The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 09, 1899, Image 3
Sensational ^vavyailiv tRfl t 'l l CX ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Nothing I^t a % • at j cost, j 1 but j erything so cheap you can never Regret a Pur¬ chase with us. We have been receiving and opening daily for some time, a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS recently purchased in Northern Mfsrkels. We now claim to have the largest and best assorted stock in Ash- burn, bought especially for the FALL and 9 The public generally are cordially invited to inspect our stock be¬ fore buying elsewhere. If we fail to please you, no harm will be done and we will still appre¬ ciate your call upon us. FRESH LOT FAHILY GROCERIES Just received, and are being sold at the lowest prices. These goods are all fiesh, and the stock is being added to daily. We will save you money on Groceries. Everybody Claims to sell cheap but we Convince by actual . Demonstration. Ahburn’s Cash JTECHANT. A Lesson in Bargains To be taught those who will be taught, during the next few weeks. Our Hat stock is hard to beat—Neat, New and Complete—and as low as low can be. Quite a nice Line of Dry Goods and Notions Are now on our shelves and we do not expect them to reman there long if very low prices will usher them out. Those we have now—at your price and they are gone. Our Shoes are Nice and Stylish, new and good, As we make this line a a special specialty we defy competition. We shall sell shoes at a price that will cause the buyer to laugh and rejoice and our competitors to stand and wonder. Come in friends—price, buy and ca-iry off. Also we have a general Line of Groceries and Confectioneries, which we are always glad to swap for dol- lars. Our lancy candies are in the lead here—all owing to the fact that they get fresh goods and a heap for a dime. Highest prices given for hides, either fresh or dried. (Respectfully, Shingler Mercantile Co • Lcca i 44 lJ appc ^ ' VCi dhor report—thunder, Seonew.jilolO. K. Drugstore. Zeigier Bros. Shoes at Betts A Remember the city election Monday. Silver thimbles 2a cents at Whidby’s. Mr. A. W. Page is clerking for Mr. J. W. Walker. New lot of furniture just re¬ ceived. Betts <V Co. Mr. Howard visited his parents in Kathleen Thursday. (kill and examine now lot of in¬ fants wraps. Betts & Co. New Rue of jewelry, suitable for Xmas gifts just, in 'at. b ys. Col. J. A. Comer made a busi¬ ness trip to Bailey’s mill yester¬ day. A Christmas tre? in the new Academy—that’s what we’re go¬ ing to have. The average man never knows when he’s got enough until he gets too much The kick of a cow is not con¬ sidered the most acceptable form of milk punch. Have you seen that new line of colored silk skirts at Betts A Co’s? They are beauties. Irwin county Superior court lias been adjourned by Judge Smith till the regular Spring term. Several young swains from this city attended an entertainment, near Bailey’s mill last evening. Henry Bohannon visited rela¬ tives and friends in Eastman and Macon this week, returning Wed¬ nesday. Murray pleads guilty to carry¬ ing one of the most complete lines of general merchandise ever seen in Ashburn. Considerable property was sold Isabella Tuesday, it being puplic sales day. Everything brought very good prices. Several Ashburn boys spent Wednesday night and Thursday on Deep creek fishing and hunt- ting and shivering. Have you seen the Iron Beds, Willow Rockers, Matting and Chifoneers we reeieved this week. J. S. Betts & < ’(). Mr. J. B. Bozeman, the popu- lar manager of Betts & Co’s. mercantile establishment, made a business trip to Macon this week. A man usually likes to si and high in the community in which oe resides, but as a tax-payer, lie isn’t anxious to he so highly rated. Definite arrangements will have been made in a few days for a union Sunday-school Christmas tree which will bo in the new Academy. The many Ashburn friends of Mr. Joe M. Shingler will bo de- lighted to learn that he will spend Christmas here. lie has been lo¬ cated at Colquitt for the past year. We learn with regret that Ira Teagle, who is well Known here, who is doing military duty in the i’hilipines, is unable to walk as a result of a recent stroke of para¬ lysis. Lovers of floral beau tv liiul a continual feast, for their eyes at the residence of Dr. J. F. Curd ner on McLendon street. All the long summer the front yard has been a mass of fragrant and beau- tif ul flowers, and even now da in- ty La France and American Beau- ty roses can be seen blooming in profusion, while elegant gerani - and .weet, modest side by side contribute to the pleasing effect. His pit is more beautiful than i- the yard, and many rare and beautiful plants. Jule Patterson is at homo from Bay boro. Keep your ovo on our advertis¬ ing columns. Col. Mark Tison, of Doles, was here yesterday. A. Martin and family have moved to Macon. Deputy Nheriir J. W. Davis was in the city Thursday. A man's actions should corres¬ pond with his words. Gold filled watches, Waltham or Elgin, SI0.00 at. Wludbys. Men who could really alford to burn money never do it.. Mrs. Cawley returned to her home in Oordele Wednesday. Charles 1. Betts, of Jackson¬ ville, was in the city Thursday. WANTED:—A good milch cow. Must be chap Apply to Hotel Clyde. Misses Willie McLendon and Moyiiie Batten visited m Macon recently.. M. Walsh, c f Sparks, passed through the city yesterday en route to Macon. The school-children’s holiday entertainment will be given in the new Academy. Mr. W. T. Jackson, of Winder, was visiting his friend, Dr. T. 11. Thrasher, Thursday. A man may be considered slow when lie’s behind in the rent, but lie’s ahead of the landlord. No, Pauline, dear; we have never heard of a telescope being spoken of as a looking-glass. Mr. F. Culpepper tilled bis ap¬ pointment: with the Adel Baptist church Sunday, returning home Thursday. The amateur photographer takes people as they are, while the pro¬ fessional takes them as they would like to be. Ashburn merchants are open¬ ing up by far the tiinest. ]ii:o of holiday goods to be seen any¬ where in this section. Mr. A. E. Nhingler, of St. George, 8. C., is spending some¬ time in the city, the guest of his son, Mr. J. S. Shingler. We learn from the Cordele Call that Maj. Geo. Butler is do¬ ing some warm editorial work on the High Springs (Fla.) Senti¬ nel. Mr. Lynn Jenkins is at home again, after spending about three years in the North-western Slates, llis many friends welcome him home. Another lot of latest style dress goods, including Silks, Poplin silks and wool plaids, Surges and Novelty Suiting was reeieved yes t.erday. J. 8. Betts & Gy. “1 have heard Prof ('has. Lane lecture with delight. For sense and sound morals, well mixed with humor without stint or stain I know hardly his equal, not his superior.”—A. G. Haygood, Bish¬ op M. E. Church, South. Prof. Lane will lecture here oil the eve¬ ning of the 2Sth innst., and ’tin needless to say a rare treat is in store for (hose who hear him. Remember the date—Thursday evening, Dec. 28tli.— in the new Academy. The Ashburn young people spoilt Tuesday evening most pleasantly at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McLendon. After spending a. short- while ie the parlor, all repaired to the cane mil) where they partook of the sweets thereof. Returning to the parlor selections from the poly phone were much enjoyed by all. Chin music was also a feature of the evening. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Cooper, Miss- < s Kate Jenkins, Maggie llada- way, Maud Miller, May Jenkins, Maud Yancey, Bessie Lawrence, Essie Mitchell, Lillie Gilmore, Annie Georgia Betts, Rosa Link, Ola Smith; Messrs Lynn Jenkins, A. J. Wells, A. C, Forester, J. B. Horne, Crawford Gilmore, George I. Betts and others. Some Xmas Goods Have Been Placed Upon Our Shelves, com-; SEE THEM Before TUB BEST ARE sold. -THE- / |4 V* 0 <1 Phil. C. Everett, Prop’s*. Southern [Rental parlors. 33k Gold Crowns, $4.00 Best Bridge Work, per tooth, 4.00 0 I -’till Set of Teeth, on Rubber, 5.00 Set of Teeth, on Rosa Pearl, 8.00 , Teeth Extracted Without Pain, •5° Gold I Tilings, from $1.00 up. Wo Defy Competition! Challenge (V)iu pari son! i nvite I lives! igat ion! Wo Guarantee all our W ork! timr Our Keioreiiee: Eleven Year’s Record in Macon. Originators and Leaders of Low Charges for High Class Dentistry in Central <!corgin. mm% Southern Dental Parlors, WM. 0. LONO, D. D. S,, Proprietor anil Manager. Macon, ■ Georgia. Leal Schedule. Trains arrive and leave hero jus follows: (Day Passenger) No. 1, South . ‘2 -.150 p. in. No. 2, NortIt . i :«0 p. m. (Night Passengor.) No. ti, Sonth 2:110 a. in. No. 4, North 1 :!!5 a. in. (Sliooil v.) No. r>, South :.c : 1i p. in. No. r>, North -j :Ifi a. in. Perry L'*ggett, of Lyons, passed through the city yesterday oil route to Sparks, where lie will visit relatives. The Epworth League was de¬ lightfully entertained at the ele¬ gant home of Mr. and Mrs. «J. W. Evans Monday evening. It seems to have been a “business-social” and, as usual, ’teas business be¬ fore pleasure. The following olli- cers, everyone of whom seem pe¬ culiarly lifted for their respective positions, were elected for t he en¬ suing term : .1. it. Burgess, Pres.; R. L. Betts, 1st Vice Pres.; Miss Vie Evans, 2nd Vice Pros.; Miss Rosa Link, thd Vice Pres.; Miss Aurena Evans, 1th Vice Pres.; \V. 1M. Hargrove, Needy.; Claud Md^iidon, Treasurer. After bus¬ iness matters syere-over with, au¬ thors, carrom, crokinole etc., were played, while instrumental selections well rendered by some of the young ladies were highly enjoyed by everyone. All-in all it was a very pleasant affair. Wednesday at noon there was u church wedding at. Leslie in which two prominent young peo¬ ple did themselves the honor of taking the hand of each other in matrimony above the social level of common life, but equal one to rile other, in just, popularity and intelligence. Wr. George lien derson, of Sycamore, and Miss Daisy Hints, of Leslie, were made one in the presence of a large number of relatives and invited friendsi The ceremony was per¬ formed by Rev .J. Nhirah, the Methodist minister of Nycgmore. The attendents were Mr. Wilbur it. iSmitli, of Sycamore, and Miss Bobby Sims, of Leslie; Mr. Lock¬ ett, of Americas, and Miss Mary Young, of Waterloo. The bridal party passed Asbburri at 2 :.‘i0 o’¬ clock on route to Sycamore where Mr. and Mrs. Henderson will in future reside. The Advance, with hosts of other friends, wishes for them a life of unalloyed happi¬ ness. Another new lot of latest stj lo Silk for waists - no two alike. J, S. Betts & Co. If you are in need of job print¬ ing wo should like to show you samples. DU. W. .(.TURNER '? PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Asnm ikN, - UKOKOl.Y. #«rPhono, Residence No. t; Of- fine No. 41. T. W.TJSON, Physieau and Druggist. Treats Chronic Diseasos. Terms Reasonable. Patronage Solicited, Kleef rielty broiiKlit Into requisition (Mlico in 1 ho < >. K. Drug Store. FLUNK PARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Poulan, Gu. 3u Liii uii*».i» Id it* i *.i.i iiiii *.-.«.*i 1 i uj i U *.i i/ 1> WANTED—AR-untH for now I’armer*’ c Mini 11 mi. H cmitulriH F’otion solnrB'lu- IiIoh Mint run from lie to loo. II figures Mu IflthH iififl -UtliM, 4»1 ho for the Bible p I.Duklnit I t tone.hcH Mkj Rlble by lit t ’ - lllublrutionH. I.utcHt war Uooko. Out r , ■* I'n e. ARoutHHoll / out b cuIIh: liour'« nifont p f in Walker c.o i«K M mjli«iJb In i> ) 4 J, L. NICMOCS & CO,, Atlanta, 0«. I f 3 liipt mi.'imut'et i»?rrt vrr*ri, ,, ' , ‘! n ’V is A F2 £» OalftkW uro't. OUR TZ3 DUB WHIN tkltVS OBTAIKED. Hood icodfcl, tkcUh or photo. with doserlptW n for fr«c ronorti^to |.kt:>nfcabUlty. 48*?* AOS HtiUb'IiOOK I KBIJ. C'.nL in* refi.ei.eijg mid fall info m*tiou. WRITE FOR COl'lf OF Ot)R «PEC2 AL OFF 'iiR. ItifltJrjraoitlibemf propositionerar IR7BNT0E i.IIOBI.1) mad* by a pate at uttorm y, bud tVEtt* A'idroa BEAD 3’f before ftpidyiuu for p:».tont. i H.B.WILLSONACG. «ylnS, PATENT LA L,Dr«lt»i,f. WASHINGTON, D. C. A $4.00 BOOK FOR rm, *'■ ■ , c Vv3HS fe 0 n 0 c h 0) & ani J ' riUlne. Kin- «. Trace* hrtlcUfi on ' 9 &s A OtYO, (li * gnu-M*, wm$mM > ' ^ rlic' CC«, p.KWit ...... thC . e, , fcochl ixsHsnz J otpdt.l l> l U.K 1 U. booin' 1 riwtiufj Mw« r 81.00, Ifyou fleto tblB bofA f^ufi us cur on-) offer price, $0.7?, ami go .'iH xtru for \«>(tuire we will forward tb« l ook n> y" j, Tf .1 ««• '< * t>w factory return P. nn«l we tv! I* exche *•" ;f! r vounmmojr. Hen-1 f.»r icr Mb -1 gid-g «’».*• lotftit*. quoting (he lowef-i I t*< ‘ * on 1, >•-)**■. i rKF, We eAtlPAVt yoo inoi»ey ,V«o-»<r-; -.oi*-!* to THE WEKNKR COMPANY, and .»• A'atUm Hk Or. • .L-t,