu. Munroe tapped the r<-bel wire, telegraphed to Conon that iie was advancing with n large force and demanded his surrender. After negotiations Conon consented to capitulate to “superior force, » » a whereupon Lieutenant Munroe telegraphed that he would enter tlie town with a small guard and receive the garrison’s surrender. He captured the whole Filipino force and secured their arms, the rebels supposing Munroe had an army behind him. 1 I Tho United .States is the only country on the face of the earth that could produce fifty men ca¬ pable of capturing 800 fully armed Filipinos. Men of Lieutenant Munroe’s stripe don’t grow in in other climes. They are pecu¬ liarly, distinctively Americans. The good roads of Irwin are the pride of that county. McKinley's attitude toward the trusts reminds us of a blind-t iger prohibitionist. Local expansion is being imita¬ ted in Macon and we may soon have a Greater Macon. Efforts are being made to have tho FeachtreoCreek battleground converted into a National park. The Atlanta Journal’s cartoon- iat is great, * k A lick from an un¬ expected quarter” was espeeiily good. Mayor Woodard, ol Atlanta, is straight behind COlll , CienlClS , , IIIO tililt ", CltV 101’ giving . . SlH>Vl , 4 , oi Weights, fTM lH> S°\\ ( lOUU. v _ \ ) ' oilv 11 gt ri » lOOt-bd „ , .. 11 toaiil . tile 4 1 cMHlUieiil o .t w .... won . clmmnionship last Saturday hy defeating the l ,livers,ty of N. C. , , ‘ran I>V ft SCOl’l Ol t) TO U. Were it as necessaiv for Genl. Otis to lick the Filipinos as it is . ih'lH* , * , il;*K , t .» tH aOV t IU V w Kevenfle stamps, hot h would be dispensed with in short order. Seme of the ncichbors weredis- . t liC !UIV , . ISftuUit V Ol put t tDfT new fence around' a lbi, , *yr,t v oy ^ says . With . . l DO 1DOVO \V:1$ IDOOllDSi ITOn- OHll , approval , till tile Wit Of r Olie , Op|K>SOu , *0 , it WtiS JibiMlSt , (1 WHO WftS \\ , ’5I\t , for <* * D0 ©ItfJDll’CO, • s v . Wilftt « * IS .. t IH' TKVU , Ol r tllO Vlird , , 1116T0 • , - « . UHU DO ODO JI1S1U8 wants to come oaf and I’m -tire there aint anyone out- side that wants to ::. t in. So what’s the need o the fem e Are You ALIVE To your interests? If so, we invite you-to visit our scores i ora. 7 see err z V terse ar- r Stylish d)ry rer 0 ! row aria ; Goods, C lot hiry , Shoes, a* * T ora- ware, Groceries, and full ,. 7 • no 0 ] Plantation Suppii es. Fancy Dress Goods 1 lie host that can be bought in the Northern markets, consist¬ ing of Figured Worsteds, Serges, Extra fine Henriettas, Brocades, Ooutingg, etc. etc. Trimmings, at small cost. This line is com¬ plete and embraces ihe latest styles. We will be pleased to have the ladies call and inspect these goods. Clothing Announcement. We are in the clothing business to please our customers. We are never satisfied with your trade unless we please you with goods and prices. We have a sp’ended line of clothing, Shirts, wear, Collars, Cull’s, Ties, Hose, Handkerchiefs etc., which gentlemen of this section should see. Do You Eat? If so, we beg to call your attention to our stock of Fancy Gro¬ ceries, which can be bought at the lowest market prices. 'These goods are all fresh. We also supply our customers with everything in fresh meats, such as Beef and Fork Steak, Sausage etc, Phone us for edibles of all kinds; your order will be appreciated, and giv- en prompt, attention. New Furniture. We wish to call the attention of the public lo the beautiful line of furniture we are receiving. We have oak suits at prices that will please you. Extentsion tables, Sideboards and China closets in variety. Wardrobes, Lounges, Couches and Fancy Chairs “to beat the band.” — Stoves-all Kinds. A nice line of Stoves we have, and intend selling them right. All of you young people who intend going to house-keep- ing in the near future would do yourself an injustice not to ex¬ amine our line of Stoves, Cooking utensils etc. STioes, Slioes. Yes, we have Shoes; Good Shoes; cheap Shoes; Large Shoes; Small Shoes, and i of act we have the largest line of Shoes in Asli- burn. Our stock of fall and Winter Ladies, Misses and Children’s Button and Lace Shoes have arrived and it will be a pleasure to show them to you. Gentleman, we have Shoes ami Hats to suit you. The prices we make on these goods will sell them. Our Stores are Crowded. With good values in every department. We cant mention all, but visit our stores and inspect. We can not sell goods at cost but by buying in large quantities and for cash we are enabled many bargain*. Ycurs Truiy. * & Co J. S. Betts ASH , —^ BURN, » y - - 13 « = GEORGIA. Jewelry? If that's what is wanted, you’l find it at YVJiidby’s Jewelry Store, for he has a beautiful lot of Watches, Kings, Chains, Cuff-buttons, Fobs, Clocks, Musical Instruments etc. A Present? Jf that’s what you want, just look at my Holiday Goods. 1 R. E. mhihby. a. b. McDonald. J. D. WEST. ricDonald & West, Brokers, Jobbers and Commission Merchants, Flour, Grain, Hav, Produce. We pay highest ■%> Cash prices for Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Peas, Beans, Potatoes and Georgia Syrup; Hides, Beeswax and Tallow. Beiidiag, Investment CoSumbus, Georgia. (Georgia <f) 0 utF|erq <§c P’loridct SUWJATTI2E) RIY.BR ROUTE. Local Time Table, Effective Deem. 1,1899. Subject to change without notice. 'shoo | [FlAEUl dixie’| ouirk i Ql’D K . >1X1E I I SROO FLY Si El*. I ST TIONs. clEP- KI.YE -. FLY 0 5 5 7 52 00 30 18 pm pm | pin m 12 11 1 137 55 Hi 16 am am pm am 12 II II 1 2 II ) MO cm am m ... ... ... Lv. U V -otkec Macon mdill imna . . i.. Ar . .. . tilCW*- pm pm 4* W LC lv 49 31 III ■2 Hill am am am ^ ^ x 2 g t « am m 7 37 pm 1 53 am §1 pm Ar. Gordel Lv LO p.ii tO am GO fcs on 7 55 pin 1 53 am 1 pm Lv. ConlHc A to m LC i5 (in » 5. 8 05 pm t- am pm . . . Wei.ona 1 m I'i m fc a m . 8 35 pm to am pm ... VV’or li . . . IS am 8 11 pm to am to pm . .. A.-diburn .. 1 p n 1 35 am ST« 9 50 pm G: am cc pm Ar. Tiftoii Lv. m 1 00 am o, am 9 30 pm w am o: pm Lv Tife u Ar. pm li .75 am co & m 10 12 pm am CC pm ... Sparks ... 11 am 12 2! un o © m HI 25 pm ^ a in w pm . . . H artpiDe 11 ■un 12 11 am ir: £3 am 11 20 pm ^ am ' id Ar. Valdosta Lv li atn 11 39 pm Th E am it- pm Lv Vs do ta Ar 1(1 am 11 30 pm Cl ion di pm . . . L 'ke Park 10 ■ mi 10 03 pm ca am C5 pm Lv, Jasper Ar 9 am HI 31 pm c ' am -b\ pm ArL ... Wh in Sp’g- 9 8 am 10 04:m C: am pm le- Ci'J Lv in 05 ■i pm Ci am — 1 pm Lv Lake (ID Ar §8 am .:n: m-CDCO 10 am CT; pm . Samp-on (Jit\ urn 'TO am CC pm . . 11 .tup on . . . am GO '-' am CO pm . . . Grandiu . . . am F— Jr 4 Ar. Palatka Lv ^ am pm am JACKSOKYIBLE LIKE. 4 50 pm Lv Valdosta Ar 11 00 pm 8 50 pm Ar Jack’v He Lv 7 00 am § Meal Station. Trains No 3 and 4, Uie ‘ Dixie Flyr.” have thr null deeper between St. Loui and Jacks:.jvil e, yi i Tilton end through < oach ai d Slrener lietivi« n Mati.ii and Jacksonville via V rdosia, op. n for tbe reeep'iou of pas¬ sengers l" Union, Mac m. a' 9:30 p. m.. and remains in Macon Depot on return until 7.30 a m,, and can be occupied nmil that time Harry Burns, D. G. Hall, General Agent, F. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. Win. Clieckley Shaw, Vice Pres., C. B. Rhodes, Genl. Pass. Agt., Macon, Georgia. ?■ Tifton & North Eastern R’y. “SOLDIFRS COLOHY ROUTF.” Local Time Table No. 6. H. H. TIFT, President. W.O. TIFT, Vice-President. General Offices : Tifton, Georgia. 1 No7. No 8. No 1. Miles. Effective Dec. 10,’97. Miles. No 2. NoL No 8 SI. P. 31. A.M LEAVE ARRIVE r. M. P. M. P.. M CO 10 CO 10 8 00 0 ... ... Tifton . . . ■ . 2o 12 15 8 25 6 10 CO 22 SO 23 8 15 5 t . . . - Brighton ., . 20 12 00 G 10 5 56 ZcZ 30 CC 32 8 25 8 f . . •, Harding . . ... 17 11 51 0 01 5 18 CC CO 52 8 45 14 f . . . Pinetta . . ... 11 11 31 5 41 5 29 CO Z Z 58 9 01 1G ... . . . Mystic. . . ... 9 11 ; 5 o 35 5 23 g—* 4- 10 9 13 20 i .....Fletcher... ... 5 11 14 5 23 5 12 T- 9 30 25 Fitzgerald . . ... o 1100 5 10 500 ARRIVE LEAVE A. M. Trains Xos 1, 2, 3 and 4 run d .i’y, except Simd ly. Trams No 7 and 8 run on ■ Jsuiumy- only (») Flag Sla ion Trains stop only on Mena! Ad train make eoiincctioii «i h the Plan 1 System and th- Oe'.rgia Southern and Floi- l .a at iiftoD, aud the jeorgia & Alabama at Fez -era d F. G. BOATRIGHT, Traffic Manager. I FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF ONE. This paper and the Atlanta Twioe-a-Week Jonr— nal fm- $ | .25. Here you get tho news. of the I world and all your tm-ul news while I it is frosh. pnyhu: very mue more I than one paper cums. Either paper I 15 won worth $1.00, but by special I arrangement we ars- Hmmed to put I In both of them. giVing three papers I (1 Week for this low "rice. You can- I not mun! this anywhere else, and I this combination Is the best m-e- I mium for those who want a state I paper and a home paper. Take I these and you will keep up with the I times. ‘ Besides general news. the Twlce- I n-Week Journal hm: much agricul- I turn! matter and other articles of I special Interest to farmers. It has I regular contributions by Sam Jones. I Mrs. W. H. Felxon. John Temple I Graves, Hon. 0. H. Jordan and I other distinguished writers I Call at this omen and leave your «4 subscriptions for both papers. You I1 can get I. sample application copy at euhet pa— 4 4 per here on