The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, January 13, 1900, Image 2

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Ashburn Advance,
J. 8. HORNE, Editor and Manager.
What Georgia Can Do.
A special to the Atlanta .Journ¬
al from Sylvester on Jan. 1st.
We got tired reading about the
largo hogs raised in the north and
the description given concerning
them, as though that was the on¬
ly place in which large hogs could
be raised; so we decided to let
one of ours run over one year, as
it is our usual custom to kill at
from (5 to y months old.
This one we killed at 25 months
weighing as you see him hanging.
1)32 pounds, with no special care
whatever, and 150 pounds more
could have been put on. The
writer is a northern man, being in
this country only three years, but
can readily see the natural ad¬
vantages for stock raising this
country has, specially Worth
county, as green pastures can he
had the year round, which makes
an assured success for any kind of
stock raising, and the quicker the
southern farmer sees it and gets
into it. the better for him. lie
should quit raising cotton for the
other fellow.
The hams on this hog weighed
(17 pounds, and wo regret to say
the hog only had two.
Trusting you will give the pic¬
ture some space and show some of
those papers, especially two or
three agricultural journals, that
good hogs can be raised in Geor¬
gia, and with less expense than
any state in the Union.
Very truly yours.
The Indiana Fruit Company.
Per J. K. Williams.
A Handsome Building.
The high school building at
Ashburn, which has just been
completed and is about ready for
occupancy, is the handsomest one
in this section of tho state. It is
built of brick and stone, two sto¬
ries high, and containg all mod¬
ern convenience.
There is no better criterion of
the citizenship of a town than its
public buildings, and the interest
manifested ill religious and edu¬
cational matters; by these, there
are no better people in Georgia
than those of Ashburn.
The Gazette congratulates its
enterprising neighbors, and trusts
the money thus invested will long
remain a monument to their pub¬
lic spirit m visible evidence, us
well as in the educated minds and
hearts of its coming generation.—
Tifton Gazette.
The southern cotton planters
noed some scheme whereby they
can hold their cotton until they
are satisfied with the market
price. As it now is, a majority
of them are forced to sell at a
time when the price is the lowest,
amt it is bdieved by many that
each year they are the helpless
victims of speculators. Tho most
feasible plan of relief yet suggest¬
ed is the bondod warehouse, and
we hope to see it given a fair trial.
—Ocilla Dispatch.
There are 2,512 patients in tho
Georgia Sanitarium for the insane
sent, from every county in the
state, and a special dinner was
prepared for them on Christmas
day. For this dinner it took 368
turkeys, 145 chickens, 000 pounds
of mixed candy, one barrel stick
candy, one barrel broken candy,
630 pounds of dates, 300 pounds
of cocoa nuts, forty barrels of
oranges, and forty barrel* of ap¬
The rbuUin News and Immigrant
lias again suspended publication,
Editor Pasco Palmer having ac¬
cepted a position in Albany.
Old .
A oonteniporarv >»0t*PS thut
l)an Tucker is Still . living. .. v Irwill ,
county is his home.
C. W. OHN3TON, M. D.,
Disease Genito Drinary Organs
and Gynaecology a
Br. J. 1<\ Gardner,
Physician and Surgeon
Attorney at Law.
Land and Collection*.
Gtoamouk, Georgia.
* A. J. DAVIS,
Attorney at Law,
Asnnrnw, -:- Gf.oroia.
Real Estate and Collections.
Trouipt attention to all business placed
in our hands.
J. A. COMB'S ,
Attorney at Law,
Will practice in all the Courts, State
and Federal.
Telephone connection with Cor
dele, Vienna and intermediate
points, No. 37.
Physician and Surgeon,
Ashburn, Georgia,
General Practice Solicited. Office
m the Christian Building.
Physician and Surgeon,
Sycamore, Gbohoia.
AsnocBN, Georgia,
Office, Room No. 4, Betts Building.
City Barber Shop,
8. D. LAW, Proprietor.
For a first-class Shampoo, Shave,
Hair-cut and any work in
the tonsorial line,
call on me.
Evans Building, Ashburn, tia.
Phone, Residence No. 4; Of¬
fice No. 41-
Physical! and Druggist.
Treats Chronic Diseases. Terms
Reasonable. Patronage Solicited.
Kloolrlclty brought Into requisition
Office in the O. K.
Drug Store.
vTssnatffiBD mmm*. hcmaium & c
<! ,3 Manual. WANTED—Agents It contains for Cotton now So Carolers’ 1 levsTa- i
*7 bins that run from So to loe. It figures
-d the ldths and 20tha. Also for tho Bible
; 3 Looking (Hass. It teaches t he Bible by F-
1 illustrations. l atest war Books. Outfit
m free. Agents soli 7 out n calls: agent r;
; 3 in Walker eo. Tex..sells29in 5hours.
J, L. NICHOLS & CO,, Atlanta, Oa.
Turrrm?? ttfsitimtytwsratHnt!
Legal Notices.
UiEORUlA, Worth county:
Will be sold before tho Court House door in
Isabella, Or., to the highest sale, bidder for the cash first
during the legal hours of on
Tuesday In February 1900, the following pro¬
perty :
MX) bushels corn more or less, levied on as
the property of O. P. and J, M. House to satis¬
fy two ft fas issued from the County Court in
favor of Brown Arnold a Brown vs. C* P. aud
J. M. House. Bald corn is on 1WM, Rowley place,
near Warwick Uu. This aan ”,
11. 8. STORY, sheriff \V. t\ On.
G KORGIA—Worth county :
\\ tit bo sola before the court for dcor in
lsaht 11a, u»:v, to the highest bidder cash
during tho legal hours of saloon tho fit at Tues-
day In February woo, the following property
to Wit:
.imVanTlitUydn?-'■ t'4’in th!“:!ih' N .iuiriVt'’ .'r
said county, §iid tract bounded ns follows on
the North by ran Is of O. to Dell, on the South
by Johns crook .and on the Last By lands of tho
said J. K. Dean, levied on ns the property of J.
K, bean to satisfy a mortgage fifH issued from
the Superior court of said county in favor of
John if. Hind vs .1, K, Lean, This January l.
Also at the same time and nhtee wu\ bo so id
lot of land No JH in the 7th I dried of :al \
containing^w) Sumner, acres more tia., containing or less. one
town lot lu <■»© acre
more or leas on which is a four-room houpo
wh ere Leonard Sumner lived April •&, it&S,
south of B & W Ry. Also one town lot tn Sum
nerd H. containing one aero more or leas north
of W R’v rented Stricklin .% 1‘nte April ~ H i,
all in the 7th district of said county, lev-
lot! on as the property of !>aujel Clements
satisfy » mortviure fifa issued from tho Supo*
nor court of said county in favor of s, B.
Brown & Co , vs Daniel Clements, Tenants in
posessicn notified in writing this January l,
s, R, Hancock, IH'pt, Sheriff,
Are You
To your interests?
If so, we invite yon to visit our
stores and see our immense ar-
ra j of new and Stylish (Dry
Goods, Clothing, Shoos, Hard¬
ware, Groceries, and hall line of
Plantation Supplies.
Fancy DressGoods
The best that can lie bought in the Northern markets, consist¬
ing of Figured Worsteds, Serges, Extra fine Henriettas, .Brocades,
Ooutings, etc. etc. Trimmings, at small cost. This line is com¬
plete and embraces the latest styles. We will be pleased to have
the ladies call and inspect these goods.
Clothing Announcement.
We are in (he clothing business to please our customers. We
are never satisfied with your trade unless we please you with goods
and prices. We have a splended line of clothing, Shirts, Under¬
wear, Collars, Cuffs, Ties,. Hose, Handkerchiefs etc., which the
gentlemen of this section should see.
Do You. Eat?
If so, we beg to call your attention to our stock of Fancy Gro¬
ceries, which can be bought at the lowest market prices. These
goods are all fresh. We also supply our customers with everything
in fresh meats, such as Beef and Fork Steak, Sausage etc, Phone
us for edibles of all kinds; your order will be appreciated, and giv¬
en prompt attention.
Mew Furniture.
We wish to call the attention of the public to the beautiful
lino of furniture we are receiving. We have oak suits at prices
that will please you. Exteiitsion tables, Sideboards and China closets
in variety. Wardrobes, Lounges, Couches and Fancy Chairs “to
beat the band.”
Stcwes-all Kinds.
A nice line of Stoves we have, and intend selling them
right. All of you young people who intend going to house-kee-p-
ing in the near future would do yourself an injustice not to ex¬
amine our line of Stoves, Cooking utensils etc.
STroes, Sfroes.
Yes, we have Shoes; Good Shoes; cheap Shoes; Large Shoes;
Small Shoes, and infaet we have the largest line of Shoes in Ash-
burn. Our stock of fall and Winter Ladies, Misses and Children’s
Button and Lace Shoes have arrived and it will be a pleasure to
show them to you. Gentleman, we have Shoes and Hats to suit
you. The prices we make on these goods will sell them.
Our S tores are Crowded
With good values in every department. We cant mention
all, but visit our stores and inspect. IVe can not sell goods at cost
but bv buying in large quantities and for cash \va are enabled to
Otl < r> cr IHUliy ? DATgftlllS.
Yours Truly.
J. S. Betts & Co
Local Schedule.
Trains arrive and leave here
follows: (Day Passenger)
No. 1, South..........2:3( v m.
No. 2, North.........1 :3< v m.
(Night Passenger.)
No. 3, South 2:86 a. m.
No. 4, North 1:3o a.
(Shoo 11 v.)
No. 5, South 8:41 p. in.
No. 5, North.........7:15 a. in.
We do DO Job Printing.
If that's what is wanted, you! find
it at Whidby’s Jewelry Store, for
he has a beautiful lot of Watches,
■m Bings, Chains, Cuff-buttons, Fobs,
Clocks, Musical Instruments etc.
A Present?
If that’s what you want, just look
at my
Holiday Goods.
1R. B. Wlbibby.
(Georgia Southern & Florida Ry
Local Time Table,* Effective Deem. 1,1899.
Subject to change without notice.
5 00 pm 1155 pm 11 20 am Lv. Macon ,Ar 4 15 pm 4 10 am 11 20 am
5 30 pin 12 16 am 11 41 am .. . Sofkee . .. 3 53 pin 3 49 am 10 50 am
6 52 pm 116 am 12 49 pm . .. Umidillr.. 2 48 pm 2 52 am 9 19 am
7 18 pm 137 am 112 pm ...Vienna... 2 25 pm 2 31am 8 48 am
737 pm 1 53 am §160 pm Ar. CordeleLv 2 08 pm 215 ain 8 25 am
7 55 pm 1 53 am 1 47 pin Lv. CordelcA 2 08 pm 2 15 am § 8 05 air
8 05 pm 2 05 am 1 58 pm ... Weiiona .. 1 58 pm 2 05 am 7 54 i n
8 35 pm 2 30 am 2 22 pm ...Worth... 136 pm..... 722 am
8 41 pm 2 36 am 2 30 pm . .. Ashburn.. 1 30 pm 1 35 am 715 am
9 30 pm 3 10 am 3 05 pm Ar. Tifton Lv. 12 55 pm 1 00 am 6 25 am
9 30 pm 3 15 am 310 pm Lv Tifton Ar. §12 35 pm 12 55 am 625 m
0 12 pm 3 46 am 3 43 pm ... Sparks... 1159 am 12 22 am 5 45 m
10 25 pm 3 57 am 3 56 pm ... Heart pine. 11 48 am 1211am 5 32 am
1120 pm 4 40 am 4 45 | m Ar. Valdosta Lv 1105 am 1130 pm 4 40 am
4 40 am 4 55 pin LvValdO'taAr 10 50 am 1130 pm
5 05 am 5 32 pm ...Lake Park 10 21am 10 06 pm
5 37 am 6 10 pm Lv, Jasper Ar 9 45 am 10 34 pm
6 06 am 6 42 pm ... WhiteSp’gs 912 am 1004 pm
§6 26 am §7 05 pm Ar Lake City Lv 8 50 am 9 42 pm
6 55 am 7 25 pm Lv Lake Cite Ar §8 30 am 9 25 pm
8 10 am 8 35 pm* . Sampson Citv 7 25 am 8 16 pm
8 23 am 8 17 pm . . Hampton ... 6 12 am 8 04 pm
9 00 am 9 23 pm .. . Graiidin ... 6 36 am 7 26 pin
9 40 am loOOprn Ar. Palatka Lv 600 am 6 50 pm
4 50 pm Ly Valdosta Ar 11 00 pm
8 50 pm Ar Jack’yilie Lv 7 00 am
§ Meal Station.
Trains No. 3 and 4, (be‘Dixie Flyer,” have through sleeper between
St. Louis, and Jacksonville, yin Tifton and through Coach and Sleeper
between Macon and Jacksonville via Valdosta, open for the reception of pas¬
sengers in Union Depot, Macon, ai 9:30 p. m., and remains in Macon Depot
on retorn until 7.30 a. m„ and can be occupied until that time-
Harry Burns, D. G. Hall, General Agent,
F. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlant*, Ga.
Wm. Checkley Shaw, Vice Pres., C. B. Rhodes, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
Macon, Georgia.
Tifton & North Eastern R’y.
Local Time Table No. 6.
H. II. TIFT, President. W.O. TIFT, Vice-President.
General Offices : Tifton, Georgia.
No 7. No 3. No 1. Miles. Directive Dec. 19, ’97. Miles. No 2. No 4. No 8
M. P. M. A.M LEAVE arrive P. M. P. M. P.. M
7^ 10 CC 10 8 00 0 . Tifton........ 25 12 15 6 25 6 10
CO 22 CC 8 15 5 1 Brighton...... 20 12 00 6 10 5 56
TO CC 32 8 2o 8 f...... Harding...... 17 11 51 6 01 5 48
TO CO >2 8 45 14 f Pinetta . 11 11 31 5 41 5 29
cc CC 58 9 01 1(5 . . Mystic. , 9 1125 5 35 5 23
20 f Fletcher. 5 11 14 5 23 5 12
^ Tfi o 25 Fitzgerald 0 11 00 5 10 5 00
Trams Nos 1, 2, 3 anti 4 run daily, except Sunday. Trains No 7 and 8 ~
Sundays ouly (0 Flag ...
on make Station Trains stop only on signal All train /■
con nection with the Plant System and the Georgia Southern ami Flor
ula at Tifton, aud the Georgia & Alabama at Fitz^era'd
;Three , Papers a Week‘ ‘
, ‘
x .
. This pnpcr and the Atlanta ‘
I Tyicc-u-Week Jour- ‘
, nu] fax-
$ ‘
5 .25. . ‘ 4
Here you gm the news of the ‘
world and all yuur lm‘ul news while I
St is fresh, puying Vm‘y little more 1
than one mmm- uusts. I'llther paper I
is well worth $1.00. but by special .
arrangement we :n‘o mmhlcd to put u
in both of them. gifln: three papers I
a week rnr this inw m-lcv. You can- u
not equal thls anywhere else. and u
this combination is 11m best pre- I
mium for those who want a state a
paper and :1 home paper. Take !
them: and you will kfii‘p up with the 1
“most 4
Besides general news, the Twice- 4
a-Week Journal has much agricul- cl
tum! matter and other articles of 1
special interest to farmers. It has 4
regular contributions by Sam Jones, 4
Mrs. W. H. Fenon. John Temple 4
Graves. Hon. C. H. Jordan and «I
other distinguished writers. 1
Call at this office and leave your 1
subscriptions for both papers. You «I
cln got a sample copy at either pa- 4
per here on application. 1
Poulan, Qa.
B. B. WH1T1,
Attorney and Counsellor at Uw,
Betts Building, Ashburn,<j a .
Mercantile ami Real E-tate Litigation
l!ec. lve Special
and Vigorous Attention
In all Courts, Stale and Federal.