Newspaper Page Text
rielt(oauy (trillion Insures a Hot Time Is
Idle to Its Votaries,
linking themselves In huge, roaring
ttveus is the climax of emotional en¬
thusiasm and self-sacrifice of a strange
eect of IlUKslaiia. They are tin* Begou-
uy, and they live iu the village of
1 lernuwo, near Tiraspol,
They an not religious fanatics, al¬
though they have been associated with
a religious movement, that of the Poles
lu lltisdu Their origin was a political
and economical one, their agitations
having always been directed toward
greater personal liberty and political
power for individual members of so
.They demand the abolition of docu-
nicnt.i for pro,lug identity and also the
abolition of the necessity for the pass¬
port, while their desire la toward coun¬
tries In which people can live unknown
In the pursuit of wisdom,
The members of tbe Begonny repudi¬
ate compulsory military service, and If
forced to bear arms they are liable to
emotional enthusiasm, lending to self-
sacrifice. The form of de.ath which
they adopt Is usunlly burial while
ullve, but occasionally It Is self-de-
rcructloii by fire.
When the last great sacrifice of the
(ect was made the people adopted the
voluntary crematory method as a
mean* of getting an eternal release
from their troubles. On a single day
four families went out from a village
and did themselves to death. A huge
oven was built, and into It those who
voluntarily decided to die plunged
Then people who lacked the neces¬
sary (TilhimliiHin or strength of mind,
or who felt that they were not worthy
of attempting the great achievement
knelt and prayed while they wept for
their relatives and friends, whose
charred bones they kissed In an ecHtucy
of affection and admiration.
Any Fort in a Storm.
"You admit," said tho magistrate,
"that you entered the house of this
gentleman by the back door at 2
o'clock in tbe morning?”
“Wliat business did you have there
nt that time of night?”
“1 thought it was my own house.”
“Then why did you, when this lady
approached, leap through the window,
jump iuto the cistern and hide your¬
"Your worship, I thought it was my
Tim latfst Invention for saving life come*
from l^ori'inn. and I* a non Hlnknble bout. If
!»eoplo would i iniy u» inucU attoutjou to tho
**nrvfttlon of life In oth or ways, thore would
I’D a great Improvement Iloatottor’* "tomaoh
Ritters IfHi litr* pregorvor, (Uncovered M yo a t'M
ago It cure* dyapopnla, tiullgontion and nil
ConiiMof atomArh trouble. It Im nu excellent
toule for the whole eyaioin and mny be liud
from any druggist
l'roof of i'Driatinn Virtue).
ffx Senator Incrall* imv*, 4 Woman i* mnn’s
natural nu*my.” If thl* bo so, man givon
l iut Another proof of hiBChriatiun virtue by
loving bin enemy.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Ufa Away,
To quit tobacco emdly nnd forever, bo mag¬
netic, full Of IIlc, nerve nnd vigor, take No-To-
buc, wonder worker, that make* wtmk men
■irong. All druffgtata, 60c or $1. * Cure gunrau-
uicd. Booklet nnd nninplo free Addreea
Sterling Unuiedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Kvll report, like the Italian ntiletto, itt au
asHAeeinV weapon.
Deafiu-** Cannot lt« ('tired
bv lta'fk 1 application*, uh they cauuol reach the
dlnensnd port ton of tho oar There la only one
way to euro d«nfii> rt". nnd 1* by oonetlMi
Uoiiul reinedio*. Heafnotm in caueed by au in
tin rCuntnchlan in ed condition of When tho mucotiH lining of the lif-
Tube. thl* tube get*
flaiued you have a rumbling sound or Impor¬
ted, hearing, and whoa tt t* entirely tdoeod
nvmfnetw l* tho ro*uR, and utiloe* the inflam-
million can be tnlu'n out and thl* tube restored
to Iff. noriiial condition, hearing will bo de
atroyoi 1 forever. Nine cases out of ten are
cauNnd by catarrh, which I* m»*blr ng hut an lu
flnno d condition of the tmiooii* hiii r fa aces.
W,, will gtvAA One Hundred Dollar* for nny
case o f Deaf nee* (caused by catarrh) that can-
not be cured by Hall s ('atari h Cure. Seud for
etvcuiars, free
K. J. ('llKNIT A CO., Toledo, O.
Wo-M by Drnggist*, 75c.
Itall’e Katuiiy IMllsare tbe bec<
that Do not for one repul*o. effect. forego the purpose
you resolved to
Fduoate Your |tov%«<U With Casoarefs.
Candy Cathartic, cure eonettpatton forever.
It c, V6c. If t. c. c. fail, druggists refund money
NVe sell the throues of angels for a short
ami turhuleut pleasure.
By writing at one* ' $40 * S
for tha remarkable ofTer of the South's great¬
est tutilttUtoa of Practical Huainese Training,
The Ga.—Ala. Business College,
Don't Delay I MACON. OA.
“IhsTfl iiimmI vonr rslnablr fASCA>
IIBTS and find them ivrftci. Cou kin t do
wit hout them. I have used them for some time
pletely for indigestion cured. tout Kecohimend biliousness thorn, nnd am now com¬
to every one.
Once tried, vou will never l>e vmbouv them In
the family." Eww. A MAitx, Albany. N. V.
TltAOl MASK »«eM)Tg#«0
IMeasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. fv>
GihhI. Never Hicksu. Wenkan. or Grip*. 10c. tx, 50c.
Kfiinli UMvsre. ImIiwiI, ¥«rk. W
W ANTED—Oantlsiuai n or lady id* to OA'quaiutarn's rvpressnt ns
vv in this vicinity, it* >i‘K * If
with th means.
I,;; vatu*, oo experience <>r Uiidkm, ne itej rsaalrsd. Wail 81.. For N. in- Y.
fortnatiofi addr***, H. K le
»U««ai quick r»* lOdn's »«*f *nd ooi -
C**M> Hit-W of t«*«t tn.ri 10X1 tt i**tmeut
Free. Dr K K OUSE NS ■ON*. Sox ** Atl»ct» Ox
$10 FOB SI Fortune* In stm'lw: invest fk to
f he and get $b*.M for fh> -uraj
safe si a bank. Re* d .t: Co.. Isl 8. ’th SC, Pnila.. Pa.
If a ora afflicted ey*a, with use i Thompion’s Eye Wattr
The Document Deals Witb Many
Issues of Importance.
Reviews War In the Philippines
and Comments on Affairs
In Cuba.
A Washington special says; Deal¬
ing as it does with large questions of
insular policy; of army reorganization;
of the future of Cuba and of the cam-
paign in the Philippines, the first an¬
nual report of Secretary Hoot, just
made public, is of exceptional interest.
The teport begins with a recital of
the policy which was followed in re¬
organizing the army in accordance
with tho riccesities arising from the
discharge of tho state volunteers and
of the men enlisted for the Spanish-
Americon war and gives statistics of
the past and present strength of the
organization, covering in that re¬
spect matters dealt with in the reports
of tho major goneral commanding anil
of tho adjutant general. It is stated
that at present all of the new regiments
of volunteers are in the Philippines or
on their way there.
The operations in those islands are
next taken up and tho report again
points out that the outbreak of last
February was provoked by tho insur¬
gents themselves, and was from our
standpoint, unavoidable. Frequent
reference is made to the report of Gen.
Otis to show the magnitude of the task
set for him with inadequate forces at
his command when the outbreak came
and high tribute is paid to tho cour¬
age of the troops, who in the face of
great hardships voluntarily consented
to forego an immediate return to their
homes upon tho expiration of terms of
service. The history of the operations
of the past season is recounted and
the secretary outlines the plau of tho
present campaign, which began in Oc¬
This involved the movement of three
separate forces. One was to proceed
up tho Rio Orande along the north¬
eastern borders of the plains ami strike
across to tho gulf of Liugayeu. An-
other to land on the gulf shores by
transports and proceed along the const
road to unite with the first force. A
third column was to strike straight
along the railroad to Daguuau. The
secretary says these movements were
executed with energy, rapidity and
success, notwithstanding deluges of
rain, ft is said that wherever the
permanent occupation of our troops
lias extended in tho Philippines civil
law has been put lti operation, courts
have been established and education
introduced, until at present in Manila
there arc now better facilities for pri¬
mary education than ever before.
A chapter tells of what bus been
done in Cuba by tho army during tho
past year. Order has been main-
tflinod, social distress lias been allevi-
ated, sanitation has been instituted
und in all respects satisfactory pro-
gross has boen made, and tbe part
played by our troops now is but the
restraining influence of their presence,
In Porto Rico the year has been de-
voted to administering and improving
the civil government of the island and
instructing the people in the rudi-
ments of self-government at every
step in conference with the leading
citizens. This work has been retard-
ed by the unfortunate industrial con¬
ditions, owing to lack of markets for
the island’s products and to the dis-
tress caused by the great hurrieaue.
Nevertheless much has beon doue to
correct abuses, the courts have been
reoognized, the writ of habeas corpus
has been restored and arrangements
have been made for taking tho census,
Tho health of tho army has been
rcmarkubly good and the report shows
that the death rate among the soldiers
in the Philippines from disease is only
17.510, considerably less than in Wash-
iugtati, Poston, Hsu Francisco, New
York and Haltimore. The soldiers
killed in battle and dying of wounds
numbered 477aud the entire mortality
was 848 for the past ten mouths.
Samoan Treaty Heady to Sign.
Tbe British ami German ambaasa-
dor had several conferences with See-
retary Hay at Washington Friday rel-
fttive to the treaty for the partition 01
Samoa, atul it is understood tbe minor
technicalities which remained open
were reconciled and the way made
clear for the signing of the document.
I’pholstcry Weavers Strike.
About 800 union upholstery weavers
rreut on a strike iu Philadelphia Fri¬
day, closing twenty-six mills atul
throwing out of employment nearly
3,000 hands. The strikers demand
a working week of 55 hours and 10
cents an hour for overtime aud tx-
creased wage reale.
Two Mvn vSont To Friion After a Two
Yearn' Hattie In the Court*.
A Philadelphia dispatch says: Af-
ter a legal battle iu tho Uuited Siates
courts covering » period of more thau
two years, Joseph " ilkins, of Wash¬
ington, D. C.. aud Howard Butler, of
Philadelphia, have been sent to prison
to serve out seutenocs imposed upou
them for having violated the law re-
gaiding the eale of oleomargarine.
There’s nothing
so bad fora cough
as coughing.
There’s nothing
so good for a
cough as Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral.
The 25 cent size is just right
for an ordinary, everyday cold.
The 50 cent size is better for the
cough of bronchitis, croup, grip, size
and hoarseness. The dollar
is the best for chronic coughs,
as in consumption, chronic bron¬
chitis, asthma, etc.
Yankee Tourist Didn’t Propose to Be Left Out
in tbe Cold.
“Here at home a bluff doesn’t count
for much," said a globe-trotter, "but
I’m tolling you that a good, stiff bluff,
with a cheeky American behind it, is
worth n lot of money in Europe. When
I got around to Nice lust year the best
hotels were crowded, and I had to take
up with a small room. On the same
floor was a German who was occup.v-
Ing a suite, though not spending much
money or putting ou any great style,
One day there was a great row. The
landlord had asked him as a particular
favor to vacate for a newcomer and,
of course, the man didn’t propose to lie
turned out. The landlord coaxed and
argued, and the German growled and
muttered, and 1 followed them down
( 0 the office to see how it would come
out. At the desk was an American 1
had run across in Venice—a buyer fora
Chicago dry goods house. When the
landlord and the German began to gab-
ble in chorus the buyer pulled a blank
check from liis pocket and reached for
a pen and said:
“ ‘All this talk Is of no use. I want
rooms here. I will buy the hotel and
select my suite. Sir, what is your cash
price for this hotel?’
"’You would buy the hotel?" ex-
claimed the landlord, as he threw up
hfs hands In surprise,
” ‘Grounds and all, and I want It to-
day. How much—a million—'three or
four? And what name shall I fill lu
ou the check?"
"Say, now,’’•laughed the tourist, “but
you ought to have seen that thing
work! The German had determined to
be ugly about it, but when he bumped
up against u man who had as soon pay
four millions as one for what he fnu-
eied he felt awed and humbled and
ready to quit The landlord figured
that to turn away such n Croesus
would ruin his house, nnd It wasn’t
half an hour before the bluffer was*in-
stalled In the suite and tbe German
was chucked Into a dog hole on tbe top
floor.* And that wasn’t all, mind you.
When they sent the buyer a bill based
on his supposed millions he got up aud
threatened to buy up the town and
Start six soap factories to running, aud
, hey cut every item in two ami begged
pardon to boot. 1 don’t believe that
bad $1,000 to bis name, but be
just walked over everything and every-
lloJy for lTV0 -weeks, aud it was current
gossip that be owned tbe whole of Chi-
eago and a good share of St Louis aud
Cincinnati. Nothing but cold bluff'.
which wouldn’t have taken him Into
American , dance , , hall ,, us a deadhead,
but It was equal to a letter of credit for
$1,000,000 over there.’’-Scattle Times.
Making Allowances. Beethoven’s
i>0 - vou a<ltulro mu
8i ' r askcd tUe J’ wn « wa whos-a hair
'* lon « aD ' 1 curls at tl e c ' mls -
“Oh, yes." answered the young wo-
men, "Beethoven was nil right for his
( ^, 1V You see, rag time hadn't been in-
vented then?’’
HI iff 8 I’JlRlIlKlr rs
4 r I i
“La Creole” Hair Restorer is a Perfect Dressing: and Restorer. Price $1.00.
The Betting Mania Has Permeated the Whole
National Lite.
"in tny opinion," _ said Gladstone „
"there cun be no words too strong fot
denouncing suitably the
practice of gumbliiig.” A sweeping as-
sertlou, truly, yet none w*. has stu-
died the subject cun regard It as a de-
gl ee too sweeping.
To-day the gaming problem threat¬
ens England with a graver menace
than perhaps ever before. Never
it so permeated the whole national
never has It stood so safely under the
protection of the law' as it does to-day.
Itecent Judicial decisions have given
professional gamesters freedom which
even ten years ago would have seemed
In the early part of this century tin
betting mania was confined within
comparatively limited circles; to-day
it burns like a fever in every vein of
the body politic. There is hardly r.
class or a section of the community
that does not, week by week, almost
day by day, yield Its tribute of ruined
lives, of blasted honor, of broken repu¬
tations, of shattered homes to tin
The foremost gentleman of the lam
Is the lending patron of the turf; mem
bers of the Privy Council take chief
part In tho committee of the Jockey
Club; more than one of our great
judges are noted for their regular at
ings. From the highest to the lowest
it Is much the same In every class
There Is hardly a workroom or office
in which betting is not one of the two
principal subjects of conversation.
In East End streets, Loudon, you see
the ragged babies seated on the curb¬
stones, with their shoeless feet in the
muddy gutters, playing with toy cards
for farthing stakes. The older boys
amuse themselves with pitch and toss,
carefully delegating one of their party
as watchman, to proclaim the ap
proach of a policeman.
In tho factories of the north and of
the midlands girls and women are the
most eager and enthusiastic gamblers.
The growth of the working woman
gambler is one of the saddest features
of all. A few weeks ago a woman was
arrested as a bookmaker. Every now
and then a ease comes In the police
courts of a domestic servant who stole
her master's money to “have a bit
her fancy.” Itecently It was shown
in court that n woman had sold her
very clothes to gamble.
The gambling business Is organized
as perhaps no other in this country is.
There are at least 10,000 bookmakers
live off It—parasites ou our national
life. They have their touts Inside or
outside ol every workroom, who liter-
ally force themselves on th e
ehnnic or factory banu. In Govern¬
ment departments, such as Woolwich
arsenal, it has been found necessary
to take the most elaborate precautions
*° sto P the work of these touts, so pat-
ent is the ruin they effect.—The Puri-
The Power of Whistling;,
"George, George, mind; your hat will
be blown off it you lean so far out of
the window!" exclaimed a fond father
to his little son, who was traveling
with him in a railway carriage. Quick¬
ly snatching the hat from the head of
the refractory youngster, papa liid it
behind his back. "There, now, the bat
lias gone!" he cried, pretending to be
angry. And George immediately set
up a how-I. After a time the father ro¬
marked: "Come, be quiet; it 1 whistle
your hat will come back again." Then
' K ‘ whistled, and replaced the hat on
Hie hoy’s head. "There, it's back
again, you see.’ Afterward, while
papa was talking to mamma, a small,
shrill voice was heard saying: “I*apa
l'spa, I’ve thrown my hat out of the
window! Whistle again, will you?”—
Detroit Free Press,
Two traveling salesmen in each Southern State.
and expenses. 'Experience not absolutely
necessary. For particulars address Pocahontas
Tobacco Works Co., Bedford Pity, Ya.
‘•Remember,” said tbe young man with
downy mustache and tho foreign title, ‘T 3
not a fortune-hunter.”
‘‘No,” answered Mr. Cumrox gloomily, r
discovered thatshortiy after 1 became your
father-in-law. You propose to sit still and
Lave o tho fortune walk into your bank nc-
cou nt. You wouldn’t do anything it”—Washing- so In¬
tigutng as to get up and hunt
ton altar.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
'J uke ( asenrets Gaudy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If i . C. C. lull to cure, druggietsref und money.
There is no genius in life like the genius of
energy and activity. ,
Words of Praise From a Banker.
Mr. Chas. E. Currier, of the Atlanta National
bank, is very careful with his words, not only in
•■! hare used Tyner s Dyapepsta Remedy In
or m medicine of utgh morn. c. E. Cphrikr ”
sin Remedy Co . 43 Mitchell s>t.. Atlanta. Ga
* <md *’ ,t * °!" M _“ ampsfor Sa ' nt>,e ' t RM * me health and a day. and I will make
ridiculous »bu aompo f emperors .—Emoraun
Vitality low, aebiilt.ted or exhausted .-un-c
»>; l>r. lUtue^ 'arico.-atlnjr Tonic. Kbs* «i
trial bottl« for 4 weeks Panadeipiia. treatment. Founded Dr. Kline,
i., 1.931 Area st, itfx
, iw’s* ---—;- 1 r.-*-ItT i?ph "euiso, \v"l-
iiauisport, 'U
Pa., Nov. 22,1893.
To know how to dissemble is the knowledge
of kings.
How Are Your Kidney* V
Both Can See Tlieir Finish.
Mr. Agnlnuldo^ I want to admit to yon than on
the quiet that you are no more groggy
i am —The American Turkey.
Mow (jovenfor’s Islsml Is Kepi Clean,
Golf links have been laid out on
ernor'a Island. Every day, when tho
weather is good, officers and their
friends play the same. There Is a lurge
expanse of rolling sward, kept at all
tllues , n u ie pink of dominion.
Th , g little island off Battery Park Is
conf . e( j e u t0 be the best kept army post
on the Atlantic coast. There are two
rfcasong for t i, ls . Fort Columbus is the
headquarters of the Department of tho
East. It muSt assume au appearance
In keeping with its high standing In
the department. It also has a military
prison, and the convicts sent there for
terms of months or years are sentenced
to hard labor. Under the supervision
of sentinels these men keep the wulks
and promenades scrupulously clean,
and the sward closely clipped and free
from falling leaves and other litter.
They also give proper attention to the
various buildings and their Immediate
surroundings.—New York Press.
Each package of Puts am 1 'adkx.sss Ijt*
colors more goods than any other dye and
colors them better too. gold by all
druggists. __
Horseflesh Getting Cheaper.
In 1583 the overage price of ahorse was
374.04: in 1897. tJl.M. In the thirteen years
roin 1884 to 1897. while the number of horses
i vhr» Unitea States had increased decreased by more
tm 3> <ViO(\ their total value had
;early $400,000,000.
Musical Orchostorone Organ.
A Child can play it. No knowledge ot
music necessary. riuyB Sacred and Lance
Music. Very powerful. Suitable for Lodge,
Home or Concert Hall. Cost J200. Will take
$55 for it. Almost perfectly new. Address
James Osier, 39 Deeatuj street, Atlanta, Oa.
Lake Tiiat Does Not Freeze.
Lake Salawk, near Daw-on City. 1 Alaska, the
which is sixty iniies broad, is h perhaps uliiclr does
only one in the extreme port
not freeze in winter.
Beauty Is Blood Beep.
Cietm blood means a clean skin. No
stirring up tho lazy liver and driving all im-
purities from the" body- Begin to-day to
Punish pimples, bolls, blotches, blackheads,
nnd th;it sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cnscarets.—beauty for ten cents. All drug-
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Bird That Guards Sheep.
The yakamik, a bird of the crane family.
usfd bv ill,, natives of Venezuela in place
a shepherd net dog lor guarding and herding
/DeBuIi ^ SSKSk « cji w sN
Cures all Throat and Lung- Affections.
Dr. Bull's Bills cure Dyspepsia. Trial, so for sc.
Af (6 ^Culture” /^OTTON
4 is- the
of a valu¬
able illustrat-
ed pamphlet
which should
be in the hands
q£" evgfV Jr planter 1 who
ra j ses CottOll. The
book is sent Free.
Send name aud address to
Nassau St., New York.
“Star” tin tags (showing small stars printed on under side
of tag), “HorseShoe,” “J.T.,” “CioodLuck, Cross Bow,”
aud “Drummond ” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in
securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted.
Every man, woman and child can find something on the list
that they would like to have, and can have
1 Match Box............................ 23 33 Clock, *-day, Calendar, Thermom-
s Kn fe, one blade, good steel......... 25 1 eter. Barometer.................... SCO
8 SfFsors, inches................... 2.5 24 Gun case, leather, no better made. 6oo
4 Child’s Set, Knife. Fork and Hpoon 25 j 25 Revolver, automatic, double action,
6 Sa t and Pepper Set, one each, quad- ! 83 or 38 caliber...................... . 600
ruple plate on white metal......... 25 I 26 Tool Bet, not playthings, but real
6 French Briar Wood Pipe............. 25 j tools ..... 630
7 Razor, hollow ground, fine English ; 27 _ Toilet Set i decorated porcelain,
steel.................................. 50 very hand 'some...............\..... IOC
8 Butter Knife, triple plate, best ■ 28 Remi uington Rifle No. 4. 22 or 32 cal. 8W>
quai.. Jti _ tch, sterling silver,fuli jeweled 10UO
9 Sugar Shell, triple plate, best 20 Dr ess Suit Case, leather, handsome
10 S amp Box, sterling silver.......... 70 j and durable....................... 1000
11 Knife, “Keen Kutter.” two blades.. 73 SI Sewiug all attachments..................... Machine, first class, with
12 Butcher Kuife, “Keou Kutter,'* 8-in .1300
blade............................. 75 32 Re olver, Colt’s, 33-caliber, blued
. stool.................................
13 shoars, “Keen Kutter.” 8-luoh... 75 1500
14 Nnt Set, Ciacker and 6 Picks, sliver 33 Rlrt*. Colt's, 11-shot, 23-caliber_____ in.n
pi Rod................................ SO ! 34 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, ki-
la Ball, “Association," best qaal.100 laid 3000
16 Alarm Clock, nickel................. 150 ; j 33 Mandolin, vary handsoma..........‘JtKW
17 Six Genuine Rogers’ Teaspoons, best Winchester Repeating Shot Gun,
Gated goods........................ 150 12 gauge.... MOO
18 Wa ch, nickel, stem wiud and set.. Mu
19 Carvers, good steel, buekhorn j 37 Remi ngtoa, donble-barrsl, ham-
handles................ 200 i mer Shot G an, 10 or 12 gauge...... 2000
20 yix Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, 38 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or
best plated goods....................250 gents..................... 25iJ
21 Six each, Knives and Forks, buck i 39 Shot Gun, Remington, double bar-
horn handles................. 250 *
Su each, Genuine Rogers’ Knives rel, ha miner le 30(H)
aud Forks, best plated goods 500 i 40 Regina Music Box, 15# inch Disc. .6000
Special Notice! Plain " Star ” Tin Tags Ghat is, Star tin ta?g with 11
printed under side of no am
-—--but stars will bo paid on for in CASH on ta<p, the are basis not of good t wenty for present*
hundred, received by before -«*Ii W, 1900. cents per
if us ou or Mh
ITBEAll IN .HIND Chat a dime’s worth of
will laat longer and ufTord m >rc pleasure than a dime’s worth of any
other brand. MAKE THE TEST I
Send tags to COVTINEVTAI. TOBACCO CO„ SI. Louis, Mo.
---JV LSffJ frrg. f £ /M|\ /* £
y No. V k ~ W /,*(TW J
^~-yS r4;_, jp'] /
gjyjirfJjSfc ’* 's JKmfB&ffi&A-fW 3t ^
p^$«BTdaaite^'^3S»»a)J if
S iJcA
_ \'s5S!
mm a Wi
(?! m
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
manses U the System
ove»co ^ C -s' fiE^yf
Hab,tual C0f ERMANENtt<
1,5M W®;effi CTS
(tlifsfiNIA v’’Ss*L (To SYRVPtS
res s*u sy au rrussirs eric: so, era with.
CANE^s 5
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