Newspaper Page Text
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Nothing at cost, but
erything ^ ® so cheap * ** you
can ^ never VT V Regret V » 1 a Pur- M
| • j s
^“USe Wlin Ubt
We have been receiving and opening daily for some time, a large
aiul well selected stock of
recently purchased in Northern Markets.
We now claim to have the largest and best, assorted stock in Ash-
burn, bought especially for the
The public generally are cordially invited to inspect our stock be¬
fore buying elsewhere. If we fail to please you, no
harm will be done and we will still appre¬
ciate your call upon us.
Just received, and are being sold at. the lowest prices. These goods
are all fresh, and the stock is being added to daily. We
will save you money on Groceries.
Everybody Claims to sell cheap
but we Convince by actual
m. B. dlMivvav, Ahburn’s Gash MECHANT.
. . .
A Lesson
in Bargains
To be taught those who will be taught
during the next few weeks.
Our Hat stock is hard to beat—Neat., New
and Complete—and as low as low can be
Quite a nice
Line of Dry Goods and Notions
Are now on our shelves and we do not
expect them to reman there long if very
low prices will usher them out. Those
we have now—at. your price and they are
Our Shoes are Nice and Stylish,
new and good. As we make this line a
a special specialty we defy competition.
We shall sell shoes at a price that will
cause the buyer to laugh and rejoice and
our competitors to stand and wonder.
Come in friends—price, buy and caJry off.
Also we have a general
Line of Groceries and Confectioneries,
which we are always glad to swap for dol-
lars. Our fancy candies are in the lead
here—all owing to the fact that they get
fresh goods and a heap for a (lime.
Highest prices given for hides, either fresh
or dried.
['Respectfully ,
Mercntile Co.
Local Happenings.
Joe Everett lias returned
Silver thimbles 25 cents at
See new legal advertisements
Mr. E. L. Betts . visiting
l e iy tlu weok
Sheriff H. S. Story was in the
city Monday afternoon.
Mr. .l.s. Betts returned Thurs¬
day evening from Atlanta.
Mrs. W. II. Everett, of Vienna,
is the guest of Ashbiirn relatives.
New line of jewelry, suitable
for Xmas gifts just in at Whiil-
by s.
Miss Lola Tison attended the
Gregory-Tison marriage at Doles
A discontented mail is like a
frog—lie’s happiest, when he is
Mr. MeKerner, of N. C., was
recently the guest of Asbburn
Many absent-minded citizens
have been presented with tax fifas
this week.
Mrs. Greene, of Tifton, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Eg¬
bert Jones.
Mrs. D. P. Patterson returned
Monday from a visit to relatives
in Bayboro.
Mrs. Annie May Dorris’ many
friends will be pleased to learn
of her return home.
Miles Smith, (col.) was killed
near the planing mill Monday
while coupling cars.
Miss Alba Herrington, of Sum¬
ner, has been the guest of Mrs.
Bunch this week.
Miss Vic Evans is in Hawkins-
ville, an attendant upon the Oo-
ney-Napier marriage.
Gentlemen of the next grand
jury will doubtless recommend
the dog law for Worth.
The mail who wears reversible
cuffs assuredly believes that one
good turn deserves another.
Editor Tison, formerly of the
llomerville News, was in the city
Some members of the brass
quartette look as if they might
have come in contact with a kiss¬
ing bug.
Mr. A. lloobin, of Cordelo, was
down this week and spent several
days with his Ashburn partner,
II. Jeffrey.
Boalie Fender, of Tifton and
formerly a student of the Ashburn
High School, was here a short
while Sunday.
A Western man named Wright
is said to have come out as a can
didate for the presidency. He is
more likely to be Wright than
Mr. J. 0. Mathis and family,
formerly of Macon, are now res
ideuts ofAshburn. Mr. M. lias
accepted a position with Messrs,
Betts & Co., as machinist.
Mrs. 0. E. Walker, of Sycamore
entertained in her inimitable
manner on Tuesday evening in
honor of her popular guest Miss
Mattie Hedge, of Atlanta.
Mr. Williams, of Tifton, has
been doing some line work for
the ’phone exchange this week.
He is a brother to W. W. Wil¬
liams, formerly W. A. Murray’s
Mr. G. It. Christian, who con¬
ducts an extensive jewelry busi¬
ness in Quitman and who is the
owner of the Christian block in
this city was a pleasant caller at
the Advance office Thursday.
A mandolin club is the latest
musical organization in Ashburn,
and is composed of the following
members: Messrs. E. O.
and G. T. Betts, and Miss Bessie
Lawrence, mandolinists; Misses
Willie McLendon and Rosa
and J. 15. Horne, guitarists.
Asiiburn High School, I-'all
Names of pupils making
best, record in attendance, fall
term Ashbiirn High School:
Pauline \Vhidden..
Dora Fowler.........
.1. Lee Powell........ 94
Ella May Evans. . .......
Nora Lawrence
John Story.....
Annie G. Betts
Lillian Gilmore
Crawford Gilmore...........
Sam Evans.
1st Grade—Mary Lawrence 100
U Walter Welsh 100
Slid Grade—Linton Thompson 100
4th “ Kyle Whiddou .. 100
Those making second best :
1st grade—Kathleen Thrasher;
missed a half day.
3rd grade—Willie Flanders; miss¬
ed three half days.
4thgrade-Clevelivnd Wood; miss¬
ed one (lay and Eva Wood;
missed two days.
Sickness caused these absences.
The general attendance in t.lio in¬
termediate and primary depart¬
ments was exceptionally good un¬
til the last month. A number of
names would have appeared in
this report had they not. stopped
the laet month, and several had
they not stopped the last week.
Let parents remember that the
winner in any race must press on
until the goal is reached. Scool
is the proper business of child¬
hood and youth, and your child’s
success in school will largely de¬
termine his succest in after life.
The names of those pupils who
are most in attendance are almost
invariably the names of those
who stand highest in their classes.
A child should never leave a term
unlinishsd without a Providen¬
tial cause.
We hope that every patron and
every pupil will help the teachers
and School Board to make the
new year upon which we are en¬
tering the most successful school
year in the history of Ashbiirn.
Gold filled watches, Waltham or
Elgin, $10.00 at Whidbys.
Miss Mattie Mitchell, of Macon,
is visiting her sister Miss Essie
Someone has threatened to ask
Henry Bohannon how many cross¬
ties tliero are between Sycamore
and Worth.
Miss Lillian Gorley, one of Cor-
dele’s most popular young ladies,
is expected to visit relatives hero
uext week.
We have been informed that
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clarke, of
Tifton will become residents of
Ashburn in the near future.
The fust Georgia watermellon
for 1900 was cut New Year’s (lay
for dinner by Mr. John B. Greene
at the Klondyke restaurant, Tif¬
ton. The melon was of the Iron¬
clad variety, and was raised bv
Mr. W. F. Ford, of Worth county.
Bee the advertisement of the
famous “Triumph” watermelons,
grown by W. M. Girardeau, Mon-
ticello, Fla. We know the Tri¬
umph melon to bo among the fin¬
est varieties grown. Every farm¬
er would do well to test its nier-
There is a prayer meeting hold
every Wedncsdap morning in the
court house in Ashburn, Gu.
Court rooms are being turned in¬
to prayer rooms. Hasten the
time when swords shall be beat
into plowshares and spears into
pruning hooks.—Atlanta Repair-
It won’t he long, says an ex¬
change, before you will read
something like the following in
the daily papers: “About ten
o’clock tins morning a horseless
wagon loaded with cowless milk
collided with a brainless rider on
a chainless wheel. The luckless
wheelman was badly injured and
being homeless, he was taken in
a horseless cab to the home
friendless, where hir
was painless in an hour or less.
*2 /"
Cbte space belongs to
O. K. Drug Store,
Phil. C. Everett, Propr’.
Southern Dental | ariors.
0 23k Gold Crowns,...... $4.00
Best Bridge Work, per tooth, 4.00
0 Full Set of Teeth, on Rubber, 5.00
Set of Teeth, on Rose Pearl, 8.00
0 Teeth Extracted Without Pain, •5“
Gold Fillings, from $i.oo up.
Wo Defy Competition! Challenge
Comparison! Invito Investigation!
Wo Guarantee ail our Work!
Our Reference: Eleven Year’s Record in Macon.
Originators and Leaders of.Low Charges for High
Class Dentistry in Central Georgia.
JK | Southern Denial Parlors, % 614 STREET. CHPHY
WM. G. LONG, 1). I). S., Proprietor and Manager.
Macon, ■ ■ - Georgia.
The Following is a List oi Sub¬
scribers, Jan 1 st igoo.
Advance office.
Baldwin ifc Sliingler.
Betts & Go., office.
Betts & Go., Dry goods Dept.
Betts & Go., Grocery Dept.
Betts J . S. residence.
Betts It. L.
Ganda Lbr. Co., Worth—3
E£i£g Cordele, Ua.,—1 ring.
Davis, D. II.
Davis, A. .1 , office.
?s Denham & Cranford stables.
Enterprise Lbr. Co., Worth
—2 rings.
1 P EvansJ. W.
4 F- F.vans, J. L.
2 - Everett, P. O. Drugstore.
11. Futch, L. O.
29. G. B. <fc F. Depot.
28. Gardner, Dr. J. F.
38. Gorday, G. B., residence.
3(5. Gorday, G. 15., Mdse.
22. llarell, E. G.
18. Hotel Glyde.
44 Horne,'J. B.
2(5. Hudson, F. E.
15. Iluckabce, It., residence.
20 < Huckabee, It., office*.
1 —1 Isabella It. It.
Jenkins, W. K. •
37. Jeffrey, II., Drygoods.
13. Jell'coat, J. G., hotel clyde.
80. Lawrence J.
3. Livery Bt aides.
2. Luke, II. A., Mdse.
27. McLendon, J. T., residence.
3- i r * Murray, W. A.. Mdse.
4 o Patton, Mrs. J. It.
I c: Piver, A. B.
e Sliingler, J. S. still.
1 oc Slangier, J. B. residence.
n Sliingler, J. S., commissary.
43 i Sliingler Mercantile Go.
P Sliingler, W. A.
« Shingler, T. J.—3 rings.
1 Story, Dr., W. L. Sycamore.
32. Thrasher, Dr T. H.
4. Turner, Dr W. J. residence.
12. Turner, Dr. W. J. office.
33. Walker, J. W. Mdse.
Always ring oft, please.
Manager It. Huckabee is deter¬
mined to give the patrons of the
’change a better service during
this year than ever, and should
your ’phone get out of fix you will
a favor upon linn by not.i-
fying him at once.
Dr. T. H. Thrasher received a
telegram from Senator Bacon
'Thursday announcing Ira Teagle’s
discharge. He will he accompan¬
ied home from San Francisco by’
an army nurse, being yet unable
to w alk. He is expected to ar¬
rive hero the latter part of next
The Loterary department of the
Epworth League will hold Us
regular meeting Friday evening
at. the residence of Mr. J. W. Ev¬
ans. The special feature of the
evening’s entertainment will be
an art gallery exhibit. Music,
recitations etc., will also be ren¬
dered. All are invited to attend.
Mr. George Gregory, of Ituark,
Ua., and Miss May Tison, of Doles,
were married last Sunday at (lie
home of the brides parents. Mr.
Gregory is a young business man
of his town and Miss Tison is the
(laughter of lion. Murk Tison,
formerly of this city. A host of
friends wish them a life of happi¬
With Prof. J. G. Jell’coat as
principal, Miss May Jenkins as¬
sistant, Miss Kate Jenkins at the
head of the primary department,
and Miss Rosa Link musical dir¬
ector, (lie Ashburn High School
opened Monday morning with 130
names enrolled. Wo understand
that during the week the school
has increased so rapidly that it
has become necessary to add an¬
other teacher to the faculty, who
will begin duly next Monday
Think of Such a Monster!
We can all have them if wo
plant Girardeau’s Extra Fancy Se¬
lected “Triumph” Seed. From
no other Heed will such melons
grow. Thousands of Melons
grown from these Seeds in J899
weighed KM) to J85 pounds each
—one weighed 148j and another
149j pounds.
$210.00 In Gusli Prizes for
the 9 largest “’Tri¬
umph” Watermelons grown in
ISMM) from Girardeau’s Seed.
Giant Beggar Weed Seed a Spec¬
jg<f Send for Catalogue giving
full information to
Moiiticello, Fla.